--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/stripe/lib/github_stripe.lib.php
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/stripe/lib/client_stripe.lib.php
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
* \brief Library for common stripe functions
-require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/payments.lib.php';
* Define head array for tabs of stripe tools setup pages
@@ -42,15 +40,96 @@
$object = new stdClass();
- // Show more tabs from modules
- // Entries must be declared in modules descriptor with line
- // $this->tabs = array('entity:+tabname:Title:@mymodule:/mymodule/mypage.php?id=__ID__'); to add new tab
- // $this->tabs = array('entity:-tabname); to remove a tab
+ // Show more tabs from modules
+ // Entries must be declared in modules descriptor with line
+ // $this->tabs = array('entity:+tabname:Title:@mymodule:/mymodule/mypage.php?id=__ID__'); to add new tab
+ // $this->tabs = array('entity:-tabname); to remove a tab
complete_head_from_modules($conf, $langs, $object, $head, $h, 'stripeadmin');
complete_head_from_modules($conf, $langs, $object, $head, $h, 'stripeadmin', 'remove');
- return $head;
+ return $head;
+ * Return string with full Url
+ *
+ * @param string $type Type of URL ('free', 'order', 'invoice', 'contractline', 'membersubscription' ...)
+ * @param string $ref Ref of object
+ * @return string Url string
+ */
+function showStripePaymentUrl($type, $ref)
+ global $conf, $langs;
+ $langs->load("paypal");
+ $langs->load("paybox");
+ $langs->load("stripe");
+ $servicename = 'Stripe';
+ $out = '
+ $out .= img_picto('', 'globe').' '.$langs->trans("ToOfferALinkForOnlinePayment", $servicename).'
+ $url = getStripePaymentUrl(0, $type, $ref);
+ $out .= '
+ $out .= ajax_autoselect("stripeurl", 0);
+ return $out;
+ * Return string with full Url
+ *
+ * @param int $mode 0=True url, 1=Url formated with colors
+ * @param string $type Type of URL ('free', 'order', 'invoice', 'contractline', 'membersubscription' ...)
+ * @param string $ref Ref of object
+ * @param int $amount Amount
+ * @param string $freetag Free tag
+ * @return string Url string
+ */
+function getStripePaymentUrl($mode, $type, $ref = '', $amount = '9.99', $freetag = 'your_tag')
+ global $conf;
+ $ref = str_replace(' ', '', $ref);
+ if ($type == 'free')
+ {
+ $out = DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT.'/public/stripe/newpayment.php?amount='.($mode ? '' : '').$amount.($mode ? '' : '').'&tag='.($mode ? '' : '').$freetag.($mode ? '' : '');
+ }
+ if ($type == 'order')
+ {
+ $out = DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT.'/public/stripe/newpayment.php?source=order&ref='.($mode ? '' : '');
+ if ($mode == 1) $out .= 'order_ref';
+ if ($mode == 0) $out .= urlencode($ref);
+ $out .= ($mode ? '' : '');
+ }
+ if ($type == 'invoice')
+ {
+ $out = DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT.'/public/stripe/newpayment.php?source=invoice&ref='.($mode ? '' : '');
+ if ($mode == 1) $out .= 'invoice_ref';
+ if ($mode == 0) $out .= urlencode($ref);
+ $out .= ($mode ? '' : '');
+ }
+ if ($type == 'contractline')
+ {
+ $out = DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT.'/public/stripe/newpayment.php?source=contractline&ref='.($mode ? '' : '');
+ if ($mode == 1) $out .= 'contractline_ref';
+ if ($mode == 0) $out .= urlencode($ref);
+ $out .= ($mode ? '' : '');
+ }
+ if ($type == 'membersubscription')
+ {
+ $out = DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT.'/public/stripe/newpayment.php?source=membersubscription&ref='.($mode ? '' : '');
+ if ($mode == 1) $out .= 'member_ref';
+ if ($mode == 0) $out .= urlencode($ref);
+ $out .= ($mode ? '' : '');
+ }
+ // For multicompany
+ $out .= "&entity=".$conf->entity; // Check the entity because He may be the same reference in several entities
+ return $out;