-ConfirmDestock=Smanjenje zaliha s prijenosom %s
-ConfirmDestockCancel=Otkažite smanjenje zaliha s prijenosom %s
-DestockAllProduct=Smanjenje zaliha
-DestockAllProductCancel=Otkažite smanjenje zaliha
-ConfirmAddStock=Povećajte zalihe transferom %s
-ConfirmAddStockCancel=Otkažite povećanje zaliha s prijenosom %s
-AddStockAllProduct=Povećanje zaliha
-AddStockAllProductCancel=Otkažite povećanje zaliha
-DatePrevueDepart=Predviđeni datum polaska
-DateReelleDepart=Pravi datum polaska
-DatePrevueArrivee=Planirani datum dolaska
-DateReelleArrivee=Pravi datum dolaska
-HelpWarehouseStockTransferSource=Ako je ovo skladište postavljeno, samo će samo i njegova djeca biti dostupna kao izvorno skladište
-HelpWarehouseStockTransferDestination=Ako je ovo skladište postavljeno, samo će samo i njegova djeca biti dostupna kao odredišno skladište
-LeadTimeForWarning=Vrijeme isporuke prije upozorenja (u danima)
-TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STFROM=Pošiljalac prijenosa dionica
-TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STDEST=Primalac prijenosa dionica
-TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STRESP=Odgovoran za prenos zaliha
-StockTransferSheet=List za prijenos dionica
-StockTransferSheetProforma=Proforma list za prijenos dionica
-StockTransferDecrementation=Smanjite izvorna skladišta
-StockTransferIncrementation=Povećajte odredišna skladišta
-StockTransferDecrementationCancel=Otkažite smanjenje izvornih skladišta
-StockTransferIncrementationCancel=Otkažite povećanje odredišnih skladišta
-StockStransferDecremented=Izvorna skladišta su smanjena
-StockStransferDecrementedCancel=Otkazano smanjenje izvornih skladišta
-StockStransferIncremented=Zatvoreno - Prenesene dionice
-StockStransferIncrementedShort=Zalihe su prebačene
-StockStransferIncrementedShortCancel=Otkazano povećanje odredišnih skladišta
-StockTransferNoBatchForProduct=Proizvod %s ne koristi seriju, obrišite seriju na liniji i pokušajte ponovo
-StockTransferSetup = Konfiguracija modula za prijenos dionica
-StockTransferSetupPage = Konfiguraciona stranica za modul za prijenos dionica
-StockTransferRightRead=Pročitajte transfere dionica
-StockTransferRightCreateUpdate=Kreirajte/ažurirajte prijenose zaliha
-StockTransferRightDelete=Izbrišite prijenose dionica
-BatchNotFound=Lot / serija nije pronađena za ovaj proizvod
ulaska na zalihu
-StockMovementWillBeRecorded=Kretanje zaliha bit će zabilježeno
-StockMovementNotYetRecorded=Ovaj korak neće uticati na kretanje zaliha
-ReverseConfirmed=Kretanje dionica je uspješno preokrenuto
-WarningThisWIllAlsoDeleteStock=Upozorenje, ovo će također uništiti sve količine na zalihama u skladištu
-ValidateInventory=Validacija inventara
-IncludeSubWarehouse=Uključiti podskladište ?
-IncludeSubWarehouseExplanation=Označite ovo polje ako želite u inventar uključiti sva podskladišta pripadajućeg skladišta
-DeleteBatch=Izbriši seriju/seriju
-ConfirmDeleteBatch=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati lot/seriju?
-WarehouseUsage=Korištenje skladišta
-InternalWarehouse=Interno skladište
-ExternalWarehouse=Eksterno skladište
+AlwaysShowFullArbo=Display full tree of warehouse on popup of warehouse links (Warning: This may decrease dramatically performances)
+StockAtDatePastDesc=You can view here the stock (real stock) at a given date in the past
+StockAtDateFutureDesc=You can view here the stock (virtual stock) at a given date in future
+CurrentStock=Current stock
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_suppliers.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_suppliers.lang
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - vendors
-SuppliersInvoice=Račun dobavljača
-SupplierInvoices=Fakture prodavača
-ShowSupplierInvoice=Prikaži fakturu dobavljača
-NewSupplier=Novi dobavljač
-NewSupplierInvoice = Nova faktura dobavljača
+# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - suppliers
+SuppliersInvoice=Vendor invoice
+ShowSupplierInvoice=Show Vendor Invoice
+NewSupplier=New vendor
@@ -9,4 +7,5 @@
-ListOfSuppliers=Spisak dobavljača
-ShowSupplier=Pokaži dobavljača
-BuyingPriceMin=Najbolja kupovna cijena
-BuyingPriceMinShort=Najbolja kupovna cijena
+ListOfSuppliers=List of vendors
+ShowSupplier=Show vendor
+OrderDate=Datum narudžbe
+BuyingPriceMin=Best buying price
+BuyingPriceMinShort=Best buying price
@@ -14 +13 @@
-TotalSellingPriceMinShort=Ukupno za prodajne cijene podproizvoda
+TotalSellingPriceMinShort=Total of subproducts selling prices
@@ -16,8 +15,8 @@
-AddSupplierPrice=Dodajte kupovnu cijenu
-ChangeSupplierPrice=Promijenite kupovnu cijenu
-SupplierPrices=Cijene dobavljača
-ReferenceSupplierIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAProduct=Ova referenca dobavljača je već povezana s proizvodom: %s
-NoRecordedSuppliers=Nema zabilježenog dobavljača
-SupplierPayment=Plaćanje dobavljača
-SuppliersArea=Područje dobavljača
-RefSupplierShort=Ref. prodavača
+AddSupplierPrice=Add buying price
+ChangeSupplierPrice=Change buying price
+SupplierPrices=Vendor prices
+ReferenceSupplierIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAProduct=Ova referentni dobavljač je već povezan sa referencom: %s
+NoRecordedSuppliers=No vendor recorded
+SupplierPayment=Vendor payment
+SuppliersArea=Vendor area
+RefSupplierShort=Ref. vendor
@@ -25,3 +24,3 @@
-ExportDataset_fournisseur_1=Fakture dobavljača i detalji fakture
-ExportDataset_fournisseur_2=Fakture dobavljača i plaćanja
-ExportDataset_fournisseur_3=Narudžbenice i detalji narudžbe
+ExportDataset_fournisseur_1=Vendor invoices list and invoice lines
+ExportDataset_fournisseur_2=Vendor invoices and payments
+ExportDataset_fournisseur_3=Purchase orders and order lines
@@ -29,28 +28,20 @@
-ConfirmApproveThisOrder=Jeste li sigurni da želite odobriti narudžbu %s?
-DenyingThisOrder=Odbijte ovu naredbu
-ConfirmDenyingThisOrder=Jeste li sigurni da želite odbiti ovu narudžbu %s?
-ConfirmCancelThisOrder=Jeste li sigurni da želite otkazati ovu narudžbu %s?
-AddSupplierOrder=Kreirajte narudžbenicu
-AddSupplierInvoice=Kreirajte fakturu dobavljača
-ListOfSupplierProductForSupplier=Lista proizvoda i cijene za dobavljače %s
-SentToSuppliers=Poslano prodavcima
-ListOfSupplierOrders=Lista narudžbenica
-MenuOrdersSupplierToBill=Narudžbenice za fakturisanje
-NbDaysToDelivery=Kašnjenje isporuke (dani)
-DescNbDaysToDelivery=Najduže kašnjenje isporuke proizvoda iz ove narudžbe
-SupplierReputation=Reputacija dobavljača
-ReferenceReputation=Referentna reputacija
-DoNotOrderThisProductToThisSupplier=Nemojte naručiti
-NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=Niska kvaliteta
-BuyerName=Ime kupca
-AllProductServicePrices=Sve cijene proizvoda/usluga
-AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=Sve reference dobavljača
-BuyingPriceNumShort=Cijene dobavljača
-RepeatableSupplierInvoice=Predložak fakture dobavljača
-RepeatableSupplierInvoices=Predložak faktura dobavljača
-RepeatableSupplierInvoicesList=Predložak faktura dobavljača
-RecurringSupplierInvoices=Ponavljajuće fakture dobavljača
-ToCreateAPredefinedSupplierInvoice=Da biste kreirali predložak fakture dobavljača, morate kreirati standardnu fakturu, a zatim, bez potvrđivanja, kliknite na dugme "%s".
-GeneratedFromSupplierTemplate=Generirano iz predloška fakture dobavljača %s
-SupplierInvoiceGeneratedFromTemplate=Faktura dobavljača %s Generirano iz predloška fakture dobavljača %s
+ConfirmApproveThisOrder=Are you sure you want to approve order %s?
+DenyingThisOrder=Deny this order
+ConfirmDenyingThisOrder=Are you sure you want to deny this order %s?
+ConfirmCancelThisOrder=Are you sure you want to cancel this order %s?
+AddSupplierOrder=Create Purchase Order
+AddSupplierInvoice=Create vendor invoice
+ListOfSupplierProductForSupplier=List of products and prices for vendor %s
+SentToSuppliers=Sent to vendors
+ListOfSupplierOrders=List of purchase orders
+MenuOrdersSupplierToBill=Purchase orders to invoice
+NbDaysToDelivery=Delivery delay in days
+DescNbDaysToDelivery=The biggest deliver delay of the products from this order
+SupplierReputation=Vendor reputation
+DoNotOrderThisProductToThisSupplier=Do not order
+NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=Wrong quality
+BuyerName=Buyer name
+AllProductServicePrices=All product / service prices
+AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=All product / service references of supplier
+BuyingPriceNumShort=Vendor prices
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_ticket.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_ticket.lang
@@ -21,21 +21,20 @@
-Module56000Desc=Ticket sistem za upravljanje izdavanjem ili zahtjevom
-Permission56001=Pogledajte karte
-Permission56002=Izmijenite karte
-Permission56003=Obriši karte
-Permission56004=Upravljajte ulaznicama
-Permission56005=Pogledajte ulaznice svih trećih strana (nije na snazi za vanjske korisnike, uvijek su ograničene na treću stranu od koje zavise)
-Permission56006=Izvozne karte
-TicketDictType=Ulaznice - Vrste
-TicketDictCategory=Ulaznice - Grupe
-TicketDictSeverity=Ulaznica - ozbiljnosti
-TicketDictResolution=Ulaznica - Rezolucija
-TicketTypeShortCOM=Komercijalno pitanje
-TicketTypeShortHELP=Zahtjev za funkcionalnu pomoć
-TicketTypeShortISSUE=Problem ili greška
-TicketTypeShortREQUEST=Zahtjev za promjenu ili poboljšanje
+Module56000Desc=Ticket system for issue or request management
+Permission56001=See tickets
+Permission56002=Modify tickets
+Permission56003=Delete tickets
+Permission56004=Manage tickets
+Permission56005=See tickets of all third parties (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on)
+TicketDictType=Ticket - Types
+TicketDictCategory=Ticket - Groupes
+TicketDictSeverity=Ticket - Severities
+TicketDictResolution=Ticket - Resolution
+TicketTypeShortBUGSOFT=Dysfonctionnement logiciel
+TicketTypeShortBUGHARD=Dysfonctionnement matériel
+TicketTypeShortCOM=Commercial question
+TicketTypeShortHELP=Request for functionnal help
+TicketTypeShortISSUE=Issue, bug or problem
+TicketTypeShortREQUEST=Change or enhancement request
@@ -46 +45 @@
@@ -48,18 +47,14 @@
-TicketSeverityShortBLOCKING=Kritično, blokiranje
-ErrorBadEmailAddress=Polje '%s' nije ispravno
-MenuTicketMyAssign=Moje karte
-MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=Moje otvorene karte
-MenuListNonClosed=Otvorene karte
-TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=Dodijeljeni korisnik
-TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=Kontakt s klijentima / praćenje incidenata
-TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=Vanjski saradnik
-OriginEmail=Reporter Email
-Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Pošaljite poruku o ulaznici putem e-pošte
+ErrorBadEmailAddress=Field '%s' incorrect
+MenuTicketMyAssign=My tickets
+MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=My open tickets
+MenuListNonClosed=Open tickets
+TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=Assigned user
+TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=Customer contact / incident tracking
+TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=External contributor
+OriginEmail=Email source
+Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Send ticket message by email
@@ -67,0 +63 @@
+NotRead=Not read
@@ -69,4 +65,4 @@
-NeedMoreInformation=Čeka se povratna informacija novinara
-NeedMoreInformationShort=Čekam povratnu informaciju
+InProgress=U toku
+NeedMoreInformation=Waiting for information
@@ -74,2 +70,2 @@
@@ -79,3 +75,2 @@
-TicketGroupIsPublic=Grupa je javna
-TicketGroupIsPublicDesc=Ako je grupa ulaznica javna, ona će biti vidljiva u obrascu prilikom kreiranja tiketa iz javnog interfejsa
+Category=Analytic code
@@ -84 +79 @@
-MailToSendTicketMessage=Za slanje e-pošte iz tiketa
+MailToSendTicketMessage=To send email from ticket message
@@ -89,33 +84,32 @@
-TicketSetup=Podešavanje modula ulaznica
-TicketPublicAccess=Javni interfejs koji ne zahteva identifikaciju dostupan je na sledećem URL-u
-TicketSetupDictionaries=Tip karte, ozbiljnost i analitički kodovi se mogu konfigurirati iz rječnika
-TicketParamModule=Podešavanje varijable modula
-TicketParamMail=Podešavanje e-pošte
-TicketEmailNotificationFrom=E-mail pošiljaoca za obavještenje o odgovorima
-TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=E-mail pošiljaoca koji se koristi za slanje e-pošte s obavještenjem kada je odgovor dat unutar back officea. Na primjer noreply@example.com
-TicketEmailNotificationTo=Obavijestite kreiranje ulaznice na ovu e-mail adresu
-TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=Ako postoji, ova e-mail adresa će biti obaviještena o kreiranju ulaznice
-TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=Tekstualna poruka poslana nakon kreiranja tiketa
-TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=Ovdje naveden tekst bit će umetnut u e-poruku kojom se potvrđuje kreiranje nove karte iz javnog interfejsa. Informacije o pregledu karte se automatski dodaju.
-TicketParamPublicInterface=Podešavanje javnog interfejsa
-TicketsEmailMustExist=Zahtijevajte postojeću adresu e-pošte da kreirate kartu
-TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=U javnom interfejsu, email adresa bi već trebala biti popunjena u bazi podataka kako bi se kreirala nova karta.
-TicketsShowProgression=Prikažite napredak tiketa u javnom interfejsu
-TicketsShowProgressionHelp=Omogućite ovu opciju da sakrijete napredak tiketa na stranicama javnog interfejsa
-TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExist=Pitajte ime i naziv kompanije za nepoznate e-poruke.
-TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExistHelp=Provjerite postoji li treća strana ili kontakt za unesenu e-poštu. Ako ne, pitajte ime i ime kompanije da kreirate treću stranu sa kontaktom.
-PublicInterface=Javni interfejs
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=Tekst dobrodošlice javnog interfejsa
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=Možete kreirati tiket za podršku ili pogledati postojeću iz tiketa za praćenje identifikatora.
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=Ovdje definirani tekst će se pojaviti na početnoj stranici javnog interfejsa.
-TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=Naslov interfejsa
-TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=Ovaj tekst će se pojaviti kao naslov javnog interfejsa.
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=Tekst pomoći za unos poruke
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=Ovaj tekst će se pojaviti iznad oblasti za unos poruke korisnika.
-ExtraFieldsTicket=Dodatni atributi
-TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML editor nije aktiviran. Molimo stavite FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL sadržaj na 1 da ga dobijete.
-TicketsDisableEmail=Nemojte slati e-poštu za kreiranje ulaznica ili snimanje poruke
-TicketsDisableEmailHelp=Podrazumevano, e-poruke se šalju kada se kreiraju nove karte ili poruke. Omogućite ovu opciju da onemogućite *sva* obavještenja putem e-pošte
-TicketsLogEnableEmail=Omogućite prijavu putem e-pošte
-TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=Prilikom svake promjene, email će biti poslan **svakom kontaktu** povezanom sa ulaznicom.
+TicketSetup=Ticket module setup
+TicketPublicAccess=A public interface requiring no identification is available at the following url
+TicketSetupDictionaries=The type of ticket, severity and analytic codes are configurable from dictionaries
+TicketParamModule=Module variable setup
+TicketParamMail=Email setup
+TicketEmailNotificationFrom=Notification email from
+TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=Used into ticket message answer by example
+TicketEmailNotificationTo=Notifications email to
+TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=Send email notifications to this address.
+TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=Text message sent after creating a ticket
+TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=The text specified here will be inserted into the email confirming the creation of a new ticket from the public interface. Information on the consultation of the ticket are automatically added.
+TicketParamPublicInterface=Public interface setup
+TicketsEmailMustExist=Require an existing email address to create a ticket
+TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=In the public interface, the email address should already be filled in the database to create a new ticket.
+PublicInterface=Public interface
+TicketUrlPublicInterfaceLabelAdmin=Alternative URL for public interface
+TicketUrlPublicInterfaceHelpAdmin=It is possible to define an alias to the web server and thus make available the public interface with another URL (the server must act as a proxy on this new URL)
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=Welcome text of the public interface
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=You can create a support ticket or view existing from its identifier tracking ticket.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=The text defined here will appear on the home page of the public interface.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=Interface title
+TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=This text will appear as the title of the public interface.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=Help text to the message entry
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=This text will appear above the message input area of the user.
+ExtraFieldsTicket=Extra attributes
+TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML editor is not activated. Please put FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL content to 1 to get it.
+TicketsDisableEmail=Do not send emails for ticket creation or message recording
+TicketsDisableEmailHelp=By default, emails are sent when new tickets or messages created. Enable this option to disable *all* email notifications
+TicketsLogEnableEmail=Enable log by email
+TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=At each change, an email will be sent **to each contact** associated with the ticket.
@@ -123,38 +117,20 @@
-TicketsShowModuleLogo=Prikažite logo modula u javnom interfejsu
-TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=Omogućite ovu opciju da sakrijete modul logotipa na stranicama javnog interfejsa
-TicketsShowCompanyLogo=Prikažite logo kompanije u javnom interfejsu
-TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=Omogućite ovu opciju za prikaz logotipa glavne kompanije na stranicama javnog interfejsa
-TicketsShowCompanyFooter=Prikažite podnožje kompanije u javnom interfejsu
-TicketsShowCompanyFooterHelp=Omogućite ovu opciju da prikažete podnožje glavne kompanije na stranicama javnog interfejsa
-TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=Također pošaljite obavještenje na glavnu adresu e-pošte
-TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp=Omogućite ovu opciju da također pošaljete e-poštu na adresu definiranu u postavkama "%s" (pogledajte karticu "%s")
-TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=Ograničite prikaz na tikete dodijeljene trenutnom korisniku (nije efektivno za vanjske korisnike, uvijek biti ograničeno na treću stranu od koje zavise)
-TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=Biće vidljive samo karte dodijeljene trenutnom korisniku. Ne odnosi se na korisnika s pravima upravljanja tiketima.
-TicketsActivatePublicInterface=Aktivirajte javni interfejs
-TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=Javni interfejs omogućava svim posetiocima da kreiraju ulaznice.
-TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Automatski dodijelite korisnika koji je kreirao kartu
-TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=Prilikom kreiranja tiketa korisnik može biti automatski dodijeljen tiketu.
-TicketNumberingModules=Modul numeracije karata
-TicketsModelModule=Šabloni dokumenata za ulaznice
-TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Obavijestite treću stranu prilikom kreiranja
-TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Uvijek onemogućite e-poštu kada se tiket kreira iz javnog interfejsa
-TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Pošaljite email(e) kada se nova poruka/komentar doda na ulaznicu
-TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Pošaljite e-poštu(e) kada se nova poruka doda iz javnog interfejsa (dodijeljenom korisniku ili e-poruka s obavještenjima na (ažuriraj) i/ili e-poštu s obavještenjima na)
-TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=Obavještenja e-poštom na (ažuriranje)
-TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=Pošaljite e-mail na ovu adresu za svako obavještenje o novoj poruci ako tiket nema dodijeljenog korisnika ili ako korisnik nema poznatu e-poštu.
-TicketsAutoReadTicket=Automatski označi kartu kao pročitanu (kada je kreirana iz back officea)
-TicketsAutoReadTicketHelp=Automatski označite kartu kao pročitanu kada je kreirana iz back officea. Kada se tiket kreira iz javnog interfejsa, tiket ostaje sa statusom "Nije pročitano".
-TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswer=Nova karta bi trebala dobiti prvi odgovor prije (sati):
-TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswerHelp=Ako nova karta ne dobije odgovor nakon ovog vremenskog perioda (u satima), važna ikona upozorenja će biti prikazana u prikazu liste.
-TicketsDelayBetweenAnswers=Neriješena karta ne smije biti neaktivna tokom (sati):
-TicketsDelayBetweenAnswersHelp=Ako neriješena karta koja je već dobila odgovor nije imala daljnju interakciju nakon ovog vremenskog perioda (u satima), u prikazu liste će se prikazati ikona upozorenja.
-TicketsAutoNotifyClose=Automatski obavijestite treću stranu kada zatvorite kartu
-TicketsAutoNotifyCloseHelp=Prilikom zatvaranja tiketa, biće vam predloženo da pošaljete poruku nekom od kontakata treće strane. Prilikom masovnog zatvaranja, poruka će biti poslata jednom kontaktu treće strane koji je povezan sa tiketom.
-TicketWrongContact=Navedeni kontakt nije dio trenutnih kontakata za tiket. Email nije poslan.
-TicketChooseProductCategory=Kategorija proizvoda za podršku za ulaznice
-TicketChooseProductCategoryHelp=Odaberite kategoriju proizvoda podrške za ulaznice. Ovo će se koristiti za automatsko povezivanje ugovora sa tiketom.
-TicketUseCaptchaCode=Koristite grafički kod (CAPTCHA) kada kreirate kartu
-TicketUseCaptchaCodeHelp=Dodaje CAPTCHA verifikaciju kada kreirate novu kartu.
-TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosed=Dozvolite izmjenu klasifikacije zatvorenih karata
-TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosedHelp=Dozvolite izmjenu klasifikacije (vrsta, grupa ulaznica, ozbiljnost) čak i ako su karte zatvorene.
+TicketsShowModuleLogo=Display the logo of the module in the public interface
+TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo module in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyLogo=Display the logo of the company in the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo of the main company in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=Also send notification to main email address
+TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp=Enable this option to send an email to "Notification email from" address (see setup below)
+TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=Restrict the display to tickets assigned to the current user (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on)
+TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=Only tickets assigned to the current user will be visible. Does not apply to a user with tickets management rights.
+TicketsActivatePublicInterface=Activate public interface
+TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=Public interface allow any visitors to create tickets.
+TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Automatically assign the user who created the ticket
+TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=When creating a ticket, the user can be automatically assigned to the ticket.
+TicketNumberingModules=Tickets numbering module
+TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Notify third party at creation
+TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Always disable emails when a ticket is created from public interface
+TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Send email(s) when a new message is added
+TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Send email(s) when a new message is added from public interface (to assigned user or the notifications email to (update) and/or the notifications email to)
+TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=Notifications email to (update)
+TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=Send email new message notifications to this address if the ticket don't have a user assigned or the user don't have a email.
@@ -165,13 +141,11 @@
-TicketList=Lista ulaznica
-TicketAssignedToMeInfos=Ova stranica prikazuje listu ulaznica koju je kreirao ili je dodijelio trenutni korisnik
-NoTicketsFound=Karta nije pronađena
-NoUnreadTicketsFound=Nije pronađena nepročitana karta
-TicketViewAllTickets=Pogledajte sve karte
-TicketViewNonClosedOnly=Pogledajte samo otvorene karte
-TicketStatByStatus=Karte po statusu
-OrderByDateAsc=Sortiraj po rastućem datumu
-OrderByDateDesc=Poredaj po opadajućem datumu
-ShowAsConversation=Prikaži kao listu razgovora
-MessageListViewType=Prikaži kao listu tabela
-ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmail=Automatski šaljite e-poštu prilikom zatvaranja karata
-ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmailQuestion=Želite li obavijestiti treća lica kada zatvorite ove karte?
+TicketList=List of tickets
+TicketAssignedToMeInfos=This page display ticket list created by or assigned to current user
+NoTicketsFound=No ticket found
+NoUnreadTicketsFound=No unread ticket found
+TicketViewAllTickets=View all tickets
+TicketViewNonClosedOnly=View only open tickets
+TicketStatByStatus=Tickets by status
+OrderByDateAsc=Sort by ascending date
+OrderByDateDesc=Sort by descending date
+ShowAsConversation=Show as conversation list
+MessageListViewType=Show as table list
@@ -182,5 +156,5 @@
-TicketCard=Kartica za kartu
-CreateTicket=Kreirajte kartu
-EditTicket=Uredi kartu
-TicketsManagement=Upravljanje ulaznicama
+TicketCard=Ticket card
+CreateTicket=Create ticket
+EditTicket=Edit ticket
+TicketsManagement=Tickets Management
@@ -188 +162 @@
-NewTicket=Nova karta
+NewTicket=New Ticket
@@ -190,5 +164,5 @@
-TicketTypeRequest=Vrsta zahtjeva
-TicketCategory=Grupa ulaznica
-SeeTicket=Vidi kartu
-TicketMarkedAsRead=Ulaznica je označena kao pročitana
-TicketReadOn=Čitaj dalje
+TicketTypeRequest=Request type
+TicketCategory=Analytic code
+SeeTicket=See ticket
+TicketMarkedAsRead=Ticket has been marked as read
+TicketReadOn=Read on
@@ -196,52 +170,50 @@
-MarkAsRead=Označite kartu kao pročitanu
-TicketHistory=Istorija karata
-AssignUser=Dodijeli korisniku
-TicketAssigned=Karta je sada dodijeljena
-TicketChangeType=Promijenite vrstu
-TicketChangeCategory=Promijenite analitički kod
-TicketChangeSeverity=Promijenite ozbiljnost
-TicketAddMessage=Dodajte ili pošaljite poruku
-TicketAddPrivateMessage=Dodajte privatnu poruku
-MessageSuccessfullyAdded=Ulaznica je dodana
-TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=Poruka je uspješno dodana
-TicketMessagesList=Lista poruka
-NoMsgForThisTicket=Nema poruke za ovu kartu
-LatestNewTickets=Najnovije %s najnovije karte (nije pročitane)
-ShowTicket=Vidi kartu
-RelatedTickets=Povezane karte
-TicketAddIntervention=Kreirajte intervenciju
-CloseATicket=Zatvori|Reši kartu
-ConfirmCloseAticket=Potvrdite zatvaranje tiketa
-ConfirmAbandonTicket=Da li potvrđujete zatvaranje tiketa u status 'Napušteno'
-ConfirmDeleteTicket=Potvrdite brisanje ulaznice
-TicketDeletedSuccess=Ulaznica je uspješno izbrisana
-TicketMarkedAsClosed=Ulaznica je označena kao zatvorena
-TicketDurationAuto=Izračunato trajanje
-TicketDurationAutoInfos=Trajanje izračunato automatski na osnovu intervencije
-TicketUpdated=Ulaznica ažurirana
-SendMessageByEmail=Pošaljite poruku e-poštom
-TicketNewMessage=Nova poruka
-ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=Primalac je prazan. Nema slanja e-pošte
-TicketGoIntoContactTab=Molimo idite na karticu "Kontakti" da ih odaberete
-TicketMessageMailIntro=Zaglavlje poruke
-TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=Ovaj tekst se dodaje samo na početak e-poruke i neće biti sačuvan.
Novi odgovor je dodan na kartu koju pratite. Evo poruke:
-TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=Ovaj tekst će biti umetnut ispred odgovora kada odgovarate na tiket od Dolibarra
-TicketMessageMailFooter=Podnožje poruke
-TicketMessageMailFooterHelp=Ovaj tekst se dodaje samo na kraj poruke poslane e-poštom i neće biti sačuvan.
-TicketMessageMailFooterText=Poruku je poslao %s putem Dolibarra
-TicketMessageMailFooterHelpAdmin=Ovaj tekst će biti umetnut nakon poruke odgovora.
-TicketMessageHelp=Samo ovaj tekst će biti sačuvan u listi poruka na kartici.
-TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=Varijable zamjene su zamijenjene generičkim vrijednostima.
-ForEmailMessageWillBeCompletedWith=Za poruke e-pošte koje se šalju vanjskim korisnicima, poruka će biti dovršena sa
-TimeElapsedSince=Vrijeme je proteklo od tada
-TicketTimeToRead=Vrijeme je proteklo prije čitanja
-TicketTimeElapsedBeforeSince=Vrijeme proteklo prije/od
-TicketContacts=Karta za kontakte
-TicketDocumentsLinked=Dokumenti povezani sa ulaznicom
-ConfirmReOpenTicket=Potvrdite ponovno otvaranje ove karte?
-TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=Na tiketu je objavljena nova poruka sa temom %s:
+MarkAsRead=Mark ticket as read
+TicketHistory=Ticket history
+AssignUser=Assign to user
+TicketAssigned=Ticket is now assigned
+TicketChangeType=Change type
+TicketChangeCategory=Change analytic code
+TicketChangeSeverity=Change severity
+TicketAddMessage=Add a message
+AddMessage=Add a message
+MessageSuccessfullyAdded=Ticket added
+TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=Message successfully added
+TicketMessagesList=Message list
+NoMsgForThisTicket=No message for this ticket
+LatestNewTickets=Latest %s newest tickets (not read)
+ShowTicket=See ticket
+RelatedTickets=Related tickets
+TicketAddIntervention=Create intervention
+CloseTicket=Close ticket
+CloseATicket=Close a ticket
+ConfirmCloseAticket=Confirm ticket closing
+ConfirmDeleteTicket=Please confirm ticket deleting
+TicketDeletedSuccess=Ticket deleted with success
+TicketMarkedAsClosed=Ticket marked as closed
+TicketDurationAuto=Calculated duration
+TicketDurationAutoInfos=Duration calculated automatically from intervention related
+TicketUpdated=Ticket updated
+SendMessageByEmail=Send message by email
+TicketNewMessage=New message
+ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=Recipient is empty. No email send
+TicketGoIntoContactTab=Please go into "Contacts" tab to select them
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=This text is added only at the beginning of the email and will not be saved.
+TicketMessageMailIntroLabelAdmin=Introduction to the message when sending email
A new response was sent on a ticket that you contact. Here is the message:
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted before the text of the response to a ticket.
+TicketMessageMailSignatureHelp=This text is added only at the end of the email and will not be saved.
+TicketMessageMailSignatureLabelAdmin=Signature of response email
+TicketMessageMailSignatureHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted after the response message.
+TicketMessageHelp=Only this text will be saved in the message list on ticket card.
+TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=Substitutions variables are replaced by generic values.
+TimeElapsedSince=Time elapsed since
+TicketTimeToRead=Time elapsed before read
+TicketContacts=Contacts ticket
+TicketDocumentsLinked=Documents linked to ticket
+ConfirmReOpenTicket=Confirm reopen this ticket ?
+TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=A new message was posted on the ticket with the subject %s:
@@ -249,32 +221,19 @@
-TicketAssignedEmailBody=Kartu #%s vam je dodijelio %s
-TicketAssignedCustomerEmail=Vaša karta je dodijeljena za obradu.
-TicketAssignedCustomerBody=Ovo je automatski email za potvrdu da je vaša karta dodijeljena za obradu.
-MarkMessageAsPrivate=Označi poruku kao privatnu
-TicketMessageSendEmailHelp=E-mail će biti poslat svim dodijeljenim kontaktima
-TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2a=(interni kontakti, ali i eksterni kontakti osim ako je označena opcija "%s")
-TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2b=(interni kontakti, ali i eksterni kontakti)
-TicketMessagePrivateHelp=Ova poruka neće biti vidljiva vanjskim korisnicima
-TicketMessageRecipientsHelp=Polje primaoca popunjeno sa aktivnim kontaktima povezanim sa ulaznicom
-TicketEmailOriginIssuer=Izdavač u mjestu porijekla karata
-InitialMessage=Inicijalna poruka
-LinkToAContract=Link na ugovor
-TicketPleaseSelectAContract=Odaberite ugovor
-UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=Ne može kreirati intervenciju kada nije definirana treća strana
-TicketMailExchanges=Razmjene pošte
-TicketInitialMessageModified=Početna poruka je izmijenjena
-TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=Poruka je uspješno ažurirana
-TicketChangeStatus=Promijeni status
-TicketConfirmChangeStatus=Potvrdite promjenu statusa: %s ?
-TicketLogStatusChanged=Status promijenjen: %s u %s
-TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Ne obavještavati kompaniju prilikom kreiranja
-NotifyThirdpartyOnTicketClosing=Kontakti za obavještavanje prilikom zatvaranja tiketa
-TicketNotifyAllTiersAtClose=Svi povezani kontakti
-TicketNotNotifyTiersAtClose=Nema povezanog kontakta
-TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Nije dostupno. Ticket nije kreiran iz javnog interfejsa.
-ErrorTicketRefRequired=Referentni naziv karte je obavezan
-TicketsDelayForFirstResponseTooLong=Prošlo je previše vremena od otvaranja ulaznica bez odgovora.
-TicketsDelayFromLastResponseTooLong=Prošlo je previše vremena od posljednjeg odgovora na ovu kartu.
-TicketNoContractFoundToLink=Nije pronađen nijedan ugovor koji bi bio automatski vezan za ovu kartu. Molimo povežite ugovor ručno.
-TicketManyContractsLinked=Mnogi ugovori su automatski povezani sa ovim tiketom. Obavezno provjerite koji bi trebao biti odabran.
-TicketRefAlreadyUsed=Referenca [%s] je već korištena, vaša nova referenca je [%s]
+TicketAssignedEmailBody=You have been assigned the ticket #%s by %s
+MarkMessageAsPrivate=Mark message as private
+TicketMessagePrivateHelp=This message will not display to external users
+TicketEmailOriginIssuer=Issuer at origin of the tickets
+InitialMessage=Initial Message
+LinkToAContract=Link to a contract
+TicketPleaseSelectAContract=Select a contract
+UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=Can not create an intervention when no third party is defined
+TicketMailExchanges=Mail exchanges
+TicketInitialMessageModified=Initial message modified
+TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=Message successfully updated
+TicketChangeStatus=Change status
+TicketConfirmChangeStatus=Confirm the status change: %s ?
+TicketLogStatusChanged=Status changed: %s to %s
+TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Not notify company at create
+TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Not available. Ticket was not created from public interface.
+PublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Public interface was not enabled
+ErrorTicketRefRequired=Ticket reference name is required
@@ -285,6 +244,6 @@
-TicketLogMesgReadBy=Ulaznicu %s čita %s
-NoLogForThisTicket=Još nema dnevnika za ovu kartu
-TicketLogAssignedTo=Ulaznica %s dodijeljena %s
-TicketLogPropertyChanged=Ulaznica %s izmijenjena: klasifikacija iz %s u %s
-TicketLogClosedBy=Ulaznicu %s zatvorio %s
-TicketLogReopen=Ulaznica %s ponovo otvorena
+TicketLogMesgReadBy=Ticket %s read by %s
+NoLogForThisTicket=No log for this ticket yet
+TicketLogAssignedTo=Ticket %s assigned to %s
+TicketLogPropertyChanged=Ticket %s modified: classification from %s to %s
+TicketLogClosedBy=Ticket %s closed by %s
+TicketLogReopen=Ticket %s re-open
@@ -295,23 +254,22 @@
-TicketSystem=Sistem karata
-ShowListTicketWithTrackId=Prikaz liste karata iz ID-a staze
-ShowTicketWithTrackId=Prikaži kartu iz ID-a staze
-TicketPublicDesc=Možete kreirati kartu za podršku ili provjeriti iz postojećeg ID-a.
-YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=Ulaznica je uspješno sačuvana!
-MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=Nova karta je kreirana sa ID-om %s i Ref %s.
-PleaseRememberThisId=Zadržite broj za praćenje koji ćemo vam možda kasnije tražiti.
-TicketNewEmailSubject=Potvrda kreiranja ulaznice - Ref %s (ID javne karte %s)
-TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=Nova karta za podršku
-TicketNewEmailBody=Ovo je automatski email za potvrdu da ste registrovali novu kartu.
-TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=Ovo je automatski email za potvrdu da je nova karta upravo kreirana na vašem računu.
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=Informacije za praćenje karte
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=Broj za praćenje ulaznice: %s
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=Napredak tiketa možete pogledati klikom na sljedeći link
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=Možete pogledati napredak tiketa u određenom interfejsu klikom na sljedeću vezu
-TicketCloseEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=Možete pogledati historiju ove karte klikom na sljedeći link
-TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=Molimo vas da ne odgovarate direktno na ovu e-poštu! Koristite vezu da odgovorite u interfejsu.
-TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=Ovaj obrazac vam omogućava da snimite kartu za podršku u našem sistemu upravljanja.
-TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=Molimo Vas da precizno opišete Vaš zahtjev. Navedite najviše mogućih informacija kako biste nam omogućili da ispravno identificiramo vaš zahtjev.
-TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=Unesite ID za praćenje karata
-TicketTrackId=Javni ID za praćenje
-OneOfTicketTrackId=Jedan od vaših ID-a za praćenje
-ErrorTicketNotFound=Ulaznica sa ID-om za praćenje %s nije pronađena!
+TicketSystem=Ticket system
+ShowListTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket list from track ID
+ShowTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket from track ID
+TicketPublicDesc=You can create a support ticket or check from an existing ID.
+YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=Ticket has been successfully saved!
+MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=A new ticket has been created with ID %s and Ref %s.
+PleaseRememberThisId=Please keep the tracking number that we might ask you later.
+TicketNewEmailSubject=Ticket creation confirmation - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=New support ticket
+TicketNewEmailBody=This is an automatic email to confirm you have registered a new ticket.
+TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=This is an automatic email to confirm a new ticket has just been created into your account.
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=Information for monitoring the ticket
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=Ticket tracking number: %s
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=You can view the progress of the ticket by clicking the link above.
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=You can view the progress of the ticket in the specific interface by clicking the following link
+TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=Please do not reply directly to this email! Use the link to reply into the interface.
+TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=This form allows you to record a support ticket in our management system.
+TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=Please accurately describe the problem. Provide the most information possible to allow us to correctly identify your request.
+TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=Please enter ticket tracking ID
+TicketTrackId=Public Tracking ID
+OneOfTicketTrackId=One of your tracking ID
+ErrorTicketNotFound=Ticket with tracking ID %s not found!
@@ -319,9 +277,9 @@
-ViewTicket=Pogledaj kartu
-ViewMyTicketList=Pogledaj moju listu karata
-ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=Greška: adresa e-pošte nije pronađena u našoj bazi podataka
-TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=Nova karta kreirana - Ref %s (ID javne karte %s)
-TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=Ulaznica je upravo kreirana sa ID-om #%s, pogledajte informacije:
-SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=Pogledajte kartu u interfejsu upravljanja
-TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=Javni interfejs za karte nije bio omogućen
-ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=Loša vrijednost za ID praćenja ili e-poštu
-OldUser=Stari korisnik
+ViewTicket=View ticket
+ViewMyTicketList=View my ticket list
+ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=Error: email address not found in our database
+TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=New ticket created - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=Ticket has just been created with ID #%s, see information:
+SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=See ticket in management interface
+TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=The public interface for the tickets was not enabled
+ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=Bad value for tracking ID or email
+OldUser=Old user
@@ -329,5 +287,2 @@
-NumberOfTicketsByMonth=Broj ulaznica mjesečno
-NbOfTickets=Broj karata
-ExternalContributors=Spoljni saradnici
-AddContributor=Dodajte vanjskog saradnika
+NumberOfTicketsByMonth=Number of tickets per month
+NbOfTickets=Number of tickets
@@ -335,12 +290,8 @@
-TicketCloseEmailSubjectCustomer=Karta zatvorena
-TicketCloseEmailBodyCustomer=Ovo je automatska poruka koja vas obavještava da je tiket %s upravo zatvoren.
-TicketCloseEmailSubjectAdmin=Ulaznica zatvorena - Réf %s (ID javne karte %s)
-TicketCloseEmailBodyAdmin=Karta s ID #%s je upravo zatvorena, pogledajte informacije:
-TicketNotificationEmailSubject=Ulaznica %s ažurirana
-TicketNotificationEmailBody=Ovo je automatska poruka koja vas obavještava da je karta %s upravo ažurirana
-TicketNotificationRecipient=Primalac obaveštenja
-TicketNotificationLogMessage=Poruka dnevnika
-TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=Pogledajte ulaznicu u interfejsu
-TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=Poslana e-poruka s obavještenjem: %s
-ActionsOnTicket=Događaji na ulaznicama
+TicketNotificationEmailSubject=Ticket %s updated
+TicketNotificationEmailBody=This is an automatic message to notify you that ticket %s has just been updated
+TicketNotificationRecipient=Notification recipient
+TicketNotificationLogMessage=Log message
+TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=View ticket into interface
+TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=Notification email sent: %s
+ActionsOnTicket=Events on ticket
@@ -351,2 +302,2 @@
-BoxLastTicket=Najnovije kreirane karte
-BoxLastTicketDescription=Najnovije %s kreirane karte
+BoxLastTicket=Latest created tickets
+BoxLastTicketDescription=Latest %s created tickets
@@ -354,3 +305,3 @@
-BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=Nema nedavnih nepročitanih karata
-BoxLastModifiedTicket=Najnovije modifikovane karte
-BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=Najnovije %s izmijenjene karte
+BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent unread tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicket=Latest modified tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=Latest %s modified tickets
@@ -358,12 +309 @@
-BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=Nema nedavno izmijenjenih karata
-BoxTicketType=Distribucija otvorenih karata po vrstama
-BoxTicketSeverity=Broj otvorenih karata po ozbiljnosti
-BoxNoTicketSeverity=Nema otvorenih ulaznica
-BoxTicketLastXDays=Broj novih karata po danima posljednjih %s dana
-BoxTicketLastXDayswidget = Broj novih karata po danima zadnjih X dana
-BoxNoTicketLastXDays=Nema novih karata zadnjih %s dana
-BoxNumberOfTicketByDay=Broj novih karata po danu
-BoxNewTicketVSClose=Broj ulaznica u odnosu na zatvorene karte (danas)
-TicketCreatedToday=Karta kreirana danas
-TicketClosedToday=Ulaznica zatvorena danas
-KMFoundForTicketGroup=Pronašli smo teme i Često postavljana pitanja koja mogu odgovoriti na vaša pitanja, zahvaljujući provjerite ih prije slanja karte
+BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent modified tickets
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_users.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_users.lang
@@ -15 +14,0 @@
@@ -50,2 +48,0 @@
-IfLoginExistPasswordRequestSent=If this login is a valid account (with a valid email), an email to reset password has been sent.
-IfEmailExistPasswordRequestSent=If this email is a valid account, an email to reset password has been sent (remember to check your SPAM folder if you do not receive anything)
@@ -65,2 +62,2 @@
-LinkedToDolibarrUser=Link to user
-LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Link to third party
+LinkedToDolibarrUser=Link na Dolibarr korisnika
+LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Link na Dolibarr subjekt
@@ -69,2 +66 @@
-LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr=Account disabled in Dolibarr
-PASSWORDInDolibarr=Password modified in Dolibarr
+LoginAccountDisableInDolibarr=Račun isključen u Dolibarru.
@@ -71,0 +68 @@
+InternalUser=Interni korisnik
@@ -76 +73 @@
-InternalExternalDesc=An internal user is a user that is part of your company/organization, or is a partner user outside of your organization that may need to see more data than data related to his company (the permission system will define what he can or can't see or do).
An external user is a customer, vendor or other that must view ONLY data related to himself (Creating an external user for a third-party can be done from the contact record of the third-party).
In both cases, you must grant permissions on the features that the user need.
+InternalExternalDesc=An internal user is a user that is part of your company/organization.
An external user is a customer, vendor or other (Creating an external user for a third-party can be done from the contact record of the third-party).
In both cases, permissions defines rights on Dolibarr, also external user can have a different menu manager than internal user (See Home - Setup - Display)
@@ -79 +75,0 @@
-UserWillBe=Created user will be
@@ -85 +80,0 @@
-NewPasswordValidated=Your new password have been validated and must be used now to login.
@@ -100,3 +95,3 @@
-NbOfUsers=Number of users
-NbOfPermissions=Number of permissions
-DontDowngradeSuperAdmin=Only another admin can downgrade an admin
+NbOfUsers=No. of users
+NbOfPermissions=No. of permissions
+DontDowngradeSuperAdmin=Samo superadmin može unazaditi superadmina
@@ -109 +104 @@
-ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected hours worked per week
+ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected worked hours per week
@@ -115,3 +110 @@
-DateOfEmployment=Employment date
-DateEmploymentStart=Employment Start Date
+DateEmployment=Employment Start Date
@@ -119 +111,0 @@
-RangeOfLoginValidity=Access validity date range
@@ -126,9 +117,0 @@
-WarningNotLangOfInterface=Warning, this is the main language the user speak, not the language of the interface he choosed to see. To change the interface language visible by this user, go on tab %s
-DateLastLogin=Date last login
-DatePreviousLogin=Date previous login
-IPLastLogin=IP last login
-IPPreviousLogin=IP previous login
-ShowAllPerms=Show all permission rows
-HideAllPerms=Hide all permission rows
-UserPublicPageDesc=You can enable a virtual card for this user. An url with the user profile and a barcode will be available to allow anybody with a smartphone to scan it and add your contact to its address book.
-EnablePublicVirtualCard=Enable the user's virtual business card
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_website.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_website.lang
@@ -3,27 +3,26 @@
-WebsiteName=Naziv web stranice
-WebsiteSetupDesc=Kreirajte ovdje web stranice koje želite koristiti. Zatim idite u meni Websites da ih uredite.
-DeleteWebsite=Izbriši web stranicu
-ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu web stranicu? Sav sadržaj njegovih stranica i također će biti uklonjen. Učitane datoteke (kao u direktorij medija, ECM modul, ...) će ostati.
-WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Vrsta stranice/kontejnera
-WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Web stranica za korištenje kao primjer
-WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Ime stranice/pseudonim
-WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Alternativni nazivi stranica/aliasi
-WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Koristite ovdje listu drugih imena/pseudonima tako da se stranici može pristupiti i korištenjem ovih drugih imena/pseudonima (na primjer staro ime nakon preimenovanja pseudonima kako bi povratna veza na starom linku/nazivu radila). Sintaksa je:
alternativno ime1, alternativno ime2, ...
-WEBSITE_CSS_URL=URL eksterne CSS datoteke
-WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=Sadržaj CSS fajla (zajednički za sve stranice)
-WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=Sadržaj JavaScript datoteke (zajednički za sve stranice)
-WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=Dodatak na dnu HTML zaglavlja (zajedničko za sve stranice)
-WEBSITE_ROBOT=Datoteka robota (robots.txt)
-WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Datoteka web stranice .htaccess
-WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Datoteka manifest.json web stranice
-WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=Koristite zarez za odvajanje vrijednosti
-EnterHereReadmeInformation=Ovdje unesite opis web stranice. Ako distribuirate svoju web stranicu kao predložak, datoteka će biti uključena u temptate paket.
-EnterHereLicenseInformation=Ovdje unesite LICENCU koda web stranice. Ako distribuirate svoju web stranicu kao predložak, datoteka će biti uključena u temptate paket.
-HtmlHeaderPage=HTML zaglavlje (specifično samo za ovu stranicu)
-PageNameAliasHelp=Naziv ili pseudonim stranice.
Ovaj pseudonim se takođe koristi za falsifikovanje SEO URL-a kada se veb lokacija pokreće sa virtuelnog hosta veb servera (kao što je Apacke, Nginx, .. .). Koristite dugme "%s" da uredite ovaj pseudonim.
-EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Napomena: Ako želite definirati personalizirano zaglavlje za sve stranice, uredite zaglavlje na razini stranice umjesto na stranici/kontejneru.
-EditCss=Uredite svojstva web stranice
-EditMenu=Uredi meni
-EditMedias=Uredite medije
-EditPageMeta=Uredite svojstva stranice/kontejnera
+WebsiteSetupDesc=Create here the websites you wish to use. Then go into menu Websites to edit them.
+DeleteWebsite=Delete website
+ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Are you sure you want to delete this web site? All its pages and content will also be removed. The files uploaded (like into the medias directory, the ECM module, ...) will remain.
+WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Type of page/container
+WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Web page to use as example
+WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Page name/alias
+WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Alternative page names/aliases
+WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Use here list of other name/aliases so the page can also be accessed using this other names/aliases (for example the old name after renaming the alias to keep backlink on old link/name working). Syntax is:
alternativename1, alternativename2, ...
+WEBSITE_CSS_URL=URL of external CSS file
+WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=CSS file content (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=Javascript file content (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=Addition at bottom of HTML Header (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_ROBOT=Robot file (robots.txt)
+WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Website .htaccess file
+WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Website manifest.json file
+WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=Use a comma to separate values
+EnterHereLicenseInformation=Enter here meta data or license information to fille a README.md file. if you distribute your website as a template, the file will be included into the temptate package.
+HtmlHeaderPage=HTML header (specific to this page only)
+PageNameAliasHelp=Name or alias of the page.
This alias is also used to forge a SEO URL when website is ran from a Virtual host of a Web server (like Apacke, Nginx, ...). Use the button "%s" to edit this alias.
+EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Note: If you want to define a personalized header for all pages, edit the header on the site level instead of on the page/container.
+MediaFiles=Media library
+EditCss=Edit website properties
+EditMenu=Edit menu
+EditMedias=Edit medias
+EditPageMeta=Edit page/container properties
@@ -31,7 +30,8 @@
-AddWebsite=Dodaj web stranicu
-Webpage=Web stranica/kontejner
-AddPage=Dodajte stranicu/kontejner
-PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Pregled vaše web stranice %s još nije dostupan. Prvo morate 'uvesti cijeli predložak web stranice' ili samo 'b0e7843947c00 span>Dodajte stranicu/kontejner'.
-RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=Zatražena stranica sa ID-om %s još nema sadržaja ili je keš datoteka .tpl.php uklonjena. Uredite sadržaj stranice da to riješite.
-SiteDeleted=Web stranica '%s' je izbrisana
+AddWebsite=Add website
+Webpage=Web page/container
+AddPage=Add page/container
+HomePage=Home Page
+PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Preview of your website %s not yet available. You must first 'Import a full website template' or just 'Add a page/container'.
+RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=Requested page with id %s has no content yet, or cache file .tpl.php was removed. Edit content of the page to solve this.
+SiteDeleted=Web site '%s' deleted
@@ -39,14 +39,12 @@
-PageDeleted=Stranica/Contenair '%s' web stranice %s je izbrisana
-PageAdded=Stranica/Contenair '%s' dodana
-ViewSiteInNewTab=Pogledaj stranicu u novoj kartici
-ViewPageInNewTab=Pogledajte stranicu u novoj kartici
-SetAsHomePage=Postavi kao početnu stranicu
-RealURL=Pravi URL
-ViewWebsiteInProduction=Pregledajte web stranicu koristeći kućne URL adrese
-Virtualhost=Virtuelni host ili naziv domene
-VirtualhostDesc=Naziv virtuelnog hosta ili domene (na primjer: www.mywebsite.com, mybigcompany.net, ...)
-SetHereVirtualHost=Koristite sa Apache/NGinx/...
Kreirajte na vaš web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) namjenski virtuelni host sa omogućenim PHP i korijenski direktorij na
-ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=Primjer za korištenje u Apache postavci virtualnog hosta:
-YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=Koristite sa PHP ugrađenim serverom
U razvojnom okruženju možete radije testirajte web lokaciju sa PHP ugrađenim web serverom (potreban je PHP 5.5) pokretanjem
php -S :8080 -t %s
-YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=Pokrenite svoju web stranicu s drugim Dolibarr hosting provajderom
vas nemate web server kao što je Apache ili NGinx dostupan na internetu, možete izvesti i svoju web stranicu u drugu Dolibarr instancu koju pruža drugi Dolibarr hosting provajder koji pruža potpunu integraciju sa modul Website. Spisak nekih Dolibarr hosting provajdera možete pronaći na https://saas.dolibarr.org
-CheckVirtualHostPerms=Provjerite također da li korisnik virtualnog hosta (na primjer www-data) ima %s dozvole za datoteke u
+PageDeleted=Page/Contenair '%s' of website %s deleted
+PageAdded=Page/Contenair '%s' added
+ViewSiteInNewTab=View site in new tab
+ViewPageInNewTab=View page in new tab
+SetAsHomePage=Set as Home page
+RealURL=Real URL
+ViewWebsiteInProduction=View web site using home URLs
+SetHereVirtualHost=Use with Apache/NGinx/...
Create on your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) a dedicated Virtual Host with PHP enabled and a Root directory on
+ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=Example to use in Apache virtual host setup:
+YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=Use with PHP embedded server
On develop environment, you may prefer to test the site with the PHP embedded web server (PHP 5.5 required) by running
php -S -t %s
+YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=Run your web site with another Dolibarr Hosting provider
If you don't have a web server like Apache or NGinx available on internet, you can export and import your web site onto another Dolibarr instance provided by another Dolibarr hosting provider that provide full integration with the Website module. You can find a list of some Dolibarr hosting providers on https://saas.dolibarr.org
+CheckVirtualHostPerms=Check also that virtual host has permission %s on files into
@@ -54,15 +52,14 @@
-TestDeployOnWeb=Testirajte / implementirajte na webu
-PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=Pregled %s na novoj kartici.
%s će služiti vanjski web server (kao što je Apache, Nginx, IIS ). Morate instalirati i postaviti ovaj server prije nego što ukažete na direktorij:
URL poslužuje vanjski server:
-PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=Pregled %s na novoj kartici.
%s će služiti Dolibarr server tako da mu ne treba nikakav dodatni web server (kao Apache, Nginx, IIS) za instaliranje.
Nezgodno je to što URL-ovi stranica nisu prilagođeni korisniku i počnite s putanjom vašeg Dolibarra.
URL koju poslužuje Dolibarr:
b0e7843947c06bz span>%s
b031492zcc Da biste koristili vlastiti vanjski web server za posluživanje ove web stranice, kreirajte virtualni host na svom web serveru koji pokazuje na direktorij
unesite ovo ime19bz0 virtuelni server u svojstvima ove web stranice i kliknite na vezu "Test/Deploy on the web".
-VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=URL virtuelnog hosta kojeg opslužuje vanjski web server nije definiran
-NoPageYet=Još nema stranica
-YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=Možete kreirati novu stranicu ili uvesti cijeli predložak web stranice
-SyntaxHelp=Pomoć za specifične savjete o sintaksi
-YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=Možete uređivati HTML izvorni kod koristeći dugme "Izvor" u uređivaču.
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.
You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>
You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>
To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>
To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">
To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper.
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
-YouCanEditHtmlSource2=Za sliku koja se dijeli s vezom za dijeljenje (otvoreni pristup koristeći hash ključ za dijeljenje datoteke), sintaksa je:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">0af665dc71f09
-YouCanEditHtmlSource3=Da biste dobili URL slike PHP objekta, koristite
< span>img src="<?php print getImagePublicURLOfObject($object, 1, "_small") ?>" class='notranslate'>>
Više primjera HTML ili dinamičkog koda dostupno je na wiki dokumentacijib0e40dc6087 >.
-ClonePage=Kloniraj stranicu/kontejner
+TestDeployOnWeb=Test/deploy on web
+PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=Preview %s in a new tab.
The %s will be served by an external web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS). You must install and setup this server before to point to directory:
URL served by external server:
+PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=Preview %s in a new tab.
The %s will be served by Dolibarr server so it does not need any extra web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS) to be installed.
The inconvenient is that URL of pages are not user friendly and start with path of your Dolibarr.
URL served by Dolibarr:
To use your own external web server to serve this web site, create a virtual host on your web server that point on directory
then enter the name of this virtual server and click on the other preview button.
+VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=URL of the virtual host served by external web server not defined
+NoPageYet=No pages yet
+YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=You can create a new page or import a full website template
+SyntaxHelp=Help on specific syntax tips
+YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=You can edit HTML source code using the "Source" button in editor.
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.
You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>
You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>
To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>
To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">
To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
To include a image shared publicaly, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example with a shared key 123456789, syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
+YouCanEditHtmlSource2=For an image shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
More examples of HTML or dynamic code available on the wiki documentation
+ClonePage=Clone page/container
@@ -70,13 +67,13 @@
-SiteAdded=Web stranica je dodana
-ConfirmClonePage=Unesite kod/pseudonim nove stranice i ako je to prijevod klonirane stranice.
-PageIsANewTranslation=Nova stranica je prijevod trenutne stranice?
-LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=Klonirate stranicu kao prijevod. Jezik nove stranice mora biti drugačiji od jezika izvorne stranice.
-ParentPageId=ID roditeljske stranice
-WebsiteId=ID web stranice
-CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Kreirajte stranicu/kontejner preuzimanjem stranice sa vanjskog URL-a...
-OrEnterPageInfoManually=Ili kreirajte stranicu od nule ili iz šablona stranice...
-FetchAndCreate=Dohvati i Kreiraj
-ExportSite=Izvoz web stranice
-ImportSite=Uvezite predložak web stranice
-IDOfPage=Id stranice
+SiteAdded=Website added
+ConfirmClonePage=Please enter code/alias of new page and if it is a translation of the cloned page.
+PageIsANewTranslation=The new page is a translation of the current page ?
+LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=You clone a page as a translation. The language of the new page must be different than language of source page.
+ParentPageId=Parent page ID
+WebsiteId=Website ID
+CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Create page/container by fetching page from external URL...
+OrEnterPageInfoManually=Or create page from scratch or from a page template...
+FetchAndCreate=Fetch and Create
+ExportSite=Export website
+ImportSite=Import website template
+IDOfPage=Id of page
@@ -84,18 +81,18 @@
-WebsiteAccount=Račun web stranice
-WebsiteAccounts=Nalozi za web stranicu
-AddWebsiteAccount=Kreirajte račun web stranice
-BackToListForThirdParty=Povratak na listu za treće strane
-DisableSiteFirst=Prvo onemogućite web stranicu
-MyContainerTitle=Naslov moje web stranice
-AnotherContainer=Ovako možete uključiti sadržaj druge stranice/kontejnera (ovdje možete imati grešku ako omogućite dinamički kod jer ugrađeni podkontejner možda ne postoji)
-SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Žao nam je, ova web stranica je trenutno van mreže. Molim vas vratite se kasnije...
-WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Omogućite tabelu računa web stranice
-WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Omogućite tablicu za pohranjivanje računa web stranice (login/pass) za svaku web stranicu / treću stranu
-YouMustDefineTheHomePage=Prvo morate definirati zadanu početnu stranicu
-OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Upozorenje: Kreiranje web stranice uvozom vanjske web stranice rezervirano je za iskusne korisnike. U zavisnosti od složenosti izvorne stranice, rezultat uvoza može se razlikovati od originala. Također, ako izvorna stranica koristi uobičajene CSS stilove ili konfliktni JavaScript, to može narušiti izgled ili karakteristike uređivača web stranice kada radite na ovoj stranici. Ova metoda je brži način za kreiranje stranice, ali se preporučuje da kreirate novu stranicu ispočetka ili iz predloženog šablona stranice.
Imajte na umu da ugrađeni uređivač možda neće raditi ispravnost kada se koristi na preuzetoj vanjskoj stranici.
-OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Moguće je samo izdanje HTML izvora kada je sadržaj preuzet sa eksterne stranice
-GrabImagesInto=Uzmite i slike pronađene na css i stranici.
-ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Slike treba pohraniti u direktorij
-WebsiteRootOfImages=Korijenski direktorij za slike web stranice
-SubdirOfPage=Poddirektorij posvećen stranici
-AliasPageAlreadyExists=Stranica s pseudonimom %s već postoji
+WebsiteAccount=Website account
+WebsiteAccounts=Website accounts
+AddWebsiteAccount=Create web site account
+BackToListForThirdParty=Back to list for the third-party
+DisableSiteFirst=Disable website first
+MyContainerTitle=My web site title
+AnotherContainer=This is how to include content of another page/container (you may have an error here if you enable dynamic code because the embedded subcontainer may not exists)
+SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Sorry, this website is currently off line. Please comme back later...
+WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Enable the web site account table
+WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Enable the table to store web site accounts (login/pass) for each website / third party
+YouMustDefineTheHomePage=You must first define the default Home page
+OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Warning: Creating a web page by importing an external web page is reserved for experienced users. Depending on the complexity of source page, the result of importation may differ from the original. Also if the source page uses common CSS styles or conflicting javascript, it may break the look or features of the Website editor when working on this page. This method is a quicker way to create a page but it is recommended to create your new page from scratch or from a suggested page template.
Note also that the inline editor may not works correclty when used on a grabbed external page.
+OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Only edition of HTML source is possible when content was grabbed from an external site
+GrabImagesInto=Grab also images found into css and page.
+ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Images should be saved into directory
+WebsiteRootOfImages=Root directory for website images
+SubdirOfPage=Sub-directory dedicated to page
+AliasPageAlreadyExists=Alias page %s already exists
@@ -103,17 +100,17 @@
-EmptyPage=Prazna stranica
-ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=Vanjski URL mora početi s http:// ili https://
-ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Otpremite Zip datoteku paketa predložaka web stranice
-ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=ili Odaberite dostupan ugrađeni paket predložaka web stranice
-ShowSubcontainers=Prikaži dinamički sadržaj
-InternalURLOfPage=Interni URL stranice
-ThisPageIsTranslationOf=Ova stranica/kontejner je prijevod
-ThisPageHasTranslationPages=Ova stranica/kontejner ima prijevod
-NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=Još nije kreirana nijedna web stranica. Prvo napravite jedan.
-DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=Dodajte dinamički PHP kod koji sadrži PHP instrukciju '%s ' koji je po defaultu zabranjen kao dinamički sadržaj (pogledajte skrivene opcije WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx da povećate listu dozvoljenih komandi).
-NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=Nemate dozvolu za dodavanje ili uređivanje PHP dinamičkog sadržaja na web lokacijama. Zatražite dozvolu ili jednostavno zadržite kod u php tagovima nepromijenjenim.
-ReplaceWebsiteContent=Pretražite ili zamijenite sadržaj web stranice
-DeleteAlsoJs=Izbrisati i sve JavaScript datoteke specifične za ovu web stranicu?
-DeleteAlsoMedias=Izbrisati i sve medijske datoteke specifične za ovu web stranicu?
-MyWebsitePages=Moje web stranice
-SearchReplaceInto=Pretraga | Zamijenite u
+EmptyPage=Empty page
+ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=External URL must start with http:// or https://
+ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Upload the Zip file of the website template package
+ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=or Choose an available embedded website template package
+ShowSubcontainers=Include dynamic content
+InternalURLOfPage=Internal URL of page
+ThisPageIsTranslationOf=This page/container is a translation of
+ThisPageHasTranslationPages=This page/container has translation
+NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=No website has been created yet. Create one first.
+GoTo=Go to
+DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=You add dynamic PHP code that contains the PHP instruction '%s' that is forbidden by default as dynamic content (see hidden options WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx to increase list of allowed commands).
+NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=You don't have permission to add or edit PHP dynamic content in websites. Ask permission or just keep code into php tags unmodified.
+ReplaceWebsiteContent=Search or Replace website content
+DeleteAlsoJs=Delete also all javascript files specific to this website?
+DeleteAlsoMedias=Delete also all medias files specific to this website?
+MyWebsitePages=My website pages
+SearchReplaceInto=Search | Replace into
@@ -121,16 +118,17 @@
-CSSContentTooltipHelp=Ovdje unesite CSS sadržaj. Da biste izbjegli bilo kakav sukob sa CSS-om aplikacije, obavezno dodajte sve deklaracije klasom .bodywebsite. Na primjer:
#mycssselector, input.myclass:hover { ... }
mora biti
.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:hover { ... }b0342fccfda19b
Napomena: Ako imate veliki fajl bez ovog prefiksa, možete koristiti 'lessc' da ga konvertujete da biste svuda dodali prefiks .bodywebsite.
-LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Upozorenje: Ovaj sadržaj se izlazi samo kada se sajtu pristupa sa servera. Ne koristi se u režimu za uređivanje, tako da ako treba da učitate JavaScript fajlove iu režimu za uređivanje, samo dodajte svoju oznaku 'script src=...' na stranicu.
-Dynamiccontent=Uzorak stranice sa dinamičkim sadržajem
-EditInLineOnOff=Način rada 'Edit inline' je %s
-ShowSubContainersOnOff=Način za izvršavanje 'dinamičkog sadržaja' je %s
-GlobalCSSorJS=Globalni CSS/JS/Header fajl web stranice
-BackToHomePage=Povratak na početnu stranicu...
-TranslationLinks=Linkovi za prevod
-YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=Pokušavate pristupiti stranici koja nije dostupna.
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s)
-UseTextBetween5And70Chars=Za dobre SEO prakse, koristite tekst između 5 i 70 znakova
-MainLanguage=Glavni jezik
-OtherLanguages=Drugi jezici
-UseManifest=Navedite manifest.json datoteku
-PublicAuthorAlias=Javno ime autora
-AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=Dostupni jezici su definirani u svojstvima web stranice
-ReplacementDoneInXPages=Zamjena obavljena u %s stranicama ili kontejnerima
+CSSContentTooltipHelp=Enter here CSS content. To avoid any conflict with the CSS of the application, be sure to prepend all declaration with the .bodywebsite class. For example:
#mycssselector, input.myclass:hover { ... }
must be
.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:hover { ... }
Note: If you have a large file without this prefix, you can use 'lessc' to convert it to append the .bodywebsite prefix everywhere.
+LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Warning: This content is output only when site is accessed from a server. It is not used in Edit mode so if you need to load javascript files also in edit mode, just add your tag 'script src=...' into the page.
+Dynamiccontent=Sample of a page with dynamic content
+ImportSite=Import website template
+EditInLineOnOff=Mode 'Edit inline' is %s
+ShowSubContainersOnOff=Mode to execute 'dynamic content' is %s
+GlobalCSSorJS=Global CSS/JS/Header file of web site
+BackToHomePage=Back to home page...
+TranslationLinks=Translation links
+YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=You try to access to a page that is not available.
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s)
+UseTextBetween5And70Chars=For good SEO practices, use a text between 5 and 70 characters
+MainLanguage=Main language
+OtherLanguages=Other languages
+UseManifest=Provide a manifest.json file
+PublicAuthorAlias=Public author alias
+AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=Available languages are defined into website properties
+ReplacementDoneInXPages=Replacement done in %s pages or containers
@@ -138,100 +136,2 @@
-RSSFeedDesc=Možete dobiti RSS feed najnovijih članaka sa tipom 'blogpost' koristeći ovaj URL
-PagesRegenerated=%s stranica(e)/kontejner(i) regenerirani
-RegenerateWebsiteContent=Regenerirajte keš datoteke web stranice
-AllowedInFrames=Dozvoljeno u okvirima
-DefineListOfAltLanguagesInWebsiteProperties=Definirajte listu svih dostupnih jezika u svojstvima web stranice.
-GenerateSitemaps=Generirajte web sitemap.xml datoteku
-ConfirmGenerateSitemaps=Ako potvrdite, izbrisat ćete postojeću datoteku mape stranice...
-ConfirmSitemapsCreation=Potvrdite generisanje mape sajta
-SitemapGenerated=Sitemap datoteka %s je generirana
-ErrorFaviconType=Favicon mora biti png
-ErrorFaviconSize=Favicon mora biti veličine 16x16, 32x32 ili 64x64
-FaviconTooltip=Otpremite sliku koja treba da bude png (16x16, 32x32 ili 64x64)
-NextContainer=Sljedeća stranica/kontejner
-PreviousContainer=Prethodna stranica/kontejner
-WebsiteMustBeDisabled=Web lokacija mora imati status "%s"
-WebpageMustBeDisabled=Web stranica mora imati status "%s"
-SetWebsiteOnlineBefore=Kada je web stranica van mreže, sve stranice su van mreže. Prvo promijenite status web stranice.
-PagesViewedPreviousMonth=Pregledane stranice (prethodni mjesec)
-PagesViewedTotal=Pregledane stranice (ukupno)
-AssignedContacts=Dodijeljeni kontakti
-WebsiteTypeLabel=Vrsta web stranice
-WebsiteTypeDolibarrWebsite=Web site (Module WebSites CMS)
-WebsiteTypeDolibarrPortal=Native and ready to use web portal (Module Web Portal)
-WebPortalURL=Web portal URL
-NewWebsiteAccount=New accounts for websites
-ModuleWebPortalName=Web portal
-ModuleWebPortalDesc=A ready to use native web portal for customers, suppliers, partners or members
-WebPortalDescription=Public web portal module for membership and partnership
-WebPortalSetup=WebPortal setup
-WebPortalCSS=Web portal CSS
-WebPortalSetupPage=WebPortal setup page
-WEBPORTAL_TITLE=Brand name on header of public page
-UserAccountForWebPortalAreInThirdPartyTabHelp=Users accounts for WebPortal can be set on each third party card in Website accounts tab
-WEBPORTAL_MEMBER_CARD_ACCESS=Enable access to the membership record
-WebPortalMemberCardAccessHelp=Enable access to the membership record (Hidden / Visible or Editable)
-WEBPORTAL_PARTNERSHIP_CARD_ACCESS=Enable access to the partnership record
-WebPortalPartnerShipCardAccessHelp=Enable access to the partnership record (Hidden / Visible or Editable)
-WEBPORTAL_PROPAL_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the proposals
-WEBPORTAL_ORDER_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the orders
-WEBPORTAL_INVOICE_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the invoices
-WEBPORTAL_USER_LOGGED=Select an anonymous user
-WebPortalUserLoggedHelp=This user is used to update cards
-WebPortalHomeDesc=Welcome to the public interface
-WebPortalPropalListTitle=List of proposals
-WebPortalPropalListDesc=List of proposals
-WebPortalPropalListNothing=Proposals not found
-WebPortalOrderListTitle=List of orders
-WebPortalOrderListDesc=List of orders
-WebPortalOrderListNothing=Orders not found
-WebPortalInvoiceListTitle=List of invoices
-WebPortalInvoiceListDesc=List of invoices
-WebPortalInvoiceListNothing=Invoices not found
-WebPortalMemberCardTitle=Member card
-WebPortalMemberCardDesc=Member card
-WebPortalPartnershipCardTitle=Partnership card
-WebPortalPartnershipCardDesc=Partnership card
-loginWebportalUserName=User name / email
-LoginNow=Login now
-RemoveSearchFilters=Remove search filters
-WEBPORTAL_MENU_LOGO_URLTooltip=Leave empty to use login logo
-AriaPrevPage=Previous page
-AriaNextPage=Next page
-AriaPageX=Page %s
-WebPortalError404=Page not found
-WebPortalErrorPageNotExist=Page not exist
-WebPortalErrorFetchThirdPartyAccountFromLogin=Error when loading third-party account (login : %s)
-WebPortalErrorAuthentication=Authentication error
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedThirdPartyAccount=Error when loading third-party account (login : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedUser=Error when loading user (Id : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedThirdParty=Error when loading third-party (Id : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedMember=Error when loading member (Id : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedPartnership=Error when loading partnership (Third-party Id : %s, Member Id : %s)
-ExportIntoGIT=Export into sources
-WebPortalOrder=Sale Order
+RSSFeedDesc=You can get a RSS feed of latest articles with type 'blogpost' using this URL
+PagesRegenerated=%s page(s)/container(s) regenerated
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_withdrawals.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_withdrawals.lang
@@ -13 +13 @@
-BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer orders
+BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer order
@@ -18 +17,0 @@
-CreditTransfer=Credit transfer
@@ -34 +32,0 @@
-AmountToTransfer=Amount to transfer
@@ -36 +34 @@
-NoSupplierInvoiceToWithdraw=No supplier invoice with open '%s' is waiting. Go on tab '%s' on invoice card to make a request.
+NoSupplierInvoiceToWithdraw=No supplier invoice with open 'Direct credit requests' is waiting. Go on tab '%s' on invoice card to make a request.
@@ -45 +42,0 @@
-MakeWithdrawRequestStripe=Make a direct debit payment request via Stripe
@@ -48 +44,0 @@
-BankTransferRequestsDone=%s credit transfer requests recorded
@@ -50,4 +46 @@
-NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=No invoice processed successfully. Check that invoices are on companies with a valid IBAN and that IBAN has a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) with mode %s.
-NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawedSupplier=No invoice processed successfully. Check that invoices are on companies with a valid IBAN.
-NoSalariesCouldBeWithdrawed=No salary processed successfully. Check that salary are on users with a valid IBAN.
-WithdrawalCantBeCreditedTwice=This withdrawal receipt is already marked as credited; this can't be done twice, as this would potentially create duplicate payments and bank entries.
+NoInvoiceCouldBeWithdrawed=No invoice debited successfully. Check that invoices are on companies with a valid IBAN and that IBAN has a UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) with mode %s.
@@ -55 +47,0 @@
-ClassDebited=Classify debited
@@ -61 +53 @@
-StandingOrderReject=Record a rejection
+StandingOrderReject=Issue a rejection
@@ -69,3 +61,2 @@
-NoInvoiceRefused=Do not charge the customer for the refusal
-InvoiceRefused=Charge the customer for the refusal
-DirectDebitRefusedInvoicingDesc=Set a flag to say this refusal must be charged to the customer
+NoInvoiceRefused=Ne naplatiti odbijanje
+InvoiceRefused=Invoice refused (Charge the rejection to customer)
@@ -75 +65,0 @@
@@ -77 +66,0 @@
@@ -90,2 +79,2 @@
-CreateAll=Create direct debit file
-CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create file for credit transfer
+CreateAll=Create direct debit file (all)
+CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer (all)
@@ -96,2 +85,2 @@
-NotifyTransmision=Record file transmission of order
-NotifyCredit=Record credit of order
+NotifyTransmision=Prijenos podizanja
+NotifyCredit=Withdrawal Credit
@@ -107,7 +96,3 @@
-DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, you can go into menu "Bank->Payment by direct debit" to generate and manage a Direct debit order file.
-DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments2=You can also send a request directly to a SEPA payment processor like Stripe, ...
-DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments3=When request is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
-DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu "Bank->Payment by credit transfer" to generate and manage a Credit transfer order file.
-DoCreditTransferBeforePayments3=When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
-WithdrawalFile=Debit order file
-CreditTransferFile=Credit transfer file
+DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Direct Debit orders to generate and manage the direct debit payment order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Credit transfer orders to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+WithdrawalFile=Withdrawal file
@@ -121 +106 @@
-WithdrawMode=Direct debit mode (FRST or RCUR)
+WithdrawMode=Direct debit mode (FRST or RECUR)
@@ -128 +113 @@
-SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) %s and its payment service provider to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank. You agree to receive notifications about future charges up to 2 days before they occur.
+SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) %s to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.
@@ -137 +121,0 @@
-ModeRCUR=Recurring payment
@@ -140 +123,0 @@
-CreditTransferOrderCreated=Credit transfer order %s created
@@ -147,2 +130 @@
-ICS=Creditor Identifier - ICS
-IDS=Debitor Identifier
+ICS=Creditor Identifier CI
@@ -162,13 +143,0 @@
-ErrorCompanyHasDuplicateDefaultBAN=Company with id %s has more than one default bank account. No way to know which one to use.
-ErrorICSmissing=Missing ICS in Bank account %s
-TotalAmountOfdirectDebitOrderDiffersFromSumOfLines=Total amount of direct debit order differs from sum of lines
-WarningSomeDirectDebitOrdersAlreadyExists=Warning: There is already some pending Direct Debit orders (%s) requested for an amount of %s
-WarningSomeCreditTransferAlreadyExists=Warning: There is already some pending Credit Transfer (%s) requested for an amount of %s
-UsedFor=Used for %s
-Societe_ribSigned=SEPA mandate Signed
-NbOfInvoiceToPayByBankTransferForSalaries=No. of qualified salaries waiting for a payment by credit transfer
-SalaryWaitingWithdraw=Salaries waiting for payment by credit transfer
-NoSalaryInvoiceToWithdraw=No salary waiting for a '%s'. Go on tab '%s' on salary card to make a request.
-SalaryInvoiceWaitingWithdraw=Salaries waiting for payment by credit transfer
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_workflow.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_workflow.lang
@@ -3 +3 @@
-WorkflowDesc=This module provides some automatic actions. By default, the workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want) but here you can activate some automatic actions.
+WorkflowDesc=This module is designed to modify the behaviour of automatic actions into application. By default, workflow is open (you can do things in the order you want). You can activate the automatic actions you are interested in.
@@ -6,2 +6,2 @@
-descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a sales order after a commercial proposal is signed (the new order will have same amount as the proposal)
-descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a commercial proposal is signed (the new invoice will have same amount as the proposal)
+descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_ORDER=Automatically create a customer order after a commercial proposal is signed (new order will have same amount than proposal)
+descWORKFLOW_PROPAL_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a commercial proposal is signed (new invoice will have same amount than proposal)
@@ -9 +9 @@
-descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a sales order is closed (the new invoice will have same amount as the order)
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_AUTOCREATE_INVOICE=Automatically create a customer invoice after a customer order is closed (new invoice will have same amount than order)
@@ -11,12 +11,8 @@
-descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal as billed when sales order is set to billed (and if the amount of the order is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposal)
-descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal as billed when customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the signed linked proposal)
-descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales order as billed when customer invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
-descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source sales order as billed when customer invoice is set to paid (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
-descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING=Classify linked source sales order as shipped when a shipment is validated (and if the quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
-descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING_CLOSED=Classify linked source sales order as shipped when a shipment is closed (and if the quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
-# Autoclassify purchase order
-descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked proposal)
-descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order as billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if the amount of the invoice is the same as the total amount of the linked order)
-descWORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION=Classify receptions to "billed" when a linked supplier order is validated
-# Autoclose intervention
-descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CLOSE_INTERVENTION=Close all interventions linked to the ticket when a ticket is closed
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal(s) to billed when customer order is set to billed (and if amount of the order is same than total amount of signed linked proposals)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_PROPAL=Classify linked source proposal(s) to billed when customer invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of signed linked proposals)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source customer order(s) to billed when customer invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked orders)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_CLASSIFY_BILLED_ORDER=Classify linked source customer order(s) to billed when customer invoice is set to paid (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked orders)
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING=Classify linked source customer order to shipped when a shipment is validated (and if quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
+# Autoclassify supplier order
+descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_PROPOSAL=Classify linked source vendor proposal(s) to billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked proposals)
+descWORKFLOW_INVOICE_AMOUNT_CLASSIFY_BILLED_SUPPLIER_ORDER=Classify linked source purchase order(s) to billed when vendor invoice is validated (and if amount of the invoice is same than total amount of linked orders)
@@ -25,2 +20,0 @@
-# Autoclassify shipment
-descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Classify linked source shipment as closed when customer invoice is validated
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/github_19.0.3_zapier.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/bs_BA/client_zapier.lang
@@ -15,0 +16,5 @@
+# Generic
+# Module label 'ModuleZapierForDolibarrName'
@@ -16,0 +22 @@
+# Module description 'ModuleZapierForDolibarrDesc'
@@ -18,4 +24,5 @@
-ZapierForDolibarrSetup=Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr
-ZapierDescription=Interface with Zapier
-ZapierAbout=About the module Zapier
-ZapierSetupPage=There is no need for a setup on Dolibarr side to use Zapier. However, you must generate and publish a package on zapier to be able to use Zapier with Dolibarr. See documentation on this wiki page.
+# Admin page
+ZapierForDolibarrSetup = Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr