--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_accountancy.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_accountancy.lang @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - accountancy ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_PIECE=Export the number of pieces +ConfigAccountingExpert=Configuration for the financial expert module Journalization=Journalisation BackToChartofaccounts=Return to chart of accounts OverviewOfAmountOfLinesNotBound=Overview of number of lines not bound to an finance account OverviewOfAmountOfLinesBound=Overview of number of lines already bound to an finance account DeleteCptCategory=Remove finance account from group JournalizationInLedgerStatus=Status of journals +AlreadyInGeneralLedger=Already journalised in ledgers +NotYetInGeneralLedger=Not yet journalised in ledgers GroupIsEmptyCheckSetup=Group is empty, check setup of the personalised finance group MainAccountForCustomersNotDefined=Main finance account for customers not defined in setup MainAccountForUsersNotDefined=Main finance account for users not defined in setup @@ -23,6 +26,7 @@ AccountancyAreaDescBind=STEP %s: Checking links between existing %s lines and finance account is done, so application will be able to journalise transactions in Ledger with one click. To complete missing links use the menu entry %s. AccountancyAreaDescWriteRecords=STEP %s: Write transactions into the Ledger. For this, go into menu %s, and click button %s. AccountancyAreaDescClosePeriod=STEP %s: Close period so we can't make future modifications. +TheJournalCodeIsNotDefinedOnSomeBankAccount=A mandatory step in setup was not completed (accounting code journal not defined for all bank accounts) Addanaccount=Add a financial account AccountAccounting=Financial Account ShowAccountingAccount=Show finance account @@ -49,7 +53,6 @@ NotVentilatedinAccount=Not linked to the financial account XLineSuccessfullyBinded=%s products/services successfully linked to the finance account XLineFailedToBeBinded=%s products/services were not linked to any finance account -ACCOUNTING_LIMIT_LIST_VENTILATION=Maximum number of lines on list and bind page (recommended: 50) ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_TODO=Begin sorting the page "Links to do" by the most recent elements ACCOUNTING_LIST_SORT_VENTILATION_DONE=Begin sorting the page "Links done" by the most recent elements ACCOUNTING_LENGTH_GACCOUNT=Length of the General Ledger accounts (If you set value to 6 here, the account '706' will appear as '706000' on screen) @@ -62,10 +65,14 @@ ACCOUNTING_SERVICE_SOLD_ACCOUNT=Default services sales account (used if not defined in the service sheet) LabelAccount=Account name LabelOperation=Account operation +Sens=Meaning NumPiece=Item number AccountingCategory=Personalised groups +GroupByAccountAccounting=Group by finance account AccountingAccountGroupsDesc=Here you can define some groups of financial accounts. They will be used for personalised accounting reports. ByPersonalizedAccountGroups=By personalised groups +ConfirmDeleteMvtPartial=This will delete the transaction from the Ledger (all lines related to this transaction will be deleted) +DescJournalOnlyBindedVisible=This is a view of records that are linked to a finance account and can be posted into the Ledger. FeeAccountNotDefined=Account for fees not defined CustomerInvoicePayment=Payment by customer invoice NumMvts=Transaction Number --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_admin.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_admin.lang @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImportWarning=This is mandatory if you want to restore your sql dumps later ModulesMarketPlaceDesc=You can find more modules to download from external websites on the Internet... ModulesMarketPlaces=Find external applications and modules +DoliPartnersDesc=List of companies providing custom-developed modules or features.
Note: since Dolibarr is an open source application, anyone experienced in PHP programming should be able to develop a module. AvailableOnlyIfJavascriptAndAjaxNotDisabled=Available only if JavaScript is enabled InstrucToEncodePass=To have password encoded into the conf.php file, replace the line
$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:%s"; InstrucToClearPass=To have password decoded (clear) into the conf.php file, replace the line
$dolibarr_main_db_pass="%s"; @@ -42,11 +43,9 @@ ListOfDirectoriesForModelGenODT=List of directories containing template files in OpenDocument format.

Put here full path of directories.
Add a carriage return between each directory.
To add a directory of the GED module, add here DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/yourdirectoryname.

Files in those directories must end with .odt or .ods. FollowingSubstitutionKeysCanBeUsed=
To learn how to create your .odt document templates, before storing them in those directories, read wiki documentation: Module50200Name=PayPal -Module59000Desc=Module to follow margins DictionaryAccountancyJournal=Finance journals CompanyZip=Postcode LDAPFieldZip=Postcode -ViewProductDescInThirdpartyLanguageAbility=Display products descriptions in forms in the language of the third party (otherwise in the language of the user) GenbarcodeLocation=Barcode generation command line tool (used by internal engine for some bar code types). Must be compatible with "genbarcode".
For example: /usr/local/bin/genbarcode FormatZip=Postcode OperationParamDesc=Define the values to use for the object of the action, or how to extract values. For example:
objproperty1=SET:the value to set
objproperty2=SET:a value with replacement of __objproperty1__
objproperty3=SETIFEMPTY:value used if objproperty3 is not already defined
object.objproperty5=EXTRACT:BODY:My company name is\\s([^\\s]*)

Use a ; char as separator to extract or set several properties. --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_banks.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_banks.lang @@ -1,15 +1,7 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - banks CheckTransmitter=Drawer -ValidateCheckReceipt=Validate this cheque receipt? -ConfirmValidateCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to validate this cheque receipt? No change will be possible once this is done. -DeleteCheckReceipt=Delete this cheque receipt? -ConfirmDeleteCheckReceipt=Are you sure you want to delete this cheque receipt? BankChecks=Bank cheques -BankChecksToReceipt=Cheques awaiting deposit -BankChecksToReceiptShort=Cheques awaiting deposit ShowCheckReceipt=Show cheque deposit receipt -NumberOfCheques=No. of cheques -SelectChequeTransactionAndGenerate=Select/filter cheques to include in the cheque deposit receipt, then click "Create". InputReceiptNumber=Identify the bank statement to reconcile. Use a sortable numeric value: YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD EventualyAddCategory=Specify a category in which to classify the records, if required ThenCheckLinesAndConciliate=Select the lines shown on the bank statement and click @@ -19,7 +11,5 @@ NoBANRecord=No bank account record DeleteARib=Delete bank account record RejectCheck=Cheque returned -ConfirmRejectCheck=Are you sure you want to mark this cheque as rejected? RejectCheckDate=Date the cheque was returned CheckRejected=Cheque returned -CheckRejectedAndInvoicesReopened=Cheque returned and invoices reopened --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_bills.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_bills.lang @@ -17,14 +17,7 @@ ChequeBank=Bank of Cheque CheckBank=Cheque PrettyLittleSentence=Accept the amount of payments due by cheques issued in my name as a Member of an accounting association approved by the Fiscal Administration. -PaymentByChequeOrderedTo=Cheque payments (including tax) are payable to %s, send to -PaymentByChequeOrderedToShort=Cheque payments (incl. tax) are payable to -MenuChequeDeposits=Cheque Deposits MenuCheques=Cheques -MenuChequesReceipts=Cheque receipts -ChequesReceipts=Cheque receipts -ChequesArea=Cheque deposits area -ChequeDeposits=Cheque deposits Cheques=Cheques NbCheque=Number of cheques MarsNumRefModelDesc1=Return number with format %syymm-nnnn for standard invoices, %syymm-nnnn for replacement invoices, %syymm-nnnn for deposit invoices and %syymm-nnnn for credit notes where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence with no break and no return to 0 --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_cashdesk.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_cashdesk.lang @@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ RestartSelling=Go back to sales NoProductFound=No product found NoArticle=No product +NumberOfLinesToShow=Number of lines to show in image box +DefineTablePlan=Define table plan --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_compta.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_compta.lang @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - compta CheckReceipt=Cheque deposit CheckReceiptShort=Cheque deposit -LastCheckReceiptShort=Last %s cheque receipts NewCheckDeposit=New cheque deposit NewCheckDepositOn=Create receipt for deposit to account: %s NoWaitingChecks=No cheques awaiting deposit. DateChequeReceived=Cheque reception date -NbOfCheques=No. of cheques --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_main.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_main.lang @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ FormatDateHourSecShort=%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S FormatDateHourTextShort=%d %b %Y %H:%M FormatDateHourText=%d %B %Y %H:%M +EmptySearchString=Enter non empty search criterias ErrorNoVATRateDefinedForSellerCountry=Error, no VAT rates defined for country '%s'. NotAuthorized=You are not authorised to do that. BackgroundColorByDefault=Default background colour --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_products.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_products.lang @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - products -AssociatedProductsAbility=Enable Kits (set of several products) PrintsheetForOneBarCode=Print several labels for one barcode --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_sendings.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_sendings.lang @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - sendings StatusSendingCanceled=Cancelled -StatusSendingCanceledShort=Cancelled --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_stocks.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_stocks.lang @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ IdWarehouse=Warehouse ID LieuWareHouse=Locality of warehouse EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Value of stock at selling price +VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=According to stock movement options, physical stock (physical + current orders) and virtual stock may differ RuleForStockReplenishment=Rule for stock replenishment IsInPackage=Packaged ThisSerialAlreadyExistWithDifferentDate=This lot/serial number (%s) already exists but with different useby or sellby dates (found %s but you entered %s). --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_website.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_website.lang @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - website PageNameAliasHelp=Name or alias of the page.
This alias is also used to forge an SEO URL when the website is run from a Virtual host of a Web server (like Apache, Nginx, ...). Use the button "%s" to edit this alias. +YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=You try to access to a page that is not available.
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s) --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_withdrawals.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_withdrawals.lang @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - withdrawals +BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer order NotPossibleForThisStatusOfWithdrawReceiptORLine=Not yet possible. Payment status must be set to 'credited' before declaring reject on specific lines. AmountToWithdraw=Amount to pay MakeWithdrawRequest=Make a Direct Debit payment request @@ -9,9 +10,13 @@ NoInvoiceRefused=Do not charge for the rejection StatusMotif6=Account without a balance OrderWaiting=Waiting for action +NotifyTransmision=Payment Transmission +NotifyCredit=Payment Credit WithdrawalFileNotCapable=Unable to generate Payment receipt file for your country %s (Your country is not supported) +DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Direct Debit orders to generate and manage the direct debit payment order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null. +DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Credit transfer orders to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null. +WithdrawalFile=Payment file WithdrawRequestAmount=The amount of Direct Debit request: WithdrawRequestErrorNilAmount=Unable to create a Direct Debit request for an empty amount. SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorise (A) %s to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank. -ICS=Creditor Identifier CI for direct debit InfoRejectMessage=Hello,

the direct debit payment order for invoice %s related to the company %s, for an amount of %s has been refused by the bank.

%s --- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/github_workflow.lang +++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/en_GB/client_workflow.lang @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ # Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - workflow +WorkflowDesc=This module is designed to modify the behaviour of automatic actions within the application. By default, workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want). You can activate the automatic actions you are interested in. ThereIsNoWorkflowToModify=There is no workflow modifications available within the activated modules. +descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a customer order after a commercial proposal is signed (new order will have the same amount than proposal)