--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_accountancy.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_accountancy.lang
@@ -16,18 +16,14 @@
ThisProduct=This product
DefaultForService=Default for service
DefaultForProduct=Default for product
-ProductForThisThirdparty=Product for this thirdparty
-ServiceForThisThirdparty=Service for this thirdparty
CantSuggest=Can't suggest
AccountancySetupDoneFromAccountancyMenu=Most setup of the accountancy is done from the menu %s
-ConfigAccountingExpert=Configuration of the module accounting (double entry)
+ConfigAccountingExpert=Napredno podešavanje modula računovodstva
JournalFinancial=Financial journals
BackToChartofaccounts=Return chart of accounts
Chartofaccounts=Grafikon za račune
-ChartOfSubaccounts=Chart of individual accounts
-ChartOfIndividualAccountsOfSubsidiaryLedger=Chart of individual accounts of the subsidiary ledger
CurrentDedicatedAccountingAccount=Current dedicated account
AssignDedicatedAccountingAccount=New account to assign
InvoiceLabel=Invoice label
@@ -37,8 +33,8 @@
DeleteCptCategory=Remove accounting account from group
ConfirmDeleteCptCategory=Are you sure you want to remove this accounting account from the accounting account group?
JournalizationInLedgerStatus=Status of journalization
-AlreadyInGeneralLedger=Already transferred in accounting journals and ledger
-NotYetInGeneralLedger=Not yet transferred in accouting journals and ledger
+AlreadyInGeneralLedger=Already journalized in ledgers
+NotYetInGeneralLedger=Not yet journalized in ledgers
GroupIsEmptyCheckSetup=Group is empty, check setup of the personalized accounting group
DetailByAccount=Show detail by account
AccountWithNonZeroValues=Accounts with non-zero values
@@ -47,10 +43,7 @@
CountriesNotInEEC=Countries not in EEC
CountriesInEECExceptMe=Countries in EEC except %s
CountriesExceptMe=All countries except %s
-AccountantFiles=Export source documents
-ExportAccountingSourceDocHelp=With this tool, you can export the source events (list and PDFs) that were used to generate your accountancy. To export your journals, use the menu entry %s - %s.
-VueByAccountAccounting=View by accounting account
-VueBySubAccountAccounting=View by accounting subaccount
+AccountantFiles=Export accounting documents
MainAccountForCustomersNotDefined=Main accounting account for customers not defined in setup
MainAccountForSuppliersNotDefined=Main accounting account for vendors not defined in setup
@@ -86,7 +79,7 @@
AccountancyAreaDescClosePeriod=STEP %s: Close period so we can't make modification in a future.
-TheJournalCodeIsNotDefinedOnSomeBankAccount=A mandatory step in setup has not been completed (accounting code journal not defined for all bank accounts)
+TheJournalCodeIsNotDefinedOnSomeBankAccount=A mandatory step in setup was not complete (accounting code journal not defined for all bank accounts)
Selectchartofaccounts=Select active chart of accounts
ChangeAndLoad=Change and load
Addanaccount=Dodaj obračunski račun
@@ -96,8 +89,6 @@
SubledgerAccountLabel=Subledger account label
ShowAccountingAccount=Show accounting account
ShowAccountingJournal=Show accounting journal
-ShowAccountingAccountInLedger=Show accounting account in ledger
-ShowAccountingAccountInJournals=Show accounting account in journals
AccountAccountingSuggest=Accounting account suggested
MenuDefaultAccounts=Default accounts
MenuBankAccounts=Bankovni računi
@@ -119,9 +110,8 @@
CreateMvts=Create new transaction
UpdateMvts=Modification of a transaction
ValidTransaction=Validate transaction
-WriteBookKeeping=Register transactions in accounting
+WriteBookKeeping=Register transactions in Ledger
AccountBalance=Stanje računa
ObjectsRef=Source object ref
CAHTF=Total purchase vendor before tax
@@ -147,7 +137,7 @@
XLineSuccessfullyBinded=%s products/services successfully bound to an accounting account
XLineFailedToBeBinded=%s products/services were not bound to any accounting account
-ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Maximum number of lines on list and bind page (recommended: 50)
+ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Number of elements to bind shown by page (maximum recommended: 50)
ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding to do" by the most recent elements
ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_DONE=Begin the sorting of the page "Binding done" by the most recent elements
@@ -159,8 +149,6 @@
BANK_DISABLE_DIRECT_INPUT=Disable direct recording of transaction in bank account
ACCOUNTANCY_COMBO_FOR_AUX=Enable combo list for subsidiary account (may be slow if you have a lot of third parties)
-ACCOUNTING_DATE_START_BINDING=Define a date to start binding & transfer in accountancy. Below this date, the transactions will not be transferred to accounting.
-ACCOUNTING_DEFAULT_PERIOD_ON_TRANSFER=On accountancy transfer, select period show by default
@@ -180,8 +168,6 @@
DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register donations
ADHERENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT=Accounting account to register subscriptions
-ACCOUNTING_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER_DEPOSIT=Accounting account by default to register customer deposit
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought products (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_INTRA_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought products in EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet)
ACCOUNTING_PRODUCT_BUY_EXPORT_ACCOUNT=Accounting account by default for the bought products and imported out of EEC (used if not defined in the product sheet)
@@ -201,8 +187,7 @@
LabelAccount=Oznaka računa
LabelOperation=Label operation
-AccountingDirectionHelp=For an accounting account of a customer, use Credit to record a payment you received
For an accounting account of a supplier, use Debit to record a payment you make
LetteringCode=Lettering code
@@ -210,24 +195,23 @@
NumPiece=Broj komada
TransactionNumShort=Num. transaction
AccountingCategory=Personalized groups
-GroupByAccountAccounting=Group by general ledger account
-GroupBySubAccountAccounting=Group by subledger account
+GroupByAccountAccounting=Group by accounting account
AccountingAccountGroupsDesc=You can define here some groups of accounting account. They will be used for personalized accounting reports.
ByAccounts=By accounts
ByPredefinedAccountGroups=By predefined groups
ByPersonalizedAccountGroups=By personalized groups
ByYear=Po godini
NotMatch=Nije postavljeno
-DeleteMvt=Delete some operation lines from accounting
+DeleteMvt=Delete Ledger lines
DelMonth=Month to delete
DelYear=Godina za obrisati
DelJournal=Dnevnik za obrisati
-ConfirmDeleteMvt=This will delete all operation lines of the accounting for the year/month and/or for a specific journal (At least one criterion is required). You will have to reuse the feature '%s' to have the deleted record back in the ledger.
-ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=This will delete the transaction from the accounting (all operation lines related to the same transaction will be deleted)
+ConfirmDeleteMvt=This will delete all lines of the Ledger for the year/month and/or from a specific journal (At least one criterion is required). You will have to reuse the feature 'Registration in accounting' to have the deleted record back in the ledger.
+ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=This will delete the transaction from the Ledger (all lines related to same transaction will be deleted)
FinanceJournal=Finance journal
ExpenseReportsJournal=Expense reports journal
DescFinanceJournal=Financijski izvještaj uključujući sve tipove plačanja po bankovnom računom
-DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=This is a view of record that are bound to an accounting account and can be recorded into the Journals and Ledger.
+DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=This is a view of record that are bound to an accounting account and can be recorded into the Ledger.
VATAccountNotDefined=Account for VAT not defined
ThirdpartyAccountNotDefined=Account for third party not defined
ProductAccountNotDefined=Account for product not defined
@@ -253,7 +237,7 @@
OpeningBalance=Opening balance
ShowOpeningBalance=Show opening balance
HideOpeningBalance=Hide opening balance
-ShowSubtotalByGroup=Show subtotal by level
+ShowSubtotalByGroup=Show subtotal by group
Pcgtype=Group of account
PcgtypeDesc=Group of account are used as predefined 'filter' and 'grouping' criteria for some accounting reports. For example, 'INCOME' or 'EXPENSE' are used as groups for accounting accounts of products to build the expense/income report.
@@ -276,13 +260,11 @@
DescVentilExpenseReportMore=If you setup accounting account on type of expense report lines, the application will be able to make all the binding between your expense report lines and the accounting account of your chart of accounts, just in one click with the button "%s". If account was not set on fees dictionary or if you still have some lines not bound to any account, you will have to make a manual binding from the menu "%s".
DescVentilDoneExpenseReport=Consult here the list of the lines of expenses reports and their fees accounting account
-Closure=Annual closure
DescClosure=Consult here the number of movements by month who are not validated & fiscal years already open
OverviewOfMovementsNotValidated=Step 1/ Overview of movements not validated. (Necessary to close a fiscal year)
-AllMovementsWereRecordedAsValidated=All movements were recorded as validated
-NotAllMovementsCouldBeRecordedAsValidated=Not all movements could be recorded as validated
ValidateMovements=Validate movements
DescValidateMovements=Any modification or deletion of writing, lettering and deletes will be prohibited. All entries for an exercise must be validated otherwise closing will not be possible
+SelectMonthAndValidate=Select month and validate movements
ValidateHistory=Bind Automatically
AutomaticBindingDone=Automatic binding done
@@ -300,10 +282,8 @@
NotYetAccounted=Not yet accounted in ledger
ShowTutorial=Show Tutorial
NotReconciled=Not reconciled
-WarningRecordWithoutSubledgerAreExcluded=Warning, all operations without subledger account defined are filtered and excluded from this view
## Admin
-BindingOptions=Binding options
ApplyMassCategories=Primjeni masovne kategorije
AddAccountFromBookKeepingWithNoCategories=Available account not yet in the personalized group
CategoryDeleted=Category for the accounting account has been removed
@@ -323,9 +303,6 @@
AccountingAccountForSalesTaxAreDefinedInto=Note: Accounting account for Sales tax are defined into menu %s - %s
NumberOfAccountancyEntries=Number of entries
NumberOfAccountancyMovements=Number of movements
-ACCOUNTING_DISABLE_BINDING_ON_SALES=Disable binding & transfer in accountancy on sales (customer invoices will not be taken into account in accounting)
-ACCOUNTING_DISABLE_BINDING_ON_PURCHASES=Disable binding & transfer in accountancy on purchases (vendor invoices will not be taken into account in accounting)
-ACCOUNTING_DISABLE_BINDING_ON_EXPENSEREPORTS=Disable binding & transfer in accountancy on expense reports (expense reports will not be taken into account in accounting)
## Export
ExportDraftJournal=Export draft journal
@@ -345,11 +322,8 @@
Modelcsv_openconcerto=Export for OpenConcerto (Test)
Modelcsv_configurable=Export CSV Configurable
Modelcsv_FEC=Export FEC
-Modelcsv_FEC2=Export FEC (With dates generation writing / document reversed)
Modelcsv_Sage50_Swiss=Export for Sage 50 Switzerland
Modelcsv_winfic=Export Winfic - eWinfic - WinSis Compta
-Modelcsv_Gestinumv3=Export for Gestinum (v3)
-Modelcsv_Gestinumv5Export for Gestinum (v5)
ChartofaccountsId=Chart of accounts Id
## Tools - Init accounting account on product / service
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_admin.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_admin.lang
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
YourSession=Vaša sesija
Sessions=Users Sessions
WebUserGroup=Web Server korisnik/grupa
-PermissionsOnFilesInWebRoot=Permissions on files in web root directory
-PermissionsOnFile=Permissions on file %s
NoSessionFound=Your PHP configuration seems to not allow listing of active sessions. The directory used to save sessions (%s) may be protected (for example by OS permissions or by PHP directive open_basedir).
DBStoringCharset=Database charset to store data
DBSortingCharset=Charset baze za sortiranje podataka
@@ -56,8 +54,6 @@
UploadNewTemplate=Upload new template(s)
FormToTestFileUploadForm=Obrazac za testiranje uploada datoteka (sukladno postavkama)
-ModuleMustBeEnabled=The module/application %s must be enabled
-ModuleIsEnabled=The module/application %s has been enabled
IfModuleEnabled=Napomena: DA je efektivno samo ako je modul %s omogućen
RemoveLock=Remove/rename file %s if it exists, to allow usage of the Update/Install tool.
RestoreLock=Restore file %s, with read permission only, to disable any further use of the Update/Install tool.
@@ -75,7 +71,7 @@
UseSearchToSelectCompanyTooltip=Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant COMPANY_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectContactTooltip=Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant CONTACT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
DelaiedFullListToSelectCompany=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Third Parties combo list.
This may increase performance if you have a large number of third parties, but it is less convenient.
-DelaiedFullListToSelectContact=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Contact combo list.
This may increase performance if you have a large number of contacts, but it is less convenient.
+DelaiedFullListToSelectContact=Wait until a key is pressed before loading content of Contact combo list.
This may increase performance if you have a large number of contacts, but it is less convenient)
NumberOfKeyToSearch=Number of characters to trigger search: %s
NumberOfBytes=Number of Bytes
SearchString=Search string
@@ -84,9 +80,9 @@
JavascriptDisabled=JavaScript onemogućen
UsePreviewTabs=Koristi karticu pregleda
ShowPreview=Prikaži pregled
-ShowHideDetails=Show-Hide details
PreviewNotAvailable=Pregled nije dostupan
ThemeCurrentlyActive=Tema trenutno aktivna
+CurrentTimeZone=Vremenska zona PHP (server)
MySQLTimeZone=TimeZone MySql (database)
TZHasNoEffect=Dates are stored and returned by database server as if they were kept as submitted string. The timezone has effect only when using the UNIX_TIMESTAMP function (that should not be used by Dolibarr, so database TZ should have no effect, even if changed after data was entered).
@@ -154,8 +150,8 @@
Purge=Trajno izbriši
PurgeAreaDesc=This page allows you to delete all files generated or stored by Dolibarr (temporary files or all files in %s directory). Using this feature is not normally necessary. It is provided as a workaround for users whose Dolibarr is hosted by a provider that does not offer permissions to delete files generated by the web server.
PurgeDeleteLogFile=Delete log files, including %s defined for Syslog module (no risk of losing data)
-PurgeDeleteTemporaryFiles=Delete all log and temporary files (no risk of losing data). Note: Deletion of temporary files is done only if the temp directory was created more than 24 hours ago.
-PurgeDeleteTemporaryFilesShort=Delete log and temporary files
+PurgeDeleteTemporaryFiles=Delete all temporary files (no risk of losing data). Note: Deletion is done only if the temp directory was created 24 hours ago.
+PurgeDeleteTemporaryFilesShort=Obriši privremene datoteke
PurgeDeleteAllFilesInDocumentsDir=Delete all files in directory: %s.
This will delete all generated documents related to elements (third parties, invoices etc...), files uploaded into the ECM module, database backup dumps and temporary files.
PurgeRunNow=Izbriši sada
PurgeNothingToDelete=Nema mapa i datoteka za brisanje.
@@ -257,7 +253,6 @@
OtherResources=Drugi izvori
ExternalResources=External Resources
SocialNetworks=Social Networks
-SocialNetworkId=Social Network ID
ForDocumentationSeeWiki=Za korisničku ili razvojnu dokumentciju ( DOC, FAQ...)
pogledajte na Dolibarr Wiki-u:
ForAnswersSeeForum=Za sva ostala pitanja/pomoć, obratite se na Dolibarr forumu:
HelpCenterDesc1=Here are some resources for getting help and support with Dolibarr.
@@ -276,7 +271,7 @@
NewByMonth=New by month
EMailsSetup=podešavanje e-pošte
-EMailsDesc=This page allows you to set parameters or options for email sending.
+EMailsDesc=This page allows you to override your default PHP parameters for email sending. In most cases on Unix/Linux OS, the PHP setup is correct and these parameters are unnecessary.
EmailSenderProfiles=Emails sender profiles
EMailsSenderProfileDesc=You can keep this section empty. If you enter some emails here, they will be added to the list of possible senders into the combobox when your write a new email.
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT=SMTP/SMTPS Port (default value in php.ini: %s)
@@ -294,7 +289,6 @@
MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW=SMTP Password (if sending server requires authentication)
-MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_SMTP_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED=Authorise les certificats auto-signés
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_ENABLED=Use DKIM to generate email signature
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_DKIM_DOMAIN=Email Domain for use with dkim
@@ -306,9 +300,8 @@
UserEmail=User email
CompanyEmail=Company Email
FeatureNotAvailableOnLinux=Mogućnost nije dostupna na UNIX-u. Testirajte sendmail program lokalno.
-FixOnTransifex=Fix the translation on the online translation platform of project
SubmitTranslation=If the translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files in directory langs/%s and submit your change to www.transifex.com/dolibarr-association/dolibarr/
-SubmitTranslationENUS=If translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files into directory langs/%s and submit modified files on dolibarr.org/forum or, if you are a developer, with a PR on github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr
+SubmitTranslationENUS=If translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files into directory langs/%s and submit modified files on dolibarr.org/forum or for developers on github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr.
ModuleSetup=Podešavanje modula
ModulesSetup=Podešavanje modula/aplikacija
@@ -377,7 +370,7 @@
ListOfDirectories=Popis mapa sa OpenDocument predlošcima
ListOfDirectoriesForModelGenODT=List of directories containing templates files with OpenDocument format.
Put here full path of directories.
Add a carriage return between eah directory.
To add a directory of the GED module, add here DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/yourdirectoryname.
Files in those directories must end with .odt or .ods.
NumberOfModelFilesFound=Number of ODT/ODS template files found in these directories
-ExampleOfDirectoriesForModelGen=Examples of syntax:
Da bi ste saznali kako kreirati ODT predloške dokumenata, prije pohranjivanja istih u navedene mape, pročitajte wiki dokumentaciju na:
FirstnameNamePosition=Pozicija Imena/Prezimena
@@ -393,12 +386,12 @@
SecurityToken=Key to secure URLs
NoSmsEngine=No SMS sender manager available. A SMS sender manager is not installed with the default distribution because they depend on an external vendor, but you can find some on %s
-PDFDesc=Global options for PDF generation
-PDFAddressForging=Rules for address section
+PDFDesc=Global options for PDF generation.
+PDFAddressForging=Rules for address boxes
HideAnyVATInformationOnPDF=Hide all information related to Sales Tax / VAT
PDFRulesForSalesTax=Rules for Sales Tax / VAT
PDFLocaltax=Rules for %s
-HideLocalTaxOnPDF=Hide %s rate in column Sale Tax / VAT
+HideLocalTaxOnPDF=Hide %s rate in column Tax Sale
HideDescOnPDF=Hide products description
HideRefOnPDF=Hide products ref.
HideDetailsOnPDF=Hide product lines details
@@ -408,16 +401,14 @@
SecurityTokenIsUnique=Koristi jedinstven securekey parametar za svaki URL
EnterRefToBuildUrl=Unesite referencu za objekt %s
GetSecuredUrl=Traži izračunan URL
-ButtonHideUnauthorized=Hide unauthorized action buttons also for internal users (just greyed otherwise)
+ButtonHideUnauthorized=Hide buttons for non-admin users for unauthorized actions instead of showing greyed disabled buttons
OldVATRates=Stara stopa PDV-a
NewVATRates=Nova stopa PDV-a
PriceBaseTypeToChange=Promjeni cijene sa baznom referentnom vrijednosti definiranoj na
MassConvert=Launch bulk conversion
PriceFormatInCurrentLanguage=Price Format In Current Language
-String1Line=String (1 line)
TextLong=Long text
-TextLongNLines=Long text (n lines)
HtmlText=Html text
@@ -444,9 +435,9 @@
ExtrafieldParamHelpselect=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')
for example:
In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:
In order to have the list depending on another list:
ExtrafieldParamHelpcheckbox=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')
for example:
ExtrafieldParamHelpradio=List of values must be lines with format key,value (where key can't be '0')
for example:
-ExtrafieldParamHelpsellist=List of values comes from a table
Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter
Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter
- id_field is necessarly a primary int key
- filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value
You can also use $ID$ in filter which is the current id of current object
To use a SELECT into the filter use the keyword $SEL$ to bypass anti-injection protection.
if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)
In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:
In order to have the list depending on another list:
+ExtrafieldParamHelpsellist=List of values comes from a table
Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter
Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter
- idfilter is necessarly a primary int key
- filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value
You can also use $ID$ in filter witch is the current id of current object
To do a SELECT in filter use $SEL$
if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)
In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:
In order to have the list depending on another list:
ExtrafieldParamHelpchkbxlst=List of values comes from a table
Syntax: table_name:label_field:id_field::filter
Example: c_typent:libelle:id::filter
filter can be a simple test (eg active=1) to display only active value
You can also use $ID$ in filter witch is the current id of current object
To do a SELECT in filter use $SEL$
if you want to filter on extrafields use syntax extra.fieldcode=... (where field code is the code of extrafield)
In order to have the list depending on another complementary attribute list:
In order to have the list depending on another list:
-ExtrafieldParamHelplink=Parameters must be ObjectName:Classpath
Syntax: ObjectName:Classpath
+ExtrafieldParamHelplink=Parameters must be ObjectName:Classpath
Syntax: ObjectName:Classpath
ExtrafieldParamHelpSeparator=Keep empty for a simple separator
Set this to 1 for a collapsing separator (open by default for new session, then status is kept for each user session)
Set this to 2 for a collapsing separator (collapsed by default for new session, then status is kept fore each user session)
LibraryToBuildPDF=Biblioteka korištena za kreiranje PDF-a
LocalTaxDesc=Some countries may apply two or three taxes on each invoice line. If this is the case, choose the type for the second and third tax and its rate. Possible type are:
1: local tax apply on products and services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)
2: local tax apply on products and services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main tax)
3: local tax apply on products without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)
4: local tax apply on products including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + main vat)
5: local tax apply on services without vat (localtax is calculated on amount without tax)
6: local tax apply on services including vat (localtax is calculated on amount + tax)
@@ -484,13 +475,9 @@
ModuleCompanyCodeSupplierDigitaria=%s followed by the truncated supplier name by the number of characters: %s for the supplier accounting code.
Use3StepsApproval=By default, Purchase Orders need to be created and approved by 2 different users (one step/user to create and one step/user to approve. Note that if user has both permission to create and approve, one step/user will be enough). You can ask with this option to introduce a third step/user approval, if amount is higher than a dedicated value (so 3 steps will be necessary: 1=validation, 2=first approval and 3=second approval if amount is enough).
Set this to empty if one approval (2 steps) is enough, set it to a very low value (0.1) if a second approval (3 steps) is always required.
UseDoubleApproval=Koristi 3 koraka odobravanja kada je iznos (bez poreza) veći od...
-WarningPHPMail=WARNING: The setup to send emails from the application is using the default generic setup. It is often better to setup outgoing emails to use the email server of your Email Service Provider instead of the default setup for several reasons:
-WarningPHPMailA=- Using the server of the Email Service Provider increases the trustability of your email, so it increases the deliverablity without being flagged as SPAM
-WarningPHPMailB=- Some Email Service Providers (like Yahoo) do not allow you to send an email from another server than their own server. Your current setup uses the server of the application to send email and not the server of your email provider, so some recipients (the one compatible with the restrictive DMARC protocol), will ask your email provider if they can accept your email and some email providers (like Yahoo) may respond "no" because the server is not theirs, so few of your sent Emails may not be accepted for delivery (be careful also of your email provider's sending quota).
-WarningPHPMailC=- Using the SMTP server of your own Email Service Provider to send emails is also interesting so all emails sent from application will also be saved into your "Sent" directory of your mailbox.
-WarningPHPMailD=If the method 'PHP Mail' is really the method you would like to use, you can remove this warning by adding the constant MAIN_HIDE_WARNING_TO_ENCOURAGE_SMTP_SETUP to 1 in Home - Setup - Other.
+WarningPHPMail=WARNING: It is often better to setup outgoing emails to use the email server of your provider instead of the default setup. Some email providers (like Yahoo) do not allow you to send an email from another server than their own server. Your current setup uses the server of the application to send email and not the server of your email provider, so some recipients (the one compatible with the restrictive DMARC protocol), will ask your email provider if they can accept your email and some email providers (like Yahoo) may respond "no" because the server is not theirs, so few of your sent Emails may not be accepted (be careful also of your email provider's sending quota).
If your Email provider (like Yahoo) has this restriction, you must change Email setup to choose the other method "SMTP server" and enter the SMTP server and credentials provided by your Email provider.
WarningPHPMail2=If your email SMTP provider need to restrict email client to some IP addresses (very rare), this is the IP address of the mail user agent (MUA) for your ERP CRM application: %s.
-WarningPHPMailSPF=If the domain name in your sender email address is protected by a SPF record (ask you domain name registar), you must add the following IPs in the SPF record of the DNS of your domain: %s.
+WarningPHPMailSPF=If the domain name in your sender email address is protected by SPF (ask you email provider), you must include the following IPs in the SPF record of the DNS of your domain: %s.
ClickToShowDescription=Click to show description
DependsOn=This module needs the module(s)
RequiredBy=This module is required by module(s)
@@ -535,7 +522,7 @@
Module23Desc=Praćenje potrošnje energije
Module25Name=Narudžbe kupaca
Module25Desc=Sales order management
-Module30Name=Izlazni računi
Module30Desc=Management of invoices and credit notes for customers. Management of invoices and credit notes for suppliers
Module40Desc=Vendors and purchase management (purchase orders and billing of supplier invoices)
@@ -556,11 +543,13 @@
Module55Desc=Upravljanje barkodovima
Module56Name=Payment by credit transfer
-Module56Desc=Management of payment of suppliers by Credit Transfer orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries.
-Module57Name=Payments by Direct Debit
-Module57Desc=Management of Direct Debit orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries.
+Module56Desc=Management of payment of suppliers by credit transfer orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries.
+Module57Name=Bank Direct Debit payments
+Module57Desc=Management of Direct Debit payment orders. It includes generation of SEPA file for European countries.
Module58Desc=Integracija ClickToDial sistema (Asterisk, ...)
+Module59Desc=Add function to generate Bookmark4u account from a Dolibarr account
Module60Desc=Management of stickers
@@ -664,13 +653,13 @@
Module50300Desc=Offer customers a Stripe online payment page (credit/debit cards). This can be used to allow your customers to make ad-hoc payments or payments related to a specific Dolibarr object (invoice, order etc...)
Module50400Name=Accounting (double entry)
-Module50400Desc=Accounting management (double entries, support General and Subsidiary Ledgers). Export the ledger in several other accounting software formats.
+Module50400Desc=Accounting management (double entries, support general and auxiliary ledgers). Export the ledger in several other accounting software formats.
Module54000Desc=Direct print (without opening the documents) using Cups IPP interface (Printer must be visible from server, and CUPS must be installed on server).
Module55000Name=Anketa, Upitnik ili Glasanje
Module55000Desc=Create online polls, surveys or votes (like Doodle, Studs, RDVz etc...)
-Module59000Desc=Module to follow margins
+Module59000Desc=Modul za upravljanje maržama
Module60000Desc=Modul za upravljanje provizijama
@@ -679,7 +668,7 @@
Module63000Desc=Manage resources (printers, cars, rooms, ...) for allocating to events
Permission11=Pregledaj izlazne račune
Permission12=Izradi/promijeni izlazne račune
-Permission13=Invalidate customer invoices
+Permission13=Ne ovjeravaj izlazni račun
Permission14=Ovjeri izlazni račun
Permission15=Pošalji izlazni račun e-poštom
Permission16=Unesi plaćanja izlaznih računa
@@ -696,7 +685,6 @@
Permission34=Obriši proizvod
Permission36=Pregled/upravljanje skrivenim proizvodima
Permission38=izvoz proizvoda
-Permission39=Ignore minimum price
Permission41=Read projects and tasks (shared project and projects I'm contact for). Can also enter time consumed, for me or my hierarchy, on assigned tasks (Timesheet)
Permission42=Create/modify projects (shared project and projects I'm contact for). Can also create tasks and assign users to project and tasks
Permission44=Delete projects (shared project and projects I'm contact for)
@@ -705,9 +693,6 @@
Permission62=Izradi/promjeni intervencije
Permission64=Obriši intervencije
Permission67=Izvezi intervencije
-Permission68=Send interventions by email
-Permission69=Validate interventions
-Permission70=Invalidate interventions
Permission71=Čitaj članove
Permission72=Izradi/izmjeni članove
Permission74=Obriši članove
@@ -730,7 +715,6 @@
Permission101=Čitaj slanja
Permission102=Izradi/izmjeni slanja
Permission104=Ovjeri slanja
-Permission105=Send sendings by email
Permission106=Izvezi slanja
Permission109=Obriši slanja
Permission111=Čitanje financijskih računa
@@ -838,11 +822,10 @@
Permission403=Ovjeri popuste
Permission404=Obriši popuste
Permission430=Use Debug Bar
-Permission511=Read payments of salaries (yours and subordinates)
+Permission511=Read payments of salaries
Permission512=Create/modify payments of salaries
Permission514=Delete payments of salaries
-Permission517=Read payments of salaries of everybody
-Permission519=Izvoz plaća
+Permission517=Izvoz plaća
Permission520=Čitaj kredite
Permission522=Izradi/izmjeni kredite
Permission524=Obriši kredite
@@ -853,19 +836,9 @@
Permission534=Obriši usluge
Permission536=Vidi/upravljaj skrivenim uslugama
Permission538=Izvezi usluge
-Permission561=Read payment orders by credit transfer
-Permission562=Create/modify payment order by credit transfer
-Permission563=Send/Transmit payment order by credit transfer
-Permission564=Record Debits/Rejections of credit transfer
-Permission601=Read stickers
-Permission602=Create/modify stickers
-Permission609=Delete stickers
Permission650=Read Bills of Materials
Permission651=Create/Update Bills of Materials
Permission652=Delete Bills of Materials
-Permission660=Read Manufacturing Order (MO)
-Permission661=Create/Update Manufacturing Order (MO)
-Permission662=Delete Manufacturing Order (MO)
Permission701=Čitaj donacije
Permission702=Izradi/izmjeni donacije
Permission703=Obriši donacije
@@ -875,15 +848,13 @@
Permission774=Čitaj sve izvještaje troškova (čak i svoje i podređenih)
Permission775=Odobri izvještaje trška
Permission776=Isplati izvještaje troškova
-Permission777=Read expense reports of everybody
-Permission778=Create/modify expense reports of everybody
Permission779=Izvezi izvještaje troškova
Permission1001=Čitaj zalihe
Permission1002=Izradi/izmjeni skladišta
Permission1003=Obriši skladišta
Permission1004=Čitaj kretanja zaliha
Permission1005=Izradi/izmjeni kretanja zaliha
-Permission1101=Pregledaj otpremnice
+Permission1101=Read delivery receipts
Permission1102=Create/modify delivery receipts
Permission1104=Validate delivery receipts
Permission1109=Delete delivery receipts
@@ -901,9 +872,7 @@
Permission1186=Order purchase orders
Permission1187=Acknowledge receipt of purchase orders
Permission1188=Delete purchase orders
-Permission1189=Check/Uncheck a purchase order reception
Permission1190=Approve (second approval) purchase orders
-Permission1191=Export supplier orders and their attributes
Permission1201=Primi rezultat izvoza
Permission1202=Izradi/izmjeni izvoz
Permission1231=Read vendor invoices
@@ -917,8 +886,6 @@
Permission1321=Izvezi račune kupaca, atribute i plačanja
Permission1322=Reopen a paid bill
Permission1421=Export sales orders and attributes
-Permission1521=Read documents
-Permission1522=Delete documents
Permission2401=Read actions (events or tasks) linked to his user account (if owner of event or just assigned to)
Permission2402=Create/modify actions (events or tasks) linked to his user account (if owner of event)
Permission2403=Delete actions (events or tasks) linked to his user account (if owner of event)
@@ -933,7 +900,6 @@
Permission2801=Koristi FTP klijent u načinu čitanja (samo pregled i download)
Permission2802=Koristi FTP klijent u načinu pisanja (brisanje ili upload)
Permission3200=Read archived events and fingerprints
-Permission3301=Generate new modules
Permission4001=See employees
Permission4002=Create employees
Permission4003=Delete employees
@@ -953,13 +919,9 @@
Permission23002=Izradi/izmjeni Planirani posao
Permission23003=Obriši planirani posao
Permission23004=Izvrši planirani posao
-Permission50101=Use Point of Sale (SimplePOS)
-Permission50151=Use Point of Sale (TakePOS)
+Permission50101=Use Point of Sale
Permission50201=Čitaj transakcije
Permission50202=Uvezi transakcije
-Permission50330=Read objects of Zapier
-Permission50331=Create/Update objects of Zapier
-Permission50332=Delete objects of Zapier
Permission50401=Bind products and invoices with accounting accounts
Permission50411=Read operations in ledger
Permission50412=Write/Edit operations in ledger
@@ -983,21 +945,9 @@
Permission63002=Izradi/izmjeni sredstva
Permission63003=Obriši sredstva
Permission63004=Poveži sredstava sa događajima agende
-Permission64001=Allow direct printing
-Permission67000=Allow printing of receipts
-Permission68001=Read intracomm report
-Permission68002=Create/modify intracomm report
-Permission68004=Delete intracomm report
-Permission941601=Read receipts
-Permission941602=Create and modify receipts
-Permission941603=Validate receipts
-Permission941604=Send receipts by email
-Permission941605=Export receipts
-Permission941606=Delete receipts
DictionaryCompanyType=Vrste trećih osoba
DictionaryCompanyJuridicalType=Third-party legal entities
-DictionaryProspectLevel=Prospect potential level for companies
-DictionaryProspectContactLevel=Prospect potential level for contacts
+DictionaryProspectLevel=Potencijalni kupac
@@ -1027,14 +977,11 @@
DictionaryMeasuringUnits=Measuring Units
DictionarySocialNetworks=Social Networks
-DictionaryProspectStatus=Prospect status for companies
-DictionaryProspectContactStatus=Prospect status for contacts
+DictionaryProspectStatus=Status potencijalnog kupca
DictionaryHolidayTypes=Types of leave
DictionaryOpportunityStatus=Lead status for project/lead
DictionaryExpenseTaxCat=Expense report - Transportation categories
DictionaryExpenseTaxRange=Expense report - Range by transportation category
-DictionaryTransportMode=Intracomm report - Transport mode
-TypeOfUnit=Type of unit
SetupSaved=Postavi spremljeno
SetupNotSaved=Setup not saved
BackToModuleList=Back to Module list
@@ -1085,7 +1032,6 @@
LabelOnDocuments=Oznake na dokumentima
LabelOrTranslationKey=Label or translation key
ValueOfConstantKey=Value of a configuration constant
-ConstantIsOn=Option %s is on
NbOfDays=No. of days
AtEndOfMonth=Na kraju mjeseca
@@ -1130,7 +1076,7 @@
BackgroundImageLogin=Background image
PermanentLeftSearchForm=Stalni obrazac za pretraživanje na ljevom izborniku
DefaultLanguage=Default language
-EnableMultilangInterface=Enable multilanguage support for customer or vendor relationships
+EnableMultilangInterface=Enable multilanguage support
EnableShowLogo=Show the company logo in the menu
CompanyIds=Company/Organization identities
@@ -1184,7 +1130,6 @@
InfoDatabase=O bazi podataka
InfoPerf=O izvođenju
-InfoSecurity=About Security
BrowserName=Naziv preglednika
BrowserOS=OS preglednika
ListOfSecurityEvents=Popis Dolibarr sigurnosnih događaja
@@ -1234,8 +1179,7 @@
RestoreDesc2=Restore the backup file (zip file for example) of the "documents" directory to a new Dolibarr installation or into this current documents directory (%s).
RestoreDesc3=Restore the database structure and data from a backup dump file into the database of the new Dolibarr installation or into the database of this current installation (%s). Warning, once the restore is complete, you must use a login/password, that existed from the backup time/installation to connect again.
To restore a backup database into this current installation, you can follow this assistant.
RestoreMySQL=MySQL uvoz
-ForcedToByAModule=Ovo pravilo je forsirano na %s od aktiviranog modula
-ValueIsForcedBySystem=This value is forced by the system. You can't change it.
+ForcedToByAModule= Ovo pravilo je forsirano na %s od aktiviranog modula
PreviousDumpFiles=Existing backup files
PreviousArchiveFiles=Existing archive files
WeekStartOnDay=First day of the week
@@ -1296,8 +1240,7 @@
NewTranslationStringToShow=Novi prevedeni tekst za prikaz
OriginalValueWas=The original translation is overwritten. Original value was:
TransKeyWithoutOriginalValue=You forced a new translation for the translation key '%s' that does not exist in any language files
-TitleNumberOfActivatedModules=Activated modules
-TotalNumberOfActivatedModules=Activated modules: %s / %s
+TotalNumberOfActivatedModules=Activated application/modules: %s / %s
YouMustEnableOneModule=Morate omogućiti barem 1 modul
ClassNotFoundIntoPathWarning=Class %s not found in PHP path
YesInSummer=Da u ljeto
@@ -1308,7 +1251,7 @@
YouDoNotUseBestDriver=You use driver %s but driver %s is recommended.
NbOfObjectIsLowerThanNoPb=You have only %s %s in the database. This does not require any particular optimization.
SearchOptim=Optimizacija pretrage
-YouHaveXObjectUseSearchOptim=You have %s %s in the database. You can add the constant %s to 1 in Home-Setup-Other. Limit the search to the beginning of strings which makes it possible for the database to use indexes and you should get an immediate response.
+YouHaveXObjectUseSearchOptim=You have %s %s in the database. You should add the constant %s to 1 in Home-Setup-Other. Limit the search to the beginning of strings which makes it possible for the database to use indexes and you should get an immediate response.
YouHaveXObjectAndSearchOptimOn=You have %s %s in the database and constant %s is set to 1 in Home-Setup-Other.
BrowserIsOK=You are using the %s web browser. This browser is ok for security and performance.
BrowserIsKO=You are using the %s web browser. This browser is known to be a bad choice for security, performance and reliability. We recommend using Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari.
@@ -1316,7 +1259,6 @@
PreloadOPCode=Preloaded OPCode is used
AddRefInList=Display Customer/Vendor ref. info list (select list or combobox) and most of hyperlink.
Third Parties will appear with a name format of "CC12345 - SC45678 - The Big Company corp." instead of "The Big Company corp".
AddAdressInList=Display Customer/Vendor adress info list (select list or combobox)
Third Parties will appear with a name format of "The Big Company corp. - 21 jump street 123456 Big town - USA" instead of "The Big Company corp".
-AddEmailPhoneTownInContactList=Display Contact email (or phones if not defined) and town info list (select list or combobox)
Contacts will appear with a name format of "Dupond Durand - dupond.durand@email.com - Paris" or "Dupond Durand - 06 07 59 65 66 - Paris" instead of "Dupond Durand".
AskForPreferredShippingMethod=Ask for preferred shipping method for Third Parties.
FieldEdition=Izdanje polja %s
FillThisOnlyIfRequired=Example: +2 (fill only if timezone offset problems are experienced)
@@ -1324,7 +1266,7 @@
NumberingModules=Numbering models
DocumentModules=Document models
##### Module password generation
-PasswordGenerationStandard=Return a password generated according to internal Dolibarr algorithm: %s characters containing shared numbers and characters in lowercase.
+PasswordGenerationStandard=Return a password generated according to internal Dolibarr algorithm: 8 characters containing shared numbers and characters in lowercase.
PasswordGenerationNone=Do not suggest a generated password. Password must be typed in manually.
PasswordGenerationPerso=Vrati lozinku prema vašoj osobno postavljenoj konfiguraciji.
SetupPerso=Sukladno vašoj konfiguraciji
@@ -1423,7 +1365,6 @@
MemberSendInformationByMailByDefault=Checkbox to send mail confirmation to members (validation or new subscription) is on by default
VisitorCanChooseItsPaymentMode=Visitor can choose from available payment modes
MEMBER_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable automatic reminder by email of expired subscriptions. Note: Module %s must be enabled and correctly setup to send reminders.
-MembersDocModules=Document templates for documents generated from member record
##### LDAP setup #####
LDAPSetup=Podešavanje LDAP
LDAPGlobalParameters=Globalni parametri
@@ -1566,9 +1507,7 @@
ForANonAnonymousAccess=For an authenticated access (for a write access for example)
PerfDolibarr=Performance setup/optimizing report
YouMayFindPerfAdviceHere=This page provides some checks or advice related to performance.
-NotInstalled=Not installed.
-NotSlowedDownByThis=Not slowed down by this.
-NotRiskOfLeakWithThis=Not risk of leak with this.
+NotInstalled=Not installed, so your server is not slowed down by this.
ApplicativeCache=Applicative cache
MemcachedNotAvailable=No applicative cache found. You can enhance performance by installing a cache server Memcached and a module able to use this cache server.
More information here http://wiki.dolibarr.org/index.php/Module_MemCached_EN.
Note that a lot of web hosting provider does not provide such cache server.
MemcachedModuleAvailableButNotSetup=Module memcached for applicative cache found but setup of module is not complete.
@@ -1598,13 +1537,8 @@
ProductServiceSetup=Podešavanje modula Proizvoda i usluga
NumberOfProductShowInSelect=Maximum number of products to show in combo select lists (0=no limit)
ViewProductDescInFormAbility=Display product descriptions in forms (otherwise shown in a tooltip popup)
-DoNotAddProductDescAtAddLines=Do not add product description (from product card) on submit add lines on forms
-OnProductSelectAddProductDesc=How to use the description of the products when adding a product as a line of a document
-AutoFillFormFieldBeforeSubmit=Auto fill the description input field with the description of product
-DoNotAutofillButAutoConcat=Do not autofill the input field with description of product. Description of the product will be concatenated to the entered description automatically.
-DoNotUseDescriptionOfProdut=Description of the product will never be included into the description of lines of documents
MergePropalProductCard=Activate in product/service Attached Files tab an option to merge product PDF document to proposal PDF azur if product/service is in the proposal
-ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Display products descriptions in forms in the language of the third party (otherwise in the language of the user)
+ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Display products descriptions in the language of the third party
UseSearchToSelectProductTooltip=Also if you have a large number of products (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant PRODUCT_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
UseSearchToSelectProduct=Wait until you press a key before loading content of product combo list (This may increase performance if you have a large number of products, but it is less convenient)
SetDefaultBarcodeTypeProducts=Zadana vrsta barkoda za korištenje kod proizvoda
@@ -1621,9 +1555,9 @@
SyslogFilename=Naziv datoteke i putanja
YouCanUseDOL_DATA_ROOT=You can use DOL_DATA_ROOT/dolibarr.log for a log file in Dolibarr "documents" directory. You can set a different path to store this file.
ErrorUnknownSyslogConstant=Constant %s is not a known Syslog constant
-OnlyWindowsLOG_USER=On Windows, only the LOG_USER facility will be supported
+OnlyWindowsLOG_USER=Windows only supports LOG_USER
CompressSyslogs=Compression and backup of debug log files (generated by module Log for debug)
-SyslogFileNumberOfSaves=Number of backup logs to keep
+SyslogFileNumberOfSaves=Log backups
ConfigureCleaningCronjobToSetFrequencyOfSaves=Configure cleaning scheduled job to set log backup frequency
##### Donations #####
DonationsSetup=Podešavanje modula donacija
@@ -1679,7 +1613,7 @@
ActivateFCKeditor=Aktiviraj napredni uređivač za:
FCKeditorForCompany=WYSIWIG creation/edition of elements description and note (except products/services)
FCKeditorForProduct=WYSIWIG creation/edition of products/services description and note
-FCKeditorForProductDetails=WYSIWIG creation/edition of products details lines for all entities (proposals, orders, invoices, etc...). Warning: Using this option for this case is seriously not recommended as it can create problems with special characters and page formatting when building PDF files.
+FCKeditorForProductDetails=WYSIWIG creation/edition of products details lines for all entities (proposals, orders, invoices, etc...). Warning: Using this option for this case is seriously not recommended as it can create problems with special characters and page formatting when building PDF files.
FCKeditorForMailing= WYSIWIG creation/edition for mass eMailings (Tools->eMailing)
FCKeditorForUserSignature=WYSIWIG creation/edition of user signature
FCKeditorForMail=WYSIWIG creation/edition for all mail (except Tools->eMailing)
@@ -1689,14 +1623,14 @@
IfYouUsePointOfSaleCheckModule=If you use the Point of Sale module (POS) provided by default or an external module, this setup may be ignored by your POS module. Most POS modules are designed by default to create an invoice immediately and decrease stock irrespective of the options here. So if you need or not to have a stock decrease when registering a sale from your POS, check also your POS module setup.
##### Menu #####
MenuDeleted=Izbornik obrisan
TreeMenuPersonalized=Personizirani izbornik
NotTopTreeMenuPersonalized=Osobni izbornici nisu povezani na gornji izbornik
NewMenu=Novi izbornik
+Menu=Odabir za izbornik
MenuHandler=Nosioc izbornika
MenuModule=Izvorni modul
-HideUnauthorizedMenu=Hide unauthorized menus also for internal users (just greyed otherwise)
+HideUnauthorizedMenu= Sakrij neautorizirane izbornike (sivo)
DetailId=ID Izbornika
DetailMenuHandler=Nosioc izbornika gdje da se prikaže novi izbornik
DetailMenuModule=Naziv modula ako stavka izbornika dolazi iz modula
@@ -1744,16 +1678,15 @@
AGENDA_USE_EVENT_TYPE_DEFAULT=Automatically set this default value for type of event in event create form
AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_TYPE=Automatically set this type of event in search filter of agenda view
AGENDA_DEFAULT_FILTER_STATUS=Automatically set this status for events in search filter of agenda view
-AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW=Which view do you want to open by default when selecting menu Agenda
-AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER=Enable event reminder on user's browser (When remind date is reached, a popup is shown by the browser. Each user can disable such notifications from its browser notification setup).
+AGENDA_DEFAULT_VIEW=Koji tab želite da se otvori kod odabira izbornika Agenda
+AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable event reminder by emails (remind option/delay can be defined on each event). Note: Module %s must be enabled and correctly setup to have reminder sent at the correct frequency.
+AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER=Enable event reminder on user's browser (when event date is reached, each user is able to refuse this from the browser confirmation question)
AGENDA_REMINDER_BROWSER_SOUND=Enable sound notification
-AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL=Enable event reminder by emails (remind option/delay can be defined on each event).
-AGENDA_REMINDER_EMAIL_NOTE=Note: The frequency of the task %s must be enough to be sure that the remind are sent at the correct moment.
AGENDA_SHOW_LINKED_OBJECT=Show linked object into agenda view
##### Clicktodial #####
ClickToDialSetup=Podešavanje modula ClickToDial
ClickToDialUrlDesc=Url called when a click on phone picto is done. In URL, you can use tags
__PHONETO__ that will be replaced with the phone number of person to call
__PHONEFROM__ that will be replaced with phone number of calling person (yours)
__LOGIN__ that will be replaced with clicktodial login (defined on user card)
__PASS__ that will be replaced with clicktodial password (defined on user card).
-ClickToDialDesc=This module change phone numbers, when using a desktop computer, into clickable links. A click will call the number. This can be used to start the phone call when using a soft phone on your desktop or when using a CTI system based on SIP protocol for example. Note: When using a smartphone, phone numbers are always clickable.
+ClickToDialDesc=This module makea phone numbers clickable links. A click on the icon will make your phone call the number. This can be used to call a call-center system from Dolibarr that can call the phone number on a SIP system for example.
ClickToDialUseTelLink=Koristi samo "tel:" kod telefona
ClickToDialUseTelLinkDesc=Use this method if your users have a softphone or a software interface installed on the same computer as the browser, and called when you click on a link in your browser that starts with "tel:". If you need a full server solution (no need of local software installation), you must set this to "No" and fill next field.
##### Point Of Sale (CashDesk) #####
@@ -1845,6 +1778,7 @@
IncludePath=Include path (defined into variable %s)
ExpenseReportsSetup=Podešavanje modula Izvještaji troškova
TemplatePDFExpenseReports=Predlošci dokumenta za generiranje izvještaja troškova
+ExpenseReportsIkSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports - Milles index
ExpenseReportsRulesSetup=Setup of module Expense Reports - Rules
ExpenseReportNumberingModules=Expense reports numbering module
NoModueToManageStockIncrease=No module able to manage automatic stock increase has been activated. Stock increase will be done on manual input only.
@@ -1883,7 +1817,6 @@
Enter0or1=Enter 0 or 1
UnicodeCurrency=Enter here between braces, list of byte number that represent the currency symbol. For example: for $, enter [36] - for brazil real R$ [82,36] - for €, enter [8364]
ColorFormat=The RGB color is in HEX format, eg: FF0000
-PictoHelp=Icon name in dolibarr format ('image.png' if into the current theme directory, 'image.png@nom_du_module' if into the directory /img/ of a module)
PositionIntoComboList=Position of line into combo lists
SellTaxRate=Stopa prodajnog poreza
RecuperableOnly=Yes for VAT "Not Perceived but Recoverable" dedicated for some state in France. Keep value to "No" in all other cases.
@@ -1910,11 +1843,10 @@
MailToSendSupplierOrder=Narudžbe dobavljačima
MailToSendSupplierInvoice=Ulazni računi
MailToThirdparty=Treće osobe
+MailToProject=Projects page
ByDefaultInList=Prikaži kao zadano na popisu
YouUseLastStableVersion=You use the latest stable version
@@ -1924,7 +1856,6 @@
ExampleOfNewsMessageForMaintenanceRelease=Dolibarr ERP & CRM %s is available. Version %s is a maintenance version, so contains only bug fixes. We recommend all users to upgrade to this version. A maintenance release does not introduce new features or changes to the database. You may download it from the download area of https://www.dolibarr.org portal (subdirectory Stable versions). You can read the ChangeLog for complete list of changes.
MultiPriceRuleDesc=When option "Several levels of prices per product/service" is enabled, you can define different prices (one per price level) for each product. To save you time, here you may enter a rule to autocalculate a price for each level based on the price of the first level, so you will have to only enter a price for the first level for each product. This page is designed to save you time but is useful only if your prices for each level are relative to first level. You can ignore this page in most cases.
ModelModulesProduct=Predlošci za dokumente proizvoda
-WarehouseModelModules=Templates for documents of warehouses
ToGenerateCodeDefineAutomaticRuleFirst=To be able to generate codes automatically, you must first define a manager to auto-define the barcode number.
SeeSubstitutionVars=Vidi * napomenu za popis mogućih zamjenskih varijabli
SeeChangeLog=See ChangeLog file (english only)
@@ -1963,7 +1894,6 @@
NothingToSetup=There is no specific setup required for this module.
SetToYesIfGroupIsComputationOfOtherGroups=Set this to yes if this group is a computation of other groups
EnterCalculationRuleIfPreviousFieldIsYes=Enter calculation rule if previous field was set to Yes (For example 'CODEGRP1+CODEGRP2')
@@ -1990,12 +1920,11 @@
MailboxSourceDirectory=Mailbox source directory
MailboxTargetDirectory=Mailbox target directory
EmailcollectorOperations=Operations to do by collector
-EmailcollectorOperationsDesc=Operations are executed from top to bottom order
MaxEmailCollectPerCollect=Max number of emails collected per collect
CollectNow=Collect now
ConfirmCloneEmailCollector=Are you sure you want to clone the Email collector %s ?
-DateLastCollectResult=Date of latest collect try
-DateLastcollectResultOk=Date of latest collect success
+DateLastCollectResult=Date latest collect tried
+DateLastcollectResultOk=Date latest collect successfull
LastResult=Latest result
EmailCollectorConfirmCollectTitle=Email collect confirmation
EmailCollectorConfirmCollect=Do you want to run the collection for this collector now ?
@@ -2004,16 +1933,13 @@
XEmailsDoneYActionsDone=%s emails qualified, %s emails successfully processed (for %s record/actions done)
RecordEvent=Record email event
CreateLeadAndThirdParty=Create lead (and third party if necessary)
-CreateTicketAndThirdParty=Create ticket (and link to third party if it was loaded by a previous operation)
+CreateTicketAndThirdParty=Create ticket (and third party if necessary)
CodeLastResult=Latest result code
NbOfEmailsInInbox=Number of emails in source directory
LoadThirdPartyFromName=Load third party searching on %s (load only)
LoadThirdPartyFromNameOrCreate=Load third party searching on %s (create if not found)
-WithDolTrackingID=Message from a conversation initiated by a first email sent from Dolibarr
-WithoutDolTrackingID=Message from a conversation initiated by a first email NOT sent from Dolibarr
-WithDolTrackingIDInMsgId=Message sent from Dolibarr
-WithoutDolTrackingIDInMsgId=Message NOT sent from Dolibarr
-CreateCandidature=Create job application
+WithDolTrackingID=Dolibarr Reference found in Message ID
+WithoutDolTrackingID=Dolibarr Reference not found in Message ID
MainMenuCode=Menu entry code (mainmenu)
ECMAutoTree=Show automatic ECM tree
@@ -2027,7 +1953,7 @@
EnableResourceUsedInEventCheck=Enable feature to check if a resource is in use in an event
ConfirmUnactivation=Confirm module reset
OnMobileOnly=On small screen (smartphone) only
-DisableProspectCustomerType=Disable the "Prospect + Customer" third party type (so third party must be "Prospect" or "Customer", but can't be both)
+DisableProspectCustomerType=Disable the "Prospect + Customer" third party type (so third party must be Prospect or Customer but can't be both)
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSER=Simplify interface for blind person
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORTEXTBROWSERDesc=Enable this option if you are a blind person, or if you use the application from a text browser like Lynx or Links.
MAIN_OPTIMIZEFORCOLORBLIND=Change interface's color for color blind person
@@ -2049,15 +1975,13 @@
DEBUGBAR_LOGS_LINES_NUMBER=Number of last log lines to keep in console
WarningValueHigherSlowsDramaticalyOutput=Warning, higher values slows dramaticaly output
ModuleActivated=Module %s is activated and slows the interface
-IfYouAreOnAProductionSetThis=If you are on a production environment, you should set this property to %s.
-AntivirusEnabledOnUpload=Antivirus enabled on uploaded files
EXPORTS_SHARE_MODELS=Export models are share with everybody
ExportSetup=Setup of module Export
ImportSetup=Setup of module Import
InstanceUniqueID=Unique ID of the instance
SmallerThan=Smaller than
LargerThan=Larger than
-IfTrackingIDFoundEventWillBeLinked=Note that If a tracking ID of an object is found into email, or if the email is an answer of an email aready collected and linked to an object, the created event will be automatically linked to the known related object.
+IfTrackingIDFoundEventWillBeLinked=Note that If a tracking ID is found into incoming email, the event will be automatically linked to the related objects.
WithGMailYouCanCreateADedicatedPassword=With a GMail account, if you enabled the 2 steps validation, it is recommanded to create a dedicated second password for the application instead of using your own account passsword from https://myaccount.google.com/.
EmailCollectorTargetDir=It may be a desired behaviour to move the email into another tag/directory when it was processed successfully. Just set name of directory here to use this feature (Do NOT use special characters in name). Note that you must also use a read/write login account.
EmailCollectorLoadThirdPartyHelp=You can use this action to use the email content to find and load an existing thirdparty in your database. The found (or created) thirdparty will be used for following actions that need it. In the parameter field you can use for example 'EXTRACT:BODY:Name:\\s([^\\s]*)' if you want to extract the name of the thirdparty from a string 'Name: name to find' found into the body.
@@ -2081,17 +2005,3 @@
JumpToBoxes=Jump to Setup -> Widgets
MeasuringUnitTypeDesc=Use here a value like "size", "surface", "volume", "weight", "time"
MeasuringScaleDesc=The scale is the number of places you have to move the decimal part to match the default reference unit. For "time" unit type, it is the number of seconds. Values between 80 and 99 are reserved values.
-TemplateAdded=Template added
-TemplateUpdated=Template updated
-TemplateDeleted=Template deleted
-MailToSendEventPush=Event reminder email
-SwitchThisForABetterSecurity=Switching this value to %s is recommended for more security
-DictionaryProductNature= Nature of product
-CountryIfSpecificToOneCountry=Country (if specific to a given country)
-YouMayFindSecurityAdviceHere=You may find security advisory here
-ModuleActivatedMayExposeInformation=This module may expose sensitive data. If you don't need it, disable it.
-ModuleActivatedDoNotUseInProduction=A module designed for the development has been enabled. Do not enable it on a production environment.
-CombinationsSeparator=Separator character for product combinations
-SeeLinkToOnlineDocumentation=See link to online documention on top menu for examples
-SHOW_SUBPRODUCT_REF_IN_PDF=If the feature "%s" of module %s is used, show details of subproducts of a kit on PDF.
-AskThisIDToYourBank=Contact your bank to get this ID
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_agenda.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_agenda.lang
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
ListOfActions=Lista događaja
EventReports=Event reports
-ToUserOfGroup=Event assigned to any user in group
+ToUserOfGroup=Bilo kojem korisniku u grupi
EventOnFullDay=Događaji za cijeli dan(e)
MenuToDoActions=Svi nepotpuni događaji
MenuDoneActions=Svi prekinuti događaji
@@ -86,8 +86,6 @@
OrderDeleted=Narudžba obrisana
InvoiceDeleted=Račun obrisan
DraftInvoiceDeleted=Draft invoice deleted
-CONTACT_CREATEInDolibarr=Contact %s created
-CONTACT_DELETEInDolibarr=Contact %s deleted
PRODUCT_CREATEInDolibarr=Product %s created
PRODUCT_MODIFYInDolibarr=Product %s modified
PRODUCT_DELETEInDolibarr=Product %s deleted
@@ -160,9 +158,3 @@
SetAllEventsToTodo=Set all events to todo
SetAllEventsToInProgress=Set all events to in progress
SetAllEventsToFinished=Set all events to finished
-ReminderTime=Reminder period before the event
-TimeType=Duration type
-ReminderType=Callback type
-AddReminder=Create an automatic reminder notification for this event
-ErrorReminderActionCommCreation=Error creating the reminder notification for this event
-BrowserPush=Browser Notification
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_banks.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_banks.lang
@@ -166,18 +166,13 @@
VariousPayments=Miscellaneous payments
ShowVariousPayment=Show miscellaneous payment
AddVariousPayment=Add miscellaneous payment
-VariousPaymentId=Miscellaneous payment ID
-VariousPaymentLabel=Miscellaneous payment label
-ConfirmCloneVariousPayment=Confirm the clone of a miscellaneous payment
SEPAMandate=SEPA mandate
YourSEPAMandate=Your SEPA mandate
FindYourSEPAMandate=This is your SEPA mandate to authorize our company to make direct debit order to your bank. Return it signed (scan of the signed document) or send it by mail to
AutoReportLastAccountStatement=Automatically fill the field 'number of bank statement' with last statement number when making reconciliation
-CashControl=POS cash desk control
-NewCashFence=New cash desk closing
+CashControl=POS cash fence
+NewCashFence=New cash fence
BankColorizeMovement=Colorize movements
BankColorizeMovementDesc=If this function is enable, you can choose specific background color for debit or credit movements
BankColorizeMovementName1=Background color for debit movement
BankColorizeMovementName2=Background color for credit movement
-IfYouDontReconcileDisableProperty=If you don't make the bank reconciliations on some bank accounts, disable the property "%s" on them to remove this warning.
-NoBankAccountDefined=No bank account defined
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_bills.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_bills.lang
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - bills
-Bills=Izlazni računi
BillsCustomers=Izlazni računi
BillsCustomer=Račun kupca
BillsSuppliers=Ulazni računi
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
InvoiceReplacement=Zamjenski račun
InvoiceReplacementAsk=Zamjenski račun za račun
InvoiceReplacementDesc=Replacement invoice is used to completely replace an invoice with no payment already received.
Note: Only invoices with no payment on it can be replaced. If the invoice you replace is not yet closed, it will be automatically closed to 'abandoned'.
-InvoiceAvoir=Storno računa
-InvoiceAvoirAsk=Storno računa za ispravak računa
+InvoiceAvoir=Storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
+InvoiceAvoirAsk=Storno računa/knjižno odobrenje za ispravak računa
InvoiceAvoirDesc=The credit note is a negative invoice used to correct the fact that an invoice shows an amount that differs from the amount actually paid (eg the customer paid too much by mistake, or will not pay the complete amount since some products were returned).
invoiceAvoirWithLines=Izradi storno računa sa stavkama iz izvornog računa
invoiceAvoirWithPaymentRestAmount=Izradi knjižno odobrenje s preostalim neplaćenim iznosom iz izvornog računa
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
ClassifyClosed=Označi kao zatvoreno
ClassifyUnBilled=Označi kao "nezaračunato"
CreateBill=Izradi račun
-CreateCreditNote=Izradi storno računa
-AddBill=Izradi račun ili storno računa
+CreateCreditNote=Izradi storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
+AddBill=Izradi račun ili storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
AddToDraftInvoices=Dodati u predložak računa
DeleteBill=Izbriši račun
SearchACustomerInvoice=Traži izlazni račun
@@ -287,18 +287,18 @@
EditRelativeDiscount=Izmjeni relativan popust
AddGlobalDiscount=Izradi apsolutni popust
EditGlobalDiscounts=Izmjeni apsolutni popust
-AddCreditNote=Izradi storno računa
+AddCreditNote=Izradi storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
ShowDiscount=Prikaži popust
ShowReduc=Show the discount
ShowSourceInvoice=Show the source invoice
RelativeDiscount=Relativni popust
GlobalDiscount=Opći popust
-CreditNote=Storno računa
-CreditNotes=Storno računa
-CreditNotesOrExcessReceived=Storno računa
+CreditNote=Storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
+CreditNotes=Storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
+CreditNotesOrExcessReceived=Storno računa/knjižno odobrenje
-DiscountFromCreditNote=Popust od storno računa %s
+DiscountFromCreditNote=Popust od storno računa/knjižnog odobrenja %s
DiscountFromDeposit=Predujmovi iz računa %s
DiscountFromExcessReceived=Payments in excess of invoice %s
DiscountFromExcessPaid=Payments in excess of invoice %s
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_blockedlog.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_blockedlog.lang
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE=Member subscription created
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_MODIFY=Member subscription modified
logMEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE=Member subscription logical deletion
-logCASHCONTROL_VALIDATE=Cash desk closing recording
+logCASHCONTROL_VALIDATE=Cash fence recording
BlockedLogBillDownload=Customer invoice download
BlockedLogBillPreview=Customer invoice preview
BlockedlogInfoDialog=Log Details
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_boxes.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_boxes.lang
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
BoxTitleLastModifiedSuppliers=Dobavljači: zadnjih %s izmjena
BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomers=Customers: last %s modified
BoxTitleLastCustomersOrProspects=Zadnja %s kupca ili potencijalna kupca
-BoxTitleLastCustomerBills=Latest %s modified Customer invoices
-BoxTitleLastSupplierBills=Latest %s modified Vendor invoices
+BoxTitleLastCustomerBills=Zadnja %s izlazna računa
+BoxTitleLastSupplierBills=Zadnja %s ulazna računa
BoxTitleLastModifiedProspects=Prospects: last %s modified
BoxTitleLastModifiedMembers=Zadnja %s člana
BoxTitleLastFicheInter=Zadnje %s izmijenjene intervencije
@@ -46,12 +46,9 @@
BoxTitleLastModifiedExpenses=Zadnjih %s izmjenjenih izvještaja troškova
BoxTitleLatestModifiedBoms=Latest %s modified BOMs
BoxTitleLatestModifiedMos=Latest %s modified Manufacturing Orders
-BoxTitleLastOutstandingBillReached=Customers with maximum outstanding exceeded
BoxGlobalActivity=Globalna aktivnost (računi, prijedlozi, nalozi)
BoxGoodCustomers=Dobar kupac
BoxTitleGoodCustomers=%s dobrih kupaca
-BoxScheduledJobs=Planirani poslovi
-BoxTitleFunnelOfProspection=Lead funnel
FailedToRefreshDataInfoNotUpToDate=Failed to refresh RSS flux. Latest successful refresh date: %s
LastRefreshDate=Datum zadnjeg osvježavanja
NoRecordedBookmarks=Nema definiranih oznaka.
@@ -86,8 +83,6 @@
BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomerBills=Customer Invoices: last %s modified
BoxTitleLastModifiedCustomerOrders=Narudžbenice: zadnje %s izmjene
BoxTitleLastModifiedPropals=Zadnje %s izmijenjene ponude
-BoxTitleLatestModifiedJobPositions=Latest %s modified jobs
-BoxTitleLatestModifiedCandidatures=Latest %s modified candidatures
ForCustomersInvoices=Izlazni računi
ForCustomersOrders=Narudžbe kupaca
@@ -95,8 +90,8 @@
ChooseBoxToAdd=Dodaj prozorčić na početnu stranicu
BoxAdded=Widget was added in your dashboard
BoxTitleUserBirthdaysOfMonth=Birthdays of this month (users)
-BoxLastManualEntries=Latest record in accountancy entered manually or without source document
-BoxTitleLastManualEntries=%s latest record entered manually or without source document
+BoxLastManualEntries=Last manual entries in accountancy
+BoxTitleLastManualEntries=%s latest manual entries
NoRecordedManualEntries=No manual entries record in accountancy
BoxSuspenseAccount=Count accountancy operation with suspense account
BoxTitleSuspenseAccount=Number of unallocated lines
@@ -105,7 +100,3 @@
BoxLastCustomerShipments=Last customer shipments
BoxTitleLastCustomerShipments=Latest %s customer shipments
NoRecordedShipments=No recorded customer shipment
-BoxCustomersOutstandingBillReached=Customers with oustanding limit reached
-# Pages
-ValidatedProjects=Validated projects
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_cashdesk.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_cashdesk.lang
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
AmountAtEndOfPeriod=Amount at end of period (day, month or year)
TheoricalAmount=Theorical amount
RealAmount=Real amount
-CashFence=Cash desk closing
-CashFenceDone=Cash desk closing done for the period
+CashFence=Cash fence
+CashFenceDone=Cash fence done for the period
NbOfInvoices=Broj računa
Paymentnumpad=Type of Pad to enter payment
Numberspad=Numbers Pad
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
BasicPhoneLayout=Use basic layout for phones
SetupOfTerminalNotComplete=Setup of terminal %s is not complete
DirectPayment=Direct payment
-DirectPaymentButton=Add a "Direct cash payment" button
+DirectPaymentButton=Direct cash payment button
InvoiceIsAlreadyValidated=Invoice is already validated
NoLinesToBill=No lines to bill
CustomReceipt=Custom Receipt
@@ -94,14 +94,13 @@
PrintMethod=Print method
ReceiptPrinterMethodDescription=Powerful method with a lot of parameters. Full customizable with templates. Cannot print from the cloud.
ByTerminal=By terminal
-TakeposNumpadUsePaymentIcon=Use icon instead of text on payment buttons of numpad
+TakeposNumpadUsePaymentIcon=Use payment icon on numpad
CashDeskRefNumberingModules=Numbering module for POS sales
CashDeskGenericMaskCodes6 =
{TN} tag is used to add the terminal number
TakeposGroupSameProduct=Group same products lines
StartAParallelSale=Start a new parallel sale
-SaleStartedAt=Sale started at %s
-ControlCashOpening=Control cash popup at opening POS
-CloseCashFence=Close cash desk control
+ControlCashOpening=Control cash box at opening pos
+CloseCashFence=Close cash fence
CashReport=Cash report
MainPrinterToUse=Main printer to use
OrderPrinterToUse=Order printer to use
@@ -116,11 +115,5 @@
HideCategoryImages=Hide Category Images
HideProductImages=Hide Product Images
-NumberOfLinesToShow=Number of lines of images to show
-DefineTablePlan=Define tables plan
-GiftReceiptButton=Add a "Gift receipt" button
-GiftReceipt=Gift receipt
-ModuleReceiptPrinterMustBeEnabled=Module Receipt printer must have been enabled first
-AllowDelayedPayment=Allow delayed payment
-PrintPaymentMethodOnReceipts=Print payment method on tickets|receipts
-WeighingScale=Weighing scale
+NumberOfLinesToShow=Number of lines to show in image box
+DefineTablePlan=Define table plan
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_categories.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_categories.lang
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
UsersCategoriesArea=Users tags/categories area
CatList=Popis kategorija
-CatListAll=List of tags/categories (all types)
NewCategory=Nova kategorija
ModifCat=Promjeni kategoriju
CatCreated=Kategorija kreirana
@@ -66,34 +65,26 @@
StockCategoriesShort=Warehouse tags/categories
ThisCategoryHasNoItems=This category does not contain any items.
CategId=ID Kategorije
-ParentCategory=Parent tag/category
-ParentCategoryLabel=Label of parent tag/category
-CatSupList=List of vendors tags/categories
-CatCusList=List of customers/prospects tags/categories
+CatSupList=List of vendor tags/categories
+CatCusList=Popis kategorija kupaca/potencijalnih kupaca
CatProdList=Popis kategorija proizvoda
CatMemberList=Popis kategorija članova
-CatContactList=List of contacts tags/categories
-CatProjectsList=List of projects tags/categories
-CatUsersList=List of users tags/categories
-CatSupLinks=Links between vendors and tags/categories
+CatContactList=Popis kategorija kontakta
+CatSupLinks=Veze između dobavljača i kategorija
CatCusLinks=Veze između kupaca/potencijalnih kupaca i kategorija
CatContactsLinks=Links between contacts/addresses and tags/categories
CatProdLinks=Veze izmeđi proizvoda/usluga i kategorija
-CatMembersLinks=Links between members and tags/categories
-CatProjectsLinks=Veze između projekata i kategorija
-CatUsersLinks=Links between users and tags/categories
+CatProJectLinks=Veze između projekata i kategorija
DeleteFromCat=Makni iz kategorije
ExtraFieldsCategories=Dodatni atributi
CategoriesSetup=Podešavanje kategorija
CategorieRecursiv=Poveži automatski sa matičnom kategorijom
CategorieRecursivHelp=If option is on, when you add a product into a subcategory, product will also be added into the parent category.
AddProductServiceIntoCategory=Dodaj sljedeće proizvode/usluge
-AddCustomerIntoCategory=Assign category to customer
-AddSupplierIntoCategory=Assign category to supplier
ShowCategory=Prikaži kategoriju
ByDefaultInList=Po predefiniranom na listi
ChooseCategory=Choose category
-StocksCategoriesArea=Warehouses Categories
-ActionCommCategoriesArea=Events Categories
-WebsitePagesCategoriesArea=Page-Container Categories
+StocksCategoriesArea=Warehouses Categories Area
+ActionCommCategoriesArea=Events Categories Area
+WebsitePagesCategoriesArea=Page-Container Categories Area
UseOrOperatorForCategories=Use or operator for categories
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_companies.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_companies.lang
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
ThirdpartyIsNeitherCustomerNorClientSoCannotHaveDiscounts=Third party neither customer nor vendor, discounts are not available
PaymentBankAccount=Payment bank account
OverAllProposals=Ponude kupcima
-OverAllOrders=Narudžbe kupaca
OverAllSupplierProposals=Tražene cijene
##### Local Taxes #####
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
ProfId2AT=Prof Id 2 (USt.-Nr)
ProfId3AT=Prof Id 3 (Handelsregister-Nr.)
-ProfId5AT=EORI number
ProfId1AU=Prof Id 1 (ABN)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
-ProfId5BE=EORI number
ProfId2BR=IE (Inscricao Estadual)
@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@
ProfId3CH=Prof Id 1 (Federal number)
ProfId4CH=Dokaz ID 2 (broj komercijalnog podatka)
-ProfId5CH=EORI number
ProfId1CL=Prof Id 1 (R.U.T.)
@@ -166,19 +166,19 @@
ProfId2DE=Prof Id 2 (USt.-Nr)
ProfId3DE=Prof Id 3 (Handelsregister-Nr.)
-ProfId5DE=EORI number
ProfId1ES=Prof Id 1 (CIF/NIF)
ProfId2ES=Prof Id 2 (Social security number)
ProfId3ES=Prof Id 3 (CNAE)
ProfId4ES=Prof Id 4 (Collegiate number)
-ProfId5ES=EORI number
ProfId1FR=Prof Id 1 (SIREN)
ProfId2FR=Prof Id 2 (SIRET)
ProfId3FR=Prof Id 3 (NAF, old APE)
ProfId4FR=Prof Id 4 (RCS/RM)
-ProfId5FR=EORI number
ProfId1GB=Registracijski broj
@@ -198,22 +198,17 @@
ProfId4IN=Prof Id 4
ProfId5IN=Prof Id 5
-ProfId5IT=EORI number
ProfId1LU=Id. prof. 1 (R.C.S. Luxembourg)
ProfId2LU=Id. prof. 2 (Business permit)
-ProfId5LU=EORI number
ProfId1MA=Id prof. 1 (R.C.)
ProfId2MA=Id prof. 2 (Patente)
ProfId3MA=Id prof. 3 (I.F.)
ProfId4MA=Id prof. 4 (C.N.S.S.)
-ProfId5MA=Id prof. 5 (I.C.E.)
+ProfId5MA=Id. prof. 5 (I.C.E.)
ProfId1MX=Prof Id 1 (R.F.C).
ProfId2MX=Prof Id 2 (R..P. IMSS)
@@ -225,13 +220,13 @@
ProfId4NL=Burgerservicenummer (BSN)
-ProfId5NL=EORI number
ProfId1PT=Prof Id 1 (NIPC)
ProfId2PT=Prof Id 2 (Social security number)
ProfId3PT=Dokaz ID 3 (broj komercijalnog podatka)
ProfId4PT=Prof Id 4 (Conservatory)
-ProfId5PT=EORI number
@@ -254,8 +249,8 @@
ProfId1RO=Prof Id 1 (CUI)
ProfId2RO=Prof Id 2 (Nr. Înmatriculare)
ProfId3RO=Prof Id 3 (CAEN)
-ProfId4RO=Prof Id 5 (EUID)
-ProfId5RO=EORI number
+ProfId5RO=Prof Id 5 (EUID)
ProfId1RU=Prof Id 1 (OGRN)
ProfId2RU=Prof Id 2 (INN)
@@ -358,8 +353,7 @@
VATIntraManualCheck=You can also check manually on the European Commission website %s
ErrorVATCheckMS_UNAVAILABLE=Provjera nije moguća. Servis za provjeru nije pružena od strane države članice (%s).
NorProspectNorCustomer=Not prospect, nor customer
-JuridicalStatus=Business entity type
+JuridicalStatus=Legal Entity Type
ProspectLevel=Potencijalni kupac
@@ -462,8 +456,3 @@
PaymentTypeBoth=Payment Type - Customer and Vendor
MulticurrencyUsed=Use Multicurrency
-InEEC=Europe (EEC)
-RestOfEurope=Rest of Europe (EEC)
-OutOfEurope=Out of Europe (EEC)
-CurrentOutstandingBillLate=Current outstanding bill late
-BecarefullChangeThirdpartyBeforeAddProductToInvoice=Be carefull, depending on your product price settings, you should change thirdparty before adding product to POS.
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_compta.lang
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@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
SocialContributions=Društveni ili fiskanlni porezi
SocialContributionsDeductibles=Odbitak društveni ili fiskalni porezi
SocialContributionsNondeductibles=Neodbijajući društveni ili fiskalni porezi
-DateOfSocialContribution=Date of social or fiscal tax
LabelContrib=Oznaka doprinosa
TypeContrib=Vrsta doprinosa
MenuSpecialExpenses=Posebni troškovi
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@
SocialContributionsPayments=Plaćanja društveni/fiskalni porez
ShowVatPayment=Prikaži PDV plaćanja
TotalToPay=Ukupno za platiti
-BalanceVisibilityDependsOnSortAndFilters=Balance is visible in this list only if table is sorted on %s and filtered on 1 bank account (with no other filters)
+BalanceVisibilityDependsOnSortAndFilters=Balance is visible in this list only if table is sorted ascending on %s and filtered for 1 bank account
CustomerAccountancyCode=Customer accounting code
SupplierAccountancyCode=Vendor accounting code
CustomerAccountancyCodeShort=Konto kupca
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@
ExportDataset_tax_1=Društveni i fiskalni porezi i plaćanja
CalcModeVATDebt=Način %sPDV na računovodstvene usluge%s
CalcModeVATEngagement=Način %sPDV na prihode-troškove%s
-CalcModeDebt=Analysis of known recorded documents even if they are not yet accounted in ledger.
+CalcModeDebt=Analysis of known recorded invoices even if they are not yet accounted in ledger.
CalcModeEngagement=Analysis of known recorded payments, even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger.
CalcModeBookkeeping=Analysis of data journalized in Bookkeeping Ledger table.
CalcModeLT1= Način %sRE na računima kupaca - računima dobavljača%s
@@ -154,9 +153,9 @@
AnnualByCompanies=Balance of income and expenses, by predefined groups of account
AnnualByCompaniesDueDebtMode=Balance of income and expenses, detail by predefined groups, mode %sClaims-Debts%s said Commitment accounting.
AnnualByCompaniesInputOutputMode=Balance of income and expenses, detail by predefined groups, mode %sIncomes-Expenses%s said cash accounting.
-SeeReportInInputOutputMode=See %sanalysis of payments%s for a calculation based on recorded payments made even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger
-SeeReportInDueDebtMode=See %sanalysis of recorded documents%s for a calculation based on known recorded documents even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger
-SeeReportInBookkeepingMode=See %sanalysis of bookeeping ledger table%s for a report based on Bookkeeping Ledger table
+SeeReportInInputOutputMode=See %sanalysis of payments%s for a calculation on actual payments made even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger.
+SeeReportInDueDebtMode=See %sanalysis of invoices%s for a calculation based on known recorded invoices even if they are not yet accounted in Ledger.
+SeeReportInBookkeepingMode=See %sBookeeping report%s for a calculation on Bookkeeping Ledger table
RulesAmountWithTaxIncluded=Prikazani iznosi su sa uključenim svim porezima
RulesResultDue=- It includes outstanding invoices, expenses, VAT, donations whether they are paid or not. Is also includes paid salaries.
- It is based on the billing date of invoices and on the due date for expenses or tax payments. For salaries defined with Salary module, the value date of payment is used.
RulesResultInOut=- Uključuje stvarne uplate po računima, troškove, PDV i plaće.
- Baziran je po datumu plaćanja računa, troškova, PDV-a i plaćama. Datum donacje za donacije.
@@ -169,15 +168,12 @@
SeePageForSetup=See menu %s for setup
DepositsAreNotIncluded=- Računi za predujam nisu uključeni
DepositsAreIncluded=- Down payment invoices are included
-LT1ReportByMonth=Tax 2 report by month
-LT2ReportByMonth=Tax 3 report by month
LT1ReportByCustomers=Report tax 2 by third party
LT2ReportByCustomers=Report tax 3 by third party
LT1ReportByCustomersES=Izvještaj po RE komitenta
LT2ReportByCustomersES=Izvještaj po IRPF komitenta
VATReport=Sale tax report
VATReportByPeriods=Sale tax report by period
-VATReportByMonth=Sale tax report by month
VATReportByRates=Sale tax report by rates
VATReportByThirdParties=Sale tax report by third parties
VATReportByCustomers=Sale tax report by customer
@@ -266,5 +262,3 @@
RulesPurchaseTurnoverTotalPurchaseJournal=It includes all debit lines from the purchase journal.
ReportPurchaseTurnover=Purchase turnover invoiced
ReportPurchaseTurnoverCollected=Purchase turnover collected
-IncludeVarpaysInResults = Include various payments in reports
-IncludeLoansInResults = Include loans in reports
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_contracts.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_contracts.lang
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
MenuExpiredServices=Usluge koje su istekle
MenuClosedServices=Završene usluge
NewContract=Novi ugovor
-NewContractSubscription=New contract or subscription
+NewContractSubscription=Novi ugovor/pretplata
AddContract=Izradi ugovor
DeleteAContract=Izbriši ugovor
ActivateAllOnContract=Activate all services
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_cron.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_cron.lang
@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@
Permission23104 = Pokreni planirani posao
# Admin
CronSetup=Postavljanje upravljanja planiranih poslova
-URLToLaunchCronJobs=URL to check and launch qualified cron jobs from a browser
-OrToLaunchASpecificJob=Or to check and launch a specific job from a browser
+URLToLaunchCronJobs=URL to check and launch qualified cron jobs
+OrToLaunchASpecificJob=Ili za provjeru i pokretanje specifičnog posla
KeyForCronAccess=Sigurnosni ključ za URL za pokretanje cron zadataka
FileToLaunchCronJobs=Command line to check and launch qualified cron jobs
CronExplainHowToRunUnix=U Unix okolini potrebno je korisititi sljedeći crontab unos za pokretanje komande svakih 5 minuta
CronExplainHowToRunWin=On Microsoft(tm) Windows environment you can use Scheduled Task tools to run the command line each 5 minutes
CronMethodDoesNotExists=Klasa %s ne sadrži niti jednu %s metodu
-CronMethodNotAllowed=Method %s of class %s is in blacklist of forbidden methods
CronJobDefDesc=Cron job profiles are defined into the module descriptor file. When module is activated, they are loaded and available so you can administer the jobs from the admin tools menu %s.
CronJobProfiles=List of predefined cron job profiles
# Menu
@@ -47,7 +46,6 @@
CronMaxRun=Maximum number of launches
JobFinished=Posao pokrenut i završen
#Page card
CronAdd= Dodaj poslove
CronEvery=Izvrši posao svaki
@@ -58,7 +56,7 @@
CronFieldMandatory=Polja %s su obavezna
CronErrEndDateStartDt=Datum kraja ne može biti prije datuma početka
StatusAtInstall=Status at module installation
CronTaskInactive=Ovaj posao je onemogućen
@@ -78,14 +76,8 @@
CronType_command=Shell command
CronCannotLoadClass=Cannot load class file %s (to use class %s)
CronCannotLoadObject=Class file %s was loaded, but object %s was not found into it
-UseMenuModuleToolsToAddCronJobs=Go into menu "Home - Admin tools - Scheduled jobs" to see and edit scheduled jobs.
+UseMenuModuleToolsToAddCronJobs=Idite na izbornik "Home - Admin tools - Scheduled jobs" za prikaz i uređivanje planiranih poslova.
JobDisabled=Posao onemogućen
MakeLocalDatabaseDumpShort=Lakalni backup baze
MakeLocalDatabaseDump=Create a local database dump. Parameters are: compression ('gz' or 'bz' or 'none'), backup type ('mysql', 'pgsql', 'auto'), 1, 'auto' or filename to build, number of backup files to keep
WarningCronDelayed=Attention, for performance purpose, whatever is next date of execution of enabled jobs, your jobs may be delayed to a maximum of %s hours, before being run.
-DATAPOLICYJob=Data cleaner and anonymizer
-JobXMustBeEnabled=Job %s must be enabled
-# Cron Boxes
-LastExecutedScheduledJob=Last executed scheduled job
-NextScheduledJobExecute=Next scheduled job to execute
-NumberScheduledJobError=Number of scheduled jobs in error
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_deliveries.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_deliveries.lang
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
DeliveryRef=Ref. dostave
+DeliveryOrder=Delivery receipt
DeliveryDate=Datum dostave
CreateDeliveryOrder=Izradi otpremnicu
DeliveryStateSaved=Status dostave pohranjen
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_ecm.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_ecm.lang
@@ -23,7 +23,19 @@
ECMSearchByEntity=Pretraživanje po objektu
ECMSectionOfDocuments=Mape dokumenata
-ECMDocsBy=Documents linked to %s
+ECMDocsBySocialContributions=Dokumenti povezani za društvene ili fiskalne poreze
+ECMDocsByThirdParties=Dokumenti povezani za komitente
+ECMDocsByProposals=Dokumenti povezani za ponude
+ECMDocsByOrders=Dokumenti povezani za narudžbe kupaca
+ECMDocsByContracts=Dokumenti povezani za ugovore
+ECMDocsByInvoices=Dokumenti povezani za račune kupaca
+ECMDocsByProducts=Dokumenti povezani za proizvode
+ECMDocsByProjects=Dokumenti vezani za projekte
+ECMDocsByUsers=Dokumenti povezani za korisnike
+ECMDocsByInterventions=Dokumenti povezani za intervencije
+ECMDocsByExpenseReports=Documents linked to expense reports
+ECMDocsByHolidays=Documents linked to holidays
+ECMDocsBySupplierProposals=Documents linked to supplier proposals
ECMNoDirectoryYet=Mapa nije kreirana
ShowECMSection=Prikaži mapu
DeleteSection=Obriši mapu
@@ -38,6 +50,3 @@
HashOfFileContent=Hash of file content
NoDirectoriesFound=No directories found
FileNotYetIndexedInDatabase=File not yet indexed into database (try to re-upload it)
-ExtraFieldsEcmFiles=Extrafields Ecm Files
-ExtraFieldsEcmDirectories=Extrafields Ecm Directories
-ECMSetup=ECM Setup
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_errors.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_errors.lang
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
# Errors
ErrorButCommitIsDone=Errors found but we validate despite this
ErrorBadEMail=Email %s is wrong
-ErrorBadMXDomain=Email %s seems wrong (domain has no valid MX record)
ErrorBadUrl=Url %s is wrong
ErrorBadValueForParamNotAString=Bad value for your parameter. It appends generally when translation is missing.
-ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Reference %s already exists.
ErrorLoginAlreadyExists=Login %s already exists.
ErrorGroupAlreadyExists=Group %s already exists.
ErrorRecordNotFound=Record not found.
@@ -50,7 +48,6 @@
ErrorSubjectIsRequired=The email topic is required
ErrorFailedToCreateDir=Failed to create a directory. Check that Web server user has permissions to write into Dolibarr documents directory. If parameter safe_mode is enabled on this PHP, check that Dolibarr php files owns to web server user (or group).
ErrorNoMailDefinedForThisUser=No mail defined for this user
-ErrorSetupOfEmailsNotComplete=Setup of emails is not complete
ErrorFeatureNeedJavascript=This feature need javascript to be activated to work. Change this in setup - display.
ErrorTopMenuMustHaveAParentWithId0=A menu of type 'Top' can't have a parent menu. Put 0 in parent menu or choose a menu of type 'Left'.
ErrorLeftMenuMustHaveAParentId=A menu of type 'Left' must have a parent id.
@@ -78,7 +75,7 @@
ErrorLDAPSetupNotComplete=Dolibarr-LDAP matching is not complete.
ErrorLDAPMakeManualTest=A .ldif file has been generated in directory %s. Try to load it manually from command line to have more information on errors.
ErrorCantSaveADoneUserWithZeroPercentage=Can't save an action with "status not started" if field "done by" is also filled.
-ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Reference %s already exists.
+ErrorRefAlreadyExists=Ref used for creation already exists.
ErrorPleaseTypeBankTransactionReportName=Please enter the bank statement name where the entry has to be reported (Format YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD)
ErrorRecordHasChildren=Failed to delete record since it has some child records.
ErrorRecordHasAtLeastOneChildOfType=Object has at least one child of type %s
@@ -139,8 +136,7 @@
ErrorFailedToValidatePasswordReset=Failed to reinit password. May be the reinit was already done (this link can be used only one time). If not, try to restart the reinit process.
ErrorToConnectToMysqlCheckInstance=Connect to database fails. Check database server is running (for example, with mysql/mariadb, you can launch it from command line with 'sudo service mysql start').
ErrorFailedToAddContact=Failed to add contact
-ErrorDateMustBeBeforeToday=The date must be lower than today
-ErrorDateMustBeInFuture=The date must be greater than today
+ErrorDateMustBeBeforeToday=The date cannot be greater than today
ErrorPaymentModeDefinedToWithoutSetup=A payment mode was set to type %s but setup of module Invoice was not completed to define information to show for this payment mode.
ErrorPHPNeedModule=Error, your PHP must have module %s installed to use this feature.
ErrorOpenIDSetupNotComplete=You setup Dolibarr config file to allow OpenID authentication, but URL of OpenID service is not defined into constant %s
@@ -219,7 +215,7 @@
ErrorDiscountLargerThanRemainToPaySplitItBefore=The discount you try to apply is larger than remain to pay. Split the discount in 2 smaller discounts before.
ErrorFileNotFoundWithSharedLink=File was not found. May be the share key was modified or file was removed recently.
ErrorProductBarCodeAlreadyExists=The product barcode %s already exists on another product reference.
-ErrorNoteAlsoThatSubProductCantBeFollowedByLot=Note also that using kits to have auto increase/decrease of subproducts is not possible when at least one subproduct (or subproduct of subproducts) needs a serial/lot number.
+ErrorNoteAlsoThatSubProductCantBeFollowedByLot=Note also that using virtual product to have auto increase/decrease of subproducts is not possible when at least one subproduct (or subproduct of subproducts) needs a serial/lot number.
ErrorDescRequiredForFreeProductLines=Description is mandatory for lines with free product
ErrorAPageWithThisNameOrAliasAlreadyExists=The page/container %s has the same name or alternative alias that the one your try to use
ErrorDuringChartLoad=Error when loading chart of accounts. If few accounts were not loaded, you can still enter them manually.
@@ -243,19 +239,6 @@
ErrorOnlyOneFieldForGroupByIsPossible=Only 1 field for the 'Group by' is possible (others are discarded)
ErrorTooManyDifferentValueForSelectedGroupBy=Found too many different value (more than %s) for the field '%s', so we can't use it as a 'Group by' for graphics. The field 'Group By' has been removed. May be you wanted to use it as an X-Axis ?
ErrorReplaceStringEmpty=Error, the string to replace into is empty
-ErrorProductNeedBatchNumber=Error, product '%s' need a lot/serial number
-ErrorProductDoesNotNeedBatchNumber=Error, product '%s' does not accept a lot/serial number
-ErrorFailedToReadObject=Error, failed to read object of type %s
-ErrorParameterMustBeEnabledToAllwoThisFeature=Error, parameter %s must be enabled into conf/conf.php to allow use of Command Line Interface by the internal job scheduler
-ErrorLoginDateValidity=Error, this login is outside the validity date range
-ErrorValueLength=Length of field '%s' must be higher than '%s'
-ErrorReservedKeyword=The word '%s' is a reserved keyword
-ErrorNotAvailableWithThisDistribution=Not available with this distribution
-ErrorPublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Public interface was not enabled
-ErrorLanguageRequiredIfPageIsTranslationOfAnother=The language of new page must be defined if it is set as a translation of another page
-ErrorLanguageMustNotBeSourceLanguageIfPageIsTranslationOfAnother=The language of new page must not be the source language if it is set as a translation of another page
-ErrorAParameterIsRequiredForThisOperation=A parameter is mandatory for this operation
# Warnings
WarningParamUploadMaxFileSizeHigherThanPostMaxSize=Your PHP parameter upload_max_filesize (%s) is higher than PHP parameter post_max_size (%s). This is not a consistent setup.
WarningPasswordSetWithNoAccount=A password was set for this member. However, no user account was created. So this password is stored but can't be used to login to Dolibarr. It may be used by an external module/interface but if you don't need to define any login nor password for a member, you can disable option "Manage a login for each member" from Member module setup. If you need to manage a login but don't need any password, you can keep this field empty to avoid this warning. Note: Email can also be used as a login if the member is linked to a user.
@@ -280,10 +263,6 @@
WarningAnEntryAlreadyExistForTransKey=An entry already exists for the translation key for this language
WarningNumberOfRecipientIsRestrictedInMassAction=Warning, number of different recipient is limited to %s when using the mass actions on lists
WarningDateOfLineMustBeInExpenseReportRange=Warning, the date of line is not in the range of the expense report
-WarningProjectDraft=Project is still in draft mode. Don't forget to validate it if you plan to use tasks.
WarningProjectClosed=Project is closed. You must re-open it first.
WarningSomeBankTransactionByChequeWereRemovedAfter=Some bank transaction were removed after that the receipt including them were generated. So nb of cheques and total of receipt may differ from number and total in list.
-WarningFailedToAddFileIntoDatabaseIndex=Warning, failed to add file entry into ECM database index table
-WarningTheHiddenOptionIsOn=Warning, the hidden option %s is on.
-WarningCreateSubAccounts=Warning, you can't create directly a sub account, you must create a third party or an user and assign them an accounting code to find them in this list
-WarningAvailableOnlyForHTTPSServers=Available only if using HTTPS secured connection.
+WarningFailedToAddFileIntoDatabaseIndex=Warnin, failed to add file entry into ECM database index table
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_exports.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_exports.lang
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
NowClickToGenerateToBuildExportFile=Now, select the file format in the combo box and click on "Generate" to build the export file...
AvailableFormats=Available Formats
-ExportCsvSeparator=Csv caracter separator
-ImportCsvSeparator=Csv caracter separator
FormatedImport=Čarobnjak za unos podataka
FormatedImportDesc1=This module allows you to update existing data or add new objects into the database from a file without technical knowledge, using an assistant.
@@ -133,4 +131,3 @@
NbInsert=Number of inserted lines: %s
NbUpdate=Number of updated lines: %s
MultipleRecordFoundWithTheseFilters=Multiple records have been found with these filters: %s
-StocksWithBatch=Stocks and location (warehouse) of products with batch/serial number
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_hrm.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_hrm.lang
@@ -16,4 +16,3 @@
NewEmployee=Novi zaposlenik
-ListOfEmployees=List of employees
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_install.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_install.lang
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@
ConfFileIsWritable=Configuration file %s is writable.
ConfFileMustBeAFileNotADir=Configuration file %s must be a file, not a directory.
ConfFileReload=Reloading parameters from configuration file.
+PHPSupportSessions=This PHP supports sessions.
PHPSupportPOSTGETOk=This PHP supports variables POST and GET.
PHPSupportPOSTGETKo=It's possible your PHP setup does not support variables POST and/or GET. Check the parameter variables_order in php.ini.
-PHPSupportSessions=This PHP supports sessions.
+PHPSupportGD=This PHP supports GD graphical functions.
+PHPSupportCurl=This PHP supports Curl.
+PHPSupportCalendar=This PHP supports calendars extensions.
+PHPSupportUTF8=This PHP supports UTF8 functions.
+PHPSupportIntl=This PHP supports Intl functions.
+PHPSupportxDebug=This PHP supports extended debug functions.
PHPSupport=This PHP supports %s functions.
PHPMemoryOK=Your PHP max session memory is set to %s. This should be enough.
PHPMemoryTooLow=Your PHP max session memory is set to %s bytes. This is too low. Change your php.ini to set memory_limit parameter to at least %s bytes.
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_languages.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_languages.lang
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - languages
Language_ar_EG=Arabic (Egypt)
-Language_bn_IN=Bengali (India)
@@ -23,7 +20,6 @@
Language_en_IN=Engleski (Indija)
Language_en_NZ=Engleski (Novi Zeland)
Language_en_SA=Engleski (Saudijska Arabija)
-Language_en_SG=English (Singapore)
Language_en_US=Engleski (United States)
Language_en_ZA=Engleski (Južna Afrika)
@@ -33,16 +29,13 @@
Language_es_CO=Španjolski (Kolumbija)
Language_es_DO=Španjolski (Dominikanska Republika)
Language_es_EC=Spanish (Ecuador)
-Language_es_GT=Spanish (Guatemala)
Language_es_HN=Španjolski (Honduras)
Language_es_MX=Španjolski (Meksiko)
Language_es_PA=Spanish (Panama)
Language_es_PY=Španjolski (Paragvaj)
Language_es_PE=Španjolski (Peru)
Language_es_PR=Španjolski (Puerto Rico)
-Language_es_US=Spanish (USA)
Language_es_UY=Spanish (Uruguay)
-Language_es_GT=Spanish (Guatemala)
Language_es_VE=Španjolski (Venezuela)
@@ -51,22 +44,15 @@
Language_fr_BE=Francuski (Belgija)
Language_fr_CA=Francuski (Kanada)
Language_fr_CH=Francuski (Švicarska)
-Language_fr_CI=French (Cost Ivory)
-Language_fr_CM=French (Cameroun)
-Language_fr_GA=French (Gabon)
Language_fr_NC=Francuski (Nova Kaledonija)
-Language_fr_SN=French (Senegal)
-Language_hi_IN=Hindi (India)
-Language_it_CH=Italian (Switzerland)
@@ -78,7 +64,6 @@
Language_nb_NO=Norveški (Bokmål)
Language_nl_BE=Nizozemski (Belgija)
@@ -101,5 +86,4 @@
Language_zh_TW=Kineski (tradicionalni)
-Language_zh_HK=Chinese (Hong Kong)
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_mails.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_mails.lang
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
MailingModuleDescDolibarrUsers=Users with Emails
MailingModuleDescThirdPartiesByCategories=Third parties (by categories)
SendingFromWebInterfaceIsNotAllowed=Sending from web interface is not allowed.
-EmailCollectorFilterDesc=All filters must match to have an email being collected
# Libelle des modules de liste de destinataires mailing
LineInFile=Line %s in file
@@ -126,13 +125,12 @@
NoEmailSentBadSenderOrRecipientEmail=No email sent. Bad sender or recipient email. Verify user profile.
# Module Notifications
-NotificationsAuto=Notifications Auto.
-NoNotificationsWillBeSent=No automatic email notifications are planned for this event type and company
-ANotificationsWillBeSent=1 automatic notification will be sent by email
-SomeNotificationsWillBeSent=%s automatic notifications will be sent by email
-AddNewNotification=Subscribe to a new automatic email notification (target/event)
-ListOfActiveNotifications=List all active subscriptions (targets/events) for automatic email notification
-ListOfNotificationsDone=List all automatic email notifications sent
+NoNotificationsWillBeSent=Nema planiranih obavijesti za ovaj događaj i tvrtku
+ANotificationsWillBeSent=1 notification will be sent by email
+SomeNotificationsWillBeSent=%s notifications will be sent by email
+AddNewNotification=Activate a new email notification target/event
+ListOfActiveNotifications=List all active targets/events for email notification
+ListOfNotificationsDone=List all email notifications sent
MailSendSetupIs=Configuration of email sending has been setup to '%s'. This mode can't be used to send mass emailing.
MailSendSetupIs2=You must first go, with an admin account, into menu %sHome - Setup - EMails%s to change parameter '%s' to use mode '%s'. With this mode, you can enter setup of the SMTP server provided by your Internet Service Provider and use Mass emailing feature.
MailSendSetupIs3=If you have any questions on how to setup your SMTP server, you can ask to %s.
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@
UseFormatInputEmailToTarget=Enter a string with format email;name;firstname;other
MailAdvTargetRecipients=Recipients (advanced selection)
AdvTgtTitle=Fill input fields to preselect the third parties or contacts/addresses to target
-AdvTgtSearchTextHelp=Use %% as wildcards. For example to find all item like jean, joe, jim, you can input j%%, you can also use ; as separator for value, and use ! for except this value. For example jean;joe;jim%%;!jimo;!jima%% will target all jean, joe, start with jim but not jimo and not everything that starts with jima
+AdvTgtSearchTextHelp=Use %% as wildcards. For example to find all item like jean, joe, jim, you can input j%%, you can also use ; as separator for value, and use ! for except this value. For example jean;joe;jim%%;!jimo;!jima% will target all jean, joe, start with jim but not jimo and not everything that starts with jima
AdvTgtSearchIntHelp=Use interval to select int or float value
AdvTgtMinVal=Minimum value
AdvTgtMaxVal=Maximum value
@@ -164,16 +162,9 @@
AdvTgtOrCreateNewFilter=Name of new filter
NoContactWithCategoryFound=No contact/address with a category found
NoContactLinkedToThirdpartieWithCategoryFound=No contact/address with a category found
-OutGoingEmailSetup=Outgoing emails
-InGoingEmailSetup=Incoming emails
-OutGoingEmailSetupForEmailing=Outgoing emails (for module %s)
-DefaultOutgoingEmailSetup=Same configuration than the global Outgoing email setup
+OutGoingEmailSetup=Outgoing email setup
+InGoingEmailSetup=Incoming email setup
+OutGoingEmailSetupForEmailing=Outgoing email setup (for module %s)
+DefaultOutgoingEmailSetup=Default outgoing email setup
ContactsWithThirdpartyFilter=Contacts with third-party filter
-IsNotAnAnswer=Is not answer (initial email)
-IsAnAnswer=Is an answer of an initial email
-RecordCreatedByEmailCollector=Record created by the Email Collector %s from email %s
-DefaultBlacklistMailingStatus=Default contact status for refuse bulk emailing
-DefaultStatusEmptyMandatory=Empty but mandatory
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_main.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_main.lang
@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@
AvailableVariables=Dostupne zamjenske vrijednosti
NoTranslation=Bez prijevoda
-CurrentTimeZone=Vremenska zona PHP (server)
EmptySearchString=Enter non empty search criterias
-EnterADateCriteria=Enter a date criteria
NoRecordFound=Spis nije pronađen
NoRecordDeleted=Spis nije izbrisan
NotEnoughDataYet=Nedovoljno podataka
@@ -87,8 +85,6 @@
NbOfEntries=Broj unosa
GoToWikiHelpPage=Pročitajte Online pomoć (potreban pristup Internetu)
GoToHelpPage=Pročitaj pomoć
-DedicatedPageAvailable=There is a dedicated help page related to your current screen
-HomePage=Home Page
RecordSaved=Podatak spremljen
RecordDeleted=Podatak obrisan
RecordGenerated=Record generated
@@ -159,7 +155,6 @@
AddToDraft=Dodaj u skice
-CloseAs=Postavi status na
CloseBox=Makni prozorčić s početne stranice
ConfirmSendCardByMail=Jeste li sigurni da želite poslati zadržaj kartice%s e-poštom?
@@ -201,7 +196,6 @@
-SelectAll=Select all
Resize=Promjeni veličinu
ResizeOrCrop=Izmjena veličine ili obrezivanje
@@ -224,7 +218,6 @@
PersonalValue=Osobna vrijednost
NewValue=Nova vrijednost
-OldValue=Old value %s
CurrentValue=Trenutna vrijednost
@@ -263,7 +256,6 @@
HourStart=Početni sat
DateAndHour=Datum i vrijeme
DateToday=Današnji datum
@@ -272,10 +264,8 @@
DateEnd=Završni datum
DateCreation=Datum izrade
DateCreationShort=Datum izrade
-IPCreation=Creation IP
DateModification=Datum izmjene
DateModificationShort=Datum izmjene
-IPModification=Modification IP
DateLastModification=Datum zadnje izmjene
DateValidation=Datum ovjere
DateClosing=Datum zatvaranja
@@ -329,7 +319,6 @@
Afternoon=Poslije podne
MonthOfDay=Jedan mjesec od dana
-DaysOfWeek=Days of week
@@ -359,15 +348,15 @@
UnitPriceHT=Jedinična cijena (bez poreza)
UnitPriceHTCurrency=Jedinična cijena (bez poreza) (u valuti)
UnitPriceTTC=Jedinična cijena
-PriceU=Jed. cij.
-PriceUHT=J.C. netto
+PriceU=Jed. cijena
+PriceUHT=Jed. cijena
PriceUHTCurrency=J.C. (valuta)
PriceUTTC=J.C. (s porezom)
AmountInvoice=Iznos računa
AmountInvoiced=Zaračunati iznos
-AmountInvoicedHT=Zaračunati iznos (bez poreza)
-AmountInvoicedTTC=Amount invoiced (inc. tax)
+AmountInvoicedHT=Zaračunati iznos (s porezom)
+AmountInvoicedTTC=Zaračunati iznos (bez poreza)
AmountPayment=Iznos plaćanja
AmountHTShort=Iznos (bez PDV-a)
AmountTTCShort=Iznos (s porezom)
@@ -380,7 +369,6 @@
MulticurrencyAmountHT=Iznos (bez PDV-a), prvotna valuta
MulticurrencyAmountTTC=Iznos (s porezom), u izvornoj valuti
MulticurrencyAmountVAT=Iznos poreza, u izvornoj valuti
-MulticurrencySubPrice=Amount sub price multi currency
AmountLT1=Iznos poreza 2
AmountLT2=Iznos poreza 3
AmountLT1ES=Iznos RE
@@ -396,7 +384,7 @@
TotalHT100Short=Total 100%% (excl.)
TotalHTShortCurrency=Total (excl. in currency)
TotalTTCShort=Ukupno s PDV-om
-TotalHT=Ukupno netto
+TotalHT=Ukupno bez PDV-a
TotalHTforthispage=Ukupno (bez PDV-a) na ovoj stranici
Totalforthispage=Ukupno na ovoj stranici
TotalTTC=Ukupno s PDV-om
@@ -438,7 +426,6 @@
FullList=Cijeli popis
FullConversation=Cijeli razgovor
@@ -498,9 +485,7 @@
@@ -523,7 +508,6 @@
-ValidatedToProduce=Validated (To produce)
OpenAll=Otvoreno (sve)
ClosedAll=Zatvoreno (sve)
@@ -656,7 +640,6 @@
ShowCustomerPreview=Prikaži kupca
ShowSupplierPreview=Prikaži dobavljača
RefCustomer=Vezani dokument pri kupcu
-InternalRef=Internal ref.
InfoAdmin=Podaci za administratore
@@ -671,14 +654,13 @@
SendByMail=Pošalji e-poštom
MailSentBy=E-poštu poslao
-NotSent=Nije poslano
TextUsedInTheMessageBody=Tijelo e-pošte
SendAcknowledgementByMail=Pošalji e-poštu s potvrdom primitka
SendMail=Pošalji e-poštu
NoEMail=Nema e-pošte
AlreadyRead=Već pročitano
+NotRead=Nije pročitano
NoMobilePhone=Nema mobilnog telefona
FollowingConstantsWillBeSubstituted=Sljedeće konstante bit će zamjenjene s odgovarajućom vrijednošću.
@@ -705,7 +687,6 @@
CompleteOrNoMoreReceptionExpected=Završeno ili bez drugih očekivanja
ExpectedValue=Očekivana vrijednost
-ExpectedQty=Expected Qty
NeverReceived=Nikad primljeno
@@ -722,7 +703,6 @@
MenuAgendaGoogle=Google agenda
-MenuTaxesAndSpecialExpenses=Taxes | Special expenses
ThisLimitIsDefinedInSetup=Granična vrijednost Dolibarra (Mapa početna->postavke->sigurnost): %s Kb, PHP granična vrijednost: %s Kb
NoFileFound=U ovoj mapi nema spremljenih datoteka
CurrentUserLanguage=Trenutni jezik
@@ -745,7 +725,7 @@
AddNewLine=Dodaj novu stavku
AddFile=Dodaj datoteku
-FreeZone=Free-text product
+FreeZone=Ovaj proizvod/usluga nije predhodno upisan
FreeLineOfType=Slobodan upis, vrsta:
CloneMainAttributes=Kloniraj predmet sa svim glavnim svojstvima
ReGeneratePDF=Ponovo izradi PDF
@@ -853,7 +833,6 @@
ViewList=Pregled popisa
ViewGantt="Gantt" prikaz
ViewKanban="Kanban" prikaz
@@ -895,8 +874,6 @@
GroupBy=Grupiraj prema...
ViewFlatList=Pregledaj popis bez grananja
-ViewAccountList=View ledger
-ViewSubAccountList=View subaccount ledger
RemoveString=Ukloni redak '%s'
SomeTranslationAreUncomplete=Neki od ponuđenih jezika možda su djelomično prevedeni ili sadrže greške. Molim vas pomozite ispraviti vaš jezik prijavom na https://transifex.com/projects/p/dolibarr/. Ne budite pizde!
DirectDownloadLink=Poveznica za izravno preuzimanje (dostupno javno)
@@ -965,39 +942,6 @@
SelectMailModel=Odaberi predložak elektroničke pošte
SetRef=Odredi oznaku
Select2ResultFoundUseArrows=Pronađeni neki rezultati. Koristi strelice za izbor.
@@ -1014,7 +958,7 @@
SearchIntoProductsOrServices=Proizvodi ili usluge
-SearchIntoMO=Proizvodni nalozi
+SearchIntoMO=Manufacturing Orders
SearchIntoCustomerInvoices=Računi za kupce
SearchIntoSupplierInvoices=Ulazni računi
@@ -1028,9 +972,6 @@
-SearchIntoCustomerPayments=Customer payments
-SearchIntoVendorPayments=Vendor payments
-SearchIntoMiscPayments=Miscellaneous payments
NbComments=Broj napomena
CommentPage=Prostor za napomene
@@ -1098,25 +1039,3 @@
NotUsedForThisCustomer=Not used for this customer
AmountMustBePositive=Amount must be positive
ByStatus=By status
-ASAP=As Soon As Possible
-CREATEInDolibarr=Record %s created
-MODIFYInDolibarr=Record %s modified
-DELETEInDolibarr=Record %s deleted
-VALIDATEInDolibarr=Record %s validated
-APPROVEDInDolibarr=Record %s approved
-DefaultMailModel=Default Mail Model
-PublicVendorName=Public name of vendor
-DateOfBirth=Date of birth
-SecurityTokenHasExpiredSoActionHasBeenCanceledPleaseRetry=Security token has expired, so action has been canceled. Please try again.
-EventReminder=Event Reminder
-UpdateForAllLines=Update for all lines
-OnHold=On hold
-AffectTag=Affect Tag
-ConfirmAffectTag=Bulk Tag Affect
-ConfirmAffectTagQuestion=Are you sure you want to affect tags to the %s selected record(s)?
-CategTypeNotFound=No tag type found for type of records
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_members.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_members.lang
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@
MembersList=Popis članova
MembersListToValid=Popis članova u skicama ( za ovjeru )
MembersListValid=Popis valjanih članova
-MembersListUpToDate=List of valid members with up-to-date subscription
-MembersListNotUpToDate=List of valid members with out-of-date subscription
+MembersListUpToDate=Popis valjanih članova sa važećom pretplatom
+MembersListNotUpToDate=Popis valjanih članova sa isteklom pretplatom
MembersListResiliated=List of terminated members
MembersListQualified=Popis kvalificiranih članova
MenuMembersToValidate=Skice članova
MenuMembersValidated=Ovjereni članovi
+MenuMembersUpToDate=Važeći članovi
+MenuMembersNotUpToDate=Istekli članovi
MenuMembersResiliated=Terminated members
MembersWithSubscriptionToReceive=Članovi koji primaju pretplatu
MembersWithSubscriptionToReceiveShort=Subscription to receive
@@ -32,7 +34,6 @@
DateEndSubscription=Datum kraja pretplate
EndSubscription=Kraj pretplate
SubscriptionId=Pretplata ID
-WithoutSubscription=Without subscription
MemberId=Član ID
NewMember=Novi član
MemberType=Vrsta člana
@@ -51,9 +52,6 @@
MembersStatusToValid=Skice članova
MembersStatusResiliated=Terminated members
-MemberStatusNoSubscription=Validated (no subscription needed)
-SubscriptionNotNeeded=No subscription needed
NewCotisation=Novi doprinos
PaymentSubscription=Novo plačanje doprinosa
SubscriptionEndDate=Datum kraja pretplate
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@
VoteAllowed=Glasanje dozvoljeno
-MorAndPhy=Moral and Physical
Reenable=Ponovo omogući
ResiliateMember=Terminate a member
ConfirmResiliateMember=Are you sure you want to terminate this member?
@@ -99,8 +97,8 @@
ForceMemberType=Force the member type
ExportDataset_member_1=Članovi i pretplate
-LastMembersModified=Zadnja %s izmijenjena člana
-LastSubscriptionsModified=Zadnje %s izmijenjene pretplate
+LastMembersModified=Zadnjih %s izmenjenih članova
+LastSubscriptionsModified=Zadnjih %s izmjenjenih pretplata
@@ -116,7 +114,6 @@
SendingEmailOnNewSubscription=Sending email on new subscription
SendingReminderForExpiredSubscription=Sending reminder for expired subscriptions
SendingEmailOnCancelation=Sending email on cancelation
-SendingReminderActionComm=Sending reminder for agenda event
# Topic of email templates
YourMembershipRequestWasReceived=Your membership was received.
YourMembershipWasValidated=Your membership was validated
@@ -167,7 +164,6 @@
MembersStatisticsByTown=Statistika članova po gradu
MembersStatisticsByRegion=Statistika članova po regiji
NbOfMembers=Broj članova
-NbOfActiveMembers=Number of current active members
NoValidatedMemberYet=Nisu pronađeni valjani članovi
MembersByCountryDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by countries. Graphic depends however on Google online graph service and is available only if an internet connection is is working.
MembersByStateDesc=This screen show you statistics on members by state/provinces/canton.
@@ -177,7 +173,6 @@
LastMemberDate=Latest member date
LatestSubscriptionDate=Latest subscription date
MemberNature=Nature of member
-MembersNature=Nature of members
Public=Informacije su javne
NewMemberbyWeb=Novi član je dodan. Čeka odobrenje
NewMemberForm=Obrazac novog člana
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_modulebuilder.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_modulebuilder.lang
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
PageForAgendaTab=PHP page for event tab
PageForDocumentTab=PHP page for document tab
PageForNoteTab=PHP page for note tab
-PageForContactTab=PHP page for contact tab
PathToModulePackage=Path to zip of module/application package
PathToModuleDocumentation=Path to file of module/application documentation (%s)
SpaceOrSpecialCharAreNotAllowed=Spaces or special characters are not allowed.
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@
DirScanned=Directory scanned
NoTrigger=No trigger
NoWidget=No widget
-GoToApiExplorer=API explorer
+GoToApiExplorer=Go to API explorer
ListOfMenusEntries=List of menu entries
ListOfDictionariesEntries=List of dictionaries entries
ListOfPermissionsDefined=List of defined permissions
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@
SeeTopRightMenu=See on the top right menu
AddLanguageFile=Add language file
YouCanUseTranslationKey=You can use here a key that is the translation key found into language file (see tab "Languages")
-DropTableIfEmpty=(Destroy table if empty)
+DropTableIfEmpty=(Delete table if empty)
TableDoesNotExists=The table %s does not exists
TableDropped=Table %s deleted
InitStructureFromExistingTable=Build the structure array string of an existing table
@@ -127,6 +126,7 @@
UseSpecificFamily = Use a specific family
UseSpecificAuthor = Use a specific author
UseSpecificVersion = Use a specific initial version
+ModuleMustBeEnabled=The module/application must be enabled first
IncludeRefGeneration=The reference of object must be generated automatically
IncludeRefGenerationHelp=Check this if you want to include code to manage the generation automatically of the reference
IncludeDocGeneration=I want to generate some documents from the object
@@ -140,4 +140,3 @@
AsciiToHtmlConverter=Ascii to HTML converter
AsciiToPdfConverter=Ascii to PDF converter
TableNotEmptyDropCanceled=Table not empty. Drop has been canceled.
-ModuleBuilderNotAllowed=The module builder is available but not allowed to your user.
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_mrp.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_mrp.lang
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-Mrp=Proizvodni nalozi
-MOs=Manufacturing orders
-ManufacturingOrder=Proizvodni nalog
+Mrp=Manufacturing Orders
+MO=Manufacturing Order
MRPDescription=Module to manage production and Manufacturing Orders (MO).
MRPArea=MRP Area
MrpSetupPage=Setup of module MRP
MenuBOM=Bills of material
LatestBOMModified=Latest %s Bills of materials modified
LatestMOModified=Latest %s Manufacturing Orders modified
+Bom=Bills of Material
+BillOfMaterials=Bill of Material
BOMsSetup=Setup of module BOM
ListOfBOMs=List of bills of material - BOM
-ListOfManufacturingOrders=Lista proizvodnih naloga
+ListOfManufacturingOrders=List of Manufacturing Orders
NewBOM=New bill of material
ProductBOMHelp=Product to create with this BOM.
Note: Products with the property 'Nature of product' = 'Raw material' are not visible into this list.
BOMsNumberingModules=BOM numbering templates
@@ -32,13 +31,13 @@
DeleteMo=Delete Manufacturing Order
ConfirmDeleteBillOfMaterials=Are you sure you want to delete this Bill Of Material?
ConfirmDeleteMo=Are you sure you want to delete this Bill Of Material?
-MenuMRP=Proizvodni nalozi
-NewMO=Novi proizvodni nalog
+MenuMRP=Manufacturing Orders
+NewMO=New Manufacturing Order
QtyToProduce=Qty to produce
-DateStartPlannedMo=Datum početka planirani
-DateEndPlannedMo=Datum završetka planirani
+DateStartPlannedMo=Date start planned
+DateEndPlannedMo=Date end planned
KeepEmptyForAsap=Empty means 'As Soon As Possible'
-EstimatedDuration=Procjena trajanja
+EstimatedDuration=Estimated duration
EstimatedDurationDesc=Estimated duration to manufacture this product using this BOM
ConfirmValidateBom=Are you sure you want to validate the BOM with the reference %s (you will be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders)
ConfirmCloseBom=Are you sure you want to cancel this BOM (you won't be able to use it to build new Manufacturing Orders anymore) ?
@@ -76,29 +75,3 @@
UnitCost=Unit cost
TotalCost=Total cost
BOMTotalCost=The cost to produce this BOM based on cost of each quantity and product to consume (use Cost price if defined, else Average Weighted Price if defined, else the Best purchase price)
-GoOnTabProductionToProduceFirst=You must first have started the production to close a Manufacturing Order (See tab '%s'). But you can Cancel it.
-ErrorAVirtualProductCantBeUsedIntoABomOrMo=A kit can't be used into a BOM or a MO
-WorkstationsDescription=Workstations management
-WorkstationSetup = Workstations setup
-WorkstationSetupPage = Workstations setup page
-WorkstationAbout = About Workstation
-WorkstationAboutPage = Workstations about page
-WorkstationList=Workstation list
-WorkstationCreate=Add new workstation
-ConfirmEnableWorkstation=Are you sure you want to enable workstation %s ?
-EnableAWorkstation=Enable a workstation
-ConfirmDisableWorkstation=Are you sure you want to disable workstation %s ?
-DisableAWorkstation=Disable a workstation
-NbOperatorsRequired=Number of operators required
-THMOperatorEstimated=Estimated operator THM
-THMMachineEstimated=Estimated machine THM
-WorkstationType=Workstation type
-HumanMachine=Human / Machine
-WorkstationArea=Workstation area
-THMEstimatedHelp=This rate makes it possible to define a forecast cost of the item
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_orders.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_orders.lang
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
OrderId=Broj narudžbe
PdfOrderTitle=Narudžba kupca
-Orders=Narudžbe kupaca
OrderLine=Stavka narudžbe
OrderDate=Datum narudžbe
OrderDateShort=Datum narudžbe
@@ -141,12 +141,11 @@
# Documents models
-PDFEinsteinDescription=A complete order model (old implementation of Eratosthene template)
+PDFEinsteinDescription=A complete order model
PDFEratostheneDescription=A complete order model
PDFEdisonDescription=Jednostavan model narudžbe
PDFProformaDescription=A complete Proforma invoice template
CreateInvoiceForThisCustomer=Naplata narudžbi
-CreateInvoiceForThisSupplier=Naplata narudžbi
NoOrdersToInvoice=Nema narudžbi za naplatu
CloseProcessedOrdersAutomatically=Odredi "Procesuirano" sve odabrane narudžbe.
OrderCreation=Izrada narudžbe
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_other.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_other.lang
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
ToolsDesc=Svi alati koji nisu uključeni u ostalim sučeljima grupirani su ovdje.
Možete im pristupiti uz pomoć izbornika lijevo.
+BirthdayDate=Birthday date
+DateToBirth=Birth date
BirthdayAlertOn=birthday alert active
BirthdayAlertOff=birthday alert inactive
TransKey=Translation of the key TransKey
@@ -14,8 +16,6 @@
TextPreviousMonthOfInvoice=Previous month (text) of invoice date
NextMonthOfInvoice=Following month (number 1-12) of invoice date
TextNextMonthOfInvoice=Following month (text) of invoice date
-PreviousMonth=Previous month
-CurrentMonth=Current month
ZipFileGeneratedInto=Zip file generated into %s.
DocFileGeneratedInto=Doc file generated into %s.
JumpToLogin=Disconnected. Go to login page...
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
Notify_EXPENSE_REPORT_APPROVE=Expense report approved
Notify_HOLIDAY_VALIDATE=Leave request validated (approval required)
Notify_HOLIDAY_APPROVE=Leave request approved
-Notify_ACTION_CREATE=Added action to Agenda
SeeModuleSetup=See setup of module %s
NbOfAttachedFiles=Number of attached files/documents
TotalSizeOfAttachedFiles=Total size of attached files/documents
@@ -98,9 +97,10 @@
PredefinedMailContentSendSupplierInvoice=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find invoice __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendShipping=Poštovana/ni,\nposlali smo vam robu prema dostavnici __REF__ u privitku.\n\nUkoliko je dostupna, na dostavnicu upisana je poveznica na stranice prijevoznika i broj pošiljke. Upišite broj na odredišnoj stranici i pratite vašu pošiljku.\n\nSrdačan pozdrav!\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentSendFichInter=__(Hello)__\n\nPlease find intervention __REF__ attached\n\n\n__(Sincerely)__\n\n__USER_SIGNATURE__
PredefinedMailContentLink=You can click on the link below to make your payment if it is not already done.\n\n%s\n\n
-PredefinedMailContentSendActionComm=Event reminder "__EVENT_LABEL__" on __EVENT_DATE__ at __EVENT_TIME__
This is an automatic message, please do not reply.
DemoDesc=Dolibarr is a compact ERP/CRM supporting several business modules. A demo showcasing all modules makes no sense as this scenario never occurs (several hundred available). So, several demo profiles are available.
ChooseYourDemoProfil=Choose the demo profile that best suits your needs...
ChooseYourDemoProfilMore=...or build your own profile
(manual module selection)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
CalculatedWeight=Izračunata masa
CalculatedVolume=Izračunati volumen
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@
EMailTextExpenseReportApproved=Expense report %s has been approved.
EMailTextHolidayValidated=Leave request %s has been validated.
EMailTextHolidayApproved=Leave request %s has been approved.
-EMailTextActionAdded=The action %s has been added to the Agenda.
ImportedWithSet=Importation data set
DolibarrNotification=Automatic notification
ResizeDesc=Enter new width OR new height. Ratio will be kept during resizing...
@@ -261,7 +260,6 @@
ProjectCreatedByEmailCollector=Project created by email collector from email MSGID %s
TicketCreatedByEmailCollector=Ticket created by email collector from email MSGID %s
OpeningHoursFormatDesc=Use a - to separate opening and closing hours.
Use a space to enter different ranges.
Example: 8-12 14-18
-PrefixSession=Prefix for session ID
##### Export #####
ExportsArea=Exports area
@@ -282,9 +280,7 @@
MemoryUsage=Memory usage
RequestDuration=Duration of request
-ProductsPerPopularity=Products/Services by popularity
PopuProp=Products/Services by popularity in Proposals
PopuCom=Products/Services by popularity in Orders
ProductStatistics=Products/Services Statistics
NbOfQtyInOrders=Qty in orders
-SelectTheTypeOfObjectToAnalyze=Select the type of object to analyze...
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_products.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_products.lang
@@ -104,25 +104,23 @@
BarcodeValue=Vrijednost barkoda
NoteNotVisibleOnBill=Bilješka (ne vidi se na računima, ponudama...)
ServiceLimitedDuration=Ako je proizvod usluga ograničenog trajanja:
-FillWithLastServiceDates=Fill with last service line dates
MultiPricesAbility=Multiple price segments per product/service (each customer is in one price segment)
MultiPricesNumPrices=Broj cijena
DefaultPriceType=Base of prices per default (with versus without tax) when adding new sale prices
-AssociatedProductsAbility=Enable Kits (set of several products)
-VariantsAbility=Enable Variants (variations of products, for example color, size)
-AssociatedProductsNumber=Number of products composing this kit
+AssociatedProductsAbility=Activate virtual products (kits)
+AssociatedProducts=Virtual products
+AssociatedProductsNumber=Number of products composing this virtual product
ParentProductsNumber=Broj matičnih grupiranih proizvoda
ParentProducts=Matični proizvod
-IfZeroItIsNotAVirtualProduct=If 0, this product is not a kit
-IfZeroItIsNotUsedByVirtualProduct=If 0, this product is not used by any kit
+IfZeroItIsNotAVirtualProduct=Ako je 0, ovaj proizvod nije virtualnni proizvod
+IfZeroItIsNotUsedByVirtualProduct=If 0, this product is not used by any virtual product
KeywordFilter=Filter po ključnim riječima
CategoryFilter=Filter po kategoriji
ProductToAddSearch=Pronađi proizvod za dodavanje
NoMatchFound=Ništa slično nije pronađeno
ListOfProductsServices=List of products/services
-ProductAssociationList=List of products/services that are component(s) of this kit
-ProductParentList=List of kits with this product as a component
+ProductAssociationList=List of products/services that are component(s) of this virtual product/kit
+ProductParentList=List of virtual products/services with this product as a component
ErrorAssociationIsFatherOfThis=Jedan od odabranih proizvoda je matični proizvod trenutnog proizvoda
DeleteProduct=Obriši proizvod/uslugu
ConfirmDeleteProduct=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj proizvod/uslugu
@@ -168,13 +166,9 @@
CustomerPrices=Cijene kupaca
SuppliersPrices=Vendor prices
SuppliersPricesOfProductsOrServices=Vendor prices (of products or services)
-CustomCode=Customs|Commodity|HS code
+CustomCode=Customs / Commodity / HS code
CountryOrigin=Zemlja porijekla
-RegionStateOrigin=Region origin
-StateOrigin=State|Province origin
Nature=Nature of product (material/finished)
-NatureOfProductShort=Nature of product
-NatureOfProductDesc=Raw material or finished product
ShortLabel=Kratka oznaka
@@ -242,7 +236,7 @@
PriceByQuantity=Različite cijene prema količini
DisablePriceByQty=Disable prices by quantity
PriceByQuantityRange=Raspon količine
-MultipriceRules=Automatic prices for segment
+MultipriceRules=Pravila odjelnih cijena
UseMultipriceRules=Use price segment rules (defined into product module setup) to auto calculate prices of all other segments according to first segment
PercentVariationOver=%% varijacija preko %s
PercentDiscountOver=%% popust preko %s
@@ -290,7 +284,6 @@
PriceMode=Način cijena
DefaultPrice=Predefinirana cijena
-DefaultPriceLog=Log of previous default prices
ComposedProductIncDecStock=Povečaj/smanji zalihu po promjeni matičnog proizvoda
ComposedProduct=Child products
MinSupplierPrice=Minimum buying price
@@ -343,7 +336,6 @@
ProductSupplierDescription=Vendor description for the product
UseProductSupplierPackaging=Use packaging on supplier prices (recalculate quantities according to packaging set on supplier price when adding/updating line in supplier documents)
-PackagingForThisProductDesc=On supplier order, you will automaticly order this quantity (or a multiple of this quantity). Cannot be less than minimum buying quantity
QtyRecalculatedWithPackaging=The quantity of the line were recalculated according to supplier packaging
@@ -367,9 +359,6 @@
ProductCombinationGenerator=Variants generator
PriceImpact=Price impact
-ImpactOnPriceLevel=Impact on price level %s
-ApplyToAllPriceImpactLevel= Apply to all levels
-ApplyToAllPriceImpactLevelHelp=By clicking here you set the same price impact on all levels
WeightImpact=Weight impact
NewProductAttribute=Novi atribut
NewProductAttributeValue=New attribute value
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_projects.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_projects.lang
@@ -76,16 +76,15 @@
MyProjects=Moji projekti
MyProjectsArea=Sučelje mojih projekata
DurationEffective=Efektivno trajanje
-ProgressDeclared=Declared real progress
+ProgressDeclared=Objavljeni napredak
TaskProgressSummary=Napredak zadatka
CurentlyOpenedTasks=Curently open tasks
-TheReportedProgressIsLessThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=The declared real progress is less %s than the progress on consumption
-TheReportedProgressIsMoreThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=The declared real progress is more %s than the progress on consumption
-ProgressCalculated=Progress on consumption
+TheReportedProgressIsLessThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=Deklarirani napredak manji je za %s od pretpostavljenog napretka
+TheReportedProgressIsMoreThanTheCalculatedProgressionByX=Deklarirani napredak veći je za %s od pretpostavljenog napretka
+ProgressCalculated=Izračunati napredak
WhichIamLinkedTo=s kojim sam povezan
WhichIamLinkedToProject=projekt s kojim sam povezan
ListOfTasks=Popis zadataka
GoToListOfTimeConsumed=Idi na popis utrošenog vremena
@@ -179,7 +178,6 @@
SelectElement=Odaberi element
AddElement=Poveži s elementom
-LinkToElementShort=Poveži s
# Documents models
DocumentModelBeluga=Predložak projektnog dokumenta za pregled povezanih objekata
DocumentModelBaleine=Predložak projektnog dokumenta za zadatke
@@ -212,9 +210,9 @@
ProjectNbTaskByMonth=Broj izrađenih zadataka po mjesecima
ProjectOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Iznos potencijalnih zahtjeva po mjesecima
ProjectWeightedOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Ponderirani iznos potencijalnih zahtjeva po mjesecima
-ProjectOpenedProjectByOppStatus=Open project|lead by lead status
-ProjectsStatistics=Statistics on projects or leads
-TasksStatistics=Statistics on tasks of projects or leads
+ProjectOpenedProjectByOppStatus=Otvoreni projekt / potencijalni projekt po statusu
+ProjectsStatistics=Statistika po projektima/prednostima
+TasksStatistics=Statistički podaci o projektnim / vodećim zadacima
TaskAssignedToEnterTime=Zadatak dodjeljen. Unos vremena za zadatak je moguće.
IdTaskTime=ID vre. zad.
YouCanCompleteRef=Ako referencu želite dovršiti nekim sufiksom, preporučuje se dodavanje znaka "-" kako biste ga odvojili, tako će automatsko brojanje i dalje raditi ispravno za sljedeće projekte. Na primjer %s-MOJSUFIKS
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_sendings.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/client_sendings.lang
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
SendingsAndReceivingForSameOrder=Shipments and receipts for this order
SendingsToValidate=Isporuke za ovjeru
StatusSendingValidated=Ovjereno (proizvodi za isporuku ili su isporučeni)
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@
# Sending methods
# ModelDocument
DocumentModelTyphon=Kompletan model dokumenta za dostavnu primku (logo...)
-DocumentModelStorm=More complete document model for delivery receipts and extrafields compatibility (logo...)
SumOfProductVolumes=Ukupni volumen proizvoda
SumOfProductWeights=Ukupna masa proizvoda
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MissingStocks=Missing stocks
-StockAtDate=Stocks at date
+StockAtDate=Stock at date
StockAtDateInPast=Date in past
StockAtDateInFuture=Date in future
StocksByLotSerial=Zaliha po lot/serijskom
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
ListMouvementStockProject=List of stock movements associated to project
AllWarehouses=All warehouses
-IncludeEmptyDesiredStock=Include also negative stock with undefined desired stock
+IncludeEmptyDesiredStock=Include also undefined desired stock
IncludeAlsoDraftOrders=Include also draft orders
LocationSummary=Kratki naziv lokacije
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
UserWarehouseAutoCreate=Create a user warehouse automatically when creating a user
AllowAddLimitStockByWarehouse=Manage also value for minimum and desired stock per pairing (product-warehouse) in addition to the value for minimum and desired stock per product
RuleForWarehouse=Rule for warehouses
-WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringPropal=Set a warehouse on Sale propal
WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringOrder=Set a warehouse on Sale orders
UserDefaultWarehouse=Set a warehouse on Users
MainDefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse
@@ -96,16 +95,14 @@
RealStockDesc=Physical/real stock is the stock currently in the warehouses.
RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=The real stock will be modified according to this rule (as defined in the Stock module):
VirtualStock=Umjetna zaliha
-VirtualStockAtDate=Virtual stock at date
-VirtualStockAtDateDesc=Virtual stock once all pending orders that are planned to be done before the date will be finished
-VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the calculated stock available once all open/pending actions (that affect stocks) are closed (purchase orders received, sales orders shipped, manufacturing orders produced, etc)
+VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the calculated stock available once all open/pending actions (that affect stocks) are closed (purchase orders received, sales orders shipped etc.)
IdWarehouse=ID skladišta
DescWareHouse=Opis skladišta
LieuWareHouse=Lokalizacija skladišta
WarehousesAndProducts=Skladišta i proizvodi
WarehousesAndProductsBatchDetail=Skladišta i proizvodi (s detaljima po lot/serijskom)
-AverageUnitPricePMPShort=Procjenjena prosječna cijena
-AverageUnitPricePMPDesc=The input average unit price we had to pay to suppliers to get the product into our stock.
+AverageUnitPricePMPShort=Procjenjena prosječna ulazna cijena
+AverageUnitPricePMP=Procjenjena prosječna ulazna cijena
SellPriceMin=Jed. prodajna cijena
EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Vrijednost za prodaju
EstimatedStockValueSell=Vrijednost za prodaju
@@ -123,9 +120,8 @@
StockToBuy=Za naručiti
ReplenishmentOrders=Nadopunjavanje narudžbe
-VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=According to increase/decrease stock options, physical stock and virtual stock (physical stock + open orders) may differ
-UseRealStockByDefault=Use real stock, instead of virtual stock, for replenishment feature
-ReplenishmentCalculation=Amount to order will be (desired quantity - real stock) instead of (desired quantity - virtual stock)
+VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=Sukladno opcija povečanja/smanjenja zaliha, fizička zaliha i umjetna zaliha (fizički + trenutne narudžbe) mogu se razlikovati
+UseVirtualStockByDefault=Za nadopunjavanje skladišta koristi virtualno stanje umjesto stvarnog.
UseVirtualStock=Koristi umjetnu zalihu
UsePhysicalStock=Koristi fizičku zalihu
CurentSelectionMode=Trenutno odabrani način
@@ -145,7 +141,7 @@
NbOfProductBeforePeriod=Količina proizvoda %s na zalihi prije odabranog perioda (< %s)
NbOfProductAfterPeriod=Količina proizvoda %s na zalihi nakon odabranog perioda (> %s)
MassMovement=Masovno kretanje
-SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Select a source warehouse and a target warehouse, a product and a quantity then click "%s". Once this is done for all required movements, click onto "%s".
+SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Odaberite proizvod, količinu, izvorno skladište i odredišno skladište, onda kliknite "%s". Kada završite za sva potrebna kretanja, kliknite na "%s".
RecordMovement=Record transfer
ReceivingForSameOrder=Primke za narudžbu
StockMovementRecorded=Kretanja zaliha zabilježeno
@@ -200,6 +196,8 @@
SelectCategory=Filter po kategoriji
SelectFournisseur=Vendor filter
+INVENTORY_DISABLE_VIRTUAL=Virtual product (kit): do not decrement stock of a child product
+INVENTORY_USE_MIN_PA_IF_NO_LAST_PA=Use the buy price if no last buy price can be found
INVENTORY_USE_INVENTORY_DATE_FOR_DATE_OF_MVT=Stock movements will have the date of inventory (instead of the date of inventory validation)
inventoryChangePMPPermission=Allow to change PMP value for a product
ColumnNewPMP=New unit PMP
@@ -237,8 +235,3 @@
StockAtDatePastDesc=You can view here the stock (real stock) at a given date in the past
StockAtDateFutureDesc=You can view here the stock (virtual stock) at a given date in future
CurrentStock=Current stock
-InventoryRealQtyHelp=Set value to 0 to reset qty
Keep field empty, or remove line, to keep unchanged
-UpdateByScaning=Update by scaning
-UpdateByScaningProductBarcode=Update by scan (product barcode)
-UpdateByScaningLot=Update by scan (lot|serial barcode)
-DisableStockChangeOfSubProduct=Deactivate the stock change for all the subproducts of this Kit during this movement.
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NbDaysToDelivery=Delivery delay (days)
DescNbDaysToDelivery=The longest delivery delay of the products from this order
SupplierReputation=Vendor reputation
-ReferenceReputation=Reference reputation
DoNotOrderThisProductToThisSupplier=Nemoj naručiti
NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=Low quality
BuyerName=Naziv kupca
AllProductServicePrices=All product / service prices
-AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=All references of vendor
+AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=All product / service references of vendor
BuyingPriceNumShort=Vendor prices
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TicketDictCategory=Ticket - Groupes
TicketDictSeverity=Ticket - Severities
TicketDictResolution=Ticket - Resolution
+TicketTypeShortBUGSOFT=Dysfonctionnement logiciel
+TicketTypeShortBUGHARD=Dysfonctionnement matériel
TicketTypeShortCOM=Commercial question
TicketTypeShortHELP=Request for functionnal help
TicketTypeShortISSUE=Issue, bug or problem
TicketTypeShortREQUEST=Change or enhancement request
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
-TicketSeverityShortBLOCKING=Critical, Blocking
ErrorBadEmailAddress=Field '%s' incorrect
MenuTicketMyAssign=My tickets
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@
Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Send ticket message by email
# Status
+NotRead=Nije pročitano
InProgress=U postupku
@@ -69,6 +72,7 @@
# Dict
+Category=Analytic code
# Email templates
@@ -123,8 +127,8 @@
TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Automatically assign the user who created the ticket
TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=When creating a ticket, the user can be automatically assigned to the ticket.
TicketNumberingModules=Tickets numbering module
-TicketsModelModule=Document templates for tickets
TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Notify third party at creation
TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Always disable emails when a ticket is created from public interface
TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Send email(s) when a new message is added
TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Send email(s) when a new message is added from public interface (to assigned user or the notifications email to (update) and/or the notifications email to)
@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@
NewTicket=New Ticket
SubjectAnswerToTicket=Ticket answer
TicketTypeRequest=Request type
+TicketCategory=Analytic code
SeeTicket=See ticket
TicketMarkedAsRead=Ticket has been marked as read
TicketReadOn=Read on
@@ -231,6 +235,7 @@
TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Not notify company at create
TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Not available. Ticket was not created from public interface.
+PublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Public interface was not enabled
ErrorTicketRefRequired=Ticket reference name is required
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/hr_HR/github_users.lang
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IdPhoneCaller=Pozivatelj ID
NewUserCreated=Korisnik %s kreiran
NewUserPassword=Lozinka promjenjena za %s
-NewPasswordValidated=Your new password have been validated and must be used now to login.
EventUserModified=Korisnik %s promjenjen
UserDisabled=Korisnik %s onemogućen
UserEnabled=Korisnik %s aktiviran
@@ -108,7 +107,6 @@
UserAccountancyCode=User accounting code
UserLogoff=Odjava korisnika
UserLogged=Korisnik prijavljen
-DateOfEmployment=Employment date
DateEmployment=Employment Start Date
DateEmploymentEnd=Employment End Date
CantDisableYourself=You can't disable your own user record
@@ -117,4 +115,3 @@
ValidatorIsSupervisorByDefault=By default, the validator is the supervisor of the user. Keep empty to keep this behaviour.
UserPersonalEmail=Personal email
UserPersonalMobile=Personal mobile phone
-WarningNotLangOfInterface=Warning, this is the main language the user speak, not the language of the interface he choosed to see. To change the interface language visible by this user, go on tab %s
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AddWebsite=Add website
Webpage=Web page/container
AddPage=Add page/container
+HomePage=Home Page
PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Preview of your website %s not yet available. You must first 'Import a full website template' or just 'Add a page/container'.
RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=Requested page with id %s has no content yet, or cache file .tpl.php was removed. Edit content of the page to solve this.
SiteDeleted=Web site '%s' deleted
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=External URL must start with http:// or https://
ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Upload the Zip file of the website template package
ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=or Choose an available embedded website template package
-ShowSubcontainers=Show dynamic content
+ShowSubcontainers=Include dynamic content
InternalURLOfPage=Internal URL of page
ThisPageIsTranslationOf=This page/container is a translation of
ThisPageHasTranslationPages=This page/container has translation
@@ -134,6 +135,3 @@
RSSFeed=RSS Feed
RSSFeedDesc=You can get a RSS feed of latest articles with type 'blogpost' using this URL
PagesRegenerated=%s page(s)/container(s) regenerated
-RegenerateWebsiteContent=Regenerate web site cache files
-AllowedInFrames=Allowed in Frames
-DefineListOfAltLanguagesInWebsiteProperties=Define list of all available languages into web site properties.
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PaymentByBankTransferLines=Credit transfer order lines
WithdrawalsReceipts=Direct debit orders
WithdrawalReceipt=Direct debit order
-BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer orders
+BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer order
BankTransferReceipt=Credit transfer order
LatestBankTransferReceipts=Latest %s credit transfer orders
LastWithdrawalReceipts=Latest %s direct debit files
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
MakeWithdrawRequest=Make a direct debit payment request
MakeBankTransferOrder=Make a credit transfer request
WithdrawRequestsDone=%s direct debit payment requests recorded
-BankTransferRequestsDone=%s credit transfer requests recorded
ThirdPartyBankCode=Third-party bank code
NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=No invoice debited successfully. Check that invoices are on companies with a valid IBAN and that IBAN has a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) with mode %s.
ClassCredited=Označi kao kreditirano
@@ -64,9 +63,7 @@
StatusDebitCredit=Status debit/credit
StatusMotif1=Nedovoljno sredstva
@@ -80,13 +77,13 @@
CreateForSepaFRST=Create direct debit file (SEPA FRST)
CreateForSepaRCUR=Create direct debit file (SEPA RCUR)
CreateAll=Create direct debit file (all)
-CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create file for credit transfer
+CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer (all)
CreateSepaFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer file (SEPA)
CreateGuichet=Samo ured
CreateBanque=Samo banka
OrderWaiting=Čeka tretman
-NotifyTransmision=Record file transmission of order
-NotifyCredit=Record credit of order
+NotifyTransmision=Prijenos isplate
+NotifyCredit=Kredit isplate
NumeroNationalEmetter=Nacionalni broj pošiljatelja
WithBankUsingRIB=Za bankovne račune koji koriste RIB
WithBankUsingBANBIC=Za bankovne račune koji koriste IBAN/BIC/SWIFT
@@ -96,10 +93,9 @@
WithdrawalFileNotCapable=Nemoguće generirati isplatnu potvrdu za vašu zemlju %s ( Vaša zemlja nije podržana)
ShowWithdraw=Show Direct Debit Order
IfInvoiceNeedOnWithdrawPaymentWontBeClosed=However, if invoice has at least one direct debit payment order not yet processed, it won't be set as paid to allow prior withdrawal management.
-DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Payment by direct debit to generate and manage the direct debit order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
-DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Payment by credit transfer to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
-WithdrawalFile=Debit order file
-CreditTransferFile=Credit transfer file
+DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Direct Debit orders to generate and manage the direct debit payment order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Credit transfer orders to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+WithdrawalFile=Isplatna datoteka
SetToStatusSent=Postavi status "Datoteka poslana"
ThisWillAlsoAddPaymentOnInvoice=This will also record payments on invoices and will classify them as "Paid" if remain to pay is null
StatisticsByLineStatus=Statistika statusa stavki
@@ -125,15 +121,13 @@
ModeRECUR=Recurring payment
ModeFRST=One-off payment
PleaseCheckOne=Please check one only
-CreditTransferOrderCreated=Credit transfer order %s created
DirectDebitOrderCreated=Direct debit order %s created
AmountRequested=Amount requested
ExecutionDate=Execution date
CreateForSepa=Create direct debit file
-ICS=Creditor Identifier CI for direct debit
-ICSTransfer=Creditor Identifier CI for bank transfer
+ICS=Creditor Identifier CI
END_TO_END="EndToEndId" SEPA XML tag - Unique id assigned per transaction
USTRD="Unstructured" SEPA XML tag
ADDDAYS=Add days to Execution Date
@@ -147,6 +141,3 @@
InfoRejectSubject=Direct debit payment order refused
the direct debit payment order of invoice %s related to the company %s, with an amount of %s has been refused by the bank.
ModeWarning=Opcija za stvarni način nije postavljena, zaustavljamo nakon ove simulacije
-ErrorCompanyHasDuplicateDefaultBAN=Company with id %s has more than one default bank account. No way to know wich one to use.
-ErrorICSmissing=Missing ICS in Bank account %s
-TotalAmountOfdirectDebitOrderDiffersFromSumOfLines=Total amount of direct debit order differs from sum of lines
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# Autoclassify purchase order
descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked proposal)
descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
-descWORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION=Classify receptions to "billed" when a linked supplier order is validated
-# Autoclose intervention
-descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CLOSE_INTERVENTION=Close all interventions linked to the ticket when a ticket is closed
AutomaticCreation=Automatic creation
AutomaticClassification=Automatic classification
-# Autoclassify shipment
-descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Classify linked source shipment as closed when customer invoice is validated
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# Admin page
ZapierForDolibarrSetup = Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr
-ZapierDescription=Interface with Zapier