--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/reception/tpl/github_19.0.3_linkedobjectblock.tpl.php
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/reception/tpl/client_linkedobjectblock.tpl.php
@@ -21 +21,2 @@
-if (empty($conf) || !is_object($conf)) {

+if (empty($conf) || !is_object($conf))


@@ -28 +29 @@
-<!-- BEGIN PHP TEMPLATE reception/tpl/linkedobjectblock.tpl.php  -->


@@ -44,2 +45,3 @@
-foreach ($linkedObjectBlock as $key => $objectlink) {

-	$ilink++;

+foreach ($linkedObjectBlock as $key => $objectlink)


+    $ilink++;

@@ -47,30 +49,28 @@
-	$trclass = 'oddeven';

-	if ($ilink == count($linkedObjectBlock) && empty($noMoreLinkedObjectBlockAfter) && count($linkedObjectBlock) <= 1) {

-		$trclass .= ' liste_sub_total';

-	} ?>

-	<tr class="<?php echo $trclass; ?>">

-		<td class="linkedcol-element tdoverflowmax100"><?php echo $langs->trans("Reception"); ?>

-		<?php if (!empty($showImportButton) && $conf->global->MAIN_ENABLE_IMPORT_LINKED_OBJECT_LINES) {

-			print '<a class="objectlinked_importbtn" href="'.$objectlink->getNomUrl(0, '', 0, 1).'&amp;action=selectlines"  data-element="'.$objectlink->element.'"  data-id="'.$objectlink->id.'"  > <i class="fa fa-indent"></i> </a';

-		} ?>

-		</td>

-		<td class="linkedcol-name tdoverflowmax150"><?php echo $objectlink->getNomUrl(1); ?></td>

-		<td class="linkedcol-ref tdoverflowmax100" title="<?php echo dol_escape_htmltag($objectlink->ref_supplier); ?>"><?php echo dol_escape_htmltag($objectlink->ref_supplier); ?></td>

-		<td class="linkedcol-date"><?php echo dol_print_date($objectlink->date_delivery, 'day'); ?></td>

-		<td class="linkedcol-amount right"><?php

-		if ($user->hasRight('reception', 'lire')) {

-			$total = $total + $objectlink->total_ht;

-			echo price($objectlink->total_ht);

-		} ?></td>

-		<td class="linkedcol-statut right"><?php echo $objectlink->getLibStatut(3); ?></td>

-		<td class="linkedcol-action right">

-		<?php

-		// For now, receptions must stay linked to order, so link is not deletable

-		if ($object->element != 'order_supplier') {

-			?>

-			<a class="reposition" href="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=dellink&token='.newToken().'&dellinkid='.$key; ?>"><?php echo img_picto($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("RemoveLink"), 'unlink'); ?></a>

-			<?php

-		} ?>

-		   </td>

-	</tr>

-	<?php

+    $trclass = 'oddeven';

+    if ($ilink == count($linkedObjectBlock) && empty($noMoreLinkedObjectBlockAfter) && count($linkedObjectBlock) <= 1) $trclass .= ' liste_sub_total';

+    ?>

+    <tr class="<?php echo $trclass; ?>">

+        <td class="linkedcol-element"><?php echo $langs->trans("Reception"); ?>

+        <?php if (!empty($showImportButton) && $conf->global->MAIN_ENABLE_IMPORT_LINKED_OBJECT_LINES) print '<a class="objectlinked_importbtn" href="'.$objectlink->getNomUrl(0, '', 0, 1).'&amp;action=selectlines"  data-element="'.$objectlink->element.'"  data-id="'.$objectlink->id.'"  > <i class="fa fa-indent"></i> </a'; ?>

+        </td>

+        <td class="linkedcol-name nowraponall" ><?php echo $objectlink->getNomUrl(1); ?></td>

+        <td class="linkedcol-ref center"></td>

+    	<td class="linkedcol-date center"><?php echo dol_print_date($objectlink->date_delivery, 'day'); ?></td>

+    	<td class="linkedcol-amount right"><?php

+    	if ($user->rights->reception->lire) {

+    		$total = $total + $objectlink->total_ht;

+    		echo price($objectlink->total_ht);

+    	} ?></td>

+    	<td class="linkedcol-statut right"><?php echo $objectlink->getLibStatut(3); ?></td>

+    	<td class="linkedcol-action right">

+    	<?php

+    	// For now, receptions must stay linked to order, so link is not deletable

+    	if ($object->element != 'order_supplier') {

+    		?>

+    		<a class="reposition" href="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?id='.$object->id.'&action=dellink&dellinkid='.$key; ?>"><?php echo img_picto($langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("RemoveLink"), 'unlink'); ?></a>

+    		<?php

+    	}

+    	?>

+   		</td>

+    </tr>

+    <?php

@@ -78,12 +78,13 @@
-if (count($linkedObjectBlock) > 1) {

-	?>

-	<tr class="liste_total <?php echo(empty($noMoreLinkedObjectBlockAfter) ? 'liste_sub_total' : ''); ?>">

-		<td><?php echo $langs->trans("Total"); ?></td>

-		<td></td>

-		<td class="center"></td>

-		<td class="center"></td>

-		<td class="right"><?php echo price($total); ?></td>

-		<td class="right"></td>

-		<td class="right"></td>

-	</tr>

-	<?php

+if (count($linkedObjectBlock) > 1)


+    ?>

+    <tr class="liste_total <?php echo (empty($noMoreLinkedObjectBlockAfter) ? 'liste_sub_total' : ''); ?>">

+        <td><?php echo $langs->trans("Total"); ?></td>

+        <td></td>

+    	<td class="center"></td>

+    	<td class="center"></td>

+    	<td class="right"><?php echo price($total); ?></td>

+    	<td class="right"></td>

+    	<td class="right"></td>

+    </tr>

+    <?php