--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_accountancy.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_accountancy.lang @@ -2 +2 @@ -Accountancy=Buxgalteriya +Accountancy=Accountancy @@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ -ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_LABEL=Yorliqni eksport qilish -ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_AMOUNT=Eksport miqdori -ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_DEVISE=Valyutani eksport qilish +ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_LABEL=Export label +ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_AMOUNT=Export amount +ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_DEVISE=Export currency @@ -13 +13 @@ -ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_ENDLINE=Vagonni qaytarish turini tanlang +ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_ENDLINE=Select the carriage return type @@ -15,11 +15,9 @@ -ThisService=Ushbu xizmat -ThisProduct=Ushbu mahsulot -DefaultForService=Xizmatlar uchun standart -DefaultForProduct=Mahsulotlar uchun standart -ProductForThisThirdparty=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun mahsulot -ServiceForThisThirdparty=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun xizmat -CantSuggest=Taklif qila olmayman -AccountancySetupDoneFromAccountancyMenu=Buxgalteriya hisobining ko'pgina sozlamalari %s menyusida amalga oshiriladi -ConfigAccountingExpert=Modulni hisobga olish konfiguratsiyasi (ikki martalik yozuv) -Journalization=Jurnalistika -Journals=Journals +ThisService=This service +ThisProduct=This product +DefaultForService=Default for service +DefaultForProduct=Default for product +CantSuggest=Can't suggest +AccountancySetupDoneFromAccountancyMenu=Most setup of the accountancy is done from the menu %s +ConfigAccountingExpert=Configuration of the module accounting expert +Journalization=Journalization +Journaux=Journals @@ -28,73 +26,59 @@ -Chartofaccounts=Hisob-kitoblar rejasi -ChartOfSubaccounts=Shaxsiy hisobvaraqlar rejasi -ChartOfIndividualAccountsOfSubsidiaryLedger=Yordamchi daftarning individual hisobvaraqlar rejasi -CurrentDedicatedAccountingAccount=Joriy ajratilgan hisob -AssignDedicatedAccountingAccount=Tayinlash uchun yangi hisob -InvoiceLabel=Hisob-faktura yorlig'i -OverviewOfAmountOfLinesNotBound=Buxgalteriya hisobi bilan bog'liq bo'lmagan satrlar miqdoriga umumiy nuqtai -OverviewOfAmountOfLinesBound=Buxgalteriya hisobi bilan bog'langan chiziqlar miqdoriga umumiy nuqtai -OtherInfo=Boshqa ma'lumotlar -DeleteCptCategory=Buxgalteriya hisobini guruhdan olib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteCptCategory=Ushbu buxgalteriya hisobini buxgalteriya hisobi guruhidan olib tashlamoqchimisiz? -JournalizationInLedgerStatus=Jurnalizatsiya holati -AlreadyInGeneralLedger=Buxgalteriya jurnallari va buxgalteriya kitoblariga o'tkazilgan -NotYetInGeneralLedger=Hali buxgalteriya jurnallari va daftarga o'tkazilmagan -GroupIsEmptyCheckSetup=Guruh bo'sh, shaxsiylashtirilgan buxgalteriya guruhini sozlashni tekshiring -DetailByAccount=Hisob bo'yicha tafsilotlarni ko'rsatish -DetailBy=Tafsilot tomonidan -AccountWithNonZeroValues=Nolga teng bo'lmagan qiymatlar bilan hisob-kitoblar -ListOfAccounts=Hisob-kitoblar ro'yxati -CountriesInEEC=EEC tarkibidagi mamlakatlar -CountriesNotInEEC=EEC tarkibiga kirmagan mamlakatlar -CountriesInEECExceptMe=%s dan tashqari EECdagi mamlakatlar -CountriesExceptMe=%s dan tashqari barcha mamlakatlar -AccountantFiles=Dastlabki hujjatlarni eksport qilish -ExportAccountingSourceDocHelp=Ushbu vosita yordamida siz buxgalteriya hisobingizni yaratish uchun foydalaniladigan manba voqealarini qidirishingiz va eksport qilishingiz mumkin.
Eksport qilingan ZIP fayl CSV formatidagi soʻralgan elementlar roʻyxatini hamda ularning asl formatidagi biriktirilgan fayllarini (PDF, ODT, DOCX...) oʻz ichiga oladi. -ExportAccountingSourceDocHelp2=Jurnallaringizni eksport qilish uchun %s - %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -ExportAccountingProjectHelp=Agar sizga faqat ma'lum bir loyiha uchun buxgalteriya hisoboti kerak bo'lsa, loyihani belgilang. Xarajatlar hisobotlari va kredit to'lovlari loyiha hisobotlariga kiritilmagan. -ExportAccountancy=Eksport hisobi -WarningDataDisappearsWhenDataIsExported=Ogohlantirish, bu ro'yxatda faqat eksport qilinmagan buxgalteriya yozuvlari mavjud (Eksport sanasi bo'sh). Agar siz allaqachon eksport qilingan buxgalteriya yozuvlarini qo'shmoqchi bo'lsangiz, yuqoridagi tugmani bosing. -VueByAccountAccounting=Buxgalteriya hisobi bo'yicha ko'rish -VueBySubAccountAccounting=Buxgalteriya subkontaji bo'yicha ko'rish - -MainAccountForCustomersNotDefined=O'rnatishda aniqlanmagan mijozlar uchun asosiy hisob (Hisob jadvalidan). -MainAccountForSuppliersNotDefined=O'rnatishda aniqlanmagan sotuvchilar uchun asosiy hisob (Hisob jadvalidan). -MainAccountForUsersNotDefined=O'rnatishda aniqlanmagan foydalanuvchilar uchun asosiy hisob (Hisob jadvalidan). -MainAccountForVatPaymentNotDefined=O'rnatishda aniqlanmagan QQS to'lovi uchun hisob (Hisob rejasidan). -MainAccountForSubscriptionPaymentNotDefined=O'rnatishda aniqlanmagan a'zolik to'lovi uchun hisob (Hisob rejasidan). -MainAccountForRetainedWarrantyNotDefined=O'rnatishda aniqlanmagan saqlanib qolgan kafolat uchun hisob (Hisob rejasidan). -UserAccountNotDefined=Foydalanuvchi uchun buxgalteriya hisobi sozlamalarida aniqlanmagan - -AccountancyArea=Buxgalteriya hisobi maydoni -AccountancyAreaDescIntro=Buxgalteriya modulidan foydalanish bir necha bosqichda amalga oshiriladi: -AccountancyAreaDescActionOnce=Quyidagi harakatlar odatda faqat bir marta yoki yiliga bir marta amalga oshiriladi ... -AccountancyAreaDescActionOnceBis=Kelajakda buxgalteriya hisobiga ma'lumotlarni uzatishda avtomatik ravishda to'g'ri standart hisob qaydnomasini taklif qilish orqali vaqtni tejash uchun keyingi qadamlar bajarilishi kerak. -AccountancyAreaDescActionFreq=Quyidagi harakatlar odatda har oyda, haftada yoki kunda juda katta kompaniyalar uchun amalga oshiriladi ... - -AccountancyAreaDescJournalSetup=QADAM %s: %s menyusidan jurnal ro'yxati tarkibini tekshiring -AccountancyAreaDescChartModel=QADAM %s: hisob jadvalining modeli mavjudligini tekshiring yoki menyudan %s yarating. -AccountancyAreaDescChart=QADAM %s: tanlang va | yoki hisob qaydnomangizni %s menyusidan to'ldiring. - -AccountancyAreaDescFiscalPeriod=QADAM %s: Buxgalteriya yozuvlarini birlashtirish uchun sukut bo'yicha moliyaviy yilni belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyusidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescVat=QADAM %s: har bir QQS stavkasi bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisobini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescDefault=QADAM %s: sukut bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisoblarini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescExpenseReport=QADAM %s: Xarajatlar hisobotining har bir turi uchun standart buxgalteriya hisoblarini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescSal=QADAM %s: Ish haqini to'lash bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisobini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescContrib=QADAM %s: Soliqlar uchun standart buxgalteriya hisoblarini belgilang (maxsus xarajatlar). Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescDonation=QADAM %s: xayr-ehson uchun buxgalteriya hisobini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescSubscription=QADAM %s: a'zo obuna uchun buxgalteriya hisobini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescMisc=QADAM %s: Har xil tranzaksiyalar uchun majburiy standart hisob va standart hisob qaydnomalarini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyusidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescLoan=QADAM %s: ssudalar bo'yicha ssudalarning buxgalteriya hisobini belgilang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescBank=QADAM %s: har bir bank va moliyaviy hisob uchun buxgalteriya hisobi va jurnal kodini aniqlang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescProd=QADAM %s: Mahsulotlar/xizmatlaringizda buxgalteriya hisoblarini aniqlang. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. - -AccountancyAreaDescBind=QADAM %s: mavjud %s satrlari bilan buxgalteriya hisobi o'rtasidagi bog'lanishni tekshiring, shuning uchun dastur bir marta bosish bilan Ledger-dagi operatsiyalarni jurnalga yozib olish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi. To'liq etishmayotgan birikmalar. Buning uchun %s menyu yozuvidan foydalaning. -AccountancyAreaDescWriteRecords=QADAM %s: operatsiyalarni kitobga yozing. Buning uchun %s menyusiga o'ting va %s tugmachasini bosing. -AccountancyAreaDescAnalyze=QADAM %s: Hisobotlarni oʻqing yoki boshqa buxgalterlar uchun eksport fayllarini yarating. -AccountancyAreaDescClosePeriod=QADAM %s: Davrani yoping, shuning uchun kelajakda xuddi shu davrda boshqa ma’lumotlarni uzata olmaymiz. - -TheFiscalPeriodIsNotDefined=Sozlashning majburiy bosqichi tugallanmagan (moliyaviy davr aniqlanmagan) -TheJournalCodeIsNotDefinedOnSomeBankAccount=O'rnatishning majburiy bosqichi tugallanmagan (buxgalteriya kodlari jurnali barcha bank hisoblari uchun aniqlanmagan) -Selectchartofaccounts=Faol hisobvaraqlar rejasini tanlang -CurrentChartOfAccount=Joriy faol hisoblar jadvali -ChangeAndLoad=O'zgartirish va yuklash +Chartofaccounts=Chart of accounts +CurrentDedicatedAccountingAccount=Current dedicated account +AssignDedicatedAccountingAccount=New account to assign +InvoiceLabel=Invoice label +OverviewOfAmountOfLinesNotBound=Overview of amount of lines not bound to an accounting account +OverviewOfAmountOfLinesBound=Overview of amount of lines already bound to an accounting account +OtherInfo=Other information +DeleteCptCategory=Remove accounting account from group +ConfirmDeleteCptCategory=Are you sure you want to remove this accounting account from the accounting account group? +JournalizationInLedgerStatus=Status of journalization +AlreadyInGeneralLedger=Already journalized in ledgers +NotYetInGeneralLedger=Not yet journalized in ledgers +GroupIsEmptyCheckSetup=Group is empty, check setup of the personalized accounting group +DetailByAccount=Show detail by account +AccountWithNonZeroValues=Accounts with non-zero values +ListOfAccounts=List of accounts +CountriesInEEC=Countries in EEC +CountriesNotInEEC=Countries not in EEC +CountriesInEECExceptMe=Countries in EEC except %s +CountriesExceptMe=All countries except %s +AccountantFiles=Export accounting documents + +MainAccountForCustomersNotDefined=Main accounting account for customers not defined in setup +MainAccountForSuppliersNotDefined=Main accounting account for vendors not defined in setup +MainAccountForUsersNotDefined=Main accounting account for users not defined in setup +MainAccountForVatPaymentNotDefined=Main accounting account for VAT payment not defined in setup +MainAccountForSubscriptionPaymentNotDefined=Main accounting account for subscription payment not defined in setup + +AccountancyArea=Accounting area +AccountancyAreaDescIntro=Usage of the accountancy module is done in several step: +AccountancyAreaDescActionOnce=The following actions are usually executed one time only, or once per year... +AccountancyAreaDescActionOnceBis=Next steps should be done to save you time in future by suggesting you the correct default accounting account when making the journalization (writing record in Journals and General ledger) +AccountancyAreaDescActionFreq=The following actions are usually executed every month, week or day for very large companies... + +AccountancyAreaDescJournalSetup=STEP %s: Create or check content of your journal list from menu %s +AccountancyAreaDescChartModel=STEP %s: Check that a model of chart of account exists or create one from menu %s +AccountancyAreaDescChart=STEP %s: Select and|or complete your chart of account from menu %s + +AccountancyAreaDescVat=STEP %s: Define accounting accounts for each VAT Rates. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescDefault=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescExpenseReport=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for each type of expense report. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescSal=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for payment of salaries. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescContrib=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for special expenses (miscellaneous taxes). For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescDonation=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for donation. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescSubscription=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for member subscription. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescMisc=STEP %s: Define mandatory default account and default accounting accounts for miscellaneous transactions. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescLoan=STEP %s: Define default accounting accounts for loans. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescBank=STEP %s: Define accounting accounts and journal code for each bank and financial accounts. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescProd=STEP %s: Define accounting accounts on your products/services. For this, use the menu entry %s. + +AccountancyAreaDescBind=STEP %s: Check the binding between existing %s lines and accounting account is done, so application will be able to journalize transactions in Ledger in one click. Complete missing bindings. For this, use the menu entry %s. +AccountancyAreaDescWriteRecords=STEP %s: Write transactions into the Ledger. For this, go into menu %s, and click into button %s. +AccountancyAreaDescAnalyze=STEP %s: Add or edit existing transactions and generate reports and exports. + +AccountancyAreaDescClosePeriod=STEP %s: Close period so we can't make modification in a future. + +TheJournalCodeIsNotDefinedOnSomeBankAccount=A mandatory step in setup was not complete (accounting code journal not defined for all bank accounts) +Selectchartofaccounts=Select active chart of accounts +ChangeAndLoad=Change and load @@ -104,47 +88,41 @@ -SubledgerAccount=Subledger hisobi -SubledgerAccountLabel=Subledger hisobvarag'ining yorlig'i -ShowAccountingAccount=Buxgalteriya hisobini ko'rsatish -ShowAccountingJournal=Buxgalteriya jurnalini ko'rsatish -ShowAccountingAccountInLedger=Buxgalteriya hisobini daftarda ko'rsatish -ShowAccountingAccountInJournals=Buxgalteriya hisobini jurnallarda ko'rsatish -DataUsedToSuggestAccount=Hisobni taklif qilish uchun foydalanilgan maʼlumotlar -AccountAccountingSuggest=Hisob taklif qilindi -MenuDefaultAccounts=Standart hisoblar -MenuBankAccounts=Bank hisobvaraqlari -MenuVatAccounts=QQS hisob-kitoblari -MenuTaxAccounts=Soliq hisobvaraqlari -MenuExpenseReportAccounts=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlar -MenuLoanAccounts=Kredit hisobvaraqlari -MenuProductsAccounts=Mahsulot hisoblari -MenuClosureAccounts=Yopish hisoblari -MenuAccountancyClosure=Yopish -MenuExportAccountancy=Eksport hisobi -MenuAccountancyValidationMovements=Harakatlarni tasdiqlang -ProductsBinding=Mahsulotlar hisoblari -TransferInAccounting=Buxgalteriya hisobiga o'tkazish -RegistrationInAccounting=Buxgalteriya hisobida qayd etish -Binding=Hisobvaraqlar uchun majburiy -CustomersVentilation=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturasi majburiy -SuppliersVentilation=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasini majburiy ravishda to'ldirish -ExpenseReportsVentilation=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotni majburiy ravishda bajarish -CreateMvts=Yangi tranzaksiya yarating -UpdateMvts=Bitimni o'zgartirish -ValidTransaction=Bitimni tasdiqlash -WriteBookKeeping=Buxgalteriya hisobida operatsiyalarni qayd etish -Bookkeeping=Kitob -BookkeepingSubAccount=Subledger -AccountBalance=Hisob balansi -AccountBalanceSubAccount=Sub-hisoblar balansi -ObjectsRef=Manba ob'ekti ref -CAHTF=Soliqqa qadar jami sotib olish sotuvchisi -TotalExpenseReport=Jami xarajatlar hisoboti -InvoiceLines=Yopish uchun schyot-fakturalar -InvoiceLinesDone=Hisob-fakturalarning chegaralangan chiziqlari -ExpenseReportLines=Bog'lanish uchun xarajatlar hisobotlari qatorlari -ExpenseReportLinesDone=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotlarning chegaralangan chiziqlari -IntoAccount=Buxgalteriya hisobi bilan bog'lanish -TotalForAccount=Jami buxgalteriya hisobi - - -Ventilate=Bog'lash -LineId=Id chizig'i +SubledgerAccount=Subledger account +SubledgerAccountLabel=Subledger account label +ShowAccountingAccount=Show accounting account +ShowAccountingJournal=Show accounting journal +AccountAccountingSuggest=Accounting account suggested +MenuDefaultAccounts=Default accounts +MenuBankAccounts=Bank accounts +MenuVatAccounts=Vat accounts +MenuTaxAccounts=Tax accounts +MenuExpenseReportAccounts=Expense report accounts +MenuLoanAccounts=Loan accounts +MenuProductsAccounts=Product accounts +MenuClosureAccounts=Closure accounts +MenuAccountancyClosure=Closure +MenuAccountancyValidationMovements=Validate movements +ProductsBinding=Products accounts +TransferInAccounting=Transfer in accounting +RegistrationInAccounting=Registration in accounting +Binding=Binding to accounts +CustomersVentilation=Customer invoice binding +SuppliersVentilation=Vendor invoice binding +ExpenseReportsVentilation=Expense report binding +CreateMvts=Create new transaction +UpdateMvts=Modification of a transaction +ValidTransaction=Validate transaction +WriteBookKeeping=Register transactions in Ledger +Bookkeeping=Ledger +AccountBalance=Account balance +ObjectsRef=Source object ref +CAHTF=Total purchase vendor before tax +TotalExpenseReport=Total expense report +InvoiceLines=Lines of invoices to bind +InvoiceLinesDone=Bound lines of invoices +ExpenseReportLines=Lines of expense reports to bind +ExpenseReportLinesDone=Bound lines of expense reports +IntoAccount=Bind line with the accounting account +TotalForAccount=Total for accounting account + + +Ventilate=Bind +LineId=Id line @@ -152 +130 @@ -EndProcessing=Jarayon tugadi. +EndProcessing=Process terminated. @@ -155,25 +133,23 @@ -LineOfExpenseReport=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot liniyasi -NoAccountSelected=Buxgalteriya hisobi tanlanmagan -VentilatedinAccount=Buxgalteriya hisobiga muvaffaqiyatli bog'langan -NotVentilatedinAccount=Buxgalteriya hisobi bilan bog'liq emas -XLineSuccessfullyBinded=%s mahsulotlari / xizmatlari buxgalteriya hisobiga muvaffaqiyatli bog'langan -XLineFailedToBeBinded=%s mahsulotlari / xizmatlari hech qanday buxgalteriya hisobiga bog'lanmagan - -ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Ro'yxat va bog'lash sahifasidagi maksimal qatorlar soni (tavsiya etiladi: 50) -ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO=So'nggi elementlar bo'yicha "Bajarish majburiy" sahifani saralashni boshlang -ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_DONE=So'nggi elementlar bo'yicha "Majburiy amalga oshirildi" sahifasini saralashni boshlang - -ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION=X belgilaridan keyin ro'yxatdagi mahsulot va xizmatlarning tavsifini qisqartiring (Eng yaxshi = 50) -ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT=X belgilaridan so'ng ro'yxatdagi mahsulot va xizmatlar hisobini tavsiflash shaklini qisqartiring (Best = 50) -ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_GACCOUNT=Umumiy buxgalteriya hisoblarining uzunligi (Agar siz bu erda 6 qiymatini belgilasangiz, '706' qaydnomasi ekranda '706000' kabi ko'rinadi) -ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_AACCOUNT=Uchinchi tomon buxgalteriya hisoblarining uzunligi (Agar siz bu erda 6 qiymatini belgilasangiz, '401' qaydnomasi ekranda '401000' kabi ko'rinadi) -ACCOUNTING_MANAGE_ZERO=Buxgalteriya hisobi oxirida turli xil nollarni boshqarishga ruxsat bering. Ba'zi mamlakatlar tomonidan kerak (masalan, Shveytsariya). Agar o'chirilgan (standart) bo'lsa, siz dasturdan virtual nollarni qo'shishni so'rash uchun quyidagi ikkita parametrni o'rnatishingiz mumkin. -BANK_DISABLE_DIRECT_INPUT=Bank hisobvarag'idagi operatsiyani to'g'ridan-to'g'ri yozib olishni o'chirib qo'ying -ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_EXPORT_DRAFT_JOURNAL=Jurnalda qoralama eksportni yoqish -ACCOUNTANCY_COMBO_FOR_AUX=Yordamchi hisob uchun kombinatsiyalangan ro'yxatni yoqish (agar sizda uchinchi shaxslar ko'p bo'lsa, sekin bo'lishi mumkin, qiymatning bir qismini qidirish qobiliyati buziladi) -ACCOUNTING_DATE_START_BINDING=Sana ushbu sanadan past bo'lsa, buxgalteriya hisobiga majburiy va o'tkazishni o'chirib qo'ying (shu sanagacha bo'lgan operatsiyalar sukut bo'yicha istisno qilinadi) -ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_PERIOD_ON_TRANSFER=Sahifada ma'lumotlarni buxgalteriya hisobiga o'tkazish uchun sukut bo'yicha tanlangan davr qancha - -ACCOUNTING_SELL_JOURNAL=Savdo jurnali - sotish va qaytarish -ACCOUNTING_PURCHASE_JOURNAL=Sotib olish jurnali - sotib olish va qaytarish -ACCOUNTING_BANK_JOURNAL=Kassa jurnali - tushum va to'lovlar +LineOfExpenseReport=Line of expense report +NoAccountSelected=No accounting account selected +VentilatedinAccount=Binded successfully to the accounting account +NotVentilatedinAccount=Not bound to the accounting account +XLineSuccessfullyBinded=%s products/services successfully bound to an accounting account +XLineFailedToBeBinded=%s products/services were not bound to any accounting account + +ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Number of elements to bind shown by page (maximum recommended: 50) +ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding to do" by the most recent elements +ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_DONE=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding done" by the most recent elements + +ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION=Truncate product & services description in listings after x chars (Best = 50) +ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT=Truncate product & services account description form in listings after x chars (Best = 50) +ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_GACCOUNT=Length of the general accounting accounts (If you set value to 6 here, the account '706' will appear like '706000' on screen) +ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_AACCOUNT=Length of the third-party accounting accounts (If you set value to 6 here, the account '401' will appear like '401000' on screen) +ACCOUNTING_MANAGE_ZERO=Allow to manage different number of zeros at the end of an accounting account. Needed by some countries (like Switzerland). If set to off (default), you can set the following two parameters to ask the application to add virtual zeros. +BANK_DISABLE_DIRECT_INPUT=Disable direct recording of transaction in bank account +ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_EXPORT_DRAFT_JOURNAL=Enable draft export on journal +ACCOUNTANCY_COMBO_FOR_AUX=Enable combo list for subsidiary account (may be slow if you have a lot of third parties) + +ACCOUNTING_SELL_JOURNAL=Sell journal +ACCOUNTING_PURCHASE_JOURNAL=Purchase journal +ACCOUNTING_MISCELLANEOUS_JOURNAL=Miscellaneous journal @@ -181,3 +156,0 @@ -ACCOUNTING_MISCELLANEOUS_JOURNAL=Umumiy jurnal -ACCOUNTING_HAS_NEW_JOURNAL=Yangi jurnal mavjud -ACCOUNTING_INVENTORY_JOURNAL=Inventarizatsiya jurnali @@ -185,33 +158,26 @@ - -ACCOUNTING_RESULT_PROFIT=Natija buxgalteriya hisobi (foyda) -ACCOUNTING_RESULT_LOSS=Natija buxgalteriya hisobi (Zarar) -ACCOUNTING_CLOSURE_DEFAULT_JOURNAL=Yopish jurnali -ACCOUNTING_CLOSURE_ACCOUNTING_GROUPS_USED_FOR_BALANCE_SHEET_ACCOUNT=Balans hisobi uchun foydalaniladigan buxgalteriya guruhlari (vergul bilan ajratilgan) -ACCOUNTING_CLOSURE_ACCOUNTING_GROUPS_USED_FOR_INCOME_STATEMENT=Daromad hisoboti uchun foydalaniladigan buxgalteriya guruhlari (vergul bilan ajratilgan) - -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_CASH=O'tish davri bank o'tkazmalari uchun hisobvaraq sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob rejasidan). -TransitionalAccount=O'tkazma hisobvarag'i - -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUSPENSE=Qabul qilingan yoki to'langan taqsimlanmagan mablag'lar, ya'ni "kutish[ing]"dagi mablag'lar uchun hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) -DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Xayriyalarni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (Xayriya moduli) -ADHERENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Aʼzolik obunalarini roʻyxatdan oʻtkazish uchun foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (Aʼzolik moduli – agar aʼzolik fakturasiz qayd etilgan boʻlsa) - -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_DEPOSIT=Mijoz depozitini ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan). -UseAuxiliaryAccountOnCustomerDeposit=Mijoz hisobini dastlabki to‘lovlar qatori uchun yordamchi daftarda shaxsiy hisob sifatida saqlang (agar o‘chirib qo‘yilgan bo‘lsa, dastlabki to‘lovlar uchun shaxsiy hisob bo‘sh qoladi) -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER_DEPOSIT=Standart sifatida foydalanish uchun hisob (Hisob jadvalidan). -UseAuxiliaryAccountOnSupplierDeposit=Ta'minotchi hisobvarag'ini dastlabki to'lovlar qatorlari uchun yordamchi daftarda shaxsiy hisob sifatida saqlang (agar o'chirilgan bo'lsa, dastlabki to'lovlar uchun shaxsiy hisob bo'sh qoladi) -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_RETAINED_WARRANTY=Buxgalteriya hisobi sukut bo'yicha mijozning saqlanib qolgan kafolatini ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun - -ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Xuddi shu mamlakatda sotib olingan mahsulotlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (mahsulot varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT=EECdan boshqa EEC davlatiga sotib olingan mahsulotlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (mahsulot varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Boshqa har qanday xorijiy davlatdan sotib olingan va import qilinadigan mahsulotlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (agar mahsulot varaqasida ko'rsatilmagan bo'lsa, foydalaniladi) -ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Sotilgan mahsulotlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (mahsulot varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) EECdan boshqa EEC davlatiga sotilgan mahsulotlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladi (agar mahsulot varaqasida aniqlanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Boshqa xorijiy davlatga sotilgan va eksport qilinadigan mahsulotlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (agar mahsulot varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa, foydalaniladi) - -ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT=Xuddi shu mamlakatda sotib olingan xizmatlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (xizmat varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT=EECdan boshqa EEC davlatiga sotib olingan xizmatlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (xizmat varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Boshqa xorijiy davlatdan sotib olingan va import qilinadigan xizmatlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob rejasidan) (xizmat varaqasida ko'rsatilmagan bo'lsa, foydalaniladi) -ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Sotilgan xizmatlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (xizmat varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT=EECdan boshqa EEC davlatiga sotiladigan xizmatlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (xizmat varaqasida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Boshqa har qanday xorijiy davlatga sotilgan va eksport qilinadigan xizmatlar uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob rejasidan) (xizmat varaqasida ko'rsatilmagan bo'lsa, foydalaniladi) +ACCOUNTING_HAS_NEW_JOURNAL=Has new Journal + +ACCOUNTING_RESULT_PROFIT=Result accounting account (Profit) +ACCOUNTING_RESULT_LOSS=Result accounting account (Loss) +ACCOUNTING_CLOSURE_DEFAULT_JOURNAL=Journal of closure + +ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_CASH=Accounting account of transitional bank transfer +TransitionalAccount=Transitional bank transfer account + +ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUSPENSE=Accounting account of wait +DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register donations +ADHERENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register subscriptions + +ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought products (used if not defined in the product sheet) +ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought products in EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet) +ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought products and imported out of EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet) +ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold products (used if not defined in the product sheet) +ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the products sold in EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet) +ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the products sold and exported out of EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet) + +ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought services (used if not defined in the service sheet) +ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought services in EEC (used if not defined in the service sheet) +ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought services and imported out of EEC (used if not defined in the service sheet) +ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the sold services (used if not defined in the service sheet) +ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the services sold in EEC (used if not defined in the service sheet) +ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the services sold and exported out of EEC (used if not defined in the service sheet) @@ -223,5 +189,4 @@ -LabelOperation=Yorliq bilan ishlash -Sens=Yo'nalish -AccountingDirectionHelp=Mijozning buxgalteriya hisobi uchun siz olgan to'lovni yozish uchun Kreditdan foydalaning. -LetteringCode=Harf kodi -Lettering=Xat +LabelOperation=Label operation +Sens=Sens +LetteringCode=Lettering code +Lettering=Lettering @@ -229,19 +194,17 @@ -JournalLabel=Jurnal yorlig'i -NumPiece=Parcha raqami -TransactionNumShort=Raqam bitim -AccountingCategory=Shaxsiy hisoblar guruhi -AccountingCategories=Shaxsiy hisoblar guruhlari -GroupByAccountAccounting=Bosh kitob schyoti bo'yicha guruhlash -GroupBySubAccountAccounting=Subledger schyoti bo'yicha guruhlash -AccountingAccountGroupsDesc=Siz bu erda buxgalteriya hisobining ayrim guruhlarini belgilashingiz mumkin. Ular shaxsiylashtirilgan buxgalteriya hisobotlari uchun ishlatiladi. -ByAccounts=Hisob-kitoblar bo'yicha -ByPredefinedAccountGroups=Oldindan belgilangan guruhlar bo'yicha -ByPersonalizedAccountGroups=Shaxsiylashtirilgan guruhlar bo'yicha -ByYear=Yil bo'yicha -NotMatch=O'rnatilmagan -DeleteMvt=Buxgalteriya hisobidan ba'zi qatorlarni o'chiring -DelMonth=O'chirish uchun oy -DelYear=O'chirish yili -DelJournal=O'chirish uchun jurnal -ConfirmDeleteMvt=Bu yil/oy va/yoki ma'lum bir jurnal uchun buxgalteriya hisobidagi barcha qatorlarni o'chiradi (kamida bitta mezon talab qilinadi). O'chirilgan yozuvni daftarga qaytarish uchun "%s" funksiyasidan qayta foydalanishingiz kerak bo'ladi. -ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=Bu buxgalteriya hisobidan tranzaksiyani o'chiradi (bir xil tranzaksiyaga tegishli barcha qatorlar o'chiriladi) +JournalLabel=Journal label +NumPiece=Piece number +TransactionNumShort=Num. transaction +AccountingCategory=Personalized groups +GroupByAccountAccounting=Group by accounting account +AccountingAccountGroupsDesc=You can define here some groups of accounting account. They will be used for personalized accounting reports. +ByAccounts=By accounts +ByPredefinedAccountGroups=By predefined groups +ByPersonalizedAccountGroups=By personalized groups +ByYear=By year +NotMatch=Not Set +DeleteMvt=Delete Ledger lines +DelMonth=Month to delete +DelYear=Year to delete +DelJournal=Journal to delete +ConfirmDeleteMvt=This will delete all lines of the Ledger for the year/month and/or from a specific journal (At least one criterion is required). You will have to reuse the feature 'Registration in accounting' to have the deleted record back in the ledger. +ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=This will delete the transaction from the Ledger (all lines related to same transaction will be deleted) @@ -249,2 +212 @@ -ExpenseReportsJournal=Xarajatlar hisoboti jurnali -InventoryJournal=Inventarizatsiya jurnali +ExpenseReportsJournal=Expense reports journal @@ -252,6 +214,6 @@ -DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=Bu buxgalteriya hisobi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan yozuvlar va Jurnallar va Daftarlarga yozilishi mumkin bo'lgan ko'rinishdir. -VATAccountNotDefined=QQS uchun hisob-kitob aniqlanmagan -ThirdpartyAccountNotDefined=Uchinchi tomon uchun hisob belgilanmagan -ProductAccountNotDefined=Mahsulot hisobi aniqlanmagan -FeeAccountNotDefined=To'lov uchun hisob-kitob aniqlanmagan -BankAccountNotDefined=Bank hisobi aniqlanmagan +DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=This is a view of record that are bound to an accounting account and can be recorded into the Ledger. +VATAccountNotDefined=Account for VAT not defined +ThirdpartyAccountNotDefined=Account for third party not defined +ProductAccountNotDefined=Account for product not defined +FeeAccountNotDefined=Account for fee not defined +BankAccountNotDefined=Account for bank not defined @@ -259,4 +221,4 @@ -ThirdPartyAccount=Uchinchi tomon hisobi -NewAccountingMvt=Yangi bitim -NumMvts=Bitim soni -ListeMvts=Harakatlar ro'yxati +ThirdPartyAccount=Third-party account +NewAccountingMvt=New transaction +NumMvts=Numero of transaction +ListeMvts=List of movements @@ -264,3 +226,3 @@ -AddCompteFromBK=Guruhga buxgalteriya hisoblarini qo'shing -ReportThirdParty=Uchinchi tomon hisoblarini ro'yxatlash -DescThirdPartyReport=Uchinchi tomon mijozlari va sotuvchilari ro'yxati va ularning buxgalteriya hisoblari bilan bu erda maslahatlashing +AddCompteFromBK=Add accounting accounts to the group +ReportThirdParty=List third-party account +DescThirdPartyReport=Consult here the list of third-party customers and vendors and their accounting accounts @@ -268,17 +230,16 @@ -UnknownAccountForThirdparty=Uchinchi tomon hisobi noma'lum. Biz %s dan foydalanamiz -UnknownAccountForThirdpartyBlocking=Uchinchi tomon hisobi noma'lum. Bloklash xatosi -ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknown=Sublegger hisobi aniqlanmagan yoki uchinchi tomon yoki foydalanuvchi noma'lum. Biz %s dan foydalanamiz -ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknownSubledgerIgnored=To'lovda aniqlanmagan uchinchi shaxs noma'lum va subledger. Biz subledger hisob qiymatini bo'sh holda saqlaymiz. -ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknownBlocking=Sublegger hisobi aniqlanmagan yoki uchinchi tomon yoki foydalanuvchi noma'lum. Bloklash xatosi. -UnknownAccountForThirdpartyAndWaitingAccountNotDefinedBlocking=Noma'lum uchinchi tomon hisobi va kutish hisobi aniqlanmagan. Bloklash xatosi -PaymentsNotLinkedToProduct=To'lov hech qanday mahsulot / xizmatga bog'liq emas -OpeningBalance=Balansni ochish -ShowOpeningBalance=Dastlabki qoldiqni ko'rsating -HideOpeningBalance=Dastlabki qoldiqni yashirish -ShowSubtotalByGroup=Subtotalni daraja bo'yicha ko'rsatish - -Pcgtype=Hisob guruhi -PcgtypeDesc=Hisob-kitoblar guruhi ba'zi buxgalteriya hisobotlari uchun oldindan belgilangan "filtr" va "guruhlash" mezonlari sifatida ishlatiladi. Masalan, "KIRISh" yoki "XARAJATLAR" xarajatlar / daromadlar to'g'risidagi hisobotni tuzish uchun mahsulotlarning buxgalteriya hisobi guruhlari sifatida ishlatiladi. -AccountingCategoriesDesc=Maxsus hisoblar guruhi filtrdan foydalanishni yoki maxsus hisobotlarni yaratishni osonlashtirish uchun buxgalteriya hisoblarini bitta nomga guruhlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. - -Reconcilable=Yarashtiriladigan +UnknownAccountForThirdparty=Unknown third-party account. We will use %s +UnknownAccountForThirdpartyBlocking=Unknown third-party account. Blocking error +ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknown=Third-party account not defined or third party unknown. We will use %s +ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknownSubledgerIgnored=Third-party unknown and subledger not defined on the payment. We will keep the subledger account value empty. +ThirdpartyAccountNotDefinedOrThirdPartyUnknownBlocking=Third-party account not defined or third party unknown. Blocking error. +UnknownAccountForThirdpartyAndWaitingAccountNotDefinedBlocking=Unknown third-party account and waiting account not defined. Blocking error +PaymentsNotLinkedToProduct=Payment not linked to any product / service +OpeningBalance=Opening balance +ShowOpeningBalance=Show opening balance +HideOpeningBalance=Hide opening balance +ShowSubtotalByGroup=Show subtotal by group + +Pcgtype=Group of account +PcgtypeDesc=Group of account are used as predefined 'filter' and 'grouping' criteria for some accounting reports. For example, 'INCOME' or 'EXPENSE' are used as groups for accounting accounts of products to build the expense/income report. + +Reconcilable=Reconcilable @@ -289,5 +250,5 @@ -DescVentilCustomer=Hisoblar jadvalidan mahsulot hisobiga bog'langan (yoki bog'lanmagan) mijozlar hisob-fakturalari ro'yxatini shu yerda ko'ring. -DescVentilMore=Aksariyat hollarda, agar siz oldindan belgilangan mahsulot yoki xizmatlardan foydalansangiz va mahsulot/xizmat kartasida hisobni (hisob jadvalidan) o'rnatgan bo'lsangiz, dastur hisob-faktura satrlari va jadvalingizning buxgalteriya hisobi o'rtasidagi barcha bog'lanishlarni amalga oshirishi mumkin. bir marta bosish bilan "%s"b0a65d071f6spanfc90z >. Agar hisob mahsulot/xizmat kartalarida oʻrnatilmagan boʻlsa yoki sizda hali ham hisobga bogʻlanmagan qatorlar mavjud boʻlsa, “%s". -DescVentilDoneCustomer=Bu yerda mijozlar hisob-fakturalari qatorlari ro‘yxati va hisoblar jadvalidagi mahsulot hisobi bilan tanishing -DescVentilTodoCustomer=Hisoblar jadvalidan mahsulot hisobi bilan bog'lanmagan hisob-faktura qatorlarini bog'lang -ChangeAccount=Tanlangan qatorlar uchun mahsulot/xizmat hisobini (hisob jadvalidan) quyidagi hisob bilan o'zgartiring: +DescVentilCustomer=Consult here the list of customer invoice lines bound (or not) to a product accounting account +DescVentilMore=In most cases, if you use predefined products or services and you set the account number on the product/service card, the application will be able to make all the binding between your invoice lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button "%s". If account was not set on product/service cards or if you still have some lines not bound to an account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "%s". +DescVentilDoneCustomer=Consult here the list of the lines of invoices customers and their product accounting account +DescVentilTodoCustomer=Bind invoice lines not already bound with a product accounting account +ChangeAccount=Change the product/service accounting account for selected lines with the following accounting account: @@ -295,34 +256,29 @@ -DescVentilSupplier=Hisoblar rejasidan mahsulot hisobiga bog'langan yoki hali bog'lanmagan sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari ro'yxati bilan bu erda tanishing (faqat buxgalteriya hisobiga o'tkazilmagan yozuv ko'rinadi) -DescVentilDoneSupplier=Bu erda sotuvchilarning schyot-fakturalari ro'yxati va ularning buxgalteriya hisobi bilan maslahatlashing -DescVentilTodoExpenseReport=To'lovlarni hisobga olish hisobvarag'i bilan bog'lanmagan majburiy xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot satrlari -DescVentilExpenseReport=To'lovlarni hisobga olish hisobvarag'iga bog'langan (yoki bo'lmagan) xarajatlar hisobotlari ro'yxati bilan bu erda maslahatlashing -DescVentilExpenseReportMore=Agar siz buxgalteriya hisobini xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot satrlari turiga o'rnatgan bo'lsangiz, ilova sizning hisob-kitoblar jadvalingizdagi buxgalteriya hisobi o'rtasidagi majburiylikni amalga oshirishi mumkin, faqat bir marta bosish orqali "%s" . Agar to'lovlar lug'atiga hisob o'rnatilmagan bo'lsa yoki sizda hali ham biron bir qayd bilan bog'lanmagan qatorlar mavjud bo'lsa, " %s " menyusidan majburiy ravishda majburiy amal qilishingiz kerak bo'ladi. -DescVentilDoneExpenseReport=Xarajatlar hisobotlari ro'yxati va ularning to'lovlarini hisobga olish hisobi bilan bu erda maslahatlashing - -Closure=Yillik yopilish -AccountancyClosureStep1Desc=Hali tasdiqlanmagan va qulflanmagan oylar bo'yicha harakatlar soni bilan bu erda maslahatlashing -OverviewOfMovementsNotValidated=Tasdiqlanmagan va qulflanmagan harakatlarning umumiy ko'rinishi -AllMovementsWereRecordedAsValidated=Barcha harakatlar tasdiqlangan va qulflangan sifatida qayd etilgan -NotAllMovementsCouldBeRecordedAsValidated=Hamma harakatlarni tasdiqlangan va qulflangan deb yozib bo'lmaydi -ValidateMovements=Harakatlarni tasdiqlash va qulflash -DescValidateMovements=Yozishni, xatlarni va o'chirishni har qanday o'zgartirish yoki o'chirish taqiqlanadi. Jismoniy mashqlar uchun barcha yozuvlar tasdiqlanishi kerak, aks holda yopish mumkin bo'lmaydi - -ValidateHistory=Avtomatik bog'lash -AutomaticBindingDone=Avtomatik ulanishlar bajarildi (%s) - Ba'zi yozuvlar uchun avtomatik bog'lash mumkin emas (%s) -DoManualBindingForFailedRecord=Avtomatik ulanmagan %s qator(lar)i uchun qoʻlda havola qilishingiz kerak. - -ErrorAccountancyCodeIsAlreadyUse=Xato, siz hisob jadvalining ushbu hisobini oʻchira olmaysiz yoki oʻchira olmaysiz, chunki u ishlatilgan -MvtNotCorrectlyBalanced=Harakat to'g'ri muvozanatlanmagan. Debet = %s & Kredit = %s -Balancing=Balanslash -FicheVentilation=Majburiy karta -GeneralLedgerIsWritten=Bitimlar kitobda yozilgan -GeneralLedgerSomeRecordWasNotRecorded=Ba'zi operatsiyalarni jurnalga yozib bo'lmaydi. Agar boshqa xato xabari bo'lmasa, bu ular allaqachon jurnalga yozilganligi sababli bo'lishi mumkin. -NoNewRecordSaved=O‘tkazish uchun boshqa rekord yo‘q -ListOfProductsWithoutAccountingAccount=Hisoblar rejasining hech qanday hisobiga bog'lanmagan mahsulotlar ro'yxati -ChangeBinding=Majburiylikni o'zgartiring -Accounted=Hisob kitobida hisobga olingan -NotYetAccounted=Buxgalteriya hisobiga hali o'tkazilmagan -ShowTutorial=Qo'llanmani ko'rsatish -NotReconciled=Yarashtirilmagan -WarningRecordWithoutSubledgerAreExcluded=Ogohlantirish, subregger hisobi aniqlanmagan barcha qatorlar filtrlanadi va bu ko'rinishdan chiqarib tashlanadi -AccountRemovedFromCurrentChartOfAccount=Joriy hisobvaraqlar rejasida mavjud bo'lmagan buxgalteriya hisobi +DescVentilSupplier=Consult here the list of vendor invoice lines bound or not yet bound to a product accounting account (only record not already transfered in accountancy are visible) +DescVentilDoneSupplier=Consult here the list of the lines of vendor invoices and their accounting account +DescVentilTodoExpenseReport=Bind expense report lines not already bound with a fee accounting account +DescVentilExpenseReport=Consult here the list of expense report lines bound (or not) to a fee accounting account +DescVentilExpenseReportMore=If you setup accounting account on type of expense report lines, the application will be able to make all the binding between your expense report lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button "%s". If account was not set on fees dictionary or if you still have some lines not bound to any account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "%s". +DescVentilDoneExpenseReport=Consult here the list of the lines of expenses reports and their fees accounting account + +DescClosure=Consult here the number of movements by month who are not validated & fiscal years already open +OverviewOfMovementsNotValidated=Step 1/ Overview of movements not validated. (Necessary to close a fiscal year) +ValidateMovements=Validate movements +DescValidateMovements=Any modification or deletion of writing, lettering and deletes will be prohibited. All entries for an exercise must be validated otherwise closing will not be possible +SelectMonthAndValidate=Select month and validate movements + +ValidateHistory=Bind Automatically +AutomaticBindingDone=Automatic binding done + +ErrorAccountancyCodeIsAlreadyUse=Error, you cannot delete this accounting account because it is used +MvtNotCorrectlyBalanced=Movement not correctly balanced. Debit = %s | Credit = %s +Balancing=Balancing +FicheVentilation=Binding card +GeneralLedgerIsWritten=Transactions are written in the Ledger +GeneralLedgerSomeRecordWasNotRecorded=Some of the transactions could not be journalized. If there is no other error message, this is probably because they were already journalized. +NoNewRecordSaved=No more record to journalize +ListOfProductsWithoutAccountingAccount=List of products not bound to any accounting account +ChangeBinding=Change the binding +Accounted=Accounted in ledger +NotYetAccounted=Not yet accounted in ledger +ShowTutorial=Show Tutorial +NotReconciled=Not reconciled @@ -331,11 +287,11 @@ -BindingOptions=Majburiy variantlar -ApplyMassCategories=Ommaviy toifalarni qo'llang -AddAccountFromBookKeepingWithNoCategories=Mavjud hisob hali moslashtirilgan guruhda emas -CategoryDeleted=Buxgalteriya hisobi toifasi olib tashlandi -AccountingJournals=Buxgalteriya jurnallari -AccountingJournal=Buxgalteriya jurnali -NewAccountingJournal=Yangi buxgalteriya jurnali -NatureOfJournal=Jurnalning tabiati -AccountingJournalType1=Turli xil operatsiyalar -AccountingJournalType2=Sotish -AccountingJournalType3=Xaridlar +ApplyMassCategories=Apply mass categories +AddAccountFromBookKeepingWithNoCategories=Available account not yet in the personalized group +CategoryDeleted=Category for the accounting account has been removed +AccountingJournals=Accounting journals +AccountingJournal=Accounting journal +NewAccountingJournal=New accounting journal +ShowAccountingJournal=Show accounting journal +NatureOfJournal=Nature of Journal +AccountingJournalType1=Miscellaneous operations +AccountingJournalType2=Sales +AccountingJournalType3=Purchases @@ -343,21 +299,7 @@ -AccountingJournalType5=Xarajatlar hisoboti -AccountingJournalType8=Inventarizatsiya -AccountingJournalType9=Ajratilmagan daromad -GenerationOfAccountingEntries=Buxgalteriya yozuvlarini yaratish -ErrorAccountingJournalIsAlreadyUse=Ushbu jurnal allaqachon ishlatilgan -AccountingAccountForSalesTaxAreDefinedInto=Izoh: Sotish solig'i bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisobi %s - %s menyusida aniqlanadi -NumberOfAccountancyEntries=Yozuvlar soni -NumberOfAccountancyMovements=Harakatlar soni -ACCOUNTING_DISABLE_BINDING_ON_SALES=Sotish bo'yicha buxgalteriyada majburiy va o'tkazishni o'chirib qo'ying (mijozlar hisob-kitoblari buxgalteriya hisobida hisobga olinmaydi) -ACCOUNTING_DISABLE_BINDING_ON_PURCHASES=Xaridlar bo'yicha buxgalteriyada majburiy va o'tkazishni o'chirib qo'ying (sotuvchi hisob-kitoblari buxgalteriya hisobida hisobga olinmaydi) -ACCOUNTING_DISABLE_BINDING_ON_EXPENSEREPORTS=Xarajatlar hisobotlari bo'yicha buxgalteriyada majburiy va o'tkazishni o'chirib qo'ying (xarajatlar hisoboti buxgalteriya hisobida hisobga olinmaydi) -ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_LETTERING=Buxgalteriya hisobida harflar funksiyasini yoqing -ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_LETTERING_DESC=Ushbu parametr yoqilganda, siz har bir buxgalteriya yozuvida turli xil buxgalteriya harakatlarini guruhlashingiz uchun kodni belgilashingiz mumkin. Ilgari, turli jurnallar mustaqil ravishda boshqarilsa, bu xususiyat turli jurnallarning harakat chiziqlarini birlashtirish uchun zarur edi. Biroq, Dolibarr buxgalteriyasi bilan bunday kuzatuv kodi "%sb09a4b739fz01f deb ataladi. span>" allaqachon avtomatik tarzda saqlangan, shuning uchun avtomatik harflar allaqachon bajarilgan, xatolik xavfi yo'q, shuning uchun bu xususiyat umumiy foydalanish uchun foydasiz bo'lib qoldi. Qo'lda harf yozish xususiyati buxgalteriya hisobidagi ma'lumotlarni uzatishni amalga oshiradigan kompyuter dvigateliga haqiqatan ham ishonmaydigan oxirgi foydalanuvchilar uchun taqdim etiladi. -EnablingThisFeatureIsNotNecessary=Bu xususiyatni yoqish buxgalteriya hisobini jiddiy boshqarish uchun endi zarur emas. -ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_AUTOLETTERING=Buxgalteriya hisobiga o'tishda avtomatik harflarni yoqish -ACCOUNTING_ENABLE_AUTOLETTERING_DESC=Harf uchun kod avtomatik ravishda yaratiladi va oshiriladi va oxirgi foydalanuvchi tomonidan tanlanmaydi -ACCOUNTING_LETTERING_NBLETTERS=Harf kodini yaratishda harflar soni (standart 3) -ACCOUNTING_LETTERING_NBLETTERS_DESC=Ba'zi buxgalteriya dasturlari faqat ikki harfli kodni qabul qiladi. Ushbu parametr ushbu jihatni o'rnatishga imkon beradi. Harflarning standart soni uchtadir. -OptionsAdvanced=Kengaytirilgan variantlar -ACCOUNTING_FORCE_ENABLE_VAT_REVERSE_CHARGE=Yetkazib beruvchining xaridlari uchun QQS teskari to'lovini boshqarishni faollashtiring -ACCOUNTING_FORCE_ENABLE_VAT_REVERSE_CHARGE_DESC=Ushbu parametr yoqilgan bo'lsa, siz yetkazib beruvchi yoki ma'lum bir sotuvchi hisob-fakturasini buxgalteriya hisobiga boshqacha tarzda o'tkazish kerakligini belgilashingiz mumkin: "<" da belgilangan hisoblar rejasidan 2 ta hisobvaraq bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisobiga qo'shimcha debet va kredit liniyasi hosil bo'ladi. span class='notranslate'>%s" sozlash sahifasi. +AccountingJournalType5=Expenses report +AccountingJournalType8=Inventory +AccountingJournalType9=Has-new +ErrorAccountingJournalIsAlreadyUse=This journal is already use +AccountingAccountForSalesTaxAreDefinedInto=Note: Accounting account for Sales tax are defined into menu %s - %s +NumberOfAccountancyEntries=Number of entries +NumberOfAccountancyMovements=Number of movements @@ -366,7 +308 @@ -NotExportLettering=Faylni yaratishda harflarni eksport qilmang -NotifiedExportDate=Hali eksport qilinmagan qatorlarni Eksport qilingan deb belgilang (eksport qilingan deb belgilangan qatorni o‘zgartirish uchun butun tranzaksiyani o‘chirib tashlashingiz va uni buxgalteriya hisobiga qayta o‘tkazishingiz kerak) -NotifiedValidationDate=Hali bloklanmagan eksport qilingan yozuvlarni tasdiqlash va bloklash ("%s" funksiyasi bilan bir xil effekt, oʻzgartirish va oʻchirish qatorlar ALBATTA mumkin emas) -NotifiedExportFull=Hujjatlarni eksport qilishmi? -DateValidationAndLock=Sanani tekshirish va qulflash -ConfirmExportFile=Buxgalteriya eksporti faylini yaratishni tasdiqlashmi? -ExportDraftJournal=Jurnal jurnalini eksport qiling +ExportDraftJournal=Export draft journal @@ -376,20 +312,16 @@ -Modelcsv_CEGID=CEGID Expert Comptabilité uchun eksport -Modelcsv_COALA=Sage Coala uchun eksport -Modelcsv_bob50=Sage BOB 50 uchun eksport -Modelcsv_ciel=Sage50, Ciel Compta yoki Compta Evo uchun eksport qiling. (XIMPORT formati) -Modelcsv_quadratus=Quadratus QuadraCompta uchun eksport -Modelcsv_ebp=EBP uchun eksport -Modelcsv_cogilog=Cogilog uchun eksport -Modelcsv_agiris=Agiris Isacompta uchun eksport -Modelcsv_LDCompta=LD Compta (v9) uchun eksport (sinov) -Modelcsv_LDCompta10=LD Compta uchun eksport (v10 va undan yuqori) -Modelcsv_openconcerto=OpenConcerto uchun eksport (Test) -Modelcsv_configurable=CSV konfiguratsiyasini eksport qilish -Modelcsv_FEC=FECni eksport qilish -Modelcsv_FEC2=FEC-ni eksport qilish (sanalarni yozish / hujjatni o'zgartirish bilan) -Modelcsv_Sage50_Swiss=Sage 50 uchun Shveytsariya uchun eksport -Modelcsv_winfic=Winfic - eWinfic - WinSis Compta uchun eksport -Modelcsv_Gestinumv3=Gestinum uchun eksport (v3) -Modelcsv_Gestinumv5=Gestinum uchun eksport (v5) -Modelcsv_charlemagne=Aplim Buyuk Karl uchun eksport -ChartofaccountsId=Hisob-kitoblar rejasi +Modelcsv_CEGID=Export for CEGID Expert Comptabilité +Modelcsv_COALA=Export for Sage Coala +Modelcsv_bob50=Export for Sage BOB 50 +Modelcsv_ciel=Export for Sage Ciel Compta or Compta Evolution +Modelcsv_quadratus=Export for Quadratus QuadraCompta +Modelcsv_ebp=Export for EBP +Modelcsv_cogilog=Export for Cogilog +Modelcsv_agiris=Export for Agiris +Modelcsv_LDCompta=Export for LD Compta (v9) (Test) +Modelcsv_LDCompta10=Export for LD Compta (v10 & higher) +Modelcsv_openconcerto=Export for OpenConcerto (Test) +Modelcsv_configurable=Export CSV Configurable +Modelcsv_FEC=Export FEC +Modelcsv_Sage50_Swiss=Export for Sage 50 Switzerland +Modelcsv_winfic=Export Winfic - eWinfic - WinSis Compta +ChartofaccountsId=Chart of accounts Id @@ -398,31 +330,30 @@ -InitAccountancy=Buxgalteriya hisobi -InitAccountancyDesc=Ushbu sahifada sotish va sotib olish uchun aniqlangan buxgalteriya hisobi bo'lmagan mahsulotlar va xizmatlar bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisobini boshlash uchun foydalanish mumkin. -DefaultBindingDesc=Bu sahifadan maoshlar, xayriya, soliqlar va QQS kabi biznes ob'ektlarini hisob bilan bog'lash uchun foydalanish uchun standart hisoblarni (hisob jadvalidan) o'rnatish uchun foydalanish mumkin, agar aniq hisob o'rnatilmagan bo'lsa. -DefaultClosureDesc=Ushbu sahifadan buxgalteriya hisobini yopish uchun ishlatiladigan parametrlarni o'rnatish uchun foydalanish mumkin. -Options=Variantlar -OptionModeProductSell=Sotish rejimi -OptionModeProductSellIntra=Tartibni sotish EECda eksport qilinadi -OptionModeProductSellExport=Boshqa mamlakatlarga eksport qilingan tartibli sotuvlar -OptionModeProductBuy=Sotib olish tartibi -OptionModeProductBuyIntra=EECga import qilingan rejimdagi xaridlar -OptionModeProductBuyExport=Boshqa mamlakatlardan sotib olingan rejim sotib olingan -OptionModeProductSellDesc=Sotish bo'yicha buxgalteriya hisobi bilan barcha mahsulotlarni ko'rsating. -OptionModeProductSellIntraDesc=EECda sotish uchun buxgalteriya hisobi bilan barcha mahsulotlarni ko'rsating. -OptionModeProductSellExportDesc=Boshqa mahsulotlarni hisobga olish hisobi bilan barcha mahsulotlarni ko'rsating. -OptionModeProductBuyDesc=Xaridlar uchun buxgalteriya hisobi bilan barcha mahsulotlarni ko'rsating. -OptionModeProductBuyIntraDesc=EECda sotib olish uchun buxgalteriya hisobi bilan barcha mahsulotlarni ko'rsating. -OptionModeProductBuyExportDesc=Boshqa mahsulotlarni buxgalteriya hisobi bilan namoyish eting. -CleanFixHistory=Hisob jadvallarida mavjud bo'lmagan chiziqlardan buxgalteriya kodini olib tashlang -CleanHistory=Tanlangan yil uchun barcha bog'lanishlarni tiklang -PredefinedGroups=Oldindan belgilangan guruhlar -WithoutValidAccount=Yaratilgan maxsus hisobsiz -WithValidAccount=Yaratilgan maxsus hisob bilan -ValueNotIntoChartOfAccount=Buxgalteriya hisobining bu qiymati hisob rejasida mavjud emas -AccountRemovedFromGroup=Hisob guruhdan olib tashlandi -SaleLocal=Mahalliy sotuv -SaleExport=Eksportni sotish -SaleEEC=EECda sotish -SaleEECWithVAT=EECda QQS bilan sotish bekor bo'lmaydi, shuning uchun bu kommunal ichki savdo emas va taklif qilingan hisob standart mahsulot hisobvarag'i. -SaleEECWithoutVATNumber=EECda QQSsiz sotish, lekin uchinchi tomonning QQS identifikatori aniqlanmagan. Biz standart savdo hisobiga tushamiz. Siz uchinchi tomonning QQS identifikatorini tuzatishingiz yoki kerak bo'lsa, bog'lash uchun tavsiya etilgan mahsulot hisobini o'zgartirishingiz mumkin. -ForbiddenTransactionAlreadyExported=Taqiqlangan: tranzaktsiya tasdiqlangan va/yoki eksport qilingan. -ForbiddenTransactionAlreadyValidated=Taqiqlangan: tranzaksiya tasdiqlangan. +InitAccountancy=Init accountancy +InitAccountancyDesc=This page can be used to initialize an accounting account on products and services that does not have accounting account defined for sales and purchases. +DefaultBindingDesc=This page can be used to set a default account to use to link transactions record about payment salaries, donation, taxes and vat when no specific accounting account were already set. +DefaultClosureDesc=This page can be used to set parameters used for accounting closures. +Options=Options +OptionModeProductSell=Mode sales +OptionModeProductSellIntra=Mode sales exported in EEC +OptionModeProductSellExport=Mode sales exported in other countries +OptionModeProductBuy=Mode purchases +OptionModeProductBuyIntra=Mode purchases imported in EEC +OptionModeProductBuyExport=Mode purchased imported from other countries +OptionModeProductSellDesc=Show all products with accounting account for sales. +OptionModeProductSellIntraDesc=Show all products with accounting account for sales in EEC. +OptionModeProductSellExportDesc=Show all products with accounting account for other foreign sales. +OptionModeProductBuyDesc=Show all products with accounting account for purchases. +OptionModeProductBuyIntraDesc=Show all products with accounting account for purchases in EEC. +OptionModeProductBuyExportDesc=Show all products with accounting account for other foreign purchases. +CleanFixHistory=Remove accounting code from lines that not exists into charts of account +CleanHistory=Reset all bindings for selected year +PredefinedGroups=Predefined groups +WithoutValidAccount=Without valid dedicated account +WithValidAccount=With valid dedicated account +ValueNotIntoChartOfAccount=This value of accounting account does not exist into chart of account +AccountRemovedFromGroup=Account removed from group +SaleLocal=Local sale +SaleExport=Export sale +SaleEEC=Sale in EEC +SaleEECWithVAT=Sale in EEC with a VAT not null, so we suppose this is NOT an intracommunautary sale and the suggested account is the standard product account. +SaleEECWithoutVATNumber=Sale in EEC with no VAT but the VAT ID of thirdparty is not defined. We fallback on the product account for standard sales. You can fix the VAT ID of thirdparty or the product account if needed. + @@ -430,2 +361,2 @@ -Range=Buxgalteriya hisobi doirasi -Calculated=Hisoblangan +Range=Range of accounting account +Calculated=Calculated @@ -434,34 +364,0 @@ -## Reconcile -LetteringAuto=Avtomatik moslashtirish -LetteringManual=Muvofiqlashtirish bo'yicha qo'llanma -Unlettering=Murosasiz -UnletteringAuto=Avtomatik kelishuvni bekor qilish -UnletteringManual=Murosasiz qo'llanma -AccountancyNoLetteringModified=Hech qanday kelishuv o'zgartirilmagan -AccountancyOneLetteringModifiedSuccessfully=Bitta yarashuv muvaffaqiyatli oʻzgartirildi -AccountancyLetteringModifiedSuccessfully=%s moslashtirish muvaffaqiyatli o'zgartirildi -AccountancyNoUnletteringModified=Hech qanday kelishuv oʻzgartirilmagan -AccountancyOneUnletteringModifiedSuccessfully=Bitta kelishuv muvaffaqiyatli oʻzgartirildi -AccountancyUnletteringModifiedSuccessfully=%s unreconcile muvaffaqiyatli oʻzgartirildi - -## Closure -AccountancyClosureStep1=1-qadam: Harakatlarni tasdiqlang va qulflang -AccountancyClosureStep2=2-qadam: moliyaviy davrni yoping -AccountancyClosureStep3=3-qadam: Yozuvlarni chiqarib oling (ixtiyoriy) -AccountancyClosureClose=Moliyaviy davrni yopish -AccountancyClosureAccountingReversal="Taqsimlanmagan daromad" yozuvlarini chiqarib oling va yozib oling -AccountancyClosureStep3NewFiscalPeriod=Keyingi moliyaviy davr -AccountancyClosureGenerateClosureBookkeepingRecords=Keyingi moliyaviy davrda "taqsimlanmagan foyda" yozuvlarini yarating -AccountancyClosureSeparateAuxiliaryAccounts="Taqsimlanmagan daromad" yozuvlarini yaratishda sub-buxgalteriya hisoblarini batafsil ko'rsating -AccountancyClosureCloseSuccessfully=Moliyaviy davr muvaffaqiyatli yakunlandi -AccountancyClosureInsertAccountingReversalSuccessfully="Taqsimlanmagan foyda" uchun buxgalteriya yozuvlari muvaffaqiyatli kiritildi - -## Confirm box -ConfirmMassUnletteringAuto=Ommaviy avtomatik kelishuvni tasdiqlash -ConfirmMassUnletteringManual=Ommaviy qo‘lda kelishish tasdiqlanishi -ConfirmMassUnletteringQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv(lar)ni yarashtirmoqchimisiz? -ConfirmMassDeleteBookkeepingWriting=Ommaviy oʻchirishni tasdiqlash -ConfirmMassDeleteBookkeepingWritingQuestion=Bu operatsiyani buxgalteriya hisobidan o'chiradi (bir xil tranzaksiya bilan bog'liq barcha qator yozuvlari o'chiriladi). Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuvlarni oʻchirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -AccountancyClosureConfirmClose=Haqiqatan ham joriy moliyaviy davrni yopmoqchimisiz? Fiskal davrni yopish qaytarib bo‘lmaydigan amal ekanligini tushunasiz va bu muddat davomida kiritilgan har qanday o‘zgartirish yoki o‘chirishni butunlay blokirovka qiladi . -AccountancyClosureConfirmAccountingReversal=Haqiqatan ham "Taqsimlanmagan daromad" uchun yozuvlarni yozmoqchimisiz? - @@ -469,19 +366,10 @@ -SomeMandatoryStepsOfSetupWereNotDone=O'rnatishning ba'zi majburiy bosqichlari bajarilmadi, iltimos, ularni to'ldiring -ErrorNoAccountingCategoryForThisCountry=%s mamlakati uchun buxgalteriya hisobi guruhi mavjud emas (Qarang: %s - %s - %s) -ErrorInvoiceContainsLinesNotYetBounded=Siz hisob-fakturaning ba'zi satrlarini jurnalga yozishga harakat qilyapsiz %s , ammo boshqa qatorlar hali buxgalteriya hisobi bilan chegaralanmagan. Ushbu hisob-faktura uchun barcha hisob-fakturalarni jurnalizatsiya qilish rad etiladi. -ErrorInvoiceContainsLinesNotYetBoundedShort=Hisob-fakturadagi ba'zi satrlar buxgalteriya hisobi bilan bog'liq emas. -ExportNotSupported=Ushbu sahifada eksport formati o'rnatilmagan -BookeppingLineAlreayExists=Buxgalteriya hisobida mavjud bo'lgan chiziqlar -NoJournalDefined=Hech qanday jurnal aniqlanmagan -Binded=Chiziqlar bog'langan -ToBind=Bog'lash uchun chiziqlar -UseMenuToSetBindindManualy=Chiziqlar hali bog'lanmagan, bog'lanishni qo'lda bajarish uchun %s menyusidan foydalaning -SorryThisModuleIsNotCompatibleWithTheExperimentalFeatureOfSituationInvoices=Eslatma: bu modul yoki sahifa vaziyat hisob-fakturalarining eksperimental xususiyatiga to‘liq mos kelmaydi. Ba'zi ma'lumotlar noto'g'ri bo'lishi mumkin. -AccountancyErrorMismatchLetterCode=Kelishuv kodidagi nomuvofiqlik -AccountancyErrorMismatchBalanceAmount=Balans (%s) 0 ga teng emas -AccountancyErrorLetteringBookkeeping=Tranzaktsiyalarda xatoliklar yuz berdi: %s -ErrorAccountNumberAlreadyExists=%s hisob raqami allaqachon mavjud -ErrorArchiveAddFile=“%s” faylni arxivga qo‘yib bo‘lmadi -ErrorNoFiscalPeriodActiveFound=Faol moliyaviy davr topilmadi -ErrorBookkeepingDocDateNotOnActiveFiscalPeriod=Buxgalteriya hujjati sanasi faol moliyaviy davrda emas -ErrorBookkeepingDocDateIsOnAClosedFiscalPeriod=Buxgalteriya hujjati sanasi yopiq moliyaviy davr ichida +SomeMandatoryStepsOfSetupWereNotDone=Some mandatory steps of setup was not done, please complete them +ErrorNoAccountingCategoryForThisCountry=No accounting account group available for country %s (See Home - Setup - Dictionaries) +ErrorInvoiceContainsLinesNotYetBounded=You try to journalize some lines of the invoice %s, but some other lines are not yet bounded to accounting account. Journalization of all invoice lines for this invoice are refused. +ErrorInvoiceContainsLinesNotYetBoundedShort=Some lines on invoice are not bound to accounting account. +ExportNotSupported=The export format setuped is not supported into this page +BookeppingLineAlreayExists=Lines already existing into bookkeeping +NoJournalDefined=No journal defined +Binded=Lines bound +ToBind=Lines to bind +UseMenuToSetBindindManualy=Lines not yet bound, use menu %s to make the binding manually @@ -490,28 +378,5 @@ -ImportAccountingEntries=Buxgalteriya yozuvlari -ImportAccountingEntriesFECFormat=Buxgalteriya yozuvlari - FEC formati -FECFormatJournalCode=Kod jurnali (JournalCode) -FECFormatJournalLabel=Yorliq jurnali (JournalLib) -FECFormatEntryNum=Parcha raqami (EcritureNum) -FECFormatEntryDate=Parcha sanasi (EcritureDate) -FECFormatGeneralAccountNumber=Umumiy hisob raqami (CompteNum) -FECFormatGeneralAccountLabel=Umumiy hisob yorlig'i (CompteLib) -FECFormatSubledgerAccountNumber=Subledger hisob raqami (CompAuxNum) -FECFormatSubledgerAccountLabel=Subledger hisob raqami (CompAuxLib) -FECFormatPieceRef=Parcha ref (PieceRef) -FECFormatPieceDate=Parcha sanasini yaratish (PieceDate) -FECFormatLabelOperation=Yorliq bilan ishlash (EcritureLib) -FECFormatDebit=Debet (Debet) -FECFormatCredit=Kredit (Kredit) -FECFormatReconcilableCode=Yarashtiriladigan kod (EcritureLet) -FECFormatReconcilableDate=Yarashtiriladigan sana (DateLet) -FECFormatValidateDate=Parcha sanasi tasdiqlangan (ValidDate) -FECFormatMulticurrencyAmount=Ko'p valyuta miqdori (Montantdevise) -FECFormatMulticurrencyCode=Ko'p valyuta kodi (Idevise) - -DateExport=Sana eksporti -WarningReportNotReliable=Ogohlantirish, bu hisobot daftarga asoslanmagan, shuning uchun daftarda qo'lda o'zgartirilgan operatsiyalar mavjud emas. Agar sizning jurnalingiz yangilangan bo'lsa, buxgalteriya hisobi ko'rinishi aniqroq bo'ladi. -ExpenseReportJournal=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobot jurnali -DocsAlreadyExportedAreIncluded=Allaqachon eksport qilingan hujjatlar kiritilgan -ClickToShowAlreadyExportedLines=Allaqachon eksport qilingan qatorlarni ko'rsatish uchun bosing - -NAccounts=%s hisob qaydnomalari +ImportAccountingEntries=Accounting entries +DateExport=Date export +WarningReportNotReliable=Warning, this report is not based on the Ledger, so does not contains transaction modified manually in the Ledger. If your journalization is up to date, the bookkeeping view is more accurate. +ExpenseReportJournal=Expense Report Journal +InventoryJournal=Inventory Journal --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_admin.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_admin.lang @@ -2,187 +2,174 @@ -BoldRefAndPeriodOnPDF=PDF formatida ma'lumotnoma va mahsulot davrini chop eting -BoldLabelOnPDF=Mahsulot yorlig'ini PDF formatida qalin qilib chop eting -Foundation=Jamg'arma -Version=Versiya -Publisher=Nashriyotchi -VersionProgram=Dastur versiyasi -VersionLastInstall=Dastlabki o'rnatish versiyasi -VersionLastUpgrade=Eng so'nggi versiya yangilandi -VersionExperimental=Eksperimental -VersionDevelopment=Rivojlanish -VersionUnknown=Noma'lum -VersionRecommanded=Tavsiya etiladi -FileCheck=Fayllar yaxlitligini tekshiradi -FileCheckDesc=Ushbu vosita har bir faylni rasmiy fayl bilan taqqoslab, fayllarning yaxlitligini va sizning ilovangizni sozlashni tekshirishga imkon beradi. Ba'zi o'rnatish barqarorlarining qiymati ham tekshirilishi mumkin. Ushbu vositadan biron bir fayl o'zgartirilganligini aniqlash uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin (masalan, xaker tomonidan). -FileIntegrityIsStrictlyConformedWithReference=Fayllarning yaxlitligi ma'lumotnomaga to'liq mos keladi. -FileIntegrityIsOkButFilesWereAdded=Fayllarning yaxlitligini tekshirish o'tdi, ammo ba'zi yangi fayllar qo'shildi. -FileIntegritySomeFilesWereRemovedOrModified=Fayllarning yaxlitligini tekshirib bo'lmadi. Ba'zi fayllar o'zgartirildi, olib tashlandi yoki qo'shildi. -GlobalChecksum=Global nazorat summasi -MakeIntegrityAnalysisFrom=Dastur fayllarining yaxlitligini tahlil qiling -LocalSignature=O'rnatilgan mahalliy imzo (unchalik ishonchli emas) -RemoteSignature=Masofadagi uzoq imzo (ishonchli) -FilesMissing=Yo'qotilgan fayllar -FilesUpdated=Yangilangan fayllar -FilesModified=O'zgartirilgan fayllar -FilesAdded=Fayllar qo'shildi -FileCheckDolibarr=Ilova fayllarining yaxlitligini tekshiring -AvailableOnlyOnPackagedVersions=Butunlikni tekshirish uchun mahalliy fayl faqat dastur rasmiy paketdan o'rnatilganda mavjud bo'ladi -XmlNotFound=Xml Integrity Ilova fayli topilmadi -SessionId=Sessiya identifikatori -SessionSaveHandler=Seanslarni saqlash uchun ishlov beruvchi -SessionSavePath=Sessiyani saqlash joyini saqlash -PurgeSessions=Sessiyalarni tozalash -ConfirmPurgeSessions=Siz haqiqatan ham barcha mashg'ulotlarni tozalashni xohlaysizmi? Bu har bir foydalanuvchini o'chiradi (o'zingizdan tashqari). -NoSessionListWithThisHandler=PHP-da tuzilgan sessiya ishlovchilarini saqlash barcha ishlaydigan sessiyalarni ro'yxatlashiga yo'l qo'ymaydi. -LockNewSessions=Yangi ulanishlarni qulflang -ConfirmLockNewSessions=Dolibarr-ning yangi ulanishini o'zingiz bilan cheklashni xohlaysizmi? Shundan so'ng faqat %s foydalanuvchisi ulanish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi. -UnlockNewSessions=Ulanish qulfini olib tashlang -YourSession=Sizning sessiyangiz -Sessions=Foydalanuvchilar sessiyalari -WebUserGroup=Veb-server foydalanuvchisi / guruhi -PermissionsOnFiles=Fayllarga ruxsat -PermissionsOnFilesInWebRoot=Veb-ildiz katalogidagi fayllarga ruxsat -PermissionsOnFile=%s faylidagi ruxsatnomalar -NoSessionFound=Sizning PHP konfiguratsiyangiz faol seanslar ro'yxatiga ruxsat berilmaganga o'xshaydi. Seanslarni saqlash uchun ishlatiladigan katalog ( %s ) himoyalangan bo'lishi mumkin (masalan, OS ruxsatnomalari yoki open_basedir PHP direktivasi bilan). -DBStoringCharset=Ma'lumotlarni saqlash uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi belgisi -DBSortingCharset=Ma'lumotlarni saralash uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi belgisi -HostCharset=Xost to'plami -ClientCharset=Mijozlar to'plami -ClientSortingCharset=Mijozlarni taqqoslash -WarningModuleNotActive= %s moduli yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak -WarningOnlyPermissionOfActivatedModules=Bu erda faqat faollashtirilgan modullarga tegishli ruxsatlar ko'rsatilgan. Boshqa modullarni Home-> Setup-> Modules sahifasida faollashtirishingiz mumkin. -DolibarrSetup=Dolibarr-ni o'rnating yoki yangilang -DolibarrUpgrade=Dolibarr yangilanishi -DolibarrAddonInstall=Addon/Tashqi modullarni o'rnatish (yuklangan yoki yaratilgan) -InternalUsers=Ichki foydalanuvchilar -ExternalUsers=Tashqi foydalanuvchilar -UserInterface=Foydalanuvchi interfeysi -GUISetup=Displey -SetupArea=Sozlash; o'rnatish -UploadNewTemplate=Yangi shablon (lar) ni yuklash -FormToTestFileUploadForm=Faylni yuklashni sinab ko'rish uchun shakl (sozlash bo'yicha) -ModuleMustBeEnabled= %s moduli / ilovasi yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak -ModuleIsEnabled= %s moduli / ilovasi yoqilgan -IfModuleEnabled=Eslatma: ha faqat %s moduli yoqilgan taqdirda samarali bo'ladi. -RemoveLock=Yangilash / O'rnatish vositasidan foydalanishga ruxsat berish uchun fayl mavjud bo'lsa, uni o'chirish / qayta nomlash %s . -RestoreLock=Yangilash / O'rnatish vositasidan boshqa foydalanishni o'chirish uchun faqat o'qish uchun ruxsat berilgan holda %s faylini tiklang. -SecuritySetup=Xavfsizlikni sozlash -PHPSetup=PHP-ni sozlash -OSSetup=OS sozlamalari -SecurityFilesDesc=Fayllarni yuklash bilan bog'liq xavfsizlik bilan bog'liq variantlarni bu erda aniqlang. -ErrorModuleRequirePHPVersion=Xato, ushbu modulda PHP-ning %s yoki undan yuqori versiyasi talab qilinadi -ErrorModuleRequireDolibarrVersion=Xato, ushbu modulda Dolibarr %s yoki undan yuqori versiyasi talab qilinadi -ErrorDecimalLargerThanAreForbidden=Xato, %s dan yuqori aniqlik qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi. -DictionarySetup=Lug'atni sozlash -Dictionary=Lug'atlar -ErrorReservedTypeSystemSystemAuto="System" va "systemauto" qiymati saqlanib qolgan. O'zingizning yozuvingizni qo'shish uchun "foydalanuvchi" dan qiymat sifatida foydalanishingiz mumkin -ErrorCodeCantContainZero=Kod 0 qiymatini o'z ichiga olmaydi -DisableJavascript=JavaScript va Ajax funktsiyalarini o'chirib qo'ying -DisableJavascriptNote=Eslatma: faqat sinov yoki disk raskadrovka maqsadida. Ko'zi ojiz yoki matnli brauzerlarni optimallashtirish uchun siz foydalanuvchi profilidagi sozlamalardan foydalanishni afzal ko'rishingiz mumkin -UseSearchToSelectCompanyTooltip=Agar sizda uchinchi tomonlar soni ko'p bo'lsa (> 100 000), tezlikni COMPANY_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE-ni Setup-> Other-da 1-ga o'rnatish orqali oshirishingiz mumkin. Keyin qidirish satr boshlanishi bilan cheklanadi. -UseSearchToSelectContactTooltip=Agar sizda uchinchi tomonlar soni juda katta bo'lsa (> 100 000), siz CONTACT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE doimiyligini O'rnatish -> Boshqalar-da 1 ga o'rnatish orqali tezlikni oshirishingiz mumkin. Keyin qidirish satr boshlanishi bilan cheklanadi. -DelaiedFullListToSelectCompany=Uchinchi tomonlarning birlashtirilgan ro'yxati tarkibini yuklashdan oldin tugma bosilguncha kuting.
Agar sizda uchinchi tomonlar ko'p bo'lsa, bu unumdorlikni oshirishi mumkin, ammo bu unchalik qulay emas. -DelaiedFullListToSelectContact=Kontaktlar ro'yxati tarkibini yuklashdan oldin tugma bosilguncha kuting.
Agar sizda ko'plab kontaktlar mavjud bo'lsa, bu ishlashni oshirishi mumkin, ammo bu unchalik qulay emas. -NumberOfKeyToSearch=Qidiruvni boshlash uchun belgilar soni: %s -NumberOfBytes=Baytlar soni -SearchString=Qidiruv qatori -NotAvailableWhenAjaxDisabled=Ajax o'chirib qo'yilganda mavjud emas -AllowToSelectProjectFromOtherCompany=Uchinchi shaxsning hujjatida boshqa uchinchi tomon bilan bog'langan loyihani tanlashi mumkin -TimesheetPreventAfterFollowingMonths=Keyingi oylardan keyin sarflangan vaqtni yozib olmang -PROJECT_DISPLAY_LINKED_BY_CONTACT=Display project linked by a common contact -PROJECT_DISPLAY_LINKED_BY_CONTACT_help=This option adds a new list on Project tab with all projects linked to thirdparty via a contact relationship -JavascriptDisabled=JavaScript o'chirilgan -UsePreviewTabs=Oldindan ko'rish yorliqlaridan foydalaning -ShowPreview=Oldindan ko'rishni ko'rsatish -ShowHideDetails=Tafsilotlarni ko'rsatish-yashirish -PreviewNotAvailable=Oldindan ko‘rib chiqish imkoniyati mavjud emas -ThemeCurrentlyActive=Mavzu hozirda faol -MySQLTimeZone=TimeZone MySql (ma'lumotlar bazasi) -TZHasNoEffect=Sanalar ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri tomonidan saqlanadi va qaytariladi, xuddi taqdim etilgan satrda saqlangandek. Vaqt zonasi faqat UNIX_TIMESTAMP funktsiyasidan foydalanganda ta'sir qiladi (Dolibarr tomonidan foydalanilmasligi kerak, shuning uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi TZ hech qanday ta'sir ko'rsatmasligi kerak, hatto ma'lumotlar kiritilganidan keyin ham o'zgarishi kerak). -Space=Bo'shliq -Table=Jadval -Fields=Maydonlar -Index=Indeks -Mask=Niqob -NextValue=Keyingi qiymat -NextValueForInvoices=Keyingi qiymat (hisob-fakturalar) -NextValueForCreditNotes=Keyingi qiymat (kredit yozuvlari) -NextValueForDeposit=Keyingi qiymat (dastlabki to'lov) -NextValueForReplacements=Keyingi qiymat (almashtirish) -MustBeLowerThanPHPLimit=Eslatma: sizning PHP konfiguratsiyangiz hozirda ushbu parametr qiymatidan qat'i nazar, %s %s-ga yuklash uchun maksimal hajmni cheklaydi -NoMaxSizeByPHPLimit=Eslatma: PHP-ning konfiguratsiyasida chegara o'rnatilmagan -MaxSizeForUploadedFiles=Yuklangan fayllar uchun maksimal o'lcham (har qanday yuklashga ruxsat bermaslik uchun 0) -UseCaptchaCode=Kirish sahifasida va ba'zi umumiy sahifalarda grafik koddan (CAPTCHA) foydalaning -AntiVirusCommand=Antivirus buyrug'iga to'liq yo'l -AntiVirusCommandExample=ClamAv Daemon uchun namuna (clamav-demon talab qilinadi): / usr / bin / clamdscan
ClamWin uchun misol (juda sekin): c: \\ Progra ~ 1 \\ ClamWin \\ bin \\ clamscan.exe -AntiVirusParam= Buyruq satrida ko'proq parametrlar -AntiVirusParamExample=ClamAv Daemon uchun namuna: --fdpass
ClamWin uchun misol: --database = "C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ ClamWin \\ lib" -ComptaSetup=Buxgalteriya modulini sozlash -UserSetup=Foydalanuvchilarni boshqarish sozlamalari -MultiCurrencySetup=Ko'p valyutani sozlash -MenuLimits=Cheklovlar va aniqlik -MenuIdParent=Ota-ona menyusi identifikatori -DetailMenuIdParent=Asosiy menyu identifikatori (yuqori menyu uchun bo'sh) -ParentID=Ota -ona identifikatori -DetailPosition=Menyu holatini aniqlash uchun raqamni saralash -AllMenus=Hammasi -NotConfigured=Modul / dastur tuzilmagan -Active=Faol -SetupShort=Sozlash; o'rnatish -OtherOptions=Boshqa variantlar -OtherSetup=Boshqa sozlash -CurrentValueSeparatorDecimal=O'nli ajratuvchi -CurrentValueSeparatorThousand=Ming ajratuvchi -Destination=Belgilangan joy -IdModule=Modul identifikatori -IdPermissions=Ruxsatlar identifikatori -LanguageBrowserParameter=Parametr %s -LocalisationDolibarrParameters=Mahalliylashtirish parametrlari -ClientHour=Mijoz vaqti (foydalanuvchi) -OSTZ=Server operatsion tizimining vaqt zonasi -PHPTZ=PHP-server vaqt zonasi -DaylingSavingTime=Yozgi vaqt -CurrentHour=PHP vaqti (server) -CurrentSessionTimeOut=Joriy mashg'ulotning tanaffusi -YouCanEditPHPTZ=Boshqa PHP vaqt zonasini o'rnatish uchun (shart emas), siz "SetEnv TZ Europe / Paris" kabi qator bilan .htaccess faylini qo'shishga urinib ko'rishingiz mumkin. -HoursOnThisPageAreOnServerTZ=Ogohlantirish, boshqa ekranlardan farqli o'laroq, ushbu sahifadagi soatlar sizning mahalliy vaqt mintaqangizda emas, balki serverning vaqt zonasida. -Box=Vidjet -Boxes=Vidjetlar -MaxNbOfLinesForBoxes=Maks. vidjetlar uchun qatorlar soni -AllWidgetsWereEnabled=Barcha mavjud vidjetlar yoqilgan -WidgetAvailable=Vidjet mavjud -PositionByDefault=Standart buyurtma -MenusDesc=Menyu menejerlari ikkita menyu satrining tarkibini belgilaydilar (gorizontal va vertikal). -MenusEditorDesc=Menyu muharriri maxsus menyu yozuvlarini aniqlashga imkon beradi. Beqarorlik va menyuga doimiy ravishda kirib bo'lmaydigan yozuvlarni oldini olish uchun uni diqqat bilan ishlating.
Ba'zi modullar menyu yozuvlarini qo'shadilar (menyuda Hammasi asosan ). Agar siz ushbu yozuvlarning bir qismini xato bilan olib tashlasangiz, ularni o'chirib qo'yish va modulni qayta tiklashni tiklashingiz mumkin. -MenuForUsers=Foydalanuvchilar uchun menyu -LangFile=.lang fayli -Language_en_US_es_MX_etc=Til (en_US, es_MX, ...) -System=Tizim -SystemInfo=Tizim haqida ma'lumot -SystemToolsArea=Tizim asboblari maydoni -SystemToolsAreaDesc=Ushbu yo'nalish ma'muriy funktsiyalarni taqdim etadi. Kerakli xususiyatni tanlash uchun menyudan foydalaning. -Purge=Tozalash -PurgeAreaDesc=Ushbu sahifa Dolibarr tomonidan yaratilgan yoki saqlangan barcha fayllarni o'chirishga imkon beradi (vaqtinchalik fayllar yoki %s katalogidagi barcha fayllar). Ushbu xususiyatdan foydalanish odatda shart emas. Dolibarr veb-server tomonidan yaratilgan fayllarni o'chirishga ruxsat bermaydigan provayder tomonidan joylashtirilgan foydalanuvchilar uchun vaqtinchalik echim sifatida taqdim etiladi. -PurgeDeleteLogFile=Syslog moduli uchun belgilangan %s , shu jumladan jurnal fayllarini o'chirish (ma'lumotlarni yo'qotish xavfi yo'q) -PurgeDeleteTemporaryFiles=Barcha jurnal va vaqtinchalik fayllarni o'chirib tashlang (ma'lumotlarni yo'qotish xavfi yo'q). Parametr "tempfilesold", "logfiles" yoki ikkalasi ham "tempfilesold + logfiles" bo'lishi mumkin. Eslatma: Vaqtinchalik fayllarni o'chirish faqat vaqtinchalik katalog 24 soatdan ko'proq vaqt oldin yaratilgan taqdirda amalga oshiriladi. -PurgeDeleteTemporaryFilesShort=Jurnal va vaqtinchalik fayllarni o'chirish (ma'lumotlarni yo'qotish xavfi yo'q) -PurgeDeleteAllFilesInDocumentsDir=Katalogdagi barcha fayllarni o'chirib tashlang: %s .
Bu elementlar bilan bog'liq barcha yaratilgan hujjatlarni (uchinchi shaxslar, hisob-fakturalar va boshqalar), ECM moduliga yuklangan fayllarni, ma'lumotlar bazasining zaxira zaxiralarini va vaqtinchalik fayllarni o'chirib tashlaydi. -PurgeRunNow=Hozir tozalang -PurgeNothingToDelete=O'chirish uchun katalog yoki fayl yo'q. -PurgeNDirectoriesDeleted= %s fayllari yoki kataloglari o'chirildi. -PurgeNDirectoriesFailed= %s fayllari yoki kataloglari o'chirilmadi. -PurgeAuditEvents=Barcha xavfsizlik tadbirlarini tozalang -ConfirmPurgeAuditEvents=Barcha xavfsizlik tadbirlarini tozalamoqchimisiz? Barcha xavfsizlik jurnallari o'chiriladi, boshqa ma'lumotlar o'chirilmaydi. -GenerateBackup=Zaxira nusxasini yarating -Backup=Zaxira nusxasi -Restore=Qayta tiklash -RunCommandSummary=Zaxira nusxasi quyidagi buyruq bilan ishga tushirildi -BackupResult=Zaxira natijasi -BackupFileSuccessfullyCreated=Zaxira fayli muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi -YouCanDownloadBackupFile=Yaratilgan faylni endi yuklab olish mumkin -NoBackupFileAvailable=Zaxira fayllari mavjud emas. -ExportMethod=Eksport usuli -ImportMethod=Import usuli -ToBuildBackupFileClickHere=Zaxira faylini yaratish uchun tugmachasini bosing . -ImportMySqlDesc=MySQL-ning zaxira faylini import qilish uchun phpMyAdmin-dan xosting orqali foydalanishingiz yoki buyruq satridan mysql buyrug'idan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
Masalan: -ImportPostgreSqlDesc=Zaxira faylini import qilish uchun buyruq satridan pg_restore buyrug'ini ishlatishingiz kerak: -ImportMySqlCommand=%s %s %s
will be able to connect after that. +UnlockNewSessions=Remove connection lock +YourSession=Your session +Sessions=Users Sessions +WebUserGroup=Web server user/group +NoSessionFound=Your PHP configuration seems to not allow listing of active sessions. The directory used to save sessions (%s) may be protected (for example by OS permissions or by PHP directive open_basedir). +DBStoringCharset=Database charset to store data +DBSortingCharset=Database charset to sort data +HostCharset=Host charset +ClientCharset=Client charset +ClientSortingCharset=Client collation +WarningModuleNotActive=Module %s must be enabled +WarningOnlyPermissionOfActivatedModules=Only permissions related to activated modules are shown here. You can activate other modules in the Home->Setup->Modules page. +DolibarrSetup=Dolibarr install or upgrade +InternalUser=Internal user +ExternalUser=External user +InternalUsers=Internal users +ExternalUsers=External users +GUISetup=Display +SetupArea=Setup +UploadNewTemplate=Upload new template(s) +FormToTestFileUploadForm=Form to test file upload (according to setup) +IfModuleEnabled=Note: yes is effective only if module %s is enabled +RemoveLock=Remove/rename file %s if it exists, to allow usage of the Update/Install tool. +RestoreLock=Restore file %s, with read permission only, to disable any further use of the Update/Install tool. +SecuritySetup=Security setup +SecurityFilesDesc=Define here options related to security about uploading files. +ErrorModuleRequirePHPVersion=Error, this module requires PHP version %s or higher +ErrorModuleRequireDolibarrVersion=Error, this module requires Dolibarr version %s or higher +ErrorDecimalLargerThanAreForbidden=Error, a precision higher than %s is not supported. +DictionarySetup=Dictionary setup +Dictionary=Dictionaries +ErrorReservedTypeSystemSystemAuto=Value 'system' and 'systemauto' for type is reserved. You can use 'user' as value to add your own record +ErrorCodeCantContainZero=Code can't contain value 0 +DisableJavascript=Disable JavaScript and Ajax functions +DisableJavascriptNote=Note: For test or debug purpose. For optimization for blind person or text browsers, you may prefer to use the setup on the profile of user +UseSearchToSelectCompanyTooltip=Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant COMPANY_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string. +UseSearchToSelectContactTooltip=Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant CONTACT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string. +DelaiedFullListToSelectCompany=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Third Parties combo list.
This may increase performance if you have a large number of third parties, but it is less convenient. +DelaiedFullListToSelectContact=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Contact combo list.
This may increase performance if you have a large number of contacts, but it is less convenient) +NumberOfKeyToSearch=Number of characters to trigger search: %s +NumberOfBytes=Number of Bytes +SearchString=Search string +NotAvailableWhenAjaxDisabled=Not available when Ajax disabled +AllowToSelectProjectFromOtherCompany=On document of a third party, can choose a project linked to another third party +JavascriptDisabled=JavaScript disabled +UsePreviewTabs=Use preview tabs +ShowPreview=Show preview +PreviewNotAvailable=Preview not available +ThemeCurrentlyActive=Theme currently active +CurrentTimeZone=TimeZone PHP (server) +MySQLTimeZone=TimeZone MySql (database) +TZHasNoEffect=Dates are stored and returned by database server as if they were kept as submitted string. The timezone has effect only when using the UNIX_TIMESTAMP function (that should not be used by Dolibarr, so database TZ should have no effect, even if changed after data was entered). +Space=Space +Table=Table +Fields=Fields +Index=Index +Mask=Mask +NextValue=Next value +NextValueForInvoices=Next value (invoices) +NextValueForCreditNotes=Next value (credit notes) +NextValueForDeposit=Next value (down payment) +NextValueForReplacements=Next value (replacements) +MustBeLowerThanPHPLimit=Note: your PHP configuration currently limits the maximum filesize for upload to %s %s, irrespective of the value of this parameter +NoMaxSizeByPHPLimit=Note: No limit is set in your PHP configuration +MaxSizeForUploadedFiles=Maximum size for uploaded files (0 to disallow any upload) +UseCaptchaCode=Use graphical code (CAPTCHA) on login page +AntiVirusCommand=Full path to antivirus command +AntiVirusCommandExample=Example for ClamAv Daemon (require clamav-daemon): /usr/bin/clamdscan
Example for ClamWin (very very slow): c:\\Progra~1\\ClamWin\\bin\\clamscan.exe +AntiVirusParam= More parameters on command line +AntiVirusParamExample=Example for ClamAv Daemon: --fdpass
Example for ClamWin: --database="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ClamWin\\lib" +ComptaSetup=Accounting module setup +UserSetup=User management setup +MultiCurrencySetup=Multi-currency setup +MenuLimits=Limits and accuracy +MenuIdParent=Parent menu ID +DetailMenuIdParent=ID of parent menu (empty for a top menu) +DetailPosition=Sort number to define menu position +AllMenus=All +NotConfigured=Module/Application not configured +Active=Active +SetupShort=Setup +OtherOptions=Other options +OtherSetup=Other Setup +CurrentValueSeparatorDecimal=Decimal separator +CurrentValueSeparatorThousand=Thousand separator +Destination=Destination +IdModule=Module ID +IdPermissions=Permissions ID +LanguageBrowserParameter=Parameter %s +LocalisationDolibarrParameters=Localization parameters +ClientTZ=Client Time Zone (user) +ClientHour=Client time (user) +OSTZ=Server OS Time Zone +PHPTZ=PHP server Time Zone +DaylingSavingTime=Daylight saving time +CurrentHour=PHP Time (server) +CurrentSessionTimeOut=Current session timeout +YouCanEditPHPTZ=To set a different PHP timezone (not required), you can try to add a .htaccess file with a line like this "SetEnv TZ Europe/Paris" +HoursOnThisPageAreOnServerTZ=Warning, in contrary of other screens, hours on this page are not in your local timezone, but of the timezone of the server. +Box=Widget +Boxes=Widgets +MaxNbOfLinesForBoxes=Max. number of lines for widgets +AllWidgetsWereEnabled=All available widgets are enabled +PositionByDefault=Default order +Position=Position +MenusDesc=Menu managers set content of the two menu bars (horizontal and vertical). +MenusEditorDesc=The menu editor allows you to define custom menu entries. Use it carefully to avoid instability and permanently unreachable menu entries.
Some modules add menu entries (in menu All mostly). If you remove some of these entries by mistake, you can restore them disabling and reenabling the module. +MenuForUsers=Menu for users +LangFile=.lang file +Language_en_US_es_MX_etc=Language (en_US, es_MX, ...) +System=System +SystemInfo=System information +SystemToolsArea=System tools area +SystemToolsAreaDesc=This area provides administration functions. Use the menu to choose the required feature. +Purge=Purge +PurgeAreaDesc=This page allows you to delete all files generated or stored by Dolibarr (temporary files or all files in %s directory). Using this feature is not normally necessary. It is provided as a workaround for users whose Dolibarr is hosted by a provider that does not offer permissions to delete files generated by the web server. +PurgeDeleteLogFile=Delete log files, including %s defined for Syslog module (no risk of losing data) +PurgeDeleteTemporaryFiles=Delete all temporary files (no risk of losing data). Note: Deletion is done only if the temp directory was created 24 hours ago. +PurgeDeleteTemporaryFilesShort=Delete temporary files +PurgeDeleteAllFilesInDocumentsDir=Delete all files in directory: %s.
This will delete all generated documents related to elements (third parties, invoices etc...), files uploaded into the ECM module, database backup dumps and temporary files. +PurgeRunNow=Purge now +PurgeNothingToDelete=No directory or files to delete. +PurgeNDirectoriesDeleted=%s files or directories deleted. +PurgeNDirectoriesFailed=Failed to delete %s files or directories. +PurgeAuditEvents=Purge all security events +ConfirmPurgeAuditEvents=Are you sure you want to purge all security events? All security logs will be deleted, no other data will be removed. +GenerateBackup=Generate backup +Backup=Backup +Restore=Restore +RunCommandSummary=Backup has been launched with the following command +BackupResult=Backup result +BackupFileSuccessfullyCreated=Backup file successfully generated +YouCanDownloadBackupFile=The generated file can now be downloaded +NoBackupFileAvailable=No backup files available. +ExportMethod=Export method +ImportMethod=Import method +ToBuildBackupFileClickHere=To build a backup file, click here. +ImportMySqlDesc=To import a MySQL backup file, you may use phpMyAdmin via your hosting or use the mysql command from the Command line.
For example: +ImportPostgreSqlDesc=To import a backup file, you must use pg_restore command from command line: +ImportMySqlCommand=%s %s < mybackupfile.sql @@ -190,93 +177,89 @@ -FileNameToGenerate=Zaxira nusxasi uchun fayl nomi: -Compression=Siqish -CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImport=Import paytida chet el kalitlarini o'chirib qo'yish buyrug'i -CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImportWarning=SQL dump-ni keyinroq tiklashni xohlasangiz, majburiydir -ExportCompatibility=Yaratilgan eksport faylining mosligi -ExportUseMySQLQuickParameter=--Quick parametridan foydalaning -ExportUseMySQLQuickParameterHelp='--Quick' parametri katta jadvallar uchun RAM sarfini cheklashga yordam beradi. -MySqlExportParameters=MySQL eksport parametrlari -PostgreSqlExportParameters= PostgreSQL eksport parametrlari -UseTransactionnalMode=Tranzaksiya rejimidan foydalaning -FullPathToMysqldumpCommand=Mysqldump buyrug'iga to'liq yo'l -FullPathToPostgreSQLdumpCommand=Pg_dump buyrug'iga to'liq yo'l -AddDropDatabase=DROP DATABASE buyrug'ini qo'shing -AddDropTable=DROP TABLE buyrug'ini qo'shing -ExportStructure=Tuzilishi -NameColumn=Ustunlarni nomlash -ExtendedInsert=Kengaytirilgan INSERT -NoLockBeforeInsert=INSERT atrofida qulflash buyruqlari yo'q -DelayedInsert=Kechiktirilgan joylashtirma -EncodeBinariesInHexa=Ikkilik ma'lumotlarni o'n oltilikda kodlash -IgnoreDuplicateRecords=Ikki nusxadagi yozuvning xatolariga e'tibor bermang (INSERT IGNORE) -AutoDetectLang=Avtomatik aniqlash (brauzer tili) -FeatureDisabledInDemo=Demo-da xususiyat o'chirilgan -FeatureAvailableOnlyOnStable=Xususiyat faqat rasmiy barqaror versiyalarida mavjud -BoxesDesc=Vidjetlar - bu ba'zi sahifalarni shaxsiylashtirish uchun qo'shishingiz mumkin bo'lgan ba'zi ma'lumotlarni aks ettiruvchi komponentlar. Maqsadli sahifani tanlash va "Faollashtirish" tugmachasini bosish yoki o'chirish uchun axlat qutisini bosish orqali vidjetni ko'rsatish yoki ko'rsatmaslik o'rtasida tanlov qilishingiz mumkin. -OnlyActiveElementsAreShown=Faqat yoqilgan modullarining elementlari ko'rsatilgan. -ModulesDesc=Modullar / dasturlar dasturiy ta'minotda qaysi funktsiyalar mavjudligini aniqlaydi. Ba'zi modullar modulni faollashtirgandan so'ng foydalanuvchilarga ruxsat berilishini talab qiladi. Modul / dasturni yoqish yoki o'chirish uchun har bir modulning %s tugmachasini bosing. -ModulesDesc2=Modul/ilovani sozlash uchun %s g'ildirak tugmasini bosing. -ModulesMarketPlaceDesc=Internetda tashqi veb-saytlarda yuklab olish uchun ko'proq modullarni topishingiz mumkin ... -ModulesDeployDesc=Agar sizning fayl tizimingizdagi ruxsatnomalar bunga yo'l qo'ysa, siz ushbu vositadan tashqi modulni joylashtirish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin. Keyin modul %s yorlig'ida ko'rinadi. -ModulesMarketPlaces=Tashqi ilova / modullarni toping -ModulesDevelopYourModule=O'zingizning ilova / modullaringizni ishlab chiqing -ModulesDevelopDesc=Shuningdek, siz o'zingizning modulingizni ishlab chiqishingiz yoki o'zingiz uchun ishlab chiqadigan sherik topishingiz mumkin. -DOLISTOREdescriptionLong=Tashqi modulni topish uchun www.dolistore.com veb-saytini yoqish o'rniga siz o'zingiz uchun tashqi bozorda qidiruvni amalga oshiradigan ushbu ichki vositadan foydalanishingiz mumkin (sekin bo'lishi mumkin, Internetga kirish kerak) ... -FreeModule=Ozod -CompatibleUpTo=%s versiyasi bilan mos keladi -NotCompatible=Ushbu modul sizning Dolibarr %s (Min %s - Max %s) bilan mos kelmaydi. -CompatibleAfterUpdate=Ushbu modul sizning Dolibarr %s (Min %s - Max %s) uchun yangilanishni talab qiladi. -SeeInMarkerPlace=Bozor joyida ko'ring -SeeSetupOfModule=%s modulini o'rnatishga qarang -SeeSetupPage=Sozlash sahifasiga qarang: %s -SeeReportPage=Hisobot sahifasiga qarang: %s -SetOptionTo= %s ni %s ga sozlang -Updated=Yangilandi -AchatTelechargement=Sotib olish / yuklab olish -GoModuleSetupArea=Yangi modulni joylashtirish / o'rnatish uchun Modulni sozlash maydoniga o'ting: %s . -DoliStoreDesc=DoliStore, Dolibarr ERP / CRM tashqi modullari uchun rasmiy bozor -DoliPartnersDesc=Maxsus ishlab chiqilgan modullar yoki xususiyatlarni taqdim etadigan kompaniyalar ro'yxati.
Eslatma: Dolibarr ochiq kodli dastur bo'lgani uchun, PHP dasturlashda tajribali kimdir modul ishlab chiqishi kerak. -WebSiteDesc=Qo'shimcha (yadroli bo'lmagan) modullar uchun tashqi veb-saytlar ... -DevelopYourModuleDesc=O'zingizning modulingizni ishlab chiqish uchun ba'zi echimlar ... -URL=URL manzili -RelativeURL=Nisbiy URL -BoxesAvailable=Vidjetlar mavjud -BoxesActivated=Vidjetlar faollashtirildi -ActivateOn=Yoqish -ActiveOn=Yoqilgan -ActivatableOn=Faollashtirilishi mumkin -SourceFile=Manba fayli -AvailableOnlyIfJavascriptAndAjaxNotDisabled=Faqatgina JavaScript o'chirib qo'yilmagan bo'lsa mavjud -Required=Majburiy -UsedOnlyWithTypeOption=Faqat ba'zi kun tartibi variantlari tomonidan ishlatiladi -Security=Xavfsizlik -Passwords=Parollar -DoNotStoreClearPassword=Ma'lumotlar bazasida saqlangan parollarni shifrlang (oddiy matn sifatida EMAS). Ushbu parametrni faollashtirish tavsiya etiladi. -MainDbPasswordFileConfEncrypted=Conf.php-da saqlangan ma'lumotlar bazasi parolini shifrlash. Ushbu parametrni faollashtirish tavsiya etiladi. -InstrucToEncodePass=Parolni conf.php faylida kodlash uchun
$ dolibarr_main_db_pass = "..." qatorini almashtiring;
$ dolibarr_main_db_pass = "crypted: %s"; -InstrucToClearPass=Parolni conf.php faylida dekodlash (aniq) qilish uchun
$ dolibarr_main_db_pass = "crypted: ..." qatorini almashtiring;
$ dolibarr_main_db_pass = "%s"; -ProtectAndEncryptPdfFiles=Yaratilgan PDF-fayllarni himoya qilish. Bu tavsiya etilmaydi, chunki u ommaviy ishlab chiqarishni buzadi. -ProtectAndEncryptPdfFilesDesc=PDF-hujjatni himoya qilish har qanday PDF-brauzerda o'qish va chop etish imkoniyatini beradi. Biroq, tahrirlash va nusxalash endi mumkin emas. Shuni esda tutingki, ushbu funktsiyadan foydalanish global birlashtirilgan PDF-fayllarni yaratishni yaroqsiz holga keltiradi. -Feature=Xususiyat -DolibarrLicense=Litsenziya -Developpers=Ishlab chiquvchilar / hissadorlar -OfficialWebSite=Dolibarr rasmiy veb-sayti -OfficialWebSiteLocal=Mahalliy veb-sayt (%s) -OfficialWiki=Dolibarr hujjatlari / Wiki -OfficialDemo=Dolibarr onlayn demo -OfficialMarketPlace=Tashqi modullar / qo'shimchalar uchun rasmiy bozor joyi -OfficialWebHostingService=Yuborilgan veb-xosting xizmatlari (Cloud hosting) -ReferencedPreferredPartners=Afzal sheriklar -OtherResources=Boshqa manbalar -ExternalResources=Tashqi manbalar -SocialNetworks=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar -SocialNetworkId=Ijtimoiy tarmoq identifikatori -ForDocumentationSeeWiki=Foydalanuvchi yoki ishlab chiquvchi hujjatlari (Hujjat, tez-tez so'raladigan savollar...) uchun
Dolibarr Wiki-ni ko'rib chiqing:
a0ecb2ec87f497z0c a0ecb2ec87f49880zf -ForAnswersSeeForum=Boshqa savollar/yordamlar uchun Dolibarr forumidan foydalanishingiz mumkin:
%s a039ab47b -HelpCenterDesc1=Dolibarr bilan yordam va yordam olish uchun ba'zi manbalar. -HelpCenterDesc2=Ushbu manbalardan ba'zilari faqat inglizcha da mavjud. -CurrentMenuHandler=Joriy menyu boshqaruvchisi -MeasuringUnit=O'lchov birligi -LeftMargin=Chap chekka -TopMargin=Yuqori marja -PaperSize=Qog'oz turi -Orientation=Yo'nalish +FileNameToGenerate=Filename for backup: +Compression=Compression +CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImport=Command to disable foreign keys on import +CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImportWarning=Mandatory if you want to be able to restore your sql dump later +ExportCompatibility=Compatibility of generated export file +ExportUseMySQLQuickParameter=Use the --quick parameter +ExportUseMySQLQuickParameterHelp=The '--quick' parameter helps limit RAM consumption for large tables. +MySqlExportParameters=MySQL export parameters +PostgreSqlExportParameters= PostgreSQL export parameters +UseTransactionnalMode=Use transactional mode +FullPathToMysqldumpCommand=Full path to mysqldump command +FullPathToPostgreSQLdumpCommand=Full path to pg_dump command +AddDropDatabase=Add DROP DATABASE command +AddDropTable=Add DROP TABLE command +ExportStructure=Structure +NameColumn=Name columns +ExtendedInsert=Extended INSERT +NoLockBeforeInsert=No lock commands around INSERT +DelayedInsert=Delayed insert +EncodeBinariesInHexa=Encode binary data in hexadecimal +IgnoreDuplicateRecords=Ignore errors of duplicate record (INSERT IGNORE) +AutoDetectLang=Autodetect (browser language) +FeatureDisabledInDemo=Feature disabled in demo +FeatureAvailableOnlyOnStable=Feature only available on official stable versions +BoxesDesc=Widgets are components showing some information that you can add to personalize some pages. You can choose between showing the widget or not by selecting target page and clicking 'Activate', or by clicking the trashcan to disable it. +OnlyActiveElementsAreShown=Only elements from enabled modules are shown. +ModulesDesc=The modules/applications determine which features are available in the software. Some modules require permissions to be granted to users after activating the module. Click the on/off button %s of each module to enable or disable a module/application. +ModulesMarketPlaceDesc=You can find more modules to download on external websites on the Internet... +ModulesDeployDesc=If permissions on your file system allow it, you can use this tool to deploy an external module. The module will then be visible on the tab %s. +ModulesMarketPlaces=Find external app/modules +ModulesDevelopYourModule=Develop your own app/modules +ModulesDevelopDesc=You may also develop your own module or find a partner to develop one for you. +DOLISTOREdescriptionLong=Instead of switching on www.dolistore.com web site to find an external module, you can use this embedded tool that will perform the search on the external market place for you (may be slow, need an internet access)... +NewModule=New module +FreeModule=Free +CompatibleUpTo=Compatible with version %s +NotCompatible=This module does not seem compatible with your Dolibarr %s (Min %s - Max %s). +CompatibleAfterUpdate=This module requires an update to your Dolibarr %s (Min %s - Max %s). +SeeInMarkerPlace=See in Market place +SeeSetupOfModule=See setup of module %s +Updated=Updated +Nouveauté=Novelty +AchatTelechargement=Buy / Download +GoModuleSetupArea=To deploy/install a new module, go to the Module setup area: %s. +DoliStoreDesc=DoliStore, the official market place for Dolibarr ERP/CRM external modules +DoliPartnersDesc=List of companies providing custom-developed modules or features.
Note: since Dolibarr is an open source application, anyone experienced in PHP programming should be able to develop a module. +WebSiteDesc=External websites for more add-on (non-core) modules... +DevelopYourModuleDesc=Some solutions to develop your own module... +URL=URL +RelativeURL=Relative URL +BoxesAvailable=Widgets available +BoxesActivated=Widgets activated +ActivateOn=Activate on +ActiveOn=Activated on +SourceFile=Source file +AvailableOnlyIfJavascriptAndAjaxNotDisabled=Available only if JavaScript is not disabled +Required=Required +UsedOnlyWithTypeOption=Used by some agenda option only +Security=Security +Passwords=Passwords +DoNotStoreClearPassword=Encrypt passwords stored in database (NOT as plain-text). It is strongly recommended to activate this option. +MainDbPasswordFileConfEncrypted=Encrypt database password stored in conf.php. It is strongly recommended to activate this option. +InstrucToEncodePass=To have password encoded into the conf.php file, replace the line
$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:%s"; +InstrucToClearPass=To have password decoded (clear) into the conf.php file, replace the line
$dolibarr_main_db_pass="%s"; +ProtectAndEncryptPdfFiles=Protect generated PDF files. This is NOT recommended as it breaks bulk PDF generation. +ProtectAndEncryptPdfFilesDesc=Protection of a PDF document keeps it available to read and print with any PDF browser. However, editing and copying is not possible anymore. Note that using this feature makes building of a global merged PDFs not working. +Feature=Feature +DolibarrLicense=License +Developpers=Developers/contributors +OfficialWebSite=Dolibarr official web site +OfficialWebSiteLocal=Local web site (%s) +OfficialWiki=Dolibarr documentation / Wiki +OfficialDemo=Dolibarr online demo +OfficialMarketPlace=Official market place for external modules/addons +OfficialWebHostingService=Referenced web hosting services (Cloud hosting) +ReferencedPreferredPartners=Preferred Partners +OtherResources=Other resources +ExternalResources=External Resources +SocialNetworks=Social Networks +ForDocumentationSeeWiki=For user or developer documentation (Doc, FAQs...),
take a look at the Dolibarr Wiki:
%s +ForAnswersSeeForum=For any other questions/help, you can use the Dolibarr forum:
%s +HelpCenterDesc1=Here are some resources for getting help and support with Dolibarr. +HelpCenterDesc2=Some of these resources are only available in english. +CurrentMenuHandler=Current menu handler +MeasuringUnit=Measuring unit +LeftMargin=Left margin +TopMargin=Top margin +PaperSize=Paper type +Orientation=Orientation @@ -284,128 +267,121 @@ -SpaceY=Bo'shliq Y -FontSize=Shrift hajmi -Content=Tarkib -ContentForLines=Har bir mahsulot yoki xizmat uchun ko'rsatiladigan kontent (kontentning __LINES__ o'zgaruvchisidan) -NoticePeriod=Bildirishnoma muddati -NewByMonth=Oyga yangi -Emails=Elektron pochta xabarlari -EMailsSetup=Elektron pochta xabarlarini sozlash -EMailsDesc=Ushbu sahifa sizga elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish parametrlari yoki parametrlarini o'rnatishga imkon beradi. -EmailSenderProfiles=Elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboruvchi profillari -EMailsSenderProfileDesc=Siz ushbu bo'limni bo'sh qoldirishingiz mumkin. Agar siz bu erga ba'zi elektron pochta xabarlarini kiritsangiz, ular yangi elektron pochta xabarini yozganingizda, ularni qutilarga yuborish mumkin bo'lganlar ro'yxatiga qo'shiladi. -MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT=SMTP / SMTPS porti (php.ini-da standart qiymat: %s ) -MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER=SMTP / SMTPS Host (php.ini-da standart qiymat: %s ) -MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS porti -MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS xost -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM=Avtomatik elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun elektron pochta -EMailHelpMsgSPFDKIM=Dolibarr elektron pochta xabarlarining spam sifatida tasniflanishiga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun server ushbu identifikatsiya ostida elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborishga ruxsat berilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling (domen nomining SPF va DKIM konfiguratsiyasini tekshirish orqali) -MAIN_MAIL_ERRORS_TO=Xato uchun foydalanilgan elektron pochta xabarlarini qaytaradi (elektron pochtalarda "Xatolar" maydonlari) -MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO= Barcha elektron pochta xabarlarini nusxa ko'chiring (Bcc) -MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_MAILS=Barcha elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborishni o'chirib qo'ying (sinov maqsadida yoki namoyish uchun) -MAIN_MAIL_FORCE_SENDTO=Barcha elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboring (haqiqiy qabul qiluvchilar o'rniga, sinov maqsadida) -MAIN_MAIL_ENABLED_USER_DEST_SELECT=Yangi elektron pochta xabarini yozishda oldindan aniqlangan qabul qiluvchilar ro'yxatiga xodimlarning elektron pochta xabarlarini (agar aniqlangan bo'lsa) taklif eting -MAIN_MAIL_NO_WITH_TO_SELECTED=Faqat bitta variant mavjud bo'lsa ham, standart qabul qiluvchini tanlamang -MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE=Yuborish usuli -MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_ID=SMTP username or ID (if sending server requires an authentication) -MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW=SMTP password or token (if sending server requires an authentication) -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_TLS=TLS (SSL) shifrlashdan foydalaning -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_STARTTLS=TLS (STARTTLS) shifrlashdan foydalaning -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_SMTP_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED=Allow connection to mail servers that are using self-signed certificates -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_ENABLED=Elektron pochta imzosini yaratish uchun DKIM-dan foydalaning -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_DOMAIN=Dkim bilan ishlatish uchun elektron pochta domeniga -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_SELECTOR=Dkim selektorining nomi -MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY=Dkim imzosi uchun shaxsiy kalit -MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_SMS=Barcha SMS-xabarlarni yuborishni o'chirib qo'ying (sinov maqsadida yoki namoyish uchun) -MAIN_SMS_SENDMODE=SMS yuborishda foydalanish usuli -MAIN_SMS_FROM=Default sender phone number for SMS sending -MAIN_MAIL_DEFAULT_FROMTYPE=E-pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun shakllarda birlamchi jo‘natuvchining e-pochtasi oldindan tanlangan -UserEmail=Foydalanuvchi elektron pochtasi -CompanyEmail=Kompaniyaning elektron pochtasi -FeatureNotAvailableOnLinux=Xususiyat Unix tizimlarida mavjud emas. Sendmail dasturini mahalliy darajada sinab ko'ring. -FixOnTransifex=Tarjimani loyihaning onlayn tarjima platformasida tuzating -SubmitTranslation=Agar ushbu til uchun tarjima tugallanmagan bo'lsa yoki siz xatolarni topsangiz, buni langs / %s katalogidagi fayllarni tahrirlash orqali o'zgartirishingiz va o'zgartirishingizni www.transifex.com/dolibarr-association/dolibarr/ ga yuborishingiz mumkin. -SubmitTranslationENUS=Agar ushbu til uchun tarjima tugallanmagan bo'lsa yoki xatolarni topsangiz, uni fayllarni langs / %s katalogiga tahrirlash va o'zgartirilgan fayllarni dolibarr.org/forum saytiga yuborish yoki agar ishlab chiquvchi bo'lsangiz, github-da PR bilan tuzatish orqali tuzatishingiz mumkin. .com / Dolibarr / dolibarr -ModuleSetup=Modulni sozlash -ModulesSetup=Modullar / dasturni sozlash -ModuleFamilyBase=Tizim -ModuleFamilyCrm=Mijozlar bilan munosabatlarni boshqarish (CRM) -ModuleFamilySrm=Sotuvchilar bilan munosabatlarni boshqarish (VRM) -ModuleFamilyProducts=Mahsulotlarni boshqarish (PM) -ModuleFamilyHr=Inson resurslarini boshqarish (HR) -ModuleFamilyProjects=Loyihalar / Birgalikda ishlash -ModuleFamilyOther=Boshqalar -ModuleFamilyTechnic=Ko'p modulli vositalar -ModuleFamilyExperimental=Eksperimental modullar -ModuleFamilyFinancial=Moliyaviy modullar (Buxgalteriya / G'aznachilik) -ModuleFamilyECM=Elektron tarkibni boshqarish (ECM) -ModuleFamilyPortal=Veb-saytlar va boshqa frontal dastur -ModuleFamilyInterface=Tashqi tizimlar bilan interfeyslar -MenuHandlers=Menyu ishlovchilari -MenuAdmin=Menyu muharriri -DoNotUseInProduction=Ishlab chiqarishda foydalanmang -ThisIsProcessToFollow=Yangilash tartibi: -ThisIsAlternativeProcessToFollow=This is an alternative deployment process you can run manually: -StepNb=%s qadam -FindPackageFromWebSite=Sizga kerakli xususiyatlarni taqdim etadigan paketni toping (masalan, rasmiy veb-sayt %s). -DownloadPackageFromWebSite=To'plamni yuklab oling (masalan, rasmiy veb-sayt %s dan). -UnpackPackageInDolibarrRoot=Paketlangan fayllarni Dolibarr server katalogiga oching / oching: %s -UnpackPackageInModulesRoot=Tashqi modulni o'rnatish/o'rnatish uchun arxiv faylini tashqi modullarga mo'ljallangan server katalogiga ochish/ochish kerak:
%s -SetupIsReadyForUse=Modulni joylashtirish tugallandi. Biroq, sahifani o'rnatish modullariga o'tib, sizning ilovangizdagi modulni yoqishingiz va sozlashingiz kerak: %s . -NotExistsDirect=Mavjud katalog uchun muqobil ildiz katalogi aniqlanmagan.
-InfDirAlt=3-versiyadan boshlab muqobil ildiz katalogini aniqlash mumkin. Bu sizga maxsus katalog, plaginlar va maxsus andozalarni saqlashga imkon beradi.
Faqat Dolibarrning ildizida katalog yarating (masalan: maxsus).
keyin fayl conf.php
$ dolibarr_main_url_root_alt = '/ odatlarning "
$ dolibarr_main_document_root_alt =' / path / / Dolibarr / htdocs / odatlarning" ushbu satrlarni "#" bilan izohladi bo'lsa
, ularni ta'minlash uchun uni e'lon , faqat "#" belgisini olib tashlab, izoh qoldirmang. -YouCanSubmitFile=Siz modul paketining .zip faylini shu yerdan yuklashingiz mumkin: -CurrentVersion=Dolibarrning joriy versiyasi -CallUpdatePage=Ma'lumotlar bazasi tuzilishi va ma'lumotlarini yangilaydigan sahifani ko'rib chiqing: %s. -LastStableVersion=Oxirgi barqaror versiya -LastActivationDate=So'nggi faollashtirilgan sana -LastActivationAuthor=Eng so'nggi faollashtirish muallifi -LastActivationIP=So'nggi faollashtirilgan IP -LastActivationVersion=Eng so'nggi faollashtirish versiyasi -UpdateServerOffline=Serverni oflayn rejimda yangilang -WithCounter=Hisoblagichni boshqarish -GenericMaskCodes=Siz istalgan raqamlash maskasini kiritishingiz mumkin. Ushbu niqobda quyidagi teglardan foydalanish mumkin:
{000000} har bir %s bo'yicha ko'paytiriladigan raqamga mos keladi. Hisoblagichning istalgan uzunligidagi nollarni kiriting. Niqob kabi shuncha nolga ega bo'lish uchun hisoblagich chap tomondan nollar bilan to'ldiriladi.
{000000 + 000} oldingi bilan bir xil, lekin + belgisining o'ng tomonidagi raqamga mos keladigan ofset birinchi %s dan boshlab qo'llaniladi.
{000000 @ x} oldingisiga o'xshash, ammo x oyiga yetganda hisoblagich nolga o'rnatiladi (x 1 dan 12 gacha yoki 0 sizning konfiguratsiyangizda aniqlangan moliya yilining dastlabki oylaridan foydalanish uchun, yoki 99 dan har oy nolga qaytarish). Agar ushbu parametr ishlatilsa va x 2 yoki undan yuqori bo'lsa, unda {yy} {mm} yoki {yyyy} {mm} ketma-ketligi ham talab qilinadi.
{dd} kun (01 dan 31 gacha).
{mm} oy (01 dan 12 gacha).
{yy} , {yyyy} yoki {y} af90, y0 a79
-GenericMaskCodes2= {cccc} n kodidagi mijoz kodi
{cccc000} a09a4b8 client Xaridorga bag'ishlangan ushbu hisoblagich global hisoblagich bilan bir vaqtning o'zida tiklanadi.
{tttt} n belgidagi uchinchi tomon kodining kodi (Uy - O'rnatish - Lug'at - Uchinchi tomon turlari menyusiga qarang). Agar siz ushbu yorliqni qo'shsangiz, hisoblagich har bir uchinchi tomon turi uchun farq qiladi.
-GenericMaskCodes3=Maskadagi barcha boshqa belgilar buzilmasdan qoladi.
bo'sh joylarga ruxsat berilmaydi.
-GenericMaskCodes3EAN=Maskadagi barcha boshqa belgilar buzilmasdan qoladi (* yoki "EAN13" ning 13-pozitsiyasidan tashqari).
bo'sh joylarga ruxsat berilmaydi.
EAN13 da 13-o'rinda oxirgi} dan keyin oxirgi belgi * yoki bo'lishi kerak? . U hisoblangan kalit bilan almashtiriladi.
-GenericMaskCodes4a=31-01-2023 sanasi bilan uchinchi tomon TheCompany kompaniyasining 99-chi %sdagi misol:
-GenericMaskCodes4b=Example on third party created on 2023-01-31:
-GenericMaskCodes4c=Example on product created on 2023-01-31:
-GenericMaskCodes5=ABC{yy}{mm}-{000000} will give ABC2301-000099
{0000+100@1}-ZZZ/{dd}/XXX will give 0199-ZZZ/31/XXX
IN{yy}{mm}-{0000}-{t} will give IN2301-0099-A if the type of company is 'Responsable Inscripto' with code for type that is 'A_RI' -GenericNumRefModelDesc=Belgilangan niqobga ko'ra moslashtirilgan raqamni qaytaradi. -ServerAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server %s manzilida %s -ServerNotAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server %s manzilida %s manzilida mavjud emas -DoTestServerAvailability=Server ulanishini sinab ko'ring -DoTestSend=Sinov yuborish -DoTestSendHTML=HTML yuborish uchun sinov -ErrorCantUseRazIfNoYearInMask=Xatolik, har yili {yy} yoki {yyyy} ketma-ketligi niqobda bo'lmasa, hisoblagichni tiklash uchun @ parametridan foydalanib bo'lmaydi. -ErrorCantUseRazInStartedYearIfNoYearMonthInMask=Xato, agar {yy} {mm} yoki {yyyy} {mm} ketma-ketligi niqobda bo'lmasa @ parametridan foydalanib bo'lmaydi. -UMask=Unix / Linux / BSD / Mac fayl tizimidagi yangi fayllar uchun UMask parametri. -UMaskExplanation=Bu parametr serverda Dolibarr tomonidan yaratilgan fayllarga sukut boʻyicha oʻrnatilgan ruxsatlarni aniqlash imkonini beradi (masalan, yuklash paytida).
Bu sakkizlik qiymat boʻlishi kerak (masalan, 0666 oʻqilgan degan maʼnoni anglatadi). va hamma uchun yozing.). Tavsiya etilgan qiymat 0600 yoki 0660
Bu parametr Windows serverida foydasiz. -SeeWikiForAllTeam=Hissadorlar va ularning tashkilotlari ro'yxatini olish uchun Wiki sahifasini ko'rib chiqing -UseACacheDelay= Bir necha soniya ichida eksportga javobni keshlash uchun kechikish (0 yoki bo'sh joy uchun bo'sh) -DisableLinkToHelpCenter=Kirish sahifasida " Yordam kerak yoki " havolasini yashiring. -DisableLinkToHelp=" %s " onlayn yordamiga havolani yashiring. -AddCRIfTooLong=Matnni avtomatik o'rash mavjud emas, juda uzun bo'lgan matn hujjatlarda ko'rinmaydi. Iltimos, agar kerak bo'lsa, matn maydoniga karetka qaytishini qo'shing. -ConfirmPurge=Ushbu tozalashni amalga oshirishni xohlaysizmi?
bu sizning barcha ma'lumotlar fayllaringizni qayta tiklashning imkoni bo'lmagan holda butunlay yo'q qiladi (ECM fayllari, biriktirilgan fayllar ...). -MinLength=Minimal uzunlik -LanguageFilesCachedIntoShmopSharedMemory=Fayllar .lang umumiy xotiraga yuklandi -LanguageFile=Til fayli -ExamplesWithCurrentSetup=Joriy konfiguratsiyaga misollar -ListOfDirectories=OpenDocument shablonlari kataloglari ro'yxati -ListOfDirectoriesForModelGenODT=OpenDocument formatidagi shablon fayllarini o'z ichiga olgan kataloglar ro'yxati.

kataloglarning to'liq yo'lini qo'ying.
eah katalogi orasida karetka qaytishini qo'shing.
GED moduli katalogini qo'shish uchun bu erga DOL_DATA_ROOT / ecm / yourdirectoryname qo'shing.

Ushbu kataloglardagi fayllar .odt yoki .ods bilan tugashi kerak. -NumberOfModelFilesFound=Ushbu kataloglarda topilgan ODT / ODS shablon fayllari soni -ExampleOfDirectoriesForModelGen=Sintaksis namunalari:
c: \\ myapp \\ mydocumentdir \\ mysubdir
/ home / myapp / mydocumentdir / mysubdir
DOL_DATA_ROOT / ecm / ecmdir -FollowingSubstitutionKeysCanBeUsed=
Odt hujjat shablonlarini qanday yaratishni bilish uchun ularni o'sha kataloglarda saqlashdan oldin wiki hujjatlarini o'qing: -FullListOnOnlineDocumentation=https://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Create_an_ODT_document_template -FirstnameNamePosition=Ism / familiyaning joylashuvi -DescWeather=Kechiktirilgan harakatlar soni quyidagi qiymatlarga yetganda quyidagi rasmlar panelida ko'rsatiladi: -KeyForWebServicesAccess=Veb-xizmatlardan foydalanish kaliti (veb-xizmatlarda "dolibarrkey" parametri) -TestSubmitForm=Kirish test shakli -ThisForceAlsoTheme=Ushbu menyu menejeridan foydalanish, shuningdek, foydalanuvchi o'zi xohlagan mavzudan foydalanadi. Smartfonlarga ixtisoslashgan ushbu menyu menejeri barcha smartfonlarda ishlamaydi. Agar sizda muammolar yuzaga kelsa, boshqa menyu menejeridan foydalaning. -ThemeDir=Terilar katalogi -ConnectionTimeout=Ulanish vaqti tugadi -ResponseTimeout=Javob tugashi -SmsTestMessage=__PHONEFROM__ dan __PHONETO__ gacha bo'lgan sinov xabarlari -ModuleMustBeEnabledFirst=Agar sizga ushbu xususiyat kerak bo'lsa, avvalo %s moduli yoqilishi kerak. -SecurityToken=Xavfsiz URL manzillari uchun kalit -NoSmsEngine=SMS yuboruvchi menejeri mavjud emas. SMS yuboruvchisi menejeri standart tarqatish bilan o'rnatilmagan, chunki ular tashqi sotuvchiga bog'liq, ammo siz ularni %s da topishingiz mumkin. +SpaceY=Space Y +FontSize=Font size +Content=Content +NoticePeriod=Notice period +NewByMonth=New by month +Emails=Emails +EMailsSetup=Emails setup +EMailsDesc=This page allows you to override your default PHP parameters for email sending. In most cases on Unix/Linux OS, the PHP setup is correct and these parameters are unnecessary. +EmailSenderProfiles=Emails sender profiles +EMailsSenderProfileDesc=You can keep this section empty. If you enter some emails here, they will be added to the list of possible senders into the combobox when your write a new email. +MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT=SMTP/SMTPS Port (default value in php.ini: %s) +MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER=SMTP/SMTPS Host (default value in php.ini: %s) +MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS Port (Not defined into PHP on Unix-like systems) +MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS Host (Not defined into PHP on Unix-like systems) +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM=Sender email for automatic emails (default value in php.ini: %s) +MAIN_MAIL_ERRORS_TO=Email used for error returns emails (fields 'Errors-To' in emails sent) +MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO= Copy (Bcc) all sent emails to +MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_MAILS=Disable all email sending (for test purposes or demos) +MAIN_MAIL_FORCE_SENDTO=Send all emails to (instead of real recipients, for test purposes) +MAIN_MAIL_ENABLED_USER_DEST_SELECT=Suggest emails of employees (if defined) into the list of predefined recipient when writing a new email +MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE=Email sending method +MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_ID=SMTP ID (if sending server requires authentication) +MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW=SMTP Password (if sending server requires authentication) +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_TLS=Use TLS (SSL) encryption +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_STARTTLS=Use TLS (STARTTLS) encryption +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_ENABLED=Use DKIM to generate email signature +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_DOMAIN=Email Domain for use with dkim +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_SELECTOR=Name of dkim selector +MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_PRIVATE_KEY=Private key for dkim signing +MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_SMS=Disable all SMS sending (for test purposes or demos) +MAIN_SMS_SENDMODE=Method to use to send SMS +MAIN_MAIL_SMS_FROM=Default sender phone number for SMS sending +MAIN_MAIL_DEFAULT_FROMTYPE=Default sender email for manual sending (User email or Company email) +UserEmail=User email +CompanyEmail=Company Email +FeatureNotAvailableOnLinux=Feature not available on Unix like systems. Test your sendmail program locally. +SubmitTranslation=If the translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files in directory langs/%s and submit your change to www.transifex.com/dolibarr-association/dolibarr/ +SubmitTranslationENUS=If translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files into directory langs/%s and submit modified files on dolibarr.org/forum or for developers on github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr. +ModuleSetup=Module setup +ModulesSetup=Modules/Application setup +ModuleFamilyBase=System +ModuleFamilyCrm=Customer Relationship Management (CRM) +ModuleFamilySrm=Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) +ModuleFamilyProducts=Product Management (PM) +ModuleFamilyHr=Human Resource Management (HR) +ModuleFamilyProjects=Projects/Collaborative work +ModuleFamilyOther=Other +ModuleFamilyTechnic=Multi-modules tools +ModuleFamilyExperimental=Experimental modules +ModuleFamilyFinancial=Financial Modules (Accounting/Treasury) +ModuleFamilyECM=Electronic Content Management (ECM) +ModuleFamilyPortal=Websites and other frontal application +ModuleFamilyInterface=Interfaces with external systems +MenuHandlers=Menu handlers +MenuAdmin=Menu editor +DoNotUseInProduction=Do not use in production +ThisIsProcessToFollow=Upgrade procedure: +ThisIsAlternativeProcessToFollow=This is an alternative setup to process manually: +StepNb=Step %s +FindPackageFromWebSite=Find a package that provides the features you need (for example on the official web site %s). +DownloadPackageFromWebSite=Download package (for example from the official web site %s). +UnpackPackageInDolibarrRoot=Unpack/unzip the packaged files into your Dolibarr server directory: %s +UnpackPackageInModulesRoot=To deploy/install an external module, unpack/unzip the packaged files into the server directory dedicated to external modules:
%s +SetupIsReadyForUse=Module deployment is finished. You must however enable and setup the module in your application by going to the page setup modules: %s. +NotExistsDirect=The alternative root directory is not defined to an existing directory.
+InfDirAlt=Since version 3, it is possible to define an alternative root directory. This allows you to store, into a dedicated directory, plug-ins and custom templates.
Just create a directory at the root of Dolibarr (eg: custom).
Then declare it in the file conf.php
If these lines are commented with "#", to enable them, just uncomment by removing the "#" character. +YouCanSubmitFile=You can upload the .zip file of module package from here: +CurrentVersion=Dolibarr current version +CallUpdatePage=Browse to the page that updates the database structure and data: %s. +LastStableVersion=Latest stable version +LastActivationDate=Latest activation date +LastActivationAuthor=Latest activation author +LastActivationIP=Latest activation IP +UpdateServerOffline=Update server offline +WithCounter=Manage a counter +GenericMaskCodes=You may enter any numbering mask. In this mask, the following tags could be used:
{000000} corresponds to a number which will be incremented on each %s. Enter as many zeros as the desired length of the counter. The counter will be completed by zeros from the left in order to have as many zeros as the mask.
{000000+000} same as previous but an offset corresponding to the number to the right of the + sign is applied starting on first %s.
{000000@x} same as previous but the counter is reset to zero when month x is reached (x between 1 and 12, or 0 to use the early months of fiscal year defined in your configuration, or 99 to reset to zero every month). If this option is used and x is 2 or higher, then sequence {yy}{mm} or {yyyy}{mm} is also required.
{dd} day (01 to 31).
{mm} month (01 to 12).
{yy}, {yyyy} or {y} year over 2, 4 or 1 numbers.
+GenericMaskCodes2={cccc} the client code on n characters
{cccc000} the client code on n characters is followed by a counter dedicated for customer. This counter dedicated to customer is reset at same time than global counter.
{tttt} The code of third party type on n characters (see menu Home - Setup - Dictionary - Types of third parties). If you add this tag, the counter will be different for each type of third party.
+GenericMaskCodes3=All other characters in the mask will remain intact.
Spaces are not allowed.
+GenericMaskCodes4a=Example on the 99th %s of the third party TheCompany, with date 2007-01-31:
+GenericMaskCodes4b=Example on third party created on 2007-03-01:
+GenericMaskCodes4c=Example on product created on 2007-03-01:
+GenericMaskCodes5=ABC{yy}{mm}-{000000} will give ABC0701-000099
{0000+100@1}-ZZZ/{dd}/XXX will give 0199-ZZZ/31/XXX
IN{yy}{mm}-{0000}-{t} will give IN0701-0099-A if the type of company is 'Responsable Inscripto' with code for type that is 'A_RI' +GenericNumRefModelDesc=Returns a customizable number according to a defined mask. +ServerAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is available at address %s on port %s +ServerNotAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is not available at address %s on port %s +DoTestServerAvailability=Test server connectivity +DoTestSend=Test sending +DoTestSendHTML=Test sending HTML +ErrorCantUseRazIfNoYearInMask=Error, can't use option @ to reset counter each year if sequence {yy} or {yyyy} is not in mask. +ErrorCantUseRazInStartedYearIfNoYearMonthInMask=Error, can't use option @ if sequence {yy}{mm} or {yyyy}{mm} is not in mask. +UMask=UMask parameter for new files on Unix/Linux/BSD/Mac file system. +UMaskExplanation=This parameter allow you to define permissions set by default on files created by Dolibarr on server (during upload for example).
It must be the octal value (for example, 0666 means read and write for everyone).
This parameter is useless on a Windows server. +SeeWikiForAllTeam=Take a look at the Wiki page for a list of contributors and their organization +UseACacheDelay= Delay for caching export response in seconds (0 or empty for no cache) +DisableLinkToHelpCenter=Hide link "Need help or support" on login page +DisableLinkToHelp=Hide link to online help "%s" +AddCRIfTooLong=There is no automatic text wrapping, text that is too long will not display on documents. Please add carriage returns in the text area if needed. +ConfirmPurge=Are you sure you want to execute this purge?
This will permanently delete all your data files with no way to restore them (ECM files, attached files...). +MinLength=Minimum length +LanguageFilesCachedIntoShmopSharedMemory=Files .lang loaded in shared memory +LanguageFile=Language file +ExamplesWithCurrentSetup=Examples with current configuration +ListOfDirectories=List of OpenDocument templates directories +ListOfDirectoriesForModelGenODT=List of directories containing templates files with OpenDocument format.

Put here full path of directories.
Add a carriage return between eah directory.
To add a directory of the GED module, add here DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/yourdirectoryname.

Files in those directories must end with .odt or .ods. +NumberOfModelFilesFound=Number of ODT/ODS template files found in these directories +ExampleOfDirectoriesForModelGen=Examples of syntax:
DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/ecmdir +FollowingSubstitutionKeysCanBeUsed=
To know how to create your odt document templates, before storing them in those directories, read wiki documentation: +FullListOnOnlineDocumentation=http://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Create_an_ODT_document_template +FirstnameNamePosition=Position of Name/Lastname +DescWeather=The following images will be shown on the dashboard when the number of late actions reach the following values: +KeyForWebServicesAccess=Key to use Web Services (parameter "dolibarrkey" in webservices) +TestSubmitForm=Input test form +ThisForceAlsoTheme=Using this menu manager will also use its own theme whatever the user choice. Also this menu manager specialized for smartphones does not work on all smartphone. Use another menu manager if you experience problems with yours. +ThemeDir=Skins directory +ConnectionTimeout=Connection timeout +ResponseTimeout=Response timeout +SmsTestMessage=Test message from __PHONEFROM__ to __PHONETO__ +ModuleMustBeEnabledFirst=Module %s must be enabled first if you need this feature. +SecurityToken=Key to secure URLs +NoSmsEngine=No SMS sender manager available. A SMS sender manager is not installed with the default distribution because they depend on an external vendor, but you can find some on %s @@ -413,30 +389,25 @@ -PDFDesc=PDF yaratish uchun global imkoniyatlar -PDFOtherDesc=Ba'zi bir modullarga xos bo'lgan PDF-variant -PDFAddressForging=Manzil bo'limi qoidalari -HideAnyVATInformationOnPDF=Savdo solig'i / QQS bilan bog'liq barcha ma'lumotlarni yashirish -PDFRulesForSalesTax=Savdo solig'i / QQS bo'yicha qoidalar -PDFLocaltax=%s uchun qoidalar -HideLocalTaxOnPDF=%s stavkasini sotish bo'yicha soliq / QQS ustunida yashiring -HideDescOnPDF=Mahsulotlar tavsifini yashirish -HideRefOnPDF=Mahsulotlarni yashirish ref. -ShowProductBarcodeOnPDF=Mahsulotlarning shtrix-kod raqamini ko'rsating -HideDetailsOnPDF=Mahsulot liniyalari tafsilotlarini yashirish -PlaceCustomerAddressToIsoLocation=Mijozning manzili uchun frantsuz standart pozitsiyasidan (La Poste) foydalaning -Library=Kutubxona -UrlGenerationParameters=URL manzillarini himoyalash parametrlari -SecurityTokenIsUnique=Har bir URL uchun noyob securekey parametridan foydalaning -EnterRefToBuildUrl=%s ob'ekti uchun ma'lumotnomani kiriting -GetSecuredUrl=Hisoblangan URLni oling -ButtonHideUnauthorized=Ruxsatsiz harakat tugmalarini ichki foydalanuvchilar uchun ham yashirish (aks holda kulrang rangda) -OldVATRates=Eski QQS stavkasi -NewVATRates=QQSning yangi stavkasi -PriceBaseTypeToChange=Belgilangan asosiy mos yozuvlar qiymati bilan narxlarni o'zgartiring -MassConvert=Ommaviy konversiyani ishga tushiring -PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage=Joriy tilda narxlar formati -String=Ip -String1Line=Ip (1 qator) -Text=Matn -TextLong=Uzoq matn -TextLongNLines=Uzoq matn (n satr) -HtmlText=HTML matni -Int=Butun son +PDFDesc=Global options for PDF generation. +PDFAddressForging=Rules for address boxes +HideAnyVATInformationOnPDF=Hide all information related to Sales Tax / VAT +PDFRulesForSalesTax=Rules for Sales Tax / VAT +PDFLocaltax=Rules for %s +HideLocalTaxOnPDF=Hide %s rate in column Tax Sale +HideDescOnPDF=Hide products description +HideRefOnPDF=Hide products ref. +HideDetailsOnPDF=Hide product lines details +PlaceCustomerAddressToIsoLocation=Use french standard position (La Poste) for customer address position +Library=Library +UrlGenerationParameters=Parameters to secure URLs +SecurityTokenIsUnique=Use a unique securekey parameter for each URL +EnterRefToBuildUrl=Enter reference for object %s +GetSecuredUrl=Get calculated URL +ButtonHideUnauthorized=Hide buttons for non-admin users for unauthorized actions instead of showing greyed disabled buttons +OldVATRates=Old VAT rate +NewVATRates=New VAT rate +PriceBaseTypeToChange=Modify on prices with base reference value defined on +MassConvert=Launch bulk conversion +PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage=Price Format In Current Language +String=String +TextLong=Long text +HtmlText=Html text +Int=Integer @@ -444,7 +415,6 @@ -DateAndTime=Sana va soat -Unique=Noyob -Boolean=Mantiqiy (bitta katakcha) -ExtrafieldPhone = Telefon -ExtrafieldPrice = Narx -ExtrafieldPriceWithCurrency=Valyuta bilan narx -ExtrafieldMail = Elektron pochta +DateAndTime=Date and hour +Unique=Unique +Boolean=Boolean (one checkbox) +ExtrafieldPhone = Phone +ExtrafieldPrice = Price +ExtrafieldMail = Email @@ -452,27 +422,22 @@ -ExtrafieldIP = IP -ExtrafieldSelect = Ro'yxatni tanlang -ExtrafieldSelectList = Jadvaldan tanlang -ExtrafieldSeparator=Ajratuvchi (maydon emas) -ExtrafieldPassword=Parol -ExtrafieldRadio=Radio tugmalari (faqat bitta tanlov) -ExtrafieldCheckBox=Belgilash katakchalari -ExtrafieldCheckBoxFromList=Jadvaldagi katakchalar -ExtrafieldLink=Ob'ektga havola -ExtrafieldPointGeo=Geometric Point -ExtrafieldMultiPointGeo=Geometric Multi Point -ExtrafieldLinestringGeo=Geometric Linestring -ExtrafieldPolygonGeo=Geometric Polygon -ComputedFormula=Hisoblangan maydon -ComputedFormulaDesc=Dinamik hisoblangan qiymatni olish uchun ob'ektning boshqa xususiyatlaridan yoki istalgan PHP kodlashidan foydalanib, bu erga formulani kiritishingiz mumkin. Siz har qanday PHP-ga mos formulalardan foydalanishingiz mumkin, shu jumladan "?" shart operatori va quyidagi global obyekt: $db, $conf, $langs, $mysoc, $user, $objectoffield.
OGOHLANTIRISH of ob'ekt xususiyatlari: Agar sizga kerak bo'lsa. yuklanmagan, faqat ikkinchi misoldagi kabi oʻz formulangizga obʼyektni olib keling.
Hisoblangan maydondan foydalanish interfeysdan oʻzingizga hech qanday qiymat kirita olmasligingizni anglatadi. Bundan tashqari, sintaksis xatosi bo'lsa, formula hech narsa qaytara olmaydi.

Formula misoli:
$objectoffield->id < 10 ? round($objectoffield->id / 2, 2): ($objectoffield->id + 2 * $user->id) * ( int) substr($mysoc->zip, 1, 2)

Obyektni qayta yuklash uchun misol
(($reloadedobj = new Societe($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($objectoffield->id) > 0 ? $reloadedobj->array_options['options_extrafieldkey'] $j- >kapital / 5: '-1')

Obyekt va uning asosiy ob'ektini majburlash uchun formulaning boshqa misoli:
(($reloadedobj = new Task($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($objectoffield->id) > 0) && ($secondloadedobj = yangi loyiha( $db)) && ($secondloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($reloadedobj->fk_project) > 0)) ? $secondloadedobj->ref: 'Ota loyiha topilmadi' -Computedpersistent=Hisoblangan maydonni saqlash -ComputedpersistentDesc=Hisoblangan qo'shimcha maydonlar ma'lumotlar bazasida saqlanadi, ammo qiymat faqat ushbu maydon ob'ekti o'zgartirilganda qayta hisoblanadi. Agar hisoblangan maydon boshqa ob'ektlarga yoki global ma'lumotlarga bog'liq bo'lsa, bu qiymat noto'g'ri bo'lishi mumkin !! -ExtrafieldParamHelpPassword=Bu maydonni boʻsh qoldirish, bu qiymat shifrlashSIZ saqlanishini bildiradi (maydon shunchaki yulduzlar bilan ekranda yashiringan).

Kirish qiymatni teskari shifrlash algoritmi bilan kodlash uchun "dolcrypt" qiymati. Tozalangan maʼlumotlar hali ham maʼlum boʻlishi va tahrirlanishi mumkin, lekin maʼlumotlar bazasiga shifrlangan.

“auto” (yoki “md5”) kiriting. 'sha256', 'password_hash', ...) standart parolni shifrlash algoritmidan (yoki md5, sha256, password_hash...) foydalanish uchun qaytarilmaydigan xeshlangan parolni maʼlumotlar bazasiga saqlash (asl qiymatni olishning imkoni yoʻq) -ExtrafieldParamHelpselect=Qadriyatlar ro'yxati format bo'lishi kerak, bu erda kalit '0' bo'lishi mumkin emas
2, value2
boshqa to'ldiruvchi xususiyati ro'yxatida qarab ro'yxati:
1, VALUE1 | options_ parent_list_code : parent_key
2, değer2 | options_ parent_list_code : maqsadida parent_key

boshqa ro'yxatiga qarab ro'yxatini ega bo'lishi:
1, VALUE1 | parent_list_code : parent_key
2, value2 | parent_list_code : parent_key -ExtrafieldParamHelpcheckbox=Qadriyatlar ro'yxati format kaliti bo'lgan satrlardan iborat bo'lishi kerak, (agar bu erda '0' bo'lishi mumkin emas)

1, value1
2, value2
3 ,03f03f -ExtrafieldParamHelpradio=Qadriyatlar ro'yxati format kaliti bo'lgan satrlardan iborat bo'lishi kerak, (agar bu erda '0' bo'lishi mumkin emas)

1, value1
2, value2
3 ,03f03f -ExtrafieldParamHelpsellist=List of values comes from a table
Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filtersql
Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filtersql

- id_field is necessarily a primary int key
- filtersql is a SQL condition. It can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value
You can also use $ID$ in filter which is the current id of current object
To use a SELECT into the filter use the keyword $SEL$ to bypass anti-injection protection.
if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)

In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:

In order to have the list depending on another list:
c_typent:libelle:id:parent_list_code|parent_column:filter -ExtrafieldParamHelpchkbxlst=Qadriyatlar ro'yxati
jadvalidan olingan Sintaksis: table_name: label_field: id_field :: filtersql
Misol: c_typent: libelle: id :: filtersql

filter faqat oddiy bo'lishi mumkin jodugarda $ ID $ ni ishlatishi mumkin, bu joriy ob'ektning identifikatori
Filtrda SELECT qilish uchun $ SEL $
dan foydalaning, agar ekstra maydonlarda filtrlashni xohlasangiz, sintaksisidan foydalaning. extra.fieldcode = ... (bu erda maydon kodi extrafield kodi)

boshqa to'ldiruvchi xususiyati ro'yxatida qarab ro'yxatini bo'lishi uchun:
c_typent: libelle: id: options_ parent_list_code | parent_column: filtri

boshqa ro'yxatiga qarab ro'yxatini ega bo'lish uchun:
c_typent: libelle: id: parent_list_code | parent_column: filter -ExtrafieldParamHelplink=Parametrlar ObjectName: Classpath
sintaksis: ObjectName: Classpath bo'lishi kerak -ExtrafieldParamHelpSeparator=
oddiy ajratuvchisi uchun bo'sh joyni saqlang holat har bir foydalanuvchi seansida saqlanadi) -LibraryToBuildPDF=PDF yaratish uchun foydalaniladigan kutubxona -LocalTaxDesc=Ba'zi mamlakatlar har bir faktura satrida ikki yoki uchta soliqni qo'llashlari mumkin. Agar shunday bo'lsa, ikkinchi va uchinchi soliq turini va uning stavkasini tanlang. Mumkin bo'lgan turlari:
1: Mahsulotlar va xizmatlarga mahalliy soliq QQSsiz qo'llaniladi (mahalliy soliq soliqsiz miqdorda hisoblab chiqiladi)
2: Mahsulotlar va xizmatlarga mahalliy soliq, shu jumladan QQS (localtax summa + asosiy soliq bo'yicha hisoblanadi)
3: Mahalliy soliq QQSsiz mahsulotlarga qo'llaniladi (localtax soliqsiz miqdor bo'yicha hisoblanadi)
4: mahalliy soliq, shu jumladan, QQS bo'lgan mahsulotlarga qo'llaniladi (localtax summa + asosiy so'm bo'yicha hisoblanadi)
5: QQSsiz xizmatlarga mahalliy soliq (localtax hisoblanadi
6: QQS, shu jumladan xizmatlarga mahalliy soliq qo'llaniladi (mahalliy soliq soliq + soliq bo'yicha hisoblanadi) +ExtrafieldSelect = Select list +ExtrafieldSelectList = Select from table +ExtrafieldSeparator=Separator (not a field) +ExtrafieldPassword=Password +ExtrafieldRadio=Radio buttons (one choice only) +ExtrafieldCheckBox=Checkboxes +ExtrafieldCheckBoxFromList=Checkboxes from table +ExtrafieldLink=Link to an object +ComputedFormula=Computed field +ComputedFormulaDesc=You can enter here a formula using other properties of object or any PHP coding to get a dynamic computed value. You can use any PHP compatible formulas including the "?" condition operator, and following global object: $db, $conf, $langs, $mysoc, $user, $object.
WARNING: Only some properties of $object may be available. If you need a properties not loaded, just fetch yourself the object into your formula like in the second example.
Using a computed field means you can't enter yourself any value from interface. Also, if there is a syntax error, the formula may return nothing.

Example of formula:
$object->id < 10 ? round($object->id / 2, 2): ($object->id + 2 * $user->id) * (int) substr($mysoc->zip, 1, 2)

Example to reload object
(($reloadedobj = new Societe($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($obj->id ? $obj->id: ($obj->rowid ? $obj->rowid: $object->id)) > 0)) ? $reloadedobj->array_options['options_extrafieldkey'] * $reloadedobj->capital / 5: '-1'

Other example of formula to force load of object and its parent object:
(($reloadedobj = new Task($db)) && ($reloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($object->id) > 0) && ($secondloadedobj = new Project($db)) && ($secondloadedobj->fetchNoCompute($reloadedobj->fk_project) > 0)) ? $secondloadedobj->ref: 'Parent project not found' +Computedpersistent=Store computed field +ComputedpersistentDesc=Computed extra fields will be stored in the database, however, the value will only be recalculated when the object of this field is changed. If the computed field depends on other objects or global data this value might be wrong!! +ExtrafieldParamHelpPassword=Leaving this field blank means this value will be stored without encryption (field must be only hidden with star on screen).
Set 'auto' to use the default encryption rule to save password into database (then value read will be the hash only, no way to retrieve original value) +ExtrafieldParamHelpselect=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')

for example:

In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:

In order to have the list depending on another list:
2,value2|parent_list_code:parent_key +ExtrafieldParamHelpcheckbox=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')

for example:
... +ExtrafieldParamHelpradio=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')

for example:
... +ExtrafieldParamHelpsellist=List of values comes from a table
Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter
Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter

- idfilter is necessarly a primary int key
- filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value
You can also use $ID$ in filter witch is the current id of current object
To do a SELECT in filter use $SEL$
if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)

In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:

In order to have the list depending on another list:
c_typent:libelle:id:parent_list_code|parent_column:filter +ExtrafieldParamHelpchkbxlst=List of values comes from a table
Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter
Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter

filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value
You can also use $ID$ in filter witch is the current id of current object
To do a SELECT in filter use $SEL$
if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)

In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:

In order to have the list depending on another list:
c_typent:libelle:id:parent_list_code|parent_column:filter +ExtrafieldParamHelplink=Parameters must be ObjectName:Classpath
Syntax: ObjectName:Classpath
Contact:contact/class/contact.class.php +ExtrafieldParamHelpSeparator=Keep empty for a simple separator
Set this to 1 for a collapsing separator (open by default for new session, then status is kept for each user session)
Set this to 2 for a collapsing separator (collapsed by default for new session, then status is kept fore each user session) +LibraryToBuildPDF=Library used for PDF generation +LocalTaxDesc=Some countries may apply two or three taxes on each invoice line. If this is the case, choose the type for the second and third tax and its rate. Possible type are:
1: local tax apply on products and services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)
2: local tax apply on products and services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main tax)
3: local tax apply on products without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)
4: local tax apply on products including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main vat)
5: local tax apply on services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)
6: local tax apply on services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + tax) @@ -480,117 +445,104 @@ -LinkToTestClickToDial= %s foydalanuvchisi uchun ClickToDial urlini sinab ko'rish uchun havolani ko'rsatish uchun qo'ng'iroq qilish uchun telefon raqamini kiriting. -RefreshPhoneLink=Havolani yangilang -LinkToTest= %s foydalanuvchisi uchun yaratilgan bosish havolasi (sinov uchun telefon raqamini bosing) -KeepEmptyToUseDefault=Standart qiymatdan foydalanish uchun bo'sh joyni saqlang -KeepThisEmptyInMostCases=Aksariyat hollarda siz ushbu maydonni bo'sh qo'yishingiz mumkin. -DefaultLink=Standart havola -SetAsDefault=Odatiy sifatida o'rnating -ValueOverwrittenByUserSetup=Diqqat, ushbu qiymat foydalanuvchi tomonidan o'rnatilishi bilan yozilishi mumkin (har bir foydalanuvchi o'z klikktodial urlini o'rnatishi mumkin) -ExternalModule=Tashqi modul -InstalledInto=%s katalogiga o'rnatilgan -BarcodeInitForThirdparties=Uchinchi tomonlar uchun ommaviy shtrix-kod -BarcodeInitForProductsOrServices=Mahsulotlar yoki xizmatlar uchun ommaviy shtrix kodni qayta tiklash yoki tiklash -CurrentlyNWithoutBarCode=Ayni paytda sizda %s yozuvi %s a0a65d071f60z0c bardefined29fcda mavjud. -InitEmptyBarCode=%s boʻsh shtrix kodlari uchun boshlangʻich qiymati -EraseAllCurrentBarCode=Barcha joriy shtrix qiymatlarini o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmEraseAllCurrentBarCode=Haqiqatan ham barcha shtrix kod qiymatlarini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -AllBarcodeReset=Barcha shtrix qiymatlari o'chirildi -NoBarcodeNumberingTemplateDefined=Shtrixli modulni o'rnatishda shtrix-shablonni raqamlash imkoniyati yoqilmagan. -EnableFileCache=Fayl keshini yoqish -ShowDetailsInPDFPageFoot=Korxona manzili yoki menejer nomi (masalan, professional identifikatorlar, kompaniya kapitali va QQS raqamidan tashqari) kabi altbilgiga qo'shimcha ma'lumotlarni qo'shing. -NoDetails=Taglavhada qo'shimcha ma'lumot yo'q -DisplayCompanyInfo=Kompaniyaning manzilini ko'rsatish -DisplayCompanyManagers=Displey menejeri nomlari -DisplayCompanyInfoAndManagers=Kompaniya manzili va menejer nomlarini ko'rsatish -EnableAndSetupModuleCron=Agar siz ushbu takrorlanadigan hisob-fakturani avtomatik ravishda yaratishni istasangiz, * %s * moduli yoqilgan va to'g'ri sozlanishi kerak. Aks holda, hisob-fakturalarni yaratish * Yaratish * tugmasi yordamida ushbu shablondan qo'lda bajarilishi kerak. Shuni esda tutingki, siz avtomatik ishlab chiqarishni yoqsangiz ham, siz qo'lda ishlab chiqarishni xavfsiz ravishda boshlashingiz mumkin. Xuddi shu davr uchun nusxalarini yaratish mumkin emas. -ModuleCompanyCodeCustomerAquarium=%s va undan keyin mijozning buxgalteriya kodi uchun mijoz kodi -ModuleCompanyCodeSupplierAquarium=%s va undan keyin sotuvchining buxgalteriya kodi uchun sotuvchi kodi -ModuleCompanyCodePanicum=Bo'sh buxgalteriya kodini qaytaring. -ModuleCompanyCodeDigitaria=Uchinchi shaxsning nomiga ko'ra murakkab buxgalteriya kodini qaytaradi. Kod birinchi pozitsiyada aniqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan prefiksdan, keyin uchinchi tomon kodida belgilangan belgilar sonidan iborat. -ModuleCompanyCodeCustomerDigitaria=%s, keyin qisqartirilgan mijoz nomi, belgilar soni bo'yicha: %s, mijozning buxgalteriya kodi uchun. -ModuleCompanyCodeSupplierDigitaria=%s, keyin esa etkazib beruvchining qisqartirilgan nomi, belgilar soni bo'yicha: etkazib beruvchining buxgalteriya kodi uchun %s. -Use3StepsApproval=Odatiy bo'lib, Sotib olish to'g'risida buyurtmalarni 2 xil foydalanuvchi yaratishi va tasdiqlashi kerak (bitta qadam / foydalanuvchi yaratishi va bitta qadam / foydalanuvchi tasdiqlashi kerak. E'tibor bering, agar foydalanuvchi yaratish va tasdiqlash huquqiga ega bo'lsa, bitta qadam / foydalanuvchi etarli bo'ladi) . Ushbu parametr bilan siz uchinchi bosqichni / foydalanuvchi tomonidan tasdiqlanishini so'rashingiz mumkin, agar miqdori ajratilgan qiymatdan yuqori bo'lsa (shuning uchun 3 ta qadam kerak bo'ladi: 1 = tasdiqlash, 2 = birinchi tasdiqlash va 3 = ikkinchi tasdiqlash miqdori etarli bo'lsa).
Agar bitta tasdiqlash (2 ta qadam) etarli bo'lsa, buni bo'sh qilib qo'ying, agar har doim ikkinchi ma'qullash (3 bosqich) kerak bo'lsa, uni juda past qiymatga (0,1) o'rnating. -UseDoubleApproval=Miqdor (soliqsiz) ... dan yuqori bo'lsa, 3 bosqichli tasdiqdan foydalaning. -WarningPHPMail=OGOHLANTIRISH: Ilovadan elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun sozlash odatiy umumiy sozlamalardan foydalanmoqda. Odatda, bir nechta sabablarga ko'ra standart o'rnatish o'rniga elektron pochta xizmati provayderingiz elektron pochta serveridan foydalanish uchun chiquvchi elektron pochta xabarlarini sozlash yaxshiroqdir: -WarningPHPMailA=- Elektron pochta xizmati provayderining serveridan foydalanish elektron pochtangizning ishonchliligini oshiradi, shuning uchun SPAM sifatida belgilanmasdan etkazib berish qobiliyatini oshiradi. -WarningPHPMailB=- Ba'zi elektron pochta xizmatlarini ko'rsatuvchi provayderlar (Yahoo singari) sizga o'z serverlaridan tashqari boshqa serverlardan elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborishga ruxsat bermaydilar. Sizning joriy sozlamangiz dastur serveridan sizning elektron pochta provayderingiz serverini emas, balki elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun foydalanadi, shuning uchun ba'zi qabul qiluvchilar (cheklovchi DMARC protokoli bilan mos keladigan) sizning elektron pochta provayderingizdan sizning elektron pochtangizni va ba'zi elektron pochta provayderlarini qabul qila oladimi deb so'rashadi. (Yahoo singari) "yo'q" deb javob berishi mumkin, chunki server ularga tegishli emas, shuning uchun yuborilgan elektron pochtangizning oz qismi etkazib berishga qabul qilinmasligi mumkin (elektron pochta provayderingiz yuborish kvotasidan ham ehtiyot bo'ling). -WarningPHPMailC=- Elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun o'zingizning elektron pochta xizmati provayderingizning SMTP-serveridan foydalanish ham qiziq, shuning uchun dasturdan yuborilgan barcha elektron pochta xabarlari sizning pochta qutingizdagi "Yuborilgan" katalogga saqlanadi. -WarningPHPMailD=Shuning uchun elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish usulini "SMTP" qiymatiga o'zgartirish tavsiya etiladi. -WarningPHPMailDbis=Agar siz haqiqatan ham e-pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun standart “PHP” usulini saqlab qolmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, bu ogohlantirishga e’tibor bermang yoki %sbu yerga bosing%s. -WarningPHPMail2=Agar sizning SMTP elektron pochta provayderingiz elektron pochta mijozini ba'zi bir IP-manzillar bilan cheklashi kerak bo'lsa (juda kam), bu sizning ERP CRM-ilovangiz uchun pochta foydalanuvchisi agentining (MUA) IP-manzili: %s . -WarningPHPMailSPF=Yuboruvchi elektron pochta manzilidagi domen nomi SPF yozuvi bilan himoyalangan bo'lsa (domen nomini ro'yxatga oluvchidan so'rang), siz domeningiz DNS SPF yozuviga quyidagi IP-larni qo'shishingiz kerak: %s . -ActualMailSPFRecordFound=Haqiqiy SPF yozuvi topildi (e-pochta uchun %s): %s -ClickToShowDescription=Tavsifni ko'rsatish uchun bosing -DependsOn=Ushbu modulga modul (lar) kerak -RequiredBy=Ushbu modul modul (lar) tomonidan talab qilinadi -TheKeyIsTheNameOfHtmlField=Bu HTML maydonining nomi. Maydonning kalit nomini olish uchun HTML-sahifaning tarkibini o'qish uchun texnik bilim talab qilinadi. -PageUrlForDefaultValues=Sahifaning URL manzilining nisbiy yo'lini kiritishingiz kerak. Agar siz URL manziliga parametrlarni qo'shsangiz, ko'rib chiqilgan URL manzilidagi barcha parametrlar shu yerda belgilangan qiymatga ega bo'lsa, u samarali bo'ladi. -PageUrlForDefaultValuesCreate=
forma yangi uchinchi tomonni yaratishi uchun %s .
Maxsus katalogga o'rnatilgan tashqi modullarning URL manzili uchun "custom /" ni qo'shmang, shuning uchun mymodule / mypage.php va custom / mymodule / mypage.php kabi yo'ldan foydalaning.
Agar url parametrlari bo'lsa, standart qiymatni xohlasangiz, siz %s dan foydalanishingiz mumkin -PageUrlForDefaultValuesList=
uchinchi shaxslar ro'yxati berilgan sahifa uchun %s .
Maxsus katalogga o'rnatilgan tashqi modullarning URL manzili uchun "custom /" ni qo'shmang, shuning uchun mymodule / mypagelist.php va custom / mymodule / mypagelist.php kabi yo'ldan foydalaning.
Agar url parametrlari bo'lsa, standart qiymatni xohlasangiz, siz %s dan foydalanishingiz mumkin -AlsoDefaultValuesAreEffectiveForActionCreate=Shuni ham yodda tutingki, shakl yaratish uchun standart qiymatlarni qayta yozish faqat to'g'ri ishlab chiqilgan sahifalar uchun ishlaydi (shuning uchun action=create yoki presend... parametri bilan) -EnableDefaultValues=Standart qiymatlarni sozlashni yoqish -EnableOverwriteTranslation=Tarjimalarni moslashtirishga ruxsat bering -GoIntoTranslationMenuToChangeThis=Ushbu kod bilan kalit uchun tarjima topildi. Ushbu qiymatni o'zgartirish uchun uni Home-Setup-translation-dan tahrirlashingiz kerak. -WarningSettingSortOrder=Ogohlantirish, standart tartiblash tartibini o'rnatish, agar maydon noma'lum maydon bo'lsa, ro'yxat sahifasiga o'tishda texnik xatolarga olib kelishi mumkin. Agar siz bunday xatoga duch kelsangiz, standart saralash tartibini olib tashlash va odatiy xatti-harakatlarni tiklash uchun ushbu sahifaga qayting. -Field=Maydon -ProductDocumentTemplates=Mahsulot hujjatini yaratish uchun hujjat shablonlari -ProductBatchDocumentTemplates=Mahsulot lotlari hujjatini yaratish uchun hujjat shablonlari -FreeLegalTextOnExpenseReports=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotlar bo'yicha bepul huquqiy matn -WatermarkOnDraftExpenseReports=Xarajatlar hisobotlari bo'yicha suv belgisi -ProjectIsRequiredOnExpenseReports=Loyiha xarajatlar hisobotini kiritish uchun majburiydir -PrefillExpenseReportDatesWithCurrentMonth=Yangi xarajatlar hisobotining boshlanish va tugash sanalarini joriy oyning boshlanish va tugash sanalari bilan oldindan to'ldiring -ForceExpenseReportsLineAmountsIncludingTaxesOnly=Xarajatlar hisoboti summalarini har doim soliqlar bilan birga kiritishga majbur qiling -BlockExpenseReportLineCreationIfNotBetweenDates=Block line creation if date of line added is not in expense report range -AttachMainDocByDefault=Agar sukut boʻyicha asosiy hujjatni e-pochtaga biriktirmoqchi boʻlsangiz (agar mavjud boʻlsa) buni Ha qilib belgilang. -FilesAttachedToEmail=Faylni biriktiring -SendEmailsReminders=Elektron pochta orqali kun tartibidagi eslatmalarni yuboring -davDescription=WebDAV serverini o'rnating -DAVSetup=DAV modulini sozlash -DAV_ALLOW_PRIVATE_DIR=Umumiy shaxsiy katalogni yoqing ("xususiy" deb nomlangan WebDAV katalogi - kirish zarur) -DAV_ALLOW_PRIVATE_DIRTooltip=Umumiy shaxsiy katalog - bu WebDAV katalogidir, unga kirish uchun kirish / kirish orqali har kim kirish huquqiga ega. -DAV_ALLOW_PUBLIC_DIR=Umumiy umumiy katalogni yoqing ("public" deb nomlangan WebDAV katalogi - kirish shart emas) -DAV_ALLOW_PUBLIC_DIRTooltip=Umumiy umumiy katalog - bu WebDAV katalogi bo'lib, unga kirish uchun hech kim kira olmaydi (o'qish va yozish rejimida), hech qanday avtorizatsiya talab qilinmaydi (kirish / parol qayd yozuvi). -DAV_ALLOW_ECM_DIR=DMS / ECM shaxsiy katalogini yoqing (DMS / ECM modulining ildiz katalogi - kirish zarur) -DAV_ALLOW_ECM_DIRTooltip=DMS/ECM modulidan foydalanganda barcha fayllar qo'lda yuklanadigan ildiz katalogi. Xuddi veb-interfeysdan kirish kabi, unga kirish uchun tegishli ruxsatlarga ega haqiqiy login/parol kerak bo'ladi. -##### Modules ##### -Module0Name=Foydalanuvchilar va guruhlar -Module0Desc=Foydalanuvchilar / xodimlar va guruhlarni boshqarish -Module1Name=Uchinchi tomonlar -Module1Desc=Kompaniyalar va aloqalarni boshqarish (mijozlar, istiqbollar ...) -Module2Name=Tijorat -Module2Desc=Tijorat menejmenti -Module10Name=Buxgalteriya hisobi (soddalashtirilgan) -Module10Desc=Ma'lumotlar bazasi tarkibiga asoslangan oddiy buxgalteriya hisobotlari (jurnallar, oborot). Biron bir jadval jadvalidan foydalanmaydi. -Module20Name=Takliflar -Module20Desc=Tijorat takliflarini boshqarish -Module22Name=Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlari -Module22Desc=Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlarini boshqaring -Module23Name=Energiya -Module23Desc=Energiya sarfini kuzatish -Module25Name=Sotish bo'yicha buyurtmalar -Module25Desc=Savdo buyurtmalarini boshqarish -Module30Name=Hisob-fakturalar -Module30Desc=Xaridorlar uchun hisob-fakturalar va kredit yozuvlarini boshqarish. Yetkazib beruvchilar uchun hisob-fakturalar va kredit yozuvlarini boshqarish -Module40Name=Sotuvchilar -Module40Desc=Sotuvchilar va sotib olishni boshqarish (sotib olish buyurtmalari va etkazib beruvchilarning hisob-fakturalari) -Module42Name=Xatolarni tuzatish jurnallari -Module42Desc=Kundaliklarni ro'yxatga olish vositalari (fayl, syslog, ...). Bunday jurnallar texnik / disk raskadrovka uchun mo'ljallangan. -Module43Name=Tuzatish paneli -Module43Desc=Dasturchilar uchun vosita, brauzeringizda disk raskadrovka panelini qo'shish. -Module49Name=Tahrirlovchilar -Module49Desc=Muharrirlarni boshqarish -Module50Name=Mahsulotlar -Module50Desc=Mahsulotlarni boshqarish -Module51Name=Ommaviy pochta jo'natmalari -Module51Desc=Ommaviy qog'ozni pochta orqali boshqarish -Module52Name=Qimmatli qog'ozlar -Module52Desc=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni boshqarish (aksiyalarning harakatini kuzatish va inventarizatsiya) -Module53Name=Xizmatlar -Module53Desc=Xizmatlarni boshqarish -Module54Name=Shartnomalar / Obunalar -Module54Desc=Shartnomalarni boshqarish (xizmatlar yoki takroriy obunalar) -Module55Name=Shtrixli kodlar -Module55Desc=Shtrixli kod yoki QR kodini boshqarish -Module56Name=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lov -Module56Desc=Kredit o'tkazmasi buyurtmalari bo'yicha etkazib beruvchilar yoki ish haqini to'lashni boshqarish. U Yevropa mamlakatlari uchun SEPA faylini yaratishni o'z ichiga oladi. -Module57Name=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet orqali to'lovlar -Module57Desc=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmalarini boshqarish. U Evropa mamlakatlari uchun SEPA faylini yaratishni o'z ichiga oladi. +LinkToTestClickToDial=Enter a phone number to call to show a link to test the ClickToDial url for user %s +RefreshPhoneLink=Refresh link +LinkToTest=Clickable link generated for user %s (click phone number to test) +KeepEmptyToUseDefault=Keep empty to use default value +KeepThisEmptyInMostCases=In most cases, you can keep this field empy. +DefaultLink=Default link +SetAsDefault=Set as default +ValueOverwrittenByUserSetup=Warning, this value may be overwritten by user specific setup (each user can set his own clicktodial url) +ExternalModule=External module +InstalledInto=Installed into directory %s +BarcodeInitForThirdparties=Mass barcode init for third-parties +BarcodeInitForProductsOrServices=Mass barcode init or reset for products or services +CurrentlyNWithoutBarCode=Currently, you have %s record on %s %s without barcode defined. +InitEmptyBarCode=Init value for next %s empty records +EraseAllCurrentBarCode=Erase all current barcode values +ConfirmEraseAllCurrentBarCode=Are you sure you want to erase all current barcode values? +AllBarcodeReset=All barcode values have been removed +NoBarcodeNumberingTemplateDefined=No numbering barcode template enabled in the Barcode module setup. +EnableFileCache=Enable file cache +ShowDetailsInPDFPageFoot=Add more details into footer, such as company address or manager names (in addition to professional ids, company capital and VAT number). +NoDetails=No additional details in footer +DisplayCompanyInfo=Display company address +DisplayCompanyManagers=Display manager names +DisplayCompanyInfoAndManagers=Display company address and manager names +EnableAndSetupModuleCron=If you want to have this recurring invoice generated automatically, module *%s* must be enabled and correctly setup. Otherwise, generation of invoices must be done manually from this template using the *Create* button. Note that even if you enabled automatic generation, you can still safely launch manual generation. Generation of duplicates for the same period is not possible. +ModuleCompanyCodeCustomerAquarium=%s followed by customer code for a customer accounting code +ModuleCompanyCodeSupplierAquarium=%s followed by vendor code for a vendor accounting code +ModuleCompanyCodePanicum=Return an empty accounting code. +ModuleCompanyCodeDigitaria=Returns a compound accounting code according to the name of the third party. The code consists of a prefix that can be defined in the first position followed by the number of characters defined in the third party code. +ModuleCompanyCodeCustomerDigitaria=%s followed by the truncated customer name by the number of characters: %s for the customer accounting code. +ModuleCompanyCodeSupplierDigitaria=%s followed by the truncated supplier name by the number of characters: %s for the supplier accounting code. +Use3StepsApproval=By default, Purchase Orders need to be created and approved by 2 different users (one step/user to create and one step/user to approve. Note that if user has both permission to create and approve, one step/user will be enough). You can ask with this option to introduce a third step/user approval, if amount is higher than a dedicated value (so 3 steps will be necessary: 1=validation, 2=first approval and 3=second approval if amount is enough).
Set this to empty if one approval (2 steps) is enough, set it to a very low value (0.1) if a second approval (3 steps) is always required. +UseDoubleApproval=Use a 3 steps approval when amount (without tax) is higher than... +WarningPHPMail=WARNING: It is often better to setup outgoing emails to use the email server of your provider instead of the default setup. Some email providers (like Yahoo) do not allow you to send an email from another server than their own server. Your current setup uses the server of the application to send email and not the server of your email provider, so some recipients (the one compatible with the restrictive DMARC protocol), will ask your email provider if they can accept your email and some email providers (like Yahoo) may respond "no" because the server is not theirs, so few of your sent Emails may not be accepted (be careful also of your email provider's sending quota).
If your Email provider (like Yahoo) has this restriction, you must change Email setup to choose the other method "SMTP server" and enter the SMTP server and credentials provided by your Email provider. +WarningPHPMail2=If your email SMTP provider need to restrict email client to some IP addresses (very rare), this is the IP address of the mail user agent (MUA) for your ERP CRM application: %s. +WarningPHPMailSPF=If the domain name in your sender email address is protected by SPF (ask you email provider), you must include the following IPs in the SPF record of the DNS of your domain: %s. +ClickToShowDescription=Click to show description +DependsOn=This module needs the module(s) +RequiredBy=This module is required by module(s) +TheKeyIsTheNameOfHtmlField=This is the name of the HTML field. Technical knowledge is required to read the content of the HTML page to get the key name of a field. +PageUrlForDefaultValues=You must enter the relative path of the page URL. If you include parameters in URL, the default values will be effective if all parameters are set to same value. +PageUrlForDefaultValuesCreate=
For the form to create a new third party, it is %s.
For URL of external modules installed into custom directory, do not include the "custom/", so use path like mymodule/mypage.php and not custom/mymodule/mypage.php.
If you want default value only if url has some parameter, you can use %s +PageUrlForDefaultValuesList=
For the page that lists third parties, it is %s.
For URL of external modules installed into custom directory, do not include the "custom/" so use a path like mymodule/mypagelist.php and not custom/mymodule/mypagelist.php.
If you want default value only if url has some parameter, you can use %s +AlsoDefaultValuesAreEffectiveForActionCreate=Also note that overwritting default values for form creation works only for pages that were correctly designed (so with parameter action=create or presend...) +EnableDefaultValues=Enable customization of default values +EnableOverwriteTranslation=Enable usage of overwritten translation +GoIntoTranslationMenuToChangeThis=A translation has been found for the key with this code. To change this value, you must edit it from Home-Setup-translation. +WarningSettingSortOrder=Warning, setting a default sort order may result in a technical error when going on the list page if field is an unknown field. If you experience such an error, come back to this page to remove the default sort order and restore default behavior. +Field=Field +ProductDocumentTemplates=Document templates to generate product document +FreeLegalTextOnExpenseReports=Free legal text on expense reports +WatermarkOnDraftExpenseReports=Watermark on draft expense reports +AttachMainDocByDefault=Set this to 1 if you want to attach main document to email by default (if applicable) +FilesAttachedToEmail=Attach file +SendEmailsReminders=Send agenda reminders by emails +davDescription=Setup a WebDAV server +DAVSetup=Setup of module DAV +DAV_ALLOW_PRIVATE_DIR=Enable the generic private directory (WebDAV dedicated directory named "private" - login required) +DAV_ALLOW_PRIVATE_DIRTooltip=The generic private directory is a WebDAV directory anybody can access with its application login/pass. +DAV_ALLOW_PUBLIC_DIR=Enable the generic public directory (WebDAV dedicated directory named "public" - no login required) +DAV_ALLOW_PUBLIC_DIRTooltip=The generic public directory is a WebDAV directory anybody can access (in read and write mode), with no authorization required (login/password account). +DAV_ALLOW_ECM_DIR=Enable the DMS/ECM private directory (root directory of the DMS/ECM module - login required) +DAV_ALLOW_ECM_DIRTooltip=The root directory where all files are manually uploaded when using the DMS/ECM module. Similarly as access from the web interface, you will need a valid login/password with adecuate permissions to access it. +# Modules +Module0Name=Users & Groups +Module0Desc=Users / Employees and Groups management +Module1Name=Third Parties +Module1Desc=Companies and contacts management (customers, prospects...) +Module2Name=Commercial +Module2Desc=Commercial management +Module10Name=Accounting (simplified) +Module10Desc=Simple accounting reports (journals, turnover) based on database content. Does not use any ledger table. +Module20Name=Proposals +Module20Desc=Commercial proposal management +Module22Name=Mass Emailings +Module22Desc=Manage bulk emailing +Module23Name=Energy +Module23Desc=Monitoring the consumption of energies +Module25Name=Sales Orders +Module25Desc=Sales order management +Module30Name=Invoices +Module30Desc=Management of invoices and credit notes for customers. Management of invoices and credit notes for suppliers +Module40Name=Vendors +Module40Desc=Vendors and purchase management (purchase orders and billing of supplier invoices) +Module42Name=Debug Logs +Module42Desc=Logging facilities (file, syslog, ...). Such logs are for technical/debug purposes. +Module49Name=Editors +Module49Desc=Editor management +Module50Name=Products +Module50Desc=Management of Products +Module51Name=Mass mailings +Module51Desc=Mass paper mailing management +Module52Name=Stocks +Module52Desc=Stock management +Module53Name=Services +Module53Desc=Management of Services +Module54Name=Contracts/Subscriptions +Module54Desc=Management of contracts (services or recurring subscriptions) +Module55Name=Barcodes +Module55Desc=Barcode management +Module56Name=Payment by credit transfer +Module56Desc=Management of payment of suppliers by credit transfer orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries. +Module57Name=Bank Direct Debit payments +Module57Desc=Management of Direct Debit payment orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries. @@ -598,15 +550,17 @@ -Module58Desc=ClickToDial tizimining integratsiyasi (Asterisk, ...) -Module60Name=Stikerlar -Module60Desc=Stikerlarni boshqarish -Module70Name=Aralashuvlar -Module70Desc=Intervensiyani boshqarish -Module75Name=Xarajatlar va sayohat yozuvlari -Module75Desc=Xarajatlarni va sayohat yozuvlarini boshqarish -Module80Name=Yuklar -Module80Desc=Jo'natmalar va etkazib berish yozuvlarini boshqarish -Module85Name=Banklar va naqd pul -Module85Desc=Bank yoki kassa hisobvaraqlarini boshqarish -Module100Name=Tashqi sayt -Module100Desc=Asosiy menyu belgisi sifatida tashqi veb-saytga havola qo'shing. Veb-sayt yuqori menyu ostidagi ramkada ko'rsatilgan. -Module105Name=Pochtachi va SPIP -Module105Desc=Ro'yxatdan moduli uchun pochtachi yoki SPIP interfeysi +Module58Desc=Integration of a ClickToDial system (Asterisk, ...) +Module59Name=Bookmark4u +Module59Desc=Add function to generate Bookmark4u account from a Dolibarr account +Module60Name=Stickers +Module60Desc=Management of stickers +Module70Name=Interventions +Module70Desc=Intervention management +Module75Name=Expense and trip notes +Module75Desc=Expense and trip notes management +Module80Name=Shipments +Module80Desc=Shipments and delivery note management +Module85Name=Banks & Cash +Module85Desc=Management of bank or cash accounts +Module100Name=External Site +Module100Desc=Add a link to an external website as a main menu icon. Website is shown in a frame under the top menu. +Module105Name=Mailman and SPIP +Module105Desc=Mailman or SPIP interface for member module @@ -614 +568 @@ -Module200Desc=LDAP katalogini sinxronlashtirish +Module200Desc=LDAP directory synchronization @@ -616,36 +570,32 @@ -Module210Desc=PostNuke integratsiyasi -Module240Name=Ma'lumotlar eksporti -Module240Desc=Dolibarr ma'lumotlarini eksport qilish vositasi (yordam bilan) -Module250Name=Ma'lumotlar importi -Module250Desc=Dolibarr-ga ma'lumotlarni import qilish vositasi (yordam bilan) -Module310Name=A'zolar -Module310Desc=Jamg'arma a'zolarini boshqarish -Module320Name=RSS tasmasi -Module320Desc=Dolibarr sahifalariga RSS tasmasini qo'shing -Module330Name=Xatcho'plar va yorliqlar -Module330Desc=Siz tez-tez kiradigan ichki yoki tashqi sahifalarga har doim kirish mumkin bo'lgan yorliqlarni yarating -Module400Name=Loyihalar yoki etakchilar -Module400Desc=Loyihalarni boshqarish, imkoniyatlar va / yoki vazifalar. Shuningdek, siz loyihaga istalgan elementni (faktura, buyurtma, taklif, aralashuv, ...) tayinlashingiz va loyiha ko'rinishidan transversal ko'rinishni olishingiz mumkin. -Module410Name=Veb-taqvim -Module410Desc=Veb-taqvim integratsiyasi -Module500Name=Soliqlar va maxsus xarajatlar -Module500Desc=Boshqa xarajatlarni boshqarish (sotishdan olinadigan soliqlar, ijtimoiy yoki fiskal soliqlar, dividendlar, ...) -Module510Name=Ish haqi -Module510Desc=Xodimlarning to'lovlarini yozib oling va kuzatib boring -Module520Name=Kreditlar -Module520Desc=Kreditlarni boshqarish -Module600Name=Tadbir to'g'risida bildirishnomalar -Module600Desc=Ishbilarmonlik hodisasi bilan bog'liq elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboring: har bir foydalanuvchi uchun (har bir foydalanuvchi uchun sozlash belgilanadi), har bir uchinchi tomon aloqasi uchun (har bir uchinchi tomon uchun belgilanadi) yoki ma'lum elektron pochta orqali. -Module600Long=Shuni esda tutingki, ushbu modul ma'lum bir ish hodisasi yuz berganda elektron pochta xabarlarini real vaqtda yuboradi. Agar kun tartibidagi voqealar uchun elektron pochta orqali eslatmalar yuborish xususiyatini qidirsangiz, kun tartibi modulini sozlang. -Module610Name=Mahsulot variantlari -Module610Desc=Mahsulot variantlarini yaratish (rang, o'lcham va boshqalar). -Module650Name=Materiallar varaqlari (BOM) -Module650Desc=Materiallar Xarajatlarini (BOM) aniqlash uchun modul. Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari (MO) moduli orqali ishlab chiqarish resurslarini rejalashtirish uchun foydalanish mumkin. -Module660Name=Ishlab chiqarish resurslarini rejalashtirish (MRP) -Module660Desc=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalarini boshqarish moduli (MO) -Module700Name=Xayriyalar -Module700Desc=Xayriya mablag'larini boshqarish -Module770Name=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlar -Module770Desc=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotlarni boshqarish (transport, ovqatlanish, ...) -Module1120Name=Sotuvchilarning tijorat takliflari -Module1120Desc=Sotuvchidan tijorat taklifi va narxlarini so'rang +Module210Desc=PostNuke integration +Module240Name=Data exports +Module240Desc=Tool to export Dolibarr data (with assistance) +Module250Name=Data imports +Module250Desc=Tool to import data into Dolibarr (with assistance) +Module310Name=Members +Module310Desc=Foundation members management +Module320Name=RSS Feed +Module320Desc=Add a RSS feed to Dolibarr pages +Module330Name=Bookmarks & Shortcuts +Module330Desc=Create shortcuts, always accessible, to the internal or external pages to which you frequently access +Module400Name=Projects or Leads +Module400Desc=Management of projects, leads/opportunities and/or tasks. You can also assign any element (invoice, order, proposal, intervention, ...) to a project and get a transversal view from the project view. +Module410Name=Webcalendar +Module410Desc=Webcalendar integration +Module500Name=Taxes & Special Expenses +Module500Desc=Management of other expenses (sale taxes, social or fiscal taxes, dividends, ...) +Module510Name=Salaries +Module510Desc=Record and track employee payments +Module520Name=Loans +Module520Desc=Management of loans +Module600Name=Notifications on business event +Module600Desc=Send email notifications triggered by a business event: per user (setup defined on each user), per third-party contacts (setup defined on each third party) or by specific emails +Module600Long=Note that this module sends emails in real-time when a specific business event occurs. If you are looking for a feature to send email reminders for agenda events, go into the setup of module Agenda. +Module610Name=Product Variants +Module610Desc=Creation of product variants (color, size etc.) +Module700Name=Donations +Module700Desc=Donation management +Module770Name=Expense Reports +Module770Desc=Manage expense reports claims (transportation, meal, ...) +Module1120Name=Vendor Commercial Proposals +Module1120Desc=Request vendor commercial proposal and prices @@ -653,15 +603,13 @@ -Module1200Desc=Mantis integratsiyasi -Module1520Name=Hujjatlarni yaratish -Module1520Desc=Ommaviy elektron pochta hujjatlarini yaratish -Module1780Name=Teglar / toifalar -Module1780Desc=Teglar / toifalar yarating (mahsulotlar, mijozlar, etkazib beruvchilar, kontaktlar yoki a'zolar) -Module2000Name=WYSIWYG muharriri -Module2000Desc=Matn maydonlarini CKEditor (html) yordamida tahrirlash / formatlashga ruxsat berish. -Module2200Name=Dinamik narxlar -Module2200Desc=Narxlarni avtomatik ishlab chiqarish uchun matematik ifodalardan foydalaning -Module2300Name=Rejalashtirilgan ish joylari -Module2300Desc=Rejalashtirilgan ishlarni boshqarish (taxallusli cron yoki xron jadval) -Module2400Name=Tadbirlar / kun tartibi -Module2400Desc=Manage manual and automatic events. Provide a calendar to record events manually. Log also events automatically for tracking purposes or record manual events or meetings. This is the principal module for good Customer or Vendor Relationship Management. -Module2430Name=Onlayn uchrashuvlarni rejalashtirish -Module2430Desc=Onlayn uchrashuvlarni bron qilish tizimini taqdim etadi. Bu har kimga oldindan belgilangan diapazonlar yoki imkoniyatlarga ko'ra uchrashuvni bron qilish imkonini beradi. +Module1200Desc=Mantis integration +Module1520Name=Document Generation +Module1520Desc=Mass email document generation +Module1780Name=Tags/Categories +Module1780Desc=Create tags/category (products, customers, suppliers, contacts or members) +Module2000Name=WYSIWYG editor +Module2000Desc=Allow text fields to be edited/formatted using CKEditor (html) +Module2200Name=Dynamic Prices +Module2200Desc=Use maths expressions for auto-generation of prices +Module2300Name=Scheduled jobs +Module2300Desc=Scheduled jobs management (alias cron or chrono table) +Module2400Name=Events/Agenda +Module2400Desc=Track events. Log automatic events for tracking purposes or record manual events or meetings. This is the principal module for good Customer or Vendor Relationship Management. @@ -669,7 +617,7 @@ -Module2500Desc=Hujjatlarni boshqarish tizimi / elektron tarkibni boshqarish. Yaratilgan yoki saqlanadigan hujjatlaringizni avtomatik ravishda tashkil etish. Agar kerak bo'lsa, ularni baham ko'ring. -Module2600Name=API / veb-xizmatlar (SOAP serveri) -Module2600Desc=API xizmatlarini taqdim etadigan Dolibarr SOAP serverini yoqing -Module2610Name=API / veb-xizmatlar (REST server) -Module2610Desc=API xizmatlarini ko'rsatadigan Dolibarr REST serverini yoqing -Module2660Name=WebServices-ga qo'ng'iroq qiling (SOAP mijozi) -Module2660Desc=Dolibarr veb-xizmatlari mijozini yoqing (Ma'lumotlarni / so'rovlarni tashqi serverlarga yuborish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Hozirda faqat Buyurtma buyurtmalari qo'llab-quvvatlanadi.) +Module2500Desc=Document Management System / Electronic Content Management. Automatic organization of your generated or stored documents. Share them when you need. +Module2600Name=API/Web services (SOAP server) +Module2600Desc=Enable the Dolibarr SOAP server providing API services +Module2610Name=API/Web services (REST server) +Module2610Desc=Enable the Dolibarr REST server providing API services +Module2660Name=Call WebServices (SOAP client) +Module2660Desc=Enable the Dolibarr web services client (Can be used to push data/requests to external servers. Only Purchase orders are currently supported.) @@ -677,2 +625,2 @@ -Module2700Desc=Foydalanuvchilar / a'zolarning fotosuratlarini ko'rsatish uchun elektron pochta xizmatidan (www.gravatar.com) foydalaning (elektron pochta xabarlari bilan topilgan). Internetga kirish kerak -Module2800Desc=FTP mijozi +Module2700Desc=Use online Gravatar service (www.gravatar.com) to show photo of users/members (found with their emails). Needs Internet access +Module2800Desc=FTP Client @@ -680,7 +628,3 @@ -Module2900Desc=GeoIP Maxmind konversiyalari imkoniyatlari -Module3200Name=O'zgarmas arxivlar -Module3200Desc=O'zgarmas ishbilarmonlik voqealari jurnalini yoqing. Voqealar real vaqtda arxivlanadi. Jurnal eksport qilinishi mumkin bo'lgan zanjirli voqealar uchun faqat o'qish uchun mo'ljallangan jadvaldir. Ushbu modul ba'zi mamlakatlar uchun majburiy bo'lishi mumkin. -Module3300Name=Modul yaratuvchisi -Module3300Desc=Ishlab chiquvchilarga yoki ilg'or foydalanuvchilarga o'zlarining modul/ilovalarini yaratishda yordam beradigan RAD (Rapid Application Development - past kodli va kodsiz) vositasi. -Module3400Name=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar -Module3400Desc=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarni uchinchi shaxslarga va manzillarga (skype, twitter, facebook, ...) qo'shish. +Module2900Desc=GeoIP Maxmind conversions capabilities +Module3200Name=Unalterable Archives +Module3200Desc=Enable an unalterable log of business events. Events are archived in real-time. The log is a read-only table of chained events that can be exported. This module may be mandatory for some countries. @@ -688,13 +632,13 @@ -Module4000Desc=Inson resurslarini boshqarish (bo'limni boshqarish, xodimlar bilan shartnomalar tuzish, malakani boshqarish va suhbat) -Module5000Name=Ko'p kompaniya -Module5000Desc=Bir nechta kompaniyalarni boshqarishga imkon beradi -Module6000Name=Modullararo ish jarayoni -Module6000Desc=Turli xil modullar orasidagi ish oqimini boshqarish (ob'ektni avtomatik yaratish va / yoki holatni avtomatik o'zgartirish) -Module10000Name=Veb-saytlar -Module10000Desc=WYSIWYG muharriri bilan veb-saytlar yaratish uchun CMS. Bu webmaster yoki ishlab chiquvchiga yo'naltirilgan Kontentni boshqarish tizimi (HTML va CSS tillarini bilish yaxshiroqdir). Shunchaki veb-serveringizni (Apache, Nginx, ...) o'z domen nomingiz bilan Internetda onlayn bo'lishi uchun maxsus Dolibarr katalogiga ishora qilib sozlang. -Module20000Name=So'rovni boshqarishni tark eting -Module20000Desc=Xodimlarning ta'tilga chiqishlarini aniqlash va kuzatib borish -Module39000Name=Mahsulotlar juda ko'p -Module39000Desc=Mahsulotlar uchun lotlar, seriya raqamlari, ovqatlanish / sotish sanasini boshqarish -Module40000Name=Ko'p valyuta -Module40000Desc=Narxlar va hujjatlarda muqobil valyutalardan foydalaning +Module4000Desc=Human resources management (management of department, employee contracts and feelings) +Module5000Name=Multi-company +Module5000Desc=Allows you to manage multiple companies +Module6000Name=Workflow +Module6000Desc=Workflow management (automatic creation of object and/or automatic status change) +Module10000Name=Websites +Module10000Desc=Create websites (public) with a WYSIWYG editor. This is a webmaster or developer oriented CMS (it is better to know HTML and CSS language). Just setup your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) to point to the dedicated Dolibarr directory to have it online on the internet with your own domain name. +Module20000Name=Leave Request Management +Module20000Desc=Define and track employee leave requests +Module39000Name=Product Lots +Module39000Desc=Lots, serial numbers, eat-by/sell-by date management for products +Module40000Name=Multicurrency +Module40000Desc=Use alternative currencies in prices and documents @@ -702 +646 @@ -Module50000Desc=Mijozlarga PayBox onlayn to'lov sahifasini (kredit / debet kartalari) taklif eting. Bu sizning mijozlaringizga vaqtinchalik to'lovlarni yoki ma'lum bir Dolibarr ob'ekti bilan bog'liq to'lovlarni amalga oshirishga ruxsat berish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin (hisob-faktura, buyurtma va hk ...) +Module50000Desc=Offer customers a PayBox online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...) @@ -704 +648 @@ -Module50100Desc=Sotish nuqtasi SimplePOS (oddiy POS) moduli. +Module50100Desc=Point of Sale module SimplePOS (simple POS). @@ -706 +650 @@ -Module50150Desc=Sotish nuqtasi TakePOS moduli (do'konlar, barlar yoki restoranlar uchun sensorli ekranli POS). +Module50150Desc=Point of Sale module TakePOS (touchscreen POS, for shops, bars or restaurants). @@ -708,5 +652,5 @@ -Module50200Desc=Mijozlarga PayPal onlayn to'lov sahifasini taklif eting (PayPal hisob qaydnomasi yoki kredit / debet kartalari). Bu sizning mijozlaringizga vaqtinchalik to'lovlarni yoki ma'lum bir Dolibarr ob'ekti bilan bog'liq to'lovlarni amalga oshirishga ruxsat berish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin (hisob-faktura, buyurtma va hk ...) -Module50300Name=Ip -Module50300Desc=Mijozlarga Stripe onlayn to'lov sahifasini taklif eting (kredit / debet kartalar). Bu sizning mijozlaringizga vaqtinchalik to'lovlarni yoki ma'lum bir Dolibarr ob'ekti bilan bog'liq to'lovlarni amalga oshirishga ruxsat berish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin (hisob-faktura, buyurtma va hk ...) -Module50400Name=Buxgalteriya hisobi (ikki martalik yozuv) -Module50400Desc=Buxgalteriya hisobini boshqarish (ikki tomonlama yozuvlar, Bosh va yordamchi kitoblarni qo'llab-quvvatlash). Buxgalteriya dasturini boshqa bir qancha buxgalteriya dasturlari formatida eksport qiling. +Module50200Desc=Offer customers a PayPal online payment page (PayPal account or credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...) +Module50300Name=Stripe +Module50300Desc=Offer customers a Stripe online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...) +Module50400Name=Accounting (double entry) +Module50400Desc=Accounting management (double entries, support general and auxiliary ledgers). Export the ledger in several other accounting software formats. @@ -714,422 +658,337 @@ -Module54000Desc=Cups IPP interfeysi yordamida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri chop etish (hujjatlarni ochmasdan) (Printer serverdan ko'rinadigan bo'lishi va serverga CUPS o'rnatilgan bo'lishi kerak). -Module55000Name=So'rovnoma, so'rovnoma yoki ovoz berish -Module55000Desc=Onlayn so'rovnomalar, so'rovnomalar yoki ovozlarni yarating (Doodle, Studs, RDVz va boshqalar kabi). -Module59000Name=Chegaralar -Module59000Desc=Chegaralarni kuzatib borish uchun modul -Module60000Name=Komissiyalar -Module60000Desc=Komissiyalarni boshqarish moduli -Module62000Name=Inkoermalar -Module62000Desc=Incoterms-ni boshqarish uchun funktsiyalarni qo'shing -Module63000Name=Resurslar -Module63000Desc=Tadbirlarga ajratish uchun resurslarni (printerlar, mashinalar, xonalar, ...) boshqaring -Module66000Name=OAuth2 tokenlarini boshqarish -Module66000Desc=OAuth2 tokenlarini yaratish va boshqarish uchun vositani taqdim eting. Token keyinchalik ba'zi boshqa modullar tomonidan ishlatilishi mumkin. -Module94160Name=Qabullar -ModuleBookCalName=Rezervasyon kalendar tizimi -ModuleBookCalDesc=Uchrashuvlarni band qilish uchun kalendarni boshqaring -##### Permissions ##### -Permission11=Mijoz hisob-fakturalarini (va to'lovlarni) o'qing -Permission12=Mijozlarning hisob-kitoblarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission13=Mijozlarning hisob-kitoblarini bekor qilish -Permission14=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalarini tasdiqlang -Permission15=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalarini elektron pochta orqali yuboring -Permission16=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalari uchun to'lovlarni yarating -Permission19=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalarini o'chirib tashlang -Permission21=Tijorat takliflarini o'qing -Permission22=Tijorat takliflarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission24=Tijorat takliflarini tasdiqlash -Permission25=Tijorat takliflarini yuboring -Permission26=Tijorat takliflarini yoping -Permission27=Tijorat takliflarini o'chirib tashlang -Permission28=Tijorat takliflarini eksport qiling -Permission31=Mahsulotlarni o'qing -Permission32=Mahsulotlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission33=Mahsulotlar narxini o'qing -Permission34=Mahsulotlarni o'chirish -Permission36=Yashirin mahsulotlarni ko'ring / boshqaring -Permission38=Mahsulotlarni eksport qilish -Permission39=Minimal narxga e'tibor bermang -Permission41=Loyihalar va vazifalarni o'qing (men aloqador bo'lgan umumiy loyihalar va loyihalar). -Permission42=Loyihalarni yaratish/o'zgartirish (qo'shma loyihalar va men aloqador bo'lgan loyihalar). Shuningdek, foydalanuvchilarni loyihalar va vazifalarga tayinlashi mumkin -Permission44=Loyihalarni o'chirish (qo'shma loyihalar va men aloqador bo'lgan loyihalar) -Permission45=Loyihalarni eksport qilish -Permission61=Ta'sirlarni o'qing -Permission62=Interventsiyalarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission64=Ta'sirlarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission67=Eksport tadbirlari -Permission68=Interventsiyalarni elektron pochta orqali yuboring -Permission69=Ta'sirlarni tasdiqlang -Permission70=Ta'sirlarni bekor qilish -Permission71=A'zolarni o'qing -Permission72=A'zolarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission74=A'zolarni o'chirish -Permission75=A'zolik turlarini sozlash -Permission76=Ma'lumotlarni eksport qilish -Permission78=Obunalarni o'qing -Permission79=Obunalarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission81=Mijozlarning buyurtmalarini o'qing -Permission82=Mijozlarning buyurtmalarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission84=Mijozlarning buyurtmalarini tasdiqlash -Permission85=Hujjatlarni sotish buyurtmalarini yarating -Permission86=Mijozlarga buyurtmalar yuboring -Permission87=Mijozlarning buyurtmalarini yopish -Permission88=Mijozlarning buyurtmalarini bekor qilish -Permission89=Mijozlarning buyurtmalarini o'chirish -Permission91=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari va QQSni o'qing -Permission92=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari va QQSni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission93=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari va QQSni o'chirib tashlang -Permission94=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlarini eksport qiling -Permission95=Hisobotlarni o'qing -Permission101=Yuborishlarni o'qing -Permission102=Yuborishlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission104=Yuborishlarni tasdiqlash -Permission105=Yuborishlarni elektron pochta orqali yuboring -Permission106=Eksport jo'natmalari -Permission109=Yuborishlarni o'chirish -Permission111=Moliyaviy hisoblarni o'qing -Permission112=Tranzaktsiyalarni yaratish / o'zgartirish / o'chirish va taqqoslash -Permission113=Moliyaviy hisoblarni sozlash (bank operatsiyalari toifalarini yaratish, boshqarish) -Permission114=Tranzaktsiyalarni yarashtirish -Permission115=Eksport operatsiyalari va hisobvaraqlar bo'yicha ko'chirmalar -Permission116=Hisob-kitoblar o'rtasida o'tkazmalar -Permission117=Cheklarni jo'natishni boshqarish -Permission121=Foydalanuvchiga bog'langan uchinchi tomonlarni o'qing -Permission122=Foydalanuvchiga bog'langan uchinchi shaxslarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission122b=Not effective for external users (always limited to their third party). -Permission125=Foydalanuvchiga bog'langan uchinchi tomonlarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission126=Uchinchi tomonlarni eksport qilish -Permission130=Uchinchi shaxslarning to'lov ma'lumotlarini yaratish/o'zgartirish -Permission141=Barcha loyihalar va vazifalarni o'qing (shuningdek, men aloqada bo'lmagan shaxsiy loyihalar) -Permission142=Barcha loyihalar va vazifalarni yaratish/o'zgartirish (shuningdek, men aloqador bo'lmagan shaxsiy loyihalar) -Permission144=Barcha loyihalar va vazifalarni o'chirish (shuningdek, men aloqada bo'lmagan shaxsiy loyihalar) -Permission145=Men yoki mening ierarxiyam uchun sarflangan vaqtni tayinlangan vazifalarga kiritish mumkin (Vaqt jadvali) -Permission146=Provayderlarni o'qing -Permission147=Statistikani o'qing -Permission151=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovlarini o'qing -Permission152=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debetli to'lov buyurtmalarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission153=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovlarini yuborish / uzatish -Permission154=Rekord kreditlar / To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debetli to'lov topshiriqlarini rad etish -Permission161=Shartnomalarni / obunalarni o'qing -Permission162=Shartnomalarni / obunalarni yarating / o'zgartiring -Permission163=Shartnoma xizmatini / obunasini faollashtiring -Permission164=Shartnoma xizmatini / obunasini o'chirib qo'ying -Permission165=Shartnomalarni / obunalarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission167=Eksport shartnomalari -Permission171=Safarlar va xarajatlarni o'qing (o'zingiz va bo'ysunuvchilaringiz) -Permission172=Safarlar va xarajatlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission173=Safarlar va xarajatlarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission174=Barcha sayohatlar va xarajatlarni o'qing -Permission178=Eksportga sayohat va xarajatlar -Permission180=Ta'minlovchilarni o'qing -Permission181=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarini o'qing -Permission182=Sotib olish to'g'risida buyurtmalarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission183=Xarid buyurtmalarini tasdiqlang -Permission184=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarini tasdiqlash -Permission185=Xarid qilish buyurtmalariga buyurtma bering yoki bekor qiling -Permission186=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarini oling -Permission187=Xarid buyurtmalarini yoping -Permission188=Sotib olish buyurtmalarini bekor qilish -Permission192=Chiziqlar yarating -Permission193=Chiziqlarni bekor qilish -Permission194=Tarmoqli kenglik satrlarini o'qing -Permission202=ADSL ulanishlarini yarating -Permission203=Ulanish buyurtmalariga buyurtma bering -Permission204=Aloqalarni buyurtma qiling -Permission205=Ulanishlarni boshqarish -Permission206=Ulanishlarni o'qing -Permission211=Telefoniyani o'qing -Permission212=Buyurtma satrlari -Permission213=Chiziqni yoqing -Permission214=Telefoniyani o'rnatish -Permission215=O'rnatish provayderlari -Permission221=Elektron pochta xabarlarini o'qing -Permission222=Elektron pochta xabarlarini yaratish / o'zgartirish (mavzu, qabul qiluvchilar ...) -Permission223=Elektron pochta xabarlarini tasdiqlash (yuborishga imkon beradi) -Permission229=Elektron pochta xabarlarini o'chirish -Permission237=Qabul qiluvchilarni va ma'lumotlarni ko'ring -Permission238=Pochta xabarlarini qo'lda yuboring -Permission239=Tasdiqlangandan yoki yuborilgandan so'ng pochta xabarlarini o'chirib tashlang -Permission241=Kategoriyalarni o'qing -Permission242=Kategoriyalarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission243=Kategoriyalarni o'chirish -Permission244=Yashirin toifalarning tarkibiga qarang -Permission251=Boshqa foydalanuvchilar va guruhlarni o'qing -PermissionAdvanced251=Boshqa foydalanuvchilarni o'qing -Permission252=Boshqa foydalanuvchilarning ruxsatlarini o'qing -Permission253=Boshqa foydalanuvchilar, guruhlar va ruxsatlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -PermissionAdvanced253=Ichki / tashqi foydalanuvchilar va ruxsatlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission254=Faqat tashqi foydalanuvchilarni yarating / o'zgartiring -Permission255=Boshqa foydalanuvchilarning parolini o'zgartiring -Permission256=Boshqa foydalanuvchilarni o'chirish yoki o'chirish -Permission262=Extend access to all third parties AND their objects (not only third parties for which the user is linked as a sale representative). -Permission262b=Not effective for external users (always limited to themselves for proposals, orders, invoices, contracts, etc.). -Permission262c=Not effective for projects (only rules on project permissions, visibility and assignment matters). -Permission263=Ob'ektlarisiz barcha uchinchi shaxslarga kirishni kengaytiring (nafaqat foydalanuvchi savdo vakili bo'lgan uchinchi shaxslar).
tashqi foydalanuvchilar uchun samarali emas (takliflar, buyurtmalar, hisob-fakturalar, shartnomalar va boshqalar uchun har doim o'zlari bilan cheklangan).
Loyihalar uchun samarali emas (faqat loyiha ruxsatnomalari qoidalari, ko'rinishi va tayinlash masalalari). -Permission271=CA ni o'qing -Permission272=Hisob-fakturalarni o'qing -Permission273=Hisob-fakturalarni chiqarish -Permission281=Kontaktlarni o'qing -Permission282=Kontaktlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission283=Kontaktlarni o'chirish -Permission286=Kontaktlarni eksport qilish -Permission291=Tariflarni o'qing -Permission292=Tariflar bo'yicha ruxsatnomalarni o'rnating -Permission293=Mijozning tariflarini o'zgartiring -Permission301=Shtrix-kodlarning PDF varaqlarini yarating -Permission304=Shtrix-kodlarni yaratish/o'zgartirish -Permission305=Shtrix-kodlarni o'chirish -Permission311=Xizmatlarni o'qing -Permission312=Shartnomaga xizmat / obuna tayinlang -Permission331=Xatcho'plarni o'qing -Permission332=Xatcho'plarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission333=Xatcho'plarni o'chirish -Permission341=O'zining ruxsatlarini o'qing -Permission342=O'zining foydalanuvchi ma'lumotlarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission343=O'zining parolini o'zgartiring -Permission344=O'zining ruxsatlarini o'zgartiring -Permission351=Guruhlarni o'qing -Permission352=Guruhlarning ruxsatlarini o'qing -Permission353=Guruhlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission354=Guruhlarni o'chirish yoki o'chirish -Permission358=Foydalanuvchilarni eksport qilish -Permission401=Chegirmalarni o'qing -Permission402=Chegirmalar yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission403=Chegirmalarni tasdiqlang -Permission404=Chegirmalarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission431=Use Debug Bar -Permission511=Ish haqi va to'lovlarni o'qing (o'zingizniki va bo'ysunuvchilaringiz) -Permission512=Ish haqi va to'lovlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission514=Ish haqi va to'lovlarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission517=Barchani ish haqi va to'lovlarini o'qing -Permission519=Eksport ish haqi -Permission521=Read Loans -Permission522=Kreditlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission524=Kreditlarni o'chirish -Permission525=Kredit kalkulyatori -Permission527=Eksport kreditlari -Permission531=Xizmatlarni o'qing -Permission532=Xizmatlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission533=Xizmatlar narxlarini o'qing -Permission534=Xizmatlarni o'chirish -Permission536=Yashirin xizmatlarni ko'rish / boshqarish -Permission538=Eksport xizmatlari -Permission561=Kredit o'tkazmasi orqali to'lov topshiriqlarini o'qing -Permission562=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lov topshirig'ini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission563=To'lov topshirig'ini kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan yuborish / uzatish -Permission564=Debetlarni yozing / kredit o'tkazishni rad etish -Permission601=Stikerlarni o'qing -Permission602=Stikerlarni yarating / o'zgartiring -Permission609=Stikerlarni o'chirish -Permission611=Variantlarning atributlarini o'qing -Permission612=Variantlarning atributlarini yaratish/yangilash -Permission613=Variantlarning atributlarini o'chirish -Permission651=Read Bills of Materials -Permission652=Create/Update Bills of Materials -Permission653=Delete Bills of Materials -Permission661=Read Manufacturing Order (MO) -Permission662=Create/Update Manufacturing Order (MO) -Permission663=Delete Manufacturing Order (MO) -Permission701=Xayr-ehsonlarni o'qing -Permission702=Xayriya mablag'larini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission703=Xayriyalarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission771=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotlarni o'qing (o'zingiz va sizning bo'ysunuvchilaringiz) -Permission772=Xarajatlar hisobotini yaratish/o'zgartirish (siz va sizning bo'ysunuvchilaringiz uchun) -Permission773=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotlarni o'chirish -Permission775=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotlarni tasdiqlash -Permission776=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlarni to'lash -Permission777=Barcha xarajatlar hisobotlarini o'qing (hatto foydalanuvchi bo'ysunmaydiganlar ham) -Permission778=Hammaning xarajatlar hisobotini yarating / o'zgartiring -Permission779=Eksport xarajatlari to'g'risidagi hisobotlar -Permission1001=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni o'qing -Permission1002=Omborlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission1003=Omborlarni o'chirish -Permission1004=Birja harakatlarini o'qing -Permission1005=Birja harakatlarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission1011=Zaxiralarni ko'rish -Permission1012=Yangi inventarizatsiya yarating -Permission1014=Inventarizatsiyani tasdiqlash -Permission1015=Mahsulot uchun PMP qiymatini o'zgartirishga ruxsat bering -Permission1016=Inventarizatsiyani o'chirish -Permission1101=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyasini o'qing -Permission1102=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyasini yarating / o'zgartiring -Permission1104=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyasini tasdiqlang -Permission1109=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyasini o'chirib tashlang -Permission1121=Yetkazib beruvchilarning takliflarini o'qing -Permission1122=Yetkazib beruvchilar takliflarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission1123=Yetkazib beruvchilarning takliflarini tasdiqlash -Permission1124=Yetkazib beruvchilarga takliflarni yuboring -Permission1125=Yetkazib beruvchilarning takliflarini o'chirib tashlang -Permission1126=Yetkazib beruvchilar narxlari bo'yicha so'rovlarni yoping -Permission1181=Ta'minlovchilarni o'qing -Permission1182=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarini o'qing -Permission1183=Sotib olish to'g'risida buyurtmalarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission1184=Xarid buyurtmalarini tasdiqlang -Permission1185=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarini tasdiqlash -Permission1186=Xarid buyurtmalariga buyurtma bering -Permission1187=Sotib olish to'g'risida buyurtmalar olinganligini tasdiqlang -Permission1188=Xarid buyurtmalarini o'chirib tashlang -Permission1189=Xarid qilish buyurtmasini qabul qilishni belgilang / belgini olib tashlang -Permission1190=Sotib olish buyurtmalarini tasdiqlash (ikkinchi tasdiqlash) -Permission1191=Eksport etkazib beruvchilarning buyurtmalari va ularning atributlari -Permission1201=Eksport natijasini oling -Permission1202=Eksportni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission1231=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalarini (va to'lovlarni) o'qing -Permission1232=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalarini yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission1233=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalarini tasdiqlash -Permission1234=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalarini o'chirib tashlang -Permission1235=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalarini elektron pochta orqali yuboring -Permission1236=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalarini, atributlarini va to'lovlarini eksport qiling -Permission1237=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarini va ularning tafsilotlarini eksport qiling -Permission1251=Ma'lumotlar bazasiga tashqi ma'lumotlarning ommaviy importini olib borish (ma'lumotlar yuklanishi) -Permission1321=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalarini, atributlarini va to'lovlarini eksport qiling -Permission1322=To'langan hisobni qayta oching -Permission1421=Sotish bo'yicha buyurtmalar va atributlarni eksport qiling -Permission1521=Hujjatlarni o'qing -Permission1522=Hujjatlarni o'chirish -Permission2401=Uning foydalanuvchi akkauntiga bog'langan amallarni (voqealar yoki vazifalarni) o'qing (agar tadbir egasi yoki unga tayinlangan bo'lsa) -Permission2402=Uning foydalanuvchi akkauntiga bog'langan amallarni (voqealar yoki vazifalarni) yaratish / o'zgartirish (agar tadbir egasi bo'lsa) -Permission2403=Uning foydalanuvchi akkauntiga bog'langan amallarni (voqealar yoki vazifalarni) o'chirish (agar tadbir egasi bo'lsa) -Permission2411=Boshqalarning harakatlarini (hodisalarini yoki vazifalarini) o'qing -Permission2412=Boshqalarning harakatlarini (hodisalarini yoki vazifalarini) yarating / o'zgartiring -Permission2413=Boshqalarning harakatlarini (hodisalarini yoki vazifalarini) o'chirib tashlang -Permission2414=Boshqalarning harakatlarini / vazifalarini eksport qilish -Permission2501=Hujjatlarni o'qish / yuklab olish -Permission2502=Hujjatlarni yuklab oling -Permission2503=Hujjatlarni yuborish yoki o'chirish -Permission2515=Hujjatlar kataloglarini sozlash -Permission2610=Foydalanuvchilarning API kalitini yaratish/o‘zgartirish -Permission2801=FTP mijozidan o'qish rejimida foydalaning (faqat ko'rib chiqing va yuklab oling) -Permission2802=Yozish rejimida FTP mijozidan foydalaning (fayllarni o'chirish yoki yuklash) -Permission3201=Read archived events and fingerprints -Permission3301=Yangi modullarni yarating -Permission4001=Ko'nikma / ish / lavozimni o'qing -Permission4002=Ko'nikma / ish / pozitsiyani yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission4003=Malaka/ish/lavozimni oʻchirish -Permission4021=Baholarni o'qing (sizning va sizning qo'l ostidagilaringiz) -Permission4022=Baholarni yaratish/o'zgartirish -Permission4023=Baholashni tasdiqlash -Permission4025=Baholashni o'chirish -Permission4028=Taqqoslash menyusiga qarang -Permission4031=Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni o'qing -Permission4032=Shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni yozing -Permission4033=Barcha baholashlarni o'qing (hatto foydalanuvchi bo'ysunmaydiganlar ham) -Permission10001=Veb-sayt tarkibini o'qing -Permission10002=Veb-sayt tarkibini yaratish/o'zgartirish (html va JavaScript kontenti) -Permission10003=Veb-sayt tarkibini yaratish / o'zgartirish (dinamik php-kod). Xavfli, cheklangan ishlab chiquvchilarga tegishli bo'lishi kerak. -Permission10005=Veb-sayt tarkibini o'chirish -Permission20001=Ta'tilga bo'lgan talablarni o'qing (sizning va sizning bo'ysunuvchilaringizning ta'tillari) -Permission20002=Ta'tilga oid so'rovlarni yaratish (o'zgartirish va o'zingizning bo'ysunuvchilaringiz) -Permission20003=Dam olish uchun so'rovlarni o'chirib tashlang -Permission20004=Barcha ta'til so'rovlarini o'qing (hatto foydalanuvchi bo'ysunmaganlar ham) -Permission20005=Hamma uchun ta'til so'rovlarini yaratish/o'zgartirish (hatto bo'ysunmaydigan foydalanuvchilarning ham) -Permission20006=Ta'til so'rovlarini boshqarish (balansni sozlash va yangilash) -Permission20007=Ta'til bo'yicha so'rovlarni tasdiqlash -Permission23001=Rejalashtirilgan ishni o'qing -Permission23002=Rejalashtirilgan ishni yaratish / yangilash -Permission23003=Rejalashtirilgan ishni o'chirish -Permission23004=Rejalashtirilgan ishni bajaring -Permission40001=Valyutalar va ularning kurslarini o'qing -Permission40002=Valyutalar va ularning kurslarini yaratish/yangilash -Permission40003=Valyutalar va ularning kurslarini o'chiring -Permission50101=Savdo punktidan foydalaning (SimplePOS) -Permission50151=Savdo punktidan foydalaning (TakePOS) -Permission50152=Savdo yo'nalishlarini tahrirlash -Permission50153=Buyurtma qilingan savdo yo'nalishlarini tahrirlash -Permission50201=Tranzaksiyalarni o'qing -Permission50202=Import operatsiyalari -Permission50331=Read objects of Zapier -Permission50332=Create/Update objects of Zapier -Permission50333=Delete objects of Zapier -Permission50401=Mahsulotlar va hisob-fakturalarni buxgalteriya hisobvaraqlari bilan bog'lash -Permission50411=Amallarni daftarda o'qing -Permission50412=Daftarda operatsiyalarni yozish / tahrirlash -Permission50414=Hisob kitobidagi operatsiyalarni o'chirish -Permission50415=Barcha operatsiyalarni yil bo'yicha o'chiring va daftarda qayd qiling -Permission50418=Buxgalteriya kitobining eksport operatsiyalari -Permission50420=Hisobot va eksport bo'yicha hisobotlar (tovar aylanmasi, balans, jurnallar, daftar) -Permission50430=Fiskal davrlarni aniqlang. Tranzaktsiyalarni tasdiqlang va soliq davrlarini yoping. -Permission50440=Hisob-kitoblar rejasini boshqarish, buxgalteriya hisobini sozlash -Permission51001=Aktivlarni o'qing -Permission51002=Obyektlarni yaratish / yangilash -Permission51003=Obyektlarni o‘chirish -Permission51005=Aktiv turlarini sozlash -Permission54001=Chop etish -Permission55001=So'rovnomalarni o'qing -Permission55002=So'rovlarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission59001=Tijorat chekkalarini o'qing -Permission59002=Tijorat chekkalarini aniqlang -Permission59003=Har bir foydalanuvchi marjini o'qing -Permission63001=Resurslarni o'qing -Permission63002=Resurslarni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission63003=Resurslarni o'chirish -Permission63004=Resurslarni kun tartibidagi voqealar bilan bog'lang -Permission64001=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri bosib chiqarishga ruxsat berish -Permission67001=Allow printing of receipts -Permission68001=Ichki hisobotni o'qing -Permission68002=Ichki hisobotni yaratish / o'zgartirish -Permission68004=Ichki hisobotni o'chirib tashlang -Permission941601=Kvitansiyalarni o'qing -Permission941602=Kvitansiyalarni yarating va o'zgartiring -Permission941603=Kvitansiyalarni tasdiqlash -Permission941604=Qabullarni elektron pochta orqali yuboring -Permission941605=Tovarlarni eksport qilish -Permission941606=Kvitansiyalarni o'chirish -DictionaryCompanyType=Uchinchi tomon turlari -DictionaryCompanyJuridicalType=Uchinchi tomon yuridik shaxslari -DictionaryProspectLevel=Kompaniyalar uchun istiqbolli potentsial darajasi -DictionaryProspectContactLevel=Kontaktlar uchun istiqbolli potentsial darajasi -DictionaryCanton=Shtatlar / viloyatlar -DictionaryRegion=Mintaqalar -DictionaryCountry=Mamlakatlar -DictionaryCurrency=Valyutalar -DictionaryCivility=Faxriy unvonlar -DictionaryActions=Kun tartibidagi tadbirlar turlari -DictionarySocialContributions=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlarining turlari -DictionaryVAT=QQS stavkalari yoki sotish uchun soliq stavkalari -DictionaryRevenueStamp=Soliq markalari miqdori -DictionaryPaymentConditions=To'lov shartlari -DictionaryPaymentModes=To'lov usullari -DictionaryTypeContact=Aloqa / manzil turlari -DictionaryTypeOfContainer=Veb-sayt - veb-sayt sahifalarining turi / konteynerlari -DictionaryEcotaxe=Ekotaks (WEEE) -DictionaryPaperFormat=Qog'oz formatlari -DictionaryFormatCards=Karta formatlari -DictionaryFees=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot - xarajatlar hisobotining turlari -DictionarySendingMethods=Yuk tashish usullari -DictionaryStaff=Xodimlar soni -DictionaryAvailability=Yetkazib berishning kechikishi -DictionaryOrderMethods=Buyurtma berish usullari -DictionarySource=Takliflarning / buyurtmalarning kelib chiqishi -DictionaryAccountancyCategory=Hisobotlar uchun moslashtirilgan guruhlar -DictionaryAccountancysystem=Hisob-kitoblar rejasi uchun modellar -DictionaryAccountancyJournal=Buxgalteriya jurnallari -DictionaryEMailTemplates=Elektron pochta shablonlari -DictionaryUnits=Birlik -DictionaryMeasuringUnits=O'lchov birliklari -DictionarySocialNetworks=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar -DictionaryProspectStatus=Kompaniyalarning istiqbolli holati -DictionaryProspectContactStatus=Kontaktlar uchun istiqbol holati -DictionaryHolidayTypes=Dam olish - ta'til turlari -DictionaryOpportunityStatus=Loyiha / qo'rg'oshin uchun etakchi holat -DictionaryExpenseTaxCat=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot - transport toifalari -DictionaryExpenseTaxRange=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot - transport kategoriyasi bo'yicha oraliq -DictionaryTransportMode=Ichki hisobot - Transport rejimi -DictionaryBatchStatus=Mahsulot partiyasi / ketma-ket sifat nazorati holati -DictionaryAssetDisposalType=Aktivlarni yo'q qilish turi -DictionaryInvoiceSubtype=Hisob-fakturaning kichik turlari -TypeOfUnit=Birlikning turi -SetupSaved=O'rnatish saqlandi -SetupNotSaved=Sozlash saqlanmadi -OAuthServiceConfirmDeleteTitle=OAuth yozuvini o'chirish -OAuthServiceConfirmDeleteMessage=Haqiqatan ham ushbu OAuth yozuvini oʻchirib tashlamoqchimisiz? Buning uchun barcha mavjud tokenlar ham o'chiriladi. -ErrorInEntryDeletion=Yozuvni oʻchirishda xatolik yuz berdi -EntryDeleted=Yozuv oʻchirildi -BackToModuleList=Modullar ro'yxatiga qaytish -BackToDictionaryList=Lug'atlar ro'yxatiga qaytish -TypeOfRevenueStamp=Soliq markasining turi -VATManagement=Sotish bo'yicha soliqni boshqarish -VATIsUsedDesc=Istiqbollar, schyot-fakturalar, buyurtmalar va hokazolarni yaratishda sukut bo'yicha Savdo solig'i stavkasi faol standart qoidaga amal qiladi:
Agar sotuvchi Savdo solig'iga tobe bo'lmasa, u holda Savdo solig'i 0 ga teng bo'ladi. Qoidaning oxiri.
Agar (sotuvchining mamlakati = xaridorning mamlakati) boʻlsa, Sotish soligʻi sukut boʻyicha sotuvchi mamlakatidagi mahsulotning Sotish soligʻiga teng boʻladi. Qoida oxiri.
Agar sotuvchi ham, xaridor ham Yevropa hamjamiyatida boʻlsa va tovarlar transport bilan bogʻliq mahsulotlar (tashuv, yuk tashish, aviakompaniya) boʻlsa, standart QQS 0. Bu qoida sotuvchining mamlakatiga bog'liq - iltimos, buxgalteringiz bilan maslahatlashing. QQSni xaridor sotuvchiga emas, balki o'z mamlakatidagi bojxona idorasiga to'lashi kerak. Qoida tugaydi.
Agar sotuvchi va xaridor Yevropa hamjamiyatida boʻlsa va xaridor kompaniya boʻlmasa (hamjamiyat ichidagi QQS raqamiga ega boʻlsa), QQS birlamchi hisoblanadi. sotuvchi mamlakatning QQS stavkasi. Qoidaning oxiri.
Agar sotuvchi ham, xaridor ham Yevropa hamjamiyatida boʻlsa va xaridor kompaniya boʻlsa (hamjamiyat ichida roʻyxatdan oʻtgan QQS raqami bilan), QQS 0 boʻladi. avvalboshdan. Qoidaning oxiri.
Boshqa har qanday holatda ham taklif qilingan sukut boʻyicha Sotish soligʻi=0 boʻladi. Qoidaning oxiri. -VATIsNotUsedDesc=Sukut bo'yicha taklif qilinadigan Soliq solig'i 0 ga teng bo'lib, u assotsiatsiyalar, jismoniy shaxslar yoki kichik kompaniyalar kabi hollarda ishlatilishi mumkin. -VATIsUsedExampleFR=Frantsiyada bu haqiqiy fiskal tizimga ega bo'lgan kompaniyalar yoki tashkilotlarni anglatadi (Soddalashtirilgan real yoki normal real). QQS e'lon qilingan tizim. -VATIsNotUsedExampleFR=Frantsiyada bu Sotishdan tashqari deklaratsiyalangan assotsiatsiyalarni yoki mikrofirma fiskal tizimini tanlagan (franchayzadagi savdo solig'i) va franchayzing savdo soliqlarini hech qanday savdo deklaratsiyasisiz to'lagan kompaniyalar, tashkilotlar yoki liberal kasblarni anglatadi. Ushbu tanlovda hisobvaraq-fakturalarda "Amalga oshirilmaydigan savdo solig'i - CGI san'ati-293B" ma'lumotnomasi ko'rsatiladi. -VATType=QQS turi +Module54000Desc=Direct print (without opening the documents) using Cups IPP interface (Printer must be visible from server, and CUPS must be installed on server). +Module55000Name=Poll, Survey or Vote +Module55000Desc=Create online polls, surveys or votes (like Doodle, Studs, RDVz etc...) +Module59000Name=Margins +Module59000Desc=Module to manage margins +Module60000Name=Commissions +Module60000Desc=Module to manage commissions +Module62000Name=Incoterms +Module62000Desc=Add features to manage Incoterms +Module63000Name=Resources +Module63000Desc=Manage resources (printers, cars, rooms, ...) for allocating to events +Permission11=Read customer invoices +Permission12=Create/modify customer invoices +Permission13=Unvalidate customer invoices +Permission14=Validate customer invoices +Permission15=Send customer invoices by email +Permission16=Create payments for customer invoices +Permission19=Delete customer invoices +Permission21=Read commercial proposals +Permission22=Create/modify commercial proposals +Permission24=Validate commercial proposals +Permission25=Send commercial proposals +Permission26=Close commercial proposals +Permission27=Delete commercial proposals +Permission28=Export commercial proposals +Permission31=Read products +Permission32=Create/modify products +Permission34=Delete products +Permission36=See/manage hidden products +Permission38=Export products +Permission41=Read projects and tasks (shared project and projects I'm contact for). Can also enter time consumed, for me or my hierarchy, on assigned tasks (Timesheet) +Permission42=Create/modify projects (shared project and projects I'm contact for). Can also create tasks and assign users to project and tasks +Permission44=Delete projects (shared project and projects I'm contact for) +Permission45=Export projects +Permission61=Read interventions +Permission62=Create/modify interventions +Permission64=Delete interventions +Permission67=Export interventions +Permission71=Read members +Permission72=Create/modify members +Permission74=Delete members +Permission75=Setup types of membership +Permission76=Export data +Permission78=Read subscriptions +Permission79=Create/modify subscriptions +Permission81=Read customers orders +Permission82=Create/modify customers orders +Permission84=Validate customers orders +Permission86=Send customers orders +Permission87=Close customers orders +Permission88=Cancel customers orders +Permission89=Delete customers orders +Permission91=Read social or fiscal taxes and vat +Permission92=Create/modify social or fiscal taxes and vat +Permission93=Delete social or fiscal taxes and vat +Permission94=Export social or fiscal taxes +Permission95=Read reports +Permission101=Read sendings +Permission102=Create/modify sendings +Permission104=Validate sendings +Permission106=Export sendings +Permission109=Delete sendings +Permission111=Read financial accounts +Permission112=Create/modify/delete and compare transactions +Permission113=Setup financial accounts (create, manage categories) +Permission114=Reconcile transactions +Permission115=Export transactions and account statements +Permission116=Transfers between accounts +Permission117=Manage checks dispatching +Permission121=Read third parties linked to user +Permission122=Create/modify third parties linked to user +Permission125=Delete third parties linked to user +Permission126=Export third parties +Permission141=Read all projects and tasks (also private projects for which I am not a contact) +Permission142=Create/modify all projects and tasks (also private projects for which I am not a contact) +Permission144=Delete all projects and tasks (also private projects i am not contact for) +Permission146=Read providers +Permission147=Read stats +Permission151=Read direct debit payment orders +Permission152=Create/modify a direct debit payment orders +Permission153=Send/Transmit direct debit payment orders +Permission154=Record Credits/Rejections of direct debit payment orders +Permission161=Read contracts/subscriptions +Permission162=Create/modify contracts/subscriptions +Permission163=Activate a service/subscription of a contract +Permission164=Disable a service/subscription of a contract +Permission165=Delete contracts/subscriptions +Permission167=Export contracts +Permission171=Read trips and expenses (yours and your subordinates) +Permission172=Create/modify trips and expenses +Permission173=Delete trips and expenses +Permission174=Read all trips and expenses +Permission178=Export trips and expenses +Permission180=Read suppliers +Permission181=Read purchase orders +Permission182=Create/modify purchase orders +Permission183=Validate purchase orders +Permission184=Approve purchase orders +Permission185=Order or cancel purchase orders +Permission186=Receive purchase orders +Permission187=Close purchase orders +Permission188=Cancel purchase orders +Permission192=Create lines +Permission193=Cancel lines +Permission194=Read the bandwidth lines +Permission202=Create ADSL connections +Permission203=Order connections orders +Permission204=Order connections +Permission205=Manage connections +Permission206=Read connections +Permission211=Read Telephony +Permission212=Order lines +Permission213=Activate line +Permission214=Setup Telephony +Permission215=Setup providers +Permission221=Read emailings +Permission222=Create/modify emailings (topic, recipients...) +Permission223=Validate emailings (allows sending) +Permission229=Delete emailings +Permission237=View recipients and info +Permission238=Manually send mailings +Permission239=Delete mailings after validation or sent +Permission241=Read categories +Permission242=Create/modify categories +Permission243=Delete categories +Permission244=See the contents of the hidden categories +Permission251=Read other users and groups +PermissionAdvanced251=Read other users +Permission252=Read permissions of other users +Permission253=Create/modify other users, groups and permissions +PermissionAdvanced253=Create/modify internal/external users and permissions +Permission254=Create/modify external users only +Permission255=Modify other users password +Permission256=Delete or disable other users +Permission262=Extend access to all third parties (not only third parties for which that user is a sale representative).
Not effective for external users (always limited to themselves for proposals, orders, invoices, contracts, etc.).
Not effective for projects (only rules on project permissions, visibility and assignment matters). +Permission271=Read CA +Permission272=Read invoices +Permission273=Issue invoices +Permission281=Read contacts +Permission282=Create/modify contacts +Permission283=Delete contacts +Permission286=Export contacts +Permission291=Read tariffs +Permission292=Set permissions on the tariffs +Permission293=Modify customer's tariffs +Permission300=Read barcodes +Permission301=Create/modify barcodes +Permission302=Delete barcodes +Permission311=Read services +Permission312=Assign service/subscription to contract +Permission331=Read bookmarks +Permission332=Create/modify bookmarks +Permission333=Delete bookmarks +Permission341=Read its own permissions +Permission342=Create/modify his own user information +Permission343=Modify his own password +Permission344=Modify its own permissions +Permission351=Read groups +Permission352=Read groups permissions +Permission353=Create/modify groups +Permission354=Delete or disable groups +Permission358=Export users +Permission401=Read discounts +Permission402=Create/modify discounts +Permission403=Validate discounts +Permission404=Delete discounts +Permission430=Use Debug Bar +Permission511=Read payments of salaries +Permission512=Create/modify payments of salaries +Permission514=Delete payments of salaries +Permission517=Export salaries +Permission520=Read Loans +Permission522=Create/modify loans +Permission524=Delete loans +Permission525=Access loan calculator +Permission527=Export loans +Permission531=Read services +Permission532=Create/modify services +Permission534=Delete services +Permission536=See/manage hidden services +Permission538=Export services +Permission650=Read Bills of Materials +Permission651=Create/Update Bills of Materials +Permission652=Delete Bills of Materials +Permission701=Read donations +Permission702=Create/modify donations +Permission703=Delete donations +Permission771=Read expense reports (yours and your subordinates) +Permission772=Create/modify expense reports +Permission773=Delete expense reports +Permission774=Read all expense reports (even for user not subordinates) +Permission775=Approve expense reports +Permission776=Pay expense reports +Permission779=Export expense reports +Permission1001=Read stocks +Permission1002=Create/modify warehouses +Permission1003=Delete warehouses +Permission1004=Read stock movements +Permission1005=Create/modify stock movements +Permission1101=Read delivery receipts +Permission1102=Create/modify delivery receipts +Permission1104=Validate delivery receipts +Permission1109=Delete delivery receipts +Permission1121=Read supplier proposals +Permission1122=Create/modify supplier proposals +Permission1123=Validate supplier proposals +Permission1124=Send supplier proposals +Permission1125=Delete supplier proposals +Permission1126=Close supplier price requests +Permission1181=Read suppliers +Permission1182=Read purchase orders +Permission1183=Create/modify purchase orders +Permission1184=Validate purchase orders +Permission1185=Approve purchase orders +Permission1186=Order purchase orders +Permission1187=Acknowledge receipt of purchase orders +Permission1188=Delete purchase orders +Permission1190=Approve (second approval) purchase orders +Permission1201=Get result of an export +Permission1202=Create/Modify an export +Permission1231=Read vendor invoices +Permission1232=Create/modify vendor invoices +Permission1233=Validate vendor invoices +Permission1234=Delete vendor invoices +Permission1235=Send vendor invoices by email +Permission1236=Export vendor invoices, attributes and payments +Permission1237=Export purchase orders and their details +Permission1251=Run mass imports of external data into database (data load) +Permission1321=Export customer invoices, attributes and payments +Permission1322=Reopen a paid bill +Permission1421=Export sales orders and attributes +Permission2401=Read actions (events or tasks) linked to his user account (if owner of event or just assigned to) +Permission2402=Create/modify actions (events or tasks) linked to his user account (if owner of event) +Permission2403=Delete actions (events or tasks) linked to his user account (if owner of event) +Permission2411=Read actions (events or tasks) of others +Permission2412=Create/modify actions (events or tasks) of others +Permission2413=Delete actions (events or tasks) of others +Permission2414=Export actions/tasks of others +Permission2501=Read/Download documents +Permission2502=Download documents +Permission2503=Submit or delete documents +Permission2515=Setup documents directories +Permission2801=Use FTP client in read mode (browse and download only) +Permission2802=Use FTP client in write mode (delete or upload files) +Permission3200=Read archived events and fingerprints +Permission4001=See employees +Permission4002=Create employees +Permission4003=Delete employees +Permission4004=Export employees +Permission10001=Read website content +Permission10002=Create/modify website content (html and javascript content) +Permission10003=Create/modify website content (dynamic php code). Dangerous, must be reserved to restricted developers. +Permission10005=Delete website content +Permission20001=Read leave requests (your leave and those of your subordinates) +Permission20002=Create/modify your leave requests (your leave and those of your subordinates) +Permission20003=Delete leave requests +Permission20004=Read all leave requests (even of user not subordinates) +Permission20005=Create/modify leave requests for everybody (even of user not subordinates) +Permission20006=Admin leave requests (setup and update balance) +Permission20007=Approve leave requests +Permission23001=Read Scheduled job +Permission23002=Create/update Scheduled job +Permission23003=Delete Scheduled job +Permission23004=Execute Scheduled job +Permission50101=Use Point of Sale +Permission50201=Read transactions +Permission50202=Import transactions +Permission50401=Bind products and invoices with accounting accounts +Permission50411=Read operations in ledger +Permission50412=Write/Edit operations in ledger +Permission50414=Delete operations in ledger +Permission50415=Delete all operations by year and journal in ledger +Permission50418=Export operations of the ledger +Permission50420=Report and export reports (turnover, balance, journals, ledger) +Permission50430=Define fiscal periods. Validate transactions and close fiscal periods. +Permission50440=Manage chart of accounts, setup of accountancy +Permission51001=Read assets +Permission51002=Create/Update assets +Permission51003=Delete assets +Permission51005=Setup types of asset +Permission54001=Print +Permission55001=Read polls +Permission55002=Create/modify polls +Permission59001=Read commercial margins +Permission59002=Define commercial margins +Permission59003=Read every user margin +Permission63001=Read resources +Permission63002=Create/modify resources +Permission63003=Delete resources +Permission63004=Link resources to agenda events +DictionaryCompanyType=Third-party types +DictionaryCompanyJuridicalType=Third-party legal entities +DictionaryProspectLevel=Prospect potential +DictionaryCanton=States/Provinces +DictionaryRegion=Regions +DictionaryCountry=Countries +DictionaryCurrency=Currencies +DictionaryCivility=Honorific titles +DictionaryActions=Types of agenda events +DictionarySocialContributions=Types of social or fiscal taxes +DictionaryVAT=VAT Rates or Sales Tax Rates +DictionaryRevenueStamp=Amount of tax stamps +DictionaryPaymentConditions=Payment Terms +DictionaryPaymentModes=Payment Modes +DictionaryTypeContact=Contact/Address types +DictionaryTypeOfContainer=Website - Type of website pages/containers +DictionaryEcotaxe=Ecotax (WEEE) +DictionaryPaperFormat=Paper formats +DictionaryFormatCards=Card formats +DictionaryFees=Expense report - Types of expense report lines +DictionarySendingMethods=Shipping methods +DictionaryStaff=Number of Employees +DictionaryAvailability=Delivery delay +DictionaryOrderMethods=Ordering methods +DictionarySource=Origin of proposals/orders +DictionaryAccountancyCategory=Personalized groups for reports +DictionaryAccountancysystem=Models for chart of accounts +DictionaryAccountancyJournal=Accounting journals +DictionaryEMailTemplates=Email Templates +DictionaryUnits=Units +DictionaryMeasuringUnits=Measuring Units +DictionarySocialNetworks=Social Networks +DictionaryProspectStatus=Prospect status +DictionaryHolidayTypes=Types of leave +DictionaryOpportunityStatus=Lead status for project/lead +DictionaryExpenseTaxCat=Expense report - Transportation categories +DictionaryExpenseTaxRange=Expense report - Range by transportation category +SetupSaved=Setup saved +SetupNotSaved=Setup not saved +BackToModuleList=Back to Module list +BackToDictionaryList=Back to Dictionaries list +TypeOfRevenueStamp=Type of tax stamp +VATManagement=Sales Tax Management +VATIsUsedDesc=By default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc. the Sales Tax rate follows the active standard rule:
If the seller is not subject to Sales tax, then Sales tax defaults to 0. End of rule.
If the (seller's country = buyer's country), then the Sales tax by default equals the Sales tax of the product in the seller's country. End of rule.
If the seller and buyer are both in the European Community and goods are transport-related products (haulage, shipping, airline), the default VAT is 0. This rule is dependant on the seller's country - please consult with your accountant. The VAT should be paid by the buyer to the customs office in their country and not to the seller. End of rule.
If the seller and buyer are both in the European Community and the buyer is not a company (with a registered intra-Community VAT number) then the VAT defaults to the VAT rate of the seller's country. End of rule.
If the seller and buyer are both in the European Community and the buyer is a company (with a registered intra-Community VAT number), then the VAT is 0 by default. End of rule.
In any other case the proposed default is Sales tax=0. End of rule. +VATIsNotUsedDesc=By default the proposed Sales tax is 0 which can be used for cases like associations, individuals or small companies. +VATIsUsedExampleFR=In France, it means companies or organizations having a real fiscal system (Simplified real or normal real). A system in which VAT is declared. +VATIsNotUsedExampleFR=In France, it means associations that are non Sales tax declared or companies, organizations or liberal professions that have chosen the micro enterprise fiscal system (Sales tax in franchise) and paid a franchise Sales tax without any Sales tax declaration. This choice will display the reference "Non applicable Sales tax - art-293B of CGI" on invoices. @@ -1137,47 +996,50 @@ -TypeOfSaleTaxes=Sotishdan olinadigan soliq turi -LTRate=Tezlik -LocalTax1IsNotUsed=Ikkinchi soliqdan foydalanmang -LocalTax1IsUsedDesc=Soliqning ikkinchi turidan foydalaning (birinchisidan tashqari) -LocalTax1IsNotUsedDesc=Boshqa soliq turlaridan foydalanmang (birinchisidan tashqari) -LocalTax1Management=Soliqning ikkinchi turi -LocalTax2IsNotUsed=Uchinchi soliqdan foydalanmang -LocalTax2IsUsedDesc=Uchinchi soliq turidan foydalaning (birinchisidan tashqari) -LocalTax2IsNotUsedDesc=Boshqa soliq turlaridan foydalanmang (birinchisidan tashqari) -LocalTax2Management=Soliqning uchinchi turi -LocalTax1ManagementES=RE boshqaruvi -LocalTax1IsUsedDescES=Istiqbollar, hisob-fakturalar, buyurtmalar va boshqalarni yaratishda RE stavkasi sukut bo'yicha faol standart qoidaga amal qiladi:
Agar xaridor REga bo'ysunmasa, sukut bo'yicha RE = 0. Qoidaning tugashi.
Agar xaridor REga duch kelsa, u holda RE sukut bo'yicha. Qoidaning tugashi.
-LocalTax1IsNotUsedDescES=Odatiy bo'lib, taklif qilingan RE 0. Qoidaning oxiri. -LocalTax1IsUsedExampleES=Ispaniyada ular Ispaniya IAE ning ba'zi bir aniq bo'limlariga bo'ysunadigan mutaxassislardir. -LocalTax1IsNotUsedExampleES=Ispaniyada ular professional va jamiyatdir va Ispaniya IAEning ayrim bo'limlariga bo'ysunadilar. -LocalTax2ManagementES=IRPF menejmenti -LocalTax2IsUsedDescES=Istiqbollar, hisob-fakturalar, buyurtmalar va boshqalarni yaratishda IRPF stavkasi faol standart qoidaga amal qiladi:
Agar sotuvchi IRPFga bo'ysunmasa, u holda IRPF sukut bo'yicha = 0 bo'ladi. Qoidaning tugashi.
Agar sotuvchiga IRPF tegishli bo'lsa, u holda IRPF sukut bo'yicha. Qoidaning tugashi.
-LocalTax2IsNotUsedDescES=Odatiy bo'lib, taklif qilingan IRPF 0. Qoidalarning oxiri. -LocalTax2IsUsedExampleES=Ispaniyada xizmat ko'rsatuvchi frilanserlar va mustaqil mutaxassislar va modullarning soliq tizimini tanlagan kompaniyalar. -LocalTax2IsNotUsedExampleES=Ispaniyada ular modul soliq tizimiga bo'ysunmaydigan korxonalardir. -RevenueStampDesc="Soliq shtampi" yoki "daromad shtampi" - har bir faktura bo'yicha qat'iy belgilangan soliq (Bu schyot-faktura miqdoriga bog'liq emas). Shuningdek, bu foizli soliq bo'lishi mumkin, ammo soliqning ikkinchi yoki uchinchi turidan foydalanish foizli soliqlar uchun yaxshiroqdir, chunki soliq markalarida hech qanday hisobot berilmaydi. Ushbu turdagi soliqlardan faqat ozgina mamlakatlar foydalanadi. -UseRevenueStamp=Soliq markasidan foydalaning -UseRevenueStampExample=Soliq markasining qiymati sukut bo'yicha lug'atlarni o'rnatishda aniqlanadi (%s - %s - %s) -CalcLocaltax=Mahalliy soliqlar bo'yicha hisobotlar -CalcLocaltax1=Sotish - sotib olish -CalcLocaltax1Desc=Mahalliy soliqlar bo'yicha hisobotlar mahalliy soliqlarni sotish va mahalliy soliqlarni sotib olish o'rtasidagi farq bilan hisoblanadi -CalcLocaltax2=Xaridlar -CalcLocaltax2Desc=Mahalliy soliqlar bo'yicha hisobotlar - bu mahalliy soliqlarni sotib olishning umumiy miqdori -CalcLocaltax3=Sotish -CalcLocaltax3Desc=Mahalliy soliqlar bo'yicha hisobotlar - bu mahalliy soliqlar bo'yicha sotuvlar yig'indisi -NoLocalTaxXForThisCountry=Soliqlarni o'rnatishga muvofiq (Qarang: %s - %s - %s), sizning mamlakatingizda bunday turdagi soliqlardan foydalanishning hojati yo'q -LabelUsedByDefault=Agar kod uchun tarjima topilmasa, sukut bo'yicha ishlatiladigan yorliq -LabelOnDocuments=Hujjatlardagi yorliq -LabelOrTranslationKey=Yorliq yoki tarjima kaliti -ValueOfConstantKey=Konfiguratsiya doimiyligining qiymati -ConstantIsOn=%s variant yoniq -NbOfDays=Kunlar soni -AtEndOfMonth=Oy oxirida -CurrentNext=Oyning ma'lum bir kuni -Offset=Ofset -AlwaysActive=Har doim faol -Upgrade=Yangilash -MenuUpgrade=Yangilash / uzaytirish -AddExtensionThemeModuleOrOther=Tashqi ilova / modulni joylashtiring / o'rnating -WebServer=Veb-server -DocumentRootServer=Veb-serverning ildiz katalogi -DataRootServer=Ma'lumotlar fayllari katalogi +TypeOfSaleTaxes=Type of sales tax +LTRate=Rate +LocalTax1IsNotUsed=Do not use second tax +LocalTax1IsUsedDesc=Use a second type of tax (other than first one) +LocalTax1IsNotUsedDesc=Do not use other type of tax (other than first one) +LocalTax1Management=Second type of tax +LocalTax1IsUsedExample= +LocalTax1IsNotUsedExample= +LocalTax2IsNotUsed=Do not use third tax +LocalTax2IsUsedDesc=Use a third type of tax (other than first one) +LocalTax2IsNotUsedDesc=Do not use other type of tax (other than first one) +LocalTax2Management=Third type of tax +LocalTax2IsUsedExample= +LocalTax2IsNotUsedExample= +LocalTax1ManagementES=RE Management +LocalTax1IsUsedDescES=The RE rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc. follow the active standard rule:
If the buyer is not subjected to RE, RE by default=0. End of rule.
If the buyer is subjected to RE then the RE by default. End of rule.
+LocalTax1IsNotUsedDescES=By default the proposed RE is 0. End of rule. +LocalTax1IsUsedExampleES=In Spain they are professionals subject to some specific sections of the Spanish IAE. +LocalTax1IsNotUsedExampleES=In Spain they are professional and societies and subject to certain sections of the Spanish IAE. +LocalTax2ManagementES=IRPF Management +LocalTax2IsUsedDescES=The IRPF rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc. follow the active standard rule:
If the seller is not subjected to IRPF, then IRPF by default=0. End of rule.
If the seller is subjected to IRPF then the IRPF by default. End of rule.
+LocalTax2IsNotUsedDescES=By default the proposed IRPF is 0. End of rule. +LocalTax2IsUsedExampleES=In Spain, freelancers and independent professionals who provide services and companies who have chosen the tax system of modules. +LocalTax2IsNotUsedExampleES=In Spain they are businesses not subject to tax system of modules. +RevenueStampDesc=The "tax stamp" or "revenue stamp" is a fixed tax you per invoice (It does not depend on amount of invoice). It can also be a percent tax but using the second or third type of tax is better for percent taxes as tax stamps does not provide any reporting. Only few countries uses this type of tax. +UseRevenueStamp=Use a tax stamp +UseRevenueStampExample=The value of tax stamp is defined by default into the setup of dictionaries (%s - %s - %s) +CalcLocaltax=Reports on local taxes +CalcLocaltax1=Sales - Purchases +CalcLocaltax1Desc=Local Taxes reports are calculated with the difference between localtaxes sales and localtaxes purchases +CalcLocaltax2=Purchases +CalcLocaltax2Desc=Local Taxes reports are the total of localtaxes purchases +CalcLocaltax3=Sales +CalcLocaltax3Desc=Local Taxes reports are the total of localtaxes sales +NoLocalTaxXForThisCountry=According to the setup of taxes (See %s - %s - %s), your country does not need to use such type of tax +LabelUsedByDefault=Label used by default if no translation can be found for code +LabelOnDocuments=Label on documents +LabelOrTranslationKey=Label or translation key +ValueOfConstantKey=Value of a configuration constant +NbOfDays=No. of days +AtEndOfMonth=At end of month +CurrentNext=Current/Next +Offset=Offset +AlwaysActive=Always active +Upgrade=Upgrade +MenuUpgrade=Upgrade / Extend +AddExtensionThemeModuleOrOther=Deploy/install external app/module +WebServer=Web server +DocumentRootServer=Web server's root directory +DataRootServer=Data files directory @@ -1186 +1048 @@ -VirtualServerName=Virtual server nomi +VirtualServerName=Virtual server name @@ -1188 +1050 @@ -PhpWebLink=Web-Php havolasi +PhpWebLink=Web-Php link @@ -1190,9 +1052,9 @@ -Database=Ma'lumotlar bazasi -DatabaseServer=Ma'lumotlar bazasi xosti -DatabaseName=Ma'lumotlar bazasi nomi -DatabasePort=Ma'lumotlar bazasi porti -DatabaseUser=Ma'lumotlar bazasi foydalanuvchisi -DatabasePassword=Ma'lumotlar bazasi paroli -Tables=Jadvallar -TableName=Jadval nomi -NbOfRecord=Yozuvlar soni +Database=Database +DatabaseServer=Database host +DatabaseName=Database name +DatabasePort=Database port +DatabaseUser=Database user +DatabasePassword=Database password +Tables=Tables +TableName=Table name +NbOfRecord=No. of records @@ -1200,25 +1062,23 @@ -DriverType=Haydovchi turi -SummarySystem=Tizim haqida qisqacha ma'lumot -SummaryConst=Barcha Dolibarr parametrlarini ro'yxati -MenuCompanySetup=Kompaniya / tashkilot -DefaultMenuManager= Standart menyu menejeri -DefaultMenuSmartphoneManager=Smartfon menyusi menejeri -Skin=Teri mavzusi -DefaultSkin=Standart teri mavzusi -MaxSizeList=Max length for lists -DefaultMaxSizeList=Ro'yxatlar uchun standart maksimal uzunlik -MaxSizeShortList=Max length for short lists -DefaultMaxSizeShortList=Qisqa ro'yxatlar uchun standart maksimal uzunlik (ya'ni mijozlar kartasida) -DisplayGrandTotalInList=Roʻyxatlar tagida umumiy jami (barcha sahifalar uchun) koʻrsatish -MessageOfDay=Kunning xabari -MessageLogin=Kirish sahifasidagi xabar -LoginPage=Kirish sahifasi -BackgroundImageLogin=Orqa fon rasmi -PermanentLeftSearchForm=Chap menyuda doimiy qidiruv shakli -DefaultLanguage=Standart til -EnableMultilangInterface=Xaridor yoki sotuvchi munosabatlari uchun ko'p tilli yordamni yoqing -EnableShowLogo=Show the company logos in the menu -THEME_MENU_COLORLOGO=Show main menu logo in color -CompanyInfo=Kompaniya / tashkilot -CompanyIds=Kompaniya / tashkilotning identifikatorlari -CompanyAddress=Manzil +DriverType=Driver type +SummarySystem=System information summary +SummaryConst=List of all Dolibarr setup parameters +MenuCompanySetup=Company/Organization +DefaultMenuManager= Standard menu manager +DefaultMenuSmartphoneManager=Smartphone menu manager +Skin=Skin theme +DefaultSkin=Default skin theme +MaxSizeList=Max length for list +DefaultMaxSizeList=Default max length for lists +DefaultMaxSizeShortList=Default max length for short lists (i.e. in customer card) +MessageOfDay=Message of the day +MessageLogin=Login page message +LoginPage=Login page +BackgroundImageLogin=Background image +PermanentLeftSearchForm=Permanent search form on left menu +DefaultLanguage=Default language +EnableMultilangInterface=Enable multilanguage support +EnableShowLogo=Show the company logo in the menu +CompanyInfo=Company/Organization +CompanyIds=Company/Organization identities +CompanyName=Name +CompanyAddress=Address @@ -1226,203 +1086,182 @@ -CompanyTown=Shahar -CompanyCountry=Mamlakat -CompanyCurrency=Asosiy valyuta -CompanyObject=Kompaniya ob'ekti -IDCountry=ID mamlakat -Logo=Logotip -LogoDesc=Kompaniyaning asosiy logotipi. Yaratilgan hujjatlarda ishlatiladi (PDF, ...) -LogoSquarred=Logotip (kvadrat shaklida) -LogoSquarredDesc=Kvadratik belgi bo'lishi kerak (kenglik = balandlik). Ushbu logotip eng yaxshi belgi yoki yuqori menyu satridagi boshqa ehtiyojlar sifatida ishlatiladi (agar displey sozlamalarida o'chirilmagan bo'lsa). -DoNotSuggestPaymentMode=Taklif qilmang -NoActiveBankAccountDefined=Faol bank hisob raqami aniqlanmadi -OwnerOfBankAccount=%s bank hisobvarag'ining egasi -BankModuleNotActive=Bank hisoblari moduli yoqilmagan -ShowBugTrackLink=" %s " havolasini ko'rsating -ShowBugTrackLinkDesc=Bu havolani ko'rsatmaslik uchun bo'sh qoldiring, Dolibarr loyihasiga havola uchun 'github' qiymatidan foydalaning yoki to'g'ridan -to'g'ri 'https: // ...' urlini belgilang. -Alerts=Ogohlantirishlar -DelaysOfToleranceBeforeWarning=Ogohlantirish ogohlantirishi ko'rsatilmoqda... -DelaysOfToleranceDesc=Kechiktirilgan elementni ekranda %s ogohlantirish belgisi paydo bo'lishidan oldin kechiktirishni o'rnating. -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_ACTIONS_TODO=Rejalashtirilgan tadbirlar (kun tartibidagi tadbirlar) tugallanmagan -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROJECT_TO_CLOSE=Loyiha o'z vaqtida yopilmagan -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_TASKS_TODO=Rejalashtirilgan vazifa (loyiha vazifalari) bajarilmagan -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_ORDERS_TO_PROCESS=Buyurtma bajarilmadi -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_SUPPLIER_ORDERS_TO_PROCESS=Xarid qilish buyurtmasi qayta ishlanmadi -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROPALS_TO_CLOSE=Taklif yopilmagan -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROPALS_TO_BILL=Taklif taqdim etilmaydi -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_NOT_ACTIVATED_SERVICES=Yoqish uchun xizmat -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_RUNNING_SERVICES=Muddati o'tgan xizmat -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_SUPPLIER_BILLS_TO_PAY=To'lovsiz sotuvchining hisob-fakturasi -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_CUSTOMER_BILLS_UNPAYED=To'lanmagan mijozlar uchun hisob-faktura -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_TRANSACTIONS_TO_CONCILIATE=Bank bilan kelishuv kutilmoqda -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_MEMBERS=Kechiktirilgan a'zolik badali -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_CHEQUES_TO_DEPOSIT=Depozitni tekshirish amalga oshirilmagan -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_EXPENSEREPORTS=Tasdiqlash uchun xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot -Delays_MAIN_DELAY_HOLIDAYS=Tasdiqlash uchun so'rovlarni qoldiring -SetupDescription1=Dolibarr-dan foydalanishni boshlashdan oldin ba'zi bir boshlang'ich parametrlarni aniqlash va modullarni yoqish / sozlash kerak. -SetupDescription2=Quyidagi ikkita bo'lim majburiydir (O'rnatish menyusidagi ikkita birinchi yozuv): -SetupDescription3= %s -> %s

Ilovangizning standart xatti-harakatlarini sozlash uchun ishlatiladigan asosiy parametrlar (masalan, mamlakat bilan bog'liq). -SetupDescription4= %s -> %s

Ushbu dastur ko'plab modullar / ilovalar to'plamidir. Sizning ehtiyojlaringiz bilan bog'liq modullarni yoqish va sozlash kerak. Ushbu modullar yoqilganda menyu yozuvlari paydo bo'ladi. -SetupDescription5=Boshqa O'rnatish menyusi yozuvlari ixtiyoriy parametrlarni boshqaradi. -SetupDescriptionLink= %s - %s -SetupDescription3b=Ilovangizning odatiy xatti-harakatlarini sozlash uchun ishlatiladigan asosiy parametrlar (masalan, mamlakat bilan bog'liq xususiyatlar uchun). -SetupDescription4b=Ushbu dastur ko'plab modullar/ilovalar to'plamidir. Sizning ehtiyojlaringiz bilan bog'liq modullar faollashtirilgan bo'lishi kerak. Ushbu modullar faollashtirilganda menyu yozuvlari paydo bo'ladi. -AuditedSecurityEvents=Tekshiriladigan xavfsizlik hodisalari -NoSecurityEventsAreAduited=Hech qanday xavfsizlik hodisalari tekshirilmaydi. Siz ularni %s menyusidan faollashtirishingiz mumkin -Audit=Xavfsizlik tadbirlari -InfoDolibarr=Dolibarr haqida -InfoBrowser=Brauzer haqida -InfoOS=OS haqida -InfoWebServer=Veb-server haqida -InfoDatabase=Ma'lumotlar bazasi haqida -InfoPHP=PHP haqida -InfoPerf=Ijrolar haqida -InfoSecurity=Xavfsizlik to'g'risida -BrowserName=Brauzer nomi -BrowserOS=Brauzer OS -ListOfSecurityEvents=Dolibarr xavfsizlik tadbirlari ro'yxati -SecurityEventsPurged=Xavfsizlik tadbirlari tozalandi -SecurityEvent=Security event -TrackableSecurityEvents=Kuzatiladigan xavfsizlik hodisalari -LogEventDesc=Muayyan xavfsizlik hodisalari uchun jurnalga yozishni yoqing. Administratorlar jurnalni %s - %s menyusi orqali qayd etishadi. Ogohlantirish, ushbu xususiyat ma'lumotlar bazasida katta hajmdagi ma'lumotlarni yaratishi mumkin. -AreaForAdminOnly=O'rnatish parametrlarini faqat administrator foydalanuvchilari tomonidan o'rnatishi mumkin. -SystemInfoDesc=Tizim ma'lumotlari faqat o'qish rejimida olinadigan va faqat administratorlar uchun ko'rinadigan turli xil texnik ma'lumotlardir. -SystemAreaForAdminOnly=Ushbu maydon faqat administrator foydalanuvchilari uchun mavjud. Dolibarr foydalanuvchi ruxsatnomalari ushbu cheklovni o'zgartira olmaydi. -CompanyFundationDesc=Kompaniyangiz / tashkilotingiz ma'lumotlarini tahrirlash. Ish tugagandan so'ng sahifaning pastki qismidagi "%s" tugmasini bosing. -MoreNetworksAvailableWithModule="Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar" modulini yoqish orqali ko'proq ijtimoiy tarmoqlar mavjud bo'lishi mumkin. -AccountantDesc=Agar sizda tashqi buxgalter / buxgalter bo'lsa, bu erda uning ma'lumotlarini tahrirlashingiz mumkin. -AccountantFileNumber=Buxgalter kodi -DisplayDesc=Ilovaning ko'rinishi va taqdimotiga ta'sir qiluvchi parametrlarni bu erda o'zgartirish mumkin. -AvailableModules=Mavjud ilova / modullar -ToActivateModule=Modullarni faollashtirish uchun o'rnatish maydoniga o'ting (Uy-> O'rnatish-> Modullar). -SessionTimeOut=Mashg'ulot uchun vaqt tugadi -SessionExplanation=Ushbu raqam, agar sessiyani tozalovchi ichki PHP sessiyasini tozalash vositasi tomonidan amalga oshirilsa (va boshqa hech narsa), bu kechikishdan oldin sessiya hech qachon tugamasligini kafolatlaydi. PHP sessiyasining ichki tozalagichi ushbu kechikishdan keyin sessiya tugashiga kafolat bermaydi. Bu kechikishdan keyin va seansni tozalash vositasi ishga tushirilganda tugaydi, %s/%sshuning uchun har bir jarayon).
Eslatma: tashqi seansni tozalash mexanizmi bo'lgan ba'zi serverlarda (debian, ubuntu ... ostida cron), bu erda kiritilgan qiymatdan qat'i nazar, tashqi o'rnatish bilan belgilangan muddatdan so'ng sessiyalar yo'q qilinishi mumkin. -SessionsPurgedByExternalSystem=Ushbu serverdagi sessiyalar tashqi mexanizm (cron, debian, ubuntu ...) bilan tozalanadigandek tuyuladi, ehtimol har bir %s soniya (= session.gc9f88 Server ma'muridan sessiyaning kechikishini o'zgartirishni so'rashingiz kerak. -TriggersAvailable=Mavjud triggerlar -TriggersDesc=Triggerlar - bu htdocs / core / triggers katalogiga ko'chirilgandan so'ng, Dolibarr ish oqimini o'zgartiradigan fayllar. Ular Dolibarr tadbirlarida faollashtirilgan yangi harakatlarni amalga oshiradilar (yangi kompaniya yaratish, hisob-fakturani tasdiqlash, ...). -TriggerDisabledByName=Ushbu fayldagi triggerlar o'z nomidagi -NORUN qo'shimchasi tomonidan o'chirib qo'yilgan. -TriggerDisabledAsModuleDisabled=Ushbu faylda triggerlar o'chirilgan, chunki %s moduli o'chirilgan. -TriggerAlwaysActive=Dolibarr modullari qanday bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, ushbu fayldagi triggerlar har doim faol bo'ladi. -TriggerActiveAsModuleActive= %s moduli yoqilganligi sababli ushbu fayldagi tetiklar faoldir. -GeneratedPasswordDesc=Avtomatik ravishda yaratilgan parollar uchun ishlatiladigan usulni tanlang. -DictionaryDesc=Barcha mos yozuvlar ma'lumotlarini joylashtiring. Siz o'zingizning qadriyatlarni sukut bo'yicha qo'shishingiz mumkin. -ConstDesc=Ushbu sahifa boshqa sahifalarda mavjud bo'lmagan parametrlarni tahrirlash (bekor qilish) imkonini beradi. Ular asosan ishlab chiquvchilar uchun ajratilgan parametrlardir / faqat rivojlangan muammolarni bartaraf etish. -MiscellaneousOptions=Turli xil variantlar -MiscellaneousDesc=Xavfsizlik bilan bog'liq barcha boshqa parametrlar bu erda aniqlangan. -LimitsSetup=Cheklovlar / aniqlik sozlamalari -LimitsDesc=Dolibarr tomonidan qo'llaniladigan limitlar, aniqliklar va optimallashtirishlarni bu erda belgilashingiz mumkin -MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT=Maks. birlik narxlari uchun o'nlik -MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT=Maks. umumiy narxlar uchun o'nlik -MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN=Maks. narxlari uchun o'nlik, ekranida ko'rsatilgan. Agar kesilgan narxga qo'shilgan " ... " ni ko'rishni istasangiz, ushbu parametrdan keyin (masalan, "2 ...") ellipsis ... qo'shing. -MAIN_ROUNDING_RULE_TOT=Yuvarlama oralig'ining bosqichi (yaxlitlash 10-asosdan boshqasida amalga oshiriladigan mamlakatlar uchun. Masalan, yaxlitlash 0,05 qadam bilan bajarilsa, 0,05 qo'ying) -UnitPriceOfProduct=Mahsulotning sof birlik narxi -TotalPriceAfterRounding=Dumaloqlashdan keyingi umumiy narx (QQS / soliqni hisobga olmaganda) -ParameterActiveForNextInputOnly=Parametr faqat keyingi kiritish uchun samarali -NoEventOrNoAuditSetup=Hech qanday xavfsizlik hodisasi qayd etilmagan. Agar "O'rnatish - Xavfsizlik - tadbirlar" sahifasida Audit yoqilmagan bo'lsa, bu normal holat. -NoEventFoundWithCriteria=Ushbu qidiruv mezonlari uchun hech qanday xavfsizlik hodisasi topilmadi. -SeeLocalSendMailSetup=Mahalliy sendmail sozlamalarini ko'ring -BackupDesc= Dolibarr o'rnatilishini to'liq zaxiralash uchun ikki bosqich talab qilinadi. -BackupDesc2=Yuklangan va yaratilgan barcha fayllarni o'z ichiga olgan "hujjatlar" katalogining tarkibini zaxiralash ( %s ). Bunga 1-bosqichda yaratilgan barcha dump fayllari ham kiradi. Ushbu operatsiya bir necha daqiqa davom etishi mumkin. -BackupDesc3=Ma'lumotlar bazangizning tuzilishi va tarkibini zaxira nusxasini ( %s ) zaxira nusxasini zaxiralash. Buning uchun siz quyidagi yordamchidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -BackupDescX=Arxivlangan katalog xavfsiz joyda saqlanishi kerak. -BackupDescY=Yaratilgan dump fayli xavfsiz joyda saqlanishi kerak. -BackupPHPWarning=Ushbu usul bilan zaxiralashni kafolatlash mumkin emas. Oldingi tavsiya etilgan. -RestoreDesc=Dolibarr zaxira nusxasini tiklash uchun ikkita qadam kerak. -RestoreDesc2="Hujjatlar" katalogining zaxira faylini (masalan, zip fayli) yangi Dolibarr o'rnatilishiga yoki ushbu joriy hujjatlar katalogiga tiklang ( %s ). -RestoreDesc3=Ma'lumotlar bazasi tuzilishini va zaxira dump faylidan yangi Dolibarr o'rnatilishi ma'lumotlar bazasiga yoki ushbu joriy o'rnatish bazasiga tiklang ( %s ). Ogohlantirish, tiklash tugallangandan so'ng, qayta ulanish uchun zaxira vaqti / o'rnatilishidan oldin mavjud bo'lgan login / paroldan foydalanishingiz kerak.
zaxira ma'lumotlar bazasini ushbu joriy o'rnatishga qaytarish uchun ushbu yordamchiga ergashishingiz mumkin. -RestoreMySQL=MySQL-ni import qilish -ForcedToByAModule=Ushbu qoida majburiy ravishda faollashtirilgan modul tomonidan %s -ValueIsForcedBySystem=Ushbu qiymat tizim tomonidan majburlanadi. Siz uni o'zgartira olmaysiz. -PreviousDumpFiles=Mavjud zaxira fayllari -PreviousArchiveFiles=Mavjud arxiv fayllari -WeekStartOnDay=Haftaning birinchi kuni -RunningUpdateProcessMayBeRequired=Yangilash jarayonini bajarish talab etilgandek tuyuladi (%s dastur versiyasi %s ma'lumotlar bazasidan farq qiladi) -YouMustRunCommandFromCommandLineAfterLoginToUser= %s foydalanuvchisi bilan qobiqqa kirganingizdan so'ng ushbu buyruqni buyruq qatoridan ishga tushirishingiz kerak yoki a0ecb2918f parolni kiritish uchun buyruq qatori oxiriga -W opsiyasini qo'shishingiz kerak a0ecb2918f. -YourPHPDoesNotHaveSSLSupport=Sizning PHP-da SSL funktsiyalari mavjud emas -DownloadMoreSkins=Yuklab olish uchun ko'proq terilar -SimpleNumRefModelDesc=%syymm-nnnn formatidagi mos yozuvlar raqamini qaytaradi, bu erda yy yil, mm oy va nnnn ketma-ket avtomatik ortib boruvchi raqam -SimpleRefNumRefModelDesc=Malumot raqamini n formatida qaytaradi, bunda n — qayta oʻrnatilmagan, ketma-ket avtomatik oʻsuvchi raqam -AdvancedNumRefModelDesc=Ma'lumot raqamini %syymm-nnnn formatida qaytaradi, bunda yy - yil, mm - oy va nnnn - asl holatini tiklashsiz ketma-ket avtomatik oshiruvchi raqam -SimpleNumRefNoDateModelDesc=%s-nnnn formatidagi mos yozuvlar raqamini qaytaradi, bu erda nnnn qayta tiklanmagan ketma-ket avtomatik ko'paytiruvchi raqam -ShowProfIdInAddress=Manzillari ko'rsatilgan professional identifikatorni ko'rsating -ShowVATIntaInAddress=Hamjamiyat ichida QQS raqamini yashirish -TranslationUncomplete=Qisman tarjima -MAIN_DISABLE_METEO=Ob -havoning bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -MeteoStdMod=Standart rejim -MeteoStdModEnabled=Standart rejim yoqilgan -MeteoPercentageMod=Foiz rejimi -MeteoPercentageModEnabled=Foiz rejimi yoqilgan -MeteoUseMod=%s dan foydalanish uchun bosing -TestLoginToAPI=API-ga kirishni sinab ko'ring -ProxyDesc=Dolibarr-ning ba'zi xususiyatlari Internetga kirishni talab qiladi. Agar kerak bo'lsa, proksi-server orqali kirish kabi Internetga ulanish parametrlarini bu erda aniqlang. -ExternalAccess=Tashqi / Internetga kirish -MAIN_PROXY_USE=Proksi-serverdan foydalaning (aks holda kirish Internetga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri) -MAIN_PROXY_HOST=Proksi-server: Ism / manzil -MAIN_PROXY_PORT=Proksi-server: Port -MAIN_PROXY_USER=Proksi-server: Kirish / Foydalanuvchi -MAIN_PROXY_PASS=Proksi-server: parol -DefineHereComplementaryAttributes=Qo'shilishi kerak bo'lgan har qanday qo'shimcha / maxsus atributlarni aniqlang: %s -ExtraFields=Bir-birini to'ldiruvchi atributlar -ExtraFieldsLines=Qo'shimcha atributlar (chiziqlar) -ExtraFieldsLinesRec=Qo'shimcha atributlar (shablonlar fakturalar satrlari) -ExtraFieldsSupplierOrdersLines=Qo'shimcha atributlar (buyurtma satrlari) -ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoicesLines=Qo'shimcha atributlar (hisob-faktura satrlari) -ExtraFieldsThirdParties=Qo'shimcha atributlar (uchinchi tomon) -ExtraFieldsContacts=Qo'shimcha atributlar (kontaktlar / manzil) -ExtraFieldsMember=Qo'shimcha atributlar (a'zo) -ExtraFieldsMemberType=Qo'shimcha atributlar (a'zo turi) -ExtraFieldsCustomerInvoices=Qo'shimcha atributlar (hisob-fakturalar) -ExtraFieldsCustomerInvoicesRec=Qo'shimcha atributlar (shablonlar hisob-fakturalari) -ExtraFieldsSupplierOrders=Qo'shimcha atributlar (buyurtmalar) -ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoices=Qo'shimcha atributlar (hisob-fakturalar) -ExtraFieldsProject=Qo'shimcha atributlar (loyihalar) -ExtraFieldsProjectTask=Qo'shimcha atributlar (vazifalar) -ExtraFieldsSalaries=Qo'shimcha atributlar (ish haqi) -ExtraFieldHasWrongValue=%s atributi noto'g'ri qiymatga ega. -AlphaNumOnlyLowerCharsAndNoSpace=bo'sh joysiz faqat alfasayısal va kichik harflar -SendmailOptionNotComplete=E'tibor bering, ba'zi bir Linux tizimlarida elektron pochtangizdan elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun sendmail-ning bajarilishini o'rnatish -ba parametrini o'z ichiga olishi kerak (sizning php.ini faylingizga mail.force_extra_parameters parametri). Agar ba'zi bir qabul qiluvchilar hech qachon elektron pochta xabarlarini olmasalar, ushbu PHP parametrini mail.force_extra_parameters = -ba) bilan tahrir qilib ko'ring. -PathToDocuments=Hujjatlar yo'li -PathDirectory=Katalog -SendmailOptionMayHurtBuggedMTA=Xabarlarni "PHP mail direct" usuli yordamida yuborish xususiyati ba'zi qabul qiluvchi pochta serverlari tomonidan to'g'ri tahlil qilinmasligi mumkin bo'lgan pochta xabarini hosil qiladi. Natijada, ba'zi xatlarni o'sha buzilgan platformalar joylashtirilgan odamlar o'qiy olmaydi. Bu ba'zi bir Internet-provayderlarga tegishli (Masalan: Frantsiyada apelsin). Bu Dolibarr yoki PHP bilan emas, balki qabul qiluvchi pochta serverida muammo. Siz buni o'rnatish uchun MAIN_FIX_FOR_BUGGED_MTA-ga 1-ga qo'shishingiz mumkin, bunga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun Dolibarr-ni o'zgartirish. Biroq, siz SMTP standartidan qat'iy foydalanadigan boshqa serverlarda muammolarga duch kelishingiz mumkin. Boshqa echim (tavsiya etiladi) kamchiliklari bo'lmagan "SMTP socket library" usulidan foydalanish. -TranslationSetup=Tarjimani sozlash -TranslationKeySearch=Tarjima kaliti yoki satrini qidiring -TranslationOverwriteKey=Tarjima qatorini qayta yozing -TranslationDesc=Ko'rgazmali tilni qanday o'rnatish kerak:
* Default / Systemwide: menyu Bosh sahifa -> O'rnatish -> Displey
* Har bir foydalanuvchiga: ekranning yuqori qismidagi foydalanuvchi nomini bosing va foydalanuvchi006 ni o'rnating a09 karta. -TranslationOverwriteDesc=Bundan tashqari, quyidagi jadvalni to'ldiradigan satrlarni bekor qilishingiz mumkin. "%s" ochiladigan oynasidan tilingizni tanlang, tarjima kaliti qatorini "%s" ga va yangi tarjimangizni "%s" ga qo'ying -TranslationOverwriteDesc2=Qaysi tarjima kalitidan foydalanishni bilishingiz uchun boshqa yorliqni ishlatishingiz mumkin -TranslationString=Tarjima qatori -CurrentTranslationString=Joriy tarjima qatori -WarningAtLeastKeyOrTranslationRequired=Hech bo'lmaganda kalit yoki tarjima satri uchun qidiruv mezonlari talab qilinadi -NewTranslationStringToShow=Ko'rsatiladigan yangi tarjima qatori -OriginalValueWas=Asl tarjima ustiga yozilgan. Asl qiymati:

%s -TransKeyWithoutOriginalValue=Siz " %s " tarjima kaliti uchun hech qanday til fayllarida mavjud bo'lmagan yangi tarjimani majbur qildingiz -TitleNumberOfActivatedModules=Faollashtirilgan modullar -TotalNumberOfActivatedModules=Faollashtirilgan modullar: %s / %s -YouMustEnableOneModule=Siz kamida 1 ta modulni yoqishingiz kerak -YouMustEnableTranslationOverwriteBefore=Tarjimani almashtirishga ruxsat berish uchun avval tarjimani qayta yozishni yoqishingiz kerak -ClassNotFoundIntoPathWarning=%s sinfi PHP yo'lida topilmadi -YesInSummer=Ha yozda -OnlyFollowingModulesAreOpenedToExternalUsers=E'tibor bering, tashqi foydalanuvchilar uchun faqat quyidagi modullar mavjud (bunday foydalanuvchilarning ruxsatlaridan qat'i nazar) va faqat ruxsatlar berilgan taqdirda:
-SuhosinSessionEncrypt=Suxsin tomonidan shifrlangan sessiyani saqlash -ConditionIsCurrently=Vaziyat hozirda %s -YouUseBestDriver=Siz hozirda mavjud bo'lgan eng yaxshi haydovchi bo'lgan %s drayveridan foydalanasiz. -YouDoNotUseBestDriver=Siz haydovchi %s dan foydalanasiz, lekin %s drayveri tavsiya etiladi. -NbOfObjectIsLowerThanNoPb=Sizda ma'lumotlar bazasida faqat %s %s mavjud. Bu aniq bir optimallashtirishni talab qilmaydi. -ComboListOptim=Kombinatsiyalangan ro'yxatni yuklashni optimallashtirish -SearchOptim=Qidiruvni optimallashtirish -YouHaveXObjectUseComboOptim=Sizda ma'lumotlar bazasida %s %s mavjud. Siz tugmachani bosilgan hodisada kombinatsiyalangan ro'yxatni yuklash uchun modulni o'rnatishingiz mumkin. -YouHaveXObjectUseSearchOptim=Sizda ma'lumotlar bazasida %s %s mavjud. Home-Setup-Other-da %s doimiyligini 1 ga qo'shishingiz mumkin. -YouHaveXObjectUseSearchOptimDesc=Bu qidiruvni satrlarning boshida cheklaydi, bu ma'lumotlar bazasiga indekslardan foydalanishga imkon beradi va siz darhol javob olishingiz kerak. -YouHaveXObjectAndSearchOptimOn=Sizda ma'lumotlar bazasida %s %s mavjud va doimiy %s %s ga Home-Setup-Other-da o'rnatilgan. -BrowserIsOK=Siz %s veb-brauzeridan foydalanmoqdasiz. Ushbu brauzer xavfsizlik va ishlash uchun yaxshi. -BrowserIsKO=Siz %s veb-brauzeridan foydalanmoqdasiz. Ushbu brauzer xavfsizlik, ishlash va ishonchlilik uchun yomon tanlov ekanligi ma'lum. Firefox, Chrome, Opera yoki Safari-dan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz. -PHPModuleLoaded=PH0 komponenti %s yuklandi -PreloadOPCode=Oldindan yuklangan OPCode ishlatiladi -AddRefInList=Mijoz/sotuvchi ref. kombinatsiyalangan ro'yxatlarga.
Uchinchi tomonlar "CC12345 - SC45678 - The Big Company corp" nom formati bilan paydo bo'ladi. "The Big Company corp" o'rniga. -AddVatInList=Mijoz/sotuvchi QQS raqamini birlashtirilgan ro'yxatlarda ko'rsatish. -AddAdressInList=Mijoz/sotuvchi manzilini birlashtirilgan roʻyxatlarda koʻrsating.
Uchinchi tomonlarda "" oʻrniga "The Big Company corp. - 21 jump street 123456 Big town - USA" nom formati paydo boʻladi. Katta kompaniya korporatsiyasi". -AddEmailPhoneTownInContactList=Kontakt e-pochtasini (yoki aniqlanmagan bo‘lsa, telefonlarni) va shahar ma’lumotlari ro‘yxatini (ro‘yxat yoki kombinatsiyalangan qutini tanlang) ko‘rsatish
Kontaktlar “Dupond Durand - dupond.durand@example” nom formatida paydo bo‘ladi. .com - Parij" yoki "Dupond Durand" o'rniga "Dupond Durand - 06 07 59 65 66 - Parij". -AskForPreferredShippingMethod=Uchinchi shaxslar uchun jo'natilgan transport usulini so'rang. -FieldEdition=%s maydonining nashri -FillThisOnlyIfRequired=Misol: +2 (faqat vaqt mintaqasini ofset bilan bog'liq muammolar yuzaga kelganda to'ldiring) -GetBarCode=Shtrixli kodni oling -NumberingModules=Nomerlash modellari -DocumentModules=Hujjat modellari +CompanyTown=Town +CompanyCountry=Country +CompanyCurrency=Main currency +CompanyObject=Object of the company +IDCountry=ID country +Logo=Logo +LogoDesc=Main logo of company. Will be used into generated documents (PDF, ...) +LogoSquarred=Logo (squarred) +LogoSquarredDesc=Must be a squarred icon (width = height). This logo will be used as the favorite icon or other need like for the top menu bar (if not disabled into display setup). +DoNotSuggestPaymentMode=Do not suggest +NoActiveBankAccountDefined=No active bank account defined +OwnerOfBankAccount=Owner of bank account %s +BankModuleNotActive=Bank accounts module not enabled +ShowBugTrackLink=Show link "%s" +Alerts=Alerts +DelaysOfToleranceBeforeWarning=Delay before displaying a warning alert for: +DelaysOfToleranceDesc=Set the delay before an alert icon %s is shown onscreen for the late element. +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_ACTIONS_TODO=Planned events (agenda events) not completed +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROJECT_TO_CLOSE=Project not closed in time +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_TASKS_TODO=Planned task (project tasks) not completed +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_ORDERS_TO_PROCESS=Order not processed +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_SUPPLIER_ORDERS_TO_PROCESS=Purchase order not processed +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROPALS_TO_CLOSE=Proposal not closed +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_PROPALS_TO_BILL=Proposal not billed +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_NOT_ACTIVATED_SERVICES=Service to activate +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_RUNNING_SERVICES=Expired service +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_SUPPLIER_BILLS_TO_PAY=Unpaid vendor invoice +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_CUSTOMER_BILLS_UNPAYED=Unpaid customer invoice +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_TRANSACTIONS_TO_CONCILIATE=Pending bank reconciliation +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_MEMBERS=Delayed membership fee +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_CHEQUES_TO_DEPOSIT=Check deposit not done +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_EXPENSEREPORTS=Expense report to approve +Delays_MAIN_DELAY_HOLIDAYS=Leave requests to approve +SetupDescription1=Before starting to use Dolibarr some initial parameters must be defined and modules enabled/configured. +SetupDescription2=The following two sections are mandatory (the two first entries in the Setup menu): +SetupDescription3=%s -> %s

Basic parameters used to customize the default behavior of your application (e.g for country-related features). +SetupDescription4=%s -> %s

This software is a suite of many modules/applications. The modules related to your needs must be enabled and configured. Menu entries will appears with the activation of these modules. +SetupDescription5=Other Setup menu entries manage optional parameters. +LogEvents=Security audit events +Audit=Audit +InfoDolibarr=About Dolibarr +InfoBrowser=About Browser +InfoOS=About OS +InfoWebServer=About Web Server +InfoDatabase=About Database +InfoPHP=About PHP +InfoPerf=About Performances +BrowserName=Browser name +BrowserOS=Browser OS +ListOfSecurityEvents=List of Dolibarr security events +SecurityEventsPurged=Security events purged +LogEventDesc=Enable logging for specific security events. Administrators the log via menu %s - %s. Warning, this feature can generate a large amount of data in the database. +AreaForAdminOnly=Setup parameters can be set by administrator users only. +SystemInfoDesc=System information is miscellaneous technical information you get in read only mode and visible for administrators only. +SystemAreaForAdminOnly=This area is available to administrator users only. Dolibarr user permissions cannot change this restriction. +CompanyFundationDesc=Edit the information of your company/organization. Click on "%s" button at the bottom of the page when done. +AccountantDesc=If you have an external accountant/bookkeeper, you can edit here its information. +AccountantFileNumber=Accountant code +DisplayDesc=Parameters affecting the look and behaviour of Dolibarr can be modified here. +AvailableModules=Available app/modules +ToActivateModule=To activate modules, go on setup Area (Home->Setup->Modules). +SessionTimeOut=Time out for session +SessionExplanation=This number guarantees that the session will never expire before this delay, if the session cleaner is done by Internal PHP session cleaner (and nothing else). Internal PHP session cleaner does not guarantee that the session will expire after this delay. It will expire, after this delay, and when the session cleaner is run, so every %s/%s access, but only during access made by other sessions (if value is 0, it means clearing of session is done only by an external process).
Note: on some servers with an external session cleaning mechanism (cron under debian, ubuntu ...), the sessions can be destroyed after a period defined by an external setup, no matter what the value entered here is. +SessionsPurgedByExternalSystem=Sessions on this server seems to be cleaned by an external mechanism (cron under debian, ubuntu ...), probably every %s seconds (= value of parameter session.gc_maxlifetime), so changing the value here has no effect. You must ask the server administrator to change session delay. +TriggersAvailable=Available triggers +TriggersDesc=Triggers are files that will modify the behavior of Dolibarr workflow once copied into the directory htdocs/core/triggers. They realize new actions, activated on Dolibarr events (new company creation, invoice validation, ...). +TriggerDisabledByName=Triggers in this file are disabled by the -NORUN suffix in their name. +TriggerDisabledAsModuleDisabled=Triggers in this file are disabled as module %s is disabled. +TriggerAlwaysActive=Triggers in this file are always active, whatever are the activated Dolibarr modules. +TriggerActiveAsModuleActive=Triggers in this file are active as module %s is enabled. +GeneratedPasswordDesc=Choose the method to be used for auto-generated passwords. +DictionaryDesc=Insert all reference data. You can add your values to the default. +ConstDesc=This page allows you to edit (override) parameters not available in other pages. These are mostly reserved parameters for developers/advanced troubleshooting only. +MiscellaneousDesc=All other security related parameters are defined here. +LimitsSetup=Limits/Precision setup +LimitsDesc=You can define limits, precisions and optimizations used by Dolibarr here +MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT=Max. decimals for unit prices +MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT=Max. decimals for total prices +MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN=Max. decimals for prices shown on screen. Add an ellipsis ... after this parameter (e.g. "2...") if you want to see "..." suffixed to the truncated price. +MAIN_ROUNDING_RULE_TOT=Step of rounding range (for countries where rounding is done on something other than base 10. For example, put 0.05 if rounding is done by 0.05 steps) +UnitPriceOfProduct=Net unit price of a product +TotalPriceAfterRounding=Total price (excl/vat/incl tax) after rounding +ParameterActiveForNextInputOnly=Parameter effective for next input only +NoEventOrNoAuditSetup=No security event has been logged. This is normal if Audit has not been enabled in the "Setup - Security - Events" page. +NoEventFoundWithCriteria=No security event has been found for this search criteria. +SeeLocalSendMailSetup=See your local sendmail setup +BackupDesc=A complete backup of a Dolibarr installation requires two steps. +BackupDesc2=Backup the contents of the "documents" directory (%s) containing all uploaded and generated files. This will also include all the dump files generated in Step 1. This operation may last several minutes. +BackupDesc3=Backup the structure and contents of your database (%s) into a dump file. For this, you can use the following assistant. +BackupDescX=The archived directory should be stored in a secure place. +BackupDescY=The generated dump file should be stored in a secure place. +BackupPHPWarning=Backup cannot be guaranteed with this method. Previous one recommended. +RestoreDesc=To restore a Dolibarr backup, two steps are required. +RestoreDesc2=Restore the backup file (zip file for example) of the "documents" directory to a new Dolibarr installation or into this current documents directory (%s). +RestoreDesc3=Restore the database structure and data from a backup dump file into the database of the new Dolibarr installation or into the database of this current installation (%s). Warning, once the restore is complete, you must use a login/password, that existed from the backup time/installation to connect again.
To restore a backup database into this current installation, you can follow this assistant. +RestoreMySQL=MySQL import +ForcedToByAModule= This rule is forced to %s by an activated module +PreviousDumpFiles=Existing backup files +PreviousArchiveFiles=Existing archive files +WeekStartOnDay=First day of the week +RunningUpdateProcessMayBeRequired=Running the upgrade process seems to be required (Program version %s differs from Database version %s) +YouMustRunCommandFromCommandLineAfterLoginToUser=You must run this command from command line after login to a shell with user %s or you must add -W option at end of command line to provide %s password. +YourPHPDoesNotHaveSSLSupport=SSL functions not available in your PHP +DownloadMoreSkins=More skins to download +SimpleNumRefModelDesc=Returns the reference number with format %syymm-nnnn where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is sequential with no reset +ShowProfIdInAddress=Show professional id with addresses +ShowVATIntaInAddress=Hide intra-Community VAT number with addresses +TranslationUncomplete=Partial translation +MAIN_DISABLE_METEO=Disable meteorological view +MeteoStdMod=Standard mode +MeteoStdModEnabled=Standard mode enabled +MeteoPercentageMod=Percentage mode +MeteoPercentageModEnabled=Percentage mode enabled +MeteoUseMod=Click to use %s +TestLoginToAPI=Test login to API +ProxyDesc=Some features of Dolibarr require internet access. Define here the internet connection parameters such as access through a proxy server if necessary. +ExternalAccess=External/Internet Access +MAIN_PROXY_USE=Use a proxy server (otherwise access is direct to the internet) +MAIN_PROXY_HOST=Proxy server: Name/Address +MAIN_PROXY_PORT=Proxy server: Port +MAIN_PROXY_USER=Proxy server: Login/User +MAIN_PROXY_PASS=Proxy server: Password +DefineHereComplementaryAttributes=Define here any additional/custom attributes that you want to be included for: %s +ExtraFields=Complementary attributes +ExtraFieldsLines=Complementary attributes (lines) +ExtraFieldsLinesRec=Complementary attributes (templates invoices lines) +ExtraFieldsSupplierOrdersLines=Complementary attributes (order lines) +ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoicesLines=Complementary attributes (invoice lines) +ExtraFieldsThirdParties=Complementary attributes (third party) +ExtraFieldsContacts=Complementary attributes (contacts/address) +ExtraFieldsMember=Complementary attributes (member) +ExtraFieldsMemberType=Complementary attributes (member type) +ExtraFieldsCustomerInvoices=Complementary attributes (invoices) +ExtraFieldsCustomerInvoicesRec=Complementary attributes (templates invoices) +ExtraFieldsSupplierOrders=Complementary attributes (orders) +ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoices=Complementary attributes (invoices) +ExtraFieldsProject=Complementary attributes (projects) +ExtraFieldsProjectTask=Complementary attributes (tasks) +ExtraFieldsSalaries=Complementary attributes (salaries) +ExtraFieldHasWrongValue=Attribute %s has a wrong value. +AlphaNumOnlyLowerCharsAndNoSpace=only alphanumericals and lower case characters without space +SendmailOptionNotComplete=Warning, on some Linux systems, to send email from your email, sendmail execution setup must contains option -ba (parameter mail.force_extra_parameters into your php.ini file). If some recipients never receive emails, try to edit this PHP parameter with mail.force_extra_parameters = -ba). +PathToDocuments=Path to documents +PathDirectory=Directory +SendmailOptionMayHurtBuggedMTA=Feature to send mails using method "PHP mail direct" will generate a mail message that might not be parsed correctly by some receiving mail servers. The result is that some mails can't be read by people hosted by those bugged platforms. This is the case for some Internet providers (Ex: Orange in France). This is not a problem with Dolibarr or PHP but with the receiving mail server. You can however add an option MAIN_FIX_FOR_BUGGED_MTA to 1 in Setup - Other to modify Dolibarr to avoid this. However, you may experience problems with other servers that strictly use the SMTP standard. The other solution (recommended) is to use the method "SMTP socket library" which has no disadvantages. +TranslationSetup=Setup of translation +TranslationKeySearch=Search a translation key or string +TranslationOverwriteKey=Overwrite a translation string +TranslationDesc=How to set the display language:
* Default/Systemwide: menu Home -> Setup -> Display
* Per user: Click on the username at the top of the screen and modify the User Display Setup tab on the user card. +TranslationOverwriteDesc=You can also override strings filling the following table. Choose your language from "%s" dropdown, insert the translation key string into "%s" and your new translation into "%s" +TranslationOverwriteDesc2=You can use the other tab to help you know which translation key to use +TranslationString=Translation string +CurrentTranslationString=Current translation string +WarningAtLeastKeyOrTranslationRequired=A search criteria is required at least for key or translation string +NewTranslationStringToShow=New translation string to show +OriginalValueWas=The original translation is overwritten. Original value was:

%s +TransKeyWithoutOriginalValue=You forced a new translation for the translation key '%s' that does not exist in any language files +TotalNumberOfActivatedModules=Activated application/modules: %s / %s +YouMustEnableOneModule=You must at least enable 1 module +ClassNotFoundIntoPathWarning=Class %s not found in PHP path +YesInSummer=Yes in summer +OnlyFollowingModulesAreOpenedToExternalUsers=Note, only the following modules are available to external users (irrespective of the permissions of such users) and only if permissions are granted:
+SuhosinSessionEncrypt=Session storage encrypted by Suhosin +ConditionIsCurrently=Condition is currently %s +YouUseBestDriver=You use driver %s which is the best driver currently available. +YouDoNotUseBestDriver=You use driver %s but driver %s is recommended. +NbOfObjectIsLowerThanNoPb=You have only %s %s in the database. This does not require any particular optimization. +SearchOptim=Search optimization +YouHaveXObjectUseSearchOptim=You have %s %s in the database. You should add the constant %s to 1 in Home-Setup-Other. Limit the search to the beginning of strings which makes it possible for the database to use indexes and you should get an immediate response. +YouHaveXObjectAndSearchOptimOn=You have %s %s in the database and constant %s is set to 1 in Home-Setup-Other. +BrowserIsOK=You are using the %s web browser. This browser is ok for security and performance. +BrowserIsKO=You are using the %s web browser. This browser is known to be a bad choice for security, performance and reliability. We recommend using Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari. +PHPModuleLoaded=PHP component %s is loaded +PreloadOPCode=Preloaded OPCode is used +AddRefInList=Display Customer/Vendor ref. info list (select list or combobox) and most of hyperlink.
Third Parties will appear with a name format of "CC12345 - SC45678 - The Big Company corp." instead of "The Big Company corp". +AddAdressInList=Display Customer/Vendor adress info list (select list or combobox)
Third Parties will appear with a name format of "The Big Company corp. - 21 jump street 123456 Big town - USA" instead of "The Big Company corp". +AskForPreferredShippingMethod=Ask for preferred shipping method for Third Parties. +FieldEdition=Edition of field %s +FillThisOnlyIfRequired=Example: +2 (fill only if timezone offset problems are experienced) +GetBarCode=Get barcode +NumberingModules=Numbering models +DocumentModules=Document models @@ -1430,5 +1269,5 @@ -PasswordGenerationStandard=Ichki Dolibarr algoritmiga muvofiq yaratilgan parolni qaytaring: %s umumiy raqamlar va belgilarni o'z ichiga olgan belgilar. -PasswordGenerationNone=Yaratilgan parolni taklif qilmang. Parolni qo'lda kiritish kerak. -PasswordGenerationPerso=Shaxsiy belgilangan konfiguratsiyaga muvofiq parolni qaytaring. -SetupPerso=Sizning konfiguratsiyangizga muvofiq -PasswordPatternDesc=Parol naqshining tavsifi +PasswordGenerationStandard=Return a password generated according to internal Dolibarr algorithm: 8 characters containing shared numbers and characters in lowercase. +PasswordGenerationNone=Do not suggest a generated password. Password must be typed in manually. +PasswordGenerationPerso=Return a password according to your personally defined configuration. +SetupPerso=According to your configuration +PasswordPatternDesc=Password pattern description @@ -1436,9 +1275,7 @@ -RuleForGeneratedPasswords=Parollarni yaratish va tasdiqlash qoidalari -DisableForgetPasswordLinkOnLogonPage=Kirish sahifasida "Parol unutilgan" havolasini ko'rsatmang -UsersSetup=Foydalanuvchilar modulini sozlash -UserMailRequired=Yangi foydalanuvchi yaratish uchun elektron pochta kerak -UserHideInactive=Faol bo'lmagan foydalanuvchilarni barcha foydalanuvchilar ro'yxatidan yashirish (Tavsiya etilmaydi: bu ba'zi sahifalarda eski foydalanuvchilarni filtrlay olmaysiz yoki qidira olmaysiz degan ma'noni anglatadi) -UserHideExternal=Tashqi foydalanuvchilarni (uchinchi tomon bilan bogʻlanmagan) barcha foydalanuvchilar roʻyxatidan yashirish (Tavsiya etilmaydi: bu siz baʼzi sahifalarda tashqi foydalanuvchilarni filtrlay olmasligingiz yoki qidira olmasligingizni anglatishi mumkin) -UserHideNonEmployee=Ishlamaydigan foydalanuvchilarni barcha foydalanuvchilar roʻyxatidan yashirish (Tavsiya etilmaydi: bu siz baʼzi sahifalarda ishchi boʻlmagan foydalanuvchilarni filtrlay olmasligingiz yoki qidira olmasligingizni anglatishi mumkin) -UsersDocModules=Foydalanuvchi yozuvidan hosil bo'lgan hujjatlar uchun hujjat shablonlari -GroupsDocModules=Guruh yozuvidan hosil qilingan hujjatlar uchun hujjat shablonlari +RuleForGeneratedPasswords=Rules to generate and validate passwords +DisableForgetPasswordLinkOnLogonPage=Do not show the "Password Forgotten" link on the Login page +UsersSetup=Users module setup +UserMailRequired=Email required to create a new user +UserHideInactive=Hide inactive users from all combo lists of users (Not recommended: this may means you won't be able to filter or search on old users on some pages) +UsersDocModules=Document templates for documents generated from user record +GroupsDocModules=Document templates for documents generated from a group record @@ -1446 +1283 @@ -HRMSetup=HRM modulini sozlash +HRMSetup=HRM module setup @@ -1448,21 +1285,21 @@ -CompanySetup=Kompaniyalar modulini sozlash -CompanyCodeChecker=Mijoz / sotuvchi kodlarini avtomatik ishlab chiqarish uchun imkoniyatlar -AccountCodeManager=Mijozlar / sotuvchilarning buxgalteriya kodlarini avtomatik ravishda ishlab chiqarish variantlari -NotificationsDesc=Ba'zi Dolibarr tadbirlari uchun elektron pochta xabarlari avtomatik ravishda yuborilishi mumkin.
Bildirishnoma oluvchilarni aniqlash mumkin: -NotificationsDescUser=* per user (on the tab "Notifications" of a user) -NotificationsDescContact=* per third-party contacts (on the tab "Notifications" of a third party) -NotificationsDescGlobal=* or by setting global email addresses (on the setup page of the module). -ModelModules=Hujjat shablonlari -DocumentModelOdt=OpenDocument shablonlaridan hujjatlar yaratish (.OdT / .ODS fayllari LibreOffice, OpenOffice, KOffice, TextEdit, ...) -WatermarkOnDraft=Hujjat loyihasidagi suv belgisi -JSOnPaimentBill=To'lov shaklidagi to'lov liniyalarini avtomatik to'ldirish xususiyatini faollashtiring -CompanyIdProfChecker=Professional guvohnomalar uchun qoidalar -MustBeUnique=Noyob bo'lishi kerakmi? -MustBeMandatory=Uchinchi shaxslarni yaratish majburiymi (agar QQS raqami yoki kompaniya turi aniqlangan bo'lsa)? -MustBeInvoiceMandatory=Hisob-fakturalarni tasdiqlash majburiymi? -TechnicalServicesProvided=Ko'rsatilgan texnik xizmatlar -##### WebDAV ##### -WebDAVSetupDesc=Bu WebDAV katalogiga kirish uchun havola. Unda URLni biladigan har qanday foydalanuvchi uchun ochiq bo'lgan "umumiy" dir (agar katalogga kirish uchun ruxsat berilgan bo'lsa) va kirish uchun mavjud bo'lgan kirish qayd yozuvi / parol kerak bo'lgan "shaxsiy" katalog mavjud. -WebDavServer=%s serverining ildiz URL manzili: %s -##### WebCAL setup ##### -WebCalUrlForVCalExport= %s formatiga eksport havolasi quyidagi havolada mavjud: %s +CompanySetup=Companies module setup +CompanyCodeChecker=Options for automatic generation of customer/vendor codes +AccountCodeManager=Options for automatic generation of customer/vendor accounting codes +NotificationsDesc=Email notifications can be sent automatically for some Dolibarr events.
Recipients of notifications can be defined: +NotificationsDescUser=* per user, one user at a time. +NotificationsDescContact=* per third-party contacts (customers or vendors), one contact at a time. +NotificationsDescGlobal=* or by setting global email addresses in this setup page. +ModelModules=Document Templates +DocumentModelOdt=Generate documents from OpenDocument templates (.ODT / .ODS files from LibreOffice, OpenOffice, KOffice, TextEdit,...) +WatermarkOnDraft=Watermark on draft document +JSOnPaimentBill=Activate feature to autofill payment lines on payment form +CompanyIdProfChecker=Rules for Professional IDs +MustBeUnique=Must be unique? +MustBeMandatory=Mandatory to create third parties (if VAT number or type of company defined) ? +MustBeInvoiceMandatory=Mandatory to validate invoices? +TechnicalServicesProvided=Technical services provided +#####DAV ##### +WebDAVSetupDesc=This is the link to access the WebDAV directory. It contains a "public" dir open to any user knowing the URL (if public directory access allowed) and a "private" directory that needs an existing login account/password for access. +WebDavServer=Root URL of %s server: %s +##### Webcal setup ##### +WebCalUrlForVCalExport=An export link to %s format is available at following link: %s @@ -1470,20 +1307,14 @@ -BillsSetup=Hisob-fakturalar modulini sozlash -BillsNumberingModule=Hisob-fakturalar va kredit yozuvlarini raqamlash modeli -BillsPDFModules=Hisob-faktura hujjatlari modellari -BillsPDFModulesAccordindToInvoiceType=Hisob-faktura turiga ko'ra hisob-faktura hujjatlari modellari -PaymentsPDFModules=To'lov hujjatlari modellari -ForceInvoiceDate=Hisob-fakturani tasdiqlash sanasiga majburlang -SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInInvoice=Hisob-fakturada belgilanmagan bo'lsa, sukut bo'yicha hisob-kitob bo'yicha tavsiya etilgan to'lovlar rejimi -SuggestPaymentByRIBOnAccount=Hisobga pul tushirish orqali to'lovni taklif eting -SuggestPaymentByChequeToAddress=To'lovni chek orqali taklif eting -FreeLegalTextOnInvoices=Hisob-fakturalarda bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftInvoices=Hisob-fakturalardagi suv belgisi (agar bo'sh bo'lmasa) -PaymentsNumberingModule=To'lovlarni raqamlash modeli -SuppliersPayment=Sotuvchi uchun to'lovlar -SupplierPaymentSetup=Sotuvchi to'lovlarini sozlash -InvoiceCheckPosteriorDate=Tasdiqlashdan oldin haqiqiy sanani tekshiring -InvoiceCheckPosteriorDateHelp=Hisob-fakturaning sanasi xuddi shu turdagi oxirgi hisob-faktura sanasidan oldin bo'lsa, uni tasdiqlash taqiqlanadi. -InvoiceOptionCategoryOfOperations=Hisob-fakturada "operatsiyalar toifasi" ni ko'rsating. -InvoiceOptionCategoryOfOperationsHelp=Vaziyatga qarab, eslatma quyidagi shaklda paydo bo'ladi:
- Operatsiyalar toifasi: Tovarlarni yetkazib berish
- Turkum operatsiyalar: xizmatlar ko'rsatish
- Operatsiyalar toifasi: Aralash - Tovarlarni yetkazib berish va xizmatlar ko'rsatish -InvoiceOptionCategoryOfOperationsYes1=Ha, manzil bloki ostida -InvoiceOptionCategoryOfOperationsYes2=Ha, pastki chap burchakda +BillsSetup=Invoices module setup +BillsNumberingModule=Invoices and credit notes numbering model +BillsPDFModules=Invoice documents models +BillsPDFModulesAccordindToInvoiceType=Invoice documents models according to invoice type +PaymentsPDFModules=Payment documents models +ForceInvoiceDate=Force invoice date to validation date +SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInInvoice=Suggested payments mode on invoice by default if not defined on the invoice +SuggestPaymentByRIBOnAccount=Suggest payment by withdrawal on account +SuggestPaymentByChequeToAddress=Suggest payment by check to +FreeLegalTextOnInvoices=Free text on invoices +WatermarkOnDraftInvoices=Watermark on draft invoices (none if empty) +PaymentsNumberingModule=Payments numbering model +SuppliersPayment=Vendor payments +SupplierPaymentSetup=Vendor payments setup @@ -1491,7 +1322,7 @@ -PropalSetup=Tijorat takliflari modulini sozlash -ProposalsNumberingModules=Tijorat takliflarini raqamlash modellari -ProposalsPDFModules=Tijorat takliflari hujjatlari modellari -SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInProposal=Taklif bo'yicha aniqlanmagan bo'lsa, sukut bo'yicha taklif bo'yicha tavsiya etilgan to'lovlar rejimi -FreeLegalTextOnProposal=Tijorat takliflari bo'yicha bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftProposal=Tijorat takliflari loyihasidagi suv belgisi (bo'sh bo'lmasa) -BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_PROPOSAL=Bank hisobvarag'i bo'yicha taklifni so'rang +PropalSetup=Commercial proposals module setup +ProposalsNumberingModules=Commercial proposal numbering models +ProposalsPDFModules=Commercial proposal documents models +SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInProposal=Suggested payments mode on proposal by default if not defined on the proposal +FreeLegalTextOnProposal=Free text on commercial proposals +WatermarkOnDraftProposal=Watermark on draft commercial proposals (none if empty) +BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_PROPOSAL=Ask for bank account destination of proposal @@ -1499,7 +1330,7 @@ -SupplierProposalSetup=Ta'minlovchilarning modullarini sozlash bo'yicha narxlar -SupplierProposalNumberingModules=Narxlar etkazib beruvchilarni raqamlash modellarini talab qiladi -SupplierProposalPDFModules=Narx so'rovlari etkazib beruvchilarning hujjatlar modellari -FreeLegalTextOnSupplierProposal=Ta'minlovchilar narxlari bo'yicha bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftSupplierProposal=Yetkazib beruvchilarning narxlari bo'yicha buyurtmalariga moybo'yoqli belgi (agar bo'sh bo'lmasa) -BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Narx so'rovi bo'yicha bank hisob raqamini so'rang -WAREHOUSE_ASK_WAREHOUSE_DURING_ORDER=Buyurtma uchun Ombor manbasini so'rang +SupplierProposalSetup=Price requests suppliers module setup +SupplierProposalNumberingModules=Price requests suppliers numbering models +SupplierProposalPDFModules=Price requests suppliers documents models +FreeLegalTextOnSupplierProposal=Free text on price requests suppliers +WatermarkOnDraftSupplierProposal=Watermark on draft price requests suppliers (none if empty) +BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Ask for bank account destination of price request +WAREHOUSE_ASK_WAREHOUSE_DURING_ORDER=Ask for Warehouse Source for order @@ -1507 +1338 @@ -BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Xarid qilish buyurtmasi bo'yicha bank hisob raqamini so'rang +BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Ask for bank account destination of purchase order @@ -1509,8 +1340,8 @@ -SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInOrder=Agar buyurtmada aniqlanmagan bo'lsa, sukut bo'yicha sotish buyurtmasi bo'yicha tavsiya etilgan to'lovlar rejimi -OrdersSetup=Savdo buyurtmalarini boshqarishni sozlash -OrdersNumberingModules=Buyurtmalarni raqamlash modellari -OrdersModelModule=Hujjatlar modellarini buyurtma qilish -FreeLegalTextOnOrders=Buyurtmalar bo'yicha bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftOrders=Chizma buyurtmalaridagi suv belgisi (agar bo'sh bo'lmasa) -ShippableOrderIconInList=Buyurtmalar ro'yxatiga buyurtma yuborilishi mumkinligini ko'rsatadigan belgi qo'shing -BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_ORDER=Bank hisob raqamiga buyurtma berish joyini so'rang +SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInOrder=Suggested payments mode on sale order by default if not defined on the order +OrdersSetup=Sales Orders management setup +OrdersNumberingModules=Orders numbering models +OrdersModelModule=Order documents models +FreeLegalTextOnOrders=Free text on orders +WatermarkOnDraftOrders=Watermark on draft orders (none if empty) +ShippableOrderIconInList=Add an icon in Orders list which indicate if order is shippable +BANK_ASK_PAYMENT_BANK_DURING_ORDER=Ask for bank account destination of order @@ -1518,5 +1349,5 @@ -InterventionsSetup=Interventsiyalar modulini sozlash -FreeLegalTextOnInterventions=Interventsiya hujjatlaridagi bepul matn -FicheinterNumberingModules=Intervensiyani raqamlash modellari -TemplatePDFInterventions=Interventsiya kartalari hujjatlari modellari -WatermarkOnDraftInterventionCards=Interventsiya kartasidagi hujjatdagi suv belgisi (agar bo'sh bo'lmasa) +InterventionsSetup=Interventions module setup +FreeLegalTextOnInterventions=Free text on intervention documents +FicheinterNumberingModules=Intervention numbering models +TemplatePDFInterventions=Intervention card documents models +WatermarkOnDraftInterventionCards=Watermark on intervention card documents (none if empty) @@ -1524,5 +1355,5 @@ -ContractsSetup=Shartnomalar / Obunalar modulini sozlash -ContractsNumberingModules=Shartnomalarni raqamlash modullari -TemplatePDFContracts=Shartnomalar hujjatlari modellari -FreeLegalTextOnContracts=Shartnomalar bo'yicha bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftContractCards=Shartnoma loyihalari bo'yicha suv belgisi (agar bo'sh bo'lmasa) +ContractsSetup=Contracts/Subscriptions module setup +ContractsNumberingModules=Contracts numbering modules +TemplatePDFContracts=Contracts documents models +FreeLegalTextOnContracts=Free text on contracts +WatermarkOnDraftContractCards=Watermark on draft contracts (none if empty) @@ -1530,11 +1361,7 @@ -MembersSetup=A'zolar modulini sozlash -MemberMainOptions=Asosiy variantlar -MemberCodeChecker=A'zo kodlarini avtomatik yaratish imkoniyatlari -AdherentLoginRequired=Har bir a'zo uchun login/parolni boshqaring -AdherentLoginRequiredDesc=A'zo faylida login va parol uchun qiymat qo'shing. Agar a'zo foydalanuvchi bilan bog'langan bo'lsa, a'zo login va parolni yangilash foydalanuvchi login va parolini ham yangilaydi. -AdherentMailRequired=Yangi a'zo yaratish uchun elektron pochta kerak -MemberSendInformationByMailByDefault=Odatiy ravishda a'zolarga pochta orqali tasdiqlash (tasdiqlash yoki yangi obuna) yuborish uchun tasdiqlash qutisi yoqilgan -MemberCreateAnExternalUserForSubscriptionValidated=Tasdiqlangan har bir yangi a'zo obuna uchun tashqi foydalanuvchi loginini yarating -VisitorCanChooseItsPaymentMode=Mehmon har qanday mavjud to'lov usullaridan birini tanlashi mumkin -MEMBER_REMINDER_EMAIL=Muddati o'tgan obunalarni
elektron pochta orqali avtomatik eslatib turishni yoqing. Eslatma: %s moduli yoqilgan va eslatmalarni yuborish uchun to'g'ri sozlangan bo'lishi kerak. -MembersDocModules=Ro'yxatdan yozuvlaridan hosil bo'lgan hujjatlar uchun hujjat shablonlari +MembersSetup=Members module setup +MemberMainOptions=Main options +AdherentLoginRequired= Manage a Login for each member +AdherentMailRequired=Email required to create a new member +MemberSendInformationByMailByDefault=Checkbox to send mail confirmation to members (validation or new subscription) is on by default +VisitorCanChooseItsPaymentMode=Visitor can choose from available payment modes +MEMBER_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable automatic reminder by email of expired subscriptions. Note: Module %s must be enabled and correctly setup to send reminders. @@ -1542 +1369 @@ -LDAPSetup=LDAP-ni sozlash +LDAPSetup=LDAP Setup @@ -1544,7 +1371,7 @@ -LDAPUsersSynchro=Foydalanuvchilar -LDAPGroupsSynchro=Guruhlar -LDAPContactsSynchro=Kontaktlar -LDAPMembersSynchro=A'zolar -LDAPMembersTypesSynchro=A'zolar turlari -LDAPSynchronization=LDAP sinxronizatsiyasi -LDAPFunctionsNotAvailableOnPHP=PHP-da LDAP funktsiyalari mavjud emas +LDAPUsersSynchro=Users +LDAPGroupsSynchro=Groups +LDAPContactsSynchro=Contacts +LDAPMembersSynchro=Members +LDAPMembersTypesSynchro=Members types +LDAPSynchronization=LDAP synchronisation +LDAPFunctionsNotAvailableOnPHP=LDAP functions are not available on your PHP @@ -1553,13 +1380,13 @@ -LDAPNamingAttribute=LDAP-ga kiring -LDAPSynchronizeUsers=LDAP-da foydalanuvchilarni tashkil etish -LDAPSynchronizeGroups=LDAP da guruhlarni tashkil etish -LDAPSynchronizeContacts=LDAP-da aloqalarni tashkil etish -LDAPSynchronizeMembers=LDAPda fond a'zolarini tashkil etish -LDAPSynchronizeMembersTypes=LDAPda fond a'zolarining turlarini tashkil etish -LDAPPrimaryServer=Asosiy server -LDAPSecondaryServer=Ikkilamchi server -LDAPServerPort=Server porti -LDAPServerPortExample=Standart yoki StartTLS: 389, LDAP: 636 -LDAPServerProtocolVersion=Protokol versiyasi -LDAPServerUseTLS=TLS-dan foydalaning -LDAPServerUseTLSExample=Sizning LDAP serveringiz StartTLS -dan foydalanadi +LDAPNamingAttribute=Key in LDAP +LDAPSynchronizeUsers=Organization of users in LDAP +LDAPSynchronizeGroups=Organization of groups in LDAP +LDAPSynchronizeContacts=Organization of contacts in LDAP +LDAPSynchronizeMembers=Organization of foundation's members in LDAP +LDAPSynchronizeMembersTypes=Organization of foundation's members types in LDAP +LDAPPrimaryServer=Primary server +LDAPSecondaryServer=Secondary server +LDAPServerPort=Server port +LDAPServerPortExample=Default port: 389 +LDAPServerProtocolVersion=Protocol version +LDAPServerUseTLS=Use TLS +LDAPServerUseTLSExample=Your LDAP server use TLS @@ -1568,79 +1395,78 @@ -LDAPAdminDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: cn = administrator, dc = misol, dc = com yoki cn = administrator, cn = foydalanuvchilar, dc = misol, dc = com faol katalog uchun) -LDAPPassword=Administrator paroli -LDAPUserDn=Foydalanuvchilarning DN -LDAPUserDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: ou = foydalanuvchilar, dc = misol, dc = com) -LDAPGroupDn=Guruhlarning DN -LDAPGroupDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: ou = guruhlar, dc = misol, dc = com) -LDAPServerExample=Server manzili (masalan: localhost,, ldaps: //ldap.example.com/) -LDAPServerDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: dc = misol, dc = com) -LDAPDnSynchroActive=Foydalanuvchilar va guruhlarni sinxronlashtirish -LDAPDnSynchroActiveExample=LDAP-dan Dolibarr-ga yoki Dolibarr-dan LDAP-ga sinxronizatsiya qilish -LDAPDnContactActive=Kontaktlarni sinxronlashtirish -LDAPDnContactActiveExample=Faollashtirilgan / yoqilmagan sinxronizatsiya -LDAPDnMemberActive=A'zolarni sinxronlashtirish -LDAPDnMemberActiveExample=Faollashtirilgan / yoqilmagan sinxronizatsiya -LDAPDnMemberTypeActive=A'zolar turlarini sinxronlashtirish -LDAPDnMemberTypeActiveExample=Faollashtirilgan / yoqilmagan sinxronizatsiya -LDAPContactDn=Dolibarr kontaktlarining DN -LDAPContactDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: ou = kontaktlar, dc = misol, dc = com) -LDAPMemberDn=Dolibarr a'zolari DN -LDAPMemberDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: ou = a'zolar, dc = misol, dc = com) -LDAPMemberObjectClassList=ObjectClass ro'yxati -LDAPMemberObjectClassListExample=Reklama atributlarini belgilaydigan objectClass ro'yxati (masalan: top, inetOrgPerson yoki top, faol katalog uchun foydalanuvchi) -LDAPMemberTypeDn=Dolibarr a'zolari DN ni yozadilar -LDAPMemberTypepDnExample=To'liq DN (masalan: ou = a'zo tiplari, dc = misol, dc = com) -LDAPMemberTypeObjectClassList=ObjectClass ro'yxati -LDAPMemberTypeObjectClassListExample=Reklama atributlarini belgilaydigan objectClass ro'yxati (masalan: top, groupOfUniqueNames) -LDAPUserObjectClassList=ObjectClass ro'yxati -LDAPUserObjectClassListExample=Reklama atributlarini belgilaydigan objectClass ro'yxati (masalan: top, inetOrgPerson yoki top, faol katalog uchun foydalanuvchi) -LDAPGroupObjectClassList=ObjectClass ro'yxati -LDAPGroupObjectClassListExample=Reklama atributlarini belgilaydigan objectClass ro'yxati (masalan: top, groupOfUniqueNames) -LDAPContactObjectClassList=ObjectClass ro'yxati -LDAPContactObjectClassListExample=Reklama atributlarini belgilaydigan objectClass ro'yxati (masalan: top, inetOrgPerson yoki top, faol katalog uchun foydalanuvchi) -LDAPTestConnect=LDAP ulanishini sinab ko'ring -LDAPTestSynchroContact=Kontaktlar sinxronizatsiyasini sinab ko'ring -LDAPTestSynchroUser=Foydalanuvchi bilan sinxronlashni sinab ko'ring -LDAPTestSynchroGroup=Sinov guruhini sinxronlashtirish -LDAPTestSynchroMember=Sinov a'zolarini sinxronlashtirish -LDAPTestSynchroMemberType=Sinov a'zolarining turini sinxronlashtirish -LDAPTestSearch= LDAP qidiruvini sinab ko'ring -LDAPSynchroOK=Sinxronizatsiya testi muvaffaqiyatli o'tdi -LDAPSynchroKO=Sinxronizatsiya sinovi muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi -LDAPSynchroKOMayBePermissions=Sinxronizatsiya sinovi muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi. Serverga ulanish to'g'ri sozlanganligini va LDAP yangilanishlariga ruxsat berishini tekshiring -LDAPTCPConnectOK=TCP LDAP-serverga muvaffaqiyatli ulandi (Server = %s, Port = %s) -LDAPTCPConnectKO=TCP LDAP serveriga ulanmadi (Server = %s, Port = %s) -LDAPBindOK=LDAP-serverga ulanish / autentifikatsiya qilish muvaffaqiyatli (Server = %s, Port = %s, Admin = %s, Password = %s) -LDAPBindKO=LDAP-serverga ulanish / tasdiqlash amalga oshmadi (Server = %s, Port = %s, Admin = %s, Password = %s) -LDAPSetupForVersion3=LDAP-server 3-versiya uchun tuzilgan -LDAPSetupForVersion2=LDAP-server 2-versiya uchun tuzilgan -LDAPDolibarrMapping=Dolibarr xaritasi -LDAPLdapMapping=LDAP xaritasi -LDAPFieldLoginUnix=Kirish (unix) -LDAPFieldLoginExample=Misol: uid -LDAPFilterConnection=Qidiruv filtri -LDAPFilterConnectionExample=Misol: & (objectClass = inetOrgPerson) -LDAPGroupFilterExample=Misol: & (objectClass = groupOfUsers) -LDAPFieldLoginSamba=Kirish (samba, activedirectory) -LDAPFieldLoginSambaExample=Misol: samaccountname -LDAPFieldFullname=To'liq ism -LDAPFieldFullnameExample=Misol: cn -LDAPFieldPasswordNotCrypted=Parol shifrlanmagan -LDAPFieldPasswordCrypted=Parol shifrlangan -LDAPFieldPasswordExample=Misol: userPassword -LDAPFieldCommonNameExample=Misol: cn -LDAPFieldName=Ism -LDAPFieldNameExample=Misol: sn -LDAPFieldFirstName=Ism -LDAPFieldFirstNameExample=Misol: givenName -LDAPFieldMail=E-pochta manzili -LDAPFieldMailExample=Misol: pochta -LDAPFieldPhone=Professional telefon raqami -LDAPFieldPhoneExample=Misol: telefon raqamlari -LDAPFieldHomePhone=Shaxsiy telefon raqami -LDAPFieldHomePhoneExample=Misol: uy telefoni -LDAPFieldMobile=Uyali telefon -LDAPFieldMobileExample=Misol: mobil -LDAPFieldFax=Faks raqami -LDAPFieldFaxExample=Misol: fakssimiletelephonenumber -LDAPFieldAddress=Ko'cha -LDAPFieldAddressExample=Misol: ko'cha +LDAPAdminDnExample=Complete DN (ex: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com or cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com for active directory) +LDAPPassword=Administrator password +LDAPUserDn=Users' DN +LDAPUserDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com) +LDAPGroupDn=Groups' DN +LDAPGroupDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com) +LDAPServerExample=Server address (ex: localhost,, ldaps://ldap.example.com/) +LDAPServerDnExample=Complete DN (ex: dc=example,dc=com) +LDAPDnSynchroActive=Users and groups synchronization +LDAPDnSynchroActiveExample=LDAP to Dolibarr or Dolibarr to LDAP synchronization +LDAPDnContactActive=Contacts' synchronization +LDAPDnContactActiveExample=Activated/Unactivated synchronization +LDAPDnMemberActive=Members' synchronization +LDAPDnMemberActiveExample=Activated/Unactivated synchronization +LDAPDnMemberTypeActive=Members types' synchronization +LDAPDnMemberTypeActiveExample=Activated/Unactivated synchronization +LDAPContactDn=Dolibarr contacts' DN +LDAPContactDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=contacts,dc=example,dc=com) +LDAPMemberDn=Dolibarr members DN +LDAPMemberDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=members,dc=example,dc=com) +LDAPMemberObjectClassList=List of objectClass +LDAPMemberObjectClassListExample=List of objectClass defining record attributes (ex: top,inetOrgPerson or top,user for active directory) +LDAPMemberTypeDn=Dolibarr members types DN +LDAPMemberTypepDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=memberstypes,dc=example,dc=com) +LDAPMemberTypeObjectClassList=List of objectClass +LDAPMemberTypeObjectClassListExample=List of objectClass defining record attributes (ex: top,groupOfUniqueNames) +LDAPUserObjectClassList=List of objectClass +LDAPUserObjectClassListExample=List of objectClass defining record attributes (ex: top,inetOrgPerson or top,user for active directory) +LDAPGroupObjectClassList=List of objectClass +LDAPGroupObjectClassListExample=List of objectClass defining record attributes (ex: top,groupOfUniqueNames) +LDAPContactObjectClassList=List of objectClass +LDAPContactObjectClassListExample=List of objectClass defining record attributes (ex: top,inetOrgPerson or top,user for active directory) +LDAPTestConnect=Test LDAP connection +LDAPTestSynchroContact=Test contacts synchronization +LDAPTestSynchroUser=Test user synchronization +LDAPTestSynchroGroup=Test group synchronization +LDAPTestSynchroMember=Test member synchronization +LDAPTestSynchroMemberType=Test member type synchronization +LDAPTestSearch= Test a LDAP search +LDAPSynchroOK=Synchronization test successful +LDAPSynchroKO=Failed synchronization test +LDAPSynchroKOMayBePermissions=Failed synchronization test. Check that the connection to the server is correctly configured and allows LDAP updates +LDAPTCPConnectOK=TCP connect to LDAP server successful (Server=%s, Port=%s) +LDAPTCPConnectKO=TCP connect to LDAP server failed (Server=%s, Port=%s) +LDAPBindOK=Connect/Authenticate to LDAP server successful (Server=%s, Port=%s, Admin=%s, Password=%s) +LDAPBindKO=Connect/Authenticate to LDAP server failed (Server=%s, Port=%s, Admin=%s, Password=%s) +LDAPSetupForVersion3=LDAP server configured for version 3 +LDAPSetupForVersion2=LDAP server configured for version 2 +LDAPDolibarrMapping=Dolibarr Mapping +LDAPLdapMapping=LDAP Mapping +LDAPFieldLoginUnix=Login (unix) +LDAPFieldLoginExample=Example: uid +LDAPFilterConnection=Search filter +LDAPFilterConnectionExample=Example: &(objectClass=inetOrgPerson) +LDAPFieldLoginSamba=Login (samba, activedirectory) +LDAPFieldLoginSambaExample=Example: samaccountname +LDAPFieldFullname=Full name +LDAPFieldFullnameExample=Example: cn +LDAPFieldPasswordNotCrypted=Password not encrypted +LDAPFieldPasswordCrypted=Password encrypted +LDAPFieldPasswordExample=Example: userPassword +LDAPFieldCommonNameExample=Example: cn +LDAPFieldName=Name +LDAPFieldNameExample=Example: sn +LDAPFieldFirstName=First name +LDAPFieldFirstNameExample=Example: givenName +LDAPFieldMail=Email address +LDAPFieldMailExample=Example: mail +LDAPFieldPhone=Professional phone number +LDAPFieldPhoneExample=Example: telephonenumber +LDAPFieldHomePhone=Personal phone number +LDAPFieldHomePhoneExample=Example: homephone +LDAPFieldMobile=Cellular phone +LDAPFieldMobileExample=Example: mobile +LDAPFieldFax=Fax number +LDAPFieldFaxExample=Example: facsimiletelephonenumber +LDAPFieldAddress=Street +LDAPFieldAddressExample=Example: street @@ -1648,13 +1474,13 @@ -LDAPFieldZipExample=Misol: pochta indeksi -LDAPFieldTown=Shahar -LDAPFieldTownExample=Misol: l -LDAPFieldCountry=Mamlakat -LDAPFieldDescription=Tavsif -LDAPFieldDescriptionExample=Misol: tavsif -LDAPFieldNotePublic=Ommaviy eslatma -LDAPFieldNotePublicExample=Misol: publicnote -LDAPFieldGroupMembers= Guruh a'zolari -LDAPFieldGroupMembersExample= Misol: uniqueMember -LDAPFieldBirthdate=Tug'ilgan kun sanasi -LDAPFieldCompany=Kompaniya -LDAPFieldCompanyExample=Misol: o +LDAPFieldZipExample=Example: postalcode +LDAPFieldTown=Town +LDAPFieldTownExample=Example: l +LDAPFieldCountry=Country +LDAPFieldDescription=Description +LDAPFieldDescriptionExample=Example: description +LDAPFieldNotePublic=Public Note +LDAPFieldNotePublicExample=Example: publicnote +LDAPFieldGroupMembers= Group members +LDAPFieldGroupMembersExample= Example: uniqueMember +LDAPFieldBirthdate=Birthdate +LDAPFieldCompany=Company +LDAPFieldCompanyExample=Example: o @@ -1662,48 +1488,46 @@ -LDAPFieldSidExample=Misol: objectid -LDAPFieldEndLastSubscription=Obuna tugagan sana -LDAPFieldTitle=Ish joyi -LDAPFieldTitleExample=Misol: sarlavha -LDAPFieldGroupid=Guruh identifikatori -LDAPFieldGroupidExample=Misol: gidnumber -LDAPFieldUserid=Foydalanuvchi IDsi -LDAPFieldUseridExample=Misol: uid raqami -LDAPFieldHomedirectory=Uy katalogi -LDAPFieldHomedirectoryExample=Misol: uy katalogi -LDAPFieldHomedirectoryprefix=Uy katalogi prefiksi -LDAPSetupNotComplete=LDAP-ni sozlash tugallanmagan (boshqalarga o'tish) -LDAPNoUserOrPasswordProvidedAccessIsReadOnly=Hech qanday administrator yoki parol taqdim etilmagan. LDAP-ga kirish noma'lum va faqat o'qish rejimida bo'ladi. -LDAPDescContact=Ushbu sahifa Dolibarr kontaktlarida topilgan har bir ma'lumot uchun LDAP daraxtidagi LDAP atributlari nomini aniqlashga imkon beradi. -LDAPDescUsers=Ushbu sahifa Dolibarr foydalanuvchilarida topilgan har bir ma'lumot uchun LDAP daraxtidagi LDAP atributlari nomini aniqlashga imkon beradi. -LDAPDescGroups=Ushbu sahifa Dolibarr guruhlarida topilgan har bir ma'lumot uchun LDAP daraxtidagi LDAP atributlari nomini aniqlashga imkon beradi. -LDAPDescMembers=Ushbu sahifa Dolibarr a'zolari modulida topilgan har bir ma'lumot uchun LDAP daraxtidagi LDAP atributlari nomini aniqlashga imkon beradi. -LDAPDescMembersTypes=Ushbu sahifa Dolibarr a'zolari turlarida topilgan har bir ma'lumot uchun LDAP daraxtidagi LDAP atributlari nomini aniqlashga imkon beradi. -LDAPDescValues=Example values are designed for OpenLDAP with following loaded schemas: core.schema, cosine.schema, inetorgperson.schema). If you use those values and OpenLDAP, modify your LDAP config file slapd.conf to have all those schemas loaded. -ForANonAnonymousAccess=Tasdiqlangan kirish uchun (masalan, yozishga kirish uchun) -PerfDolibarr=Ishlashni sozlash / optimallashtirish hisoboti -YouMayFindPerfAdviceHere=Ushbu sahifada ishlash bilan bog'liq ba'zi tekshirishlar yoki tavsiyalar berilgan. -NotInstalled=O'rnatilmagan -NotSlowedDownByThis=Bu bilan sekinlashmadi. -NotRiskOfLeakWithThis=Bu bilan sizib chiqish xavfi yo'q. -ApplicativeCache=Amaliy kesh -MemcachedNotAvailable=Amaliy kesh topilmadi. Siz Memcached kesh-serverini va ushbu kesh-serverdan foydalanishga qodir bo'lgan modulni o'rnatish orqali ish faoliyatini oshirishingiz mumkin.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot bu erda http://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Module_MemCached_EN .
E'tibor bering, ko'plab veb-xosting provayderlari bunday kesh-serverni ta'minlamaydilar. -MemcachedModuleAvailableButNotSetup=Amaliy kesh uchun memcached moduli topildi, ammo modulni sozlash tugallanmagan. -MemcachedAvailableAndSetup=Memcached serveridan foydalanishga bag'ishlangan memcached moduli yoqilgan. -OPCodeCache=OPCode kesh -NoOPCodeCacheFound=OPCode keshi topilmadi. Ehtimol, siz XCache yoki eAccelerator (yaxshi) dan tashqari OPCode keshidan foydalanmoqdasiz yoki ehtimol sizda OPCode keshi yo'q (juda yomon). -HTTPCacheStaticResources=Statik resurslar uchun HTTP kesh (css, img, JavaScript) -FilesOfTypeCached=%s turidagi fayllar HTTP server tomonidan keshlanadi -FilesOfTypeNotCached=%s turidagi fayllar HTTP server tomonidan keshlanmagan -FilesOfTypeCompressed=%s tipidagi fayllar HTTP server tomonidan siqiladi -FilesOfTypeNotCompressed=%s turidagi fayllar HTTP-server tomonidan siqilmagan -CacheByServer=Server tomonidan keshlash -CacheByServerDesc=Masalan, "ExpiresByType image / gif A2592000" Apache ko'rsatmasidan foydalanish -CacheByClient=Brauzer orqali keshlash -CompressionOfResources=HTTP javoblarini siqish -CompressionOfResourcesDesc=Masalan, "AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE" Apache ko'rsatmasidan foydalanish -TestNotPossibleWithCurrentBrowsers=Hozirgi brauzerlarda bunday avtomatik aniqlash mumkin emas -DefaultValuesDesc=Bu erda siz yangi yozuv yaratishda foydalanmoqchi bo'lgan birlamchi qiymatni va / yoki standart filtrlarni yoki yozuvlarni ro'yxatlashda tartiblashtirish tartibini belgilashingiz mumkin. -DefaultCreateForm=Standart qiymatlar (shakllarda foydalanish uchun) -DefaultSearchFilters=Standart qidiruv filtrlari -DefaultSortOrder=Standart tartiblash buyurtmalari -DefaultFocus=Standart fokus maydonlari -DefaultMandatory=Majburiy shakl maydonlari +LDAPFieldSidExample=Example: objectsid +LDAPFieldEndLastSubscription=Date of subscription end +LDAPFieldTitle=Job position +LDAPFieldTitleExample=Example: title +LDAPFieldGroupid=Group id +LDAPFieldGroupidExample=Exemple : gidnumber +LDAPFieldUserid=User id +LDAPFieldUseridExample=Exemple : uidnumber +LDAPFieldHomedirectory=Home directory +LDAPFieldHomedirectoryExample=Exemple : homedirectory +LDAPFieldHomedirectoryprefix=Home directory prefix +LDAPSetupNotComplete=LDAP setup not complete (go on others tabs) +LDAPNoUserOrPasswordProvidedAccessIsReadOnly=No administrator or password provided. LDAP access will be anonymous and in read only mode. +LDAPDescContact=This page allows you to define LDAP attributes name in LDAP tree for each data found on Dolibarr contacts. +LDAPDescUsers=This page allows you to define LDAP attributes name in LDAP tree for each data found on Dolibarr users. +LDAPDescGroups=This page allows you to define LDAP attributes name in LDAP tree for each data found on Dolibarr groups. +LDAPDescMembers=This page allows you to define LDAP attributes name in LDAP tree for each data found on Dolibarr members module. +LDAPDescMembersTypes=This page allows you to define LDAP attributes name in LDAP tree for each data found on Dolibarr members types. +LDAPDescValues=Example values are designed for OpenLDAP with following loaded schemas: core.schema, cosine.schema, inetorgperson.schema). If you use thoose values and OpenLDAP, modify your LDAP config file slapd.conf to have all thoose schemas loaded. +ForANonAnonymousAccess=For an authenticated access (for a write access for example) +PerfDolibarr=Performance setup/optimizing report +YouMayFindPerfAdviceHere=This page provides some checks or advice related to performance. +NotInstalled=Not installed, so your server is not slowed down by this. +ApplicativeCache=Applicative cache +MemcachedNotAvailable=No applicative cache found. You can enhance performance by installing a cache server Memcached and a module able to use this cache server.
More information here http://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Module_MemCached_EN.
Note that a lot of web hosting provider does not provide such cache server. +MemcachedModuleAvailableButNotSetup=Module memcached for applicative cache found but setup of module is not complete. +MemcachedAvailableAndSetup=Module memcached dedicated to use memcached server is enabled. +OPCodeCache=OPCode cache +NoOPCodeCacheFound=No OPCode cache found. Maybe you are using an OPCode cache other than XCache or eAccelerator (good), or maybe you don't have OPCode cache (very bad). +HTTPCacheStaticResources=HTTP cache for static resources (css, img, javascript) +FilesOfTypeCached=Files of type %s are cached by HTTP server +FilesOfTypeNotCached=Files of type %s are not cached by HTTP server +FilesOfTypeCompressed=Files of type %s are compressed by HTTP server +FilesOfTypeNotCompressed=Files of type %s are not compressed by HTTP server +CacheByServer=Cache by server +CacheByServerDesc=For example using the Apache directive "ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000" +CacheByClient=Cache by browser +CompressionOfResources=Compression of HTTP responses +CompressionOfResourcesDesc=For example using the Apache directive "AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE" +TestNotPossibleWithCurrentBrowsers=Such an automatic detection is not possible with current browsers +DefaultValuesDesc=Here you may define the default value you wish to use when creating a new record, and/or default filters or the sort order when you list records. +DefaultCreateForm=Default values (to use on forms) +DefaultSearchFilters=Default search filters +DefaultSortOrder=Default sort orders +DefaultFocus=Default focus fields +DefaultMandatory=Mandatory form fields @@ -1711,19 +1535,15 @@ -ProductSetup=Mahsulotlar modulini sozlash -ServiceSetup=Xizmatlar modulini sozlash -ProductServiceSetup=Mahsulotlar va xizmatlar modullarini sozlash -NumberOfProductShowInSelect=Kombinatsiyalangan ro'yxatlarda ko'rsatiladigan mahsulotlarning maksimal soni (0 = chegara yo'q) -ViewProductDescInFormAbility=Mahsulot tavsiflarini ob'ektlar qatorida ko'rsatish (aks holda asboblar panelida tavsifni ko'rsatish) -OnProductSelectAddProductDesc=Mahsulotni hujjat qatori sifatida qo'shganda mahsulotlarning tavsifidan qanday foydalanish -AutoFillFormFieldBeforeSubmit=Tavsifni kiritish maydonini mahsulot tavsifi bilan avtomatik to'ldirish -DoNotAutofillButAutoConcat=Kirish maydonini mahsulot tavsifi bilan avtomatik to'ldirmang. Mahsulotning tavsifi kiritilgan tavsif bilan avtomatik ravishda birlashtiriladi. -DoNotUseDescriptionOfProdut=Mahsulot tavsifi hech qachon hujjatlar satrining tavsifiga kiritilmaydi -MergePropalProductCard=Agar mahsulot / xizmat taklifda bo'lsa, mahsulotning PDF-hujjati bilan mahsulotning PDF-hujjatini birlashtirish uchun mahsulot / xizmatda biriktirilgan fayllar yorlig'ini faollashtiring. -ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Mahsulot tavsiflarini uchinchi tomon tilida (aks holda foydalanuvchi tilida) shakllarda ko'rsatish -UseSearchToSelectProductTooltip=Agar sizda ko'p miqdordagi mahsulotlar (> 100 000) bo'lsa, doimiy ravishda PRODUCT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE-ni Setup-> Other-da 1 ga o'rnatib tezlikni oshirishingiz mumkin. Keyin qidirish satr boshlanishi bilan cheklanadi. -UseSearchToSelectProduct=Mahsulotlar ro'yxati tarkibini yuklashdan oldin tugmachani bosguncha kuting (bu sizning mahsulotingiz ko'p bo'lsa, unumdorligini oshirishi mumkin, ammo bu unchalik qulay emas) -SetDefaultBarcodeTypeProducts=Mahsulotlar uchun ishlatiladigan standart shtrix-kod turi -SetDefaultBarcodeTypeThirdParties=Uchinchi shaxslar uchun ishlatiladigan standart shtrix kod turi -UseUnits=Buyurtma, taklif yoki schyot-fakturani nashr qilish paytida Miqdor uchun o'lchov birligini aniqlang -ProductCodeChecker= Mahsulot kodini ishlab chiqarish va tekshirish moduli (mahsulot yoki xizmat) -ProductOtherConf= Mahsulot / xizmat konfiguratsiyasi -IsNotADir=katalog emas! +ProductSetup=Products module setup +ServiceSetup=Services module setup +ProductServiceSetup=Products and Services modules setup +NumberOfProductShowInSelect=Maximum number of products to show in combo select lists (0=no limit) +ViewProductDescInFormAbility=Display product descriptions in forms (otherwise shown in a tooltip popup) +MergePropalProductCard=Activate in product/service Attached Files tab an option to merge product PDF document to proposal PDF azur if product/service is in the proposal +ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Display products descriptions in the language of the third party +UseSearchToSelectProductTooltip=Also if you have a large number of products (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant PRODUCT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string. +UseSearchToSelectProduct=Wait until you press a key before loading content of product combo list (This may increase performance if you have a large number of products, but it is less convenient) +SetDefaultBarcodeTypeProducts=Default barcode type to use for products +SetDefaultBarcodeTypeThirdParties=Default barcode type to use for third parties +UseUnits=Define a unit of measure for Quantity during order, proposal or invoice lines edition +ProductCodeChecker= Module for product code generation and checking (product or service) +ProductOtherConf= Product / Service configuration +IsNotADir=is not a directory! @@ -1731,11 +1551,11 @@ -SyslogSetup=Jurnallar modulini sozlash -SyslogOutput=Jurnal natijalari -SyslogFacility=Qulaylik -SyslogLevel=Daraja -SyslogFilename=Fayl nomi va yo'li -YouCanUseDOL_DATA_ROOT=Dolibarr "hujjatlar" katalogidagi jurnal fayli uchun DOL_DATA_ROOT / dolibarr.log dan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Ushbu faylni saqlash uchun boshqa yo'lni belgilashingiz mumkin. -ErrorUnknownSyslogConstant=Doimiy %s ma'lum Syslog doimiysi emas -OnlyWindowsLOG_USER=Windows-da faqat LOG_USER moslamasi qo'llab-quvvatlanadi -CompressSyslogs=Sozlash va disk raskadrovka jurnal fayllarini zaxiralash (disk raskadrovka uchun Log moduli tomonidan yaratilgan) -SyslogFileNumberOfSaves=Saqlanadigan jurnallar soni -ConfigureCleaningCronjobToSetFrequencyOfSaves=Jurnalning zaxira chastotasini o'rnatish uchun rejalashtirilgan ishni tozalashni sozlang +SyslogSetup=Logs module setup +SyslogOutput=Logs outputs +SyslogFacility=Facility +SyslogLevel=Level +SyslogFilename=File name and path +YouCanUseDOL_DATA_ROOT=You can use DOL_DATA_ROOT/dolibarr.log for a log file in Dolibarr "documents" directory. You can set a different path to store this file. +ErrorUnknownSyslogConstant=Constant %s is not a known Syslog constant +OnlyWindowsLOG_USER=Windows only supports LOG_USER +CompressSyslogs=Compression and backup of debug log files (generated by module Log for debug) +SyslogFileNumberOfSaves=Log backups +ConfigureCleaningCronjobToSetFrequencyOfSaves=Configure cleaning scheduled job to set log backup frequency @@ -1743,2 +1563,2 @@ -DonationsSetup=Xayriya modulini sozlash -DonationsReceiptModel=Xayr-ehson olish to'g'risidagi shablon +DonationsSetup=Donation module setup +DonationsReceiptModel=Template of donation receipt @@ -1746,17 +1566,19 @@ -BarcodeSetup=Shtrixli sozlash -PaperFormatModule=Format modulini chop etish -BarcodeEncodeModule=Shtrixli kodlash turi -CodeBarGenerator=Shtrixli generator -ChooseABarCode=Hech qanday generator aniqlanmagan -FormatNotSupportedByGenerator=Format ushbu generator tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi -BarcodeDescEAN8=EAN8 tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescEAN13=EAN13 tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescUPC=UPC tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescISBN=ISBN tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescC39=C39 tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescC128=C128 tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescDATAMATRIX=Datamatrix tipidagi shtrix-kod -BarcodeDescQRCODE=QR kodli shtrix kod -GenbarcodeLocation=Shtrixli kodni yaratish buyruq satri vositasi (ba'zi shtrix-kod turlari uchun ichki dvigatel tomonidan ishlatiladi). "Genbarcode" bilan mos bo'lishi kerak.
Masalan: / usr / local / bin / genbarcode -BarcodeInternalEngine=Ichki dvigatel -BarCodeNumberManager=Shtrixli raqamlarni avtomatik aniqlash uchun menejer +BarcodeSetup=Barcode setup +PaperFormatModule=Print format module +BarcodeEncodeModule=Barcode encoding type +CodeBarGenerator=Barcode generator +ChooseABarCode=No generator defined +FormatNotSupportedByGenerator=Format not supported by this generator +BarcodeDescEAN8=Barcode of type EAN8 +BarcodeDescEAN13=Barcode of type EAN13 +BarcodeDescUPC=Barcode of type UPC +BarcodeDescISBN=Barcode of type ISBN +BarcodeDescC39=Barcode of type C39 +BarcodeDescC128=Barcode of type C128 +BarcodeDescDATAMATRIX=Barcode of type Datamatrix +BarcodeDescQRCODE=Barcode of type QR code +GenbarcodeLocation=Bar code generation command line tool (used by internal engine for some bar code types). Must be compatible with "genbarcode".
For example: /usr/local/bin/genbarcode +BarcodeInternalEngine=Internal engine +BarCodeNumberManager=Manager to auto define barcode numbers +##### Prelevements ##### +WithdrawalsSetup=Setup of module Direct Debit payments @@ -1764,4 +1586,4 @@ -ExternalRSSSetup=Tashqi RSS importini sozlash -NewRSS=Yangi RSS tasmasi -RSSUrl=RSS URL manzili -RSSUrlExample=Qiziqarli RSS tasmasi +ExternalRSSSetup=External RSS imports setup +NewRSS=New RSS Feed +RSSUrl=RSS URL +RSSUrlExample=An interesting RSS feed @@ -1769,4 +1591,4 @@ -MailingSetup=EMailing modulini sozlash -MailingEMailFrom=Elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan elektron pochta xabarlari uchun elektron pochta xabarini yuboruvchi (Kimdan) -MailingEMailError=Xatolari bo'lgan elektron pochta xabarlari uchun elektron pochtani qaytaring (Xatolar) -MailingDelay=Keyingi xabarni yuborgandan keyin kutish uchun soniya +MailingSetup=EMailing module setup +MailingEMailFrom=Sender email (From) for emails sent by emailing module +MailingEMailError=Return Email (Errors-to) for emails with errors +MailingDelay=Seconds to wait after sending next message @@ -1774,6 +1596,3 @@ -NotificationSetup=Elektron pochta xabarnomasi modulini sozlash -NotificationEMailFrom=Bildirishnomalar moduli tomonidan yuborilgan elektron pochta xabarlari uchun jo'natuvchi elektron pochtasi (dan) -FixedEmailTarget=Qabul qiluvchi -NotificationDisableConfirmMessageContact=Tasdiqlash xabarida bildirishnomalarni qabul qiluvchilar ro'yxatini (aloqa sifatida obuna bo'lgan) yashiring -NotificationDisableConfirmMessageUser=Tasdiqlash xabarida bildirishnomalarni qabul qiluvchilar (foydalanuvchi sifatida obuna bo'lgan) ro'yxatini yashiring -NotificationDisableConfirmMessageFix=Xabarnomalarni qabul qiluvchilar roʻyxatini (global elektron pochta sifatida obuna boʻlgan) tasdiqlash xabarida yashirish +NotificationSetup=Email Notification module setup +NotificationEMailFrom=Sender email (From) for emails sent by the Notifications module +FixedEmailTarget=Recipient @@ -1781,6 +1600,6 @@ -SendingsSetup=Yuk tashish modulini sozlash -SendingsReceiptModel=Qabul qilish modelini yuborish -SendingsNumberingModules=Yuborish raqamlash modullari -SendingsAbility=Mijozlarni etkazib berish uchun jo'natma varaqlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash -NoNeedForDeliveryReceipts=Ko'pgina hollarda, jo'natma varaqalari ham mijozlarni etkazib berish uchun varaqalar (yuboriladigan mahsulotlar ro'yxati), ham mijoz tomonidan qabul qilingan va imzolangan varaqlar sifatida ishlatiladi. Shuning uchun mahsulotni etkazib berish kvitansiyasi takrorlanadigan xususiyat bo'lib, kamdan-kam hollarda faollashtiriladi. -FreeLegalTextOnShippings=Yuklarni jo'natishda bepul matn +SendingsSetup=Shipping module setup +SendingsReceiptModel=Sending receipt model +SendingsNumberingModules=Sendings numbering modules +SendingsAbility=Support shipping sheets for customer deliveries +NoNeedForDeliveryReceipts=In most cases, shipping sheets are used both as sheets for customer deliveries (list of products to send) and sheets that are received and signed by customer. Hence the product deliveries receipt is a duplicated feature and is rarely activated. +FreeLegalTextOnShippings=Free text on shipments @@ -1788,4 +1607,4 @@ -DeliveryOrderNumberingModules=Mahsulotlarni etkazib berish kvitansiyasini raqamlash moduli -DeliveryOrderModel=Mahsulotlarni etkazib berish kvitansiyasi modeli -DeliveriesOrderAbility=Mahsulotlarni etkazib berish kvitansiyasini qo'llab-quvvatlash -FreeLegalTextOnDeliveryReceipts=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyalari bo'yicha bepul matn +DeliveryOrderNumberingModules=Products deliveries receipt numbering module +DeliveryOrderModel=Products deliveries receipt model +DeliveriesOrderAbility=Support products deliveries receipts +FreeLegalTextOnDeliveryReceipts=Free text on delivery receipts @@ -1793,11 +1612,9 @@ -AdvancedEditor=Murakkab muharrir -ActivateFCKeditor=Kengaytirilgan tahrirlovchini faollashtirish: -FCKeditorForNotePublic=WYSIWYG elementlarning "ommaviy eslatmalar" maydonini yaratish/nashr qilish -FCKeditorForNotePrivate=WYSIWYG elementlarning "shaxsiy qaydlari" maydonini yaratish/nashr qilish -FCKeditorForCompany=WYSIWYG elementlarning maydon tavsifini yaratish/nashr qilish (mahsulotlar/xizmatlardan tashqari) -FCKeditorForProductDetails=WYSIWYG mahsulot tavsifini yoki ob'ektlar uchun satrlarni yaratish/nashr qilish (takliflar qatorlari, buyurtmalar, schyot-fakturalar va boshqalar). -FCKeditorForProductDetails2=Ogohlantirish: Ushbu holatda ushbu parametrdan foydalanish tavsiya etilmaydi, chunki u PDF-fayllarni yaratishda maxsus belgilar va sahifa formatlash bilan bog'liq muammolarni keltirib chiqarishi mumkin. -FCKeditorForMailing= Ommaviy elektron pochta jo'natmalari uchun WYSIWYG yaratish/nashr qilish (Asboblar->emailing) -FCKeditorForUserSignature=WYSIWYG foydalanuvchi imzosini yaratish/nashr qilish -FCKeditorForMail=Barcha pochta uchun WYSIWYG yaratish/nashr qilish (Asboblar-> Elektron pochtadan tashqari) -FCKeditorForTicket=Chiptalar uchun WYSIWYG yaratish/nashr +AdvancedEditor=Advanced editor +ActivateFCKeditor=Activate advanced editor for: +FCKeditorForCompany=WYSIWIG creation/edition of elements description and note (except products/services) +FCKeditorForProduct=WYSIWIG creation/edition of products/services description and note +FCKeditorForProductDetails=WYSIWIG creation/edition of products details lines for all entities (proposals, orders, invoices, etc...). Warning: Using this option for this case is seriously not recommended as it can create problems with special characters and page formatting when building PDF files. +FCKeditorForMailing= WYSIWIG creation/edition for mass eMailings (Tools->eMailing) +FCKeditorForUserSignature=WYSIWIG creation/edition of user signature +FCKeditorForMail=WYSIWIG creation/edition for all mail (except Tools->eMailing) +FCKeditorForTicket=WYSIWIG creation/edition for tickets @@ -1805,2 +1622,2 @@ -StockSetup=Birja modulini sozlash -IfYouUsePointOfSaleCheckModule=Agar siz sukut bo'yicha taqdim etilgan Sotish nuqtasi moduli (POS) yoki tashqi moduldan foydalansangiz, ushbu sozlash POS modulingiz tomonidan e'tiborsiz qoldirilishi mumkin. Ko'pgina POS-modullar sukut bo'yicha darhol hisob-fakturani yaratish va bu erdagi variantlardan qat'iy nazar zaxiralarni kamaytirish uchun ishlab chiqilgan. Shunday qilib, sizning POS-dan savdo-sotiqni ro'yxatdan o'tkazishda sizda aktsiyalar kamayishi kerak bo'lsa yoki kerak bo'lmasa, shuningdek POS modul sozlamalarini tekshiring. +StockSetup=Stock module setup +IfYouUsePointOfSaleCheckModule=If you use the Point of Sale module (POS) provided by default or an external module, this setup may be ignored by your POS module. Most POS modules are designed by default to create an invoice immediately and decrease stock irrespective of the options here. So if you need or not to have a stock decrease when registering a sale from your POS, check also your POS module setup. @@ -1808,27 +1625,26 @@ -MenuDeleted=Menyu o'chirildi -Menu=Menyu -Menus=Menyular -TreeMenuPersonalized=Shaxsiylashtirilgan menyular -NotTopTreeMenuPersonalized=Shaxsiy menyular yuqori menyu yozuviga bog'lanmagan -NewMenu=Yangi menyu -MenuHandler=Menyu boshqaruvchisi -MenuModule=Manba moduli -HideUnauthorizedMenu=Ruxsatsiz menyularni ichki foydalanuvchilar uchun ham yashirish (aks holda kulrang rangda) -DetailId=Id menyusi -DetailMenuHandler=Yangi menyu ko'rsatiladigan menyu boshqaruvchisi -DetailMenuModule=Agar menyuga kirish moduldan keladigan bo'lsa, modul nomi -DetailType=Menyu turi (yuqori yoki chap) -DetailTitre=Tarjima qilish uchun menyu yorlig'i yoki yorliq kodi -DetailUrl=Menyu sizga yuboriladigan URL manzili (nisbiy URL havolasi yoki https:// bilan tashqi havola) -DetailEnabled=Kirish yoki ko'rsatmaslik sharti -DetailRight=Ruxsatsiz kulrang menyularni ko'rsatish sharti -DetailLangs=Yorliq kodini tarjima qilish uchun lang fayl nomi -DetailUser=Intern / Extern / Hammasi -Target=Maqsad -Targets=Targets -DetailTarget=Havolalar uchun maqsad (_blank top yangi oynani ochadi) -DetailLevel=Daraja (-1: yuqori menyu, 0: sarlavha menyusi,> 0 menyu va pastki menyu) -ModifMenu=Menyu o'zgarishi -DeleteMenu=Menyu yozuvini o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteMenu= %s menyu yozuvini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -FailedToInitializeMenu=Menyu ishga tushirilmadi +MenuDeleted=Menu deleted +Menus=Menus +TreeMenuPersonalized=Personalized menus +NotTopTreeMenuPersonalized=Personalized menus not linked to a top menu entry +NewMenu=New menu +Menu=Selection of menu +MenuHandler=Menu handler +MenuModule=Source module +HideUnauthorizedMenu= Hide unauthorized menus (gray) +DetailId=Id menu +DetailMenuHandler=Menu handler where to show new menu +DetailMenuModule=Module name if menu entry come from a module +DetailType=Type of menu (top or left) +DetailTitre=Menu label or label code for translation +DetailUrl=URL where menu send you (Absolute URL link or external link with http://) +DetailEnabled=Condition to show or not entry +DetailRight=Condition to display unauthorized grey menus +DetailLangs=Lang file name for label code translation +DetailUser=Intern / Extern / All +Target=Target +DetailTarget=Target for links (_blank top opens a new window) +DetailLevel=Level (-1:top menu, 0:header menu, >0 menu and sub menu) +ModifMenu=Menu change +DeleteMenu=Delete menu entry +ConfirmDeleteMenu=Are you sure you want to delete menu entry %s? +FailedToInitializeMenu=Failed to initialize menu @@ -1836,22 +1652,21 @@ -TaxSetup=Soliqlar, ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari va dividendlar modulini o'rnatish -OptionVatMode=QQS to'lashi kerak -OptionVATDefault=Standart asos -OptionVATDebitOption=Hisoblash usuli -OptionVatDefaultDesc=QQS muddati:
- tovarlarni etkazib berish bo'yicha (hisob-kitob sana asosida)
- xizmatlar uchun to'lovlar bo'yicha -OptionVatDebitOptionDesc=QQS muddati:
- tovarlarni etkazib berish bo'yicha (hisob-kitob sana asosida)
- xizmatlar uchun hisob-kitob (debet) bo'yicha -OptionPaymentForProductAndServices=Mahsulotlar va xizmatlar uchun naqd poydevor -OptionPaymentForProductAndServicesDesc=QQS to'lashi kerak:
- tovarlarga to'lov bo'yicha
- xizmatlar uchun to'lovlarga -SummaryOfVatExigibilityUsedByDefault=Tanlangan variant bo'yicha sukut bo'yicha QQS olish vaqti: -OnDelivery=Yetkazib berish paytida -OnPayment=To'lov bo'yicha -OnInvoice=Hisob-fakturada -SupposedToBePaymentDate=To'lov sanasi ishlatilgan -SupposedToBeInvoiceDate=Hisob-faktura sanasi ishlatilgan -Buy=Sotib oling -Sell=Sotish -InvoiceDateUsed=Hisob-faktura sanasi ishlatilgan -YourCompanyDoesNotUseVAT=Sizning kompaniyangiz QQSdan foydalanmasligi aniqlandi (Uy - O'rnatish - Kompaniya / tashkilot), shuning uchun sozlash uchun QQS variantlari mavjud emas. -AccountancyCode=Buxgalteriya kodi -AccountancyCodeSell=Sotish hisobi. kod -AccountancyCodeBuy=Hisobni sotib olish. kod -CREATE_NEW_VAT_WITHOUT_AUTO_PAYMENT=Yangi soliqni yaratishda sukut bo'yicha "To'lovni avtomatik ravishda yaratish" katagiga bo'sh joy qo'ying +TaxSetup=Taxes, social or fiscal taxes and dividends module setup +OptionVatMode=VAT due +OptionVATDefault=Standard basis +OptionVATDebitOption=Accrual basis +OptionVatDefaultDesc=VAT is due:
- on delivery of goods (based on invoice date)
- on payments for services +OptionVatDebitOptionDesc=VAT is due:
- on delivery of goods (based on invoice date)
- on invoice (debit) for services +OptionPaymentForProductAndServices=Cash basis for products and services +OptionPaymentForProductAndServicesDesc=VAT is due:
- on payment for goods
- on payments for services +SummaryOfVatExigibilityUsedByDefault=Time of VAT eligibility by default according to chosen option: +OnDelivery=On delivery +OnPayment=On payment +OnInvoice=On invoice +SupposedToBePaymentDate=Payment date used +SupposedToBeInvoiceDate=Invoice date used +Buy=Buy +Sell=Sell +InvoiceDateUsed=Invoice date used +YourCompanyDoesNotUseVAT=Your company has been defined to not use VAT (Home - Setup - Company/Organization), so there is no VAT options to setup. +AccountancyCode=Accounting Code +AccountancyCodeSell=Sale account. code +AccountancyCodeBuy=Purchase account. code @@ -1859,23 +1674,18 @@ -AgendaSetup = Voqealar va kun tartibi modulini o'rnatish -AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE = Ushbu turdagi tadbirlarni kun tartibi ko'rinishidagi qidiruv filtrida avtomatik ravishda o'rnating -AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS = Ushbu holatni kun tartibi ko'rinishidagi qidiruv filtridagi voqealar uchun avtomatik ravishda o'rnating -AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW = Kun tartibi menyusini tanlashda qaysi ko'rinishni sukut bo'yicha ochishni xohlaysiz -AGENDA_EVENT_PAST_COLOR = O'tgan voqea rangi -AGENDA_EVENT_CURRENT_COLOR = Joriy voqea rangi -AGENDA_EVENT_FUTURE_COLOR = Kelajakdagi voqea rangi -AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER = foydalanuvchi brauzerida voqea eslatmasini yoqish -AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER_SOUND = Ovozli bildirishnomani yoqish -AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL = hodisasini eslatishni elektron pochta orqali yoqing (har bir tadbirda eslatish opsiyasi / kechikishi aniqlanishi mumkin). -AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL_NOTE = Eslatma: %s ishining chastotasi eslatmaning to'g'ri vaqtda yuborilganligiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun etarli bo'lishi kerak. -AGENDA_SHOW_LINKED_OBJECT = Bog'langan ob'ektni kun tartibidagi ko'rinishga ko'rsatish -AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE = Voqealar turlaridan foydalaning (O'rnatish menyusi -> Lug'atlar -> Kun tartibidagi tadbirlar turi) -AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE_DEFAULT = Voqeani yaratish shaklida voqea turi uchun ushbu standart qiymatni avtomatik ravishda sozlash -PasswordTogetVCalExport = Eksport havolasini tasdiqlash uchun kalit -PastDelayVCalExport=Eskiroq voqeani eksport qilmang -SecurityKey = Elektron kalit -##### ClickToDial ##### -ClickToDialSetup=To Dial modulini o'rnatish uchun bosing -ClickToDialUrlDesc=URL called when a click on phone picto is done. In URL, you can use tags
__PHONETO__ that will be replaced with the phone number of person to call
__PHONEFROM__ that will be replaced with phone number of calling person (yours)
__LOGIN__ that will be replaced with clicktodial login (defined on user card)
__PASS__ that will be replaced with clicktodial password (defined on user card). -ClickToDialDesc=Ushbu modul statsionar kompyuterdan foydalanilganda telefon raqamlarini bosish mumkin bo'lgan havolalarga o'zgartiradi. Bir marta bosish raqamga qo'ng'iroq qiladi. Bu ish stolida yumshoq telefondan foydalanilganda yoki masalan, SIP protokoliga asoslangan CTI tizimidan foydalanilganda telefon qo'ng'irog'ini boshlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Eslatma: Smartfondan foydalanganda telefon raqamlari doim bosilishi mumkin. -ClickToDialUseTelLink=Telefon raqamlarida faqat "tel:" havolasidan foydalaning -ClickToDialUseTelLinkDesc=Agar sizning foydalanuvchilaringiz brauzer bilan bir xil kompyuterda o'rnatilgan va brauzeringizda "tel:" bilan boshlangan havolani bosganingizda qo'ng'iroq qiladigan dasturiy ta'minot yoki dasturiy ta'minot interfeysi bo'lsa, ushbu usuldan foydalaning. Agar sizga "sip:" bilan boshlanadigan havola yoki serverning to'liq echimi kerak bo'lsa (mahalliy dasturiy ta'minotni o'rnatishga hojat yo'q), buni "Yo'q" deb belgilashingiz va keyingi maydonni to'ldirishingiz kerak. +AgendaSetup=Events and agenda module setup +PasswordTogetVCalExport=Key to authorize export link +PastDelayVCalExport=Do not export event older than +AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE=Use events types (managed in menu Setup -> Dictionaries -> Type of agenda events) +AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE_DEFAULT=Automatically set this default value for type of event in event create form +AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE=Automatically set this type of event in search filter of agenda view +AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS=Automatically set this status for events in search filter of agenda view +AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW=Which tab do you want to open by default when selecting menu Agenda +AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable event reminder by emails (remind option/delay can be defined on each event). Note: Module %s must be enabled and correctly setup to have reminder sent at the correct frequency. +AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER=Enable event reminder on user's browser (when event date is reached, each user is able to refuse this from the browser confirmation question) +AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER_SOUND=Enable sound notification +AGENDA_SHOW_LINKED_OBJECT=Show linked object into agenda view +##### Clicktodial ##### +ClickToDialSetup=Click To Dial module setup +ClickToDialUrlDesc=Url called when a click on phone picto is done. In URL, you can use tags
__PHONETO__ that will be replaced with the phone number of person to call
__PHONEFROM__ that will be replaced with phone number of calling person (yours)
__LOGIN__ that will be replaced with clicktodial login (defined on user card)
__PASS__ that will be replaced with clicktodial password (defined on user card). +ClickToDialDesc=This module makea phone numbers clickable links. A click on the icon will make your phone call the number. This can be used to call a call-center system from Dolibarr that can call the phone number on a SIP system for example. +ClickToDialUseTelLink=Use just a link "tel:" on phone numbers +ClickToDialUseTelLinkDesc=Use this method if your users have a softphone or a software interface installed on the same computer as the browser, and called when you click on a link in your browser that starts with "tel:". If you need a full server solution (no need of local software installation), you must set this to "No" and fill next field. @@ -1883,18 +1693,15 @@ -CashDesk=Sotish punkti -CashDeskSetup=Savdo modulini o'rnatish nuqtasi -CashDeskThirdPartyForSell=Sotish uchun foydalaniladigan odatiy umumiy uchinchi shaxs -ForbidSalesToTheDefaultCustomer=Do not allow to record sales on a generic third party (must use a different third party for each sale) -CashDeskBankAccountForSell=Naqd to'lovlarni qabul qilish uchun foydalaniladigan standart hisob -CashDeskBankAccountForCheque=To'lovlarni chek orqali qabul qilish uchun foydalaniladigan standart hisob -CashDeskBankAccountForCB=Kredit kartalar orqali to'lovlarni qabul qilish uchun foydalaniladigan standart hisob -CashDeskBankAccountForSumup=SumUp tomonidan to'lovlarni qabul qilish uchun ishlatiladigan standart bank hisobvarag'i -CashDeskDoNotDecreaseStock=Savdo nuqtasidan sotuv amalga oshirilganda aktsiyalarning kamayishini o'chiring -CashDeskDoNotDecreaseStockHelp=Agar "yo'q" bo'lsa, aktsiyalarning kamayishi Stock modulida o'rnatilgan opsiyadan qat'i nazar, POS-dan qilingan har bir savdo uchun amalga oshiriladi. -CashDeskIdWareHouse=Omborni kamaytirish uchun omborni majburan cheklang va cheklang -StockDecreaseForPointOfSaleDisabled=Savdo punktida aksiyalarning pasayishi o'chirilgan -StockDecreaseForPointOfSaleDisabledbyBatch=POS-da aktsiyalarning pasayishi Serial / Lot moduli bilan mos kelmaydi (hozirda faol), shuning uchun aktsiyalarni pasaytirish o'chirilgan. -CashDeskYouDidNotDisableStockDecease=Sale of Sale-dan savdo-sotiqni amalga oshirayotganda siz aktsiyalarning pasayishini o'chirib qo'ymadingiz. Shuning uchun ombor kerak. -CashDeskForceDecreaseStockLabel=Partiya mahsulotlari uchun zaxiralarni pasaytirish majbur bo'ldi. -CashDeskForceDecreaseStockDesc=Avvaliga eng qadimgi ovqatlanish va sotish sanalari bo'yicha kamaytiring. -CashDeskReaderKeyCodeForEnter=Shtrix-kodni o'quvchida aniqlangan "Enter" uchun kalit ASCII kodi (Misol: 13) -CashDeskDefaultProject=Assign new POS sales (invoices) to a project +CashDesk=Point of Sale +CashDeskSetup=Point of Sales module setup +CashDeskThirdPartyForSell=Default generic third party to use for sales +CashDeskBankAccountForSell=Default account to use to receive cash payments +CashDeskBankAccountForCheque=Default account to use to receive payments by check +CashDeskBankAccountForCB=Default account to use to receive payments by credit cards +CashDeskBankAccountForSumup=Default bank account to use to receive payments by SumUp +CashDeskDoNotDecreaseStock=Disable stock decrease when a sale is done from Point of Sale (if "no", stock decrease is done for each sale done from POS, irrespective of the option set in module Stock). +CashDeskIdWareHouse=Force and restrict warehouse to use for stock decrease +StockDecreaseForPointOfSaleDisabled=Stock decrease from Point of Sale disabled +StockDecreaseForPointOfSaleDisabledbyBatch=Stock decrease in POS is not compatible with module Serial/Lot management (currently active) so stock decrease is disabled. +CashDeskYouDidNotDisableStockDecease=You did not disable stock decrease when making a sale from Point of Sale. Hence a warehouse is required. +CashDeskForceDecreaseStockLabel=Stock decrease for batch products was forced. +CashDeskForceDecreaseStockDesc=Decrease first by the oldest eatby and sellby dates. +CashDeskReaderKeyCodeForEnter=Key code for "Enter" defined in barcode reader (Example: 13) @@ -1902,3 +1709,3 @@ -BookmarkSetup=Xatcho'plar modulini sozlash -BookmarkDesc=Ushbu modul sizga xatcho'plarni boshqarish imkonini beradi. Shuningdek, chap menyuda joylashgan har qanday Dolibarr sahifalariga yoki tashqi veb-saytlarga yorliq qo'shishingiz mumkin. -NbOfBoomarkToShow=Chap menyuda ko'rsatiladigan maksimal xatcho'plar soni +BookmarkSetup=Bookmark module setup +BookmarkDesc=This module allows you to manage bookmarks. You can also add shortcuts to any Dolibarr pages or external web sites on your left menu. +NbOfBoomarkToShow=Maximum number of bookmarks to show in left menu @@ -1906,4 +1713,4 @@ -WebServicesSetup=Veb-xizmatlar modulini sozlash -WebServicesDesc=Ushbu modulni yoqish orqali Dolibarr turli xil veb-xizmatlarni taqdim etadigan veb-xizmat serveriga aylanadi. -WSDLCanBeDownloadedHere=Taqdim etilgan xizmatlarning tavsiflovchi fayllarini bu erdan yuklab olish mumkin -EndPointIs=SOAP mijozlari o'zlarining so'rovlarini URL-da joylashgan Dolibarr so'nggi nuqtasiga yuborishlari kerak +WebServicesSetup=Webservices module setup +WebServicesDesc=By enabling this module, Dolibarr become a web service server to provide miscellaneous web services. +WSDLCanBeDownloadedHere=WSDL descriptor files of provided services can be download here +EndPointIs=SOAP clients must send their requests to the Dolibarr endpoint available at URL @@ -1911,7 +1718,7 @@ -ApiSetup=API modulini sozlash -ApiDesc=Ushbu modulni yoqish orqali Dolibarr turli xil veb-xizmatlarni taqdim etadigan REST-serverga aylanadi. -ApiProductionMode=Ishlab chiqarish rejimini yoqing (bu xizmatlarni boshqarish uchun keshdan foydalanishni faollashtiradi) -ApiExporerIs=Siz API-larni URL manzilida o'rganishingiz va sinab ko'rishingiz mumkin -OnlyActiveElementsAreExposed=Faqatgina yoqilgan modullarning elementlari paydo bo'ladi -ApiKey=API uchun kalit -WarningAPIExplorerDisabled=API Explorer o'chirilgan. API xizmatlarini taqdim etish uchun API Explorer talab qilinmaydi. Bu ishlab chiquvchi uchun REST API-larni topish / sinab ko'rish vositasi. Agar sizga ushbu vosita kerak bo'lsa, uni faollashtirish uchun API REST modulini sozlang. +ApiSetup=API module setup +ApiDesc=By enabling this module, Dolibarr become a REST server to provide miscellaneous web services. +ApiProductionMode=Enable production mode (this will activate use of a cache for services management) +ApiExporerIs=You can explore and test the APIs at URL +OnlyActiveElementsAreExposed=Only elements from enabled modules are exposed +ApiKey=Key for API +WarningAPIExplorerDisabled=The API explorer has been disabled. API explorer is not required to provide API services. It is a tool for developer to find/test REST APIs. If you need this tool, go into setup of module API REST to activate it. @@ -1919,8 +1726,8 @@ -BankSetupModule=Bank modulini sozlash -FreeLegalTextOnChequeReceipts=Chek kvitansiyalaridagi bepul matn -BankOrderShow="Batafsil bank raqami" dan foydalanadigan mamlakatlar uchun bank hisobvaraqlarining tartibini ko'rsatish -BankOrderGlobal=Umumiy -BankOrderGlobalDesc=Bosh ekran tartibi -BankOrderES=Ispaniya -BankOrderESDesc=Ispaniyaning namoyish tartibi -ChequeReceiptsNumberingModule=Kvitansiyalarni raqamlash modulini tekshiring +BankSetupModule=Bank module setup +FreeLegalTextOnChequeReceipts=Free text on check receipts +BankOrderShow=Display order of bank accounts for countries using "detailed bank number" +BankOrderGlobal=General +BankOrderGlobalDesc=General display order +BankOrderES=Spanish +BankOrderESDesc=Spanish display order +ChequeReceiptsNumberingModule=Check Receipts Numbering Module @@ -1928 +1735 @@ -MultiCompanySetup=Ko'p kompaniyalar uchun modulni sozlash +MultiCompanySetup=Multi-company module setup @@ -1930,6 +1737,6 @@ -SuppliersSetup=Sotuvchi modulini sozlash -SuppliersCommandModel=Xarid qilish buyurtmasining to'liq shablonlari -SuppliersCommandModelMuscadet=Sotib olish buyurtmasining to'liq shablonlari (kornalar shablonining eski versiyasi) -SuppliersInvoiceModel=Sotuvchi fakturasining to'liq shabloni -SuppliersInvoiceNumberingModel=Sotuvchi fakturalarni raqamlash modellari -IfSetToYesDontForgetPermission=Agar nol qiymatga o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, ikkinchi tasdiqlash uchun ruxsat berilgan guruhlarga yoki foydalanuvchilarga ruxsat berishni unutmang +SuppliersSetup=Vendor module setup +SuppliersCommandModel=Complete template of Purchase Order +SuppliersCommandModelMuscadet=Complete template of Purchase Order (old implementation of cornas template) +SuppliersInvoiceModel=Complete template of Vendor Invoice +SuppliersInvoiceNumberingModel=Vendor invoices numbering models +IfSetToYesDontForgetPermission=If set to a non null value, don't forget to provide permissions to groups or users allowed for the second approval @@ -1937,6 +1744,6 @@ -GeoIPMaxmindSetup=GeoIP Maxmind modulini sozlash -PathToGeoIPMaxmindCountryDataFile=Maxmind IP-ni o'z ichiga olgan faylga yo'lni mamlakatga tarjima qilish -NoteOnPathLocation=Sizning mamlakatingizga ip ma'lumotlari sizning PHP o'qishi mumkin bo'lgan katalog ichida bo'lishi kerakligini unutmang (PHP open_basedir sozlamalarini va fayl tizimining ruxsatlarini tekshiring). -YouCanDownloadFreeDatFileTo=Maxmind GeoIP mamlakat faylining bepul demo versiyasini %s manzilidan yuklab olishingiz mumkin. -YouCanDownloadAdvancedDatFileTo=Bundan tashqari, %s manzilidan Maxmind GeoIP mamlakat faylining
yangilangan to'liq versiyasini yuklab olishingiz mumkin. -TestGeoIPResult=Konversiyani sinab ko'rish IP -> mamlakat +GeoIPMaxmindSetup=GeoIP Maxmind module setup +PathToGeoIPMaxmindCountryDataFile=Path to file containing Maxmind ip to country translation.
/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb +NoteOnPathLocation=Note that your ip to country data file must be inside a directory your PHP can read (Check your PHP open_basedir setup and filesystem permissions). +YouCanDownloadFreeDatFileTo=You can download a free demo version of the Maxmind GeoIP country file at %s. +YouCanDownloadAdvancedDatFileTo=You can also download a more complete version, with updates, of the Maxmind GeoIP country file at %s. +TestGeoIPResult=Test of a conversion IP -> country @@ -1944,6 +1751,6 @@ -ProjectsNumberingModules=Loyihalarni raqamlash moduli -ProjectsSetup=Loyiha modulini sozlash -ProjectsModelModule=Loyiha hisobotlari hujjat modeli -TasksNumberingModules=Vazifalarni raqamlash moduli -TaskModelModule=Vazifalar hujjat modeli hisobotlari -UseSearchToSelectProject=Project combo ro'yxatining tarkibini yuklashdan oldin tugma bosilguncha kuting.
Agar sizda ko'plab loyihalar mavjud bo'lsa, bu ishlashni yaxshilashi mumkin, ammo bu unchalik qulay emas. +ProjectsNumberingModules=Projects numbering module +ProjectsSetup=Project module setup +ProjectsModelModule=Project reports document model +TasksNumberingModules=Tasks numbering module +TaskModelModule=Tasks reports document model +UseSearchToSelectProject=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Project combo list.
This may improve performance if you have a large number of projects, but it is less convenient. @@ -1952,244 +1759,184 @@ -AccountingPeriods=Buxgalteriya davrlari -AccountingPeriodCard=Hisob davri -NewFiscalYear=Yangi hisobot davri -OpenFiscalYear=Ochiq hisob-kitob davri -CloseFiscalYear=Hisob davri yopiladi -DeleteFiscalYear=Hisob davri o'chirilsin -ConfirmDeleteFiscalYear=Ushbu hisobot davrini o'chirishga ishonchingiz komilmi? -ShowFiscalYear=Hisob-kitob davri -AlwaysEditable=Har doim tahrir qilish mumkin -MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE=Ko'rinadigan dastur nomini majburlash (ogohlantirish: bu erda o'z ismingizni o'rnatish DoliDroid mobil ilovasidan foydalanilganda avtomatik to'ldirish tizimiga kirish xususiyatini buzishi mumkin) -NbMajMin=Bosh harflarning minimal soni -NbNumMin=Raqamli belgilarning minimal soni -NbSpeMin=Maxsus belgilarning minimal soni -NbIteConsecutive=Bir xil belgilarni takrorlashning maksimal soni -NoAmbiCaracAutoGeneration=Avtomatik ishlab chiqarish uchun noaniq belgilarni ("1", "l", "i", "|", "0", "O") ishlatmang -SalariesSetup=Modullarning ish haqini sozlash -SortOrder=Saralash tartibi -Format=Formatlash -TypePaymentDesc=0: mijozning to'lov turi, 1: sotuvchining to'lov turi, 2: mijozlar ham, etkazib beruvchilar uchun ham to'lov turi -IncludePath=Yo'lni qo'shing (%s o'zgaruvchisiga belgilangan) -ExpenseReportsSetup=Moddiy xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotni sozlash -TemplatePDFExpenseReports=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hujjatni yaratish uchun hujjat shablonlari -ExpenseReportsRulesSetup=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlar modulini sozlash - qoidalar -ExpenseReportNumberingModules=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlarni raqamlash moduli -NoModueToManageStockIncrease=Zaxiralarni avtomatik ravishda oshirishni boshqaradigan biron bir modul faollashtirilmagan. Aksiyalarni ko'paytirish faqat qo'lda kiritish orqali amalga oshiriladi. -YouMayFindNotificationsFeaturesIntoModuleNotification="Bildirishnoma" modulini yoqish va sozlash orqali elektron pochta xabarlari uchun variantlarni topishingiz mumkin. -TemplatesForNotifications=Bildirishnomalar uchun shablonlar -ListOfNotificationsPerUser=Har bir foydalanuvchi uchun avtomatik bildirishnomalar ro'yxati * -ListOfNotificationsPerUserOrContact=Har bir foydalanuvchi * yoki har bir kontakt uchun mavjud bo'lgan avtomatik xabarnomalar ro'yxati (ishbilarmonlik tadbirlarida) ** -ListOfFixedNotifications=Avtomatik sobit xabarnomalar ro'yxati -GoOntoUserCardToAddMore=Foydalanuvchilar uchun bildirishnomalarni qo'shish yoki o'chirish uchun "Bildirishnomalar" yorlig'iga o'ting -GoOntoContactCardToAddMore=Kontaktlar / manzillar uchun bildirishnomalarni qo'shish yoki o'chirish uchun uchinchi tomonning "Bildirishnomalar" yorlig'iga o'ting -Threshold=Eshik -BackupDumpWizard=Ma'lumotlar bazasi dump faylini yaratish ustasi -BackupZipWizard=Hujjatlar katalogini yaratish uchun sehrgar -SomethingMakeInstallFromWebNotPossible=Tashqi modulni o'rnatish quyidagi sabablarga ko'ra veb-interfeysdan mumkin emas: -SomethingMakeInstallFromWebNotPossible2=Shu sababli, bu erda tavsiflangan yangilash jarayoni faqat imtiyozli foydalanuvchi amalga oshirishi mumkin bo'lgan qo'lda bajariladigan jarayondir. -InstallModuleFromWebHasBeenDisabledContactUs=Ilovadan tashqi modullar yoki dinamik veb-saytlarni o'rnatish yoki ishlab chiqish hozirda xavfsizlik maqsadida bloklangan. Agar siz ushbu xususiyatni yoqishingiz kerak bo'lsa, biz bilan bog'laning. -InstallModuleFromWebHasBeenDisabledByFile=Ilovadan tashqi modulni o'rnatishni administratoringiz o'chirib qo'ydi. Ushbu funktsiyaga ruxsat berish uchun siz undan %s faylini olib tashlashini so'rashingiz kerak. -ConfFileMustContainCustom=Tashqi modulni dasturdan o'rnatish yoki yaratish uchun modul fayllarini %s katalogiga saqlash kerak. Ushbu katalogni Dolibarr tomonidan qayta ishlash uchun siz ikkita direktiv qatorini qo'shish uchun conf / conf.php -ni o'rnatishingiz kerak:
$ dolibarr_main_url_root_;
$ dolibarr_main_document_root_alt = '%s / custom'; -HighlightLinesOnMouseHover=Sichqoncha harakati o'tib ketganda jadval satrlarini ajratib ko'rsatish -HighlightLinesColor=Sichqoncha o'tib ketganda chiziq rangini belgilang (ajratish uchun 'ffffff' dan foydalaning) -HighlightLinesChecked=Tekshirilganda chiziq rangini ajratib ko'rsatish (ajratish uchun 'ffffff' dan foydalaning) -UseBorderOnTable=Jadvallarda chap va o'ng chegaralarni ko'rsatish -TableLineHeight=Jadval chizig'ining balandligi -BtnActionColor=Harakat tugmasi rangi -TextBtnActionColor=Harakat tugmasi matn rangi -TextTitleColor=Sahifa sarlavhasining matni rangi -LinkColor=Havolalarning rangi -PressF5AfterChangingThis=Klaviaturada CTRL + F5 tugmachalarini bosing yoki ushbu qiymatni o'zgartirgandan so'ng brauzer keshini tozalang -NotSupportedByAllThemes=Will asosiy mavzular bilan ishlaydi, tashqi mavzular tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlanmasligi mumkin -BackgroundColor=Fon rangi -TopMenuBackgroundColor=Yuqori menyu uchun fon rangi -TopMenuDisableImages=Yuqori menyudagi belgi yoki matn -LeftMenuBackgroundColor=Chap menyu uchun fon rangi -LeftmenuId=Left menu ID -BackgroundTableTitleColor=Jadval sarlavhasi uchun fon rangi -BackgroundTableTitleTextColor=Jadval sarlavhasi uchun matn rangi -BackgroundTableTitleTextlinkColor=Jadval sarlavhasi liniyasi uchun matn rangi -BackgroundTableLineOddColor=Toq jadval chiziqlari uchun fon rangi -BackgroundTableLineEvenColor=Jadvalning tekis chiziqlari uchun fon rangi -MinimumNoticePeriod=Minimal ogohlantirish davri (ta'tilga chiqish so'rovingiz ushbu kechiktirishdan oldin amalga oshirilishi kerak) -NbAddedAutomatically=Foydalanuvchilarning hisoblagichlariga har oy qo'shilgan kunlar soni (avtomatik ravishda) -EnterAnyCode=Ushbu maydonda chiziqni aniqlash uchun ma'lumotnoma mavjud. Siz tanlagan har qanday qiymatni kiriting, lekin maxsus belgilarsiz. -Enter0or1=0 yoki 1 kiriting -UnicodeCurrency=Qavslar oralig'iga bu erga kiriting, valyuta belgisini ko'rsatadigan bayt raqamlari ro'yxati. Masalan: $ uchun, [36] kiriting - Braziliya uchun haqiqiy R $ [82,36] - € uchun, [8364] kiriting -ColorFormat=RGB rangi HEX formatida, masalan: FF0000 -PictoHelp=Belgi nomi formatda:
- joriy mavzu katalogiga rasm fayli uchun image.png
- image.png@module agar fayl modulning /img/ katalogida bo'lsa
- FontAwesome fa-xxx picto uchun fa-xxx
- FontAwesome fa-xxx picto uchun fontawesome_xxx_fa_color_size (prefiks, rang va oʻlchamlar toʻplami bilan) -PositionIntoComboList=Chiziqning kombinatsion ro'yxatlarga joylashishi -SellTaxRate=Sotishdan olinadigan soliq stavkasi -RecuperableOnly=Frantsiyaning biron bir shtati uchun ajratilgan "Qabul qilinmagan, ammo tiklanadigan" QQS uchun ha. Boshqa barcha holatlarda "Yo'q" qiymatini saqlang. -UrlTrackingDesc=Agar provayder yoki transport xizmati sizning jo'natmalaringiz holatini tekshirish uchun sahifa yoki veb-sayt taklif qilsa, uni bu erga kiritishingiz mumkin. Siz URL parametrlarida {TRACKID} tugmachasidan foydalanishingiz mumkin, shunda tizim uni foydalanuvchi jo'natma kartasiga kiritgan kuzatuv raqami bilan almashtiradi. -OpportunityPercent=Qo'rg'oshin yaratishda siz taxminiy loyiha / qo'rg'oshin miqdorini aniqlaysiz. Qo'rg'oshin maqomiga ko'ra, ushbu miqdor ushbu stavkaga ko'paytirilishi mumkin, bu sizning barcha potentsialingiz ishlab chiqarishi mumkin bo'lgan umumiy miqdorni baholash uchun. Qiymat foiz hisoblanadi (0 dan 100 gacha). -TemplateForElement=Ushbu pochta shabloni qaysi turdagi ob'ektga tegishli? Elektron pochta shabloni faqat tegishli ob'ektdan "E-pochta jo'natish" tugmasidan foydalanganda mavjud. -TypeOfTemplate=Shablon turi -TemplateIsVisibleByOwnerOnly=Andoza faqat egasiga ko'rinadi -VisibleEverywhere=Hamma joyda ko'rinadi -VisibleNowhere=Hech qaerda ko'rinmaydi -FixTZ=TimeZone-ni tuzatish -FillFixTZOnlyIfRequired=Misol: +2 (faqat muammo yuzaga kelganda to'ldiring) -ExpectedChecksum=Kutilayotgan summa -CurrentChecksum=Joriy summa -ExpectedSize=Kutilayotgan o'lcham -CurrentSize=Joriy o'lcham -ForcedConstants=Kerakli doimiy qiymatlar -MailToSendProposal=Mijozlarning takliflari -MailToSendOrder=Savdo buyurtmalari -MailToSendInvoice=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari -MailToSendShipment=Yuklar -MailToSendIntervention=Aralashuvlar -MailToSendSupplierRequestForQuotation=Kotirovka so'rovi -MailToSendSupplierOrder=Sotib olish uchun buyurtmalar -MailToSendSupplierInvoice=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari -MailToSendContract=Shartnomalar -MailToSendReception=Qabullar -MailToExpenseReport=Xarajatlar hisoboti -MailToThirdparty=Uchinchi shaxslar -MailToContact=Contacts -MailToMember=A'zolar -MailToUser=Foydalanuvchilar -MailToProject=Loyihalar -MailToTicket=Chiptalar -ByDefaultInList=Ro'yxat ko'rinishida sukut bo'yicha ko'rsatish -YouUseLastStableVersion=Siz eng so'nggi barqaror versiyadan foydalanasiz -TitleExampleForMajorRelease=Ushbu yirik nashrni e'lon qilish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan xabarning namunasi (uni o'zingizning veb-saytingizda ishlating) -TitleExampleForMaintenanceRelease=Xizmat namunasi, ushbu texnik xizmat ko'rsatilishini e'lon qilish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin (uni veb-saytlaringizda ishlating) -ExampleOfNewsMessageForMajorRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s mavjud. %s versiyasi foydalanuvchilar uchun ham, ishlab chiquvchilar uchun ham juda ko'p yangi xususiyatlarga ega bo'lgan katta versiyadir. Siz uni https://www.dolibarr.org portalining yuklab olish maydonidan yuklab olishingiz mumkin (katalogning barqaror versiyalari). O'zgarishlarning to'liq ro'yxati uchun ChangeLog o'qishingiz mumkin. -ExampleOfNewsMessageForMaintenanceRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s mavjud. %s versiyasi parvarishlash versiyasidir, shuning uchun faqat xatolarni tuzatishni o'z ichiga oladi. Barcha foydalanuvchilarga ushbu versiyaga o'tishni tavsiya etamiz. Ta'minot versiyasi ma'lumotlar bazasiga yangi xususiyatlar yoki o'zgarishlar kiritmaydi. Siz uni https://www.dolibarr.org portalining yuklab olish joyidan yuklab olishingiz mumkin (katalogning barqaror versiyalari). O'zgarishlarning to'liq ro'yxati uchun ChangeLog ni o'qishingiz mumkin. -MultiPriceRuleDesc="Mahsulot / xizmat uchun narxlarning bir necha darajalari" opsiyasi yoqilganda, har bir mahsulot uchun har xil narxlarni (narx darajasiga bitta) belgilashingiz mumkin. Vaqtingizni tejash uchun bu erda siz har bir darajadagi narxni birinchi darajadagi narxga qarab avtokalkulyatsiya qilish qoidasini kiritishingiz mumkin, shuning uchun har bir mahsulot uchun faqat birinchi darajadagi narxni kiritishingiz kerak bo'ladi. Ushbu sahifa sizning vaqtingizni tejashga mo'ljallangan, ammo har bir darajadagi narxlaringiz birinchi darajaga nisbatan foydali bo'lgan taqdirdagina foydali bo'ladi. Ko'p hollarda ushbu sahifani e'tiborsiz qoldirishingiz mumkin. -ModelModulesProduct=Mahsulot hujjatlari uchun shablonlar -WarehouseModelModules=Omborlar hujjatlari uchun shablonlar -ToGenerateCodeDefineAutomaticRuleFirst=Kodlarni avtomatik ravishda yaratish uchun avval shtrix raqamini avtomatik aniqlash uchun menejerni belgilashingiz kerak. -SeeSubstitutionVars=Mumkin bo'lgan o'zgaruvchan o'zgaruvchilar ro'yxati uchun * eslatmani ko'ring -SeeChangeLog=ChangeLog faylini ko'ring (faqat ingliz tilida) -AllPublishers=Barcha noshirlar -UnknownPublishers=Noma'lum noshirlar -AddRemoveTabs=Yorliqlarni qo'shing yoki olib tashlang -AddDataTables=Ob'ekt jadvallarini qo'shing -AddDictionaries=Lug'at jadvallarini qo'shing -AddData=Ob'ektlar yoki lug'atlar ma'lumotlarini qo'shing -AddBoxes=Vidjetlarni qo'shing -AddSheduledJobs=Rejalashtirilgan ish joylarini qo'shing -AddHooks=Kancalar qo'shing -AddTriggers=Triggerlar qo'shing -AddMenus=Menyularni qo'shing -AddPermissions=Ruxsatnomalarni qo'shing -AddExportProfiles=Eksport rejimlarini qo'shing -AddImportProfiles=Import profillarini qo'shing -AddOtherPagesOrServices=Boshqa sahifalarni yoki xizmatlarni qo'shing -AddModels=Hujjat yoki raqamlash shablonlarini qo'shing -AddSubstitutions=Kalit almashtirishlarni qo'shing -DetectionNotPossible=Aniqlash mumkin emas -UrlToGetKeyToUseAPIs=API-dan foydalanish uchun token olish uchun url (token olinganidan so'ng ma'lumotlar bazasi foydalanuvchi jadvalida saqlanadi va har bir API chaqiruvida ko'rsatilishi kerak) -ListOfAvailableAPIs=Mavjud API-lar ro'yxati -activateModuleDependNotSatisfied="%s" moduli "%s" moduliga bog'liq, chunki u etishmayapti, shuning uchun "%1$s" moduli to'g'ri ishlamasligi mumkin. Iltimos, "%2$s" modulini o'rnating yoki "%1$s" modulini o'chirib qo'ying -CommandIsNotInsideAllowedCommands=Siz bajarmoqchi bo'lgan buyruq $ dolibarr_main_restrict_os_commands conf.php a0a65d071f6fc parametrida belgilangan ruxsat berilgan buyruqlar ro'yxatida yo'q. -LandingPage=Ochilish sahifasi -SamePriceAlsoForSharedCompanies=Agar siz "Yagona narx" tanlovi bilan ko'pkompaniyali moduldan foydalansangiz, mahsulot atrof-muhit o'rtasida taqsimlansa, narx barcha kompaniyalar uchun bir xil bo'ladi. -ModuleEnabledAdminMustCheckRights=Modul faollashtirildi. Faollashtirilgan modul (lar) ga ruxsat faqat administrator foydalanuvchilariga berilgan. Agar kerak bo'lsa, boshqa foydalanuvchilarga yoki guruhlarga ruxsatnomalarni qo'lda berishingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin. -UserHasNoPermissions=Ushbu foydalanuvchi uchun ruxsatlar aniqlanmagan -TypeCdr=Agar to'lov muddati hisob -fakturaning sanasi va bir necha kunlik delta bo'lsa ("delta" %s ")
" Oy oxirida "dan foydalaning, agar deltadan keyin sanani oxirigacha oshirish kerak bo'lsa," Yo'q "dan foydalaning. oy (+ ixtiyoriy "%s" kunlarda)
To'lov muddati deltadan keyingi oyning birinchi N -chi sanasi bo'lishi uchun "Hozirgi/Keyingi" dan foydalaning (delta "%s" maydonida, N %s maydonida saqlanadi) -BaseCurrency=Kompaniyaning ma'lumotnoma valyutasi (buni o'zgartirish uchun kompaniyani tashkil etishga kiring) -WarningNoteModuleInvoiceForFrenchLaw=Ushbu modul %s Frantsiya qonunlariga mos keladi (Loi Finance 2016). -WarningNoteModulePOSForFrenchLaw=Ushbu modul %s Frantsiya qonunlariga javob beradi (Loi Finance 2016), chunki "Qaytarib bo'lmaydigan jurnallar" moduli avtomatik ravishda yoqiladi. -WarningInstallationMayBecomeNotCompliantWithLaw=Siz tashqi modul bo'lgan %s modulini o'rnatmoqchisiz. Tashqi modulni faollashtirish ushbu modul noshiriga ishonishingizni va ushbu modul sizning arizangizning xatti-harakatlariga salbiy ta'sir ko'rsatmasligiga va mamlakatingiz qonunlariga (%s) mos kelishiga ishonch hosil qilishingizni anglatadi. Agar modul noqonuniy xususiyatni taqdim etsa, siz noqonuniy dasturlardan foydalanish uchun javobgar bo'lasiz. - -MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_LEFT=PDF-dagi chap chekka -MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT=PDF-dagi o'ng chekka -MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_TOP=PDF-dagi eng yaxshi margin -MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM=PDF-dagi pastki hoshiya -MAIN_DOCUMENTS_LOGO_HEIGHT=PDF-dagi logotip uchun balandlik -DOC_SHOW_FIRST_SALES_REP=Birinchi savdo vakilini ko'rsatish -MAIN_GENERATE_PROPOSALS_WITH_PICTURE=Taklif satrlarida rasm uchun ustun qo'shing -MAIN_DOCUMENTS_WITH_PICTURE_WIDTH=Chiziqlarga rasm qo'shilsa, ustunning kengligi -MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL_WITHOUT_UNIT_PRICE=Kotirovka so'rovlarida birlik narxi ustunini yashirish -MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL_WITHOUT_TOTAL_COLUMN=Kotirovka so'rovlarida umumiy narx ustunini yashirish -MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_PURCHASE_ORDER_WITHOUT_UNIT_PRICE=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarida birlik narxi ustunini yashirish -MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_PURCHASE_ORDER_WITHOUT_TOTAL_COLUMN=Xarid qilish buyurtmalarida umumiy narx ustunini yashirish -MAIN_PDF_NO_SENDER_FRAME=Yuboruvchining manzil ramkasidagi chegaralarni yashirish -MAIN_PDF_NO_RECIPENT_FRAME=Qabul qiluvchining manzil ramkasida chegaralarni yashirish -MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CUSTOMER_CODE=Mijoz kodini yashirish -MAIN_PDF_HIDE_SENDER_NAME=Manzil blokida yuboruvchi/kompaniya nomini yashirish -PROPOSAL_PDF_HIDE_PAYMENTTERM=To'lov shartlarini yashirish -PROPOSAL_PDF_HIDE_PAYMENTMODE=To'lov rejimini yashirish -MAIN_PDF_PROPAL_USE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNING=Add a hidden markup into the signature area to allow electronic signature tool to reuse it. May be used by external tools or in a future by the online signature feature. -NothingToSetup=Ushbu modul uchun maxsus sozlash talab qilinmaydi. -SetToYesIfGroupIsComputationOfOtherGroups=Agar bu guruh boshqa guruhlarning hisob-kitobi bo'lsa, buni "ha" ga sozlang -EnterCalculationRuleIfPreviousFieldIsYes=Agar oldingi maydon "Ha" ga o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, hisoblash qoidasini kiriting.
CODEGRP1 + CODEGRP2 -SeveralLangugeVariatFound=Bir nechta til variantlari topildi -RemoveSpecialChars=Maxsus belgilarni olib tashlang -COMPANY_AQUARIUM_CLEAN_REGEX=Regex filtri toza qiymatga (COMPANY_AQUARIUM_CLEAN_REGEX) -COMPANY_AQUARIUM_NO_PREFIX=Prefiksdan foydalanmang, faqat mijoz yoki yetkazib beruvchi kodini nusxalang -COMPANY_DIGITARIA_CLEAN_REGEX=Regex filtri toza qiymatga (COMPANY_DIGITARIA_CLEAN_REGEX) -COMPANY_DIGITARIA_UNIQUE_CODE=Uni nusxalashga ruxsat berilmagan -RemoveSpecialWords=Mijozlar yoki etkazib beruvchilar uchun sub-hisoblarni yaratishda ma'lum so'zlarni tozalang -RemoveSpecialWordsHelp=Xaridor yoki yetkazib beruvchi hisobini hisoblashdan oldin tozalanishi kerak bo'lgan so'zlarni belgilang. ";" dan foydalaning har bir so'z orasida -GDPRContact=Ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish bo'yicha mutaxassis (DPO, ma'lumotlarning maxfiyligi yoki GDPR aloqasi) -GDPRContactDesc=Agar siz shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni Axborot tizimingizda saqlasangiz, bu yerda Ma'lumotlarni himoya qilish bo'yicha Umumiy Nizomga mas'ul bo'lgan kontaktni nomlashingiz mumkin -HelpOnTooltip=Matnni ko'rsatmalar panelida ko'rsatish uchun yordam bering -HelpOnTooltipDesc=Matn yoki tarjima kalitini bu erga qo'ying, bu maydon formada paydo bo'lganda matn asboblar panelida ko'rsatilsin -YouCanDeleteFileOnServerWith=Bu faylni serverda buyruq satri bilan o'chirib tashlashingiz mumkin:
%s -ChartLoaded=Hisob jadvali yuklandi -SocialNetworkSetup=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar modulini sozlash -EnableFeatureFor= %s uchun xususiyatlarni yoqish -VATIsUsedIsOff=Eslatma: %s - %s menyusida Off menyusida o'chirilgan, shuning uchun sotishdan olinadigan soliq yoki QQS har doim 0 bo'ladi. -SwapSenderAndRecipientOnPDF=PDF hujjatlaridagi jo'natuvchi va qabul qiluvchining manzilini almashtirish -FeatureSupportedOnTextFieldsOnly=Ogohlantirish, faqat matn maydonlarida va kombinatsion ro'yxatlarda qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan xususiyat. Shuningdek, URL parametri action = create yoki action = edit o'rnatilishi kerak yoki ushbu funktsiyani ishga tushirish uchun sahifa nomi 'new.php' bilan tugashi kerak. -EmailCollector=Elektron pochta yig'uvchisi -EmailCollectors=Elektron pochta kollektorlari -EmailCollectorDescription=Muntazam ravishda elektron pochta qutilarini (IMAP protokoli yordamida) skanerlash va arizangizga kelgan elektron pochta xabarlarini kerakli joyda yozib olish va / yoki ba'zi yozuvlarni avtomatik ravishda yaratish (masalan, qo'rg'oshinlar) uchun rejalashtirilgan ishni va sozlash sahifasini qo'shing. -NewEmailCollector=Yangi elektron pochta yig'uvchisi -EMailHost=IMAP-server elektron pochta manzili -EMailHostPort=Elektron pochta IMAP server porti -loginPassword=Login/parol -oauthToken=OAuth2 tokeni -accessType=Kirish turi -oauthService=Oauth xizmati -TokenMustHaveBeenCreated=OAuth2 moduli yoqilgan va oauth2 tokeni toʻgʻri ruxsatnomalar bilan yaratilgan boʻlishi kerak (masalan, Gmail uchun OAuth bilan “gmail_full” doirasi). -TokenNotRequiredForOAuthLogin=Token unnecessary for OAuth entry used for Login -ImapEncryption = IMAP shifrlash usuli -ImapEncryptionHelp = Misol: none, ssl, tls, notls -NoRSH = NoRSH konfiguratsiyasidan foydalaning -NoRSHHelp = IMAP oldindan identifikatsiya seansini o'rnatish uchun RSH yoki SSH protokollaridan foydalanmang -MailboxSourceDirectory=Pochta qutisi manbalari katalogi -MailboxTargetDirectory=Pochta qutisi maqsad katalogi -EmailcollectorOperations=Kollektor tomonidan bajariladigan operatsiyalar -EmailcollectorOperationsDesc=Amallar yuqoridan pastgacha tartibda bajariladi -MaxEmailCollectPerCollect=Har bir to'plam uchun to'plangan elektron pochta xabarlarining maksimal soni -TestCollectNow=Sinov yig'ish -CollectNow=Hozir yig'ing -ConfirmCloneEmailCollector=Haqiqatan ham %s elektron pochta kollektorini klonlashni xohlaysizmi? -DateLastCollectResult=So'nggi marta sinab ko'ring -DateLastcollectResultOk=So'nggi yutuqlar sanasi -LastResult=Oxirgi natija -EmailCollectorHideMailHeaders=E-pochta sarlavhasi mazmunini to'plangan elektron xatlarning saqlangan tarkibiga kiritmang -EmailCollectorHideMailHeadersHelp=Yoqilgan bo'lsa, kun tartibi hodisasi sifatida saqlangan elektron pochta mazmunining oxiriga elektron pochta sarlavhalari qo'shilmaydi. -EmailCollectorConfirmCollectTitle=Elektron pochta orqali to'plamni tasdiqlash -EmailCollectorConfirmCollect=Bu kollektorni hozir ishga tushirmoqchimisiz? -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectTicketRequestsDesc=Ba'zi qoidalarga mos keladigan elektron pochta xabarlarini to'plang va elektron pochta ma'lumotlari bilan avtomatik ravishda chipta yarating (Modul chiptasi yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak). Agar siz elektron pochta orqali ba'zi yordam ko'rsatsangiz, ushbu kollektordan foydalanishingiz mumkin, shuning uchun chipta so'rovingiz avtomatik ravishda yaratiladi. Mijozning javoblarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri chipta ko'rinishida yig'ish uchun Collect_Responses funksiyasini ham faollashtiring (siz Dolibarrdan javob berishingiz kerak). -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectTicketRequests=Chipta so'rovini yig'ish misoli (faqat birinchi xabar) -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectAnswersFromExternalEmailSoftwareDesc=Dolibarr'dan emas, balki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri elektron pochta dasturidan boshqa elektron pochtaga javob sifatida yuborilgan elektron pochta xabarlarini topish uchun pochta qutingizning "Yuborilgan" katalogini skanerlang. Agar shunday e-pochta topilsa, javob hodisasi Dolibarr-ga qayd etiladi -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectAnswersFromExternalEmailSoftware=Tashqi elektron pochta dasturidan yuborilgan elektron pochta javoblarini yig'ish misoli -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectDolibarrAnswersDesc=Ilovangizdan yuborilgan elektron pochtaga javob bo'lgan barcha elektron pochta xabarlarini to'plang. E-pochta javobi bilan tadbir (modul kun tartibi yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak) yaxshi joyda yozib olinadi. Misol uchun, agar siz ilovadan elektron pochta orqali chipta uchun tijorat taklifi, buyurtma, hisob-faktura yoki xabar yuborsangiz va qabul qiluvchi elektron pochtangizga javob bersa, tizim avtomatik ravishda javobni oladi va uni ERP-ga qo'shadi. -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectDolibarrAnswers=Dolibarr'dan yuborilgan xabarlarga javob bo'lgan barcha kiruvchi xabarlarni yig'ish misoli -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectLeadsDesc=Ba'zi qoidalarga mos keladigan elektron pochta xabarlarini to'plang va elektron pochta ma'lumotlari bilan avtomatik ravishda etakchi (Module loyihasi yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak) yarating. Agar siz loyiha moduli (1 ta yetakchi = 1 loyiha) yordamida oʻz yetakchingizni kuzatib borishni istasangiz, ushbu kollektordan foydalanishingiz mumkin, shuning uchun mijozlar avtomatik tarzda yaratiladi. Agar Collect_Responses kollektori ham yoqilgan bo‘lsa, mijozlaringiz, takliflaringiz yoki boshqa ob’yektlaringizdan elektron xat yuborganingizda, mijozlaringiz yoki hamkorlaringiz javoblarini bevosita ilovada ko‘rishingiz mumkin.
Izoh: Ushbu dastlabki misolda yetakchi sarlavhasi, jumladan, elektron pochta orqali ham yaratiladi. Maʼlumotlar bazasida uchinchi shaxs topilmasa (yangi mijoz), yetakchi ID 1 bilan uchinchi shaxsga biriktiriladi. -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectLeads=Qo'llanmalarni yig'ish misoli -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectJobCandidaturesDesc=Ish takliflariga murojaat qilish uchun elektron pochta xabarlarini to'plang (Moduli ishga yollash yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak). Agar siz ish so'rovi uchun nomzodni avtomatik ravishda yaratmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ushbu kollektorni to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Eslatma: Ushbu dastlabki misolda nomzodning sarlavhasi, shu jumladan elektron pochta orqali hosil bo'ladi. -EmailCollectorExampleToCollectJobCandidatures=Elektron pochta orqali olingan nomzodlarni yig'ish misoli -NoNewEmailToProcess=Ishlash uchun yangi elektron pochta xabarlari (mos keladigan filtrlar) yo'q -NothingProcessed=Hech narsa qilinmadi -RecordEvent=Tadbirni kun tartibiga yozib qo'ying (elektron pochta turi yuborilgan yoki qabul qilingan holda) -CreateLeadAndThirdParty=Etakchi (va kerak bo'lsa, uchinchi tomon) yarating -CreateTicketAndThirdParty=Create or complete a ticket (linked to a third party if the third party was loaded by a previous operation or was guessed from a tracker in email header, without third party otherwise) -CodeLastResult=Oxirgi natija kodi -NbOfEmailsInInbox=Manba katalogidagi elektron pochta xabarlari soni -LoadThirdPartyFromName=%s-da qidiruvni uchinchi tomonga yuklang (faqat yuklash uchun) -LoadThirdPartyFromNameOrCreate=%s-da qidiruvni uchinchi tomonga yuklash (agar topilmasa yaratish) -LoadContactFromEmailOrCreate=%s orqali kontaktlarni qidirishni yuklang (agar topilmasa, yarating) -AttachJoinedDocumentsToObject=Agar elektron pochta mavzusida ob'ektning refi topilsa, biriktirilgan fayllarni ob'ekt hujjatlariga saqlang. -WithDolTrackingID=Dolibarr-dan yuborilgan birinchi elektron pochta orqali boshlangan suhbatdan xabar -WithoutDolTrackingID=Dolibarr-dan birinchi elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan suhbatdan xabar -WithDolTrackingIDInMsgId=Dolibarr-dan xabar yuborildi -WithoutDolTrackingIDInMsgId=Xabar Dolibarr-dan yuborilmadi -CreateCandidature=Ishga ariza yarating +AccountingPeriods=Accounting periods +AccountingPeriodCard=Accounting period +NewFiscalYear=New accounting period +OpenFiscalYear=Open accounting period +CloseFiscalYear=Close accounting period +DeleteFiscalYear=Delete accounting period +ConfirmDeleteFiscalYear=Are you sure to delete this accounting period? +ShowFiscalYear=Show accounting period +AlwaysEditable=Can always be edited +MAIN_APPLICATION_TITLE=Force visible name of application (warning: setting your own name here may break autofill login feature when using DoliDroid mobile application) +NbMajMin=Minimum number of uppercase characters +NbNumMin=Minimum number of numeric characters +NbSpeMin=Minimum number of special characters +NbIteConsecutive=Maximum number of repeating same characters +NoAmbiCaracAutoGeneration=Do not use ambiguous characters ("1","l","i","|","0","O") for automatic generation +SalariesSetup=Setup of module salaries +SortOrder=Sort order +Format=Format +TypePaymentDesc=0:Customer payment type, 1:Vendor payment type, 2:Both customers and suppliers payment type +IncludePath=Include path (defined into variable %s) +ExpenseReportsSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports +TemplatePDFExpenseReports=Document templates to generate expense report document +ExpenseReportsIkSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports - Milles index +ExpenseReportsRulesSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports - Rules +ExpenseReportNumberingModules=Expense reports numbering module +NoModueToManageStockIncrease=No module able to manage automatic stock increase has been activated. Stock increase will be done on manual input only. +YouMayFindNotificationsFeaturesIntoModuleNotification=You may find options for email notifications by enabling and configuring the module "Notification". +ListOfNotificationsPerUser=List of automatic notifications per user* +ListOfNotificationsPerUserOrContact=List of possible automatic notifications (on business event) available per user* or per contact** +ListOfFixedNotifications=List of automatic fixed notifications +GoOntoUserCardToAddMore=Go to the tab "Notifications" of a user to add or remove notifications for users +GoOntoContactCardToAddMore=Go to the tab "Notifications" of a third party to add or remove notifications for contacts/addresses +Threshold=Threshold +BackupDumpWizard=Wizard to build the database dump file +BackupZipWizard=Wizard to build the archive of documents directory +SomethingMakeInstallFromWebNotPossible=Installation of external module is not possible from the web interface for the following reason: +SomethingMakeInstallFromWebNotPossible2=For this reason, process to upgrade described here is a manual process only a privileged user may perform. +InstallModuleFromWebHasBeenDisabledByFile=Install of external module from application has been disabled by your administrator. You must ask him to remove the file %s to allow this feature. +ConfFileMustContainCustom=Installing or building an external module from application need to save the module files into directory %s. To have this directory processed by Dolibarr, you must setup your conf/conf.php to add the 2 directive lines:
$dolibarr_main_document_root_alt='%s/custom'; +HighlightLinesOnMouseHover=Highlight table lines when mouse move passes over +HighlightLinesColor=Highlight color of the line when the mouse passes over (use 'ffffff' for no highlight) +HighlightLinesChecked=Highlight color of the line when it is checked (use 'ffffff' for no highlight) +TextTitleColor=Text color of Page title +LinkColor=Color of links +PressF5AfterChangingThis=Press CTRL+F5 on keyboard or clear your browser cache after changing this value to have it effective +NotSupportedByAllThemes=Will works with core themes, may not be supported by external themes +BackgroundColor=Background color +TopMenuBackgroundColor=Background color for Top menu +TopMenuDisableImages=Hide images in Top menu +LeftMenuBackgroundColor=Background color for Left menu +BackgroundTableTitleColor=Background color for Table title line +BackgroundTableTitleTextColor=Text color for Table title line +BackgroundTableTitleTextlinkColor=Text color for Table title link line +BackgroundTableLineOddColor=Background color for odd table lines +BackgroundTableLineEvenColor=Background color for even table lines +MinimumNoticePeriod=Minimum notice period (Your leave request must be done before this delay) +NbAddedAutomatically=Number of days added to counters of users (automatically) each month +EnterAnyCode=This field contains a reference to identify line. Enter any value of your choice, but without special characters. +Enter0or1=Enter 0 or 1 +UnicodeCurrency=Enter here between braces, list of byte number that represent the currency symbol. For example: for $, enter [36] - for brazil real R$ [82,36] - for €, enter [8364] +ColorFormat=The RGB color is in HEX format, eg: FF0000 +PositionIntoComboList=Position of line into combo lists +SellTaxRate=Sale tax rate +RecuperableOnly=Yes for VAT "Not Perceived but Recoverable" dedicated for some state in France. Keep value to "No" in all other cases. +UrlTrackingDesc=If the provider or transport service offers a page or web site to check the status of your shipments, you may enter it here. You can use the key {TRACKID} in the URL parameters so the system will replace it with the tracking number the user entered into the shipment card. +OpportunityPercent=When you create a lead, you will define an estimated amount of project/lead. According to status of the lead, this amount may be multiplied by this rate to evaluate a total amount all your leads may generate. Value is a percentage (between 0 and 100). +TemplateForElement=This template record is dedicated to which element +TypeOfTemplate=Type of template +TemplateIsVisibleByOwnerOnly=Template is visible to owner only +VisibleEverywhere=Visible everywhere +VisibleNowhere=Visible nowhere +FixTZ=TimeZone fix +FillFixTZOnlyIfRequired=Example: +2 (fill only if problem experienced) +ExpectedChecksum=Expected Checksum +CurrentChecksum=Current Checksum +ExpectedSize=Expected size +CurrentSize=Current size +ForcedConstants=Required constant values +MailToSendProposal=Customer proposals +MailToSendOrder=Sales orders +MailToSendInvoice=Customer invoices +MailToSendShipment=Shipments +MailToSendIntervention=Interventions +MailToSendSupplierRequestForQuotation=Quotation request +MailToSendSupplierOrder=Purchase orders +MailToSendSupplierInvoice=Vendor invoices +MailToSendContract=Contracts +MailToThirdparty=Third parties +MailToMember=Members +MailToUser=Users +MailToProject=Projects page +MailToTicket=Tickets +ByDefaultInList=Show by default on list view +YouUseLastStableVersion=You use the latest stable version +TitleExampleForMajorRelease=Example of message you can use to announce this major release (feel free to use it on your web sites) +TitleExampleForMaintenanceRelease=Example of message you can use to announce this maintenance release (feel free to use it on your web sites) +ExampleOfNewsMessageForMajorRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s is available. Version %s is a major release with a lot of new features for both users and developers. You can download it from the download area of https://www.dolibarr.org portal (subdirectory Stable versions). You can read ChangeLog for complete list of changes. +ExampleOfNewsMessageForMaintenanceRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s is available. Version %s is a maintenance version, so contains only bug fixes. We recommend all users to upgrade to this version. A maintenance release does not introduce new features or changes to the database. You may download it from the download area of https://www.dolibarr.org portal (subdirectory Stable versions). You can read the ChangeLog for complete list of changes. +MultiPriceRuleDesc=When option "Several levels of prices per product/service" is enabled, you can define different prices (one per price level) for each product. To save you time, here you may enter a rule to autocalculate a price for each level based on the price of the first level, so you will have to only enter a price for the first level for each product. This page is designed to save you time but is useful only if your prices for each level are relative to first level. You can ignore this page in most cases. +ModelModulesProduct=Templates for product documents +ToGenerateCodeDefineAutomaticRuleFirst=To be able to generate codes automatically, you must first define a manager to auto-define the barcode number. +SeeSubstitutionVars=See * note for list of possible substitution variables +SeeChangeLog=See ChangeLog file (english only) +AllPublishers=All publishers +UnknownPublishers=Unknown publishers +AddRemoveTabs=Add or remove tabs +AddDataTables=Add object tables +AddDictionaries=Add dictionaries tables +AddData=Add objects or dictionaries data +AddBoxes=Add widgets +AddSheduledJobs=Add scheduled jobs +AddHooks=Add hooks +AddTriggers=Add triggers +AddMenus=Add menus +AddPermissions=Add permissions +AddExportProfiles=Add export profiles +AddImportProfiles=Add import profiles +AddOtherPagesOrServices=Add other pages or services +AddModels=Add document or numbering templates +AddSubstitutions=Add keys substitutions +DetectionNotPossible=Detection not possible +UrlToGetKeyToUseAPIs=Url to get token to use API (once token has been received it is saved in database user table and must be provided on each API call) +ListOfAvailableAPIs=List of available APIs +activateModuleDependNotSatisfied=Module "%s" depends on module "%s", that is missing, so module "%1$s" may not work correctly. Please install module "%2$s" or disable module "%1$s" if you want to be safe from any surprise +CommandIsNotInsideAllowedCommands=The command you are trying to run is not in the list of allowed commands defined in parameter $dolibarr_main_restrict_os_commands in the conf.php file. +LandingPage=Landing page +SamePriceAlsoForSharedCompanies=If you use a multicompany module, with the choice "Single price", the price will also be the same for all companies if products are shared between environments +ModuleEnabledAdminMustCheckRights=Module has been activated. Permissions for activated module(s) were given to admin users only. You may need to grant permissions to other users or groups manually if necessary. +UserHasNoPermissions=This user has no permissions defined +TypeCdr=Use "None" if the date of payment term is date of invoice plus a delta in days (delta is field "%s")
Use "At end of month", if, after delta, the date must be increased to reach the end of month (+ an optional "%s" in days)
Use "Current/Next" to have payment term date being the first Nth of the month after delta (delta is field "%s", N is stored into field "%s") +BaseCurrency=Reference currency of the company (go into setup of company to change this) +WarningNoteModuleInvoiceForFrenchLaw=This module %s is compliant with French laws (Loi Finance 2016). +WarningNoteModulePOSForFrenchLaw=This module %s is compliant with French laws (Loi Finance 2016) because module Non Reversible Logs is automatically activated. +WarningInstallationMayBecomeNotCompliantWithLaw=You are trying to install module %s that is an external module. Activating an external module means you trust the publisher of that module and that you are sure that this module does not adversely impact the behavior of your application, and is compliant with laws of your country (%s). If the module introduces an illegal feature, you become responsible for the use of illegal software. +MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_LEFT=Left margin on PDF +MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT=Right margin on PDF +MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_TOP=Top margin on PDF +MAIN_PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM=Bottom margin on PDF +NothingToSetup=There is no specific setup required for this module. +SetToYesIfGroupIsComputationOfOtherGroups=Set this to yes if this group is a computation of other groups +EnterCalculationRuleIfPreviousFieldIsYes=Enter calculation rule if previous field was set to Yes (For example 'CODEGRP1+CODEGRP2') +SeveralLangugeVariatFound=Several language variants found +RemoveSpecialChars=Remove special characters +COMPANY_AQUARIUM_CLEAN_REGEX=Regex filter to clean value (COMPANY_AQUARIUM_CLEAN_REGEX) +COMPANY_DIGITARIA_CLEAN_REGEX=Regex filter to clean value (COMPANY_DIGITARIA_CLEAN_REGEX) +COMPANY_DIGITARIA_UNIQUE_CODE=Duplicate not allowed +GDPRContact=Data Protection Officer (DPO, Data Privacy or GDPR contact) +GDPRContactDesc=If you store data about European companies/citizens, you can name the contact who is responsible for the General Data Protection Regulation here +HelpOnTooltip=Help text to show on tooltip +HelpOnTooltipDesc=Put text or a translation key here for the text to show in a tooltip when this field appears in a form +YouCanDeleteFileOnServerWith=You can delete this file on the server with Command Line:
%s +ChartLoaded=Chart of account loaded +SocialNetworkSetup=Setup of module Social Networks +EnableFeatureFor=Enable features for %s +VATIsUsedIsOff=Note: The option to use Sales Tax or VAT has been set to Off in the menu %s - %s, so Sales tax or Vat used will always be 0 for sales. +SwapSenderAndRecipientOnPDF=Swap sender and recipient address position on PDF documents +FeatureSupportedOnTextFieldsOnly=Warning, feature supported on text fields only. Also an URL parameter action=create or action=edit must be set OR page name must end with 'new.php' to trigger this feature. +EmailCollector=Email collector +EmailCollectorDescription=Add a scheduled job and a setup page to scan regularly email boxes (using IMAP protocol) and record emails received into your application, at the right place and/or create some records automatically (like leads). +NewEmailCollector=New Email Collector +EMailHost=Host of email IMAP server +MailboxSourceDirectory=Mailbox source directory +MailboxTargetDirectory=Mailbox target directory +EmailcollectorOperations=Operations to do by collector +MaxEmailCollectPerCollect=Max number of emails collected per collect +CollectNow=Collect now +ConfirmCloneEmailCollector=Are you sure you want to clone the Email collector %s ? +DateLastCollectResult=Date latest collect tried +DateLastcollectResultOk=Date latest collect successfull +LastResult=Latest result +EmailCollectorConfirmCollectTitle=Email collect confirmation +EmailCollectorConfirmCollect=Do you want to run the collection for this collector now ? +NoNewEmailToProcess=No new email (matching filters) to process +NothingProcessed=Nothing done +XEmailsDoneYActionsDone=%s emails qualified, %s emails successfully processed (for %s record/actions done) +RecordEvent=Record email event +CreateLeadAndThirdParty=Create lead (and third party if necessary) +CreateTicketAndThirdParty=Create ticket (and third party if necessary) +CodeLastResult=Latest result code +NbOfEmailsInInbox=Number of emails in source directory +LoadThirdPartyFromName=Load third party searching on %s (load only) +LoadThirdPartyFromNameOrCreate=Load third party searching on %s (create if not found) +WithDolTrackingID=Dolibarr Reference found in Message ID +WithoutDolTrackingID=Dolibarr Reference not found in Message ID @@ -2197,56 +1944,50 @@ -MainMenuCode=Menyu kirish kodi (asosiy menyu) -ECMAutoTree=Avtomatik ECM daraxtini ko'rsating -OperationParamDesc=Ayrim maʼlumotlarni chiqarishda foydalanish qoidalarini belgilang yoki ishlash uchun foydalaniladigan qiymatlarni oʻrnating.

Kompaniya nomini olish uchun misol. elektron pochta mavzusi vaqtinchalik oʻzgaruvchiga:
tmp_var=EXTRACT:SUBJECT:Kompaniyadan xabar ([^\n]*)

Yaraladigan ob'ekt xususiyatlarini o'rnatishga misollar:
objproperty1=SET:qattiq kodlangan qiymat
objFETIvalty:value:SETIMP3a faqat xususiyat hali aniqlanmagan bo'lsa o'rnatiladi)
object.objproperty5=EXTRACT:BODY:\\y s([^\\s]*)

Bir nechta xususiyatlarni ajratib olish yoki oʻrnatish uchun yangi qatordan foydalaning. -OpeningHours=Ish vaqti -OpeningHoursDesc=Bu erga kompaniyangizning muntazam ish vaqtiga kiring. -ResourceSetup=Resurs modulining konfiguratsiyasi -UseSearchToSelectResource=Resursni tanlash uchun qidiruv shaklidan foydalaning (ochiladigan ro'yxat o'rniga). -DisabledResourceLinkUser=Resursni foydalanuvchilar bilan bog'lash xususiyatini o'chirib qo'ying -DisabledResourceLinkContact=Resursni kontaktlarga bog'lash xususiyatini o'chirib qo'ying -EnableResourceUsedInEventCheck=Kun tartibida bir vaqtning o'zida bir xil resursdan foydalanishni taqiqlash -ConfirmUnactivation=Modulni tiklashni tasdiqlang -OnMobileOnly=Faqat kichik ekranda (smartfon) -DisableProspectCustomerType="Prospect + Customer" uchinchi tomon turini o'chirib qo'ying (shuning uchun uchinchi tomon "Prospect" yoki "Customer" bo'lishi kerak, lekin ikkalasi ham bo'lishi mumkin emas) -MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER=Ko'zi ojiz odam uchun interfeysni soddalashtiring -MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSERDesc=Agar siz ko'zi ojiz bo'lsangiz yoki dasturni Lynx yoki Links kabi matnli brauzerdan foydalansangiz, ushbu parametrni yoqing. -MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLIND=Rangli ko'r odam uchun interfeys rangini o'zgartiring -MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLINDDesc=Agar siz rang ko'r odam bo'lsangiz, ushbu parametrni yoqing, ba'zi hollarda interfeys kontrastni oshirish uchun ranglarni sozlashni o'zgartiradi. -Protanopia=Protanopiya -Deuteranopes=Deuteranoplar -Tritanopes=Tritanoplar -ThisValueCanOverwrittenOnUserLevel=Ushbu qiymat har bir foydalanuvchi tomonidan foydalanuvchi sahifasidan yozilishi mumkin - '%s' yorlig'i -DefaultCustomerType="Yangi mijoz" yaratish shakli uchun standart uchinchi tomon turi -ABankAccountMustBeDefinedOnPaymentModeSetup=Izoh: Ushbu xususiyat ishlashi uchun bank hisobvarag'i har bir to'lov rejimining modulida (Paypal, Stripe, ...) aniqlanishi kerak. -RootCategoryForProductsToSell=Sotiladigan mahsulotlarning asosiy toifasi -RootCategoryForProductsToSellDesc=Belgilangan bo'lsa, Savdo nuqtasida faqat ushbu turkumdagi mahsulotlar yoki ushbu turkumdagi bolalar mavjud bo'ladi -DebugBar=Tuzatish paneli -DebugBarDesc=Nosozliklarni tuzatishni soddalashtirish uchun ko'plab vositalar bilan ta'minlangan asboblar paneli -DebugBarSetup=DebugBar-ni sozlash -GeneralOptions=Umumiy parametrlar -LogsLinesNumber=Jurnallar ko'rinishida ko'rsatiladigan qatorlar soni -UseDebugBar=Tuzatish panelidan foydalaning -DEBUGBAR_LOGS_LINES_NUMBER=Konsolda saqlanadigan oxirgi jurnal satrlari soni -WarningValueHigherSlowsDramaticalyOutput=Ogohlantirish, yuqori qiymatlar dramatik chiqishni sekinlashtiradi -ModuleActivated=%s moduli yoqilgan va interfeysni sekinlashtiradi -ModuleActivatedWithTooHighLogLevel=%s moduli juda yuqori jurnal darajasida faollashtirilgan (yaxshi ishlash va xavfsizlik uchun past darajadan foydalanishga harakat qiling) -ModuleSyslogActivatedButLevelNotTooVerbose=%s moduli faollashtirilgan va jurnal darajasi (%s) to'g'ri (juda aniq emas) -IfYouAreOnAProductionSetThis=Agar siz ishlab chiqarish muhitida bo'lsangiz, ushbu xususiyatni %s ga o'rnatishingiz kerak. -AntivirusEnabledOnUpload=Yuklangan fayllarda antivirus yoqilgan -SomeFilesOrDirInRootAreWritable=Ba'zi fayllar yoki kataloglar faqat o'qish rejimida emas -EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS=Eksport modellari hammaga ma'lum -ExportSetup=Eksport modulini sozlash -ImportSetup=Import modulini o'rnatish -InstanceUniqueID=Namunaning noyob identifikatori -SmallerThan=Undan kichikroq -LargerThan=Undan kattaroq -IfTrackingIDFoundEventWillBeLinked=E'tibor bering, agar ob'ektning kuzatuv identifikatori elektron pochtada topilsa yoki elektron pochta allaqachon to'plangan va ob'ektga bog'langan elektron pochtaga javob bo'lsa, yaratilgan voqea avtomatik ravishda ma'lum tegishli ob'ektga bog'lanadi. -WithGMailYouCanCreateADedicatedPassword=GMail hisob qaydnomasi bilan, agar siz 2 bosqichli tekshirishni yoqqan boʻlsangiz, https://myaccount.google.com/ saytidan oʻz hisob parolingizdan foydalanish oʻrniga ilova uchun maxsus ikkinchi parol yaratish tavsiya etiladi. -EmailCollectorTargetDir=Muvaffaqiyatli qayta ishlanganda elektron pochtani boshqa teg/katalogga ko'chirish istalgan xatti-harakatlar bo'lishi mumkin. Bu funksiyadan foydalanish uchun bu yerda katalog nomini o‘rnatish kifoya (nomda maxsus belgilardan foydalanmang). Shuni yodda tutingki, siz o'qish/yozish hisob qaydnomasidan ham foydalanishingiz kerak. -EmailCollectorLoadThirdPartyHelp=Maʼlumotlar bazasida mavjud boʻlgan uchinchi tomonni topish va yuklash uchun elektron pochta tarkibidan foydalanish uchun ushbu amaldan foydalanishingiz mumkin (qidiruv “id”, “name”, “name_alias”, “email” oʻrtasida belgilangan xususiyatda amalga oshiriladi). Topilgan (yoki yaratilgan) uchinchi tomon zarur boʻlgan quyidagi harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi.
Masalan, agar siz satrdan olingan nom bilan uchinchi tomon yaratmoqchi boʻlsangiz ' Ism: topiladigan nom' tanada mavjud bo'lsa, jo'natuvchining elektron pochtasidan elektron pochta sifatida foydalaning, parametr maydonini shunday o'rnatishingiz mumkin:
'email=HEADER:^From:(. *);name=EXTRACT:BODY:Name:\\s([^\\s]*);client=SET:2;'
-FilterSearchImapHelp=Ogohlantirish: ko'pgina elektron pochta serverlari (masalan, Gmail) satrda qidirishda to'liq so'zlarni qidirishadi va agar satr faqat qisman so'zda topilsa, natijani qaytarmaydi. Shu sababli, qidiruv mezonlarida maxsus belgilardan foydalanish, agar ular mavjud so‘zlarning bir qismi bo‘lmasa, e’tiborga olinmaydi.
So‘z bo‘yicha qidiruvni istisno qilish uchun (agar so‘z bo‘lsa, e-pochtani qaytaring. topilmadi), dan foydalanishingiz mumkin! so'z oldidagi belgi (ba'zi pochta serverlarida ishlamasligi mumkin). -EndPointFor=%s uchun yakuniy nuqta: %s -DeleteEmailCollector=Elektron pochta kollektorini o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteEmailCollector=Ushbu elektron pochta kollektorini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -RecipientEmailsWillBeReplacedWithThisValue=Qabul qiluvchilarning elektron pochtalari har doim ushbu qiymat bilan almashtiriladi -AtLeastOneDefaultBankAccountMandatory=Kamida 1 ta sukut bo'yicha bank hisobvarag'i aniqlanishi kerak -RESTRICT_ON_IP=APIga faqat ma'lum mijoz IP-lariga ruxsat bering (joker belgiga ruxsat berilmaydi, qiymatlar orasidagi bo'shliqdan foydalaning). Bo'sh, har bir mijoz kirishi mumkin degan ma'noni anglatadi. +MainMenuCode=Menu entry code (mainmenu) +ECMAutoTree=Show automatic ECM tree +OperationParamDesc=Define the values to use for the object of the action, or how to extract values. For example:
objproperty1=SET:the value to set
objproperty2=SET:a value with replacement of __objproperty1__
objproperty3=SETIFEMPTY:value used if objproperty3 is not already defined
object.objproperty5=EXTRACT:BODY:My company name is\\s([^\\s]*)

Use a ; char as separator to extract or set several properties. +OpeningHours=Opening hours +OpeningHoursDesc=Enter here the regular opening hours of your company. +ResourceSetup=Configuration of Resource module +UseSearchToSelectResource=Use a search form to choose a resource (rather than a drop-down list). +DisabledResourceLinkUser=Disable feature to link a resource to users +DisabledResourceLinkContact=Disable feature to link a resource to contacts +EnableResourceUsedInEventCheck=Enable feature to check if a resource is in use in an event +ConfirmUnactivation=Confirm module reset +OnMobileOnly=On small screen (smartphone) only +DisableProspectCustomerType=Disable the "Prospect + Customer" third party type (so third party must be Prospect or Customer but can't be both) +MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER=Simplify interface for blind person +MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSERDesc=Enable this option if you are a blind person, or if you use the application from a text browser like Lynx or Links. +MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLIND=Change interface's color for color blind person +MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLINDDesc=Enable this option if you are a color blind person, in some case interface will change color setup to increase contrast. +Protanopia=Protanopia +Deuteranopes=Deuteranopes +Tritanopes=Tritanopes +ThisValueCanOverwrittenOnUserLevel=This value can be overwritten by each user from its user page - tab '%s' +DefaultCustomerType=Default thirdparty type for "New customer" creation form +ABankAccountMustBeDefinedOnPaymentModeSetup=Note: The bank account must be defined on the module of each payment mode (Paypal, Stripe, ...) to have this feature working. +RootCategoryForProductsToSell=Root category of products to sell +RootCategoryForProductsToSellDesc=If defined, only products inside this category or childs of this category will be available in the Point Of Sale +DebugBar=Debug Bar +DebugBarDesc=Toolbar that comes with a plenty of tools to simplify debugging +DebugBarSetup=DebugBar Setup +GeneralOptions=General Options +LogsLinesNumber=Number of lines to show on logs tab +UseDebugBar=Use the debug bar +DEBUGBAR_LOGS_LINES_NUMBER=Number of last log lines to keep in console +WarningValueHigherSlowsDramaticalyOutput=Warning, higher values slows dramaticaly output +ModuleActivated=Module %s is activated and slows the interface +EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS=Export models are share with everybody +ExportSetup=Setup of module Export +ImportSetup=Setup of module Import +InstanceUniqueID=Unique ID of the instance +SmallerThan=Smaller than +LargerThan=Larger than +IfTrackingIDFoundEventWillBeLinked=Note that If a tracking ID is found into incoming email, the event will be automatically linked to the related objects. +WithGMailYouCanCreateADedicatedPassword=With a GMail account, if you enabled the 2 steps validation, it is recommanded to create a dedicated second password for the application instead of using your own account passsword from https://myaccount.google.com/. +EmailCollectorTargetDir=It may be a desired behaviour to move the email into another tag/directory when it was processed successfully. Just set name of directory here to use this feature (Do NOT use special characters in name). Note that you must also use a read/write login account. +EmailCollectorLoadThirdPartyHelp=You can use this action to use the email content to find and load an existing thirdparty in your database. The found (or created) thirdparty will be used for following actions that need it. In the parameter field you can use for example 'EXTRACT:BODY:Name:\\s([^\\s]*)' if you want to extract the name of the thirdparty from a string 'Name: name to find' found into the body. +EndPointFor=End point for %s : %s +DeleteEmailCollector=Delete email collector +ConfirmDeleteEmailCollector=Are you sure you want to delete this email collector? +RecipientEmailsWillBeReplacedWithThisValue=Recipient emails will be always replaced with this value +AtLeastOneDefaultBankAccountMandatory=At least 1 default bank account must be defined +RESTRICT_ON_IP=Allow access to some host IP only (wildcard not allowed, use space between values). Empty means every hosts can access. @@ -2254,224 +1995,13 @@ -BaseOnSabeDavVersion=SabreDAV versiyasi kutubxonasi asosida -NotAPublicIp=Ommaviy IP emas -MakeAnonymousPing=Dolibarr poydevor serveriga anonim Ping '+1' qo'ying (faqat o'rnatilgandan so'ng 1 marta bajariladi) poydevorga Dolibarr o'rnatish sonini hisoblashi uchun ruxsat bering. -FeatureNotAvailableWithReceptionModule=Modulni qabul qilish yoqilganda, bu xususiyat mavjud emas -EmailTemplate=Elektron pochta uchun shablon -EMailsWillHaveMessageID=Emails will have a 'Message-ID' header matching this syntax -PDF_SHOW_PROJECT=Loyihani hujjatda ko'rsatish -ShowProjectLabel=Loyiha yorlig'i -PDF_INCLUDE_ALIAS_IN_THIRDPARTY_NAME=Taxallusni uchinchi tomon nomiga kiriting -THIRDPARTY_ALIAS=Uchinchi tomon nomi - Uchinchi tomon taxalluslari -ALIAS_THIRDPARTY=Uchinchi tomon taxalluslari - uchinchi tomon nomi -PDFIn2Languages=PDF-da yorliqlarni 2 xil tilda ko'rsatish (bu xususiyat ba'zi tillarda ishlamasligi mumkin) -PDF_USE_ALSO_LANGUAGE_CODE=Agar siz o'zingizning PDF-dagi ba'zi matnlarni bir xil hosil qilingan PDF-da 2 xil tilda nusxalashni xohlasangiz, siz ushbu ikkinchi tilni o'rnatishingiz kerak, shuning uchun yaratilgan PDF bir xil sahifada 2 xil tilni o'z ichiga oladi, bu PDF yaratishda tanlangan va shu ( faqat bir nechta PDF shablonlari buni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi). PDF uchun 1 ta til uchun bo'sh qoldiring. -PDF_USE_A=Standart PDF formati o'rniga PDF/A formatida PDF hujjatlarini yarating -FafaIconSocialNetworksDesc=Bu erga FontAwesome ikonkasining kodini kiriting. Agar siz FontAwesome nima ekanligini bilmasangiz, umumiy qiymatdan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -RssNote=Izoh: Har bir RSS tasmali ta'rifi vidjetni taqdim etadi, uni boshqarish panelida bo'lishini ta'minlash kerak -JumpToBoxes=O'rnatish -> Vidjetlarga o'tish -MeasuringUnitTypeDesc=Bu erda "o'lcham", "sirt", "hajm", "vazn", "vaqt" kabi qiymatdan foydalaning -MeasuringScaleDesc=O'lchov - bu odatiy mos yozuvlar birligiga mos keladigan o'nlik qismini ko'chirishingiz kerak bo'lgan joylar soni. "Vaqt" birlik turi uchun bu soniyalar soni. 80 dan 99 gacha bo'lgan qiymatlar saqlangan qiymatlardir. -TemplateAdded=Andoza qo'shildi -TemplateUpdated=Andoza yangilandi -TemplateDeleted=Andoza o'chirildi -MailToSendEventPush=Voqeani eslatuvchi elektron pochta -SwitchThisForABetterSecurity=Xavfsizlikni ta'minlash uchun ushbu qiymatni %s ga almashtirish tavsiya etiladi -DictionaryProductNature= Mahsulotning tabiati -CountryIfSpecificToOneCountry=Mamlakat (agar ma'lum bir mamlakatga tegishli bo'lsa) -YouMayFindSecurityAdviceHere=Siz bu erda xavfsizlik bo'yicha maslahatni topishingiz mumkin -ModuleActivatedMayExposeInformation=Ushbu PHP kengaytmasi maxfiy ma'lumotlarni oshkor qilishi mumkin. Agar sizga kerak bo'lmasa, uni o'chirib qo'ying. -ModuleActivatedDoNotUseInProduction=Rivojlanish uchun mo'ljallangan modul yoqilgan. Uni ishlab chiqarish muhitida yoqmang. -CombinationsSeparator=Mahsulot birikmalari uchun ajratuvchi belgi -SeeLinkToOnlineDocumentation=Misollar uchun yuqori menyudagi onlayn hujjatlarga havolani ko'ring -SHOW_SUBPRODUCT_REF_IN_PDF=Agar %s modulining "%s" xususiyati ishlatilgan bo'lsa, to'plamning pastki mahsulotlarini tafsilotlarini PDF-da ko'rsating. -AskThisIDToYourBank=Ushbu identifikatorni olish uchun bankingizga murojaat qiling -AdvancedModeOnly=Ruxsat faqat Kengaytirilgan ruxsat rejimida mavjud -ConfFileIsReadableOrWritableByAnyUsers=Conf fayli har qanday foydalanuvchilar tomonidan o'qilishi yoki yozilishi mumkin. Faqat veb-server foydalanuvchisi va guruhiga ruxsat bering. -MailToSendEventOrganization=Tadbirni tashkil etish -MailToPartnership=Hamkorlik -AGENDA_EVENT_DEFAULT_STATUS=Shakldan voqea yaratishda odatiy hodisa holati -YouShouldDisablePHPFunctions=PHP funktsiyalarini o'chirib qo'yishingiz kerak -IfCLINotRequiredYouShouldDisablePHPFunctions=Tizim buyruqlarini maxsus kodda ishlatishingiz kerak bo'lmasa, PHP funksiyalarini o'chirib qo'yishingiz kerak -PHPFunctionsRequiredForCLI=Qobiq maqsadlari uchun (masalan, rejalashtirilgan ishni zaxiralash yoki antivirus dasturini ishga tushirish) siz PHP funktsiyalarini saqlashingiz kerak -NoWritableFilesFoundIntoRootDir=Ildiz katalogingizda yoziladigan fayllar yoki umumiy dasturlarning kataloglari topilmadi (Yaxshi) -RecommendedValueIs=Tavsiya etiladi: %s -Recommended=Tavsiya etiladi -NotRecommended=Tavsiya etilmaydi -ARestrictedPath=Ma'lumotlar fayllari uchun ba'zi cheklangan yo'llar -CheckForModuleUpdate=Tashqi modullarning yangilanishlarini tekshiring -CheckForModuleUpdateHelp=Ushbu amal tashqi modullar tahrirlovchilariga yangi versiya mavjudligini tekshirish uchun ulanadi. -ModuleUpdateAvailable=Yangilanish mavjud -NoExternalModuleWithUpdate=Tashqi modullar uchun hech qanday yangilanish topilmadi -SwaggerDescriptionFile=Swagger API tavsif fayli (masalan, redoc bilan ishlatish uchun) -YouEnableDeprecatedWSAPIsUseRESTAPIsInstead=Siz bekor qilingan WS API-ni yoqdingiz. Buning o'rniga REST API-dan foydalanishingiz kerak. -RandomlySelectedIfSeveral=Agar bir nechta rasm mavjud bo'lsa, tasodifiy tanlanadi -SalesRepresentativeInfo=Takliflar, Buyurtmalar, Invoyslar uchun. -DatabasePasswordObfuscated=Ma'lumotlar bazasi paroli conf faylida buzilgan -DatabasePasswordNotObfuscated=Ma'lumotlar bazasi paroli conf faylida buzilmaydi -APIsAreNotEnabled=API modullari yoqilmagan -YouShouldSetThisToOff=Buni 0 ga yoki o'chirib qo'yishingiz kerak -InstallAndUpgradeLockedBy=O'rnatish va yangilanishlar %s fayli bilan qulflangan. -InstallLockedBy=Oʻrnatish/qayta oʻrnatish %s fayli tomonidan bloklangan. -InstallOfAddonIsNotBlocked=Installations of addons are not locked. Create a file installmodules.lock into directory %s to block installations of external addons/modules. -OldImplementation=Eski dastur -PDF_SHOW_LINK_TO_ONLINE_PAYMENT=Agar ba'zi onlayn to'lov modullari yoqilgan bo'lsa (Paypal, Stripe, ...), onlayn to'lovni amalga oshirish uchun PDF -ga havola qo'shing. -DashboardDisableGlobal=Butun dunyo bo'ylab ochiq narsalarning bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -BoxstatsDisableGlobal=Statistikani butunlay o'chirib qo'yish -DashboardDisableBlocks=Asosiy asboblar panelida ochiq narsalarning bosh barmog'i (ishlov berish yoki kech) -DashboardDisableBlockAgenda=Bosh barmog'ingizni kun tartibi uchun o'chiring -DashboardDisableBlockProject=Loyihalar uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockCustomer=Mijozlar uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockSupplier=Yetkazib beruvchilar uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockContract=Shartnomalar uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockTicket=Chipta uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockBank=Banklar uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockAdherent=Homiylik uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chirib qo'ying -DashboardDisableBlockExpenseReport=Hisob -kitoblar uchun bosh barmog'ingizni o'chiring -DashboardDisableBlockHoliday=Barglar uchun bosh barmog'ini o'chiring -EnabledCondition=Maydonni yoqish sharti (agar yoqilmagan bo'lsa, ko'rish har doim o'chirilgan bo'ladi) -IfYouUseASecondTaxYouMustSetYouUseTheMainTax=Agar siz ikkinchi soliqdan foydalanmoqchi bo'lsangiz, birinchi savdo solig'ini ham yoqishingiz kerak -IfYouUseAThirdTaxYouMustSetYouUseTheMainTax=Agar siz uchinchi soliqdan foydalanmoqchi bo'lsangiz, birinchi savdo solig'ini ham yoqishingiz kerak -LanguageAndPresentation=Til va taqdimot -SkinAndColors=Teri va ranglar -PDF_USE_1A=PDF/A-1b formatida PDF yaratish -MissingTranslationForConfKey = %s uchun tarjima yetishmayapti -NativeModules=Mahalliy modullar -NoDeployedModulesFoundWithThisSearchCriteria=Ushbu qidiruv mezonlari uchun modul topilmadi -API_DISABLE_COMPRESSION=API javoblarini siqishni o'chiring -EachTerminalHasItsOwnCounter=Har bir terminal o'z hisoblagichidan foydalanadi. -FillAndSaveAccountIdAndSecret=Avval hisob identifikatori va sirini to'ldiring va saqlang -PreviousHash=Oldingi xesh -LateWarningAfter=Keyin "kechik" ogohlantirish -TemplateforBusinessCards=Turli o'lchamdagi biznes karta uchun shablon -InventorySetup= Inventarizatsiyani sozlash -ExportUseLowMemoryMode=Kam xotira rejimidan foydalaning -ExportUseLowMemoryModeHelp=Dump faylini yaratish uchun kam xotira rejimidan foydalaning (siqish PHP xotirasiga emas, balki quvur orqali amalga oshiriladi). Ushbu usul faylning to'liqligini tekshirishga imkon bermaydi va agar u muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'lsa, xato xabari haqida xabar berib bo'lmaydi. Agar xotirada xatolik yetarli boʻlmasa, undan foydalaning. - -ModuleWebhookName = Webhuk -ModuleWebhookDesc = Dolibarr triggerlarini ushlash va voqea ma'lumotlarini URL manziliga yuborish uchun interfeys -WebhookSetup = Webhookni sozlash -WebhookSetupPage = Webhook setup page. To activate a webhook, go on the %s tab and create targets -ShowQuickAddLink=Yuqori o'ng menyuda elementni tezda qo'shish uchun tugmani ko'rsating -ShowSearchAreaInTopMenu=Yuqori menyuda qidiruv maydonini ko'rsating -HashForPing=Ping uchun ishlatiladigan xesh -ReadOnlyMode=Misol "Faqat o'qish" rejimida -DEBUGBAR_USE_LOG_FILE=Jurnallarni yopish uchun dolibarr.log faylidan foydalaning -UsingLogFileShowAllRecordOfSubrequestButIsSlower=Jonli xotirani ushlash o'rniga jurnallarni tuzoqqa tushirish uchun dolibarr.log faylidan foydalaning. Bu faqat joriy jarayon jurnali o'rniga barcha jurnallarni qo'lga olish imkonini beradi (shu jumladan, ajax sub-so'rovlar sahifalaridan biri), lekin sizning misolingizni juda sekinlashtiradi. Tavsiya etilmaydi. -FixedOrPercent=Ruxsat etilgan ("fikrlangan" kalit so'zidan foydalaning) yoki foiz ("foiz" kalit so'zidan foydalaning) -DefaultOpportunityStatus=Birlamchi imkoniyat holati (etakchi yaratilgandagi birinchi holat) - -IconAndText=Belgi va matn -TextOnly=Faqat matn -IconOnlyAllTextsOnHover=Faqat piktogramma - Barcha matnlar menyu paneli ustidagi sichqonchaning belgisi ostida ko'rinadi -IconOnlyTextOnHover=Faqat ikonka - ikonka matni sichqonchadagi belgi ostida ikonka ustida paydo bo'ladi -IconOnly=Faqat piktogramma - faqat asboblar maslahatidagi matn -INVOICE_ADD_ZATCA_QR_CODE=Invoyslarda ZATCA QR kodini ko'rsating -INVOICE_ADD_ZATCA_QR_CODEMore=Ba'zi arab mamlakatlari hisob-fakturalarida ushbu QR kodga muhtoj -INVOICE_ADD_SWISS_QR_CODE=Show the swiss QR-Bill code on invoices (with a bank account defined for credit transfer) -INVOICE_ADD_SWISS_QR_CODEMore=Hisob-fakturalar uchun Shveytsariya standarti; ZIP & City toʻldirilganligiga va hisoblarda Shveytsariya/Lixtenshteyn IBAN’lari mavjudligiga ishonch hosil qiling. -INVOICE_ADD_EPC_QR_CODE=Show the EPC QR code on invoices (with a bank account defined for credit transfer) -INVOICE_ADD_EPC_QR_CODEMore=This feature allows you to add or remove an EPC QR Code on your invoices, which facilitates automatic SEPA credit transfers. Enabling this option helps your clients make payments easily by scanning the QR code, reducing manual entry errors. Use this feature if you have clients in countries like Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands where this system is supported. Disable it if it's not required for your business operations or client base. -INVOICE_ADD_EPC_QR_CODEPay=Scan this QR code to pay with a smartphone supporting payment with EPC QR code. -INVOICE_SHOW_SHIPPING_ADDRESS=Yetkazib berish manzilini ko'rsatish -INVOICE_SHOW_SHIPPING_ADDRESSMore=Ba'zi mamlakatlarda majburiy ko'rsatma (Frantsiya, ...) -UrlSocialNetworksDesc=Ijtimoiy tarmoqning url havolasi. Ijtimoiy tarmoq identifikatorini o'z ichiga olgan o'zgaruvchan qism uchun {socialid} dan foydalaning. -IfThisCategoryIsChildOfAnother=Agar bu toifa boshqa birining farzandi bo'lsa -DarkThemeMode=Qorong'i mavzu rejimi -AlwaysDisabled=Har doim o'chirilgan -AccordingToBrowser=Brauzerga ko'ra -AlwaysEnabled=Har doim yoqilgan -DoesNotWorkWithAllThemes=Barcha mavzular bilan ishlamaydi -NoName=Ism yo'q -ShowAdvancedOptions= Kengaytirilgan variantlarni ko'rsatish -HideAdvancedoptions= Kengaytirilgan variantlarni yashirish -OauthNotAvailableForAllAndHadToBeCreatedBefore=OAUTH2 autentifikatsiyasi barcha xostlar uchun mavjud emas va token OAUTH moduli bilan yuqori oqimda yaratilgan boʻlishi kerak. -MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_OAUTH_SERVICE=OAUTH2 autentifikatsiya xizmati -DontForgetCreateTokenOauthMod=To'g'ri ruxsatlarga ega token OAUTH moduli bilan yuqori oqimda yaratilgan bo'lishi kerak -AuthenticationMethod=Authentication method -MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_AUTH_TYPE=Autentifikatsiya usuli -UsePassword=Paroldan foydalaning -UseAUTHLOGIN=Use a password (AUTH LOGIN) -UseAUTHPLAIN=Use a password (AUTH PLAIN) -UseOauth=OAUTH tokenidan foydalaning -Images=Tasvirlar -MaxNumberOfImagesInGetPost=Formada yuborilgan HTML maydonida ruxsat etilgan rasmlarning maksimal soni -MaxNumberOfPostOnPublicPagesByIP=Bir oy ichida bir xil IP-manzilga ega bo'lgan umumiy sahifalardagi postlarning maksimal soni -CIDLookupURL=Modul uchinchi tomon nomini yoki uning telefon raqamidan aloqani olish uchun tashqi vosita tomonidan ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan URL manzilini olib keladi. Foydalanish uchun URL: -ScriptIsEmpty=Skript bo'sh -ShowHideTheNRequests=%s SQL soʻrovini koʻrsatish/yashirish -DefinedAPathForAntivirusCommandIntoSetup=Antivirus dasturining yoʻlini %sga belgilang -TriggerCodes=Tegishli hodisalar -TriggerCodeInfo=Bu yerga veb-so'rov postini yaratishi kerak bo'lgan trigger kod(lar)ni kiriting (faqat tashqi URLga ruxsat beriladi). Siz vergul bilan ajratilgan bir nechta trigger kodlarini kiritishingiz mumkin. -EditableWhenDraftOnly=Belgilanmagan bo'lsa, qiymat faqat ob'ekt qoralama holatiga ega bo'lganda o'zgartirilishi mumkin -CssOnEdit=Tahrirlash sahifalarida CSS -CssOnView=Ko'rish sahifalarida CSS -CssOnList=Ro'yxatlardagi CSS -HelpCssOnEditDesc=Maydonni tahrirlashda foydalaniladigan CSS.
Masalan: "minwiwdth100 maxwidth500 widthcentpercentminusx" -HelpCssOnViewDesc=Maydonni ko'rishda ishlatiladigan CSS. -HelpCssOnListDesc=Maydon roʻyxat jadvali ichida boʻlganda foydalaniladigan CSS.
Misol: "tdoverflowmax200" -RECEPTION_PDF_HIDE_ORDERED=Qabullar uchun yaratilgan hujjatlarda buyurtma miqdorini yashirish -MAIN_PDF_RECEPTION_DISPLAY_AMOUNT_HT=Qabullar uchun yaratilgan hujjatlarda narxni ko'rsating -WarningDisabled=Ogohlantirish o'chirilgan -LimitsAndMitigation=Kirish cheklovlari va kamaytirish -RecommendMitigationOnURL=Muhim URL manzilida yumshatishni faollashtirish tavsiya etiladi. Bu asosiy muhim URL manzillar uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin bo'lgan fail2ban qoidalari ro'yxati. -DesktopsOnly=Faqat ish stollari -DesktopsAndSmartphones=Ish stollari va smartfonlar -AllowOnlineSign=Onlayn imzolashga ruxsat bering -AllowExternalDownload=Tashqi yuklab olishga ruxsat berish (tizimga kirmasdan, umumiy havoladan foydalanib) -DeadlineDayVATSubmission=Keyingi oyda QQS topshirishning oxirgi kuni -MaxNumberOfAttachementOnForms=Shaklda birlashtirilgan fayllarning maksimal soni -IfDefinedUseAValueBeetween=Belgilangan bo'lsa, %s va %s orasidagi qiymatdan foydalaning. -Reload=Qayta yuklash -ConfirmReload=Modulni qayta yuklashni tasdiqlang -WarningModuleHasChangedLastVersionCheckParameter=Ogohlantirish: %s moduli har bir sahifaga kirishda uning versiyasini tekshirish uchun parametr o‘rnatdi. Bu noto'g'ri va ruxsat etilmagan amaliyot bo'lib, modullarni boshqarish uchun sahifani beqaror qilishi mumkin. Buni tuzatish uchun modul muallifiga murojaat qiling. -WarningModuleHasChangedSecurityCsrfParameter=Ogohlantirish: %s moduli namunangizning CSRF xavfsizligini o‘chirib qo‘ydi. Bu harakat shubhali va oʻrnatishingiz endi xavfsiz boʻlmasligi mumkin. Iltimos, tushuntirish uchun modul muallifiga murojaat qiling. -EMailsInGoingDesc=Kiruvchi xatlar %s moduli tomonidan boshqariladi. Kiruvchi elektron pochta xabarlarini qo'llab-quvvatlashingiz kerak bo'lsa, uni yoqishingiz va sozlashingiz kerak. -MAIN_IMAP_USE_PHPIMAP=Mahalliy PHP IMAP o‘rniga IMAP uchun PHP-IMAP kutubxonasidan foydalaning. Bu IMAP uchun OAuth2 ulanishidan foydalanishga ham imkon beradi (OAuth moduli ham faollashtirilgan bo'lishi kerak). -MAIN_CHECKBOX_LEFT_COLUMN=Chapda maydon va qator tanlash ustunini ko'rsating (sukut bo'yicha o'ngda) -NotAvailableByDefaultEnabledOnModuleActivation=Sukut bo'yicha yaratilmagan. Faqat modul faollashtirilganda yaratilgan. -CSSPage=CSS uslubi -Defaultfortype=Standart -DefaultForTypeDesc=Shablon turi uchun yangi elektron pochta yaratishda sukut bo'yicha qo'llaniladigan shablon -OptionXShouldBeEnabledInModuleY=Option "%s" should be enabled into module %s -OptionXIsCorrectlyEnabledInModuleY=Option "%s" is enabled into module %s -AllowOnLineSign=Onlayn imzoga ruxsat berish -AtBottomOfPage=Sahifaning pastki qismida -FailedAuth=muvaffaqiyatsiz autentifikatsiyalar -MaxNumberOfFailedAuth=Kirishni rad etish uchun 24 soat ichida bajarilmagan autentifikatsiyaning maksimal soni. -AllowPasswordResetBySendingANewPassByEmail=Agar A foydalanuvchisi bunday ruxsatga ega bo'lsa va A foydalanuvchisi "administrator" foydalanuvchi bo'lmasa ham, A boshqa istalgan B foydalanuvchisining parolini tiklashga ruxsat berilsa, yangi parol boshqa B foydalanuvchisining elektron pochtasiga yuboriladi, lekin u A ga ko'rinmaydi. Agar A foydalanuvchisi "admin" bayrog'iga ega bo'lsa, u B ning yangi yaratilgan paroli nima ekanligini ham bilishi mumkin, shuning uchun u B foydalanuvchi hisobini boshqarishi mumkin bo'ladi. -AllowAnyPrivileges=Agar A foydalanuvchisi bunday ruxsatga ega bo'lsa, u barcha imtiyozlarga ega bo'lgan B foydalanuvchisini yaratishi, so'ngra ushbu foydalanuvchi B dan foydalanishi yoki har qanday ruxsat bilan o'ziga boshqa guruhni berishi mumkin. Bu shuni anglatadiki, A foydalanuvchisi barcha biznes imtiyozlariga ega (faqat tizimni sozlash sahifalariga kirish taqiqlanadi) -ThisValueCanBeReadBecauseInstanceIsNotInProductionMode=Bu qiymatni oʻqish mumkin, chunki namunangiz ishlab chiqarish rejimida oʻrnatilmagan -SeeConfFile=Serverdagi conf.php fayliga qarang -ReEncryptDesc=Agar hali shifrlanmagan bo'lsa, ma'lumotlarni qayta shifrlash -PasswordFieldEncrypted=%s yangi yozuv bu maydon shifrlangan -ExtrafieldsDeleted=%s qoʻshimcha maydonlar oʻchirib tashlandi -LargeModern=Katta - zamonaviy -SpecialCharActivation=Maxsus belgilarni kiritish uchun virtual klaviaturani ochish tugmachasini yoqing -DeleteExtrafield=Qo'shimcha maydonni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteExtrafield=%s maydonini oʻchirishni tasdiqlaysizmi? Ushbu maydonga saqlangan barcha ma'lumotlar, albatta, o'chiriladi -ConfirmDeleteSetup=Are you sure you want to delete the setup for %s ? -ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoicesRec=Qo'shimcha atributlar (invoys shablonlari) -ExtraFieldsSupplierInvoicesLinesRec=Qo'shimcha atributlar (invoys shablonlari) -ParametersForTestEnvironment=Sinov muhiti uchun parametrlar -TryToKeepOnly=Faqat %sni saqlashga harakat qiling -RecommendedForProduction=Ishlab chiqarish uchun tavsiya etiladi -RecommendedForDebug=Nosozliklarni tuzatish uchun tavsiya etiladi -UrlPublicInterfaceLabelAdmin=Umumiy interfeys uchun muqobil URL -UrlPublicInterfaceHelpAdmin=Veb-serverga taxallusni belgilash va shu bilan boshqa URL bilan umumiy interfeysni taqdim etish mumkin (virtual xost-server standart URL-da proksi-server sifatida ishlashi kerak) -ExportUseForce=-f parametridan foydalaning -ExportUseForceHelp=Xato topilsa ham eksportni davom ettirishga majbur qiling (zaxira ishonchli boʻlmasligi mumkin) -CustomPrompt=Maxsus takliflar -AiDescription=AI (sun'iy intellekt) xususiyatlari -AiDescriptionLong=Ilovaning turli qismlarida AI (sun'iy intellekt) xususiyatlarini taqdim etadi. Tashqi AI API kerak. -AI_API_KEY=Key for AI api -AI_API_SERVICE=Service to use for AI features -AiSetup=AI modulini sozlash -AiCustomPrompt=AI maxsus taklifi -AI_CONFIGURATIONS_PROMPT=Maxsus taklif -TextGeneration=Text generation -ImageGeneration=Tasvir yaratish -VideoGeneration=Video generation -AudioText=Audio - Text -AIPromptForFeatures=Xususiyatlar uchun AI maxsus takliflari -EnterAnIP=IP manzilini kiriting -ConvertInto=Convert into -YouAreHere=You are here +BaseOnSabeDavVersion=Based on the library SabreDAV version +NotAPublicIp=Not a public IP +MakeAnonymousPing=Make an anonymous Ping '+1' to the Dolibarr foundation server (done 1 time only after installation) to allow the foundation to count the number of Dolibarr installation. +FeatureNotAvailableWithReceptionModule=Feature not available when module Reception is enabled +EmailTemplate=Template for email +EMailsWillHaveMessageID=Emails will have a tag 'References' matching this syntax +PDF_USE_ALSO_LANGUAGE_CODE=If you want to have some texts in your PDF duplicated in 2 different languages in the same generated PDF, you must set here this second language so generated PDF will contains 2 different languages in same page, the one chosen when generating PDF and this one (only few PDF templates support this). Keep empty for 1 language per PDF. +FafaIconSocialNetworksDesc=Enter here the code of a FontAwesome icon. If you don't know what is FontAwesome, you can use the generic value fa-address-book. +FeatureNotAvailableWithReceptionModule=Feature not available when module Reception is enabled +RssNote=Note: Each RSS feed definition provides a widget that you must enable to have it available in dashboard +JumpToBoxes=Jump to Setup -> Widgets +MeasuringUnitTypeDesc=Use here a value like "size", "surface", "volume", "weight", "time" +MeasuringScaleDesc=The scale is the number of places you have to move the decimal part to match the default reference unit. For "time" unit type, it is the number of seconds. Values between 80 and 99 are reserved values. --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_agenda.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_agenda.lang @@ -2,35 +2,37 @@ -IdAgenda=ID hodisasi -Actions=Tadbirlar -Agenda=Kun tartibi -TMenuAgenda=Kun tartibi -Agendas=Kun tartibi -LocalAgenda=Odatiy taqvim -ActionsOwnedBy=Tadbir -ActionsOwnedByShort=Egasi -AffectedTo=Tayinlangan -EventsNb=Tadbirlar soni -ListOfActions=Tadbirlar ro'yxati -EventReports=Voqealar haqida hisobotlar -Location=Manzil -ToUserOfGroup=Tadbir guruhdagi har qanday foydalanuvchiga tayinlangan -EventOnFullDay=Barcha kun (lar) da tadbir -MenuToDoActions=Barcha to'liq bo'lmagan voqealar -MenuDoneActions=Barcha tugatilgan tadbirlar -MenuToDoMyActions=Mening to'liq bo'lmagan voqealarim -MenuDoneMyActions=Mening tugatilgan voqealarim -ListOfEvents=Voqealar ro'yxati (standart taqvim) -ActionsAskedBy=Xabar bergan voqealar -ActionsToDoBy=Belgilangan tadbirlar -ActionsDoneBy=Hodisalar -ActionAssignedTo=Tadbir tayinlangan -ViewCal=Oylik ko'rinish -ViewDay=Kunduzgi ko'rinish -ViewWeek=Hafta ko'rinishi -ViewPerUser=Har bir foydalanuvchi ko'rinishi uchun -ViewPerType=Har bir ko'rinish uchun -AutoActions= Avtomatik to'ldirish -AgendaAutoActionDesc= Bu erda siz Dolibarr-ning kun tartibida avtomatik ravishda yaratishini xohlagan voqealarni belgilashingiz mumkin. Hech narsa tekshirilmasa, faqat qo'lda bajariladigan harakatlar jurnallarga kiritiladi va kun tartibida ko'rsatiladi. Ob'ektlarda amalga oshirilgan ishbilarmonlik harakatlarini avtomatik ravishda kuzatish (tasdiqlash, holatni o'zgartirish) saqlanmaydi. -AgendaSetupOtherDesc= Ushbu sahifada Dolibarr tadbirlarini tashqi taqvimga (Thunderbird, Google Calendar va boshqalar) eksport qilishga ruxsat berish imkoniyatlari berilgan. -AgendaExtSitesDesc=Ushbu sahifa o'z voqealarini Dolibarr kun tartibiga kiritish uchun taqvimlarning tashqi manbalarini e'lon qilishga imkon beradi. -ActionsEvents=Dolibarr avtomatik ravishda kun tartibida harakat yaratadigan tadbirlar -EventRemindersByEmailNotEnabled=%s modulini sozlashda elektron pochta orqali voqea eslatmalari yoqilmagan. +IdAgenda=ID event +Actions=Events +Agenda=Agenda +TMenuAgenda=Agenda +Agendas=Agendas +LocalAgenda=Internal calendar +ActionsOwnedBy=Event owned by +ActionsOwnedByShort=Owner +AffectedTo=Assigned to +Event=Event +Events=Events +EventsNb=Number of events +ListOfActions=List of events +EventReports=Event reports +Location=Location +ToUserOfGroup=To any user in group +EventOnFullDay=Event on all day(s) +MenuToDoActions=All incomplete events +MenuDoneActions=All terminated events +MenuToDoMyActions=My incomplete events +MenuDoneMyActions=My terminated events +ListOfEvents=List of events (internal calendar) +ActionsAskedBy=Events reported by +ActionsToDoBy=Events assigned to +ActionsDoneBy=Events done by +ActionAssignedTo=Event assigned to +ViewCal=Month view +ViewDay=Day view +ViewWeek=Week view +ViewPerUser=Per user view +ViewPerType=Per type view +AutoActions= Automatic filling +AgendaAutoActionDesc= Here you may define events which you want Dolibarr to create automatically in Agenda. If nothing is checked, only manual actions will be included in logs and displayed in Agenda. Automatic tracking of business actions done on objects (validation, status change) will not be saved. +AgendaSetupOtherDesc= This page provides options to allow the export of your Dolibarr events into an external calendar (Thunderbird, Google Calendar etc...) +AgendaExtSitesDesc=This page allows to declare external sources of calendars to see their events into Dolibarr agenda. +ActionsEvents=Events for which Dolibarr will create an action in agenda automatically +EventRemindersByEmailNotEnabled=Event reminders by email was not enabled into %s module setup. @@ -38,95 +40,80 @@ -NewCompanyToDolibarr=Uchinchi tomon %s yaratildi -COMPANY_MODIFYInDolibarr=Uchinchi tomon %s o'zgartirilgan -COMPANY_DELETEInDolibarr=Uchinchi tomon %s o'chirildi -ContractValidatedInDolibarr=%s shartnomasi tasdiqlangan -CONTRACT_DELETEInDolibarr=%s shartnomasi o'chirildi -PropalClosedSignedInDolibarr=%s taklifi imzolandi -PropalClosedRefusedInDolibarr=%s taklifi rad etildi -PropalValidatedInDolibarr=%s taklifi tasdiqlangan -PropalBackToDraftInDolibarr=Taklif %s qoralama holatiga qayting -PropalClassifiedBilledInDolibarr=%s taklifi tasniflangan -InvoiceValidatedInDolibarr=%s hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlangan -InvoiceValidatedInDolibarrFromPos=POS-dan tasdiqlangan %s hisob-fakturasi -InvoiceBackToDraftInDolibarr=%s hisob-fakturasi qoralama holatiga qaytadi -InvoiceDeleteDolibarr=%s hisob-fakturasi o'chirildi -InvoicePaidInDolibarr=%s hisob-fakturasi to'langanga o'zgartirildi -InvoiceCanceledInDolibarr=%s hisob-fakturasi bekor qilindi -MemberValidatedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi tasdiqlangan -MemberModifiedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi o'zgartirildi -MemberResiliatedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi tugatildi -MemberDeletedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi o'chirildi -MemberExcludedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi chiqarib tashlandi -MemberSubscriptionAddedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi uchun %s obunasi qo'shildi -MemberSubscriptionModifiedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi uchun obuna %s o'zgartirildi -MemberSubscriptionDeletedInDolibarr=%s a'zosi uchun %s obunasi o'chirildi -ShipmentValidatedInDolibarr=%s jo'natmasi tasdiqlangan -ShipmentClassifyClosedInDolibarr=Yuklash %s yopiq tasniflangan -ShipmentUnClassifyCloseddInDolibarr=%s jo'natmasi qayta ochilgan -ShipmentBackToDraftInDolibarr=%s jo'natmasi qoralama holatiga qaytadi -ShipmentDeletedInDolibarr=%s jo'natmasi o'chirildi -ShipmentCanceledInDolibarr=%s yetkazib berish bekor qilindi -ReceptionValidatedInDolibarr=%s qabul qilish tasdiqlangan -ReceptionDeletedInDolibarr=%s qabuli oʻchirib tashlandi -ReceptionClassifyClosedInDolibarr=Qabul %s yopiq tasniflangan -OrderCreatedInDolibarr=%s buyurtmasi yaratildi -OrderValidatedInDolibarr=%s buyurtmasi tasdiqlangan -OrderDeliveredInDolibarr=Buyurtma tasniflangan tasniflangan %s -OrderCanceledInDolibarr=%s buyurtmasi bekor qilindi -OrderBilledInDolibarr=Buyurtma %s tasniflangan tasniflangan -OrderApprovedInDolibarr=%s buyurtmasi tasdiqlandi -OrderRefusedInDolibarr=%s buyurtmasi rad etildi -OrderBackToDraftInDolibarr=%s buyurtmasi qoralama holatiga qaytadi -ProposalSentByEMail=Elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan %s tijorat taklifi -ContractSentByEMail=Elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan %s shartnoma -OrderSentByEMail=%s savdo buyurtmasi elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -InvoiceSentByEMail=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi %s elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -SupplierOrderSentByEMail=Elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan %s buyurtmasini sotib oling -ORDER_SUPPLIER_DELETEInDolibarr=%s sotib olish buyurtmasi o'chirildi -SupplierInvoiceSentByEMail=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasi %s elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -ShippingSentByEMail=%s jo'natmasi elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -ShippingValidated= %s jo'natmasi tasdiqlangan -InterventionSentByEMail=Elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan aralashuv %s -ProjectSentByEMail=%s loyihasi elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -ProjectDeletedInDolibarr=%s loyihasi oʻchirib tashlandi -ProjectClosedInDolibarr=%s loyihasi yopildi -ProposalDeleted=Taklif o'chirildi -OrderDeleted=Buyurtma o'chirildi -InvoiceDeleted=Hisob-faktura o'chirildi -DraftInvoiceDeleted=Hisob-faktura loyihasi o'chirildi -CONTACT_CREATEInDolibarr=%s bilan bog'laning -CONTACT_MODIFYInDolibarr=%s bilan bog'lanish o'zgartirildi -CONTACT_DELETEInDolibarr=%s bilan aloqa o'chirildi -PRODUCT_CREATEInDolibarr=%s mahsuloti yaratildi -PRODUCT_MODIFYInDolibarr=Mahsulot %s o'zgartirilgan -PRODUCT_DELETEInDolibarr=%s mahsuloti o'chirildi -HOLIDAY_CREATEInDolibarr=%s ta'til uchun so'rov yaratildi -HOLIDAY_MODIFYInDolibarr=%s ta'tilga talab o'zgartirildi -HOLIDAY_APPROVEInDolibarr=%s ta'tilga chiqish so'rovi tasdiqlandi -HOLIDAY_VALIDATEInDolibarr=%s ta'til uchun so'rov tasdiqlangan -HOLIDAY_DELETEInDolibarr=%s ta'til uchun so'rov o'chirildi -EXPENSE_REPORT_CREATEInDolibarr=%s xarajatlar hisoboti tuzildi -EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATEInDolibarr=%s xarajatlar hisoboti tasdiqlangan -EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVEInDolibarr=%s xarajatlar hisoboti tasdiqlandi -EXPENSE_REPORT_DELETEInDolibarr=%s xarajatlar hisoboti o'chirildi -EXPENSE_REPORT_REFUSEDInDolibarr=%s xarajatlar hisoboti rad etildi -PROJECT_CREATEInDolibarr=%s loyihasi yaratildi -PROJECT_MODIFYInDolibarr=%s loyihasi o'zgartirildi -PROJECT_DELETEInDolibarr=%s loyihasi o'chirildi -TICKET_CREATEInDolibarr=%s chiptasi yaratildi -TICKET_MODIFYInDolibarr=%s chiptasi o'zgartirildi -TICKET_ASSIGNEDInDolibarr=%s chiptasi tayinlandi -TICKET_CLOSEInDolibarr=%s chiptasi yopiq -TICKET_DELETEInDolibarr=%s chiptasi o'chirildi -BOM_VALIDATEInDolibarr=BOM tasdiqlangan -BOM_UNVALIDATEInDolibarr=BOM baholanmagan -BOM_CLOSEInDolibarr=BOM o'chirilgan -BOM_REOPENInDolibarr=BOM qayta ochiladi -BOM_DELETEInDolibarr=BOM o'chirildi -MRP_MO_VALIDATEInDolibarr=MO tasdiqlangan -MRP_MO_UNVALIDATEInDolibarr=MO holatni tuzishga tayyor -MRP_MO_PRODUCEDInDolibarr=MO ishlab chiqarilgan -MRP_MO_DELETEInDolibarr=MO o'chirildi -MRP_MO_CANCELInDolibarr=MO bekor qilindi -PAIDInDolibarr=%s to'langan -ENABLEDISABLEInDolibarr=Foydalanuvchi yoqilgan yoki o'chirilgan -CANCELInDolibarr=Bekor qilingan +NewCompanyToDolibarr=Third party %s created +COMPANY_DELETEInDolibarr=Third party %s deleted +ContractValidatedInDolibarr=Contract %s validated +CONTRACT_DELETEInDolibarr=Contract %s deleted +PropalClosedSignedInDolibarr=Proposal %s signed +PropalClosedRefusedInDolibarr=Proposal %s refused +PropalValidatedInDolibarr=Proposal %s validated +PropalClassifiedBilledInDolibarr=Proposal %s classified billed +InvoiceValidatedInDolibarr=Invoice %s validated +InvoiceValidatedInDolibarrFromPos=Invoice %s validated from POS +InvoiceBackToDraftInDolibarr=Invoice %s go back to draft status +InvoiceDeleteDolibarr=Invoice %s deleted +InvoicePaidInDolibarr=Invoice %s changed to paid +InvoiceCanceledInDolibarr=Invoice %s canceled +MemberValidatedInDolibarr=Member %s validated +MemberModifiedInDolibarr=Member %s modified +MemberResiliatedInDolibarr=Member %s terminated +MemberDeletedInDolibarr=Member %s deleted +MemberSubscriptionAddedInDolibarr=Subscription %s for member %s added +MemberSubscriptionModifiedInDolibarr=Subscription %s for member %s modified +MemberSubscriptionDeletedInDolibarr=Subscription %s for member %s deleted +ShipmentValidatedInDolibarr=Shipment %s validated +ShipmentClassifyClosedInDolibarr=Shipment %s classified billed +ShipmentUnClassifyCloseddInDolibarr=Shipment %s classified re-open +ShipmentBackToDraftInDolibarr=Shipment %s go back to draft status +ShipmentDeletedInDolibarr=Shipment %s deleted +ReceptionValidatedInDolibarr=Reception %s validated +OrderCreatedInDolibarr=Order %s created +OrderValidatedInDolibarr=Order %s validated +OrderDeliveredInDolibarr=Order %s classified delivered +OrderCanceledInDolibarr=Order %s canceled +OrderBilledInDolibarr=Order %s classified billed +OrderApprovedInDolibarr=Order %s approved +OrderRefusedInDolibarr=Order %s refused +OrderBackToDraftInDolibarr=Order %s go back to draft status +ProposalSentByEMail=Commercial proposal %s sent by email +ContractSentByEMail=Contract %s sent by email +OrderSentByEMail=Sales order %s sent by email +InvoiceSentByEMail=Customer invoice %s sent by email +SupplierOrderSentByEMail=Purchase order %s sent by email +ORDER_SUPPLIER_DELETEInDolibarr=Purchase order %s deleted +SupplierInvoiceSentByEMail=Vendor invoice %s sent by email +ShippingSentByEMail=Shipment %s sent by email +ShippingValidated= Shipment %s validated +InterventionSentByEMail=Intervention %s sent by email +ProposalDeleted=Proposal deleted +OrderDeleted=Order deleted +InvoiceDeleted=Invoice deleted +DraftInvoiceDeleted=Draft invoice deleted +PRODUCT_CREATEInDolibarr=Product %s created +PRODUCT_MODIFYInDolibarr=Product %s modified +PRODUCT_DELETEInDolibarr=Product %s deleted +HOLIDAY_CREATEInDolibarr=Request for leave %s created +HOLIDAY_MODIFYInDolibarr=Request for leave %s modified +HOLIDAY_APPROVEInDolibarr=Request for leave %s approved +HOLIDAY_VALIDATEInDolibarr=Request for leave %s validated +HOLIDAY_DELETEInDolibarr=Request for leave %s deleted +EXPENSE_REPORT_CREATEInDolibarr=Expense report %s created +EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATEInDolibarr=Expense report %s validated +EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVEInDolibarr=Expense report %s approved +EXPENSE_REPORT_DELETEInDolibarr=Expense report %s deleted +EXPENSE_REPORT_REFUSEDInDolibarr=Expense report %s refused +PROJECT_CREATEInDolibarr=Project %s created +PROJECT_MODIFYInDolibarr=Project %s modified +PROJECT_DELETEInDolibarr=Project %s deleted +TICKET_CREATEInDolibarr=Ticket %s created +TICKET_MODIFYInDolibarr=Ticket %s modified +TICKET_ASSIGNEDInDolibarr=Ticket %s assigned +TICKET_CLOSEInDolibarr=Ticket %s closed +TICKET_DELETEInDolibarr=Ticket %s deleted +BOM_VALIDATEInDolibarr=BOM validated +BOM_UNVALIDATEInDolibarr=BOM unvalidated +BOM_CLOSEInDolibarr=BOM disabled +BOM_REOPENInDolibarr=BOM reopen +BOM_DELETEInDolibarr=BOM deleted +MRP_MO_VALIDATEInDolibarr=MO validated +MRP_MO_UNVALIDATEInDolibarr=MO set to draft status +MRP_MO_PRODUCEDInDolibarr=MO produced +MRP_MO_DELETEInDolibarr=MO deleted +MRP_MO_CANCELInDolibarr=MO canceled @@ -134,16 +121,16 @@ -AgendaModelModule=Hodisa uchun hujjat shablonlari -DateActionStart=Boshlanish vaqti -DateActionEnd=Tugash sanasi -AgendaUrlOptions1=Chiqishni filtrlash uchun siz quyidagi parametrlarni qo'shishingiz mumkin: -AgendaUrlOptions3= logina = %s %s foydalanuvchisiga tegishli harakatlar bilan chiqishni cheklash. -AgendaUrlOptionsNotAdmin= logina =! %s foydalanuvchi %s foydalanuvchiga tegishli bo'lmagan harakatlarga cheklash uchun. -AgendaUrlOptions4= logint = %s foydalanuvchi %s (egasi va boshqalar) ga tayinlangan harakatlar bilan chiqishni cheklash uchun. -AgendaUrlOptionsProject= project = __ PROJECT_ID__ loyihani __PROJECT_ID__ loyihasi bilan bog'liq harakatlar bilan cheklash. -AgendaUrlOptionsNotAutoEvent= notactiontype = avtomatik hodisalarni istisno qilish uchun systemauto . -AgendaUrlOptionsIncludeHolidays= dam olish kunlarini o'z ichiga oladi = 1 ta'til tadbirlarini o'z ichiga oladi. -AgendaShowBirthdayEvents=Kontaktlarning tug'ilgan kunlari -AgendaHideBirthdayEvents=Kontaktlarning tug'ilgan kunlarini yashirish -Busy=Band -ExportDataset_event1=Kun tartibidagi tadbirlar ro'yxati -DefaultWorkingDays=Odatiy ish kunlari haftada (Masalan: 1-5, 1-6) -DefaultWorkingHours=Kunduzgi standart ish vaqti (Masalan: 9-18) +AgendaModelModule=Document templates for event +DateActionStart=Start date +DateActionEnd=End date +AgendaUrlOptions1=You can also add following parameters to filter output: +AgendaUrlOptions3=logina=%s to restrict output to actions owned by a user %s. +AgendaUrlOptionsNotAdmin=logina=!%s to restrict output to actions not owned by user %s. +AgendaUrlOptions4=logint=%s to restrict output to actions assigned to user %s (owner and others). +AgendaUrlOptionsProject=project=__PROJECT_ID__ to restrict output to actions linked to project __PROJECT_ID__. +AgendaUrlOptionsNotAutoEvent=notactiontype=systemauto to exclude automatic events. +AgendaUrlOptionsIncludeHolidays=includeholidays=1 to include events of holidays. +AgendaShowBirthdayEvents=Show birthdays of contacts +AgendaHideBirthdayEvents=Hide birthdays of contacts +Busy=Busy +ExportDataset_event1=List of agenda events +DefaultWorkingDays=Default working days range in week (Example: 1-5, 1-6) +DefaultWorkingHours=Default working hours in day (Example: 9-18) @@ -151,54 +138,23 @@ -ExportCal=Kalendarni eksport qilish -ExtSites=Tashqi kalendarlarni import qilish -ExtSitesEnableThisTool=Tashqi kalendarlarni (global sozlamalarda aniqlangan) kun tartibida ko'rsating. Foydalanuvchilar tomonidan belgilangan tashqi taqvimlarga ta'sir qilmaydi. -ExtSitesNbOfAgenda=Kalendarlar soni -AgendaExtNb=Kalendar №. %s -ExtSiteUrlAgenda=.Ical fayliga kirish uchun URL -ExtSiteNoLabel=Tavsif yo'q -VisibleTimeRange=Ko'rinadigan vaqt oralig'i -VisibleDaysRange=Ko'rinadigan kunlar oralig'i -AddEvent=Tadbir yaratish -MyAvailability=Mening mavjudligim -ActionType=Tadbir turi -DateActionBegin=Tadbirni boshlash sanasi -ConfirmCloneEvent=Hodisani %s klonlashni xohlaysizmi? -RepeatEvent=Voqeani takrorlang -OnceOnly=Faqat bir marta -EveryDay=Har kuni -EveryWeek=Har hafta -EveryMonth=Har oy -DayOfMonth=Oy kuni -DayOfWeek=Haftaning kuni -DateStartPlusOne=Sana boshlanishi + 1 soat -SetAllEventsToTodo=Barcha tadbirlarni todo qilish uchun sozlang -SetAllEventsToInProgress=Barcha tadbirlarni davom etadigan qilib sozlang -SetAllEventsToFinished=Barcha tadbirlarni tugallangan deb belgilang -ReminderTime=Tadbirgacha eslatish davri -TimeType=Muddati turi -ReminderType=Qayta qo'ng'iroq turi -AddReminder=Ushbu tadbir uchun avtomatik eslatma xabarnomasini yarating -ErrorReminderActionCommCreation=Ushbu voqea uchun eslatma bildirishnomasini yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi -BrowserPush=Brauzerning popup-xabarnomasi -Reminders=Eslatmalar -ActiveByDefault=Odatiy bo'lib yoqilgan -Until=qadar -DataFromWasMerged=%s maʼlumotlari birlashtirildi -AgendaShowBookcalCalendar=Bandlov taqvimi: %s -MenuBookcalIndex=Onlayn uchrashuv -BookcalLabelAvailabilityHelp=Mavjudlik oralig'i yorlig'i. Masalan:
Umumiy mavjudlik
Rojdestvo bayramlarida mavjudlik -DurationOfRange=Diapazonlarning davomiyligi -BookCalSetup = Onlayn uchrashuvni sozlash -BookCalSetupPage = Onlayn uchrashuvni sozlash sahifasi -BOOKCAL_PUBLIC_INTERFACE_TOPIC = Interfeys sarlavhasi -BookCalAbout = BookCal haqida -BookCalAboutPage = BookCal sahifa haqida -Calendars=Kalendarlar -Availabilities=Mavjudligi -NewAvailabilities=Yangi imkoniyatlar -NewCalendar=Yangi kalendar -ThirdPartyBookCalHelp=Ushbu taqvimda band qilingan tadbir avtomatik ravishda ushbu uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lanadi. -AppointmentDuration = Uchrashuv davomiyligi : %s -BookingSuccessfullyBooked=Bandlovingiz saqlandi -BookingReservationHourAfter=%s sanasida uchrashuvimiz band qilinganligini tasdiqlaymiz -BookcalBookingTitle=Onlayn uchrashuv -Transparency = Transparency +ExportCal=Export calendar +ExtSites=Import external calendars +ExtSitesEnableThisTool=Show external calendars (defined in global setup) in Agenda. Does not affect external calendars defined by users. +ExtSitesNbOfAgenda=Number of calendars +AgendaExtNb=Calendar no. %s +ExtSiteUrlAgenda=URL to access .ical file +ExtSiteNoLabel=No Description +VisibleTimeRange=Visible time range +VisibleDaysRange=Visible days range +AddEvent=Create event +MyAvailability=My availability +ActionType=Event type +DateActionBegin=Start event date +ConfirmCloneEvent=Are you sure you want to clone the event %s? +RepeatEvent=Repeat event +EveryWeek=Every week +EveryMonth=Every month +DayOfMonth=Day of month +DayOfWeek=Day of week +DateStartPlusOne=Date start + 1 hour +SetAllEventsToTodo=Set all events to todo +SetAllEventsToInProgress=Set all events to in progress +SetAllEventsToFinished=Set all events to finished --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_banks.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_banks.lang @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ -MenuBankCash=Banklar | Naqd pul -MenuVariousPayment=Turli xil to'lovlar -MenuNewVariousPayment=Yangi turli xil to'lovlar -BankName=Bank nomi +MenuBankCash=Banks | Cash +MenuVariousPayment=Miscellaneous payments +MenuNewVariousPayment=New Miscellaneous payment +BankName=Bank name @@ -8,188 +8,171 @@ -BankAccount=bank hisob raqami -BankAccounts=Bank hisobvaraqlari -BankAccountsAndGateways=Bank hisobvaraqlari | Shlyuzlar -ShowAccount=Hisobni ko'rsatish -AccountRef=Moliyaviy hisob -AccountLabel=Moliyaviy hisob yorlig'i -CashAccount=Naqd hisob -CashAccounts=Naqd pul hisobvaraqlari -CurrentAccounts=Joriy hisob-kitoblar -SavingAccounts=Jamg'arma hisobvaraqlari -ErrorBankLabelAlreadyExists=Moliyaviy hisob yorlig'i allaqachon mavjud -ErrorBankReceiptAlreadyExists=Bank cheki ma'lumotnomasi allaqachon mavjud -BankBalance=Balans -BankBalanceBefore=Oldingi qoldiq -BankBalanceAfter=Balansdan keyin -BalanceMinimalAllowed=Minimal ruxsat berilgan qoldiq -BalanceMinimalDesired=Minimal kerakli qoldiq -InitialBankBalance=Dastlabki qoldiq -EndBankBalance=Balansni yakunlash -CurrentBalance=Joriy balans -FutureBalance=Kelajakdagi balans -ShowAllTimeBalance=Balansni boshidanoq ko'rsating -AllTime=Boshidan -Reconciliation=Yarashish -RIB=Bank hisob raqami -IBAN=IBAN raqami -BIC=BIC / SWIFT kodi -SwiftValid=BIC / SWIFT amal qiladi -SwiftNotValid=BIC/SWIFT yaroqsiz -IbanValid=BAN amal qiladi -IbanNotValid=BAN haqiqiy emas -StandingOrders=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmalari -StandingOrder=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasi -PaymentByDirectDebit=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet orqali to'lov -PaymentByBankTransfers=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lovlar -PaymentByBankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lov -AccountStatement=Hisob-kitob varaqasi -AccountStatementShort=Bayonot -AccountStatements=Hisob-kitob varaqalari -LastAccountStatements=Oxirgi hisobvaraqlar -IOMonthlyReporting=Oylik hisobot -BankAccountDomiciliation=Bank manzili -BankAccountCountry=Hisob qaydnomasi mamlakati -BankAccountOwner=Hisob qaydnomasi egasining ismi -BankAccountOwnerAddress=Hisob egasining manzili -BankAccountOwnerZip=Hisob egasi zip -BankAccountOwnerTown=Hisob egasi shahri -BankAccountOwnerCountry=Hisob egasi mamlakati -CreateAccount=Hisob yaratish -NewBankAccount=Yangi hisob -NewFinancialAccount=Yangi moliyaviy hisob -MenuNewFinancialAccount=Yangi moliyaviy hisob -EditFinancialAccount=Hisobni tahrirlash -LabelBankCashAccount=Bank yoki pul yorlig'i -AccountType=Hisob turi -BankType0=Jamg'arma hisobi -BankType1=Joriy, chek yoki kredit karta hisobi -BankType2=Naqd hisob -AccountsArea=Hisoblar maydoni -AccountCard=Hisob kartasi -DeleteAccount=Hisobni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteAccount=Ushbu hisobni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -BankTransactionByCategories=Toifalar bo'yicha bank yozuvlari -BankTransactionForCategory= %s toifasi uchun bank yozuvlari -RemoveFromRubrique=Kategoriya bilan havolani olib tashlang -RemoveFromRubriqueConfirm=Kirish va toifadagi aloqani olib tashlamoqchimisiz? -ListBankTransactions=Bank yozuvlari ro'yxati -IdTransaction=Tranzaksiya identifikatori -BankTransactions=Bank yozuvlari -BankTransaction=Bank yozuvlari -ListTransactions=Yozuvlar ro'yxati -ListTransactionsByCategory=Ro'yxat yozuvlari / toifasi -TransactionsToConciliate=Yarashtirish uchun yozuvlar -TransactionsToConciliateShort=Yarashtirmoq -Conciliable=Yarashtirilishi mumkin -Conciliate=Yarashish -Conciliation=Yarashish -SaveStatementOnly=Faqat bayonotni saqlash -ReconciliationLate=Yarashuv kech -IncludeClosedAccount=Yopiq hisoblarni qo'shing -OnlyOpenedAccount=Faqat hisoblarni oching -AccountToCredit=Hisobni kreditlash uchun -AccountToDebit=Hisobni chiqarish uchun -DisableConciliation=Ushbu hisob uchun yarashtirish xususiyatini o'chirib qo'ying -ConciliationDisabled=Yarashtirish xususiyati o'chirilgan -LinkedToAConciliatedTransaction=Kelishilgan yozuv bilan bog'langan -StatusAccountOpened=Ochiq -StatusAccountClosed=Yopiq -AccountIdShort=Raqam -LineRecord=Tranzaksiya -AddBankRecord=Kirish kiritish -AddBankRecordLong=Kiritishni qo'lda qo'shing -Conciliated=Yarashtirildi -ReConciliedBy=tomonidan yarashtirildi -DateConciliating=Sana yarashtirildi -BankLineConciliated=Kirish bank kvitansiyasi bilan taqqoslangan -BankLineReconciled=Yarashdi -BankLineNotReconciled=Murosaga kelmagan -CustomerInvoicePayment=Mijozlar uchun to'lov -SupplierInvoicePayment=Sotuvchining to'lovi -SubscriptionPayment=Obuna to'lovi -WithdrawalPayment=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi -BankTransferPayment=Kredit o'tkazmasi to'lovi -SocialContributionPayment=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliq to'lovi -BankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazish -BankTransfers=Kredit o'tkazmalari -MenuBankInternalTransfer=Ichki transfer -TransferDesc=Bir hisobdan boshqasiga o'tkazish uchun ichki o'tkazmalardan foydalaning, ilova ikkita yozuv yozadi: manba hisobvarag'idagi debet va maqsadli hisobdagi kredit. Ushbu bitim uchun xuddi shu miqdor, yorliq va sana ishlatiladi. -TransferFrom=Kimdan -TransferTo=Kimga -TransferFromToDone= %s transferdan %s dan%s%syo'zilgan -CheckTransmitter=Yuboruvchi -ValidateCheckReceipt=Ushbu chek kvitansiyasi tasdiqlansinmi? -ConfirmValidateCheckReceipt=Bu chek kvitansiyasini tasdiqlash uchun topshirmoqchimisiz? Tasdiqlanganidan keyin hech qanday o'zgartirish mumkin bo'lmaydi. -DeleteCheckReceipt=Ushbu chek kvitansiyasi o'chirilsinmi? -ConfirmDeleteCheckReceipt=Ushbu chek kvitansiyasini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -DocumentsForDeposit=Bankka omonat uchun hujjatlar -BankChecks=Bank cheklari -BankChecksToReceipt=Depozitni kutayotgan cheklar -BankChecksToReceiptShort=Depozitni kutayotgan cheklar -ShowCheckReceipt=Chek depozit kvitansiyasini ko'rsating -NumberOfCheques=Chek raqami -DeleteTransaction=Kirishni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteTransaction=Ushbu yozuvni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ThisWillAlsoDeleteBankRecord=Bu shuningdek yaratilgan bank yozuvlarini o'chirib tashlaydi -BankMovements=Harakatlar -PlannedTransactions=Rejalashtirilgan yozuvlar -Graph=Grafiklar -ExportDataset_banque_1=Bank yozuvlari va hisobvarag'idan ko'chirma -ExportDataset_banque_2=Depozit taloni -TransactionOnTheOtherAccount=Boshqa hisobvaraq bo'yicha operatsiyalar -PaymentNumberUpdateSucceeded=To'lov raqami muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi -PaymentNumberUpdateFailed=To'lov raqami yangilanmadi -PaymentDateUpdateSucceeded=To'lov sanasi muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi -PaymentDateUpdateFailed=To'lov sanasini yangilab bo'lmadi -Transactions=Tranzaksiyalar -BankTransactionLine=Bank yozuvlari -AllAccounts=Barcha bank va naqd hisobvaraqlar -BackToAccount=Hisobga qaytish -ShowAllAccounts=Barcha hisoblar uchun ko'rsatish -FutureTransaction=Kelajakdagi operatsiya. Yarashmayapti. -SelectChequeTransactionAndGenerate=Chek depozit kvitansiyasiga kiritiladigan cheklarni tanlang / filtrlang. Keyin, "Yaratish" tugmasini bosing. -SelectPaymentTransactionAndGenerate=%s depozit kvitansiyasiga kiritiladigan hujjatlarni tanlang/filtrlang. Keyin, "Yaratish" tugmasini bosing. -InputReceiptNumber=Kelishuv bilan bog'liq bank ko'chirmasini tanlang. Saralanadigan raqamli qiymatdan foydalaning -InputReceiptNumberBis=YYYYMM yoki YYYYMM -EventualyAddCategory=Oxir-oqibat, yozuvlarni tasniflash uchun toifani ko'rsating -ToConciliate=Yarashish uchunmi? -ThenCheckLinesAndConciliate=So'ngra, bank ko'chirmasidagi satrlarni tekshiring va bosing -DefaultRIB=Standart taqiq -AllRIB=Hamma taqiq -LabelRIB=BAN yorlig'i -NoBANRecord=BAN yozuvlari yo'q -DeleteARib=BAN yozuvini o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteRib=Ushbu BAN yozuvini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -RejectCheck=Chek qaytarildi -ConfirmRejectCheck=Haqiqatan ham ushbu chekni rad etilgan deb belgilamoqchimisiz? -RejectCheckDate=Chek qaytarilgan sana -CheckRejected=Chek qaytarildi -CheckRejectedAndInvoicesReopened=Qaytganligini tekshiring va hisob-fakturalarni qayta oching -BankAccountModelModule=Bank hisobvaraqlari uchun hujjatlar shablonlari -DocumentModelSepaMandate=SEPA mandatining shabloni. Faqatgina Evropa Ittifoqidagi Evropa mamlakatlari uchun foydalidir. -DocumentModelBan=BAN ma'lumotlari bilan sahifani chop etish uchun shablon. -NewVariousPayment=Yangi har xil to'lov -VariousPayment=Turli xil to'lovlar -VariousPayments=Turli xil to'lovlar -ShowVariousPayment=Turli xil to'lovlarni ko'rsating -AddVariousPayment=Turli xil to'lovlarni qo'shing -VariousPaymentId=Boshqa to'lov identifikatori -VariousPaymentLabel=Turli xil to'lov yorlig'i -ConfirmCloneVariousPayment=Turli xil to'lovlar klonini tasdiqlang -SEPAMandate=SEPA vakolati -YourSEPAMandate=Sizning SEPA vakolatingiz -FindYourSEPAMandate=Bu sizning kompaniyangizga sizning bankingizda to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtma berish huquqini berish uchun sizning SEPA vakolatingiz. Uni imzolangan holda qaytaring (imzolangan hujjatni skanerlash) yoki pochta orqali yuboring -AutoReportLastAccountStatement=Taqqoslash paytida avtomatik ravishda 'bank ko'chirma raqami' maydonini oxirgi ko'chirma raqami bilan to'ldiring -CashControl=POS naqd pul nazorati -NewCashFence=Yangi kassa nazorati (ochish yoki yopish) -BankColorizeMovement=Harakatlarni ranglang -BankColorizeMovementDesc=Agar bu funktsiya yoqilgan bo'lsa, siz debet yoki kredit harakatlari uchun aniq fon rangini tanlashingiz mumkin -BankColorizeMovementName1=Debet harakati uchun fon rangi -BankColorizeMovementName2=Kredit harakati uchun fon rangi -IfYouDontReconcileDisableProperty=Agar siz ba'zi bir bank hisobvaraqlari bo'yicha banklarni yarashtirmasangiz, ushbu ogohlantirishni olib tashlash uchun ulardagi "%s" xususiyatini o'chirib qo'ying. -NoBankAccountDefined=Bank hisob raqami aniqlanmagan -NoRecordFoundIBankcAccount=Bank hisob raqamida yozuv topilmadi. Odatda, bu yozuv bank hisobvarag'idagi operatsiyalar ro'yxatidan qo'lda o'chirilganda sodir bo'ladi (masalan, bank hisobvarag'ini taqqoslash paytida). Yana bir sabab shundaki, to'lov "%s" moduli o'chirilganda qayd etilgan. -AlreadyOneBankAccount=Allaqachon bitta bank hisobi aniqlangan -SEPAXMLPlacePaymentTypeInformationInCreditTransfertransactionInformation=SEPA fayl varianti -SEPAXMLPlacePaymentTypeInformationInCreditTransfertransactionInformationHelp=Ha = “Toʻlov turi”ni SEPA faylining “Kredit oʻtkazish” boʻlimida saqlang

Kredit uchun SEPA XML faylini yaratishda pul o'tkazmalari uchun "To'lov turi ma'lumotlari" bo'limi endi "KreditTransferTransactionInformation" bo'limiga joylashtirilishi mumkin ("To'lov" bo'limi o'rniga). Toʻlov turi maʼlumotlarini toʻlov darajasiga qoʻyish uchun ushbu belgini olib qoʻyishni qatʼiy tavsiya qilamiz, chunki barcha banklar uni CreditTransferTransactionInformation darajasida qabul qilishlari shart emas. To'lov turi ma'lumotlarini CreditTransferTransactionMa'lumot darajasiga joylashtirishdan oldin bankingizga murojaat qiling. -ToCreateRelatedRecordIntoBank=Yo'qolgan tegishli bank rekordini yaratish uchun -XNewLinesConciliated=%s yangi qator(lar) kelishildi +BankAccount=Bank account +BankAccounts=Bank accounts +BankAccountsAndGateways=Bank accounts | Gateways +ShowAccount=Show Account +AccountRef=Financial account ref +AccountLabel=Financial account label +CashAccount=Cash account +CashAccounts=Cash accounts +CurrentAccounts=Current accounts +SavingAccounts=Savings accounts +ErrorBankLabelAlreadyExists=Financial account label already exists +BankBalance=Balance +BankBalanceBefore=Balance before +BankBalanceAfter=Balance after +BalanceMinimalAllowed=Minimum allowed balance +BalanceMinimalDesired=Minimum desired balance +InitialBankBalance=Initial balance +EndBankBalance=End balance +CurrentBalance=Current balance +FutureBalance=Future balance +ShowAllTimeBalance=Show balance from start +AllTime=From start +Reconciliation=Reconciliation +RIB=Bank Account Number +IBAN=IBAN number +BIC=BIC/SWIFT code +SwiftValid=BIC/SWIFT valid +SwiftVNotalid=BIC/SWIFT not valid +IbanValid=BAN valid +IbanNotValid=BAN not valid +StandingOrders=Direct debit orders +StandingOrder=Direct debit order +PaymentByDirectDebit=Payment by direct debit +PaymentByBankTransfers=Payments by credit transfer +PaymentByBankTransfer=Payment by credit transfer +AccountStatement=Account statement +AccountStatementShort=Statement +AccountStatements=Account statements +LastAccountStatements=Last account statements +IOMonthlyReporting=Monthly reporting +BankAccountDomiciliation=Bank address +BankAccountCountry=Account country +BankAccountOwner=Account owner name +BankAccountOwnerAddress=Account owner address +RIBControlError=Integrity check of values failed. This means the information for this account number is not complete or is incorrect (check country, numbers and IBAN). +CreateAccount=Create account +NewBankAccount=New account +NewFinancialAccount=New financial account +MenuNewFinancialAccount=New financial account +EditFinancialAccount=Edit account +LabelBankCashAccount=Bank or cash label +AccountType=Account type +BankType0=Savings account +BankType1=Current or credit card account +BankType2=Cash account +AccountsArea=Accounts area +AccountCard=Account card +DeleteAccount=Delete account +ConfirmDeleteAccount=Are you sure you want to delete this account? +Account=Account +BankTransactionByCategories=Bank entries by categories +BankTransactionForCategory=Bank entries for category %s +RemoveFromRubrique=Remove link with category +RemoveFromRubriqueConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove link between the entry and the category? +ListBankTransactions=List of bank entries +IdTransaction=Transaction ID +BankTransactions=Bank entries +BankTransaction=Bank entry +ListTransactions=List entries +ListTransactionsByCategory=List entries/category +TransactionsToConciliate=Entries to reconcile +TransactionsToConciliateShort=To reconcile +Conciliable=Can be reconciled +Conciliate=Reconcile +Conciliation=Reconciliation +SaveStatementOnly=Save statement only +ReconciliationLate=Reconciliation late +IncludeClosedAccount=Include closed accounts +OnlyOpenedAccount=Only open accounts +AccountToCredit=Account to credit +AccountToDebit=Account to debit +DisableConciliation=Disable reconciliation feature for this account +ConciliationDisabled=Reconciliation feature disabled +LinkedToAConciliatedTransaction=Linked to a conciliated entry +StatusAccountOpened=Open +StatusAccountClosed=Closed +AccountIdShort=Number +LineRecord=Transaction +AddBankRecord=Add entry +AddBankRecordLong=Add entry manually +Conciliated=Reconciled +ConciliatedBy=Reconciled by +DateConciliating=Reconcile date +BankLineConciliated=Entry reconciled with bank receipt +Reconciled=Reconciled +NotReconciled=Not reconciled +CustomerInvoicePayment=Customer payment +SupplierInvoicePayment=Vendor payment +SubscriptionPayment=Subscription payment +WithdrawalPayment=Debit payment order +SocialContributionPayment=Social/fiscal tax payment +BankTransfer=Credit transfer +BankTransfers=Credit transfers +MenuBankInternalTransfer=Internal transfer +TransferDesc=Transfer from one account to another, Dolibarr will write two records (a debit in source account and a credit in target account). The same amount (except sign), label and date will be used for this transaction) +TransferFrom=From +TransferTo=To +TransferFromToDone=A transfer from %s to %s of %s %s has been recorded. +CheckTransmitter=Transmitter +ValidateCheckReceipt=Validate this check receipt? +ConfirmValidateCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to validate this check receipt, no change will be possible once this is done? +DeleteCheckReceipt=Delete this check receipt? +ConfirmDeleteCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to delete this check receipt? +BankChecks=Bank checks +BankChecksToReceipt=Checks awaiting deposit +BankChecksToReceiptShort=Checks awaiting deposit +ShowCheckReceipt=Show check deposit receipt +NumberOfCheques=No. of check +DeleteTransaction=Delete entry +ConfirmDeleteTransaction=Are you sure you want to delete this entry? +ThisWillAlsoDeleteBankRecord=This will also delete generated bank entry +BankMovements=Movements +PlannedTransactions=Planned entries +Graph=Graphics +ExportDataset_banque_1=Bank entries and account statement +ExportDataset_banque_2=Deposit slip +TransactionOnTheOtherAccount=Transaction on the other account +PaymentNumberUpdateSucceeded=Payment number updated successfully +PaymentNumberUpdateFailed=Payment number could not be updated +PaymentDateUpdateSucceeded=Payment date updated successfully +PaymentDateUpdateFailed=Payment date could not be updated +Transactions=Transactions +BankTransactionLine=Bank entry +AllAccounts=All bank and cash accounts +BackToAccount=Back to account +ShowAllAccounts=Show for all accounts +FutureTransaction=Future transaction. Unable to reconcile. +SelectChequeTransactionAndGenerate=Select/filter checks to include in the check deposit receipt and click on "Create". +InputReceiptNumber=Choose the bank statement related with the conciliation. Use a sortable numeric value: YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD +EventualyAddCategory=Eventually, specify a category in which to classify the records +ToConciliate=To reconcile? +ThenCheckLinesAndConciliate=Then, check the lines present in the bank statement and click +DefaultRIB=Default BAN +AllRIB=All BAN +LabelRIB=BAN Label +NoBANRecord=No BAN record +DeleteARib=Delete BAN record +ConfirmDeleteRib=Are you sure you want to delete this BAN record? +RejectCheck=Check returned +ConfirmRejectCheck=Are you sure you want to mark this check as rejected? +RejectCheckDate=Date the check was returned +CheckRejected=Check returned +CheckRejectedAndInvoicesReopened=Check returned and invoices re-open +BankAccountModelModule=Document templates for bank accounts +DocumentModelSepaMandate=Template of SEPA mandate. Useful for European countries in EEC only. +DocumentModelBan=Template to print a page with BAN information. +NewVariousPayment=New miscellaneous payment +VariousPayment=Miscellaneous payment +VariousPayments=Miscellaneous payments +ShowVariousPayment=Show miscellaneous payment +AddVariousPayment=Add miscellaneous payment +SEPAMandate=SEPA mandate +YourSEPAMandate=Your SEPA mandate +FindYourSEPAMandate=This is your SEPA mandate to authorize our company to make direct debit order to your bank. Return it signed (scan of the signed document) or send it by mail to +AutoReportLastAccountStatement=Automatically fill the field 'number of bank statement' with last statement number when making reconciliation +CashControl=POS cash fence +NewCashFence=New cash fence +BankColorizeMovement=Colorize movements +BankColorizeMovementDesc=If this function is enable, you can choose specific background color for debit or credit movements +BankColorizeMovementName1=Background color for debit movement +BankColorizeMovementName2=Background color for credit movement --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_blockedlog.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_blockedlog.lang @@ -1,58 +1,54 @@ -BlockedLog=O'zgarishsiz jurnallar -BlockedLogDesc=Ushbu modul ba'zi voqealarni o'zgartirilishi mumkin bo'lmagan jurnalga (yozib olingandan keyin o'zgartirish mumkin emas) blok zanjiriga real vaqt rejimida olib boradi. Ushbu modul ba'zi mamlakatlarning qonunlari talablariga muvofiqligini ta'minlaydi (masalan, Frantsiya Finance 2016 - Norme NF525 qonuni bilan). -Fingerprints=Arxivlangan voqealar va barmoq izlari -FingerprintsDesc=Bu o'zgarmas jurnallarni ko'rib chiqish yoki chiqarib olish uchun vosita. O'zgarmas jurnallar ishlab chiqarilgan va arxivlangan bo'lib, maxsus jadvalga, ishbilarmonlik voqeasini yozib olganingizda real vaqtda. Ushbu vositadan ushbu arxivni eksport qilish va tashqi yordamga saqlash uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin (ba'zi mamlakatlar, masalan Frantsiya, buni har yili qilishingizni so'raydi). Shuni esda tutingki, ushbu jurnalni tozalash xususiyati yo'q va to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ushbu jurnalga kiritishga urinilgan har qanday o'zgarish (masalan, xaker tomonidan) yaroqsiz barmoq izi bilan xabar qilinadi. Agar siz ushbu dasturni demo / test maqsadida ishlatganingiz va ishlab chiqarishni boshlash uchun ma'lumotlaringizni tozalashni xohlaganingiz uchun ushbu jadvalni tozalashingiz kerak bo'lsa, sotuvchingiz yoki integratoringizdan ma'lumotlar bazasini qayta tiklashini so'rashingiz mumkin (barcha ma'lumotlar o'chiriladi). -CompanyInitialKey=Kompaniyaning boshlang'ich kaliti (genez blokining xeshi) -BrowseBlockedLog=O'zgarishsiz jurnallar -ShowAllFingerPrintsMightBeTooLong=Barcha arxivlangan jurnallarni ko'rsatish (uzoq bo'lishi mumkin) -ShowAllFingerPrintsErrorsMightBeTooLong=Barcha yaroqsiz arxiv jurnallarini ko'rsatish (uzoq bo'lishi mumkin) -DownloadBlockChain=Barmoq izlarini yuklab oling -KoCheckFingerprintValidity=Arxivlangan jurnal yozuvi haqiqiy emas. Bu shuni anglatadiki, kimdir (xaker?) Ushbu yozuvning ba'zi ma'lumotlarini yozib olingandan keyin o'zgartirgan yoki oldingi arxivlangan yozuvni o'chirib tashlagan (ushbu satrni oldingi # mavjudligini tekshiring) yoki oldingi yozuvning chegara summasini o'zgartirgan. -OkCheckFingerprintValidity=Arxivlangan jurnal qaydlari haqiqiydir. Ushbu satrdagi ma'lumotlar o'zgartirilmadi va yozuv avvalgisiga amal qiladi. -OkCheckFingerprintValidityButChainIsKo=Arxivlangan jurnal avvalgisiga nisbatan haqiqiy ko'rinadi, ammo ilgari zanjir buzilgan. -AddedByAuthority=Masofaviy hokimiyatda saqlanadi -NotAddedByAuthorityYet=Hali ham uzoqdan saqlanadigan joyda saqlanmagan -BlockedLogBillDownload=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasini yuklab olish -BlockedLogBillPreview=Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturasini oldindan ko'rish -BlockedlogInfoDialog=Jurnal ma'lumotlari -ListOfTrackedEvents=Kuzatilgan voqealar ro'yxati -Fingerprint=Barmoq izi -DownloadLogCSV=Arxivlangan jurnallarni eksport qilish (CSV) -DataOfArchivedEvent=Arxivlangan hodisaning toʻliq maʼlumotlari -ImpossibleToReloadObject=Asl ob'ekt (%s yozing, id %s) bog'lanmagan (o'zgartirilmaydigan saqlangan ma'lumotlarni olish uchun 'To'liq ma'lumotlar' ustuniga qarang) -BlockedLogAreRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=O'zgarmas jurnallar moduli mamlakatingiz qonunchiligida talab qilinishi mumkin. Ushbu modulni o'chirib qo'yish kelajakdagi har qanday operatsiyalarni qonun va huquqiy dasturiy ta'minotdan foydalanishga yaroqsiz holga keltirishi mumkin, chunki ularni soliq tekshiruvi tasdiqlashi mumkin emas. -BlockedLogActivatedBecauseRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=O'zgarmas jurnallar moduli sizning mamlakatingiz qonunchiligi tufayli faollashtirildi. Ushbu modulni o'chirib qo'yish kelajakdagi har qanday operatsiyalarni qonunchilikka va huquqiy dasturiy ta'minotdan foydalanishga yaroqsiz holga keltirishi mumkin, chunki ular soliq tekshiruvi tomonidan tasdiqlanishi mumkin emas. -BlockedLogDisableNotAllowedForCountry=Ushbu moduldan foydalanish majburiy bo'lgan mamlakatlar ro'yxati (modulni xato bilan o'chirib qo'ymaslik uchun, agar sizning mamlakatingiz ushbu ro'yxatda bo'lsa, avval ushbu ro'yxatni tahrir qilmasdan modulni o'chirib qo'yish mumkin emas. Shuni ham unutmangki, ushbu modulni yoqish / o'chirish o'zgarmas jurnalga kuzatib boring). -OnlyNonValid=Yaroqsiz -TooManyRecordToScanRestrictFilters=Skanerlash / tahlil qilish uchun juda ko'p yozuvlar. Iltimos, cheklovli filtrlar bilan ro'yxatni cheklang. -RestrictYearToExport=Eksport qilish uchun oyni / yilni cheklang -BlockedLogEnabled=Voqealarni o'zgartirib bo'lmaydigan jurnallarda kuzatish tizimi yoqilgan -BlockedLogDisabled=Voqealarni o'zgartirib bo'lmaydigan jurnallarda kuzatish tizimi bir oz yozib olingandan so'ng o'chirib qo'yildi. Biz zanjirning buzilganligini kuzatish uchun maxsus Barmoq izini saqladik -BlockedLogDisabledBis=Voqealarni oʻzgarmas jurnallarda kuzatish tizimi oʻchirib qoʻyilgan. Bu mumkin, chunki hali hech qanday rekord o'tkazilmagan. -LinkHasBeenDisabledForPerformancePurpose=Ishlash maqsadida hujjatga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri havola 100-qatordan keyin ko'rsatilmaydi. - -## logTypes -logBILL_DELETE=Mijozlarning hisob-kitobi mantiqan o'chirildi -logBILL_PAYED=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi to'landi -logBILL_SENTBYMAIL=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasini pochta orqali yuborish -logBILL_UNPAYED=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi to'lanmagan -logBILL_VALIDATE=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlangan -logCASHCONTROL_VALIDATE=Yopiq kassa yozuvlari -logDOC_DOWNLOAD=Bosib chiqarish yoki yuborish uchun tasdiqlangan hujjatni yuklab olish -logDOC_PREVIEW=Bosib chiqarish yoki yuklab olish uchun tasdiqlangan hujjatni oldindan ko'rish -logDONATION_PAYMENT_CREATE=Xayriya to'lovi yaratildi -logDONATION_PAYMENT_DELETE=Xayriya to'lovini mantiqiy o'chirish -logDON_DELETE=Xayriyani mantiqiy o'chirish -logDON_MODIFY=Xayriya tahrirlangan -logDON_VALIDATE=Xayriya tasdiqlandi -logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE=Ro'yxatdan obuna yaratildi -logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE=Ro'yxatdan obuna mantiqiy o'chirish -logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFY=A'zo obunasi o'zgartirildi -logMODULE_RESET=BlockedLog moduli o'chirilgan -logMODULE_SET=BlockedLog moduli yoqildi -logPAYMENT_ADD_TO_BANK=To'lov bankka qo'shildi -logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_CREATE=Mijozlar to'lovi yaratildi -logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_DELETE=Mijozlar to'lovlarini mantiqiy o'chirish -logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_CREATE=To'lov (hisob-fakturaga tayinlanmagan) yaratilgan -logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_DELETE=To'lov (hisob-fakturaga tayinlanmagan) mantiqiy o'chirish -logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_MODIFY=To'lov o'zgartirildi (hisob-fakturaga tayinlanmagan) +BlockedLog=Unalterable Logs +Field=Field +BlockedLogDesc=This module tracks some events into an unalterable log (that you can't modify once recorded) into a block chain, in real time. This module provides compatibility with requirements of laws of some countries (like France with the law Finance 2016 - Norme NF525). +Fingerprints=Archived events and fingerprints +FingerprintsDesc=This is the tool to browse or extract the unalterable logs. Unalterable logs are generated and archived locally into a dedicated table, in real time when you record a business event. You can use this tool to export this archive and save it into an external support (some countries, like France, ask that you do it every year). Note that, there is no feature to purge this log and every change tried to be done directly into this log (by a hacker for example) will be reported with a non-valid fingerprint. If you really need to purge this table because you used your application for a demo/test purpose and want to clean your data to start your production, you can ask your reseller or integrator to reset your database (all your data will be removed). +CompanyInitialKey=Company initial key (hash of genesis block) +BrowseBlockedLog=Unalterable logs +ShowAllFingerPrintsMightBeTooLong=Show all archived logs (might be long) +ShowAllFingerPrintsErrorsMightBeTooLong=Show all non-valid archive logs (might be long) +DownloadBlockChain=Download fingerprints +KoCheckFingerprintValidity=Archived log entry is not valid. It means someone (a hacker?) has modified some data of this record after it was recorded, or has erased the previous archived record (check that line with previous # exists). +OkCheckFingerprintValidity=Archived log record is valid. The data on this line was not modified and the entry follows the previous one. +OkCheckFingerprintValidityButChainIsKo=Archived log seems valid compared to previous one but the chain was corrupted previously. +AddedByAuthority=Stored into remote authority +NotAddedByAuthorityYet=Not yet stored into remote authority +ShowDetails=Show stored details +logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_CREATE=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) created +logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_MODIFY=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) modified +logPAYMENT_VARIOUS_DELETE=Payment (not assigned to an invoice) logical deletion +logPAYMENT_ADD_TO_BANK=Payment added to bank +logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_CREATE=Customer payment created +logPAYMENT_CUSTOMER_DELETE=Customer payment logical deletion +logDONATION_PAYMENT_CREATE=Donation payment created +logDONATION_PAYMENT_DELETE=Donation payment logical deletion +logBILL_PAYED=Customer invoice paid +logBILL_UNPAYED=Customer invoice set unpaid +logBILL_VALIDATE=Customer invoice validated +logBILL_SENTBYMAIL=Customer invoice send by mail +logBILL_DELETE=Customer invoice logically deleted +logMODULE_RESET=Module BlockedLog was disabled +logMODULE_SET=Module BlockedLog was enabled +logDON_VALIDATE=Donation validated +logDON_MODIFY=Donation modified +logDON_DELETE=Donation logical deletion +logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE=Member subscription created +logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFY=Member subscription modified +logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE=Member subscription logical deletion +logCASHCONTROL_VALIDATE=Cash fence recording +BlockedLogBillDownload=Customer invoice download +BlockedLogBillPreview=Customer invoice preview +BlockedlogInfoDialog=Log Details +ListOfTrackedEvents=List of tracked events +Fingerprint=Fingerprint +DownloadLogCSV=Export archived logs (CSV) +logDOC_PREVIEW=Preview of a validated document in order to print or download +logDOC_DOWNLOAD=Download of a validated document in order to print or send +DataOfArchivedEvent=Full datas of archived event +ImpossibleToReloadObject=Original object (type %s, id %s) not linked (see 'Full datas' column to get unalterable saved data) +BlockedLogAreRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=Unalterable Logs module may be required by the legislation of your country. Disabling this module may render any future transactions invalid with respect to the law and the use of legal software as they can not be validated by a tax audit. +BlockedLogActivatedBecauseRequiredByYourCountryLegislation=Unalterable Logs module was activated because of the legislation of your country. Disabling this module may render any future transactions invalid with respect to the law and the use of legal software as they cannot be validated by a tax audit. +BlockedLogDisableNotAllowedForCountry=List of countries where usage of this module is mandatory (just to prevent to disable the module by error, if your country is in this list, disable of module is not possible without editing this list first. Note also that enabling/disabling this module will keep a track into the unalterable log). +OnlyNonValid=Non-valid +TooManyRecordToScanRestrictFilters=Too many records to scan/analyze. Please restrict list with more restrictive filters. +RestrictYearToExport=Restrict month / year to export --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_boxes.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_boxes.lang @@ -2,145 +2,101 @@ -BoxDolibarrStateBoard=Ma'lumotlar bazasidagi asosiy biznes ob'ektlari bo'yicha statistika -BoxLoginInformation=Kirish haqida ma'lumot -BoxLastRssInfos=RSS haqida ma'lumot -BoxLastProducts=Eng so'nggi %s mahsulotlari / xizmatlari -BoxProductsAlertStock=Mahsulotlar uchun birja ogohlantirishlari -BoxLastProductsInContract=Oxirgi %s shartnomaviy mahsulot / xizmatlari -BoxLastSupplierBills=Vendorning so'nggi hisob-fakturalari -BoxLastCustomerBills=Mijozlarning so'nggi hisob-fakturalari -BoxOldestUnpaidCustomerBills=Xaridorlarning eng qadimgi to'lanmagan hisob-fakturalari -BoxOldestUnpaidSupplierBills=Eng qadimgi to'lanmagan sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari -BoxLastProposals=Oxirgi tijorat takliflari -BoxLastProspects=Oxirgi o'zgartirilgan istiqbollar -BoxLastCustomers=Eng so'nggi o'zgartirilgan mijozlar -BoxLastSuppliers=Eng so'nggi o'zgartirilgan etkazib beruvchilar -BoxLastCustomerOrders=Oxirgi savdo buyurtmalari -BoxLastActions=Oxirgi harakatlar -BoxLastContracts=Oxirgi shartnomalar -BoxLastContacts=So'nggi kontaktlar / manzillar -BoxLastMembers=Oxirgi a'zolar -BoxLastModifiedMembers=Oxirgi o'zgartirilgan a'zolar -BoxLastMembersSubscriptions=Eng so'nggi obuna obunalari -BoxFicheInter=Oxirgi tadbirlar -BoxCurrentAccounts=Hisob balansini oching -BoxTitleMemberNextBirthdays=Ushbu oyning tug'ilgan kunlari (a'zolar) -BoxTitleMembersByType=Turi va holati bo'yicha a'zolar -BoxTitleMembersByTags=Teglar va holat bo'yicha a'zolar -BoxTitleMembersSubscriptionsByYear=A'zolar obunalari yil bo'yicha -BoxTitleLastRssInfos=%s dan so'nggi %s yangiliklari. -BoxTitleLastProducts=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlar: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleProductsAlertStock=Mahsulotlar: aktsiyalar to'g'risida ogohlantirish -BoxTitleLastSuppliers=Oxirgi %s ta'minotchilari qayd etilgan -BoxTitleLastModifiedSuppliers=Sotuvchilar: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomers=Mijozlar: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLastCustomersOrProspects=Oxirgi %s mijozlari yoki istiqbollari -BoxTitleLastCustomerBills=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan mijozlar hisob-fakturalari -BoxTitleLastSupplierBills=Eng so'nggi %s sotuvchisi schyot-fakturalari -BoxTitleLastModifiedProspects=Istiqbollari: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLastModifiedMembers=Eng so'nggi %s a'zolari -BoxTitleLastFicheInter=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan aralashuvlar -BoxTitleOldestUnpaidCustomerBills=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari: eng qadimgi %s to'lanmagan -BoxTitleOldestUnpaidSupplierBills=Sotuvchi fakturalari: eng qadimgi %s to'lanmagan -BoxTitleCurrentAccounts=Ochiq hisoblar: qoldiqlar -BoxTitleSupplierOrdersAwaitingReception=Qabul qilishni kutayotgan etkazib beruvchilar buyurtmalari -BoxTitleLastModifiedContacts=Aloqa / manzillar: oxirgi marta o'zgartirilgan %s -BoxMyLastBookmarks=Xatcho'plar: so'nggi %s -BoxOldestExpiredServices=Muddati tugagan eng qadimgi faol xizmatlar -BoxOldestActions=Eng qadimgi voqealar -BoxLastExpiredServices=Faol muddati o'tgan xizmatlar bilan eng so'nggi %s eng eski aloqalar -BoxTitleLastActionsToDo=Oxirgi %s amallari -BoxTitleOldestActionsToDo=Eng eski %s bajariladigan tadbirlar, tugallanmagan -BoxTitleFutureActions=Keyingi %s kutilayotgan tadbirlar -BoxTitleLastContracts=O'zgartirilgan so'nggi %s shartnomalari -BoxTitleLastModifiedDonations=O'zgartirilgan so'nggi %s xayriya mablag'lari -BoxTitleLastModifiedExpenses=Oxirgi %s xarajatlar hisoboti o'zgartirildi -BoxTitleLatestModifiedBoms=O'zgartirilgan so'nggi %s BOM-lar -BoxTitleLatestModifiedMos=O'zgartirilgan so'nggi %s ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari -BoxTitleLastOutstandingBillReached=Eng yuqori darajadagi mijozlar oshib ketdi -BoxGlobalActivity=Global faoliyat (hisob-fakturalar, takliflar, buyurtmalar) -BoxGoodCustomers=Yaxshi mijozlar -BoxTitleGoodCustomers=%s Yaxshi mijozlar -BoxScheduledJobs=Rejalashtirilgan ish joylari -BoxTitleFunnelOfProspection=Qo'rg'oshin huni -FailedToRefreshDataInfoNotUpToDate=RSS oqimini yangilab bo'lmadi. Oxirgi muvaffaqiyatli yangilanish sanasi: %s -LastRefreshDate=Oxirgi yangilanish sanasi -NoRecordedBookmarks=Xatcho'plar aniqlanmagan. -ClickToAdd=Qo'shish uchun shu erni bosing. -NoRecordedCustomers=Ro'yxatdan o'tgan mijozlar yo'q -NoRecordedContacts=Yozilgan kontaktlar yo'q -NoActionsToDo=Amalga oshiriladigan harakatlar yo'q -NoRecordedOrders=Sotish bo'yicha yozilgan buyurtmalar yo'q -NoRecordedProposals=Yozilgan takliflar yo'q -NoRecordedInvoices=Mijozlarning qayd qilingan schyot-fakturalari yo'q -NoUnpaidCustomerBills=Mijozlarning to'lanmagan schyot-fakturalari yo'q -NoUnpaidSupplierBills=To'lovsiz sotuvchilarning hisob-fakturalari yo'q -NoModifiedSupplierBills=Sotuvchi tomonidan qayd qilingan schyot-fakturalar yo‘q -NoRecordedProducts=Yozilgan mahsulotlar / xizmatlar yo'q -NoRecordedProspects=Ro'yxatga olingan istiqbollar yo'q -NoContractedProducts=Hech qanday mahsulot / xizmat bilan shartnoma tuzilmagan -NoRecordedContracts=Yozilgan shartnomalar yo'q -NoRecordedInterventions=Yozilgan aralashuvlar yo'q -BoxLatestSupplierOrders=Oxirgi sotib olish buyurtmalari -BoxLatestSupplierOrdersAwaitingReception=Sotib olish bo'yicha so'nggi buyurtmalar (kutish kutilayotgan holda) -NoSupplierOrder=Sotib olish to'g'risida yozilgan buyurtma yo'q -BoxCustomersInvoicesPerMonth=Mijozlarning oyiga hisob-fakturalari -BoxSuppliersInvoicesPerMonth=Oyiga sotuvchi fakturalar -BoxCustomersOrdersPerMonth=Oyiga sotish bo'yicha buyurtmalar -BoxSuppliersOrdersPerMonth=Oyiga sotuvchi buyurtmalari -BoxProposalsPerMonth=Oyiga takliflar -NoTooLowStockProducts=Hech qanday mahsulot past stok cheklovida emas -BoxProductDistribution=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlarni tarqatish -ForObject=%s da -BoxTitleLastModifiedSupplierBills=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLatestModifiedSupplierOrders=Sotuvchi buyurtmalari: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomerBills=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomerOrders=Sotish bo'yicha buyurtmalar: oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan -BoxTitleLastModifiedPropals=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan takliflar -BoxTitleLatestModifiedJobPositions=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan ish o'rinlari -BoxTitleLatestModifiedCandidatures=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan ish ilovalari -ForCustomersInvoices=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari -ForCustomersOrders=Mijozlar buyurtma berishadi -ForProposals=Takliflar -LastXMonthRolling=%s oylik eng so'nggi oylik -ChooseBoxToAdd=Vidjetni boshqaruv panelingizga qo'shing -BoxAdded=Vidjet sizning boshqaruv panelingizga qo'shildi -BoxTitleUserBirthdaysOfMonth=Ushbu oyning tug'ilgan kunlari (foydalanuvchilar) -BoxLastManualEntries=Buxgalteriya hisobidagi so'nggi yozuv qo'lda yoki dastlabki hujjatsiz kiritilgan -BoxTitleLastManualEntries=%s eng so'nggi yozuv qo'lda yoki manba hujjatsiz kiritilgan -NoRecordedManualEntries=Buxgalteriyada qo'lda yozuvlar yozilmagan -BoxSuspenseAccount=Buxgalteriya hisobini to'xtatib qo'yilgan hisob bilan hisoblash -BoxTitleSuspenseAccount=Ajratilmagan chiziqlar soni -NumberOfLinesInSuspenseAccount=To'xtatilgan hisobdagi satr soni -SuspenseAccountNotDefined=To'xtatilgan hisob qaydnomasi aniqlanmadi -BoxLastCustomerShipments=Mijozlarning so'nggi jo'natmalari -BoxTitleLastCustomerShipments=%s mijozlarining so'nggi jo'natmalari -BoxTitleLastLeaveRequests=Oxirgi %s oʻzgartirilgan taʼtil soʻrovlari -NoRecordedShipments=Mijozlarni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish bo'yicha ro'yxatdan o'tkazilmagan -BoxCustomersOutstandingBillReached=Cheklovga yetmagan mijozlar -# Pages -UsersHome=Uy foydalanuvchilari va guruhlari -MembersHome=Uyga a'zolik -ThirdpartiesHome=Uyning uchinchi tomonlari -productindex=Uy mahsulotlari va xizmatlari -mrpindex=Uy MRP -commercialindex=Uy reklama -projectsindex=Uy loyihalari -invoiceindex=Uy hisob-fakturalari -hrmindex=Uy hisob-fakturalari -TicketsHome=Uy chiptalari -stockindex=Uy zaxiralari -sendingindex=Uyga etkazib berish -receptionindex=Uyda qabul qilish -activityindex=Uy faoliyati -proposalindex=Uy taklifi -ordersindex=Uy sotish buyurtmalari -orderssuppliersindex=Uy sotib olish uchun buyurtmalar -contractindex=Uy shartnomalari -interventionindex=Uydagi aralashuvlar -suppliersproposalsindex=Uy yetkazib beruvchilar takliflari -donationindex=Uy xayriyalari -specialexpensesindex=Uy uchun maxsus xarajatlar -expensereportindex=Uy xarajatlari bo'yicha hisobot -mailingindex=Uy pochtasi -opensurveyindex=Uyda ochiq so'rov -AccountancyHome=Uy hisobi -ValidatedProjects=Tasdiqlangan loyihalar +BoxLoginInformation=Login Information +BoxLastRssInfos=RSS Information +BoxLastProducts=Latest %s Products/Services +BoxProductsAlertStock=Stock alerts for products +BoxLastProductsInContract=Latest %s contracted products/services +BoxLastSupplierBills=Latest Vendor invoices +BoxLastCustomerBills=Latest Customer invoices +BoxOldestUnpaidCustomerBills=Oldest unpaid customer invoices +BoxOldestUnpaidSupplierBills=Oldest unpaid vendor invoices +BoxLastProposals=Latest commercial proposals +BoxLastProspects=Latest modified prospects +BoxLastCustomers=Latest modified customers +BoxLastSuppliers=Latest modified suppliers +BoxLastCustomerOrders=Latest sales orders +BoxLastActions=Latest actions +BoxLastContracts=Latest contracts +BoxLastContacts=Latest contacts/addresses +BoxLastMembers=Latest members +BoxFicheInter=Latest interventions +BoxCurrentAccounts=Open accounts balance +BoxTitleMemberNextBirthdays=Birthdays of this month (members) +BoxTitleLastRssInfos=Latest %s news from %s +BoxTitleLastProducts=Products/Services: last %s modified +BoxTitleProductsAlertStock=Products: stock alert +BoxTitleLastSuppliers=Latest %s recorded suppliers +BoxTitleLastModifiedSuppliers=Vendors: last %s modified +BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomers=Customers: last %s modified +BoxTitleLastCustomersOrProspects=Latest %s customers or prospects +BoxTitleLastCustomerBills=Latest %s Customer invoices +BoxTitleLastSupplierBills=Latest %s Vendor invoices +BoxTitleLastModifiedProspects=Prospects: last %s modified +BoxTitleLastModifiedMembers=Latest %s members +BoxTitleLastFicheInter=Latest %s modified interventions +BoxTitleOldestUnpaidCustomerBills=Customer Invoices: oldest %s unpaid +BoxTitleOldestUnpaidSupplierBills=Vendor Invoices: oldest %s unpaid +BoxTitleCurrentAccounts=Open Accounts: balances +BoxTitleSupplierOrdersAwaitingReception=Supplier orders awaiting reception +BoxTitleLastModifiedContacts=Contacts/Addresses: last %s modified +BoxMyLastBookmarks=Bookmarks: latest %s +BoxOldestExpiredServices=Oldest active expired services +BoxLastExpiredServices=Latest %s oldest contacts with active expired services +BoxTitleLastActionsToDo=Latest %s actions to do +BoxTitleLastContracts=Latest %s modified contracts +BoxTitleLastModifiedDonations=Latest %s modified donations +BoxTitleLastModifiedExpenses=Latest %s modified expense reports +BoxTitleLatestModifiedBoms=Latest %s modified BOMs +BoxTitleLatestModifiedMos=Latest %s modified Manufacturing Orders +BoxGlobalActivity=Global activity (invoices, proposals, orders) +BoxGoodCustomers=Good customers +BoxTitleGoodCustomers=%s Good customers +FailedToRefreshDataInfoNotUpToDate=Failed to refresh RSS flux. Latest successful refresh date: %s +LastRefreshDate=Latest refresh date +NoRecordedBookmarks=No bookmarks defined. +ClickToAdd=Click here to add. +NoRecordedCustomers=No recorded customers +NoRecordedContacts=No recorded contacts +NoActionsToDo=No actions to do +NoRecordedOrders=No recorded sales orders +NoRecordedProposals=No recorded proposals +NoRecordedInvoices=No recorded customer invoices +NoUnpaidCustomerBills=No unpaid customer invoices +NoUnpaidSupplierBills=No unpaid vendor invoices +NoModifiedSupplierBills=No recorded vendor invoices +NoRecordedProducts=No recorded products/services +NoRecordedProspects=No recorded prospects +NoContractedProducts=No products/services contracted +NoRecordedContracts=No recorded contracts +NoRecordedInterventions=No recorded interventions +BoxLatestSupplierOrders=Latest purchase orders +BoxLatestSupplierOrdersAwaitingReception=Latest Purchase Orders (with a pending reception) +NoSupplierOrder=No recorded purchase order +BoxCustomersInvoicesPerMonth=Customer Invoices per month +BoxSuppliersInvoicesPerMonth=Vendor Invoices per month +BoxCustomersOrdersPerMonth=Sales Orders per month +BoxSuppliersOrdersPerMonth=Vendor Orders per month +BoxProposalsPerMonth=Proposals per month +NoTooLowStockProducts=No products are under the low stock limit +BoxProductDistribution=Products/Services Distribution +ForObject=On %s +BoxTitleLastModifiedSupplierBills=Vendor Invoices: last %s modified +BoxTitleLatestModifiedSupplierOrders=Vendor Orders: last %s modified +BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomerBills=Customer Invoices: last %s modified +BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomerOrders=Sales Orders: last %s modified +BoxTitleLastModifiedPropals=Latest %s modified proposals +ForCustomersInvoices=Customers invoices +ForCustomersOrders=Customers orders +ForProposals=Proposals +LastXMonthRolling=The latest %s month rolling +ChooseBoxToAdd=Add widget to your dashboard +BoxAdded=Widget was added in your dashboard +BoxTitleUserBirthdaysOfMonth=Birthdays of this month (users) +BoxLastManualEntries=Last manual entries in accountancy +BoxTitleLastManualEntries=%s latest manual entries +NoRecordedManualEntries=No manual entries record in accountancy +BoxSuspenseAccount=Count accountancy operation with suspense account +BoxTitleSuspenseAccount=Number of unallocated lines +NumberOfLinesInSuspenseAccount=Number of line in suspense account +SuspenseAccountNotDefined=Suspense account isn't defined +BoxLastCustomerShipments=Last customer shipments +BoxTitleLastCustomerShipments=Latest %s customer shipments +NoRecordedShipments=No recorded customer shipment --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_cashdesk.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_cashdesk.lang @@ -2,35 +2,35 @@ -CashDeskMenu=Savdo nuqtasi -CashDesk=Savdo nuqtasi -CashDeskBankCash=Bank hisobvarag'i (naqd pul) -CashDeskBankCB=Bank hisobvarag'i (karta) -CashDeskBankCheque=Bank hisobvarag'i (chek) -CashDeskWarehouse=Ombor -CashdeskShowServices=Sotish bo'yicha xizmatlar -CashDeskProducts=Mahsulotlar -CashDeskStock=Aksiya -CashDeskOn=kuni -CashDeskThirdParty=Uchinchi tomon -ShoppingCart=Xarid savati -NewSell=Yangi sotuv -AddThisArticle=Ushbu maqolani qo'shing -RestartSelling=Sotishga qaytib boring -SellFinished=Sotish yakunlandi -PrintTicket=Chiptani chop eting -SendTicket=Chipta yuboring -NoProductFound=Maqola topilmadi -ProductFound=mahsulot topildi -NoArticle=Maqola yo'q -Identification=Identifikatsiya -Article=Maqola -Difference=Farqi -TotalTicket=Jami chipta -NoVAT=Ushbu sotish uchun QQS yo'q -Change=Ortiqcha olingan -BankToPay=To'lov uchun hisob -ShowCompany=Shou kompaniyasi -ShowStock=Omborni ko'rsatish -DeleteArticle=Ushbu maqolani olib tashlash uchun bosing -FilterRefOrLabelOrBC=Qidiruv (Ref / Yorliq) -UserNeedPermissionToEditStockToUsePos=Hisob-fakturani yaratishda zaxiralarni kamaytirishni so'raysiz, shuning uchun POS-dan foydalanuvchi aktsiyalarni tahrirlash uchun ruxsatga ega bo'lishi kerak. -DolibarrReceiptPrinter=Dolibarr qabul qilish printeri -PointOfSale=Savdo punkti +CashDeskMenu=Point of sale +CashDesk=Point of sale +CashDeskBankCash=Bank account (cash) +CashDeskBankCB=Bank account (card) +CashDeskBankCheque=Bank account (cheque) +CashDeskWarehouse=Warehouse +CashdeskShowServices=Selling services +CashDeskProducts=Products +CashDeskStock=Stock +CashDeskOn=on +CashDeskThirdParty=Third party +ShoppingCart=Shopping cart +NewSell=New sell +AddThisArticle=Add this article +RestartSelling=Go back on sell +SellFinished=Sale complete +PrintTicket=Print ticket +SendTicket=Send ticket +NoProductFound=No article found +ProductFound=product found +NoArticle=No article +Identification=Identification +Article=Article +Difference=Difference +TotalTicket=Total ticket +NoVAT=No VAT for this sale +Change=Excess received +BankToPay=Account for payment +ShowCompany=Show company +ShowStock=Show warehouse +DeleteArticle=Click to remove this article +FilterRefOrLabelOrBC=Search (Ref/Label) +UserNeedPermissionToEditStockToUsePos=You ask to decrease stock on invoice creation, so user that uses POS needs to have permission to edit stock. +DolibarrReceiptPrinter=Dolibarr Receipt Printer +PointOfSale=Point of Sale @@ -38,19 +38,18 @@ -CloseBill=Billni yoping -Floors=Qavatlar -Floor=Qavat -AddTable=Jadval qo'shish -Place=Joy -TakeposConnectorNecesary='TakePOS ulagichi' talab qilinadi -OrderPrinters=Buyurtmani ba'zi bir printerlarga to'lashsiz yuborish uchun tugmani qo'shing (masalan, buyurtmani oshxonaga yuborish uchun) -NotAvailableWithBrowserPrinter=Qabul qilish uchun printer brauzerga o'rnatilganda mavjud emas -SearchProduct=Mahsulotni qidirish -Receipt=Qabul qilish -Header=Sarlavha -Footer=Altbilgi -AmountAtEndOfPeriod=Davr oxiridagi summa (kun, oy yoki yil) -TheoricalAmount=Nazariy miqdor -RealAmount=Haqiqiy miqdor -CashFence=Kassaning yopilishi -CashFenceDone=Naqd pul qutisining yopilishi davr uchun amalga oshirildi -NbOfInvoices=Nb-fakturalar -Paymentnumpad=To'lovni kiritish uchun maydonchaning turi +CloseBill=Close Bill +Floors=Floors +Floor=Floor +AddTable=Add table +Place=Place +TakeposConnectorNecesary='TakePOS Connector' required +OrderPrinters=Order printers +SearchProduct=Search product +Receipt=Receipt +Header=Header +Footer=Footer +AmountAtEndOfPeriod=Amount at end of period (day, month or year) +TheoricalAmount=Theorical amount +RealAmount=Real amount +CashFence=Cash fence +CashFenceDone=Cash fence done for the period +NbOfInvoices=Nb of invoices +Paymentnumpad=Type of Pad to enter payment @@ -58,15 +57,14 @@ -BillsCoinsPad=Tangalar va banknotalar Pad -DolistorePosCategory=Dolibarr uchun TakePOS modullari va boshqa POS echimlari -TakeposNeedsCategories=TakePOS ishlashi uchun kamida bitta mahsulot toifasi kerak -TakeposNeedsAtLeastOnSubCategoryIntoParentCategory=TakePOS-ga %s toifasida kamida 1 ta mahsulot toifasi kerak. -OrderNotes=Har bir buyurtma qilingan narsalarga bir nechta eslatmalarni qo'shishi mumkin -CashDeskBankAccountFor=To'lovlar uchun foydalaniladigan standart hisob -NoPaimementModesDefined=TakePOS konfiguratsiyasida paiment rejimi aniqlanmagan -TicketVatGrouped=QQS chiptalar bo'yicha stavkalar bo'yicha guruhlangan | tushumlar -AutoPrintTickets=Chiptalarni avtomatik ravishda bosib chiqarish | kvitansiyalar -PrintCustomerOnReceipts=Mijozni chiptalarga chop etish | kvitansiyalar -EnableBarOrRestaurantFeatures=Bar yoki restoran uchun xususiyatlarni yoqish -ConfirmDeletionOfThisPOSSale=Ushbu joriy savdo o'chirilishini tasdiqlaysizmi? -ConfirmDiscardOfThisPOSSale=Ushbu sotuvni bekor qilmoqchimisiz? -History=Tarix -ValidateAndClose=Tasdiqlang va yoping +BillsCoinsPad=Coins and banknotes Pad +DolistorePosCategory=TakePOS modules and other POS solutions for Dolibarr +TakeposNeedsCategories=TakePOS needs product categories to work +OrderNotes=Order Notes +CashDeskBankAccountFor=Default account to use for payments in +NoPaimementModesDefined=No paiment mode defined in TakePOS configuration +TicketVatGrouped=Group VAT by rate in tickets|receipts +AutoPrintTickets=Automatically print tickets|receipts +PrintCustomerOnReceipts=Print customer on tickets|receipts +EnableBarOrRestaurantFeatures=Enable features for Bar or Restaurant +ConfirmDeletionOfThisPOSSale=Do your confirm the deletion of this current sale ? +ConfirmDiscardOfThisPOSSale=Do you want to discard this current sale ? +History=History +ValidateAndClose=Validate and close @@ -74,85 +72,48 @@ -NumberOfTerminals=Terminallar soni -TerminalSelect=Siz foydalanmoqchi bo'lgan terminalni tanlang: -POSTicket=POS chiptasi -POSTerminal=POS terminali -POSModule=POS moduli -BasicPhoneLayout=Telefonlarda POS-ni minimal tartib bilan almashtiring (faqat buyurtmalarni yozib oling, hisob-faktura yaratilmaydi, kvitansiya chop etilmaydi) -SetupOfTerminalNotComplete=%s terminalini sozlash tugallanmagan -DirectPayment=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri to'lov -DirectPaymentButton="To'g'ridan-to'g'ri naqd to'lov" tugmachasini qo'shing -InvoiceIsAlreadyValidated=Hisob-faktura allaqachon tasdiqlangan -NoLinesToBill=Hisob-kitob qilish uchun chiziqlar yo'q -CustomReceipt=Maxsus kvitansiya -ReceiptName=Kvitansiya nomi -ProductSupplements=Mahsulot qo'shimchalarini boshqaring -SupplementCategory=Qo'shimcha toifasi -ColorTheme=Rang mavzusi -Colorful=Rangli -HeadBar=Bosh bar -SortProductField=Mahsulotlarni saralash uchun maydon -BrowserMethodDescription=Oddiy va oson kvitansiyani bosib chiqarish. Kvitansiyani sozlash uchun faqat bir nechta parametrlar. Brauzer orqali chop etish. -TakeposConnectorMethodDescription=Qo'shimcha funktsiyalarga ega tashqi modul. Bulutdan chop etish imkoniyati. -PrintMethod=Bosib chiqarish usuli -ReceiptPrinterMethodDescription=Ko'p parametrlarga ega kuchli usul. Shablonlar bilan to'liq moslashtiriladi. Ilovani joylashtiruvchi server Bulutda bo'lishi mumkin emas (tarmoqdagi printerlarga etib borishi kerak). -ByTerminal=Terminal orqali -TakeposNumpadUsePaymentIcon=Numpad-ning to'lov tugmachalarida matn o'rniga belgini ishlating -CashDeskRefNumberingModules=POS sotish uchun raqamlash moduli -CashDeskGenericMaskCodes6 =
{TN} yorlig'i terminal raqamini qo'shish uchun ishlatiladi -TakeposGroupSameProduct=Xuddi shu mahsulotlarning qatorlarini birlashtiring -StartAParallelSale=Yangi parallel sotuvni boshlang -SaleStartedAt=Savdo %s da boshlandi -ControlCashOpening=POS-ni ochishda "Naqd pulni boshqarish qutisi" qalqib chiquvchi oynasini oching -CloseCashFence=Kassa nazoratini yoping -CashReport=Naqd hisobot -MainPrinterToUse=Foydalanadigan asosiy printer -MainPrinterToUseMore=empty means the browser printer system -OrderPrinterToUse=Printerdan foydalanishga buyurtma bering -MainTemplateToUse=Foydalanish uchun asosiy shablon -MainTemplateToUseMore=when not using browser printing system -OrderTemplateToUse=Foydalanish uchun shablonni buyurtma qiling -BarRestaurant=Bar restorani -AutoOrder=Buyurtmachining o'zi buyurtma qiladi -RestaurantMenu=Menyu -CustomerMenu=Mijozlar menyusi -ScanToMenu=Menyuni ko'rish uchun QR kodini skanerlang -ScanToOrder=Buyurtma uchun QR kodni skanerlang -Appearance=Tashqi ko'rinishi -HideCategoryImages=Turkum rasmlarini yashirish -HideProductImages=Mahsulot rasmlarini yashirish -NumberOfLinesToShow=Bosh barmoq rasmlarida ko'rsatiladigan matn satrlarining maksimal soni -DefineTablePlan=Jadvallar rejasini aniqlang -GiftReceiptButton="Sovg'a kvitansiyasi" tugmachasini qo'shing -GiftReceipt=Sovg'a kvitansiyasi -ModuleReceiptPrinterMustBeEnabled=Avval modulni qabul qilish printeri yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak -AllowDelayedPayment=Kechiktirilgan to'lovga ruxsat berish -PrintPaymentMethodOnReceipts=To'lov usulini chiptalarga chop eting | kvitansiyalar -WeighingScale=Tarozi o'lchovi -ShowPriceHT = Ustunni narxni soliqsiz hisobga olgan holda ko'rsatish (ekranda) -ShowPriceHTOnReceipt = Soliqni hisobga olmagan holda ustunni ko'rsatish (kvitansiyada) -CustomerDisplay=Mijozlar displeyi -SplitSale=Split sotish -PrintWithoutDetailsButton="Tafsilotlarsiz chop etish" tugmasini qo'shing -PrintWithoutDetailsLabelDefault=Tafsilotlarsiz chop etishda satr yorlig'i sukut bo'yicha -PrintWithoutDetails=Tafsilotlarsiz chop eting -YearNotDefined=Yil aniqlanmagan -TakeposBarcodeRuleToInsertProduct=Mahsulotni kiritish uchun shtrix kod qoidasi -TakeposBarcodeRuleToInsertProductDesc=Skanerlangan shtrix-koddan mahsulot maʼlumotnomasi + miqdorni chiqarish qoidasi.
Agar boʻsh boʻlsa (standart qiymat), ilova mahsulotni topish uchun skanerlangan toʻliq shtrix-koddan foydalanadi.

Agar aniqlangan bo'lsa, sintaksis quyidagicha bo'lishi kerak:
notranslate class='notranslate
bu yerda skanerlangan shtrix-koddan maʼlumotlarni chiqarish uchun foydalaniladigan belgilar soni:
refb09a4b78z1f : mahsulot ma'lumoti
qu: elementni (birliklarni) kiritishda oʻrnatish elementni (oʻnlik kasr) kiritishda oʻrnatish
boshqab09a4b739f17f8>zs. -AlreadyPrinted=Allaqachon chop etilgan -HideCategories=Kategoriyalar tanlovining butun qismini yashirish -HideStockOnLine=Onlayn zaxiralarni yashirish -ShowOnlyProductInStock=Faqat stokdagi mahsulotlarni ko'rsating -ShowCategoryDescription=Kategoriyalar tavsifini ko'rsatish -ShowProductReference=Mahsulotlar yorlig'i yoki ma'lumotnomasini ko'rsatish -UsePriceHT=Narxdan foydalaning. soliqlar, shu jumladan narx emas. narxni o'zgartirganda soliqlar -TerminalName=Terminal %s -TerminalNameDesc=Terminal nomi -DefaultPOSThirdLabel=TakePOS umumiy mijozi -DefaultPOSCatLabel=Savdo nuqtasi (POS) mahsulotlari -DefaultPOSProductLabel=TakePOS uchun mahsulot namunasi -TakeposNeedsPayment=TakePOS ishlashi uchun toʻlov usuli kerak. “Naqd pul” toʻlov usulini yaratmoqchimisiz? -LineDiscount=Chiziqli chegirma -LineDiscountShort=Chiziqli disk. -InvoiceDiscount=Hisob-faktura chegirmasi -InvoiceDiscountShort=Hisob-faktura diski. -TestPrinterDesc=The server will send a simple test page to a ESC/POS printer -TestPrinterDesc2=The server will send an enhanced test page with image and barcode to a ESC/POS printer +NumberOfTerminals=Number of Terminals +TerminalSelect=Select terminal you want to use: +POSTicket=POS Ticket +POSTerminal=POS Terminal +POSModule=POS Module +BasicPhoneLayout=Use basic layout for phones +SetupOfTerminalNotComplete=Setup of terminal %s is not complete +DirectPayment=Direct payment +DirectPaymentButton=Direct cash payment button +InvoiceIsAlreadyValidated=Invoice is already validated +NoLinesToBill=No lines to bill +CustomReceipt=Custom Receipt +ReceiptName=Receipt Name +ProductSupplements=Product Supplements +SupplementCategory=Supplement category +ColorTheme=Color theme +Colorful=Colorful +HeadBar=Head Bar +SortProductField=Field for sorting products +Browser=Browser +BrowserMethodDescription=Simple and easy receipt printing. Only a few parameters to configure the receipt. Print via browser. +TakeposConnectorMethodDescription=External module with extra features. Posibility to print from the cloud. +PrintMethod=Print method +ReceiptPrinterMethodDescription=Powerful method with a lot of parameters. Full customizable with templates. Cannot print from the cloud. +ByTerminal=By terminal +TakeposNumpadUsePaymentIcon=Use payment icon on numpad +CashDeskRefNumberingModules=Numbering module for POS sales +CashDeskGenericMaskCodes6 =
{TN} tag is used to add the terminal number +TakeposGroupSameProduct=Group same products lines +StartAParallelSale=Start a new parallel sale +ControlCashOpening=Control cash box at opening pos +CloseCashFence=Close cash fence +CashReport=Cash report +MainPrinterToUse=Main printer to use +OrderPrinterToUse=Order printer to use +MainTemplateToUse=Main template to use +OrderTemplateToUse=Order template to use +BarRestaurant=Bar Restaurant +AutoOrder=Order by the customer himself +RestaurantMenu=Menu +CustomerMenu=Customer menu +ScanToMenu=Scan QR code to see the menu +ScanToOrder=Scan QR code to order +Appearance=Appearance +HideCategoryImages=Hide Category Images +HideProductImages=Hide Product Images +NumberOfLinesToShow=Number of lines to show in image box +DefineTablePlan=Define table plan --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_categories.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_categories.lang @@ -2,104 +2,89 @@ -Rubrique=Tag / toifali -Rubriques=Teglar / toifalar -RubriquesTransactions=Bitimlar teglari / toifalari -categories=teglar / toifalar -NoCategoryYet=Ushbu turdagi yorliq / toifalar yaratilmagan -In=Yilda -AddIn=Qo'shish -modify=o'zgartirish -Classify=Tasniflang -CategoriesArea=Teglar / toifalar maydoni -ProductsCategoriesArea=Mahsulot / xizmat teglari / toifalar maydoni -SuppliersCategoriesArea=Sotuvchi teglari / toifalari maydoni -CustomersCategoriesArea=Mijozlar teglari / toifalari maydoni -MembersCategoriesArea=Ro'yxatdan teglar / toifalar maydoni -ContactsCategoriesArea=Aloqa teglari / toifalari maydoni -AccountsCategoriesArea=Bank hisobvarag'i teglari / toifalari maydoni -ProjectsCategoriesArea=Loyiha teglari / toifalari maydoni -UsersCategoriesArea=Foydalanuvchi teglari / toifalari maydoni -SubCats=Kichik toifalar -CatList=Teglar / toifalar ro'yxati -CatListAll=Teglar / toifalar ro'yxati (barcha turlari) -NewCategory=Yangi teg / turkum -ModifCat=Teg / toifani o'zgartiring -CatCreated=Tag / kategoriya yaratildi -CreateCat=Teg / toifani yarating -CreateThisCat=Ushbu teg / toifani yarating -NoSubCat=Subkategori yo'q. -SubCatOf=Subkategory -FoundCats=Topilgan teglar / toifalar -ImpossibleAddCat=%s tegini / toifasini qo'shib bo'lmaydi -WasAddedSuccessfully= %s muvaffaqiyatli qo'shildi. -ObjectAlreadyLinkedToCategory=Element allaqachon ushbu teg / toifaga bog'langan. -ProductIsInCategories=Mahsulot / xizmat quyidagi teglar / toifalarga bog'langan -CompanyIsInCustomersCategories=Ushbu uchinchi tomon quyidagi mijozlar / istiqbolli teglar / toifalar bilan bog'liq -CompanyIsInSuppliersCategories=Ushbu uchinchi tomon quyidagi sotuvchilar teglari / toifalari bilan bog'langan -MemberIsInCategories=Ushbu a'zo quyidagi a'zolarga teglar / toifalarga bog'langan -ContactIsInCategories=Ushbu kontakt quyidagi teglar / toifalarga bog'langan -ProductHasNoCategory=Ushbu mahsulot / xizmat biron bir teg / toifada emas -CompanyHasNoCategory=Ushbu uchinchi tomon hech qanday teg / toifada emas -MemberHasNoCategory=Ushbu a'zo hech qanday teg / toifada emas -ContactHasNoCategory=Ushbu aloqa hech qanday teg / toifada emas -ProjectHasNoCategory=Ushbu loyiha biron bir teg / toifada emas -ClassifyInCategory=Tag / toifaga qo'shish -RemoveCategory=Kategoriyani olib tashlash -NotCategorized=Tag / toifasiz -CategoryExistsAtSameLevel=Ushbu turkum ushbu havola bilan allaqachon mavjud -ContentsVisibleByAllShort=Hamma ko'rinadigan tarkib -ContentsNotVisibleByAllShort=Tarkibi hammaga ko'rinmaydi -DeleteCategory=Teg / toifani o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteCategory=Ushbu yorliqni / toifani o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -NoCategoriesDefined=Hech qanday teg / toifa aniqlanmagan -SuppliersCategoryShort=Sotuvchilar yorlig'i / toifasi -CustomersCategoryShort=Mijozlar yorlig'i / toifasi -ProductsCategoryShort=Mahsulotlar yorlig'i / toifasi -MembersCategoryShort=A'zolar yorlig'i / toifasi -SuppliersCategoriesShort=Sotuvchilar teglari / toifalari -CustomersCategoriesShort=Mijozlar teglari / toifalari -ProspectsCategoriesShort=Teglarni / toifalarni istiqbollari -CustomersProspectsCategoriesShort=Saqlash ./Prosp. teglar / toifalar -ProductsCategoriesShort=Mahsulotlar teglari / toifalari -MembersCategoriesShort=A'zolar teglari / toifalari -ContactCategoriesShort=Aloqa teglari / toifalari -AccountsCategoriesShort=Hisob teglari / toifalari -ProjectsCategoriesShort=Loyihalar teglari / toifalari -UsersCategoriesShort=Foydalanuvchilar teglari / toifalari -StockCategoriesShort=Ombor teglari / toifalari -ThisCategoryHasNoItems=Ushbu turkumda biron bir narsa mavjud emas. -CategId=Tag / kategoriya identifikatori -ParentCategory=Ota-ona yorlig'i / toifasi -ParentCategoryID=Asosiy teg/toifa identifikatori -ParentCategoryLabel=Ota-ona yorlig'i / toifasi yorlig'i -CatSupList=Sotuvchilar teglari / toifalari ro'yxati -CatCusList=Mijozlar ro'yxati / istiqbollari teglari / toifalari -CatProdList=Mahsulot teglari / toifalari ro'yxati -CatMemberList=A'zolar teglari / toifalari ro'yxati -CatContactList=Kontakt teglari / toifalari ro'yxati -CatProjectsList=Loyihalar teglari / toifalari ro'yxati -CatUsersList=Foydalanuvchilar teglari / toifalari ro'yxati -CatSupLinks=Sotuvchilar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -CatCusLinks=Mijozlar / istiqbollar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -CatContactsLinks=Kontaktlar / manzillar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -CatProdLinks=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -CatMembersLinks=A'zolar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -CatProjectsLinks=Loyihalar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -CatUsersLinks=Foydalanuvchilar va teglar / toifalar o'rtasidagi aloqalar -DeleteFromCat=Teglardan / toifadan olib tashlash -ExtraFieldsCategories=Bir-birini to'ldiruvchi atributlar -CategoriesSetup=Teglar / toifalarni sozlash -CategorieRecursiv=Ota-ona yorlig'i / toifasi bilan avtomatik ravishda bog'lanish -CategorieRecursivHelp=Agar parametr yoniq bo'lsa, ob'ektni pastki toifaga qo'shganingizda, ob'ekt asosiy toifalarga ham qo'shiladi. -AddProductServiceIntoCategory=Mahsulot/xizmatga toifani belgilang -AddCustomerIntoCategory=Mijozga toifani tayinlang -AddSupplierIntoCategory=Yetkazib beruvchiga toifani tayinlang -AssignCategoryTo=Kategoriyani tayinlang -ShowCategory=Teg / toifani ko'rsatish -ByDefaultInList=Odatiy bo'lib, ro'yxatda -ChooseCategory=Toifani tanlang -StocksCategoriesArea=Ombor toifalari -TicketsCategoriesArea=Chiptalar toifalari -ActionCommCategoriesArea=Voqealar toifalari -WebsitePagesCategoriesArea=Sahifa konteynerlari toifalari -KnowledgemanagementsCategoriesArea=KM maqola toifalari -UseOrOperatorForCategories=Kategoriyalar uchun 'OR' operatoridan foydalaning -AddObjectIntoCategory=Kategoriyaga tayinlang +Rubrique=Tag/Category +Rubriques=Tags/Categories +RubriquesTransactions=Tags/Categories of transactions +categories=tags/categories +NoCategoryYet=No tag/category of this type created +In=In +AddIn=Add in +modify=modify +Classify=Classify +CategoriesArea=Tags/Categories area +ProductsCategoriesArea=Products/Services tags/categories area +SuppliersCategoriesArea=Vendors tags/categories area +CustomersCategoriesArea=Customers tags/categories area +MembersCategoriesArea=Members tags/categories area +ContactsCategoriesArea=Contacts tags/categories area +AccountsCategoriesArea=Accounts tags/categories area +ProjectsCategoriesArea=Projects tags/categories area +UsersCategoriesArea=Users tags/categories area +SubCats=Sub-categories +CatList=List of tags/categories +NewCategory=New tag/category +ModifCat=Modify tag/category +CatCreated=Tag/category created +CreateCat=Create tag/category +CreateThisCat=Create this tag/category +NoSubCat=No subcategory. +SubCatOf=Subcategory +FoundCats=Found tags/categories +ImpossibleAddCat=Impossible to add the tag/category %s +WasAddedSuccessfully=%s was added successfully. +ObjectAlreadyLinkedToCategory=Element is already linked to this tag/category. +ProductIsInCategories=Product/service is linked to following tags/categories +CompanyIsInCustomersCategories=This third party is linked to following customers/prospects tags/categories +CompanyIsInSuppliersCategories=This third party is linked to following vendors tags/categories +MemberIsInCategories=This member is linked to following members tags/categories +ContactIsInCategories=This contact is linked to following contacts tags/categories +ProductHasNoCategory=This product/service is not in any tags/categories +CompanyHasNoCategory=This third party is not in any tags/categories +MemberHasNoCategory=This member is not in any tags/categories +ContactHasNoCategory=This contact is not in any tags/categories +ProjectHasNoCategory=This project is not in any tags/categories +ClassifyInCategory=Add to tag/category +NotCategorized=Without tag/category +CategoryExistsAtSameLevel=This category already exists with this ref +ContentsVisibleByAllShort=Contents visible by all +ContentsNotVisibleByAllShort=Contents not visible by all +DeleteCategory=Delete tag/category +ConfirmDeleteCategory=Are you sure you want to delete this tag/category? +NoCategoriesDefined=No tag/category defined +SuppliersCategoryShort=Vendors tag/category +CustomersCategoryShort=Customers tag/category +ProductsCategoryShort=Products tag/category +MembersCategoryShort=Members tag/category +SuppliersCategoriesShort=Vendors tags/categories +CustomersCategoriesShort=Customers tags/categories +ProspectsCategoriesShort=Prospects tags/categories +CustomersProspectsCategoriesShort=Cust./Prosp. tags/categories +ProductsCategoriesShort=Products tags/categories +MembersCategoriesShort=Members tags/categories +ContactCategoriesShort=Contacts tags/categories +AccountsCategoriesShort=Accounts tags/categories +ProjectsCategoriesShort=Projects tags/categories +UsersCategoriesShort=Users tags/categories +StockCategoriesShort=Warehouse tags/categories +ThisCategoryHasNoItems=This category does not contain any items. +CategId=Tag/category id +CatSupList=List of vendor tags/categories +CatCusList=List of customer/prospect tags/categories +CatProdList=List of products tags/categories +CatMemberList=List of members tags/categories +CatContactList=List of contact tags/categories +CatSupLinks=Links between suppliers and tags/categories +CatCusLinks=Links between customers/prospects and tags/categories +CatContactsLinks=Links between contacts/addresses and tags/categories +CatProdLinks=Links between products/services and tags/categories +CatProJectLinks=Links between projects and tags/categories +DeleteFromCat=Remove from tags/category +ExtraFieldsCategories=Complementary attributes +CategoriesSetup=Tags/categories setup +CategorieRecursiv=Link with parent tag/category automatically +CategorieRecursivHelp=If option is on, when you add a product into a subcategory, product will also be added into the parent category. +AddProductServiceIntoCategory=Add the following product/service +ShowCategory=Show tag/category +ByDefaultInList=By default in list +ChooseCategory=Choose category +StocksCategoriesArea=Warehouses Categories Area +ActionCommCategoriesArea=Events Categories Area +WebsitePagesCategoriesArea=Page-Container Categories Area +UseOrOperatorForCategories=Use or operator for categories --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_companies.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_companies.lang @@ -2,73 +2,66 @@ -newSocieteAdded=Sizning aloqa ma'lumotlaringiz yozib olindi. Tez orada sizga qaytamiz... -ContactUsDesc=Ushbu shakl sizga birinchi aloqa uchun bizga xabar yuborish imkonini beradi. -ErrorCompanyNameAlreadyExists=%s kompaniyasining nomi allaqachon mavjud. Boshqasini tanlang. -ErrorSetACountryFirst=Avval mamlakatni o'rnating -SelectThirdParty=Uchinchi tomonni tanlang -ConfirmDeleteCompany=Ushbu kompaniyani va unga tegishli barcha ma'lumotlarni o'chirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -DeleteContact=Kontaktni / manzilni o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteContact=Ushbu kontaktni va unga tegishli barcha ma'lumotlarni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -MenuNewThirdParty=Yangi Uchinchi tomon -MenuNewCustomer=Yangi mijoz -MenuNewProspect=Yangi istiqbol -MenuNewSupplier=Yangi sotuvchi -MenuNewPrivateIndividual=Yangi xususiy shaxs -NewCompany=Yangi kompaniya (prospekt, mijoz, sotuvchi) -NewThirdParty=Yangi Uchinchi tomon (prospekt, mijoz, sotuvchi) -CreateDolibarrThirdPartySupplier=Uchinchi tomonni (sotuvchini) yarating -CreateThirdPartyOnly=Uchinchi tomonni yarating -CreateThirdPartyAndContact=Uchinchi tomon + bolalar bilan aloqa yaratish -ProspectionArea=Qidiruv maydoni -IdThirdParty=Uchinchi shaxs -IdCompany=Kompaniya identifikatori -IdContact=Aloqa identifikatori -ThirdPartyAddress=Uchinchi tomon manzili -ThirdPartyContacts=Uchinchi tomon aloqalari -ThirdPartyContact=Uchinchi tomon bilan aloqa / manzil -Company=Kompaniya -CompanyName=Kopmaniya nomi -AliasNames=Taxallus nomi (savdo, savdo belgisi, ...) -AliasNameShort=Taxallus nomi -Companies=Kompaniyalar -CountryIsInEEC=Mamlakat Evropa iqtisodiy hamjamiyatiga kiradi -PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage=Joriy til va valyutada narxlarni ko'rsatish formati -ThirdPartyName=Uchinchi tomon nomi -ThirdPartyEmail=Uchinchi tomon elektron pochtasi -ThirdParty=Uchinchi tomon -ThirdParties=Uchinchi tomonlar -ThirdPartyProspects=Istiqbollari -ThirdPartyProspectsStats=Istiqbollari -ThirdPartyCustomers=Xaridorlar -ThirdPartyCustomersStats=Xaridorlar -ThirdPartyCustomersWithIdProf12=%s yoki %s ga ega mijozlar -ThirdPartySuppliers=Sotuvchilar -ThirdPartyType=Uchinchi tomon turi -Individual=Xususiy shaxs -ToCreateContactWithSameName=Uchinchi shaxs ostida uchinchi shaxs bilan bir xil ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lgan kontakt / manzilni avtomatik ravishda yaratadi. Ko'pgina hollarda, sizning uchinchi shaxsingiz jismoniy shaxs bo'lsa ham, uchinchi shaxsni o'zi yaratish kifoya. -ParentCompany=Bosh kompaniya -Subsidiaries=Filiallar -ReportByMonth=Oyiga hisobot -ReportByCustomers=Xaridor uchun hisobot -ReportByThirdparties=Uchinchi tomon uchun hisobot -ReportByQuarter=Har bir stavka bo'yicha hisobot -CivilityCode=Fuqarolik kodi -RegisteredOffice=Ro'yxatdan o'tgan ofis -Lastname=Familiya -Firstname=Ism -RefEmployee=Xodim ma'lumotnomasi -NationalRegistrationNumber=Milliy ro'yxatga olish raqami -PostOrFunction=Ish joyi -UserTitle=Sarlavha -NatureOfThirdParty=Uchinchi shaxsning tabiati -NatureOfContact=Aloqa xususiyati -Address=Manzil -State=Shtat / viloyat -StateId=Davlat identifikatori -StateCode=Shtat / viloyat kodi -StateShort=Shtat -Region=Mintaqa -Region-State=Hudud - shtat -Country=Mamlakat -CountryCode=Mamlakat kodi -CountryId=Mamlakat identifikatori -Phone=Telefon -PhoneShort=Telefon +ErrorCompanyNameAlreadyExists=Company name %s already exists. Choose another one. +ErrorSetACountryFirst=Set the country first +SelectThirdParty=Select a third party +ConfirmDeleteCompany=Are you sure you want to delete this company and all inherited information? +DeleteContact=Delete a contact/address +ConfirmDeleteContact=Are you sure you want to delete this contact and all inherited information? +MenuNewThirdParty=New Third Party +MenuNewCustomer=New Customer +MenuNewProspect=New Prospect +MenuNewSupplier=New Vendor +MenuNewPrivateIndividual=New private individual +NewCompany=New company (prospect, customer, vendor) +NewThirdParty=New Third Party (prospect, customer, vendor) +CreateDolibarrThirdPartySupplier=Create a third party (vendor) +CreateThirdPartyOnly=Create third party +CreateThirdPartyAndContact=Create a third party + a child contact +ProspectionArea=Prospection area +IdThirdParty=Id third party +IdCompany=Company Id +IdContact=Contact Id +ThirdPartyContacts=Third-party contacts +ThirdPartyContact=Third-party contact/address +Company=Company +CompanyName=Company name +AliasNames=Alias name (commercial, trademark, ...) +AliasNameShort=Alias Name +Companies=Companies +CountryIsInEEC=Country is inside the European Economic Community +PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage=Price display format in the current language and currency +ThirdPartyName=Third-party name +ThirdPartyEmail=Third-party email +ThirdParty=Third-party +ThirdParties=Third-parties +ThirdPartyProspects=Prospects +ThirdPartyProspectsStats=Prospects +ThirdPartyCustomers=Customers +ThirdPartyCustomersStats=Customers +ThirdPartyCustomersWithIdProf12=Customers with %s or %s +ThirdPartySuppliers=Vendors +ThirdPartyType=Third-party type +Individual=Private individual +ToCreateContactWithSameName=Will automatically create a contact/address with same information as the third party under the third party. In most cases, even if your third party is a physical person, creating a third party alone is enough. +ParentCompany=Parent company +Subsidiaries=Subsidiaries +ReportByMonth=Report by month +ReportByCustomers=Report by customer +ReportByQuarter=Report by rate +CivilityCode=Civility code +RegisteredOffice=Registered office +Lastname=Last name +Firstname=First name +PostOrFunction=Job position +UserTitle=Title +NatureOfThirdParty=Nature of Third party +NatureOfContact=Nature of Contact +Address=Address +State=State/Province +StateCode=State/Province code +StateShort=State +Region=Region +Region-State=Region - State +Country=Country +CountryCode=Country code +CountryId=Country id +Phone=Phone +PhoneShort=Phone @@ -76 +69 @@ -Call=Qo'ng'iroq qiling +Call=Call @@ -78,24 +71,21 @@ -PhonePro=Avtobus. telefon -PhonePerso=Pers. telefon -PhoneMobile=Mobil -No_Email=Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlarini rad eting -Fax=Faks -Zip=Pochta indeksi -Town=Shahar -Web=Internet -Poste= Lavozim -DefaultLang=Standart til -VATIsUsed=Sotishdan foydalanilgan soliq -VATIsUsedWhenSelling=Bu uchinchi tomon o'z mijozlariga hisob -fakturani tuzganda sotishdan olinadigan soliqni o'z ichiga oladimi yoki yo'qligini aniqlaydi -VATIsNotUsed=Savdo solig'i ishlatilmaydi -VATReverseCharge=QQS teskari to'lovi -VATReverseChargeByDefault=Sukut bo'yicha QQS teskari to'lovi -VATReverseChargeByDefaultDesc=Yetkazib beruvchi schyot-fakturasida sukut bo'yicha QQS teskari to'lovi qo'llaniladi -CopyAddressFromSoc=Uchinchi tomon tafsilotlaridan manzilni nusxalash -ThirdpartyNotCustomerNotSupplierSoNoRef=Uchinchi tomon na mijoz, na sotuvchi, mavjud mos yozuvlar ob'ekti yo'q -ThirdpartyIsNeitherCustomerNorClientSoCannotHaveDiscounts=Uchinchi tomon na mijoz, na sotuvchi, chegirmalar mavjud emas -PaymentBankAccount=To'lov bank hisobvarag'i -OverAllProposals=Takliflar -OverAllOrders=Buyurtmalar -OverAllInvoices=Hisob-fakturalar -OverAllSupplierProposals=Narxlar bo'yicha so'rovlar +PhonePro=Prof. phone +PhonePerso=Pers. phone +PhoneMobile=Mobile +No_Email=Refuse bulk emailings +Fax=Fax +Zip=Zip Code +Town=City +Web=Web +Poste= Position +DefaultLang=Language default +VATIsUsed=Sales tax used +VATIsUsedWhenSelling=This defines if this third party includes a sale tax or not when it makes an invoice to its own customers +VATIsNotUsed=Sales tax is not used +CopyAddressFromSoc=Copy address from third-party details +ThirdpartyNotCustomerNotSupplierSoNoRef=Third party neither customer nor vendor, no available referring objects +ThirdpartyIsNeitherCustomerNorClientSoCannotHaveDiscounts=Third party neither customer nor vendor, discounts are not available +PaymentBankAccount=Payment bank account +OverAllProposals=Proposals +OverAllOrders=Orders +OverAllInvoices=Invoices +OverAllSupplierProposals=Price requests @@ -103,12 +93,11 @@ -LocalTax1IsUsed=Ikkinchi soliqdan foydalaning -LocalTax1IsUsedES= RE ishlatiladi -LocalTax1IsNotUsedES= RE ishlatilmaydi -LocalTax2IsUsed=Uchinchi soliqdan foydalaning -LocalTax2IsUsedES= IRPF ishlatiladi -LocalTax2IsNotUsedES= IRPF ishlatilmaydi -WrongCustomerCode=Mijoz kodi yaroqsiz -WrongSupplierCode=Sotuvchi kodi yaroqsiz -CustomerCodeModel=Mijoz kodining modeli -SupplierCodeModel=Sotuvchi kodining modeli -Gencod=Shtrixli kod -GencodBuyPrice=Narx shtrix kodi +LocalTax1IsUsed=Use second tax +LocalTax1IsUsedES= RE is used +LocalTax1IsNotUsedES= RE is not used +LocalTax2IsUsed=Use third tax +LocalTax2IsUsedES= IRPF is used +LocalTax2IsNotUsedES= IRPF is not used +WrongCustomerCode=Customer code invalid +WrongSupplierCode=Vendor code invalid +CustomerCodeModel=Customer code model +SupplierCodeModel=Vendor code model +Gencod=Barcode @@ -122,4 +110,0 @@ -ProfId7Short=Prof. id 7 -ProfId8Short=Prof. id 8 -ProfId9Short=Prof. id 9 -ProfId10Short=Prof. id 10 @@ -132,5 +117 @@ -ProfId7=Professional ID 7 -ProfId8=Professional ID 8 -ProfId9=Professional ID 9 -ProfId10=Professional ID 10 -ProfId1AR=Prof Id 1 (CUIT / CUIL) +ProfId1AR=Prof Id 1 (CUIT/CUIL) @@ -143 +124 @@ -ProfId2AT=Prof Id 2 (US-Nr) +ProfId2AT=Prof Id 2 (USt.-Nr) @@ -146 +127 @@ -ProfId5AT=EORI raqami +ProfId5AT=- @@ -154 +135 @@ -ProfId1BE=Prof Id 1 (Professional raqam) +ProfId1BE=Prof Id 1 (Professional number) @@ -158 +139 @@ -ProfId5BE=EORI raqami +ProfId5BE=- @@ -162 +143 @@ -ProfId3BR=IM (Inscricao munitsipal) +ProfId3BR=IM (Inscricao Municipal) @@ -166 +147 @@ -ProfId1CH=UID-Nummer +ProfId1CH=- @@ -168,3 +149,3 @@ -ProfId3CH=Prof Id 1 (Federal raqam) -ProfId4CH=Prof Id 2 (tijorat yozuvlari raqami) -ProfId5CH=EORI raqami +ProfId3CH=Prof Id 1 (Federal number) +ProfId4CH=Prof Id 2 (Commercial Record number) +ProfId5CH=- @@ -178,12 +158,0 @@ -ProfId1CM=Id. prof. 1 (savdo reestri) -ProfId2CM=Id. prof. 2 (Soliq to'lovchi raqami) -ProfId3CM=Id. prof. 3 (Yaratilish to'g'risidagi farmon №) -ProfId4CM=Id. prof. 4 (Depozit sertifikat raqami) -ProfId5CM=Id. prof. 5 (boshqalar) -ProfId6CM=- -ProfId1ShortCM=Savdo reestri -ProfId2ShortCM=Soliq to'lovchi raqami -ProfId3ShortCM=Yaratilish to'g'risidagi dekret raqami -ProfId4ShortCM=Depozit sertifikat raqami -ProfId5ShortCM=Boshqalar -ProfId6ShortCM=- @@ -197 +166 @@ -ProfId2DE=Prof Id 2 (US-Nr) +ProfId2DE=Prof Id 2 (USt.-Nr) @@ -200 +169 @@ -ProfId5DE=EORI raqami +ProfId5DE=- @@ -202,2 +171,2 @@ -ProfId1ES=Prof Id 1 (CIF / NIF) -ProfId2ES=Prof Id 2 (ijtimoiy sug'urta raqami) +ProfId1ES=Prof Id 1 (CIF/NIF) +ProfId2ES=Prof Id 2 (Social security number) @@ -205,2 +174,2 @@ -ProfId4ES=Prof Id 4 (kollej raqami) -ProfId5ES=Prof Id 5 (EORI raqami) +ProfId4ES=Prof Id 4 (Collegiate number) +ProfId5ES=- @@ -210,3 +179,3 @@ -ProfId3FR=Prof Id 3 (NAF, eski APE) -ProfId4FR=Prof Id 4 (RCS / RM) -ProfId5FR=Prof Id 5 (raqamli EORI) +ProfId3FR=Prof Id 3 (NAF, old APE) +ProfId4FR=Prof Id 4 (RCS/RM) +ProfId5FR=- @@ -214,15 +183 @@ -ProfId7FR=- -ProfId8FR=- -ProfId9FR=- -ProfId10FR=- -ProfId1ShortFR=SIREN -ProfId2ShortFR=SIRET -ProfId3ShortFR=NAF -ProfId4ShortFR=RCS -ProfId5ShortFR=EORI -ProfId6ShortFR=- -ProfId7ShortFR=- -ProfId8ShortFR=- -ProfId9ShortFR=- -ProfId10ShortFR=- -ProfId1GB=Ro'yxatdan o'tish raqami +ProfId1GB=Registration Number @@ -242 +197 @@ -ProfId3IN=Prof Id 3 (SRVC soliq) +ProfId3IN=Prof Id 3 (SRVC TAX) @@ -246,8 +201,2 @@ -ProfId1IT=- -ProfId2IT=- -ProfId3IT=- -ProfId4IT=- -ProfId5IT=EORI raqami -ProfId6IT=- -ProfId1LU=Id. prof. 1 (R.C.S. Lyuksemburg) -ProfId2LU=Id. prof. 2 (biznes uchun ruxsatnoma) +ProfId1LU=Id. prof. 1 (R.C.S. Luxembourg) +ProfId2LU=Id. prof. 2 (Business permit) @@ -256 +205 @@ -ProfId5LU=EORI raqami +ProfId5LU=- @@ -262 +211 @@ -ProfId5MA=Id prof. 5 (miloddan avvalgi) +ProfId5MA=Id. prof. 5 (I.C.E.) @@ -266 +215 @@ -ProfId3MX=Prof ID 3 (Kasbiy Nizom) +ProfId3MX=Prof Id 3 (Profesional Charter) @@ -270 +219 @@ -ProfId1NL=KVK nummeri +ProfId1NL=KVK nummer @@ -273,2 +222,2 @@ -ProfId4NL=Burgerservitsenummer (BSN) -ProfId5NL=EORI raqami +ProfId4NL=Burgerservicenummer (BSN) +ProfId5NL=- @@ -277,4 +226,4 @@ -ProfId2PT=Prof Id 2 (ijtimoiy sug'urta raqami) -ProfId3PT=Prof Id 3 (tijorat yozuvlari raqami) -ProfId4PT=Prof Id 4 (Konservatoriya) -ProfId5PT=Prof Id 5 (EORI raqami) +ProfId2PT=Prof Id 2 (Social security number) +ProfId3PT=Prof Id 3 (Commercial Record number) +ProfId4PT=Prof Id 4 (Conservatory) +ProfId5PT=- @@ -289,2 +238,2 @@ -ProfId2TN=Prof Id 2 (moliyaviy matritsa) -ProfId3TN=Prof Id 3 (Douane kodi) +ProfId2TN=Prof Id 2 (Fiscal matricule) +ProfId3TN=Prof Id 3 (Douane code) @@ -301 +250 @@ -ProfId2RO=Prof Id 2 (nr. Nmatriculare) +ProfId2RO=Prof Id 2 (Nr. Înmatriculare) @@ -303,2 +252,2 @@ -ProfId4RO=Prof Id 5 (EUID) -ProfId5RO=Prof Id 5 (EORI raqami) +ProfId4RO=- +ProfId5RO=Prof Id 5 (EUID) @@ -312,6 +260,0 @@ -ProfId1UA=Prof identifikatori 1 (EDRPOU) -ProfId2UA=Prof ID 2 (DRFO) -ProfId3UA=Prof ID 3 (INN) -ProfId4UA=Prof ID 4 (sertifikat) -ProfId5UA=Professor identifikatori 5 (RNOKPP) -ProfId6UA=Prof identifikatori 6 (TRDPAU) @@ -319 +262 @@ -ProfId2DZ=San'at. +ProfId2DZ=Art. @@ -322,28 +265,28 @@ -VATIntra=QQS identifikatori -VATIntraShort=QQS identifikatori -VATIntraSyntaxIsValid=Sintaksis haqiqiydir -VATReturn=QQS deklaratsiyasi -ProspectCustomer=Prospekt / mijoz -Prospect=Istiqbol -CustomerCard=Mijozlar kartasi -Customer=Mijoz -CustomerRelativeDiscount=Mijozlarga nisbatan chegirma -SupplierRelativeDiscount=Sotuvchilarga nisbatan chegirma -CustomerRelativeDiscountShort=Nisbatan chegirma -CustomerAbsoluteDiscountShort=Mutlaq chegirma -CompanyHasRelativeDiscount=Ushbu mijozda standart chegirma mavjud: %s%% -CompanyHasNoRelativeDiscount=Ushbu mijozda sukut bo'yicha nisbatan chegirma mavjud emas -HasRelativeDiscountFromSupplier=Sizda birlamchi chegirmangiz %s%% ushbu sotuvchi bilan -HasNoRelativeDiscountFromSupplier=Ushbu sotuvchida standart nisbiy chegirma yo'q -CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount=Ushbu mijozda %s %s uchun chegirmalar mavjud (kredit yozuvlari yoki dastlabki to'lovlar). -CompanyHasDownPaymentOrCommercialDiscount=Ushbu mijozda %s %s uchun chegirmalar mavjud (tijorat, dastlabki to'lovlar). -CompanyHasCreditNote=Ushbu mijozda hali ham %s %s uchun kredit yozuvlari mavjud -HasNoAbsoluteDiscountFromSupplier=Bu sotuvchidan chegirma/kredit mavjud emas -HasAbsoluteDiscountFromSupplier=Sizda ushbu sotuvchidan %s %s uchun chegirmalar mavjud (kredit yozuvlari yoki dastlabki to'lovlar). -HasDownPaymentOrCommercialDiscountFromSupplier=Ushbu sotuvchidan %s %s uchun chegirmalar mavjud (tijorat, dastlabki to'lovlar) -HasCreditNoteFromSupplier=Sizda ushbu sotuvchidan %s %s uchun kredit yozuvlari mavjud -CompanyHasNoAbsoluteDiscount=Ushbu mijozda chegirmali kredit mavjud emas -CustomerAbsoluteDiscountAllUsers=Mijozlarga mutlaqo chegirmalar (barcha foydalanuvchilar tomonidan beriladi) -CustomerAbsoluteDiscountMy=Mijozlarga mutlaqo chegirmalar (o'zingiz berasiz) -SupplierAbsoluteDiscountAllUsers=Sotuvchiga mutlaq chegirmalar (barcha foydalanuvchilar tomonidan kiritiladi) -SupplierAbsoluteDiscountMy=Sotuvchiga mutlaq chegirmalar (o'zingiz kiritgansiz) +VATIntra=VAT ID +VATIntraShort=VAT ID +VATIntraSyntaxIsValid=Syntax is valid +VATReturn=VAT return +ProspectCustomer=Prospect / Customer +Prospect=Prospect +CustomerCard=Customer Card +Customer=Customer +CustomerRelativeDiscount=Relative customer discount +SupplierRelativeDiscount=Relative vendor discount +CustomerRelativeDiscountShort=Relative discount +CustomerAbsoluteDiscountShort=Absolute discount +CompanyHasRelativeDiscount=This customer has a default discount of %s%% +CompanyHasNoRelativeDiscount=This customer has no relative discount by default +HasRelativeDiscountFromSupplier=You have a default discount of %s%% from this vendor +HasNoRelativeDiscountFromSupplier=You have no default relative discount from this vendor +CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount=This customer has discounts available (credits notes or down payments) for %s %s +CompanyHasDownPaymentOrCommercialDiscount=This customer has discounts available (commercial, down payments) for %s %s +CompanyHasCreditNote=This customer still has credit notes for %s %s +HasNoAbsoluteDiscountFromSupplier=You have no discount credit available from this vendor +HasAbsoluteDiscountFromSupplier=You have discounts available (credits notes or down payments) for %s %s from this vendor +HasDownPaymentOrCommercialDiscountFromSupplier=You have discounts available (commercial, down payments) for %s %s from this vendor +HasCreditNoteFromSupplier=You have credit notes for %s %s from this vendor +CompanyHasNoAbsoluteDiscount=This customer has no discount credit available +CustomerAbsoluteDiscountAllUsers=Absolute customer discounts (granted by all users) +CustomerAbsoluteDiscountMy=Absolute customer discounts (granted by yourself) +SupplierAbsoluteDiscountAllUsers=Absolute vendor discounts (entered by all users) +SupplierAbsoluteDiscountMy=Absolute vendor discounts (entered by yourself) @@ -351,18 +294,18 @@ -Vendor=Sotuvchi -Supplier=Sotuvchi -AddContact=Kontakt yarating -AddContactAddress=Kontakt / manzil yarating -EditContact=Kontaktni tahrirlash -EditContactAddress=Kontakt / manzilni tahrirlash -Contact=Aloqa / manzil -Contacts=Aloqa / manzillar -ContactId=Aloqa identifikatori -ContactsAddresses=Aloqa / manzillar -FromContactName=Ism: -NoContactDefinedForThirdParty=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun hech qanday aloqa aniqlanmagan -NoContactDefined=Hech qanday aloqa aniqlanmadi -DefaultContact=Odatiy aloqa / manzil -ContactByDefaultFor=Standart aloqa / manzil -AddThirdParty=Uchinchi tomonni yarating -DeleteACompany=Kompaniyani o'chirib tashlang -PersonalInformations=Shaxsiy malumot +Vendor=Vendor +Supplier=Vendor +AddContact=Create contact +AddContactAddress=Create contact/address +EditContact=Edit contact +EditContactAddress=Edit contact/address +Contact=Contact/Address +Contacts=Contacts/Addresses +ContactId=Contact id +ContactsAddresses=Contacts/Addresses +FromContactName=Name: +NoContactDefinedForThirdParty=No contact defined for this third party +NoContactDefined=No contact defined +DefaultContact=Default contact/address +ContactByDefaultFor=Default contact/address for +AddThirdParty=Create third party +DeleteACompany=Delete a company +PersonalInformations=Personal data @@ -370,54 +313,53 @@ -CustomerCode=Mijozlar kodi -SupplierCode=Sotuvchi kodi -CustomerCodeShort=Mijozlar kodi -SupplierCodeShort=Sotuvchi kodi -CustomerCodeDesc=Mijozlar kodi, barcha mijozlar uchun noyobdir -SupplierCodeDesc=Sotuvchi kodi, barcha sotuvchilar uchun noyobdir -RequiredIfCustomer=Uchinchi shaxs mijoz yoki istiqbolli bo'lsa, talab qilinadi -RequiredIfSupplier=Uchinchi tomon sotuvchi bo'lsa, talab qilinadi -ValidityControledByModule=Modul tomonidan boshqariladigan amal qilish muddati -ThisIsModuleRules=Ushbu modul uchun qoidalar -ProspectToContact=Aloqa qilish istiqboli -CompanyDeleted="%s" kompaniyasi ma'lumotlar bazasidan o'chirildi. -ListOfContacts=Kontaktlar / manzillar ro'yxati -ListOfContactsAddresses=Kontaktlar / manzillar ro'yxati -ListOfThirdParties=Uchinchi tomonlarning ro'yxati -ShowCompany=Uchinchi tomon -ShowContact=Aloqa manzili -ContactsAllShort=Hammasi (filtrsiz) -ContactType=Aloqa roli -ContactForOrders=Buyurtmaning aloqasi -ContactForOrdersOrShipments=Buyurtma yoki jo'natma bilan aloqa qilish -ContactForProposals=Taklifning aloqasi -ContactForContracts=Shartnomaning aloqasi -ContactForInvoices=Hisob-fakturaning aloqasi -NoContactForAnyOrder=Ushbu aloqa har qanday buyurtma uchun kontakt emas -NoContactForAnyOrderOrShipments=Ushbu aloqa har qanday buyurtma yoki jo'natma uchun kontakt emas -NoContactForAnyProposal=Ushbu aloqa har qanday tijorat taklifi uchun kontakt emas -NoContactForAnyContract=Ushbu aloqa har qanday shartnoma uchun kontakt emas -NoContactForAnyInvoice=Ushbu kontakt har qanday hisob-faktura uchun kontakt emas -NewContact=Yangi aloqa -NewContactAddress=Yangi aloqa / manzil -MyContacts=Mening kontaktlarim -Capital=Poytaxt -CapitalOf=%s poytaxti -EditCompany=Kompaniyani tahrirlash -ThisUserIsNot=Ushbu foydalanuvchi istiqbolli, mijoz yoki sotuvchi emas -VATIntraCheck=Tekshiring -VATIntraCheckDesc=QQS identifikatorida mamlakat prefiksi bo'lishi kerak. %s havolasida Dolibarr serveridan Internetga kirishni talab qiladigan Evropa QQS tekshiruvi xizmati (VIES) ishlatiladi. -VATIntraCheckURL=https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/#/vat-validation -VATIntraCheckableOnEUSite=Evropa Komissiyasi veb-saytida Jamiyat ichidagi QQS identifikatorini tekshiring -VATIntraManualCheck=Shuningdek, siz Yevropa Komissiyasining veb-saytida qo'lda tekshirishingiz mumkin %s -ErrorVATCheckMS_UNAVAILABLE=Tekshirib bo'lmaydi. Chek xizmati a'zo davlat tomonidan taqdim etilmaydi (%s). -NorProspectNorCustomer=Istiqbolli ham, mijoz ham emas -JuridicalStatus=Xo'jalik yurituvchi sub'ekt turi -Workforce=Ishchi kuchi -Staff=Xodimlar -ProspectLevelShort=Potentsial -ProspectLevel=Istiqbolli salohiyat -ContactPrivate=Xususiy -ContactPublic=Umumiy -ContactVisibility=Ko'rinish -ContactOthers=Boshqalar -OthersNotLinkedToThirdParty=Uchinchi tomon bilan bog'liq bo'lmagan boshqalar -ProspectStatus=Istiqbol holati +CustomerCode=Customer Code +SupplierCode=Vendor Code +CustomerCodeShort=Customer Code +SupplierCodeShort=Vendor Code +CustomerCodeDesc=Customer Code, unique for all customers +SupplierCodeDesc=Vendor Code, unique for all vendors +RequiredIfCustomer=Required if third party is a customer or prospect +RequiredIfSupplier=Required if third party is a vendor +ValidityControledByModule=Validity controlled by module +ThisIsModuleRules=Rules for this module +ProspectToContact=Prospect to contact +CompanyDeleted=Company "%s" deleted from database. +ListOfContacts=List of contacts/addresses +ListOfContactsAddresses=List of contacts/addresses +ListOfThirdParties=List of Third Parties +ShowCompany=Third Party +ShowContact=Contact-Address +ContactsAllShort=All (No filter) +ContactType=Contact type +ContactForOrders=Order's contact +ContactForOrdersOrShipments=Order's or shipment's contact +ContactForProposals=Proposal's contact +ContactForContracts=Contract's contact +ContactForInvoices=Invoice's contact +NoContactForAnyOrder=This contact is not a contact for any order +NoContactForAnyOrderOrShipments=This contact is not a contact for any order or shipment +NoContactForAnyProposal=This contact is not a contact for any commercial proposal +NoContactForAnyContract=This contact is not a contact for any contract +NoContactForAnyInvoice=This contact is not a contact for any invoice +NewContact=New contact +NewContactAddress=New Contact/Address +MyContacts=My contacts +Capital=Capital +CapitalOf=Capital of %s +EditCompany=Edit company +ThisUserIsNot=This user is not a prospect, customer or vendor +VATIntraCheck=Check +VATIntraCheckDesc=The VAT ID must include the country prefix. The link %s uses the European VAT checker service (VIES) which requires internet access from the Dolibarr server. +VATIntraCheckURL=http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vieshome.do +VATIntraCheckableOnEUSite=Check the intra-Community VAT ID on the European Commission website +VATIntraManualCheck=You can also check manually on the European Commission website %s +ErrorVATCheckMS_UNAVAILABLE=Check not possible. Check service is not provided by the member state (%s). +NorProspectNorCustomer=Not prospect, nor customer +JuridicalStatus=Legal Entity Type +Staff=Employees +ProspectLevelShort=Potential +ProspectLevel=Prospect potential +ContactPrivate=Private +ContactPublic=Shared +ContactVisibility=Visibility +ContactOthers=Other +OthersNotLinkedToThirdParty=Others, not linked to a third party +ProspectStatus=Prospect status @@ -425,4 +367,4 @@ -PL_UNKNOWN=Noma'lum -PL_LOW=Kam -PL_MEDIUM=O'rta -PL_HIGH=Yuqori +PL_UNKNOWN=Unknown +PL_LOW=Low +PL_MEDIUM=Medium +PL_HIGH=High @@ -430,20 +372,20 @@ -TE_STARTUP=Ish boshlash -TE_GROUP=Katta kompaniya -TE_MEDIUM=O'rta kompaniya -TE_ADMIN=Hukumat -TE_SMALL=Kichik kompaniya -TE_RETAIL=Chakana savdo -TE_WHOLE=Ulgurji sotuvchi -TE_PRIVATE=Xususiy shaxs -TE_OTHER=Boshqalar -StatusProspect-1=Aloqa qilmang -StatusProspect0=Hech qachon bog'lanmagan -StatusProspect1=Bog'lanish uchun -StatusProspect2=Aloqa jarayonida -StatusProspect3=Aloqa tugadi -ChangeDoNotContact="Kontakt qilmang" holatini o'zgartirish -ChangeNeverContacted="Hech qachon bog'lanmagan" holatini o'zgartirish -ChangeToContact=Vaziyatni "Bog'lanish uchun" ga o'zgartirish -ChangeContactInProcess=Statusni "Kontakt jarayonda" ga o'zgartirish -ChangeContactDone="Kontakt tugadi" holatini o'zgartirish -ProspectsByStatus=Vaziyat bo'yicha istiqbollar +TE_STARTUP=Startup +TE_GROUP=Large company +TE_MEDIUM=Medium company +TE_ADMIN=Governmental +TE_SMALL=Small company +TE_RETAIL=Retailer +TE_WHOLE=Wholesaler +TE_PRIVATE=Private individual +TE_OTHER=Other +StatusProspect-1=Do not contact +StatusProspect0=Never contacted +StatusProspect1=To be contacted +StatusProspect2=Contact in process +StatusProspect3=Contact done +ChangeDoNotContact=Change status to 'Do not contact' +ChangeNeverContacted=Change status to 'Never contacted' +ChangeToContact=Change status to 'To be contacted' +ChangeContactInProcess=Change status to 'Contact in process' +ChangeContactDone=Change status to 'Contact done' +ProspectsByStatus=Prospects by status @@ -451,58 +393,58 @@ -ExportCardToFormat=Kartani formatlash uchun eksport qiling -ContactNotLinkedToCompany=Uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lanmagan aloqa -DolibarrLogin=Dolibarr tizimiga kirish -NoDolibarrAccess=Dolibarr-ga kirish taqiqlangan -ExportDataset_company_1=Uchinchi tomonlar (kompaniyalar / fondlar / jismoniy odamlar) va ularning xususiyatlari -ExportDataset_company_2=Kontaktlar va ularning xususiyatlari -ImportDataset_company_1=Uchinchi shaxslar va ularning xususiyatlari -ImportDataset_company_2=Uchinchi tomonlar qo'shimcha kontaktlar / manzillar va atributlar -ImportDataset_company_3=Uchinchi tomonlarning bank hisobvaraqlari -ImportDataset_company_4=Uchinchi tomon savdo vakillari (savdo vakillarini / foydalanuvchilarni kompaniyalarga tayinlash) -PriceLevel=Narx darajasi -PriceLevelLabels=Narx darajasi yorliqlari -DeliveryAddress=Etkazib berish manzili -AddAddress=Manzil qo'shing -SupplierCategory=Sotuvchi toifasi -JuridicalStatus200=Mustaqil -DeleteFile=Faylni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteFile=Haqiqatan ham bu faylni %s o‘chirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -AllocateCommercial=Savdo vakiliga tayinlangan -Organization=Tashkilot -FiscalYearInformation=Moliyaviy yil -FiscalMonthStart=Moliya yilidan boshlab -SocialNetworksInformation=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar -SocialNetworksFacebookURL=Facebook manzili -SocialNetworksTwitterURL=Twitter manzili -SocialNetworksLinkedinURL=Bog'langan URL -SocialNetworksInstagramURL=Instagram manzili -SocialNetworksYoutubeURL=Youtube URL manzili -SocialNetworksGithubURL=Github URL manzili -YouMustAssignUserMailFirst=Elektron pochta xabarnomasini qo'shishdan oldin siz ushbu foydalanuvchi uchun elektron pochta xabarini yaratishingiz kerak. -YouMustCreateContactFirst=Elektron pochta xabarnomalarini qo'shish uchun avval uchinchi tomon uchun tegishli elektron pochta xabarlari bilan aloqa o'rnatishingiz kerak -ListSuppliersShort=Sotuvchilar ro'yxati -ListProspectsShort=Istiqbollar ro'yxati -ListCustomersShort=Mijozlar ro'yxati -ThirdPartiesArea=Uchinchi tomonlar / Kontaktlar -LastModifiedThirdParties=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan uchinchi tomonlar -UniqueThirdParties=Uchinchi tomonlarning umumiy soni -InActivity=Ochiq -ActivityCeased=Yopiq -ThirdPartyIsClosed=Uchinchi tomon yopiq -ProductsIntoElements=%s-ga bog'langan mahsulot / xizmatlarning ro'yxati -CurrentOutstandingBill=Amaldagi hisob-kitob -OutstandingBill=Maks. qarzdorlik uchun -OutstandingBillReached=Maks. qarzdorlik uchun -OrderMinAmount=Buyurtma uchun minimal miqdor -MonkeyNumRefModelDesc=Mijoz kodi uchun %syymm-nnnn va yy bo'lgan sotuvchi kodi uchun %syymm-nnnn formatida raqamni qaytaring yil, mm - oy va nnnn - uzilishsiz va 0 ga qaytmaydigan ketma-ket avtomatik oshiruvchi raqam. -LeopardNumRefModelDesc=Kod bepul. Ushbu kodni istalgan vaqtda o'zgartirish mumkin. -ManagingDirectors=Menejer (lar) ning ismi (bosh direktor, direktor, prezident ...) -MergeOriginThirdparty=Uchinchi tomonning nusxasini oling (o'chirmoqchi bo'lgan uchinchi tomon) -MergeThirdparties=Uchinchi tomonlarni birlashtirish -ConfirmMergeThirdparties=Tanlangan uchinchi tomonni amaldagi bilan birlashtirishni xohlaysizmi? Barcha bog'langan ob'ektlar (hisob-fakturalar, buyurtmalar, ...) joriy uchinchi tomonga ko'chiriladi, shundan so'ng tanlangan uchinchi tomon o'chiriladi. -ThirdpartiesMergeSuccess=Uchinchi tomonlar birlashtirildi -SaleRepresentativeLogin=Savdo vakili kirish -SaleRepresentativeFirstname=Savdo vakilining ismi -SaleRepresentativeLastname=Savdo vakilining familiyasi -ErrorThirdpartiesMerge=Uchinchi tomonlarni o'chirishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, jurnalni tekshiring. O'zgarishlar qaytarildi. -NewCustomerSupplierCodeProposed=Mijoz yoki sotuvchi kodi allaqachon ishlatilgan, yangi kod taklif etiladi -KeepEmptyIfGenericAddress=Ushbu manzil umumiy manzil bo'lsa, ushbu maydonni bo'sh qoldiring +ExportCardToFormat=Export card to format +ContactNotLinkedToCompany=Contact not linked to any third party +DolibarrLogin=Dolibarr login +NoDolibarrAccess=No Dolibarr access +ExportDataset_company_1=Third-parties (companies/foundations/physical people) and their properties +ExportDataset_company_2=Contacts and their properties +ImportDataset_company_1=Third-parties and their properties +ImportDataset_company_2=Third-parties additional contacts/addresses and attributes +ImportDataset_company_3=Third-parties Bank accounts +ImportDataset_company_4=Third-parties Sales representatives (assign sales representatives/users to companies) +PriceLevel=Price Level +PriceLevelLabels=Price Level Labels +DeliveryAddress=Delivery address +AddAddress=Add address +SupplierCategory=Vendor category +JuridicalStatus200=Independent +DeleteFile=Delete file +ConfirmDeleteFile=Are you sure you want to delete this file? +AllocateCommercial=Assigned to sales representative +Organization=Organization +FiscalYearInformation=Fiscal Year +FiscalMonthStart=Starting month of the fiscal year +SocialNetworksInformation=Social networks +SocialNetworksFacebookURL=Facebook URL +SocialNetworksTwitterURL=Twitter URL +SocialNetworksLinkedinURL=Linkedin URL +SocialNetworksInstagramURL=Instagram URL +SocialNetworksYoutubeURL=Youtube URL +SocialNetworksGithubURL=Github URL +YouMustAssignUserMailFirst=You must create an email for this user prior to being able to add an email notification. +YouMustCreateContactFirst=To be able to add email notifications, you must first define contacts with valid emails for the third party +ListSuppliersShort=List of Vendors +ListProspectsShort=List of Prospects +ListCustomersShort=List of Customers +ThirdPartiesArea=Third Parties/Contacts +LastModifiedThirdParties=Latest %s modified Third Parties +UniqueThirdParties=Total of Third Parties +InActivity=Open +ActivityCeased=Closed +ThirdPartyIsClosed=Third party is closed +ProductsIntoElements=List of products/services into %s +CurrentOutstandingBill=Current outstanding bill +OutstandingBill=Max. for outstanding bill +OutstandingBillReached=Max. for outstanding bill reached +OrderMinAmount=Minimum amount for order +MonkeyNumRefModelDesc=Return a number with the format %syymm-nnnn for the customer code and %syymm-nnnn for the vendor code where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0. +LeopardNumRefModelDesc=The code is free. This code can be modified at any time. +ManagingDirectors=Manager(s) name (CEO, director, president...) +MergeOriginThirdparty=Duplicate third party (third party you want to delete) +MergeThirdparties=Merge third parties +ConfirmMergeThirdparties=Are you sure you want to merge this third party into the current one? All linked objects (invoices, orders, ...) will be moved to current third party, then the third party will be deleted. +ThirdpartiesMergeSuccess=Third parties have been merged +SaleRepresentativeLogin=Login of sales representative +SaleRepresentativeFirstname=First name of sales representative +SaleRepresentativeLastname=Last name of sales representative +ErrorThirdpartiesMerge=There was an error when deleting the third parties. Please check the log. Changes have been reverted. +NewCustomerSupplierCodeProposed=Customer or Vendor code already used, a new code is suggested +KeepEmptyIfGenericAddress=Keep this field empty if this address is a generic address @@ -510,21 +452,7 @@ -PaymentTypeCustomer=To'lov turi - mijoz -PaymentTermsCustomer=To'lov shartlari - mijoz -PaymentTypeSupplier=To'lov turi - sotuvchi -PaymentTermsSupplier=To'lov muddati - sotuvchi -PaymentTypeBoth=To'lov turi - mijoz va sotuvchi -MulticurrencyUsed=Ko'p valyutadan foydalaning -MulticurrencyCurrency=Valyuta -InEEC=Evropa (EEC) -RestOfEurope=Evropaning qolgan qismi (EEC) -OutOfEurope=Evropadan tashqarida (EEC) -CurrentOutstandingBillLate=Amaldagi qonun loyihasi kechiktirildi -BecarefullChangeThirdpartyBeforeAddProductToInvoice=Ehtiyot bo'ling, mahsulot narxi sozlamalariga qarab, mahsulotni POS-ga qo'shishdan oldin uchinchi tomonni o'zgartirishingiz kerak. -EmailAlreadyExistsPleaseRewriteYourCompanyName=elektron pochta allaqachon mavjud, iltimos kompaniya nomini qayta yozing -TwoRecordsOfCompanyName=ushbu kompaniya uchun bir nechta rekord mavjud bo'lsa, hamkorlik so'rovingizni bajarish uchun biz bilan bog'laning -CompanySection=Kompaniya bo'limi -ShowSocialNetworks=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarni ko'rsatish -HideSocialNetworks=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarni yashirish -ExternalSystemID=Tashqi tizim identifikatori -IDOfPaymentInAnExternalSystem=To'lov rejimining tashqi tizimga identifikatori (masalan, Stripe, Paypal, ...) -AADEWebserviceCredentials=AADE veb-xizmati hisob ma'lumotlari -ThirdPartyMustBeACustomerToCreateBANOnStripe=Stripe tomonida bank ma'lumotlarini yaratishga ruxsat berish uchun uchinchi tomon mijoz bo'lishi kerak +PaymentTypeCustomer=Payment Type - Customer +PaymentTermsCustomer=Payment Terms - Customer +PaymentTypeSupplier=Payment Type - Vendor +PaymentTermsSupplier=Payment Term - Vendor +PaymentTypeBoth=Payment Type - Customer and Vendor +MulticurrencyUsed=Use Multicurrency +MulticurrencyCurrency=Currency --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_compta.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_compta.lang @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ -MenuFinancial=Hisob-kitoblar | To'lov -TaxModuleSetupToModifyRules=Hisoblash qoidalarini o'zgartirish uchun soliqlar modulini o'rnatish ga o'ting. -TaxModuleSetupToModifyRulesLT=Hisoblash qoidalarini o'zgartirish uchun kompaniyasini sozlash -ga o'ting. -OptionMode=Buxgalteriya uchun variant -OptionModeTrue=Variant-xarajatlar -OptionModeVirtual=Optsion da'volar-qarzlar -OptionModeTrueDesc=Shu nuqtai nazardan, tovar aylanmasi to'lovlar bo'yicha (to'lovlar sanasi) bo'yicha hisoblanadi. Hisob-kitoblarni hisobga olish-fakturalar orqali kiritish / chiqarish orqali buxgalteriya hisobi tekshirilgandagina raqamlarning haqiqiyligi ta'minlanadi. -OptionModeVirtualDesc=Shu nuqtai nazardan, tovar aylanmasi schyot-fakturalar bo'yicha hisoblanadi (tasdiqlash sanasi). Ushbu hisob-fakturalar to'langan yoki to'lanmaganligiga qaramay, ular tovar aylanmasi bo'yicha ro'yxatga olinadi. -FeatureIsSupportedInInOutModeOnly=Xususiyat faqat CREDITS-DEBTS buxgalteriya rejimida mavjud (Buxgalteriya moduli konfiguratsiyasini ko'ring) -VATReportBuildWithOptionDefinedInModule=Bu erda ko'rsatilgan miqdorlar Soliq modulini o'rnatish qoidalari asosida hisoblanadi. -LTReportBuildWithOptionDefinedInModule=Bu erda ko'rsatilgan mablag'lar Kompaniya sozlamalari bo'yicha belgilangan qoidalar asosida hisoblanadi. -Param=Sozlash; o'rnatish -RemainingAmountPayment=Qolgan to'lov miqdori: +MenuFinancial=Billing | Payment +TaxModuleSetupToModifyRules=Go to Taxes module setup to modify rules for calculation +TaxModuleSetupToModifyRulesLT=Go to Company setup to modify rules for calculation +OptionMode=Option for accountancy +OptionModeTrue=Option Incomes-Expenses +OptionModeVirtual=Option Claims-Debts +OptionModeTrueDesc=In this context, the turnover is calculated over payments (date of payments). The validity of the figures is assured only if the book-keeping is scrutinized through the input/output on the accounts via invoices. +OptionModeVirtualDesc=In this context, the turnover is calculated over invoices (date of validation). When these invoices are due, whether they have been paid or not, they are listed in the turnover output. +FeatureIsSupportedInInOutModeOnly=Feature only available in CREDITS-DEBTS accountancy mode (See Accountancy module configuration) +VATReportBuildWithOptionDefinedInModule=Amounts shown here are calculated using rules defined by Tax module setup. +LTReportBuildWithOptionDefinedInModule=Amounts shown here are calculated using rules defined by Company setup. +Param=Setup +RemainingAmountPayment=Amount payment remaining: @@ -16,300 +16,249 @@ -Accountparent=Ota-ona hisobi -Accountsparent=Ota-onalar hisoblari -Income=Daromad -Outcome=Xarajatlar -MenuReportInOut=Daromad / xarajatlar -ReportInOut=Daromadlar va xarajatlar balansi -ReportTurnover=Tovar-faktura -ReportTurnoverCollected=Tovar yig'ildi -PaymentsNotLinkedToInvoice=To'lovlar hech qanday hisob-fakturaga bog'lanmagan, shuning uchun hech qanday uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lanmagan -PaymentsNotLinkedToUser=Hech qanday foydalanuvchi bilan bog'lanmagan to'lovlar -Profit=Foyda -AccountingResult=Buxgalteriya natijasi -BalanceBefore=Balans (oldin) -Balance=Balans -Debit=Debet -Credit=Kredit -AccountingDebit=Debet -AccountingCredit=Kredit -Piece=Buxgalteriya hujjati. -AmountHTVATRealReceived=Tarmoq yig'ildi -AmountHTVATRealPaid=Net to'langan -VATToPay=Soliqni sotish -VATReceived=Soliq olingan -VATToCollect=Soliq xaridlari -VATSummary=Soliq har oy -VATBalance=Soliq balansi -VATPaid=To'langan soliq -LT1Summary=Soliq 2 xulosasi -LT2Summary=Soliq 3 xulosasi -LT1SummaryES=RE balansi -LT2SummaryES=IRPF balansi -LT1SummaryIN=CGST balansi -LT2SummaryIN=SGST balansi -LT1Paid=Soliq 2 to'langan -LT2Paid=Soliq 3 to'langan -LT1PaidES=RE to'langan -LT2PaidES=IRPF pullik -LT1PaidIN=CGST pullik -LT2PaidIN=SGST pullik -LT1Customer=Soliq 2 sotuvi -LT1Supplier=Soliq 2 ta xarid -LT1CustomerES=RE savdolari -LT1SupplierES=RE xaridlari -LT1CustomerIN=CGST sotuvi -LT1SupplierIN=CGST xaridlari -LT2Customer=Soliq 3 sotuvi -LT2Supplier=Sotib olish 3 soliq -LT2CustomerES=IRPF sotuvi -LT2SupplierES=IRPF xaridlari -LT2CustomerIN=SGST sotuvi -LT2SupplierIN=SGST xaridlari -VATCollected=QQS yig'ildi -StatusToPay=To'lash uchun -SpecialExpensesArea=Barcha maxsus to'lovlar uchun maydon -VATExpensesArea=Barcha TVA to'lovlari uchun maydon -SocialContribution=Ijtimoiy yoki fiskal soliq -SocialContributions=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari -SocialContributionsDeductibles=Chegiriladigan ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari -SocialContributionsNondeductibles=Chegirilmaydigan ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlari -DateOfSocialContribution=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlarining sanasi -LabelContrib=Yorliq hissasi -TypeContrib=Hissa turi -MenuSpecialExpenses=Maxsus xarajatlar -MenuTaxAndDividends=Soliqlar va dividendlar -MenuSocialContributions=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlari -MenuNewSocialContribution=Yangi ijtimoiy / fiskal soliq -NewSocialContribution=Yangi ijtimoiy / fiskal soliq -AddSocialContribution=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlarini qo'shing -ContributionsToPay=To'lanadigan ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlari -AccountancyTreasuryArea=Buxgalteriya maydoni -InvoicesArea=Hisob-kitob va to'lov maydoni -NewPayment=Yangi to'lov -PaymentCustomerInvoice=Mijozlar uchun hisob-fakturani to'lash -PaymentSupplierInvoice=sotuvchiga hisob-fakturani to'lash -PaymentSocialContribution=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliq to'lovi -PaymentVat=QQS to'lovi -AutomaticCreationPayment=To'lovni avtomatik ravishda yozib oling -ListPayment=To'lovlar ro'yxati -ListOfCustomerPayments=Mijozlar uchun to'lovlar ro'yxati -ListOfSupplierPayments=Sotuvchilarning to'lovlari ro'yxati -DateStartPeriod=Sana boshlanish davri -DateEndPeriod=Sana tugash davri -newLT1Payment=Yangi soliq 2 to'lovi -newLT2Payment=Yangi soliq 3 to'lovi -LT1Payment=Soliq 2 to'lash -LT1Payments=Soliq 2 to'lovlari -LT2Payment=Soliq 3 to'lovi -LT2Payments=Soliq 3 to'lovlari -newLT1PaymentES=Yangi RE to'lovi -newLT2PaymentES=IRPFning yangi to'lovi -LT1PaymentES=RE to'lovi -LT1PaymentsES=RE to'lovlari -LT2PaymentES=IRPF to'lovi -LT2PaymentsES=IRPF to'lovlari -VATPayment=Savdo uchun soliq to'lash -VATPayments=Sotish bo'yicha soliq to'lovlari -VATDeclarations=QQS deklaratsiyalari -VATDeclaration=QQS deklaratsiyasi -VATRefund=Savdo solig'ini qaytarish -NewVATPayment=Yangi savdo solig'i to'lovi -NewLocalTaxPayment=Yangi soliq %s to'lovi -Refund=Pulni qaytarish -SocialContributionsPayments=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlari bo'yicha to'lovlar -ShowVatPayment=QQS to'lovini ko'rsatish -TotalToPay=To'lov uchun jami -BalanceVisibilityDependsOnSortAndFilters=Balans ushbu ro'yxatda faqat jadval %s bo'yicha tartiblangan va 1 ta bank hisobvarag'ida filtrlangan bo'lsa ko'rinadi (boshqa filtrlarsiz) -CustomerAccountancyCode=Mijozlarni hisobga olish kodi -SupplierAccountancyCode=Sotuvchini hisobga olish kodi -CustomerAccountancyCodeShort=Himoyalash. hisob qaydnomasi. kod -SupplierAccountancyCodeShort=Sup. hisob qaydnomasi. kod -AccountNumber=Hisob raqami -NewAccountingAccount=Yangi hisob -Turnover=Tovar-faktura -TurnoverCollected=Tovar yig'ildi -SalesTurnoverMinimum=Minimal oborot -ByExpenseIncome=Xarajatlar va daromadlar bo'yicha -ByThirdParties=Uchinchi shaxslar tomonidan -ByUserAuthorOfInvoice=Hisob-faktura muallifi tomonidan -CheckReceipt=Depozit slip -CheckReceiptShort=Depozit slip -LastCheckReceiptShort=Oxirgi %s depozit sliplari -LastPaymentForDepositShort=Oxirgi %s %s depozit varaqlari -NewCheckReceipt=Yangi chegirma -NewCheckDeposit=Yangi depozit slip -NewCheckDepositOn=Hisob raqamiga depozit uchun kvitansiya yarating: %s -NoWaitingChecks=Depozitni kutayotgan cheklar yo'q. -NoWaitingPaymentForDeposit=Depozit kutilayotgan %s toʻlov yoʻq. -DateChequeReceived=Qabul qilingan kunni tekshiring -DatePaymentReceived=Hujjatlarni qabul qilish sanasi -NbOfCheques=Chexlar soni -PaySocialContribution=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlarini to'lang -PayVAT=QQS deklaratsiyasini to'lash -PaySalary=Ish haqi kartasini to'lang -ConfirmPaySocialContribution=Haqiqatan ham ushbu ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliqlarini to'langan deb tasniflashni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmPayVAT=Haqiqatan ham ushbu QQS deklaratsiyasini to'langan deb tasniflashni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmPaySalary=Ushbu ish haqi kartasini to'langan deb tasniflashni xohlaysizmi? -DeleteSocialContribution=Ijtimoiy yoki soliq soliq to'lovini o'chirib tashlang -DeleteVAT=QQS deklaratsiyasini o'chirib tashlang -DeleteSalary=Ish haqi kartasini o'chirib tashlang -DeleteVariousPayment=Turli to'lovlarni o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteSocialContribution=Ushbu ijtimoiy / soliq soliq to'lovini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteVAT=Ushbu QQS deklaratsiyasini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteSalary=Haqiqatan ham bu maoshni oʻchirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -ConfirmDeleteVariousPayment=Haqiqatan ham bu turli toʻlovlarni oʻchirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -ExportDataset_tax_1=Ijtimoiy va soliq soliqlari va to'lovlari -CalcModeVATDebt=Modda %s majburiyatlarni hisobga olish bo'yicha QQS %s . -CalcModeVATEngagement= %s daromad-xarajatlar bo'yicha QQS %s . -CalcModeDebt=Ma'lum qayd etilgan hujjatlarni tahlil qilish -CalcModeEngagement=Ma'lum qayd etilgan to'lovlarni tahlil qilish -CalcModePayment=Ma'lum qayd etilgan to'lovlarni tahlil qilish -CalcModeBookkeeping=Buxgalteriya hisobi jadvalida qayd etilgan ma'lumotlarni tahlil qilish. -CalcModeNoBookKeeping=Agar ular hali Ledgerda hisobga olinmagan bo'lsa ham -CalcModeLT1= Xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalarida %sRE rejimi - etkazib beruvchilar invoices%s -CalcModeLT1Debt= %sRE rejimi xaridorlarning invoyslarida %s -CalcModeLT1Rec= %sRE rejimi etkazib beruvchilar bo'yicha invoices%s -CalcModeLT2= %sIRPF rejimi xaridorlarning hisob-fakturalarida - etkazib beruvchilar invoices%s -CalcModeLT2Debt= %sIRPF rejimi mijozning hisob-fakturalarida %s -CalcModeLT2Rec= %sIRPF etkazib beruvchilar bo'yicha invoices%s -AnnualSummaryDueDebtMode=Daromadlar va xarajatlar balansi, yillik xulosa -AnnualSummaryInputOutputMode=Daromadlar va xarajatlar balansi, yillik xulosa -AnnualByCompanies=Oldindan belgilangan hisob guruhlari bo'yicha daromadlar va xarajatlar balansi -AnnualByCompaniesDueDebtMode=Daromadlar va xarajatlar balansi, oldindan aniqlangan guruhlar bo'yicha batafsil ma'lumot, %sClaims-Debts%s majburiyatlarni hisobga olish a098 -AnnualByCompaniesInputOutputMode=Daromadlar va xarajatlar balansi, oldindan belgilangan guruhlar bo'yicha tafsilotlar, %sInomes-Exenses%s dedi pul buxgalteriyasi a09a4b73. -SeeReportInInputOutputMode= %s to'lovni tahlil qilishs%s ga asoslanib, asosida yozilgan to'lovlarni ko'ring , agar ular amalga oshirilmagan bo'lsa ham -SeeReportInDueDebtMode= %s yozilgan hujjatlarni tahlil qilish %s ga asoslanib, ma'lum yozilgan hujjatlar even ifed -SeeReportInBookkeepingMode=Qarang: %sbuxgalteriya hisobi jadvali tahlili%s Buxgalteriya hisobi jadvali asosidagi hisobot uchun notranslate'> -RulesAmountWithTaxIncluded=- Ko'rsatilgan summalar barcha soliqlarni hisobga olgan holda -RulesAmountWithTaxExcluded=- Ko'rsatilgan schyot-fakturalar summalari barcha soliqlarsiz -RulesResultDue=- Unga barcha hisob-fakturalar, xarajatlar, QQS, xayriyalar, maoshlar, ular to‘langan yoki to‘lanmaganligi kiradi.
- Bu schyot-fakturalarning hisob-kitob sanasiga va xarajatlar yoki soliq to'lovlari uchun to'lov sanasiga asoslanadi. Ish haqi uchun muddat tugash sanasi qo'llaniladi. -RulesResultInOut=- U schyot-fakturalar, xarajatlar, QQS va ish haqi bo'yicha amalga oshirilgan real to'lovlarni o'z ichiga oladi.
- Bu schyot-fakturalar, xarajatlar, QQS, xayriyalar va maoshlarni to'lash sanalariga asoslanadi. -RulesCADue=- U mijozning to'lash yoki to'lamasligidan kelib chiqadigan hisob-fakturalarini o'z ichiga oladi.
- Ushbu hisob-fakturalarning hisob-kitob sanasiga asoslanadi.
-RulesCAIn=- Bu mijozlardan olingan hisob-fakturalarning barcha samarali to'lovlarini o'z ichiga oladi.
- u ushbu hisob-fakturalarni to'lash sanasiga asoslanadi
-RulesCATotalSaleJournal=U Sotish jurnalidagi barcha kredit liniyalarini o'z ichiga oladi. -RulesSalesTurnoverOfIncomeAccounts=Unga INCOME guruhidagi mahsulot hisobvaraqlari uchun chiziqlar (kredit - debet) kiradi -RulesAmountOnInOutBookkeepingRecord=Unda "XARAJATLAR" yoki "KIRISh" guruhiga ega bo'lgan buxgalteriya hisobvarag'i bilan sizning daftaringizdagi yozuv mavjud. -RulesResultBookkeepingPredefined=Unda "XARAJATLAR" yoki "KIRISh" guruhiga ega bo'lgan buxgalteriya hisobvarag'i bilan sizning daftaringizdagi yozuv mavjud. -RulesResultBookkeepingPersonalized=
shaxsiylashtirilgan guruhlar bo'yicha guruhlangan buxgalteriya hisobi bilan sizning daftaringizdagi yozuvni ko'rsatadi. -SeePageForSetup=O'rnatish uchun %s menyusiga qarang -DepositsAreNotIncluded=- Dastlabki to'lovlar bo'yicha hisob-kitoblar kiritilmagan -DepositsAreIncluded=- Dastlabki hisob-fakturalar kiritilgan -LT1ReportByMonth=Oy bo'yicha soliq 2 hisoboti -LT2ReportByMonth=Oy bo'yicha soliq 3 hisoboti -LT1ReportByCustomers=Uchinchi shaxslar tomonidan soliq 2 haqida hisobot berish -LT2ReportByCustomers=Uchinchi shaxslar tomonidan soliq bo'yicha hisobot 3 -LT1ReportByCustomersES=Uchinchi tomon RE tomonidan hisobot -LT2ReportByCustomersES=Uchinchi tomon IRPF hisoboti -VATReport=Savdo bo'yicha soliq hisoboti -VATReportByPeriods=Vaqt bo'yicha sotish bo'yicha soliq hisoboti -VATReportByMonth=Sotishdan tushgan soliq bo'yicha oylik hisobot -VATReportByRates=Savdo bo'yicha soliq stavkasi bo'yicha hisobot -VATReportByThirdParties=Uchinchi shaxslar tomonidan sotilganlik bo'yicha soliq hisoboti -VATReportByCustomers=Xaridor tomonidan sotilganlik bo'yicha soliq hisoboti -VATReportByCustomersInInputOutputMode=Mijoz tomonidan yig'ilgan va to'langan QQS bo'yicha hisobot -VATReportByQuartersInInputOutputMode=Yig'ilgan va to'langan soliqning sotish stavkasi bo'yicha hisobot -VATReportShowByRateDetails=Ushbu stavka tafsilotlarini ko'rsating -LT1ReportByQuarters=2 stavkasi bo'yicha soliq to'g'risida hisobot bering -LT2ReportByQuarters=3 stavkasi bo'yicha soliqni hisobot qiling -LT1ReportByQuartersES=RE stavkasi bo'yicha hisobot -LT2ReportByQuartersES=IRPF stavkasi bo'yicha hisobot -SeeVATReportInInputOutputMode=Standart hisob -kitob uchun %sVAT collection%s hisobotiga qarang. -SeeVATReportInDueDebtMode=Hisob -faktura opsiyasi bilan hisoblash uchun debit%s dagi %sVAT hisobotiga qarang. -RulesVATInServices=- Xizmatlar uchun hisobotga to'lov sanasi asosida haqiqatda olingan yoki to'langan QQS kiradi. -RulesVATInProducts=- moddiy boyliklar uchun hisobotda to'langan sana bo'yicha QQS ko'rsatilgan. -RulesVATDueServices=- Xizmatlar uchun hisobot faktura sanasidan kelib chiqqan holda to'langan yoki to'lanmagan hisob -fakturalar bo'yicha QQSni o'z ichiga oladi. -RulesVATDueProducts=- Moddiy boyliklar uchun hisobotda schyot -faktura sanasidan kelib chiqqan holda hisob -fakturalar bo'yicha QQS ko'rsatilgan. -OptionVatInfoModuleComptabilite=Izoh: Moddiy boyliklar uchun etkazib berish sanasidan ko'proq adolatli bo'lishi kerak. -ThisIsAnEstimatedValue=Bu oxirgi daftar jadvalidan emas, balki biznes voqealaridan kelib chiqqan holda oldindan ko'rish, shuning uchun yakuniy natijalar ushbu oldindan ko'rish qiymatlaridan farq qilishi mumkin -PercentOfInvoice=%% / hisob-faktura -NotUsedForGoods=Tovarlarda ishlatilmaydi -ProposalStats=Takliflar bo'yicha statistika -OrderStats=Buyurtmalar bo'yicha statistika -InvoiceStats=Xarajatlar bo'yicha statistika -Dispatch=Jo'natish -Dispatched=Jo'natildi -ToDispatch=Jo'natish uchun -ThirdPartyMustBeEditAsCustomer=Uchinchi tomon mijoz sifatida aniqlanishi kerak -SellsJournal=Savdo jurnali -PurchasesJournal=Xaridlar jurnali -DescSellsJournal=Savdo jurnali -DescPurchasesJournal=Xaridlar jurnali -CodeNotDef=Belgilanmagan -WarningDepositsNotIncluded=Dastlabki hisob-fakturalar ushbu hisobga olish moduli bilan ushbu versiyaga kiritilmagan. -DatePaymentTermCantBeLowerThanObjectDate=To'lov muddati sana ob'ekt sanasidan past bo'lishi mumkin emas. -Pcg_version=Hisob-kitoblar modellari sxemasi -Pcg_type=Kompyuter turi -Pcg_subtype=PCC pastki turi -InvoiceLinesToDispatch=Jo'natish uchun hisob-faktura satrlari -ByProductsAndServices=Mahsulot va xizmat bo'yicha -RefExt=Tashqi ref -ToCreateAPredefinedInvoice=Shablon hisob-fakturasini yaratish uchun standart hisob-fakturani yarating, keyin uni tasdiqlamasdan "%s" tugmasini bosing. -LinkedOrder=Buyurtma uchun havola -Mode1=1-usul -Mode2=2-usul -CalculationRuleDesc=Jami QQSni hisoblash uchun ikkita usul mavjud:
1-usul har bir satrda QQSni yaxlitlash, so'ngra ularni yig'ish.
2-usul har bir satrda barcha QQSni yig'ib, so'ngra yaxlitlash natijasini beradi.
yakuniy natija bir necha sentdan farq qilishi mumkin. Standart rejim - bu %s rejimi. -CalculationRuleDescSupplier=Sotuvchiga ko'ra, xuddi shu hisoblash qoidasini qo'llash uchun tegishli usulni tanlang va sotuvchingiz kutgan natijani oling. -TurnoverPerProductInCommitmentAccountingNotRelevant=Har bir mahsulot uchun to'plangan tovar aylanmasi to'g'risida hisobot mavjud emas. Ushbu hisobot faqat tovar aylanmasi uchun taqdim etiladi. -TurnoverPerSaleTaxRateInCommitmentAccountingNotRelevant=Sotish uchun soliq stavkasi bo'yicha yig'ilgan tovar aylanmasi to'g'risidagi hisobot mavjud emas. Ushbu hisobot faqat tovar aylanmasi uchun taqdim etiladi. -CalculationMode=Hisoblash rejimi -AccountancyJournal=Buxgalteriya kodlari jurnali -ACCOUNTING_VAT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Savdoga QQS uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (QQS lug'atida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_VAT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Xaridlar uchun QQS uchun birlamchi hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (QQS lug'atida belgilanmagan bo'lsa ishlatiladi) -ACCOUNTING_REVENUESTAMP_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Sotish bo'yicha daromad tamg'asi uchun foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan). -ACCOUNTING_REVENUESTAMP_BUY_ACCOUNT=Xaridlar bo'yicha daromad tamg'asi uchun foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan). -ACCOUNTING_VAT_PAY_ACCOUNT=Hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) QQS to'lash uchun standart hisob sifatida ishlatiladi -ACCOUNTING_VAT_BUY_REVERSE_CHARGES_CREDIT=Teskari to'lovlar uchun xaridlar bo'yicha QQS uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) (Kredit) -ACCOUNTING_VAT_BUY_REVERSE_CHARGES_DEBIT=Teskari to'lovlar bo'yicha xaridlar bo'yicha QQS uchun standart hisob sifatida foydalaniladigan hisob (hisob jadvalidan) (debet) -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER=Hisob (Hisob jadvalidan) "mijoz" uchinchi shaxslar uchun foydalaniladi -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_Desc=Uchinchi tomon kartasida belgilangan buxgalteriya hisobi faqat Subledger buxgalteriyasi uchun ishlatiladi. Ushbu mablag 'Bosh daftar uchun ishlatiladi va Subledger buxgalteriya hisobining standart qiymati sifatida, agar uchinchi tomonning maxsus mijozlar hisobi aniqlanmagan bo'lsa. -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER="Sotuvchi" uchinchi shaxslar uchun foydalaniladigan hisob (Hisob rejasidan). -ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER_Desc=Uchinchi tomon kartasida belgilangan buxgalteriya hisobi faqat Subledger buxgalteriyasi uchun ishlatiladi. Ushbu mablag 'Bosh daftar uchun va Subledger buxgalteriya hisobining standart qiymati sifatida ishlatiladi, agar uchinchi tomonning maxsus sotuvchisi buxgalteriya hisobi aniqlanmasa. -ConfirmCloneTax=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlarining klonini tasdiqlang -ConfirmCloneVAT=QQS deklaratsiyasining klonini tasdiqlang -ConfirmCloneSalary=Ish haqi klonini tasdiqlang -CloneTaxForNextMonth=Uni keyingi oyga klonlang -SimpleReport=Oddiy hisobot -AddExtraReport=Qo'shimcha hisobotlar (xorijiy va milliy mijozlar hisobotini qo'shing) -OtherCountriesCustomersReport=Xorijiy mijozlar hisobot berishadi -BasedOnTwoFirstLettersOfVATNumberBeingDifferentFromYourCompanyCountry=QQS raqamining ikkita birinchi harfi asosida o'zingizning kompaniyangizning mamlakat kodidan farq qiladi -SameCountryCustomersWithVAT=Milliy mijozlar hisobot berishadi -BasedOnTwoFirstLettersOfVATNumberBeingTheSameAsYourCompanyCountry=O'zingizning kompaniyangizning mamlakat kodi bilan bir xil bo'lgan QQS raqamining ikkita birinchi harfi asosida -LinkedFichinter=Aralashuvga havola -ImportDataset_tax_contrib=Ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlari -ImportDataset_tax_vat=QQS bo'yicha to'lovlar -ErrorBankAccountNotFound=Xato: bank hisobi topilmadi -FiscalPeriod=Hisob davri -ListSocialContributionAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq ijtimoiy to'lovlar ro'yxati -DeleteFromCat=Buxgalteriya guruhidan chiqarib tashlash -AccountingAffectation=Buxgalteriya hisobi -LastDayTaxIsRelatedTo=Soliq davrning oxirgi kuni bilan bog'liq -VATDue=Sotish solig'i talab qilinadi -ClaimedForThisPeriod=Davr uchun da'vo qilingan -PaidDuringThisPeriod=Ushbu davr uchun to'langan -PaidDuringThisPeriodDesc=Bu tanlangan sana oralig'ida muddati tugagan QQS deklaratsiyalariga bog'langan barcha to'lovlarning yig'indisi -ByVatRate=Sotish bo'yicha soliq stavkasi bo'yicha -TurnoverbyVatrate=Sotish bo'yicha soliq stavkasi bo'yicha hisob-kitob qilingan tovar aylanmasi -TurnoverCollectedbyVatrate=Sotish soliq stavkasi bo'yicha yig'ilgan tovar aylanmasi -PurchasebyVatrate=Sotish bo'yicha soliq stavkasi bo'yicha sotib olish -LabelToShow=Qisqa yorliq -PurchaseTurnover=Xaridlar aylanmasi -PurchaseTurnoverCollected=Xarid qilish oboroti yig'ildi -RulesPurchaseTurnoverDue=- Bu etkazib beruvchining to'langan yoki to'lanmagan hisob-fakturalarini o'z ichiga oladi.
- Ushbu hisob-fakturalarning hisob-kitob sanasiga asoslanadi.
-RulesPurchaseTurnoverIn=- Bu etkazib beruvchilarga hisob-fakturalarning barcha samarali to'lovlarini o'z ichiga oladi.
- u ushbu hisob-fakturalarni to'lash sanasiga asoslanadi
-RulesPurchaseTurnoverTotalPurchaseJournal=U sotib olish jurnalidagi barcha debet yo'nalishlarini o'z ichiga oladi. -RulesPurchaseTurnoverOfExpenseAccounts=U XARAJATLAR guruhidagi mahsulot schyotlari uchun yo'nalishlarni (debet - kredit) o'z ichiga oladi -ReportPurchaseTurnover=Xarid qilish oboroti schyot-fakturada -ReportPurchaseTurnoverCollected=Xarid qilish oboroti yig'ildi -IncludeVarpaysInResults = Hisobotlarga turli xil to'lovlarni kiriting -IncludeLoansInResults = Hisobotlarga kreditlarni kiriting -InvoiceLate30Days = Kechikish (>30 kun) -InvoiceLate15Days = Kech (15 dan 30 kungacha) -InvoiceLateMinus15Days = Kechikish (<15 kun) -InvoiceNotLate = To'planishi kerak (< 15 kun) -InvoiceNotLate15Days = To'planishi kerak (15 dan 30 kungacha) -InvoiceNotLate30Days = To'planishi kerak (> 30 kun) -InvoiceToPay=To'lash uchun (< 15 kun) -InvoiceToPay15Days=To'lash uchun (15 dan 30 kungacha) -InvoiceToPay30Days=To'lash uchun (> 30 kun) -ConfirmPreselectAccount=Buxgalteriya kodini oldindan tanlang -ConfirmPreselectAccountQuestion=Haqiqatan ham ushbu hisob kodi bilan tanlangan %s qatorlarini oldindan tanlamoqchimisiz? -AmountPaidMustMatchAmountOfDownPayment=To'langan summa dastlabki to'lov miqdoriga mos kelishi kerak +Accountparent=Parent account +Accountsparent=Parent accounts +Income=Income +Outcome=Expense +MenuReportInOut=Income / Expense +ReportInOut=Balance of income and expenses +ReportTurnover=Turnover invoiced +ReportTurnoverCollected=Turnover collected +PaymentsNotLinkedToInvoice=Payments not linked to any invoice, so not linked to any third party +PaymentsNotLinkedToUser=Payments not linked to any user +Profit=Profit +AccountingResult=Accounting result +BalanceBefore=Balance (before) +Balance=Balance +Debit=Debit +Credit=Credit +Piece=Accounting Doc. +AmountHTVATRealReceived=Net collected +AmountHTVATRealPaid=Net paid +VATToPay=Tax sales +VATReceived=Tax received +VATToCollect=Tax purchases +VATSummary=Tax monthly +VATBalance=Tax Balance +VATPaid=Tax paid +LT1Summary=Tax 2 summary +LT2Summary=Tax 3 summary +LT1SummaryES=RE Balance +LT2SummaryES=IRPF Balance +LT1SummaryIN=CGST Balance +LT2SummaryIN=SGST Balance +LT1Paid=Tax 2 paid +LT2Paid=Tax 3 paid +LT1PaidES=RE Paid +LT2PaidES=IRPF Paid +LT1PaidIN=CGST Paid +LT2PaidIN=SGST Paid +LT1Customer=Tax 2 sales +LT1Supplier=Tax 2 purchases +LT1CustomerES=RE sales +LT1SupplierES=RE purchases +LT1CustomerIN=CGST sales +LT1SupplierIN=CGST purchases +LT2Customer=Tax 3 sales +LT2Supplier=Tax 3 purchases +LT2CustomerES=IRPF sales +LT2SupplierES=IRPF purchases +LT2CustomerIN=SGST sales +LT2SupplierIN=SGST purchases +VATCollected=VAT collected +StatusToPay=To pay +SpecialExpensesArea=Area for all special payments +SocialContribution=Social or fiscal tax +SocialContributions=Social or fiscal taxes +SocialContributionsDeductibles=Deductible social or fiscal taxes +SocialContributionsNondeductibles=Nondeductible social or fiscal taxes +LabelContrib=Label contribution +TypeContrib=Type contribution +MenuSpecialExpenses=Special expenses +MenuTaxAndDividends=Taxes and dividends +MenuSocialContributions=Social/fiscal taxes +MenuNewSocialContribution=New social/fiscal tax +NewSocialContribution=New social/fiscal tax +AddSocialContribution=Add social/fiscal tax +ContributionsToPay=Social/fiscal taxes to pay +AccountancyTreasuryArea=Billing and payment area +NewPayment=New payment +PaymentCustomerInvoice=Customer invoice payment +PaymentSupplierInvoice=vendor invoice payment +PaymentSocialContribution=Social/fiscal tax payment +PaymentVat=VAT payment +ListPayment=List of payments +ListOfCustomerPayments=List of customer payments +ListOfSupplierPayments=List of vendor payments +DateStartPeriod=Date start period +DateEndPeriod=Date end period +newLT1Payment=New tax 2 payment +newLT2Payment=New tax 3 payment +LT1Payment=Tax 2 payment +LT1Payments=Tax 2 payments +LT2Payment=Tax 3 payment +LT2Payments=Tax 3 payments +newLT1PaymentES=New RE payment +newLT2PaymentES=New IRPF payment +LT1PaymentES=RE Payment +LT1PaymentsES=RE Payments +LT2PaymentES=IRPF Payment +LT2PaymentsES=IRPF Payments +VATPayment=Sales tax payment +VATPayments=Sales tax payments +VATRefund=Sales tax refund +NewVATPayment=New sales tax payment +NewLocalTaxPayment=New tax %s payment +Refund=Refund +SocialContributionsPayments=Social/fiscal taxes payments +ShowVatPayment=Show VAT payment +TotalToPay=Total to pay +BalanceVisibilityDependsOnSortAndFilters=Balance is visible in this list only if table is sorted ascending on %s and filtered for 1 bank account +CustomerAccountancyCode=Customer accounting code +SupplierAccountancyCode=Vendor accounting code +CustomerAccountancyCodeShort=Cust. account. code +SupplierAccountancyCodeShort=Sup. account. code +AccountNumber=Account number +NewAccountingAccount=New account +Turnover=Turnover invoiced +TurnoverCollected=Turnover collected +SalesTurnoverMinimum=Minimum turnover +ByExpenseIncome=By expenses & incomes +ByThirdParties=By third parties +ByUserAuthorOfInvoice=By invoice author +CheckReceipt=Check deposit +CheckReceiptShort=Check deposit +LastCheckReceiptShort=Latest %s check receipts +NewCheckReceipt=New discount +NewCheckDeposit=New check deposit +NewCheckDepositOn=Create receipt for deposit on account: %s +NoWaitingChecks=No checks awaiting deposit. +DateChequeReceived=Check reception date +NbOfCheques=No. of checks +PaySocialContribution=Pay a social/fiscal tax +ConfirmPaySocialContribution=Are you sure you want to classify this social or fiscal tax as paid? +DeleteSocialContribution=Delete a social or fiscal tax payment +ConfirmDeleteSocialContribution=Are you sure you want to delete this social/fiscal tax payment? +ExportDataset_tax_1=Social and fiscal taxes and payments +CalcModeVATDebt=Mode %sVAT on commitment accounting%s. +CalcModeVATEngagement=Mode %sVAT on incomes-expenses%s. +CalcModeDebt=Analysis of known recorded invoices even if they are not yet accounted in ledger. +CalcModeEngagement=Analysis of known recorded payments, even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger. +CalcModeBookkeeping=Analysis of data journalized in Bookkeeping Ledger table. +CalcModeLT1= Mode %sRE on customer invoices - suppliers invoices%s +CalcModeLT1Debt=Mode %sRE on customer invoices%s +CalcModeLT1Rec= Mode %sRE on suppliers invoices%s +CalcModeLT2= Mode %sIRPF on customer invoices - suppliers invoices%s +CalcModeLT2Debt=Mode %sIRPF on customer invoices%s +CalcModeLT2Rec= Mode %sIRPF on suppliers invoices%s +AnnualSummaryDueDebtMode=Balance of income and expenses, annual summary +AnnualSummaryInputOutputMode=Balance of income and expenses, annual summary +AnnualByCompanies=Balance of income and expenses, by predefined groups of account +AnnualByCompaniesDueDebtMode=Balance of income and expenses, detail by predefined groups, mode %sClaims-Debts%s said Commitment accounting. +AnnualByCompaniesInputOutputMode=Balance of income and expenses, detail by predefined groups, mode %sIncomes-Expenses%s said cash accounting. +SeeReportInInputOutputMode=See %sanalysis of payments%s for a calculation on actual payments made even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger. +SeeReportInDueDebtMode=See %sanalysis of invoices%s for a calculation based on known recorded invoices even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger. +SeeReportInBookkeepingMode=See %sBookeeping report%s for a calculation on Bookkeeping Ledger table +RulesAmountWithTaxIncluded=- Amounts shown are with all taxes included +RulesResultDue=- It includes outstanding invoices, expenses, VAT, donations whether they are paid or not. Is also includes paid salaries.
- It is based on the billing date of invoices and on the due date for expenses or tax payments. For salaries defined with Salary module, the value date of payment is used. +RulesResultInOut=- It includes the real payments made on invoices, expenses, VAT and salaries.
- It is based on the payment dates of the invoices, expenses, VAT and salaries. The donation date for donation. +RulesCADue=- It includes the customer's due invoices whether they are paid or not.
- It is based on the billing date of these invoices.
+RulesCAIn=- It includes all the effective payments of invoices received from customers.
- It is based on the payment date of these invoices
+RulesCATotalSaleJournal=It includes all credit lines from the Sale journal. +RulesAmountOnInOutBookkeepingRecord=It includes record in your Ledger with accounting accounts that has the group "EXPENSE" or "INCOME" +RulesResultBookkeepingPredefined=It includes record in your Ledger with accounting accounts that has the group "EXPENSE" or "INCOME" +RulesResultBookkeepingPersonalized=It show record in your Ledger with accounting accounts grouped by personalized groups +SeePageForSetup=See menu %s for setup +DepositsAreNotIncluded=- Down payment invoices are not included +DepositsAreIncluded=- Down payment invoices are included +LT1ReportByCustomers=Report tax 2 by third party +LT2ReportByCustomers=Report tax 3 by third party +LT1ReportByCustomersES=Report by third party RE +LT2ReportByCustomersES=Report by third party IRPF +VATReport=Sale tax report +VATReportByPeriods=Sale tax report by period +VATReportByRates=Sale tax report by rates +VATReportByThirdParties=Sale tax report by third parties +VATReportByCustomers=Sale tax report by customer +VATReportByCustomersInInputOutputMode=Report by the customer VAT collected and paid +VATReportByQuartersInInputOutputMode=Report by Sale tax rate of the tax collected and paid +LT1ReportByQuarters=Report tax 2 by rate +LT2ReportByQuarters=Report tax 3 by rate +LT1ReportByQuartersES=Report by RE rate +LT2ReportByQuartersES=Report by IRPF rate +SeeVATReportInInputOutputMode=See report %sVAT encasement%s for a standard calculation +SeeVATReportInDueDebtMode=See report %sVAT on flow%s for a calculation with an option on the flow +RulesVATInServices=- For services, the report includes the VAT regulations actually received or issued on the basis of the date of payment. +RulesVATInProducts=- For material assets, the report includes the VAT received or issued on the basis of the date of payment. +RulesVATDueServices=- For services, the report includes VAT invoices due, paid or not, based on the invoice date. +RulesVATDueProducts=- For material assets, the report includes the VAT invoices, based on the invoice date. +OptionVatInfoModuleComptabilite=Note: For material assets, it should use the date of delivery to be more fair. +ThisIsAnEstimatedValue=This is a preview, based on business events and not from the final ledger table, so final results may differ from this preview values +PercentOfInvoice=%%/invoice +NotUsedForGoods=Not used on goods +ProposalStats=Statistics on proposals +OrderStats=Statistics on orders +InvoiceStats=Statistics on bills +Dispatch=Dispatching +Dispatched=Dispatched +ToDispatch=To dispatch +ThirdPartyMustBeEditAsCustomer=Third party must be defined as a customer +SellsJournal=Sales Journal +PurchasesJournal=Purchases Journal +DescSellsJournal=Sales Journal +DescPurchasesJournal=Purchases Journal +CodeNotDef=Not defined +WarningDepositsNotIncluded=Down payment invoices are not included in this version with this accountancy module. +DatePaymentTermCantBeLowerThanObjectDate=Payment term date can't be lower than object date. +Pcg_version=Chart of accounts models +Pcg_type=Pcg type +Pcg_subtype=Pcg subtype +InvoiceLinesToDispatch=Invoice lines to dispatch +ByProductsAndServices=By product and service +RefExt=External ref +ToCreateAPredefinedInvoice=To create a template invoice, create a standard invoice, then, without validating it, click onto button "%s". +LinkedOrder=Link to order +Mode1=Method 1 +Mode2=Method 2 +CalculationRuleDesc=To calculate total VAT, there is two methods:
Method 1 is rounding vat on each line, then summing them.
Method 2 is summing all vat on each line, then rounding result.
Final result may differs from few cents. Default mode is mode %s. +CalculationRuleDescSupplier=According to vendor, choose appropriate method to apply same calculation rule and get same result expected by your vendor. +TurnoverPerProductInCommitmentAccountingNotRelevant=The report of Turnover collected per product is not available. This report is only available for turnover invoiced. +TurnoverPerSaleTaxRateInCommitmentAccountingNotRelevant=The report of Turnover collected per sale tax rate is not available. This report is only available for turnover invoiced. +CalculationMode=Calculation mode +AccountancyJournal=Accounting code journal +ACCOUNTING_VAT_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for VAT on sales (used if not defined on VAT dictionary setup) +ACCOUNTING_VAT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for VAT on purchases (used if not defined on VAT dictionary setup) +ACCOUNTING_VAT_PAY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for paying VAT +ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER=Accounting account used for customer third parties +ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_Desc=The dedicated accounting account defined on third party card will be used for Subledger accounting only. This one will be used for General Ledger and as default value of Subledger accounting if dedicated customer accounting account on third party is not defined. +ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER=Accounting account used for vendor third parties +ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_SUPPLIER_Desc=The dedicated accounting account defined on third party card will be used for Subledger accounting only. This one will be used for General Ledger and as default value of Subledger accounting if dedicated vendor accounting account on third party is not defined. +ConfirmCloneTax=Confirm the clone of a social/fiscal tax +CloneTaxForNextMonth=Clone it for next month +SimpleReport=Simple report +AddExtraReport=Extra reports (add foreign and national customer report) +OtherCountriesCustomersReport=Foreign customers report +BasedOnTwoFirstLettersOfVATNumberBeingDifferentFromYourCompanyCountry=Based on the two first letters of the VAT number being different from your own company's country code +SameCountryCustomersWithVAT=National customers report +BasedOnTwoFirstLettersOfVATNumberBeingTheSameAsYourCompanyCountry=Based on the two first letters of the VAT number being the same as your own company's country code +LinkedFichinter=Link to an intervention +ImportDataset_tax_contrib=Social/fiscal taxes +ImportDataset_tax_vat=Vat payments +ErrorBankAccountNotFound=Error: Bank account not found +FiscalPeriod=Accounting period +ListSocialContributionAssociatedProject=List of social contributions associated with the project +DeleteFromCat=Remove from accounting group +AccountingAffectation=Accounting assignment +LastDayTaxIsRelatedTo=Last day of period the tax is related to +VATDue=Sale tax claimed +ClaimedForThisPeriod=Claimed for the period +PaidDuringThisPeriod=Paid during this period +ByVatRate=By sale tax rate +TurnoverbyVatrate=Turnover invoiced by sale tax rate +TurnoverCollectedbyVatrate=Turnover collected by sale tax rate +PurchasebyVatrate=Purchase by sale tax rate +LabelToShow=Short label +PurchaseTurnover=Purchase turnover +PurchaseTurnoverCollected=Purchase turnover collected +RulesPurchaseTurnoverDue=- It includes the supplier's due invoices whether they are paid or not.
- It is based on the invoice date of these invoices.
+RulesPurchaseTurnoverIn=- It includes all the effective payments of invoices done to suppliers.
- It is based on the payment date of these invoices
+RulesPurchaseTurnoverTotalPurchaseJournal=It includes all debit lines from the purchase journal. +ReportPurchaseTurnover=Purchase turnover invoiced +ReportPurchaseTurnoverCollected=Purchase turnover collected --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_contracts.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_contracts.lang @@ -2,95 +2,94 @@ -ContractsArea=Shartnomalar maydoni -ListOfContracts=Shartnomalar ro'yxati -AllContracts=Barcha shartnomalar -ContractCard=Shartnoma -ContractStatusNotRunning=Ishlamayapti -ContractStatusDraft=Qoralama -ContractStatusValidated=Tasdiqlangan -ContractStatusClosed=Yopiq -ServiceStatusInitial=Ishlamayapti -ServiceStatusRunning=Yugurish -ServiceStatusNotLate=Yugurish, muddati tugamagan -ServiceStatusNotLateShort=Muddati tugamagan -ServiceStatusLate=Yugurish, muddati tugagan -ServiceStatusLateShort=Muddati tugagan -ServiceStatusClosed=Yopiq -ShowContractOfService=Xizmat shartnomasini ko'rsatish -Contracts=Shartnomalar -ContractsSubscriptions=Shartnomalar / Obunalar -ContractsAndLine=Shartnomalar va shartnomalar liniyasi -Contract=Shartnoma -ContractLine=Shartnoma liniyasi -ContractLines=Shartnoma liniyalari -Closing=Yopish -NoContracts=Shartnomalar yo'q -MenuServices=Xizmatlar -MenuInactiveServices=Xizmatlar faol emas -MenuRunningServices=Ishlayotgan xizmatlar -MenuExpiredServices=Muddati o'tgan xizmatlar -MenuClosedServices=Yopiq xizmatlar -NewContract=Yangi shartnoma -NewContractSubscription=Yangi shartnoma yoki obuna -AddContract=Shartnoma tuzing -DeleteAContract=Shartnomani o'chirib tashlang -ActivateAllOnContract=Barcha xizmatlarni faollashtiring -CloseAContract=Shartnomani yoping -ConfirmDeleteAContract=Ushbu shartnomani va uning barcha xizmatlarini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmValidateContract=Ushbu shartnomani %s nomi bilan tasdiqlamoqchimisiz? -ConfirmActivateAllOnContract=Bu barcha xizmatlarni ochadi (hali faol emas). Barcha xizmatlarni ochishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmCloseContract=Bu barcha xizmatlarni yopadi (muddati tugaganmi yoki yo'qmi). Haqiqatan ham bu shartnomani yopmoqchimisiz? -ConfirmCloseService=Ushbu xizmatni %s sanasi bilan yopishni xohlaysizmi? -ValidateAContract=Shartnomani tasdiqlang -ActivateService=Xizmatni yoqing -ConfirmActivateService=Siz ushbu xizmatni %s sanasi bilan faollashtirishni xohlaysizmi? -RefContract=Shartnoma bo'yicha ma'lumotnoma -DateContract=Shartnoma tuzilgan sana -DateServiceActivate=Xizmatni yoqish sanasi -ListOfServices=Xizmatlar ro'yxati -ListOfInactiveServices=Faol bo'lmagan xizmatlarning ro'yxati -ListOfExpiredServices=Muddati o'tgan faol xizmatlarning ro'yxati -ListOfClosedServices=Yopiq xizmatlarning ro'yxati -ListOfRunningServices=Amaldagi xizmatlarning ro'yxati -NotActivatedServices=Faol bo'lmagan xizmatlar (tasdiqlangan shartnomalar orasida) -BoardNotActivatedServices=Tasdiqlangan shartnomalar orasida faollashtirish uchun xizmatlar -BoardNotActivatedServicesShort=Faollashtirish uchun xizmatlar -LastContracts=Oxirgi %s shartnomalari -LastModifiedServices=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan xizmatlari -ContractStartDate=Boshlanish vaqti -ContractEndDate=Tugash sanasi -DateStartPlanned=Rejalashtirilgan boshlanish sanasi -DateStartPlannedShort=Rejalashtirilgan boshlanish sanasi -DateEndPlanned=Rejalashtirilgan tugash sanasi -DateEndPlannedShort=Rejalashtirilgan tugash sanasi -DateStartReal=Haqiqiy boshlanish sanasi -DateStartRealShort=Haqiqiy boshlanish sanasi -DateEndReal=Haqiqiy tugash sanasi -DateEndRealShort=Haqiqiy tugash sanasi -CloseService=Xizmatni yoping -BoardRunningServices=Xizmatlar ishlaydi -BoardRunningServicesShort=Xizmatlar ishlaydi -BoardExpiredServices=Xizmatlar muddati tugagan -BoardExpiredServicesShort=Xizmatlar muddati tugagan -ServiceStatus=Xizmat holati -DraftContracts=Shartnomalar -CloseRefusedBecauseOneServiceActive=Shartnomani yopish mumkin emas, chunki unda kamida bitta ochiq xizmat mavjud -ActivateAllContracts=Barcha kontrakt liniyalarini faollashtiring -CloseAllContracts=Barcha shartnoma satrlarini yoping -DeleteContractLine=Shartnoma satrini o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteContractLine=Ushbu shartnoma qatorini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -MoveToAnotherContract=Xizmatni boshqa shartnomaga o'tkazing. -ConfirmMoveToAnotherContract=Men yangi maqsadli shartnomani tanladim va ushbu xizmatni ushbu shartnomaga koʻchirmoqchi ekanligimni tasdiqladim. -ConfirmMoveToAnotherContractQuestion=Qaysi amaldagi shartnomada (xuddi shu uchinchi tomonda) ushbu xizmatga o'tishni xohlaysizmi? -PaymentRenewContractId=Shartnomani yangilash %s (xizmat %s) -ExpiredSince=Tugash muddati -NoExpiredServices=Muddati o'tgan faol xizmatlar yo'q -ListOfServicesToExpireWithDuration=%s kun ichida tugaydigan xizmatlar ro'yxati -ListOfServicesToExpireWithDurationNeg=Xizmatlar ro'yxati %s kundan ortiq muddatda tugagan -ListOfServicesToExpire=Muddati tugaydigan xizmatlar ro'yxati -NoteListOfYourExpiredServices=Ushbu ro'yxatda faqat savdo vakili sifatida bog'langan uchinchi shaxslar uchun shartnomalar xizmatlari mavjud. -StandardContractsTemplate=Standart shartnomalar shabloni -ContactNameAndSignature=%s uchun ism va imzo: -OnlyLinesWithTypeServiceAreUsed=Faqat "Xizmat" turidagi liniyalar klonlanadi. -ConfirmCloneContract= %s shartnomasini klonlashni xohlaysizmi? -LowerDateEndPlannedShort=Faol xizmatlarning quyi rejalashtirilgan tugash sanasi -SendContractRef=Shartnoma to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlar __REF__ -OtherContracts=Boshqa shartnomalar +ContractsArea=Contracts area +ListOfContracts=List of contracts +AllContracts=All contracts +ContractCard=Contract card +ContractStatusNotRunning=Not running +ContractStatusDraft=Draft +ContractStatusValidated=Validated +ContractStatusClosed=Closed +ServiceStatusInitial=Not running +ServiceStatusRunning=Running +ServiceStatusNotLate=Running, not expired +ServiceStatusNotLateShort=Not expired +ServiceStatusLate=Running, expired +ServiceStatusLateShort=Expired +ServiceStatusClosed=Closed +ShowContractOfService=Show contract of service +Contracts=Contracts +ContractsSubscriptions=Contracts/Subscriptions +ContractsAndLine=Contracts and line of contracts +Contract=Contract +ContractLine=Contract line +Closing=Closing +NoContracts=No contracts +MenuServices=Services +MenuInactiveServices=Services not active +MenuRunningServices=Running services +MenuExpiredServices=Expired services +MenuClosedServices=Closed services +NewContract=New contract +NewContractSubscription=New contract/subscription +AddContract=Create contract +DeleteAContract=Delete a contract +ActivateAllOnContract=Activate all services +CloseAContract=Close a contract +ConfirmDeleteAContract=Are you sure you want to delete this contract and all its services? +ConfirmValidateContract=Are you sure you want to validate this contract under name %s? +ConfirmActivateAllOnContract=This will open all services (not yet active). Are you sure you want to open all services? +ConfirmCloseContract=This will close all services (active or not). Are you sure you want to close this contract? +ConfirmCloseService=Are you sure you want to close this service with date %s? +ValidateAContract=Validate a contract +ActivateService=Activate service +ConfirmActivateService=Are you sure you want to activate this service with date %s? +RefContract=Contract reference +DateContract=Contract date +DateServiceActivate=Service activation date +ListOfServices=List of services +ListOfInactiveServices=List of not active services +ListOfExpiredServices=List of expired active services +ListOfClosedServices=List of closed services +ListOfRunningServices=List of running services +NotActivatedServices=Inactive services (among validated contracts) +BoardNotActivatedServices=Services to activate among validated contracts +BoardNotActivatedServicesShort=Services to activate +LastContracts=Latest %s contracts +LastModifiedServices=Latest %s modified services +ContractStartDate=Start date +ContractEndDate=End date +DateStartPlanned=Planned start date +DateStartPlannedShort=Planned start date +DateEndPlanned=Planned end date +DateEndPlannedShort=Planned end date +DateStartReal=Real start date +DateStartRealShort=Real start date +DateEndReal=Real end date +DateEndRealShort=Real end date +CloseService=Close service +BoardRunningServices=Services running +BoardRunningServicesShort=Services running +BoardExpiredServices=Services expired +BoardExpiredServicesShort=Services expired +ServiceStatus=Status of service +DraftContracts=Drafts contracts +CloseRefusedBecauseOneServiceActive=Contract can't be closed as there is at least one open service on it +ActivateAllContracts=Activate all contract lines +CloseAllContracts=Close all contract lines +DeleteContractLine=Delete a contract line +ConfirmDeleteContractLine=Are you sure you want to delete this contract line? +MoveToAnotherContract=Move service into another contract. +ConfirmMoveToAnotherContract=I choosed new target contract and confirm I want to move this service into this contract. +ConfirmMoveToAnotherContractQuestion=Choose in which existing contract (of same third party), you want to move this service to? +PaymentRenewContractId=Renew contract line (number %s) +ExpiredSince=Expiration date +NoExpiredServices=No expired active services +ListOfServicesToExpireWithDuration=List of Services to expire in %s days +ListOfServicesToExpireWithDurationNeg=List of Services expired from more than %s days +ListOfServicesToExpire=List of Services to expire +NoteListOfYourExpiredServices=This list contains only services of contracts for third parties you are linked to as a sale representative. +StandardContractsTemplate=Standard contracts template +ContactNameAndSignature=For %s, name and signature: +OnlyLinesWithTypeServiceAreUsed=Only lines with type "Service" will be cloned. +ConfirmCloneContract=Are you sure you want to clone the contract %s? +LowerDateEndPlannedShort=Lower planned end date of active services +SendContractRef=Contract information __REF__ +OtherContracts=Other contracts @@ -98,10 +97,8 @@ -TypeContact_contrat_internal_SALESREPSIGN=Savdo vakili shartnomani imzolash -TypeContact_contrat_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Savdo vakili keyingi shartnoma -TypeContact_contrat_external_BILLING=Xaridor bilan hisob-kitob qilish -TypeContact_contrat_external_CUSTOMER=Keyingi mijozlar bilan aloqa -TypeContact_contrat_external_SALESREPSIGN=Mijozlar bilan aloqa shartnomasini imzolash -HideClosedServiceByDefault=Sukut bo'yicha yopiq xizmatlarni yashirish -ShowClosedServices=Yopiq xizmatlarni ko'rsatish -HideClosedServices=Yopiq xizmatlarni yashirish -UserStartingService=Foydalanuvchi ishga tushirish xizmati -UserClosingService=Foydalanuvchini yopish xizmati +TypeContact_contrat_internal_SALESREPSIGN=Sales representative signing contract +TypeContact_contrat_internal_SALESREPFOLL=Sales representative following-up contract +TypeContact_contrat_external_BILLING=Billing customer contact +TypeContact_contrat_external_CUSTOMER=Follow-up customer contact +TypeContact_contrat_external_SALESREPSIGN=Signing contract customer contact +HideClosedServiceByDefault=Hide closed services by default +ShowClosedServices=Show Closed Services +HideClosedServices=Hide Closed Services --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_cron.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_cron.lang @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ -Permission23101 = Rejalashtirilgan ishni o'qing -Permission23102 = Rejalashtirilgan ishni yaratish / yangilash -Permission23103 = Rejalashtirilgan ishni o'chirish -Permission23104 = Rejalashtirilgan ishni bajaring +Permission23101 = Read Scheduled job +Permission23102 = Create/update Scheduled job +Permission23103 = Delete Scheduled job +Permission23104 = Execute Scheduled job @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ -CronSetup=Rejalashtirilgan ishni boshqarish -URLToLaunchCronJobs=Brauzerdan malakali cron ishlarini tekshirish va ishga tushirish uchun URL -OrToLaunchASpecificJob=Yoki brauzerdan ma'lum bir ishni tekshirish va ishga tushirish uchun -KeyForCronAccess=Cron ishlarini boshlash uchun URL uchun xavfsizlik kaliti -FileToLaunchCronJobs=Malakali cron ishlarini tekshirish va ishga tushirish uchun buyruq satri -CronExplainHowToRunUnix=Unix muhitida buyruq satrini har 5 daqiqada bajarish uchun quyidagi crontab yozuvidan foydalanishingiz kerak -CronExplainHowToRunWin=Microsoft (tm) Windows muhitida har 5 daqiqada buyruq satrini bajarish uchun Rejalashtirilgan Vazifa vositalaridan foydalanishingiz mumkin -CronMethodDoesNotExists=%s sinfida hech qanday usul mavjud emas %s -CronMethodNotAllowed=%s sinfining %s usuli taqiqlangan usullar bloklangan ro‘yxatida -CronJobDefDesc=Cron ishi profillari modul identifikatori faylida aniqlanadi. Modul faollashtirilganda, ular yuklanadi va mavjud bo'ladi, shuning uchun siz ishlarni administrator vositalari menyusidan %s boshqarishingiz mumkin. -CronJobProfiles=Oldindan belgilangan cron ish profillari ro'yxati +CronSetup= Scheduled job management setup +URLToLaunchCronJobs=URL to check and launch qualified cron jobs +OrToLaunchASpecificJob=Or to check and launch a specific job +KeyForCronAccess=Security key for URL to launch cron jobs +FileToLaunchCronJobs=Command line to check and launch qualified cron jobs +CronExplainHowToRunUnix=On Unix environment you should use the following crontab entry to run the command line each 5 minutes +CronExplainHowToRunWin=On Microsoft(tm) Windows environement you can use Scheduled task tools to run the command line each 5 minutes +CronMethodDoesNotExists=Class %s does not contains any method %s +CronJobDefDesc=Cron job profiles are defined into the module descriptor file. When module is activated, they are loaded and available so you can administer the jobs from the admin tools menu %s. +CronJobProfiles=List of predefined cron job profiles @@ -21 +20 @@ -EnabledAndDisabled=Yoqilgan va o'chirilgan +EnabledAndDisabled=Enabled and disabled @@ -23,10 +22,10 @@ -CronLastOutput=Oxirgi ishlash natijasi -CronLastResult=Oxirgi natija kodi -CronCommand=Buyruq -CronList=Rejalashtirilgan ish joylari -CronDelete=Rejalashtirilgan ishlarni o'chirish -CronConfirmDelete=Ushbu rejalashtirilgan ishlarni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -CronExecute=Hozir ishga tushiring -CronConfirmExecute=Ushbu rejalashtirilgan ishlarni hoziroq bajarishni xohlaysizmi? -CronInfo=Rejalashtirilgan ish moduli ishlarni avtomatik ravishda bajarilishini rejalashtirishga imkon beradi. Ishlarni qo'lda boshlash ham mumkin. -CronTask=Ish +CronLastOutput=Latest run output +CronLastResult=Latest result code +CronCommand=Command +CronList=Scheduled jobs +CronDelete=Delete scheduled jobs +CronConfirmDelete=Are you sure you want to delete these scheduled jobs? +CronExecute=Launch scheduled job +CronConfirmExecute=Are you sure you want to execute these scheduled jobs now? +CronInfo=Scheduled job module allows to schedule jobs to execute them automatically. Jobs can also be started manually. +CronTask=Job @@ -34,17 +33,16 @@ -CronDtStart=Oldin emas -CronDtEnd=Keyin emas -CronDtNextLaunch=Keyingi ijro -CronDtLastLaunch=Oxirgi ijroning boshlanish sanasi -CronDtLastResult=Oxirgi ijroning tugash sanasi -CronFrequency=Chastotani -CronClass=Sinf -CronMethod=Usul -CronModule=Modul -CronNoJobs=Hech qanday ish joyi ro'yxatdan o'tkazilmagan -CronPriority=Afzallik -CronLabel=Yorliq -CronNbRun=Ishga tushirilganlar soni -CronMaxRun=Ishga tushirishning maksimal soni -CronEach=Har bir -JobFinished=Ish ishga tushirildi va tugadi -Scheduled=Rejalashtirilgan +CronDtStart=Not before +CronDtEnd=Not after +CronDtNextLaunch=Next execution +CronDtLastLaunch=Start date of latest execution +CronDtLastResult=End date of latest execution +CronFrequency=Frequency +CronClass=Class +CronMethod=Method +CronModule=Module +CronNoJobs=No jobs registered +CronPriority=Priority +CronLabel=Label +CronNbRun=Nb. launch +CronMaxRun=Max number launch +CronEach=Every +JobFinished=Job launched and finished @@ -52,12 +50,12 @@ -CronAdd= Ish joylarini qo'shing -CronEvery=Har bir ishni bajaring -CronObject=Yaratiladigan misol / ob'ekt -CronArgs=Parametrlar -CronSaveSucess=Muvaffaqiyatli saqlang -CronNote=Izoh -CronFieldMandatory=%s maydonlari majburiydir -CronErrEndDateStartDt=Tugash sanasi boshlanish sanasidan oldin bo'lishi mumkin emas -StatusAtInstall=Modulni o'rnatish holati -CronStatusActiveBtn=Rejalashtirishni yoqish -CronStatusInactiveBtn=O'chirish -CronTaskInactive=Bu ish o'chirilgan (rejalashtirilgan emas) +CronAdd= Add jobs +CronEvery=Execute job each +CronObject=Instance/Object to create +CronArgs=Parameters +CronSaveSucess=Save successfully +CronNote=Comment +CronFieldMandatory=Fields %s is mandatory +CronErrEndDateStartDt=End date cannot be before start date +StatusAtInstall=Status at module installation +CronStatusActiveBtn=Enable +CronStatusInactiveBtn=Disable +CronTaskInactive=This job is disabled @@ -65,9 +63,9 @@ -CronClassFile=Sinf bilan fayl nomi -CronModuleHelp=Dolibarr moduli katalogining nomi (tashqi Dolibarr moduli bilan ham ishlaydi).
Masalan, Dolibarr Product ob'ektini olish usulini chaqirish uchun object / htdocs / product /class/product.class.php, modul uchun qiymat
a04927zbac18 -CronClassFileHelp=Yuklanadigan nisbiy yo'l va fayl nomi (yo'l veb-serverning ildiz katalogiga nisbatan).
Masalan, Dolibarr Product ob'ektini olish usulini chaqirish uchun htdocs / product / class / product.class.php , sinf fayli nomi uchun qiymati
a049271ecaf / product07f.c8f -CronObjectHelp=Yuklanadigan ob'ekt nomi.
Masalan, Dolibarr Product ob'ektini olish usulini chaqirish uchun -CronMethodHelp=Ob'ektni ishga tushirish usuli.
Masalan, Dolibarr Product ob'ektini olish usulini chaqirish uchun -CronArgsHelp=Usul argumentlari.
Masalan, Dolibarr mahsuloti obyektining /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php olish usulini chaqirish uchun parametrlar qiymati
0, ProductRef -CronCommandHelp=Amalga oshirish uchun tizim buyruq satri. -CronCreateJob=Yangi Rejalashtirilgan ish yarating -CronFrom=Kimdan +CronClassFile=Filename with class +CronModuleHelp=Name of Dolibarr module directory (also work with external Dolibarr module).
For exemple to call the fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value for module is
product +CronClassFileHelp=The relative path and file name to load (path is relative to web server root directory).
For exemple to call the fetch method of Dolibarr Product object htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value for class file name is
product/class/product.class.php +CronObjectHelp=The object name to load.
For exemple to call the fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value for class file name is
Product +CronMethodHelp=The object method to launch.
For exemple to call the fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value for method is
fetch +CronArgsHelp=The method arguments.
For exemple to call the fetch method of Dolibarr Product object /htdocs/product/class/product.class.php, the value for paramters can be
0, ProductRef +CronCommandHelp=The system command line to execute. +CronCreateJob=Create new Scheduled Job +CronFrom=From @@ -76,26 +74,10 @@ -CronType=Ish turi -CronType_method=PHP sinfining qo'ng'iroq usuli -CronType_command=Shell buyrug'i -CronCannotLoadClass=%s sinf fayli yuklanmadi (%s sinfidan foydalanish uchun) -CronCannotLoadObject=%s sinf fayli yuklandi, lekin %s ob'ekti topilmadi -UseMenuModuleToolsToAddCronJobs=Rejalashtirilgan ishlarni ko'rish va tahrirlash uchun " Bosh sahifa - Administrator vositalari - Rejalashtirilgan ish o'rinlari " menyusiga o'ting. -JobDisabled=Ish o'chirilgan -MakeLocalDatabaseDumpShort=Mahalliy ma'lumotlar bazasini zaxiralash -MakeLocalDatabaseDump=Mahalliy ma'lumotlar bazasi axlatxonasini yarating. Parametrlar quyidagilardir: siqish ('gz' yoki 'bz' yoki 'yo'q'), zaxira turi ('mysql', 'pgsql', 'auto'), 1, 'auto' yoki fayl nomi yaratish, saqlash uchun zaxira fayllar soni -MakeSendLocalDatabaseDumpShort=Mahalliy ma'lumotlar bazasi zahirasini yuboring -MakeSendLocalDatabaseDump=Mahalliy ma'lumotlar bazasi zahirasini elektron pochta orqali yuboring. Parametrlar: kimga, kimdan, mavzu, xabar, fayl nomi (yuborilgan fayl nomi), filtr (faqat maʼlumotlar bazasini zaxiralash uchun "sql") -BackupIsTooLargeSend=Kechirasiz, oxirgi zaxira fayl juda katta va elektron pochta orqali yuborilmaydi -CleanUnfinishedCronjobShort=Tugallanmagan cronjobni tozalang -CleanUnfinishedCronjob=Jarayon endi ishlamay qolganda, ishlov berishda tiqilib qolgan toza cronjob -WarningCronDelayed=E'tibor bering, ishga tushirilgan ish kunining keyingi sanasi qanday bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, sizning ishingiz bajarilishidan oldin maksimal %s soatga kechiktirilishi mumkin. -DATAPOLICYJob=Ma'lumotlarni tozalovchi va anonimayzer -JobXMustBeEnabled=%s ishi yoqilgan bo'lishi kerak -EmailIfError=Xato haqida ogohlantirish uchun elektron pochta -JobNotFound=Ish %s ishlar roʻyxatida topilmadi (modulni oʻchirib/yoqib koʻring) -ErrorInBatch=%s ishni bajarishda xatolik yuz berdi - -# Cron Boxes -LastExecutedScheduledJob=Oxirgi marta rejalashtirilgan ish -NextScheduledJobExecute=Keyingi rejalashtirilgan ish -NumberScheduledJobError=Xatoda rejalashtirilgan ishlarning soni -NumberScheduledJobNeverFinished=Hech qachon tugatilmagan rejalashtirilgan ishlar soni +CronType=Job type +CronType_method=Call method of a PHP Class +CronType_command=Shell command +CronCannotLoadClass=Cannot load class file %s (to use class %s) +CronCannotLoadObject=Class file %s was loaded, but object %s was not found into it +UseMenuModuleToolsToAddCronJobs=Go into menu "Home - Admin tools - Scheduled jobs" to see and edit scheduled jobs. +JobDisabled=Job disabled +MakeLocalDatabaseDumpShort=Local database backup +MakeLocalDatabaseDump=Create a local database dump. Parameters are: compression ('gz' or 'bz' or 'none'), backup type ('mysql' or 'pgsql'), 1, 'auto' or filename to build, number of backup files to keep +WarningCronDelayed=Attention, for performance purpose, whatever is next date of execution of enabled jobs, your jobs may be delayed to a maximum of %s hours, before being run. --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_ecm.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_ecm.lang @@ -2,55 +2,51 @@ -ECMNbOfDocs=Katalogdagi hujjatlar soni -ECMSection=Katalog -ECMSectionManual=Qo'llanma katalogi -ECMSectionAuto=Avtomatik katalog -ECMSectionsManual=Shaxsiy qo'llanma daraxti -ECMSectionsAuto=Shaxsiy avtomatik daraxt -ECMSectionsMedias=Umumiy daraxt -ECMSections=Kataloglar -ECMRoot=ECM ildizi -ECMNewSection=Yangi katalog -ECMAddSection=Katalog qo'shish -ECMCreationDate=Yaratilish sanasi -ECMNbOfFilesInDir=Katalogdagi fayllar soni -ECMNbOfSubDir=Ichki kataloglar soni -ECMNbOfFilesInSubDir=Ichki kataloglardagi fayllar soni -ECMCreationUser=Ijodkor -ECMArea=DMS / ECM maydoni -ECMAreaDesc=DMS / ECM (Hujjatlarni boshqarish tizimi / Elektron kontentni boshqarish) maydoni Dolibarrdagi barcha turdagi hujjatlarni saqlash, almashish va tezkor qidirish imkonini beradi. -ECMAreaDesc2a=* Daraxt tuzilishini bepul tashkil qilish bilan hujjatlarni saqlash uchun qo'lda kataloglardan foydalanish mumkin. -ECMAreaDesc2b=* Element sahifasidan hujjatlar qo'shilganda avtomatik kataloglar avtomatik ravishda to'ldiriladi. -ECMAreaDesc3=* Umumiy kataloglar hujjatlar katalogining /medias kichik katalogidagi fayllar boʻlib, tizimga kirishga hojat yoʻq hamma tomonidan oʻqilishi mumkin. va faylni aniq taqsimlash shart emas. Masalan, elektron pochta yoki veb-sayt moduli uchun rasm fayllarini saqlash uchun ishlatiladi. -ECMSectionWasRemoved= %s katalog o'chirildi. -ECMSectionWasCreated= %s katalogi yaratildi. -ECMSearchByKeywords=Kalit so'zlar bo'yicha qidirish -ECMSearchByEntity=Ob'ekt bo'yicha qidirish -ECMSectionOfDocuments=Hujjatlar kataloglari -ECMTypeAuto=Avtomatik -ECMDocsBy=%s ga bog'langan hujjatlar -ECMNoDirectoryYet=Hech qanday katalog yaratilmagan -ShowECMSection=Katalogni ko'rsatish -DeleteSection=Katalogni olib tashlash -ConfirmDeleteSection= %s katalogini o'chirishni xohlayotganingizni tasdiqlay olasizmi? -ECMDirectoryForFiles=Fayllar uchun nisbiy katalog -CannotRemoveDirectoryContainsFilesOrDirs=Olib tashlashning iloji yo'q, chunki u ba'zi fayllar yoki pastki kataloglarni o'z ichiga oladi -CannotRemoveDirectoryContainsFiles=O'chirish mumkin emas, chunki unda ba'zi fayllar mavjud -ECMFileManager=Fayl menejeri -ECMSelectASection=Daraxtdagi katalogni tanlang ... -DirNotSynchronizedSyncFirst=Ushbu katalog ECM modulidan tashqarida yaratilgan yoki o'zgartirilganga o'xshaydi. Ushbu katalog tarkibini olish uchun disk va ma'lumotlar bazasini sinxronlashtirish uchun avval "Qayta sinxronlashtirish" tugmachasini bosishingiz kerak. -ReSyncListOfDir=Kataloglar ro'yxatini qayta sinxronlashtirish -HashOfFileContent=Fayl tarkibidagi xash -NoDirectoriesFound=Hech qanday katalog topilmadi -FileNotYetIndexedInDatabase=Fayl hali ma'lumotlar bazasiga indekslanmagan (qayta yuklashga harakat qiling) -ExtraFieldsEcmFiles=Extrafields Ecm fayllari -ExtraFieldsEcmDirectories=Extrafields Ecm kataloglari -ECMSetup=ECM-ni sozlash -GenerateImgWebp=Barcha rasmlarni .webp formatidagi boshqa versiyasi bilan takrorlang -ConfirmGenerateImgWebp=Tasdiqlasangiz, ushbu jilddagi barcha rasmlar uchun .webp formatida rasm yaratasiz (papkalar qo'shilmaydi, o'lchami asl nusxadan katta bo'lsa, webp tasvirlari yaratilmaydi)... -ConfirmImgWebpCreation=Barcha rasmlarning takrorlanishini tasdiqlang -GenerateChosenImgWebp=Tanlangan rasmni .webp formatidagi boshqa versiya bilan nusxalash -ConfirmGenerateChosenImgWebp=Tasdiqlasangiz, %s uchun .webp formatida rasm yaratasiz. -ConfirmChosenImgWebpCreation=Tanlangan rasmlarning takrorlanishini tasdiqlang -SucessConvertImgWebp=Rasmlar muvaffaqiyatli takrorlandi -SucessConvertChosenImgWebp=Tanlangan rasm muvaffaqiyatli takrorlandi -ECMDirName=Direktor nomi -ECMParentDirectory=Ota -ona katalogi +ECMNbOfDocs=No. of documents in directory +ECMSection=Directory +ECMSectionManual=Manual directory +ECMSectionAuto=Automatic directory +ECMSectionsManual=Manual tree +ECMSectionsAuto=Automatic tree +ECMSections=Directories +ECMRoot=ECM Root +ECMNewSection=New directory +ECMAddSection=Add directory +ECMCreationDate=Creation date +ECMNbOfFilesInDir=Number of files in directory +ECMNbOfSubDir=Number of sub-directories +ECMNbOfFilesInSubDir=Number of files in sub-directories +ECMCreationUser=Creator +ECMArea=DMS/ECM area +ECMAreaDesc=The DMS/ECM (Document Management System / Electronic Content Management) area allows you to save, share and search quickly all kind of documents in Dolibarr. +ECMAreaDesc2=* Automatic directories are filled automatically when adding documents from card of an element.
* Manual directories can be used to save documents not linked to a particular element. +ECMSectionWasRemoved=Directory %s has been deleted. +ECMSectionWasCreated=Directory %s has been created. +ECMSearchByKeywords=Search by keywords +ECMSearchByEntity=Search by object +ECMSectionOfDocuments=Directories of documents +ECMTypeAuto=Automatic +ECMDocsBySocialContributions=Documents linked to social or fiscal taxes +ECMDocsByThirdParties=Documents linked to third parties +ECMDocsByProposals=Documents linked to proposals +ECMDocsByOrders=Documents linked to customers orders +ECMDocsByContracts=Documents linked to contracts +ECMDocsByInvoices=Documents linked to customers invoices +ECMDocsByProducts=Documents linked to products +ECMDocsByProjects=Documents linked to projects +ECMDocsByUsers=Documents linked to users +ECMDocsByInterventions=Documents linked to interventions +ECMDocsByExpenseReports=Documents linked to expense reports +ECMDocsByHolidays=Documents linked to holidays +ECMDocsBySupplierProposals=Documents linked to supplier proposals +ECMNoDirectoryYet=No directory created +ShowECMSection=Show directory +DeleteSection=Remove directory +ConfirmDeleteSection=Can you confirm you want to delete the directory %s? +ECMDirectoryForFiles=Relative directory for files +CannotRemoveDirectoryContainsFilesOrDirs=Removal not possible because it contains some files or sub-directories +CannotRemoveDirectoryContainsFiles=Removal not possible because it contains some files +ECMFileManager=File manager +ECMSelectASection=Select a directory in the tree... +DirNotSynchronizedSyncFirst=This directory seems to be created or modified outside ECM module. You must click on "Resync" button first to synchronize disk and database to get content of this directory. +ReSyncListOfDir=Resync list of directories +HashOfFileContent=Hash of file content +NoDirectoriesFound=No directories found +FileNotYetIndexedInDatabase=File not yet indexed into database (try to re-upload it) --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_errors.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_errors.lang @@ -4 +4 @@ -NoErrorCommitIsDone=Biz xato qilamiz +NoErrorCommitIsDone=No error, we commit @@ -6,329 +6,236 @@ -ErrorButCommitIsDone=Xatolar topildi, ammo shunga qaramay biz tasdiqlaymiz -ErrorBadEMail=%s elektron pochta manzili noto‘g‘ri -ErrorBadMXDomain=%s elektron pochtasi noto'g'ri ko'rinadi (domenda MX yozuvi mavjud emas) -ErrorBadUrl=Url %s noto'g'ri -ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString=Parametringiz uchun yomon qiymat. Odatda tarjima etishmayotganida qo'shiladi. -ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Reference %s used for creation already exists. -ErrorTitleAlreadyExists=Sarlavha %s allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorLoginAlreadyExists=%s-ga kirish allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorGroupAlreadyExists=%s guruhi allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorEmailAlreadyExists=%s elektron pochtasi allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorRecordNotFound=Yozuv topilmadi. -ErrorRecordNotFoundShort=Topilmadi -ErrorFailToCopyFile=' %s ' faylini ' %s ' ga ko'chirib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToCopyDir=' %s ' katalogini ' %s ' ga ko'chirib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToRenameFile=' %s ' faylini ' %s ' deb o'zgartirib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToDeleteFile=' %s ' faylini o'chirib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToCreateFile=' %s ' fayli yaratilmadi. -ErrorFailToRenameDir=' %s ' katalogini ' %s ' deb o'zgartirib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToCreateDir=' %s ' katalogini yaratib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToDeleteDir=' %s ' katalogini o'chirib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailToMakeReplacementInto=' %s ' fayliga almashtirish amalga oshirilmadi. -ErrorFailToGenerateFile=' %s ' faylini yaratib bo'lmadi. -ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType=Ushbu kontakt allaqachon ushbu turdagi aloqa sifatida aniqlangan. -ErrorCashAccountAcceptsOnlyCashMoney=Ushbu bank hisobvarag'i kassa hisobvarag'i hisoblanadi, shuning uchun u faqat naqd turdagi to'lovlarni qabul qiladi. -ErrorFromToAccountsMustDiffers=Bank hisob raqamlarining manbalari va maqsadlari boshqacha bo'lishi kerak. -ErrorBadThirdPartyName=Uchinchi tomon nomi uchun noto'g'ri qiymat -ForbiddenBySetupRules=O'rnatish qoidalari bilan taqiqlangan -ErrorProdIdIsMandatory=%s majburiydir -ErrorAccountancyCodeCustomerIsMandatory=%s mijozining buxgalteriya kodi majburiydir -ErrorAccountancyCodeSupplierIsMandatory=%s yetkazib beruvchining buxgalteriya kodi majburiy -ErrorBadCustomerCodeSyntax=Mijoz kodi uchun noto'g'ri sintaksis -ErrorBadBarCodeSyntax=Shtrixli kod uchun noto'g'ri sintaksis. Ehtimol, siz shtrix-kodning yomon turini o'rnatdingiz yoki skanerlangan qiymatga mos kelmaydigan raqamlash uchun shtrix-niqobni aniqladingiz. -ErrorCustomerCodeRequired=Mijoz kodi talab qilinadi -ErrorBarCodeRequired=Shtrixli kod kerak -ErrorCustomerCodeAlreadyUsed=Mijoz kodi allaqachon ishlatilgan -ErrorBarCodeAlreadyUsed=Shtrix allaqachon ishlatilgan -ErrorPrefixRequired=Prefiks kerak -ErrorBadSupplierCodeSyntax=Sotuvchi kodi uchun noto'g'ri sintaksis -ErrorSupplierCodeRequired=Sotuvchi kodi talab qilinadi -ErrorSupplierCodeAlreadyUsed=Sotuvchi kodi allaqachon ishlatilgan -ErrorBadParameters=Yomon parametrlar -ErrorWrongParameters=Parametrlar noto'g'ri yoki etishmayapti -ErrorBadValueForParameter="%s" parametri uchun noto'g'ri qiymat '%s' -ErrorBadImageFormat=Rasm fayli qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan formatga ega emas (sizning PHP-da ushbu formatdagi rasmlarni o'zgartirish funktsiyalari mavjud emas) -ErrorBadDateFormat="%s" qiymati noto'g'ri sana formatiga ega -ErrorWrongDate=Sana to'g'ri emas! -ErrorFailedToWriteInDir=%s katalogiga yozib bo'lmadi -ErrorFailedToBuildArchive=%s arxiv faylini yaratib bo‘lmadi -ErrorFoundBadEmailInFile=Faylda %s satrlari uchun noto'g'ri elektron pochta sintaksisini topdi (masalan, %s qatori elektron pochta bilan = %s) -ErrorUserCannotBeDelete=Foydalanuvchini o'chirib bo'lmaydi. Ehtimol, bu Dolibarr sub'ektlari bilan bog'liq. -ErrorFieldsRequired=Ba'zi majburiy maydonlar bo'sh qoldirildi. -ErrorSubjectIsRequired=Elektron pochta mavzusi talab qilinadi -ErrorFailedToCreateDir=Katalog yaratilmadi. Veb-server foydalanuvchisida Dolibarr hujjatlar katalogiga yozish uchun ruxsat borligini tekshiring. Agar ushbu PHP-da safe_mode parametri yoqilgan bo'lsa, Dolibarr php fayllari veb-server foydalanuvchisiga (yoki guruhiga) tegishli ekanligini tekshiring. -ErrorNoMailDefinedForThisUser=Ushbu foydalanuvchi uchun hech qanday pochta belgilanmagan -ErrorSetupOfEmailsNotComplete=Elektron pochta xabarlarini sozlash tugallanmagan -ErrorFeatureNeedJavascript=Bu funksiya ishlashi uchun JavaScript faollashtirilishi kerak. Buni sozlash - displeyda o'zgartiring. -ErrorTopMenuMustHaveAParentWithId0="Top" turidagi menyuda asosiy menyu bo'lishi mumkin emas. Bosh menyuga 0 qo'ying yoki "Chap" turidagi menyuni tanlang. -ErrorLeftMenuMustHaveAParentId="Chap" turidagi menyuda ota-ona identifikatori bo'lishi kerak. -ErrorFileNotFound= %s fayl topilmadi (Yomon yo'l, noto'g'ri ruxsat yoki PHP openbasedir yoki safe_mode parametri tomonidan rad etilgan) -ErrorDirNotFound= %s katalog topilmadi (Yomon yo'l, noto'g'ri ruxsat yoki PHP openbasedir yoki safe_mode parametri tomonidan rad etilgan) -ErrorFunctionNotAvailableInPHP=Ushbu funktsiya uchun %s funktsiyasi talab qilinadi, ammo PHP-ning ushbu versiyasida / sozlamalarida mavjud emas. -ErrorDirAlreadyExists=Ushbu nomdagi katalog allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorDirNotWritable=%s katalogini yozish mumkin emas. -ErrorFileAlreadyExists=Bunday nomdagi fayl allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorDestinationAlreadyExists= %s ismli boshqa fayl allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorPartialFile=Fayl server tomonidan to'liq qabul qilinmadi. -ErrorNoTmpDir=%s vaqtinchalik katalogi mavjud emas. -ErrorUploadBlockedByAddon=Yuklash PHP / Apache plaginlari tomonidan bloklangan. -ErrorFileSizeTooLarge=Fayl hajmi juda katta yoki fayl taqdim etilmagan. -ErrorFieldTooLong=%s maydoni juda uzun. -ErrorSizeTooLongForIntType=Int turi uchun juda uzun (maksimal %s raqam) -ErrorSizeTooLongForVarcharType=Ip turi uchun o'lcham juda uzun (%s belgilar maksimal) -ErrorNoValueForSelectType=Iltimos, tanlangan ro'yxat uchun qiymatni to'ldiring -ErrorNoValueForCheckBoxType=Iltimos, katakchalar ro'yxati uchun qiymatni to'ldiring -ErrorNoValueForRadioType=Iltimos, radio ro'yxati uchun qiymatni to'ldiring -ErrorBadFormatValueList=Ro'yxat qiymati bitta verguldan iborat bo'lishi mumkin emas: %s , lekin kamida bittasi kerak: key, value -ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialCharacters= %s maydonida maxsus belgilar bo'lmasligi kerak. -ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialNorUpperCharacters=%s maydonida na maxsus, na katta harflar bo‘lishi kerak belgilar va alifbo tartibida (a-z) boshlanishi kerak -ErrorFieldMustHaveXChar= %s maydonida kamida %s belgilar bo'lishi kerak. -ErrorNoAccountancyModuleLoaded=Buxgalteriya moduli faollashtirilmagan -ErrorExportDuplicateProfil=Ushbu eksport to'plami uchun ushbu profil nomi allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorLDAPSetupNotComplete=Dolibarr-LDAP mos kelmadi. -ErrorLDAPMakeManualTest=%s katalogida .ldif fayli yaratilgan. Xatolar haqida ko'proq ma'lumotga ega bo'lish uchun uni buyruq satridan qo'lda yuklashga harakat qiling. -ErrorCantSaveADoneUserWithZeroPercentage=Agar "bajarilgan" maydoni ham to'ldirilgan bo'lsa, "holat boshlanmadi" bilan amalni saqlab bo'lmaydi. -ErrorPleaseTypeBankTransactionReportName=Iltimos, yozuv haqida xabar berish kerak bo'lgan bank ma'lumotnomasining nomini kiriting (YYYYMM yoki YYYYMMDD formati) -ErrorRecordHasChildren=Yozuv o'chirilmadi, chunki ba'zi bir bolalar yozuvlari mavjud. -ErrorRecordHasAtLeastOneChildOfType=%s ob'ektida kamida %s turdagi bitta bola bor -ErrorRecordIsUsedCantDelete=Yozuvni o‘chirib bo‘lmadi. U allaqachon ishlatilgan yoki boshqa ob'ektga kiritilgan. -ErrorModuleRequireJavascript=Bu funksiya ishlashi uchun JavaScript oʻchirib qoʻyilmasligi kerak. JavaScript-ni yoqish/o‘chirish uchun Bosh sahifa->Sozlash->Displey menyusiga o‘ting. -ErrorPasswordsMustMatch=Yozilgan har ikkala parol bir-biriga mos kelishi kerak -ErrorContactEMail=Texnik xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, quyidagi e-pochta manziliga administrator bilan bog'laning %s va xatoni kiriting. Xabaringizda %s kodi yoki ekran nusxasini qo‘shing bu sahifa. -ErrorWrongValueForField=Maydon %s : ' %s ' regex qoida %s -ErrorHtmlInjectionForField=Maydon %s: qiymati ''notranslate= '>%s' ruxsat etilmagan zararli maʼlumotlarni oʻz ichiga oladi -ErrorFieldValueNotIn=Dala %s : « %s " bir qiymati dala %s topilmadi %s -ErrorFieldRefNotIn=Maydon %s : ' %s ' %s emas -ErrorMultipleRecordFoundFromRef=%s dan qidirilayotganda bir nechta yozuv topildi. Qaysi identifikatordan foydalanishni bilishning iloji yo'q. -ErrorsOnXLines=%s xatolar topildi -ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus=Antivirus dasturi faylni tekshira olmadi (faylga virus yuqishi mumkin) -ErrorFileIsAnInfectedPDFWithJSInside=Fayl PDF bo'lib, ichidagi ba'zi Javascript tomonidan zararlangan -ErrorNumRefModel=Ma'lumotlar bazasida (%s) ma'lumotlar bazasi mavjud va bu raqamlash qoidalariga mos kelmaydi. Ushbu modulni faollashtirish uchun yozuvni o'chirib tashlang yoki nomini o'zgartiring. -ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSupplier=Ushbu sotuvchi uchun juda kam miqdor yoki ushbu sotuvchida ushbu mahsulot uchun narx belgilanmagan -ErrorOrdersNotCreatedQtyTooLow=Kam miqdordagi buyurtma tufayli ba'zi buyurtmalar yaratilmagan -ErrorOrderStatusCantBeSetToDelivered=Buyurtma holatini yetkazib berish uchun sozlash mumkin emas. -ErrorModuleSetupNotComplete=%s modulini sozlash tugallanmagan ko‘rinadi. Tugallash uchun Bosh sahifa - O'rnatish - Modullarga o'ting. -ErrorBadMask=Maskada xato -ErrorBadMaskFailedToLocatePosOfSequence=Xato, tartib raqami bo'lmagan niqob -ErrorBadMaskBadRazMonth=Xato, qayta tiklash qiymati yomon -ErrorMaxNumberReachForThisMask=Ushbu niqob uchun maksimal raqam -ErrorCounterMustHaveMoreThan3Digits=Hisoblagich 3 ta raqamdan ortiq bo'lishi kerak -ErrorSelectAtLeastOne=Xato, kamida bitta yozuvni tanlang. -ErrorDeleteNotPossibleLineIsConsolidated=Yo'q qilish mumkin emas, chunki yozuvlar kelishilgan bank operatsiyalari bilan bog'liq -ErrorProdIdAlreadyExist=%s yana uchdan biriga tayinlangan -ErrorFailedToSendPassword=Parolni yuborib bo'lmadi -ErrorFailedToLoadRSSFile=RSS tasmasini ololmadi. Xato xabarlari etarli ma'lumot bermasa, doimiy ravishda MAIN_SIMPLEXMLLOAD_DEBUG qo'shishga harakat qiling. -ErrorForbidden=Ruxsat yo'q.
Siz o'chirib qo'yilgan modulning sahifasiga, maydoniga yoki xususiyatiga yoki autentifikatsiya qilingan sessiyada bo'lmasdan yoki foydalanuvchingizga ruxsat berilmagan holda kirishga harakat qilasiz. -ErrorForbidden2=Ushbu kirish uchun ruxsat sizning Dolibarr administratoringiz tomonidan %s-> %s menyusidan aniqlanishi mumkin. -ErrorForbidden3=Dolibarr autentifikatsiya qilingan seans orqali ishlatilmaydi. Autentifikatsiyani qanday boshqarishni bilish uchun Dolibarrni sozlash bo'yicha hujjatlarni ko'rib chiqing (htaccess, mod_auth yoki boshqa ...). -ErrorForbidden4=Eslatma: ushbu login uchun mavjud sessiyalarni yo'q qilish uchun brauzeringiz cookie-fayllarini tozalang. -ErrorNoImagickReadimage=Imagick sinfi ushbu PHP-da mavjud emas. Hech qanday oldindan ko'rish mumkin emas. Administrator ushbu yorliqni O'rnatish - Displey menyusidan o'chirib qo'yishi mumkin. -ErrorRecordAlreadyExists=Yozuv allaqachon mavjud -ErrorLabelAlreadyExists=Ushbu yorliq allaqachon mavjud -ErrorCantReadFile='%s' faylini o'qib bo'lmadi -ErrorCantReadDir='%s' katalogini o'qib bo'lmadi -ErrorBadLoginPassword=Kirish yoki parol uchun noto'g'ri qiymat -ErrorLoginDisabled=Sizning hisobingiz o'chirilgan -ErrorFailedToRunExternalCommand=Tashqi buyruqni bajarib bo'lmadi. PHP-server foydalanuvchisi uni mavjudligini va boshqarilishini tekshiring. Shuningdek tekshiring, buyruq qobiq darajasida apparmor kabi xavfsizlik qatlami bilan himoyalanmagan. -ErrorFailedToChangePassword=Parolni o'zgartirib bo'lmadi -ErrorLoginDoesNotExists= %s tizimiga kirgan foydalanuvchi topilmadi. -ErrorLoginHasNoEmail=Ushbu foydalanuvchi elektron pochta manziliga ega emas. Jarayon bekor qilindi. -ErrorBadValueForCode=Xavfsizlik kodi noto'g'ri. Yangi qiymat bilan qayta urinib ko'ring ... -ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative=%s va %s maydonlari ikkalasi ham salbiy bo'lishi mumkin emas -ErrorFieldCantBeNegativeOnInvoice=%s maydoni bu turdagi invoda salbiy bo'lishi mumkin emas. Agar chegirma qatorini qo'shishingiz kerak bo'lsa, avval chegirma yarating (uchinchi tomon kartasidagi '%s' maydonidan) va uni hisob-fakturaga qo'llang. -ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeForOneVATRate=Qatorlar yig'indisi (soliqni olib tashlagan holda) QQSning nol bo'lmagan stavkasi uchun salbiy bo'lishi mumkin emas (QQS stavkasi uchun %s %% uchun salbiy jami topildi). -ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeOnDeposits=Depozitda chiziqlar salbiy bo'lishi mumkin emas. Agar shunday qilsangiz, siz oxirgi hisob-fakturada depozitni iste'mol qilishingiz kerak bo'lganda siz muammolarga duch kelasiz. -ErrorQtyForCustomerInvoiceCantBeNegative=Xaridorlarning schyot-fakturalari qatori salbiy bo'lishi mumkin emas -ErrorWebServerUserHasNotPermission=Veb-serverni amalga oshirish uchun foydalanilgan %s foydalanuvchi qayd yozuvida bunga ruxsat yo'q -ErrorNoActivatedBarcode=Shtrixli kod yoqilmagan -ErrUnzipFails=%s ni ZipArchive bilan ochib bo'lmadi -ErrNoZipEngine=Ushbu PHP-da %s faylini ziplash / ochish uchun vosita yo'q -ErrorFileMustBeADolibarrPackage=%s fayli Dolibarr zip to'plami bo'lishi kerak -ErrorModuleFileRequired=Dolibarr moduli to'plami faylini tanlashingiz kerak -ErrorPhpCurlNotInstalled=PHP CURL o'rnatilmagan, bu Paypal bilan suhbatlashish uchun juda muhimdir -ErrorFailedToAddToMailmanList=%s yoki MailIP ro'yxatiga %s yozuvini yoki SPIP bazasini qo'shib bo'lmadi -ErrorFailedToRemoveToMailmanList=%s yozuvini %s yoki SPIP bazasini pochtachilar ro'yxatiga o'chirib bo'lmadi -ErrorNewValueCantMatchOldValue=Yangi qiymat eskisiga teng bo'lishi mumkin emas -ErrorFailedToValidatePasswordReset=Parolni qayta tiklab bo'lmadi. Qayta tiklash allaqachon amalga oshirilgan bo'lishi mumkin (bu havola faqat bir marta ishlatilishi mumkin). Agar yo'q bo'lsa, qayta tiklash jarayonini qayta boshlashga harakat qiling. -ErrorToConnectToMysqlCheckInstance=Ma'lumotlar bazasiga ulanish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi. Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri ishlayotganligini tekshiring (masalan, -ErrorFailedToAddContact=Kontakt qo'shilmadi -ErrorDateMustBeBeforeToday=Sana bugundan pastroq bo'lishi kerak -ErrorDateMustBeInFuture=Sana bugundan kattaroq bo'lishi kerak -ErrorStartDateGreaterEnd=Boshlanish sanasi tugash sanasidan kattaroq -ErrorPaymentModeDefinedToWithoutSetup=%s yozish uchun to'lov rejimi o'rnatildi, ammo ushbu to'lov rejimi uchun ma'lumotni aniqlash uchun fakturani moduli o'rnatilmagan. -ErrorPHPNeedModule=Xato, PHP-da ushbu funktsiyadan foydalanish uchun %s moduli o'rnatilgan bo'lishi kerak. -ErrorOpenIDSetupNotComplete=OpenID autentifikatsiyasiga ruxsat berish uchun Dolibarr konfiguratsiya faylini o'rnatdingiz, ammo OpenID xizmatining URL manzili doimiy ravishda %s shaklida aniqlanmagan -ErrorWarehouseMustDiffers=Manba va maqsadli omborlar farq qilishi kerak -ErrorBadFormat=Noto'g'ri format! -ErrorMemberNotLinkedToAThirpartyLinkOrCreateFirst=Xato, bu a'zo hali hech qanday uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lanmagan. Hisob-faktura bilan obuna yaratishdan oldin a'zoni mavjud bo'lgan uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lang yoki yangi uchinchi tomonni yarating. -ErrorThereIsSomeDeliveries=Xato, ushbu etkazib berishga bog'liq bo'lgan ba'zi etkazib berishlar mavjud. Yo'q qilish rad etildi. -ErrorCantDeletePaymentReconciliated=Yarashtirilgan bank yozuvini yaratgan to'lovni o'chirib bo'lmaydi -ErrorCantDeletePaymentSharedWithPayedInvoice=Hech bo'lmaganda bitta faktura bilan to'langan to'lovni o'chirib bo'lmaydi, pullik holati mavjud -ErrorPriceExpression1="%s" doimiyligini tayinlab bo'lmaydi -ErrorPriceExpression2=O'rnatilgan '%s' funktsiyasini qayta aniqlab bo'lmaydi -ErrorPriceExpression3=Funktsiya ta'rifida aniqlanmagan '%s' o'zgaruvchisi -ErrorPriceExpression4=Noqonuniy belgi '%s' -ErrorPriceExpression5=Kutilmagan '%s' -ErrorPriceExpression6=Argumentlar soni noto'g'ri (%s berilgan, %s kutilmoqda) -ErrorPriceExpression8=Kutilmagan operator '%s' -ErrorPriceExpression9=Kutilmagan xatolik yuz berdi -ErrorPriceExpression10="%s" operatorida operand yo'q -ErrorPriceExpression11="%s" kutilmoqda -ErrorPriceExpression14=Nolga bo'linish -ErrorPriceExpression17=%s aniqlanmagan o'zgaruvchisi -ErrorPriceExpression19=Ifoda topilmadi -ErrorPriceExpression20=Bo'sh ifoda -ErrorPriceExpression21=Bo'sh natija '%s' -ErrorPriceExpression22=Salbiy natija '%s' -ErrorPriceExpression23=%s da noma'lum yoki o'rnatilmagan '%s' o'zgaruvchisi. -ErrorPriceExpression24='%s' o'zgaruvchisi mavjud, ammo qiymati yo'q -ErrorPriceExpressionInternal=Ichki xato '%s' -ErrorPriceExpressionUnknown=Noma'lum xato '%s' -ErrorSrcAndTargetWarehouseMustDiffers=Manba va maqsadli omborlar farq qilishi kerak -ErrorTryToMakeMoveOnProductRequiringBatchData=Lot / ketma-ket ma'lumot talab qiladigan '%s' mahsulotida lot / ketma-ket ma'lumotsiz birja harakatini amalga oshirishda xato -ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionToApprove=Ushbu harakatni amalga oshirishga ruxsat berishdan oldin barcha yozib olingan qabullarni tekshirish (tasdiqlash yoki rad etish) kerak -ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionDenied=Ushbu harakatni amalga oshirishga ruxsat berishdan oldin barcha yozib olingan qabullarni tekshirish (tasdiqlash) kerak -ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater0=HTTP so'rovi '%s' xatosi bilan bajarilmadi -ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater1=Noto'g'ri JSON formati '%s' -ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater2=Parametr yo'q '%s' -ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater3=So'ralgan ma'lumotlar natijada topilmadi -ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater4=SOAP mijozi "%s" xatosi bilan ishlamadi -ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater5=Hech qanday global o'zgaruvchi tanlanmagan -ErrorFieldMustBeANumeric= %s maydon raqamli qiymat bo'lishi kerak -ErrorMandatoryParametersNotProvided=Majburiy parametr (lar) taqdim etilmagan -ErrorOppStatusRequiredIfUsage=Siz ushbu loyihada imkoniyatdan foydalanishni tanlaysiz, shuning uchun siz Etakchi maqomini ham to'ldirishingiz kerak. -ErrorOppStatusRequiredIfAmount=Siz ushbu tanlov uchun taxminiy miqdorni belgiladingiz. Shunday qilib, siz uning holatini ham kiritishingiz kerak. -ErrorFailedToLoadModuleDescriptorForXXX=%s uchun modul identifikatori sinfini yuklab bo'lmadi -ErrorBadDefinitionOfMenuArrayInModuleDescriptor=Modul tavsiflovchisidagi menyu qatorining noto'g'ri ta'rifi (fk_menu tugmasi uchun yomon qiymat) -ErrorSavingChanges=O'zgarishlarni saqlashda xatolik yuz berdi -ErrorWarehouseRequiredIntoShipmentLine=Yuk tashish uchun omborxonada talab qilinadi -ErrorFileMustHaveFormat=Fayl %s formatiga ega bo'lishi kerak -ErrorFilenameCantStartWithDot=Fayl nomini '' bilan boshlash mumkin emas. -ErrorSupplierCountryIsNotDefined=Ushbu sotuvchi uchun mamlakat aniqlanmagan. Avval buni tuzating. -ErrorsThirdpartyMerge=Ikki yozuv birlashtirilmadi. So'rov bekor qilindi. -ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnOrder=%s mahsuloti uchun uni yangi tartibga qo'shish uchun stok etarli emas. -ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnInvoice=%s mahsuloti uchun uni yangi hisob-fakturaga qo'shish uchun stok etarli emas. -ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnShipment=%s mahsuloti uchun uni yangi jo'natishga qo'shish uchun zaxira etarli emas. -ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnProposal=%s mahsuloti uchun uni yangi taklifga qo'shish uchun stok etarli emas. -ErrorFailedToLoadLoginFileForMode="%s" rejimi uchun kirish tugmachasini olmadi. -ErrorModuleNotFound=Modul fayli topilmadi. -ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForBankLine=Buxgalteriya hisobi qiymati %s (%s) manba qatori uchun aniqlanmagan -ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForInvoiceLine=Buxgalteriya hisobi qiymati %s (%s) hisob-fakturasi uchun aniqlanmagan -ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForLine=Buxgalteriya hisobi qiymati chiziq uchun aniqlanmagan (%s) -ErrorBankStatementNameMustFollowRegex=Xato, bank ko'chirma nomi quyidagi sintaksis qoidasiga amal qilishi kerak %s -ErrorPhpMailDelivery=Qabul qiluvchilarning juda ko'p sonini ishlatmasligingizni va elektron pochta manzilingiz Spamga o'xshamasligini tekshiring. To'liqroq ma'lumot olish uchun administratoringizdan xavfsizlik devori va server jurnallari fayllarini tekshirishni so'rang. -ErrorUserNotAssignedToTask=Vaqtni sarflashni kiritish uchun foydalanuvchiga topshiriq berilishi kerak. -ErrorTaskAlreadyAssigned=Vazifa allaqachon foydalanuvchiga berilgan -ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat=Modul to'plami noto'g'ri formatga o'xshaydi. -ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat2=Modul zip-da kamida bitta majburiy katalog mavjud bo'lishi kerak: %s yoki %s -ErrorFilenameDosNotMatchDolibarrPackageRules=Modul paketining nomi ( %s ) kutilgan nom sintaksisiga mos kelmaydi: %s a0a65d071f6fcz -ErrorDuplicateTrigger=Xato, %s trigger nomini takrorlang. %s dan allaqachon yuklangan. -ErrorNoWarehouseDefined=Xato, omborlar aniqlanmadi. -ErrorBadLinkSourceSetButBadValueForRef=Siz foydalanadigan havola yaroqsiz. To'lov uchun "manba" aniqlangan, ammo "ref" qiymati haqiqiy emas. -ErrorTooManyErrorsProcessStopped=Juda ko'p xatolar. Jarayon to'xtatildi. -ErrorMassValidationNotAllowedWhenStockIncreaseOnAction=Ushbu aksiyada zaxirani ko'paytirish / kamaytirish variantini o'rnatilganda ommaviy tekshirish mumkin emas (siz birma-bir tasdiqlashingiz kerak, shunda siz omborni oshirish / kamaytirish uchun) -ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftToBeValidated=%s ob'ekti tasdiqlanishi uchun "Qoralama" holatiga ega bo'lishi kerak. -ErrorObjectMustHaveLinesToBeValidated=%s ob'ekti tasdiqlanishi uchun satrlarga ega bo'lishi kerak. -ErrorOnlyInvoiceValidatedCanBeSentInMassAction=Faqat tasdiqlangan hisob-fakturalarni "Elektron pochta orqali yuborish" ommaviy aksiyasi yordamida yuborish mumkin. -ErrorChooseBetweenFreeEntryOrPredefinedProduct=Maqola oldindan belgilangan mahsulotmi yoki yo'qligini tanlashingiz kerak -ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore=Siz qo'llamoqchi bo'lgan chegirma to'lashdan ko'ra kattaroqdir. Oldinroq chegirmani 2 ta kichik chegirmaga bo'ling. -ErrorFileNotFoundWithSharedLink=Fayl topilmadi. Ehtimol, ulashish kaliti o'zgartirilgan yoki fayl yaqinda olib tashlangan bo'lishi mumkin. -ErrorProductBarCodeAlreadyExists=%s mahsulotining shtrix-kodi boshqa mahsulot ma'lumotnomasida mavjud. -ErrorNoteAlsoThatSubProductCantBeFollowedByLot=Shuni ham unutmangki, hech bo'lmaganda bitta subproduct (yoki subproduct) seriya / lot raqami kerak bo'lganda subproductlarni avtomatik ravishda oshirish / kamaytirish uchun to'plamlardan foydalanish mumkin emas. -ErrorDescRequiredForFreeProductLines=Tavsif bepul mahsulotga ega chiziqlar uchun majburiydir -ErrorAPageWithThisNameOrAliasAlreadyExists=Sahifa / konteyner %s siz foydalanmoqchi bo'lganingiz bir xil nom yoki muqobil taxallusga ega -ErrorDuringChartLoad=Hisob rejasini yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi. Agar bir nechta hisob yuklanmagan bo'lsa, ularni qo'lda kiritishingiz mumkin. -ErrorBadSyntaxForParamKeyForContent=Param keyforcontent uchun noto'g'ri sintaksis. %s yoki %s bilan boshlanadigan qiymat bo'lishi kerak -ErrorVariableKeyForContentMustBeSet=Xato, %s (matnli tarkib ko'rsatilishi kerak) yoki %s (tashqi url ko'rsatilishi kerak) bilan doimiy o'rnatilishi kerak. -ErrorURLMustEndWith=URL %s tugashi kerak %s -ErrorURLMustStartWithHttp=%s URL manzili http: // yoki https: // bilan boshlanishi kerak. -ErrorHostMustNotStartWithHttp=%s xost nomi http: // yoki https: // bilan boshlanmasligi kerak. -ErrorNewRefIsAlreadyUsed=Xato, yangi ma'lumotnoma allaqachon ishlatilgan -ErrorDeletePaymentLinkedToAClosedInvoiceNotPossible=Xatolik yuz berdi, yopiq hisob-fakturaga ulangan to'lovni o'chirib bo'lmaydi. -ErrorSearchCriteriaTooSmall=Qidiruv mezonlari juda qisqa. -ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusActiveToBeDisabled=O'chirish uchun ob'ektlar "Faol" holatiga ega bo'lishi kerak -ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftOrDisabledToBeActivated=Ob'ektlarni yoqish uchun "Qoralama" yoki "O'chirilgan" holati bo'lishi kerak -ErrorNoFieldWithAttributeShowoncombobox=Hech bir maydonda '%s' ob'ekti ta'rifida 'showoncombobox' xususiyati mavjud emas. Kombolistni ko'rsatishning imkoni yo'q. -ErrorFieldRequiredForProduct=%s mahsuloti uchun '%s' maydoni talab qilinadi -AlreadyTooMuchPostOnThisIPAdress=Siz allaqachon bu IP manzilda juda ko'p postlar joylashtirgansiz. -ProblemIsInSetupOfTerminal=Muammo %s terminalini o'rnatishda. -ErrorAddAtLeastOneLineFirst=Avval kamida bitta satr qo'shing -ErrorRecordAlreadyInAccountingDeletionNotPossible=Xato, yozuv allaqachon buxgalteriya hisobiga o'tkazilgan, yo'q qilish mumkin emas. -ErrorLanguageMandatoryIfPageSetAsTranslationOfAnother=Xato, agar siz sahifani boshqasining tarjimasi sifatida o'rnatgan bo'lsangiz, til majburiydir. -ErrorLanguageOfTranslatedPageIsSameThanThisPage=Xato, tarjima qilingan sahifaning tili shu bilan bir xil. -ErrorBatchNoFoundForProductInWarehouse="%s" mahsuloti uchun "%s" omborida lot / seriya topilmadi. -ErrorBatchNoFoundEnoughQuantityForProductInWarehouse="%s" mahsuloti uchun "%s" omborida ushbu lot / seriya uchun etarli miqdor yo'q. -ErrorOnlyOneFieldForGroupByIsPossible="Guruh guruhi" uchun faqat bitta maydon bo'lishi mumkin (boshqalar bekor qilinadi) -ErrorTooManyDifferentValueForSelectedGroupBy=' %s ' uchun maydon juda ko'p turli xil qiymatlarni ( %s dan ortiq) topdi, shunday qilib we 'we can'. "Guruh guruhi" maydoni olib tashlandi. Siz uni X o'qi sifatida ishlatishni xohlaysizmi? -ErrorReplaceStringEmpty=Xato, o'rnini bosadigan satr bo'sh -ErrorProductNeedBatchNumber=Xato, ' %s ' mahsulotiga juda ko'p / seriya raqami kerak -ErrorProductDoesNotNeedBatchNumber=Xato, ' %s ' mahsuloti ko'p / seriya raqamini qabul qilmaydi -ErrorFailedToReadObject=Xato, %s turidagi ob'ekt o'qilmadi -ErrorParameterMustBeEnabledToAllwoThisFeature=Xato, %s parametri conf/conf.php<> ichki ish rejalashtiruvchisi tomonidan buyruq qatori interfeysidan foydalanishga ruxsat berish -ErrorLoginDateValidity=Xato, ushbu kirish amal qilish muddati oralig'ida emas -ErrorValueLength=' %s ' maydonining uzunligi ' %s ' dan yuqori bo'lishi kerak -ErrorReservedKeyword=' %s ' so'zi zaxiralangan kalit so'z -ErrorFilenameReserved=%s fayl nomidan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi, chunki u himoyalangan va himoyalangan buyruq. -ErrorNotAvailableWithThisDistribution=Ushbu tarqatish bilan mavjud emas -ErrorPublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Umumiy interfeys yoqilmagan -ErrorLanguageRequiredIfPageIsTranslationOfAnother=Yangi sahifaning tili boshqa sahifaning tarjimasi sifatida o'rnatilgan bo'lsa aniqlanishi kerak -ErrorLanguageMustNotBeSourceLanguageIfPageIsTranslationOfAnother=Yangi sahifaning tili boshqa sahifaning tarjimasi sifatida o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, manba tili bo'lmasligi kerak -ErrorAParameterIsRequiredForThisOperation=Ushbu operatsiyani bajarish uchun parametr majburiydir -ErrorDateIsInFuture=Xato, sana kelajakda bo'lishi mumkin emas -ErrorAnAmountWithoutTaxIsRequired=Xato, miqdor majburiydir -ErrorAPercentIsRequired=Xato, foizni to'g'ri to'ldiring -ErrorYouMustFirstSetupYourChartOfAccount=Avval hisob qaydnomangizni o'rnatishingiz kerak -ErrorFailedToFindEmailTemplate=%s kodli shablonni topib bo'lmadi -ErrorDurationForServiceNotDefinedCantCalculateHourlyPrice=Xizmat muddati aniqlanmagan. Bir soatlik narxni hisoblashning iloji yo'q. -ErrorActionCommPropertyUserowneridNotDefined=Foydalanuvchi egasi talab qilinadi -ErrorActionCommBadType=Tanlangan tadbir turi (id: %s, kod: %s) Voqealar turi lug‘atida mavjud emas -CheckVersionFail=Versiyani tekshirib bo'lmadi -ErrorWrongFileName=Fayl nomida __SOMETHING__ bo'lishi mumkin emas -ErrorNotInDictionaryPaymentConditions=To'lov shartlari lug'atida yo'q, iltimos o'zgartiring. -ErrorIsNotADraft=%s qoralama emas -ErrorExecIdFailed="ID" buyrug'ini bajarib bo'lmadi -ErrorBadCharIntoLoginName=%s maydonidagi ruxsatsiz belgi -ErrorRequestTooLarge=Xato, so‘rov juda katta yoki seans muddati tugagan -ErrorNotApproverForHoliday=Siz %s tark etishni tasdiqlovchi emassiz -ErrorAttributeIsUsedIntoProduct=Ushbu atribut bir yoki bir nechta mahsulot variantida qo'llaniladi -ErrorAttributeValueIsUsedIntoProduct=Ushbu atribut qiymati bir yoki bir nechta mahsulot variantida ishlatiladi -ErrorPaymentInBothCurrency=Xato, barcha summalar bitta ustunga kiritilishi kerak -ErrorYouTryToPayInvoicesInACurrencyFromBankWithAnotherCurrency=Hisob-fakturalarni %s valyutasidagi hisobdan %s valyutasida to‘lashga harakat qilasiz. -ErrorInvoiceLoadThirdParty=“%s” invoys uchun uchinchi tomon obyektini yuklab bo‘lmadi -ErrorInvoiceLoadThirdPartyKey=“%s” uchinchi tomon kaliti “%s” invoys uchun sozlanmagan -ErrorDeleteLineNotAllowedByObjectStatus=Joriy ob'ekt holati bo'yicha qatorni o'chirishga ruxsat berilmagan -ErrorAjaxRequestFailed=So‘rov bajarilmadi -ErrorThirpdartyOrMemberidIsMandatory=Uchinchi tomon yoki sheriklik a'zosi majburiydir -ErrorFailedToWriteInTempDirectory=Vaqtinchalik katalogga yozib bo‘lmadi -ErrorQuantityIsLimitedTo=Miqdor chegaralangan: %s -ErrorFailedToLoadThirdParty=id=%s, email=%s, name= saytidan uchinchi tomonni topib/yuklab bo‘lmadi %s -ErrorThisPaymentModeIsNotSepa=Bu toʻlov usuli bank hisobi emas -ErrorStripeCustomerNotFoundCreateFirst=Stripe mijozi bu uchinchi tomon uchun sozlanmagan (yoki Stripe tomonida oʻchirilgan qiymatga oʻrnatilgan). Avval uni yarating (yoki qayta biriktiring). -ErrorCharPlusNotSupportedByImapForSearch=IMAP qidiruvi yuboruvchi yoki qabul qiluvchida + belgisini o'z ichiga olgan qatorni qidira olmaydi -ErrorTableNotFound=Jadval %s topilmadi -ErrorRefNotFound=Ref %s topilmadi -ErrorValueForTooLow=%s uchun qiymat juda past -ErrorValueCantBeNull=%s uchun qiymat null bo‘lishi mumkin emas -ErrorDateOfMovementLowerThanDateOfFileTransmission=Bank operatsiyasining sanasi faylni yuborish sanasidan past bo'lishi mumkin emas -ErrorTooMuchFileInForm=Formadagi fayllar juda koʻp, maksimal soni %s fayl(lar) -ErrorSessionInvalidatedAfterPasswordChange=Parol, elektron pochta manzili, holat yoki amal qilish sanasi oʻzgargandan keyin sessiya bekor qilingan. Iltimos, qayta kiring. -ErrorExistingPermission = Ruxsat %s %s “chap” -ErrorUploadFileDragDrop=Fayl(lar)ni yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi -ErrorUploadFileDragDropPermissionDenied=Fayl(lar)ni yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi: Ruxsat berilmadi -ErrorFixThisHere=Buni shu yerda tuzating -ErrorTheUrlOfYourDolInstanceDoesNotMatchURLIntoOAuthSetup=Xato: Joriy namunangizning URL manzili (%s) OAuth2 login sozlamalarida belgilangan URL bilan mos kelmaydi (%s). Bunday konfiguratsiyada OAuth2 tizimiga kirishga ruxsat berilmaydi. -ErrorMenuExistValue=Bu sarlavha yoki URL bilan allaqachon menyu mavjud -ErrorSVGFilesNotAllowedAsLinksWithout=SVG fayllariga %s parametrisiz tashqi havola sifatida ruxsat berilmaydi. -ErrorTypeMenu=Navbarga bir xil modul uchun boshqa menyu qo‘shishning imkoni yo‘q, lekin hozircha ishlamaydi -ErrorObjectNotFound = %s topilmadi, url manzilingizni tekshiring -ErrorCountryCodeMustBe2Char=Mamlakat kodi 2 ta belgidan iborat boʻlishi kerak -ErrorABatchShouldNotContainsSpaces=A lot or serial number should not contains spaces - -ErrorTableExist=Jadval %s allaqachon mavjud -ErrorDictionaryNotFound=Lug'at %s topilmadi -ErrorFailedToCreateSymLinkToMedias=%s ga ishora qilish uchun %s ramziy havolasini yaratib bo‘lmadi. -ErrorCheckTheCommandInsideTheAdvancedOptions=Eksport uchun ishlatiladigan buyruqni eksportning Kengaytirilgan parametrlariga tekshiring - +ErrorButCommitIsDone=Errors found but we validate despite this +ErrorBadEMail=Email %s is wrong +ErrorBadUrl=Url %s is wrong +ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString=Bad value for your parameter. It appends generally when translation is missing. +ErrorLoginAlreadyExists=Login %s already exists. +ErrorGroupAlreadyExists=Group %s already exists. +ErrorRecordNotFound=Record not found. +ErrorFailToCopyFile=Failed to copy file '%s' into '%s'. +ErrorFailToCopyDir=Failed to copy directory '%s' into '%s'. +ErrorFailToRenameFile=Failed to rename file '%s' into '%s'. +ErrorFailToDeleteFile=Failed to remove file '%s'. +ErrorFailToCreateFile=Failed to create file '%s'. +ErrorFailToRenameDir=Failed to rename directory '%s' into '%s'. +ErrorFailToCreateDir=Failed to create directory '%s'. +ErrorFailToDeleteDir=Failed to delete directory '%s'. +ErrorFailToMakeReplacementInto=Failed to make replacement into file '%s'. +ErrorFailToGenerateFile=Failed to generate file '%s'. +ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType=This contact is already defined as contact for this type. +ErrorCashAccountAcceptsOnlyCashMoney=This bank account is a cash account, so it accepts payments of type cash only. +ErrorFromToAccountsMustDiffers=Source and targets bank accounts must be different. +ErrorBadThirdPartyName=Bad value for third-party name +ErrorProdIdIsMandatory=The %s is mandatory +ErrorBadCustomerCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for customer code +ErrorBadBarCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for barcode. May be you set a bad barcode type or you defined a barcode mask for numbering that does not match value scanned. +ErrorCustomerCodeRequired=Customer code required +ErrorBarCodeRequired=Barcode required +ErrorCustomerCodeAlreadyUsed=Customer code already used +ErrorBarCodeAlreadyUsed=Barcode already used +ErrorPrefixRequired=Prefix required +ErrorBadSupplierCodeSyntax=Bad syntax for vendor code +ErrorSupplierCodeRequired=Vendor code required +ErrorSupplierCodeAlreadyUsed=Vendor code already used +ErrorBadParameters=Bad parameters +ErrorWrongParameters=Wrong or missing parameters +ErrorBadValueForParameter=Wrong value '%s' for parameter '%s' +ErrorBadImageFormat=Image file has not a supported format (Your PHP does not support functions to convert images of this format) +ErrorBadDateFormat=Value '%s' has wrong date format +ErrorWrongDate=Date is not correct! +ErrorFailedToWriteInDir=Failed to write in directory %s +ErrorFoundBadEmailInFile=Found incorrect email syntax for %s lines in file (example line %s with email=%s) +ErrorUserCannotBeDelete=User cannot be deleted. Maybe it is associated to Dolibarr entities. +ErrorFieldsRequired=Some required fields were not filled. +ErrorSubjectIsRequired=The email topic is required +ErrorFailedToCreateDir=Failed to create a directory. Check that Web server user has permissions to write into Dolibarr documents directory. If parameter safe_mode is enabled on this PHP, check that Dolibarr php files owns to web server user (or group). +ErrorNoMailDefinedForThisUser=No mail defined for this user +ErrorFeatureNeedJavascript=This feature need javascript to be activated to work. Change this in setup - display. +ErrorTopMenuMustHaveAParentWithId0=A menu of type 'Top' can't have a parent menu. Put 0 in parent menu or choose a menu of type 'Left'. +ErrorLeftMenuMustHaveAParentId=A menu of type 'Left' must have a parent id. +ErrorFileNotFound=File %s not found (Bad path, wrong permissions or access denied by PHP openbasedir or safe_mode parameter) +ErrorDirNotFound=Directory %s not found (Bad path, wrong permissions or access denied by PHP openbasedir or safe_mode parameter) +ErrorFunctionNotAvailableInPHP=Function %s is required for this feature but is not available in this version/setup of PHP. +ErrorDirAlreadyExists=A directory with this name already exists. +ErrorFileAlreadyExists=A file with this name already exists. +ErrorPartialFile=File not received completely by server. +ErrorNoTmpDir=Temporary directy %s does not exists. +ErrorUploadBlockedByAddon=Upload blocked by a PHP/Apache plugin. +ErrorFileSizeTooLarge=File size is too large. +ErrorFieldTooLong=Field %s is too long. +ErrorSizeTooLongForIntType=Size too long for int type (%s digits maximum) +ErrorSizeTooLongForVarcharType=Size too long for string type (%s chars maximum) +ErrorNoValueForSelectType=Please fill value for select list +ErrorNoValueForCheckBoxType=Please fill value for checkbox list +ErrorNoValueForRadioType=Please fill value for radio list +ErrorBadFormatValueList=The list value cannot have more than one comma: %s, but need at least one: key,value +ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialCharacters=The field %s must not contains special characters. +ErrorFieldCanNotContainSpecialNorUpperCharacters=The field %s must not contain special characters, nor upper case characters and cannot contain only numbers. +ErrorFieldMustHaveXChar=The field %s must have at least %s characters. +ErrorNoAccountancyModuleLoaded=No accountancy module activated +ErrorExportDuplicateProfil=This profile name already exists for this export set. +ErrorLDAPSetupNotComplete=Dolibarr-LDAP matching is not complete. +ErrorLDAPMakeManualTest=A .ldif file has been generated in directory %s. Try to load it manually from command line to have more information on errors. +ErrorCantSaveADoneUserWithZeroPercentage=Can't save an action with "status not started" if field "done by" is also filled. +ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Ref used for creation already exists. +ErrorPleaseTypeBankTransactionReportName=Please enter the bank statement name where the entry has to be reported (Format YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD) +ErrorRecordHasChildren=Failed to delete record since it has some child records. +ErrorRecordHasAtLeastOneChildOfType=Object has at least one child of type %s +ErrorRecordIsUsedCantDelete=Can't delete record. It is already used or included into another object. +ErrorModuleRequireJavascript=Javascript must not be disabled to have this feature working. To enable/disable Javascript, go to menu Home->Setup->Display. +ErrorPasswordsMustMatch=Both typed passwords must match each other +ErrorContactEMail=A technical error occured. Please, contact administrator to following email %s and provide the error code %s in your message, or add a screen copy of this page. +ErrorWrongValueForField=Field %s: '%s' does not match regex rule %s +ErrorFieldValueNotIn=Field %s: '%s' is not a value found in field %s of %s +ErrorFieldRefNotIn=Field %s: '%s' is not a %s existing ref +ErrorsOnXLines=%s errors found +ErrorFileIsInfectedWithAVirus=The antivirus program was not able to validate the file (file might be infected by a virus) +ErrorSpecialCharNotAllowedForField=Special characters are not allowed for field "%s" +ErrorNumRefModel=A reference exists into database (%s) and is not compatible with this numbering rule. Remove record or renamed reference to activate this module. +ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSupplier=Quantity too low for this vendor or no price defined on this product for this vendor +ErrorOrdersNotCreatedQtyTooLow=Some orders haven't been created because of too-low quantities +ErrorModuleSetupNotComplete=Setup of module %s looks to be uncomplete. Go on Home - Setup - Modules to complete. +ErrorBadMask=Error on mask +ErrorBadMaskFailedToLocatePosOfSequence=Error, mask without sequence number +ErrorBadMaskBadRazMonth=Error, bad reset value +ErrorMaxNumberReachForThisMask=Maximum number reached for this mask +ErrorCounterMustHaveMoreThan3Digits=Counter must have more than 3 digits +ErrorSelectAtLeastOne=Error, select at least one entry. +ErrorDeleteNotPossibleLineIsConsolidated=Delete not possible because record is linked to a bank transaction that is conciliated +ErrorProdIdAlreadyExist=%s is assigned to another third +ErrorFailedToSendPassword=Failed to send password +ErrorFailedToLoadRSSFile=Fails to get RSS feed. Try to add constant MAIN_SIMPLEXMLLOAD_DEBUG if error messages does not provide enough information. +ErrorForbidden=Access denied.
You try to access to a page, area or feature of a disabled module or without being in an authenticated session or that is not allowed to your user. +ErrorForbidden2=Permission for this login can be defined by your Dolibarr administrator from menu %s->%s. +ErrorForbidden3=It seems that Dolibarr is not used through an authenticated session. Take a look at Dolibarr setup documentation to know how to manage authentications (htaccess, mod_auth or other...). +ErrorNoImagickReadimage=Class Imagick is not found in this PHP. No preview can be available. Administrators can disable this tab from menu Setup - Display. +ErrorRecordAlreadyExists=Record already exists +ErrorLabelAlreadyExists=This label already exists +ErrorCantReadFile=Failed to read file '%s' +ErrorCantReadDir=Failed to read directory '%s' +ErrorBadLoginPassword=Bad value for login or password +ErrorLoginDisabled=Your account has been disabled +ErrorFailedToRunExternalCommand=Failed to run external command. Check it is available and runnable by your PHP server. If PHP Safe Mode is enabled, check that command is inside a directory defined by parameter safe_mode_exec_dir. +ErrorFailedToChangePassword=Failed to change password +ErrorLoginDoesNotExists=User with login %s could not be found. +ErrorLoginHasNoEmail=This user has no email address. Process aborted. +ErrorBadValueForCode=Bad value for security code. Try again with new value... +ErrorBothFieldCantBeNegative=Fields %s and %s can't be both negative +ErrorFieldCantBeNegativeOnInvoice=Field %s cannot be negative on this type of invoice. If you need to add a discount line, just create the discount first (from field '%s' in thirdparty card) and apply it to the invoice. +ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeForOneVATRate=Total of lines (net of tax) can't be negative for a given not null VAT rate (Found a negative total for VAT rate %s%%). +ErrorLinesCantBeNegativeOnDeposits=Lines can't be negative in a deposit. You will face problems when you will need to consume the deposit in final invoice if you do so. +ErrorQtyForCustomerInvoiceCantBeNegative=Quantity for line into customer invoices can't be negative +ErrorWebServerUserHasNotPermission=User account %s used to execute web server has no permission for that +ErrorNoActivatedBarcode=No barcode type activated +ErrUnzipFails=Failed to unzip %s with ZipArchive +ErrNoZipEngine=No engine to zip/unzip %s file in this PHP +ErrorFileMustBeADolibarrPackage=The file %s must be a Dolibarr zip package +ErrorModuleFileRequired=You must select a Dolibarr module package file +ErrorPhpCurlNotInstalled=The PHP CURL is not installed, this is essential to talk with Paypal +ErrorFailedToAddToMailmanList=Failed to add record %s to Mailman list %s or SPIP base +ErrorFailedToRemoveToMailmanList=Failed to remove record %s to Mailman list %s or SPIP base +ErrorNewValueCantMatchOldValue=New value can't be equal to old one +ErrorFailedToValidatePasswordReset=Failed to reinit password. May be the reinit was already done (this link can be used only one time). If not, try to restart the reinit process. +ErrorToConnectToMysqlCheckInstance=Connect to database fails. Check database server is running (for example, with mysql/mariadb, you can launch it from command line with 'sudo service mysql start'). +ErrorFailedToAddContact=Failed to add contact +ErrorDateMustBeBeforeToday=The date cannot be greater than today +ErrorPaymentModeDefinedToWithoutSetup=A payment mode was set to type %s but setup of module Invoice was not completed to define information to show for this payment mode. +ErrorPHPNeedModule=Error, your PHP must have module %s installed to use this feature. +ErrorOpenIDSetupNotComplete=You setup Dolibarr config file to allow OpenID authentication, but URL of OpenID service is not defined into constant %s +ErrorWarehouseMustDiffers=Source and target warehouses must differs +ErrorBadFormat=Bad format! +ErrorMemberNotLinkedToAThirpartyLinkOrCreateFirst=Error, this member is not yet linked to any third party. Link member to an existing third party or create a new third party before creating subscription with invoice. +ErrorThereIsSomeDeliveries=Error, there is some deliveries linked to this shipment. Deletion refused. +ErrorCantDeletePaymentReconciliated=Can't delete a payment that had generated a bank entry that was reconciled +ErrorCantDeletePaymentSharedWithPayedInvoice=Can't delete a payment shared by at least one invoice with status Paid +ErrorPriceExpression1=Cannot assign to constant '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression2=Cannot redefine built-in function '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression3=Undefined variable '%s' in function definition +ErrorPriceExpression4=Illegal character '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression5=Unexpected '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression6=Wrong number of arguments (%s given, %s expected) +ErrorPriceExpression8=Unexpected operator '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression9=An unexpected error occured +ErrorPriceExpression10=Operator '%s' lacks operand +ErrorPriceExpression11=Expecting '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression14=Division by zero +ErrorPriceExpression17=Undefined variable '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression19=Expression not found +ErrorPriceExpression20=Empty expression +ErrorPriceExpression21=Empty result '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression22=Negative result '%s' +ErrorPriceExpression23=Unknown or non set variable '%s' in %s +ErrorPriceExpression24=Variable '%s' exists but has no value +ErrorPriceExpressionInternal=Internal error '%s' +ErrorPriceExpressionUnknown=Unknown error '%s' +ErrorSrcAndTargetWarehouseMustDiffers=Source and target warehouses must differs +ErrorTryToMakeMoveOnProductRequiringBatchData=Error, trying to make a stock movement without lot/serial information, on product '%s' requiring lot/serial information +ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionToApprove=All recorded receptions must first be verified (approved or denied) before being allowed to do this action +ErrorCantSetReceptionToTotalDoneWithReceptionDenied=All recorded receptions must first be verified (approved) before being allowed to do this action +ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater0=HTTP request failed with error '%s' +ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater1=Invalid JSON format '%s' +ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater2=Missing parameter '%s' +ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater3=The requested data was not found in result +ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater4=SOAP client failed with error '%s' +ErrorGlobalVariableUpdater5=No global variable selected +ErrorFieldMustBeANumeric=Field %s must be a numeric value +ErrorMandatoryParametersNotProvided=Mandatory parameter(s) not provided +ErrorOppStatusRequiredIfAmount=You set an estimated amount for this lead. So you must also enter it's status. +ErrorFailedToLoadModuleDescriptorForXXX=Failed to load module descriptor class for %s +ErrorBadDefinitionOfMenuArrayInModuleDescriptor=Bad Definition Of Menu Array In Module Descriptor (bad value for key fk_menu) +ErrorSavingChanges=An error has occurred when saving the changes +ErrorWarehouseRequiredIntoShipmentLine=Warehouse is required on the line to ship +ErrorFileMustHaveFormat=File must have format %s +ErrorFilenameCantStartWithDot=Filename can't start with a '.' +ErrorSupplierCountryIsNotDefined=Country for this vendor is not defined. Correct this first. +ErrorsThirdpartyMerge=Failed to merge the two records. Request canceled. +ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnOrder=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new order. +ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnInvoice=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new invoice. +ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnShipment=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new shipment. +ErrorStockIsNotEnoughToAddProductOnProposal=Stock is not enough for product %s to add it into a new proposal. +ErrorFailedToLoadLoginFileForMode=Failed to get the login key for mode '%s'. +ErrorModuleNotFound=File of module was not found. +ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForBankLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for source line id %s (%s) +ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForInvoiceLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for invoice id %s (%s) +ErrorFieldAccountNotDefinedForLine=Value for Accounting account not defined for the line (%s) +ErrorBankStatementNameMustFollowRegex=Error, bank statement name must follow the following syntax rule %s +ErrorPhpMailDelivery=Check that you don't use a too high number of recipients and that your email content is not similar to a Spam. Ask also your administrator to check firewall and server logs files for a more complete information. +ErrorUserNotAssignedToTask=User must be assigned to task to be able to enter time consumed. +ErrorTaskAlreadyAssigned=Task already assigned to user +ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat=The module package seems to have a wrong format. +ErrorModuleFileSeemsToHaveAWrongFormat2=At least one mandatory directory must exists into zip of module: %s or %s +ErrorFilenameDosNotMatchDolibarrPackageRules=The name of the module package (%s) does not match expected name syntax: %s +ErrorDuplicateTrigger=Error, duplicate trigger name %s. Already loaded from %s. +ErrorNoWarehouseDefined=Error, no warehouses defined. +ErrorBadLinkSourceSetButBadValueForRef=The link you use is not valid. A 'source' for payment is defined, but value for 'ref' is not valid. +ErrorTooManyErrorsProcessStopped=Too many errors. Process was stopped. +ErrorMassValidationNotAllowedWhenStockIncreaseOnAction=Mass validation is not possible when option to increase/decrease stock is set on this action (you must validate one by one so you can define the warehouse to increase/decrease) +ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftToBeValidated=Object %s must have status 'Draft' to be validated. +ErrorObjectMustHaveLinesToBeValidated=Object %s must have lines to be validated. +ErrorOnlyInvoiceValidatedCanBeSentInMassAction=Only validated invoices can be sent using the "Send by email" mass action. +ErrorChooseBetweenFreeEntryOrPredefinedProduct=You must choose if article is a predefined product or not +ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore=The discount you try to apply is larger than remain to pay. Split the discount in 2 smaller discounts before. +ErrorFileNotFoundWithSharedLink=File was not found. May be the share key was modified or file was removed recently. +ErrorProductBarCodeAlreadyExists=The product barcode %s already exists on another product reference. +ErrorNoteAlsoThatSubProductCantBeFollowedByLot=Note also that using virtual product to have auto increase/decrease of subproducts is not possible when at least one subproduct (or subproduct of subproducts) needs a serial/lot number. +ErrorDescRequiredForFreeProductLines=Description is mandatory for lines with free product +ErrorAPageWithThisNameOrAliasAlreadyExists=The page/container %s has the same name or alternative alias that the one your try to use +ErrorDuringChartLoad=Error when loading chart of accounts. If few accounts were not loaded, you can still enter them manually. +ErrorBadSyntaxForParamKeyForContent=Bad syntax for param keyforcontent. Must have a value starting with %s or %s +ErrorVariableKeyForContentMustBeSet=Error, the constant with name %s (with text content to show) or %s (with external url to show) must be set. +ErrorURLMustStartWithHttp=URL %s must start with http:// or https:// +ErrorNewRefIsAlreadyUsed=Error, the new reference is already used +ErrorDeletePaymentLinkedToAClosedInvoiceNotPossible=Error, delete payment linked to a closed invoice is not possible. +ErrorSearchCriteriaTooSmall=Search criteria too small. +ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusActiveToBeDisabled=Objects must have status 'Active' to be disabled +ErrorObjectMustHaveStatusDraftOrDisabledToBeActivated=Objects must have status 'Draft' or 'Disabled' to be enabled +ErrorNoFieldWithAttributeShowoncombobox=No fields has property 'showoncombobox' into definition of object '%s'. No way to show the combolist. +ErrorFieldRequiredForProduct=Field '%s' is required for product %s +ProblemIsInSetupOfTerminal=Problem is in setup of terminal %s. +ErrorAddAtLeastOneLineFirst=Add at least one line first +ErrorRecordAlreadyInAccountingDeletionNotPossible=Error, record is already transferred in accounting, deletion is not possible. +ErrorLanguageMandatoryIfPageSetAsTranslationOfAnother=Error, language is mandatory if you set the page as a translation of another one. +ErrorLanguageOfTranslatedPageIsSameThanThisPage=Error, language of translated page is same than this one. +ErrorBatchNoFoundForProductInWarehouse=No lot/serial found for product "%s" in warehouse "%s". +ErrorBatchNoFoundEnoughQuantityForProductInWarehouse=No enough quantity for this lot/serial for product "%s" in warehouse "%s". +ErrorOnlyOneFieldForGroupByIsPossible=Only 1 field for the 'Group by' is possible (others are discarded) +ErrorTooManyDifferentValueForSelectedGroupBy=Found too many different value (more than %s) for the field '%s', so we can't use it as a 'Group by' for graphics. The field 'Group By' has been removed. May be you wanted to use it as an X-Axis ? +ErrorReplaceStringEmpty=Error, the string to replace into is empty @@ -336,78 +243,26 @@ -WarningParamUploadMaxFileSizeHigherThanPostMaxSize=PHP parametringiz upload_max_filesize (%s) PHP post_max_size (%s) parametridan yuqori. Bu izchil o'rnatish emas. -WarningPasswordSetWithNoAccount=Ushbu a'zo uchun parol o'rnatildi. Biroq, foydalanuvchi hisobi yaratilmagan. Shunday qilib, ushbu parol saqlanadi, ammo Dolibarr-ga kirish uchun foydalanib bo'lmaydi. U tashqi modul / interfeys tomonidan ishlatilishi mumkin, ammo agar siz a'zo uchun hech qanday login va parolni belgilashga hojat bo'lmasa, siz "har bir a'zo uchun kirishni boshqarish" parametrini a'zo modulidan o'chirib qo'yishingiz mumkin. Agar sizga loginni boshqarish kerak bo'lsa, lekin hech qanday parol kerak bo'lmasa, ushbu ogohlantirishni oldini olish uchun ushbu maydonni bo'sh qoldirishingiz mumkin. Izoh: Agar foydalanuvchi bilan bog'langan bo'lsa, elektron pochta orqali kirish sifatida ham foydalanish mumkin. -WarningMandatorySetupNotComplete=Asosiy parametrlarni sozlash uchun shu yerni bosing -WarningEnableYourModulesApplications=Modul va dasturlarni yoqish uchun shu erni bosing -WarningSafeModeOnCheckExecDir=Ogohlantirish, PHP opsiyasi yoniq, shuning uchun buyruq php parametri safe_mode_exec_dir php parametri bilan e'lon qilingan katalog ichida saqlanishi kerak. -WarningBookmarkAlreadyExists=Ushbu nom yoki ushbu maqsad (URL) bilan xatcho'p allaqachon mavjud. -WarningPassIsEmpty=Ogohlantirish, ma'lumotlar bazasi paroli bo'sh. Bu xavfsizlik teshigi. Ma'lumotlar bazasiga parol qo'shishingiz va conf.php faylini o'zgartirishingiz kerak. -WarningConfFileMustBeReadOnly=Ogohlantirish, sizning konfiguratsiya fayli ( htdocs / conf / conf.php ) veb-server tomonidan yozilishi mumkin. Bu jiddiy xavfsizlik teshigi. Veb-server tomonidan ishlatiladigan operatsion tizim foydalanuvchisi uchun faqat o'qish rejimida bo'lishi uchun faylga ruxsatlarni o'zgartiring. Agar siz diskingiz uchun Windows va FAT formatidan foydalansangiz, shuni bilishingiz kerakki, ushbu fayl tizimi faylga ruxsatlarni qo'shishga imkon bermaydi, shuning uchun to'liq xavfsiz bo'lishi mumkin emas. -WarningsOnXLines= %s manba yozuvlari (lar) haqida ogohlantirishlar -WarningNoDocumentModelActivated=Hujjatlarni yaratish uchun hech qanday model faollashtirilmagan. Modul sozlamalarini tekshirguningizcha sukut bo'yicha model tanlanadi. -WarningLockFileDoesNotExists=Ogohlantirish, o'rnatish tugagandan so'ng, faylini qo'shib o'rnatish / ko'chirish vositalarini o'chirib qo'yishingiz kerak katalogiga %s . Ushbu faylni yaratishni tashlab qo'yish xavfsizlikka katta xavf tug'diradi. -WarningUntilDirRemoved=Ushbu xavfsizlik ogohlantirishi zaiflik mavjud ekan, faol bo'lib qoladi. -WarningCloseAlways=Ogohlantirish, yopish, agar manba va maqsad elementlari o'rtasida farq bo'lsa ham amalga oshiriladi. Ushbu xususiyatni ehtiyotkorlik bilan yoqing. -WarningUsingThisBoxSlowDown=Ogohlantirish, ushbu katakchadan foydalanib, katakchani ko'rsatadigan barcha sahifalarni sekinlashtiring. -WarningClickToDialUserSetupNotComplete=Foydalanuvchingiz uchun ClickToDial ma'lumotlarini sozlash tugallanmagan (ClickToDial yorlig'ini foydalanuvchi kartangizga qarang). -WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs=Displeyni sozlash ko'zi ojizlar yoki matnli brauzerlar uchun optimallashtirilganda o'chirib qo'yilgan. -WarningPaymentDateLowerThanInvoiceDate=To'lov sanasi (%s) %s hisob-fakturasi uchun hisob-kitob sanasidan (%s) oldinroq. -WarningTooManyDataPleaseUseMoreFilters=Ma'lumot juda ko'p (%s qatorlaridan ko'p). Iltimos, ko'proq filtrlardan foydalaning yoki %s doimiyligini yuqori chegaraga o'rnating. -WarningSomeLinesWithNullHourlyRate=Ba'zi foydalanuvchilar ba'zi soatlarda soatlik stavkasi aniqlanmagan holda qayd etishgan. Soatiga 0 %s qiymati ishlatilgan, ammo bu sarflangan vaqtni noto'g'ri baholashga olib kelishi mumkin. -WarningYourLoginWasModifiedPleaseLogin=Kirishingiz o'zgartirildi. Xavfsizlik maqsadida keyingi harakatlar oldidan yangi tizimga kirishingiz kerak bo'ladi. -WarningYourPasswordWasModifiedPleaseLogin=Parolingiz o'zgartirildi. Xavfsizlik maqsadida siz hozir yangi parolingiz bilan tizimga kirishingiz kerak bo'ladi. -WarningAnEntryAlreadyExistForTransKey=Ushbu til uchun tarjima kaliti uchun yozuv allaqachon mavjud -WarningNumberOfRecipientIsRestrictedInMassAction=Ogohlantirish, turli xil qabul qiluvchilar soni %s bilan ro'yxatdagi ommaviy harakatlardan foydalanishda cheklangan -WarningDateOfLineMustBeInExpenseReportRange=Ogohlantirish, satr sanasi xarajatlar hisoboti doirasiga kirmaydi -WarningProjectDraft=Loyiha hali ham qoralama rejimida. Vazifalardan foydalanishni rejalashtirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, uni tasdiqlashni unutmang. -WarningProjectClosed=Loyiha yopiq. Avval uni qayta ochishingiz kerak. -WarningSomeBankTransactionByChequeWereRemovedAfter=Ba'zi bir bank operatsiyalari olib qo'yilgandan so'ng olib tashlandi, shu jumladan kvitansiya tuzildi. Shunday qilib, cheklarning nb-si va tushumning umumiy miqdori ro'yxatdagi son va jamidan farq qilishi mumkin. -WarningFailedToAddFileIntoDatabaseIndex=Ogohlantirish, ECM ma'lumotlar bazasi indekslari jadvaliga fayllar kiritilmadi -WarningTheHiddenOptionIsOn=Ogohlantirish, %s yashirin variant yoniq. -WarningCreateSubAccounts=Ogohlantirish, siz to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sub-qayd yozuvini yaratolmaysiz, uchinchi tomon yoki foydalanuvchini yaratishingiz va ularni ushbu ro'yxatda topish uchun ularga buxgalteriya kodini tayinlashingiz kerak. -WarningAvailableOnlyForHTTPSServers=Faqat HTTPS xavfsiz ulanishidan foydalanish mumkin. -WarningModuleXDisabledSoYouMayMissEventHere=%s moduli yoqilmagan. Shunday qilib, siz bu erda ko'plab tadbirlarni o'tkazib yuborishingiz mumkin. -WarningPaypalPaymentNotCompatibleWithStrict="Qat'iy" qiymati onlayn to'lov xususiyatlarining noto'g'ri ishlashiga olib keladi. Buning o'rniga "Lax" dan foydalaning. -WarningThemeForcedTo=Ogohlantirish, mavzuni %s maxfiy MAHEMEETRC tomonidan ko'rib chiqildi. -WarningPagesWillBeDeleted=Ogohlantirish, bu veb-saytning barcha mavjud sahifalarini/konteynerlarini ham o'chirib tashlaydi. Veb-saytingizni avval eksport qilishingiz kerak, shuning uchun uni keyinroq qayta import qilish uchun zaxirangiz bor. -WarningAutoValNotPossibleWhenStockIsDecreasedOnInvoiceVal=“Hisob-fakturani tekshirish”da zaxiralarni kamaytirish opsiyasi o‘rnatilgan bo‘lsa, avtomatik tekshirish o‘chirib qo‘yiladi. -WarningModuleNeedRefresh = %s moduli o‘chirilgan. Uni yoqishni unutmang -WarningPermissionAlreadyExist=Ushbu obyekt uchun mavjud ruxsatlar -WarningGoOnAccountancySetupToAddAccounts=Agar bu roʻyxat boʻsh boʻlsa, menyuga oʻting %s - %s - %s hisob jadvalingiz uchun hisoblarni yuklash yoki yaratish uchun. -WarningCorrectedInvoiceNotFound=Tuzatilgan hisob-faktura topilmadi -WarningCommentNotFound=Iltimos, %s bo'limining boshlanish va yakuniy fikrlarini tekshiring. harakatingizni yuborishdan oldin %s fayli -WarningAlreadyReverse=Birja harakati allaqachon teskari - -SwissQrOnlyVIR = SwissQR hisob-fakturasini faqat kredit o'tkazmalari bilan to'lanadigan hisob-fakturalarga qo'shish mumkin. -SwissQrCreditorAddressInvalid = Kreditor manzili noto‘g‘ri (zip va shahar o‘rnatilganmi? (%s) -SwissQrCreditorInformationInvalid = Kreditor ma'lumotlari IBAN uchun yaroqsiz (%s): %s -SwissQrIbanNotImplementedYet = QR-IBAN hali amalga oshirilmagan -SwissQrPaymentInformationInvalid = Jami %s uchun toʻlov maʼlumotlari yaroqsiz: %s -SwissQrDebitorAddressInvalid = Debitor ma'lumotlari yaroqsiz (%s) - -# Validate -RequireValidValue = Qiymat yaroqsiz -RequireAtLeastXString = Kamida %s belgi kerak -RequireXStringMax = Maksimal %s belgidan iborat bo'lishi kerak -RequireAtLeastXDigits = Kamida %s ta raqamni talab qiladi -RequireXDigitsMax = Maksimal %s raqam (lar) ni talab qiladi -RequireValidNumeric = Raqamli qiymat talab qiladi -RequireValidEmail = E -pochta manzili yaroqsiz -RequireMaxLength = Uzunligi %s belgidan kam bo'lishi kerak -RequireMinLength = Uzunlik %s char (lar) dan oshishi kerak -RequireValidUrl = Yaroqli URL talab qiling -RequireValidDate = Yaroqli sanani talab qiling -RequireANotEmptyValue = Majburiy, shart -RequireValidDuration = Yaroqli davomiylikni talab qiling -RequireValidExistingElement = Mavjud qiymatni talab qiling -RequireValidBool = To'g'ri boolean talab qiling -BadSetupOfField = Maydonni noto'g'ri sozlashda xato -BadSetupOfFieldClassNotFoundForValidation = Maydonni noto'g'ri o'rnatish xatosi: Tasdiqlash uchun sinf topilmadi -BadSetupOfFieldFileNotFound = Maydonni noto'g'ri o'rnatishda xato: Faylni kiritish uchun topilmadi -BadSetupOfFieldFetchNotCallable = Maydonni noto'g'ri o'rnatish xatosi: Sinfda qo'ng'iroq qilib bo'lmaydi -ErrorTooManyAttempts= Juda koʻp urinishlar, keyinroq qayta urinib koʻring - -TotalAmountEmpty=Total Amount Empty -FailedToFoundTheConversionRateForInvoice=Failed to found the conversion rate for invoice -ThisIdNotDefined=Id not defined -OperNotDefined=Payment method not defined -ErrorThisContactXIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType=%s is already defined as contact for this type. -ErrorThisGroupIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType=The contacts with this group are already defined as contact for this type. +WarningParamUploadMaxFileSizeHigherThanPostMaxSize=Your PHP parameter upload_max_filesize (%s) is higher than PHP parameter post_max_size (%s). This is not a consistent setup. +WarningPasswordSetWithNoAccount=A password was set for this member. However, no user account was created. So this password is stored but can't be used to login to Dolibarr. It may be used by an external module/interface but if you don't need to define any login nor password for a member, you can disable option "Manage a login for each member" from Member module setup. If you need to manage a login but don't need any password, you can keep this field empty to avoid this warning. Note: Email can also be used as a login if the member is linked to a user. +WarningMandatorySetupNotComplete=Click here to setup mandatory parameters +WarningEnableYourModulesApplications=Click here to enable your modules and applications +WarningSafeModeOnCheckExecDir=Warning, PHP option safe_mode is on so command must be stored inside a directory declared by php parameter safe_mode_exec_dir. +WarningBookmarkAlreadyExists=A bookmark with this title or this target (URL) already exists. +WarningPassIsEmpty=Warning, database password is empty. This is a security hole. You should add a password to your database and change your conf.php file to reflect this. +WarningConfFileMustBeReadOnly=Warning, your config file (htdocs/conf/conf.php) can be overwritten by the web server. This is a serious security hole. Modify permissions on file to be in read only mode for operating system user used by Web server. If you use Windows and FAT format for your disk, you must know that this file system does not allow to add permissions on file, so can't be completely safe. +WarningsOnXLines=Warnings on %s source record(s) +WarningNoDocumentModelActivated=No model, for document generation, has been activated. A model will be chosen by default until you check your module setup. +WarningLockFileDoesNotExists=Warning, once setup is finished, you must disable the installation/migration tools by adding a file install.lock into directory %s. Omitting the creation of this file is a grave security risk. +WarningUntilDirRemoved=All security warnings (visible by admin users only) will remain active as long as the vulnerability is present (or that constant MAIN_REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING is added in Setup->Other Setup). +WarningCloseAlways=Warning, closing is done even if amount differs between source and target elements. Enable this feature with caution. +WarningUsingThisBoxSlowDown=Warning, using this box slow down seriously all pages showing the box. +WarningClickToDialUserSetupNotComplete=Setup of ClickToDial information for your user are not complete (see tab ClickToDial onto your user card). +WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs=Feature disabled when display setup is optimized for blind person or text browsers. +WarningPaymentDateLowerThanInvoiceDate=Payment date (%s) is earlier than invoice date (%s) for invoice %s. +WarningTooManyDataPleaseUseMoreFilters=Too many data (more than %s lines). Please use more filters or set the constant %s to a higher limit. +WarningSomeLinesWithNullHourlyRate=Some times were recorded by some users while their hourly rate was not defined. A value of 0 %s per hour was used but this may result in wrong valuation of time spent. +WarningYourLoginWasModifiedPleaseLogin=Your login was modified. For security purpose you will have to login with your new login before next action. +WarningAnEntryAlreadyExistForTransKey=An entry already exists for the translation key for this language +WarningNumberOfRecipientIsRestrictedInMassAction=Warning, number of different recipient is limited to %s when using the mass actions on lists +WarningDateOfLineMustBeInExpenseReportRange=Warning, the date of line is not in the range of the expense report +WarningProjectClosed=Project is closed. You must re-open it first. +WarningSomeBankTransactionByChequeWereRemovedAfter=Some bank transaction were removed after that the receipt including them were generated. So nb of cheques and total of receipt may differ from number and total in list. +WarningFailedToAddFileIntoDatabaseIndex=Warnin, failed to add file entry into ECM database index table --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_exports.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_exports.lang @@ -4,109 +4,105 @@ -NewExport=Yangi eksport -NewImport=Yangi import -ExportableDatas=Eksport qilinadigan ma'lumotlar to'plami -ImportableDatas=Muhim ma'lumotlar to'plami -SelectExportDataSet=Eksport qilmoqchi bo'lgan ma'lumotlar to'plamini tanlang ... -SelectImportDataSet=Import qilmoqchi bo'lgan ma'lumotlar to'plamini tanlang ... -SelectExportFields=Eksport qilmoqchi bo'lgan maydonlarni tanlang yoki oldindan belgilangan eksport profilini tanlang -SelectImportFields=Import qilmoqchi bo'lgan manba fayl maydonlarini va ularni %s langari yordamida yuqoriga va pastga siljitish orqali ma'lumotlar bazasidagi maqsad maydonini tanlang yoki oldindan belgilangan import profilini tanlang: -NotImportedFields=Import qilinmagan manba fayl maydonlari -SaveExportModel=Tanlovlaringizni eksport profil / shablon sifatida saqlang (qayta ishlatish uchun). -SaveImportModel=Ushbu import profilini saqlang (qayta ishlatish uchun) ... -ExportModelName=Profil nomini eksport qiling -ExportModelSaved=Eksport profilini %s sifatida saqlangan. -ExportableFields=Eksport qilinadigan maydonlar -ExportedFields=Eksport qilingan maydonlar -ImportModelName=Profil nomini import qilish -ImportModelSaved=Import profil %s sifatida saqlandi. -ImportProfile=Profilni import qilish -DatasetToExport=Eksport qilinadigan ma'lumotlar to'plami -DatasetToImport=Ma'lumotlar to'plamiga faylni import qilish -ChooseFieldsOrdersAndTitle=Maydonlar tartibini tanlang ... -FieldsTitle=Maydonlarning sarlavhasi -FieldTitle=Maydon nomi -NowClickToGenerateToBuildExportFile=Endi, ochilgan maydonda fayl formatini tanlang va eksport faylini yaratish uchun "Yaratish" tugmasini bosing ... -AvailableFormats=Mavjud formatlar -LibraryShort=Kutubxona -ExportCsvSeparator=Csv belgilar ajratuvchi -ImportCsvSeparator=Csv belgilar ajratuvchi -Step=Qadam -FormatedImport=Import yordamchisi -FormatedImportDesc1=Ushbu modul yordamchi yordamida texnik ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lmagan fayldan mavjud ma'lumotlarni yangilash yoki ma'lumotlar bazasiga yangi moslamalarni qo'shish imkonini beradi. -FormatedImportDesc2=Birinchi qadam - siz import qilmoqchi bo'lgan ma'lumotlar turini, so'ngra manba faylining formatini, so'ngra import qilmoqchi bo'lgan maydonlarni tanlashdir. -FormatedExport=Eksport bo'yicha yordamchi -FormatedExportDesc1=Ushbu vositalar yordamchi yordamida shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni eksport qilishga imkon beradi, bu sizga texnik bilimlarni talab qilmasdan yordam beradi. -FormatedExportDesc2=Birinchi qadam - oldindan belgilangan ma'lumotlar to'plamini tanlash, so'ngra qaysi maydonlarni eksport qilishni va qaysi tartibda. -FormatedExportDesc3=Eksport qilinadigan ma'lumotlar tanlanganida, siz chiqish faylining formatini tanlashingiz mumkin. -Sheet=Varaq -NoImportableData=Import qilinadigan ma'lumotlar yo'q (ma'lumotlarni import qilishga ruxsat beruvchi modul yo'q) -FileSuccessfullyBuilt=Fayl yaratildi -SQLUsedForExport=Ma'lumotlarni chiqarish uchun ishlatiladigan SQL so'rovi -LineId=Chiziq identifikatori -LineLabel=Chiziq yorlig'i -LineDescription=Chiziq tavsifi -LineUnitPrice=Chiziqning birlik narxi -LineVATRate=QQS stavkasi stavkasi -LineQty=Chiziq uchun miqdor -LineTotalHT=Miqdorisiz chiziq uchun soliq -LineTotalTTC=Chiziq uchun soliq miqdori -LineTotalVAT=Qator uchun QQS miqdori -TypeOfLineServiceOrProduct=Qator turi (0 = mahsulot, 1 = xizmat) -FileWithDataToImport=Import qilish uchun ma'lumotlar bilan fayl -FileToImport=Import qilish uchun manba fayl -FileMustHaveOneOfFollowingFormat=Import qilish uchun fayl quyidagi formatlardan biriga ega bo'lishi kerak -DownloadEmptyExampleShort=Namuna faylni yuklab oling -DownloadEmptyExample=Import qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan maydonlar haqidagi misollar va ma'lumotlarga ega shablon faylini yuklab oling -StarAreMandatory=Shablon faylida * belgisi bo'lgan barcha maydonlar majburiy maydonlardir -ChooseFormatOfFileToImport=Faylni import qilish formati sifatida tanlang, uni tanlash uchun %s belgisini bosing ... -ChooseFileToImport=Faylni yuklang, so'ngra faylni manba import fayli sifatida tanlash uchun %s belgisini bosing ... -SourceFileFormat=Manba fayl formati -FieldsInSourceFile=Manba faylidagi maydonlar -FieldsInTargetDatabase=Dolibarr ma'lumotlar bazasidagi maqsad maydonlari (qalin = majburiy) -NoFields=Maydonlar yo‘q -MoveField=%s maydon ustun satrini siljiting -ExampleOfImportFile=Import_file-ning namunasi -SaveImportProfile=Ushbu import profilini saqlang -ErrorImportDuplicateProfil=Ushbu import profilini ushbu nom bilan saqlab bo'lmadi. Ushbu nom bilan allaqachon mavjud profil mavjud. -TablesTarget=Maqsadli jadvallar -FieldsTarget=Maqsadli maydonlar -FieldTarget=Maqsadli maydon -FieldSource=Manba maydoni -NbOfSourceLines=Manba faylidagi qatorlar soni -NowClickToTestTheImport=Faylingiz formati (maydon va satrlarni ajratuvchi) ko'rsatilgan parametrlarga mos kelishini va sarlavha satrini tashlab qo'yganingizni tekshiring, aks holda ular quyidagi simulyatsiyada xatolar sifatida belgilanadi.
" %s " tugmachasini bosib, fayl tuzilishini / tarkibini tekshiring va import jarayonini taqlid qiling.
ma'lumotlar bazangizda ma'lumotlar o'zgartirilmaydi . -RunSimulateImportFile=Import simulyatsiyasini ishga tushiring -FieldNeedSource=Ushbu maydon manba faylidan ma'lumotlarni talab qiladi -SomeMandatoryFieldHaveNoSource=Ba'zi majburiy maydonlarda ma'lumotlar fayli manbasi yo'q -InformationOnSourceFile=Dastlabki fayl haqida ma'lumot -InformationOnTargetTables=Maqsadli maydonlar haqida ma'lumot -SelectAtLeastOneField=Eksport qilish uchun maydonlar ustunidagi kamida bitta manba maydonini almashtiring -SelectFormat=Ushbu import fayl formatini tanlang -RunImportFile=Ma'lumotlarni import qilish -NowClickToRunTheImport=Importni simulyatsiya qilish natijalarini tekshiring. Xatolarni tuzating va qayta sinovdan o'tkazing.
simulyatsiya xatolar haqida xabar bermasa, ma'lumotlar bazasiga ma'lumotlarni import qilishga o'tishingiz mumkin. -DataLoadedWithId=Import qilingan ma'lumotlar har bir ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvalida ushbu import identifikatori bilan qo'shimcha maydonga ega bo'ladi: %s , bu import bilan bog'liq muammoni tekshirishda uni qidirib topishga imkon berish uchun. -ErrorMissingMandatoryValue=%s ustunidagi manba faylida majburiy maʼlumotlar boʻsh. -TooMuchErrors=%s hali ham xatolar mavjud bo'lgan boshqa manba satrlari mavjud, ammo chiqishi cheklangan. -TooMuchWarnings= %s hali ogohlantirishlar bilan boshqa manba chiziqlari bor, lekin chiqish cheklangan. -EmptyLine=Bo'sh satr (bekor qilinadi) -CorrectErrorBeforeRunningImport=Siz aniq importni ishlatishdan oldin
barcha xatolarni tuzatishingiz kerak. -FileWasImported=Fayl %s raqami bilan import qilingan. -YouCanUseImportIdToFindRecord=Ma'lumotlar bazangizdagi barcha import qilingan yozuvlarni import_key = '%s' maydonida filtrlash orqali topishingiz mumkin. -NbOfLinesOK=Xato va ogohlantirishsiz qatorlar soni: %s . -NbOfLinesImported=Muvaffaqiyatli import qilingan qatorlar soni: %s . -DataComeFromNoWhere=Qo'shish uchun qiymat manba faylida yo'q. -DataComeFromFileFieldNb=Qo'shiladigan qiymat manba faylidagi %s ustunidan olinadi. -DataComeFromIdFoundFromRef=Manba faylidan keladigan qiymat foydalaniladigan asosiy ob'ektning identifikatorini topish uchun ishlatiladi (shuning uchun ob'ekt %s manba faylidan olingan koʻrsatma maʼlumotlar bazasida boʻlishi kerak). -DataComeFromIdFoundFromCodeId=Manba faylidan keladigan kod qiymati foydalaniladigan asosiy ob'ekt identifikatorini topish uchun ishlatiladi (shuning uchun manba fayldagi kod %s). E'tibor bering, agar siz identifikatorni bilsangiz, uni kod o'rniga manba faylida ham ishlatishingiz mumkin. Import ikkala holatda ham ishlashi kerak. -DataIsInsertedInto=Dastlabki fayldan olingan ma'lumotlar quyidagi maydonga kiritiladi: -DataIDSourceIsInsertedInto=Manba faylidagi ma'lumotlar yordamida topilgan asosiy ob'ektning identifikatori quyidagi maydonga kiritiladi: -DataCodeIDSourceIsInsertedInto=Koddan topilgan ota -onaning identifikatori quyidagi maydonga kiritiladi: -SourceRequired=Ma'lumot qiymati majburiydir -SourceExample=Mumkin bo'lgan ma'lumotlar qiymatining misoli -ExampleAnyRefFoundIntoElement= %s elementi uchun har qanday ref topildi -ExampleAnyCodeOrIdFoundIntoDictionary=Lug'atda topilgan har qanday kod (yoki id) %s -CSVFormatDesc= vergul bilan ajratilgan qiymat fayl formati (.csv).
Bu matnli fayl formatidir, bu erda maydonlar ajratuvchi [%s] bilan ajratiladi. Agar maydon ajratuvchisi topilsa, maydon [%s] dumaloq belgi bo'yicha yaxlitlanadi. Dumaloq belgidan qochish uchun belgidan qochish [%s]. -Excel95FormatDesc= Excel fayl formati (.xls)
Bu mahalliy Excel 95 formati (BIFF5). -Excel2007FormatDesc= Excel fayl formati (.xlsx)
Bu mahalliy Excel 2007 formatidir (SpreadsheetML). -TsvFormatDesc= tab ajratilgan qiymat fayl formati (.tsv)
bu matnli fayl formatidir, bu erda maydonlar tabulyator [tab] bilan ajratilgan. -ExportFieldAutomaticallyAdded= %s maydon avtomatik ravishda qo'shildi. Ikki nusxadagi yozuv sifatida qaraladigan o'xshash chiziqlardan qochishingiz mumkin (bu maydon qo'shilgan holda, barcha satrlar o'z identifikatoriga ega bo'ladi va farq qiladi). -CsvOptions=CSV formati parametrlari -Separator=Maydon ajratuvchi +NewExport=New Export +NewImport=New Import +ExportableDatas=Exportable dataset +ImportableDatas=Importable dataset +SelectExportDataSet=Choose dataset you want to export... +SelectImportDataSet=Choose dataset you want to import... +SelectExportFields=Choose the fields you want to export, or select a predefined export profile +SelectImportFields=Choose the source file fields you want to import and their target field in database by moving them up and down with anchor %s, or select a predefined import profile: +NotImportedFields=Fields of source file not imported +SaveExportModel=Save your selections as an export profile/template (for reuse). +SaveImportModel=Save this import profile (for reuse) ... +ExportModelName=Export profile name +ExportModelSaved=Export profile saved as %s. +ExportableFields=Exportable fields +ExportedFields=Exported fields +ImportModelName=Import profile name +ImportModelSaved=Import profile saved as %s. +DatasetToExport=Dataset to export +DatasetToImport=Import file into dataset +ChooseFieldsOrdersAndTitle=Choose fields order... +FieldsTitle=Fields title +FieldTitle=Field title +NowClickToGenerateToBuildExportFile=Now, select the file format in the combo box and click on "Generate" to build the export file... +AvailableFormats=Available Formats +LibraryShort=Library +Step=Step +FormatedImport=Import Assistant +FormatedImportDesc1=This module allows you to update existing data or add new objects into the database from a file without technical knowledge, using an assistant. +FormatedImportDesc2=First step is to choose the kind of data you want to import, then the format of the source file, then the fields you want to import. +FormatedExport=Export Assistant +FormatedExportDesc1=These tools allow the export of personalized data using an assistant, to help you in the process without requiring technical knowledge. +FormatedExportDesc2=First step is to choose a predefined dataset, then which fields you want to export, and in which order. +FormatedExportDesc3=When data to export are selected, you can choose the format of the output file. +Sheet=Sheet +NoImportableData=No importable data (no module with definitions to allow data imports) +FileSuccessfullyBuilt=File generated +SQLUsedForExport=SQL Request used to extract data +LineId=Id of line +LineLabel=Label of line +LineDescription=Description of line +LineUnitPrice=Unit price of line +LineVATRate=VAT Rate of line +LineQty=Quantity for line +LineTotalHT=Amount excl. tax for line +LineTotalTTC=Amount with tax for line +LineTotalVAT=Amount of VAT for line +TypeOfLineServiceOrProduct=Type of line (0=product, 1=service) +FileWithDataToImport=File with data to import +FileToImport=Source file to import +FileMustHaveOneOfFollowingFormat=File to import must have one of following formats +DownloadEmptyExample=Download template file with field content information (* are mandatory fields) +ChooseFormatOfFileToImport=Choose the file format to use as import file format by clicking on the %s icon to select it... +ChooseFileToImport=Upload file then click on the %s icon to select file as source import file... +SourceFileFormat=Source file format +FieldsInSourceFile=Fields in source file +FieldsInTargetDatabase=Target fields in Dolibarr database (bold=mandatory) +Field=Field +NoFields=No fields +MoveField=Move field column number %s +ExampleOfImportFile=Example_of_import_file +SaveImportProfile=Save this import profile +ErrorImportDuplicateProfil=Failed to save this import profile with this name. An existing profile already exists with this name. +TablesTarget=Targeted tables +FieldsTarget=Targeted fields +FieldTarget=Targeted field +FieldSource=Source field +NbOfSourceLines=Number of lines in source file +NowClickToTestTheImport=Check that the file format (field and string delimiters) of your file matches the options shown and that you have omitted the header line, or these will be flagged as errors in the following simulation.
Click on the "%s" button to run a check of the file structure/contents and simulate the import process.
No data will be changed in your database. +RunSimulateImportFile=Run Import Simulation +FieldNeedSource=This field requires data from the source file +SomeMandatoryFieldHaveNoSource=Some mandatory fields have no source from data file +InformationOnSourceFile=Information on source file +InformationOnTargetTables=Information on target fields +SelectAtLeastOneField=Switch at least one source field in the column of fields to export +SelectFormat=Choose this import file format +RunImportFile=Import Data +NowClickToRunTheImport=Check the results of the import simulation. Correct any errors and re-test.
When the simulation reports no errors you may proceed to import the data into the database. +DataLoadedWithId=The imported data will have an additional field in each database table with this import id: %s, to allow it to be searchable in the case of investigating a problem related to this import. +ErrorMissingMandatoryValue=Mandatory data is empty in the source file for field %s. +TooMuchErrors=There are still %s other source lines with errors but output has been limited. +TooMuchWarnings=There are still %s other source lines with warnings but output has been limited. +EmptyLine=Empty line (will be discarded) +CorrectErrorBeforeRunningImport=You must correct all errors before running the definitive import. +FileWasImported=File was imported with number %s. +YouCanUseImportIdToFindRecord=You can find all the imported records in your database by filtering on field import_key='%s'. +NbOfLinesOK=Number of lines with no errors and no warnings: %s. +NbOfLinesImported=Number of lines successfully imported: %s. +DataComeFromNoWhere=Value to insert comes from nowhere in source file. +DataComeFromFileFieldNb=Value to insert comes from field number %s in source file. +DataComeFromIdFoundFromRef=Value that comes from field number %s of source file will be used to find the id of the parent object to use (so the object %s that has the ref. from source file must exist in the database). +DataComeFromIdFoundFromCodeId=Code that comes from field number %s of source file will be used to find the id of the parent object to use (so the code from source file must exist in the dictionary %s). Note that if you know the id, you can also use it in the source file instead of the code. Import should work in both cases. +DataIsInsertedInto=Data coming from source file will be inserted into the following field: +DataIDSourceIsInsertedInto=The id of parent object was found using the data in the source file, will be inserted into the following field: +DataCodeIDSourceIsInsertedInto=The id of parent line found from code, will be inserted into following field: +SourceRequired=Data value is mandatory +SourceExample=Example of possible data value +ExampleAnyRefFoundIntoElement=Any ref found for element %s +ExampleAnyCodeOrIdFoundIntoDictionary=Any code (or id) found into dictionary %s +CSVFormatDesc=Comma Separated Value file format (.csv).
This is a text file format where fields are separated by a separator [ %s ]. If separator is found inside a field content, field is rounded by round character [ %s ]. Escape character to escape round character is [ %s ]. +Excel95FormatDesc=Excel file format (.xls)
This is the native Excel 95 format (BIFF5). +Excel2007FormatDesc=Excel file format (.xlsx)
This is the native Excel 2007 format (SpreadsheetML). +TsvFormatDesc=Tab Separated Value file format (.tsv)
This is a text file format where fields are separated by a tabulator [tab]. +ExportFieldAutomaticallyAdded=Field %s was automatically added. It will avoid you to have similar lines to be treated as duplicate record (with this field added, all lines will own their own id and will differ). +CsvOptions=CSV format options +Separator=Field Separator @@ -114,14 +110,14 @@ -SpecialCode=Maxsus kod -ExportStringFilter=%% matndagi bir yoki bir nechta belgini almashtirishga imkon beradi -ExportDateFilter=YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD: filtrlar bir yil / oy / kunga
> NNNNN yuqori qiymatlarga ko'ra filtrlaydi -ImportFromLine=Qator raqamidan boshlab import qilish -EndAtLineNb=Satr raqamida tugatish -ImportFromToLine=Cheklov diapazoni (dan - ga). Masalan. sarlavha satrlarini (larini) chiqarib tashlash. -SetThisValueTo2ToExcludeFirstLine=Masalan, 2 ta birinchi qatorni chiqarib tashlash uchun ushbu qiymatni 3 ga o'rnating.
Agar sarlavha satrlari chiqarib tashlanmasa, bu Import Simulyatsiyasida bir nechta xatolarga olib keladi. -KeepEmptyToGoToEndOfFile=Fayl oxirigacha barcha satrlarni qayta ishlash uchun ushbu maydonni bo'sh qoldiring. -SelectPrimaryColumnsForUpdateAttempt=UPDATE importi uchun asosiy kalit sifatida foydalanish uchun ustun (lar) ni tanlang -UpdateNotYetSupportedForThisImport=Ushbu turdagi import uchun yangilanish mavjud emas (faqat qo'shish) -NoUpdateAttempt=Yangilashga urinish amalga oshirilmadi, faqat qo'shib qo'ying -ImportDataset_user_1=Foydalanuvchilar (xodimlar yoki yo'q) va xususiyatlari -ComputedField=Hisoblangan maydon +SpecialCode=Special code +ExportStringFilter=%% allows replacing one or more characters in the text +ExportDateFilter=YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD: filters by one year/month/day
YYYY+YYYY, YYYYMM+YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD+YYYYMMDD: filters over a range of years/months/days
> YYYY, > YYYYMM, > YYYYMMDD: filters on all following years/months/days
< YYYY, < YYYYMM, < YYYYMMDD: filters on all previous years/months/days +ExportNumericFilter=NNNNN filters by one value
NNNNN+NNNNN filters over a range of values
< NNNNN filters by lower values
> NNNNN filters by higher values +ImportFromLine=Import starting from line number +EndAtLineNb=End at line number +ImportFromToLine=Limit range (From - To). Eg. to omit header line(s). +SetThisValueTo2ToExcludeFirstLine=For example, set this value to 3 to exclude the 2 first lines.
If the header lines are NOT omitted, this will result in multiple errors in the Import Simulation. +KeepEmptyToGoToEndOfFile=Keep this field empty to process all lines to the end of the file. +SelectPrimaryColumnsForUpdateAttempt=Select column(s) to use as primary key for an UPDATE import +UpdateNotYetSupportedForThisImport=Update is not supported for this type of import (only insert) +NoUpdateAttempt=No update attempt was performed, only insert +ImportDataset_user_1=Users (employees or not) and properties +ComputedField=Computed field @@ -129,4 +125,4 @@ -SelectFilterFields=Agar siz ba'zi bir qiymatlar bo'yicha filtrlashni xohlasangiz, bu erda faqat qiymatlarni kiriting. -FilteredFields=Filtrlangan maydonlar -FilteredFieldsValues=Filtr uchun qiymat -FormatControlRule=Formatni boshqarish qoidasi +SelectFilterFields=If you want to filter on some values, just input values here. +FilteredFields=Filtered fields +FilteredFieldsValues=Value for filter +FormatControlRule=Format control rule @@ -134,14 +130,4 @@ -KeysToUseForUpdates=Mavjud ma'lumotlarni
yangilash uchun uchun ishlatiladigan kalit (ustun) -NbInsert=Kiritilgan qatorlar soni: %s -NbInsertSim=Kiritilgan qatorlar soni: %s -NbUpdate=Yangilangan qatorlar soni: %s -NbUpdateSim=Yangilanadigan qatorlar soni: %s -MultipleRecordFoundWithTheseFilters=Ushbu filtrlar yordamida bir nechta yozuvlar topildi: %s -StocksWithBatch=Partiya / seriya raqami bo'lgan mahsulot zaxiralari va joylashuvi (ombor) -WarningFirstImportedLine=Birinchi qator(lar) joriy tanlov bilan import qilinmaydi -NotUsedFields=Ma'lumotlar bazasi maydonlaridan foydalanilmaydi -SelectImportFieldsSource = Import qilmoqchi bo'lgan manba fayl maydonlarini va ularning ma'lumotlar bazasidagi maqsadli maydonini har bir tanlash qutisidagi maydonlarni tanlash orqali tanlang yoki oldindan belgilangan import profilini tanlang: -MandatoryTargetFieldsNotMapped=Ba'zi majburiy maqsadli maydonlar xaritaga kiritilmagan -AllTargetMandatoryFieldsAreMapped=Majburiy qiymatga muhtoj bo'lgan barcha maqsadli maydonlar xaritada ko'rsatilgan -ResultOfSimulationNoError=Simulyatsiya natijasi: xatolik yo'q -NumberOfLinesLimited=Chiziqlar soni cheklangan +KeysToUseForUpdates=Key (column) to use for updating existing data +NbInsert=Number of inserted lines: %s +NbUpdate=Number of updated lines: %s +MultipleRecordFoundWithTheseFilters=Multiple records have been found with these filters: %s --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_hrm.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_hrm.lang @@ -2,2 +1,0 @@ - - @@ -5,8 +3,8 @@ -HRM_EMAIL_EXTERNAL_SERVICE=HRM tashqi xizmatining oldini olish uchun elektron pochta -Establishments=Korxonalar -Establishment=Tashkilot -NewEstablishment=Yangi muassasa -DeleteEstablishment=Korxonani o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteEstablishment=Ushbu muassasa o'chirilishini xohlaysizmi? -OpenEtablishment=Ochiq muassasa -CloseEtablishment=Yaqin muassasasi +HRM_EMAIL_EXTERNAL_SERVICE=Email to prevent HRM external service +Establishments=Establishments +Establishment=Establishment +NewEstablishment=New establishment +DeleteEstablishment=Delete establishment +ConfirmDeleteEstablishment=Are you sure you wish to delete this establishment? +OpenEtablishment=Open establishment +CloseEtablishment=Close establishment @@ -14,3 +12,3 @@ -DictionaryPublicHolidays=Ta'til - rasmiy bayramlar -DictionaryDepartment=HRM - Tashkiliy birlik -DictionaryFunction=HRM - ish joylari +DictionaryPublicHolidays=HRM - Public holidays +DictionaryDepartment=HRM - Department list +DictionaryFunction=HRM - Job positions @@ -18,80 +16,3 @@ -Employees=Xodimlar -Employee=Xodim -NewEmployee=Yangi ishchi -ListOfEmployees=Xodimlar ro'yxati -HrmSetup=HRM modulini sozlash -SkillsManagement=Ko'nikmalarni boshqarish -HRM_MAXRANK=Qobiliyatni darajalash uchun maksimal darajalar soni -HRM_DEFAULT_SKILL_DESCRIPTION=Ko'nikma yaratilganda darajalarning standart tavsifi -deplacement=Shift -DateEval=Baholash sanasi -JobCard=Ish kartasi -NewJobProfile=Yangi ish profili -JobProfile=Ish profili -JobsProfiles=Ish profillari -NewSkill=Yangi mahorat -SkillType=Malaka turi -Skilldets=Ushbu mahorat uchun darajalar ro'yxati -Skilldet=Malaka darajasi -rank=Daraja -ErrNoSkillSelected=Hech qanday mahorat tanlanmagan -ErrSkillAlreadyAdded=Ushbu mahorat allaqachon ro'yxatda -SkillHasNoLines=Bu mahorat hech qanday chiziqqa ega emas -Skill=Malaka -Skills=Ko'nikmalar -SkillCard=Malaka kartasi -EmployeeSkillsUpdated=Xodimlarning malakasi yangilandi (xodimlar kartasining "Ko'nikmalar" yorlig'iga qarang) -Eval=Baholash -Evals=Baholar -NewEval=Yangi baholash -ValidateEvaluation=Baholashni tasdiqlash -ConfirmValidateEvaluation=Are you sure you want to validate this evaluation with the reference %s? -EvaluationCard=Baholash kartasi -RequiredRank=Ish profili uchun talab qilinadigan daraja -RequiredRankShort=Majburiy daraja -PositionsWithThisProfile=Ushbu ish profillari bilan lavozimlar -EmployeeRank=Ushbu mahorat uchun xodim darajasi -EmployeeRankShort=Xodimlar darajasi -EmployeePosition=Xodimning pozitsiyasi -EmployeePositions=Xodimlarning lavozimlari -EmployeesInThisPosition=Ushbu lavozimdagi xodimlar -group1ToCompare=Tahlil qilish uchun foydalanuvchi guruhi -group2ToCompare=Taqqoslash uchun ikkinchi foydalanuvchi guruhi -OrJobToCompare=Ish profilining malaka talablari bilan solishtiring -difference=Farq -CompetenceAcquiredByOneOrMore=Bir yoki bir nechta foydalanuvchilar tomonidan olingan, ammo ikkinchi taqqoslash tomonidan so'ralmagan vakolat -MaxlevelGreaterThan=Xodimlar darajasi kutilgan darajadan yuqori -MaxLevelEqualTo=Xodimlar darajasi kutilgan darajaga teng -MaxLevelLowerThan=Xodimlar darajasi kutilgan darajadan past -MaxlevelGreaterThanShort=Kutilganidan yuqori daraja -MaxLevelEqualToShort=Kutilgan darajaga teng daraja -MaxLevelLowerThanShort=Kutilgandan past daraja -SkillNotAcquired=Ko'nikmalar hamma foydalanuvchilar tomonidan qo'lga kiritilmagan va ikkinchi taqqoslashchi tomonidan talab qilingan -legend=Afsona -TypeSkill=Malaka turi -AddSkill=Ish profiliga ko'nikmalar qo'shing -RequiredSkills=Ushbu ish profili uchun talab qilinadigan ko'nikmalar -UserRank=Foydalanuvchi darajasi -SkillList=Ko'nikmalar ro'yxati -SaveRank=Darajani saqlang -TypeKnowHow=Nou-hau -TypeHowToBe=Qanday bo'lish kerak -TypeKnowledge=Bilim -AbandonmentComment=Bekor qilish sharhi -DateLastEval=Oxirgi baholash sanasi -NoEval=Ushbu xodim uchun hech qanday baholash o'tkazilmagan -HowManyUserWithThisMaxNote=Ushbu darajadagi foydalanuvchilar soni -HighestRank=Eng yuqori daraja -SkillComparison=Ko'nikmalarni taqqoslash -ActionsOnJob=Ushbu ish bo'yicha voqealar -VacantPosition=bo'sh ish o'rni -VacantCheckboxHelper=Ushbu parametr belgilansa, to'ldirilmagan lavozimlar ko'rsatiladi (vakansiya) -SaveAddSkill = Qo'shilgan malaka(lar). -SaveLevelSkill = Ko'nikma(lar) darajasi saqlangan -DeleteSkill = Ko'nikma olib tashlandi -SkillsExtraFields=Qo'shimcha atributlar (ko'nikmalar) -JobsExtraFields=Qo'shimcha atributlar (Ish profili) -EvaluationsExtraFields=Qo'shimcha atributlar (baholar) -NeedBusinessTravels=Ish safarlari kerak -NoDescription=Ta'rif yo'q -TheJobProfileHasNoSkillsDefinedFixBefore=Ushbu xodimning baholangan ish profili unda aniqlangan malakaga ega emas. Iltimos, malaka(lar)ni qo'shing, keyin o'chiring va baholashni qaytadan boshlang. +Employees=Employees +Employee=Employee +NewEmployee=New employee --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_install.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_install.lang @@ -2,38 +2,47 @@ -InstallEasy=Faqat ko'rsatmalarga bosqichma-bosqich amal qiling. -MiscellaneousChecks=Old shartlar tekshiriladi -ConfFileExists= %s konfiguratsiya fayli mavjud. -ConfFileDoesNotExistsAndCouldNotBeCreated= %s konfiguratsiya fayli mavjud emas va yaratib bo'lmadi! -ConfFileCouldBeCreated= %s konfiguratsiya fayli yaratilishi mumkin. -ConfFileIsNotWritable= %s konfiguratsiya fayli yozib bo'lmaydi. Ruxsatlarni tekshiring. Birinchi o'rnatish uchun veb-serveringiz ushbu faylga konfiguratsiya jarayonida yozish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lishi kerak ("chmod 666", masalan OS kabi Unix-da). -ConfFileIsWritable= %s konfiguratsiya fayli yozilishi mumkin. -ConfFileMustBeAFileNotADir=Konfiguratsiya fayli %s fayl bo'lishi kerak, katalog emas. -ConfFileReload=Parametrlarni konfiguratsiya faylidan qayta yuklash. -NoReadableConfFileSoStartInstall=conf/conf.php konfiguratsiya fayli mavjud emas yoki o‘qib bo‘lmaydi. Uni ishga tushirishga harakat qilish uchun o'rnatish jarayonini ishga tushiramiz. -PHPSupportPOSTGETOk=Ushbu PHP POST va GET o'zgaruvchilarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. -PHPSupportPOSTGETKo=PHP sozlamangiz POST va / yoki GET o'zgaruvchilarini qo'llab-quvvatlamasligi mumkin. Php.ini da variables_order parametrini tekshiring. -PHPSupportSessions=Ushbu PHP sessiyalarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. -PHPSupport=Ushbu PHP %s funktsiyalarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi. -PHPMemoryOK=Sizning PHP maksimal sessiya xotirangiz %s ga o'rnatildi. Bu etarli bo'lishi kerak. -PHPMemoryTooLow=PHP max sessiya xotirasi %s baytga o'rnatilgan. Bu juda past. php.ini ni o'zgartiring memory_limit parametrini kamida %s -Recheck=Batafsil sinov uchun bu erni bosing -ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportSessions=PHP o'rnatishingiz seanslarni qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. Ushbu xususiyat Dolibarr ishlashiga ruxsat berish uchun talab qilinadi. PHP-ni sozlashni va sessiyalar katalogining ruxsatlarini tekshiring. -ErrorPHPDoesNotSupport=PHP o'rnatishingiz %s funktsiyalarini qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi. -ErrorDirDoesNotExists=%s katalogi mavjud emas. -ErrorGoBackAndCorrectParameters=Orqaga qayting va parametrlarni tekshiring / to'g'rilang. -ErrorWrongValueForParameter=Siz '%s' parametri uchun noto'g'ri qiymat yozgan bo'lishingiz mumkin. -ErrorFailedToCreateDatabase='%s' ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratib bo'lmadi. -ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase='%s' ma'lumotlar bazasiga ulanib bo'lmadi. -ErrorDatabaseVersionTooLow=Ma'lumotlar bazasi versiyasi (%s) juda eski. %s yoki undan yuqori versiyasi talab qilinadi. -ErrorPHPVersionTooLow=PHP versiyasi juda eski. %s yoki undan yuqori versiya talab qilinadi. -ErrorPHPVersionTooHigh=PHP versiyasi juda yuqori. %s yoki undan pastroq versiya talab qilinadi. -ErrorConnectedButDatabaseNotFound=Serverga ulanish muvaffaqiyatli bo'ldi, ammo '%s' ma'lumotlar bazasi topilmadi. -ErrorDatabaseAlreadyExists='%s' ma'lumotlar bazasi allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorNoMigrationFilesFoundForParameters=Tanlangan versiyalar uchun migratsiya fayli topilmadi -IfDatabaseNotExistsGoBackAndUncheckCreate=Agar ma'lumotlar bazasi mavjud bo'lmasa, orqaga qayting va "Ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratish" bandini tekshiring. -IfDatabaseExistsGoBackAndCheckCreate=Agar ma'lumotlar bazasi allaqachon mavjud bo'lsa, orqaga qayting va "Ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratish" parametrini olib tashlang. -WarningBrowserTooOld=Brauzer versiyasi juda eski. Brauzeringizni Firefox, Chrome yoki Opera-ning so'nggi versiyasiga yangilash tavsiya etiladi. -PHPVersion=PHP versiyasi -License=Litsenziyadan foydalanish -ConfigurationFile=Konfiguratsiya fayli -WebPagesDirectory=Veb-sahifalar saqlanadigan katalog -DocumentsDirectory=Yuklangan va yaratilgan hujjatlarni saqlash uchun katalog +InstallEasy=Just follow the instructions step by step. +MiscellaneousChecks=Prerequisites check +ConfFileExists=Configuration file %s exists. +ConfFileDoesNotExistsAndCouldNotBeCreated=Configuration file %s does not exist and could not be created! +ConfFileCouldBeCreated=Configuration file %s could be created. +ConfFileIsNotWritable=Configuration file %s is not writable. Check permissions. For first install, your web server must be able to write into this file during configuration process ("chmod 666" for example on a Unix like OS). +ConfFileIsWritable=Configuration file %s is writable. +ConfFileMustBeAFileNotADir=Configuration file %s must be a file, not a directory. +ConfFileReload=Reloading parameters from configuration file. +PHPSupportSessions=This PHP supports sessions. +PHPSupportPOSTGETOk=This PHP supports variables POST and GET. +PHPSupportPOSTGETKo=It's possible your PHP setup does not support variables POST and/or GET. Check the parameter variables_order in php.ini. +PHPSupportGD=This PHP supports GD graphical functions. +PHPSupportCurl=This PHP supports Curl. +PHPSupportCalendar=This PHP supports calendars extensions. +PHPSupportUTF8=This PHP supports UTF8 functions. +PHPSupportIntl=This PHP supports Intl functions. +PHPSupportxDebug=This PHP supports extended debug functions. +PHPSupport=This PHP supports %s functions. +PHPMemoryOK=Your PHP max session memory is set to %s. This should be enough. +PHPMemoryTooLow=Your PHP max session memory is set to %s bytes. This is too low. Change your php.ini to set memory_limit parameter to at least %s bytes. +Recheck=Click here for a more detailed test +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportSessions=Your PHP installation does not support sessions. This feature is required to allow Dolibarr to work. Check your PHP setup and permissions of the sessions directory. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportGD=Your PHP installation does not support GD graphical functions. No graphs will be available. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportCurl=Your PHP installation does not support Curl. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportCalendar=Your PHP installation does not support php calendar extensions. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportUTF8=Your PHP installation does not support UTF8 functions. Dolibarr cannot work correctly. Resolve this before installing Dolibarr. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportIntl=Your PHP installation does not support Intl functions. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupportxDebug=Your PHP installation does not support extend debug functions. +ErrorPHPDoesNotSupport=Your PHP installation does not support %s functions. +ErrorDirDoesNotExists=Directory %s does not exist. +ErrorGoBackAndCorrectParameters=Go back and check/correct the parameters. +ErrorWrongValueForParameter=You may have typed a wrong value for parameter '%s'. +ErrorFailedToCreateDatabase=Failed to create database '%s'. +ErrorFailedToConnectToDatabase=Failed to connect to database '%s'. +ErrorDatabaseVersionTooLow=Database version (%s) too old. Version %s or higher is required. +ErrorPHPVersionTooLow=PHP version too old. Version %s is required. +ErrorConnectedButDatabaseNotFound=Connection to server successful but database '%s' not found. +ErrorDatabaseAlreadyExists=Database '%s' already exists. +IfDatabaseNotExistsGoBackAndUncheckCreate=If the database does not exist, go back and check option "Create database". +IfDatabaseExistsGoBackAndCheckCreate=If database already exists, go back and uncheck "Create database" option. +WarningBrowserTooOld=Version of browser is too old. Upgrading your browser to a recent version of Firefox, Chrome or Opera is highly recommended. +PHPVersion=PHP Version +License=Using license +ConfigurationFile=Configuration file +WebPagesDirectory=Directory where web pages are stored +DocumentsDirectory=Directory to store uploaded and generated documents @@ -41,5 +50,5 @@ -ForceHttps=Ishonchli ulanishlarni majburlash (https) -CheckToForceHttps=Xavfsiz ulanishlarni majburlash uchun ushbu parametrni tekshiring (https).
Buning uchun veb-server SSL sertifikati bilan sozlangan bo'lishi kerak. -DolibarrDatabase=Dolibarr ma'lumotlar bazasi -DatabaseType=Ma'lumotlar bazasi turi -DriverType=Haydovchi turi +ForceHttps=Force secure connections (https) +CheckToForceHttps=Check this option to force secure connections (https).
This requires that the web server is configured with an SSL certificate. +DolibarrDatabase=Dolibarr Database +DatabaseType=Database type +DriverType=Driver type @@ -47,98 +56,99 @@ -ServerAddressDescription=Ma'lumotlar bazasi serverining nomi yoki ip manzili. Odatda 'localhost' ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri veb-server bilan bir xil serverda joylashganda. -ServerPortDescription=Ma'lumotlar bazasi server porti. Agar noma'lum bo'lsa, bo'sh qoldiring. -DatabaseServer=Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri -DatabaseName=Ma'lumotlar bazasi nomi -DatabasePrefix=Ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvali prefiksi -DatabasePrefixDescription=Ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvali prefiksi. Bo'sh bo'lsa, sukut bo'yicha llx_. -AdminLogin=Dolibarr ma'lumotlar bazasi egasi uchun foydalanuvchi qayd yozuvi. -AdminPassword=Dolibarr ma'lumotlar bazasi egasi uchun parol. -CreateDatabase=Ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratish -CreateUser=Dolibarr ma'lumotlar bazasida foydalanuvchi hisobini yarating yoki foydalanuvchi hisobiga ruxsat bering -DatabaseSuperUserAccess=Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri - Superuser-ga kirish -CheckToCreateDatabase=Ma'lumotlar bazasi hali mavjud bo'lmasa va yaratilishi kerak bo'lsa, katakchani belgilang.
Bunday holda siz ushbu sahifaning pastki qismida superuser hisob qaydnomasi uchun foydalanuvchi nomi va parolini to'ldirishingiz kerak. -CheckToCreateUser=Agar quyidagilarni belgilang:
ma'lumotlar bazasi foydalanuvchi hisobi hali mavjud emas va shuning uchun uni yaratish kerak, yoki foydalanuvchi qayd yozuvi mavjud bo'lsa, lekin ma'lumotlar bazasi mavjud bo'lmasa va ruxsat berilishi kerak bo'lsa,
, bu holda siz foydalanuvchi qayd yozuvini va parolini kiritishingiz kerak va shuningdek superuser qayd yozuvining nomi va parolini ushbu sahifaning pastki qismiga kiriting. Agar ushbu maydon belgilanmagan bo'lsa, ma'lumotlar bazasi egasi va parol allaqachon mavjud bo'lishi kerak. -DatabaseRootLoginDescription=Superuser hisobining nomi (yangi ma'lumotlar bazalarini yoki yangi foydalanuvchilarni yaratish uchun), agar ma'lumotlar bazasi yoki uning egasi allaqachon mavjud bo'lmasa majburiydir. -KeepEmptyIfNoPassword=Agar superuserda parol bo'lmasa, bo'sh qoldiring (tavsiya etilmaydi) -SaveConfigurationFile=Parametrlarni saqlash -ServerConnection=Server ulanishi -DatabaseCreation=Ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratish -CreateDatabaseObjects=Ma'lumotlar bazasi ob'ektlarini yaratish -ReferenceDataLoading=Ma'lumotlarni yuklash -TablesAndPrimaryKeysCreation=Jadvallar va birlamchi kalitlarni yaratish -CreateTableAndPrimaryKey=%s jadvalini yarating -CreateOtherKeysForTable=%s jadvali uchun chet el kalitlari va indekslarini yarating -OtherKeysCreation=Chet el kalitlari va indekslarini yaratish -FunctionsCreation=Funktsiyalarni yaratish -AdminAccountCreation=Administratorning login yaratish -PleaseTypePassword=Iltimos, parolni kiriting, bo'sh parollarga ruxsat berilmaydi! -PleaseTypeALogin=Kirish yozing! -PasswordsMismatch=Parollar boshqacha, iltimos, qayta urinib ko'ring! -SetupEnd=O'rnatish tugadi -SystemIsInstalled=Ushbu o'rnatish tugallandi. -SystemIsUpgraded=Dolibarr muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi. -YouNeedToPersonalizeSetup=Dolibarr-ni o'zingizning ehtiyojlaringizga mos ravishda sozlashingiz kerak (tashqi ko'rinishi, xususiyatlari, ...). Buning uchun quyidagi havolaga o'ting: -AdminLoginCreatedSuccessfuly=Dolibarr administratori login ' %s ' muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi. -GoToDolibarr=Dolibarr-ga o'ting -GoToSetupArea=Dolibarr-ga o'ting (sozlash maydoni) -MigrationNotFinished=Ma'lumotlar bazasi versiyasi to'liq yangilanmagan: yangilash jarayonini qayta bajaring. -GoToUpgradePage=Sahifani yana yangilashga o'ting -WithNoSlashAtTheEnd=Oxirida "/" chiziqsiz -DirectoryRecommendation= MUHIM : Siz veb-sahifalardan tashqarida bo'lgan katalogdan foydalanishingiz kerak (shuning uchun avvalgi parametrning pastki katalogidan foydalanmang). -LoginAlreadyExists=Allaqachon mavjud -DolibarrAdminLogin=Dolibarr administratori bilan kirish -AdminLoginAlreadyExists=Dolibarr administrator hisobi ' %s ' allaqachon mavjud. Agar boshqasini yaratmoqchi bo'lsangiz, orqaga qayting. -FailedToCreateAdminLogin=Dolibarr administratori hisobini yaratib bo'lmadi. -WarningRemoveInstallDir=Ogohlantirish, xavfsizlik nuqtai nazaridan, o'rnatish jarayoni tugallangach, install.lock nomli faylni qo'shishingiz kerak. O'rnatish vositalaridan tasodifiy/zararli foydalanishni oldini olish uchun Dolibarr hujjat katalogi. -FunctionNotAvailableInThisPHP=Ushbu PHP-da mavjud emas -ChoosedMigrateScript=Ko'chirish skriptini tanlang -DataMigration=Ma'lumotlar bazasining ko'chishi (ma'lumotlar) -DatabaseMigration=Ma'lumotlar bazasining ko'chishi (tuzilish + ba'zi ma'lumotlar) -ProcessMigrateScript=Skriptni qayta ishlash -ChooseYourSetupMode=O'rnatish rejimini tanlang va "Ishga tushirish" tugmasini bosing ... -FreshInstall=Yangi o'rnatish -FreshInstallDesc=Agar bu sizning birinchi o'rnatishingiz bo'lsa, ushbu rejimdan foydalaning. Aks holda, ushbu rejim to'liq bo'lmagan oldingi o'rnatishni tuzatishi mumkin. Agar siz o'z versiyangizni yangilamoqchi bo'lsangiz, "Yangilash" rejimini tanlang. -Upgrade=Yangilash -UpgradeDesc=Agar eski Dolibarr fayllarini yangi versiyadagi fayllarga almashtirgan bo'lsangiz, ushbu rejimdan foydalaning. Bu sizning ma'lumotlar bazangizni va ma'lumotlaringizni yangilaydi. -Start=Boshlang -InstallNotAllowed= conf.php ruxsatlari bilan o'rnatishga ruxsat berilmaydi -YouMustCreateWithPermission=O'rnatish jarayonida siz %s faylini yaratishingiz va unga veb-server uchun yozish huquqlarini o'rnatishingiz kerak. -CorrectProblemAndReloadPage=Iltimos, muammoni hal qiling va sahifani qayta yuklash uchun F5 tugmasini bosing. -AlreadyDone=Zotan ko'chib ketgan -DatabaseVersion=Ma'lumotlar bazasi versiyasi -ServerVersion=Ma'lumotlar bazasi serveri versiyasi -YouMustCreateItAndAllowServerToWrite=Siz ushbu katalogni yaratishingiz va unga veb-serverning yozishiga ruxsat berishingiz kerak. -DBSortingCollation=Belgilarni saralash tartibi -YouAskDatabaseCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=Siz ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratishni tanladingiz %s , lekin buning uchun Dolibarr serverga super user ulanishi kerak %s %s -YouAskLoginCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You selected create database user %s , but for this, Dolibarr needs to connect to server %s with super user %s permissions. -BecauseConnectionFailedParametersMayBeWrong=Ma'lumotlar bazasi ulanishi muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi: xost yoki super foydalanuvchi parametrlari noto'g'ri bo'lishi kerak. -OrphelinsPaymentsDetectedByMethod=%s usuli bilan etim bolalar uchun to'lov aniqlandi -RemoveItManuallyAndPressF5ToContinue=Uni qo'lda olib tashlang va davom ettirish uchun F5 tugmasini bosing. -FieldRenamed=Maydon nomi o'zgartirildi -IfLoginDoesNotExistsCheckCreateUser=Agar foydalanuvchi hali mavjud bo'lmasa, "Foydalanuvchi yaratish" parametrini tekshirishingiz kerak -ErrorConnection=Server " %s ", ma'lumotlar bazasi nomi " %s ", login " %s ", yoki ma'lumotlar bazasi parol noto'g'ri bo'lishi mumkin, yoki PHP mijoz versiyasi bazasi versiyasiga nisbatan juda eski bo'lishi mumkin. -InstallChoiceRecommanded= %s versiyasini joriy versiyangizdan o'rnatish uchun tavsiya etilgan tanlov %s -InstallChoiceSuggested= o'rnatuvchisi tomonidan tavsiya etilgan o'rnatish tanlovi. -MigrateIsDoneStepByStep=Maqsadli versiyada (%s) bir nechta versiyalar oralig'i mavjud. O'rnatish ustasi ushbu ko'chirish tugagandan so'ng yana ko'chib o'tishni taklif qilish uchun qaytib keladi. -CheckThatDatabasenameIsCorrect=Ma'lumotlar bazasi nomi " %s " to'g'riligini tekshiring. -IfAlreadyExistsCheckOption=Agar ushbu nom to'g'ri bo'lsa va ma'lumotlar bazasi hali mavjud bo'lmasa, "Ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratish" bandini tekshirishingiz kerak. -OpenBaseDir=PHP openbasedir parametri -YouAskToCreateDatabaseSoRootRequired=Siz "Ma'lumotlar bazasini yaratish" katagiga belgi qo'ydingiz. Buning uchun superuser-ning login / parolini taqdim etishingiz kerak (shaklning pastki qismida). -YouAskToCreateDatabaseUserSoRootRequired=Siz "Ma'lumotlar bazasi egasini yaratish" katagiga belgi qo'ydingiz. Buning uchun superuser-ning login / parolini taqdim etishingiz kerak (shaklning pastki qismida). -NextStepMightLastALongTime=Joriy qadam bir necha daqiqa vaqt olishi mumkin. Davom etishdan oldin keyingi ekran to'liq ko'rsatilishini kuting. -MigrationCustomerOrderShipping=Savdo buyurtmalarini saqlash uchun yuklarni ko'chirish -MigrationShippingDelivery=Yuk tashish omborini yangilang -MigrationShippingDelivery2=2. Yuk tashish omborini yangilash -MigrationFinished=Migratsiya tugadi -LastStepDesc=Oxirgi qadam: Dolibarrga ulanish uchun foydalanmoqchi bo‘lgan login va parolni shu yerda belgilang. Buni yo'qotmang, chunki u barcha boshqa/qo'shimcha foydalanuvchi hisoblarini boshqarish uchun asosiy hisob hisoblanadi. -ActivateModule=%s modulini faollashtiring -ShowEditTechnicalParameters=Kengaytirilgan parametrlarni ko'rsatish / tahrirlash uchun shu erni bosing (ekspert rejimi) -WarningUpgrade=Ogohlantirish:\nAvval ma'lumotlar bazasini zaxira nusxasini yaratdingizmi?\nBu juda tavsiya etiladi. Ma'lumotlarni yo'qotish (masalan, 5.5.40 / 41/42/43 mysql versiyasidagi xatolar tufayli) bu jarayonda bo'lishi mumkin, shuning uchun har qanday ko'chishni boshlashdan oldin ma'lumotlar bazangizni to'liq tashlab qo'yish kerak.\n\nMigratsiya jarayonini boshlash uchun OK tugmasini bosing ... -ErrorDatabaseVersionForbiddenForMigration=Ma'lumotlar bazasi versiyasi %s. Ushbu ma'lumotlar bazasida migratsiya jarayoni talab qiladigan tarkibiy o'zgarishlarni amalga oshirsangiz, ma'lumotlar yo'qotilishi mumkin bo'lgan juda muhim xato mavjud. Ma'lumotlar bazasini qatlamli (yamalgan) versiyaga yangilamaguningizcha (ma'lum buggy versiyalari ro'yxati: %s) uning ko'chirilishiga yo'l qo'yilmaydi. -KeepDefaultValuesWamp=Siz DoliWamp-dan Dolibarrni sozlash ustasini ishlatdingiz, shuning uchun bu erda tavsiya etilgan qiymatlar allaqachon optimallashtirilgan. Siz nima qilayotganingizni bilsangizgina ularni o'zgartiring. -KeepDefaultValuesDeb=Siz Dolibarrni o'rnatish ustasini Linux paketidan ishlatdingiz (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora ...), shuning uchun bu erda tavsiya etilgan qiymatlar allaqachon optimallashtirilgan. Yaratish uchun faqat ma'lumotlar bazasi egasining parolini kiritish kerak. Faqat nima qilayotganingizni bilsangizgina boshqa parametrlarni o'zgartiring. -KeepDefaultValuesMamp=Siz DoliMamp-dan Dolibarrni sozlash ustasini ishlatdingiz, shuning uchun bu erda tavsiya etilgan qiymatlar allaqachon optimallashtirilgan. Siz nima qilayotganingizni bilsangizgina ularni o'zgartiring. -KeepDefaultValuesProxmox=Siz Dolibarrni sozlash ustasini Proxmox virtual uskunasidan foydalandingiz, shuning uchun bu erda tavsiya etilgan qiymatlar allaqachon optimallashtirilgan. Siz nima qilayotganingizni bilsangizgina ularni o'zgartiring. -UpgradeExternalModule=Tashqi modulni maxsus yangilash jarayonini boshqaring -SetAtLeastOneOptionAsUrlParameter=URL-da parametr sifatida kamida bitta variantni o'rnating. Masalan: '... repair.php? Standart = tasdiqlangan' -NothingToDelete=Tozalash / o'chirish uchun hech narsa yo'q -NothingToDo=Qiladigan ish yo'q +ServerAddressDescription=Name or ip address for the database server. Usually 'localhost' when the database server is hosted on the same server as the web server. +ServerPortDescription=Database server port. Keep empty if unknown. +DatabaseServer=Database server +DatabaseName=Database name +DatabasePrefix=Database table prefix +DatabasePrefixDescription=Database table prefix. If empty, defaults to llx_. +AdminLogin=User account for the Dolibarr database owner. +PasswordAgain=Retype password confirmation +AdminPassword=Password for Dolibarr database owner. +CreateDatabase=Create database +CreateUser=Create user account or grant user account permission on the Dolibarr database +DatabaseSuperUserAccess=Database server - Superuser access +CheckToCreateDatabase=Check the box if the database does not exist yet and so must be created.
In this case, you must also fill in the user name and password for the superuser account at the bottom of this page. +CheckToCreateUser=Check the box if:
the database user account does not yet exist and so must be created, or
if the user account exists but the database does not exist and permissions must be granted.
In this case, you must enter the user account and password and also the superuser account name and password at the bottom of this page. If this box is unchecked, database owner and password must already exist. +DatabaseRootLoginDescription=Superuser account name (to create new databases or new users), mandatory if the database or its owner does not already exist. +KeepEmptyIfNoPassword=Leave empty if superuser has no password (NOT recommended) +SaveConfigurationFile=Saving parameters to +ServerConnection=Server connection +DatabaseCreation=Database creation +CreateDatabaseObjects=Database objects creation +ReferenceDataLoading=Reference data loading +TablesAndPrimaryKeysCreation=Tables and Primary keys creation +CreateTableAndPrimaryKey=Create table %s +CreateOtherKeysForTable=Create foreign keys and indexes for table %s +OtherKeysCreation=Foreign keys and indexes creation +FunctionsCreation=Functions creation +AdminAccountCreation=Administrator login creation +PleaseTypePassword=Please type a password, empty passwords are not allowed! +PleaseTypeALogin=Please type a login! +PasswordsMismatch=Passwords differs, please try again! +SetupEnd=End of setup +SystemIsInstalled=This installation is complete. +SystemIsUpgraded=Dolibarr has been upgraded successfully. +YouNeedToPersonalizeSetup=You need to configure Dolibarr to suit your needs (appearance, features, ...). To do this, please follow the link below: +AdminLoginCreatedSuccessfuly=Dolibarr administrator login '%s' created successfully. +GoToDolibarr=Go to Dolibarr +GoToSetupArea=Go to Dolibarr (setup area) +MigrationNotFinished=The database version is not completely up to date: run the upgrade process again. +GoToUpgradePage=Go to upgrade page again +WithNoSlashAtTheEnd=Without the slash "/" at the end +DirectoryRecommendation=IMPORTANT: You must use a directory that is outside of the web pages (so do not use a subdirectory of previous parameter). +LoginAlreadyExists=Already exists +DolibarrAdminLogin=Dolibarr admin login +AdminLoginAlreadyExists=Dolibarr administrator account '%s' already exists. Go back if you want to create another one. +FailedToCreateAdminLogin=Failed to create Dolibarr administrator account. +WarningRemoveInstallDir=Warning, for security reasons, once the install or upgrade is complete, you should add a file called install.lock into the Dolibarr document directory in order to prevent the accidental/malicious use of the install tools again. +FunctionNotAvailableInThisPHP=Not available in this PHP +ChoosedMigrateScript=Choose migration script +DataMigration=Database migration (data) +DatabaseMigration=Database migration (structure + some data) +ProcessMigrateScript=Script processing +ChooseYourSetupMode=Choose your setup mode and click "Start"... +FreshInstall=Fresh install +FreshInstallDesc=Use this mode if this is your first install. If not, this mode can repair a incomplete previous install. If you want to upgrade your version, choose "Upgrade" mode. +Upgrade=Upgrade +UpgradeDesc=Use this mode if you have replaced old Dolibarr files with files from a newer version. This will upgrade your database and data. +Start=Start +InstallNotAllowed=Setup not allowed by conf.php permissions +YouMustCreateWithPermission=You must create file %s and set write permissions on it for the web server during install process. +CorrectProblemAndReloadPage=Please fix the problem and press F5 to reload the page. +AlreadyDone=Already migrated +DatabaseVersion=Database version +ServerVersion=Database server version +YouMustCreateItAndAllowServerToWrite=You must create this directory and allow for the web server to write into it. +DBSortingCollation=Character sorting order +YouAskDatabaseCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You selected create database %s, but for this, Dolibarr needs to connect to server %s with super user %s permissions. +YouAskLoginCreationSoDolibarrNeedToConnect=You selected create database user %s, but for this, Dolibarr needs to connect to server %s with super user %s permissions. +BecauseConnectionFailedParametersMayBeWrong=The database connection failed: the host or super user parameters must be wrong. +OrphelinsPaymentsDetectedByMethod=Orphans payment detected by method %s +RemoveItManuallyAndPressF5ToContinue=Remove it manually and press F5 to continue. +FieldRenamed=Field renamed +IfLoginDoesNotExistsCheckCreateUser=If the user does not exist yet, you must check option "Create user" +ErrorConnection=Server "%s", database name "%s", login "%s", or database password may be wrong or the PHP client version may be too old compared to the database version. +InstallChoiceRecommanded=Recommended choice to install version %s from your current version %s +InstallChoiceSuggested=Install choice suggested by installer. +MigrateIsDoneStepByStep=The targeted version (%s) has a gap of several versions. The install wizard will come back to suggest a further migration once this one is complete. +CheckThatDatabasenameIsCorrect=Check that the database name "%s" is correct. +IfAlreadyExistsCheckOption=If this name is correct and that database does not exist yet, you must check option "Create database". +OpenBaseDir=PHP openbasedir parameter +YouAskToCreateDatabaseSoRootRequired=You checked the box "Create database". For this, you need to provide the login/password of superuser (bottom of form). +YouAskToCreateDatabaseUserSoRootRequired=You checked the box "Create database owner". For this, you need to provide the login/password of superuser (bottom of form). +NextStepMightLastALongTime=The current step may take several minutes. Please wait until the next screen is shown completely before continuing. +MigrationCustomerOrderShipping=Migrate shipping for sales orders storage +MigrationShippingDelivery=Upgrade storage of shipping +MigrationShippingDelivery2=Upgrade storage of shipping 2 +MigrationFinished=Migration finished +LastStepDesc=Last step: Define here the login and password you wish to use to connect to Dolibarr. Do not lose this as it is the master account to administer all other/additional user accounts. +ActivateModule=Activate module %s +ShowEditTechnicalParameters=Click here to show/edit advanced parameters (expert mode) +WarningUpgrade=Warning:\nDid you run a database backup first?\nThis is highly recommended. Loss of data (due to for example bugs in mysql version 5.5.40/41/42/43) may be possible during this process, so it is essential to take a complete dump of your database before starting any migration.\n\nClick OK to start migration process... +ErrorDatabaseVersionForbiddenForMigration=Your database version is %s. It has a critical bug, making data loss possible if you make structural changes in your database, such as is required by the migration process. For his reason, migration will not be allowed until you upgrade your database to a layer (patched) version (list of known buggy versions: %s) +KeepDefaultValuesWamp=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from DoliWamp, so values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you are doing. +KeepDefaultValuesDeb=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from a Linux package (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora...), so the values proposed here are already optimized. Only the password of the database owner to create must be entered. Change other parameters only if you know what you are doing. +KeepDefaultValuesMamp=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from DoliMamp, so the values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you are doing. +KeepDefaultValuesProxmox=You used the Dolibarr setup wizard from a Proxmox virtual appliance, so the values proposed here are already optimized. Change them only if you know what you are doing. +UpgradeExternalModule=Run dedicated upgrade process of external module +SetAtLeastOneOptionAsUrlParameter=Set at least one option as a parameter in URL. For example: '...repair.php?standard=confirmed' +NothingToDelete=Nothing to clean/delete +NothingToDo=Nothing to do @@ -147,73 +157,67 @@ -MigrationFixData=Normalizatsiya qilingan ma'lumotlar uchun tuzatish -MigrationOrder=Mijozning buyurtmalari bo'yicha ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi -MigrationSupplierOrder=Sotuvchining buyurtmalari bo'yicha ma'lumotlarning ko'chishi -MigrationProposal=Tijorat takliflari uchun ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi -MigrationInvoice=Mijozning hisob-fakturalari uchun ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi -MigrationContract=Shartnomalar bo'yicha ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi -MigrationSuccessfullUpdate=Yangilash muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi -MigrationUpdateFailed=Yangilanish jarayoni amalga oshmadi -MigrationRelationshipTables=O'zaro munosabatlar jadvallari uchun ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi (%s) -MigrationPaymentsUpdate=To'lov ma'lumotlarini tuzatish -MigrationPaymentsNumberToUpdate=yangilash uchun %s to'lov (lar) i -MigrationProcessPaymentUpdate=%s to'lov (lar) ini yangilang -MigrationPaymentsNothingToUpdate=Boshqa qiladigan narsalar yo'q -MigrationPaymentsNothingUpdatable=Endi tuzatilishi mumkin bo'lgan to'lovlar yo'q -MigrationContractsUpdate=Shartnoma ma'lumotlarini tuzatish -MigrationContractsNumberToUpdate=%s shartnoma (lar) ni yangilash -MigrationContractsLineCreation=%s kontrakt uchun shartnoma chizig'ini yarating -MigrationContractsNothingToUpdate=Boshqa qiladigan narsalar yo'q -MigrationContractsFieldDontExist=Fk_facture maydoni endi mavjud emas. Qiladigan ish yo'q. -MigrationContractsEmptyDatesUpdate=Shartnomaning bo'sh sanasini tuzatish -MigrationContractsEmptyDatesUpdateSuccess=Shartnomani bo'sh sanani tuzatish muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi -MigrationContractsEmptyDatesNothingToUpdate=Tuzatish uchun hech qanday shartnoma bo'sh sanasi yo'q -MigrationContractsEmptyCreationDatesNothingToUpdate=Tuzatish uchun shartnoma tuzish sanasi yo'q -MigrationContractsInvalidDatesUpdate=Noto'g'ri qiymat sanasini shartnomani tuzatish -MigrationContractsInvalidDateFix=To'g'ri shartnoma %s (Shartnoma tuzilgan sana = %s, xizmat boshlanadigan sana min = %s) -MigrationContractsInvalidDatesNumber=%s shartnomalari o'zgartirildi -MigrationContractsInvalidDatesNothingToUpdate=Tuzatish uchun yomon qiymatga ega sana yo'q -MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateUpdate=Noto'g'ri qiymatdagi shartnomani tuzish sanasini tuzatish -MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateUpdateSuccess=Noto'g'ri qiymatdagi shartnomani tuzish sanasini tuzatish muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi -MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateNothingToUpdate=Shartnomani tuzish sanasi uchun yomon qiymat yo'q -MigrationReopeningContracts=Ochiq shartnoma xato bilan yopildi -MigrationReopenThisContract=%s shartnomasini qayta oching -MigrationReopenedContractsNumber=%s shartnomalari o'zgartirildi -MigrationReopeningContractsNothingToUpdate=Ochish uchun yopiq shartnoma yo'q -MigrationBankTransfertsUpdate=Bank yozuvlari va bank o'tkazmasi o'rtasidagi aloqalarni yangilang -MigrationBankTransfertsNothingToUpdate=Barcha havolalar dolzarb -MigrationShipmentOrderMatching=Yuborilganlik haqidagi kvitansiyani yangilash -MigrationDeliveryOrderMatching=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyasini yangilash -MigrationDeliveryDetail=Yetkazib berish yangilanishi -MigrationStockDetail=Mahsulotlarning zaxira qiymatini yangilang -MigrationMenusDetail=Dinamik menyu jadvallarini yangilang -MigrationDeliveryAddress=Yuklarni etkazib berish manzilini yangilang -MigrationProjectTaskActors=Llx_projet_task_actors jadvali uchun ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi -MigrationProjectUserResp=Llx_projet ning fk_user_resp ma'lumotlarini llx_element_contact-ga ko'chirish maydoni -MigrationProjectTaskTime=Bir necha soniya ichida sarflangan vaqtni yangilang -MigrationActioncommElement=Amallar to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlarni yangilang -MigrationPaymentMode=To'lov turi bo'yicha ma'lumotlar migratsiyasi -MigrationCategorieAssociation=Kategoriyalar migratsiyasi -MigrationEvents=Voqealar egasini tayinlash jadvaliga qo'shish uchun hodisalarning ko'chishi -MigrationEventsContact=Voqealar aloqasini tayinlash jadvaliga qo'shish uchun voqealarning ko'chishi -MigrationRemiseEntity=Llx_societe_remise ob'ekti maydon qiymatini yangilang -MigrationRemiseExceptEntity=Llx_societe_remise_except mavjudlik maydon qiymatini yangilang -MigrationUserRightsEntity=Llx_user_rights sub'ektining maydon qiymatini yangilang -MigrationUserGroupRightsEntity=Llx_usergroup_rights sub'ektining maydon qiymatini yangilang -MigrationUserPhotoPath=Foydalanuvchilar uchun fotosurat yo'llarining ko'chishi -MigrationFieldsSocialNetworks=Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda foydalanuvchilarning migratsiyasi (%s) -MigrationReloadModule=%s modulini qayta yuklang -MigrationResetBlockedLog=V7 algoritmi uchun BlockedLog modulini tiklash -MigrationImportOrExportProfiles=Import yoki eksport profillarini ko'chirish (%s) -ShowNotAvailableOptions=Mavjud bo'lmagan variantlarni ko'rsating -HideNotAvailableOptions=Mavjud bo'lmagan variantlarni yashirish -ErrorFoundDuringMigration=Migratsiya jarayonida xato (lar) haqida xabar berilgan, shuning uchun keyingi qadam mavjud emas. Xatolarni e'tiborsiz qoldirish uchun siz tugmachasini bosishingiz mumkin, ammo xatolar echilmaguncha dastur yoki ba'zi funktsiyalar to'g'ri ishlamasligi mumkin. -YouTryInstallDisabledByDirLock=Ilova o'z-o'zini yangilashga harakat qildi, lekin xavfsizlik / o'rnatish uchun sahifalar o'chirildi (katalog nomi .lock qo'shimchasi bilan o'zgartirildi).
-YouTryInstallDisabledByFileLock=Ilova o'zini o'zi yangilashga harakat qildi, lekin xavfsizlik / o'rnatish uchun sahifalar o'chirilgan (dolibarr hujjatlar katalogida install.lock blokirovka fayli mavjudligi sababli).
-YouTryUpgradeDisabledByMissingFileUnLock=Ilova oʻz-oʻzini yangilashga urindi, lekin yangilash jarayoniga hozircha ruxsat berilmagan.
-ClickHereToGoToApp=Arizangizga o'tish uchun shu erni bosing -ClickOnLinkOrRemoveManualy=Agar yangilanish davom etayotgan bo'lsa, iltimos, kuting. Agar yo'q bo'lsa, quyidagi havolani bosing. Agar siz doimo shu sahifani ko'rsangiz, hujjatlar katalogidagi install.lock faylini olib tashlashingiz yoki nomini o'zgartirishingiz kerak. -ClickOnLinkOrCreateUnlockFileManualy=Agar yangilanish davom etayotgan bo'lsa, kuting... Agar yo'q bo'lsa, install.lock faylini olib tashlashingiz yoki Dolibarr hujjatlari katalogiga upgrade.unlock faylini yaratishingiz kerak. -Loaded=Yuklandi -FunctionTest=Funktsiya sinovi -NodoUpgradeAfterDB=Ma'lumotlar bazasini yangilashdan keyin tashqi modullar tomonidan hech qanday harakat talab qilinmaydi -NodoUpgradeAfterFiles=Fayllar yoki kataloglarni yangilashdan keyin tashqi modullar tomonidan hech qanday harakat talab qilinmaydi -MigrationContractLineRank=Rankdan foydalanish uchun kontrakt liniyasini ko'chiring (va Qayta tartibni yoqing) +MigrationFixData=Fix for denormalized data +MigrationOrder=Data migration for customer's orders +MigrationSupplierOrder=Data migration for vendor's orders +MigrationProposal=Data migration for commercial proposals +MigrationInvoice=Data migration for customer's invoices +MigrationContract=Data migration for contracts +MigrationSuccessfullUpdate=Upgrade successful +MigrationUpdateFailed=Failed upgrade process +MigrationRelationshipTables=Data migration for relationship tables (%s) +MigrationPaymentsUpdate=Payment data correction +MigrationPaymentsNumberToUpdate=%s payment(s) to update +MigrationProcessPaymentUpdate=Update payment(s) %s +MigrationPaymentsNothingToUpdate=No more things to do +MigrationPaymentsNothingUpdatable=No more payments that can be corrected +MigrationContractsUpdate=Contract data correction +MigrationContractsNumberToUpdate=%s contract(s) to update +MigrationContractsLineCreation=Create contract line for contract ref %s +MigrationContractsNothingToUpdate=No more things to do +MigrationContractsFieldDontExist=Field fk_facture does not exist anymore. Nothing to do. +MigrationContractsEmptyDatesUpdate=Contract empty date correction +MigrationContractsEmptyDatesUpdateSuccess=Contract empty date correction done successfully +MigrationContractsEmptyDatesNothingToUpdate=No contract empty date to correct +MigrationContractsEmptyCreationDatesNothingToUpdate=No contract creation date to correct +MigrationContractsInvalidDatesUpdate=Bad value date contract correction +MigrationContractsInvalidDateFix=Correct contract %s (Contract date=%s, Starting service date min=%s) +MigrationContractsInvalidDatesNumber=%s contracts modified +MigrationContractsInvalidDatesNothingToUpdate=No date with bad value to correct +MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateUpdate=Bad value contract creation date correction +MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateUpdateSuccess=Bad value contract creation date correction done successfully +MigrationContractsIncoherentCreationDateNothingToUpdate=No bad value for contract creation date to correct +MigrationReopeningContracts=Open contract closed by error +MigrationReopenThisContract=Reopen contract %s +MigrationReopenedContractsNumber=%s contracts modified +MigrationReopeningContractsNothingToUpdate=No closed contract to open +MigrationBankTransfertsUpdate=Update links between bank entry and a bank transfer +MigrationBankTransfertsNothingToUpdate=All links are up to date +MigrationShipmentOrderMatching=Sendings receipt update +MigrationDeliveryOrderMatching=Delivery receipt update +MigrationDeliveryDetail=Delivery update +MigrationStockDetail=Update stock value of products +MigrationMenusDetail=Update dynamic menus tables +MigrationDeliveryAddress=Update delivery address in shipments +MigrationProjectTaskActors=Data migration for table llx_projet_task_actors +MigrationProjectUserResp=Data migration field fk_user_resp of llx_projet to llx_element_contact +MigrationProjectTaskTime=Update time spent in seconds +MigrationActioncommElement=Update data on actions +MigrationPaymentMode=Data migration for payment type +MigrationCategorieAssociation=Migration of categories +MigrationEvents=Migration of events to add event owner into assignment table +MigrationEventsContact=Migration of events to add event contact into assignment table +MigrationRemiseEntity=Update entity field value of llx_societe_remise +MigrationRemiseExceptEntity=Update entity field value of llx_societe_remise_except +MigrationUserRightsEntity=Update entity field value of llx_user_rights +MigrationUserGroupRightsEntity=Update entity field value of llx_usergroup_rights +MigrationUserPhotoPath=Migration of photo paths for users +MigrationFieldsSocialNetworks=Migration of users fields social networks (%s) +MigrationReloadModule=Reload module %s +MigrationResetBlockedLog=Reset module BlockedLog for v7 algorithm +ShowNotAvailableOptions=Show unavailable options +HideNotAvailableOptions=Hide unavailable options +ErrorFoundDuringMigration=Error(s) were reported during the migration process so next step is not available. To ignore errors, you can click here, but the application or some features may not work correctly until the errors are resolved. +YouTryInstallDisabledByDirLock=The application tried to self-upgrade, but the install/upgrade pages have been disabled for security (directory renamed with .lock suffix).
+YouTryInstallDisabledByFileLock=The application tried to self-upgrade, but the install/upgrade pages have been disabled for security (by the existence of a lock file install.lock in the dolibarr documents directory).
+ClickHereToGoToApp=Click here to go to your application +ClickOnLinkOrRemoveManualy=If an upgrade is in progress, please wait. If not, click on the following link. If you always see this same page, you must remove/rename the file install.lock in the documents directory. +Loaded=Loaded +FunctionTest=Function test --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_languages.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_languages.lang @@ -2,85 +2,57 @@ -Language_am_ET=Efiopiya -Language_af_ZA=Afrikaans (Janubiy Afrika) -Language_ar_AR=Arabcha -Language_ar_DZ=Arab (Jazoir) -Language_ar_EG=Arab (Misr) -Language_ar_JO=Arab (Iordaniya) -Language_ar_MA=Arabcha (Maroko) -Language_ar_SA=Arab (Saudiya Arabistoni) -Language_ar_TN=Arab (Tunis) -Language_ar_IQ=Arab (Iroq) -Language_as_IN=Assam -Language_az_AZ=Ozarbayjon -Language_bn_BD=Bengal tili -Language_bn_IN=Bengal (Hindiston) -Language_bg_BG=Bolgar -Language_bo_CN=tibet -Language_bs_BA=Bosniya -Language_ca_ES=Kataloniya -Language_cs_CZ=Chex -Language_cy_GB=uels -Language_da_DA=Daniya -Language_da_DK=Daniya -Language_de_DE=Nemis -Language_de_AT=Nemis (Avstriya) -Language_de_CH=Nemis (Shveytsariya) -Language_de_LU=Nemis (Lyuksemburg) -Language_el_GR=Yunoncha -Language_el_CY=Yunon (Kipr) -Language_en_AE=English (United Arab Emirates) -Language_en_AU=Ingliz (Avstraliya) -Language_en_CA=Ingliz (Kanada) -Language_en_GB=Ingliz (Buyuk Britaniya) -Language_en_IN=Ingliz (Hindiston) -Language_en_MY=Ingliz (Myanma) -Language_en_NZ=Ingliz (Yangi Zelandiya) -Language_en_SA=Ingliz tili (Saudiya Arabistoni) -Language_en_SG=Ingliz (Singapur) -Language_en_US=Ingliz (Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari) -Language_en_ZA=Ingliz (Janubiy Afrika) -Language_en_ZW=Ingliz (Zimbabve) -Language_es_ES=Ispaniya -Language_es_AR=Ispaniya (Argentina) -Language_es_BO=Ispan (Boliviya) -Language_es_CL=Ispan (Chili) -Language_es_CO=Ispan (Kolumbiya) -Language_es_CR=Ispan (Kosta-Rika) -Language_es_DO=Ispaniya (Dominik Respublikasi) -Language_es_EC=Ispan (Ekvador) -Language_es_GT=Ispan (Gvatemala) -Language_es_HN=Ispan (Gonduras) -Language_es_MX=Ispan (Meksika) -Language_es_PA=Ispan (Panama) -Language_es_PY=Ispan (Paragvay) -Language_es_PE=Ispan (Peru) -Language_es_PR=Ispan (Puerto-Riko) -Language_es_US=Ispan (AQSh) -Language_es_UY=Ispan (Urugvay) -Language_es_VE=Ispan (Venesuela) -Language_et_EE=Estoniya -Language_eu_ES=Bask -Language_fa_IR=Fors tili -Language_fi_FI=Finlyandiya -Language_fr_BE=Frantsuz (Belgiya) -Language_fr_CA=Frantsuz (Kanada) -Language_fr_CH=Frantsuz (Shveytsariya) -Language_fr_CI=Frantsuz (Fil suyagi) -Language_fr_CM=Frantsuz (Kamerun) -Language_fr_FR=Frantsuzcha -Language_fr_GA=Frantsuz (Gabon) -Language_fr_NC=Frantsuz (Yangi Kaledoniya) -Language_fr_SN=Frantsuz (Senegal) -Language_fy_NL=Friz -Language_gl_ES=Galisiya -Language_he_IL=Ibroniycha -Language_hi_IN=Hind (Hindiston) -Language_hr_HR=Xorvat -Language_hu_HU=Venger -Language_id_ID=Indoneziyalik -Language_is_IS=Islandcha -Language_it_IT=Italyancha -Language_it_CH=Italiya (Shveytsariya) -Language_ja_JP=Yapon -Language_ka_GE=Gruzin -Language_kk_KZ=qozoq -Language_km_KH=Kxmer +Language_ar_AR=Arabic +Language_ar_EG=Arabic (Egypt) +Language_ar_SA=Arabic +Language_bn_BD=Bengali +Language_bg_BG=Bulgarian +Language_bs_BA=Bosnian +Language_ca_ES=Catalan +Language_cs_CZ=Czech +Language_da_DA=Danish +Language_da_DK=Danish +Language_de_DE=German +Language_de_AT=German (Austria) +Language_de_CH=German (Switzerland) +Language_el_GR=Greek +Language_el_CY=Greek (Cyprus) +Language_en_AU=English (Australia) +Language_en_CA=English (Canada) +Language_en_GB=English (United Kingdom) +Language_en_IN=English (India) +Language_en_NZ=English (New Zealand) +Language_en_SA=English (Saudi Arabia) +Language_en_US=English (United States) +Language_en_ZA=English (South Africa) +Language_es_ES=Spanish +Language_es_AR=Spanish (Argentina) +Language_es_BO=Spanish (Bolivia) +Language_es_CL=Spanish (Chile) +Language_es_CO=Spanish (Colombia) +Language_es_DO=Spanish (Dominican Republic) +Language_es_EC=Spanish (Ecuador) +Language_es_HN=Spanish (Honduras) +Language_es_MX=Spanish (Mexico) +Language_es_PA=Spanish (Panama) +Language_es_PY=Spanish (Paraguay) +Language_es_PE=Spanish (Peru) +Language_es_PR=Spanish (Puerto Rico) +Language_es_UY=Spanish (Uruguay) +Language_es_VE=Spanish (Venezuela) +Language_et_EE=Estonian +Language_eu_ES=Basque +Language_fa_IR=Persian +Language_fi_FI=Finnish +Language_fr_BE=French (Belgium) +Language_fr_CA=French (Canada) +Language_fr_CH=French (Switzerland) +Language_fr_FR=French +Language_fr_NC=French (New Caledonia) +Language_fy_NL=Frisian +Language_he_IL=Hebrew +Language_hr_HR=Croatian +Language_hu_HU=Hungarian +Language_id_ID=Indonesian +Language_is_IS=Icelandic +Language_it_IT=Italian +Language_ja_JP=Japanese +Language_ka_GE=Georgian +Language_km_KH=Khmer @@ -88,40 +60,30 @@ -Language_ko_KR=Koreys -Language_lo_LA=Laos -Language_lt_LT=Litva -Language_lv_LV=Latviya -Language_mk_MK=Makedoniya -Language_mn_MN=Mo'g'ul -Language_my_MM=Birma -Language_nb_NO=Norvegiya (Bokmal) -Language_ne_NP=Nepal -Language_nl_BE=Golland (Belgiya) -Language_nl_NL=Golland -Language_pl_PL=Polsha -Language_pt_AO=Portugal (Angola) -Language_pt_MZ=Portugal (Mozambik) -Language_pt_BR=Portugal (Braziliya) -Language_pt_PT=Portugal -Language_ro_MD=Rumin (Moldaviya) -Language_ro_RO=Rumin -Language_ru_RU=Ruscha -Language_ru_UA=Rus (Ukraina) -Language_ta_IN=tamil -Language_tg_TJ=tojik -Language_tr_TR=Turkcha -Language_sl_SI=Slovencha -Language_sv_SV=Shved -Language_sv_SE=Shved -Language_sq_AL=Albancha -Language_sk_SK=Slovakiya -Language_sr_RS=Serb -Language_sw_KE=suahili -Language_sw_SW=Kisvaxili -Language_th_TH=Tailandcha -Language_uk_UA=Ukrain -Language_ur_PK=urdu -Language_uz_UZ=O'zbek -Language_vi_VN=Vetnam -Language_zh_CN=Xitoy -Language_zh_TW=Xitoy (Tayvan) -Language_zh_HK=Xitoy (Gonkong) -Language_bh_MY=Malaycha +Language_ko_KR=Korean +Language_lo_LA=Lao +Language_lt_LT=Lithuanian +Language_lv_LV=Latvian +Language_mk_MK=Macedonian +Language_mn_MN=Mongolian +Language_nb_NO=Norwegian (Bokmål) +Language_nl_BE=Dutch (Belgium) +Language_nl_NL=Dutch +Language_pl_PL=Polish +Language_pt_BR=Portuguese (Brazil) +Language_pt_PT=Portuguese +Language_ro_RO=Romanian +Language_ru_RU=Russian +Language_ru_UA=Russian (Ukraine) +Language_tr_TR=Turkish +Language_sl_SI=Slovenian +Language_sv_SV=Swedish +Language_sv_SE=Swedish +Language_sq_AL=Albanian +Language_sk_SK=Slovakian +Language_sr_RS=Serbian +Language_sw_SW=Kiswahili +Language_th_TH=Thai +Language_uk_UA=Ukrainian +Language_uz_UZ=Uzbek +Language_vi_VN=Vietnamese +Language_zh_CN=Chinese +Language_zh_TW=Chinese (Traditional) +Language_bh_MY=Malay --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_mails.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_mails.lang @@ -2,99 +2,93 @@ -Mailing=Elektron pochta xabarlari -EMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlari -EMailings=Elektron pochta xabarlari -SMSings=SMSings -AllEMailings=Barcha elektron pochta xabarlari -MailCard=Elektron pochta kartasi -MailRecipients=Qabul qiluvchilar -MailRecipient=Qabul qiluvchi -MailTitle=Tavsif -MailFrom=Kimdan -PhoneFrom=From -MailErrorsTo=Xatolar -MailReply=Ga javob -MailTo=Kimga -MailToUsers=Foydalanuvchi (lar) ga -MailCC=Nusxalash -MailToCCUsers=Foydalanuvchilar (lar) ga nusxalash -MailCCC=Keshlangan nusxa -MailTopic=Elektron pochta mavzusi -MailText=Xabar -MailFile=Biriktirilgan fayllar -MailMessage=Elektron pochta qutisi -SubjectNotIn=Mavzuda emas -BodyNotIn=Tanada emas -ShowEMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini ko'rsatish -ListOfEMailings=Elektron pochta xabarlari ro'yxati -NewMailing=Yangi elektron pochta xabarlari -NewSMSing=New smsing -EditMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini tahrirlash -ResetMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini qayta yuboring -DeleteMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini o'chirish -DeleteAMailing=Elektron pochta xabarini o'chirib tashlang -PreviewMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini oldindan ko'rish -CreateMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini yarating -TestMailing=Test -ValidMailing=Yaroqli elektron pochta xabarlari -MailingStatusDraft=Qoralama -MailingStatusValidated=Tasdiqlangan -MailingStatusSent=Yuborildi -MailingStatusSentPartialy=Qisman yuborilgan -MailingStatusSentCompletely=To'liq yuborildi -MailingStatusError=Xato -MailingStatusNotSent=Yuborilmadi -MailSuccessfulySent=Elektron pochta (%s dan %s dan) etkazib berish uchun muvaffaqiyatli qabul qilindi -MailingSuccessfullyValidated=Elektron pochta xabarlari tasdiqlandi -MailUnsubcribe=Obunani bekor qilish -MailingStatusNotContact=Boshqa aloqa qilmang -MailingStatusReadAndUnsubscribe=O'qing va obunani bekor qiling -ErrorMailRecipientIsEmpty=Elektron pochta qabul qiluvchisi bo'sh -WarningNoEMailsAdded=Qabul qiluvchilar ro'yxatiga qo'shish uchun yangi elektron pochta xabarlari yo'q. -ConfirmValidMailing=Ushbu elektron pochta xabarini tasdiqlamoqchimisiz? -ConfirmResetMailing=Ogohlantirish, %s elektron pochtasini qayta boshlash orqali siz ushbu elektron pochtani ommaviy pochta orqali qayta yuborishga ruxsat berasiz. Haqiqatan ham buni qilishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteMailing=Ushbu elektron pochta xabarini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -NbOfUniqueEMails=Noyob elektron pochta xabarlari soni -NbOfUniquePhones=No. of unique phones -NbOfEMails=Elektron pochta xabarlari soni -TotalNbOfDistinctRecipients=Alohida qabul qiluvchilar soni -NoTargetYet=Qabul qiluvchilar aniqlanmagan ("Qabul qiluvchilar" yorlig'iga o'ting) -NoRecipientEmail=%s uchun qabul qiluvchi elektron pochtasi yo'q -RemoveRecipient=Qabul qiluvchini olib tashlash -YouCanAddYourOwnPredefindedListHere=Elektron pochta tanlov modulini yaratish uchun htdocs / core / modules / mailings / README-ga qarang. -EMailTestSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=Sinov rejimidan foydalanganda almashtirish o'zgaruvchilari umumiy qiymatlar bilan almashtiriladi -MailingAddFile=Ushbu faylni biriktiring -NoAttachedFiles=Biriktirilgan fayllar yo'q -BadEMail=Elektron pochta uchun yomon qiymat -EMailNotDefined=Elektron pochta aniqlanmagan -ConfirmCloneEMailing=Ushbu elektron pochtani klonlamoqchimisiz? -CloneContent=Xabarni klonlash -CloneReceivers=Kloner qabul qiluvchilar -DateLastSend=Oxirgi yuborilgan sana -DateSending=Yuborilgan sana -SentTo= %s raqamiga yuborildi -MailingStatusRead=O'qing -YourMailUnsubcribeOK= %s elektron pochtasi pochta ro'yxatidan obunani bekor qildi -ActivateCheckReadKey="O'qish kvitansiyasi" va "Obunani bekor qilish" xususiyati uchun ishlatiladigan URL-ni shifrlash uchun kalit -EMailSentToNRecipients=%s oluvchilariga elektron pochta xabarlari yuborildi. -EMailSentForNElements=%s elementlari uchun elektron pochta xabarlari yuborildi. -XTargetsAdded= %s oluvchilar maqsadlar ro'yxatiga qo'shildi -OnlyPDFattachmentSupported=Agar PDF hujjatlari ob'ektlarni yuborish uchun allaqachon yaratilgan bo'lsa, ular elektron pochtaga biriktiriladi. Agar bunday bo'lmasa, hech qanday elektron pochta xabarlari yuborilmaydi (shuningdek, ushbu versiyada faqat pdf hujjatlarni ommaviy yuborishda qo'shimcha sifatida qo'llab-quvvatlanishini unutmang). -AllRecipientSelected=%s yozuvining oluvchilari tanlangan (agar ularning elektron pochtalari ma'lum bo'lsa). -GroupEmails=Guruh elektron pochta xabarlari -OneEmailPerRecipient=Qabul qiluvchiga bitta elektron pochta (sukut bo'yicha, bitta yozuv uchun bitta elektron pochta tanlangan) -WarningIfYouCheckOneRecipientPerEmail=Ogohlantirish, agar siz ushbu katakchani belgilasangiz, demak, tanlangan bir nechta turli xil yozuvlar uchun faqat bitta elektron pochta xabar yuboriladi, shuning uchun agar sizning xabaringizda yozuv ma'lumotlariga tegishli bo'lgan almashtirish o'zgaruvchilari bo'lsa, ularni almashtirish imkonsiz bo'lib qoladi. -ResultOfMailSending=Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish natijasi -NbSelected=Raqam tanlandi -NbIgnored=Raqam hisobga olinmadi -NbSent=Raqam yuborildi -SentXXXmessages=%s xabar (lar) yuborildi. -ConfirmUnvalidateEmailing= %s elektron pochtasini qoralama holatiga o'zgartirishni xohlaysizmi? -MailingModuleDescContactsWithThirdpartyFilter=Mijozlar filtrlari bilan bog'laning -MailingModuleDescContactsByCompanyCategory=Uchinchi tomon toifalari bo'yicha aloqalar -MailingModuleDescContactsByCategory=Kategoriyalar bo'yicha aloqalar -MailingModuleDescContactsByFunction=Kontaktlar joylashuvi bo'yicha -MailingModuleDescEmailsFromFile=Fayldan elektron pochta xabarlari -MailingModuleDescEmailsFromUser=Foydalanuvchi tomonidan kiritilgan elektron pochta xabarlari -MailingModuleDescDolibarrUsers=Elektron pochta xabarlari bo'lgan foydalanuvchilar -MailingModuleDescThirdPartiesByCategories=Uchinchi shaxslar -SendingFromWebInterfaceIsNotAllowed=Veb-interfeysdan yuborishga yo'l qo'yilmaydi. -EmailCollectorFilterDesc=Email to‘planishi uchun barcha filtrlar mos kelishi kerak.
Siz “!” belgisidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. Agar salbiy test kerak bo'lsa, qidiruv satri qiymatidan oldin +Mailing=EMailing +EMailing=EMailing +EMailings=EMailings +AllEMailings=All eMailings +MailCard=EMailing card +MailRecipients=Recipients +MailRecipient=Recipient +MailTitle=Description +MailFrom=Sender +MailErrorsTo=Errors to +MailReply=Reply to +MailTo=Receiver(s) +MailToUsers=To user(s) +MailCC=Copy to +MailToCCUsers=Copy to users(s) +MailCCC=Cached copy to +MailTopic=Email topic +MailText=Message +MailFile=Attached files +MailMessage=Email body +SubjectNotIn=Not in Subject +BodyNotIn=Not in Body +ShowEMailing=Show emailing +ListOfEMailings=List of emailings +NewMailing=New emailing +EditMailing=Edit emailing +ResetMailing=Resend emailing +DeleteMailing=Delete emailing +DeleteAMailing=Delete an emailing +PreviewMailing=Preview emailing +CreateMailing=Create emailing +TestMailing=Test email +ValidMailing=Valid emailing +MailingStatusDraft=Draft +MailingStatusValidated=Validated +MailingStatusSent=Sent +MailingStatusSentPartialy=Sent partially +MailingStatusSentCompletely=Sent completely +MailingStatusError=Error +MailingStatusNotSent=Not sent +MailSuccessfulySent=Email (from %s to %s) successfully accepted for delivery +MailingSuccessfullyValidated=EMailing successfully validated +MailUnsubcribe=Unsubscribe +MailingStatusNotContact=Don't contact anymore +MailingStatusReadAndUnsubscribe=Read and unsubscribe +ErrorMailRecipientIsEmpty=Email recipient is empty +WarningNoEMailsAdded=No new Email to add to recipient's list. +ConfirmValidMailing=Are you sure you want to validate this emailing? +ConfirmResetMailing=Warning, by re-initializing emailing %s, you will allow the re-sending this email in a bulk mailing. Are you sure you want to do this? +ConfirmDeleteMailing=Are you sure you want to delete this emailing? +NbOfUniqueEMails=No. of unique emails +NbOfEMails=No. of EMails +TotalNbOfDistinctRecipients=Number of distinct recipients +NoTargetYet=No recipients defined yet (Go on tab 'Recipients') +NoRecipientEmail=No recipient email for %s +RemoveRecipient=Remove recipient +YouCanAddYourOwnPredefindedListHere=To create your email selector module, see htdocs/core/modules/mailings/README. +EMailTestSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=When using test mode, substitutions variables are replaced by generic values +MailingAddFile=Attach this file +NoAttachedFiles=No attached files +BadEMail=Bad value for Email +ConfirmCloneEMailing=Are you sure you want to clone this emailing? +CloneContent=Clone message +CloneReceivers=Cloner recipients +DateLastSend=Date of latest sending +DateSending=Date sending +SentTo=Sent to %s +MailingStatusRead=Read +YourMailUnsubcribeOK=The email %s is correctly unsubscribe from mailing list +ActivateCheckReadKey=Key used to encrypt URL used for "Read Receipt" and "Unsubscribe" feature +EMailSentToNRecipients=Email sent to %s recipients. +EMailSentForNElements=Email sent for %s elements. +XTargetsAdded=%s recipients added into target list +OnlyPDFattachmentSupported=If the PDF documents were already generated for the objects to send, they will be attached to email. If not, no email will be sent (also, note that only pdf documents are supported as attachments in mass sending in this version). +AllRecipientSelected=The recipients of the %s record selected (if their email is known). +GroupEmails=Group emails +OneEmailPerRecipient=One email per recipient (by default, one email per record selected) +WarningIfYouCheckOneRecipientPerEmail=Warning, if you check this box, it means only one email will be sent for several different record selected, so, if your message contains substitution variables that refers to data of a record, it becomes not possible to replace them. +ResultOfMailSending=Result of mass Email sending +NbSelected=Number selected +NbIgnored=Number ignored +NbSent=Number sent +SentXXXmessages=%s message(s) sent. +ConfirmUnvalidateEmailing=Are you sure you want to change email %s to draft status? +MailingModuleDescContactsWithThirdpartyFilter=Contact with customer filters +MailingModuleDescContactsByCompanyCategory=Contacts by third-party category +MailingModuleDescContactsByCategory=Contacts by categories +MailingModuleDescContactsByFunction=Contacts by position +MailingModuleDescEmailsFromFile=Emails from file +MailingModuleDescEmailsFromUser=Emails input by user +MailingModuleDescDolibarrUsers=Users with Emails +MailingModuleDescThirdPartiesByCategories=Third parties (by categories) +SendingFromWebInterfaceIsNotAllowed=Sending from web interface is not allowed. @@ -103,29 +97,29 @@ -LineInFile=Faylda %s qatori -RecipientSelectionModules=Qabul qiluvchilarni tanlash bo'yicha aniq talablar -MailSelectedRecipients=Tanlangan qabul qiluvchilar -MailingArea=Elektron pochta xabarlari maydoni -LastMailings=Oxirgi %s elektron pochta xabarlari -TargetsStatistics=Maqsadlar statistikasi -NbOfCompaniesContacts=Noyob kontaktlar / manzillar -MailNoChangePossible=Tasdiqlangan elektron pochta xabarlarini qabul qiluvchilarni o'zgartirish mumkin emas -SearchAMailing=Pochta orqali qidirish -SendMailing=Elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboring -SentBy=Yubordi -MailingNeedCommand=Elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish buyruq satridan amalga oshirilishi mumkin. Elektron pochta xabarini barcha qabul qiluvchilarga yuborish uchun server administratoridan quyidagi buyruqni boshlashini so'rang: -MailingNeedCommand2=Siz ularni MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYWEB parametrini qo'shish orqali ularni onlayn ravishda yuborishingiz mumkin. Buning uchun Home - Setup - Other-ga o'ting. -ConfirmSendingEmailing=Agar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ushbu ekrandan elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborishni istasangiz, iltimos, brauzeringizdan elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborishni xohlaganingizga ishonch hosil qiling? -LimitSendingEmailing=Eslatma: Veb-interfeysdan elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish xavfsizlik va vaqt tugashi sababli bir necha marta amalga oshiriladi, %s oluvchilar har bir yuborish seansi uchun bir vaqtning o'zida. -TargetsReset=Ro'yxatni tozalash -ToClearAllRecipientsClickHere=Ushbu elektron pochta xabarlari uchun qabul qiluvchilar ro'yxatini tozalash uchun shu erni bosing -ToAddRecipientsChooseHere=Ro'yxatlar orasidan tanlab oluvchilarni qo'shing -NbOfEMailingsReceived=Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlari qabul qilindi -NbOfEMailingsSend=Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlari yuborildi -IdRecord=ID yozuvlari -DeliveryReceipt=Yetkazib berish. -YouCanUseCommaSeparatorForSeveralRecipients=Bir nechta qabul qiluvchilarni ko'rsatish uchun vergul ajratgichidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -TagCheckMail=Pochta ochilishini kuzatib boring -TagUnsubscribe=Obunani bekor qilish -TagSignature=Yuboruvchi foydalanuvchining imzosi -EMailRecipient=Qabul qiluvchining elektron pochtasi -TagMailtoEmail=Qabul qiluvchining elektron pochtasi (shu jumladan HTML "mailto:" havolasi) -NoEmailSentBadSenderOrRecipientEmail=Elektron pochta xabarlari yuborilmadi. Yuboruvchi yoki qabul qiluvchi elektron pochtasi noto'g'ri. Foydalanuvchi profilini tasdiqlang. +LineInFile=Line %s in file +RecipientSelectionModules=Defined requests for recipient's selection +MailSelectedRecipients=Selected recipients +MailingArea=EMailings area +LastMailings=Latest %s emailings +TargetsStatistics=Targets statistics +NbOfCompaniesContacts=Unique contacts/addresses +MailNoChangePossible=Recipients for validated emailing can't be changed +SearchAMailing=Search mailing +SendMailing=Send emailing +SentBy=Sent by +MailingNeedCommand=Sending an emailing can be performed from command line. Ask your server administrator to launch the following command to send the emailing to all recipients: +MailingNeedCommand2=You can however send them online by adding parameter MAILING_LIMIT_SENDBYWEB with value of max number of emails you want to send by session. For this, go on Home - Setup - Other. +ConfirmSendingEmailing=If you want to send emailing directly from this screen, please confirm you are sure you want to send emailing now from your browser ? +LimitSendingEmailing=Note: Sending of emailings from web interface is done in several times for security and timeout reasons, %s recipients at a time for each sending session. +TargetsReset=Clear list +ToClearAllRecipientsClickHere=Click here to clear the recipient list for this emailing +ToAddRecipientsChooseHere=Add recipients by choosing from the lists +NbOfEMailingsReceived=Mass emailings received +NbOfEMailingsSend=Mass emailings sent +IdRecord=ID record +DeliveryReceipt=Delivery Ack. +YouCanUseCommaSeparatorForSeveralRecipients=You can use the comma separator to specify several recipients. +TagCheckMail=Track mail opening +TagUnsubscribe=Unsubscribe link +TagSignature=Signature of sending user +EMailRecipient=Recipient Email +TagMailtoEmail=Recipient Email (including html "mailto:" link) +NoEmailSentBadSenderOrRecipientEmail=No email sent. Bad sender or recipient email. Verify user profile. @@ -133,23 +127,22 @@ -Notifications=Bildirishnomalar -NotificationsAuto=Bildirishnomalar avtomatik. -NoNotificationsWillBeSent=Ushbu tadbir turi va kompaniya uchun avtomatik elektron pochta xabarlari rejalashtirilmagan -ANotificationsWillBeSent=1 ta avtomatik bildirishnoma elektron pochta orqali yuboriladi -SomeNotificationsWillBeSent=%s avtomatik xabarnomalari elektron pochta orqali yuboriladi -AddNewNotification=Yangi avtomatik elektron xabarnomaga obuna bo'ling (maqsad / voqea) -ListOfActiveNotifications=Avtomatik elektron pochta orqali xabar berish uchun barcha faol obunalar ro'yxati (maqsadlar / hodisalar) -ListOfNotificationsDone=Yuborilgan barcha avtomatik elektron xabarnomalar ro'yxati -MailSendSetupIs=Elektron pochta xabarlarini jo'natish konfiguratsiyasi '%s' ga o'rnatildi. Ushbu rejimdan ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun foydalanib bo'lmaydi. -MailSendSetupIs2= '%s' parametrini a0a65d091z08'a modec'9780f use'ga o'zgartirish uchun avval administrator hisobi bilan %sHome - O'rnatish - EMails%s menyusiga kirishingiz kerak. Ushbu rejim yordamida siz Internet-provayderingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan SMTP server sozlamalariga kirishingiz va Ommaviy elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish funksiyasidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -MailSendSetupIs3=SMTP-serveringizni sozlash bo'yicha savollaringiz bo'lsa, %s ga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. -YouCanAlsoUseSupervisorKeyword=Shuningdek, foydalanuvchi rahbariga elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun __SUPERVISOREMAIL__ kalit so'zini qo'shishingiz mumkin (faqat ushbu nazoratchi uchun elektron pochta manzili belgilangan taqdirda ishlaydi) -NbOfTargetedContacts=Maqsadli elektron pochta xabarlarining joriy soni -UseFormatFileEmailToTarget=Import qilingan fayl formatidagi elektron pochta; ism; ism; boshqa formatiga ega bo'lishi kerak -UseFormatInputEmailToTarget= formatidagi qatorni kiriting elektron pochta; ism; ism; boshqa -MailAdvTargetRecipients=Qabul qiluvchilar (kengaytirilgan tanlov) -AdvTgtTitle=Uchinchi tomonlarni yoki nishonga olish uchun kontaktlarni / manzillarni oldindan tanlash uchun kirish maydonlarini to'ldiring -AdvTgtSearchTextHelp=%%-dan joker belgilar sifatida foydalaning. Masalan, jean, joe, jim kabi barcha elementlarni topish uchun j%% kabi narsalarni topishingiz mumkin, siz ham foydalanishingiz mumkin; qiymati uchun ajratuvchi sifatida va foydalaning! chunki bu qiymatdan tashqari. Masalan, jean; joe; jim%%;! Jimo;! Jima%% barcha jean, joe, jim bilan boshlanadi, lekin Jimo bilan boshlanadigan hamma narsa emas. -AdvTgtSearchIntHelp=Int yoki float qiymatini tanlash uchun intervaldan foydalaning -AdvTgtMinVal=Minimal qiymat -AdvTgtMaxVal=Maksimal qiymat -AdvTgtSearchDtHelp=Sana qiymatini tanlash uchun intervaldan foydalaning -AdvTgtStartDt=Dt boshlash. +Notifications=Notifications +NoNotificationsWillBeSent=No email notifications are planned for this event and company +ANotificationsWillBeSent=1 notification will be sent by email +SomeNotificationsWillBeSent=%s notifications will be sent by email +AddNewNotification=Activate a new email notification target/event +ListOfActiveNotifications=List all active targets/events for email notification +ListOfNotificationsDone=List all email notifications sent +MailSendSetupIs=Configuration of email sending has been setup to '%s'. This mode can't be used to send mass emailing. +MailSendSetupIs2=You must first go, with an admin account, into menu %sHome - Setup - EMails%s to change parameter '%s' to use mode '%s'. With this mode, you can enter setup of the SMTP server provided by your Internet Service Provider and use Mass emailing feature. +MailSendSetupIs3=If you have any questions on how to setup your SMTP server, you can ask to %s. +YouCanAlsoUseSupervisorKeyword=You can also add the keyword __SUPERVISOREMAIL__ to have email being sent to the supervisor of user (works only if an email is defined for this supervisor) +NbOfTargetedContacts=Current number of targeted contact emails +UseFormatFileEmailToTarget=Imported file must have format email;name;firstname;other +UseFormatInputEmailToTarget=Enter a string with format email;name;firstname;other +MailAdvTargetRecipients=Recipients (advanced selection) +AdvTgtTitle=Fill input fields to preselect the third parties or contacts/addresses to target +AdvTgtSearchTextHelp=Use %% as wildcards. For example to find all item like jean, joe, jim, you can input j%%, you can also use ; as separator for value, and use ! for except this value. For example jean;joe;jim%%;!jimo;!jima% will target all jean, joe, start with jim but not jimo and not everything that starts with jima +AdvTgtSearchIntHelp=Use interval to select int or float value +AdvTgtMinVal=Minimum value +AdvTgtMaxVal=Maximum value +AdvTgtSearchDtHelp=Use interval to select date value +AdvTgtStartDt=Start dt. @@ -157,38 +150,21 @@ -AdvTgtTypeOfIncudeHelp=Uchinchi tomonning elektron pochta manzili va uchinchi tomonning elektron pochta manzili, yoki faqat uchinchi tomon elektron pochtasi yoki shunchaki elektron pochta manzili -AdvTgtTypeOfIncude=Maqsadli elektron pochta turi -AdvTgtContactHelp=Kontaktni "Maqsadli elektron pochta turi" ga yo'naltirgan taqdirdagina foydalaning -AddAll=Hammasini qo'shing -RemoveAll=Barchasini olib tashlang -ItemsCount=Mahsulot (lar) -AdvTgtNameTemplate=Filtr nomi -AdvTgtAddContact=Mezonlarga muvofiq elektron pochta xabarlarini qo'shing -AdvTgtLoadFilter=Yuk filtri -AdvTgtDeleteFilter=Filtrni o'chirish -AdvTgtSaveFilter=Filtrni saqlash -AdvTgtCreateFilter=Filtr yaratish -AdvTgtOrCreateNewFilter=Yangi filtr nomi -NoContactWithCategoryFound=Ba'zi kontaktlar/manzillarga bog'langan toifalar topilmadi -NoContactLinkedToThirdpartieWithCategoryFound=Ba'zi uchinchi tomonlar bilan bog'langan toifalar topilmadi -OutGoingEmailSetup=Chiquvchi elektron pochta xabarlari -InGoingEmailSetup=Kiruvchi elektron pochta xabarlari -OutGoingEmailSetupForEmailing=Chiquvchi elektron pochta xabarlari (%s moduli uchun) -DefaultOutgoingEmailSetup=Global chiquvchi elektron pochta sozlamalariga qaraganda bir xil konfiguratsiya -Information=Ma `lumot -ContactsWithThirdpartyFilter=Uchinchi tomon filtri bilan aloqalar -Unanswered=Javob berilmagan -Answered=Javob berdi -IsNotAnAnswer=Javob berilmadi (dastlabki elektron pochta) -IsAnAnswer=Dastlabki elektron pochtaning javobi -RecordCreatedByEmailCollector=%s elektron pochtasidan elektron pochta yig'uvchisi %s tomonidan yaratilgan yozuv -DefaultBlacklistMailingStatus=Yangi kontakt yaratishda "%s" maydonining standart qiymati -DefaultStatusEmptyMandatory=Bo'sh, ammo majburiy -WarningLimitSendByDay=OGOHLANTIRISH: Namunangizni sozlash yoki shartnomasi kunlik xatlar soningizni %s. Koʻproq yuborishga urinish misolingiz sekinlashishiga yoki toʻxtatilishiga olib kelishi mumkin. Agar sizga kattaroq kvota kerak bo'lsa, qo'llab-quvvatlash xizmatiga murojaat qiling. -NoMoreRecipientToSendTo=E-pochtani yuborish uchun boshqa qabul qiluvchi yo'q -EmailOptedOut=E-pochta egasi u bilan endi bu xat orqali bog‘lanmaslikni so‘radi -EvenUnsubscribe=O'chirish xatlarini ham qo'shing -EvenUnsubscribeDesc=Maqsad sifatida elektron pochta xabarlarini tanlaganingizda, rad etish xatlarini qo'shing. Masalan, majburiy elektron pochta xabarlari uchun foydalidir. -XEmailsDoneYActionsDone=%s e-pochta xatlari oldindan malakali, %s xatlar muvaffaqiyatli qayta ishlandi (%s uchun) /bajarilgan harakatlar) -helpWithAi=Generate message from AI -YouCanMakeSomeInstructionForEmail=You can make some instructions for your Email (Example: generate image in email template...) -ModelTemplate=Email template -YouCanChooseAModelForYouMailContent= You can choose one of template models or generate one with AI +AdvTgtTypeOfIncudeHelp=Target Email of third party and email of contact of the third party, or just third-party email or just contact email +AdvTgtTypeOfIncude=Type of targeted email +AdvTgtContactHelp=Use only if you target contact into "Type of targeted email" +AddAll=Add all +RemoveAll=Remove all +ItemsCount=Item(s) +AdvTgtNameTemplate=Filter name +AdvTgtAddContact=Add emails according to criteria +AdvTgtLoadFilter=Load filter +AdvTgtDeleteFilter=Delete filter +AdvTgtSaveFilter=Save filter +AdvTgtCreateFilter=Create filter +AdvTgtOrCreateNewFilter=Name of new filter +NoContactWithCategoryFound=No contact/address with a category found +NoContactLinkedToThirdpartieWithCategoryFound=No contact/address with a category found +OutGoingEmailSetup=Outgoing email setup +InGoingEmailSetup=Incoming email setup +OutGoingEmailSetupForEmailing=Outgoing email setup (for module %s) +DefaultOutgoingEmailSetup=Default outgoing email setup +Information=Information +ContactsWithThirdpartyFilter=Contacts with third-party filter --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_main.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_main.lang @@ -3 +2,0 @@ -# Default for FONTFORPDF=helvetica @@ -5,2 +4,2 @@ -# msungstdlight or cid0ct are for traditional Chinese zh_TW (traditional does not render with Ubuntu pdf reader) -# stsongstdlight or cid0cs are for simplified Chinese zh_CN +# msungstdlight or cid0ct are for traditional Chinese (traditional does not render with Ubuntu pdf reader) +# stsongstdlight or cid0cs are for simplified Chinese @@ -8,5 +6,0 @@ -# cid0jp is for Japanish -# cid0kr is for Korean -# DejaVuSans is for some Eastern languages, some Asian languages and some Arabic languages -# freemono is for ru_RU or uk_UA, uz_UZ -# freeserif is for Tamil or Ethiopian @@ -32,250 +26,233 @@ -DatabaseConnection=Ma'lumotlar bazasiga ulanish -NoTemplateDefined=Ushbu elektron pochta turi uchun shablon mavjud emas -AvailableVariables=Mavjud almashtirish o'zgaruvchilari -NoTranslation=Tarjima yo'q -Translation=Tarjima -Translations=Tarjimalar -CurrentTimeZone=TimeZone PHP (server) -EmptySearchString=Bo'sh bo'lmagan qidiruv mezonlarini kiriting -EnterADateCriteria=Sana mezonlarini kiriting -NoRecordFound=Hech qanday yozuv topilmadi -NoRecordDeleted=Hech qanday yozuv o'chirilmagan -NotEnoughDataYet=Ma'lumot etarli emas -NoError=Xato yo'q -Error=Xato -Errors=Xatolar -ErrorFieldRequired='%s' maydoni kerak -ErrorFieldFormat='%s' maydonining qiymati yomon -ErrorFileDoesNotExists=%s fayli mavjud emas -ErrorFailedToOpenFile=%s faylini ochib bo'lmadi -ErrorCanNotCreateDir=Dir %s yaratib bo'lmadi -ErrorCanNotReadDir=Dir %s o'qib bo'lmadi -ErrorConstantNotDefined=Parametr %s aniqlanmagan -ErrorUnknown=Noma'lum xato -ErrorSQL=SQL xatosi -ErrorLogoFileNotFound=Logotip fayli '%s' topilmadi -ErrorGoToGlobalSetup=Buni tuzatish uchun "Kompaniya / tashkilot" sozlamalariga o'ting -ErrorGoToModuleSetup=Buni tuzatish uchun Modulni sozlashga o'ting -ErrorFailedToSendMail=Pochta yuborilmadi (jo'natuvchi = %s, qabul qiluvchi = %s) -ErrorFileNotUploaded=Fayl yuklanmadi. Hajmi ruxsat etilgan maksimal qiymatdan oshmaganligini, diskda bo'sh joy mavjudligini va ushbu katalogda bir xil nomdagi fayl mavjud emasligini tekshiring. -ErrorInternalErrorDetected=Xato aniqlandi -ErrorWrongHostParameter=Xost parametri noto'g'ri -ErrorYourCountryIsNotDefined=Mamlakatingiz aniqlanmagan. Home-Setup-Company/Foundation-ga o'ting va shaklni qayta joylashtiring. -ErrorRecordIsUsedByChild=Ushbu yozuv o'chirilmadi. Ushbu yozuvdan kamida bitta bolalar yozuvlari foydalanadi. -ErrorWrongValue=Noto'g'ri qiymat -ErrorWrongValueForParameterX=%s parametri uchun noto'g'ri qiymat -ErrorNoRequestInError=Xatolik yo'q -ErrorServiceUnavailableTryLater=Ayni paytda xizmat mavjud emas. Keyinroq qayta urinib ko'ring. -ErrorDuplicateField=Noyob maydonda takroriy qiymat -ErrorSomeErrorWereFoundRollbackIsDone=Ba'zi xatolar topildi. O'zgarishlar orqaga qaytarildi. -ErrorConfigParameterNotDefined= %s parametri conf.php konfiguratsiya faylida aniqlanmagan. -ErrorCantLoadUserFromDolibarrDatabase=Dolibarr ma'lumotlar bazasida %s foydalanuvchisi topilmadi. -ErrorNoVATRateDefinedForSellerCountry=Xato, '%s' mamlakati uchun QQS stavkalari aniqlanmagan. -ErrorNoSocialContributionForSellerCountry=Xato, '%s' mamlakati uchun ijtimoiy / soliq soliqlari turi aniqlanmagan. -ErrorFailedToSaveFile=Xato, faylni saqlab bo'lmadi. -ErrorCannotAddThisParentWarehouse=Siz allaqachon mavjud bo'lgan omborning farzandi bo'lgan ota-ona omborini qo'shishga harakat qilyapsiz -ErrorInvalidSubtype=Tanlangan pastki turga ruxsat berilmagan -FieldCannotBeNegative="%s" maydoni salbiy bo'lishi mumkin emas -MaxNbOfRecordPerPage=Maks. bir varaqdagi yozuvlar soni -NotAuthorized=Buning uchun sizning vakolatingiz yo'q. -SetDate=Sana belgilang -SelectDate=Sana tanlang -SeeAlso=Shuningdek qarang: %s -SeeHere=Bu erga qarang -ClickHere=bu yerni bosing -Here=Bu yerda -Apply=Qo'llash -BackgroundColorByDefault=Standart fon rangi -FileRenamed=Fayl qayta nomlandi -FileGenerated=Fayl muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi -FileSaved=Fayl muvaffaqiyatli saqlandi -FileUploaded=Fayl yuklandi -FileTransferComplete=Fayl (lar) muvaffaqiyatli yuklandi -FilesDeleted=Fayl (lar) muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi -FileWasNotUploaded=Fayl biriktirish uchun tanlangan, ammo hali yuklanmagan. Buning uchun "Faylni biriktirish" tugmasini bosing. -NbOfEntries=Yozuvlar soni -GoToWikiHelpPage=Onlayn yordamni o'qing (Internetga kirish kerak) -GoToHelpPage=Yordamni o'qing -DedicatedPageAvailable=Joriy ekraningizga tegishli yordam sahifasi -HomePage=Bosh sahifa -RecordSaved=Yozuv saqlandi -RecordDeleted=Yozuv o'chirildi -RecordGenerated=Yozuv yaratildi -LevelOfFeature=Xususiyatlar darajasi -NotDefined=Belgilanmagan -DolibarrInHttpAuthenticationSoPasswordUseless=Dolibarr autentifikatsiya qilish rejimi conf.php konfiguratsiya faylida %s ga o'rnatildi.
bu shuni anglatadiki, parol ma'lumotlar bazasi Dolibarr uchun tashqi, shuning uchun bu maydonni o'zgartirish hech qanday ta'sir ko'rsatmasligi mumkin. -Administrator=Tizim administratori -AdministratorDesc=Tizim administratori (foydalanuvchini, ruxsatlarni, shuningdek tizimni sozlash va modullar konfiguratsiyasini boshqarishi mumkin) -Undefined=Aniqlanmagan -PasswordForgotten=Parol unutdingizmi? -NoAccount=Hisob yo'qmi? -SeeAbove=Yuqoriga qarang -HomeArea=Uy -LastConnexion=Oxirgi kirish -PreviousConnexion=Oldingi kirish -PreviousValue=Oldingi qiymat -ConnectedOnMultiCompany=Atrof muhitga ulangan -ConnectedSince=Beri ulangan -AuthenticationMode=Autentifikatsiya rejimi -RequestedUrl=So‘ralgan URL -DatabaseTypeManager=Ma'lumotlar bazasi turi menejeri -RequestLastAccessInError=Ma'lumotlar bazasiga kirish uchun so'nggi so'rov xatosi -ReturnCodeLastAccessInError=So'nggi ma'lumotlar bazasiga kirish uchun so'rov xatosi uchun qaytarish kodi -InformationLastAccessInError=So'nggi ma'lumotlar bazasiga kirish so'rovining xatosi haqida ma'lumot -DolibarrHasDetectedError=Dolibarr texnik xatolikni aniqladi -YouCanSetOptionDolibarrMainProdToZero=Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun log faylini o'qishingiz yoki konfiguratsiya faylingizda $ dolibarr_main_prod parametrini '0' ga o'rnatishingiz mumkin. -InformationToHelpDiagnose=Ushbu ma'lumot diagnostika maqsadlarida foydali bo'lishi mumkin (siz maxfiy ma'lumotlarni yashirish uchun $dolibarr_main_prod parametrini "1" ga o'rnatishingiz mumkin) -MoreInformation=Qo'shimcha ma'lumot -TechnicalInformation=Texnik ma'lumotlar -TechnicalID=Texnik guvohnoma -LineID=Qator identifikatori -NotePublic=Izoh (ommaviy) -NotePrivate=Izoh (xususiy) -PrecisionUnitIsLimitedToXDecimals=Dolibarr birlik narxlarining aniqligini %s o'nliklariga cheklash uchun o'rnatildi. -DoTest=Sinov -ToFilter=Filtr -NoFilter=Filtr yo‘q -WarningYouHaveAtLeastOneTaskLate=Ogohlantirish, sizda tolerantlik vaqtidan oshib ketgan kamida bitta element mavjud. -yes=ha -Yes=Ha -no=yo'q -No=Yo'q -All=Hammasi -Home=Uy -Help=Yordam bering -OnlineHelp=Onlayn yordam -PageWiki=Wiki sahifasi -MediaBrowser=Media-brauzer -Always=Har doim -Never=Hech qachon -Under=ostida -Period=Davr -PeriodEndDate=Davr uchun tugash sanasi -SelectedPeriod=Tanlangan davr -PreviousPeriod=Oldingi davr -Activate=Faollashtirish -Activated=Faollashtirildi -Closed=Yopiq -Closed2=Yopiq -NotClosed=Yopiq emas -Enabled=Yoqilgan -Enable=Yoqish -Deprecated=Eskirgan -Disable=O'chirish -Disabled=Nogiron -Add=Qo'shish -AddLink=Havolani qo'shish -RemoveLink=Havolani olib tashlash -AddToDraft=Qoralamaga qo'shing -Update=Yangilash -Close=Yoping -CloseAs=Maqomni belgilang -CloseBox=Vidjetni boshqaruv panelidan olib tashlang -Confirm=Tasdiqlang -ConfirmSendCardByMail=Siz haqiqatan ham ushbu karta tarkibini %s manziliga pochta orqali yuborishni xohlaysizmi? -Delete=O'chirish -Remove=Olib tashlash -Resiliate=Tugatish -Cancel=Bekor qilish -Modify=O'zgartirish -Edit=Tahrirlash -Validate=Tasdiqlash -ValidateAndApprove=Tasdiqlang va tasdiqlang -ToValidate=Tasdiqlash uchun -NotValidated=Tasdiqlanmagan -Save=Saqlash -SaveAs=Saqlash -SaveAndStay=Saqlang va qoling -SaveAndNew=Saqlang va yangi -TestConnection=Sinov aloqasi -ToClone=Klon -ConfirmCloneAsk= %s ob'ektini klonlashni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmClone=Klonlash uchun kerakli ma'lumotlarni tanlang: -NoCloneOptionsSpecified=Klonlash uchun ma'lumot yo'q. -Of=ning -Go=Boring -Run=Yugurish -CopyOf=Nusxasi -Show=Ko'rsatish -Hide=Yashirish -ShowCardHere=Kartani ko'rsatish -Search=Qidirmoq -SearchOf=Qidirmoq -QuickAdd=Tez qo'shish -Valid=Yaroqli -Approve=Tasdiqlash -Disapprove=Tasdiqlamayman -ReOpen=Qayta oching -OpenVerb=Ochiq -Upload=Yuklash -ToLink=Havola -Select=Tanlang -SelectAll=Hammasini belgilash -Choose=Tanlang -Resize=O'lchamini o'zgartirish -Crop=Ekin -ResizeOrCrop=O'lchamini o'zgartirish yoki kesish -Author=Muallif -User=Foydalanuvchi -Users=Foydalanuvchilar -Group=Guruh -Groups=Guruhlar -UserGroup=Foydalanuvchilar guruhi -UserGroups=Foydalanuvchi guruhlari -NoUserGroupDefined=Hech qanday foydalanuvchi guruhi aniqlanmagan -Password=Parol -PasswordRetype=Parolingizni takrorlang -NoteSomeFeaturesAreDisabled=Ushbu namoyishda ko'plab funktsiyalar / modullar o'chirilganligini unutmang. -YourUserFile=Sizning foydalanuvchi faylingiz -Name=Ism -NameSlashCompany=Ism / kompaniya -Person=Shaxs -Parameter=Parametr -Parameters=Parametrlar -Value=Qiymat -PersonalValue=Shaxsiy qiymat -NewObject=Yangi %s -NewValue=Yangi qiymat -OldValue=Eski qiymat %s -FieldXModified=%s maydoni o‘zgartirildi -FieldXModifiedFromYToZ=%s maydoni %s dan %s ga o‘zgartirildi -CurrentValue=Joriy qiymat -Code=Kod -Type=Turi -Language=Til -MultiLanguage=Ko'p tilli -Note=Eslatma -Title=Sarlavha -Label=Yorliq -RefOrLabel=Ref. yoki yorliq -Info=Kirish -Family=Oila -Description=Tavsif -Designation=Tavsif -DescriptionOfLine=Chiziq tavsifi -DateOfLine=Qator sana -DurationOfLine=Qator davomiyligi -ParentLine=Asosiy qator identifikatori -Model=Hujjat shabloni -DefaultModel=Standart hujjat shabloni -Action=Tadbir -About=Haqida -Number=Raqam -NumberByMonth=Jami hisobotlar oylar bo'yicha -AmountByMonth=Oyga miqdori -Numero=Raqam -Limit=Cheklov -Limits=Cheklovlar -Logout=Chiqish -NoLogoutProcessWithAuthMode= %s autentifikatsiya qilish rejimida qo'llaniladigan o'chirish xususiyati yo'q -Connection=Kirish -Setup=Sozlash; o'rnatish -Alert=Ogohlantirish -MenuWarnings=Ogohlantirishlar -Previous=Oldingi -Next=Keyingi -Cards=Kartalar -Card=Karta -Now=Endi -HourStart=Boshlanish soati -Deadline=Topshirish muddati; tugatish muddati +DatabaseConnection=Database connection +NoTemplateDefined=No template available for this email type +AvailableVariables=Available substitution variables +NoTranslation=No translation +Translation=Translation +EmptySearchString=Enter non empty search criterias +NoRecordFound=No record found +NoRecordDeleted=No record deleted +NotEnoughDataYet=Not enough data +NoError=No error +Error=Error +Errors=Errors +ErrorFieldRequired=Field '%s' is required +ErrorFieldFormat=Field '%s' has a bad value +ErrorFileDoesNotExists=File %s does not exist +ErrorFailedToOpenFile=Failed to open file %s +ErrorCanNotCreateDir=Cannot create dir %s +ErrorCanNotReadDir=Cannot read dir %s +ErrorConstantNotDefined=Parameter %s not defined +ErrorUnknown=Unknown error +ErrorSQL=SQL Error +ErrorLogoFileNotFound=Logo file '%s' was not found +ErrorGoToGlobalSetup=Go to 'Company/Organization' setup to fix this +ErrorGoToModuleSetup=Go to Module setup to fix this +ErrorFailedToSendMail=Failed to send mail (sender=%s, receiver=%s) +ErrorFileNotUploaded=File was not uploaded. Check that size does not exceed maximum allowed, that free space is available on disk and that there is not already a file with same name in this directory. +ErrorInternalErrorDetected=Error detected +ErrorWrongHostParameter=Wrong host parameter +ErrorYourCountryIsNotDefined=Your country is not defined. Go to Home-Setup-Edit and post the form again. +ErrorRecordIsUsedByChild=Failed to delete this record. This record is used by at least one child record. +ErrorWrongValue=Wrong value +ErrorWrongValueForParameterX=Wrong value for parameter %s +ErrorNoRequestInError=No request in error +ErrorServiceUnavailableTryLater=Service not available at the moment. Try again later. +ErrorDuplicateField=Duplicate value in a unique field +ErrorSomeErrorWereFoundRollbackIsDone=Some errors were found. Changes have been rolled back. +ErrorConfigParameterNotDefined=Parameter %s is not defined in the Dolibarr config file conf.php. +ErrorCantLoadUserFromDolibarrDatabase=Failed to find user %s in Dolibarr database. +ErrorNoVATRateDefinedForSellerCountry=Error, no vat rates defined for country '%s'. +ErrorNoSocialContributionForSellerCountry=Error, no social/fiscal taxes type defined for country '%s'. +ErrorFailedToSaveFile=Error, failed to save file. +ErrorCannotAddThisParentWarehouse=You are trying to add a parent warehouse which is already a child of a existing warehouse +MaxNbOfRecordPerPage=Max. number of records per page +NotAuthorized=You are not authorized to do that. +SetDate=Set date +SelectDate=Select a date +SeeAlso=See also %s +SeeHere=See here +ClickHere=Click here +Here=Here +Apply=Apply +BackgroundColorByDefault=Default background color +FileRenamed=The file was successfully renamed +FileGenerated=The file was successfully generated +FileSaved=The file was successfully saved +FileUploaded=The file was successfully uploaded +FileTransferComplete=File(s) uploaded successfully +FilesDeleted=File(s) successfully deleted +FileWasNotUploaded=A file is selected for attachment but was not yet uploaded. Click on "Attach file" for this. +NbOfEntries=No. of entries +GoToWikiHelpPage=Read online help (Internet access needed) +GoToHelpPage=Read help +RecordSaved=Record saved +RecordDeleted=Record deleted +RecordGenerated=Record generated +LevelOfFeature=Level of features +NotDefined=Not defined +DolibarrInHttpAuthenticationSoPasswordUseless=Dolibarr authentication mode is set to %s in configuration file conf.php.
This means that the password database is external to Dolibarr, so changing this field may have no effect. +Administrator=Administrator +Undefined=Undefined +PasswordForgotten=Password forgotten? +NoAccount=No account? +SeeAbove=See above +HomeArea=Home +LastConnexion=Last login +PreviousConnexion=Previous login +PreviousValue=Previous value +ConnectedOnMultiCompany=Connected on environment +ConnectedSince=Connected since +AuthenticationMode=Authentication mode +RequestedUrl=Requested URL +DatabaseTypeManager=Database type manager +RequestLastAccessInError=Latest database access request error +ReturnCodeLastAccessInError=Return code for latest database access request error +InformationLastAccessInError=Information for latest database access request error +DolibarrHasDetectedError=Dolibarr has detected a technical error +YouCanSetOptionDolibarrMainProdToZero=You can read log file or set option $dolibarr_main_prod to '0' in your config file to get more information. +InformationToHelpDiagnose=This information can be useful for diagnostic purposes (you can set option $dolibarr_main_prod to '1' to remove such notices) +MoreInformation=More information +TechnicalInformation=Technical information +TechnicalID=Technical ID +LineID=Line ID +NotePublic=Note (public) +NotePrivate=Note (private) +PrecisionUnitIsLimitedToXDecimals=Dolibarr was setup to limit precision of unit prices to %s decimals. +DoTest=Test +ToFilter=Filter +NoFilter=No filter +WarningYouHaveAtLeastOneTaskLate=Warning, you have at least one element that has exceeded the tolerance time. +yes=yes +Yes=Yes +no=no +No=No +All=All +Home=Home +Help=Help +OnlineHelp=Online help +PageWiki=Wiki page +MediaBrowser=Media browser +Always=Always +Never=Never +Under=under +Period=Period +PeriodEndDate=End date for period +SelectedPeriod=Selected period +PreviousPeriod=Previous period +Activate=Activate +Activated=Activated +Closed=Closed +Closed2=Closed +NotClosed=Not closed +Enabled=Enabled +Enable=Enable +Deprecated=Deprecated +Disable=Disable +Disabled=Disabled +Add=Add +AddLink=Add link +RemoveLink=Remove link +AddToDraft=Add to draft +Update=Update +Close=Close +CloseBox=Remove widget from your dashboard +Confirm=Confirm +ConfirmSendCardByMail=Do you really want to send the content of this card by mail to %s? +Delete=Delete +Remove=Remove +Resiliate=Terminate +Cancel=Cancel +Modify=Modify +Edit=Edit +Validate=Validate +ValidateAndApprove=Validate and Approve +ToValidate=To validate +NotValidated=Not validated +Save=Save +SaveAs=Save As +SaveAndStay=Save and stay +SaveAndNew=Save and new +TestConnection=Test connection +ToClone=Clone +ConfirmCloneAsk=Are you sure you want to clone the object %s? +ConfirmClone=Choose data you want to clone: +NoCloneOptionsSpecified=No data to clone defined. +Of=of +Go=Go +Run=Run +CopyOf=Copy of +Show=Show +Hide=Hide +ShowCardHere=Show card +Search=Search +SearchOf=Search +SearchMenuShortCut=Ctrl + shift + f +QuickAdd=Quick add +QuickAddMenuShortCut=Ctrl + shift + l +Valid=Valid +Approve=Approve +Disapprove=Disapprove +ReOpen=Re-Open +Upload=Upload +ToLink=Link +Select=Select +Choose=Choose +Resize=Resize +ResizeOrCrop=Resize or Crop +Recenter=Recenter +Author=Author +User=User +Users=Users +Group=Group +Groups=Groups +NoUserGroupDefined=No user group defined +Password=Password +PasswordRetype=Retype your password +NoteSomeFeaturesAreDisabled=Note that a lot of features/modules are disabled in this demonstration. +Name=Name +NameSlashCompany=Name / Company +Person=Person +Parameter=Parameter +Parameters=Parameters +Value=Value +PersonalValue=Personal value +NewObject=New %s +NewValue=New value +CurrentValue=Current value +Code=Code +Type=Type +Language=Language +MultiLanguage=Multi-language +Note=Note +Title=Title +Label=Label +RefOrLabel=Ref. or label +Info=Log +Family=Family +Description=Description +Designation=Description +DescriptionOfLine=Description of line +DateOfLine=Date of line +DurationOfLine=Duration of line +Model=Doc template +DefaultModel=Default doc template +Action=Event +About=About +Number=Number +NumberByMonth=Number by month +AmountByMonth=Amount by month +Numero=Number +Limit=Limit +Limits=Limits +Logout=Logout +NoLogoutProcessWithAuthMode=No applicative disconnect feature with authentication mode %s +Connection=Login +Setup=Setup +Alert=Alert +MenuWarnings=Alerts +Previous=Previous +Next=Next +Cards=Cards +Card=Card +Now=Now +HourStart=Start hour @@ -283,65 +260,60 @@ -DateAndHour=Sana va soat -DateToday=Bugungi sana -DateReference=Malumot sanasi -DateStart=Boshlanish vaqti -DateEnd=Tugash sanasi -DateCreation=Yaratilish sanasi -DateCreationShort=Yaratuvchi. sana -IPCreation=IP yaratish -DateModification=O'zgartirish sanasi -DateModificationShort=Modif. sana -IPModification=O'zgartirish IP -DateLastModification=Oxirgi o'zgartirish sanasi -DateValidation=Tasdiqlash sanasi -DateSigning=Imzolangan sana -DateClosing=Tugatish sanasi -DateDue=Muddati -DateValue=Qiymat sanasi -DateValueShort=Qiymat sanasi -DateOperation=Ishlash sanasi -DateOperationShort=Operatsiya. Sana -DateLimit=Cheklov sanasi -DateRequest=Talab qilingan sana -DateProcess=Jarayon sanasi -DateBuild=Hisobotni tuzish sanasi -DatePayment=To'lov sanasi -DateApprove=Tasdiqlangan sana -DateApprove2=Tasdiqlangan sana (ikkinchi tasdiqlash) -RegistrationDate=Ro'yxatdan o'tish sanasi -UserCreation=Yaratilish foydalanuvchisi -UserModification=O'zgartirish foydalanuvchisi -UserValidation=Tasdiqlash foydalanuvchisi -UserCreationShort=Yaratuvchi. foydalanuvchi -UserModificationShort=Modif. foydalanuvchi -UserValidationShort=Yaroqli. foydalanuvchi -UserClosing=Foydalanuvchini yopish -UserClosingShort=Foydalanuvchini yopish -DurationYear=yil -DurationMonth=oy -DurationWeek=hafta -DurationDay=kun -DurationYears=yil -DurationMonths=oylar -DurationWeeks=hafta -DurationDays=kunlar -Year=Yil -Month=Oy -Week=Hafta -WeekShort=Hafta -Day=Kun -Hour=Soat -Minute=Daqiqa -Second=Ikkinchi -Years=Yillar -Months=Oylar -Days=Kunlar -days=kunlar -Hours=Soatlar -Minutes=Daqiqalar -Seconds=Soniyalar -Weeks=Haftalar -Today=Bugun -Yesterday=Kecha -Tomorrow=Ertaga -Morning=Tong -Afternoon=Peshindan keyin +DateAndHour=Date and hour +DateToday=Today's date +DateReference=Reference date +DateStart=Start date +DateEnd=End date +DateCreation=Creation date +DateCreationShort=Creat. date +DateModification=Modification date +DateModificationShort=Modif. date +DateLastModification=Latest modification date +DateValidation=Validation date +DateClosing=Closing date +DateDue=Due date +DateValue=Value date +DateValueShort=Value date +DateOperation=Operation date +DateOperationShort=Oper. Date +DateLimit=Limit date +DateRequest=Request date +DateProcess=Process date +DateBuild=Report build date +DatePayment=Date of payment +DateApprove=Approving date +DateApprove2=Approving date (second approval) +RegistrationDate=Registration date +UserCreation=Creation user +UserModification=Modification user +UserValidation=Validation user +UserCreationShort=Creat. user +UserModificationShort=Modif. user +UserValidationShort=Valid. user +DurationYear=year +DurationMonth=month +DurationWeek=week +DurationDay=day +DurationYears=years +DurationMonths=months +DurationWeeks=weeks +DurationDays=days +Year=Year +Month=Month +Week=Week +WeekShort=Week +Day=Day +Hour=Hour +Minute=Minute +Second=Second +Years=Years +Months=Months +Days=Days +days=days +Hours=Hours +Minutes=Minutes +Seconds=Seconds +Weeks=Weeks +Today=Today +Yesterday=Yesterday +Tomorrow=Tomorrow +Morning=Morning +Afternoon=Afternoon @@ -349,2 +321 @@ -MonthOfDay=Kunning oyi -DaysOfWeek=Haftaning kunlari +MonthOfDay=Month of the day @@ -353,11 +324,10 @@ -SecondShort=sek -Rate=Tezlik -CurrencyRate=Valyutani konvertatsiya qilish darajasi -UseLocalTax=Soliqni kiriting -Bytes=Bayt -KiloBytes=Kilobayt -MegaBytes=Megabayt -GigaBytes=Gigabayt -TeraBytes=Terabayt -UserAuthor=Tomonidan yaratilgan -UserModif=Tomonidan yangilangan +Rate=Rate +CurrencyRate=Currency conversion rate +UseLocalTax=Include tax +Bytes=Bytes +KiloBytes=Kilobytes +MegaBytes=Megabytes +GigaBytes=Gigabytes +TeraBytes=Terabytes +UserAuthor=User of creation +UserModif=User of last update @@ -369,12 +339,12 @@ -Cut=Kesilgan -Copy=Nusxalash -Paste=Yapıştır -Default=Odatiy -DefaultValue=Standart qiymat -DefaultValues=Standart qiymatlar / filtrlar / saralash -Price=Narx -PriceCurrency=Narx (valyuta) -UnitPrice=Donasining narxi -UnitPriceHT=Birlik narxi (bundan mustasno) -UnitPriceHTCurrency=Birlik narxi (bundan mustasno) (valyuta) -UnitPriceTTC=Donasining narxi +Cut=Cut +Copy=Copy +Paste=Paste +Default=Default +DefaultValue=Default value +DefaultValues=Default values/filters/sorting +Price=Price +PriceCurrency=Price (currency) +UnitPrice=Unit price +UnitPriceHT=Unit price (excl.) +UnitPriceHTCurrency=Unit price (excl.) (currency) +UnitPriceTTC=Unit price @@ -382,56 +352,53 @@ -PriceUHT=U.P. (aniq) -PriceUHTCurrency=U.P (aniq) (valyuta) -PriceUTTC=U.P. (soliq bilan birga) -Amount=Miqdor -AmountInvoice=Hisob-faktura miqdori -AmountInvoiced=Hisob-kitob qilingan summa -AmountInvoicedHT=Hisob-faktura miqdori (soliqdan tashqari) -AmountInvoicedTTC=Hisob-faktura miqdori (soliq bilan birga) -AmountPayment=To'lov miqdori -AmountHTShort=Miqdor (bundan mustasno) -AmountTTCShort=Miqdor (soliq bilan birga) -AmountHT=Miqdor (soliqdan tashqari) -AmountTTC=Miqdor (soliq bilan birga) -AmountVAT=Miqdor solig'i -MulticurrencyAlreadyPaid=Allaqachon to'langan, asl valyuta -MulticurrencyRemainderToPay=To'lovda qoling, asl valyuta -MulticurrencyPaymentAmount=To'lov miqdori, asl valyuta -MulticurrencyAmountHT=Miqdor (soliqdan tashqari), asl valyuta -MulticurrencyAmountTTC=Miqdor (soliq inc.), Asl valyuta -MulticurrencyAmountVAT=Miqdor solig'i, asl valyuta -MulticurrencySubPrice=Miqdor sub-narx ko'p valyuta -AmountLT1=Miqdor solig'i 2 -AmountLT2=Miqdor solig'i 3 -AmountLT1ES=RE miqdori -AmountLT2ES=IRPF miqdori -AmountTotal=Umumiy hisob -AmountAverage=O'rtacha miqdor -PriceQtyMinHT=Narx miqdori min. (soliqdan tashqari) -PriceQtyMinHTCurrency=Narx miqdori min. (soliqdan tashqari) (valyuta) -PercentOfOriginalObject=Asl ob'ektning ulushi -AmountOrPercent=Miqdor yoki foiz -Percentage=Foiz -Total=Jami -SubTotal=Jami -TotalHTShort=Jami (bundan mustasno) -TotalHT100Short=Jami 100%% (bundan mustasno) -TotalHTShortCurrency=Jami (valyutadan tashqari) -TotalTTCShort=Jami (soliq bilan birga) -TotalHT=Jami (soliqdan tashqari) -TotalHTforthispage=Ushbu sahifa uchun jami (soliqdan tashqari) -Totalforthispage=Ushbu sahifa uchun jami -TotalTTC=Jami (soliq bilan birga) -TotalTTCToYourCredit=Sizning kreditingiz uchun jami (soliq) -TotalVAT=Jami soliq -TotalVATIN=Jami IGST -TotalLT1=Jami soliq 2 -TotalLT2=Jami soliq 3 -TotalLT1ES=Jami RE -TotalLT2ES=Jami IRPF -TotalLT1IN=Jami CGST -TotalLT2IN=Jami SGST -HT=Istisno. soliq -TTC=Inc soliq -INCVATONLY=QQS -INCT=Inc barcha soliqlar -VAT=Savdo solig'i +PriceUHT=U.P. (net) +PriceUHTCurrency=U.P (currency) +PriceUTTC=U.P. (inc. tax) +Amount=Amount +AmountInvoice=Invoice amount +AmountInvoiced=Amount invoiced +AmountInvoicedHT=Amount invoiced (incl. tax) +AmountInvoicedTTC=Amount invoiced (excl. tax) +AmountPayment=Payment amount +AmountHTShort=Amount (excl.) +AmountTTCShort=Amount (inc. tax) +AmountHT=Amount (excl. tax) +AmountTTC=Amount (inc. tax) +AmountVAT=Amount tax +MulticurrencyAlreadyPaid=Already paid, original currency +MulticurrencyRemainderToPay=Remain to pay, original currency +MulticurrencyPaymentAmount=Payment amount, original currency +MulticurrencyAmountHT=Amount (excl. tax), original currency +MulticurrencyAmountTTC=Amount (inc. of tax), original currency +MulticurrencyAmountVAT=Amount tax, original currency +AmountLT1=Amount tax 2 +AmountLT2=Amount tax 3 +AmountLT1ES=Amount RE +AmountLT2ES=Amount IRPF +AmountTotal=Total amount +AmountAverage=Average amount +PriceQtyMinHT=Price quantity min. (excl. tax) +PriceQtyMinHTCurrency=Price quantity min. (excl. tax) (currency) +Percentage=Percentage +Total=Total +SubTotal=Subtotal +TotalHTShort=Total (excl.) +TotalHT100Short=Total 100%% (excl.) +TotalHTShortCurrency=Total (excl. in currency) +TotalTTCShort=Total (inc. tax) +TotalHT=Total (excl. tax) +TotalHTforthispage=Total (excl. tax) for this page +Totalforthispage=Total for this page +TotalTTC=Total (inc. tax) +TotalTTCToYourCredit=Total (inc. tax) to your credit +TotalVAT=Total tax +TotalVATIN=Total IGST +TotalLT1=Total tax 2 +TotalLT2=Total tax 3 +TotalLT1ES=Total RE +TotalLT2ES=Total IRPF +TotalLT1IN=Total CGST +TotalLT2IN=Total SGST +HT=Excl. tax +TTC=Inc. tax +INCVATONLY=Inc. VAT +INCT=Inc. all taxes +VAT=Sales tax @@ -439,6 +406,6 @@ -VATs=Savdo soliqlari -VATINs=IGST soliqlari -LT1=Sotishdan olinadigan soliq 2 -LT1Type=Sotishdan olinadigan soliq 2 turi -LT2=Sotishdan olinadigan soliq 3 -LT2Type=Sotishdan olinadigan soliq 3 turi +VATs=Sales taxes +VATINs=IGST taxes +LT1=Sales tax 2 +LT1Type=Sales tax 2 type +LT2=Sales tax 3 +LT2Type=Sales tax 3 type @@ -449,8 +416,7 @@ -LT1GC=Qo'shimcha sent -VATRate=Soliq stavkasi -RateOfTaxN=%s soliq stavkasi -VATCode=Soliq stavkasi kodi -VATNPR=Soliq stavkasi NPR -DefaultTaxRate=Standart soliq stavkasi -Average=O'rtacha -Sum=Jami +LT1GC=Additionnal cents +VATRate=Tax Rate +VATCode=Tax Rate code +VATNPR=Tax Rate NPR +DefaultTaxRate=Default tax rate +Average=Average +Sum=Sum @@ -458,14 +424,13 @@ -StatusToPay=To'lash uchun -RemainToPay=To'lashni davom eting -Module=Modul / dastur -Modules=Modullar / dasturlar -Option=Variant -Filters=Filtrlar -List=Ro'yxat -FullList=To'liq ro'yxat -FullConversation=To'liq suhbat -Statistics=Statistika -OtherStatistics=Boshqa statistika -Status=Holat -Favorite=Sevimli -ShortInfo=Ma'lumot. +StatusToPay=To pay +RemainToPay=Remain to pay +Module=Module/Application +Modules=Modules/Applications +Option=Option +List=List +FullList=Full list +FullConversation=Full conversation +Statistics=Statistics +OtherStatistics=Other statistics +Status=Status +Favorite=Favorite +ShortInfo=Info. @@ -473,50 +438,48 @@ -ExternalRef=Ref. tashqi -RefSupplier=Ref. sotuvchi -RefPayment=Ref. to'lov -CommercialProposalsShort=Tijorat takliflari -Comment=Izoh -Comments=Izohlar -ActionsToDo=Amalga oshiriladigan tadbirlar -ActionsToDoShort=Qilmoq -ActionsDoneShort=Bajarildi -ActionNotApplicable=Qo'llanilmaydigan, qo'llab bo'lmaydigan -ActionRunningNotStarted=Boshlamoq -ActionRunningShort=Jarayonda -ActionDoneShort=Tugadi -ActionUncomplete=Tugallanmagan -LatestLinkedEvents=%s bilan bog'liq so'nggi voqealar -CompanyFoundation=Kompaniya / tashkilot -Accountant=Buxgalter -ContactsForCompany=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun aloqalar -ContactsAddressesForCompany=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun aloqa / manzillar -AddressesForCompany=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun manzillar -ActionsOnCompany=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun tadbirlar -ActionsOnContact=Ushbu aloqa / manzil uchun tadbirlar -ActionsOnContract=Ushbu shartnoma bo'yicha tadbirlar -ActionsOnMember=Ushbu a'zo haqidagi tadbirlar -ActionsOnProduct=Ushbu mahsulot haqidagi tadbirlar -ActionsOnAsset=Ushbu asosiy vosita uchun hodisalar -NActionsLate=%s kech -ToDo=Qilmoq -Completed=Bajarildi -Running=Jarayonda -RequestAlreadyDone=So'rov allaqachon yozib olingan -Filter=Filtr -FilterOnInto=%s maydonlariga ' %s ' mezonlari -RemoveFilter=Filtrni olib tashlang -ChartGenerated=Diagramma yaratildi -ChartNotGenerated=Diagramma yaratilmadi -GeneratedOn=%s-da yarating -Generate=Yarating -Duration=Muddati -TotalDuration=Jami davomiyligi -Summary=Xulosa -DolibarrStateBoard=Ma'lumotlar bazasi statistikasi -DolibarrWorkBoard=Ochiq narsalar -NoOpenedElementToProcess=Qayta ishlash uchun ochiq element yo'q -Available=Mavjud -NotYetAvailable=Hali mavjud emas -NotAvailable=Mavjud emas -Categories=Teglar / toifalar -Category=Tag / kategoriya -SelectTheTagsToAssign=Belgilash uchun teglar/toifalarni tanlang +ExternalRef=Ref. extern +RefSupplier=Ref. vendor +RefPayment=Ref. payment +CommercialProposalsShort=Commercial proposals +Comment=Comment +Comments=Comments +ActionsToDo=Events to do +ActionsToDoShort=To do +ActionsDoneShort=Done +ActionNotApplicable=Not applicable +ActionRunningNotStarted=To start +ActionRunningShort=In progress +ActionDoneShort=Finished +ActionUncomplete=Incomplete +LatestLinkedEvents=Latest %s linked events +CompanyFoundation=Company/Organization +Accountant=Accountant +ContactsForCompany=Contacts for this third party +ContactsAddressesForCompany=Contacts/addresses for this third party +AddressesForCompany=Addresses for this third party +ActionsOnCompany=Events for this third party +ActionsOnContact=Events for this contact/address +ActionsOnContract=Events for this contract +ActionsOnMember=Events about this member +ActionsOnProduct=Events about this product +NActionsLate=%s late +ToDo=To do +Completed=Completed +Running=In progress +RequestAlreadyDone=Request already recorded +Filter=Filter +FilterOnInto=Search criteria '%s' into fields %s +RemoveFilter=Remove filter +ChartGenerated=Chart generated +ChartNotGenerated=Chart not generated +GeneratedOn=Build on %s +Generate=Generate +Duration=Duration +TotalDuration=Total duration +Summary=Summary +DolibarrStateBoard=Database Statistics +DolibarrWorkBoard=Open Items +NoOpenedElementToProcess=No open element to process +Available=Available +NotYetAvailable=Not yet available +NotAvailable=Not available +Categories=Tags/categories +Category=Tag/category @@ -524,52 +487,44 @@ -From=Kimdan -FromDate=Kimdan -FromLocation=Kimdan -to=ga -To=ga -ToDate=ga -ToLocation=ga -at=da -and=va -or=yoki -Other=Boshqalar -Others=Boshqalar -OtherInformations=Boshqa ma'lumotlar -Workflow=Ish jarayoni -Quantity=Miqdor -Qty=Miqdor -ChangedBy=O'zgartirilgan -ApprovedBy=Tomonidan tasdiqlangan -ApprovedBy2=Tasdiqlangan (ikkinchi tasdiq) -Approved=Tasdiqlangan -Refused=Rad etildi -ReCalculate=Qayta hisoblang -ResultKo=Xato -Reporting=Hisobot berish -Reportings=Hisobot berish -Draft=Qoralama -Drafts=Qoralamalar -StatusInterInvoiced=Hisob-faktura -Done=Bajarildi -Validated=Tasdiqlangan -ValidatedToProduce=Tasdiqlangan (ishlab chiqarish uchun) -Opened=Ochiq -OpenAll=Ochish (barchasi) -ClosedAll=Yopiq (barchasi) -New=Yangi -Discount=Chegirma -Unknown=Noma'lum -General=Umumiy -Size=Hajmi -OriginalSize=Asl o'lcham -RotateImage=90° aylantiring -Received=Qabul qildi -Paid=To'langan -Topic=Mavzu -ByCompanies=Uchinchi shaxslar tomonidan -ByUsers=Foydalanuvchi tomonidan -Links=Havolalar -Link=Havola -Rejects=Rad etadi -Preview=Oldindan ko'rish -NextStep=Keyingi qadam -Datas=Ma'lumotlar +From=From +FromLocation=From +to=to +To=to +and=and +or=or +Other=Other +Others=Others +OtherInformations=Other information +Quantity=Quantity +Qty=Qty +ChangedBy=Changed by +ApprovedBy=Approved by +ApprovedBy2=Approved by (second approval) +Approved=Approved +Refused=Refused +ReCalculate=Recalculate +ResultKo=Failure +Reporting=Reporting +Reportings=Reporting +Draft=Draft +Drafts=Drafts +StatusInterInvoiced=Invoiced +Validated=Validated +Opened=Open +OpenAll=Open (All) +ClosedAll=Closed (All) +New=New +Discount=Discount +Unknown=Unknown +General=General +Size=Size +OriginalSize=Original size +Received=Received +Paid=Paid +Topic=Subject +ByCompanies=By third parties +ByUsers=By user +Links=Links +Link=Link +Rejects=Rejects +Preview=Preview +NextStep=Next step +Datas=Data @@ -578,18 +533,18 @@ -NoneOrSeveral=Hech kim yoki bir nechtasi -Late=Kech -LateDesc=Bosh sahifa - O'rnatish - Ogohlantirishlar menyusidagi tizim konfiguratsiyasi bo'yicha element "Kechiktirilgan" deb belgilanadi. -NoItemLate=Kechiktirilgan narsa yo‘q -Photo=Rasm -Photos=Rasmlar -AddPhoto=Rasm qo'shish -DeletePicture=Rasmni o'chirish -ConfirmDeletePicture=Rasm o'chirilganligini tasdiqlaysizmi? -Login=Kirish -LoginEmail=Kirish (elektron pochta) -LoginOrEmail=Kirish yoki elektron pochta -CurrentLogin=Joriy kirish -EnterLoginDetail=Kirish tafsilotlarini kiriting -January=Yanvar -February=fevral -March=Mart -April=Aprel +NoneOrSeveral=None or several +Late=Late +LateDesc=An item is defined as Delayed as per the system configuration in menu Home - Setup - Alerts. +NoItemLate=No late item +Photo=Picture +Photos=Pictures +AddPhoto=Add picture +DeletePicture=Picture delete +ConfirmDeletePicture=Confirm picture deletion? +Login=Login +LoginEmail=Login (email) +LoginOrEmail=Login or Email +CurrentLogin=Current login +EnterLoginDetail=Enter login details +January=January +February=February +March=March +April=April @@ -597,11 +552,11 @@ -June=Iyun -July=Iyul -August=Avgust -September=Sentyabr -October=Oktyabr -November=Noyabr -December=Dekabr -Month01=Yanvar -Month02=fevral -Month03=Mart -Month04=Aprel +June=June +July=July +August=August +September=September +October=October +November=November +December=December +Month01=January +Month02=February +Month03=March +Month04=April @@ -609,9 +564,9 @@ -Month06=Iyun -Month07=Iyul -Month08=Avgust -Month09=Sentyabr -Month10=Oktyabr -Month11=Noyabr -Month12=Dekabr -MonthShort01=Yanvar -MonthShort02=Fevral +Month06=June +Month07=July +Month08=August +Month09=September +Month10=October +Month11=November +Month12=December +MonthShort01=Jan +MonthShort02=Feb @@ -619 +574 @@ -MonthShort04=Aprel +MonthShort04=Apr @@ -621,7 +576,7 @@ -MonthShort06=Iyun -MonthShort07=Iyul -MonthShort08=Avgust -MonthShort09=Sentyabr -MonthShort10=Oktyabr -MonthShort11=Noyabr -MonthShort12=Dekabr +MonthShort06=Jun +MonthShort07=Jul +MonthShort08=Aug +MonthShort09=Sep +MonthShort10=Oct +MonthShort11=Nov +MonthShort12=Dec @@ -639,4 +594,3 @@ -MonthVeryShort12=D. -AttachedFiles=Biriktirilgan fayllar va hujjatlar -JoinMainDoc=Asosiy hujjatga qo'shiling -JoinMainDocOrLastGenerated=Agar topilmasa, asosiy hujjatni yoki oxirgi yaratilgan hujjatni yuboring +MonthVeryShort12=D +AttachedFiles=Attached files and documents +JoinMainDoc=Join main document @@ -645,108 +599,102 @@ -DateFormatYYYYMMDDHHMM=YYYY-MM-DD HH: SS -ReportName=Hisobot nomi -ReportPeriod=Hisobot davri -ReportDescription=Tavsif -Report=Hisobot -Keyword=Kalit so'z -Origin=Kelib chiqishi -Legend=Afsona -Fill=To'ldiring -Reset=Qayta o'rnatish -File=Fayl -Files=Fayllar -NotAllowed=Ruxsat berilmagan -ReadPermissionNotAllowed=O'qishga ruxsat berilmaydi -AmountInCurrency=Miqdor %s valyutasida -Example=Misol -Examples=Misollar -NoExample=Hech qanday misol -FindBug=Xato haqida xabar bering -NbOfThirdParties=Uchinchi shaxslar soni -NbOfLines=Qatorlar soni -NbOfObjects=Ob'ektlar soni -NbOfObjectReferers=Tegishli narsalar soni -Referers=Tegishli narsalar -TotalQuantity=Jami miqdor -DateFromTo=%s dan %s gacha -DateFrom=%s dan -DateUntil=%s gacha -Check=Tekshiring -Uncheck=Belgini olib tashlang -Internal=Ichki -External=Tashqi -Internals=Ichki -Externals=Tashqi -Warning=Ogohlantirish! -Warnings=Ogohlantirishlar -BuildDoc=Hujjatni yaratish -Entity=Atrof muhit -Entities=Korxonalar -CustomerPreview=Mijozlarni oldindan ko'rish -SupplierPreview=Sotuvchini oldindan ko'rish -ShowCustomerPreview=Mijozni oldindan ko'rishni ko'rsatish -ShowSupplierPreview=Sotuvchini oldindan ko'rishni ko'rsatish -RefCustomer=Ref. mijoz -InternalRef=Ichki ref. -Currency=Valyuta -InfoAdmin=Ma'murlar uchun ma'lumot -Undo=Bekor qilish -Redo=Qayta qilish -ExpandAll=Barchasini kengaytiring -UndoExpandAll=Kengaytirishni bekor qilish -SeeAll=Barchasini ko'ring -Reason=Sabab -FeatureNotYetSupported=Xususiyat hali qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi -CloseWindow=Oynani yopish -Response=Javob -Priority=Afzallik -SendByMail=Elektron pochta orqali yuboring -MailSentBy=Elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -MailSentByTo=%s tomonidan %s manziliga xat yuborildi -NotSent=Yuborilmadi -TextUsedInTheMessageBody=Elektron pochta qutisi -SendAcknowledgementByMail=Tasdiqlovchi elektron pochta xabarini yuboring -SendMail=Elektron pochta xabarini yuboring -Email=Elektron pochta -NoEMail=Elektron pochta yo'q -AlreadyRead=O'qilgan -NotRead=O'qilmagan -NoMobilePhone=Mobil telefon yo'q -Owner=Egasi -FollowingConstantsWillBeSubstituted=Quyidagi doimiylar tegishli qiymat bilan almashtiriladi. -Refresh=Yangilang -BackToList=Ro'yxatga qaytish -BackToTree=Daraxtga qaytish -GoBack=Ortga qaytish -CanBeModifiedIfOk=Agar haqiqiy bo'lsa o'zgartirilishi mumkin -CanBeModifiedIfKo=Agar yaroqsiz bo'lsa o'zgartirilishi mumkin -ValueIsValid=Qiymat haqiqiydir -ValueIsNotValid=Qiymat yaroqsiz -RecordCreatedSuccessfully=Yozuv muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi -RecordModifiedSuccessfully=Yozuv muvaffaqiyatli o'zgartirildi -RecordsModified=%s yozuvlari o'zgartirildi -RecordsDeleted=%s yozuvlari o'chirildi -RecordsGenerated=%s yozuvlari yaratildi -ValidatedRecordWhereFound = Tanlangan yozuvlarning ba'zilari allaqachon tasdiqlangan. Hech qanday yozuv o'chirilmagan. -AutomaticCode=Avtomatik kod -FeatureDisabled=Funktsiya o'chirilgan -MoveBox=Vidjetni ko'chirish -Offered=Taklif qilingan -NotEnoughPermissions=Sizda bu harakat uchun ruxsat yo'q -UserNotInHierachy=Ushbu harakat ushbu foydalanuvchining nazoratchilariga tegishli -SessionName=Sessiya nomi -Method=Usul -Receive=Qabul qiling -CompleteOrNoMoreReceptionExpected=To'liq yoki boshqa hech narsa kutilmaydi -ExpectedValue=Kutilayotgan qiymat -ExpectedQty=Kutilayotgan son -PartialWoman=Qisman -TotalWoman=Jami -NeverReceived=Hech qachon qabul qilinmagan -Canceled=Bekor qilindi -YouCanChangeValuesForThisListFromDictionarySetup=Sozlamalar - Lug'atlar menyusidan ushbu ro'yxat uchun qiymatlarni o'zgartirishingiz mumkin -YouCanChangeValuesForThisListFrom=Siz ushbu ro'yxat uchun qiymatlarni %s menyusidan o'zgartirishingiz mumkin -YouCanSetDefaultValueInModuleSetup=Modulni o'rnatishda yangi yozuv yaratishda foydalaniladigan standart qiymatni belgilashingiz mumkin -Color=Rang -Documents=Bog'langan fayllar -Documents2=Hujjatlar -UploadDisabled=Yuklash o'chirilgan +DateFormatYYYYMMDDHHMM=YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS +ReportName=Report name +ReportPeriod=Report period +ReportDescription=Description +Report=Report +Keyword=Keyword +Origin=Origin +Legend=Legend +Fill=Fill +Reset=Reset +File=File +Files=Files +NotAllowed=Not allowed +ReadPermissionNotAllowed=Read permission not allowed +AmountInCurrency=Amount in %s currency +Example=Example +Examples=Examples +NoExample=No example +FindBug=Report a bug +NbOfThirdParties=Number of third parties +NbOfLines=Number of lines +NbOfObjects=Number of objects +NbOfObjectReferers=Number of related items +Referers=Related items +TotalQuantity=Total quantity +DateFromTo=From %s to %s +DateFrom=From %s +DateUntil=Until %s +Check=Check +Uncheck=Uncheck +Internal=Internal +External=External +Internals=Internal +Externals=External +Warning=Warning +Warnings=Warnings +BuildDoc=Build Doc +Entity=Environment +Entities=Entities +CustomerPreview=Customer preview +SupplierPreview=Vendor preview +ShowCustomerPreview=Show customer preview +ShowSupplierPreview=Show vendor preview +RefCustomer=Ref. customer +Currency=Currency +InfoAdmin=Information for administrators +Undo=Undo +Redo=Redo +ExpandAll=Expand all +UndoExpandAll=Undo expand +SeeAll=See all +Reason=Reason +FeatureNotYetSupported=Feature not yet supported +CloseWindow=Close window +Response=Response +Priority=Priority +SendByMail=Send by email +MailSentBy=Email sent by +TextUsedInTheMessageBody=Email body +SendAcknowledgementByMail=Send confirmation email +SendMail=Send email +Email=Email +NoEMail=No email +AlreadyRead=Already read +NotRead=Not read +NoMobilePhone=No mobile phone +Owner=Owner +FollowingConstantsWillBeSubstituted=The following constants will be replaced with the corresponding value. +Refresh=Refresh +BackToList=Back to list +BackToTree=Back to tree +GoBack=Go back +CanBeModifiedIfOk=Can be modified if valid +CanBeModifiedIfKo=Can be modified if not valid +ValueIsValid=Value is valid +ValueIsNotValid=Value is not valid +RecordCreatedSuccessfully=Record created successfully +RecordModifiedSuccessfully=Record modified successfully +RecordsModified=%s record(s) modified +RecordsDeleted=%s record(s) deleted +RecordsGenerated=%s record(s) generated +AutomaticCode=Automatic code +FeatureDisabled=Feature disabled +MoveBox=Move widget +Offered=Offered +NotEnoughPermissions=You don't have permission for this action +SessionName=Session name +Method=Method +Receive=Receive +CompleteOrNoMoreReceptionExpected=Complete or nothing more expected +ExpectedValue=Expected Value +PartialWoman=Partial +TotalWoman=Total +NeverReceived=Never received +Canceled=Canceled +YouCanChangeValuesForThisListFromDictionarySetup=You can change values for this list from menu Setup - Dictionaries +YouCanChangeValuesForThisListFrom=You can change values for this list from menu %s +YouCanSetDefaultValueInModuleSetup=You can set the default value used when creating a new record in module setup +Color=Color +Documents=Linked files +Documents2=Documents +UploadDisabled=Upload disabled @@ -754 +702 @@ -MenuECM=Hujjatlar +MenuECM=Documents @@ -756,101 +704,98 @@ -MenuMembers=A'zolar -MenuAgendaGoogle=Google kun tartibi -MenuTaxesAndSpecialExpenses=Soliqlar | Maxsus xarajatlar -ThisLimitIsDefinedInSetup=Dolibarr limiti (menyuda uyni sozlash-xavfsizlik): %s Kb, PHP limit: %s Kb -ThisLimitIsDefinedInSetupAt=Dolibarr limiti (Menyu %s): %s Kb, PHP limit (Param %s): %s Kb -NoFileFound=Hech qanday hujjat yuklanmadi -CurrentUserLanguage=Joriy til -CurrentTheme=Joriy mavzu -CurrentMenuManager=Amaldagi menyu menejeri -Browser=Brauzer -Layout=Maket -Screen=Ekran -DisabledModules=O'chirilgan modullar -For=Uchun -ForCustomer=Mijoz uchun -Signature=Imzo -HidePassword=Parolni yashirgan holda buyruqni ko'rsatish -UnHidePassword=Haqiqiy buyruqni aniq parol bilan ko'rsating -Root=Ildiz -RootOfMedias=Ommaviy axborot vositalarining ildizi (/medias) -Informations=Ma `lumot -Page=Sahifa -Notes=Izohlar -AddNewLine=Yangi qator qo'shing -AddFile=Fayl qo'shish -FreeZone=Bepul matnli mahsulot -FreeLineOfType=Bepul matnli element, turi: -CloneMainAttributes=Ob'ektni asosiy atributlari bilan klonlash -ReGeneratePDF=PDF-ni qayta yarating -PDFMerge=PDF-ni birlashtirish -Merge=Birlashtirish -DocumentModelStandardPDF=Standart PDF shablon -PrintContentArea=Asosiy tarkib maydonini chop etish uchun sahifani ko'rsatish -MenuManager=Menyu menejeri -WarningYouAreInMaintenanceMode=Ogohlantirish, siz parvarishlash rejimidasiz: dasturdan faqat ushbu rejimda kirish uchun %s ruxsat etiladi. -CoreErrorTitle=Tizim xatosi -CoreErrorMessage=Kechirasiz, xato yuz berdi. Kundaliklarni tekshirish uchun tizim ma'muringizga murojaat qiling yoki qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun $ dolibarr_main_prod = 1-ni o'chirib qo'ying. -CreditCard=Kredit kartasi -ValidatePayment=To'lovni tasdiqlang -CreditOrDebitCard=Kredit yoki debet karta -FieldsWithAreMandatory= %s bo'lgan maydonlar majburiydir -FieldsWithIsForPublic= %s bo'lgan maydonlar a'zolarning ochiq ro'yxatida ko'rsatilgan. Agar buni xohlamasangiz, "umumiy" katakchasini olib tashlang. -AccordingToGeoIPDatabase=(GeoIP konversiyasiga muvofiq) -Line=Chiziq -NotSupported=Qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi -RequiredField=Majburiy maydon -Result=Natija -ToTest=Sinov -ValidateBefore=Ushbu xususiyatni ishlatishdan oldin mahsulot tasdiqlanishi kerak -Visibility=Ko'rinish -Totalizable=Umumlashtirilishi mumkin -TotalizableDesc=Ushbu maydon ro'yxatda umumlashtirilishi mumkin -Private=Xususiy -Hidden=Yashirin -Resources=Resurslar -Source=Manba -Prefix=Prefiks -Before=Oldin -After=Keyin -IPAddress=IP-manzil -Frequency=Chastotani -IM=Tezkor xabar almashish -NewAttribute=Yangi atribut -AttributeCode=Xususiyat kodi -URLPhoto=Surat / logotipning URL manzili -SetLinkToAnotherThirdParty=Boshqa uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lanish -LinkTo=Ga havola -LinkToProposal=Taklifga havola -LinkToExpedition= Ekspeditsiyaga havola -LinkToOrder=Buyurtma uchun havola -LinkToInvoice=Hisob-fakturaga havola -LinkToTemplateInvoice=Shablon hisob-fakturasiga havola -LinkToSupplierOrder=Xarid qilish buyurtmasiga havola -LinkToSupplierProposal=Yetkazib beruvchining taklifiga havola -LinkToSupplierInvoice=Sotuvchi fakturasiga havola -LinkToContract=Shartnomaga havola -LinkToIntervention=Aralashuvga havola -LinkToTicket=Chiptaga havola -LinkToMo=Mo havolasi -CreateDraft=Qoralama yarating -SetToDraft=Qoralamaga qaytish -ClickToEdit=Tahrirlash uchun bosing -ClickToRefresh=Yangilash uchun bosing -EditWithEditor=CKEditor bilan tahrirlash -EditWithTextEditor=Matn muharriri bilan tahrirlash -EditHTMLSource=HTML manbasini tahrirlash -ObjectDeleted=%s ob'ekti o'chirildi -ByCountry=Mamlakatlar bo'yicha -ByTown=Shahar bo'yicha -ByDate=Sana bo'yicha -ByMonthYear=Oy / yil bo'yicha -ByYear=Yil bo'yicha -ByMonth=Oyga -ByDay=Kun bilan -BySalesRepresentative=Savdo vakili tomonidan -LinkedToSpecificUsers=Muayyan foydalanuvchi kontaktiga bog'langan -NoResults=Natija yo'q -AdminTools=Administrator vositalari -SystemTools=Tizim vositalari -ModulesSystemTools=Modullar vositalari -Test=Sinov +MenuMembers=Members +MenuAgendaGoogle=Google agenda +ThisLimitIsDefinedInSetup=Dolibarr limit (Menu home-setup-security): %s Kb, PHP limit: %s Kb +NoFileFound=No documents saved in this directory +CurrentUserLanguage=Current language +CurrentTheme=Current theme +CurrentMenuManager=Current menu manager +Browser=Browser +Layout=Layout +Screen=Screen +DisabledModules=Disabled modules +For=For +ForCustomer=For customer +Signature=Signature +DateOfSignature=Date of signature +HidePassword=Show command with password hidden +UnHidePassword=Show real command with clear password +Root=Root +RootOfMedias=Root of public medias (/medias) +Informations=Information +Page=Page +Notes=Notes +AddNewLine=Add new line +AddFile=Add file +FreeZone=Not a predefined product/service +FreeLineOfType=Free-text item, type: +CloneMainAttributes=Clone object with its main attributes +ReGeneratePDF=Re-generate PDF +PDFMerge=PDF Merge +Merge=Merge +DocumentModelStandardPDF=Standard PDF template +PrintContentArea=Show page to print main content area +MenuManager=Menu manager +WarningYouAreInMaintenanceMode=Warning, you are in maintenance mode: only login %s is allowed to use the application in this mode. +CoreErrorTitle=System error +CoreErrorMessage=Sorry, an error occurred. Contact your system administrator to check the logs or disable $dolibarr_main_prod=1 to get more information. +CreditCard=Credit card +ValidatePayment=Validate payment +CreditOrDebitCard=Credit or debit card +FieldsWithAreMandatory=Fields with %s are mandatory +FieldsWithIsForPublic=Fields with %s are shown in public list of members. If you don't want this, uncheck the "public" box. +AccordingToGeoIPDatabase=(according to GeoIP conversion) +Line=Line +NotSupported=Not supported +RequiredField=Required field +Result=Result +ToTest=Test +ValidateBefore=Item must be validated before using this feature +Visibility=Visibility +Totalizable=Totalizable +TotalizableDesc=This field is totalizable in list +Private=Private +Hidden=Hidden +Resources=Resources +Source=Source +Prefix=Prefix +Before=Before +After=After +IPAddress=IP address +Frequency=Frequency +IM=Instant messaging +NewAttribute=New attribute +AttributeCode=Attribute code +URLPhoto=URL of photo/logo +SetLinkToAnotherThirdParty=Link to another third party +LinkTo=Link to +LinkToProposal=Link to proposal +LinkToOrder=Link to order +LinkToInvoice=Link to invoice +LinkToTemplateInvoice=Link to template invoice +LinkToSupplierOrder=Link to purchase order +LinkToSupplierProposal=Link to vendor proposal +LinkToSupplierInvoice=Link to vendor invoice +LinkToContract=Link to contract +LinkToIntervention=Link to intervention +LinkToTicket=Link to ticket +CreateDraft=Create draft +SetToDraft=Back to draft +ClickToEdit=Click to edit +ClickToRefresh=Click to refresh +EditWithEditor=Edit with CKEditor +EditWithTextEditor=Edit with Text editor +EditHTMLSource=Edit HTML Source +ObjectDeleted=Object %s deleted +ByCountry=By country +ByTown=By town +ByDate=By date +ByMonthYear=By month/year +ByYear=By year +ByMonth=By month +ByDay=By day +BySalesRepresentative=By sales representative +LinkedToSpecificUsers=Linked to a particular user contact +NoResults=No results +AdminTools=Admin Tools +SystemTools=System tools +ModulesSystemTools=Modules tools +Test=Test @@ -858,59 +803,55 @@ -NoPhotoYet=Hozircha rasmlar mavjud emas -Dashboard=Boshqaruv paneli -MyDashboard=Mening boshqaruv panelim -Deductible=Chiqib olinadigan -from=dan -toward=tomonga -Access=Kirish -SelectAction=Amalni tanlang -SelectTargetUser=Maqsadli foydalanuvchini / xodimni tanlang -HelpCopyToClipboard=Buferga nusxalash uchun Ctrl + C tugmalaridan foydalaning -SaveUploadedFileWithMask=Faylni " %s " nomi bilan saqlang (aks holda "%s") -OriginFileName=Asl fayl nomi -SetDemandReason=Manbani o'rnating -SetBankAccount=Bank hisobini aniqlang -AccountCurrency=Hisob-kitob valyutasi -ViewPrivateNote=Eslatmalarni ko'rish -XMoreLines=%s qatorlari yashiringan -ShowMoreLines=Ko'proq / kamroq qatorlarni ko'rsatish -PublicUrl=Ochiq URL -AddBox=Qutini qo'shish -SelectElementAndClick=Elementni tanlang va %s tugmachasini bosing -PrintFile=Faylni chop etish %s -ShowTransaction=Bank hisobidagi yozuvni ko'rsatish -ShowIntervention=Aralashuvni ko'rsating -ShowContract=Shartnomani ko'rsatish -GoIntoSetupToChangeLogo=Logotipni o'zgartirish uchun Home - Setup - Company-ga o'ting yoki yashirish uchun Home - Setup - Display-ga o'ting. -Deny=Rad et -Denied=Rad etilgan -ListOf=%s ro'yxati -ListOfTemplates=Shablonlar ro'yxati -Gender=Jins -Genderman=Erkak -Genderwoman=Ayol -Genderother=Boshqalar -ViewList=Ro'yxat ko'rinishi -ViewGantt=Gantt ko'rinishi -ViewKanban=Kanban ko'rinishi -Mandatory=Majburiy -Hello=Salom -GoodBye=Xayr. Salomat bo'ling -Sincerely=Hurmat bilan -ConfirmDeleteObject=Haqiqatan ham ushbu ob'ektni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -DeleteLine=Chiziqni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteLine=Ushbu qatorni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ErrorPDFTkOutputFileNotFound=Xato: fayl yaratilmadi. Iltimos, 'pdftk' buyrug'i $ PATH muhit o'zgaruvchisiga kiritilgan katalogga o'rnatilganligini tekshiring (faqat linux / unix) yoki tizim administratoriga murojaat qiling. -NoPDFAvailableForDocGenAmongChecked=Tekshirilgan yozuvlar orasida hujjat yaratish uchun PDF mavjud emas -TooManyRecordForMassAction=Ommaviy harakatlar uchun tanlangan yozuvlar juda ko'p. Amal %s yozuvlari ro'yxati bilan cheklangan. -NoRecordSelected=Hech qanday yozuv tanlanmadi -MassFilesArea=Ommaviy harakatlar bilan qurilgan fayllar maydoni -ShowTempMassFilesArea=Ommaviy harakatlar bilan qurilgan fayllar maydonini ko'rsating -ConfirmMassDeletion=Ommaviy o'chirishni tasdiqlash -ConfirmMassDeletionQuestion=Siz tanlagan %s yozuvlarini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmMassClone=Ommaviy klonni tasdiqlash -ConfirmMassCloneQuestion=Klonlash uchun loyihani tanlang -ConfirmMassCloneToOneProject=%s loyihasiga klonlash -RelatedObjects=Tegishli ob'ektlar -ClassifyBilled=To'lovlarni tasniflash -ClassifyUnbilled=To'lanmaganlarni tasniflash -Progress=Taraqqiyot +NoPhotoYet=No pictures available yet +Dashboard=Dashboard +MyDashboard=My Dashboard +Deductible=Deductible +from=from +toward=toward +Access=Access +SelectAction=Select action +SelectTargetUser=Select target user/employee +HelpCopyToClipboard=Use Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard +SaveUploadedFileWithMask=Save file on server with name "%s" (otherwise "%s") +OriginFileName=Original filename +SetDemandReason=Set source +SetBankAccount=Define Bank Account +AccountCurrency=Account currency +ViewPrivateNote=View notes +XMoreLines=%s line(s) hidden +ShowMoreLines=Show more/less lines +PublicUrl=Public URL +AddBox=Add box +SelectElementAndClick=Select an element and click %s +PrintFile=Print File %s +ShowTransaction=Show entry on bank account +ShowIntervention=Show intervention +ShowContract=Show contract +GoIntoSetupToChangeLogo=Go to Home - Setup - Company to change logo or go to Home - Setup - Display to hide. +Deny=Deny +Denied=Denied +ListOf=List of %s +ListOfTemplates=List of templates +Gender=Gender +Genderman=Man +Genderwoman=Woman +ViewList=List view +ViewGantt=Gantt view +ViewKanban=Kanban view +Mandatory=Mandatory +Hello=Hello +GoodBye=GoodBye +Sincerely=Sincerely +ConfirmDeleteObject=Are you sure you want to delete this object? +DeleteLine=Delete line +ConfirmDeleteLine=Are you sure you want to delete this line? +ErrorPDFTkOutputFileNotFound=Error: the file was not generated. Please check that the 'pdftk' command is installed in a directory included in the $PATH environment variable (linux/unix only) or contact your system administrator. +NoPDFAvailableForDocGenAmongChecked=No PDF were available for the document generation among checked record +TooManyRecordForMassAction=Too many records selected for mass action. The action is restricted to a list of %s records. +NoRecordSelected=No record selected +MassFilesArea=Area for files built by mass actions +ShowTempMassFilesArea=Show area of files built by mass actions +ConfirmMassDeletion=Bulk Delete confirmation +ConfirmMassDeletionQuestion=Are you sure you want to delete the %s selected record(s)? +RelatedObjects=Related Objects +ClassifyBilled=Classify billed +ClassifyUnbilled=Classify unbilled +Progress=Progress @@ -918,4 +859,4 @@ -FrontOffice=Old ofis -BackOffice=Orqa ofis -Submit=Yuborish -View=Ko'rinish +FrontOffice=Front office +BackOffice=Back office +Submit=Submit +View=View @@ -923 +863,0 @@ -Import=Import @@ -925,40 +865,34 @@ -ExportFilteredList=Filtrlangan ro'yxatni eksport qilish -ExportList=Eksport ro'yxati -ExportOptions=Eksport parametrlari -IncludeDocsAlreadyExported=Allaqachon eksport qilingan hujjatlarni qo'shib qo'ying -ExportOfPiecesAlreadyExportedIsEnable=Eksport qilingan hujjatlar ko'rinadi va eksport qilinadi -ExportOfPiecesAlreadyExportedIsDisable=Allaqachon eksport qilingan hujjatlar yashirin va eksport qilinmaydi -AllExportedMovementsWereRecordedAsExported=Eksport qilingan barcha harakatlar eksport sifatida qayd etildi -NotAllExportedMovementsCouldBeRecordedAsExported=Barcha eksport qilingan harakatlarni eksport sifatida qayd etish mumkin emas -Miscellaneous=Turli xil -Calendar=Taqvim -GroupBy=Guruh bo'yicha ... -GroupByX=%s boʻyicha guruhlash -ViewFlatList=Yassi ro'yxatni ko'rish -ViewAccountList=Hisob kitobini ko'rish -ViewSubAccountList=Hisob osti daftarini ko'rish -RemoveString='%s' qatorini olib tashlash -SomeTranslationAreUncomplete=Taklif etilgan tillarning ba'zilari qisman tarjima qilingan yoki xatolar bo'lishi mumkin. Yaxshilanishlaringizni kiritish uchun https://transifex.com/projects/p/dolibarr/ manzilida ro‘yxatdan o‘tish orqali tilingizni tuzatishga yordam bering. -DirectDownloadLink=Umumiy yuklab olish havolasi -PublicDownloadLinkDesc=Faylni yuklab olish uchun faqat havola kerak -DirectDownloadInternalLink=Shaxsiy yuklab olish havolasi -PrivateDownloadLinkDesc=Siz tizimga kirishingiz kerak va faylni ko'rish yoki yuklab olish uchun sizga ruxsat kerak -Download=Yuklash -DownloadDocument=Hujjatni yuklab oling -DownloadSignedDocument=Imzolangan hujjatni yuklab oling -ActualizeCurrency=Valyuta kursini yangilang -Fiscalyear=Moliyaviy yil -ModuleBuilder=Modul va dastur yaratuvchisi -SetMultiCurrencyCode=Valyutani o'rnating -BulkActions=Ommaviy harakatlar -ClickToShowHelp=Maslahatlar bo'yicha yordamni ko'rsatish uchun bosing -WebSite=Veb-sayt -WebSites=Veb-saytlar -WebSiteAccounts=Internetga kirish hisoblari -ExpenseReport=Xarajatlar to'g'risida hisobot -ExpenseReports=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlar -HR=Kadrlar -HRAndBank=Xodimlar va bank -AutomaticallyCalculated=Avtomatik ravishda hisoblab chiqilgan -TitleSetToDraft=Qoralamaga qaytish -ConfirmSetToDraft=Haqiqatan ham Qoralama holatiga qaytmoqchimisiz? +ExportFilteredList=Export filtered list +ExportList=Export list +ExportOptions=Export Options +IncludeDocsAlreadyExported=Include docs already exported +ExportOfPiecesAlreadyExportedIsEnable=Export of pieces already exported is enable +ExportOfPiecesAlreadyExportedIsDisable=Export of pieces already exported is disable +AllExportedMovementsWereRecordedAsExported=All exported movements were recorded as exported +NotAllExportedMovementsCouldBeRecordedAsExported=Not all exported movements could be recorded as exported +Miscellaneous=Miscellaneous +Calendar=Calendar +GroupBy=Group by... +ViewFlatList=View flat list +RemoveString=Remove string '%s' +SomeTranslationAreUncomplete=Some of the languages offered may be only partially translated or may contain errors. Please help to correct your language by registering at https://transifex.com/projects/p/dolibarr/ to add your improvements. +DirectDownloadLink=Direct download link (public/external) +DirectDownloadInternalLink=Direct download link (need to be logged and need permissions) +Download=Download +DownloadDocument=Download document +ActualizeCurrency=Update currency rate +Fiscalyear=Fiscal year +ModuleBuilder=Module and Application Builder +SetMultiCurrencyCode=Set currency +BulkActions=Bulk actions +ClickToShowHelp=Click to show tooltip help +WebSite=Website +WebSites=Websites +WebSiteAccounts=Website accounts +ExpenseReport=Expense report +ExpenseReports=Expense reports +HR=HR +HRAndBank=HR and Bank +AutomaticallyCalculated=Automatically calculated +TitleSetToDraft=Go back to draft +ConfirmSetToDraft=Are you sure you want to go back to Draft status? @@ -966,25 +900,24 @@ -Event=Event -Events=Tadbirlar -EMailTemplates=Elektron pochta shablonlari -FileNotShared=Fayl tashqi hammaga tarqatilmaydi -Project=Loyiha -Projects=Loyihalar -LeadOrProject=Qo'rg'oshin | Loyiha -LeadsOrProjects=Yetakchilar | Loyihalar -Lead=Qo'rg'oshin -Leads=Yetakchilar -ListOpenLeads=Ochiq yo'nalishlarni ro'yxatlash -ListOpenProjects=Ochiq loyihalarni ro'yxati -NewLeadOrProject=Yangi etakchi yoki loyiha -Rights=Ruxsatlar -LineNb=Qator №. -IncotermLabel=Inkoermalar -TabLetteringCustomer=Mijozlarning xatlari -TabLetteringSupplier=Sotuvchi xatlari -Monday=Dushanba -Tuesday=Seshanba -Wednesday=Chorshanba -Thursday=Payshanba -Friday=Juma -Saturday=Shanba -Sunday=yakshanba +Events=Events +EMailTemplates=Email templates +FileNotShared=File not shared to external public +Project=Project +Projects=Projects +LeadOrProject=Lead | Project +LeadsOrProjects=Leads | Projects +Lead=Lead +Leads=Leads +ListOpenLeads=List open leads +ListOpenProjects=List open projects +NewLeadOrProject=New lead or project +Rights=Permissions +LineNb=Line no. +IncotermLabel=Incoterms +TabLetteringCustomer=Customer lettering +TabLetteringSupplier=Vendor lettering +Monday=Monday +Tuesday=Tuesday +Wednesday=Wednesday +Thursday=Thursday +Friday=Friday +Saturday=Saturday +Sunday=Sunday @@ -993 +926 @@ -WednesdayMin=Biz +WednesdayMin=We @@ -998,7 +931,7 @@ -Day1=Dushanba -Day2=Seshanba -Day3=Chorshanba -Day4=Payshanba -Day5=Juma -Day6=Shanba -Day0=yakshanba +Day1=Monday +Day2=Tuesday +Day3=Wednesday +Day4=Thursday +Day5=Friday +Day6=Saturday +Day0=Sunday @@ -1007 +940 @@ -ShortWednesday=V +ShortWednesday=W @@ -1012,92 +945,53 @@ -one=bitta -two=ikkitasi -three=uchta -four=to'rt -five=besh -six=olti -seven=Yetti -eight=sakkiz -nine=to'qqiz -ten=o'n -eleven=o'n bir -twelve=o'n ikki -thirteen=uchinchi -fourteen=o'n to'rt -fifteen=o'n besh -sixteen=o'n olti -seventeen=o'n etti -eighteen=o'n sakkiz -nineteen=o'n to'qqiz -twenty=yigirma -thirty=o'ttiz -forty=qirq -fifty=ellik -sixty=oltmish -seventy=etmish -eighty=sakson -ninety=to'qson -hundred=yuz -thousand=ming -million=million -billion=milliard -trillion=trillion -quadrillion=kvadrillion -SelectMailModel=Elektron pochta shablonini tanlang -SetRef=Referani o'rnating -Select2ResultFoundUseArrows=Ba'zi natijalar topildi. Tanlash uchun strelkalardan foydalaning. -Select2NotFound=Hech qanday natija topilmadi -Select2Enter=Kirish -Select2MoreCharacter=yoki undan ko'p belgi -Select2MoreCharacters=yoki undan ko'p belgilar -Select2MoreCharactersMore= Qidiruv sintaksis:
| YOKI (a | b)
* Har qanday belgi (a * b)
^ Start bilan (^ ab)
$ End bilan ( ab $)
-Select2LoadingMoreResults=Boshqa natijalar yuklanmoqda ... -Select2SearchInProgress=Qidiruv davom etmoqda ... -SearchIntoThirdparties=Uchinchi shaxslar -SearchIntoContacts=Kontaktlar -SearchIntoMembers=A'zolar -SearchIntoUsers=Foydalanuvchilar -SearchIntoProductsOrServices=Mahsulotlar yoki xizmatlar -SearchIntoBatch=Ko'p / seriyalar -SearchIntoProjects=Loyihalar -SearchIntoMO=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari -SearchIntoTasks=Vazifalar -SearchIntoCustomerInvoices=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari -SearchIntoSupplierInvoices=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari -SearchIntoCustomerOrders=Savdo buyurtmalari -SearchIntoSupplierOrders=Sotib olish uchun buyurtmalar -SearchIntoCustomerProposals=Tijorat takliflari -SearchIntoSupplierProposals=Sotuvchi takliflari -SearchIntoInterventions=Aralashuvlar -SearchIntoContracts=Shartnomalar -SearchIntoCustomerShipments=Mijozlar jo'natmalari -SearchIntoExpenseReports=Xarajatlar bo'yicha hisobotlar -SearchIntoLeaves=Keting -SearchIntoKM=Bilim bazasi -SearchIntoTickets=Chiptalar -SearchIntoCustomerPayments=Mijozlar uchun to'lovlar -SearchIntoVendorPayments=Sotuvchi uchun to'lovlar -SearchIntoMiscPayments=Turli xil to'lovlar -CommentLink=Izohlar -NbComments=Izohlar soni -CommentPage=Fikrlar maydoni -CommentAdded=Fikr qo'shildi -CommentDeleted=Fikr o'chirildi -Everybody=Hamma -EverybodySmall=Hamma -PayedBy=To'langan -PayedTo=To'langan -Monthly=Oylik -Quarterly=Har chorakda -Annual=Yillik -Local=Mahalliy -Remote=Masofadan boshqarish pulti -LocalAndRemote=Mahalliy va masofadan turib -KeyboardShortcut=Klaviatura yorlig'i -AssignedTo=Tayinlangan -Deletedraft=Qoralamani o'chirish -ConfirmMassDraftDeletion=Ommaviy o'chirishni tasdiqlash loyihasi -FileSharedViaALink=Umumiy fayl havola orqali ulashildi -SelectAThirdPartyFirst=Avval uchinchi tomonni tanlang ... -YouAreCurrentlyInSandboxMode=Siz hozirda %s "sandbox" rejimidasiz -Inventory=Inventarizatsiya -AnalyticCode=Analitik kod +SelectMailModel=Select an email template +SetRef=Set ref +Select2ResultFoundUseArrows=Some results found. Use arrows to select. +Select2NotFound=No result found +Select2Enter=Enter +Select2MoreCharacter=or more character +Select2MoreCharacters=or more characters +Select2MoreCharactersMore=Search syntax:
| OR (a|b)
* Any character (a*b)
^ Start with (^ab)
$ End with (ab$)
+Select2LoadingMoreResults=Loading more results... +Select2SearchInProgress=Search in progress... +SearchIntoThirdparties=Third parties +SearchIntoContacts=Contacts +SearchIntoMembers=Members +SearchIntoUsers=Users +SearchIntoProductsOrServices=Products or services +SearchIntoProjects=Projects +SearchIntoMO=Manufacturing Orders +SearchIntoTasks=Tasks +SearchIntoCustomerInvoices=Customer invoices +SearchIntoSupplierInvoices=Vendor invoices +SearchIntoCustomerOrders=Sales orders +SearchIntoSupplierOrders=Purchase orders +SearchIntoCustomerProposals=Commercial proposals +SearchIntoSupplierProposals=Vendor proposals +SearchIntoInterventions=Interventions +SearchIntoContracts=Contracts +SearchIntoCustomerShipments=Customer shipments +SearchIntoExpenseReports=Expense reports +SearchIntoLeaves=Leave +SearchIntoTickets=Tickets +CommentLink=Comments +NbComments=Number of comments +CommentPage=Comments space +CommentAdded=Comment added +CommentDeleted=Comment deleted +Everybody=Everybody +PayedBy=Paid by +PayedTo=Paid to +Monthly=Monthly +Quarterly=Quarterly +Annual=Annual +Local=Local +Remote=Remote +LocalAndRemote=Local and Remote +KeyboardShortcut=Keyboard shortcut +AssignedTo=Assigned to +Deletedraft=Delete draft +ConfirmMassDraftDeletion=Draft mass delete confirmation +FileSharedViaALink=File shared via a link +SelectAThirdPartyFirst=Select a third party first... +YouAreCurrentlyInSandboxMode=You are currently in the %s "sandbox" mode +Inventory=Inventory +AnalyticCode=Analytic code @@ -1105,163 +999,43 @@ -ShowCompanyInfos=Kompaniya ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatish -ShowMoreInfos=Qo'shimcha ma'lumotni ko'rsatish -NoFilesUploadedYet=Iltimos, avval hujjatni yuklang -SeePrivateNote=Shaxsiy eslatmani ko'ring -PaymentInformation=To'lov haqida ma'lumot -ValidFrom=Yaroqliligi -ValidUntil=Yaroqlilik muddati -NoRecordedUsers=Foydalanuvchilar yo'q -ToClose=Yopmoq -ToRefuse=Rad etish -ToProcess=Qayta ishlash uchun -ToApprove=Tasdiqlash uchun -GlobalOpenedElemView=Global ko'rinish -NoArticlesFoundForTheKeyword=' %s ' kalit so'zi uchun maqola topilmadi. -NoArticlesFoundForTheCategory=Ushbu turkum uchun maqola topilmadi -ToAcceptRefuse=Qabul qilish | rad etish -ContactDefault_agenda=Tadbir -ContactDefault_commande=Buyurtma -ContactDefault_contrat=Shartnoma -ContactDefault_facture=Hisob-faktura -ContactDefault_fichinter=Aralashish -ContactDefault_invoice_supplier=Ta'minlovchining hisob-fakturasi -ContactDefault_order_supplier=Xarid buyurtmasi -ContactDefault_project=Loyiha -ContactDefault_project_task=Vazifa -ContactDefault_propal=Taklif -ContactDefault_supplier_proposal=Ta'minlovchining taklifi -ContactDefault_ticket=Chipta -ContactAddedAutomatically=Uchinchi tomon kontakt rollaridan qo‘shilgan kontakt -More=Ko'proq -ShowDetails=Tafsilotlarni ko'rsatish -CustomReports=Maxsus hisobotlar -StatisticsOn=Statistika -SelectYourGraphOptionsFirst=Grafik yaratish uchun grafik variantlaringizni tanlang -Measures=Tadbirlar -XAxis=X o'qi -YAxis=Y o'qi -StatusOfRefMustBe=%s holati %s bo'lishi kerak -DeleteFileHeader=Faylni o'chirishni tasdiqlang -DeleteFileText=Haqiqatan ham ushbu faylni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ShowOtherLanguages=Boshqa tillarni ko'rsatish -SwitchInEditModeToAddTranslation=Ushbu til uchun tarjimalarni qo'shish uchun tahrirlash rejimiga o'ting -NotUsedForThisCustomer=Ushbu mijoz uchun ishlatilmaydi -NotUsedForThisVendor=Bu sotuvchi uchun ishlatilmaydi -AmountMustBePositive=Miqdor ijobiy bo'lishi kerak -ByStatus=Holati bo'yicha -InformationMessage=Ma `lumot -Used=Ishlatilgan -ASAP=Imkoni boricha tezda -CREATEInDolibarr=Yaratilgan %s yozuvi -MODIFYInDolibarr=%s yozuvi o'zgartirildi -DELETEInDolibarr=%s yozuv o'chirildi -VALIDATEInDolibarr=%s yozuvi tasdiqlangan -APPROVEDInDolibarr=%s yozuvi tasdiqlandi -DefaultMailModel=Standart pochta modeli -PublicVendorName=Sotuvchining ommaviy nomi -DateOfBirth=Tug'ilgan sana -SecurityTokenHasExpiredSoActionHasBeenCanceledPleaseRetry=Xavfsizlik belgisi muddati tugagan, shuning uchun harakatlar bekor qilindi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring. -UpToDate=Hozirgi kungacha -OutOfDate=Eskirgan -EventReminder=Voqealar to'g'risida eslatma -UpdateForAllLines=Barcha satrlar uchun yangilash -OnHold=Ushlab qolingan -Civility=Fuqarolik -AffectTag=Teg belgilang -AffectUser=Foydalanuvchi tayinlash -SetSupervisor=Nazoratchini o'rnating -CreateExternalUser=Tashqi foydalanuvchini yarating -ConfirmAffectTag=Ommaviy teg tayinlash -ConfirmAffectUser=Ommaviy foydalanuvchi tayinlash -ProjectRole=Har bir loyiha/imkoniyatda tayinlangan rol -TasksRole=Har bir vazifaga tayinlangan rol (agar foydalanilsa) -ConfirmSetSupervisor=Ommaviy nazoratchi to'plami -ConfirmUpdatePrice=Narxni oshirish/pasaytirish stavkasini tanlang -ConfirmAffectTagQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv(lar)ga teg belgilashni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmAffectUserQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv(lar)ga foydalanuvchilarni tayinlashni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmSetSupervisorQuestion=Haqiqatan ham tanlangan yozuv(lar)ga %s nazoratchi o‘rnatmoqchimisiz? -ConfirmUpdatePriceQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv(lar)ning narxini yangilamoqchimisiz? -CategTypeNotFound=Yozuvlar turi uchun yorliq turi topilmadi -SupervisorNotFound=Nazoratchi topilmadi -CopiedToClipboard=Buferga nusxa olindi -InformationOnLinkToContract=Ushbu miqdor faqat shartnomadagi barcha satrlarning jami hisoblanadi. Vaqt tushunchasi hisobga olinmaydi. -ConfirmCancel=Bekor qilishni xohlaysizmi? -EmailMsgID=MsgID-ga elektron pochta orqali yuboring -EmailDate=Elektron pochta sanasi -SetToStatus=%s holatiga o'rnating -SetToEnabled=Faol qilib sozlang -SetToDisabled=O'chirib qo'yilgan -ConfirmMassEnabling=tasdiqlashga imkon beradigan ommaviy -ConfirmMassEnablingQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv (lar) ni yoqmoqchimisiz? -ConfirmMassDisabling=ommaviy o'chirishni tasdiqlash -ConfirmMassDisablingQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv (lar) ni o'chirmoqchimisiz? -RecordsEnabled=%s yozuvlari yoqilgan -RecordsDisabled=%s yozuvlari o'chirilgan -RecordEnabled=Yozuv yoqildi -RecordDisabled=Yozuv o'chirilgan -Forthcoming=Kelgusi -Currently=Hozirda -ConfirmMassLeaveApprovalQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv (lar) ni tasdiqlamoqchimisiz? -ConfirmMassLeaveApproval=Ommaviy ta'tilni tasdiqlashni tasdiqlash -RecordAproved=Yozuv tasdiqlandi -RecordsApproved=%s Yozuvlar tasdiqlandi -Properties=Xususiyatlari -hasBeenValidated=%s tasdiqlangan -ClientTZ=Mijoz vaqt zonasi (foydalanuvchi) -NotClosedYet=Hali yopilmagan -ClearSignature=Imzoni tiklash -CanceledHidden=Bekor qilingan yashirin -CanceledShown=Bekor qilingan koʻrsatilgan -Terminate=Tugatish -Terminated=Tugatilgan -Position=Position -AddLineOnPosition=Lavozimga qator qo'shing (bo'sh bo'lsa oxirida) -ConfirmAllocateCommercial=Savdo vakilini tasdiqlashni tayinlang -ConfirmAllocateCommercialQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv(lar)ni tayinlashni xohlaysizmi? -CommercialsAffected=Savdo vakillari tayinlangan -CommercialAffected=Savdo vakili tayinlandi -YourMessage=Xabaringiz -YourMessageHasBeenReceived=Sizning xabaringiz qabul qilindi. Biz imkon qadar tezroq javob beramiz yoki siz bilan bog'lanamiz. -UrlToCheck=Tekshirish uchun URL -Automation=Avtomatlashtirish -CreatedByEmailCollector=Elektron pochta kollektori tomonidan yaratilgan -CreatedByPublicPortal=Umumiy portaldan yaratilgan -UserAgent=Foydalanuvchi agenti -InternalUser=Ichki foydalanuvchi -ExternalUser=Tashqi foydalanuvchi -NoSpecificContactAddress=Muayyan aloqa yoki manzil yo'q -NoSpecificContactAddressBis=Ushbu yorliq joriy ob'ekt uchun maxsus kontaktlar yoki manzillarni majburlashga bag'ishlangan. Agar siz uchinchi tomon ma'lumotlari etarli bo'lmasa yoki aniq bo'lmasa, ob'ekt uchun bir yoki bir nechta aniq kontaktlar yoki manzillarni aniqlamoqchi bo'lsangiz, undan foydalaning. -HideOnVCard=%sni yashirish -ShowOnVCard=Show %s -AddToContacts=Mening kontaktlarimga manzil qo'shing -LastAccess=Oxirgi kirish -UploadAnImageToSeeAPhotoHere=Rasmni shu yerda koʻrish uchun %s sahifasidan rasm yuklang. -LastPasswordChangeDate=Parolni oxirgi o'zgartirish sanasi -PublicVirtualCardUrl=Virtual tashrif qog'ozi sahifasi URL -PublicVirtualCard=Virtual biznes karta -TreeView=Daraxt ko'rinishi -DropFileToAddItToObject=Ushbu ob'ektga qo'shish uchun faylni tashlang -UploadFileDragDropSuccess=Fayl(lar) muvaffaqiyatli yuklandi -SearchSyntaxTooltipForStringOrNum=Matn maydonlarini qidirish uchun ^ yoki $ belgilaridan foydalanib, “boshlash yoki tugatish” qidiruvini amalga oshirishingiz yoki ! "o'z ichiga olmaydi" testini o'tkazish. | dan foydalanishingiz mumkin ikki satr orasiga 'AND' o'rniga 'OR' sharti uchun bo'sh joy o'rniga. Raqamli qiymatlar uchun matematik taqqoslash yordamida filtrlash uchun qiymatdan oldin <, >, <=, >= yoki != operatoridan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -InProgress=Jarayonda -DateOfPrinting=Chop etish sanasi -ClickFullScreenEscapeToLeave=Toʻliq ekran rejimiga oʻtish uchun shu yerni bosing. Toʻliq ekran rejimidan chiqish uchun ESCAPE tugmasini bosing. -UserNotYetValid=Hali haqiqiy emas -UserExpired=Muddati tugagan -LinkANewFile=Yangi fayl/hujjatni bog'lang -LinkedFiles=Bog'langan fayllar va hujjatlar -NoLinkFound=Roʻyxatdan oʻtgan havolalar yoʻq -LinkComplete=Fayl muvaffaqiyatli bog'landi -ErrorFileNotLinked=Faylni bog‘lab bo‘lmadi -LinkRemoved=%s havolasi olib tashlandi -ErrorFailedToDeleteLink= '%s' havolasini olib tashlab bo‘lmadi -ErrorFailedToUpdateLink= '%s' havolasini yangilab bo‘lmadi -URLToLink=Bog'lanish uchun URL -OverwriteIfExists=Agar fayl mavjud bo'lsa, ustiga yozing -AmountSalary=Ish haqi miqdori -InvoiceSubtype=Hisob-fakturaning pastki turi -ConfirmMassReverse=Ommaviy teskari tasdiqlash -ConfirmMassReverseQuestion=Haqiqatan ham %s tanlangan yozuv(lar)ni oʻzgartirmoqchimisiz? -ElementType=Element type -ElementId=Element Id -Encrypted=Encrypted -Settings=Settings +ShowMoreInfos=Show More Infos +NoFilesUploadedYet=Please upload a document first +SeePrivateNote=See private note +PaymentInformation=Payment information +ValidFrom=Valid from +ValidUntil=Valid until +NoRecordedUsers=No users +ToClose=To close +ToProcess=To process +ToApprove=To approve +GlobalOpenedElemView=Global view +NoArticlesFoundForTheKeyword=No article found for the keyword '%s' +NoArticlesFoundForTheCategory=No article found for the category +ToAcceptRefuse=To accept | refuse +ContactDefault_agenda=Event +ContactDefault_commande=Order +ContactDefault_contrat=Contract +ContactDefault_facture=Invoice +ContactDefault_fichinter=Intervention +ContactDefault_invoice_supplier=Supplier Invoice +ContactDefault_order_supplier=Purchase Order +ContactDefault_project=Project +ContactDefault_project_task=Task +ContactDefault_propal=Proposal +ContactDefault_supplier_proposal=Supplier Proposal +ContactDefault_ticket=Ticket +ContactAddedAutomatically=Contact added from contact thirdparty roles +More=More +ShowDetails=Show details +CustomReports=Custom reports +StatisticsOn=Statistics on +SelectYourGraphOptionsFirst=Select your graph options to build a graph +Measures=Measures +XAxis=X-Axis +YAxis=Y-Axis +StatusOfRefMustBe=Status of %s must be %s +DeleteFileHeader=Confirm file delete +DeleteFileText=Do you really want delete this file? +ShowOtherLanguages=Show other languages +SwitchInEditModeToAddTranslation=Switch in edit mode to add translations for this language +NotUsedForThisCustomer=Not used for this customer +AmountMustBePositive=Amount must be positive +ByStatus=By status --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_members.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_members.lang @@ -2,129 +2,108 @@ -MembersArea=A'zolar maydoni -MemberCard=A'zo kartasi -SubscriptionCard=Obuna kartasi -Member=A'zo -Members=A'zolar -NoRecordedMembers=Roʻyxatga olingan aʼzolar yoʻq -NoRecordedMembersByType=Roʻyxatga olingan aʼzolar yoʻq -ShowMember=A'zo kartasini ko'rsatish -UserNotLinkedToMember=Foydalanuvchi a'zo bilan bog'lanmagan -ThirdpartyNotLinkedToMember=Uchinchi tomon a'zo bilan bog'lanmagan -MembersTickets=Ro'yxatdan o'tish manzili -FundationMembers=Jamg'arma a'zolari -ListOfValidatedPublicMembers=Tasdiqlangan jamoat a'zolari ro'yxati -ErrorThisMemberIsNotPublic=Ushbu a'zo ochiq emas -ErrorMemberIsAlreadyLinkedToThisThirdParty=Another member (name: %s , login: %s ) is already linked to a third party %s . Avval bu havolani olib tashlang, chunki uchinchi tomonni faqat aʼzoga bogʻlab boʻlmaydi (va aksincha). -ErrorUserPermissionAllowsToLinksToItselfOnly=Xavfsizlik nuqtai nazaridan, barcha foydalanuvchilarni tahrirlash uchun sizga o'zingizga tegishli bo'lmagan foydalanuvchi bilan bog'lanish uchun ruxsat berilishi kerak. -SetLinkToUser=Dolibarr foydalanuvchisiga havola -SetLinkToThirdParty=Dolibarr uchinchi tomoniga havola -MemberCountersArePublic=Haqiqiy a'zolarning hisoblagichlari ochiqdir -MembersCards=A'zolar uchun kartalarni yaratish -MembersList=A'zolar ro'yxati -MembersListToValid=Loyiha a'zolari ro'yxati (tasdiqlanishi kerak) -MembersListValid=Haqiqiy a'zolar ro'yxati -MembersListUpToDate=Hozirgi hissasi bo'lgan haqiqiy a'zolar ro'yxati -MembersListNotUpToDate=Hissasi eskirgan haqiqiy a'zolar ro'yxati -MembersListExcluded=Chetlatilgan a'zolarning ro'yxati -MembersListResiliated=Tugatilgan a'zolar ro'yxati -MembersListQualified=Malakali a'zolar ro'yxati -MembersShowMembershipTypesTable=Barcha mavjud aʼzolik turlari jadvalini koʻrsating (agar yoʻq boʻlsa, toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri roʻyxatdan oʻtish formasini koʻrsating) -MembersShowVotesAllowed=A'zolik turlari jadvalida ovoz berishga ruxsat berilganligini ko'rsating -MenuMembersToValidate=Loyiha a'zolari -MenuMembersValidated=Tasdiqlangan a'zolar -MenuMembersExcluded=Chetlatilgan a'zolar -MenuMembersResiliated=Tugatilgan a'zolar -MembersWithSubscriptionToReceive=Qabul qilish uchun o'z hissasini qo'shgan a'zolar -MembersWithSubscriptionToReceiveShort=Qabul qilish uchun hissalar -DateSubscription=Ro'yxatdan o'tish sanasi -DateEndSubscription=A'zolikning tugash sanasi -EndSubscription=Obunaning tugashi -SubscriptionId=Hissa identifikatori -WithoutSubscription=A'zoliksiz -WaitingSubscription=Aʼzolik kutilmoqda -WaitingSubscriptionShort=Kutilmoqda -MemberId=Aʼzo identifikatori -MemberRef=A'zo Ref -NewMember=Yangi a'zo -MemberType=Ro'yxatdan turi -MemberTypeId=Ro'yxatdan turi identifikatori -MemberTypeLabel=Ro'yxatdan turi yorlig'i -MembersTypes=A'zolar turlari -MemberStatusDraft=Qoralama (tasdiqlanishi kerak) -MemberStatusDraftShort=Qoralama -MemberStatusActive=Tasdiqlangan (hissasi kutilmoqda) -MemberStatusActiveShort=Tasdiqlangan -MemberStatusActiveLate=Hissa muddati tugadi -MemberStatusActiveLateShort=Muddati tugagan -MemberStatusPaid=Obuna dolzarb -MemberStatusPaidShort=Hozirgi kungacha -MemberStatusExcluded=Chetlatilgan a'zo -MemberStatusExcludedShort=Chetlatildi -MemberStatusResiliated=Tugatilgan a'zo -MemberStatusResiliatedShort=Tugatilgan -MembersStatusToValid=Loyiha a'zolari -MembersStatusExcluded=Chetlatilgan a'zolar -MembersStatusResiliated=Tugatilgan a'zolar -MemberStatusNoSubscription=Tasdiqlangan (hissasi shart emas) -MemberStatusNoSubscriptionShort=Tasdiqlangan -SubscriptionNotNeeded=Hech qanday hissa qo'shish shart emas -NewCotisation=Yangi hissa -PaymentSubscription=Yangi badal to'lovi -SubscriptionEndDate=Obunaning tugash sanasi -MembersTypeSetup=A'zolar turi sozlamalari -MemberTypeModified=Ro'yxatdan turi o'zgartirildi -DeleteAMemberType=A'zo turini o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteMemberType=Ushbu a'zo turini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -MemberTypeDeleted=Ro'yxatdan turi o'chirildi -MemberTypeCanNotBeDeleted=Ro'yxatdan turini o'chirib bo'lmaydi -NewSubscription=Yangi hissa -NewSubscriptionDesc=Ushbu shakl sizga obunangizni fondning yangi a'zosi sifatida qayd etish imkonini beradi. Agar siz obunangizni yangilamoqchi bo'lsangiz (agar u allaqachon a'zo bo'lsa), %s elektron pochta orqali poydevor kengashiga murojaat qiling. -Subscription=Hissa -AnyAmountWithAdvisedAmount=Siz tanlagan istalgan miqdor, tavsiya etiladi %s -AnyAmountWithoutAdvisedAmount=Siz tanlagan har qanday miqdor -CanEditAmountShort=Har qanday miqdor -CanEditAmountShortForValues=tavsiya etilgan, istalgan miqdor -MembershipDuration=Davomiyligi -GetMembershipButtonLabel=Qo'shilish -Subscriptions=Hissa -SubscriptionLate=Kech -SubscriptionNotReceived=Hissa hech qachon olinmagan -ListOfSubscriptions=Hisobotlar ro'yxati -SendCardByMail=Elektron pochta orqali kartani yuboring -AddMember=A'zo yaratish -NoTypeDefinedGoToSetup=Hech qanday a'zo turi aniqlanmagan. "A'zolar turlari" menyusiga o'ting -NewMemberType=Yangi a'zo turi -WelcomeEMail=Xush kelibsiz elektron pochta -SubscriptionRequired=Hissa kerak -SubscriptionRequiredDesc=Agar obuna zarur bo'lsa, a'zo yangilangan bo'lishi uchun boshlanish yoki tugash sanasi bilan obuna yozilishi kerak (obuna miqdori qancha bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, obuna bepul bo'lsa ham). -DeleteType=O'chirish -VoteAllowed=Ovoz berishga ruxsat berildi -Physical=Shaxsiy -Moral=Korporatsiya -MorAndPhy=Korporatsiya va individual -Reenable=Qayta yoqish -ExcludeMember=A'zoni chiqarib tashlang -Exclude=Istisno qilish -ConfirmExcludeMember=Haqiqatan ham ushbu a'zoni chiqarib tashlamoqchimisiz? -ResiliateMember=A'zoni tugatish -ConfirmResiliateMember=Ushbu a'zoni tugatishni xohlaysizmi? -DeleteMember=A'zoni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteMember=Haqiqatan ham bu a'zoni yo'q qilmoqchimisiz (a'zo o'chirilsa, uning barcha hissalari o'chib ketadi)? -DeleteSubscription=Obunani o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteSubscription=Haqiqatan ham bu hissani o‘chirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -Filehtpasswd=htpasswd fayli -ValidateMember=A'zoni tasdiqlash -ConfirmValidateMember=Ushbu a'zoni tasdiqlamoqchimisiz? -FollowingLinksArePublic=Quyidagi havolalar Dolibarr ruxsati bilan himoyalanmagan ochiq sahifalardir. Ular formatlangan sahifalar emas, balki ma'lumotlar bazasini ro'yxatga olishni ko'rsatadigan misol sifatida keltirilgan. -PublicMemberList=Ochiq a'zolar ro'yxati -BlankSubscriptionForm=Ommaviy o'zini o'zi ro'yxatdan o'tkazish shakli -BlankSubscriptionFormDesc=Dolibarr tashqi tashrif buyuruvchilarga fondga obuna bo'lishni so'rashlari uchun sizga ochiq URL / veb-sayt taqdim etishi mumkin. Agar onlayn to'lov moduli yoqilgan bo'lsa, to'lov shakli ham avtomatik ravishda taqdim etilishi mumkin. -EnablePublicSubscriptionForm=O'z-o'ziga obuna bo'lish uchun ochiq veb-saytni yoqing -ForceMemberType=Ro'yxatdan turini majburlang -ExportDataset_member_1=A'zolar va hissalar -ImportDataset_member_1=A'zolar -LastMembersModified=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan a'zolari -LastSubscriptionsModified=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan hissalar -PublicMemberCard=Umumiy aʼzolik kartasi -SubscriptionNotRecorded=Hissa yozilmagan -AddSubscription=Hissa yaratish -ShowSubscription=Hissa qo'shish +MembersArea=Members area +MemberCard=Member card +SubscriptionCard=Subscription card +Member=Member +Members=Members +ShowMember=Show member card +UserNotLinkedToMember=User not linked to a member +ThirdpartyNotLinkedToMember=Third party not linked to a member +MembersTickets=Members Tickets +FundationMembers=Foundation members +ListOfValidatedPublicMembers=List of validated public members +ErrorThisMemberIsNotPublic=This member is not public +ErrorMemberIsAlreadyLinkedToThisThirdParty=Another member (name: %s, login: %s) is already linked to a third party %s. Remove this link first because a third party can't be linked to only a member (and vice versa). +ErrorUserPermissionAllowsToLinksToItselfOnly=For security reasons, you must be granted permissions to edit all users to be able to link a member to a user that is not yours. +SetLinkToUser=Link to a Dolibarr user +SetLinkToThirdParty=Link to a Dolibarr third party +MembersCards=Members business cards +MembersList=List of members +MembersListToValid=List of draft members (to be validated) +MembersListValid=List of valid members +MembersListUpToDate=List of valid members with up to date subscription +MembersListNotUpToDate=List of valid members with subscription out of date +MembersListResiliated=List of terminated members +MembersListQualified=List of qualified members +MenuMembersToValidate=Draft members +MenuMembersValidated=Validated members +MenuMembersUpToDate=Up to date members +MenuMembersNotUpToDate=Out of date members +MenuMembersResiliated=Terminated members +MembersWithSubscriptionToReceive=Members with subscription to receive +MembersWithSubscriptionToReceiveShort=Subscription to receive +DateSubscription=Subscription date +DateEndSubscription=Subscription end date +EndSubscription=End subscription +SubscriptionId=Subscription id +MemberId=Member id +NewMember=New member +MemberType=Member type +MemberTypeId=Member type id +MemberTypeLabel=Member type label +MembersTypes=Members types +MemberStatusDraft=Draft (needs to be validated) +MemberStatusDraftShort=Draft +MemberStatusActive=Validated (waiting subscription) +MemberStatusActiveShort=Validated +MemberStatusActiveLate=Subscription expired +MemberStatusActiveLateShort=Expired +MemberStatusPaid=Subscription up to date +MemberStatusPaidShort=Up to date +MemberStatusResiliated=Terminated member +MemberStatusResiliatedShort=Terminated +MembersStatusToValid=Draft members +MembersStatusResiliated=Terminated members +NewCotisation=New contribution +PaymentSubscription=New contribution payment +SubscriptionEndDate=Subscription's end date +MembersTypeSetup=Members type setup +MemberTypeModified=Member type modified +DeleteAMemberType=Delete a member type +ConfirmDeleteMemberType=Are you sure you want to delete this member type? +MemberTypeDeleted=Member type deleted +MemberTypeCanNotBeDeleted=Member type can not be deleted +NewSubscription=New subscription +NewSubscriptionDesc=This form allows you to record your subscription as a new member of the foundation. If you want to renew your subscription (if already a member), please contact foundation board instead by email %s. +Subscription=Subscription +Subscriptions=Subscriptions +SubscriptionLate=Late +SubscriptionNotReceived=Subscription never received +ListOfSubscriptions=List of subscriptions +SendCardByMail=Send card by email +AddMember=Create member +NoTypeDefinedGoToSetup=No member types defined. Go to menu "Members types" +NewMemberType=New member type +WelcomeEMail=Welcome email +SubscriptionRequired=Subscription required +DeleteType=Delete +VoteAllowed=Vote allowed +Physical=Physical +Moral=Moral +MorPhy=Moral/Physical +Reenable=Reenable +ResiliateMember=Terminate a member +ConfirmResiliateMember=Are you sure you want to terminate this member? +DeleteMember=Delete a member +ConfirmDeleteMember=Are you sure you want to delete this member (Deleting a member will delete all his subscriptions)? +DeleteSubscription=Delete a subscription +ConfirmDeleteSubscription=Are you sure you want to delete this subscription? +Filehtpasswd=htpasswd file +ValidateMember=Validate a member +ConfirmValidateMember=Are you sure you want to validate this member? +FollowingLinksArePublic=The following links are open pages not protected by any Dolibarr permission. They are not formatted pages, provided as example to show how to list members database. +PublicMemberList=Public member list +BlankSubscriptionForm=Public self-subscription form +BlankSubscriptionFormDesc=Dolibarr can provide you a public URL/website to allow external visitors to ask to subscribe to the foundation. If an online payment module is enabled, a payment form may also be automatically provided. +EnablePublicSubscriptionForm=Enable the public website with self-subscription form +ForceMemberType=Force the member type +ExportDataset_member_1=Members and subscriptions +ImportDataset_member_1=Members +LastMembersModified=Latest %s modified members +LastSubscriptionsModified=Latest %s modified subscriptions +String=String +Text=Text +Int=Int +DateAndTime=Date and time +PublicMemberCard=Member public card +SubscriptionNotRecorded=Subscription not recorded +AddSubscription=Create subscription +ShowSubscription=Show subscription @@ -132,7 +111,6 @@ -SendingAnEMailToMember=Ro'yxatdanga elektron pochta xabarini yuborish -SendingEmailOnAutoSubscription=Avtomatik ro'yxatdan o'tishda elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish -SendingEmailOnMemberValidation=Yangi a'zoni tasdiqlash to'g'risida elektron pochta xabarini yuborish -SendingEmailOnNewSubscription=Yangi hissasi haqida elektron pochta xabarini yuborish -SendingReminderForExpiredSubscription=Muddati o'tgan hissalar uchun eslatma yuborilmoqda -SendingEmailOnCancelation=Bekor qilish to'g'risida elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish -SendingReminderActionComm=Kun tartibidagi tadbir uchun eslatma yuborish +SendingAnEMailToMember=Sending information email to member +SendingEmailOnAutoSubscription=Sending email on auto registration +SendingEmailOnMemberValidation=Sending email on new member validation +SendingEmailOnNewSubscription=Sending email on new subscription +SendingReminderForExpiredSubscription=Sending reminder for expired subscriptions +SendingEmailOnCancelation=Sending email on cancelation @@ -140,6 +118,6 @@ -YourMembershipRequestWasReceived=Sizning a'zoligingiz qabul qilindi. -YourMembershipWasValidated=Sizning a'zoligingiz tasdiqlandi -YourSubscriptionWasRecorded=Sizning yangi hissangiz qayd etildi -SubscriptionReminderEmail=hissasi haqida eslatma -YourMembershipWasCanceled=Sizning a'zoligingiz bekor qilindi -CardContent=A'zo kartangizning tarkibi +YourMembershipRequestWasReceived=Your membership was received. +YourMembershipWasValidated=Your membership was validated +YourSubscriptionWasRecorded=Your new subscription was recorded +SubscriptionReminderEmail=Subscription reminder +YourMembershipWasCanceled=Your membership was canceled +CardContent=Content of your member card @@ -147,102 +125,77 @@ -ThisIsContentOfYourMembershipRequestWasReceived=A'zolik so'rovi olinganligini sizga xabar qilmoqchimiz.

-ThisIsContentOfYourMembershipWasValidated=Sizning a'zoligingiz quyidagi ma'lumotlar bilan tasdiqlanganligini sizga xabar qilmoqchimiz:

-ThisIsContentOfYourSubscriptionWasRecorded=Sizning yangi obunangiz yozib olingani haqida xabar bermoqchimiz. Iltimos, ilova qilingan fakturani shu yerda toping.

-ThisIsContentOfSubscriptionReminderEmail=Obunangiz muddati tugashini yoki allaqachon tugaganligini sizga xabar qilmoqchimiz (__MEMBER_LAST_SUBSCRIPTION_DATE_END__). Siz uni yangilaysiz degan umiddamiz.

-ThisIsContentOfYourCard=Bu siz haqingizda mavjud bo'lgan ma'lumotlarning qisqacha mazmuni. Iltimos, biron bir narsa noto'g'ri bo'lsa, biz bilan bog'laning.

-DescADHERENT_AUTOREGISTER_NOTIF_MAIL_SUBJECT=Agar mehmon avtomatik ravishda yozgan bo'lsa, elektron pochta xabarining mavzusi -DescADHERENT_AUTOREGISTER_NOTIF_MAIL=Mehmon avtomatik ravishda yozilgan taqdirda olingan elektron pochta xabarining mazmuni -DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_AUTOREGISTER=Elektron pochta shabloni a'zolarni avtomatik ro'yxatdan o'tkazishda a'zoga elektron pochta yuborish uchun ishlatiladi -DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_VALIDATION=E-pochta shablonini a'zolarni tasdiqlash bo'yicha a'zolarga elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun ishlatish -DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SUBSCRIPTION=Elektron pochta shabloni, a'zolarga yangi hissa qo'shish to'g'risida elektron pochta xabarini yuborish uchun ishlatiladi -DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_REMIND_EXPIRATION=Hisob muddati tugash arafasida elektron pochta eslatmasini yuborish uchun ishlatiladigan elektron pochta shabloni -DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CANCELATION=E-pochta shablonini a'zo bekor qilinganida elektron pochta xabarini yuborish uchun foydalaniladi -DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_EXCLUSION=E-pochta shablonini a'zolardan chetlatish bo'yicha a'zolarga elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun ishlatish -DescADHERENT_MAIL_FROM=Avtomatik elektron pochta xabarlari uchun yuboruvchi elektron pochta -DescADHERENT_CC_MAIL_FROM=Avtomatik elektron pochta nusxasini quyidagi manzilga yuboring -DescADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TYPE=Yorliqlar sahifasining formati -DescADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TEXT=Ro'yxatdan manzil varaqalarida bosilgan matn -DescADHERENT_CARD_TYPE=Kartalar formati sahifasi -DescADHERENT_CARD_HEADER_TEXT=A'zo kartalari ustiga bosilgan matn -DescADHERENT_CARD_TEXT=A'zo kartalarida bosilgan matn (chap tomonda tekislang) -DescADHERENT_CARD_TEXT_RIGHT=A'zo kartalarida bosilgan matn (o'ng tomonga tekislang) -DescADHERENT_CARD_FOOTER_TEXT=Ro'yxatdan kartalarining pastki qismida bosilgan matn -ShowTypeCard="%s" turini ko'rsatish -HTPasswordExport=htpassword faylini yaratish -NoThirdPartyAssociatedToMember=Bu a'zo bilan bog'langan uchinchi tomon yo'q -MembersAndSubscriptions=A'zolar va hissalar -MoreActions=Yozib olish bo'yicha qo'shimcha harakatlar -MoreActionsOnSubscription=Hissani yozib olishda sukut bo'yicha tavsiya etilgan qo'shimcha harakat, shuningdek, badalni onlayn to'lashda avtomatik ravishda amalga oshiriladi -MoreActionBankDirect=Bank hisobvarag'ida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri yozuvni yarating -MoreActionBankViaInvoice=Hisob-fakturani va bank hisobvarag'ida to'lovni yarating -MoreActionInvoiceOnly=To'lovsiz hisob-fakturani yarating -LinkToGeneratedPages=Vizitkalar yoki manzil varaqlarini yaratish -LinkToGeneratedPagesDesc=Ushbu ekran barcha a'zolaringiz yoki ma'lum bir a'zolaringiz uchun tashrif qog'ozlari bilan PDF-fayllarni yaratishga imkon beradi. -DocForAllMembersCards=Barcha a'zolar uchun tashrif qog'ozlarini yarating -DocForOneMemberCards=Muayyan a'zoning tashrif qog'ozlarini yarating -DocForLabels=Manzil varaqalarini yarating -SubscriptionPayment=Hissa to'lovi -LastSubscriptionDate=Oxirgi badalni to'lash sanasi -LastSubscriptionAmount=Oxirgi hissa miqdori -LastMemberType=Oxirgi a'zo turi -MembersStatisticsByCountries=A'zolar statistikasi mamlakatlar bo'yicha -MembersStatisticsByState=A'zolar statistikasi viloyat / viloyat bo'yicha -MembersStatisticsByTown=A'zolar statistikasi shahar bo'yicha -MembersStatisticsByRegion=A'zolar statistikasi mintaqalar bo'yicha -NbOfMembers=A'zolarning umumiy soni -NbOfActiveMembers=Hozirgi faol a'zolarning umumiy soni -NoValidatedMemberYet=Tasdiqlangan a'zolar topilmadi -MembersByCountryDesc=Ushbu ekran sizga mamlakatlar bo'yicha a'zolarning statistikasini ko'rsatadi. Grafik va jadvallar Google-ning onlayn grafik xizmati hamda ishlaydigan internet aloqasi mavjudligiga bog'liq. -MembersByStateDesc=Ushbu ekran sizga shtatlar / viloyatlar / kantonlar bo'yicha a'zolarning statistikasini ko'rsatadi. -MembersByTownDesc=Ushbu ekran sizga shaharlar bo'yicha a'zolarning statistikasini ko'rsatadi. -MembersByNature=Ushbu ekran sizga a'zolarning statistikasini tabiatan ko'rsatadi. -MembersByRegion=Ushbu ekran sizga mintaqalar bo'yicha a'zolarning statistikasini ko'rsatadi. -MembersStatisticsDesc=O'qishni istagan statistikani tanlang ... -MenuMembersStats=Statistika -LastMemberDate=Oxirgi a'zolik sanasi -LatestSubscriptionDate=Hisobotning oxirgi sanasi -MemberNature=A'zoning tabiati -MembersNature=A'zolarning tabiati -Public=%s mening aʼzoligimni jamoat reestrida nashr qilishi mumkin -MembershipPublic=Jamoatchilik a'zoligi -NewMemberbyWeb=Yangi a'zo qo'shildi. Tasdiqlash kutilmoqda -NewMemberForm=Yangi a'zo shakli -SubscriptionsStatistics=Hisob -kitoblar statistikasi -NbOfSubscriptions=Hissalar soni -AmountOfSubscriptions=Hisob -kitoblardan yig'ilgan mablag ' -TurnoverOrBudget=Tovar aylanmasi (kompaniya uchun) yoki byudjet (fond uchun) -DefaultAmount=Birlamchi badal miqdori (agar a'zolar turi darajasida miqdor belgilanmagan bo'lsagina foydalaniladi) -MinimumAmount=Minimal miqdor (faqat badal miqdori bepul bo'lganda foydalaniladi) -CanEditAmount=Obuna miqdori a'zo tomonidan belgilanishi mumkin -CanEditAmountDetail=Mehmon a'zo turidan qat'i nazar, o'z hissasi miqdorini tanlashi/tahrirlashi mumkin -AmountIsLowerToMinimumNotice=Miqdor minimal %sdan past. -MEMBER_NEWFORM_PAYONLINE=Onlayn ro'yxatdan o'tgandan so'ng, avtomatik ravishda onlayn to'lov sahifasiga o'ting -ByProperties=Tabiatan -MembersStatisticsByProperties=A'zolar statistikasi tabiatan -VATToUseForSubscriptions=Toʻlovlar uchun QQS stavkasi -NoVatOnSubscription=Hissalar uchun QQS olinmaydi -ADHERENT_PRODUCT_ID_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS=Hisob -fakturaga hissa qo'shish uchun ishlatiladigan mahsulot: %s -NameOrCompany=Ism yoki kompaniya -SubscriptionRecorded=Hissa qo'shildi -NoEmailSentToMember=Ro'yxatdanga elektron pochta xabarlari yuborilmadi -EmailSentToMember=%s orqali a'zoga elektron pochta xabarlari yuborildi -SendReminderForExpiredSubscriptionTitle=Muddati o'tgan hissalar uchun elektron pochta orqali eslatma yuboring -SendReminderForExpiredSubscription=Hissa muddati tugashi arafasida aʼzolarga eslatmani elektron pochta orqali yuboring (parametr eslatmani yuborish uchun aʼzolik tugashidan bir necha kun oldin. Bu nuqta-vergul bilan ajratilgan kunlar roʻyxati boʻlishi mumkin, masalan, '10;5;0;-5 ') -MembershipPaid=Joriy davr uchun to'langan a'zolik (%s gacha) -YouMayFindYourInvoiceInThisEmail=Sizning hisob-fakturangizni ushbu elektron pochtaga biriktirilgan holda topishingiz mumkin -XMembersClosed=%s a'zo (lar) yopildi -XExternalUserCreated=%s tashqi foydalanuvchi (lar) yaratildi -ForceMemberNature=Majburiy a'zoning tabiati (Individual yoki Corporation) -CreateDolibarrLoginDesc=A'zolar uchun foydalanuvchi loginini yaratish ularga ilovaga ulanish imkonini beradi. Berilgan ruxsatnomalarga qarab, ular, masalan, o'z fayllarini ko'rib chiqishlari yoki o'zgartirishlari mumkin bo'ladi. -CreateDolibarrThirdPartyDesc=Agar siz har bir hissa uchun hisob-faktura yaratishga qaror qilsangiz, hisob-fakturada foydalaniladigan yuridik shaxs uchinchi shaxsdir. Siz uni keyinchalik hissani yozib olish jarayonida yaratishingiz mumkin. -MemberFirstname=A'zoning ismi -MemberLastname=A'zo familiyasi -MemberCodeDesc=A'zo kodi, barcha a'zolar uchun yagona -MemberSubscriptionStartFirstDayOf=Aʼzolikning boshlanish sanasi aʼning birinchi kuniga toʻgʻri keladi -MemberSubscriptionStartAfter=Obunaning boshlanish sanasi kuchga kirishigacha bo‘lgan minimal muddat, yangilashdan tashqari (misol, +3m = +3 oy, -5d = -5 kun, +1Y = +1 yil) -SubscriptionLinkedToConciliatedTransaction=Membership is linked to a conciliated transaction so this modification is not allowed. -ConfirmMassSubsriptionCreation=Confirm subscription creation -ConfirmMassSubsriptionCreationQuestion=Are you sure you want to create the %s selected subscription(s)? -XSubsriptionCreated=%s subscription(s) created -XSubsriptionErrors=%s subscription(s) where in error -CreateSubscription=Create subscription -WarningNoComplementaryActionDone=No Complementary action on recording will be executed with this massaction +ThisIsContentOfYourMembershipRequestWasReceived=We want to let you know that your membership request was received.

+ThisIsContentOfYourMembershipWasValidated=We want to let you know that your membership was validated with the following information:

+ThisIsContentOfYourSubscriptionWasRecorded=We want to let you know that your new subscription was recorded.

+ThisIsContentOfSubscriptionReminderEmail=We want to let you know that your subscription is about to expire or has already expired (__MEMBER_LAST_SUBSCRIPTION_DATE_END__). We hope you will renew it.

+ThisIsContentOfYourCard=This is a summary of the information we have about you. Please contact us if anything is incorrect.

+DescADHERENT_AUTOREGISTER_NOTIF_MAIL_SUBJECT=Subject of the notification email received in case of auto-inscription of a guest +DescADHERENT_AUTOREGISTER_NOTIF_MAIL=Content of the notification email received in case of auto-inscription of a guest +DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_AUTOREGISTER=Email template to use to send email to a member on member autosubscription +DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_MEMBER_VALIDATION=Email template to use to send email to a member on member validation +DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SUBSCRIPTION=Email template to use to send email to a member on new subscription recording +DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_REMIND_EXPIRATION=Email template to use to send email reminder when subscription is about to expire +DescADHERENT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CANCELATION=Email template to use to send email to a member on member cancelation +DescADHERENT_MAIL_FROM=Sender Email for automatic emails +DescADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TYPE=Format of labels page +DescADHERENT_ETIQUETTE_TEXT=Text printed on member address sheets +DescADHERENT_CARD_TYPE=Format of cards page +DescADHERENT_CARD_HEADER_TEXT=Text printed on top of member cards +DescADHERENT_CARD_TEXT=Text printed on member cards (align on left) +DescADHERENT_CARD_TEXT_RIGHT=Text printed on member cards (align on right) +DescADHERENT_CARD_FOOTER_TEXT=Text printed on bottom of member cards +ShowTypeCard=Show type '%s' +HTPasswordExport=htpassword file generation +NoThirdPartyAssociatedToMember=No third party associated to this member +MembersAndSubscriptions= Members and Subscriptions +MoreActions=Complementary action on recording +MoreActionsOnSubscription=Complementary action, suggested by default when recording a subscription +MoreActionBankDirect=Create a direct entry on bank account +MoreActionBankViaInvoice=Create an invoice, and a payment on bank account +MoreActionInvoiceOnly=Create an invoice with no payment +LinkToGeneratedPages=Generate visit cards +LinkToGeneratedPagesDesc=This screen allows you to generate PDF files with business cards for all your members or a particular member. +DocForAllMembersCards=Generate business cards for all members +DocForOneMemberCards=Generate business cards for a particular member +DocForLabels=Generate address sheets +SubscriptionPayment=Subscription payment +LastSubscriptionDate=Date of latest subscription payment +LastSubscriptionAmount=Amount of latest subscription +MembersStatisticsByCountries=Members statistics by country +MembersStatisticsByState=Members statistics by state/province +MembersStatisticsByTown=Members statistics by town +MembersStatisticsByRegion=Members statistics by region +NbOfMembers=Number of members +NoValidatedMemberYet=No validated members found +MembersByCountryDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by countries. Graphic depends however on Google online graph service and is available only if an internet connection is is working. +MembersByStateDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by state/provinces/canton. +MembersByTownDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by town. +MembersStatisticsDesc=Choose statistics you want to read... +MenuMembersStats=Statistics +LastMemberDate=Latest member date +LatestSubscriptionDate=Latest subscription date +MemberNature=Nature of member +Public=Information are public +NewMemberbyWeb=New member added. Awaiting approval +NewMemberForm=New member form +SubscriptionsStatistics=Statistics on subscriptions +NbOfSubscriptions=Number of subscriptions +AmountOfSubscriptions=Amount of subscriptions +TurnoverOrBudget=Turnover (for a company) or Budget (for a foundation) +DefaultAmount=Default amount of subscription +CanEditAmount=Visitor can choose/edit amount of its subscription +MEMBER_NEWFORM_PAYONLINE=Jump on integrated online payment page +ByProperties=By nature +MembersStatisticsByProperties=Members statistics by nature +MembersByNature=This screen show you statistics on members by nature. +MembersByRegion=This screen show you statistics on members by region. +VATToUseForSubscriptions=VAT rate to use for subscriptions +NoVatOnSubscription=No VAT for subscriptions +ADHERENT_PRODUCT_ID_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS=Product used for subscription line into invoice: %s +NameOrCompany=Name or company +SubscriptionRecorded=Subscription recorded +NoEmailSentToMember=No email sent to member +EmailSentToMember=Email sent to member at %s +SendReminderForExpiredSubscriptionTitle=Send reminder by email for expired subscription +SendReminderForExpiredSubscription=Send reminder by email to members when subscription is about to expire (parameter is number of days before end of subscription to send the remind. It can be a list of days separated by a semicolon, for example '10;5;0;-5') +MembershipPaid=Membership paid for current period (until %s) +YouMayFindYourInvoiceInThisEmail=You may find your invoice attached to this email +XMembersClosed=%s member(s) closed --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_modulebuilder.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_modulebuilder.lang @@ -2,187 +2,141 @@ -IdModule= Modul identifikatori -ModuleBuilderDesc=Ushbu vositadan faqat tajribali foydalanuvchilar yoki ishlab chiquvchilar foydalanishi kerak. U o'z modulingizni yaratish yoki tahrirlash uchun yordamchi dasturlarni taqdim etadi. Muqobil qo'lda ishlab chiqish uchun hujjatlar bu yerda . -EnterNameOfModuleDesc=Bo'sh joy qoldirmasdan yaratish uchun modul/ilova nomini kiriting. So'zlarni ajratish uchun katta harflardan foydalaning (masalan: MyModule, EcommerceForShop, SyncWithMySystem...) -EnterNameOfObjectDesc=Yaratish uchun ob'ekt nomini bo'sh joysiz kiriting. So'zlarni ajratish uchun katta harflardan foydalaning (Masalan: MyObject, Student, Teacher...). CRUD sinf fayli, ob'ektni ro'yxatga olish/qo'shish/tahrirlash/o'chirish sahifalari va SQL fayllari yaratiladi. -EnterNameOfDictionaryDesc=Boʻsh joy qoldirmasdan yaratish uchun lugʻat nomini kiriting. So'zlarni ajratish uchun katta harflardan foydalaning (Masalan: MyDico...). Sinf fayli, balki SQL fayli ham yaratiladi. -ModuleBuilderDesc2=Modullar ishlab chiqarilgan / tahrirlangan yo'l (tashqi modullar uchun birinchi katalog %s da belgilangan): %s -ModuleBuilderDesc3=Yaratilgan / tahrirlanadigan modullar topildi: %s -ModuleBuilderDesc4=Fayl %sb0a650d faylda modul “Module Builder uchun modul” sifatida aniqlanadi. modul katalogining ildizida mavjud -NewModule=Yangi modul -NewObjectInModulebuilder=Yangi ob'ekt -NewDictionary=Yangi lug'at -ModuleName=Modul nomi -ModuleKey=Modul kaliti -ObjectKey=Ob'ekt kaliti -DicKey=Lug'at kaliti -ModuleInitialized=Modul ishga tushirildi -FilesForObjectInitialized=Yangi ob'ekt uchun fayllar '%s' ishga tushirildi -FilesForObjectUpdated='%s' ob'ekti uchun fayllar yangilandi (.sql fayllari va .class.php fayli) -ModuleBuilderDescdescription=Bu erga modulingizni tavsiflovchi barcha umumiy ma'lumotlarni kiriting. -ModuleBuilderDescspecifications=Siz bu erga boshqa yorliqlarda tuzilmagan modulingizning batafsil tavsifini kiritishingiz mumkin. Shunday qilib, siz rivojlantirish uchun barcha qoidalarga osonlikcha erishasiz. Ushbu matn tarkibi yaratilgan hujjatlarga kiritiladi (oxirgi yorliqni ko'ring). Siz Markdown formatidan foydalanishingiz mumkin, ammo Asciidoc formatidan foydalanish tavsiya etiladi (.md va .asciidoc bilan taqqoslash: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#compared-to-markdown). -ModuleBuilderDescobjects=O'zingizning modulingiz bilan boshqarmoqchi bo'lgan ob'ektlarni aniqlang. CRUD DAO klassi, SQL fayllari, ob'ektlar ro'yxati ro'yxati, yozuvni yaratish / tahrirlash / ko'rish uchun API va API yaratiladi. -ModuleBuilderDescmenus=Ushbu yorliq sizning modulingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan menyu yozuvlarini aniqlashga bag'ishlangan. -ModuleBuilderDescpermissions=Ushbu yorliq sizning modulingiz bilan ta'minlamoqchi bo'lgan yangi ruxsatlarni aniqlashga bag'ishlangan. -ModuleBuilderDesctriggers=Bu sizning modulingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan triggerlarning ko'rinishi. Tijorat tadbirlari boshlanganda bajarilgan kodni kiritish uchun ushbu faylni tahrirlash kifoya. -ModuleBuilderDeschooks=Ushbu yorliq kancalarga bag'ishlangan. -ModuleBuilderDescwidgets=Ushbu yorliq vidjetlarni boshqarish / qurishga bag'ishlangan. -ModuleBuilderDescbuildpackage=Siz bu erda modulingizning "tarqatishga tayyor" paketli faylini (normalizatsiya qilingan .zip fayli) va "tarqatishga tayyor" hujjat faylini yaratishingiz mumkin. Paket yoki hujjatlar faylini yaratish uchun tugmani bosing. -EnterNameOfModuleToDeleteDesc=Siz modulingizni o'chirib tashlashingiz mumkin. OGOHLANTIRISH: Modulning barcha kodlash fayllari (qo'lda yaratilgan yoki yaratilgan) VA tuzilgan ma'lumotlar va hujjatlar o'chiriladi! -EnterNameOfObjectToDeleteDesc=You can delete an object. WARNING: All coding files (generated or created manually) related to the object will be deleted! -DangerZone=Xavfli hudud -BuildPackage=Paket yaratish -BuildPackageDesc=Siz o'zingizning arizangizning zip paketini yaratishingiz mumkin, shunda siz uni har qanday Dolibarr-da tarqatishga tayyor bo'lasiz. Siz uni tarqatishingiz yoki kabi bozorda sotishingiz mumkin DoliStore.com . -BuildDocumentation=Hujjatlarni yaratish -ModuleIsNotActive=Ushbu modul hali faollashtirilmagan. Uni jonli qilish uchun %s-ga o'ting yoki shu yerni bosing -ModuleIsLive=Ushbu modul faollashtirildi. Har qanday o'zgarish joriy jonli xususiyatni buzishi mumkin. -DescriptionLong=Uzoq tavsif -EditorName=Muharrir nomi -EditorUrl=Tahrirlovchining URL manzili -DescriptorFile=Modulning tavsiflovchi fayli -ClassFile=PHP DAO CRUD klassi uchun fayl -ApiClassFile=modulning API fayli -PageForList=Rekordlar ro'yxati uchun PHP sahifasi -PageForCreateEditView=Yozuvni yaratish / tahrirlash / ko'rish uchun PHP sahifasi -PageForAgendaTab=Voqealar yorlig'i uchun PHP sahifasi -PageForDocumentTab=Hujjatlar yorlig'i uchun PHP sahifasi -PageForNoteTab=Eslatma yorlig'i uchun PHP sahifasi -PageForContactTab=Kontakt yorlig'i uchun PHP sahifasi -PathToModulePackage=Modul / dastur paketini zipga yo'naltirish -PathToModuleDocumentation=Modul / dastur hujjatlari fayliga yo'l (%s) -SpaceOrSpecialCharAreNotAllowed=Bo'sh joy yoki maxsus belgilarga ruxsat berilmaydi. -FileNotYetGenerated=Fayl hali yaratilmagan -GenerateCode=Kod yarating -RegenerateClassAndSql=.Class va .sql fayllarini majburiy yangilash -RegenerateMissingFiles=Yo'qotilgan fayllarni yaratish -SpecificationFile=Hujjatlar fayli -LanguageFile=Til uchun fayl -ObjectProperties=Ob'ekt xususiyatlari -Property=Mulk -PropertyDesc=Xususiyat ob'ektni tavsiflovchi atributdir. Bu atribut kod, yorliq va bir nechta variantga ega turga ega. -ConfirmDeleteProperty= %s xususiyatini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? Bu PHP sinfidagi kodni o'zgartiradi, shuningdek ob'ektni jadval ta'rifidan ustunni olib tashlaydi. -NotNull=NULL emas -NotNullDesc=1=Ma'lumotlar bazasini NO NULL ga o'rnating, 0=Nul qiymatlarga ruxsat bering, -1=Bo'sh bo'lsa, qiymatni NULLga majburlash orqali null qiymatlarga ruxsat bering ('' yoki 0) -SearchAll="Hammasini qidirish" uchun ishlatiladi -DatabaseIndex=Ma'lumotlar bazasi indeksi -FileAlreadyExists=%s fayli allaqachon mavjud -TriggersFile=Trigger kodi uchun fayl -HooksFile=Kancalar kodi uchun fayl -ArrayOfKeyValues=Key-val qatori -ArrayOfKeyValuesDesc=Agar maydon belgilangan qiymatlarga ega bo'lgan kombinatsion ro'yxat bo'lsa, kalitlar va qiymatlar qatori -WidgetFile=Vidjet fayli -CSSFile=CSS fayli -JSFile=JavaScript fayli -ReadmeFile=Readme fayli -ChangeLog=ChangeLog fayli -TestClassFile=PHP birligi testi uchun fayl -SqlFile=SQL fayli -PageForLib=Umumiy PHP kutubxonasi uchun fayl -PageForObjLib=Ob'ektga bag'ishlangan PHP kutubxonasi uchun fayl -SqlFileExtraFields=Qo'shimcha atributlar uchun SQL fayli -SqlFileKey=Kalitlar uchun SQL fayli -SqlFileKeyExtraFields=Qo'shimcha atributlarning kalitlari uchun SQL fayli -AnObjectAlreadyExistWithThisNameAndDiffCase=Ob'ekt allaqachon ushbu nom va boshqa holat bilan mavjud -UseAsciiDocFormat=Siz Markdown formatidan foydalanishingiz mumkin, ammo Asciidoc formatidan foydalanish tavsiya etiladi (.md va .asciidoc o'rtasidagi omparison: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#compared-to-markdown) -IsAMeasure=Bu o'lchovdir -DirScanned=Katalog skanerdan o'tkazildi -NoTrigger=Trigger yo'q -NoWidget=Vidjet yo‘q -ApiExplorer=API tadqiqotchisi -ListOfMenusEntries=Menyu yozuvlari ro'yxati -ListOfDictionariesEntries=Lug'at yozuvlari ro'yxati -ListOfPermissionsDefined=Belgilangan ruxsatnomalar ro'yxati -SeeExamples=Bu erda misollarni ko'ring -EnabledDesc=Bu maydonni faollashtirish sharti.

getDolGlobalString('MYMODULE_OPTION')==2 -VisibleDesc=Maydon ko'rinadimi? (Misollar: 0=Hech qachon koʻrinmaydi, 1=Roʻyxatda koʻrinadi va shakllarni yaratish/yangilash/koʻrish, 2=Faqat roʻyxatda koʻrinadi, 3=Faqat shakl yaratish/yangilash/koʻrishda koʻrinadi (roʻyxatlarda emas), 4=Roʻyxatlarda koʻrinadi va faqat shaklni yangilash/ko‘rish (yaratmaydi), 5=Ro‘yxatda ko‘rinadi va forma faqat ko‘rinadi (yaratmaydi, yangilanmaydi).

Salbiy qiymatdan foydalanish, bu maydon sukut boʻyicha roʻyxatda koʻrsatilmaydi, lekin koʻrish uchun tanlanishi mumkin). -ItCanBeAnExpression=Bu ifoda bo'lishi mumkin. Misol:
preg_match('/public/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])?0:1
$user ->hasRight('holiday', 'define_holiday')?1:5 -DisplayOnPdfDesc=Bu maydonni mos keluvchi PDF hujjatlarida ko‘rsating, siz “Joylashuv” maydoni bilan joylashuvni boshqarishingiz mumkin.
Hujjat uchun:
0 = ko'rsatilmaydi
1 = displey
b09b784 span>Hujjat qatorlari uchun:

0 = koʻrsatilmagan
= ustunda ko'rsatiladi
3 = tavsifdan keyin satr tavsifi ustunida ko'rsatiladi
4 = tavsifdan keyin tavsif ustunida ko'rsatiladi faqat bo'sh bo'lmasa -DisplayOnPdf=PDF formatida -IsAMeasureDesc=Jami ro'yxatga kiritish uchun maydon qiymatini yig'ish mumkinmi? (Masalan: 1 yoki 0) -SearchAllDesc=Ushbu maydon tezkor qidiruv vositasidan qidirish uchun foydalaniladimi? (Masalan: 1 yoki 0) -SpecDefDesc=O'zingizning modulingiz bilan ta'minlamoqchi bo'lgan barcha boshqa hujjatlarni bu erga kiriting. Siz .md yoki undan yaxshiroq, boy .asciidoc sintaksisidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -LanguageDefDesc=Ushbu fayllarga barcha kalitlarni va har bir til fayli uchun tarjimasini kiriting. -MenusDefDesc=Modulingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan menyularni aniqlang -DictionariesDefDesc=Modulingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan lug'atlarni aniqlang -PermissionsDefDesc=Sizning modulingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan yangi ruxsatlarni aniqlang -MenusDefDescTooltip=Modulingiz/ilovangiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan menyular $this->menyu massivida modul identifikatori faylida aniqlanadi. Siz ushbu faylni qo'lda tahrirlashingiz yoki o'rnatilgan muharriridan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Eslatma: Aniqlangandan so'ng (va modul qayta faollashtirilgan), menyular %s da administrator foydalanuvchilari uchun mavjud bo'lgan menyu muharririda ham ko'rinadi. -DictionariesDefDescTooltip=Sizning modulingiz / ilovangiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan lug'atlar $ this-> lug'atlar massivida modul tavsiflovchi faylida aniqlangan. Siz ushbu faylni qo'lda tahrirlashingiz yoki o'rnatilgan muharrirdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Eslatma: Belgilanganidan keyin (va modul qayta yoqilganda), lug'atlar administrator foydalanuvchilariga %s-da o'rnatish maydonchasida ham ko'rinadi. -PermissionsDefDescTooltip=Sizning modulingiz / ilovangiz tomonidan berilgan ruxsatlar $ this-> huquqlari qatorida modul identifikatori faylida aniqlangan. Siz ushbu faylni qo'lda tahrirlashingiz yoki o'rnatilgan muharrirdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Izoh: Belgilanganidan keyin (va modul qayta yoqilganda), ruxsatnomalar standart ruxsatlar %s-da ko'rinadi. -HooksDefDesc=Modul identifikatori faylida module_parts['hooks'] xossasida kancangiz ochilganda kontekstlar roʻyxatini aniqlang. bajarilishi kerak (mumkin kontekstlar roʻyxatini 'initHooks(' asosiy kodda qidirish orqali topish mumkin) .
Keyin, ilgaklar kodi boʻlgan faylni oʻzingizning bogʻlangan funksiyalaringiz kodi bilan tahrirlang (bogʻlanadigan funksiyalar roʻyxatini ' orqali qidirish orqali topish mumkin. executeHooks' asosiy kodda). -TriggerDefDesc=Trigger faylida modulingizdan tashqari biznes hodisasi (boshqa modullar tomonidan ishga tushirilgan hodisalar) bajarilganda bajarmoqchi bo'lgan kodni aniqlang. -SeeIDsInUse=O'rnatishda foydalanilayotgan identifikatorlarni ko'ring -SeeReservedIDsRangeHere=Saqlangan identifikatorlar qatorini ko'ring -ToolkitForDevelopers=Dolibarr dasturchilari uchun qo'llanma -TryToUseTheModuleBuilder=Agar siz SQL va PHP haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lsangiz, mahalliy modul yaratuvchisi sehrgaridan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
%s modulini yoqing va ustadan o'ng menyusida bosing.
Ogohlantirish: Bu ishlab chiquvchining rivojlangan xususiyati, ishlab chiqarish saytida
emas, balki tajribasini bajaring! -SeeTopRightMenu=Yuqoridagi o'ng menyuda ga qarang. -AddLanguageFile=Til faylini qo'shing -YouCanUseTranslationKey=Siz bu erda til faylida joylashgan tarjima kaliti bo'lgan kalitdan foydalanishingiz mumkin ("Tillar" yorlig'iga qarang) -DropTableIfEmpty=(Bo'sh bo'lsa jadvalni yo'q qilish) -TableDoesNotExists=%s jadvali mavjud emas -TableDropped=%s-jadval o'chirildi -InitStructureFromExistingTable=Mavjud jadvalning struktura qatorlari qatorini yarating -UseAboutPage=Haqida sahifasini yaratmang -UseDocFolder=Hujjatlar papkasini o'chirib qo'ying -UseSpecificReadme=Muayyan ReadMe-dan foydalaning -ContentOfREADMECustomized=Eslatma: README.md faylining tarkibi ModuleBuilder-ni o'rnatishda aniqlangan qiymat bilan almashtirildi. -RealPathOfModule=Modulning haqiqiy yo'li -ContentCantBeEmpty=Fayl tarkibi bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas -WidgetDesc=Siz o'zingizning modulingizga o'rnatilgan vidjetlarni yaratishingiz va tahrirlashingiz mumkin. -CSSDesc=Siz o'zingizning modulingizga kiritilgan shaxsiy CSS-ga ega faylni yaratishingiz va tahrirlashingiz mumkin. -JSDesc=Siz bu yerda modulingizga oʻrnatilgan shaxsiylashtirilgan JavaScript-ga ega faylni yaratishingiz va tahrirlashingiz mumkin. -CLIDesc=Siz o'zingizning modulingiz bilan ta'minlamoqchi bo'lgan ba'zi buyruq satri skriptlarini yaratishingiz mumkin. -CLIFile=CLI fayli -NoCLIFile=CLI fayllari yo'q -UseSpecificEditorName = Muayyan muharrir nomidan foydalaning -UseSpecificEditorURL = Muayyan tahrirlovchining URL manzilidan foydalaning -UseSpecificFamily = Muayyan oiladan foydalaning -UseSpecificAuthor = Muayyan muallifdan foydalaning -UseSpecificVersion = Muayyan dastlabki versiyadan foydalaning -IncludeRefGeneration=Ushbu ob'ektga havola maxsus raqamlash qoidalari bilan avtomatik ravishda yaratilishi kerak -IncludeRefGenerationHelp=Maxsus raqamlash qoidalaridan foydalangan holda ma'lumotnomani avtomatik ravishda yaratishni boshqarish uchun kod qo'shmoqchi bo'lsangiz, buni belgilang -IncludeDocGeneration=Men ushbu ob'ekt uchun shablonlardan ba'zi hujjatlarni (PDF, ODT) yaratishni xohlayman -IncludeDocGenerationHelp=Agar buni belgilasangiz, yozuvga "Hujjat yaratish" katagini qo'shish uchun ba'zi kodlar hosil bo'ladi. -ShowOnCombobox=Qiymatni birlashtirilgan qutilarga ko'rsatish -KeyForTooltip=Maslahatlar uchun kalit -CSSClass=Formani tahrirlash / yaratish uchun CSS -CSSViewClass=O'qish shakli uchun CSS -CSSListClass=Ro'yxat uchun CSS -NotEditable=Tahrirlash mumkin emas -ForeignKey=Chet el kaliti -ForeignKeyDesc=Agar ushbu maydonning qiymati boshqa jadvalda mavjudligi kafolatlangan bo'lsa. Bu yerga mos qiymat sintaksisini kiriting: tablename.parentfieldtocheck -TypeOfFieldsHelp=Misol:
elektron pochta
telefon ='notranslate'>
parolb span>double(24,8)

vaqt tamg'asi
'1' yozuv yaratish uchun kombinatsiyadan keyin + tugmasi qo'shilganligini bildiradi
'filtr Universal filtr sintaksisi sharti, misol: '((status:=:1) VA (fk_user:=:__USER_ID__) AND (obyekt:IN:(__SHARED_ENTITIES__))' -TypeOfFieldsHelpIntro=Bu maydon/atributning turi. -AsciiToHtmlConverter=Ascii-dan HTML-ga o'zgartiruvchi -AsciiToPdfConverter=Ascii-dan PDF-ga o'tkazuvchi -TableNotEmptyDropCanceled=Stol bo'sh emas Drop bekor qilindi. -ModuleBuilderNotAllowed=Modul yaratuvchisi mavjud, ammo sizning foydalanuvchingizga ruxsat berilmagan. -ImportExportProfiles=Import va eksport rejimlari -ValidateModBuilderDesc=Qo'shish yoki yangilash vaqtida maydon mazmunini tekshirish uchun chaqirilayotgan ob'ektning $this->validateField() usuliga ega bo'lishni istasangiz, buni 1 ga o'rnating. Agar tekshirish talab qilinmasa, 0 ni o'rnating. -WarningDatabaseIsNotUpdated=Ogohlantirish: Ma'lumotlar bazasi avtomatik ravishda yangilanmaydi, siz jadvallarni yo'q qilishingiz va jadvallarni qayta yaratish uchun modulni o'chirib qo'yishingiz kerak. -LinkToParentMenu=Asosiy menyu (fk_xxxxmenu) -ListOfTabsEntries=Yorliqlar ro'yxati -TabsDefDesc=Bu yerda modulingiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan yorliqlarni belgilang -TabsDefDescTooltip=Modul/ilovangiz tomonidan taqdim etilgan yorliqlar $this->tabs massivida modul identifikatori faylida aniqlanadi. Siz ushbu faylni qo'lda tahrirlashingiz yoki o'rnatilgan muharriridan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -BadValueForType=%s turi uchun noto'g'ri qiymat -DefinePropertiesFromExistingTable=Mavjud jadvaldagi maydonlarni/xususiyatlarni aniqlang -DefinePropertiesFromExistingTableDesc=Agar ma'lumotlar bazasida jadval (ob'ekt yaratish uchun) allaqachon mavjud bo'lsa, uni ob'ekt xususiyatlarini aniqlash uchun ishlatishingiz mumkin. -DefinePropertiesFromExistingTableDesc2=Agar jadval hali mavjud bo'lmasa, bo'sh qoldiring. Kod generatori keyinchalik tahrir qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan jadval namunasini yaratish uchun turli xil maydonlardan foydalanadi. -GeneratePermissions=Men ushbu obyektdagi ruxsatlarni boshqarmoqchiman -GeneratePermissionsHelp=Agar buni belgilasangiz, ob'ektlar yozuvini o'qish, yozish va o'chirish uchun ruxsatlarni boshqarish uchun ba'zi kodlar qo'shiladi -PermissionDeletedSuccesfuly=Ruxsat muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlandi -PermissionUpdatedSuccesfuly=Ruxsat muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi -PermissionAddedSuccesfuly=Ruxsat muvaffaqiyatli qo'shildi -MenuDeletedSuccessfuly=Menyu muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi -MenuAddedSuccessfuly=Menyu muvaffaqiyatli qo'shildi -MenuUpdatedSuccessfuly=Menyu muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi -ApiObjectDeleted=%s obyekti uchun API muvaffaqiyatli o‘chirildi -CRUDRead=O'qing -CRUDCreateWrite=Yarating yoki yangilang -FailedToAddCodeIntoDescriptor=Deskriptorga kod qo‘shib bo‘lmadi. Faylda “%s” qator izohi mavjudligini tekshiring. -DictionariesCreated=%s lug'ati muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi. -DictionaryDeleted=%s lug'ati olib tashlandi. -PropertyModuleUpdated=%s mulki muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi -InfoForApiFile=* Faylni birinchi marta yaratganingizda, har bir obyekt uchun barcha usullar yaratiladi.
* oʻchirishni bosganingizda ni bosganingizda, tanlangan obyekt. -SetupFile=Modulni sozlash sahifasi -EmailingSelectors=Emails selectors -EmailingSelectorDesc=Ommaviy elektron pochta moduli uchun yangi elektron maqsadli tanlovchilarni taqdim etish uchun sinf fayllarini bu yerda yaratishingiz va tahrirlashingiz mumkin -EmailingSelectorFile=Elektron pochta selektor fayli -NoEmailingSelector=Elektron pochtani tanlash fayli yo'q +ModuleBuilderDesc=This tool must be used only by experienced users or developers. It provides utilities to build or edit your own module. Documentation for alternative manual development is here. +EnterNameOfModuleDesc=Enter name of the module/application to create with no spaces. Use uppercase to separate words (For example: MyModule, EcommerceForShop, SyncWithMySystem...) +EnterNameOfObjectDesc=Enter name of the object to create with no spaces. Use uppercase to separate words (For example: MyObject, Student, Teacher...). The CRUD class file, but also API file, pages to list/add/edit/delete object and SQL files will be generated. +ModuleBuilderDesc2=Path where modules are generated/edited (first directory for external modules defined into %s): %s +ModuleBuilderDesc3=Generated/editable modules found: %s +ModuleBuilderDesc4=A module is detected as 'editable' when the file %s exists in root of module directory +NewModule=New module +NewObjectInModulebuilder=New object +ModuleKey=Module key +ObjectKey=Object key +ModuleInitialized=Module initialized +FilesForObjectInitialized=Files for new object '%s' initialized +FilesForObjectUpdated=Files for object '%s' updated (.sql files and .class.php file) +ModuleBuilderDescdescription=Enter here all general information that describe your module. +ModuleBuilderDescspecifications=You can enter here a detailed description of the specifications of your module that is not already structured into other tabs. So you have within easy reach all the rules to develop. Also this text content will be included into the generated documentation (see last tab). You can use Markdown format, but it is recommended to use Asciidoc format (comparison between .md and .asciidoc: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#compared-to-markdown). +ModuleBuilderDescobjects=Define here the objects you want to manage with your module. A CRUD DAO class, SQL files, page to list record of objects, to create/edit/view a record and an API will be generated. +ModuleBuilderDescmenus=This tab is dedicated to define menu entries provided by your module. +ModuleBuilderDescpermissions=This tab is dedicated to define the new permissions you want to provide with your module. +ModuleBuilderDesctriggers=This is the view of triggers provided by your module. To include code executed when a triggered business event is launched, just edit this file. +ModuleBuilderDeschooks=This tab is dedicated to hooks. +ModuleBuilderDescwidgets=This tab is dedicated to manage/build widgets. +ModuleBuilderDescbuildpackage=You can generate here a "ready to distribute" package file (a normalized .zip file) of your module and a "ready to distribute" documentation file. Just click on button to build the package or documentation file. +EnterNameOfModuleToDeleteDesc=You can delete your module. WARNING: All coding files of module (generated or created manually) AND structured data and documentation will be deleted! +EnterNameOfObjectToDeleteDesc=You can delete an object. WARNING: All coding files (generated or created manually) related to object will be deleted! +DangerZone=Danger zone +BuildPackage=Build package +BuildPackageDesc=You can generate a zip package of your application so your are ready to distribute it on any Dolibarr. You can also distribute it or sell it on marketplace like DoliStore.com. +BuildDocumentation=Build documentation +ModuleIsNotActive=This module is not activated yet. Go to %s to make it live or click here +ModuleIsLive=This module has been activated. Any change may break a current live feature. +DescriptionLong=Long description +EditorName=Name of editor +EditorUrl=URL of editor +DescriptorFile=Descriptor file of module +ClassFile=File for PHP DAO CRUD class +ApiClassFile=File for PHP API class +PageForList=PHP page for list of record +PageForCreateEditView=PHP page to create/edit/view a record +PageForAgendaTab=PHP page for event tab +PageForDocumentTab=PHP page for document tab +PageForNoteTab=PHP page for note tab +PathToModulePackage=Path to zip of module/application package +PathToModuleDocumentation=Path to file of module/application documentation (%s) +SpaceOrSpecialCharAreNotAllowed=Spaces or special characters are not allowed. +FileNotYetGenerated=File not yet generated +RegenerateClassAndSql=Force update of .class and .sql files +RegenerateMissingFiles=Generate missing files +SpecificationFile=File of documentation +LanguageFile=File for language +ObjectProperties=Object Properties +ConfirmDeleteProperty=Are you sure you want to delete the property %s? This will change code in PHP class but also remove column from table definition of object. +NotNull=Not NULL +NotNullDesc=1=Set database to NOT NULL. -1=Allow null values and force value to NULL if empty ('' or 0). +SearchAll=Used for 'search all' +DatabaseIndex=Database index +FileAlreadyExists=File %s already exists +TriggersFile=File for triggers code +HooksFile=File for hooks code +ArrayOfKeyValues=Array of key-val +ArrayOfKeyValuesDesc=Array of keys and values if field is a combo list with fixed values +WidgetFile=Widget file +CSSFile=CSS file +JSFile=Javascript file +ReadmeFile=Readme file +ChangeLog=ChangeLog file +TestClassFile=File for PHP Unit Test class +SqlFile=Sql file +PageForLib=File for the common PHP library +PageForObjLib=File for the PHP library dedicated to object +SqlFileExtraFields=Sql file for complementary attributes +SqlFileKey=Sql file for keys +SqlFileKeyExtraFields=Sql file for keys of complementary attributes +AnObjectAlreadyExistWithThisNameAndDiffCase=An object already exists with this name and a different case +UseAsciiDocFormat=You can use Markdown format, but it is recommended to use Asciidoc format (omparison between .md and .asciidoc: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#compared-to-markdown) +IsAMeasure=Is a measure +DirScanned=Directory scanned +NoTrigger=No trigger +NoWidget=No widget +GoToApiExplorer=Go to API explorer +ListOfMenusEntries=List of menu entries +ListOfDictionariesEntries=List of dictionaries entries +ListOfPermissionsDefined=List of defined permissions +SeeExamples=See examples here +EnabledDesc=Condition to have this field active (Examples: 1 or $conf->global->MYMODULE_MYOPTION) +VisibleDesc=Is the field visible ? (Examples: 0=Never visible, 1=Visible on list and create/update/view forms, 2=Visible on list only, 3=Visible on create/update/view form only (not list), 4=Visible on list and update/view form only (not create), 5=Visible on list end view form only (not create, not update).

Using a negative value means field is not shown by default on list but can be selected for viewing).

It can be an expression, for example:
preg_match('/public/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])?0:1
($user->rights->holiday->define_holiday ? 1 : 0) +DisplayOnPdfDesc=Display this field on compatible PDF documents, you can manage position with "Position" field.
Currently, known compatibles PDF models are : eratosthene (order), espadon (ship), sponge (invoices), cyan (propal/quotation), cornas (supplier order)

For document :
0 = not displayed
1 = display
2 = display only if not empty

For document lines :
0 = not displayed
1 = displayed in a column
3 = display in line description column after the description
4 = display in description column after the description only if not empty +DisplayOnPdf=Display on PDF +IsAMeasureDesc=Can the value of field be cumulated to get a total into list? (Examples: 1 or 0) +SearchAllDesc=Is the field used to make a search from the quick search tool? (Examples: 1 or 0) +SpecDefDesc=Enter here all documentation you want to provide with your module that is not already defined by other tabs. You can use .md or better, the rich .asciidoc syntax. +LanguageDefDesc=Enter in this files, all the key and the translation for each language file. +MenusDefDesc=Define here the menus provided by your module +DictionariesDefDesc=Define here the dictionaries provided by your module +PermissionsDefDesc=Define here the new permissions provided by your module +MenusDefDescTooltip=The menus provided by your module/application are defined into the array $this->menus into the module descriptor file. You can edit manually this file or use the embedded editor.

Note: Once defined (and module re-activated), menus are also visible into the menu editor available to administrator users on %s. +DictionariesDefDescTooltip=The dictionaries provided by your module/application are defined into the array $this->dictionaries into the module descriptor file. You can edit manually this file or use the embedded editor.

Note: Once defined (and module re-activated), dictionaries are also visible into the setup area to administrator users on %s. +PermissionsDefDescTooltip=The permissions provided by your module/application are defined into the array $this->rights into the module descriptor file. You can edit manually this file or use the embedded editor.

Note: Once defined (and module re-activated), permissions are visible into the default permissions setup %s. +HooksDefDesc=Define in the module_parts['hooks'] property, in the module descriptor, the context of hooks you want to manage (list of contexts can be found by a search on 'initHooks(' in core code).
Edit the hook file to add code of your hooked functions (hookable functions can be found by a search on 'executeHooks' in core code). +TriggerDefDesc=Define in the trigger file the code you want to execute for each business event executed. +SeeIDsInUse=See IDs in use in your installation +SeeReservedIDsRangeHere=See range of reserved IDs +ToolkitForDevelopers=Toolkit for Dolibarr developers +TryToUseTheModuleBuilder=If you have knowledge of SQL and PHP, you may use the native module builder wizard.
Enable the module %s and use the wizard by clicking the on the top right menu.
Warning: This is an advanced developer feature, do not experiment on your production site! +SeeTopRightMenu=See on the top right menu +AddLanguageFile=Add language file +YouCanUseTranslationKey=You can use here a key that is the translation key found into language file (see tab "Languages") +DropTableIfEmpty=(Delete table if empty) +TableDoesNotExists=The table %s does not exists +TableDropped=Table %s deleted +InitStructureFromExistingTable=Build the structure array string of an existing table +UseAboutPage=Disable the about page +UseDocFolder=Disable the documentation folder +UseSpecificReadme=Use a specific ReadMe +ContentOfREADMECustomized=Note: The content of the README.md file has been replaced with the specific value defined into setup of ModuleBuilder. +RealPathOfModule=Real path of module +ContentCantBeEmpty=Content of file can't be empty +WidgetDesc=You can generate and edit here the widgets that will be embedded with your module. +CSSDesc=You can generate and edit here a file with personalized CSS embedded with your module. +JSDesc=You can generate and edit here a file with personalized Javascript embedded with your module. +CLIDesc=You can generate here some command line scripts you want to provide with your module. +CLIFile=CLI File +NoCLIFile=No CLI files +UseSpecificEditorName = Use a specific editor name +UseSpecificEditorURL = Use a specific editor URL +UseSpecificFamily = Use a specific family +UseSpecificAuthor = Use a specific author +UseSpecificVersion = Use a specific initial version +ModuleMustBeEnabled=The module/application must be enabled first +IncludeRefGeneration=The reference of object must be generated automatically +IncludeRefGenerationHelp=Check this if you want to include code to manage the generation automatically of the reference +IncludeDocGeneration=I want to generate some documents from the object +IncludeDocGenerationHelp=If you check this, some code will be generated to add a "Generate document" box on the record. +ShowOnCombobox=Show value into combobox +KeyForTooltip=Key for tooltip +CSSClass=CSS Class +NotEditable=Not editable +ForeignKey=Foreign key +TypeOfFieldsHelp=Type of fields:
varchar(99), double(24,8), real, text, html, datetime, timestamp, integer, integer:ClassName:relativepath/to/classfile.class.php[:1[:filter]] ('1' means we add a + button after the combo to create the record, 'filter' can be 'status=1 AND fk_user = __USER_ID AND entity IN (__SHARED_ENTITIES__)' for example) +AsciiToHtmlConverter=Ascii to HTML converter +AsciiToPdfConverter=Ascii to PDF converter +TableNotEmptyDropCanceled=Table not empty. Drop has been canceled. --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_mrp.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_mrp.lang @@ -1,139 +1,77 @@ -Mrp=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari -MOs=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari -ManufacturingOrder=Ishlab chiqarish tartibi -MRPDescription=Ishlab chiqarish va ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalarini boshqarish uchun modul (MO). -MRPArea=MRP maydoni -MrpSetupPage=MRP modulini sozlash -MenuBOM=Materiallar -LatestBOMModified=Oxirgi %s O'zgartirilgan materiallar hisob-kitoblari -LatestMOModified=Oxirgi %s ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari o'zgartirildi -Bom=Materiallar veksellari -BillOfMaterials=Materiallar hujjati -BillOfMaterialsLines=Materiallar ro'yxati -BOMsSetup=BOM modulini sozlash -ListOfBOMs=Materiallar varaqlari - BOM -ListOfManufacturingOrders=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari -NewBOM=Yangi hisobot materiallari -ProductBOMHelp=Ushbu BOM bilan yaratish (yoki qismlarga ajratish) uchun mahsulot.
Izoh: 'Mahsulotning tabiati' = 'Xomashyo' xususiyatiga ega mahsulotlar ushbu ro'yxatda ko'rinmaydi. -BOMsNumberingModules=BOM raqamlash shablonlari -BOMsModelModule=BOM hujjatlari shablonlari -MOsNumberingModules=MO raqamlash shablonlari -MOsModelModule=MO hujjatlari shablonlari -FreeLegalTextOnBOMs=BOM hujjatidagi bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftBOMs=BOM loyihasidagi suv belgisi -FreeLegalTextOnMOs=MO hujjatidagi bepul matn -WatermarkOnDraftMOs=MO loyihasidagi suv belgisi -ConfirmCloneBillOfMaterials=%s materiallar hisobini klonlamoqchimisiz? -ConfirmCloneMo=%s ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini klonlamoqchimisiz? -ManufacturingEfficiency=Ishlab chiqarish samaradorligi -ConsumptionEfficiency=Iste'mol samaradorligi -Consumption=Iste'mol -ValueOfMeansLoss=0,95 qiymati ishlab chiqarish yoki demontaj paytida o'rtacha 5%% yo'qotishni bildiradi. -ValueOfMeansLossForProductProduced=0,95 qiymati ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulotning o'rtacha 5%% yo'qolishini anglatadi -DeleteBillOfMaterials=Materiallar varaqasini o'chirish -CancelMo=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini bekor qilish -MoCancelConsumedAndProducedLines=Shuningdek, barcha iste'mol qilingan va ishlab chiqarilgan liniyalarni bekor qiling (chiziqlar va zaxiralarni o'chirish) -ConfirmCancelMo=Haqiqatan ham ushbu ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini bekor qilmoqchimisiz? -DeleteMo=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteBillOfMaterials=Ushbu Bill Of Materialni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteMo=Haqiqatan ham ushbu ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini o‘chirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -DeleteMoChild = Ushbu MO ga bogʻlangan asosiy MOlarni oʻchirib tashlang %s -MoChildsDeleted = Barcha bolalar MO o'chirildi -MenuMRP=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari -NewMO=Yangi ishlab chiqarish tartibi -QtyToProduce=Miqdor ishlab chiqarish -DateStartPlannedMo=Sana boshlanishi rejalashtirilgan -DateEndPlannedMo=Sana tugashi rejalashtirilgan -KeepEmptyForAsap=Bo'sh "iloji boricha tezroq" degan ma'noni anglatadi -EstimatedDuration=Taxminiy davomiyligi -EstimatedDurationDesc=Ushbu BOM yordamida ushbu mahsulotni ishlab chiqarish (yoki demontaj qilish) uchun taxminiy muddat -ConfirmValidateBom=BOM-ni %s ma'lumotnomasi bilan tasdiqlashni xohlaysizmi (siz undan yangi ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalarini yaratish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin) -ConfirmCloseBom=Ushbu BOM-ni bekor qilishni xohlaganingizga ishonchingiz komilmi (endi siz uni yangi ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalarini yaratish uchun ishlata olmaysiz)? -ConfirmReopenBom=Ushbu BOM-ni qayta ochmoqchi ekanligingizga aminmisiz (siz undan yangi ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalarini yaratish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin) -StatusMOProduced=Ishlab chiqarilgan -QtyFrozen=Muzlatilgan miqdor -QuantityFrozen=Muzlatilgan miqdor -QuantityConsumedInvariable=Ushbu bayroq o'rnatilganida, iste'mol qilingan miqdor har doim belgilangan qiymat bo'lib, ishlab chiqarilgan miqdorga nisbatan emas. -DisableStockChange=Qimmatli qog'ozlar almashinuvi o'chirilgan -DisableStockChangeHelp=Ushbu bayroq o'rnatilganida, iste'mol qilingan miqdordan qat'i nazar, ushbu mahsulotda birja o'zgarishi bo'lmaydi -BomAndBomLines=Materiallar va chiziqlar -BOMLine=BOM liniyasi -WarehouseForProduction=Ishlab chiqarish uchun ombor -CreateMO=MO yaratish -ToConsume=Iste'mol qilish -ToProduce=Ishlab chiqarish -ToObtain=Olish uchun -QtyAlreadyConsumed=Miqdor allaqachon iste'mol qilingan -QtyAlreadyProduced=Miqdor allaqachon ishlab chiqarilgan -QtyAlreadyConsumedShort=Iste'mol qilingan miqdor -QtyAlreadyProducedShort=Ishlab chiqarilgan miqdor -QtyRequiredIfNoLoss=Agar yo'qotish bo'lmasa, BOMda belgilangan miqdorni ishlab chiqarish uchun zarur bo'lgan miqdor (ishlab chiqarish samaradorligi 100%% bo'lsa) -ConsumeOrProduce=Iste'mol qiling yoki ishlab chiqaring -ConsumeAndProduceAll=Hammasini iste'mol qiling va ishlab chiqaring -Manufactured=Ishlab chiqarilgan -TheProductXIsAlreadyTheProductToProduce=Qo'shiladigan mahsulot allaqachon ishlab chiqariladigan mahsulotdir. -ForAQuantityOf=%s hosil qiladigan miqdor uchun -ForAQuantityToConsumeOf=%s qismini ajratish uchun miqdor uchun -ConfirmValidateMo=Ushbu ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini tasdiqlamoqchimisiz? -ConfirmProductionDesc="%s" tugmachasini bosish orqali siz iste'mol qilingan miqdorni va / yoki ishlab chiqarishni belgilangan miqdorlarga tasdiqlaysiz. Bu shuningdek aktsiyalarni yangilaydi va aktsiyalarning harakatini qayd etadi. -ProductionForRef=%s ishlab chiqarish -CancelProductionForRef=%s mahsuloti uchun mahsulot zaxirasini kamaytirishni bekor qilish -TooltipDeleteAndRevertStockMovement=Chiziqni o'chiring va aksiyalar harakatini qaytaring -AutoCloseMO=Iste'mol qilinadigan va ishlab chiqariladigan miqdorlarga erishilgan bo'lsa, ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini avtomatik ravishda yoping -NoStockChangeOnServices=Xizmatlarda birja o'zgarishi yo'q -ProductQtyToConsumeByMO=Hali ham ochiq MO tomonidan iste'mol qilinadigan mahsulot miqdori -ProductQtyToProduceByMO=Hali ham ochiq MO tomonidan ishlab chiqariladigan mahsulot miqdori -AddNewConsumeLines=Iste'mol qilish uchun yangi qator qo'shing -AddNewProduceLines=Ishlab chiqarish uchun yangi qator qo'shing -ProductsToConsume=Iste'mol qilinadigan mahsulotlar -ProductsToProduce=Ishlab chiqarish uchun mahsulotlar -UnitCost=Birlik narxi -TotalCost=Umumiy qiymati -BOMTotalCost=Ushbu BOMni ishlab chiqarish uchun har bir miqdor va iste'mol qilinadigan mahsulot narxiga qarab xarajatlar (agar belgilangan bo'lsa, Narx narxidan foydalaning, boshqasi aniqlangan bo'lsa, o'rtacha og'irlik narxidan, eng yaxshi sotib olish narxidan) -BOMTotalCostService=Agar "Ish stantsiyasi" moduli faollashtirilgan bo'lsa va liniyada sukut bo'yicha ish stantsiyasi aniqlangan bo'lsa, u holda hisoblash "miqdori (soatga aylantirilgan) x ish stantsiyasi ahr", aks holda "miqdori x xizmat narxi" hisoblanadi. -GoOnTabProductionToProduceFirst=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmasini yopish uchun siz avval ishlab chiqarishni boshlashingiz kerak ('%s' yorlig'iga qarang). Ammo siz buni bekor qilishingiz mumkin. -ErrorAVirtualProductCantBeUsedIntoABomOrMo=Kitni BOM yoki MOda ishlatib bo'lmaydi -Workstation=Ish stantsiyasi -Workstations=Ish stantsiyalari -WorkstationsDescription=Ish stantsiyalarini boshqarish -WorkstationSetup = Ish stantsiyalarini sozlash -WorkstationSetupPage = Ish stantsiyalarini sozlash sahifasi -WorkstationList=Ish stantsiyalari ro'yxati -WorkstationCreate=Yangi ish stantsiyasini qo'shing -ConfirmEnableWorkstation= %s ish stantsiyasini yoqishni xohlaysizmi? -EnableAWorkstation=Ish stantsiyasini yoqing -ConfirmDisableWorkstation=Ish stantsiyasini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi %s ? -DisableAWorkstation=Ish stantsiyasini o'chirib qo'ying -DeleteWorkstation=O'chirish -NbOperatorsRequired=Kerakli operatorlar soni -THMOperatorEstimated=Taxminiy operator THM -THMMachineEstimated=Taxminiy mashina THM -WorkstationType=Ish stantsiyasining turi -DefaultWorkstation=Standart ish stantsiyasi -Human=Inson -Machine=Mashina -HumanMachine=Inson / mashina -WorkstationArea=Ish stantsiyasi maydoni -Machines=Mashinalar -THMEstimatedHelp=Ushbu stavka buyumning taxminiy narxini aniqlashga imkon beradi -BOM=Materiallar ro'yxati -CollapseBOMHelp=BOM moduli konfiguratsiyasida nomenklatura tafsilotlarining standart ko'rinishini belgilashingiz mumkin -MOAndLines=Buyurtma va chiziqlarni ishlab chiqarish -MoChildGenerate=Generate Child Mo -ParentMo=MO ota-onasi -MOChild=MO bola -BomCantAddChildBom=%s nomenklaturasi %s nomenklaturasiga olib boruvchi daraxtda allaqachon mavjud. -BOMNetNeeds = BOM Net Ehtiyojlari -BOMProductsList=BOM mahsulotlari -BOMServicesList=BOM xizmatlari -Manufacturing=Ishlab chiqarish -Disassemble=Demontaj qilish -ProducedBy=tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan -QtyTot=Jami miqdor - -QtyCantBeSplit= Miqdorni bo'lish mumkin emas -NoRemainQtyToDispatch=Bo'lish uchun miqdor qolmadi - -THMOperatorEstimatedHelp=Operatorning soatiga taxminiy narxi. Ushbu ish stantsiyasidan foydalangan holda BOM narxini baholash uchun foydalaniladi. -THMMachineEstimatedHelp=Mashinaning soatiga taxminiy narxi. Ushbu ish stantsiyasidan foydalangan holda BOM narxini baholash uchun foydalaniladi. - +Mrp=Manufacturing Orders +MO=Manufacturing Order +MRPDescription=Module to manage production and Manufacturing Orders (MO). +MRPArea=MRP Area +MrpSetupPage=Setup of module MRP +MenuBOM=Bills of material +LatestBOMModified=Latest %s Bills of materials modified +LatestMOModified=Latest %s Manufacturing Orders modified +Bom=Bills of Material +BillOfMaterials=Bill of Material +BOMsSetup=Setup of module BOM +ListOfBOMs=List of bills of material - BOM +ListOfManufacturingOrders=List of Manufacturing Orders +NewBOM=New bill of material +ProductBOMHelp=Product to create with this BOM.
Note: Products with the property 'Nature of product' = 'Raw material' are not visible into this list. +BOMsNumberingModules=BOM numbering templates +BOMsModelModule=BOM document templates +MOsNumberingModules=MO numbering templates +MOsModelModule=MO document templates +FreeLegalTextOnBOMs=Free text on document of BOM +WatermarkOnDraftBOMs=Watermark on draft BOM +FreeLegalTextOnMOs=Free text on document of MO +WatermarkOnDraftMOs=Watermark on draft MO +ConfirmCloneBillOfMaterials=Are you sure you want to clone the bill of material %s ? +ConfirmCloneMo=Are you sure you want to clone the Manufacturing Order %s ? +ManufacturingEfficiency=Manufacturing efficiency +ConsumptionEfficiency=Consumption efficiency +ValueOfMeansLoss=Value of 0.95 means an average of 5%% of loss during the production +ValueOfMeansLossForProductProduced=Value of 0.95 means an average of 5%% of loss of produced product +DeleteBillOfMaterials=Delete Bill Of Materials +DeleteMo=Delete Manufacturing Order +ConfirmDeleteBillOfMaterials=Are you sure you want to delete this Bill Of Material? +ConfirmDeleteMo=Are you sure you want to delete this Bill Of Material? +MenuMRP=Manufacturing Orders +NewMO=New Manufacturing Order +QtyToProduce=Qty to produce +DateStartPlannedMo=Date start planned +DateEndPlannedMo=Date end planned +KeepEmptyForAsap=Empty means 'As Soon As Possible' +EstimatedDuration=Estimated duration +EstimatedDurationDesc=Estimated duration to manufacture this product using this BOM +ConfirmValidateBom=Are you sure you want to validate the BOM with the reference %s (you will be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders) +ConfirmCloseBom=Are you sure you want to cancel this BOM (you won't be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders anymore) ? +ConfirmReopenBom=Are you sure you want to re-open this BOM (you will be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders) +StatusMOProduced=Produced +QtyFrozen=Frozen Qty +QuantityFrozen=Frozen Quantity +QuantityConsumedInvariable=When this flag is set, the quantity consumed is always the value defined and is not relative to the quantity produced. +DisableStockChange=Stock change disabled +DisableStockChangeHelp=When this flag is set, there is no stock change on this product, whatever is the quantity consumed +BomAndBomLines=Bills Of Material and lines +BOMLine=Line of BOM +WarehouseForProduction=Warehouse for production +CreateMO=Create MO +ToConsume=To consume +ToProduce=To produce +QtyAlreadyConsumed=Qty already consumed +QtyAlreadyProduced=Qty already produced +QtyRequiredIfNoLoss=Qty required if there is no loss (Manufacturing efficiency is 100%%) +ConsumeOrProduce=Consume or Produce +ConsumeAndProduceAll=Consume and Produce All +Manufactured=Manufactured +TheProductXIsAlreadyTheProductToProduce=The product to add is already the product to produce. +ForAQuantityOf=For a quantity to produce of %s +ConfirmValidateMo=Are you sure you want to validate this Manufacturing Order? +ConfirmProductionDesc=By clicking on '%s', you will validate the consumption and/or production for the quantities set. This will also update the stock and record stock movements. +ProductionForRef=Production of %s +AutoCloseMO=Close automatically the Manufacturing Order if quantities to consume and to produce are reached +NoStockChangeOnServices=No stock change on services +ProductQtyToConsumeByMO=Product quantity still to consume by open MO +ProductQtyToProduceByMO=Product quentity still to produce by open MO +AddNewConsumeLines=Add new line to consume +ProductsToConsume=Products to consume +ProductsToProduce=Products to produce +UnitCost=Unit cost +TotalCost=Total cost +BOMTotalCost=The cost to produce this BOM based on cost of each quantity and product to consume (use Cost price if defined, else Average Weighted Price if defined, else the Best purchase price) --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_other.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_other.lang @@ -2,2 +2,2 @@ -SecurityCode=Havfsizlik kodi -NumberingShort=N ° +SecurityCode=Security code +NumberingShort=N° @@ -6,146 +6,137 @@ -ToolsDesc=Boshqa menyu yozuvlariga kiritilmagan barcha vositalar bu erda to'plangan.
Barcha vositalarga chap menyu orqali kirish mumkin. -Birthday=Tug'ilgan kun -BirthdayAlert=Tug'ilgan kun haqida ogohlantirish -BirthdayAlertOn=tug'ilgan kun haqida ogohlantirish faol -BirthdayAlertOff=tug'ilgan kun haqida ogohlantirish faol emas -TransKey=TransKey kalitining tarjimasi -MonthOfInvoice=Hisob-faktura sanasi oyi (1-12-raqam) -TextMonthOfInvoice=Hisob-faktura sanasi oyi (matni) -PreviousMonthOfInvoice=Hisob-fakturaning oldingi oyi (raqam 1-12) -TextPreviousMonthOfInvoice=Hisob-fakturaning oldingi oyi (matni) -NextMonthOfInvoice=Keyingi oy (1-12-raqam) hisob-faktura sanasi -TextNextMonthOfInvoice=Hisob-fakturaning keyingi oyi (matni) -PreviousMonth=Oldingi oy -CurrentMonth=Joriy oy -ZipFileGeneratedInto= %s formatida yaratilgan zip fayl. -DocFileGeneratedInto= %s formatida yaratilgan hujjat fayli. -JumpToLogin=Uzildi. Kirish sahifasiga o'tish ... -MessageForm=Onlayn to'lov shaklidagi xabar -MessageOK=Tasdiqlangan to'lov uchun qaytarish sahifasidagi xabar -MessageKO=Bekor qilingan to'lov uchun qaytarish sahifasidagi xabar -ContentOfDirectoryIsNotEmpty=Ushbu katalog tarkibi bo'sh emas. -DeleteAlsoContentRecursively=Barcha tarkibni rekursiv ravishda o'chirishni tekshiring -PoweredBy=Tomonidan qo'llab-quvvatlanadi -YearOfInvoice=Hisob-faktura sanasi yili -PreviousYearOfInvoice=Hisob-fakturaning oldingi yili -NextYearOfInvoice=Keyingi hisob-faktura sanasi -DateNextInvoiceBeforeGen=Keyingi hisob-fakturaning sanasi (ishlab chiqarishdan oldin) -DateNextInvoiceAfterGen=Keyingi hisob-fakturaning sanasi (avloddan keyin) -GraphInBarsAreLimitedToNMeasures=Grafika “Bars” rejimida %s o‘lchovlari bilan cheklangan. Buning o'rniga "Chiziqlar" rejimi avtomatik ravishda tanlandi. -OnlyOneFieldForXAxisIsPossible=X o'qi sifatida hozirda faqat bitta maydon mavjud. Faqat birinchi tanlangan maydon tanlangan. -AtLeastOneMeasureIsRequired=O'lchov uchun kamida 1 ta maydon kerak -AtLeastOneXAxisIsRequired=X o'qi uchun kamida 1 maydon kerak -LatestBlogPosts=Blogdagi so'nggi xabarlar -notiftouser=Foydalanuvchilarga -notiftofixedemail=Ruxsat etilgan pochtaga -notiftouserandtofixedemail=Foydalanuvchiga va doimiy pochtaga -Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Savdo buyurtmasi tasdiqlangan -Notify_ORDER_SENTBYMAIL=Savdo buyurtmasi pochta orqali yuborilgan -Notify_ORDER_CLOSE=Sotish buyurtmasi yetkazib berildi -Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL=Xarid qilish buyurtmasi elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan -Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE=Sotib olish to'g'risida buyurtma yozib olindi -Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Xarid qilish tartibi tasdiqlandi -Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_SUBMIT=Buyurtma topshirildi -Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Xarid qilish buyurtmasi rad etildi -Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Mijozning taklifi tasdiqlandi -Notify_PROPAL_CLOSE_SIGNED=Mijozlar taklifi imzolangan holda yopildi -Notify_PROPAL_CLOSE_REFUSED=Mijozlar taklifi yopildi -Notify_PROPAL_SENTBYMAIL=Tijorat taklifi pochta orqali yuborilgan -Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmissiyani olib qo'yish -Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Kredit olish -Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Cheklashni amalga oshiring -Notify_COMPANY_CREATE=Uchinchi tomon yaratildi -Notify_COMPANY_SENTBYMAIL=Uchinchi tomon sahifasidan yuborilgan xatlar -Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlangan -Notify_BILL_UNVALIDATE=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlanmagan -Notify_BILL_PAYED=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi to'landi -Notify_BILL_CANCEL=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi bekor qilindi -Notify_BILL_SENTBYMAIL=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasi pochta orqali yuborilgan -Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE=Sotuvchi fakturasi tasdiqlangan -Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_PAYED=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasi to'langan -Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasi pochta orqali yuborilgan -Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_CANCELED=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasi bekor qilindi -Notify_CONTRACT_VALIDATE=Shartnoma tasdiqlangan -Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Interventsiya tasdiqlandi -Notify_FICHINTER_CLOSE=Intervensiya yopildi -Notify_FICHINTER_ADD_CONTACT=Interventsiyaga kontakt qo'shildi -Notify_FICHINTER_SENTBYMAIL=Pochta orqali yuborilgan aralashuv -Notify_SHIPPING_VALIDATE=Yuk tashish tasdiqlangan -Notify_SHIPPING_SENTBYMAIL=Yuk tashish pochta orqali yuborilgan -Notify_MEMBER_VALIDATE=Ro'yxatdan tasdiqlangan -Notify_MEMBER_MODIFY=A'zo o'zgartirildi -Notify_MEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION=A'zo obuna bo'ldi -Notify_MEMBER_RESILIATE=A'zo tugatildi -Notify_MEMBER_DELETE=A'zo o'chirildi -Notify_PROJECT_CREATE=Loyihani yaratish -Notify_TASK_CREATE=Vazifa yaratildi -Notify_TASK_MODIFY=Vazifa o'zgartirildi -Notify_TASK_DELETE=Vazifa o'chirildi -Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATE=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot tasdiqlandi (tasdiqlash talab qilinadi) -Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVE=Xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobot tasdiqlandi -Notify_HOLIDAY_VALIDATE=Dam olish so'rovi tasdiqlangan (tasdiqlash kerak) -Notify_HOLIDAY_APPROVE=Dam olish to'g'risidagi so'rov tasdiqlandi -Notify_ACTION_CREATE=Kun tartibiga harakat qo'shildi -SeeModuleSetup=%s modulini o'rnatishga qarang -NbOfAttachedFiles=Biriktirilgan fayllar / hujjatlar soni -TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Biriktirilgan fayllar / hujjatlarning umumiy hajmi -MaxSize=Maksimal o'lcham -AttachANewFile=Yangi fayl / hujjat biriktiring -LinkedObject=Bog'langan ob'ekt -NbOfActiveNotifications=Bildirishnomalar soni (oluvchilarning elektron pochtalari yo'q) -PredefinedMailTest=__(Salom)__\nBu __EMAIL__ manziliga yuborilgan sinov xati.\nChiziqlar vagonni qaytarish bilan ajralib turadi.\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailTestHtml=__ (Salom) __
Bu __EMAIL__ manziliga yuborilgan test xati (test so'zi qalin bo'lishi kerak).
Chiziqlar aravachaning qaytishi bilan ajralib turadi.

__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentContract=__(Salom)__\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendInvoice=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ hisob-fakturasini ilova qiling\n\n__ONLINE_PAYMENT_TEXT_AND_URL__\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendInvoiceReminder=__(Salom)__\n\nSizga shuni eslatib qo'ymoqchimizki, __REF__ schyoti to'lanmaganga o'xshaydi. Hisob-fakturaning nusxasi eslatma sifatida ilova qilinadi.\n\n__ONLINE_PAYMENT_TEXT_AND_URL__\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendProposal=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ tijorat taklifini ilova qiling\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierProposal=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ narxlari bo'yicha so'rovni ilova qiling\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendOrder=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ buyurtmasini biriktirilgan holda toping\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierOrder=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, bizning __REF__ buyurtmamizni ilova qiling\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierInvoice=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ hisob-fakturasini ilova qiling\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendShipping=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ jo'natilishini biriktirilgan holda toping\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendFichInter=__(Salom)__\n\nIltimos, __REF__ aralashuvini biriktirilgan holda toping\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentLink=Agar siz hali to'lamagan bo'lsangiz, to'lovni amalga oshirish uchun quyidagi havolani bosishingiz mumkin.\n\n%s\n\n -PredefinedMailContentGeneric=__(Salom)__\n\n\n__ (samimiyat bilan) __\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ -PredefinedMailContentSendActionComm=__EVENT_DATE__ soat __EVENT_TIME__ da "__EVENT_LABEL__" voqea eslatmasi

Bu avtomatik xabar, iltimos javob bermang. -DemoDesc=Dolibarr - bu bir nechta biznes modullarini qo'llab-quvvatlovchi ixcham ERP / CRM. Barcha modullarni namoyish etadigan demo hech qanday ma'noga ega emas, chunki bu stsenariy hech qachon ro'y bermaydi (bir necha yuzta mavjud). Shunday qilib, bir nechta demo profillari mavjud. -ChooseYourDemoProfil=Sizning ehtiyojlaringizga mos keladigan demo profilini tanlang ... -ChooseYourDemoProfilMore=... yoki o'zingizning profilingizni yarating
(modulni qo'lda tanlash) -DemoFundation=Jamg'arma a'zolarini boshqarish -DemoFundation2=Jamg'arma a'zolari va bankdagi hisob raqamlarini boshqarish -DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Faqat kompaniya yoki erkin sotish xizmati -DemoCompanyShopWithCashDesk=Naqd pul qutisi bilan do'konni boshqaring -DemoCompanyProductAndStocks=Savdo nuqtasi bilan mahsulot sotadigan do'kon -DemoCompanyManufacturing=Kompaniya mahsulot ishlab chiqaradi -DemoCompanyAll=Faoliyati ko'p bo'lgan kompaniya (barcha asosiy modullar) -CreatedBy=%s tomonidan yaratilgan -ModifiedBy=%s tomonidan o'zgartirilgan -ValidatedBy=%s tomonidan tasdiqlangan -SignedBy=%s tomonidan imzolangan -ClosedBy=%s tomonidan yopilgan -CreatedById=Yaratgan foydalanuvchi identifikatori -ModifiedById=Oxirgi o'zgarishlarni amalga oshirgan foydalanuvchi identifikatori -ValidatedById=Tasdiqlangan foydalanuvchi identifikatori -CanceledById=Bekor qilingan foydalanuvchi identifikatori -ClosedById=Yopilgan foydalanuvchi identifikatori -CreatedByLogin=Yaratgan foydalanuvchi login -ModifiedByLogin=Oxirgi o'zgarishlarni amalga oshirgan foydalanuvchi login -ValidatedByLogin=Tasdiqlangan foydalanuvchi login -CanceledByLogin=Bekor qilingan foydalanuvchi kirishi -ClosedByLogin=Yopilgan foydalanuvchi login -FileWasRemoved=%s fayli olib tashlandi -DirWasRemoved=%s katalogi olib tashlandi -FeatureNotYetAvailable=Xususiyat hozirgi versiyada hali mavjud emas -FeatureNotAvailableOnDevicesWithoutMouse=Sichqoncha bo'lmagan qurilmalarda bu xususiyat mavjud emas -FeaturesSupported=Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan xususiyatlar -Width=Kengligi -Height=Balandligi -Depth=Chuqurlik -Top=Yuqori -Bottom=Pastki -Left=Chapda -Right=To'g'ri -CalculatedWeight=Hisoblangan vazn -CalculatedVolume=Hisoblangan hajm -Weight=Og'irligi -WeightUnitton=tonna +ToolsDesc=All tools not included in other menu entries are grouped here.
All the tools can be accessed via the left menu. +Birthday=Birthday +BirthdayDate=Birthday date +DateToBirth=Birth date +BirthdayAlertOn=birthday alert active +BirthdayAlertOff=birthday alert inactive +TransKey=Translation of the key TransKey +MonthOfInvoice=Month (number 1-12) of invoice date +TextMonthOfInvoice=Month (text) of invoice date +PreviousMonthOfInvoice=Previous month (number 1-12) of invoice date +TextPreviousMonthOfInvoice=Previous month (text) of invoice date +NextMonthOfInvoice=Following month (number 1-12) of invoice date +TextNextMonthOfInvoice=Following month (text) of invoice date +ZipFileGeneratedInto=Zip file generated into %s. +DocFileGeneratedInto=Doc file generated into %s. +JumpToLogin=Disconnected. Go to login page... +MessageForm=Message on online payment form +MessageOK=Message on the return page for a validated payment +MessageKO=Message on the return page for a canceled payment +ContentOfDirectoryIsNotEmpty=Content of this directory is not empty. +DeleteAlsoContentRecursively=Check to delete all content recursively +PoweredBy=Powered by +YearOfInvoice=Year of invoice date +PreviousYearOfInvoice=Previous year of invoice date +NextYearOfInvoice=Following year of invoice date +DateNextInvoiceBeforeGen=Date of next invoice (before generation) +DateNextInvoiceAfterGen=Date of next invoice (after generation) +GraphInBarsAreLimitedToNMeasures=Grapics are limited to %s measures in 'Bars' mode. The mode 'Lines' was automatically selected instead. +OnlyOneFieldForXAxisIsPossible=Only 1 field is currently possible as X-Axis. Only the first selected field has been selected. +AtLeastOneMeasureIsRequired=At least 1 field for measure is required +AtLeastOneXAxisIsRequired=At least 1 field for X-Axis is required +LatestBlogPosts=Latest Blog Posts +Notify_ORDER_VALIDATE=Sales order validated +Notify_ORDER_SENTBYMAIL=Sales order sent by mail +Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL=Purchase order sent by email +Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE=Purchase order recorded +Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE=Purchase order approved +Notify_ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE=Purchase order refused +Notify_PROPAL_VALIDATE=Customer proposal validated +Notify_PROPAL_CLOSE_SIGNED=Customer proposal closed signed +Notify_PROPAL_CLOSE_REFUSED=Customer proposal closed refused +Notify_PROPAL_SENTBYMAIL=Commercial proposal sent by mail +Notify_WITHDRAW_TRANSMIT=Transmission withdrawal +Notify_WITHDRAW_CREDIT=Credit withdrawal +Notify_WITHDRAW_EMIT=Perform withdrawal +Notify_COMPANY_CREATE=Third party created +Notify_COMPANY_SENTBYMAIL=Mails sent from third party card +Notify_BILL_VALIDATE=Customer invoice validated +Notify_BILL_UNVALIDATE=Customer invoice unvalidated +Notify_BILL_PAYED=Customer invoice paid +Notify_BILL_CANCEL=Customer invoice canceled +Notify_BILL_SENTBYMAIL=Customer invoice sent by mail +Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE=Vendor invoice validated +Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_PAYED=Vendor invoice paid +Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL=Vendor invoice sent by mail +Notify_BILL_SUPPLIER_CANCELED=Vendor invoice cancelled +Notify_CONTRACT_VALIDATE=Contract validated +Notify_FICHINTER_VALIDATE=Intervention validated +Notify_FICHINTER_ADD_CONTACT=Added contact to Intervention +Notify_FICHINTER_SENTBYMAIL=Intervention sent by mail +Notify_SHIPPING_VALIDATE=Shipping validated +Notify_SHIPPING_SENTBYMAIL=Shipping sent by mail +Notify_MEMBER_VALIDATE=Member validated +Notify_MEMBER_MODIFY=Member modified +Notify_MEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION=Member subscribed +Notify_MEMBER_RESILIATE=Member terminated +Notify_MEMBER_DELETE=Member deleted +Notify_PROJECT_CREATE=Project creation +Notify_TASK_CREATE=Task created +Notify_TASK_MODIFY=Task modified +Notify_TASK_DELETE=Task deleted +Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_VALIDATE=Expense report validated (approval required) +Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVE=Expense report approved +Notify_HOLIDAY_VALIDATE=Leave request validated (approval required) +Notify_HOLIDAY_APPROVE=Leave request approved +SeeModuleSetup=See setup of module %s +NbOfAttachedFiles=Number of attached files/documents +TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Total size of attached files/documents +MaxSize=Maximum size +AttachANewFile=Attach a new file/document +LinkedObject=Linked object +NbOfActiveNotifications=Number of notifications (no. of recipient emails) +PredefinedMailTest=__(Hello)__\nThis is a test mail sent to __EMAIL__.\nThe lines are separated by a carriage return.\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailTestHtml=__(Hello)__
This is a test mail sent to __EMAIL__ (the word test must be in bold).
The lines are separated by a carriage return.

__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentContract=__(Hello)__\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendInvoice=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find invoice __REF__ attached \n\n__ONLINE_PAYMENT_TEXT_AND_URL__\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendInvoiceReminder=__(Hello)__\n\nWe would like to remind you that the invoice __REF__ seems to have not been paid. A copy of the invoice is attached as a reminder.\n\n__ONLINE_PAYMENT_TEXT_AND_URL__\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendProposal=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find commercial proposal __REF__ attached \n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierProposal=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find price request __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendOrder=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find order __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierOrder=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find our order __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierInvoice=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find invoice __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendShipping=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find shipping __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentSendFichInter=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find intervention __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentThirdparty=__(Hello)__\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentContact=__(Hello)__\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentUser=__(Hello)__\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__ +PredefinedMailContentLink=You can click on the link below to make your payment if it is not already done.\n\n%s\n\n +DemoDesc=Dolibarr is a compact ERP/CRM supporting several business modules. A demo showcasing all modules makes no sense as this scenario never occurs (several hundred available). So, several demo profiles are available. +ChooseYourDemoProfil=Choose the demo profile that best suits your needs... +ChooseYourDemoProfilMore=...or build your own profile
(manual module selection) +DemoFundation=Manage members of a foundation +DemoFundation2=Manage members and bank account of a foundation +DemoCompanyServiceOnly=Company or freelance selling service only +DemoCompanyShopWithCashDesk=Manage a shop with a cash desk +DemoCompanyProductAndStocks=Shop selling products with Point Of Sales +DemoCompanyManufacturing=Company manufacturing products +DemoCompanyAll=Company with multiple activities (all main modules) +CreatedBy=Created by %s +ModifiedBy=Modified by %s +ValidatedBy=Validated by %s +ClosedBy=Closed by %s +CreatedById=User id who created +ModifiedById=User id who made latest change +ValidatedById=User id who validated +CanceledById=User id who canceled +ClosedById=User id who closed +CreatedByLogin=User login who created +ModifiedByLogin=User login who made latest change +ValidatedByLogin=User login who validated +CanceledByLogin=User login who canceled +ClosedByLogin=User login who closed +FileWasRemoved=File %s was removed +DirWasRemoved=Directory %s was removed +FeatureNotYetAvailable=Feature not yet available in the current version +FeaturesSupported=Supported features +Width=Width +Height=Height +Depth=Depth +Top=Top +Bottom=Bottom +Left=Left +Right=Right +CalculatedWeight=Calculated weight +CalculatedVolume=Calculated volume +Weight=Weight +WeightUnitton=tonne @@ -155,3 +146,3 @@ -WeightUnitpound=funt -WeightUnitounce=untsiya -Length=Uzunlik +WeightUnitpound=pound +WeightUnitounce=ounce +Length=Length @@ -160 +151 @@ -LengthUnitcm=sm +LengthUnitcm=cm @@ -162 +153 @@ -Surface=Maydon +Surface=Area @@ -165 +156 @@ -SurfaceUnitcm2=sm² +SurfaceUnitcm2=cm² @@ -168,2 +159,2 @@ -SurfaceUnitinch2=m2 -Volume=Tovush +SurfaceUnitinch2=in² +Volume=Volume @@ -172 +163 @@ -VolumeUnitcm3=sm³ (ml) +VolumeUnitcm3=cm³ (ml) @@ -176,3 +167,3 @@ -VolumeUnitounce=untsiya -VolumeUnitlitre=litr -VolumeUnitgallon=galon +VolumeUnitounce=ounce +VolumeUnitlitre=litre +VolumeUnitgallon=gallon @@ -181 +172 @@ -SizeUnitcm=sm +SizeUnitcm=cm @@ -183,95 +174,89 @@ -SizeUnitinch=dyuym -SizeUnitfoot=oyoq -SizeUnitpoint=nuqta -BugTracker=Xatolarni kuzatuvchi -SendNewPasswordDesc=Ushbu shakl yangi parolni so'rashga imkon beradi. Bu sizning elektron pochta manzilingizga yuboriladi.
O'zgartirish elektron pochtadagi tasdiqlash havolasini bosgandan so'ng kuchga kiradi.
pochta qutisini tekshiring. -EnterNewPasswordHere=Bu yerda yangi parolingizni kiriting -BackToLoginPage=Kirish sahifasiga qaytish -AuthenticationDoesNotAllowSendNewPassword=Autentifikatsiya rejimi %s .
Ushbu rejimda Dolibarr parolingizni bilolmaydi va o'zgartira olmaydi.
Agar parolingizni o'zgartirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, tizim ma'muringizga murojaat qiling. -EnableGDLibraryDesc=Ushbu parametrdan foydalanish uchun PHP o'rnatishingizda GD kutubxonasini o'rnating yoki yoqing. -ProfIdShortDesc= Prof Id %s - bu uchinchi tomon mamlakatiga bog'liq bo'lgan ma'lumot.
Masalan, %s mamlakati uchun bu %s a09a4b739f8 -DolibarrDemo=Dolibarr ERP / CRM demo -StatsByAmount=Mahsulotlar/xizmatlar miqdori bo'yicha statistik ma'lumotlar -StatsByAmountProducts=Mahsulotlar miqdori bo'yicha statistika -StatsByAmountServices=Xizmatlar miqdori bo'yicha statistika -StatsByNumberOfUnits=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlar miqdori yig'indisi statistikasi -StatsByNumberOfUnitsProducts=Mahsulot miqdori bo'yicha statistik ma'lumotlar -StatsByNumberOfUnitsServices=Xizmatlar miqdori bo'yicha statistika -StatsByNumberOfEntities=Yo'naltiruvchi tashkilotlarning statistikasi (hisob-fakturalar yoki buyurtmalar ...) -NumberOf=%s soni -NumberOfUnits=%s da birliklar soni -AmountIn=%sdagi summa -NumberOfUnitsMos=Ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalarida ishlab chiqariladigan birliklar soni -EMailTextInterventionAddedContact=Sizga %s yangi aralashuvi tayinlandi. -EMailTextInterventionValidated=%s aralashuvi tasdiqlandi. -EMailTextInterventionClosed=%s aralashuvi yopildi. -EMailTextInvoiceValidated=%s hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlangan. -EMailTextInvoicePayed=%s hisob-fakturasi to'landi. -EMailTextProposalValidated=%s taklifi tasdiqlandi. -EMailTextProposalClosedSigned=%s taklifi imzolandi. -EMailTextProposalClosedSignedWeb=%s taklifi portal sahifasida imzolangan holda yopildi. -EMailTextProposalClosedRefused=%s taklifi rad etildi. -EMailTextProposalClosedRefusedWeb=%s taklifi portal sahifasida rad etildi. -EMailTextOrderValidated=%s buyurtmasi tasdiqlangan. -EMailTextOrderClose=Buyurtma %s yetkazib berildi. -EMailTextSupplierOrderApprovedBy=%s xarid buyurtmasi %s tomonidan tasdiqlangan. -EMailTextSupplierOrderValidatedBy=%s xarid buyurtmasi %s tomonidan qayd etildi. -EMailTextSupplierOrderSubmittedBy=%s xarid buyurtmasi %s tomonidan yuborildi. -EMailTextSupplierOrderRefusedBy=%s xarid buyurtmasi %s tomonidan rad etildi. -EMailTextExpeditionValidated=%s jo'natmasi tasdiqlangan. -EMailTextExpenseReportValidated=%s xarajatlar hisoboti tasdiqlandi. -EMailTextExpenseReportApproved=%s xarajatlar hisoboti tasdiqlandi. -EMailTextHolidayValidated=%s qoldirish so'rovi tasdiqlangan. -EMailTextHolidayApproved=%s ta'tilga chiqish so'rovi tasdiqlandi. -EMailTextActionAdded=%s harakati kun tartibiga qo'shildi. -ImportedWithSet=Import ma'lumotlari to'plami -DolibarrNotification=Avtomatik bildirishnoma -ResizeDesc=Yangi kenglikni kiriting YOKI yangi balandlik. O'lchamini o'zgartirish paytida nisbat saqlanib qoladi ... -NewLength=Yangi kenglik -NewHeight=Yangi balandlik -NewSizeAfterCropping=Kesishdan keyin yangi o'lcham -DefineNewAreaToPick=Tanlash uchun rasmdagi yangi maydonni aniqlang (rasmni chap tugmasi bilan bosing va keyin qarama-qarshi burchakka yetguncha harakatlantiring) -CurrentInformationOnImage=Ushbu vosita rasmning o'lchamini o'zgartirish yoki kesishga yordam berish uchun ishlab chiqilgan. Bu joriy tahrirlangan rasmdagi ma'lumotlar -ImageEditor=Rasm muharriri -YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=Siz bu xabarni olasiz, chunki sizning elektron pochtangiz %s dasturining %s dasturiga ma'lum voqealar to'g'risida xabardor qilinadigan maqsadlar ro'yxatiga qo'shilgan. -YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=Ushbu tadbir quyidagilar: -ThisIsListOfModules=Bu ushbu demo profil tomonidan oldindan tanlangan modullarning ro'yxati (faqat eng keng tarqalgan modullar ushbu demoda ko'rinadi). Shaxsiy demoga ega bo'lish uchun buni tahrirlang va "Ishga tushirish" tugmasini bosing. -UseAdvancedPerms=Ba'zi modullarning kengaytirilgan ruxsatlaridan foydalaning -FileFormat=Fayl formati -SelectAColor=Rangni tanlang -AddFiles=Fayllarni qo'shish -StartUpload=Yuklashni boshlang -CancelUpload=Yuklashni bekor qilish -FileIsTooBig=Fayllar juda katta -PleaseBePatient=Iltimos, sabr qiling ... -NewPassword=Yangi Parol -ResetPassword=Parolni tiklash -RequestToResetPasswordReceived=Parolingizni o'zgartirish to'g'risida so'rov kelib tushdi. -NewKeyIs=Bu sizning kirish uchun yangi kalitlaringiz -NewKeyWillBe=Dasturiy ta'minotga kirish uchun yangi kalitingiz bo'ladi -ClickHereToGoTo=%s ga o'tish uchun shu erni bosing -YouMustClickToChange=Ushbu parol o'zgarishini tasdiqlash uchun avval siz quyidagi havolani bosishingiz kerak -ConfirmPasswordChange=Parolni o'zgartirishni tasdiqlang -ForgetIfNothing=Agar siz ushbu o'zgarishni talab qilmagan bo'lsangiz, ushbu elektron pochtani unutishingiz kifoya. Ma'lumotlaringiz xavfsiz saqlanadi. -IfAmountHigherThan=Agar miqdori %s dan yuqori bo'lsa -SourcesRepository=Manbalar ombori -Chart=Diagramma -PassEncoding=Parolni kodlash -PermissionsAdd=Ruxsatnomalar qo'shildi -PermissionsDelete=Ruxsatlar olib tashlandi -YourPasswordMustHaveAtLeastXChars=Parolingizda kamida %s belgilar bo'lishi kerak -PasswordNeedAtLeastXUpperCaseChars=Parol uchun kamida %s katta harflar kerak -PasswordNeedAtLeastXDigitChars=Parolga kamida %s raqamli belgilar kerak -PasswordNeedAtLeastXSpecialChars=Parol uchun kamida %s maxsus belgilar kerak -PasswordNeedNoXConsecutiveChars=Parolda %s ketma-ket oʻxshash belgilar boʻlmasligi kerak -YourPasswordHasBeenReset=Parolingiz qayta tiklandi -ApplicantIpAddress=Ariza beruvchining IP-manzili -SMSSentTo=%s raqamiga SMS yuborildi -MissingIds=Yo'qolgan identifikatorlar -ThirdPartyCreatedByEmailCollector=MSGID %s elektron pochtasidan elektron pochta yig'uvchisi tomonidan yaratilgan uchinchi tomon -ContactCreatedByEmailCollector=MSGID %s elektron pochtasidan elektron pochta yig'uvchisi tomonidan yaratilgan aloqa / manzil -ProjectCreatedByEmailCollector=MSGID %s elektron pochtasidan elektron pochta yig'uvchisi tomonidan yaratilgan loyiha -TicketCreatedByEmailCollector=MSGID %s elektron pochtasidan elektron pochta yig'uvchisi tomonidan yaratilgan chipta -OpeningHoursFormatDesc=Ochilish va yopilish soatlarini ajratish uchun a - dan foydalaning.
Turli xil intervallarni kiritish uchun bo'sh joydan foydalaning.
Misol: 8-12 14-18 -SuffixSessionName=Sessiya nomi uchun qo'shimchalar -LoginWith=%s bilan tizimga kiring +SizeUnitinch=inch +SizeUnitfoot=foot +SizeUnitpoint=point +BugTracker=Bug tracker +SendNewPasswordDesc=This form allows you to request a new password. It will be sent to your email address.
Change will become effective once you click on the confirmation link in the email.
Check your inbox. +BackToLoginPage=Back to login page +AuthenticationDoesNotAllowSendNewPassword=Authentication mode is %s.
In this mode, Dolibarr can't know nor change your password.
Contact your system administrator if you want to change your password. +EnableGDLibraryDesc=Install or enable GD library on your PHP installation to use this option. +ProfIdShortDesc=Prof Id %s is an information depending on third party country.
For example, for country %s, it's code %s. +DolibarrDemo=Dolibarr ERP/CRM demo +StatsByNumberOfUnits=Statistics for sum of qty of products/services +StatsByNumberOfEntities=Statistics in number of referring entities (no. of invoice, or order...) +NumberOfProposals=Number of proposals +NumberOfCustomerOrders=Number of sales orders +NumberOfCustomerInvoices=Number of customer invoices +NumberOfSupplierProposals=Number of vendor proposals +NumberOfSupplierOrders=Number of purchase orders +NumberOfSupplierInvoices=Number of vendor invoices +NumberOfContracts=Number of contracts +NumberOfMos=Number of manufacturing orders +NumberOfUnitsProposals=Number of units on proposals +NumberOfUnitsCustomerOrders=Number of units on sales orders +NumberOfUnitsCustomerInvoices=Number of units on customer invoices +NumberOfUnitsSupplierProposals=Number of units on vendor proposals +NumberOfUnitsSupplierOrders=Number of units on purchase orders +NumberOfUnitsSupplierInvoices=Number of units on vendor invoices +NumberOfUnitsContracts=Number of units on contracts +NumberOfUnitsMos=Number of units to produce in manufacturing orders +EMailTextInterventionAddedContact=A new intervention %s has been assigned to you. +EMailTextInterventionValidated=The intervention %s has been validated. +EMailTextInvoiceValidated=Invoice %s has been validated. +EMailTextInvoicePayed=Invoice %s has been paid. +EMailTextProposalValidated=Proposal %s has been validated. +EMailTextProposalClosedSigned=Proposal %s has been closed signed. +EMailTextOrderValidated=Order %s has been validated. +EMailTextOrderApproved=Order %s has been approved. +EMailTextOrderValidatedBy=Order %s has been recorded by %s. +EMailTextOrderApprovedBy=Order %s has been approved by %s. +EMailTextOrderRefused=Order %s has been refused. +EMailTextOrderRefusedBy=Order %s has been refused by %s. +EMailTextExpeditionValidated=Shipping %s has been validated. +EMailTextExpenseReportValidated=Expense report %s has been validated. +EMailTextExpenseReportApproved=Expense report %s has been approved. +EMailTextHolidayValidated=Leave request %s has been validated. +EMailTextHolidayApproved=Leave request %s has been approved. +ImportedWithSet=Importation data set +DolibarrNotification=Automatic notification +ResizeDesc=Enter new width OR new height. Ratio will be kept during resizing... +NewLength=New width +NewHeight=New height +NewSizeAfterCropping=New size after cropping +DefineNewAreaToPick=Define new area on image to pick (left click on image then drag until you reach the opposite corner) +CurrentInformationOnImage=This tool was designed to help you to resize or crop an image. This is the information on the current edited image +ImageEditor=Image editor +YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification=You receive this message because your email has been added to list of targets to be informed of particular events into %s software of %s. +YouReceiveMailBecauseOfNotification2=This event is the following: +ThisIsListOfModules=This is a list of modules preselected by this demo profile (only most common modules are visible in this demo). Edit this to have a more personalized demo and click on "Start". +UseAdvancedPerms=Use the advanced permissions of some modules +FileFormat=File format +SelectAColor=Choose a color +AddFiles=Add Files +StartUpload=Start upload +CancelUpload=Cancel upload +FileIsTooBig=Files is too big +PleaseBePatient=Please be patient... +NewPassword=New password +ResetPassword=Reset password +RequestToResetPasswordReceived=A request to change your password has been received. +NewKeyIs=This is your new keys to login +NewKeyWillBe=Your new key to login to software will be +ClickHereToGoTo=Click here to go to %s +YouMustClickToChange=You must however first click on the following link to validate this password change +ForgetIfNothing=If you didn't request this change, just forget this email. Your credentials are kept safe. +IfAmountHigherThan=If amount higher than %s +SourcesRepository=Repository for sources +Chart=Chart +PassEncoding=Password encoding +PermissionsAdd=Permissions added +PermissionsDelete=Permissions removed +YourPasswordMustHaveAtLeastXChars=Your password must have at least %s chars +YourPasswordHasBeenReset=Your password has been reset successfully +ApplicantIpAddress=IP address of applicant +SMSSentTo=SMS sent to %s +MissingIds=Missing ids +ThirdPartyCreatedByEmailCollector=Third party created by email collector from email MSGID %s +ContactCreatedByEmailCollector=Contact/address created by email collector from email MSGID %s +ProjectCreatedByEmailCollector=Project created by email collector from email MSGID %s +TicketCreatedByEmailCollector=Ticket created by email collector from email MSGID %s +OpeningHoursFormatDesc=Use a - to separate opening and closing hours.
Use a space to enter different ranges.
Example: 8-12 14-18 @@ -280,6 +265,6 @@ -ExportsArea=Eksport maydoni -AvailableFormats=Mavjud formatlar -LibraryUsed=Kutubxonadan foydalanilgan -LibraryVersion=Kutubxona versiyasi -ExportableDatas=Eksport qilinadigan ma'lumotlar -NoExportableData=Eksport qilinadigan ma'lumotlar yo'q (eksport qilinadigan ma'lumotlar yuklangan yoki ruxsat etishmayotgan modullar mavjud emas) +ExportsArea=Exports area +AvailableFormats=Available formats +LibraryUsed=Library used +LibraryVersion=Library version +ExportableDatas=Exportable data +NoExportableData=No exportable data (no modules with exportable data loaded, or missing permissions) @@ -287,8 +272,8 @@ -WebsiteSetup=Modul veb-saytini sozlash -WEBSITE_PAGEURL=Sahifaning URL manzili -WEBSITE_TITLE=Sarlavha -WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION=Tavsif -WEBSITE_IMAGE=Rasm -WEBSITE_IMAGEDesc=Tasvir vositalarining nisbiy yo'li. Siz buni bo'sh holatda saqlashingiz mumkin, chunki bu kamdan-kam hollarda qo'llaniladi (uni blogdagi yozuvlar ro'yxatida eskizni ko'rsatish uchun dinamik tarkib yordamida ishlatish mumkin). Yo'l veb-sayt nomiga bog'liq bo'lsa, yo'lda __WEBSITE_KEY__ dan foydalaning (masalan: image / __ WEBSITE_KEY __ / stories / myimage.png). -WEBSITE_KEYWORDS=Kalit so'zlar -LinesToImport=Import qilish uchun chiziqlar +WebsiteSetup=Setup of module website +WEBSITE_PAGEURL=URL of page +WEBSITE_TITLE=Title +WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION=Description +WEBSITE_IMAGE=Image +WEBSITE_IMAGEDesc=Relative path of the image media. You can keep this empty as this is rarely used (it can be used by dynamic content to show a thumbnail in a list of blog posts). Use __WEBSITE_KEY__ in the path if path depends on website name (for example: image/__WEBSITE_KEY__/stories/myimage.png). +WEBSITE_KEYWORDS=Keywords +LinesToImport=Lines to import @@ -296,43 +281,6 @@ -MemoryUsage=Xotiradan foydalanish -RequestDuration=So'rov muddati -ProductsServicesPerPopularity=Mahsulotlar|Mashhurlik bo'yicha xizmatlar -ProductsPerPopularity=Mashhurlik bo'yicha mahsulotlar -ServicesPerPopularity=Mashhurlik bo'yicha xizmatlar -PopuProp=Mahsulotlar|Takliflardagi mashhurlik bo'yicha xizmatlar -PopuCom=Mahsulotlar|Buyurtmalardagi mashhurlik bo'yicha xizmatlar -ProductStatistics=Mahsulotlar|Xizmatlar statistikasi -NbOfQtyInOrders=Buyurtmalar soni -SelectTheTypeOfObjectToAnalyze=Uning statistikasini ko'rish uchun ob'ektni tanlang ... - -ConfirmBtnCommonContent = Haqiqatan ham "%s" ni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmBtnCommonTitle = Sizning harakatingizni tasdiqlang -CloseDialog = Yopish -Autofill = Avtomatik toʻldirish -OrPasteAnURL=yoki URL manzilini joylashtiring - -# externalsite -ExternalSiteSetup=Tashqi veb-saytga havolani o'rnatish -ExternalSiteURL=HTML iframe kontentining tashqi sayt URL manzili -ExternalSiteModuleNotComplete=Module ExternalSite to'g'ri sozlanmagan. -ExampleMyMenuEntry=Mening menyuga kirishim - -# ftp -FTPClientSetup=FTP yoki SFTP mijoz modulini sozlash -NewFTPClient=Yangi FTP/SFTP ulanish sozlamalari -FTPArea=FTP/SFTP maydoni -FTPAreaDesc=Ushbu ekran FTP va SFTP serverining ko'rinishini ko'rsatadi. -SetupOfFTPClientModuleNotComplete=FTP yoki SFTP mijoz modulini sozlash tugallanmaganga o'xshaydi -FTPFeatureNotSupportedByYourPHP=Sizning PHP FTP yoki SFTP funksiyalarini qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi -FailedToConnectToFTPServer=Serverga ulanib bo'lmadi (server %s, port %s) -FailedToConnectToFTPServerWithCredentials=Belgilangan login/parol bilan serverga kirib bo'lmadi -FTPFailedToRemoveFile=%s faylini olib tashlab bo‘lmadi. -FTPFailedToRemoveDir=Katalogni olib tashlab bo'lmadi %s: ruxsatlarni tekshiring va bo'sh. -FTPPassiveMode=Passiv rejim -ChooseAFTPEntryIntoMenu=Menyudan FTP/SFTP saytini tanlang... -FailedToGetFile=%s fayllarini olib bo‘lmadi -ErrorFTPNodisconnect=FTP/SFTP serverini uzishda xatolik yuz berdi -FileWasUpload=%s fayl yuklandi -FTPFailedToUploadFile=%s faylini yuklab bo‘lmadi. -AddFolder=Jild yaratish -FileWasCreateFolder=%s jild yaratildi -FTPFailedToCreateFolder=%s jildini yaratib bo‘lmadi. +MemoryUsage=Memory usage +RequestDuration=Duration of request +PopuProp=Products/Services by popularity in Proposals +PopuCom=Products/Services by popularity in Orders +ProductStatistics=Products/Services Statistics +NbOfQtyInOrders=Qty in orders --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_products.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_products.lang @@ -2,188 +2,176 @@ -ProductRef=Mahsulot ref. -ProductLabel=Mahsulot yorlig'i -ProductLabelTranslated=Tarjima qilingan mahsulot yorlig'i -ProductDescription=Mahsulot tavsifi -ProductDescriptionTranslated=Tarjima qilingan mahsulot tavsifi -ProductNoteTranslated=Tarjima qilingan mahsulot haqida eslatma -ProductServiceCard=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlar kartasi -TMenuProducts=Mahsulotlar -TMenuServices=Xizmatlar -Products=Mahsulotlar -Services=Xizmatlar -Product=Mahsulot -Service=Xizmat -ProductId=Mahsulot / xizmat identifikatori -Create=Yaratmoq -Reference=Malumot -NewProduct=Yangi mahsulot -NewService=Yangi xizmat -ProductVatMassChange=QQS bo'yicha global yangilanish -ProductVatMassChangeDesc=Ushbu vosita ALL mahsulotlarida aniqlangan QQS stavkasini yangilaydi! -MassBarcodeInit=Ommaviy shtrix kod -MassBarcodeInitDesc=Ushbu sahifadan shtrix-kod aniqlanmagan ob'ektlarda shtrix-kodni boshlash uchun foydalanish mumkin. Modul shtrix-kodini o'rnatish tugamasdan oldin tekshiring. -ProductAccountancyBuyCode=Buxgalteriya kodi (sotib olish) -ProductAccountancyBuyIntraCode=Buxgalteriya kodi (jamiyat ichidagi sotib olish) -ProductAccountancyBuyExportCode=Buxgalteriya kodi (sotib olish importi) -ProductAccountancySellCode=Buxgalteriya kodi (sotish) -ProductAccountancySellIntraCode=Buxgalteriya kodi (hamjamiyat ichida sotish) -ProductAccountancySellExportCode=Buxgalteriya kodi (sotish eksporti) -ProductOrService=Mahsulot yoki xizmat -ProductsAndServices=Mahsulotlar va xizmatlar -ProductsOrServices=Mahsulotlar yoki xizmatlar -ProductsPipeServices=Mahsulotlar | Xizmatlar -ProductsOnSale=Sotish uchun mahsulotlar -ProductsOnPurchase=Sotib olish uchun mahsulotlar -ProductsOnSaleOnly=Faqat sotiladigan mahsulotlar -ProductsOnPurchaseOnly=Faqat sotib olish uchun mahsulotlar -ProductsNotOnSell=Mahsulotlar sotilmaydi va sotib olinmaydi -ProductsOnSellAndOnBuy=Sotish va sotib olish uchun mahsulotlar -ServicesOnSale=Sotish bo'yicha xizmatlar -ServicesOnPurchase=Sotib olish uchun xizmatlar -ServicesOnSaleOnly=Faqat sotiladigan xizmatlar -ServicesOnPurchaseOnly=Faqat sotib olish uchun xizmatlar -ServicesNotOnSell=Xizmatlar sotilmaydi va sotib olinmaydi -ServicesOnSellAndOnBuy=Sotish va sotib olish uchun xizmatlar -LastModifiedProductsAndServices=O'zgartirilgan so'nggi %s mahsulot / xizmatlari -LastRecordedProducts=Eng so'nggi %s yozilgan mahsulotlar -LastRecordedServices=Oxirgi %s yozilgan xizmatlari -CardProduct0=Mahsulot -CardProduct1=Xizmat -Stock=Aksiya -MenuStocks=Qimmatli qog'ozlar -Stocks=Mahsulotlarning zaxiralari va joylashishi (ombori) -Movements=Harakatlar -Sell=Sotish -Buy=Xarid qilish -OnSell=Sotuvda -OnBuy=Sotib olish uchun -NotOnSell=Sotilmaydi -ProductStatusOnSell=Sotuvda -ProductStatusNotOnSell=Sotilmaydi -ProductStatusOnSellShort=Sotuvda -ProductStatusNotOnSellShort=Sotilmaydi -ProductStatusOnBuy=Sotib olish uchun -ProductStatusNotOnBuy=Sotib olish uchun emas -ProductStatusOnBuyShort=Sotib olish uchun -ProductStatusNotOnBuyShort=Sotib olish uchun emas -UpdateVAT=QQSni yangilang -UpdateDefaultPrice=Standart narxni yangilang -UpdateLevelPrices=Har bir daraja uchun narxlarni yangilang -AppliedPricesFrom=Ilova qilingan -SellingPrice=Sotish narxi -SellingPriceHT=Sotish narxi (soliqdan tashqari) -SellingPriceTTC=Sotish narxi (soliq bilan) -SellingMinPriceTTC=Sotishning minimal narxi (soliq bilan) -CostPriceDescription=Ushbu narx sohasi (soliqdan tashqari) ushbu mahsulot kompaniyangizga o'rtacha xarajatlarni qoplash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Siz o'zingiz hisoblagan har qanday narx bo'lishi mumkin, masalan, o'rtacha sotib olish narxidan ortiqcha ishlab chiqarish va tarqatish narxidan. -CostPriceUsage=Ushbu qiymat marjni hisoblash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. -ManufacturingPrice=Ishlab chiqarish narxi -SoldAmount=Sotilgan summa -PurchasedAmount=Xarid qilingan summa -NewPrice=Yangi narx -MinPrice=Min. sotish narxi -MinPriceHT=Min. sotish narxi (soliqdan tashqari) -MinPriceTTC=Min. sotish narxi (soliq bilan birga) -EditSellingPriceLabel=Sotish narxlari yorlig'ini tahrirlash -CantBeLessThanMinPrice=Sotish narxi bu mahsulot uchun ruxsat etilgan minimal qiymatdan past boʻlishi mumkin emas (soliqsiz %s). Agar siz sezilarli chegirma yozsangiz, bu xabar paydo bo'lishi mumkin. -CantBeLessThanMinPriceInclTax=Sotish narxi bu mahsulot uchun ruxsat etilgan minimal qiymatdan past boʻlishi mumkin emas (%s soliqlar bilan birga). Agar siz juda muhim chegirma yozsangiz, bu xabar ham paydo bo'lishi mumkin. -ContractStatusClosed=Yopiq -ErrorProductAlreadyExists=%s mos yozuvli mahsulot allaqachon mavjud. -ErrorProductBadRefOrLabel=Malumot yoki yorliq uchun noto'g'ri qiymat. -ErrorProductClone=Mahsulot yoki xizmatni klonlashda muammo yuz berdi. -ErrorPriceCantBeLowerThanMinPrice=Xato, narx minimal narxdan past bo'lishi mumkin emas. -Suppliers=Sotuvchilar -SupplierRef=Sotuvchi SKU -ShowProduct=Mahsulotni ko'rsatish -ShowService=Xizmatni ko'rsatish -ProductsAndServicesArea=Mahsulot va xizmatlar maydoni -ProductsArea=Mahsulot maydoni -ServicesArea=Xizmatlar maydoni -ListOfStockMovements=Birja harakatlari ro'yxati -BuyingPrice=Xarid qilish narxi -PriceForEachProduct=Maxsus narxlarga ega mahsulotlar -SupplierCard=Sotuvchi kartasi -PriceRemoved=Narx olib tashlandi -BarCode=Shtrixli kod -BarcodeType=Shtrixli kod turi -SetDefaultBarcodeType=Shtrixli turini o'rnating -BarcodeValue=Shtrixli qiymat -NoteNotVisibleOnBill=Izoh (hisob-fakturalarda, takliflarda ko'rinmaydi ...) -ServiceLimitedDuration=Agar mahsulot cheklangan muddati bo'lgan xizmat bo'lsa: -FillWithLastServiceDates=So'nggi xizmat ko'rsatish sanalari bilan to'ldiring -MultiPricesAbility=Bir mahsulot / xizmat uchun bir nechta narx segmentlari (har bir mijoz bitta narx segmentida) -MultiPricesNumPrices=Narxlar soni -DefaultPriceType=Yangi sotish narxlarini qo'shganda, sukut bo'yicha narxlar bazasi (soliqsiz) -AssociatedProductsAbility=To'plamlarni yoqing (bir nechta mahsulot to'plami) -VariantsAbility=Variantlarni yoqish (mahsulotlarning xilma-xilligi, masalan, rang, o'lcham) -AssociatedProducts=To'plamlar -AssociatedProductsNumber=Ushbu to'plamni tashkil etadigan mahsulotlar soni -ParentProductsNumber=Ota-ona mahsuloti soni -ParentProducts=Ota-ona mahsulotlari -IfZeroItIsNotAVirtualProduct=Agar 0 bo'lsa, bu mahsulot to'plam emas -IfZeroItIsNotUsedByVirtualProduct=Agar 0 bo'lsa, ushbu mahsulot biron bir to'plam tomonidan ishlatilmaydi -KeywordFilter=Kalit so'z filtri -CategoryFilter=Turkum filtri -ProductToAddSearch=Qo'shish uchun mahsulotni qidiring -NoMatchFound=Hech narsa topilmadi -ListOfProductsServices=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlar ro'yxati -ProductAssociationList=Ushbu to'plamning tarkibiy qismlari bo'lgan mahsulotlar / xizmatlar ro'yxati -ProductParentList=Ushbu mahsulot tarkibiy qism sifatida to'plamlari ro'yxati -ErrorAssociationIsFatherOfThis=Tanlangan mahsulotlardan biri joriy mahsulotga ega bo'lgan ota-ona hisoblanadi -DeleteProduct=Mahsulot / xizmatni o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteProduct=Ushbu mahsulotni / xizmatni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ProductDeleted=Ma'lumotlar bazasidan o'chirilgan "%s" mahsuloti / xizmati. -ExportDataset_produit_1=Mahsulotlar -ExportDataset_service_1=Xizmatlar -ImportDataset_produit_1=Mahsulotlar -ImportDataset_service_1=Xizmatlar -DeleteProductLine=Mahsulot qatorini o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteProductLine=Ushbu mahsulot qatorini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ProductSpecial=Maxsus -QtyMin=Min. sotib olish miqdori -PriceQtyMin=Narx miqdori min. -PriceQtyMinCurrency=Ushbu miqdor uchun narx (valyuta) -WithoutDiscount=Chegirmasiz -VATRateForSupplierProduct=QQS stavkasi (ushbu sotuvchi / mahsulot uchun) -DiscountQtyMin=Ushbu miqdor uchun chegirma. -NoPriceDefinedForThisSupplier=Ushbu sotuvchi / mahsulot uchun narx / miqdor aniqlanmagan -NoSupplierPriceDefinedForThisProduct=Ushbu mahsulot uchun sotuvchi narxi / miqdori aniqlanmagan -PredefinedItem=Oldindan belgilangan element -PredefinedProductsToSell=Oldindan belgilangan mahsulot -PredefinedServicesToSell=Oldindan belgilangan xizmat -PredefinedProductsAndServicesToSell=Sotish uchun oldindan belgilangan mahsulotlar / xizmatlar -PredefinedProductsToPurchase=Sotib olish uchun oldindan belgilangan mahsulot -PredefinedServicesToPurchase=Xarid qilish uchun oldindan belgilangan xizmatlar -PredefinedProductsAndServicesToPurchase=Sotib olish uchun oldindan belgilangan mahsulotlar / xizmatlar -NotPredefinedProducts=Oldindan belgilangan mahsulotlar / xizmatlar emas -GenerateThumb=Bosh barmog'ini yarating -ServiceNb=Xizmat # %s -ListProductServiceByPopularity=Ommabopligi bo'yicha mahsulotlar / xizmatlar ro'yxati -ListProductByPopularity=Ommabopligi bo'yicha mahsulotlar ro'yxati -ListServiceByPopularity=Ommabopligi bo'yicha xizmatlarning ro'yxati -Finished=Ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulot -RowMaterial=Xom ashyo -ConfirmCloneProduct= %s mahsulotini yoki xizmatini klonlamoqchimisiz? -CloneContentProduct=Mahsulot / xizmatning barcha asosiy ma'lumotlarini klonlash -ClonePricesProduct=Klon narxlari -CloneCategoriesProduct=Bog'langan teglar / toifalarni klonlash -CloneCompositionProduct=Virtual mahsulotlar / xizmatlarni klonlash -CloneCombinationsProduct=Mahsulot variantlarini klonlash -ProductIsUsed=Ushbu mahsulot ishlatilgan -NewRefForClone=Ref. yangi mahsulot / xizmat -SellingPrices=Sotish narxi -BuyingPrices=Xarid qilish narxlari -CustomerPrices=Mijozlar narxlari -SuppliersPrices=Sotuvchi narxlari -SuppliersPricesOfProductsOrServices=Sotuvchi narxlari (mahsulotlar yoki xizmatlar) -CustomCode=Bojxona | Tovar | HS kodi -CountryOrigin=Ishlab chiqaruvchi mamlakat; ta'minotchi mamlakat -RegionStateOrigin=Kelib chiqish mintaqasi -StateOrigin=Shtat | kelib chiqishi viloyati -Nature=Mahsulotning tabiati (xom / ishlab chiqarilgan) -NatureOfProductShort=Mahsulotning tabiati -NatureOfProductDesc=Xom ashyo yoki ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulot -ShortLabel=Qisqa yorliq -Unit=Birlik -p=siz. -set=o'rnatilgan -se=o'rnatilgan -second=ikkinchi +ProductRef=Product ref. +ProductLabel=Product label +ProductLabelTranslated=Translated product label +ProductDescription=Product description +ProductDescriptionTranslated=Translated product description +ProductNoteTranslated=Translated product note +ProductServiceCard=Products/Services card +TMenuProducts=Products +TMenuServices=Services +Products=Products +Services=Services +Product=Product +Service=Service +ProductId=Product/service id +Create=Create +Reference=Reference +NewProduct=New product +NewService=New service +ProductVatMassChange=Global VAT Update +ProductVatMassChangeDesc=This tool updates the VAT rate defined on ALL products and services! +MassBarcodeInit=Mass barcode init +MassBarcodeInitDesc=This page can be used to initialize a barcode on objects that does not have barcode defined. Check before that setup of module barcode is complete. +ProductAccountancyBuyCode=Accounting code (purchase) +ProductAccountancyBuyIntraCode=Accounting code (purchase intra-community) +ProductAccountancyBuyExportCode=Accounting code (purchase import) +ProductAccountancySellCode=Accounting code (sale) +ProductAccountancySellIntraCode=Accounting code (sale intra-Community) +ProductAccountancySellExportCode=Accounting code (sale export) +ProductOrService=Product or Service +ProductsAndServices=Products and Services +ProductsOrServices=Products or Services +ProductsPipeServices=Products | Services +ProductsOnSale=Products for sale +ProductsOnPurchase=Products for purchase +ProductsOnSaleOnly=Products for sale only +ProductsOnPurchaseOnly=Products for purchase only +ProductsNotOnSell=Products not for sale and not for purchase +ProductsOnSellAndOnBuy=Products for sale and for purchase +ServicesOnSale=Services for sale +ServicesOnPurchase=Services for purchase +ServicesOnSaleOnly=Services for sale only +ServicesOnPurchaseOnly=Services for purchase only +ServicesNotOnSell=Services not for sale and not for purchase +ServicesOnSellAndOnBuy=Services for sale and for purchase +LastModifiedProductsAndServices=Latest %s modified products/services +LastRecordedProducts=Latest %s recorded products +LastRecordedServices=Latest %s recorded services +CardProduct0=Product +CardProduct1=Service +Stock=Stock +MenuStocks=Stocks +Stocks=Stocks and location (warehouse) of products +Movements=Movements +Sell=Sell +Buy=Purchase +OnSell=For sale +OnBuy=For purchase +NotOnSell=Not for sale +ProductStatusOnSell=For sale +ProductStatusNotOnSell=Not for sale +ProductStatusOnSellShort=For sale +ProductStatusNotOnSellShort=Not for sale +ProductStatusOnBuy=For purchase +ProductStatusNotOnBuy=Not for purchase +ProductStatusOnBuyShort=For purchase +ProductStatusNotOnBuyShort=Not for purchase +UpdateVAT=Update vat +UpdateDefaultPrice=Update default price +UpdateLevelPrices=Update prices for each level +AppliedPricesFrom=Applied from +SellingPrice=Selling price +SellingPriceHT=Selling price (excl. tax) +SellingPriceTTC=Selling price (inc. tax) +SellingMinPriceTTC=Minimum Selling price (inc. tax) +CostPriceDescription=This price field (excl. tax) can be used to store the average amount this product costs to your company. It may be any price you calculate yourself, for example from the average buying price plus average production and distribution cost. +CostPriceUsage=This value could be used for margin calculation. +SoldAmount=Sold amount +PurchasedAmount=Purchased amount +NewPrice=New price +MinPrice=Min. sell price +EditSellingPriceLabel=Edit selling price label +CantBeLessThanMinPrice=The selling price can't be lower than minimum allowed for this product (%s without tax). This message can also appears if you type a too important discount. +ContractStatusClosed=Closed +ErrorProductAlreadyExists=A product with reference %s already exists. +ErrorProductBadRefOrLabel=Wrong value for reference or label. +ErrorProductClone=There was a problem while trying to clone the product or service. +ErrorPriceCantBeLowerThanMinPrice=Error, price can't be lower than minimum price. +Suppliers=Vendors +SupplierRef=Vendor SKU +ShowProduct=Show product +ShowService=Show service +ProductsAndServicesArea=Product and Services area +ProductsArea=Product area +ServicesArea=Services area +ListOfStockMovements=List of stock movements +BuyingPrice=Buying price +PriceForEachProduct=Products with specific prices +SupplierCard=Vendor card +PriceRemoved=Price removed +BarCode=Barcode +BarcodeType=Barcode type +SetDefaultBarcodeType=Set barcode type +BarcodeValue=Barcode value +NoteNotVisibleOnBill=Note (not visible on invoices, proposals...) +ServiceLimitedDuration=If product is a service with limited duration: +MultiPricesAbility=Multiple price segments per product/service (each customer is in one price segment) +MultiPricesNumPrices=Number of prices +DefaultPriceType=Base of prices per default (with versus without tax) when adding new sale prices +AssociatedProductsAbility=Activate virtual products (kits) +AssociatedProducts=Virtual products +AssociatedProductsNumber=Number of products composing this virtual product +ParentProductsNumber=Number of parent packaging product +ParentProducts=Parent products +IfZeroItIsNotAVirtualProduct=If 0, this product is not a virtual product +IfZeroItIsNotUsedByVirtualProduct=If 0, this product is not used by any virtual product +KeywordFilter=Keyword filter +CategoryFilter=Category filter +ProductToAddSearch=Search product to add +NoMatchFound=No match found +ListOfProductsServices=List of products/services +ProductAssociationList=List of products/services that are component(s) of this virtual product/kit +ProductParentList=List of virtual products/services with this product as a component +ErrorAssociationIsFatherOfThis=One of selected product is parent with current product +DeleteProduct=Delete a product/service +ConfirmDeleteProduct=Are you sure you want to delete this product/service? +ProductDeleted=Product/Service "%s" deleted from database. +ExportDataset_produit_1=Products +ExportDataset_service_1=Services +ImportDataset_produit_1=Products +ImportDataset_service_1=Services +DeleteProductLine=Delete product line +ConfirmDeleteProductLine=Are you sure you want to delete this product line? +ProductSpecial=Special +QtyMin=Min. purchase quantity +PriceQtyMin=Price quantity min. +PriceQtyMinCurrency=Price (currency) for this qty. (no discount) +VATRateForSupplierProduct=VAT Rate (for this vendor/product) +DiscountQtyMin=Discount for this qty. +NoPriceDefinedForThisSupplier=No price/qty defined for this vendor/product +NoSupplierPriceDefinedForThisProduct=No vendor price/qty defined for this product +PredefinedProductsToSell=Predefined Product +PredefinedServicesToSell=Predefined Service +PredefinedProductsAndServicesToSell=Predefined products/services to sell +PredefinedProductsToPurchase=Predefined product to purchase +PredefinedServicesToPurchase=Predefined services to purchase +PredefinedProductsAndServicesToPurchase=Predefined products/services to purchase +NotPredefinedProducts=Not predefined products/services +GenerateThumb=Generate thumb +ServiceNb=Service #%s +ListProductServiceByPopularity=List of products/services by popularity +ListProductByPopularity=List of products by popularity +ListServiceByPopularity=List of services by popularity +Finished=Manufactured product +RowMaterial=Raw Material +ConfirmCloneProduct=Are you sure you want to clone product or service %s? +CloneContentProduct=Clone all main information of product/service +ClonePricesProduct=Clone prices +CloneCategoriesProduct=Clone tags/categories linked +CloneCompositionProduct=Clone virtual product/service +CloneCombinationsProduct=Clone product variants +ProductIsUsed=This product is used +NewRefForClone=Ref. of new product/service +SellingPrices=Selling prices +BuyingPrices=Buying prices +CustomerPrices=Customer prices +SuppliersPrices=Vendor prices +SuppliersPricesOfProductsOrServices=Vendor prices (of products or services) +CustomCode=Customs / Commodity / HS code +CountryOrigin=Origin country +Nature=Nature of product (material/finished) +ShortLabel=Short label +Unit=Unit +p=u. +set=set +se=set +second=second @@ -191 +179 @@ -hour=soat +hour=hour @@ -193 +181 @@ -day=kun +day=day @@ -195 +183 @@ -kilogram=kilogramm +kilogram=kilogram @@ -197 +185 @@ -gram=gramm +gram=gram @@ -199 +187 @@ -meter=metr +meter=meter @@ -204 +192 @@ -liter=litr +liter=liter @@ -206,7 +194,12 @@ -unitP=Parcha -unitSET=O'rnatish -unitS=Ikkinchi -unitH=Soat -unitD=Kun -unitL=Litr -unitT=tonna +unitP=Piece +unitSET=Set +unitS=Second +unitH=Hour +unitD=Day +unitG=Gram +unitM=Meter +unitLM=Linear meter +unitM2=Square meter +unitM3=Cubic meter +unitL=Liter +unitT=ton @@ -216,4 +209,3 @@ -unitLB=funt -unitOZ=untsiya -unitM=Taymer -unitLM=Lineer metr +unitLB=pound +unitOZ=ounce +unitM=Meter @@ -221 +213 @@ -unitCM=sm +unitCM=cm @@ -224,2 +216,2 @@ -unitIN=yilda -unitM2=Kvadrat metr +unitIN=in +unitM2=Square meter @@ -227 +219 @@ -unitCM2=sm² +unitCM2=cm² @@ -230,2 +222,2 @@ -unitIN2=m2 -unitM3=Kub metr +unitIN2=in² +unitM3=Cubic meter @@ -233 +225 @@ -unitCM3=sm³ +unitCM3=cm³ @@ -237,17 +229,17 @@ -unitOZ3=untsiya -unitgallon=galon -ProductCodeModel=Mahsulot ref shabloni -ServiceCodeModel=Xizmat ko'rsatuvchi shablon -CurrentProductPrice=Joriy narx -AlwaysUseNewPrice=Har doim mahsulot / xizmatning joriy narxidan foydalaning -AlwaysUseFixedPrice=Belgilangan narxdan foydalaning -PriceByQuantity=Miqdoriga ko'ra har xil narxlar -DisablePriceByQty=Narxlarni miqdori bo'yicha o'chirib qo'ying -PriceByQuantityRange=Miqdor oralig'i -MultipriceRules=Segment uchun avtomatik narxlar -UseMultipriceRules=Boshqa segmentlarning narxlarini birinchi segmentga muvofiq avtomatik hisoblash uchun narx segmenti qoidalaridan foydalaning (mahsulot moduli sozlamalarida belgilangan) -PercentVariationOver=%% ning %s orqali o'zgarishi -PercentDiscountOver=%% %s orqali chegirma -KeepEmptyForAutoCalculation=Buni mahsulotning og'irligi yoki hajmidan avtomatik ravishda hisoblash uchun bo'sh qoldiring -VariantRefExample=Misollar: COL, SIZE -VariantLabelExample=Misollar: Rang, o'lchov +unitOZ3=ounce +unitgallon=gallon +ProductCodeModel=Product ref template +ServiceCodeModel=Service ref template +CurrentProductPrice=Current price +AlwaysUseNewPrice=Always use current price of product/service +AlwaysUseFixedPrice=Use the fixed price +PriceByQuantity=Different prices by quantity +DisablePriceByQty=Disable prices by quantity +PriceByQuantityRange=Quantity range +MultipriceRules=Price segment rules +UseMultipriceRules=Use price segment rules (defined into product module setup) to auto calculate prices of all other segments according to first segment +PercentVariationOver=%% variation over %s +PercentDiscountOver=%% discount over %s +KeepEmptyForAutoCalculation=Keep empty to have this calculated automatically from weight or volume of products +VariantRefExample=Examples: COL, SIZE +VariantLabelExample=Examples: Color, Size @@ -255,96 +247,93 @@ -Build=Mahsulot -ProductsMultiPrice=Har bir narx segmenti uchun mahsulotlar va narxlar -ProductsOrServiceMultiPrice=Mijozlar narxlari (mahsulotlar yoki xizmatlar, ko'p narxlar) -ProductSellByQuarterHT=Mahsulot aylanmasi soliqdan oldin har chorakda -ServiceSellByQuarterHT=Xizmatlar aylanmasi soliq to'lashdan oldin har chorakda -Quarter1=1-chi. Chorak -Quarter2=2-chi. Chorak -Quarter3=3-chi. Chorak -Quarter4=4-chi. Chorak -BarCodePrintsheet=Shtrix-kodlarni chop etish -PageToGenerateBarCodeSheets=Ushbu vosita yordamida siz shtrix-stiker varaqlarini chop etishingiz mumkin. Stiker sahifangizning formatini, shtrix-kod turini va shtrix-kodning qiymatini tanlang, so'ng %s tugmachasini bosing. -NumberOfStickers=Sahifada chop etiladigan stikerlar soni -PrintsheetForOneBarCode=Bitta shtrix-kod uchun bir nechta stikerlarni chop eting -BuildPageToPrint=Chop etish uchun sahifa yarating -FillBarCodeTypeAndValueManually=Shtrixli kod turini va qiymatini qo'lda to'ldiring. -FillBarCodeTypeAndValueFromProduct=Shtrixli kod turini va mahsulotning shtrix kodidagi qiymatini to'ldiring. -FillBarCodeTypeAndValueFromThirdParty=Shtrixli kodning turini va qiymatini uchinchi tomonning shtrix kodidan to'ldiring. -DefinitionOfBarCodeForProductNotComplete=%s mahsuloti uchun shtrix kodning turi yoki qiymatining ta'rifi to'liq emas. -DefinitionOfBarCodeForThirdpartyNotComplete=%s uchinchi tomon uchun to'liq bo'lmagan shtrix-kod turini yoki qiymatini aniqlash. -BarCodeDataForProduct=%s mahsulotining shtrix kodi haqida ma'lumot: -BarCodeDataForThirdparty=Uchinchi tomonning shtrix kodi %s ma'lumotlari: -ResetBarcodeForAllRecords=Barcha yozuvlar uchun shtrix qiymatini belgilang (bu shuningdek, yangi qiymatlar bilan belgilangan shtrix qiymatini qayta tiklaydi) -PriceByCustomer=Har bir mijoz uchun har xil narxlar -PriceCatalogue=Mahsulot / xizmat uchun bitta sotish narxi -PricingRule=Narxlarni sotish qoidalari -AddCustomerPrice=Xaridor tomonidan narx qo'shing -ForceUpdateChildPriceSoc=Mijozning sho'ba korxonalarida bir xil narxni belgilang -PriceByCustomerLog=Avvalgi mijozlar narxlari jurnali -MinimumPriceLimit=Minimal narx %s dan past bo'lishi mumkin emas -MinimumRecommendedPrice=Minimal tavsiya etilgan narx: %s -PriceExpressionEditor=Narxlarni ifodalash muharriri -PriceExpressionSelected=Tanlangan narx ifodasi -PriceExpressionEditorHelp1=narxni belgilash uchun "price = 2 + 2" yoki "2 + 2". Foydalanish; iboralarni ajratish -PriceExpressionEditorHelp2=ExtraFields-ga # extrafield_myextrafieldkey # va # global_mycode # kabi o'zgaruvchilar bilan kirishingiz mumkin. -PriceExpressionEditorHelp3=Ikkala mahsulot / xizmat va sotuvchilar narxlarida quyidagi o'zgaruvchilar mavjud:
# tva_tx # # localtax1_tx # # localtax2_tx # # weight # # length # # surface # # price_min # -PriceExpressionEditorHelp4=Faqat mahsulot / xizmat narxida: # Supply_min_price #
Faqat sotuvchilar narxlarida: # Supply_quantity # and # Suppli_tva_tx # a0a -PriceExpressionEditorHelp5=Mavjud global qadriyatlar: -PriceMode=Narx rejimi -PriceNumeric=Raqam -DefaultPrice=Standart narx -DefaultPriceLog=Oldingi narxlarning jurnali -ComposedProductIncDecStock=Ota-onalarni almashtirishda zaxiralarni ko'paytirish / kamaytirish -ComposedProduct=Bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan mahsulotlar -MinSupplierPrice=Minimal sotib olish narxi -MinCustomerPrice=Minimal sotish narxi -NoDynamicPrice=Dinamik narx yo'q -DynamicPriceConfiguration=Dinamik narx konfiguratsiyasi -DynamicPriceDesc=Siz xaridor yoki sotuvchi narxlarini hisoblash uchun matematik formulalarni belgilashingiz mumkin. Bunday formulalar barcha matematik operatorlardan, ba'zi bir doimiy va o'zgaruvchilardan foydalanishi mumkin. Siz bu erda foydalanmoqchi bo'lgan o'zgaruvchilarni belgilashingiz mumkin. Agar o'zgaruvchiga avtomatik yangilanish kerak bo'lsa, siz Dolibarr-ga qiymatni avtomatik ravishda yangilashiga ruxsat berish uchun tashqi URL manzilini belgilashingiz mumkin. -AddVariable=O'zgaruvchini qo'shish -AddUpdater=Updater-ni qo'shing -GlobalVariables=Global o'zgaruvchilar -VariableToUpdate=Yangilanadigan o'zgaruvchi -GlobalVariableUpdaters=O'zgaruvchilar uchun tashqi yangilanuvchilar -GlobalVariableUpdaterType0=JSON ma'lumotlari -GlobalVariableUpdaterHelp0=Belgilangan URL-dan JSON ma'lumotlarini ajratadi, VALUE tegishli qiymatning joylashishini belgilaydi, -GlobalVariableUpdaterHelpFormat0=So'rov uchun format {"URL": "http://example.com/urlofjson", "VALUE": "array1, array2, targetvalue"} -GlobalVariableUpdaterType1=WebService ma'lumotlari -GlobalVariableUpdaterHelp1=Belgilangan URL-dan WebService ma'lumotlarini ajratadi, NS nomlar maydonini, VALUE tegishli qiymatning joylashishini belgilaydi, DATA jo'natiladigan ma'lumotlarni o'z ichiga olishi kerak va METHOD chaqiruvchi WS usuli -GlobalVariableUpdaterHelpFormat1=So'rov formati: {"URL": "http://example.com/urlofws", "VALUE": "array, targetvalue", "NS": "http://example.com/urlofns", "METHOD" : "myWSMethod", "DATA": {"your": "data", "to": "send"}} -UpdateInterval=Yangilash oralig'i (daqiqa) -LastUpdated=Oxirgi yangilanish -CorrectlyUpdated=To'g'ri yangilangan -PropalMergePdfProductActualFile=PDF-ga qo'shish uchun ishlatiladigan fayllar Azur are / is -PropalMergePdfProductChooseFile=PDF-fayllarni tanlang -IncludingProductWithTag=Yorliqli mahsulotlar/xizmatlar, shu jumladan -DefaultPriceRealPriceMayDependOnCustomer=Standart narx, haqiqiy narx mijozga bog'liq bo'lishi mumkin -WarningSelectOneDocument=Iltimos, kamida bitta hujjatni tanlang -DefaultUnitToShow=Birlik -NbOfQtyInProposals=Takliflar soni -ClinkOnALinkOfColumn=Batafsil ko'rinishni olish uchun %s ustunining havolasini bosing ... -ProductsOrServicesTranslations=Mahsulotlar / xizmatlarning tarjimalari -TranslatedLabel=Tarjima qilingan yorliq -TranslatedDescription=Tarjima qilingan tavsif -TranslatedNote=Tarjima qilingan yozuvlar -ProductWeight=1 mahsulot uchun vazn -ProductVolume=1 ta mahsulot uchun hajm -WeightUnits=Og'irlik birligi -VolumeUnits=Tovush birligi -WidthUnits=Kenglik birligi -LengthUnits=Uzunlik birligi -HeightUnits=Balandlik birligi -SurfaceUnits=Yuzaki birlik -SizeUnits=Hajmi birligi -DeleteProductBuyPrice=Xarid narxini o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteProductBuyPrice=Ushbu xarid narxini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -SubProduct=Sub mahsulot -ProductSheet=Mahsulot varag'i -ServiceSheet=Xizmat varaqasi -PossibleValues=Mumkin bo'lgan qiymatlar -GoOnMenuToCreateVairants=Atribut variantlarini tayyorlash uchun (ranglar, o'lchamlar, ... kabi) %s - %s menyusiga o'ting. -UseProductFournDesc=Xaridorlar tavsifiga qo'shimcha ravishda sotuvchilar tomonidan aniqlangan mahsulot tavsifini (har bir sotuvchi ma'lumotnomasi uchun) belgilash xususiyatini qo'shing. -ProductSupplierDescription=Mahsulot uchun sotuvchining tavsifi -UseProductSupplierPackaging=Miqdorlarni bir necha berilgan ko'paytmalarga yaxlitlash uchun "qadoqlash" funksiyasidan foydalaning (sotuvchi hujjatlariga qator qo'shish/yangilashda mahsulotning sotib olish bahosidagi yuqori ko'p to'plamga muvofiq miqdor va xarid narxlarini qayta hisoblang) -PackagingForThisProduct=Miqdorlarni qadoqlash -PackagingForThisProductDesc=Siz avtomatik ravishda ushbu miqdorning bir nechtasini sotib olasiz. -QtyRecalculatedWithPackaging=Chiziq miqdori etkazib beruvchilarning qadoqlariga muvofiq qayta hisoblab chiqilgan +Build=Produce +ProductsMultiPrice=Products and prices for each price segment +ProductsOrServiceMultiPrice=Customer prices (of products or services, multi-prices) +ProductSellByQuarterHT=Products turnover quarterly before tax +ServiceSellByQuarterHT=Services turnover quarterly before tax +Quarter1=1st. Quarter +Quarter2=2nd. Quarter +Quarter3=3rd. Quarter +Quarter4=4th. Quarter +BarCodePrintsheet=Print barcode +PageToGenerateBarCodeSheets=With this tool, you can print sheets of barcode stickers. Choose format of your sticker page, type of barcode and value of barcode, then click on button %s. +NumberOfStickers=Number of stickers to print on page +PrintsheetForOneBarCode=Print several stickers for one barcode +BuildPageToPrint=Generate page to print +FillBarCodeTypeAndValueManually=Fill barcode type and value manually. +FillBarCodeTypeAndValueFromProduct=Fill barcode type and value from barcode of a product. +FillBarCodeTypeAndValueFromThirdParty=Fill barcode type and value from barcode of a third party. +DefinitionOfBarCodeForProductNotComplete=Definition of type or value of barcode not complete for product %s. +DefinitionOfBarCodeForThirdpartyNotComplete=Definition of type or value of barcode non complete for third party %s. +BarCodeDataForProduct=Barcode information of product %s: +BarCodeDataForThirdparty=Barcode information of third party %s: +ResetBarcodeForAllRecords=Define barcode value for all record (this will also reset barcode value already defined with new values) +PriceByCustomer=Different prices for each customer +PriceCatalogue=A single sell price per product/service +PricingRule=Rules for selling prices +AddCustomerPrice=Add price by customer +ForceUpdateChildPriceSoc=Set same price on customer subsidiaries +PriceByCustomerLog=Log of previous customer prices +MinimumPriceLimit=Minimum price can't be lower then %s +MinimumRecommendedPrice=Minimum recommended price is: %s +PriceExpressionEditor=Price expression editor +PriceExpressionSelected=Selected price expression +PriceExpressionEditorHelp1="price = 2 + 2" or "2 + 2" for setting the price. Use ; to separate expressions +PriceExpressionEditorHelp2=You can access ExtraFields with variables like #extrafield_myextrafieldkey# and global variables with #global_mycode# +PriceExpressionEditorHelp3=In both product/service and vendor prices there are these variables available:
#tva_tx# #localtax1_tx# #localtax2_tx# #weight# #length# #surface# #price_min# +PriceExpressionEditorHelp4=In product/service price only: #supplier_min_price#
In vendor prices only: #supplier_quantity# and #supplier_tva_tx# +PriceExpressionEditorHelp5=Available global values: +PriceMode=Price mode +PriceNumeric=Number +DefaultPrice=Default price +ComposedProductIncDecStock=Increase/Decrease stock on parent change +ComposedProduct=Child products +MinSupplierPrice=Minimum buying price +MinCustomerPrice=Minimum selling price +DynamicPriceConfiguration=Dynamic price configuration +DynamicPriceDesc=You may define mathematical formulae to calculate Customer or Vendor prices. Such formulas can use all mathematical operators, some constants and variables. You can define here the variables you wish to use. If the variable needs an automatic update, you may define the external URL to allow Dolibarr to update the value automatically. +AddVariable=Add Variable +AddUpdater=Add Updater +GlobalVariables=Global variables +VariableToUpdate=Variable to update +GlobalVariableUpdaters=External updaters for variables +GlobalVariableUpdaterType0=JSON data +GlobalVariableUpdaterHelp0=Parses JSON data from specified URL, VALUE specifies the location of relevant value, +GlobalVariableUpdaterHelpFormat0=Format for request {"URL": "http://example.com/urlofjson", "VALUE": "array1,array2,targetvalue"} +GlobalVariableUpdaterType1=WebService data +GlobalVariableUpdaterHelp1=Parses WebService data from specified URL, NS specifies the namespace, VALUE specifies the location of relevant value, DATA should contain the data to send and METHOD is the calling WS method +GlobalVariableUpdaterHelpFormat1=Format for request is {"URL": "http://example.com/urlofws", "VALUE": "array,targetvalue", "NS": "http://example.com/urlofns", "METHOD": "myWSMethod", "DATA": {"your": "data", "to": "send"}} +UpdateInterval=Update interval (minutes) +LastUpdated=Latest update +CorrectlyUpdated=Correctly updated +PropalMergePdfProductActualFile=Files use to add into PDF Azur are/is +PropalMergePdfProductChooseFile=Select PDF files +IncludingProductWithTag=Including product/service with tag +DefaultPriceRealPriceMayDependOnCustomer=Default price, real price may depend on customer +WarningSelectOneDocument=Please select at least one document +DefaultUnitToShow=Unit +NbOfQtyInProposals=Qty in proposals +ClinkOnALinkOfColumn=Click on a link of column %s to get a detailed view... +ProductsOrServicesTranslations=Products/Services translations +TranslatedLabel=Translated label +TranslatedDescription=Translated description +TranslatedNote=Translated notes +ProductWeight=Weight for 1 product +ProductVolume=Volume for 1 product +WeightUnits=Weight unit +VolumeUnits=Volume unit +WidthUnits=Width unit +LengthUnits=Length unit +HeightUnits=Height unit +SurfaceUnits=Surface unit +SizeUnits=Size unit +DeleteProductBuyPrice=Delete buying price +ConfirmDeleteProductBuyPrice=Are you sure you want to delete this buying price? +SubProduct=Sub product +ProductSheet=Product sheet +ServiceSheet=Service sheet +PossibleValues=Possible values +GoOnMenuToCreateVairants=Go on menu %s - %s to prepare attribute variants (like colors, size, ...) +UseProductFournDesc=Add a feature to define the descriptions of products defined by the vendors in addition to descriptions for customers +ProductSupplierDescription=Vendor description for the product +UseProductSupplierPackaging=Use packaging on supplier prices (recalculate quantities according to packaging set on supplier price when adding/updating line in supplier documents) +PackagingForThisProduct=Packaging +QtyRecalculatedWithPackaging=The quantity of the line were recalculated according to supplier packaging @@ -353,12 +342,11 @@ -Attributes=Atributlar -VariantAttributes=Variant atributlari -ProductAttributes=Mahsulotlar uchun turli xil atributlar -ProductAttributeName=Variant atributi %s -ProductAttribute=Variant atributi -ProductAttributeDeleteDialog=Ushbu xususiyatni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? Barcha qiymatlar o'chiriladi -ProductAttributeValueDeleteDialog=Haqiqatan ham ushbu atributning “%s” havolasi bilan “%s” qiymatini o‘chirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -ProductCombinationDeleteDialog=Haqiqatan ham mahsulotning " %s " variantini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ProductCombinationAlreadyUsed=Variantni o'chirishda xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, u hech qanday ob'ektda ishlatilmayotganligini tekshiring -ProductCombinations=Variantlar -PropagateVariant=Variantlarni targ'ib qiling -HideProductCombinations=Mahsulot tanlovchisida mahsulot variantini yashirish +VariantAttributes=Variant attributes +ProductAttributes=Variant attributes for products +ProductAttributeName=Variant attribute %s +ProductAttribute=Variant attribute +ProductAttributeDeleteDialog=Are you sure you want to delete this attribute? All values will be deleted +ProductAttributeValueDeleteDialog=Are you sure you want to delete the value "%s" with reference "%s" of this attribute? +ProductCombinationDeleteDialog=Are you sure want to delete the variant of the product "%s"? +ProductCombinationAlreadyUsed=There was an error while deleting the variant. Please check it is not being used in any object +ProductCombinations=Variants +PropagateVariant=Propagate variants +HideProductCombinations=Hide products variant in the products selector @@ -366,71 +354,33 @@ -NewProductCombination=Yangi variant -EditProductCombination=Variantni tahrirlash -NewProductCombinations=Yangi variantlar -EditProductCombinations=Variantlarni tahrirlash -SelectCombination=Kombinatsiyani tanlang -ProductCombinationGenerator=Variantlar generatori -Features=Xususiyatlari -PriceImpact=Narx ta'siri -ImpactOnPriceLevel=%s narx darajasiga ta'siri -ApplyToAllPriceImpactLevel= Barcha darajalarga murojaat qiling -ApplyToAllPriceImpactLevelHelp=Bu erni bosish orqali siz barcha darajalarda bir xil narx ta'sirini o'rnatdingiz -WeightImpact=Og'irlikka ta'siri -NewProductAttribute=Yangi atribut -NewProductAttributeValue=Yangi atribut qiymati -ErrorCreatingProductAttributeValue=Atribut qiymatini yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi. Ehtimol, ushbu ma'lumotnomada allaqachon mavjud qiymat mavjud -ProductCombinationGeneratorWarning=Agar davom ettirsangiz, yangi variantlarni yaratishdan oldin, avvalgi barcha ma'lumotlar O'chiriladi. Allaqachon mavjud bo'lganlar yangi qadriyatlar bilan yangilanadi -TooMuchCombinationsWarning=Ko'pgina variantlarni yaratish yuqori protsessorga, xotiradan foydalanishga va Dolibarr ularni yaratishga olib kelmasligi mumkin. "%s" parametrini yoqish xotira hajmini kamaytirishga yordam beradi. -DoNotRemovePreviousCombinations=Oldingi variantlarni olib tashlamang -UsePercentageVariations=Foizli o'zgarishlardan foydalaning -PercentageVariation=Foizning o'zgarishi -ErrorDeletingGeneratedProducts=Mavjud mahsulot variantlarini o'chirishda xatolik yuz berdi -NbOfDifferentValues=Turli xil qiymatlar soni -NbProducts=Mahsulotlar soni -ParentProduct=Asosiy mahsulot -ParentProductOfVariant=Variantning asosiy mahsuloti -HideChildProducts=Variant mahsulotlarini yashirish -ShowChildProducts=Variant mahsulotlarini ko'rsating -NoEditVariants=Ota-ona mahsulot kartasiga o'ting va variantlar ko'rinishida variantlar narxiga ta'sirini tahrir qiling -ConfirmCloneProductCombinations=Berilgan ma'lumot bilan mahsulotning barcha variantlarini boshqa asosiy mahsulotga nusxalashni xohlaysizmi? -CloneDestinationReference=Belgilangan mahsulot haqida ma'lumot -ErrorCopyProductCombinations=Mahsulot variantlarini nusxalashda xatolik yuz berdi -ErrorDestinationProductNotFound=Belgilangan mahsulot topilmadi -ErrorProductCombinationNotFound=Mahsulot varianti topilmadi -ActionAvailableOnVariantProductOnly=Aksiya faqat mahsulotning variantida mavjud -ProductsPricePerCustomer=Xaridorlar uchun mahsulot narxi -ProductSupplierExtraFields=Qo'shimcha atributlar (etkazib beruvchilar narxi) -DeleteLinkedProduct=Kombinatsiyaga bog'langan bolalar mahsulotini o'chirib tashlang -AmountUsedToUpdateWAP=O'rtacha o'lchangan narxni yangilash uchun foydalaniladigan birlik miqdori -PMPValue=O'rtacha narx -PMPValueShort=WAP -mandatoryperiod=Majburiy davrlar -mandatoryPeriodNeedTobeSet=Eslatma: Davr (boshlanish va tugash sanasi) aniqlanishi kerak -mandatoryPeriodNeedTobeSetMsgValidate=Xizmat boshlanish va tugash davrini talab qiladi -mandatoryHelper=Agar siz ushbu xizmat qatorlarida boshlanish va tugash sanasini kiritmasdan hisob-faktura, tijorat taklifi, savdo buyurtmasini yaratish/tasdiqlashda foydalanuvchiga xabar olishni istasangiz, buni belgilang.
Xabar blokirovka xatosi emas, balki ogohlantirish ekanligini unutmang. -DefaultBOM=Standart BOM -DefaultBOMDesc=Standart BOM ushbu mahsulotni ishlab chiqarishda foydalanishni tavsiya qiladi. Bu maydon faqat mahsulotning tabiati '%s' bo'lganida o'rnatilishi mumkin. -Rank=Daraja -MergeOriginProduct=Takroriy mahsulot (siz o'chirmoqchi bo'lgan mahsulot) -MergeProducts=Mahsulotlarni birlashtirish -ConfirmMergeProducts=Haqiqatan ham tanlangan mahsulotni joriy mahsulot bilan birlashtirmoqchimisiz? Barcha bog'langan ob'ektlar (hisob-kitoblar, buyurtmalar, ...) joriy mahsulotga ko'chiriladi, shundan so'ng tanlangan mahsulot o'chiriladi. -ProductsMergeSuccess=Mahsulotlar birlashtirildi -ErrorsProductsMerge=Mahsulotlarni birlashtirishdagi xatolar -SwitchOnSaleStatus=Sotish holatini yoqing -SwitchOnPurchaseStatus=Xarid holatini yoqing -UpdatePrice=Mijoz narxini oshirish/pasaytirish -StockMouvementExtraFields= Qo'shimcha maydonlar (birjalar harakati) -InventoryExtraFields= Qo'shimcha maydonlar (inventarizatsiya) -ScanOrTypeOrCopyPasteYourBarCodes=Shtrix-kodlaringizni skanerlang yoki yozing yoki nusxalash/joylashtirish -PuttingPricesUpToDate=Joriy ma'lum narxlar bilan narxlarni yangilang -PuttingDescUpToDate=Ta'riflarni joriy ma'lum tavsiflar bilan yangilang -PMPExpected=Kutilayotgan PMP -ExpectedValuation=Kutilayotgan baholash -PMPReal=Haqiqiy PMP -RealValuation=Haqiqiy baholash -ConfirmEditExtrafield = O'zgartirmoqchi bo'lgan qo'shimcha maydonni tanlang -ConfirmEditExtrafieldQuestion = Haqiqatan ham bu qoʻshimcha maydonni oʻzgartirmoqchimisiz? -ModifyValueExtrafields = Qo'shimcha maydonning qiymatini o'zgartirish -OrProductsWithCategories=Yoki teglar/toifali mahsulotlar -WarningTransferBatchStockMouvToGlobal = Agar siz ushbu mahsulotni seriyadan chiqarishni istasangiz, uning barcha seriyali zaxiralari global zaxiraga aylantiriladi -WarningConvertFromBatchToSerial=Agar sizda mahsulot uchun 2 ga teng yoki kattaroq miqdor mavjud bo'lsa, ushbu tanlovga o'tish sizda bir xil partiyaning turli ob'ektlari bo'lgan mahsulotga ega bo'lishingizni anglatadi (agar siz noyob seriya raqamini xohlasangiz). Dublikat inventarizatsiya qilinmaguncha yoki uni tuzatish uchun qo'lda stok harakati amalga oshirilgunga qadar qoladi. -ConfirmSetToDraftInventory=Haqiqatan ham qoralama holatiga qaytmoqchimisiz?
Hozirda inventarda oʻrnatilgan miqdorlar asliga qaytariladi. +NewProductCombination=New variant +EditProductCombination=Editing variant +NewProductCombinations=New variants +EditProductCombinations=Editing variants +SelectCombination=Select combination +ProductCombinationGenerator=Variants generator +Features=Features +PriceImpact=Price impact +WeightImpact=Weight impact +NewProductAttribute=New attribute +NewProductAttributeValue=New attribute value +ErrorCreatingProductAttributeValue=There was an error while creating the attribute value. It could be because there is already an existing value with that reference +ProductCombinationGeneratorWarning=If you continue, before generating new variants, all previous ones will be DELETED. Already existing ones will be updated with the new values +TooMuchCombinationsWarning=Generating lots of variants may result in high CPU, memory usage and Dolibarr not able to create them. Enabling the option "%s" may help reduce memory usage. +DoNotRemovePreviousCombinations=Do not remove previous variants +UsePercentageVariations=Use percentage variations +PercentageVariation=Percentage variation +ErrorDeletingGeneratedProducts=There was an error while trying to delete existing product variants +NbOfDifferentValues=No. of different values +NbProducts=Number of products +ParentProduct=Parent product +HideChildProducts=Hide variant products +ShowChildProducts=Show variant products +NoEditVariants=Go to Parent product card and edit variants price impact in the variants tab +ConfirmCloneProductCombinations=Would you like to copy all the product variants to the other parent product with the given reference? +CloneDestinationReference=Destination product reference +ErrorCopyProductCombinations=There was an error while copying the product variants +ErrorDestinationProductNotFound=Destination product not found +ErrorProductCombinationNotFound=Product variant not found +ActionAvailableOnVariantProductOnly=Action only available on the variant of product +ProductsPricePerCustomer=Product prices per customers +ProductSupplierExtraFields=Additional Attributes (Supplier Prices) +DeleteLinkedProduct=Delete the child product linked to the combination --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_projects.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_projects.lang @@ -2,57 +2,52 @@ -RefProject=Ref. loyiha -ProjectRef=Loyiha ref. -ProjectId=Loyiha identifikatori -ProjectLabel=Loyiha yorlig'i -ProjectsArea=Loyihalar maydoni -ProjectStatus=Loyiha holati -SharedProject=Hamma -PrivateProject=Belgilangan kontaktlar -ProjectsImContactFor=Men aniq aloqada bo'lgan loyihalar -AllAllowedProjects=Men o'qiy oladigan barcha loyihalar (meniki + jamoat) -AllProjects=Barcha loyihalar -MyProjectsDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish faqat siz aloqada bo'lgan loyihalar bilan cheklangan -ProjectsPublicDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish sizga o'qishga ruxsat berilgan barcha loyihalarni taqdim etadi. -TasksOnProjectsPublicDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish sizga o'qishga ruxsat berilgan loyihalar bo'yicha barcha vazifalarni taqdim etadi. -ProjectsPublicTaskDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish sizga o'qishga ruxsat berilgan barcha loyihalar va vazifalarni taqdim etadi. -ProjectsDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish barcha loyihalarni taqdim etadi (foydalanuvchi ruxsatlari sizga hamma narsani ko'rishga ruxsat beradi). -TasksOnProjectsDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish barcha loyihalardagi barcha vazifalarni taqdim etadi (foydalanuvchi ruxsatlari sizga hamma narsani ko'rishga ruxsat beradi). -MyTasksDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish faqat siz aloqada bo'lgan loyihalar yoki vazifalar bilan cheklangan -OnlyOpenedProject=Faqat ochiq loyihalar ko'rinadi (qoralama yoki yopiq holatdagi loyihalar ko'rinmaydi). -ClosedProjectsAreHidden=Yopiq loyihalar ko'rinmaydi. -TasksPublicDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish sizga o'qishga ruxsat berilgan barcha loyihalar va vazifalarni taqdim etadi. -TasksDesc=Ushbu ko'rinish barcha loyihalar va vazifalarni taqdim etadi (foydalanuvchi ruxsatlari sizga hamma narsani ko'rishga ruxsat beradi). -AllTaskVisibleButEditIfYouAreAssigned=Malakali loyihalar uchun barcha vazifalar ko'rinib turadi, ammo siz faqat tanlangan foydalanuvchiga berilgan topshiriq uchun vaqt kiritishingiz mumkin. Agar unga vaqt kiritishingiz kerak bo'lsa, vazifani tayinlang. -OnlyYourTaskAreVisible=Faqat sizga yuklangan vazifalar ko'rinadi. Agar topshiriq bo'yicha vaqtni kiritishingiz kerak bo'lsa va agar bu erda vazifa ko'rinmasa, unda siz o'zingiz uchun vazifani tayinlashingiz kerak. -ImportDatasetProjects=Loyihalar yoki imkoniyatlar -ImportDatasetTasks=Loyihalarning vazifalari -ProjectCategories=Loyiha teglari / toifalari -NewProject=Yangi loyiha -AddProject=Loyiha yaratish -DeleteAProject=Loyihani o'chirish -DeleteATask=Vazifani o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteAProject=Ushbu loyihani o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteATask=Ushbu vazifani o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -OpenedProjects=Ochiq loyihalar -OpenedProjectsOpportunities=Ochiq imkoniyatlar -OpenedTasks=Ochiq vazifalar -OpportunitiesStatusForOpenedProjects=Status bo'yicha ochiq loyihalarning etakchisi -OpportunitiesStatusForProjects=Loyihalar miqdori bo'yicha maqomi bo'yicha etakchilik qiladi -ShowProject=Loyihani namoyish etish -ShowTask=Vazifani ko'rsatish -SetThirdParty=Uchinchi tomonni o'rnating -SetProject=Loyihani o'rnating -OutOfProject=Loyihadan tashqari -NoProject=Hech qanday loyiha aniqlanmagan yoki tegishli emas -NbOfProjects=Loyihalar soni -NbOfTasks=Vazifalar soni -TimeEntry=Vaqtni kuzatish -TimeSpent=O'tkazilgan vaqt -TimeSpentSmall=O'tkazilgan vaqt -TimeSpentByYou=Siz sarflagan vaqt -TimeSpentByUser=Foydalanuvchi sarflagan vaqt -TaskId=Vazifa identifikatori -RefTask=Vazifa ref. -LabelTask=Vazifa yorlig'i -TaskTimeSpent=Vazifalarga sarflangan vaqt -TaskTimeUser=Foydalanuvchi -TaskTimeNote=Eslatma +RefProject=Ref. project +ProjectRef=Project ref. +ProjectId=Project Id +ProjectLabel=Project label +ProjectsArea=Projects Area +ProjectStatus=Project status +SharedProject=Everybody +PrivateProject=Project contacts +ProjectsImContactFor=Projects for which I am explicitly a contact +AllAllowedProjects=All project I can read (mine + public) +AllProjects=All projects +MyProjectsDesc=This view is limited to projects you are a contact for +ProjectsPublicDesc=This view presents all projects you are allowed to read. +TasksOnProjectsPublicDesc=This view presents all tasks on projects you are allowed to read. +ProjectsPublicTaskDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks you are allowed to read. +ProjectsDesc=This view presents all projects (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything). +TasksOnProjectsDesc=This view presents all tasks on all projects (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything). +MyTasksDesc=This view is limited to projects or tasks you are a contact for +OnlyOpenedProject=Only open projects are visible (projects in draft or closed status are not visible). +ClosedProjectsAreHidden=Closed projects are not visible. +TasksPublicDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks you are allowed to read. +TasksDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything). +AllTaskVisibleButEditIfYouAreAssigned=All tasks for qualified projects are visible, but you can enter time only for task assigned to selected user. Assign task if you need to enter time on it. +OnlyYourTaskAreVisible=Only tasks assigned to you are visible. Assign task to yourself if it is not visible and you need to enter time on it. +ImportDatasetTasks=Tasks of projects +ProjectCategories=Project tags/categories +NewProject=New project +AddProject=Create project +DeleteAProject=Delete a project +DeleteATask=Delete a task +ConfirmDeleteAProject=Are you sure you want to delete this project? +ConfirmDeleteATask=Are you sure you want to delete this task? +OpenedProjects=Open projects +OpenedTasks=Open tasks +OpportunitiesStatusForOpenedProjects=Leads amount of open projects by status +OpportunitiesStatusForProjects=Leads amount of projects by status +ShowProject=Show project +ShowTask=Show task +SetProject=Set project +NoProject=No project defined or owned +NbOfProjects=Number of projects +NbOfTasks=Number of tasks +TimeSpent=Time spent +TimeSpentByYou=Time spent by you +TimeSpentByUser=Time spent by user +TimesSpent=Time spent +TaskId=Task ID +RefTask=Task ref. +LabelTask=Task label +TaskTimeSpent=Time spent on tasks +TaskTimeUser=User +TaskTimeNote=Note @@ -60,119 +55,115 @@ -TasksOnOpenedProject=Ochiq loyihalar bo'yicha vazifalar -WorkloadNotDefined=Ish hajmi aniqlanmagan -NewTimeSpent=O'tkazilgan vaqt -MyTimeSpent=Mening vaqtim o'tgan -BillTime=Vaqt sarflang -BillTimeShort=Hisob-kitob vaqti -TimeToBill=Vaqt hisoblanmaydi -TimeBilled=Hisob-kitob vaqti -Tasks=Vazifalar -Task=Vazifa -TaskDateStart=Vazifaning boshlanish sanasi -TaskDateEnd=Vazifaning tugash sanasi -TaskDescription=Vazifaning tavsifi -NewTask=Yangi vazifa -AddTask=Vazifa yaratish -AddTimeSpent=O'tkazilgan vaqtni yarating -AddHereTimeSpentForDay=Bu kunga / vazifaga sarflangan vaqtni qo'shing -AddHereTimeSpentForWeek=Bu erga ushbu hafta / topshiriq uchun sarflangan vaqtni qo'shing -Activity=Faoliyat -Activities=Vazifalar / tadbirlar -MyActivities=Mening vazifalarim / faoliyatim -MyProjects=Mening loyihalarim -MyProjectsArea=Mening loyihalarim -DurationEffective=Amal qilish muddati -ProgressDeclared=Haqiqiy taraqqiyot e'lon qilindi -TaskProgressSummary=Vazifaning bajarilishi -CurentlyOpenedTasks=Hozir ochiq vazifalar -TheReportedProgressIsLessThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=E'lon qilingan haqiqiy taraqqiyot iste'molga nisbatan kamroq %s -TheReportedProgressIsMoreThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=E'lon qilingan haqiqiy taraqqiyot iste'molning rivojlanishiga qaraganda ko'proq %s -ProgressCalculated=Iste'mol bo'yicha taraqqiyot -WhichIamLinkedTo=Men bilan bog'langan -WhichIamLinkedToProject=Men loyihaga bog'langanman -Time=Vaqt -TimeConsumed=Iste'mol qilingan -ListOfTasks=Vazifalar ro'yxati -GoToListOfTimeConsumed=Vaqt sarflanganlar ro'yxatiga o'ting -GanttView=Gantt Vyu -ListWarehouseAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq omborlar ro'yxati -ListProposalsAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq tijorat takliflari ro'yxati -ListOrdersAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq savdo buyurtmalar ro'yxati -ListInvoicesAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari ro'yxati -ListPredefinedInvoicesAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq mijozlar shablonlari hisob-fakturalari ro'yxati -ListSupplierOrdersAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq bo'lgan buyurtmalar ro'yxati -ListSupplierInvoicesAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq sotuvchilarning hisob-fakturalari ro'yxati -ListContractAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq shartnomalar ro'yxati -ListShippingAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq jo'natmalar ro'yxati -ListFichinterAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq tadbirlar ro'yxati -ListExpenseReportsAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq xarajatlar hisobotlari ro'yxati -ListDonationsAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq xayr-ehsonlar ro'yxati -ListVariousPaymentsAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq turli xil to'lovlar ro'yxati -ListSalariesAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq ish haqi to'lovlari ro'yxati -ListActionsAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq tadbirlar ro'yxati -ListMOAssociatedProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari ro'yxati -ListTaskTimeUserProject=Loyiha vazifalari bo'yicha sarflanadigan vaqt ro'yxati -ListTaskTimeForTask=Vazifa bo'yicha sarflangan vaqt ro'yxati -ActivityOnProjectToday=Bugungi loyihadagi faoliyat -ActivityOnProjectYesterday=Kecha loyihadagi faoliyat -ActivityOnProjectThisWeek=Ushbu haftadagi loyihadagi faollik -ActivityOnProjectThisMonth=Ushbu oydagi loyihadagi faoliyat -ActivityOnProjectThisYear=Bu yilgi loyihadagi faoliyat -ChildOfProjectTask=Loyiha / vazifa farzandi -ChildOfTask=Vazifa farzandi -TaskHasChild=Vazifada bola bor -NotOwnerOfProject=Ushbu xususiy loyihaning egasi emas -AffectedTo=Ajratilgan -CantRemoveProject=Ushbu loyihani olib tashlash mumkin emas, chunki u boshqa ob'ektlar (faktura, buyurtma yoki boshqa) tomonidan havola qilinadi. '%s' yorlig'iga qarang. -ValidateProject=Loyihani tasdiqlash -ConfirmValidateProject=Ushbu loyihani tasdiqlamoqchimisiz? -CloseAProject=Loyihani yoping -ConfirmCloseAProject=Ushbu loyihani yopmoqchi ekanligingizga aminmisiz? -AlsoCloseAProject=Shuningdek, loyihani yoping -AlsoCloseAProjectTooltip=Agar siz hali ham ishlab chiqarish vazifalarini bajarishingiz kerak bo'lsa, uni ochiq saqlang -ReOpenAProject=Ochiq loyiha -ConfirmReOpenAProject=Ushbu loyihani qayta ochishni xohlaysizmi? -ProjectContact=Loyiha aloqalari -TaskContact=Vazifa aloqalari -ActionsOnProject=Loyiha bo'yicha tadbirlar -YouAreNotContactOfProject=Siz ushbu xususiy loyihaning aloqasi emassiz -UserIsNotContactOfProject=Foydalanuvchi ushbu xususiy loyihaning aloqasi emas -DeleteATimeSpent=O'tkazilgan vaqtni o'chirib tashlang -ConfirmDeleteATimeSpent=Ushbu sarflangan vaqtni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -DoNotShowMyTasksOnly=Menga yuklanmagan vazifalarni ham ko'ring -ShowMyTasksOnly=Faqat menga yuklangan vazifalarni ko'ring -TaskRessourceLinks=Vazifa aloqalari -ProjectsDedicatedToThisThirdParty=Ushbu uchinchi tomonga bag'ishlangan loyihalar -NoTasks=Ushbu loyiha uchun hech qanday vazifa yo'q -LinkedToAnotherCompany=Boshqa uchinchi tomon bilan bog'langan -TaskIsNotAssignedToUser=Vazifa foydalanuvchiga berilmagan. Vazifani hozir tayinlash uchun ' %s ' tugmachasidan foydalaning. -ErrorTimeSpentIsEmpty=O'tkazilgan vaqt bo'sh -TimeRecordingRestrictedToNMonthsBack=Vaqtni yozish %s oy oldin cheklangan -ThisWillAlsoRemoveTasks=Ushbu amal shuningdek, loyihaning barcha vazifalarini ( %s vazifalari) va sarf qilingan barcha vaqtlarni o'chirib tashlaydi. -IfNeedToUseOtherObjectKeepEmpty=Agar boshqa uchinchi tomonga tegishli bo'lgan ba'zi bir ob'ektlar (hisob-faktura, buyurtma, ...) loyihani yaratish uchun bog'langan bo'lishi kerak bo'lsa, loyihani ko'p uchinchi shaxslar bo'lishini ta'minlash uchun uni bo'sh qoldiring. -CloneTasks=Klon vazifalari -CloneContacts=Kontaktlarni klonlash -CloneNotes=Klon yozuvlari -CloneProjectFiles=Klon loyihasi qo'shilgan fayllar -CloneTaskFiles=Birlashtirilgan fayllarni klonlash vazifasi (agar klonlangan bo'lsa) -CloneMoveDate=Loyiha / vazifalar sanalari bundan buyon yangilansinmi? -ConfirmCloneProject=Ushbu loyihani klonlashingizga ishonchingiz komilmi? -ProjectReportDate=Loyihaning yangi boshlanish sanasiga ko'ra topshiriq sanalarini o'zgartiring -ErrorShiftTaskDate=Loyihaning yangi boshlanish sanasiga ko'ra topshiriq sanasini almashtirish mumkin emas -ProjectsAndTasksLines=Loyihalar va vazifalar -ProjectCreatedInDolibarr=%s loyihasi yaratildi -ProjectValidatedInDolibarr=%s loyihasi tasdiqlangan -ProjectModifiedInDolibarr=%s loyihasi o'zgartirildi -TaskCreatedInDolibarr=%s vazifasi yaratildi -TaskModifiedInDolibarr=Vazifa %s o'zgartirildi -TaskDeletedInDolibarr=%s vazifasi o'chirildi -OpportunityStatus=Qo'rg'oshin holati -OpportunityStatusShort=Qo'rg'oshin holati -OpportunityProbability=Qo'rg'oshin ehtimoli -OpportunityProbabilityShort=Qo'rg'oshin probab. -OpportunityAmount=Qo'rg'oshin miqdori -OpportunityAmountShort=Qo'rg'oshin miqdori -OpportunityWeightedAmount=Imkoniyat miqdori, ehtimollik bo'yicha -OpportunityWeightedAmountShort=Opp. tortilgan miqdor -OpportunityAmountAverageShort=O'rtacha qo'rg'oshin miqdori -OpportunityAmountWeigthedShort=Qo'rg'oshin miqdori -WonLostExcluded=Yutdi / Yo'qotildi chiqarib tashlandi +TasksOnOpenedProject=Tasks on open projects +WorkloadNotDefined=Workload not defined +NewTimeSpent=Time spent +MyTimeSpent=My time spent +BillTime=Bill the time spent +BillTimeShort=Bill time +TimeToBill=Time not billed +TimeBilled=Time billed +Tasks=Tasks +Task=Task +TaskDateStart=Task start date +TaskDateEnd=Task end date +TaskDescription=Task description +NewTask=New task +AddTask=Create task +AddTimeSpent=Create time spent +AddHereTimeSpentForDay=Add here time spent for this day/task +AddHereTimeSpentForWeek=Add here time spent for this week/task +Activity=Activity +Activities=Tasks/activities +MyActivities=My tasks/activities +MyProjects=My projects +MyProjectsArea=My projects Area +DurationEffective=Effective duration +ProgressDeclared=Declared progress +TaskProgressSummary=Task progress +CurentlyOpenedTasks=Curently open tasks +TheReportedProgressIsLessThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=The declared progress is less %s than the calculated progression +TheReportedProgressIsMoreThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=The declared progress is more %s than the calculated progression +ProgressCalculated=Calculated progress +WhichIamLinkedTo=which I'm linked to +WhichIamLinkedToProject=which I'm linked to project +Time=Time +ListOfTasks=List of tasks +GoToListOfTimeConsumed=Go to list of time consumed +GanttView=Gantt View +ListProposalsAssociatedProject=List of the commercial proposals related to the project +ListOrdersAssociatedProject=List of sales orders related to the project +ListInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer invoices related to the project +ListPredefinedInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer template invoices related to the project +ListSupplierOrdersAssociatedProject=List of purchase orders related to the project +ListSupplierInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of vendor invoices related to the project +ListContractAssociatedProject=List of contracts related to the project +ListShippingAssociatedProject=List of shippings related to the project +ListFichinterAssociatedProject=List of interventions related to the project +ListExpenseReportsAssociatedProject=List of expense reports related to the project +ListDonationsAssociatedProject=List of donations related to the project +ListVariousPaymentsAssociatedProject=List of miscellaneous payments related to the project +ListSalariesAssociatedProject=List of payments of salaries related to the project +ListActionsAssociatedProject=List of events related to the project +ListMOAssociatedProject=List of manufacturing orders related to the project +ListTaskTimeUserProject=List of time consumed on tasks of project +ListTaskTimeForTask=List of time consumed on task +ActivityOnProjectToday=Activity on project today +ActivityOnProjectYesterday=Activity on project yesterday +ActivityOnProjectThisWeek=Activity on project this week +ActivityOnProjectThisMonth=Activity on project this month +ActivityOnProjectThisYear=Activity on project this year +ChildOfProjectTask=Child of project/task +ChildOfTask=Child of task +TaskHasChild=Task has child +NotOwnerOfProject=Not owner of this private project +AffectedTo=Allocated to +CantRemoveProject=This project can't be removed as it is referenced by some other objects (invoice, orders or other). See tab '%s'. +ValidateProject=Validate projet +ConfirmValidateProject=Are you sure you want to validate this project? +CloseAProject=Close project +ConfirmCloseAProject=Are you sure you want to close this project? +AlsoCloseAProject=Also close project (keep it open if you still need to follow production tasks on it) +ReOpenAProject=Open project +ConfirmReOpenAProject=Are you sure you want to re-open this project? +ProjectContact=Contacts of project +TaskContact=Task contacts +ActionsOnProject=Events on project +YouAreNotContactOfProject=You are not a contact of this private project +UserIsNotContactOfProject=User is not a contact of this private project +DeleteATimeSpent=Delete time spent +ConfirmDeleteATimeSpent=Are you sure you want to delete this time spent? +DoNotShowMyTasksOnly=See also tasks not assigned to me +ShowMyTasksOnly=View only tasks assigned to me +TaskRessourceLinks=Contacts of task +ProjectsDedicatedToThisThirdParty=Projects dedicated to this third party +NoTasks=No tasks for this project +LinkedToAnotherCompany=Linked to other third party +TaskIsNotAssignedToUser=Task not assigned to user. Use button '%s' to assign task now. +ErrorTimeSpentIsEmpty=Time spent is empty +ThisWillAlsoRemoveTasks=This action will also delete all tasks of project (%s tasks at the moment) and all inputs of time spent. +IfNeedToUseOtherObjectKeepEmpty=If some objects (invoice, order, ...), belonging to another third party, must be linked to the project to create, keep this empty to have the project being multi third parties. +CloneTasks=Clone tasks +CloneContacts=Clone contacts +CloneNotes=Clone notes +CloneProjectFiles=Clone project joined files +CloneTaskFiles=Clone task(s) joined files (if task(s) cloned) +CloneMoveDate=Update project/tasks dates from now? +ConfirmCloneProject=Are you sure to clone this project? +ProjectReportDate=Change task dates according to new project start date +ErrorShiftTaskDate=Impossible to shift task date according to new project start date +ProjectsAndTasksLines=Projects and tasks +ProjectCreatedInDolibarr=Project %s created +ProjectValidatedInDolibarr=Project %s validated +ProjectModifiedInDolibarr=Project %s modified +TaskCreatedInDolibarr=Task %s created +TaskModifiedInDolibarr=Task %s modified +TaskDeletedInDolibarr=Task %s deleted +OpportunityStatus=Lead status +OpportunityStatusShort=Lead status +OpportunityProbability=Lead probability +OpportunityProbabilityShort=Lead probab. +OpportunityAmount=Lead amount +OpportunityAmountShort=Lead amount +OpportunityWeightedAmount=Opportunity weighted amount +OpportunityWeightedAmountShort=Opp. weighted amount +OpportunityAmountAverageShort=Average lead amount +OpportunityAmountWeigthedShort=Weighted lead amount +WonLostExcluded=Won/Lost excluded @@ -180,11 +171,10 @@ -TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTLEADER=Loyiha rahbari -TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTLEADER=Loyiha rahbari -TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTCONTRIBUTOR=Xissador -TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTCONTRIBUTOR=Xissador -TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKEXECUTIVE=Vazifa ijro etuvchi -TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKEXECUTIVE=Vazifa ijro etuvchi -TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKCONTRIBUTOR=Xissador -TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKCONTRIBUTOR=Xissador -SelectElement=Elementni tanlang -AddElement=Elementga havola -LinkToElementShort=Ga havola +TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTLEADER=Project leader +TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTLEADER=Project leader +TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTCONTRIBUTOR=Contributor +TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTCONTRIBUTOR=Contributor +TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKEXECUTIVE=Task executive +TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKEXECUTIVE=Task executive +TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKCONTRIBUTOR=Contributor +TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKCONTRIBUTOR=Contributor +SelectElement=Select element +AddElement=Link to element @@ -192,63 +182,60 @@ -DocumentModelBeluga=Bog'langan ob'ektlarga umumiy nuqtai uchun loyiha hujjati shabloni -DocumentModelBaleine=Vazifalar uchun loyiha hujjati shabloni -DocumentModelTimeSpent=O'tkazilgan vaqt uchun loyiha hisoboti shabloni -PlannedWorkload=Rejalashtirilgan ish hajmi -PlannedWorkloadShort=Ish hajmi -ProjectReferers=Tegishli narsalar -ProjectMustBeValidatedFirst=Avval loyiha tasdiqlanishi kerak -MustBeValidatedToBeSigned=%s Imzolanganga o'rnatilishi uchun avval tasdiqlanishi kerak. -FirstAddRessourceToAllocateTime=Vaqt ajratish uchun foydalanuvchi resursini loyihaning aloqasi sifatida tayinlang -InputPerDay=Kuniga kiritish -InputPerWeek=Haftada kiritish -InputPerMonth=Oyiga kiritish -InputDetail=Kirish tafsiloti -TimeAlreadyRecorded=Bu allaqachon ushbu vazifa uchun yozilgan vaqt va foydalanuvchi %s -ProjectsWithThisUserAsContact=Ushbu foydalanuvchi bilan aloqa sifatida loyihalar -ProjectsWithThisContact=Ushbu uchinchi tomon aloqasi bilan loyihalar -TasksWithThisUserAsContact=Ushbu foydalanuvchiga berilgan vazifalar -ResourceNotAssignedToProject=Loyihaga tayinlanmagan -ResourceNotAssignedToTheTask=Vazifaga tayinlanmagan -NoUserAssignedToTheProject=Ushbu loyihaga tayinlangan foydalanuvchilar yo'q -TimeSpentBy=O'tkazilgan vaqt -TasksAssignedTo=Belgilangan vazifalar -AssignTaskToMe=O'zimga vazifa bering -AssignTaskToUser=%s ga topshiriq bering -SelectTaskToAssign=Topshiriqni tanlang ... -AssignTask=Tayinlang -ProjectOverview=Umumiy nuqtai -ManageTasks=Vazifalarni bajarish va / yoki sarflangan vaqt (vaqt jadvallari) haqida xabar berish uchun loyihalardan foydalaning -ManageOpportunitiesStatus=Loyihalarni / imkoniyatlarni kuzatib borish uchun foydalaning -ProjectNbProjectByMonth=Oy davomida yaratilgan loyihalar soni -ProjectNbTaskByMonth=Oylar davomida yaratilgan topshiriqlar soni -ProjectOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Oylar bo'yicha etakchilar miqdori -ProjectWeightedOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Qo'rg'oshinlarning oylik miqdori -ProjectOpenedProjectByOppStatus=Ochiq loyiha | etakchi maqomi bo'yicha etakchi -ProjectsStatistics=Loyihalar yoki etakchilar bo'yicha statistika -TasksStatistics=Loyihalar yoki rahbarlarning vazifalari bo'yicha statistika -TaskAssignedToEnterTime=Vazifa tayinlandi. Ushbu topshiriq bo'yicha vaqtni kiritish mumkin bo'lishi kerak. -IdTaskTime=Id vazifasi vaqti -YouCanCompleteRef=Agar siz refni ba'zi qo'shimchalar bilan to'ldirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, uni ajratish uchun - belgisini qo'shish tavsiya etiladi, shuning uchun avtomatik raqamlash keyingi loyihalar uchun to'g'ri ishlaydi. Masalan, %s-MYSUFFIX -OpenedProjectsByThirdparties=Uchinchi tomonlarning ochiq loyihalari -OnlyOpportunitiesShort=Faqat rahbarlik qiladi -OpenedOpportunitiesShort=Ochiq chiziqlar -NotOpenedOpportunitiesShort=Ochiq etakchi emas -NotAnOpportunityShort=Qo'rg'oshin emas -OpportunityTotalAmount=Qo'rg'oshinlarning umumiy miqdori -OpportunityPonderatedAmount=Qo'rg'oshinlarning og'irligi -OpportunityPonderatedAmountDesc=Ehtimollik bilan tortilgan etakchi miqdor -OppStatusPROSP=Istiqbol -OppStatusQUAL=Malaka -OppStatusPROPO=Taklif -OppStatusNEGO=Muzokaralar -OppStatusPENDING=Kutilmoqda -OppStatusWON=Yutuq -OppStatusLOST=Yo'qotilgan -Budget=Byudjet -AllowToLinkFromOtherCompany=Elementni boshqa kompaniya loyihasi bilan bog‘lashga ruxsat berish

Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan qiymatlar:
- Bo'sh qoldiring: Elementlarni bitta kompaniyadagi istalgan loyihalar bilan bog'lashi mumkin (standart)
- "barchasi": Elementlarni istalgan loyihalar, hatto boshqa kompaniyalar loyihalari bilan bog'lashi mumkin
- Vergul bilan ajratilgan uchinchi tomon identifikatorlari ro'yxati : elementlarni ushbu uchinchi tomonlarning istalgan loyihalari bilan bog‘lashi mumkin (Misol: 123,4795,53)
-LatestProjects=Oxirgi %s loyihalari -LatestModifiedProjects=Oxirgi %s o'zgartirilgan loyihalar -OtherFilteredTasks=Boshqa filtrlangan vazifalar -NoAssignedTasks=Belgilangan vazifalar topilmadi (loyihani / vazifalarni joriy foydalanuvchiga vaqtni belgilash uchun yuqori tanlangan maydonchadan belgilang) -ThirdPartyRequiredToGenerateIntervention=A third party must be defined on project to be able to create intervention. -ThirdPartyRequiredToGenerateInvoice=Hisob-kitob qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lish uchun loyihada uchinchi shaxs aniqlanishi kerak. -ChooseANotYetAssignedTask=Sizga hali tayinlanmagan vazifani tanlang +DocumentModelBeluga=Project document template for linked objects overview +DocumentModelBaleine=Project document template for tasks +DocumentModelTimeSpent=Project report template for time spent +PlannedWorkload=Planned workload +PlannedWorkloadShort=Workload +ProjectReferers=Related items +ProjectMustBeValidatedFirst=Project must be validated first +FirstAddRessourceToAllocateTime=Assign a user resource as contact of project to allocate time +InputPerDay=Input per day +InputPerWeek=Input per week +InputPerMonth=Input per month +InputDetail=Input detail +TimeAlreadyRecorded=This is time spent already recorded for this task/day and user %s +ProjectsWithThisUserAsContact=Projects with this user as contact +TasksWithThisUserAsContact=Tasks assigned to this user +ResourceNotAssignedToProject=Not assigned to project +ResourceNotAssignedToTheTask=Not assigned to the task +NoUserAssignedToTheProject=No users assigned to this project +TimeSpentBy=Time spent by +TasksAssignedTo=Tasks assigned to +AssignTaskToMe=Assign task to me +AssignTaskToUser=Assign task to %s +SelectTaskToAssign=Select task to assign... +AssignTask=Assign +ProjectOverview=Overview +ManageTasks=Use projects to follow tasks and/or report time spent (timesheets) +ManageOpportunitiesStatus=Use projects to follow leads/opportinuties +ProjectNbProjectByMonth=No. of created projects by month +ProjectNbTaskByMonth=No. of created tasks by month +ProjectOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Amount of leads by month +ProjectWeightedOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Weighted amount of leads by month +ProjectOpenedProjectByOppStatus=Open project/lead by lead status +ProjectsStatistics=Statistics on projects/leads +TasksStatistics=Statistics on project/lead tasks +TaskAssignedToEnterTime=Task assigned. Entering time on this task should be possible. +IdTaskTime=Id task time +YouCanCompleteRef=If you want to complete the ref with some suffix, it is recommanded to add a - character to separate it, so the automatic numbering will still work correctly for next projects. For example %s-MYSUFFIX +OpenedProjectsByThirdparties=Open projects by third parties +OnlyOpportunitiesShort=Only leads +OpenedOpportunitiesShort=Open leads +NotOpenedOpportunitiesShort=Not an open lead +NotAnOpportunityShort=Not a lead +OpportunityTotalAmount=Total amount of leads +OpportunityPonderatedAmount=Weighted amount of leads +OpportunityPonderatedAmountDesc=Leads amount weighted with probability +OppStatusPROSP=Prospection +OppStatusQUAL=Qualification +OppStatusPROPO=Proposal +OppStatusNEGO=Negociation +OppStatusPENDING=Pending +OppStatusWON=Won +OppStatusLOST=Lost +Budget=Budget +AllowToLinkFromOtherCompany=Allow to link project from other company

Supported values:
- Keep empty: Can link any project of the company (default)
- "all": Can link any projects, even projects of other companies
- A list of third-party ids separated by commas: can link all projects of these third partys (Example: 123,4795,53)
+LatestProjects=Latest %s projects +LatestModifiedProjects=Latest %s modified projects +OtherFilteredTasks=Other filtered tasks +NoAssignedTasks=No assigned tasks found (assign project/tasks to the current user from the top select box to enter time on it) +ThirdPartyRequiredToGenerateInvoice=A third party must be defined on project to be able to invoice it. +ChooseANotYetAssignedTask=Choose a task not yet assigned to you @@ -256,49 +243,26 @@ -AllowCommentOnTask=Vazifalar bo'yicha foydalanuvchi sharhlariga ruxsat berish -AllowCommentOnProject=Foydalanuvchilarning loyihalar bo'yicha sharhlariga ruxsat berish -DontHavePermissionForCloseProject=%s loyihasini yopish uchun sizda ruxsat yo'q -DontHaveTheValidateStatus=%s loyihasi yopilishi uchun ochiq bo'lishi kerak -RecordsClosed=%s loyihasi yopildi -SendProjectRef=Axborot loyihasi %s -ModuleSalaryToDefineHourlyRateMustBeEnabled="Ish haqi" moduli ishchilarning soatlik stavkasini aniqlash uchun sarflangan vaqtni aniqlash uchun yoqilishi kerak -NewTaskRefSuggested=Vazifa allaqachon ishlatilgan, yangi vazifa talab qilinadi -NumberOfTasksCloned=%s topshiriq(lar) klonlangan -TimeSpentInvoiced=Hisob-kitob qilingan vaqt -TimeSpentForIntervention=O'tkazilgan vaqt -TimeSpentForInvoice=O'tkazilgan vaqt -OneLinePerUser=Har bir foydalanuvchi uchun bitta qator -ServiceToUseOnLines=Sukut bo'yicha liniyada foydalanish uchun xizmat -InvoiceGeneratedFromTimeSpent=%s hisob-fakturasi loyihaga sarf qilingan vaqtdan boshlab tuzildi -InterventionGeneratedFromTimeSpent=%s aralashuvi loyihaga sarflangan vaqtdan kelib chiqqan -ProjectBillTimeDescription=Loyiha vazifalari bo'yicha ish jadvalini kiritganingizni tekshiring va loyiha buyurtmachisiga hisob-kitob qilish uchun hisob varag'idan hisob-kitob (lar) yaratishni rejalashtiryapsiz (kiritilgan ish jadvallariga asoslanmagan hisob-faktura yaratishni rejalashtirayotganingizni tekshirmang). Izoh: Hisob-fakturani yaratish uchun loyihaning "sarflangan vaqt" yorlig'iga o'ting va qo'shiladigan qatorlarni tanlang. -ProjectFollowOpportunity=Imkoniyatni kuzatib boring -ProjectFollowTasks=Vazifalarni yoki sarflangan vaqtni kuzatib boring -Usage=Foydalanish -UsageOpportunity=Foydalanish: imkoniyat -UsageTasks=Foydalanish: Vazifalar -UsageBillTimeShort=Foydalanish: hisob-kitob vaqti -InvoiceToUse=Hisob-fakturani ishlating -InterToUse=Foydalanish uchun aralashuv loyihasi -NewInvoice=Yangi hisob-faktura -NewInter=Yangi aralashuv -OneLinePerTask=Har bir topshiriq uchun bitta qator -OneLinePerPeriod=Har bir davr uchun bitta qator -OneLinePerTimeSpentLine=Har safar o'tkazilgan deklaratsiya uchun bitta satr -AddDetailDateAndDuration=Chiziq tavsifida sana va davomiyligi ko'rsatilgan -RefTaskParent=Ref. Ota-onalarning vazifasi -ProfitIsCalculatedWith=Foyda yordamida hisoblanadi -AddPersonToTask=Vazifalarga qo'shimcha ravishda qo'shing -UsageOrganizeEvent=Foydalanish: tadbirlarni tashkil etish -PROJECT_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_WHEN_ALL_TASKS_DONE=Barcha vazifalar bajarilgandan so'ng loyihani yopiq deb tasniflang (100%% taraqqiyoti) -PROJECT_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_WHEN_ALL_TASKS_DONE_help=Eslatma: barcha vazifalari 100%% darajasiga o‘rnatilgan mavjud loyihalarga ta’sir qilmaydi: ularni qo‘lda yopishingiz kerak bo‘ladi. Ushbu parametr faqat ochiq loyihalarga ta'sir qiladi. -SelectLinesOfTimeSpentToInvoice=Hisob-kitob qilinmagan sarflangan vaqtni tanlang, so'ngra hisob-kitob qilish uchun "Hisob-fakturani yaratish" ommaviy harakati -ProjectTasksWithoutTimeSpent=Vaqt sarflamasdan loyiha vazifalari -FormForNewLeadDesc=Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun quyidagi shaklni to'ldirganingiz uchun tashakkur. Shuningdek, bizga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri %s elektron pochta xabarini yuborishingiz mumkin. -ProjectsHavingThisContact=Ushbu aloqaga ega loyihalar -StartDateCannotBeAfterEndDate=Tugash sanasi boshlanish sanasidan oldin boʻlishi mumkin emas -ErrorPROJECTLEADERRoleMissingRestoreIt=“PROJECTLEADER” roli yo‘q yoki o‘chirib qo‘yilgan, kontakt turlari lug‘atida tiklang. -LeadPublicFormDesc=Siz bu yerda umumiy sahifani yoqishingiz mumkin, bunda potentsiallar siz bilan ochiq onlayn shakldan birinchi aloqaga kirishishi mumkin -EnablePublicLeadForm=Aloqa uchun umumiy shaklni yoqing -NewLeadbyWeb=Sizning xabaringiz yoki so'rovingiz yozib olindi. Tez orada javob beramiz yoki siz bilan bog'lanamiz. -NewLeadForm=Yangi aloqa shakli -LeadFromPublicForm=Ommaviy shakldan onlayn rahbar -ExportAccountingReportButtonLabel=Hisobot olish +AllowCommentOnTask=Allow user comments on tasks +AllowCommentOnProject=Allow user comments on projects +DontHavePermissionForCloseProject=You do not have permissions to close the project %s +DontHaveTheValidateStatus=The project %s must be open to be closed +RecordsClosed=%s project(s) closed +SendProjectRef=Information project %s +ModuleSalaryToDefineHourlyRateMustBeEnabled=Module 'Salaries' must be enabled to define employee hourly rate to have time spent valorized +NewTaskRefSuggested=Task ref already used, a new task ref is required +TimeSpentInvoiced=Time spent billed +TimeSpentForInvoice=Time spent +OneLinePerUser=One line per user +ServiceToUseOnLines=Service to use on lines +InvoiceGeneratedFromTimeSpent=Invoice %s has been generated from time spent on project +ProjectBillTimeDescription=Check if you enter timesheet on tasks of project AND you plan to generate invoice(s) from the timesheet to bill the customer of the project (do not check if you plan to create invoice that is not based on entered timesheets). Note: To generate invoice, go on tab 'Time spent' of the project and select lines to include. +ProjectFollowOpportunity=Follow opportunity +ProjectFollowTasks=Follow tasks or time spent +Usage=Usage +UsageOpportunity=Usage: Opportunity +UsageTasks=Usage: Tasks +UsageBillTimeShort=Usage: Bill time +InvoiceToUse=Draft invoice to use +NewInvoice=New invoice +OneLinePerTask=One line per task +OneLinePerPeriod=One line per period +RefTaskParent=Ref. Parent Task +ProfitIsCalculatedWith=Profit is calculated using --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_sendings.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_sendings.lang @@ -2,64 +2,62 @@ -RefSending=Ref. jo'natish -Sending=Jo'natma -Sendings=Yuklar -AllSendings=Barcha jo'natmalar -Shipment=Jo'natma -Shipments=Yuklar -ShowSending=Yuklarni ko'rsatish -Receivings=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyalari -SendingsArea=Yuklarni etkazib berish maydoni -ListOfSendings=Yuklarni etkazib berish ro'yxati -SendingMethod=Yuk tashish usuli -LastSendings=Oxirgi %s jo'natmalari -StatisticsOfSendings=Yuklarni etkazib berish statistikasi -NbOfSendings=Yuk tashishlar soni -NumberOfShipmentsByMonth=Oy bo'yicha etkazib berish soni -SendingCard=Jo'natma kartasi -NewSending=Yangi yuk -CreateShipment=Yuklarni yarating -QtyShipped=Miqdor jo'natildi -QtyShippedShort=Miqdor kema. -QtyPreparedOrShipped=Miqdor tayyorlangan yoki jo'natilgan -QtyToShip=Yetkazib berish uchun miqdor -QtyToReceive=Qabul qilish uchun miqdor -QtyReceived=Miqdor olingan -QtyInOtherShipments=Miqdor boshqa jo'natmalarda -KeepToShip=Yuk tashishda qoling -KeepToShipShort=Qolmoq -OtherSendingsForSameOrder=Ushbu buyurtma uchun boshqa jo'natmalar -SendingsAndReceivingForSameOrder=Ushbu buyurtma uchun jo'natmalar va kvitansiyalar -SendingsToValidate=Tasdiqlash uchun jo'natmalar -StatusSendingCanceled=Bekor qilindi -StatusSendingCanceledShort=Bekor qilindi -StatusSendingDraft=Qoralama -StatusSendingValidated=Tasdiqlangan (jo'natiladigan yoki allaqachon jo'natilgan mahsulotlar) -StatusSendingProcessed=Qayta ishlangan -StatusSendingDraftShort=Qoralama -StatusSendingValidatedShort=Tasdiqlangan -StatusSendingProcessedShort=Qayta ishlangan -SendingSheet=Yuk jo'natmasi -ConfirmDeleteSending=Ushbu yukni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmValidateSending=Are you sure you want to validate this shipment with the reference %s? -ConfirmCancelSending=Ushbu yukni bekor qilmoqchi ekanligingizga aminmisiz? -DocumentModelMerou=Merou A5 modeli -WarningNoQtyLeftToSend=Ogohlantirish, jo'natilishini kutayotgan mahsulotlar yo'q. -StatsOnShipmentsOnlyValidated=Statistika faqat tasdiqlangan yuklar uchun. Ishlatilgan sana - bu etkazib berishni tasdiqlash sanasi (etkazib berishning rejalashtirilgan sanasi har doim ham ma'lum emas) -DateDeliveryPlanned=Rejalashtirilgan etkazib berish sanasi -RefDeliveryReceipt=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyasi -StatusReceipt=Vaziyatni etkazib berish kvitansiyasi -DateReceived=Qabul qilingan sana qabul qilindi -ClassifyReception=Qabul qilinganlarni tasniflash -SendShippingByEMail=Yukni elektron pochta orqali yuboring -SendShippingRef=%s jo'natmasini yuborish -ActionsOnShipping=Yuk tashish bo'yicha tadbirlar -LinkToTrackYourPackage=Paketingizni kuzatish uchun havola -ShipmentCreationIsDoneFromOrder=Hozirgi vaqtda yangi yuk tashish Sotish buyurtmasi yozuvidan amalga oshiriladi. -ShipmentLine=Yuk tashish liniyasi -ProductQtyInCustomersOrdersRunning=Ochiq savdo buyurtmalaridan mahsulot miqdori -ProductQtyInSuppliersOrdersRunning=Ochiq sotib olish buyurtmalaridan mahsulot miqdori -ProductQtyInShipmentAlreadySent=Ochiq savdo buyurtmasidan mahsulot miqdori allaqachon yuborilgan -ProductQtyInSuppliersShipmentAlreadyRecevied=Qabul qilingan ochiq xarid buyurtmalaridan olingan mahsulot miqdori -NoProductToShipFoundIntoStock= %s omborida jo'natiladigan mahsulot topilmadi. Zaxirani to'g'rilang yoki boshqa omborni tanlash uchun qaytib boring. -WeightVolShort=Og'irligi / jild -ValidateOrderFirstBeforeShipment=Yuklarni jo'natishdan oldin avval buyurtmani tasdiqlashingiz kerak. -NoLineGoOnTabToAddSome=Qator yoʻq, qoʻshish uchun “%s” sahifasiga oʻting +RefSending=Ref. shipment +Sending=Shipment +Sendings=Shipments +AllSendings=All Shipments +Shipment=Shipment +Shipments=Shipments +ShowSending=Show Shipments +Receivings=Delivery Receipts +SendingsArea=Shipments area +ListOfSendings=List of shipments +SendingMethod=Shipping method +LastSendings=Latest %s shipments +StatisticsOfSendings=Statistics for shipments +NbOfSendings=Number of shipments +NumberOfShipmentsByMonth=Number of shipments by month +SendingCard=Shipment card +NewSending=New shipment +CreateShipment=Create shipment +QtyShipped=Qty shipped +QtyShippedShort=Qty ship. +QtyPreparedOrShipped=Qty prepared or shipped +QtyToShip=Qty to ship +QtyToReceive=Qty to receive +QtyReceived=Qty received +QtyInOtherShipments=Qty in other shipments +KeepToShip=Remain to ship +KeepToShipShort=Remain +OtherSendingsForSameOrder=Other shipments for this order +SendingsAndReceivingForSameOrder=Shipments and receipts for this order +SendingsToValidate=Shipments to validate +StatusSendingCanceled=Canceled +StatusSendingDraft=Draft +StatusSendingValidated=Validated (products to ship or already shipped) +StatusSendingProcessed=Processed +StatusSendingDraftShort=Draft +StatusSendingValidatedShort=Validated +StatusSendingProcessedShort=Processed +SendingSheet=Shipment sheet +ConfirmDeleteSending=Are you sure you want to delete this shipment? +ConfirmValidateSending=Are you sure you want to validate this shipment with reference %s? +ConfirmCancelSending=Are you sure you want to cancel this shipment? +DocumentModelMerou=Merou A5 model +WarningNoQtyLeftToSend=Warning, no products waiting to be shipped. +StatsOnShipmentsOnlyValidated=Statistics conducted on shipments only validated. Date used is date of validation of shipment (planed delivery date is not always known). +DateDeliveryPlanned=Planned date of delivery +RefDeliveryReceipt=Ref delivery receipt +StatusReceipt=Status delivery receipt +DateReceived=Date delivery received +ClassifyReception=Classify reception +SendShippingByEMail=Send shipment by email +SendShippingRef=Submission of shipment %s +ActionsOnShipping=Events on shipment +LinkToTrackYourPackage=Link to track your package +ShipmentCreationIsDoneFromOrder=For the moment, creation of a new shipment is done from the order card. +ShipmentLine=Shipment line +ProductQtyInCustomersOrdersRunning=Product quantity from open sales orders +ProductQtyInSuppliersOrdersRunning=Product quantity from open purchase orders +ProductQtyInShipmentAlreadySent=Product quantity from open sales order already sent +ProductQtyInSuppliersShipmentAlreadyRecevied=Product quantity from open purchase orders already received +NoProductToShipFoundIntoStock=No product to ship found in warehouse %s. Correct stock or go back to choose another warehouse. +WeightVolShort=Weight/Vol. +ValidateOrderFirstBeforeShipment=You must first validate the order before being able to make shipments. @@ -69,5 +67,4 @@ -DocumentModelTyphon=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyalari uchun to'liq hujjat modeli (logotip ...) -DocumentModelStorm=Yetkazib berish kvitansiyalari va ekstraditsiyalarning muvofiqligi uchun to'liqroq hujjat modeli (logotip ...) -Error_EXPEDITION_ADDON_NUMBER_NotDefined=Doimiy EXPEDITION_ADDON_NUMBER aniqlanmagan -SumOfProductVolumes=Mahsulot hajmi -SumOfProductWeights=Mahsulot og'irliklari yig'indisi +DocumentModelTyphon=More complete document model for delivery receipts (logo...) +Error_EXPEDITION_ADDON_NUMBER_NotDefined=Constant EXPEDITION_ADDON_NUMBER not defined +SumOfProductVolumes=Sum of product volumes +SumOfProductWeights=Sum of product weights @@ -76,11 +73,2 @@ -DetailWarehouseNumber= Ombor tafsilotlari -DetailWarehouseFormat= V: %s (Miqdor: %d) -SHIPPING_DISPLAY_STOCK_ENTRY_DATE=Seriya raqami yoki partiya uchun jo'natishni yaratish paytida stokda so'nggi kirish sanasini ko'rsatish -CreationOptions=Yukni yaratish vaqtida mavjud variantlar - -ShipmentDistribution=Yuklarni taqsimlash - -ErrorTooManyCombinationBatchcode=%s qatori uchun jo‘natma yo‘q, chunki ombor, mahsulot, partiya kodining juda ko‘p kombinatsiyasi topilmadi (%s). -ErrorNoCombinationBatchcode=%s qatorini ombor-mahsulot-lot/serial (%s, %s, %s) zaxirada topilmadi. - -ErrorTooMuchShipped=Yuborilgan miqdor %s qatori uchun buyurtma qilingan miqdordan oshmasligi kerak +DetailWarehouseNumber= Warehouse details +DetailWarehouseFormat= W:%s (Qty: %d) --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_stocks.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_stocks.lang @@ -2,201 +2,189 @@ -WarehouseCard=Ombor kartasi -Warehouse=Ombor -Warehouses=Omborlar -ParentWarehouse=Ota-onalar ombori -NewWarehouse=Yangi ombor / Qimmatbaho joy -WarehouseEdit=Omborni o'zgartirish -MenuNewWarehouse=Yangi ombor -WarehouseSource=Manba ombori -WarehouseSourceNotDefined=Hech qanday ombor aniqlanmagan, -AddWarehouse=Ombor yaratish -AddOne=Bittasini qo'shing -DefaultWarehouse=Standart ombor -WarehouseTarget=Maqsadli ombor -ValidateSending=Yetkazib berishni tasdiqlang -CancelSending=Yetkazib berishni bekor qilish -DeleteSending=Yetkazib berishni o'chirish -Stock=Aksiya -Stocks=Qimmatli qog'ozlar -MissingStocks=Yo'qolgan aktsiyalar -StockAtDate=Sana bo'yicha aktsiyalar -StockAtDateInPast=O'tmishdagi sana -StockAtDateInFuture=Kelajakdagi sana -StocksByLotSerial=Qurilma / seriya bo'yicha aktsiyalar -LotSerial=Ko'p / seriyalar -LotSerialList=Lot / seriyalar ro'yxati -SubjectToLotSerialOnly=Mahsulotlar faqat lot/seriyaga tegishli -Movements=Harakatlar -ErrorWarehouseRefRequired=Omborga mos yozuvlar nomi talab qilinadi -ListOfWarehouses=Omborlar ro'yxati -ListOfStockMovements=Birja harakatlari ro'yxati -ListOfInventories=Zaxiralarning ro'yxati -MovementId=Harakat identifikatori -StockMovementForId=Harakat identifikatori %d -ListMouvementStockProject=Loyiha bilan bog'liq bo'lgan aktsiyalar harakati ro'yxati -StocksArea=Omborlar maydoni -AllWarehouses=Barcha omborlar -IncludeEmptyDesiredStock=Belgilanmagan kerakli aktsiyalar bilan salbiy zaxiralarni ham qo'shing -IncludeAlsoDraftOrders=Shuningdek, buyurtmalar loyihasini ham qo'shing -Location=Manzil -LocationSummary=Joylashuvning qisqacha nomi -NumberOfDifferentProducts=Noyob mahsulotlar soni -NumberOfProducts=Mahsulotlarning umumiy soni -LastMovement=Oxirgi harakat -LastMovements=Oxirgi harakatlar -Units=Birlik -Unit=Birlik -StockCorrection=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni tuzatish -CorrectStock=To'g'ri aktsiyalar -StockTransfer=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni o'tkazish -TransferStock=O'tkazma zaxiralari -MassStockTransferShort=Ommaviy aktsiyalarni almashtirish -StockMovement=Birja harakati -StockMovements=Birja harakatlari -NumberOfUnit=Birlik soni -UnitPurchaseValue=Birlikni sotib olish narxi -StockTooLow=Aksiya juda past -StockLowerThanLimit=Qimmatbaho qog'ozlar ogohlantirish chegarasidan past (%s) -EnhancedValue=Qiymat -EnhancedValueOfWarehouses=Omborlarning qiymati -UserWarehouseAutoCreate=Foydalanuvchini yaratishda avtomatik ravishda foydalanuvchi omborini yarating -AllowAddLimitStockByWarehouse=Shuningdek, har bir mahsulot uchun minimal va kerakli zaxira qiymatidan tashqari, har bir juftlik uchun minimal va kerakli stok qiymatini (mahsulot ombori) boshqaring -RuleForWarehouse=Omborlar uchun qoida -WarehouseAskWarehouseOnThirparty=Uchinchi shaxslarga omborni o'rnating -WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringPropal=Tijorat takliflari bo'yicha omborni o'rnating -WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringOrder=Savdo buyurtmalariga ombor o'rnating -WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringProject=Loyihalarda omborni o'rnating -UserDefaultWarehouse=Foydalanuvchilarga omborni o'rnating -MainDefaultWarehouse=Standart ombor -MainDefaultWarehouseUser=Har bir foydalanuvchi uchun odatiy ombordan foydalaning -MainDefaultWarehouseUserDesc=Ushbu parametrni faollashtirgan holda, mahsulotni yaratish paytida mahsulot uchun mo'ljallangan ombor aniqlanadi. Agar foydalanuvchida ombor aniqlanmagan bo'lsa, standart ombor aniqlanadi. -IndependantSubProductStock=Mahsulot zaxiralari va subproduct zaxiralari mustaqil -QtyDispatched=Miqdor yuborildi -QtyDispatchedShort=Miqdor jo'natildi -QtyToDispatchShort=Yuborish uchun miqdor -OrderDispatch=Mahsulot tushumlari -RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Aktsiyalarni avtomatik ravishda kamaytirish uchun qoidani tanlang (avtomatik ravishda pasayish qoidasi yoqilgan bo'lsa ham, qo'lda pasayish har doim ham mumkin) -RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni avtomatik ravishda oshirish uchun qoidani tanlang (avtomatik ravishda oshirish qoidasi yoqilgan bo'lsa ham, qo'lda oshirish har doim ham mumkin) -DeStockOnBill=Mijozlarning hisob-fakturasini / kredit yozuvlarini tasdiqlash bo'yicha haqiqiy zaxiralarni kamaytiring -DeStockOnValidateOrder=Savdo buyurtmasini tasdiqlash bo'yicha haqiqiy zaxiralarni kamaytiring -DeStockOnShipment=Yuk tashishni tasdiqlash bo'yicha haqiqiy zaxiralarni kamaytiring -DeStockOnShipmentOnClosing=Yuk tashish yopiq bo'lsa, haqiqiy zaxiralarni kamaytiring -ReStockOnBill=Sotuvchi fakturasini / kredit yozuvini tasdiqlash bo'yicha real zaxiralarni ko'paytiring -ReStockOnValidateOrder=Xarid buyurtmalarini tasdiqlash bo'yicha haqiqiy zaxiralarni ko'paytiring -ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Tovarlarni sotib olish buyurtmasi olinganidan keyin omborga qo'lda jo'natish uchun real zaxiralarni ko'paytiring -StockOnReception=Qabul qilishni tasdiqlash bo'yicha haqiqiy zaxiralarni ko'paytiring -StockOnReceptionOnClosing=Qabul qilish yopiq bo'lsa, haqiqiy zaxiralarni ko'paytiring -OrderStatusNotReadyToDispatch=Buyurtma hali omborlarda mahsulotlarni jo'natishga imkon beradigan maqomga ega emas yoki yo'q. -StockDiffPhysicTeoric=Jismoniy va virtual zaxiralar o'rtasidagi farqni tushuntirish -NoPredefinedProductToDispatch=Ushbu ob'ekt uchun oldindan belgilangan mahsulotlar yo'q. Shuning uchun stokda dispetcherlik talab qilinmaydi. -DispatchVerb=Jo'natish -StockLimitShort=Ogohlantirish chegarasi -StockLimit=Ogohlantirish uchun stok cheklovi -StockLimitDesc=(bo'sh) ogohlantirish yo'q degan ma'noni anglatadi.
0 zaxira bo'sh bo'lishi bilanoq ogohlantirishni boshlash uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. -PhysicalStock=Jismoniy aktsiyalar -RealStock=Haqiqiy aktsiya -RealStockDesc=Jismoniy / haqiqiy zaxira - bu omborlarda mavjud bo'lgan zaxira. -RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=Haqiqiy zaxira ushbu qoidaga muvofiq o'zgartiriladi (Stok modulida belgilanganidek): -VirtualStock=Virtual zaxira -VirtualStockAtDate=Kelgusi sanadagi virtual aktsiya -VirtualStockAtDateDesc=Tanlangan sanadan oldin qayta ishlashni rejalashtirgan barcha kutilayotgan buyurtmalar tugagandan so'ng, virtual zaxiralar -VirtualStockDesc=Virtual aktsiya - barcha ochiq/kutishdagi harakatlar (zaxiralarga ta'sir qiluvchi) amalga oshirilgandan so'ng (qabul qilingan xaridlar, jo'natilgan savdo buyurtmalari, ishlab chiqarilgan ishlab chiqarish buyurtmalari va h.k.) -AtDate=Hozirgi kunda -IdWarehouse=Idish ombori -DescWareHouse=Tavsif ombori -LieuWareHouse=Mahalliylashtirish ombori -WarehousesAndProducts=Omborlar va mahsulotlar -WarehousesAndProductsBatchDetail=Omborlar va mahsulotlar (lot / seriya bo'yicha batafsil ma'lumot bilan) -AverageUnitPricePMPShort=O'rtacha narx -AverageUnitPricePMPDesc=Bizning mahsulotimizga 1 dona mahsulotni kiritish uchun sarflangan o'rtacha birlik narxi. -SellPriceMin=Sotish birligi narxi -EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Sotish uchun qiymati -EstimatedStockValueSell=Sotish uchun qiymati -EstimatedStockValueShort=Kirish qiymati -EstimatedStockValue=Kirish qiymati -DeleteAWarehouse=Omborni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteWarehouse= %s omborini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -PersonalStock=Shaxsiy kabinetga %s -ThisWarehouseIsPersonalStock=Ushbu ombor %s %s shaxsiy zaxirasini aks ettiradi -SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni kamaytirish uchun foydalaniladigan omborni tanlang -SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni ko'paytirish uchun foydalaniladigan omborni tanlang -RevertProductsToStock=Mahsulotlar zaxiraga qaytarilsinmi? -NoStockAction=Birja aktsiyasi yo'q -DesiredStock=Kerakli aksiya -DesiredStockDesc=Ushbu zaxira miqdori zaxirani to'ldirish xususiyati bilan to'ldirish uchun ishlatiladigan qiymat bo'ladi. -StockToBuy=Buyurtma qilish -Replenishment=To'ldirish -ReplenishmentOrders=To'ldirish buyurtmalari -VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=Aksiyalarning ko'payishi / kamayishi bo'yicha jismoniy aktsiyalar va virtual aktsiyalar (jismoniy aktsiyalar + ochiq buyurtmalar) farq qilishi mumkin -UseRealStockByDefault=To'ldirish xususiyati uchun virtual aktsiyalar o'rniga haqiqiy aktsiyalardan foydalaning -ReplenishmentCalculation=Buyurtma miqdori (kerakli miqdor - virtual zaxira) o'rniga (kerakli miqdor - haqiqiy zaxira) bo'ladi -UseVirtualStock=Virtual zaxiradan foydalaning -UsePhysicalStock=Jismoniy zaxiradan foydalaning -CurentSelectionMode=Joriy tanlov rejimi -CurentlyUsingVirtualStock=Virtual zaxira -CurentlyUsingPhysicalStock=Jismoniy zaxiralar -RuleForStockReplenishment=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni to'ldirish qoidasi -SelectProductWithNotNullQty=Miqdor null bo'lmagan va sotuvchisi bo'lgan kamida bitta mahsulotni tanlang -AlertOnly= Faqat ogohlantirishlar -IncludeProductWithUndefinedAlerts = Istalgan miqdori aniqlanmagan mahsulotlar uchun salbiy zaxiralarni ham qo'shing, ularni 0 ga qaytaring -WarehouseForStockDecrease= %s ombori zaxiralarni kamaytirish uchun ishlatiladi -WarehouseForStockIncrease= %s ombori zaxiralarni ko'paytirish uchun ishlatiladi -ForThisWarehouse=Ushbu ombor uchun -ReplenishmentStatusDesc=Bu kerakli zaxiradan past bo'lgan (yoki "faqat ogohlantirish" katagiga belgi qo'yilgan bo'lsa, ogohlantirish qiymatidan past bo'lgan) barcha mahsulotlarning ro'yxati. Belgilash katagidan foydalanib, siz farqni to'ldirish uchun sotib olish buyurtmalarini yaratishingiz mumkin. -ReplenishmentStatusDescPerWarehouse=Agar siz ombor uchun kerakli miqdordagi miqdor bo'yicha to'ldirishni xohlasangiz, omborga filtr qo'shishingiz kerak. -ReplenishmentOrdersDesc=Bu oldindan belgilangan mahsulotlarni o'z ichiga olgan barcha ochiq sotib olish buyurtmalarining ro'yxati. Bu erda faqat oldindan belgilangan mahsulotlarga ega bo'lgan ochiq buyurtmalar, shu sababli aktsiyalarga ta'sir qilishi mumkin bo'lgan buyurtmalar ko'rinadi. -Replenishments=To'ldirish -NbOfProductBeforePeriod=%s mahsulotining tanlangan muddatgacha zaxiradagi miqdori (<%s) -NbOfProductAfterPeriod=Tanlangan davrdan keyin zaxiradagi %s mahsulotining miqdori (> %s) -MassMovement=Ommaviy harakat -SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Manba omborini (ixtiyoriy), maqsadli omborni, mahsulot va miqdorni tanlang va “%s” tugmasini bosing. Bu barcha kerakli harakatlar uchun bajarilgandan so'ng, "%s" tugmasini bosing. -RecordMovement=Yozuvni o'tkazish -RecordMovements=Qimmatli qog'ozlar harakatini yozib oling -ReceivingForSameOrder=Ushbu buyurtma uchun kvitansiyalar -StockMovementRecorded=Qimmatli qog'ozlar harakati qayd etildi -RuleForStockAvailability=Qimmatli qog'ozlarga talablar bo'yicha qoidalar -StockMustBeEnoughForInvoice=Hisob-fakturaga mahsulot / xizmatni qo'shish uchun birja darajasi etarli bo'lishi kerak (tekshirish avtomatik ravishda o'zgartirish qoidasi qanday bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar, fakturaga qator qo'shilganda, amaldagi real zaxirada tekshiriladi) -StockMustBeEnoughForOrder=Qimmatbaho qog'ozlar darajasi buyurtma berish uchun mahsulot / xizmatni qo'shish uchun etarli bo'lishi kerak (tekshirish avtomatik ravishda o'zgartirish qoidalari qanday bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, qatorni qo'shganda joriy real zaxirada amalga oshiriladi) -StockMustBeEnoughForShipment= Qimmatbaho qog'ozlar darajasi mahsulotni / xizmatni jo'natishga qo'shish uchun etarli bo'lishi kerak (tekshirish avtomatik ravishda o'zgarishi uchun qanday qoidaga rioya qilinsa, etkazib berishga chiziq qo'shilganda joriy real zaxirada tekshiriladi) -MovementLabel=Harakat yorlig'i -TypeMovement=Harakat yo'nalishi -DateMovement=Harakat sanasi -InventoryCode=Harakat yoki inventarizatsiya kodi -IsInPackage=Paket ichida mavjud -WarehouseAllowNegativeTransfer=Qimmatli qog'ozlar salbiy bo'lishi mumkin -qtyToTranferIsNotEnough=Sizda manba omboridan etarli miqdordagi zaxira yo'q va sizning sozlamangiz salbiy zaxiralarga yo'l qo'ymaydi. -qtyToTranferLotIsNotEnough=Sizda ushbu zaxira ombori uchun etarli miqdordagi zaxira yo'q va sizning sozlamangiz salbiy zaxiralarga yo'l qo'ymaydi ("%s" lot bilan "%s" mahsuloti uchun miqdori "%s" omborida %s '). -ShowWarehouse=Omborni ko'rsatish -MovementCorrectStock=%s mahsuloti uchun aktsiyalarni tuzatish -MovementTransferStock=%s mahsulotini boshqa omborga zaxirada o'tkazish -BatchStockMouvementAddInGlobal=Ommaviy zaxiralar global zaxiraga o'tadi (mahsulot endi partiyadan foydalanmaydi) -InventoryCodeShort=Inv. / Mov. kod -NoPendingReceptionOnSupplierOrder=Ochiq sotib olish buyurtmasi tufayli kutish kutilmagan -ThisSerialAlreadyExistWithDifferentDate=Bu ko'p / seriya raqami ( %s ) allaqachon mavjud, lekin har xil eatby yoki sellby sana ( %s topildi lekin siz %s kiriting). -OpenAnyMovement=Ochiq (barcha harakatlar) -OpenInternal=Ochiq (faqat ichki harakat) -UseDispatchStatus=Xarid buyurtmalarini qabul qilishda mahsulot yo'nalishlari uchun jo'natish holatidan foydalaning (tasdiqlash / rad etish) -OptionMULTIPRICESIsOn="Bir segment uchun bir nechta narxlar" opsiyasi yoqilgan. Bu shuni anglatadiki, mahsulot bir necha sotish narxiga ega, shuning uchun sotish qiymatini hisoblab bo'lmaydi -ProductStockWarehouseCreated=Ogohlantirish uchun stok chegarasi va kerakli optimal stok to'g'ri yaratilgan -ProductStockWarehouseUpdated=Ogohlantirish uchun kerakli limit va kerakli optimal stok to'g'ri yangilangan -ProductStockWarehouseDeleted=Ogohlantirish uchun kerakli limit va kerakli optimal stok to'g'ri o'chirildi -ProductStockWarehouse=Ogohlantirish uchun zahira chegarasi va mahsulot va ombor bo'yicha kerakli optimal zaxira -AddNewProductStockWarehouse=Ogohlantirish va kerakli optimal stok uchun yangi chegara o'rnating -AddStockLocationLine=Miqdorni kamaytiring, keyin chiziqni ajratish uchun bosing -InventoryDate=Inventarizatsiya sanasi -Inventories=Inventarizatsiya -NewInventory=Yangi inventarizatsiya -inventorySetup = Inventarizatsiyani sozlash -inventoryCreatePermission=Yangi inventarizatsiya yarating -inventoryReadPermission=Zaxiralarni ko'rish -inventoryWritePermission=Zaxiralarni yangilang -inventoryValidatePermission=Inventarizatsiyani tasdiqlash -inventoryDeletePermission=Inventarizatsiyani o'chirish -inventoryTitle=Inventarizatsiya -inventoryListTitle=Zaxiralar -inventoryListEmpty=Inventarizatsiya qilinmayapti -inventoryCreateDelete=Inventarizatsiya yaratish / o'chirish -inventoryCreate=Yangisini yarating -inventoryEdit=Tahrirlash -inventoryValidate=Tasdiqlangan -inventoryDraft=Yugurish -inventorySelectWarehouse=Omborni tanlash +WarehouseCard=Warehouse card +Warehouse=Warehouse +Warehouses=Warehouses +ParentWarehouse=Parent warehouse +NewWarehouse=New warehouse / Stock Location +WarehouseEdit=Modify warehouse +MenuNewWarehouse=New warehouse +WarehouseSource=Source warehouse +WarehouseSourceNotDefined=No warehouse defined, +AddWarehouse=Create warehouse +AddOne=Add one +DefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse +WarehouseTarget=Target warehouse +ValidateSending=Delete sending +CancelSending=Cancel sending +DeleteSending=Delete sending +Stock=Stock +Stocks=Stocks +MissingStocks=Missing stocks +StockAtDate=Stock at date +StockAtDateInPast=Date in past +StockAtDateInFuture=Date in future +StocksByLotSerial=Stocks by lot/serial +LotSerial=Lots/Serials +LotSerialList=List of lot/serials +Movements=Movements +ErrorWarehouseRefRequired=Warehouse reference name is required +ListOfWarehouses=List of warehouses +ListOfStockMovements=List of stock movements +ListOfInventories=List of inventories +MovementId=Movement ID +StockMovementForId=Movement ID %d +ListMouvementStockProject=List of stock movements associated to project +StocksArea=Warehouses area +AllWarehouses=All warehouses +IncludeEmptyDesiredStock=Include also undefined desired stock +IncludeAlsoDraftOrders=Include also draft orders +Location=Location +LocationSummary=Short name location +NumberOfDifferentProducts=Number of different products +NumberOfProducts=Total number of products +LastMovement=Latest movement +LastMovements=Latest movements +Units=Units +Unit=Unit +StockCorrection=Stock correction +CorrectStock=Correct stock +StockTransfer=Stock transfer +TransferStock=Transfer stock +MassStockTransferShort=Mass stock transfer +StockMovement=Stock movement +StockMovements=Stock movements +NumberOfUnit=Number of units +UnitPurchaseValue=Unit purchase price +StockTooLow=Stock too low +StockLowerThanLimit=Stock lower than alert limit (%s) +EnhancedValue=Value +PMPValue=Weighted average price +PMPValueShort=WAP +EnhancedValueOfWarehouses=Warehouses value +UserWarehouseAutoCreate=Create a user warehouse automatically when creating a user +AllowAddLimitStockByWarehouse=Manage also value for minimum and desired stock per pairing (product-warehouse) in addition to the value for minimum and desired stock per product +RuleForWarehouse=Rule for warehouses +WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringOrder=Set a warehouse on Sale orders +UserDefaultWarehouse=Set a warehouse on Users +MainDefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse +MainDefaultWarehouseUser=Use a default warehouse for each user +MainDefaultWarehouseUserDesc=By activating this option, during creation of a product, the warehouse assigned to the product will be defined on this one. If no warehouse is defined on the user, the default warehouse is defined. +IndependantSubProductStock=Product stock and subproduct stock are independent +QtyDispatched=Quantity dispatched +QtyDispatchedShort=Qty dispatched +QtyToDispatchShort=Qty to dispatch +OrderDispatch=Item receipts +RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock decrease (manual decrease is always possible, even if an automatic decrease rule is activated) +RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock increase (manual increase is always possible, even if an automatic increase rule is activated) +DeStockOnBill=Decrease real stocks on validation of customer invoice/credit note +DeStockOnValidateOrder=Decrease real stocks on validation of sales order +DeStockOnShipment=Decrease real stocks on shipping validation +DeStockOnShipmentOnClosing=Decrease real stocks when shipping is set to closed +ReStockOnBill=Increase real stocks on validation of vendor invoice/credit note +ReStockOnValidateOrder=Increase real stocks on purchase order approval +ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouse, after purchase order receipt of goods +StockOnReception=Increase real stocks on validation of reception +StockOnReceptionOnClosing=Increase real stocks when reception is set to closed +OrderStatusNotReadyToDispatch=Order has not yet or no more a status that allows dispatching of products in stock warehouses. +StockDiffPhysicTeoric=Explanation for difference between physical and virtual stock +NoPredefinedProductToDispatch=No predefined products for this object. So no dispatching in stock is required. +DispatchVerb=Dispatch +StockLimitShort=Limit for alert +StockLimit=Stock limit for alert +StockLimitDesc=(empty) means no warning.
0 can be used for a warning as soon as stock is empty. +PhysicalStock=Physical Stock +RealStock=Real Stock +RealStockDesc=Physical/real stock is the stock currently in the warehouses. +RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=The real stock will be modified according to this rule (as defined in the Stock module): +VirtualStock=Virtual stock +VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the calculated stock available once all open/pending actions (that affect stocks) are closed (purchase orders received, sales orders shipped etc.) +IdWarehouse=Id warehouse +DescWareHouse=Description warehouse +LieuWareHouse=Localisation warehouse +WarehousesAndProducts=Warehouses and products +WarehousesAndProductsBatchDetail=Warehouses and products (with detail per lot/serial) +AverageUnitPricePMPShort=Weighted average input price +AverageUnitPricePMP=Weighted average input price +SellPriceMin=Selling Unit Price +EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Value for sell +EstimatedStockValueSell=Value for sell +EstimatedStockValueShort=Input stock value +EstimatedStockValue=Input stock value +DeleteAWarehouse=Delete a warehouse +ConfirmDeleteWarehouse=Are you sure you want to delete the warehouse %s? +PersonalStock=Personal stock %s +ThisWarehouseIsPersonalStock=This warehouse represents personal stock of %s %s +SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease=Choose warehouse to use for stock decrease +SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease=Choose warehouse to use for stock increase +NoStockAction=No stock action +DesiredStock=Desired Stock +DesiredStockDesc=This stock amount will be the value used to fill the stock by replenishment feature. +StockToBuy=To order +Replenishment=Replenishment +ReplenishmentOrders=Replenishment orders +VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=According to increase/decrease stock options, physical stock and virtual stock (physical + current orders) may differ +UseVirtualStockByDefault=Use virtual stock by default, instead of physical stock, for replenishment feature +UseVirtualStock=Use virtual stock +UsePhysicalStock=Use physical stock +CurentSelectionMode=Current selection mode +CurentlyUsingVirtualStock=Virtual stock +CurentlyUsingPhysicalStock=Physical stock +RuleForStockReplenishment=Rule for stocks replenishment +SelectProductWithNotNullQty=Select at least one product with a qty not null and a vendor +AlertOnly= Alerts only +IncludeProductWithUndefinedAlerts = Include also negative stock for products with no desired quantity defined, to restore them to 0 +WarehouseForStockDecrease=The warehouse %s will be used for stock decrease +WarehouseForStockIncrease=The warehouse %s will be used for stock increase +ForThisWarehouse=For this warehouse +ReplenishmentStatusDesc=This is a list of all products with a stock lower than desired stock (or lower than alert value if checkbox "alert only" is checked). Using the checkbox, you can create purchase orders to fill the difference. +ReplenishmentStatusDescPerWarehouse=If you want a replenishment based on desired quantity defined per warehouse, you must add a filter on the warehouse. +ReplenishmentOrdersDesc=This is a list of all open purchase orders including predefined products. Only open orders with predefined products, so orders that may affect stocks, are visible here. +Replenishments=Replenishments +NbOfProductBeforePeriod=Quantity of product %s in stock before selected period (< %s) +NbOfProductAfterPeriod=Quantity of product %s in stock after selected period (> %s) +MassMovement=Mass movement +SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Select a product, a quantity, a source warehouse and a target warehouse, then click "%s". Once this is done for all required movements, click onto "%s". +RecordMovement=Record transfer +ReceivingForSameOrder=Receipts for this order +StockMovementRecorded=Stock movements recorded +RuleForStockAvailability=Rules on stock requirements +StockMustBeEnoughForInvoice=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to invoice (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into invoice whatever the rule for automatic stock change) +StockMustBeEnoughForOrder=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to order (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into order whatever the rule for automatic stock change) +StockMustBeEnoughForShipment= Stock level must be enough to add product/service to shipment (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into shipment whatever the rule for automatic stock change) +MovementLabel=Label of movement +TypeMovement=Type of movement +DateMovement=Date of movement +InventoryCode=Movement or inventory code +IsInPackage=Contained into package +WarehouseAllowNegativeTransfer=Stock can be negative +qtyToTranferIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks. +qtyToTranferLotIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock, for this lot number, from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks (Qty for product '%s' with lot '%s' is %s in warehouse '%s'). +ShowWarehouse=Show warehouse +MovementCorrectStock=Stock correction for product %s +MovementTransferStock=Stock transfer of product %s into another warehouse +InventoryCodeShort=Inv./Mov. code +NoPendingReceptionOnSupplierOrder=No pending reception due to open purchase order +ThisSerialAlreadyExistWithDifferentDate=This lot/serial number (%s) already exists but with different eatby or sellby date (found %s but you enter %s). +OpenAll=Open for all actions +OpenInternal=Open only for internal actions +UseDispatchStatus=Use a dispatch status (approve/refuse) for product lines on purchase order reception +OptionMULTIPRICESIsOn=Option "several prices per segment" is on. It means a product has several selling price so value for sell can't be calculated +ProductStockWarehouseCreated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly created +ProductStockWarehouseUpdated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly updated +ProductStockWarehouseDeleted=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly deleted +AddNewProductStockWarehouse=Set new limit for alert and desired optimal stock +AddStockLocationLine=Decrease quantity then click to add another warehouse for this product +InventoryDate=Inventory date +NewInventory=New inventory +inventorySetup = Inventory Setup +inventoryCreatePermission=Create new inventory +inventoryReadPermission=View inventories +inventoryWritePermission=Update inventories +inventoryValidatePermission=Validate inventory +inventoryTitle=Inventory +inventoryListTitle=Inventories +inventoryListEmpty=No inventory in progress +inventoryCreateDelete=Create/Delete inventory +inventoryCreate=Create new +inventoryEdit=Edit +inventoryValidate=Validated +inventoryDraft=Running +inventorySelectWarehouse=Warehouse choice @@ -204,131 +192,46 @@ -inventoryOfWarehouse=Ombor uchun inventarizatsiya: %s -inventoryErrorQtyAdd=Xato: bitta miqdor noldan kam -inventoryMvtStock=Inventarizatsiya bo'yicha -inventoryWarningProductAlreadyExists=Ushbu mahsulot allaqachon ro'yxatga kiritilgan -SelectCategory=Turkum filtri -SelectFournisseur=Sotuvchi filtri -inventoryOnDate=Inventarizatsiya -INVENTORY_USE_INVENTORY_DATE_FOR_DATE_OF_MVT=Qimmatli qog'ozlar harakati inventarizatsiya sanasiga ega bo'ladi (inventarizatsiya tasdiqlangan sana o'rniga) -inventoryChangePMPPermission=Mahsulot uchun PMP qiymatini o'zgartirishga ruxsat bering -ColumnNewPMP=Yangi birlik PMP -OnlyProdsInStock=Mahsulotni zaxirasiz qo'shmang -TheoricalQty=Nazariy miqdor -TheoricalValue=Nazariy miqdor -LastPA=Oxirgi BP -CurrentPA=Hozirgi BP -RecordedQty=Yozilgan Miqdor -RealQty=Haqiqiy miqdor -RealValue=Haqiqiy qiymat -RegulatedQty=Tartibga solinadigan miqdor -AddInventoryProduct=Mahsulotni inventarizatsiyaga qo'shing -AddProduct=Qo'shish -ApplyPMP=PMP-ni qo'llang -FlushInventory=Tozalash moslamalari -ConfirmFlushInventory=Siz ushbu amalni tasdiqlaysizmi? -InventoryFlushed=Inventarizatsiya qizarib ketdi -ExitEditMode=Nashrdan chiqish -inventoryDeleteLine=Chiziqni o'chirish -RegulateStock=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni tartibga solish -ListInventory=Ro'yxat -StockSupportServices=Aktsiyalarni boshqarish xizmatlarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi -StockSupportServicesDesc=Odatiy bo'lib, siz faqat "mahsulot" turidagi mahsulotlarni to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Ikkala modul xizmatlari va ushbu parametr yoqilgan bo'lsa, siz "xizmat" turidagi mahsulotni sotib olishingiz mumkin. -ReceiveProducts=Ob'ektlarni qabul qiling -StockIncreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Tuzatish / o'tkazish yo'li bilan oshirish -StockDecreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Tuzatish / o'tkazish yo'li bilan kamaytiring -StockIncrease=Qimmatli qog'ozlarning ko'payishi -StockDecrease=Qimmatli qog'ozlar kamayadi -InventoryForASpecificWarehouse=Muayyan ombor uchun inventarizatsiya -InventoryForASpecificProduct=Muayyan mahsulot uchun inventarizatsiya -StockIsRequiredToChooseWhichLotToUse=Qaysi lotdan foydalanishni tanlash imkoniyati uchun mavjud aktsiya talab qilinadi -ForceTo=Majburlash -AlwaysShowFullArbo=Ombor havolalarining qalqib chiquvchi oynasida omborning toʻliq yoʻlini koʻrsating (Ogohlantirish: Bu samaradorlikni sezilarli darajada kamaytirishi mumkin) -StockAtDatePastDesc=Siz bu erda o'tmishda berilgan sanada aktsiyalarni (haqiqiy aktsiyalar) ko'rishingiz mumkin -StockAtDateFutureDesc=Kelajakda ushbu sanada aktsiyalarni (virtual aktsiyalar) ma'lum bir sanada ko'rishingiz mumkin -CurrentStock=Joriy aktsiyalar -InventoryRealQtyHelp=
miqdorini qayta tiklash uchun 0 qiymatini o'rnating -UpdateByScaning=Skanerlash orqali haqiqiy miqdorni to'ldiring -UpdateByScaningProductBarcode=Skanerlash orqali yangilash (mahsulot shtrix-kodi) -UpdateByScaningLot=Skanerlash orqali yangilash (lot | ketma-ket shtrix-kod) -DisableStockChangeOfSubProduct=Ushbu harakat paytida ushbu to'plamning barcha subproductlari uchun birja o'zgarishini o'chirib qo'ying. -ImportFromCSV=CSV harakatlar ro'yxatini import qilish -ChooseFileToImport=Faylni yuklang, so'ngra faylni manba import fayli sifatida tanlash uchun %s belgisini bosing ... -SelectAStockMovementFileToImport=import qilish uchun aktsiyalar harakati faylini tanlang -InfoTemplateImport=Yuklangan fayl quyidagi formatga ega bo'lishi kerak (* majburiy maydonlar):
Manba ombori * | Maqsadli ombor * * Mahsulot * | Miqdor * | Lot / seriya raqami
CSV belgilarni ajratuvchi " %s " bo'lishi kerak -LabelOfInventoryMovemement=Inventarizatsiya %s -ReOpen=Qayta oching -ConfirmFinish=Inventarizatsiya yopilishini tasdiqlaysizmi? Bu sizning zaxirangizni inventarizatsiyaga kiritgan haqiqiy miqdordagi yangilash uchun barcha aktsiyalar harakatlarini keltirib chiqaradi. -ObjectNotFound=%s topilmadi -MakeMovementsAndClose=Harakatlarni yarating va yoping -AutofillWithExpected=Haqiqiy miqdorni kutilgan miqdor bilan to'ldiring -ShowAllBatchByDefault=Odatiy bo'lib, mahsulot "stok" yorlig'ida partiyaning tafsilotlarini ko'rsating -CollapseBatchDetailHelp=Qimmatbaho qog'ozlar moduli konfiguratsiyasida partiyaning tafsilotlari bo'yicha standart displeyni o'rnatishingiz mumkin -ErrorWrongBarcodemode=Shtrix -kodning noma'lum rejimi -ProductDoesNotExist=Mahsulot mavjud emas -ErrorSameBatchNumber=Inventarizatsiya varaqasida partiya raqami uchun bir nechta yozuvlar topilgan. Qaysi birini oshirishni bilishning iloji yo'q. -ProductBatchDoesNotExist=To'plamli/seriyali mahsulot mavjud emas -ProductBarcodeDoesNotExist=Shtrixli mahsulot mavjud emas -WarehouseId=Ombor identifikatori -WarehouseRef=Ombor Ref -SaveQtyFirst=Qimmatli qog'ozlar harakati yaratilishini so'rashdan oldin, birinchi navbatda, haqiqiy inventarizatsiya miqdorini saqlang. -ToStart=Boshlash -InventoryStartedShort=Boshlandi -ErrorOnElementsInventory=Operatsiya quyidagi sabablarga ko'ra bekor qilindi: -ErrorCantFindCodeInInventory=Inventarda quyidagi kod topilmadi -QtyWasAddedToTheScannedBarcode=Muvaffaqiyat!! Miqdor barcha so'ralgan shtrix-kodga qo'shildi. Skaner vositasini yopishingiz mumkin. -StockChangeDisabled=Qimmatli qog'ozlarni almashtirish o'chirildi -NoWarehouseDefinedForTerminal=Terminal uchun ombor aniqlanmagan -ClearQtys=Barcha miqdorlarni tozalang -ModuleStockTransferName=Kengaytirilgan aktsiyalarni uzatish -ModuleStockTransferDesc=O'tkazma varaqlarini yaratish bilan birja transferini ilg'or boshqarish -StockTransferNew=Yangi aktsiyalarni o'tkazish -StockTransferList=Birja o'tkazmalari ro'yxati -ConfirmValidateStockTransfer=Haqiqatan ham, bu aktsiyalarning transferini %s bilan tasdiqlamoqchimisiz span>? -ConfirmDestock=%s transferi bilan aksiyalar kamayishi -ConfirmDestockCancel=%s transferi bilan aksiyalar kamayishini bekor qilish -DestockAllProduct=Aksiyalarning kamayishi -DestockAllProductCancel=Qimmatli qog'ozlar kamayishini bekor qilish -ConfirmAddStock=%s transferi bilan zaxiralarni oshiring -ConfirmAddStockCancel=%s transferi bilan aksiyalar koʻpayishini bekor qilish -AddStockAllProduct=Aksiyalarning ko'payishi -AddStockAllProductCancel=Aktsiyalarning ko'payishini bekor qilish -DatePrevueDepart=Belgilangan jo'nash sanasi -DateReelleDepart=Haqiqiy ketish sanasi -DatePrevueArrivee=Belgilangan kelish sanasi -DateReelleArrivee=Haqiqiy kelish sanasi -HelpWarehouseStockTransferSource=Agar bu ombor o'rnatilsa, manba ombori sifatida faqat o'zi va uning bolalari mavjud bo'ladi -HelpWarehouseStockTransferDestination=Agar bu ombor o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, faqat o'zi va uning bolalari maqsadli ombor sifatida mavjud bo'ladi -LeadTimeForWarning=Ogohlantirishdan oldin etkazib berish vaqti (kunlarda) -TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STFROM=Aktsiyalarni o'tkazuvchi -TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STDEST=Aktsiyalarni o'tkazishni oluvchi -TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STRESP=Aktsiyalarni o'tkazish uchun javobgar -StockTransferSheet=Aktsiyalarni o'tkazish varaqasi -StockTransferSheetProforma=Proforma aktsiyalarni o'tkazish varaqasi -StockTransferDecrementation=Manba omborlarini kamaytiring -StockTransferIncrementation=Belgilangan omborlarni ko'paytirish -StockTransferDecrementationCancel=Manba omborlarining qisqarishini bekor qilish -StockTransferIncrementationCancel=Belgilangan omborlarni ko'paytirishni bekor qilish -StockStransferDecremented=Manba omborlari kamaydi -StockStransferDecrementedCancel=Manba omborlarining qisqarishi bekor qilindi -StockStransferIncremented=Yopiq - aktsiyalar o'tkazildi -StockStransferIncrementedShort=Aksiyalar o'tkazildi -StockStransferIncrementedShortCancel=Belgilangan omborlarni ko'paytirish bekor qilindi -StockTransferNoBatchForProduct=%s mahsuloti to‘plamdan foydalanmaydi, tarmoqdagi to‘plamni tozalang va qayta urinib ko‘ring -StockTransferSetup = Aktsiyalarni uzatish moduli konfiguratsiyasi -StockTransferSetupPage = Aktsiyalarni uzatish moduli uchun konfiguratsiya sahifasi -StockTransferRightRead=Qimmatli qog'ozlar o'tkazmalarini o'qing -StockTransferRightCreateUpdate=Qimmatli qog'ozlar o'tkazmalarini yaratish/yangilash -StockTransferRightDelete=Aksiya o'tkazmalarini o'chirish -BatchNotFound=Ushbu mahsulot uchun lot/seriya topilmadi -StockEntryDate=Stokda
kiritilgan sana -StockMovementWillBeRecorded=Qimmatli qog'ozlar harakati qayd etiladi -StockMovementNotYetRecorded=Birja harakati bu bosqichdan ta'sirlanmaydi -ReverseConfirmed=Birja harakati muvaffaqiyatli bekor qilindi -WarningThisWIllAlsoDeleteStock=Ogohlantirish, bu shuningdek, ombordagi barcha miqdorlarni yo'q qiladi -ValidateInventory=Inventarizatsiyani tekshirish -IncludeSubWarehouse=Qo'shimcha omborni o'z ichiga oladimi? -IncludeSubWarehouseExplanation=Agar bog'langan omborning barcha kichik omborlarini inventarga qo'shishni istasangiz, ushbu katakchani belgilang -DeleteBatch=Partiya/seriyani o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteBatch=Haqiqatan ham lot/seriyani oʻchirib tashlamoqchimisiz? -WarehouseUsage=Ombordan foydalanish -InternalWarehouse=Ichki ombor -ExternalWarehouse=Tashqi ombor +inventoryOfWarehouse=Inventory for warehouse: %s +inventoryErrorQtyAdd=Error: one quantity is less than zero +inventoryMvtStock=By inventory +inventoryWarningProductAlreadyExists=This product is already into list +SelectCategory=Category filter +SelectFournisseur=Vendor filter +inventoryOnDate=Inventory +INVENTORY_DISABLE_VIRTUAL=Virtual product (kit): do not decrement stock of a child product +INVENTORY_USE_MIN_PA_IF_NO_LAST_PA=Use the buy price if no last buy price can be found +INVENTORY_USE_INVENTORY_DATE_FOR_DATE_OF_MVT=Stock movements will have the date of inventory (instead of the date of inventory validation) +inventoryChangePMPPermission=Allow to change PMP value for a product +ColumnNewPMP=New unit PMP +OnlyProdsInStock=Do not add product without stock +TheoricalQty=Theorique qty +TheoricalValue=Theorique qty +LastPA=Last BP +CurrentPA=Curent BP +RecordedQty=Recorded Qty +RealQty=Real Qty +RealValue=Real Value +RegulatedQty=Regulated Qty +AddInventoryProduct=Add product to inventory +AddProduct=Add +ApplyPMP=Apply PMP +FlushInventory=Flush inventory +ConfirmFlushInventory=Do you confirm this action? +InventoryFlushed=Inventory flushed +ExitEditMode=Exit edition +inventoryDeleteLine=Delete line +RegulateStock=Regulate Stock +ListInventory=List +StockSupportServices=Stock management supports Services +StockSupportServicesDesc=By default, you can stock only products of type "product". You may also stock a product of type "service" if both module Services and this option are enabled. +ReceiveProducts=Receive items +StockIncreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Increase by correction/transfer +StockDecreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Decrease by correction/transfer +StockIncrease=Stock increase +StockDecrease=Stock decrease +InventoryForASpecificWarehouse=Inventory for a specific warehouse +InventoryForASpecificProduct=Inventory for a specific product +StockIsRequiredToChooseWhichLotToUse=Stock is required to choose which lot to use +ForceTo=Force to +AlwaysShowFullArbo=Display full tree of warehouse on popup of warehouse links (Warning: This may decrease dramatically performances) +StockAtDatePastDesc=You can view here the stock (real stock) at a given date in the past +StockAtDateFutureDesc=You can view here the stock (virtual stock) at a given date in future +CurrentStock=Current stock --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_suppliers.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_suppliers.lang @@ -1,56 +1,47 @@ -# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - vendors -Suppliers=Sotuvchilar -SuppliersInvoice=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasi -SupplierInvoices=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari -ShowSupplierInvoice=Sotuvchi fakturasini ko'rsating -NewSupplier=Yangi sotuvchi -NewSupplierInvoice = Sotuvchining yangi hisob-fakturasi -History=Tarix -ListOfSuppliers=Sotuvchilar ro'yxati -ShowSupplier=Sotuvchini ko'rsatish -BuyingPriceMin=Eng yaxshi sotib olish narxi -BuyingPriceMinShort=Eng yaxshi sotib olish narxi -TotalBuyingPriceMinShort=Sotib olinadigan subproductlarning umumiy narxi -TotalSellingPriceMinShort=Sotish narxlarining subproductlari jami -SomeSubProductHaveNoPrices=Ba'zi bir kichik mahsulotlarda narx belgilanmagan -AddSupplierPrice=Xarid qilish narxini qo'shing -ChangeSupplierPrice=Xarid narxini o'zgartiring -SupplierPrices=Sotuvchi narxlari -ReferenceSupplierIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAProduct=Ushbu sotuvchi ma'lumotnomasi allaqachon mahsulot bilan bog'langan: %s -NoRecordedSuppliers=Hech qanday sotuvchi yozilmagan -SupplierPayment=Sotuvchining to'lovi -SuppliersArea=Sotuvchi maydoni -RefSupplierShort=Ref. sotuvchi -Availability=Mavjudligi -ExportDataset_fournisseur_1=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturalari va hisob-kitob ma'lumotlari -ExportDataset_fournisseur_2=Sotuvchi hisob-kitoblari va to'lovlari -ExportDataset_fournisseur_3=Sotib olish buyurtmalari va buyurtma tafsilotlari -ApproveThisOrder=Ushbu buyurtmani tasdiqlash -ConfirmApproveThisOrder= %s buyurtmasini tasdiqlashingizga ishonchingiz komilmi? -DenyingThisOrder=Ushbu buyurtmani rad eting -ConfirmDenyingThisOrder=Ushbu buyurtmani rad qilishni xohlaysizmi %s ? -ConfirmCancelThisOrder=Haqiqatan ham ushbu buyurtmani bekor qilishni xohlaysizmi %s ? -AddSupplierOrder=Xarid buyurtmasini yarating -AddSupplierInvoice=Sotuvchi hisob-fakturasini yarating -ListOfSupplierProductForSupplier= %s sotuvchisi uchun mahsulotlar va narxlar ro'yxati. -SentToSuppliers=Sotuvchilarga yuborildi -ListOfSupplierOrders=Sotib olish uchun buyurtmalar ro'yxati -MenuOrdersSupplierToBill=Hisob-fakturaga buyurtma sotib oling -NbDaysToDelivery=Yetkazib berishning kechikishi (kunlar) -DescNbDaysToDelivery=Ushbu buyurtma bo'yicha mahsulotlarni etkazib berishning eng uzoq kechikishi -SupplierReputation=Sotuvchining obro'si -ReferenceReputation=Yo'naltiruvchi obro'si -DoNotOrderThisProductToThisSupplier=Buyurtma bermang -NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=Past sifatli -ReputationForThisProduct=Obro'-e'tibor -BuyerName=Xaridor nomi -AllProductServicePrices=Barcha mahsulot / xizmat narxlari -AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=Sotuvchining barcha ma'lumotnomalari -BuyingPriceNumShort=Sotuvchi narxlari -RepeatableSupplierInvoice=Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-faktura shablon -RepeatableSupplierInvoices=Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturalar shablonlari -RepeatableSupplierInvoicesList=Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturalar shablonlari -RecurringSupplierInvoices=Takroriy yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturalari -ToCreateAPredefinedSupplierInvoice=Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasi shablonini yaratish uchun siz standart hisob-fakturani yaratishingiz kerak, keyin uni tasdiqlamasdan, "%s" tugmasini bosing. -GeneratedFromSupplierTemplate=%s yetkazib beruvchi hisob-faktura shablonidan yaratilgan -SupplierInvoiceGeneratedFromTemplate=Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasi %s Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasi shablonidan yaratilgan %s +# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - suppliers +Suppliers=Vendors +SuppliersInvoice=Vendor invoice +ShowSupplierInvoice=Show Vendor Invoice +NewSupplier=New vendor +History=History +ListOfSuppliers=List of vendors +ShowSupplier=Show vendor +OrderDate=Order date +BuyingPriceMin=Best buying price +BuyingPriceMinShort=Best buying price +TotalBuyingPriceMinShort=Total of subproducts buying prices +TotalSellingPriceMinShort=Total of subproducts selling prices +SomeSubProductHaveNoPrices=Some sub-products have no price defined +AddSupplierPrice=Add buying price +ChangeSupplierPrice=Change buying price +SupplierPrices=Vendor prices +ReferenceSupplierIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAProduct=This reference supplier is already associated with a reference: %s +NoRecordedSuppliers=No vendor recorded +SupplierPayment=Vendor payment +SuppliersArea=Vendor area +RefSupplierShort=Ref. vendor +Availability=Availability +ExportDataset_fournisseur_1=Vendor invoices list and invoice lines +ExportDataset_fournisseur_2=Vendor invoices and payments +ExportDataset_fournisseur_3=Purchase orders and order lines +ApproveThisOrder=Approve this order +ConfirmApproveThisOrder=Are you sure you want to approve order %s? +DenyingThisOrder=Deny this order +ConfirmDenyingThisOrder=Are you sure you want to deny this order %s? +ConfirmCancelThisOrder=Are you sure you want to cancel this order %s? +AddSupplierOrder=Create Purchase Order +AddSupplierInvoice=Create vendor invoice +ListOfSupplierProductForSupplier=List of products and prices for vendor %s +SentToSuppliers=Sent to vendors +ListOfSupplierOrders=List of purchase orders +MenuOrdersSupplierToBill=Purchase orders to invoice +NbDaysToDelivery=Delivery delay in days +DescNbDaysToDelivery=The biggest deliver delay of the products from this order +SupplierReputation=Vendor reputation +DoNotOrderThisProductToThisSupplier=Do not order +NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=Wrong quality +ReputationForThisProduct=Reputation +BuyerName=Buyer name +AllProductServicePrices=All product / service prices +AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=All product / service references of supplier +BuyingPriceNumShort=Vendor prices --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_ticket.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_ticket.lang @@ -21,45 +21,40 @@ -Module56000Name=Chiptalar -Module56000Desc=Chiqarish yoki so'rovlarni boshqarish uchun chiptalar tizimi - -Permission56001=Chiptalarni ko'ring -Permission56002=Chiptalarni o'zgartirish -Permission56003=Chiptalarni o'chirish -Permission56004=Chiptalarni boshqarish -Permission56005=Uchinchi tomonlarning chiptalarini ko'ring (tashqi foydalanuvchilar uchun samarali emas, har doim ular bog'liq bo'lgan uchinchi tomon bilan cheklaning) -Permission56006=Chiptalarni eksport qilish - -Tickets=Chiptalar -TicketDictType=Chipta - turlari -TicketDictCategory=Chipta - Guruhlar -TicketDictSeverity=Chipta - jiddiyliklar -TicketDictResolution=Chipta - Qaror - -TicketTypeShortCOM=Tijorat savoli -TicketTypeShortHELP=Funktsional yordam so'rash -TicketTypeShortISSUE=Muammo yoki xato -TicketTypeShortPROBLEM=Muammo -TicketTypeShortREQUEST=O'zgartirish yoki takomillashtirish bo'yicha so'rov -TicketTypeShortPROJET=Loyiha -TicketTypeShortOTHER=Boshqalar - -TicketSeverityShortLOW=Kam -TicketSeverityShortNORMAL=Oddiy -TicketSeverityShortHIGH=Yuqori -TicketSeverityShortBLOCKING=Muhim, blokirovka qilish - -TicketCategoryShortOTHER=Boshqa - -ErrorBadEmailAddress='%s' maydoni noto'g'ri -MenuTicketMyAssign=Mening chiptalarim -MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=Mening ochiq chiptalarim -MenuListNonClosed=Ochiq chiptalar - -TypeContact_ticket_internal_CONTRIBUTOR=Xissador -TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=Tayinlangan foydalanuvchi -TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=Mijozlar bilan aloqa / hodisalarni kuzatish -TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=Tashqi yordamchi - -OriginEmail=Muxbirning elektron pochtasi -Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Elektron pochta orqali chiptani yuboring - -ExportDataset_ticket_1=Chiptalar +Module56000Name=Tickets +Module56000Desc=Ticket system for issue or request management + +Permission56001=See tickets +Permission56002=Modify tickets +Permission56003=Delete tickets +Permission56004=Manage tickets +Permission56005=See tickets of all third parties (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on) + +TicketDictType=Ticket - Types +TicketDictCategory=Ticket - Groupes +TicketDictSeverity=Ticket - Severities +TicketDictResolution=Ticket - Resolution +TicketTypeShortBUGSOFT=Dysfonctionnement logiciel +TicketTypeShortBUGHARD=Dysfonctionnement matériel +TicketTypeShortCOM=Commercial question + +TicketTypeShortHELP=Request for functionnal help +TicketTypeShortISSUE=Issue, bug or problem +TicketTypeShortREQUEST=Change or enhancement request +TicketTypeShortPROJET=Project +TicketTypeShortOTHER=Other + +TicketSeverityShortLOW=Low +TicketSeverityShortNORMAL=Normal +TicketSeverityShortHIGH=High +TicketSeverityShortBLOCKING=Critical/Blocking + +ErrorBadEmailAddress=Field '%s' incorrect +MenuTicketMyAssign=My tickets +MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=My open tickets +MenuListNonClosed=Open tickets + +TypeContact_ticket_internal_CONTRIBUTOR=Contributor +TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=Assigned user +TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=Customer contact / incident tracking +TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=External contributor + +OriginEmail=Email source +Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Send ticket message by email @@ -68,8 +63,9 @@ -Read=O'qing -Assigned=Tayinlangan -NeedMoreInformation=Muxbirlarning fikri kutilmoqda -NeedMoreInformationShort=Fikr-mulohaza kutilmoqda -TicketAnswered=Answered -Waiting=Kutish -SolvedClosed=Yechilgan -Deleted=O'chirildi +NotRead=Not read +Read=Read +Assigned=Assigned +InProgress=In progress +NeedMoreInformation=Waiting for information +Answered=Answered +Waiting=Waiting +Closed=Closed +Deleted=Deleted @@ -78,4 +74,3 @@ -Type=Turi -Severity=Jiddiylik -TicketGroupIsPublic=Guruh hammaga ochiq -TicketGroupIsPublicDesc=Agar chiptalar guruhi ommaviy bo'lsa, u umumiy interfeysdan chipta yaratishda shaklda ko'rinadi +Type=Type +Category=Analytic code +Severity=Severity @@ -84 +79 @@ -MailToSendTicketMessage=Chipta xabaridan elektron pochta xabarini yuborish +MailToSendTicketMessage=To send email from ticket message @@ -89,72 +84,53 @@ -TicketSetup=Chipta modulini sozlash -TicketSettings=Sozlamalar -TicketPublicAccess=Identifikatsiyani talab qilmaydigan umumiy interfeys quyidagi urlda mavjud -TicketSetupDictionaries=Chipta turi, jiddiyligi va analitik kodlari lug'atlarda sozlanishi mumkin -TicketParamModule=Modulning o'zgaruvchini sozlash -TicketParamMail=Elektron pochtani sozlash -TicketEmailNotificationFrom=Javoblar haqida bildirishnoma olish uchun yuboruvchi elektron pochta -TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=Yuboruvchining elektron pochtasi orqa ofisda javob berilganda bildirishnomani yuborish uchun ishlatiladi. Masalan, noreply@example.com -TicketEmailNotificationTo=Chipta yaratilishi haqida ushbu elektron pochta manziliga xabar bering -TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=Agar mavjud bo'lsa, ushbu elektron pochta manziliga chipta yaratilishi haqida xabar beriladi -TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=Chipta yaratilgandan so'ng yuborilgan matnli xabar -TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=Bu erda ko'rsatilgan matn ommaviy interfeysdan yangi chipta yaratilganligini tasdiqlovchi elektron pochtaga kiritiladi. Chipta maslahati to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlar avtomatik ravishda qo'shiladi. -TicketParamPublicInterface=Umumiy interfeysni sozlash -TicketsEmailMustExist=Chipta yaratish uchun mavjud elektron pochta manzilini talab qiling -TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=Umumiy interfeysda elektron pochta manzili yangi chipta yaratish uchun ma'lumotlar bazasida to'ldirilgan bo'lishi kerak. -TicketsShowProgression=Umumiy interfeysda chiptaning borishini ko'rsating -TicketsShowProgressionHelp=Umumiy interfeys sahifalarida chiptaning borishini yashirish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing -TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExist=Noma'lum elektron pochta xabarlari uchun ism va kompaniya nomini so'rang. -TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExistHelp=Kiritilgan elektron pochta uchun uchinchi tomon yoki kontakt mavjudligini tekshiring. Agar yo'q bo'lsa, kontakt bilan uchinchi tomon yaratish uchun ism va kompaniya nomini so'rang. -PublicInterface=Ommaviy interfeys -TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=Umumiy interfeysning xush kelibsiz matni -TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=Siz qo'llab-quvvatlash chiptasini yaratishingiz yoki uning identifikatorini kuzatish chiptasidan mavjud narsalarni ko'rishingiz mumkin. -TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=Bu erda belgilangan matn umumiy interfeysning asosiy sahifasida paydo bo'ladi. -TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=Interfeys nomi -TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=Ushbu matn umumiy interfeys nomi sifatida paydo bo'ladi. -TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=Xabarni kiritish uchun matnga yordam bering -TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=Ushbu matn foydalanuvchining xabarlarni kiritish maydonchasi ustida paydo bo'ladi. -ExtraFieldsTicket=Qo'shimcha atributlar -TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML muharriri faollashtirilmagan. Iltimos, FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL tarkibini olish uchun uni 1 tagacha joylashtiring. -TicketsDisableEmail=Chipta yaratish yoki xabar yozish uchun elektron pochta xabarlarini yubormang -TicketsDisableEmailHelp=Odatiy bo'lib, elektron pochta xabarlari yangi chiptalar yoki xabarlar yaratilganda yuboriladi. * Barcha * elektron pochta xabarlarini o'chirib qo'yish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing -TicketsLogEnableEmail=Elektron pochta orqali jurnalni yoqish -TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=Har bir o'zgarganda, chiptaga aloqador ** har bir kontaktga ** elektron pochta orqali xabar yuboriladi. -TicketParams=Paramlar -TicketsShowModuleLogo=Modul logotipini umumiy interfeysda ko'rsatish -TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=Logotip modulini umumiy interfeys sahifalarida yashirish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing -TicketsShowCompanyLogo=Kompaniya logotipini ommaviy interfeysda namoyish eting -TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=Umumiy interfeys sahifalarida asosiy kompaniya logotipini ko'rsatish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing -TicketsShowCompanyFooter=Umumiy interfeysda kompaniyaning pastki ma'lumotlarini ko'rsating -TicketsShowCompanyFooterHelp=Umumiy interfeys sahifalarida asosiy kompaniyaning pastki ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing -TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=Asosiy elektron pochta manziliga xabarnoma yuboring -TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp="%s" sozlamalarida belgilangan manzilga elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish uchun ushbu parametrni yoqing ("%s" yorlig'iga qarang) -TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=Displeyni joriy foydalanuvchiga tayinlangan chiptalar bilan cheklang (tashqi foydalanuvchilar uchun samarali emas, har doim ular bog'liq bo'lgan uchinchi shaxs bilan cheklaning) -TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=Faqat joriy foydalanuvchiga tayinlangan chiptalar ko'rinadi. Chiptalarni boshqarish huquqiga ega foydalanuvchiga taalluqli emas. -TicketsActivatePublicInterface=Umumiy interfeysni faollashtiring -TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=Umumiy interfeys har qanday tashrif buyuruvchilarga chiptalarni yaratishga imkon beradi. -TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Chiptani yaratgan foydalanuvchini avtomatik ravishda tayinlash -TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=Chiptani yaratishda foydalanuvchiga avtomatik ravishda chiptani tayinlash mumkin. -TicketNumberingModules=Chiptalarni raqamlash moduli -TicketsModelModule=Chiptalar uchun hujjatlar shablonlari -TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Yaratilganda uchinchi tomonga xabar bering -TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Ochiq interfeysdan chipta yaratilganda har doim elektron pochta xabarlarini o'chirib qo'ying -TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Chipta yangi xabar / sharh qo'shilganda elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboring -TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Umumiy interfeysdan yangi xabar qo'shilganda elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboring (tayinlangan foydalanuvchiga yoki bildirishnomalar elektron pochtasiga (yangilash) va / yoki elektron pochta xabarlariga) -TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=Bildirishnomalar elektron pochtasi (yangilash) -TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=Agar chiptada foydalanuvchi tayinlanmagan bo'lsa yoki foydalanuvchi ma'lum bir elektron pochta xabariga ega bo'lmasa, har bir yangi xabar xabarnomasi uchun ushbu manzilga elektron pochta xabarini yuboring. -TicketsAutoReadTicket=Chiptani avtomatik ravishda o'qilgan deb belgilash (back-ofisdan yaratilganda) -TicketsAutoReadTicketHelp=Chiptani orqa ofisdan yaratilganda avtomatik ravishda o'qilgan deb belgilang. Chipta umumiy interfeysdan yaratilganda, chipta "O'qilmagan" holatida qoladi. -TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswer=Yangi chipta birinchi javobni (soatlardan oldin) olishi kerak: -TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswerHelp=Agar yangi chipta ushbu vaqtdan keyin (soatlarda) javob olmasa, ro'yxat ko'rinishida muhim ogohlantirish belgisi ko'rsatiladi. -TicketsDelayBetweenAnswers=Yechilmagan chipta (soat) davomida faol bo'lmasligi kerak: -TicketsDelayBetweenAnswersHelp=Agar allaqachon javob olgan hal qilinmagan chipta ushbu vaqt oralig'idan keyin (soatlarda) boshqa o'zaro ta'sirga ega bo'lmasa, ro'yxat ko'rinishida ogohlantirish belgisi ko'rsatiladi. -TicketsAutoNotifyClose=Chipta yopilganda uchinchi tomonni avtomatik ravishda xabardor qiling -TicketsAutoNotifyCloseHelp=Chiptani yopish paytida sizga uchinchi tomon kontaktlaridan biriga xabar yuborish taklif etiladi. Ommaviy yopilganda, chipta bilan bog'langan uchinchi tomonning bitta kontaktiga xabar yuboriladi. -TicketWrongContact=Taqdim etilgan kontakt joriy chipta kontaktlarining bir qismi emas. Email yuborilmadi. -TicketChooseProductCategory=Chiptalarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mahsulot toifasi -TicketChooseProductCategoryHelp=Chiptalarni qo'llab-quvvatlash mahsulot toifasini tanlang. Bu shartnomani chiptaga avtomatik bog'lash uchun ishlatiladi. -TicketUseCaptchaCode=Chipta yaratishda grafik koddan (CAPTCHA) foydalaning -TicketUseCaptchaCodeHelp=Yangi chipta yaratishda CAPTCHA tekshiruvini qo'shadi. -TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosed=Yopiq chiptalar tasnifini o'zgartirishga ruxsat bering -TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosedHelp=Chiptalar yopiq bo'lsa ham tasnifni (turi, chipta guruhi, jiddiyligi) o'zgartirishga ruxsat bering. - +TicketSetup=Ticket module setup +TicketSettings=Settings +TicketSetupPage= +TicketPublicAccess=A public interface requiring no identification is available at the following url +TicketSetupDictionaries=The type of ticket, severity and analytic codes are configurable from dictionaries +TicketParamModule=Module variable setup +TicketParamMail=Email setup +TicketEmailNotificationFrom=Notification email from +TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=Used into ticket message answer by example +TicketEmailNotificationTo=Notifications email to +TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=Send email notifications to this address. +TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=Text message sent after creating a ticket +TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=The text specified here will be inserted into the email confirming the creation of a new ticket from the public interface. Information on the consultation of the ticket are automatically added. +TicketParamPublicInterface=Public interface setup +TicketsEmailMustExist=Require an existing email address to create a ticket +TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=In the public interface, the email address should already be filled in the database to create a new ticket. +PublicInterface=Public interface +TicketUrlPublicInterfaceLabelAdmin=Alternative URL for public interface +TicketUrlPublicInterfaceHelpAdmin=It is possible to define an alias to the web server and thus make available the public interface with another URL (the server must act as a proxy on this new URL) +TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=Welcome text of the public interface +TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=You can create a support ticket or view existing from its identifier tracking ticket. +TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=The text defined here will appear on the home page of the public interface. +TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=Interface title +TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=This text will appear as the title of the public interface. +TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=Help text to the message entry +TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=This text will appear above the message input area of the user. +ExtraFieldsTicket=Extra attributes +TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML editor is not activated. Please put FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL content to 1 to get it. +TicketsDisableEmail=Do not send emails for ticket creation or message recording +TicketsDisableEmailHelp=By default, emails are sent when new tickets or messages created. Enable this option to disable *all* email notifications +TicketsLogEnableEmail=Enable log by email +TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=At each change, an email will be sent **to each contact** associated with the ticket. +TicketParams=Params +TicketsShowModuleLogo=Display the logo of the module in the public interface +TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo module in the pages of the public interface +TicketsShowCompanyLogo=Display the logo of the company in the public interface +TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo of the main company in the pages of the public interface +TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=Also send notification to main email address +TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp=Enable this option to send an email to "Notification email from" address (see setup below) +TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=Restrict the display to tickets assigned to the current user (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on) +TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=Only tickets assigned to the current user will be visible. Does not apply to a user with tickets management rights. +TicketsActivatePublicInterface=Activate public interface +TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=Public interface allow any visitors to create tickets. +TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Automatically assign the user who created the ticket +TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=When creating a ticket, the user can be automatically assigned to the ticket. +TicketNumberingModules=Tickets numbering module +TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Notify third party at creation +TicketGroup=Group +TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Always disable emails when a ticket is created from public interface +TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Send email(s) when a new message is added +TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Send email(s) when a new message is added from public interface (to assigned user or the notifications email to (update) and/or the notifications email to) +TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=Notifications email to (update) +TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=Send email new message notifications to this address if the ticket don't have a user assigned or the user don't have a email. @@ -164,14 +140,12 @@ -TicketsIndex=Chiptalar maydoni -TicketList=Chiptalar ro'yxati -TicketAssignedToMeInfos=Ushbu sahifada joriy foydalanuvchi tomonidan yaratilgan yoki unga tayinlangan chiptalar ro'yxati ko'rsatilgan -NoTicketsFound=Hech qanday chipta topilmadi -NoUnreadTicketsFound=O'qilmagan chipta topilmadi -TicketViewAllTickets=Barcha chiptalarni ko'ring -TicketViewNonClosedOnly=Faqat ochiq chiptalarni ko'ring -TicketStatByStatus=Status bo'yicha chiptalar -OrderByDateAsc=Sana bo'yicha o'sish sanasi bo'yicha saralash -OrderByDateDesc=Kamayish sanasi bo'yicha saralash -ShowAsConversation=Suhbat ro'yxati sifatida ko'rsatish -MessageListViewType=Jadval ro'yxati sifatida ko'rsatish -ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmail=Chiptalarni yopish paytida avtomatik ravishda elektron pochta xabarlarini yuboring -ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmailQuestion=Ushbu chiptalarni yopish paytida uchinchi tomonlarga xabar berishni xohlaysizmi? +TicketsIndex=Tickets area +TicketList=List of tickets +TicketAssignedToMeInfos=This page display ticket list created by or assigned to current user +NoTicketsFound=No ticket found +NoUnreadTicketsFound=No unread ticket found +TicketViewAllTickets=View all tickets +TicketViewNonClosedOnly=View only open tickets +TicketStatByStatus=Tickets by status +OrderByDateAsc=Sort by ascending date +OrderByDateDesc=Sort by descending date +ShowAsConversation=Show as conversation list +MessageListViewType=Show as table list @@ -182,99 +156,84 @@ -Ticket=Chipta -TicketCard=Chipta kartasi -CreateTicket=Chipta yarating -EditTicket=Chiptani tahrirlash -TicketsManagement=Chiptalarni boshqarish -CreatedBy=Tomonidan yaratilgan -NewTicket=Yangi chipta -SubjectAnswerToTicket=Chipta javobi -TicketTypeRequest=So'rov turi -TicketCategory=Chiptalar guruhi -SeeTicket=Chiptani ko'ring -TicketMarkedAsRead=Chipta o'qilgan deb belgilandi -TicketReadOn=O'qing -TicketCloseOn=Tugatish sanasi -MarkAsRead=Chiptani o'qilgan deb belgilang -TicketHistory=Chipta tarixi -AssignUser=Foydalanuvchiga tayinlash -TicketAssigned=Endi chipta tayinlandi -TicketChangeType=Turini o'zgartirish -TicketChangeCategory=Analitik kodni o'zgartiring -TicketChangeSeverity=Zo'ravonlikni o'zgartiring -TicketAddMessage=Xabar qo'shing yoki yuboring -TicketAddPrivateMessage=Shaxsiy xabar qo'shing -MessageSuccessfullyAdded=Chipta qo'shildi -TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=Xabar muvaffaqiyatli qo'shildi -TicketMessagesList=Xatlar ro'yxati -NoMsgForThisTicket=Ushbu chipta uchun xabar yo'q -TicketProperties=Tasniflash -LatestNewTickets=Eng so'nggi %s eng yangi chiptalar (o'qilmaydi) -TicketSeverity=Jiddiylik -ShowTicket=Chiptani ko'ring -RelatedTickets=Tegishli chiptalar -TicketAddIntervention=Aralashuvni yarating -CloseTicket=Yopish|Yechish -AbandonTicket=Tashlab ketish -CloseATicket=Yoping | Chiptani hal qiling -ConfirmCloseAticket=Chipta yopilishini tasdiqlang -ConfirmAbandonTicket=Chiptaning "tashlab ketilgan" maqomiga yopilishini tasdiqlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteTicket=Iltimos, chipta o'chirilishini tasdiqlang -TicketDeletedSuccess=Muvaffaqiyat bilan chipta o'chirildi -TicketMarkedAsClosed=Chipta yopiq deb belgilangan -TicketDurationAuto=Hisoblangan muddat -TicketDurationAutoInfos=Davomiylik bilan bog'liq bo'lgan muddat avtomatik ravishda hisoblab chiqiladi -TicketUpdated=Chipta yangilandi -SendMessageByEmail=Elektron pochta orqali xabar yuboring -TicketNewMessage=Yangi xabar -ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=Qabul qiluvchi bo'sh. Elektron pochta xabarlari yo'q -TicketGoIntoContactTab=Ularni tanlash uchun "Kontaktlar" yorlig'iga o'ting -TicketMessageMailIntro=Xabar sarlavhasi -TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=Ushbu matn faqat elektron pochta boshida qo'shiladi va saqlanmaydi. -TicketMessageMailIntroText=Salom,
Siz kuzatayotgan chiptaga yangi javob qo'shildi. Bu xabar:
-TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=Bu matn Dolibarrdan chiptaga javob berishda javob oldidan kiritiladi -TicketMessageMailFooter=Xabarning pastki qismi -TicketMessageMailFooterHelp=Ushbu matn faqat elektron pochta orqali yuborilgan xabarning oxiriga qo'shiladi va saqlanmaydi. -TicketMessageMailFooterText=Dolibarr orqali %s tomonidan yuborilgan xabar -TicketMessageMailFooterHelpAdmin=Bu matn javob xabaridan keyin kiritiladi. -TicketMessageHelp=Faqat ushbu matn chipta kartasidagi xabarlar ro'yxatida saqlanadi. -TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=O'zgartirish o'zgaruvchilari umumiy qiymatlar bilan almashtiriladi. -ForEmailMessageWillBeCompletedWith=Tashqi foydalanuvchilarga yuborilgan elektron pochta xabarlari uchun xabar to'ldiriladi -TimeElapsedSince=O'shandan beri vaqt o'tgan -TicketTimeToRead=O'qishdan oldin o'tgan vaqt -TicketTimeElapsedBeforeSince=Oldin / keyin o'tgan vaqt -TicketContacts=Aloqa chiptasi -TicketDocumentsLinked=Chipta bilan bog'langan hujjatlar -ConfirmReOpenTicket=Ushbu chipta qayta ochilganligini tasdiqlaysizmi? -TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=%s mavzusida chiptada yangi xabar joylashtirildi: -TicketAssignedToYou=Chipta tayinlandi -TicketAssignedEmailBody=Sizga %s tomonidan # %s chiptasi tayinlangan -TicketAssignedCustomerEmail=Chiptangiz qayta ishlash uchun tayinlandi. -TicketAssignedCustomerBody=Bu chiptangizni qayta ishlashga tayinlanganligini tasdiqlovchi avtomatik elektron pochta. -MarkMessageAsPrivate=Xabarni shaxsiy sifatida belgilash -TicketMessageSendEmailHelp=Barcha tayinlangan kontaktga elektron pochta xabari yuboriladi -TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2a=(ichki kontaktlar, balki tashqi kontaktlar ham bundan mustasno "%s" opsiyasi belgilansa) -TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2b=(ichki kontaktlar, balki tashqi kontaktlar) -TicketMessagePrivateHelp=Bu xabar tashqi foydalanuvchilar uchun ko‘rinmaydi -TicketMessageRecipientsHelp=Qabul qiluvchi maydoni chiptaga ulangan faol kontaktlar bilan to'ldiriladi -TicketEmailOriginIssuer=Chiptalarning kelib chiqishi bo'yicha emitent -InitialMessage=Dastlabki xabar -LinkToAContract=Shartnomaga havola -TicketPleaseSelectAContract=Shartnomani tanlang -UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=Uchinchi tomon aniqlanmaganida aralashuvni yaratib bo'lmaydi -TicketMailExchanges=Pochta almashinuvi -TicketInitialMessageModified=Dastlabki xabar o'zgartirildi -TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=Xabar muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi -TicketChangeStatus=Vaziyatni o'zgartirish -TicketConfirmChangeStatus=Vaziyat o'zgarishini tasdiqlang: %s? -TicketLogStatusChanged=Holat o'zgartirildi: %s dan %s ga -TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Yaratganda kompaniyani xabardor qilmang -NotifyThirdpartyOnTicketClosing=Chipta yopilganda xabardor qilish uchun kontaktlar -TicketNotifyAllTiersAtClose=Barcha tegishli kontaktlar -TicketNotNotifyTiersAtClose=Tegishli aloqa yo'q -Unread=O'qilmagan -TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Mavjud emas. Chipta umumiy interfeysdan yaratilmagan. -ErrorTicketRefRequired=Chipta ma'lumotnomasining nomi talab qilinadi -TicketsDelayForFirstResponseTooLong=Chipta ochilganidan beri juda ko'p vaqt o'tdi, hech qanday javob yo'q. -TicketsDelayFromLastResponseTooLong=Bu chiptadagi oxirgi javobdan beri juda koʻp vaqt oʻtdi. -TicketNoContractFoundToLink=Ushbu chiptaga avtomatik ravishda bog'langan shartnoma topilmadi. Iltimos, shartnomani qo'lda bog'lang. -TicketManyContractsLinked=Ko'pgina shartnomalar ushbu chiptaga avtomatik ravishda bog'langan. Qaysi birini tanlash kerakligini tekshirishga ishonch hosil qiling. -TicketRefAlreadyUsed=[%s] havolasi allaqachon ishlatilgan, yangi havolangiz: [%s] +Ticket=Ticket +TicketCard=Ticket card +CreateTicket=Create ticket +EditTicket=Edit ticket +TicketsManagement=Tickets Management +CreatedBy=Created by +NewTicket=New Ticket +SubjectAnswerToTicket=Ticket answer +TicketTypeRequest=Request type +TicketCategory=Analytic code +SeeTicket=See ticket +TicketMarkedAsRead=Ticket has been marked as read +TicketReadOn=Read on +TicketCloseOn=Closing date +MarkAsRead=Mark ticket as read +TicketHistory=Ticket history +AssignUser=Assign to user +TicketAssigned=Ticket is now assigned +TicketChangeType=Change type +TicketChangeCategory=Change analytic code +TicketChangeSeverity=Change severity +TicketAddMessage=Add a message +AddMessage=Add a message +MessageSuccessfullyAdded=Ticket added +TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=Message successfully added +TicketMessagesList=Message list +NoMsgForThisTicket=No message for this ticket +Properties=Classification +LatestNewTickets=Latest %s newest tickets (not read) +TicketSeverity=Severity +ShowTicket=See ticket +RelatedTickets=Related tickets +TicketAddIntervention=Create intervention +CloseTicket=Close ticket +CloseATicket=Close a ticket +ConfirmCloseAticket=Confirm ticket closing +ConfirmDeleteTicket=Please confirm ticket deleting +TicketDeletedSuccess=Ticket deleted with success +TicketMarkedAsClosed=Ticket marked as closed +TicketDurationAuto=Calculated duration +TicketDurationAutoInfos=Duration calculated automatically from intervention related +TicketUpdated=Ticket updated +SendMessageByEmail=Send message by email +TicketNewMessage=New message +ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=Recipient is empty. No email send +TicketGoIntoContactTab=Please go into "Contacts" tab to select them +TicketMessageMailIntro=Introduction +TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=This text is added only at the beginning of the email and will not be saved. +TicketMessageMailIntroLabelAdmin=Introduction to the message when sending email +TicketMessageMailIntroText=Hello,
A new response was sent on a ticket that you contact. Here is the message:
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted before the text of the response to a ticket. +TicketMessageMailSignature=Signature +TicketMessageMailSignatureHelp=This text is added only at the end of the email and will not be saved. +TicketMessageMailSignatureText=



+TicketMessageMailSignatureLabelAdmin=Signature of response email +TicketMessageMailSignatureHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted after the response message. +TicketMessageHelp=Only this text will be saved in the message list on ticket card. +TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=Substitutions variables are replaced by generic values. +TimeElapsedSince=Time elapsed since +TicketTimeToRead=Time elapsed before read +TicketContacts=Contacts ticket +TicketDocumentsLinked=Documents linked to ticket +ConfirmReOpenTicket=Confirm reopen this ticket ? +TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=A new message was posted on the ticket with the subject %s: +TicketAssignedToYou=Ticket assigned +TicketAssignedEmailBody=You have been assigned the ticket #%s by %s +MarkMessageAsPrivate=Mark message as private +TicketMessagePrivateHelp=This message will not display to external users +TicketEmailOriginIssuer=Issuer at origin of the tickets +InitialMessage=Initial Message +LinkToAContract=Link to a contract +TicketPleaseSelectAContract=Select a contract +UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=Can not create an intervention when no third party is defined +TicketMailExchanges=Mail exchanges +TicketInitialMessageModified=Initial message modified +TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=Message successfully updated +TicketChangeStatus=Change status +TicketConfirmChangeStatus=Confirm the status change: %s ? +TicketLogStatusChanged=Status changed: %s to %s +TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Not notify company at create +Unread=Unread +TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Not available. Ticket was not created from public interface. +PublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Public interface was not enabled +ErrorTicketRefRequired=Ticket reference name is required @@ -285,6 +244,6 @@ -TicketLogMesgReadBy=%s o'qigan %s chiptasi -NoLogForThisTicket=Ushbu chipta uchun jurnal yo'q -TicketLogAssignedTo=%s ga tayinlangan %s chiptasi -TicketLogPropertyChanged=%s chiptasi o'zgartirildi: %s dan %s gacha tasnif -TicketLogClosedBy=%s chiptasi %s tomonidan yopilgan -TicketLogReopen=%s chiptasi qayta ochiladi +TicketLogMesgReadBy=Ticket %s read by %s +NoLogForThisTicket=No log for this ticket yet +TicketLogAssignedTo=Ticket %s assigned to %s +TicketLogPropertyChanged=Ticket %s modified: classification from %s to %s +TicketLogClosedBy=Ticket %s closed by %s +TicketLogReopen=Ticket %s re-open @@ -295,39 +254,35 @@ -TicketSystem=Chipta tizimi -ShowListTicketWithTrackId=Track ID-dan chiptalar ro'yxatini ko'rsatish -ShowTicketWithTrackId=Track ID-dan chiptani ko'rsatish -TicketPublicDesc=Siz qo'llab-quvvatlash chiptasini yaratishingiz yoki mavjud bo'lgan identifikatordan tekshirishingiz mumkin. -YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=Chipta muvaffaqiyatli saqlanib qoldi! -MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=%s va Ref %s identifikatorlari bilan yangi chipta yaratildi. -PleaseRememberThisId=Iltimos, keyinroq so'rashimiz mumkin bo'lgan kuzatuv raqamini saqlang. -TicketNewEmailSubject=Chiptani yaratishni tasdiqlash - Ref %s (%s jamoat chiptasi identifikatori) -TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=Yangi qo'llab-quvvatlash chiptasi -TicketNewEmailBody=Bu yangi chiptani ro'yxatdan o'tkazganingizni tasdiqlovchi avtomatik elektron pochta xabaridir. -TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=Bu sizning hisobingizda yangi chipta yaratilganligini tasdiqlovchi avtomatik elektron pochta xabaridir. -TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=Chiptani kuzatish uchun ma'lumot -TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=Chiptalarni kuzatish raqami: %s -TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=Quyidagi havolani bosish orqali chiptaning borishi bilan tanishishingiz mumkin -TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=Siz quyidagi havolani bosish orqali ma'lum bir interfeysda chipta borishini ko'rishingiz mumkin -TicketCloseEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=Quyidagi havolani bosish orqali ushbu chipta tarixi bilan tanishishingiz mumkin -TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=Iltimos, ushbu elektron pochtaga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri javob bermang! Interfeysga javob berish uchun havoladan foydalaning. -TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=Ushbu shakl sizning boshqaruv tizimimizda qo'llab-quvvatlash chiptasini yozib olishga imkon beradi. -TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=Iltimos, so'rovingizni aniq tasvirlab bering. Sizning so'rovingizni to'g'ri aniqlashimiz uchun imkon qadar ko'proq ma'lumotni taqdim eting. -TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=Iltimos, chiptani kuzatish guvohnomasini kiriting -TicketTrackId=Ommaviy kuzatuv identifikatori -OneOfTicketTrackId=Kuzatuv identifikatoringizdan biri -ErrorTicketNotFound=%s kuzatuv identifikatori bo'lgan chipta topilmadi! -Subject=Mavzu -ViewTicket=Chiptani ko'rish -ViewMyTicketList=Mening chiptalarim ro'yxatini ko'rish -ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=Xato: ma'lumotlar bazasida elektron pochta manzili topilmadi -TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=Yangi chipta yaratildi - Ref %s (%s jamoat chiptasi identifikatori) -TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=

chiptasi # %s ID bilan yaratilgan, ma'lumotga qarang:

-SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=Boshqaruv interfeysida chiptani ko'ring -TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=Chiptalar uchun umumiy interfeys yoqilmagan -ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=ID yoki elektron pochtani kuzatish uchun yomon qiymat -OldUser=Eski foydalanuvchi -NewUser=Yangi foydalanuvchi -NumberOfTicketsByMonth=Oyiga chiptalar soni -NbOfTickets=Chiptalar soni -ExternalContributors=Tashqi hissa qo'shuvchilar -AddContributor=Tashqi hissa qo'shing - +TicketSystem=Ticket system +ShowListTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket list from track ID +ShowTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket from track ID +TicketPublicDesc=You can create a support ticket or check from an existing ID. +YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=Ticket has been successfully saved! +MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=A new ticket has been created with ID %s and Ref %s. +PleaseRememberThisId=Please keep the tracking number that we might ask you later. +TicketNewEmailSubject=Ticket creation confirmation - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s) +TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=New support ticket +TicketNewEmailBody=This is an automatic email to confirm you have registered a new ticket. +TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=This is an automatic email to confirm a new ticket has just been created into your account. +TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=Information for monitoring the ticket +TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=Ticket tracking number: %s +TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=You can view the progress of the ticket by clicking the link above. +TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=You can view the progress of the ticket in the specific interface by clicking the following link +TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=Please do not reply directly to this email! Use the link to reply into the interface. +TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=This form allows you to record a support ticket in our management system. +TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=Please accurately describe the problem. Provide the most information possible to allow us to correctly identify your request. +TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=Please enter ticket tracking ID +TicketTrackId=Public Tracking ID +OneOfTicketTrackId=One of your tracking ID +ErrorTicketNotFound=Ticket with tracking ID %s not found! +Subject=Subject +ViewTicket=View ticket +ViewMyTicketList=View my ticket list +ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=Error: email address not found in our database +TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=New ticket created - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s) +TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=

Ticket has just been created with ID #%s, see information:

+SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=See ticket in management interface +TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=The public interface for the tickets was not enabled +ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=Bad value for tracking ID or email +OldUser=Old user +NewUser=New user +NumberOfTicketsByMonth=Number of tickets per month +NbOfTickets=Number of tickets @@ -335,12 +290,8 @@ -TicketCloseEmailSubjectCustomer=Chipta yopildi -TicketCloseEmailBodyCustomer=Bu %s chiptasi hozirgina yopilganligi haqida sizni xabardor qilish uchun avtomatik xabar. -TicketCloseEmailSubjectAdmin=Chipta yopildi - Réf %s (davlat chiptasi identifikatori %s) -TicketCloseEmailBodyAdmin=ID #%s bo'lgan chipta hozirgina yopildi, ma'lumotga qarang: -TicketNotificationEmailSubject=%s chiptasi yangilandi -TicketNotificationEmailBody=Bu sizga %s chiptasi yangilanganligi haqida xabar berish uchun avtomatik xabar -TicketNotificationRecipient=Bildirishnoma oluvchi -TicketNotificationLogMessage=Xabar jurnali -TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=Interfeysda chiptani ko'rish -TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=Bildirish xati yuborildi: %s - -ActionsOnTicket=Chiptadagi tadbirlar +TicketNotificationEmailSubject=Ticket %s updated +TicketNotificationEmailBody=This is an automatic message to notify you that ticket %s has just been updated +TicketNotificationRecipient=Notification recipient +TicketNotificationLogMessage=Log message +TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=View ticket into interface +TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=Notification email sent: %s + +ActionsOnTicket=Events on ticket @@ -351,2 +302,2 @@ -BoxLastTicket=Oxirgi yaratilgan chiptalar -BoxLastTicketDescription=Oxirgi %s chiptalari yaratildi +BoxLastTicket=Latest created tickets +BoxLastTicketDescription=Latest %s created tickets @@ -354,3 +305,3 @@ -BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=Yaqinda o'qilmagan chiptalar yo'q -BoxLastModifiedTicket=Eng so'nggi o'zgartirilgan chiptalar -BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=Eng so'nggi o'zgartirilgan chiptalar %s +BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent unread tickets +BoxLastModifiedTicket=Latest modified tickets +BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=Latest %s modified tickets @@ -358,12 +309 @@ -BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=Yaqinda o'zgartirilgan chiptalar yo'q -BoxTicketType=Ochiq chiptalarni turlari bo'yicha taqsimlash -BoxTicketSeverity=Og'irligi bo'yicha ochiq chiptalar soni -BoxNoTicketSeverity=Hech qanday chiptalar ochilmagan -BoxTicketLastXDays=Oxirgi %s kunlar ichida yangi chiptalar soni -BoxTicketLastXDayswidget = Oxirgi X kunlardagi kunlar bo'yicha yangi chiptalar soni -BoxNoTicketLastXDays=Oxirgi %s kunida yangi chiptalar yo'q -BoxNumberOfTicketByDay=Kuniga yangi chiptalar soni -BoxNewTicketVSClose=Chiptalar soni yopiq chiptalarga nisbatan (bugun) -TicketCreatedToday=Bugun yaratilgan chipta -TicketClosedToday=Bugun chipta yopildi -KMFoundForTicketGroup=Biz sizning savolingizga javob beradigan mavzular va savol -javoblarni topdik, chiptani topshirishdan oldin ularni tekshirib ko'ring +BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent modified tickets --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_users.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_users.lang @@ -2,135 +2,116 @@ -HRMArea=HRM maydoni -UserCard=Foydalanuvchi kartasi -GroupCard=Guruh kartasi -Permission=Ruxsat -Permissions=Ruxsatlar -EditPassword=Parolni tahrirlash -SendNewPassword=Parolni qayta yarating va yuboring -SendNewPasswordLink=Parolni tiklash uchun havolani yuboring -ReinitPassword=Parolni qayta yarating -PasswordChangedTo=Parol o'zgartirildi: %s -SubjectNewPassword=%s uchun yangi parolingiz -GroupRights=Guruh ruxsatnomalari -UserRights=Foydalanuvchi ruxsatlari -Credentials=Ishonch yorliqlari -UserGUISetup=Foydalanuvchining displeyini sozlash -DisableUser=O'chirish -DisableAUser=Foydalanuvchini o'chirib qo'ying -DeleteUser=O'chirish -DeleteAUser=Foydalanuvchini o'chirish -EnableAUser=Foydalanuvchini yoqish -DeleteGroup=O'chirish -DeleteAGroup=Guruhni o'chirish -ConfirmDisableUser= %s foydalanuvchisini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteUser= %s foydalanuvchisini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmDeleteGroup= %s guruhini o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmEnableUser= %s foydalanuvchisini yoqmoqchimisiz? -ConfirmReinitPassword= %s foydalanuvchisi uchun yangi parol yaratmoqchimisiz? -ConfirmSendNewPassword= %s foydalanuvchisi uchun yangi parolni yaratmoqchi va yuborishni xohlaysizmi? -NewUser=Yangi foydalanuvchi -CreateUser=Foydalanuvchini yarating -LoginNotDefined=Kirish aniqlanmagan. -NameNotDefined=Ism aniqlanmagan. -ListOfUsers=Foydalanuvchilar ro'yxati -SuperAdministrator=Ko'p kompaniya ma'muri -SuperAdministratorDesc=Ko'p kompaniyali tizim administratori (sozlash va foydalanuvchilarni o'zgartirishi mumkin) -DefaultRights=Standart ruxsatnomalar -DefaultRightsDesc=Bu erda avtomatik ravishda yangi foydalanuvchisiga beriladigan standart ruxsatnomalarini aniqlang (mavjud foydalanuvchilar uchun ruxsatlarni o'zgartirish uchun foydalanuvchi kartasiga o'ting). -DolibarrUsers=Dolibarr foydalanuvchilari -LastName=Familiya -FirstName=Ism -ListOfGroups=Guruhlar ro'yxati -NewGroup=Yangi guruh -CreateGroup=Guruh yarating -RemoveFromGroup=Guruhdan olib tashlash -PasswordChangedAndSentTo=Parol o'zgartirildi va %s raqamiga yuborildi. -PasswordChangeRequest= %s uchun parolni o'zgartirish haqida so'rov -PasswordChangeRequestSent= %s uchun %s uchun parolni o'zgartirish uchun so'rov. -IfLoginExistPasswordRequestSent=Agar bu login haqiqiy hisob bo'lsa (to'g'ri elektron pochta bilan), parolni tiklash uchun elektron pochta xabari yuborilgan. -IfEmailExistPasswordRequestSent=Agar bu e-pochta to‘g‘ri hisob bo‘lsa, parolni tiklash uchun xat yuborilgan (agar hech narsa olmagan bo‘lsa, SPAM jildini tekshirishni unutmang) -ConfirmPasswordReset=Parolni tiklashni tasdiqlang -MenuUsersAndGroups=Foydalanuvchilar va guruhlar -LastGroupsCreated=Eng so'nggi %s guruhlari yaratildi -LastUsersCreated=Oxirgi %s foydalanuvchilari yaratildi -ShowGroup=Guruhni ko'rsatish -ShowUser=Foydalanuvchini ko'rsatish -NonAffectedUsers=Belgilanmagan foydalanuvchilar -UserModified=Foydalanuvchi muvaffaqiyatli o'zgartirildi -PhotoFile=Fotosurat fayli -ListOfUsersInGroup=Ushbu guruhdagi foydalanuvchilar ro'yxati -ListOfGroupsForUser=Ushbu foydalanuvchi uchun guruhlar ro'yxati -LinkToCompanyContact=Uchinchi tomon / kontaktga bog'lanish -LinkedToDolibarrMember=A'zoga havola -LinkedToDolibarrUser=Foydalanuvchiga havola -LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Uchinchi tomonga havola -CreateDolibarrLogin=Foydalanuvchini yarating -CreateDolibarrThirdParty=Uchinchi tomonni yarating -LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr=Dolibarrda hisob o'chirilgan -PASSWORDInDolibarr=Parol Dolibarrda o'zgartirildi -UsePersonalValue=Shaxsiy qiymatdan foydalaning -ExportDataset_user_1=Foydalanuvchilar va ularning xususiyatlari -DomainUser=Domen foydalanuvchisi %s -Reactivate=Qayta faollashtiring -CreateInternalUserDesc=Ushbu shakl sizning kompaniyangiz / tashkilotingizda ichki foydalanuvchi yaratishga imkon beradi. Tashqi foydalanuvchini (mijoz, sotuvchi va boshqalarni) yaratish uchun ushbu uchinchi tomonning aloqa kartasidagi "Dolibarr foydalanuvchisini yaratish" tugmasidan foydalaning. -InternalExternalDesc= ichki foydalanuvchisi - bu sizning kompaniyangiz / tashkilotingiz tarkibiga kiradigan foydalanuvchi yoki sizning kompaniyangiz bilan bog'liq ma'lumotlardan ko'ra ko'proq ma'lumotlarni ko'rishingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan tashkilotingiz tashqarisidagi sherik foydalanuvchidir (ruxsat berish tizimi u nimani yoki nimani aniqlay oladi ko'rmayapman yoki qilmayman).
tashqi foydalanuvchisi faqat o'zi bilan bog'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rishi kerak bo'lgan mijoz, sotuvchi yoki boshqa narsadir (Uchinchi tomon uchun tashqi foydalanuvchini yaratish uchinchi tomonning aloqa yozuvlaridan amalga oshirilishi mumkin).

Ikkala holatda ham foydalanuvchi uchun zarur bo'lgan xususiyatlarga ruxsat berishingiz kerak. -PermissionInheritedFromAGroup=Ruxsat berilgan, chunki foydalanuvchi guruhlaridan biridan meros bo'lib qolgan. -Inherited=Meros -UserWillBe=Yaratilgan foydalanuvchi bo'ladi -UserWillBeInternalUser=Yaratilgan foydalanuvchi ichki foydalanuvchi bo'ladi (chunki ma'lum bir uchinchi tomon bilan bog'lanmagan) -UserWillBeExternalUser=Yaratilgan foydalanuvchi tashqi foydalanuvchi bo'ladi (chunki ma'lum bir uchinchi tomon bilan bog'langan) -IdPhoneCaller=Telefon raqamini qidiruvchi -NewUserCreated=%s foydalanuvchisi yaratildi -NewUserPassword=%s uchun parolni o'zgartirish -NewPasswordValidated=Sizning yangi parolingiz tasdiqlandi va kirish uchun hozir foydalanish kerak. -EventUserModified=Foydalanuvchi %s o'zgartirilgan -UserDisabled=Foydalanuvchi %s o'chirilgan -UserEnabled=Foydalanuvchi %s faollashtirildi -UserDeleted=Foydalanuvchi %s o'chirildi -NewGroupCreated=%s guruhi yaratildi -GroupModified=Guruh %s o'zgartirilgan -GroupDeleted=%s guruhi olib tashlandi -ConfirmCreateContact=Ushbu kontakt uchun Dolibarr qayd yozuvini yaratishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmCreateLogin=Ushbu a'zo uchun Dolibarr qayd yozuvini yaratishni xohlaysizmi? -ConfirmCreateThirdParty=Haqiqatan ham ushbu a'zo uchun uchinchi tomonni yaratmoqchimisiz? -LoginToCreate=Yaratish uchun kirish -NameToCreate=Yaratish uchun uchinchi tomon nomi -YourRole=Sizning rollaringiz -YourQuotaOfUsersIsReached=Faol foydalanuvchilar kvotangizga erishildi! -NbOfUsers=Foydalanuvchilar soni -NbOfPermissions=Ruxsatnomalar soni -DontDowngradeSuperAdmin=Administratorni faqat boshqa administrator pastroq qilishi mumkin -HierarchicalResponsible=Nazoratchi -HierarchicView=Ierarxik ko'rinish -UseTypeFieldToChange=O'zgartirish uchun maydon turidan foydalaning -OpenIDURL=OpenID URL manzili -LoginUsingOpenID=Kirish uchun OpenID-dan foydalaning -WeeklyHours=Ishlagan soatlari (haftasiga) -ExpectedWorkedHours=Kutilgan haftada ishlagan soatlari -ColorUser=Foydalanuvchining rangi -DisabledInMonoUserMode=Xizmat ko'rsatish rejimida o'chirilgan -UserAccountancyCode=Foydalanuvchining hisobga olish kodi -UserLogoff=Foydalanuvchi chiqish: %s -UserLogged=Foydalanuvchi tizimga kirdi: %s -UserLoginFailed=Foydalanuvchiga kirish amalga oshmadi: %s -DateOfEmployment=Ishga joylashish sanasi -DateEmployment=Bandlik -DateEmploymentStart=Ishga kirishish sanasi -DateEmploymentEnd=Ishni tugatish sanasi -RangeOfLoginValidity=Kirishning amal qilish muddati -CantDisableYourself=O'zingizning foydalanuvchi yozuvingizni o'chirib qo'yolmaysiz -ForceUserExpenseValidator=Majburiy xarajatlar to'g'risidagi hisobotni tasdiqlovchi -ForceUserHolidayValidator=Majburiy ta'til so'rovini tasdiqlovchi -ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault=Odatiy bo'lib, validator foydalanuvchi nazoratchisi hisoblanadi. Ushbu xatti-harakatni saqlab qolish uchun bo'sh qoldiring. -UserPersonalEmail=Shaxsiy elektron pochta -UserPersonalMobile=Shaxsiy mobil telefon -WarningNotLangOfInterface=Ogohlantirish, bu foydalanuvchi gapiradigan asosiy til, u ko'rishni tanlagan interfeys tili emas. Bu foydalanuvchiga ko‘rinadigan interfeys tilini o‘zgartirish uchun %s sahifasiga o‘ting. -DateLastLogin=Oxirgi kirish sanasi -DatePreviousLogin=Oldingi kirish sanasi -IPLastLogin=IP oxirgi kirish -IPPreviousLogin=IP oldingi kirish -ShowAllPerms=Barcha ruxsat qatorlarini ko'rsatish -HideAllPerms=Barcha ruxsat qatorlarini yashirish -UserPublicPageDesc=Ushbu foydalanuvchi uchun virtual kartani yoqishingiz mumkin. Foydalanuvchi profili va shtrix-kodi bilan url mavjud bo'lib, u smartfonga ega bo'lgan har bir kishi uni skanerlashi va kontaktingizni manzillar kitobiga qo'shishi mumkin. -EnablePublicVirtualCard=Foydalanuvchining virtual tashrifnomasini yoqing -UserEnabledDisabled=Foydalanuvchi holati oʻzgardi: %s -AlternativeEmailForOAuth2=Alternative Email for OAuth2 login +HRMArea=HRM area +UserCard=User card +GroupCard=Group card +Permission=Permission +Permissions=Permissions +EditPassword=Edit password +SendNewPassword=Regenerate and send password +SendNewPasswordLink=Send link to reset password +ReinitPassword=Regenerate password +PasswordChangedTo=Password changed to: %s +SubjectNewPassword=Your new password for %s +GroupRights=Group permissions +UserRights=User permissions +UserGUISetup=User Display Setup +DisableUser=Disable +DisableAUser=Disable a user +DeleteUser=Delete +DeleteAUser=Delete a user +EnableAUser=Enable a user +DeleteGroup=Delete +DeleteAGroup=Delete a group +ConfirmDisableUser=Are you sure you want to disable user %s? +ConfirmDeleteUser=Are you sure you want to delete user %s? +ConfirmDeleteGroup=Are you sure you want to delete group %s? +ConfirmEnableUser=Are you sure you want to enable user %s? +ConfirmReinitPassword=Are you sure you want to generate a new password for user %s? +ConfirmSendNewPassword=Are you sure you want to generate and send new password for user %s? +NewUser=New user +CreateUser=Create user +LoginNotDefined=Login is not defined. +NameNotDefined=Name is not defined. +ListOfUsers=List of users +SuperAdministrator=Super Administrator +SuperAdministratorDesc=Global administrator +AdministratorDesc=Administrator +DefaultRights=Default Permissions +DefaultRightsDesc=Define here the default permissions that are automatically granted to a new user (to modify permissions for existing users, go to the user card). +DolibarrUsers=Dolibarr users +LastName=Last name +FirstName=First name +ListOfGroups=List of groups +NewGroup=New group +CreateGroup=Create group +RemoveFromGroup=Remove from group +PasswordChangedAndSentTo=Password changed and sent to %s. +PasswordChangeRequest=Request to change password for %s +PasswordChangeRequestSent=Request to change password for %s sent to %s. +ConfirmPasswordReset=Confirm password reset +MenuUsersAndGroups=Users & Groups +LastGroupsCreated=Latest %s groups created +LastUsersCreated=Latest %s users created +ShowGroup=Show group +ShowUser=Show user +NonAffectedUsers=Non assigned users +UserModified=User modified successfully +PhotoFile=Photo file +ListOfUsersInGroup=List of users in this group +ListOfGroupsForUser=List of groups for this user +LinkToCompanyContact=Link to third party / contact +LinkedToDolibarrMember=Link to member +LinkedToDolibarrUser=Link to Dolibarr user +LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Link to Dolibarr third party +CreateDolibarrLogin=Create a user +CreateDolibarrThirdParty=Create a third party +LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr=Account disabled in Dolibarr. +UsePersonalValue=Use personal value +InternalUser=Internal user +ExportDataset_user_1=Users and their properties +DomainUser=Domain user %s +Reactivate=Reactivate +CreateInternalUserDesc=This form allows you to create an internal user in your company/organization. To create an external user (customer, vendor etc. ..), use the button 'Create Dolibarr User' from that third-party's contact card. +InternalExternalDesc=An internal user is a user that is part of your company/organization.
An external user is a customer, vendor or other (Creating an external user for a third-party can be done from the contact record of the third-party).

In both cases, permissions defines rights on Dolibarr, also external user can have a different menu manager than internal user (See Home - Setup - Display) +PermissionInheritedFromAGroup=Permission granted because inherited from one of a user's group. +Inherited=Inherited +UserWillBeInternalUser=Created user will be an internal user (because not linked to a particular third party) +UserWillBeExternalUser=Created user will be an external user (because linked to a particular third party) +IdPhoneCaller=Id phone caller +NewUserCreated=User %s created +NewUserPassword=Password change for %s +EventUserModified=User %s modified +UserDisabled=User %s disabled +UserEnabled=User %s activated +UserDeleted=User %s removed +NewGroupCreated=Group %s created +GroupModified=Group %s modified +GroupDeleted=Group %s removed +ConfirmCreateContact=Are you sure you want to create a Dolibarr account for this contact? +ConfirmCreateLogin=Are you sure you want to create a Dolibarr account for this member? +ConfirmCreateThirdParty=Are you sure you want to create a third party for this member? +LoginToCreate=Login to create +NameToCreate=Name of third party to create +YourRole=Your roles +YourQuotaOfUsersIsReached=Your quota of active users is reached ! +NbOfUsers=No. of users +NbOfPermissions=No. of permissions +DontDowngradeSuperAdmin=Only a superadmin can downgrade a superadmin +HierarchicalResponsible=Supervisor +HierarchicView=Hierarchical view +UseTypeFieldToChange=Use field Type to change +OpenIDURL=OpenID URL +LoginUsingOpenID=Use OpenID to login +WeeklyHours=Hours worked (per week) +ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected worked hours per week +ColorUser=Color of the user +DisabledInMonoUserMode=Disabled in maintenance mode +UserAccountancyCode=User accounting code +UserLogoff=User logout +UserLogged=User logged +DateEmployment=Employment Start Date +DateEmploymentEnd=Employment End Date +CantDisableYourself=You can't disable your own user record +ForceUserExpenseValidator=Force expense report validator +ForceUserHolidayValidator=Force leave request validator +ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault=By default, the validator is the supervisor of the user. Keep empty to keep this behaviour. +UserPersonalEmail=Personal email +UserPersonalMobile=Personal mobile phone --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_website.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_website.lang @@ -2,80 +2,77 @@ -Shortname=Kod -WebsiteName=Veb-sayt nomi -WebsiteSetupDesc=Bu erda siz foydalanmoqchi bo'lgan veb-saytlarni yarating. Keyin ularni tahrirlash uchun veb-saytlar menyusiga o'ting. -DeleteWebsite=Veb-saytni o'chirish -ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Ushbu veb-saytni o'chirishni xohlaysizmi? Uning barcha sahifalari va tarkibi ham o'chiriladi. Yuklangan fayllar (masalan, Medlar katalogiga, ECM moduliga, ...) qoladi. -WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Sahifa / konteyner turi -WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Misol sifatida foydalanish uchun veb-sahifa -WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Sahifa nomi / taxallusi -WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Muqobil sahifa nomlari / taxalluslari -WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Bu erda boshqa ism / taxalluslar ro'yxatidan foydalaning, shunda sahifaga ushbu boshqa ismlar / taxalluslar yordamida kirish mumkin (masalan, eski havola / ismning ishlashida orqa bog'lanishni saqlab qolish uchun taxallusni o'zgartirgandan keyin eski nom). Sintaksis quyidagicha:
alternativename1, alternativename2, ... -WEBSITE_CSS_URL=Tashqi CSS-faylning URL manzili -WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=CSS fayli tarkibi (barcha sahifalar uchun umumiy) -WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=JavaScript fayl tarkibi (barcha sahifalar uchun umumiy) -WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=HTML sarlavhasi ostidagi qo'shimchalar (barcha sahifalar uchun umumiy) -WEBSITE_ROBOT=Robot fayli (robots.txt) -WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Veb-sayt .htaccess fayli -WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Veb-sayt manifest.json fayli -WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=Qiymatlarni ajratish uchun verguldan foydalaning -EnterHereReadmeInformation=Bu yerga veb-sayt tavsifini kiriting. Agar veb-saytingizni shablon sifatida tarqatsangiz, fayl vasvasa paketiga kiritiladi. -EnterHereLicenseInformation=Bu yerga veb-sayt kodining LITSENSIYAsini kiriting. Agar veb-saytingizni shablon sifatida tarqatsangiz, fayl vasvasa paketiga kiritiladi. -HtmlHeaderPage=HTML sarlavhasi (faqat ushbu sahifaga xos) -PageNameAliasHelp=Sahifaning nomi yoki taxallusi.
Ushbu taxallus, shuningdek veb-serverning Virtual xostidan (Apacke, Nginx, ... kabi) veb-sayt ishga tushirilganda, SEO URL-ni yaratish uchun ishlatiladi. Ushbu taxallusni tahrirlash uchun " %s " tugmachasidan foydalaning. -EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Izoh: Agar siz barcha sahifalar uchun moslashtirilgan sarlavhani belgilamoqchi bo'lsangiz, sarlavhani sahifa / konteyner o'rniga sayt darajasida tahrirlang. -MediaFiles=Media kutubxonasi -EditCss=Veb-sayt xususiyatlarini tahrirlash -EditMenu=Tartibga solish menyusi -EditMedias=Mediani tahrirlash -EditPageMeta=Sahifa / konteyner xususiyatlarini tahrirlash -EditInLine=Inline-ni tahrirlash -AddWebsite=Veb-sayt qo'shish -Webpage=Veb-sahifa / konteyner -AddPage=Sahifa / konteyner qo'shing -PageContainer=Sahifa -PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Veb-saytingizni oldindan ko'rib chiqish %s hali mavjud emas. Avval siz ' veb-sayt shablonini to'liq import qilishingiz kerak' yoki shunchaki ' sahifa / konteyner qo'shing '. -RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=%s id bilan so'ralgan sahifada hali tarkib yo'q yoki .tpl.php kesh fayli o'chirildi. Buni hal qilish uchun sahifaning tarkibini tahrirlash. -SiteDeleted='%s' veb-sayti o'chirildi -PageContent=Sahifa / Contenair -PageDeleted=%s veb-saytining sahifasi / Contenair '%s' o'chirildi. -PageAdded=Sahifa / Contenair '%s' qo'shildi -ViewSiteInNewTab=Saytni yangi varaqda ko'ring -ViewPageInNewTab=Sahifani yangi varaqda ko'rish -SetAsHomePage=Uy sahifasi sifatida o'rnating -RealURL=Haqiqiy URL -ViewWebsiteInProduction=Uy manzillaridan foydalangan holda veb-saytni ko'ring -Virtualhost=Virtual xost yoki domen nomi -VirtualhostDesc=Virtual xost yoki domen nomi (Masalan: www.mywebsite.com, mybigcompany.net, ...) -SetHereVirtualHost= Apache/NGinx/bilan ishlatish ...
Veb -serveringizda (Apache, Nginx, ...) PHP yoqilgan maxsus Virtual Xost PHP bilan va Root direktoriyada
%s -ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=Apache virtual xostini o'rnatishda foydalanish uchun misol: -YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS= Use with PHP embedded server
On develop environment, you may prefer to test the site with the PHP embedded web server (PHP 5.5 required) by running
php -S -t %s -YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP= Veb-saytingizni boshqa Dolibarr Hosting provayderi bilan ishga tushiring
Agar sizda Apache yoki NGinx kabi veb-serveringiz internetda mavjud bo'lmasa, veb-saytingizni boshqa Dolibarr hosting provayderi tomonidan taqdim etilgan boshqa to'liq hostingga eksport qilishingiz va import qilishingiz mumkin. Veb-sayt moduli bilan integratsiya. Ba'zi Dolibarr hosting provayderlari ro'yxatini https://saas.dolibarr.org da topishingiz mumkin. -CheckVirtualHostPerms=Virtual xost foydalanuvchisi (masalan, www-data) %s fayllariga
a0e7843947c064az0c a0e7843947c064010c a0e7843947fz0
ruxsati borligini ham tekshiring. -ReadPerm=O'qing -WritePerm=Yozing -TestDeployOnWeb=Internetda sinov / tarqatish -PreviewSiteServedByWebServer= %s ni yangi varaqda ko'rib chiqish.

%s tashqi veb -server tomonidan xizmat ko'rsatiladi (Apache, Nginx, IIS kabi). Siz ushbu serverni o'rnatishingiz va sozlashingiz kerak:
URL serverda yo'rdamchi server:
%s -PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr= %s-ni yangi varoqda oldindan ko'rib chiqing.

%s-ga Dolibarr server tomonidan xizmat ko'rsatiladi, shuning uchun qo'shimcha veb-server (Apache, Nginx, IIS kabi) o'rnatilishi shart emas.
Noqulay narsa shundaki, sahifalarning URL manzillari foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay emas va Dolibarr-ning yo'lidan boshlanadi.
URL Dolibarr tomonidan xizmat:

, bu veb-sayt xizmat veb-serverda bir virtual mezbon yaratish uchun o'z tashqi veb-server foydalanish uchun, bu katalog ball
keyin bu virtual server nomini kiriting ushbu veb-saytning xususiyatlarida va "Internetda sinash / tarqatish" havolasini bosing. -VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=Tashqi veb-server tomonidan xizmat ko'rsatiladigan virtual xost manzili aniqlanmagan -NoPageYet=Hali sahifalar yo'q -YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=Siz yangi sahifa yaratishingiz yoki to'liq veb-sayt shablonini import qilishingiz mumkin -SyntaxHelp=Sintaksis bo'yicha aniq maslahatlar bo'yicha yordam bering -YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=HTML manba kodini tahrirlashdagi "Manba" tugmasi yordamida tahrirlashingiz mumkin. -YouCanEditHtmlSource=
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.

You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>

You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>

To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>

To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">
To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper.
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
-YouCanEditHtmlSource2=Almashish havolasi bilan birgalikda foydalaniladigan rasm uchun (faylning umumiy xesh tugmachasidan foydalangan holda ochiq kirish) sintaksis quyidagicha:
<img src = "/ viewimage.php? Hashp = 12345679012 ..." a0012c7dff0a0z0z00090f0f08a0f09a0f09a09a09cb08a0a09a03c09a03c09c9c9c9c9c9c08f96f96f9f08f08f0f9fdf9fdfdfdfc7fd -YouCanEditHtmlSource3=PHP obyekti tasvirining URL-manzilini olish uchun
< dan foydalaning. span>img src="<?php chop etish getImagePublicURLOfObject($object, 1, "_small") ?b0012c7dcbe087z class='notranslate'>>
HTML yoki dinamik kodning boshqa namunalari wiki hujjatlaridab0e40dc6508d.
-ClonePage=Sahifani / konteynerni klonlash -CloneSite=Klon sayti -SiteAdded=Veb-sayt qo'shildi -ConfirmClonePage=Iltimos, yangi sahifaning kodini / taxallusini kiriting va agar u klonlangan sahifaning tarjimasi bo'lsa. -PageIsANewTranslation=Yangi sahifa joriy sahifaning tarjimasimi? -LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=Siz sahifani tarjima sifatida klonlashtirasiz. Yangi sahifaning tili manba sahifasidan farq qilishi kerak. -ParentPageId=Asosiy sahifa identifikatori -WebsiteId=Veb-sayt identifikatori -CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Tashqi URL manzilidan sahifani olib, sahifa / konteyner yarating ... -OrEnterPageInfoManually=Yoki sahifani noldan yoki sahifa shablonidan yarating ... -FetchAndCreate=Olish va yaratish -ExportSite=Veb-saytni eksport qilish -ImportSite=Veb-sayt shablonini import qilish -IDOfPage=Sahifaning identifikatori +Shortname=Code +WebsiteSetupDesc=Create here the websites you wish to use. Then go into menu Websites to edit them. +DeleteWebsite=Delete website +ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Are you sure you want to delete this web site? All its pages and content will also be removed. The files uploaded (like into the medias directory, the ECM module, ...) will remain. +WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Type of page/container +WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Web page to use as example +WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Page name/alias +WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Alternative page names/aliases +WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Use here list of other name/aliases so the page can also be accessed using this other names/aliases (for example the old name after renaming the alias to keep backlink on old link/name working). Syntax is:
alternativename1, alternativename2, ... +WEBSITE_CSS_URL=URL of external CSS file +WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=CSS file content (common to all pages) +WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=Javascript file content (common to all pages) +WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=Addition at bottom of HTML Header (common to all pages) +WEBSITE_ROBOT=Robot file (robots.txt) +WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Website .htaccess file +WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Website manifest.json file +WEBSITE_README=README.md file +WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=Use a comma to separate values +EnterHereLicenseInformation=Enter here meta data or license information to fille a README.md file. if you distribute your website as a template, the file will be included into the temptate package. +HtmlHeaderPage=HTML header (specific to this page only) +PageNameAliasHelp=Name or alias of the page.
This alias is also used to forge a SEO URL when website is ran from a Virtual host of a Web server (like Apacke, Nginx, ...). Use the button "%s" to edit this alias. +EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Note: If you want to define a personalized header for all pages, edit the header on the site level instead of on the page/container. +MediaFiles=Media library +EditCss=Edit website properties +EditMenu=Edit menu +EditMedias=Edit medias +EditPageMeta=Edit page/container properties +EditInLine=Edit inline +AddWebsite=Add website +Webpage=Web page/container +AddPage=Add page/container +HomePage=Home Page +PageContainer=Page/container +PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Preview of your website %s not yet available. You must first 'Import a full website template' or just 'Add a page/container'. +RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=Requested page with id %s has no content yet, or cache file .tpl.php was removed. Edit content of the page to solve this. +SiteDeleted=Web site '%s' deleted +PageContent=Page/Contenair +PageDeleted=Page/Contenair '%s' of website %s deleted +PageAdded=Page/Contenair '%s' added +ViewSiteInNewTab=View site in new tab +ViewPageInNewTab=View page in new tab +SetAsHomePage=Set as Home page +RealURL=Real URL +ViewWebsiteInProduction=View web site using home URLs +SetHereVirtualHost=Use with Apache/NGinx/...
Create on your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) a dedicated Virtual Host with PHP enabled and a Root directory on
%s +ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=Example to use in Apache virtual host setup: +YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=Use with PHP embedded server
On develop environment, you may prefer to test the site with the PHP embedded web server (PHP 5.5 required) by running
php -S -t %s +YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=Run your web site with another Dolibarr Hosting provider
If you don't have a web server like Apache or NGinx available on internet, you can export and import your web site onto another Dolibarr instance provided by another Dolibarr hosting provider that provide full integration with the Website module. You can find a list of some Dolibarr hosting providers on
https://saas.dolibarr.org +CheckVirtualHostPerms=Check also that virtual host has permission %s on files into
%s +ReadPerm=Read +WritePerm=Write +TestDeployOnWeb=Test/deploy on web +PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=Preview %s in a new tab.

The %s will be served by an external web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS). You must install and setup this server before to point to directory:
URL served by external server:
%s +PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=Preview %s in a new tab.

The %s will be served by Dolibarr server so it does not need any extra web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS) to be installed.
The inconvenient is that URL of pages are not user friendly and start with path of your Dolibarr.
URL served by Dolibarr:

To use your own external web server to serve this web site, create a virtual host on your web server that point on directory
then enter the name of this virtual server and click on the other preview button. +VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=URL of the virtual host served by external web server not defined +NoPageYet=No pages yet +YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=You can create a new page or import a full website template +SyntaxHelp=Help on specific syntax tips +YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=You can edit HTML source code using the "Source" button in editor. +YouCanEditHtmlSource=
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.

You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>

You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>

To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>

To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">

To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
To include a image shared publicaly, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example with a shared key 123456789, syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
+YouCanEditHtmlSource2=For an image shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
More examples of HTML or dynamic code available on the wiki documentation
. +ClonePage=Clone page/container +CloneSite=Clone site +SiteAdded=Website added +ConfirmClonePage=Please enter code/alias of new page and if it is a translation of the cloned page. +PageIsANewTranslation=The new page is a translation of the current page ? +LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=You clone a page as a translation. The language of the new page must be different than language of source page. +ParentPageId=Parent page ID +WebsiteId=Website ID +CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Create page/container by fetching page from external URL... +OrEnterPageInfoManually=Or create page from scratch or from a page template... +FetchAndCreate=Fetch and Create +ExportSite=Export website +ImportSite=Import website template +IDOfPage=Id of page @@ -84,154 +81,57 @@ -WebsiteAccount=Veb-sayt qayd yozuvi -WebsiteAccounts=Veb-sayt qayd yozuvlari -AddWebsiteAccount=Veb-sayt qayd yozuvini yarating -BackToListForThirdParty=Uchinchi shaxslar roʻyxatiga qaytish -DisableSiteFirst=Avval veb-saytni o'chirib qo'ying -MyContainerTitle=Mening veb-saytim nomi -AnotherContainer=Boshqa sahifa / konteyner tarkibini qanday kiritish kerak (agar siz ichki kodni yoqsangiz, dinamik kodni yoqsangiz, bu erda sizda xato bo'lishi mumkin) -SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Kechirasiz, ushbu veb-sayt hozirda o'chirilgan. Iltimos, keyinroq qaytib keling ... -WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Veb-sayt hisob jadvalini yoqing -WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Har bir veb-sayt / uchinchi tomon uchun veb-sayt qayd yozuvlarini (kirish / o'tish) saqlash uchun jadvalni yoqing -YouMustDefineTheHomePage=Avval standart uy sahifasini belgilashingiz kerak -OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Ogohlantirish: Tashqi veb-sahifani import qilish orqali veb-sahifa yaratish tajribali foydalanuvchilar uchun ajratilgan. Manba sahifasining murakkabligiga qarab, import natijasi asl nusxadan farq qilishi mumkin. Shuningdek, agar manba sahifa umumiy CSS uslublari yoki ziddiyatli JavaScript-dan foydalansa, bu sahifada ishlashda veb-sayt muharririning ko'rinishi yoki xususiyatlarini buzishi mumkin. Bu usul sahifa yaratishning tezroq usulidir, lekin yangi sahifangizni noldan yoki tavsiya etilgan sahifa shablonidan yaratish tavsiya etiladi.
Shuningdek, inline muharriri ishlamasligi mumkinligini ham unutmang. ushlangan tashqi sahifada foydalanilganda to'g'ri. -OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Tashqi saytdan tarkib topilganda faqat HTML manbasini nashr qilish mumkin -GrabImagesInto=CSS va sahifada joylashgan rasmlarni ham oling. -ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Rasmlar katalogga saqlanishi kerak -WebsiteRootOfImages=Veb-sayt rasmlari uchun ildiz katalogi -SubdirOfPage=Sahifaga bag'ishlangan pastki katalog -AliasPageAlreadyExists=Taxalluslar sahifasi %s allaqachon mavjud -CorporateHomePage=Korporativ uy sahifasi -EmptyPage=Sahifa bo'sh -ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=Tashqi URL http: // yoki https: // bilan boshlanishi kerak. -ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Veb-sayt shablonlari to'plamining Zip faylini yuklang -ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=yoki mavjud veb-sayt shablonini tanlang -ShowSubcontainers=Dinamik tarkibni ko'rsatish -InternalURLOfPage=Sahifaning ichki URL manzili -ThisPageIsTranslationOf=Ushbu sahifa / konteynerning tarjimasi -ThisPageHasTranslationPages=Ushbu sahifa / konteynerning tarjimasi mavjud -NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=Hech qanday veb-sayt yaratilmagan. Avval yarating. -GoTo=Boring -DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=Siz sukut bo'yicha dinamik tarkib sifatida taqiqlangan ' %s ' PHP yo'riqnomasini o'z ichiga olgan dinamik PHP kodini qo'shasiz (ruxsat berilgan buyruqlar ro'yxatini oshirish uchun WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx yashirin variantlarini ko'ring). -NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=Veb-saytlarga PHP dinamik tarkibini qo'shish yoki tahrirlash huquqiga ega emassiz. Ruxsat so'rang yoki kodni php teglariga o'zgartirmasdan saqlang. -ReplaceWebsiteContent=Veb-sayt tarkibini qidirish yoki almashtirish -DeleteAlsoJs=Ushbu veb-saytga tegishli barcha JavaScript fayllari ham o'chirilsinmi? -DeleteAlsoMedias=Ushbu veb-saytga tegishli barcha media fayllar ham o'chirilsinmi? -MyWebsitePages=Mening veb-sahifalarim -SearchReplaceInto=Qidiruv | Ichiga almashtiring -ReplaceString=Yangi mag'lubiyat -CSSContentTooltipHelp=Bu erga CSS tarkibini kiriting. Ilovaning CSS bilan ziddiyatni oldini olish uchun barcha deklaratsiyani .bodywebsite sinfi bilan oldindan belgilab qo'ying. Masalan:

#mycssselector, input.myclass: hover {...}

bo'lishi kerak .bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.mf190: hoff000 ushbu prefiksni .bodywebsite prefiksini hamma joyda qo'shish uchun "lessc" dan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Ogohlantirish: Bu kontent faqat serverdan saytga kirishda chiqariladi. U Tahrirlash rejimida ishlatilmaydi, shuning uchun JavaScript fayllarini tahrirlash rejimida ham yuklashingiz kerak bo'lsa, sahifaga "script src=..." tegini qo'shing. -Dynamiccontent=Dinamik tarkibga ega sahifaning namunasi -EditInLineOnOff="Inline-ni tahrirlash" rejimi %s -ShowSubContainersOnOff="Dinamik tarkib" ni bajarish tartibi %s -GlobalCSSorJS=Veb-saytning global CSS / JS / Header fayli -BackToHomePage=Uy sahifasiga qaytish ... -TranslationLinks=Tarjima havolalari -YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=Siz mavjud bo'lmagan sahifaga kirishga harakat qilasiz.
(ref = %s, type = %s, status = %s) -UseTextBetween5And70Chars=Yaxshi SEO amaliyoti uchun 5 dan 70 gacha belgidan foydalaning -MainLanguage=Asosiy til -OtherLanguages=Boshqa tillar -UseManifest=Manifest.json faylini taqdim eting -PublicAuthorAlias=Ommaviy muallif taxallusi -AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=Mavjud tillar veb-sayt xususiyatlariga qarab belgilanadi -ReplacementDoneInXPages=%s sahifalarida yoki konteynerlarda almashtirish -RSSFeed=RSS tasmasi -RSSFeedDesc=Siz ushbu blog yordamida "blogpost" turidagi so'nggi maqolalarning RSS tasmasini olishingiz mumkin -PagesRegenerated=%s sahifa / lar / qayta tiklangan konteyner (lar) -RegenerateWebsiteContent=Veb-sayt kesh fayllarini qayta yarating -AllowedInFrames=Kadrlarda ruxsat berilgan -DefineListOfAltLanguagesInWebsiteProperties=Barcha mavjud tillarning ro'yxatini veb-sayt xususiyatlariga aniqlang. -GenerateSitemaps=Veb-sayt xaritasi.xml faylini yarating -ConfirmGenerateSitemaps=Agar siz tasdiqlasangiz, mavjud sayt xaritasi faylini o'chirib tashlaysiz ... -ConfirmSitemapsCreation=Sayt xaritasini yaratishni tasdiqlang -SitemapGenerated=Sayt xaritasi fayli %s -ImportFavicon=Favikon -ErrorFaviconType=Favicon png bo'lishi kerak -ErrorFaviconSize=Favikon hajmi 16x16, 32x32 yoki 64x64 bo'lishi kerak -FaviconTooltip=Png (16x16, 32x32 yoki 64x64) bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan rasmni yuklang -NextContainer=Keyingi sahifa/konteyner -PreviousContainer=Oldingi sahifa/konteyner -WebsiteMustBeDisabled=Veb-sayt "%s" maqomiga ega bo'lishi kerak -WebpageMustBeDisabled=Veb-sahifa "%s" holatiga ega bo'lishi kerak -SetWebsiteOnlineBefore=Veb-sayt oflayn bo'lsa, barcha sahifalar oflayn bo'ladi. Avval veb-sayt holatini o'zgartiring. -Booking=Rezervasyon -Reservation=Rezervasyon -PagesViewedPreviousMonth=Koʻrilgan sahifalar (oldingi oy) -PagesViewedTotal=Koʻrilgan sahifalar (jami) -Everyone=Hamma -AssignedContacts=Belgilangan kontaktlar -WebsiteTypeLabel=Veb-sayt turi -WebsiteTypeDolibarrWebsite=Web site (Module WebSites CMS) -WebsiteTypeDolibarrPortal=Native and ready to use web portal (Module Web Portal) -WebPortalURL=Web portal URL -NewWebsiteAccount=New accounts for websites -ModuleWebPortalName=Web portal -ModuleWebPortalDesc=A ready to use native web portal for customers, suppliers, partners or members -WebPortalDescription=Public web portal module for membership and partnership -WebPortalSetup=WebPortal setup -WebPortalCSS=Web portal CSS -WebPortalSetupPage=WebPortal setup page -WEBPORTAL_TITLE=Brand name on header of public page -UserAccountForWebPortalAreInThirdPartyTabHelp=Users accounts for WebPortal can be set on each third party card in Website accounts tab -WebPortalAccessHidden=Hidden -WebPortalAccessVisible=Visible -WebPortalAccessEdit=Editable -WEBPORTAL_MEMBER_CARD_ACCESS=Enable access to the membership record -WebPortalMemberCardAccessHelp=Enable access to the membership record (Hidden / Visible or Editable) -WEBPORTAL_PARTNERSHIP_CARD_ACCESS=Enable access to the partnership record -WebPortalPartnerShipCardAccessHelp=Enable access to the partnership record (Hidden / Visible or Editable) -WEBPORTAL_PROPAL_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the proposals -WEBPORTAL_ORDER_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the orders -WEBPORTAL_INVOICE_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the invoices -WEBPORTAL_USER_LOGGED=Select an anonymous user -WebPortalUserLoggedHelp=This user is used to update cards -WebPortalHomeTitle=Welcome -WebPortalHomeDesc=Welcome to the public interface -WebPortalPropalListMenu=Proposals -WebPortalPropalListTitle=List of proposals -WebPortalPropalListDesc=List of proposals -WebPortalPropalListNothing=Proposals not found -WebPortalOrderListMenu=Orders -WebPortalOrderListTitle=List of orders -WebPortalOrderListDesc=List of orders -WebPortalOrderListNothing=Orders not found -WebPortalInvoiceListMenu=Invoices -WebPortalInvoiceListTitle=List of invoices -WebPortalInvoiceListDesc=List of invoices -WebPortalInvoiceListNothing=Invoices not found -WebPortalMemberCardMenu=Member -WebPortalMemberCardTitle=Member card -WebPortalMemberCardDesc=Member card -WebPortalPartnershipCardMenu=Partnership -WebPortalPartnershipCardTitle=Partnership card -WebPortalPartnershipCardDesc=Partnership card -loginWebportalUserName=User name / email -loginWebportalPassword=Password -LoginNow=Login now -RemoveSearchFilters=Remove search filters -WEBPORTAL_PRIMARY_COLOR=Primary color -WEBPORTAL_SECONDARY_COLOR=Secondary color -WEBPORTAL_LOGIN_LOGO_URL=Login logo image URL -WEBPORTAL_MENU_LOGO_URL=Menu logo image URL -WEBPORTAL_MENU_LOGO_URLTooltip=Leave empty to use login logo -WEBPORTAL_LOGIN_BACKGROUND=Background login image URL -WEBPORTAL_BANNER_BACKGROUND=Background for banner -WEBPORTAL_BANNER_BACKGROUND_IS_DARK=Use dark theme for banner -AriaPrevPage=Previous page -AriaNextPage=Next page -AriaPageX=Page %s -WebPortalError404=Page not found -WebPortalErrorPageNotExist=Page not exist -WebPortalErrorFetchThirdPartyAccountFromLogin=Error when loading third-party account (login : %s) -WebPortalErrorAuthentication=Authentication error -WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedThirdPartyAccount=Error when loading third-party account (login : %s) -WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedUser=Error when loading user (Id : %s) -WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedThirdParty=Error when loading third-party (Id : %s) -WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedMember=Error when loading member (Id : %s) -WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedPartnership=Error when loading partnership (Third-party Id : %s, Member Id : %s) -ExportIntoGIT=Export into sources -WebPortalMember=Membership -WebPortalOrder=Sale Order -WebPortalPartnership=Partnership -WebPortalPropal=Proposal -WebPortalGroupMenuAdmin=Administration -WebPortalGroupMenuTechnical=System +WebsiteAccount=Website account +WebsiteAccounts=Website accounts +AddWebsiteAccount=Create web site account +BackToListForThirdParty=Back to list for the third-party +DisableSiteFirst=Disable website first +MyContainerTitle=My web site title +AnotherContainer=This is how to include content of another page/container (you may have an error here if you enable dynamic code because the embedded subcontainer may not exists) +SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Sorry, this website is currently off line. Please comme back later... +WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Enable the web site account table +WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Enable the table to store web site accounts (login/pass) for each website / third party +YouMustDefineTheHomePage=You must first define the default Home page +OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Warning: Creating a web page by importing an external web page is reserved for experienced users. Depending on the complexity of source page, the result of importation may differ from the original. Also if the source page uses common CSS styles or conflicting javascript, it may break the look or features of the Website editor when working on this page. This method is a quicker way to create a page but it is recommended to create your new page from scratch or from a suggested page template.
Note also that the inline editor may not works correclty when used on a grabbed external page. +OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Only edition of HTML source is possible when content was grabbed from an external site +GrabImagesInto=Grab also images found into css and page. +ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Images should be saved into directory +WebsiteRootOfImages=Root directory for website images +SubdirOfPage=Sub-directory dedicated to page +AliasPageAlreadyExists=Alias page %s already exists +CorporateHomePage=Corporate Home page +EmptyPage=Empty page +ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=External URL must start with http:// or https:// +ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Upload the Zip file of the website template package +ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=or Choose an available embedded website template package +ShowSubcontainers=Include dynamic content +InternalURLOfPage=Internal URL of page +ThisPageIsTranslationOf=This page/container is a translation of +ThisPageHasTranslationPages=This page/container has translation +NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=No website has been created yet. Create one first. +GoTo=Go to +DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=You add dynamic PHP code that contains the PHP instruction '%s' that is forbidden by default as dynamic content (see hidden options WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx to increase list of allowed commands). +NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=You don't have permission to add or edit PHP dynamic content in websites. Ask permission or just keep code into php tags unmodified. +ReplaceWebsiteContent=Search or Replace website content +DeleteAlsoJs=Delete also all javascript files specific to this website? +DeleteAlsoMedias=Delete also all medias files specific to this website? +MyWebsitePages=My website pages +SearchReplaceInto=Search | Replace into +ReplaceString=New string +CSSContentTooltipHelp=Enter here CSS content. To avoid any conflict with the CSS of the application, be sure to prepend all declaration with the .bodywebsite class. For example:

#mycssselector, input.myclass:hover { ... }
must be
.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:hover { ... }

Note: If you have a large file without this prefix, you can use 'lessc' to convert it to append the .bodywebsite prefix everywhere. +LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Warning: This content is output only when site is accessed from a server. It is not used in Edit mode so if you need to load javascript files also in edit mode, just add your tag 'script src=...' into the page. +Dynamiccontent=Sample of a page with dynamic content +ImportSite=Import website template +EditInLineOnOff=Mode 'Edit inline' is %s +ShowSubContainersOnOff=Mode to execute 'dynamic content' is %s +GlobalCSSorJS=Global CSS/JS/Header file of web site +BackToHomePage=Back to home page... +TranslationLinks=Translation links +YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=You try to access to a page that is not available.
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s) +UseTextBetween5And70Chars=For good SEO practices, use a text between 5 and 70 characters +MainLanguage=Main language +OtherLanguages=Other languages +UseManifest=Provide a manifest.json file +PublicAuthorAlias=Public author alias +AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=Available languages are defined into website properties +ReplacementDoneInXPages=Replacement done in %s pages or containers +RSSFeed=RSS Feed +RSSFeedDesc=You can get a RSS feed of latest articles with type 'blogpost' using this URL +PagesRegenerated=%s page(s)/container(s) regenerated --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_withdrawals.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_withdrawals.lang @@ -2,115 +2,100 @@ -CustomersStandingOrdersArea=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmalari bo'yicha to'lovlar -SuppliersStandingOrdersArea=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lovlar -StandingOrdersPayment=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet bo'yicha to'lov topshiriqlari -StandingOrderPayment=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi buyurtmasi -NewStandingOrder=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet bo'yicha yangi buyurtma -NewPaymentByBankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan yangi to'lov -StandingOrderToProcess=Qayta ishlash uchun -PaymentByBankTransferReceipts=Kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha buyurtmalar -PaymentByBankTransferLines=Kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha buyurtma liniyalari -WithdrawalsReceipts=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmalari -WithdrawalReceipt=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasi -BankTransferReceipts=Kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha buyurtmalar -BankTransferReceipt=Kredit o'tkazish tartibi -LatestBankTransferReceipts=Kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha so'nggi buyurtmalar %s -LastWithdrawalReceipts=Oxirgi %s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet fayllari -WithdrawalsLine=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasi liniyasi -CreditTransfer=Kredit o'tkazish -CreditTransferLine=Kredit o'tkazish liniyasi -WithdrawalsLines=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtma liniyalari -CreditTransferLines=Kredit o'tkazish liniyalari -RequestStandingOrderToTreat=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovlarini qayta ishlash uchun buyurtmalar -RequestStandingOrderTreated=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi bo'yicha so'rovlar ko'rib chiqildi -RequestPaymentsByBankTransferToTreat=Kreditni qayta ishlashga o'tkazish to'g'risida so'rovlar -RequestPaymentsByBankTransferTreated=Kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha so'rovlar ko'rib chiqildi -NotPossibleForThisStatusOfWithdrawReceiptORLine=Hozircha mumkin emas. Muayyan qatorlarda rad etish to'g'risida e'lon qilishdan oldin pulni qaytarib olish holati "hisobga olingan" deb belgilanishi kerak. -NbOfInvoiceToWithdraw=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasini kutayotgan malakali mijozlarning hisob-fakturalari soni -NbOfInvoiceToWithdrawWithInfo=Bank hisobvarag'i to'g'risidagi ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lgan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debetli to'lov topshiriqlari bilan mijozlar hisobvarag'ining raqami -NbOfInvoiceToPayByBankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazmasi orqali to'lovni kutayotgan malakali etkazib beruvchilarning hisob-fakturalari soni -SupplierInvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Kredit o'tkazmasi orqali to'lovni kutayotgan sotuvchi hisob-fakturasi -InvoiceWaitingWithdraw=To'lov debetini kutayotgan hisob-faktura -InvoiceWaitingPaymentByBankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazilishini kutayotgan hisob-faktura -AmountToWithdraw=Chiqish uchun mablag ' -AmountToTransfer=O'tkazish uchun miqdor -NoInvoiceToWithdraw="%s" uchun hech qanday hisob-faktura kutilmaydi. So'rov yuborish uchun faktura kartasidagi '%s' yorlig'iga o'ting. -NoSupplierInvoiceToWithdraw=Ochiq '%s' bilan hech qanday yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasi kutilmayapti. So‘rov yuborish uchun invoys kartasidagi “%s” sahifasiga o‘ting. -ResponsibleUser=Foydalanuvchi uchun javobgar -WithdrawalsSetup=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovini sozlash -CreditTransferSetup=Kredit o'tkazmalarini sozlash -WithdrawStatistics=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovlari statistikasi -CreditTransferStatistics=Kredit o'tkazmalari statistikasi -Rejects=Rad etadi -LastWithdrawalReceipt=Oxirgi %s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet tushumlari -MakeWithdrawRequest=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debetni to'lash to'g'risida so'rov yuboring -MakeWithdrawRequestStripe=Stripe orqali to'g'ridan-to'g'ri to'lov so'rovini yuboring -MakeBankTransferOrder=Kredit o'tkazish to'g'risida so'rov yuboring -WithdrawRequestsDone=%s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi bo'yicha so'rovlar yozib olindi -BankTransferRequestsDone=%s kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha so'rovlar yozib olindi -ThirdPartyBankCode=Uchinchi tomonning bank kodi -NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=Hech qanday hisob-faktura muvaffaqiyatli bajarilmadi. Hisob-fakturalar yaroqli IBANga ega kompaniyalarda ekanligini va IBANda UMR (Noyob mandat maʼlumotnomasi) rejimi %s< borligini tekshiring. span class='notranslate'>. -NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawedSupplier=Hech qanday hisob-faktura muvaffaqiyatli qayta ishlanmadi. Hisob-fakturalar to'g'ri IBANga ega kompaniyalarda ekanligini tekshiring. -NoSalariesCouldBeWithdrawed=Hech qanday ish haqi muvaffaqiyatli qayta ishlanmadi. Ish haqi to'g'ri IBANga ega bo'lgan foydalanuvchilar uchun ekanligini tekshiring. -WithdrawalCantBeCreditedTwice=Ushbu pulni qaytarib olish kvitansiyasi allaqachon kreditlangan deb belgilangan; buni ikki marta bajarish mumkin emas, chunki bu takroriy to'lovlar va bank yozuvlarini yaratishi mumkin. -ClassCredited=Tasniflangan kredit -ClassDebited=debetlangan tasniflash -ClassCreditedConfirm=Ushbu olib qo'yilgan kvitansiyani sizning bank hisob raqamingizga kiritilgan deb tasniflashni xohlaganingizga ishonchingiz komilmi? -TransData=Etkazish sanasi -TransMetod=Uzatish usuli -Send=Yuborish -Lines=Chiziqlar -StandingOrderReject=Rad etishni yozib oling -WithdrawsRefused=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet rad etildi -WithdrawalRefused=Cheklov rad etildi -CreditTransfersRefused=Kredit o'tkazmalari rad etildi -WithdrawalRefusedConfirm=Jamiyat uchun pulni rad etishni xohlaganingizga aminmisiz -RefusedData=Rad etilgan sana -RefusedReason=Rad etish sababi -RefusedInvoicing=Rad etish uchun hisob-kitob -NoInvoiceRefused=Do not charge the customer for the refusal -InvoiceRefused=Charge the customer for the refusal -DirectDebitRefusedInvoicingDesc=Set a flag to say this refusal must be charged to the customer -StatusDebitCredit=Holati debet / kredit -StatusWaiting=Kutish -StatusTrans=Yuborildi -StatusDebited=Debet qilingan -StatusCredited=Kreditlangan -StatusPaid=To'langan -StatusRefused=Rad etildi -StatusMotif0=Belgilanmagan -StatusMotif1=Mablag'lar etishmayapti -StatusMotif2=Talab bahsli -StatusMotif3=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi buyurtmasi yo'q -StatusMotif4=Sotish tartibi -StatusMotif5=RIB yaroqsiz -StatusMotif6=Balanssiz hisob -StatusMotif7=Sud qarori -StatusMotif8=Boshqa sabab -CreateForSepaFRST=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet faylini yaratish (SEPA FRST) -CreateForSepaRCUR=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet faylini yaratish (SEPA RCUR) -CreateAll=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet faylini yarating -CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazish uchun fayl yarating -CreateSepaFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Kredit o'tkazish faylini yarating (SEPA) -CreateGuichet=Faqat ofis -CreateBanque=Faqat bank -OrderWaiting=Davolashni kutish -NotifyTransmision=Buyurtmaning fayl uzatilishini yozib oling -NotifyCredit=Buyurtmaning rekord krediti -NumeroNationalEmetter=Milliy transmitter raqami -WithBankUsingRIB=RIB-dan foydalangan holda bank hisobvaraqlari uchun -WithBankUsingBANBIC=IBAN / BIC / SWIFT-dan foydalangan holda bank hisobvaraqlari uchun -BankToReceiveWithdraw=Bank hisobvarag'ini olish -BankToPayCreditTransfer=To'lov manbai sifatida foydalaniladigan bank hisobvarag'i -CreditDate=Kredit bo'yicha -WithdrawalFileNotCapable=%s mamlakatingiz uchun pul olish kvitansiyasini yaratib bo'lmadi (Sizning mamlakatingiz qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi) -ShowWithdraw=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasini ko'rsatish -IfInvoiceNeedOnWithdrawPaymentWontBeClosed=Biroq, agar hisob-fakturada hali kamida bitta to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi buyurtmasi qayta ishlanmagan bo'lsa, uni oldindan olib qo'yishni boshqarish uchun to'lov sifatida o'rnatilmaydi. -DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=Ushbu yorliq to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lov topshirig'ini so'rash imkonini beradi. Tugatganingizdan so'ng, siz "Bank->To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet orqali to'lov" menyusiga kirishingiz va to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtma faylini yaratishingiz mumkin. -DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments2=Shuningdek, siz to'g'ridan-to'g'ri Stripe kabi SEPA to'lov protsessoriga so'rov yuborishingiz mumkin, ... -DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments3=So'rov yopilganda, schyot-fakturalar bo'yicha to'lov avtomatik tarzda qayd etiladi va to'lash uchun qolgan to'lov bekor bo'lsa, schyot-fakturalar yopiladi. -DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=Ushbu yorliq sizga kredit o'tkazish buyurtmasini so'rash imkonini beradi. Tugatganingizdan so'ng, kredit o'tkazmasi buyurtma faylini yaratish va boshqarish uchun "Bank->Kredit o'tkazmasi orqali to'lov" menyusiga o'ting. -DoCreditTransferBeforePayments3=Kredit o'tkazish buyrug'i yopilganda, hisob-fakturalar bo'yicha to'lov avtomatik ravishda qayd qilinadi va to'lash uchun qolgan to'lov bekor bo'lsa, schyot-fakturalar yopiladi. -WithdrawalFile=Debet buyurtma fayli -CreditTransferFile=Kredit o'tkazish fayli -SetToStatusSent="Fayl yuborildi" holatiga o'rnating -ThisWillAlsoAddPaymentOnInvoice=Bunda hisob-fakturalar bo'yicha to'lovlar qayd etiladi va agar ular to'lash muddati bekor bo'lsa, ularni "To'langan" deb tasniflanadi -StatisticsByLineStatus=Chiziqlar holati bo'yicha statistika +CustomersStandingOrdersArea=Payments by Direct debit orders +SuppliersStandingOrdersArea=Payments by Credit transfer +StandingOrdersPayment=Direct debit payment orders +StandingOrderPayment=Direct debit payment order +NewStandingOrder=New direct debit order +NewPaymentByBankTransfer=New payment by credit transfer +StandingOrderToProcess=To process +PaymentByBankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer orders +PaymentByBankTransferLines=Credit transfer order lines +WithdrawalsReceipts=Direct debit orders +WithdrawalReceipt=Direct debit order +BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer order +BankTransferReceipt=Credit transfer order +LatestBankTransferReceipts=Latest %s credit transfer orders +LastWithdrawalReceipts=Latest %s direct debit files +WithdrawalsLine=Direct debit order line +CreditTransferLine=Credit transfer line +WithdrawalsLines=Direct debit order lines +CreditTransferLines=Credit transfer lines +RequestStandingOrderToTreat=Requests for direct debit payment order to process +RequestStandingOrderTreated=Requests for direct debit payment order processed +RequestPaymentsByBankTransferToTreat=Requests for credit transfer to process +RequestPaymentsByBankTransferTreated=Requests for credit transfer processed +NotPossibleForThisStatusOfWithdrawReceiptORLine=Not yet possible. Withdraw status must be set to 'credited' before declaring reject on specific lines. +NbOfInvoiceToWithdraw=No. of qualified customer invoices with waiting direct debit order +NbOfInvoiceToWithdrawWithInfo=No. of customer invoice with direct debit payment orders having defined bank account information +NbOfInvoiceToPayByBankTransfer=No. of qualified supplier invoices waiting for a payment by credit transfer +SupplierInvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Vendor invoice waiting for payment by credit transfer +InvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Invoice waiting for direct debit +InvoiceWaitingPaymentByBankTransfer=Invoice waiting for credit transfer +AmountToWithdraw=Amount to withdraw +NoInvoiceToWithdraw=No invoice open for '%s' is waiting. Go on tab '%s' on invoice card to make a request. +NoSupplierInvoiceToWithdraw=No supplier invoice with open 'Direct credit requests' is waiting. Go on tab '%s' on invoice card to make a request. +ResponsibleUser=User Responsible +WithdrawalsSetup=Direct debit payment setup +CreditTransferSetup=Credit transfer setup +WithdrawStatistics=Direct debit payment statistics +CreditTransferStatistics=Credit transfer statistics +Rejects=Rejects +LastWithdrawalReceipt=Latest %s direct debit receipts +MakeWithdrawRequest=Make a direct debit payment request +MakeBankTransferOrder=Make a credit transfer request +WithdrawRequestsDone=%s direct debit payment requests recorded +ThirdPartyBankCode=Third-party bank code +NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=No invoice debited successfully. Check that invoices are on companies with a valid IBAN and that IBAN has a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) with mode %s. +ClassCredited=Classify credited +ClassCreditedConfirm=Are you sure you want to classify this withdrawal receipt as credited on your bank account? +TransData=Transmission date +TransMetod=Transmission method +Send=Send +Lines=Lines +StandingOrderReject=Issue a rejection +WithdrawsRefused=Direct debit refused +WithdrawalRefused=Withdrawal refused +CreditTransfersRefused=Credit transfers refused +WithdrawalRefusedConfirm=Are you sure you want to enter a withdrawal rejection for society +RefusedData=Date of rejection +RefusedReason=Reason for rejection +RefusedInvoicing=Billing the rejection +NoInvoiceRefused=Do not charge the rejection +InvoiceRefused=Invoice refused (Charge the rejection to customer) +StatusDebitCredit=Status debit/credit +StatusWaiting=Waiting +StatusTrans=Sent +StatusCredited=Credited +StatusRefused=Refused +StatusMotif0=Unspecified +StatusMotif1=Insufficient funds +StatusMotif2=Request contested +StatusMotif3=No direct debit payment order +StatusMotif4=Sales Order +StatusMotif5=RIB unusable +StatusMotif6=Account without balance +StatusMotif7=Judicial Decision +StatusMotif8=Other reason +CreateForSepaFRST=Create direct debit file (SEPA FRST) +CreateForSepaRCUR=Create direct debit file (SEPA RCUR) +CreateAll=Create direct debit file (all) +CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer (all) +CreateSepaFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer file (SEPA) +CreateGuichet=Only office +CreateBanque=Only bank +OrderWaiting=Waiting for treatment +NotifyTransmision=Withdrawal Transmission +NotifyCredit=Withdrawal Credit +NumeroNationalEmetter=National Transmitter Number +WithBankUsingRIB=For bank accounts using RIB +WithBankUsingBANBIC=For bank accounts using IBAN/BIC/SWIFT +BankToReceiveWithdraw=Receiving Bank Account +BankToPayCreditTransfer=Bank Account used as source of payments +CreditDate=Credit on +WithdrawalFileNotCapable=Unable to generate withdrawal receipt file for your country %s (Your country is not supported) +ShowWithdraw=Show Direct Debit Order +IfInvoiceNeedOnWithdrawPaymentWontBeClosed=However, if invoice has at least one direct debit payment order not yet processed, it won't be set as paid to allow prior withdrawal management. +DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Direct Debit orders to generate and manage the direct debit payment order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null. +DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Credit transfer orders to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null. +WithdrawalFile=Withdrawal file +SetToStatusSent=Set to status "File Sent" +ThisWillAlsoAddPaymentOnInvoice=This will also record payments on invoices and will classify them as "Paid" if remain to pay is null +StatisticsByLineStatus=Statistics by status of lines @@ -118,25 +103,23 @@ -DateRUM=Mandat imzosi sanasi -RUMLong=Noyob mandat ma'lumotnomasi -RUMWillBeGenerated=Agar bo'sh bo'lsa, UMR (noyob mandat ma'lumotnomasi) bank hisobvarag'i ma'lumotlari saqlangandan so'ng hosil bo'ladi. -WithdrawMode=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet rejimi (FRST yoki RCUR) -WithdrawRequestAmount=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debetga so'rov miqdori: -BankTransferAmount=Kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha so'rov miqdori: -WithdrawRequestErrorNilAmount=Bo'sh miqdor uchun to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet so'rovi yaratib bo'lmadi. -SepaMandate=SEPA to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet mandati -SepaMandateShort=SEPA mandati -PleaseReturnMandate=Iltimos, ushbu mandat shaklini elektron pochta orqali %s raqamiga yoki pochta orqali qaytaring -SEPALegalText=Ushbu mandat shaklini imzolash orqali siz (A) %s va uning toʻlov xizmati provayderiga hisobingizni debet qilish boʻyicha koʻrsatmalarni bankingizga yuborishga va (B) bankingizga hisobingizni yechib olishga ruxsat berasiz: %s koʻrsatmalariga muvofiq. Huquqlaringizning bir qismi sifatida siz bankingiz bilan tuzilgan shartnoma shartlariga muvofiq bankingizdan pulingizni qaytarish huquqiga egasiz. Yuqoridagi mandatga oid huquqlaringiz bankingizdan olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan bayonotda tushuntirilgan. Kelgusi toʻlovlar haqida bildirishnomalarni ular yuzaga kelishidan 2 kun oldin olishga rozilik bildirasiz. -CreditorIdentifier=Kreditor identifikatori -CreditorName=Kreditor nomi -SEPAFillForm=(B) * belgilangan barcha maydonlarni to'ldiring. -SEPAFormYourName=Ismingiz -SEPAFormYourBAN=Sizning bank hisob raqamingiz (IBAN) -SEPAFormYourBIC=Sizning bank identifikatoringiz kodi (BIC) -SEPAFrstOrRecur=To'lov turi -ModeRECUR=Takroriy to'lov -ModeRCUR=Takroriy to'lov -ModeFRST=Bir martalik to'lov -PleaseCheckOne=Iltimos, bittasini tekshiring -CreditTransferOrderCreated=%s kredit o'tkazish bo'yicha buyurtma yaratildi -DirectDebitOrderCreated=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasi %s yaratildi -AmountRequested=Miqdor so‘raldi +DateRUM=Mandate signature date +RUMLong=Unique Mandate Reference +RUMWillBeGenerated=If empty, a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) will be generated once the bank account information is saved. +WithdrawMode=Direct debit mode (FRST or RECUR) +WithdrawRequestAmount=Amount of Direct debit request: +BankTransferAmount=Amount of Credit Transfer request: +WithdrawRequestErrorNilAmount=Unable to create direct debit request for empty amount. +SepaMandate=SEPA Direct Debit Mandate +SepaMandateShort=SEPA Mandate +PleaseReturnMandate=Please return this mandate form by email to %s or by mail to +SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) %s to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank. +CreditorIdentifier=Creditor Identifier +CreditorName=Creditor Name +SEPAFillForm=(B) Please complete all the fields marked * +SEPAFormYourName=Your name +SEPAFormYourBAN=Your Bank Account Name (IBAN) +SEPAFormYourBIC=Your Bank Identifier Code (BIC) +SEPAFrstOrRecur=Type of payment +ModeRECUR=Recurring payment +ModeFRST=One-off payment +PleaseCheckOne=Please check one only +DirectDebitOrderCreated=Direct debit order %s created +AmountRequested=Amount requested @@ -145,8 +128,7 @@ -ExecutionDate=Ijro sanasi -CreateForSepa=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet faylini yarating -ICS=Kreditor identifikatori - ICS -IDS=Debitor identifikatori -END_TO_END="EndToEndId" SEPA XML yorlig'i - bitim uchun yagona identifikator -USTRD="Strukturasiz" SEPA XML yorlig'i -ADDDAYS=Ijro sanasiga kunlarni qo'shing -NoDefaultIBANFound=Ushbu uchinchi tomon uchun standart IBAN topilmadi +ExecutionDate=Execution date +CreateForSepa=Create direct debit file +ICS=Creditor Identifier CI +END_TO_END="EndToEndId" SEPA XML tag - Unique id assigned per transaction +USTRD="Unstructured" SEPA XML tag +ADDDAYS=Add days to Execution Date +NoDefaultIBANFound=No default IBAN found for this third party @@ -154,21 +136,8 @@ -InfoCreditSubject=%s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lov topshirig'ini bank tomonidan to'lash -InfoCreditMessage=%s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lov topshirig'ini bank tomonidan to'langan
To'lov ma'lumotlari: %s -InfoTransSubject=%s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lov topshirig'ini bankka yuborish -InfoTransMessage=%s to'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lov buyurtmasi %s %s tomonidan bankka yuborildi.

-InfoTransData=Miqdor: %s
usuli: %s
Sana: %s -InfoRejectSubject=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet to'lovi buyurtmasi rad etildi -InfoRejectMessage=Salom,

%s kompaniyasi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan %s schyot -fakturasining %s miqdoridagi to'g'ridan -to'g'ri debet to'lovi bank tomonidan rad etildi.

%s -ModeWarning=Haqiqiy rejim uchun parametr o'rnatilmagan, biz ushbu simulyatsiyadan so'ng to'xtaymiz -ErrorCompanyHasDuplicateDefaultBAN=%s identifikatoriga ega kompaniya bir nechta standart bank hisobiga ega. Qaysi birini ishlatishni bilishning iloji yo'q. -ErrorICSmissing=Bank hisobidagi %s yo'qolgan ICS -TotalAmountOfdirectDebitOrderDiffersFromSumOfLines=To'g'ridan-to'g'ri debet buyurtmasining umumiy miqdori satrlar yig'indisidan farq qiladi -WarningSomeDirectDebitOrdersAlreadyExists=Ogohlantirish: %s miqdorida bir qancha kutilayotgan toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri debet buyurtmalari (%s) soʻralgan -WarningSomeCreditTransferAlreadyExists=Ogohlantirish: %s miqdorida kredit o‘tkazmasi (%s) talab qilingan. -UsedFor=%s uchun ishlatiladi -Societe_ribSigned=SEPA mandati imzolangan -NbOfInvoiceToPayByBankTransferForSalaries=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lashni kutayotgan malakali ish haqi soni -SalaryWaitingWithdraw=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lashni kutayotgan ish haqi -RefSalary=Ish haqi -NoSalaryInvoiceToWithdraw="%s" uchun maosh kutilmaydi. So‘rov yuborish uchun ish haqi kartasidagi “%s” sahifasiga o‘ting. -SalaryInvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Kredit o'tkazish yo'li bilan to'lashni kutayotgan ish haqi - +InfoCreditSubject=Payment of direct debit payment order %s by the bank +InfoCreditMessage=The direct debit payment order %s has been paid by the bank
Data of payment: %s +InfoTransSubject=Transmission of direct debit payment order %s to bank +InfoTransMessage=The direct debit payment order %s has been sent to bank by %s %s.

+InfoTransData=Amount: %s
Method: %s
Date: %s +InfoRejectSubject=Direct debit payment order refused +InfoRejectMessage=Hello,

the direct debit payment order of invoice %s related to the company %s, with an amount of %s has been refused by the bank.

%s +ModeWarning=Option for real mode was not set, we stop after this simulation --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_workflow.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_workflow.lang @@ -2,3 +2,3 @@ -WorkflowSetup=Ish oqimi modulini sozlash -WorkflowDesc=Ushbu modul ba'zi bir avtomatik harakatlarni ta'minlaydi. Odatiy bo'lib, ish oqimi ochiq (siz o'zingiz xohlagan tartibda ish qilishingiz mumkin), lekin bu erda siz ba'zi avtomatik harakatlarni faollashtirishingiz mumkin. -ThereIsNoWorkflowToModify=Faollashtirilgan modullar bilan ishlash jarayonini o'zgartirishlar mavjud emas. +WorkflowSetup=Workflow module setup +WorkflowDesc=This module is designed to modify the behaviour of automatic actions into application. By default, workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want). You can activate the automatic actions you are interested in. +ThereIsNoWorkflowToModify=There is no workflow modifications available with the activated modules. @@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ -descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Tijorat taklifi imzolanganidan so'ng avtomatik ravishda savdo buyurtmasini yarating (yangi buyurtma taklif bilan bir xil miqdorda bo'ladi) -descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Tijorat taklifi imzolangandan so'ng mijozning hisob-fakturasini avtomatik ravishda yarating (yangi hisob-faktura taklif bilan bir xil miqdorda bo'ladi) -descWORKFLOW_CONTRACT_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Shartnoma tasdiqlangandan so'ng mijozning hisob-fakturasini avtomatik ravishda yarating -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Savdo buyurtmasi yopilgandan so'ng avtomatik ravishda mijozning hisob-fakturasini yarating (yangi hisob-faktura buyurtma bilan bir xil miqdorda bo'ladi) -descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CREATE_INTERVENTION=Chipta yaratishda avtomatik ravishda intervensiya yarating. +descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a customer order after a commercial proposal is signed (new order will have same amount than proposal) +descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a commercial proposal is signed (new invoice will have same amount than proposal) +descWORKFLOW_CONTRACT_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a contract is validated +descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a customer order is closed (new invoice will have same amount than order) @@ -12,27 +11,10 @@ -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposals as billed when a sales order is set to billed (and if the amount of the order is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposals) -descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposals as billed when a customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposals) -descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales order as billed when a customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked sales orders). If you have 1 invoice validated for n orders, this may set all orders to billed too. -descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales orders as billed when a customer invoice is set to paid (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked sales orders). If you have 1 invoice set billed for n orders, this may set all orders to billed too. -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING=Bog'langan manba savdo buyurtmalarini jo'natish tasdiqlanganda jo'natilgan deb tasniflang (va barcha jo'natmalar tomonidan jo'natilgan miqdor yangilash tartibidagi bilan bir xil bo'lsa) -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING_CLOSED=Bog'langan manbalarni sotish buyurtmasini yuk yopilganda yuborilgan deb tasniflang (va agar barcha yuklar jo'natilgan miqdori yangilash tartibidagi kabi bo'lsa). -# Autoclassify purchase proposal -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked proposals) -# Autoclassify purchase order -descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked orders) -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_RECEIVED_RECEPTION=Bog'langan manba sotib olish buyurtmasini qabul qilish tasdiqlanganda olingan deb tasniflang (va barcha qabullar tomonidan qabul qilingan miqdor yangilash uchun xarid buyurtmasi bilan bir xil bo'lsa) -descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_RECEIVED_RECEPTION_CLOSED=Bog'langan manba buyurtmasini qabulxona yopilganda olingan deb tasniflang (va barcha qabulxonalar tomonidan qabul qilingan miqdor yangilash uchun xarid buyurtmasidagi bilan bir xil bo'lsa) -# Autoclassify shipment -descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Mijoz hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlanganda (va agar schyot-faktura miqdori bog‘langan jo‘natmalarning umumiy miqdori bilan bir xil bo‘lsa) bog‘langan manba jo‘natmasini yopiq deb tasniflang. -descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_BILLED_INVOICE=Mijoz hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlanganda (va agar schyot-faktura miqdori bog‘langan jo‘natmalarning umumiy miqdori bilan bir xil bo‘lsa) bog‘langan manba jo‘natmasini hisob-kitob sifatida tasniflang. -# Autoclassify receptions -descWORKFLOW_RECEPTION_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Bog'langan manba qabullarini xarid hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlanganda hisoblangan deb tasniflang (va agar schyot-faktura miqdori bog'langan qabullarning umumiy miqdori bilan bir xil bo'lsa) -descWORKFLOW_RECEPTION_CLASSIFY_BILLED_INVOICE=Bog'langan manba qabullarini xarid hisob-fakturasi tasdiqlanganda hisoblangan deb tasniflang (va agar schyot-faktura miqdori bog'langan qabullarning umumiy miqdori bilan bir xil bo'lsa) -# Automatically link ticket to contract -descWORKFLOW_TICKET_LINK_CONTRACT=Chipta yaratishda, mos keladigan uchinchi tomonlarning barcha mavjud shartnomalarini bog'lang -descWORKFLOW_TICKET_USE_PARENT_COMPANY_CONTRACTS=Shartnomalarni ulashda, ota-onalar kompaniyalari orasidan qidiring -# Autoclose intervention -descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CLOSE_INTERVENTION=Chipta yopilganda chipta bilan bog'liq barcha aralashuvlarni yoping -AutomaticCreation=Avtomatik yaratish -AutomaticClassification=Avtomatik tasnif -AutomaticClosing=Avtomatik yopish -AutomaticLinking=Avtomatik ulanish +descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal(s) to billed when customer order is set to billed (and if amount of the order is same than total amount of signed linked proposals) +descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal(s) to billed when customer invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of signed linked proposals) +descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source customer order(s) to billed when customer invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked orders) +descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source customer order(s) to billed when customer invoice is set to paid (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked orders) +descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING=Classify linked source customer order to shipped when a shipment is validated (and if quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update) +# Autoclassify supplier order +descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal(s) to billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked proposals) +descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order(s) to billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked orders) +AutomaticCreation=Automatic creation +AutomaticClassification=Automatic classification --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/github_19.0.3_zapier.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/uz_UZ/client_zapier.lang @@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ -ModuleZapierForDolibarrName = Dolibarr uchun Zapier -ModuleZapierForDolibarrDesc = Dolibarr moduli uchun zapier -ZapierForDolibarrSetup=Dolibarr uchun Zapier-ni sozlash -ZapierDescription=Zapier bilan interfeys -ZapierAbout=Zapier moduli haqida -ZapierSetupPage=Zapier-dan foydalanish uchun Dolibarr tomonida o'rnatishga hojat yo'q. Biroq, Zapier-dan Dolibarr bilan foydalanish uchun siz zapier-da paket yaratishingiz va nashr qilishingiz kerak. -dagi ushbu viki-sahifadagi -dagi hujjatlarni ko'ring. +# +# Generic +# + +# Module label 'ModuleZapierForDolibarrName' +ModuleZapierForDolibarrName = Zapier for Dolibarr +# Module description 'ModuleZapierForDolibarrDesc' +ModuleZapierForDolibarrDesc = Zapier for Dolibarr module + +# +# Admin page +# +ZapierForDolibarrSetup = Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr