b09a4b739f17f span >?
-ConfirmDestock=ከዝውውር ጋር የአክሲዮን ቅነሳ %s
-ConfirmDestockCancel=የአክሲዮን ቅነሳን በማስተላለፍ ይሰርዙ %s
-DestockAllProduct=የአክሲዮኖች ቅነሳ
-DestockAllProductCancel=የአክሲዮን ቅነሳን ሰርዝ
-ConfirmAddStock=በማስተላለፍ አክሲዮኖችን ይጨምሩ %s
-ConfirmAddStockCancel=የአክሲዮን ጭማሪን በማስተላለፍ ይሰርዙ %s
-AddStockAllProduct=የአክሲዮኖች መጨመር
-AddStockAllProductCancel=የአክሲዮን መጨመርን ሰርዝ
-DatePrevueDepart=የታሰበበት የመነሻ ቀን
-DateReelleDepart=ትክክለኛው የመነሻ ቀን
-DatePrevueArrivee=መድረሻ የታሰበበት ቀን
-DateReelleArrivee=ትክክለኛው የመድረሻ ቀን
-HelpWarehouseStockTransferSource=ይህ መጋዘን ከተዘጋጀ ራሱ እና ልጆቹ ብቻ እንደ ምንጭ መጋዘን ይገኛሉ
-HelpWarehouseStockTransferDestination=ይህ መጋዘን ከተዘጋጀ እራሱ እና ልጆቹ ብቻ እንደ መድረሻ መጋዘን ይገኛሉ
-LeadTimeForWarning=ከማንቂያው በፊት የመሪ ጊዜ (በቀናት ውስጥ)
-TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STFROM=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፍ ላኪ
-TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STDEST=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፍ ተቀባይ
-TypeContact_stocktransfer_internal_STRESP=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፍ ኃላፊነት አለበት።
-StockTransferSheet=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፊያ ወረቀት
-StockTransferSheetProforma=የፕሮፎርማ አክሲዮኖች ማስተላለፊያ ወረቀት
-StockTransferDecrementation=የምንጭ መጋዘኖችን ይቀንሱ
-StockTransferIncrementation=የመድረሻ መጋዘኖችን ይጨምሩ
-StockTransferDecrementationCancel=የምንጭ መጋዘኖችን መቀነስ ሰርዝ
-StockTransferIncrementationCancel=የመድረሻ መጋዘኖችን መጨመር ሰርዝ
-StockStransferDecremented=የምንጭ መጋዘኖች ቀንሰዋል
-StockStransferDecrementedCancel=የምንጭ መጋዘኖች መቀነስ ተሰርዟል።
-StockStransferIncremented=ተዘግቷል - አክሲዮኖች ተላልፈዋል
-StockStransferIncrementedShort=አክሲዮኖች ተላልፈዋል
-StockStransferIncrementedShortCancel=የመድረሻ መጋዘኖች መጨመር ተሰርዟል።
-StockTransferNoBatchForProduct=ምርት %s ባች አይጠቀምም ፣ ባች በመስመር ላይ ያፅዱ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ
-StockTransferSetup = የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፊያ ሞጁል ውቅር
-StockTransferSetupPage = ለክምችት ማስተላለፊያ ሞጁል የማዋቀር ገጽ
-StockTransferRightRead=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፎችን ያንብቡ
-StockTransferRightCreateUpdate=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፎችን ይፍጠሩ/ያዘምኑ
-StockTransferRightDelete=የአክሲዮን ማስተላለፎችን ሰርዝ
-BatchNotFound=ሎጥ / ተከታታይ ለዚህ ምርት አልተገኘም።
-StockEntryDate=በክምችት ላይ የ
የገባበት ቀን
-StockMovementWillBeRecorded=የአክሲዮን እንቅስቃሴ ይመዘገባል
-StockMovementNotYetRecorded=የአክሲዮን እንቅስቃሴ በዚህ ደረጃ አይጎዳም።
-ReverseConfirmed=የአክሲዮን እንቅስቃሴ በተሳካ ሁኔታ ተቀልብሷል
-WarningThisWIllAlsoDeleteStock=ማስጠንቀቂያ፣ ይህ እንዲሁ በመጋዘን ውስጥ ያሉትን ሁሉንም መጠኖች ያጠፋል
-ValidateInventory=የእቃዎች ማረጋገጫ
-IncludeSubWarehouse=ንዑስ መጋዘን ይጨምር?
-IncludeSubWarehouseExplanation=ሁሉንም ተዛማጅ መጋዘን ንዑስ መጋዘኖችን በእቃ ዝርዝር ውስጥ ማካተት ከፈለጉ በዚህ ሳጥን ላይ ምልክት ያድርጉ
-DeleteBatch=ዕጣ/ተከታታይ ሰርዝ
-ConfirmDeleteBatch=እርግጠኛ ነህ ዕጣ/ተከታታይ መሰረዝ ትፈልጋለህ?
-WarehouseUsage=የመጋዘን አጠቃቀም
-InternalWarehouse=የውስጥ መጋዘን
-ExternalWarehouse=የውጭ መጋዘን
+WarehouseCard=Warehouse card
+ParentWarehouse=Parent warehouse
+NewWarehouse=New warehouse / Stock Location
+WarehouseEdit=Modify warehouse
+MenuNewWarehouse=New warehouse
+WarehouseSource=Source warehouse
+WarehouseSourceNotDefined=No warehouse defined,
+AddWarehouse=Create warehouse
+AddOne=Add one
+DefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse
+WarehouseTarget=Target warehouse
+ValidateSending=Delete sending
+CancelSending=Cancel sending
+DeleteSending=Delete sending
+MissingStocks=Missing stocks
+StockAtDate=Stock at date
+StockAtDateInPast=Date in past
+StockAtDateInFuture=Date in future
+StocksByLotSerial=Stocks by lot/serial
+LotSerialList=List of lot/serials
+ErrorWarehouseRefRequired=Warehouse reference name is required
+ListOfWarehouses=List of warehouses
+ListOfStockMovements=List of stock movements
+ListOfInventories=List of inventories
+MovementId=Movement ID
+StockMovementForId=Movement ID %d
+ListMouvementStockProject=List of stock movements associated to project
+StocksArea=Warehouses area
+AllWarehouses=All warehouses
+IncludeEmptyDesiredStock=Include also undefined desired stock
+IncludeAlsoDraftOrders=Include also draft orders
+LocationSummary=Short name location
+NumberOfDifferentProducts=Number of different products
+NumberOfProducts=Total number of products
+LastMovement=Latest movement
+LastMovements=Latest movements
+StockCorrection=Stock correction
+CorrectStock=Correct stock
+StockTransfer=Stock transfer
+TransferStock=Transfer stock
+MassStockTransferShort=Mass stock transfer
+StockMovement=Stock movement
+StockMovements=Stock movements
+NumberOfUnit=Number of units
+UnitPurchaseValue=Unit purchase price
+StockTooLow=Stock too low
+StockLowerThanLimit=Stock lower than alert limit (%s)
+PMPValue=Weighted average price
+EnhancedValueOfWarehouses=Warehouses value
+UserWarehouseAutoCreate=Create a user warehouse automatically when creating a user
+AllowAddLimitStockByWarehouse=Manage also value for minimum and desired stock per pairing (product-warehouse) in addition to the value for minimum and desired stock per product
+RuleForWarehouse=Rule for warehouses
+WarehouseAskWarehouseDuringOrder=Set a warehouse on Sale orders
+UserDefaultWarehouse=Set a warehouse on Users
+MainDefaultWarehouse=Default warehouse
+MainDefaultWarehouseUser=Use a default warehouse for each user
+MainDefaultWarehouseUserDesc=By activating this option, during creation of a product, the warehouse assigned to the product will be defined on this one. If no warehouse is defined on the user, the default warehouse is defined.
+IndependantSubProductStock=Product stock and subproduct stock are independent
+QtyDispatched=Quantity dispatched
+QtyDispatchedShort=Qty dispatched
+QtyToDispatchShort=Qty to dispatch
+OrderDispatch=Item receipts
+RuleForStockManagementDecrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock decrease (manual decrease is always possible, even if an automatic decrease rule is activated)
+RuleForStockManagementIncrease=Choose Rule for automatic stock increase (manual increase is always possible, even if an automatic increase rule is activated)
+DeStockOnBill=Decrease real stocks on validation of customer invoice/credit note
+DeStockOnValidateOrder=Decrease real stocks on validation of sales order
+DeStockOnShipment=Decrease real stocks on shipping validation
+DeStockOnShipmentOnClosing=Decrease real stocks when shipping is set to closed
+ReStockOnBill=Increase real stocks on validation of vendor invoice/credit note
+ReStockOnValidateOrder=Increase real stocks on purchase order approval
+ReStockOnDispatchOrder=Increase real stocks on manual dispatching into warehouse, after purchase order receipt of goods
+StockOnReception=Increase real stocks on validation of reception
+StockOnReceptionOnClosing=Increase real stocks when reception is set to closed
+OrderStatusNotReadyToDispatch=Order has not yet or no more a status that allows dispatching of products in stock warehouses.
+StockDiffPhysicTeoric=Explanation for difference between physical and virtual stock
+NoPredefinedProductToDispatch=No predefined products for this object. So no dispatching in stock is required.
+StockLimitShort=Limit for alert
+StockLimit=Stock limit for alert
+StockLimitDesc=(empty) means no warning.
0 can be used for a warning as soon as stock is empty.
+PhysicalStock=Physical Stock
+RealStock=Real Stock
+RealStockDesc=Physical/real stock is the stock currently in the warehouses.
+RealStockWillAutomaticallyWhen=The real stock will be modified according to this rule (as defined in the Stock module):
+VirtualStock=Virtual stock
+VirtualStockDesc=Virtual stock is the calculated stock available once all open/pending actions (that affect stocks) are closed (purchase orders received, sales orders shipped etc.)
+IdWarehouse=Id warehouse
+DescWareHouse=Description warehouse
+LieuWareHouse=Localisation warehouse
+WarehousesAndProducts=Warehouses and products
+WarehousesAndProductsBatchDetail=Warehouses and products (with detail per lot/serial)
+AverageUnitPricePMPShort=Weighted average input price
+AverageUnitPricePMP=Weighted average input price
+SellPriceMin=Selling Unit Price
+EstimatedStockValueSellShort=Value for sell
+EstimatedStockValueSell=Value for sell
+EstimatedStockValueShort=Input stock value
+EstimatedStockValue=Input stock value
+DeleteAWarehouse=Delete a warehouse
+ConfirmDeleteWarehouse=Are you sure you want to delete the warehouse %s?
+PersonalStock=Personal stock %s
+ThisWarehouseIsPersonalStock=This warehouse represents personal stock of %s %s
+SelectWarehouseForStockDecrease=Choose warehouse to use for stock decrease
+SelectWarehouseForStockIncrease=Choose warehouse to use for stock increase
+NoStockAction=No stock action
+DesiredStock=Desired Stock
+DesiredStockDesc=This stock amount will be the value used to fill the stock by replenishment feature.
+StockToBuy=To order
+ReplenishmentOrders=Replenishment orders
+VirtualDiffersFromPhysical=According to increase/decrease stock options, physical stock and virtual stock (physical + current orders) may differ
+UseVirtualStockByDefault=Use virtual stock by default, instead of physical stock, for replenishment feature
+UseVirtualStock=Use virtual stock
+UsePhysicalStock=Use physical stock
+CurentSelectionMode=Current selection mode
+CurentlyUsingVirtualStock=Virtual stock
+CurentlyUsingPhysicalStock=Physical stock
+RuleForStockReplenishment=Rule for stocks replenishment
+SelectProductWithNotNullQty=Select at least one product with a qty not null and a vendor
+AlertOnly= Alerts only
+IncludeProductWithUndefinedAlerts = Include also negative stock for products with no desired quantity defined, to restore them to 0
+WarehouseForStockDecrease=The warehouse %s will be used for stock decrease
+WarehouseForStockIncrease=The warehouse %s will be used for stock increase
+ForThisWarehouse=For this warehouse
+ReplenishmentStatusDesc=This is a list of all products with a stock lower than desired stock (or lower than alert value if checkbox "alert only" is checked). Using the checkbox, you can create purchase orders to fill the difference.
+ReplenishmentStatusDescPerWarehouse=If you want a replenishment based on desired quantity defined per warehouse, you must add a filter on the warehouse.
+ReplenishmentOrdersDesc=This is a list of all open purchase orders including predefined products. Only open orders with predefined products, so orders that may affect stocks, are visible here.
+NbOfProductBeforePeriod=Quantity of product %s in stock before selected period (< %s)
+NbOfProductAfterPeriod=Quantity of product %s in stock after selected period (> %s)
+MassMovement=Mass movement
+SelectProductInAndOutWareHouse=Select a product, a quantity, a source warehouse and a target warehouse, then click "%s". Once this is done for all required movements, click onto "%s".
+RecordMovement=Record transfer
+ReceivingForSameOrder=Receipts for this order
+StockMovementRecorded=Stock movements recorded
+RuleForStockAvailability=Rules on stock requirements
+StockMustBeEnoughForInvoice=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to invoice (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into invoice whatever the rule for automatic stock change)
+StockMustBeEnoughForOrder=Stock level must be enough to add product/service to order (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into order whatever the rule for automatic stock change)
+StockMustBeEnoughForShipment= Stock level must be enough to add product/service to shipment (check is done on current real stock when adding a line into shipment whatever the rule for automatic stock change)
+MovementLabel=Label of movement
+TypeMovement=Type of movement
+DateMovement=Date of movement
+InventoryCode=Movement or inventory code
+IsInPackage=Contained into package
+WarehouseAllowNegativeTransfer=Stock can be negative
+qtyToTranferIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks.
+qtyToTranferLotIsNotEnough=You don't have enough stock, for this lot number, from your source warehouse and your setup does not allow negative stocks (Qty for product '%s' with lot '%s' is %s in warehouse '%s').
+ShowWarehouse=Show warehouse
+MovementCorrectStock=Stock correction for product %s
+MovementTransferStock=Stock transfer of product %s into another warehouse
+InventoryCodeShort=Inv./Mov. code
+NoPendingReceptionOnSupplierOrder=No pending reception due to open purchase order
+ThisSerialAlreadyExistWithDifferentDate=This lot/serial number (%s) already exists but with different eatby or sellby date (found %s but you enter %s).
+OpenAll=Open for all actions
+OpenInternal=Open only for internal actions
+UseDispatchStatus=Use a dispatch status (approve/refuse) for product lines on purchase order reception
+OptionMULTIPRICESIsOn=Option "several prices per segment" is on. It means a product has several selling price so value for sell can't be calculated
+ProductStockWarehouseCreated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly created
+ProductStockWarehouseUpdated=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly updated
+ProductStockWarehouseDeleted=Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock correctly deleted
+AddNewProductStockWarehouse=Set new limit for alert and desired optimal stock
+AddStockLocationLine=Decrease quantity then click to add another warehouse for this product
+InventoryDate=Inventory date
+NewInventory=New inventory
+inventorySetup = Inventory Setup
+inventoryCreatePermission=Create new inventory
+inventoryReadPermission=View inventories
+inventoryWritePermission=Update inventories
+inventoryValidatePermission=Validate inventory
+inventoryListEmpty=No inventory in progress
+inventoryCreateDelete=Create/Delete inventory
+inventoryCreate=Create new
+inventorySelectWarehouse=Warehouse choice
+inventoryOfWarehouse=Inventory for warehouse: %s
+inventoryErrorQtyAdd=Error: one quantity is less than zero
+inventoryMvtStock=By inventory
+inventoryWarningProductAlreadyExists=This product is already into list
+SelectCategory=Category filter
+SelectFournisseur=Vendor filter
+INVENTORY_DISABLE_VIRTUAL=Virtual product (kit): do not decrement stock of a child product
+INVENTORY_USE_MIN_PA_IF_NO_LAST_PA=Use the buy price if no last buy price can be found
+INVENTORY_USE_INVENTORY_DATE_FOR_DATE_OF_MVT=Stock movements will have the date of inventory (instead of the date of inventory validation)
+inventoryChangePMPPermission=Allow to change PMP value for a product
+ColumnNewPMP=New unit PMP
+OnlyProdsInStock=Do not add product without stock
+TheoricalQty=Theorique qty
+TheoricalValue=Theorique qty
+LastPA=Last BP
+CurrentPA=Curent BP
+RecordedQty=Recorded Qty
+RealQty=Real Qty
+RealValue=Real Value
+RegulatedQty=Regulated Qty
+AddInventoryProduct=Add product to inventory
+ApplyPMP=Apply PMP
+FlushInventory=Flush inventory
+ConfirmFlushInventory=Do you confirm this action?
+InventoryFlushed=Inventory flushed
+ExitEditMode=Exit edition
+inventoryDeleteLine=Delete line
+RegulateStock=Regulate Stock
+StockSupportServices=Stock management supports Services
+StockSupportServicesDesc=By default, you can stock only products of type "product". You may also stock a product of type "service" if both module Services and this option are enabled.
+ReceiveProducts=Receive items
+StockIncreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Increase by correction/transfer
+StockDecreaseAfterCorrectTransfer=Decrease by correction/transfer
+StockIncrease=Stock increase
+StockDecrease=Stock decrease
+InventoryForASpecificWarehouse=Inventory for a specific warehouse
+InventoryForASpecificProduct=Inventory for a specific product
+StockIsRequiredToChooseWhichLotToUse=Stock is required to choose which lot to use
+ForceTo=Force to
+AlwaysShowFullArbo=Display full tree of warehouse on popup of warehouse links (Warning: This may decrease dramatically performances)
+StockAtDatePastDesc=You can view here the stock (real stock) at a given date in the past
+StockAtDateFutureDesc=You can view here the stock (virtual stock) at a given date in future
+CurrentStock=Current stock
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_suppliers.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_suppliers.lang
@@ -2,55 +2,46 @@
-SuppliersInvoice=የአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ
-SupplierInvoices=የአቅራቢ ደረሰኞች
-ShowSupplierInvoice=የአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ አሳይ
-NewSupplier=አዲስ አቅራቢ
-NewSupplierInvoice = አዲስ የአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ
-ListOfSuppliers=የአቅራቢዎች ዝርዝር
-ShowSupplier=ሻጭ አሳይ
-BuyingPriceMin=ምርጥ የግዢ ዋጋ
-BuyingPriceMinShort=ምርጥ የግዢ ዋጋ
-TotalBuyingPriceMinShort=የንዑስ ምርቶች ጠቅላላ የግዢ ዋጋዎች
-TotalSellingPriceMinShort=አጠቃላይ የንዑስ ምርቶች ዋጋ የሚሸጡ
-SomeSubProductHaveNoPrices=አንዳንድ ንዑስ-ምርቶች ምንም የዋጋ ተመን የላቸውም
-AddSupplierPrice=የግዢ ዋጋ ጨምር
-ChangeSupplierPrice=የግዢ ዋጋ ለውጥ
-SupplierPrices=የአቅራቢዎች ዋጋዎች
-ReferenceSupplierIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAProduct=ይህ የአቅራቢ ማጣቀሻ አስቀድሞ ከምርት ጋር ተቆራኝቷል፡ %s
-NoRecordedSuppliers=ምንም ሻጭ አልተመዘገበም።
-SupplierPayment=የአቅራቢ ክፍያ
-SuppliersArea=ሻጭ አካባቢ
-RefSupplierShort=ማጣቀሻ. ሻጭ
-ExportDataset_fournisseur_1=የአቅራቢ ደረሰኞች እና የክፍያ መጠየቂያ ዝርዝሮች
-ExportDataset_fournisseur_2=የአቅራቢዎች ደረሰኞች እና ክፍያዎች
-ExportDataset_fournisseur_3=ትዕዛዞችን ይግዙ እና ዝርዝሮችን ይዘዙ
-ApproveThisOrder=ይህን ትዕዛዝ አጽድቀው
-ConfirmApproveThisOrder=እርግጠኛ ነህ ትዕዛዝ %s ማጽደቅ ትፈልጋለህ?
-DenyingThisOrder=ይህን ትዕዛዝ ውድቅ ያድርጉ
-ConfirmDenyingThisOrder=እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን ትዕዛዝ %sመከልከል ይፈልጋሉ?
-ConfirmCancelThisOrder=እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን ትዕዛዝ %sመሰረዝ ትፈልጋለህ?
-AddSupplierOrder=የግዢ ትዕዛዝ ይፍጠሩ
-AddSupplierInvoice=የአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ ይፍጠሩ
-ListOfSupplierProductForSupplier=የሻጭ ምርቶች እና ዋጋዎች ዝርዝር %s
-SentToSuppliers=ወደ ሻጮች ተልኳል።
-ListOfSupplierOrders=የግዢ ትዕዛዞች ዝርዝር
-MenuOrdersSupplierToBill=ለክፍያ መጠየቂያ ትዕዛዞችን ይግዙ
-NbDaysToDelivery=የማስረከቢያ መዘግየት (ቀናት)
-DescNbDaysToDelivery=የምርቶቹ ረጅሙ የመላኪያ መዘግየት ከዚህ ትዕዛዝ
-SupplierReputation=የአቅራቢ ስም
-ReferenceReputation=የማጣቀሻ ስም
-NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=ዝቅተኛ ጥራት
-BuyerName=የገዢ ስም
-AllProductServicePrices=ሁሉም የምርት / የአገልግሎት ዋጋዎች
-AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=ሁሉም የአቅራቢዎች ማጣቀሻዎች
-BuyingPriceNumShort=የአቅራቢዎች ዋጋዎች
-RepeatableSupplierInvoice=የአብነት አቅራቢ ደረሰኝ
-RepeatableSupplierInvoices=የአብነት አቅራቢ ደረሰኞች
-RepeatableSupplierInvoicesList=የአብነት አቅራቢ ደረሰኞች
-RecurringSupplierInvoices=ተደጋጋሚ አቅራቢዎች ደረሰኞች
-ToCreateAPredefinedSupplierInvoice=የአብነት አቅራቢ ደረሰኝ ለመፍጠር መደበኛ የክፍያ መጠየቂያ ደረሰኝ መፍጠር አለብዎት፣ ከዚያ ሳያረጋግጡ፣ የ%s የሚለውን ቁልፍ ጠቅ ያድርጉ።
-GeneratedFromSupplierTemplate=ከአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ አብነት የመነጨ %s
-SupplierInvoiceGeneratedFromTemplate=የአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ %s ከአቅራቢ ደረሰኝ አብነት የተፈጠረ %s
+SuppliersInvoice=Vendor invoice
+ShowSupplierInvoice=Show Vendor Invoice
+NewSupplier=New vendor
+ListOfSuppliers=List of vendors
+ShowSupplier=Show vendor
+OrderDate=Order date
+BuyingPriceMin=Best buying price
+BuyingPriceMinShort=Best buying price
+TotalBuyingPriceMinShort=Total of subproducts buying prices
+TotalSellingPriceMinShort=Total of subproducts selling prices
+SomeSubProductHaveNoPrices=Some sub-products have no price defined
+AddSupplierPrice=Add buying price
+ChangeSupplierPrice=Change buying price
+SupplierPrices=Vendor prices
+ReferenceSupplierIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAProduct=This vendor reference is already associated with a product: %s
+NoRecordedSuppliers=No vendor recorded
+SupplierPayment=Vendor payment
+SuppliersArea=Vendor area
+RefSupplierShort=Ref. vendor
+ExportDataset_fournisseur_1=Vendor invoices and invoice details
+ExportDataset_fournisseur_2=Vendor invoices and payments
+ExportDataset_fournisseur_3=Purchase orders and order details
+ApproveThisOrder=Approve this order
+ConfirmApproveThisOrder=Are you sure you want to approve order %s?
+DenyingThisOrder=Deny this order
+ConfirmDenyingThisOrder=Are you sure you want to deny this order %s?
+ConfirmCancelThisOrder=Are you sure you want to cancel this order %s?
+AddSupplierOrder=Create Purchase Order
+AddSupplierInvoice=Create vendor invoice
+ListOfSupplierProductForSupplier=List of products and prices for vendor %s
+SentToSuppliers=Sent to vendors
+ListOfSupplierOrders=List of purchase orders
+MenuOrdersSupplierToBill=Purchase orders to invoice
+NbDaysToDelivery=Delivery delay (days)
+DescNbDaysToDelivery=The longest delivery delay of the products from this order
+SupplierReputation=Vendor reputation
+DoNotOrderThisProductToThisSupplier=Do not order
+NotTheGoodQualitySupplier=Low quality
+BuyerName=Buyer name
+AllProductServicePrices=All product / service prices
+AllProductReferencesOfSupplier=All product / service references of vendor
+BuyingPriceNumShort=Vendor prices
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_ticket.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_ticket.lang
@@ -21,45 +21,40 @@
-Module56000Desc=ለጉዳዩ ወይም ለጥያቄ አስተዳደር የቲኬት ስርዓት
-Permission56001=ቲኬቶችን ይመልከቱ
-Permission56002=ቲኬቶችን ቀይር
-Permission56003=ቲኬቶችን ሰርዝ
-Permission56004=ቲኬቶችን ያስተዳድሩ
-Permission56005=የሁሉንም የሶስተኛ ወገኖች ትኬቶችን ይመልከቱ (ለውጭ ተጠቃሚዎች ውጤታማ አይደለም፣ ሁልጊዜም እነሱ በሚተማመኑበት የሶስተኛ ወገን ብቻ የተገደቡ)
-Permission56006=ቲኬቶችን ወደ ውጪ ላክ
-TicketDictType=ቲኬት - ዓይነቶች
-TicketDictCategory=ቲኬት - ቡድኖች
-TicketDictSeverity=ቲኬት - ከባድነት
-TicketDictResolution=ቲኬት - ጥራት
-TicketTypeShortCOM=የንግድ ጥያቄ
-TicketTypeShortHELP=የተግባር እርዳታ ጥያቄ
-TicketTypeShortISSUE=ችግር ወይም ስህተት
-TicketTypeShortREQUEST=ለውጥ ወይም ማሻሻል ጥያቄ
-TicketSeverityShortBLOCKING=ወሳኝ ፣ ማገድ
-ErrorBadEmailAddress=መስክ '%s ትክክል አይደለም
-MenuTicketMyAssign=የእኔ ትኬቶች
-MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=የእኔ ክፍት ትኬቶች
-MenuListNonClosed=ትኬቶችን ክፈት
-TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=የተመደበ ተጠቃሚ
-TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=የደንበኛ ግንኙነት / ክስተት መከታተል
-TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=የውጭ አበርካች
-OriginEmail=ሪፖርተር ኢሜል
-Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=የቲኬት መልእክት በኢሜል ይላኩ።
+Module56000Desc=Ticket system for issue or request management
+Permission56001=See tickets
+Permission56002=Modify tickets
+Permission56003=Delete tickets
+Permission56004=Manage tickets
+Permission56005=See tickets of all third parties (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on)
+TicketDictType=Ticket - Types
+TicketDictCategory=Ticket - Groupes
+TicketDictSeverity=Ticket - Severities
+TicketDictResolution=Ticket - Resolution
+TicketTypeShortBUGSOFT=Dysfonctionnement logiciel
+TicketTypeShortBUGHARD=Dysfonctionnement matériel
+TicketTypeShortCOM=Commercial question
+TicketTypeShortHELP=Request for functionnal help
+TicketTypeShortISSUE=Issue, bug or problem
+TicketTypeShortREQUEST=Change or enhancement request
+ErrorBadEmailAddress=Field '%s' incorrect
+MenuTicketMyAssign=My tickets
+MenuTicketMyAssignNonClosed=My open tickets
+MenuListNonClosed=Open tickets
+TypeContact_ticket_internal_SUPPORTTEC=Assigned user
+TypeContact_ticket_external_SUPPORTCLI=Customer contact / incident tracking
+TypeContact_ticket_external_CONTRIBUTOR=External contributor
+OriginEmail=Email source
+Notify_TICKET_SENTBYMAIL=Send ticket message by email
@@ -68,8 +63,9 @@
-NeedMoreInformation=የሪፖርተር አስተያየት በመጠበቅ ላይ
-NeedMoreInformationShort=ግብረ መልስ በመጠበቅ ላይ
-Waiting=በመጠበቅ ላይ
+NotRead=Not read
+InProgress=In progress
+NeedMoreInformation=Waiting for information
@@ -78,4 +74,3 @@
-TicketGroupIsPublic=ቡድን የህዝብ ነው።
-TicketGroupIsPublicDesc=የቲኬት ቡድን ይፋዊ ከሆነ ከህዝብ መገናኛ ትኬት ሲፈጥሩ በቅጹ ላይ ይታያል
+Category=Analytic code
@@ -84 +79 @@
-MailToSendTicketMessage=ከቲኬት መልእክት ኢሜይል ለመላክ
+MailToSendTicketMessage=To send email from ticket message
@@ -89,72 +84,53 @@
-TicketSetup=የቲኬት ሞጁል ማዋቀር
-TicketPublicAccess=ምንም መለያ የማይፈልግ ይፋዊ በይነገጽ በሚከተለው ዩአርኤል ይገኛል።
-TicketSetupDictionaries=የቲኬት አይነት፣ ክብደት እና የትንታኔ ኮዶች ከመዝገበ-ቃላት የሚዋቀሩ ናቸው።
-TicketParamModule=ሞጁል ተለዋዋጭ ማዋቀር
-TicketParamMail=የኢሜል ማዋቀር
-TicketEmailNotificationFrom=መልሶች ላይ ለማሳወቅ ኢሜል ላኪ
-TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=በኋለኛው ቢሮ ውስጥ መልስ ሲሰጥ የማሳወቂያ ኢሜልን ለመላክ ኢሜል ላኪ። ለምሳሌ noreply@example.com
-TicketEmailNotificationTo=ለዚህ ኢ-ሜይል አድራሻ የቲኬት መፍጠርን አሳውቅ
-TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=ካለ፣ ይህ የኢሜል አድራሻ ስለ ትኬት መፈጠር ማሳወቂያ ይደርሰዋል
-TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=ቲኬት ከፈጠሩ በኋላ የጽሑፍ መልእክት ተልኳል።
-TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=እዚህ የተገለጸው ጽሑፍ ከሕዝብ በይነገጽ አዲስ ትኬት መፈጠሩን የሚያረጋግጥ ኢሜል ውስጥ ይገባል ። በቲኬቱ ምክክር ላይ ያለ መረጃ በራስ-ሰር ይታከላል።
-TicketParamPublicInterface=ይፋዊ በይነገጽ ማዋቀር
-TicketsEmailMustExist=ትኬት ለመፍጠር ነባር የኢሜይል አድራሻ ጠይቅ
-TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ውስጥ አዲስ ትኬት ለመፍጠር የኢሜል አድራሻው ቀድሞውኑ በመረጃ ቋቱ ውስጥ መሞላት አለበት።
-TicketsShowProgression=የቲኬቱን ሂደት በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ያሳዩ
-TicketsShowProgressionHelp=የቲኬቱን ሂደት በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ገጾች ላይ ለመደበቅ ይህንን አማራጭ ያንቁ
-TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExist=ለማይታወቁ ኢሜይሎች ስም እና የድርጅት ስም ይጠይቁ።
-TicketCreateThirdPartyWithContactIfNotExistHelp=ለገባው ኢሜይል ሶስተኛ ወገን ወይም እውቂያ ካለ ያረጋግጡ። ካልሆነ፣ ከእውቂያ ጋር ሶስተኛ ወገን ለመፍጠር ስም እና የኩባንያ ስም ይጠይቁ።
-PublicInterface=ይፋዊ በይነገጽ
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=የአደባባይ በይነገጽ እንኳን ደህና መጣህ
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=የድጋፍ ትኬት መፍጠር ወይም ነባሩን ከመለያ መከታተያ ትኬት ማየት ትችላለህ።
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=እዚህ የተገለጸው ጽሑፍ በይፋዊ በይነገጽ መነሻ ገጽ ላይ ይታያል።
-TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=የበይነገጽ ርዕስ
-TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=ይህ ጽሑፍ እንደ ይፋዊ በይነገጽ ርዕስ ሆኖ ይታያል።
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=ለመልእክቱ ግቤት የጽሑፍ እገዛ
-TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=ይህ ጽሑፍ ከተጠቃሚው የመልእክት ግቤት ቦታ በላይ ይታያል።
-ExtraFieldsTicket=ተጨማሪ ባህሪያት
-TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML አርታዒ አልነቃም። እባክህ የFCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL ይዘትን ለማግኘት 1 አስቀምጥ።
-TicketsDisableEmail=ለትኬት ፈጠራ ወይም ለመልእክት ቀረጻ ኢሜይሎችን አይላኩ።
-TicketsDisableEmailHelp=በነባሪ፣ አዲስ ቲኬቶች ወይም መልዕክቶች ሲፈጠሩ ኢሜይሎች ይላካሉ። * ሁሉንም * የኢሜይል ማሳወቂያዎችን ለማሰናከል ይህን አማራጭ ያንቁ
-TicketsLogEnableEmail=ምዝግብ ማስታወሻን በኢሜይል አንቃ
-TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=በእያንዳንዱ ለውጥ፣ ከቲኬቱ ጋር ለተገናኘው ኢሜል ** ለእያንዳንዱ ዕውቂያ** ይላካል።
-TicketsShowModuleLogo=የሞጁሉን አርማ በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ያሳዩ
-TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=የአርማ ሞጁሉን በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ገጾች ውስጥ ለመደበቅ ይህንን አማራጭ ያንቁ
-TicketsShowCompanyLogo=በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ውስጥ የኩባንያውን አርማ ያሳዩ
-TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ገፆች ውስጥ የዋናውን ኩባንያ አርማ ለማሳየት ይህንን አማራጭ ያንቁ
-TicketsShowCompanyFooter=በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ውስጥ የኩባንያውን ግርጌ ያሳዩ
-TicketsShowCompanyFooterHelp=በይፋዊ በይነገጽ ገፆች ውስጥ የዋናውን ኩባንያ ግርጌ ለማሳየት ይህንን አማራጭ ያንቁ
-TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=እንዲሁም ማሳወቂያ ወደ ዋናው ኢሜይል አድራሻ ይላኩ።
-TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp=ይህን አማራጭ ያንቁ ወደ ማዋቀር ወደተገለጸው አድራሻ ኢሜል ለመላክም "%s" (ትር "%s የሚለውን ይመልከቱ)
-TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=ማሳያውን ለአሁኑ ተጠቃሚ በተመደቡ ትኬቶች ላይ መገደብ (ለውጭ ተጠቃሚዎች ውጤታማ አይደለም፣ ሁልጊዜም እነሱ በሚተማመኑበት የሶስተኛ ወገን ብቻ የተገደቡ)
-TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=ለአሁኑ ተጠቃሚ የተሰጡ ትኬቶች ብቻ ናቸው የሚታዩት። የቲኬት አስተዳደር መብቶች ላለው ተጠቃሚ አይተገበርም።
-TicketsActivatePublicInterface=ይፋዊ በይነገጽን ያንቁ
-TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=የህዝብ በይነገጽ ማንኛውም ጎብኚዎች ትኬቶችን እንዲፈጥሩ ያስችላቸዋል።
-TicketsAutoAssignTicket=ቲኬቱን የፈጠረውን ተጠቃሚ በራስ-ሰር ይመድቡ
-TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=ትኬት በሚፈጥሩበት ጊዜ ተጠቃሚው በራስ-ሰር ለቲኬቱ ሊመደብ ይችላል።
-TicketNumberingModules=የቲኬቶች ቁጥር መስጫ ሞጁል
-TicketsModelModule=የሰነድ አብነቶች ለቲኬቶች
-TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=ሲፈጠር ለሶስተኛ ወገን አሳውቅ
-TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=ትኬት ከህዝብ በይነገጽ ሲፈጠር ሁልጊዜ ኢሜይሎችን ያሰናክሉ።
-TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=አዲስ መልእክት/አስተያየት ወደ ትኬት ሲታከል ኢሜል(ዎች) ይላኩ።
-TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=ከሕዝብ በይነገጽ አዲስ መልእክት ሲታከል ኢሜል(ዎች) ይላኩ (ለተመደበ ተጠቃሚ ወይም የማሳወቂያ ኢሜል ወደ (አዘምን) እና/ወይም የማሳወቂያ ኢሜል)
-TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=የማሳወቂያ ኢሜይል ወደ (ዝማኔ)
-TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=ቲኬቱ የተመደበለት ተጠቃሚ ከሌለው ወይም ተጠቃሚው ምንም የሚታወቅ ኢሜል ከሌለው ለእያንዳንዱ አዲስ የመልእክት ማሳወቂያ ወደዚህ አድራሻ ኢሜይል ይላኩ።
-TicketsAutoReadTicket=ቲኬቱን እንደተነበበ (ከጀርባ ቢሮ ሲፈጠር) በራስ-ሰር ምልክት ያድርጉበት
-TicketsAutoReadTicketHelp=ከጀርባ ቢሮ ሲፈጠር ትኬቱን እንደተነበበ በራስ-ሰር ምልክት ያድርጉበት። ትኬቱ ከህዝብ በይነገጽ ሲፈጠር ትኬቱ "ያልተነበበ" ሁኔታ እንዳለ ይቀራል።
-TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswer=አዲስ ትኬት ከ (ሰዓታት በፊት) የመጀመሪያ መልስ ማግኘት አለበት፡-
-TicketsDelayBeforeFirstAnswerHelp=አዲስ ትኬት ከዚህ ጊዜ በኋላ (በሰዓታት ውስጥ) መልስ ካላገኘ በዝርዝሩ እይታ ውስጥ አስፈላጊ የማስጠንቀቂያ አዶ ይታያል።
-TicketsDelayBetweenAnswers=ያልተፈታ ቲኬት በ(ሰዓታት) ውስጥ ንቁ መሆን የለበትም።
-TicketsDelayBetweenAnswersHelp=ቀደም ሲል መልስ ያገኘ ያልተፈታ ቲኬት ከዚህ ጊዜ በኋላ (በሰዓታት ውስጥ) ተጨማሪ መስተጋብር ካልተፈጠረ, በዝርዝሩ እይታ ውስጥ የማስጠንቀቂያ አዶ ይታያል.
-TicketsAutoNotifyClose=ትኬት ሲዘጋ በራስ-ሰር ለሶስተኛ ወገን ያሳውቁ
-TicketsAutoNotifyCloseHelp=ትኬት ሲዘጉ፣ ከሶስተኛ ወገን እውቂያዎች ለአንዱ መልእክት እንዲልኩ ይጠየቃሉ። በጅምላ ሲዘጋ፣ ከቲኬቱ ጋር ለተገናኘ የሶስተኛ ወገን አንድ እውቂያ መልእክት ይላካል።
-TicketWrongContact=የቀረበ ዕውቂያ የአሁኑ የቲኬት እውቂያዎች አካል አይደለም። ኢሜይል አልተላከም።
-TicketChooseProductCategory=ለቲኬት ድጋፍ የምርት ምድብ
-TicketChooseProductCategoryHelp=የቲኬት ድጋፍ የምርት ምድብ ይምረጡ። ይህ ውልን ከቲኬት ጋር በራስ ሰር ለማገናኘት ይጠቅማል።
-TicketUseCaptchaCode=ቲኬት ሲፈጥሩ ግራፊክ ኮድ (CAPTCHA) ይጠቀሙ
-TicketUseCaptchaCodeHelp=አዲስ ትኬት ሲፈጥሩ CAPTCHA ማረጋገጫን ይጨምራል።
-TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosed=የተዘጉ ቲኬቶችን ምደባ ለማሻሻል ይፍቀዱ
-TicketsAllowClassificationModificationIfClosedHelp=ቲኬቶች ቢዘጉም ምደባን (አይነት፣ የቲኬት ቡድን፣ ክብደት) ለማሻሻል ይፍቀዱ።
+TicketSetup=Ticket module setup
+TicketPublicAccess=A public interface requiring no identification is available at the following url
+TicketSetupDictionaries=The type of ticket, severity and analytic codes are configurable from dictionaries
+TicketParamModule=Module variable setup
+TicketParamMail=Email setup
+TicketEmailNotificationFrom=Notification email from
+TicketEmailNotificationFromHelp=Used into ticket message answer by example
+TicketEmailNotificationTo=Notifications email to
+TicketEmailNotificationToHelp=Send email notifications to this address.
+TicketNewEmailBodyLabel=Text message sent after creating a ticket
+TicketNewEmailBodyHelp=The text specified here will be inserted into the email confirming the creation of a new ticket from the public interface. Information on the consultation of the ticket are automatically added.
+TicketParamPublicInterface=Public interface setup
+TicketsEmailMustExist=Require an existing email address to create a ticket
+TicketsEmailMustExistHelp=In the public interface, the email address should already be filled in the database to create a new ticket.
+PublicInterface=Public interface
+TicketUrlPublicInterfaceLabelAdmin=Alternative URL for public interface
+TicketUrlPublicInterfaceHelpAdmin=It is possible to define an alias to the web server and thus make available the public interface with another URL (the server must act as a proxy on this new URL)
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeLabelAdmin=Welcome text of the public interface
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHome=You can create a support ticket or view existing from its identifier tracking ticket.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHomeHelpAdmin=The text defined here will appear on the home page of the public interface.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTopicLabelAdmin=Interface title
+TicketPublicInterfaceTopicHelp=This text will appear as the title of the public interface.
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageLabelAdmin=Help text to the message entry
+TicketPublicInterfaceTextHelpMessageHelpAdmin=This text will appear above the message input area of the user.
+ExtraFieldsTicket=Extra attributes
+TicketCkEditorEmailNotActivated=HTML editor is not activated. Please put FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_MAIL content to 1 to get it.
+TicketsDisableEmail=Do not send emails for ticket creation or message recording
+TicketsDisableEmailHelp=By default, emails are sent when new tickets or messages created. Enable this option to disable *all* email notifications
+TicketsLogEnableEmail=Enable log by email
+TicketsLogEnableEmailHelp=At each change, an email will be sent **to each contact** associated with the ticket.
+TicketsShowModuleLogo=Display the logo of the module in the public interface
+TicketsShowModuleLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo module in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyLogo=Display the logo of the company in the public interface
+TicketsShowCompanyLogoHelp=Enable this option to hide the logo of the main company in the pages of the public interface
+TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddress=Also send notification to main email address
+TicketsEmailAlsoSendToMainAddressHelp=Enable this option to send an email to "Notification email from" address (see setup below)
+TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnly=Restrict the display to tickets assigned to the current user (not effective for external users, always be limited to the third party they depend on)
+TicketsLimitViewAssignedOnlyHelp=Only tickets assigned to the current user will be visible. Does not apply to a user with tickets management rights.
+TicketsActivatePublicInterface=Activate public interface
+TicketsActivatePublicInterfaceHelp=Public interface allow any visitors to create tickets.
+TicketsAutoAssignTicket=Automatically assign the user who created the ticket
+TicketsAutoAssignTicketHelp=When creating a ticket, the user can be automatically assigned to the ticket.
+TicketNumberingModules=Tickets numbering module
+TicketNotifyTiersAtCreation=Notify third party at creation
+TicketsDisableCustomerEmail=Always disable emails when a ticket is created from public interface
+TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessage=Send email(s) when a new message is added
+TicketsPublicNotificationNewMessageHelp=Send email(s) when a new message is added from public interface (to assigned user or the notifications email to (update) and/or the notifications email to)
+TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmail=Notifications email to (update)
+TicketPublicNotificationNewMessageDefaultEmailHelp=Send email new message notifications to this address if the ticket don't have a user assigned or the user don't have a email.
@@ -164,14 +140,12 @@
-TicketsIndex=የቲኬቶች አካባቢ
-TicketList=የቲኬቶች ዝርዝር
-TicketAssignedToMeInfos=የዚህ ገጽ ማሳያ ትኬት ዝርዝር ለአሁኑ ተጠቃሚ የተፈጠረ ወይም ተመድቧል
-NoTicketsFound=ምንም ቲኬት አልተገኘም።
-NoUnreadTicketsFound=ምንም ያልተነበበ ቲኬት አልተገኘም።
-TicketViewAllTickets=ሁሉንም ትኬቶች ይመልከቱ
-TicketViewNonClosedOnly=ክፍት ትኬቶችን ብቻ ይመልከቱ
-TicketStatByStatus=ትኬቶች በሁኔታ
-OrderByDateAsc=በሚወጣበት ቀን ደርድር
-OrderByDateDesc=በሚወርድበት ቀን ደርድር
-ShowAsConversation=እንደ የውይይት ዝርዝር አሳይ
-MessageListViewType=እንደ ሰንጠረዥ ዝርዝር አሳይ
-ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmail=ቲኬቶችን በሚዘጉበት ጊዜ ኢሜይሎችን በራስ-ሰር ይላኩ።
-ConfirmMassTicketClosingSendEmailQuestion=እነዚህን ትኬቶች ሲዘጉ ለሶስተኛ ወገኖች ማሳወቅ ይፈልጋሉ?
+TicketsIndex=Tickets area
+TicketList=List of tickets
+TicketAssignedToMeInfos=This page display ticket list created by or assigned to current user
+NoTicketsFound=No ticket found
+NoUnreadTicketsFound=No unread ticket found
+TicketViewAllTickets=View all tickets
+TicketViewNonClosedOnly=View only open tickets
+TicketStatByStatus=Tickets by status
+OrderByDateAsc=Sort by ascending date
+OrderByDateDesc=Sort by descending date
+ShowAsConversation=Show as conversation list
+MessageListViewType=Show as table list
@@ -182,99 +156,84 @@
-TicketCard=የቲኬት ካርድ
-CreateTicket=ቲኬት ይፍጠሩ
-EditTicket=ቲኬት አርትዕ
-TicketsManagement=የቲኬቶች አስተዳደር
-NewTicket=አዲስ ቲኬት
-SubjectAnswerToTicket=የቲኬት መልስ
-TicketTypeRequest=የጥያቄ አይነት
-TicketCategory=የቲኬት ቡድን
-SeeTicket=ቲኬት ይመልከቱ
-TicketMarkedAsRead=ትኬቱ እንደተነበበ ምልክት ተደርጎበታል።
-TicketCloseOn=መዝጊያ ቀን
-MarkAsRead=ትኬቱን እንደተነበበ ምልክት አድርግበት
-TicketHistory=የቲኬት ታሪክ
-AssignUser=ለተጠቃሚው መድብ
-TicketAssigned=ትኬቱ አሁን ተመድቧል
-TicketChangeType=አይነት ለውጥ
-TicketChangeCategory=የትንታኔ ኮድ ቀይር
-TicketChangeSeverity=ክብደትን ይቀይሩ
-TicketAddMessage=መልዕክት ያክሉ ወይም ይላኩ።
-TicketAddPrivateMessage=የግል መልእክት ያክሉ
-MessageSuccessfullyAdded=ቲኬት ታክሏል።
-TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=መልእክት በተሳካ ሁኔታ ታክሏል።
-TicketMessagesList=የመልእክት ዝርዝር
-NoMsgForThisTicket=ለዚህ ቲኬት ምንም መልእክት የለም።
-LatestNewTickets=የቅርብ ጊዜ %s አዳዲስ ቲኬቶች (ያልተነበቡ)
-ShowTicket=ቲኬት ይመልከቱ
-RelatedTickets=ተዛማጅ ትኬቶች
-TicketAddIntervention=ጣልቃ ገብነት ይፍጠሩ
-CloseATicket=ዝጋ|ትኬት ይፍቱ
-ConfirmCloseAticket=የቲኬት መዝጋትን ያረጋግጡ
-ConfirmAbandonTicket=ትኬቱ መዘጋቱን 'የተተወ' መሆኑን አረጋግጠዋል
-ConfirmDeleteTicket=እባክዎ የቲኬት መሰረዙን ያረጋግጡ
-TicketDeletedSuccess=ቲኬት በስኬት ተሰርዟል።
-TicketMarkedAsClosed=ትኬት እንደተዘጋ ምልክት ተደርጎበታል።
-TicketDurationAuto=የተሰላ ቆይታ
-TicketDurationAutoInfos=የቆይታ ጊዜ ከጣልቃ ገብነት ጋር በተዛመደ በራስ-ሰር ይሰላል
-TicketUpdated=ቲኬት ዘምኗል
-SendMessageByEmail=በኢሜል መልእክት ይላኩ
-TicketNewMessage=አዲስ መልእክት
-ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=ተቀባይ ባዶ ነው። ኢሜል መላክ የለም።
-TicketGoIntoContactTab=እባክዎን ለመምረጥ ወደ "እውቂያዎች" ትር ይሂዱ
-TicketMessageMailIntro=የመልእክት ራስጌ
-TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=ይህ ጽሑፍ በኢሜይሉ መጀመሪያ ላይ ብቻ የተጨመረ ሲሆን አይቀመጥም.
-TicketMessageMailIntroText=ጤና ይስጥልኝ
ለምትከተለው ትኬት አዲስ መልስ ታክሏል። መልእክቱ ይኸውና፡
-TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=ከዶሊባር ትኬት መልስ ሲሰጡ ይህ ጽሑፍ ከመልሱ በፊት ይገባል
-TicketMessageMailFooter=የመልእክት ግርጌ
-TicketMessageMailFooterHelp=ይህ ጽሑፍ የሚታከለው በኢሜል የተላከው መልእክት መጨረሻ ላይ ብቻ ነው እና አይቀመጥም።
-TicketMessageMailFooterText=በ%s በኩል በዶሊባርር የተላከ መልእክት
-TicketMessageMailFooterHelpAdmin=ይህ ጽሑፍ ከምላሽ መልእክት በኋላ ይገባል.
-TicketMessageHelp=ይህ ጽሑፍ ብቻ በቲኬት ካርድ ላይ ባለው የመልእክት ዝርዝር ውስጥ ይቀመጣል።
-TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=ተተኪዎች ተለዋዋጮች በጠቅላላ እሴቶች ይተካሉ።
-ForEmailMessageWillBeCompletedWith=ለውጭ ተጠቃሚዎች ለተላኩ የኢሜል መልእክቶች መልእክቱ በተጠናቀቀው ይጠናቀቃል
-TimeElapsedSince=ጀምሮ ጊዜ አልፏል
-TicketTimeToRead=ከመነበቡ በፊት ጊዜ አልፏል
-TicketTimeElapsedBeforeSince=ጊዜ ያለፈው / ከዚያ በፊት ነው።
-TicketContacts=የእውቂያዎች ትኬት
-TicketDocumentsLinked=ከቲኬት ጋር የተገናኙ ሰነዶች
-ConfirmReOpenTicket=ይህን ትኬት እንደገና መክፈት ይረጋገጥ?
-TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=በቲኬቱ ላይ %s በሚል ርዕስ አዲስ መልእክት ተለጠፈ፡-
-TicketAssignedToYou=ቲኬት ተመድቧል
-TicketAssignedEmailBody=ትኬቱን #%s በ%s ተመድበሃል።
-TicketAssignedCustomerEmail=ቲኬትዎ እንዲሰራ ተመድቧል።
-TicketAssignedCustomerBody=ይህ ቲኬትዎ እንዲሰራ መመደቡን የሚያረጋግጥ አውቶማቲክ ኢሜይል ነው።
-MarkMessageAsPrivate=መልእክት እንደ የግል ምልክት አድርግበት
-TicketMessageSendEmailHelp=ለሁሉም የተመደቡ እውቂያዎች ኢሜይል ይላካል
-TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2a=(የውስጥ እውቂያዎች፣ነገር ግን የውጪ እውቂያዎችም አማራጭ "%s" ከተጣራ በስተቀር)
-TicketMessageSendEmailHelp2b=(የውስጥ እውቂያዎች፣ ግን ውጫዊ እውቂያዎችም)
-TicketMessagePrivateHelp=ይህ መልእክት ለውጭ ተጠቃሚዎች አይታይም።
-TicketMessageRecipientsHelp=የተቀባዩ መስክ ከቲኬቱ ጋር በተገናኘ ንቁ እውቂያዎች ተጠናቅቋል
-TicketEmailOriginIssuer=በቲኬቶቹ መነሻ ላይ ሰጪ
-InitialMessage=የመጀመሪያ መልእክት
-LinkToAContract=ከኮንትራት ጋር ግንኙነት
-TicketPleaseSelectAContract=ውል ይምረጡ
-UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=ሶስተኛ ወገን ሳይገለጽ ጣልቃ መግባት አይቻልም
-TicketMailExchanges=የደብዳቤ ልውውጦች
-TicketInitialMessageModified=የመጀመሪያ መልእክት ተስተካክሏል።
-TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=መልእክት በተሳካ ሁኔታ ዘምኗል
-TicketChangeStatus=ሁኔታን ይቀይሩ
-TicketConfirmChangeStatus=የሁኔታ ለውጥ ያረጋግጡ፡ %s?
-TicketLogStatusChanged=ሁኔታ ተቀይሯል፡ %s ወደ %s
-TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=ሲፈጠር ኩባንያውን አታሳውቅ
-NotifyThirdpartyOnTicketClosing=ቲኬቱን በሚዘጋበት ጊዜ ለማሳወቅ እውቂያዎች
-TicketNotifyAllTiersAtClose=ሁሉም ተዛማጅ እውቂያዎች
-TicketNotNotifyTiersAtClose=ምንም ተዛማጅ ግንኙነት የለም።
-TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=አይገኝም። ትኬቱ ከህዝብ በይነገጽ አልተፈጠረም።
-ErrorTicketRefRequired=የቲኬት ማመሳከሪያ ስም ያስፈልጋል
-TicketsDelayForFirstResponseTooLong=ያለ ምንም መልስ ትኬቱ ከተከፈተ በኋላ በጣም ብዙ ጊዜ አልፏል።
-TicketsDelayFromLastResponseTooLong=በዚህ ቲኬት ላይ ከመጨረሻው መልስ በኋላ በጣም ብዙ ጊዜ አልፏል።
-TicketNoContractFoundToLink=ከዚህ ቲኬት ጋር በቀጥታ የተገናኘ ምንም ውል አልተገኘም። እባክህ ውልን በእጅ አገናኝ።
-TicketManyContractsLinked=ብዙ ኮንትራቶች ከዚህ ቲኬት ጋር በቀጥታ ተያይዘዋል። የትኛው መምረጥ እንዳለበት ማረጋገጥዎን ያረጋግጡ.
-TicketRefAlreadyUsed=ማጣቀሻው [%s] አስቀድሞ ጥቅም ላይ ውሏል፣ አዲሱ ማጣቀሻህ [%s] ነው።
+TicketCard=Ticket card
+CreateTicket=Create ticket
+EditTicket=Edit ticket
+TicketsManagement=Tickets Management
+CreatedBy=Created by
+NewTicket=New Ticket
+SubjectAnswerToTicket=Ticket answer
+TicketTypeRequest=Request type
+TicketCategory=Analytic code
+SeeTicket=See ticket
+TicketMarkedAsRead=Ticket has been marked as read
+TicketReadOn=Read on
+TicketCloseOn=Closing date
+MarkAsRead=Mark ticket as read
+TicketHistory=Ticket history
+AssignUser=Assign to user
+TicketAssigned=Ticket is now assigned
+TicketChangeType=Change type
+TicketChangeCategory=Change analytic code
+TicketChangeSeverity=Change severity
+TicketAddMessage=Add a message
+AddMessage=Add a message
+MessageSuccessfullyAdded=Ticket added
+TicketMessageSuccessfullyAdded=Message successfully added
+TicketMessagesList=Message list
+NoMsgForThisTicket=No message for this ticket
+LatestNewTickets=Latest %s newest tickets (not read)
+ShowTicket=See ticket
+RelatedTickets=Related tickets
+TicketAddIntervention=Create intervention
+CloseTicket=Close ticket
+CloseATicket=Close a ticket
+ConfirmCloseAticket=Confirm ticket closing
+ConfirmDeleteTicket=Please confirm ticket deleting
+TicketDeletedSuccess=Ticket deleted with success
+TicketMarkedAsClosed=Ticket marked as closed
+TicketDurationAuto=Calculated duration
+TicketDurationAutoInfos=Duration calculated automatically from intervention related
+TicketUpdated=Ticket updated
+SendMessageByEmail=Send message by email
+TicketNewMessage=New message
+ErrorMailRecipientIsEmptyForSendTicketMessage=Recipient is empty. No email send
+TicketGoIntoContactTab=Please go into "Contacts" tab to select them
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelp=This text is added only at the beginning of the email and will not be saved.
+TicketMessageMailIntroLabelAdmin=Introduction to the message when sending email
A new response was sent on a ticket that you contact. Here is the message:
+TicketMessageMailIntroHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted before the text of the response to a ticket.
+TicketMessageMailSignatureHelp=This text is added only at the end of the email and will not be saved.
+TicketMessageMailSignatureLabelAdmin=Signature of response email
+TicketMessageMailSignatureHelpAdmin=This text will be inserted after the response message.
+TicketMessageHelp=Only this text will be saved in the message list on ticket card.
+TicketMessageSubstitutionReplacedByGenericValues=Substitutions variables are replaced by generic values.
+TimeElapsedSince=Time elapsed since
+TicketTimeToRead=Time elapsed before read
+TicketContacts=Contacts ticket
+TicketDocumentsLinked=Documents linked to ticket
+ConfirmReOpenTicket=Confirm reopen this ticket ?
+TicketMessageMailIntroAutoNewPublicMessage=A new message was posted on the ticket with the subject %s:
+TicketAssignedToYou=Ticket assigned
+TicketAssignedEmailBody=You have been assigned the ticket #%s by %s
+MarkMessageAsPrivate=Mark message as private
+TicketMessagePrivateHelp=This message will not display to external users
+TicketEmailOriginIssuer=Issuer at origin of the tickets
+InitialMessage=Initial Message
+LinkToAContract=Link to a contract
+TicketPleaseSelectAContract=Select a contract
+UnableToCreateInterIfNoSocid=Can not create an intervention when no third party is defined
+TicketMailExchanges=Mail exchanges
+TicketInitialMessageModified=Initial message modified
+TicketMessageSuccesfullyUpdated=Message successfully updated
+TicketChangeStatus=Change status
+TicketConfirmChangeStatus=Confirm the status change: %s ?
+TicketLogStatusChanged=Status changed: %s to %s
+TicketNotNotifyTiersAtCreate=Not notify company at create
+TicketNotCreatedFromPublicInterface=Not available. Ticket was not created from public interface.
+PublicInterfaceNotEnabled=Public interface was not enabled
+ErrorTicketRefRequired=Ticket reference name is required
@@ -285,6 +244,6 @@
-TicketLogMesgReadBy=ትኬት %s በ%s የተነበበ
-NoLogForThisTicket=ለዚህ ትኬት እስካሁን ምንም መዝገብ የለም።
-TicketLogAssignedTo=ትኬት %s ለ%s ተመድቧል
-TicketLogPropertyChanged=ትኬት %s ተቀይሯል፡ ምደባ ከ%s ወደ %s
-TicketLogClosedBy=ትኬት %s በ%s ተዘግቷል
-TicketLogReopen=ትኬት %s እንደገና ይከፈታል
+TicketLogMesgReadBy=Ticket %s read by %s
+NoLogForThisTicket=No log for this ticket yet
+TicketLogAssignedTo=Ticket %s assigned to %s
+TicketLogPropertyChanged=Ticket %s modified: classification from %s to %s
+TicketLogClosedBy=Ticket %s closed by %s
+TicketLogReopen=Ticket %s re-open
@@ -295,39 +254,35 @@
-TicketSystem=የቲኬት ስርዓት
-ShowListTicketWithTrackId=የቲኬት ዝርዝርን ከትራክ መታወቂያ አሳይ
-ShowTicketWithTrackId=ትኬት ከትራክ መታወቂያ አሳይ
-TicketPublicDesc=የድጋፍ ትኬት መፍጠር ወይም ካለ መታወቂያ ማረጋገጥ ትችላለህ።
-YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=ቲኬቱ በተሳካ ሁኔታ ተቀምጧል!
-MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=አዲስ ትኬት መታወቂያ %s እና Ref %s ጋር ተፈጥሯል።
-PleaseRememberThisId=እባክህ በኋላ ልንጠይቅህ የምንችለውን የመከታተያ ቁጥር አቆይ።
-TicketNewEmailSubject=የቲኬት ፈጠራ ማረጋገጫ - Ref %s (የህዝብ ትኬት መታወቂያ %s)
-TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=አዲስ የድጋፍ ትኬት
-TicketNewEmailBody=ይህ አዲስ ትኬት መመዝገቡን የሚያረጋግጥ አውቶማቲክ ኢሜይል ነው።
-TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=ይህ አዲስ ቲኬት ወደ መለያዎ መፈጠሩን የሚያረጋግጥ አውቶማቲክ ኢሜይል ነው።
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=ቲኬቱን ለመቆጣጠር መረጃ
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=የቲኬት መከታተያ ቁጥር፡ %s
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=የሚከተለውን ሊንክ በመጫን የቲኬቱን ሂደት ማየት ይችላሉ።
-TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=የሚከተለውን ሊንክ በመጫን የቲኬቱን ሂደት በልዩ በይነገጽ ማየት ይችላሉ።
-TicketCloseEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=የሚከተለውን ሊንክ በመጫን የዚህን ቲኬት ታሪክ ማየት ይችላሉ።
-TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=እባክዎ ለዚህ ኢሜይል በቀጥታ ምላሽ አይስጡ! በይነገጹ ላይ ምላሽ ለመስጠት አገናኙን ይጠቀሙ።
-TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=ይህ ቅጽ በአስተዳደር ስርዓታችን ውስጥ የድጋፍ ትኬት እንዲመዘግቡ ያስችልዎታል።
-TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=እባክዎን ጥያቄዎን በትክክል ይግለጹ። ጥያቄዎን በትክክል እንድንለይ የሚቻለውን መረጃ ያቅርቡ።
-TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=እባክዎ የቲኬት መከታተያ መታወቂያ ያስገቡ
-TicketTrackId=የህዝብ መከታተያ መታወቂያ
-OneOfTicketTrackId=የመከታተያ መታወቂያዎ አንዱ
-ErrorTicketNotFound=የመከታተያ መታወቂያ %s ያለው ትኬት አልተገኘም!
-Subject=ርዕሰ ጉዳይ
-ViewTicket=ትኬት ይመልከቱ
-ViewMyTicketList=የቲኬቴን ዝርዝር ይመልከቱ
-ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=ስህተት፡ የኢሜል አድራሻችን በውሂብ ጎታችን ውስጥ አልተገኘም።
-TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=አዲስ ቲኬት ተፈጥሯል - Ref %s (የህዝብ ትኬት መታወቂያ %s)
-TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=ትኬት አሁን የተፈጠረው በመታወቂያ #%s ነው፡ መረጃውን ይመልከቱ፡b0679c9a6a6a6d43 >
-SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=በአስተዳደር በይነገጽ ውስጥ ትኬት ይመልከቱ
-TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=የቲኬቶቹ ይፋዊ በይነገጽ አልነቃም።
-ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=መታወቂያ ወይም ኢሜይል ለመከታተል መጥፎ ዋጋ
-OldUser=የድሮ ተጠቃሚ
-NewUser=አዲስ ተጠቃሚ
-NumberOfTicketsByMonth=በወር የቲኬቶች ብዛት
-NbOfTickets=የቲኬቶች ብዛት
-ExternalContributors=የውጭ አስተዋፅዖ አበርካቾች
-AddContributor=የውጪ አስተዋፅዖ አክል
+TicketSystem=Ticket system
+ShowListTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket list from track ID
+ShowTicketWithTrackId=Display ticket from track ID
+TicketPublicDesc=You can create a support ticket or check from an existing ID.
+YourTicketSuccessfullySaved=Ticket has been successfully saved!
+MesgInfosPublicTicketCreatedWithTrackId=A new ticket has been created with ID %s and Ref %s.
+PleaseRememberThisId=Please keep the tracking number that we might ask you later.
+TicketNewEmailSubject=Ticket creation confirmation - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketNewEmailSubjectCustomer=New support ticket
+TicketNewEmailBody=This is an automatic email to confirm you have registered a new ticket.
+TicketNewEmailBodyCustomer=This is an automatic email to confirm a new ticket has just been created into your account.
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTicket=Information for monitoring the ticket
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackId=Ticket tracking number: %s
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrl=You can view the progress of the ticket by clicking the link above.
+TicketNewEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlCustomer=You can view the progress of the ticket in the specific interface by clicking the following link
+TicketEmailPleaseDoNotReplyToThisEmail=Please do not reply directly to this email! Use the link to reply into the interface.
+TicketPublicInfoCreateTicket=This form allows you to record a support ticket in our management system.
+TicketPublicPleaseBeAccuratelyDescribe=Please accurately describe the problem. Provide the most information possible to allow us to correctly identify your request.
+TicketPublicMsgViewLogIn=Please enter ticket tracking ID
+TicketTrackId=Public Tracking ID
+OneOfTicketTrackId=One of your tracking ID
+ErrorTicketNotFound=Ticket with tracking ID %s not found!
+ViewTicket=View ticket
+ViewMyTicketList=View my ticket list
+ErrorEmailMustExistToCreateTicket=Error: email address not found in our database
+TicketNewEmailSubjectAdmin=New ticket created - Ref %s (public ticket ID %s)
+TicketNewEmailBodyAdmin=Ticket has just been created with ID #%s, see information:
+SeeThisTicketIntomanagementInterface=See ticket in management interface
+TicketPublicInterfaceForbidden=The public interface for the tickets was not enabled
+ErrorEmailOrTrackingInvalid=Bad value for tracking ID or email
+OldUser=Old user
+NewUser=New user
+NumberOfTicketsByMonth=Number of tickets per month
+NbOfTickets=Number of tickets
@@ -335,12 +290,8 @@
-TicketCloseEmailSubjectCustomer=ቲኬቱ ተዘግቷል።
-TicketCloseEmailBodyCustomer=ትኬት %s መዘጋቱን ለማሳወቅ ይህ አውቶማቲክ መልእክት ነው።
-TicketCloseEmailSubjectAdmin=ቲኬቱ ተዘግቷል - Réf %s (የህዝብ ትኬት መታወቂያ %s)
-TicketCloseEmailBodyAdmin=መታወቂያ #%s ያለው ትኬት አሁን ተዘግቷል፣ መረጃውን ይመልከቱ፡-
-TicketNotificationEmailSubject=ትኬት %s ተዘምኗል
-TicketNotificationEmailBody=ትኬት %s አሁን እንደዘመነ ለማሳወቅ ይህ አውቶማቲክ መልእክት ነው።
-TicketNotificationRecipient=የማሳወቂያ ተቀባይ
-TicketNotificationLogMessage=የምዝግብ ማስታወሻ መልእክት
-TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=ትኬቱን ወደ በይነገጽ ይመልከቱ
-TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=የማሳወቂያ ኢሜይል ተልኳል፡ %s
-ActionsOnTicket=በቲኬት ላይ ያሉ ክስተቶች
+TicketNotificationEmailSubject=Ticket %s updated
+TicketNotificationEmailBody=This is an automatic message to notify you that ticket %s has just been updated
+TicketNotificationRecipient=Notification recipient
+TicketNotificationLogMessage=Log message
+TicketNotificationEmailBodyInfosTrackUrlinternal=View ticket into interface
+TicketNotificationNumberEmailSent=Notification email sent: %s
+ActionsOnTicket=Events on ticket
@@ -351,2 +302,2 @@
-BoxLastTicket=የቅርብ ጊዜ የተፈጠሩ ቲኬቶች
-BoxLastTicketDescription=የቅርብ ጊዜ %s የተፈጠሩ ቲኬቶች
+BoxLastTicket=Latest created tickets
+BoxLastTicketDescription=Latest %s created tickets
@@ -354,3 +305,3 @@
-BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=ምንም የቅርብ ጊዜ ያልተነበቡ ቲኬቶች የሉም
-BoxLastModifiedTicket=የቅርብ ጊዜ የተሻሻሉ ትኬቶች
-BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=የቅርብ ጊዜ %s የተሻሻሉ ትኬቶች
+BoxLastTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent unread tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicket=Latest modified tickets
+BoxLastModifiedTicketDescription=Latest %s modified tickets
@@ -358,12 +309 @@
-BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=ምንም የቅርብ ጊዜ የተሻሻሉ ቲኬቶች የሉም
-BoxTicketType=ክፍት ትኬቶችን በአይነት ማከፋፈል
-BoxTicketSeverity=የክፍት ቲኬቶች ብዛት በክብደት
-BoxNoTicketSeverity=ምንም ቲኬቶች አልተከፈቱም።
-BoxTicketLastXDays=የአዳዲስ ትኬቶች ብዛት በመጨረሻዎቹ %s ቀናት
-BoxTicketLastXDayswidget = ባለፉት X ቀናት የአዳዲስ ትኬቶች ብዛት
-BoxNoTicketLastXDays=የመጨረሻዎቹ %s ቀናት ምንም አዲስ ቲኬቶች የሉም
-BoxNumberOfTicketByDay=በቀን የአዳዲስ ትኬቶች ብዛት
-BoxNewTicketVSClose=የቲኬቶች ብዛት ከተዘጉ ትኬቶች ጋር (ዛሬ)
-TicketCreatedToday=ትኬት ዛሬ ተፈጥሯል።
-TicketClosedToday=ትኬቱ ዛሬ ተዘግቷል።
-KMFoundForTicketGroup=ቲኬቱን ከማስገባትህ በፊት ፈትሸህ ለጥያቄህ መልስ የሚሆኑ ርዕሶችን እና ተደጋጋሚ ጥያቄዎችን አግኝተናል
+BoxLastModifiedTicketNoRecordedTickets=No recent modified tickets
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_users.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_users.lang
@@ -15 +14,0 @@
@@ -50,2 +48,0 @@
-IfLoginExistPasswordRequestSent=If this login is a valid account, an email to reset password has been sent.
-IfEmailExistPasswordRequestSent=If this email is a valid account, an email to reset password has been sent.
@@ -65,2 +62,2 @@
-LinkedToDolibarrUser=Link to user
-LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Link to third party
+LinkedToDolibarrUser=Link to Dolibarr user
+LinkedToDolibarrThirdParty=Link to Dolibarr third party
@@ -76 +73 @@
-InternalExternalDesc=An internal user is a user that is part of your company/organization, or is a partner user outside of your organization that may need to see more data than data related to his company (the permission system will define what he can or can't see or do).
An external user is a customer, vendor or other that must view ONLY data related to himself (Creating an external user for a third-party can be done from the contact record of the third-party).
In both cases, you must grant permissions on the features that the user need.
+InternalExternalDesc=An internal user is a user that is part of your company/organization.
An external user is a customer, vendor or other (Creating an external user for a third-party can be done from the contact record of the third-party).
In both cases, permissions defines rights on Dolibarr, also external user can have a different menu manager than internal user (See Home - Setup - Display)
@@ -79 +75,0 @@
-UserWillBe=Created user will be
@@ -100,2 +96,2 @@
-NbOfUsers=Number of users
-NbOfPermissions=Number of permissions
+NbOfUsers=No. of users
+NbOfPermissions=No. of permissions
@@ -109 +105 @@
-ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected hours worked per week
+ExpectedWorkedHours=Expected worked hours per week
@@ -115,3 +111 @@
-DateOfEmployment=Employment date
-DateEmploymentstart=Employment Start Date
+DateEmployment=Employment Start Date
@@ -119 +112,0 @@
-RangeOfLoginValidity=Access validity date range
@@ -126 +118,0 @@
-WarningNotLangOfInterface=Warning, this is the main language the user speak, not the language of the interface he choosed to see. To change the interface language visible by this user, go on tab %s
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_website.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_website.lang
@@ -2,236 +2,136 @@
-WebsiteName=የድረ-ገጹ ስም
-WebsiteSetupDesc=ለመጠቀም የሚፈልጓቸውን ድህረ ገጾች እዚህ ይፍጠሩ። ከዚያ እነሱን ለማረም ወደ ምናሌ ድረ-ገጾች ይሂዱ።
-DeleteWebsite=ድር ጣቢያ ሰርዝ
-ConfirmDeleteWebsite=እርግጠኛ ነዎት ይህን ድረ-ገጽ መሰረዝ ይፈልጋሉ? ሁሉም ገጾቹ እና ይዘቶቹ እንዲሁ ይወገዳሉ። የተሰቀሉት ፋይሎች (እንደ ወደሚዲያዎች ማውጫ፣ የECM ሞጁል፣ ...) ይቀራሉ።
-WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=እንደ ምሳሌ ለመጠቀም ድረ-ገጽ
-WEBSITE_PAGENAME=የገጽ ስም/ተለዋጭ ስም
-WEBSITE_ALIASALT=ተለዋጭ የገጽ ስሞች/ተለዋጭ ስሞች
-WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=ሌሎች ስሞችን/ተለዋጭ ስሞችን (ለምሳሌ በአሮጌው አገናኝ/ስም ላይ የጀርባ ማገናኛን ለማስቀጠል የድሮውን ስም ከመሰየም በኋላ) ገጹን ማግኘት እንዲቻል የሌሎች ስም/ተለዋጭ ስሞች ዝርዝር እዚህ ይጠቀሙ። አገባብ፡-
አማራጭ ስም1፣አማራጭ ስም2፣...
-WEBSITE_CSS_URL=የውጪ የሲኤስኤስ ፋይል URL
-WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=የሲኤስኤስ ፋይል ይዘት (ለሁሉም ገጾች የተለመደ)
-WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=የጃቫስክሪፕት ፋይል ይዘት (ለሁሉም ገጾች የተለመደ)
-WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=በኤችቲኤምኤል ራስጌ ስር መደመር (ለሁሉም ገጾች የተለመደ)
-WEBSITE_ROBOT=ሮቦት ፋይል (robots.txt)
-WEBSITE_HTACCESS=የድር ጣቢያ .htaccess ፋይል
-WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=የድረ-ገጽ manifest.json ፋይል
-WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=እሴቶችን ለመለየት ኮማ ይጠቀሙ
-EnterHereReadmeInformation=የድረ-ገጹን መግለጫ እዚህ ያስገቡ። ድር ጣቢያዎን እንደ አብነት ካሰራጩት ፋይሉ በፈተና ጥቅል ውስጥ ይካተታል።
-EnterHereLicenseInformation=የድረ-ገጹን ኮድ LICENSE እዚህ ያስገቡ። ድር ጣቢያዎን እንደ አብነት ካሰራጩት ፋይሉ በፈተና ጥቅል ውስጥ ይካተታል።
-HtmlHeaderPage=HTML ራስጌ (ለዚህ ገጽ ብቻ የተወሰነ)
-PageNameAliasHelp=የገጹ ስም ወይም ተለዋጭ ስም።
ይህ ተለዋጭ ስም እንዲሁ ድህረ ገጽ ከድር አገልጋይ ምናባዊ አስተናጋጅ (እንደ Apacke, Nginx, ..) ሲሄድ SEO URL ለመመስረት ይጠቅማል። .) ይህንን ለማስተካከል "%ss የሚለውን ቁልፍ ተጠቀም።
-EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=ማሳሰቢያ፡ ለሁሉም ገፆች ለግል የተበጀ ራስጌን መግለፅ ከፈለግክ በገጹ/በመያዣው ላይ ሳይሆን በጣቢያ ደረጃ ላይ ያለውን ርእስ አርትዕ አድርግ።
-MediaFiles=የሚዲያ ቤተ-መጽሐፍት
-EditCss=የድር ጣቢያ ባህሪያትን ያርትዑ
-EditMenu=ምናሌን ያርትዑ
-EditMedias=ሚዲያ አርትዕ
-EditPageMeta=የገጽ/የመያዣ ባህሪያትን ያርትዑ
-EditInLine=በመስመር ውስጥ ያርትዑ
-AddWebsite=ድር ጣቢያ ያክሉ
-AddPage=ገጽ/መያዣ ያክሉ
-PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=የድረ-ገጽህ ቅድመ እይታ %s ገና አይገኝም። መጀመሪያ 'ሙሉ ድህረ ገጽ አብነት አስመጣ' ወይም ልክ 'b0eገጽ/ኮንቴይነር አክል'
-RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=የተጠየቀው ገጽ መታወቂያ %s እስካሁን ምንም ይዘት የለውም፣ ወይም የመሸጎጫ ፋይል .tpl.php ተወግዷል። ይህንን ለመፍታት የገጹን ይዘት ያርትዑ።
-SiteDeleted=ድር ጣቢያ '%s ተሰርዟል
-PageDeleted=የድረ-ገጽ ገፅ/Contenair '%s %s ተሰርዟል
-PageAdded=ገጽ/ኮንቴናየር '%s' ታክሏል
-ViewSiteInNewTab=በአዲስ ትር ውስጥ ጣቢያን ይመልከቱ
-ViewPageInNewTab=በአዲስ ትር ውስጥ ገጽ ይመልከቱ
-SetAsHomePage=እንደ መነሻ ገጽ አዘጋጅ
-RealURL=እውነተኛ ዩአርኤል
-ViewWebsiteInProduction=የቤት ዩአርኤሎችን በመጠቀም ድረ-ገጽን ይመልከቱ
-Virtualhost=ምናባዊ አስተናጋጅ ወይም የጎራ ስም
-VirtualhostDesc=የቨርቹዋል አስተናጋጅ ወይም ጎራ ስም (ለምሳሌ፡ www.mywebsite.com፣ mybigcompany.net፣ ...)
በ ላይCrete የእርስዎ የድር አገልጋይ (Apache, Nginx, ...) የተወሰነ ምናባዊ አስተናጋጅ በ PHP የነቃ እና በ
ላይ ያለው Root directory %s
-ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=በApache ምናባዊ አስተናጋጅ ማዋቀር ውስጥ ለመጠቀም ምሳሌ፡-
-YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=በPHP ከተከተተ አገልጋይ ጋር ተጠቀም
አካባቢን ማዳበር ትችላለህ።
php -S ን በማሄድ ጣቢያውን በPHP በተካተተ የድር አገልጋይ (PHP 5.5 ያስፈልጋል) መሞከርን እመርጣለሁ። :8080 -t %s
-YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=የእርስዎን ድረ-ገጽ ከሌላ Dolibarr ማስተናገጃ አቅራቢ ጋር ያሂዱ
ከሆነhttps://saas.dolibarr.org ላይ ማግኘት ትችላለህ
-CheckVirtualHostPerms=የቨርቹዋል አስተናጋጅ ተጠቃሚ (ለምሳሌ www-data) %sb0a65d071f6fc9 እንዳለው ያረጋግጡ። ፈቃዶች በፋይሎች ላይ ወደ
-TestDeployOnWeb=በድር ላይ ሞክር/አሰማር
-PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=ቅድመ እይታ %s በአዲስ ትር ውስጥ።
የ %s በውጫዊ የድር አገልጋይ (እንደ Apache, Nginx ያሉ) ይቀርባል. ). ወደ ማውጫው ከመጠቆምዎ በፊት ይህን አገልጋይ መጫን እና ማዋቀር አለብዎት፡
b0ecb2ec87f49fez0 span>
ዩአርኤል በውጫዊ አገልጋይ የቀረበ፡
-PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=ቅድመ እይታ %s በአዲስ ትር ውስጥ።
የ%s በዶሊባርር አገልጋይ ስለሚቀርብ ምንም ተጨማሪ የድር አገልጋይ አያስፈልገውም። (እንደ Apache, Nginx, IIS) መጫን አለበት.
የማይመችው የገጾቹ ዩአርኤሎች ለተጠቃሚ ምቹ አለመሆኑ እና በዶሊባርር መንገድ መጀመራቸው ነው።
ዩአርኤል በ Dolibarr የቀረበ፡
የራስህን ውጫዊ ድር አገልጋይ ለመጠቀም ይህንን ድረ-ገጽ አገልግሉ፣ በድር አገልጋይዎ ላይ ማውጫ ላይ የሚጠቁም ምናባዊ አስተናጋጅ ይፍጠሩ
ከዚያም የዚህን ቨርቹዋል አገልጋይ ስም በዚህ ድህረ ገጽ ባህሪያት ውስጥ አስገባና ጠቅ አድርግ። አገናኝ "ሙከራ/በድሩ ላይ አሰማራ"።
-VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=በውጫዊ የድር አገልጋይ የሚቀርበው የቨርቹዋል አስተናጋጅ ዩአርኤል አልተገለጸም።
-NoPageYet=እስካሁን ምንም ገጾች የሉም
-YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=አዲስ ገጽ መፍጠር ወይም ሙሉ የድር ጣቢያ አብነት ማስመጣት ይችላሉ።
-SyntaxHelp=በተወሰኑ የአገባብ ምክሮች ላይ እገዛ
-YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=በአርታዒ ውስጥ ያለውን "ምንጭ" ቁልፍን በመጠቀም የኤችቲኤምኤል ምንጭ ኮድን ማርትዕ ይችላሉ።
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.
You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>
You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>
To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>
To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">
To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper.
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
-YouCanEditHtmlSource2=ከማጋራት አገናኝ ጋር ለተጋራ ምስል (የፋይል ማጋሪያ ሃሽ ቁልፍን በመጠቀም ክፈት መዳረሻ)፣ አገባብ የሚከተለው ነው፡
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
-YouCanEditHtmlSource3=የPHP ነገርን ምስል URL ለማግኘት
< ይጠቀሙ span>img src="<?php print getImagePublicURLOfObject($object, 1, "_small") ?>span class='notranslate'>>
ተጨማሪ የኤችቲኤምኤል ምሳሌዎች ወይም ተለዋዋጭ ኮድ በthe wiki documentationb0e40dc607d.
-ClonePage=ክሎን ገጽ/መያዣ
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-PageIsANewTranslation=አዲሱ ገጽ የአሁኑ ገጽ ትርጉም ነው?
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-ParentPageId=የወላጅ ገጽ መታወቂያ
-WebsiteId=የድር ጣቢያ መታወቂያ
-CreateByFetchingExternalPage=ገጽ/ኮንቴይነር ከውጫዊ ዩአርኤል ገጽ በማምጣት ይፍጠሩ...
-OrEnterPageInfoManually=ወይም ከባዶ ወይም ከገጽ አብነት ገጽ ይፍጠሩ...
-FetchAndCreate=አምጣ እና ፍጠር
-ExportSite=ድር ጣቢያ ወደ ውጪ ላክ
-ImportSite=የድር ጣቢያ አብነት አስመጣ
-IDOfPage=የገጽ መታወቂያ
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-BackToListForThirdParty=ለሶስተኛ ወገኖች ወደ ዝርዝር ተመለስ
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-SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=ይቅርታ፣ ይህ ድር ጣቢያ በአሁኑ ጊዜ ከመስመር ውጭ ነው። እባክህ በኋላ ተመለስ...
-WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=የድር ጣቢያ መለያ ሰንጠረዥን አንቃ
-WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=ለእያንዳንዱ ድር ጣቢያ / ሶስተኛ ወገን የድረ-ገጽ መለያዎችን (መግባት / ማለፊያ) ለማከማቸት ሰንጠረዡን ያንቁ
-YouMustDefineTheHomePage=መጀመሪያ ነባሪውን መነሻ ገጽ መግለፅ አለብህ
-OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=ማስጠንቀቂያ፡- የውጭ ድረ-ገጽን በማስመጣት ድረ-ገጽ መፍጠር ልምድ ላላቸው ተጠቃሚዎች የተጠበቀ ነው። እንደ ምንጭ ገጽ ውስብስብነት፣ የማስመጣት ውጤት ከመጀመሪያው ሊለያይ ይችላል። እንዲሁም የምንጭ ገጹ የተለመዱ የሲኤስኤስ ስታይል ወይም እርስ በርስ የሚጋጩ ጃቫስክሪፕት የሚጠቀም ከሆነ በዚህ ገጽ ላይ ሲሰራ የድረ-ገጽ አርታኢውን ገጽታ ወይም ገፅታዎች ሊሰብር ይችላል። ይህ ዘዴ ገጽ ለመፍጠር ፈጣኑ መንገድ ነው ነገር ግን አዲሱን ገጽዎን ከባዶ ወይም ከተጠቆመው ገጽ አብነት ለመፍጠር ይመከራል።
እንዲሁም የውስጠ-መስመር አርታኢው ላይሰራ እንደሚችል ልብ ይበሉ። በተያዘ ውጫዊ ገጽ ላይ ጥቅም ላይ ሲውል ትክክለኛነት.
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-CorporateHomePage=የኮርፖሬት መነሻ ገጽ
-EmptyPage=ባዶ ገጽ
-ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=ውጫዊ ዩአርኤል በ http:// ወይም https:// መጀመር አለበት
-ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=የድር ጣቢያ አብነት ጥቅል ዚፕ ፋይል ይስቀሉ።
-ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=ወይም የሚገኝ የተከተተ የድር ጣቢያ አብነት ጥቅል ይምረጡ
-ShowSubcontainers=ተለዋዋጭ ይዘት አሳይ
-InternalURLOfPage=የገጽ ውስጣዊ ዩአርኤል
-ThisPageIsTranslationOf=ይህ ገጽ/ኮንቴይነር ትርጉም ነው።
-ThisPageHasTranslationPages=ይህ ገጽ/ኮንቴይነር ትርጉም አለው።
-NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=እስካሁን ምንም ድር ጣቢያ አልተፈጠረም። መጀመሪያ አንድ ይፍጠሩ.
-DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=የPHP መመሪያን የያዘ ተለዋዋጭ ፒኤችፒ ኮድ አክለዋል '%sb0a65d071f6fc9z በነባሪነት እንደ ተለዋዋጭ ይዘት የተከለከለ ነው (የተፈቀዱትን ትዕዛዞች ዝርዝር ለመጨመር የተደበቁ አማራጮችን WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx ይመልከቱ)።
-NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=በድር ጣቢያዎች ውስጥ የPHP ተለዋዋጭ ይዘትን ለመጨመር ወይም ለማርትዕ ፍቃድ የለዎትም። ፍቃድ ይጠይቁ ወይም ኮድ ሳይሻሻል በ php መለያዎች ውስጥ ያስቀምጡ።
-ReplaceWebsiteContent=የድር ጣቢያ ይዘት ይፈልጉ ወይም ይተኩ
-DeleteAlsoJs=እንዲሁም ለዚህ ድህረ ገጽ የተለዩ ሁሉም የጃቫ ስክሪፕት ፋይሎች ይሰረዙ?
-DeleteAlsoMedias=እንዲሁም ለዚህ ድህረ ገጽ የተለዩ ሁሉንም የሚዲያ ፋይሎች ይሰረዙ?
-MyWebsitePages=የእኔ ድረ-ገጽ ገፆች
-SearchReplaceInto=ፍለጋ | ወደ ውስጥ ይተኩ
-ReplaceString=አዲስ ሕብረቁምፊ
-CSSContentTooltipHelp=እዚህ የሲኤስኤስ ይዘት ያስገቡ። ከማመልከቻው CSS ጋር ምንም አይነት ግጭት ለማስቀረት፣ ሁሉንም መግለጫዎች ከ.bodywebsite ክፍል ጋር አስቀድመው ማዘጋጀትዎን ያረጋግጡ። ለምሳሌ፡
#mycssselector, input.myclass:ማንዣበብ { ... }
መሆን አለበት
.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:ማንዣበብ { ... }b0342fb0342f
ማስታወሻ፡ ያለዚህ ቅድመ ቅጥያ ትልቅ ፋይል ካለህ የ .bodywebsite ቅድመ ቅጥያ በሁሉም ቦታ ላይ ለመጨመር 'lessc' ን መጠቀም ትችላለህ።
-LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=ማስጠንቀቂያ፡ ይህ ይዘት የሚወጣው ጣቢያ ከአገልጋይ ሲደረስ ብቻ ነው። በአርትዖት ሁነታ ላይ ጥቅም ላይ አይውልም ስለዚህ የጃቫ ስክሪፕት ፋይሎችን በአርትዖት ሁነታ ላይ መጫን ከፈለጉ በቀላሉ 'script src=...' መለያዎን ወደ ገጹ ያክሉት።
-Dynamiccontent=ተለዋዋጭ ይዘት ያለው ገጽ ናሙና
-EditInLineOnOff=ሁነታ 'ኢንላይን አርትዕ' %s ነው
-ShowSubContainersOnOff=ተለዋዋጭ ይዘትን ለማስፈጸም ሁነታ %s ነው
-GlobalCSSorJS=ዓለም አቀፍ CSS/JS/የድር ጣቢያ ራስጌ ፋይል
-BackToHomePage=ወደ መነሻ ገጽ ተመለስ...
-TranslationLinks=የትርጉም ማገናኛዎች
-YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=ወደማይገኝ ገጽ ለመድረስ ይሞክራሉ።
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s)
-UseTextBetween5And70Chars=ለጥሩ SEO ልምዶች በ5 እና በ70 ቁምፊዎች መካከል ያለ ጽሑፍ ይጠቀሙ
-MainLanguage=ዋና ቋንቋ
-OtherLanguages=ሌሎች ቋንቋዎች
-UseManifest=የ manifest.json ፋይል ያቅርቡ
-PublicAuthorAlias=የህዝብ ደራሲ ተለዋጭ ስም
-AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=የሚገኙ ቋንቋዎች በድር ጣቢያ ባህሪያት ተገልጸዋል።
-ReplacementDoneInXPages=በ%s ገጾች ወይም መያዣዎች ውስጥ መተካት ተከናውኗል
-RSSFeed=RSS ምግብ
-RSSFeedDesc=ይህንን ዩአርኤል በመጠቀም የቅርብ ጊዜ መጣጥፎችን የአርኤስኤስ ምግብ ማግኘት ይችላሉ።
-PagesRegenerated=%s ገጽ(ዎች)/መያዣ(ዎች) ታደሰ
-RegenerateWebsiteContent=የድር ጣቢያ መሸጎጫ ፋይሎችን እንደገና ያድሱ
-AllowedInFrames=በፍሬም ውስጥ ተፈቅዷል
-DefineListOfAltLanguagesInWebsiteProperties=ሁሉንም የሚገኙትን ቋንቋዎች ዝርዝር ወደ ድር ጣቢያ ባህሪያት ይግለጹ።
-GenerateSitemaps=የድር ጣቢያ sitemap.xml ፋይል ይፍጠሩ
-ConfirmGenerateSitemaps=ካረጋገጡ፣ ያለውን የጣቢያ ካርታ ፋይል ይሰርዛሉ...
-ConfirmSitemapsCreation=የጣቢያ ካርታ ማመንጨትን ያረጋግጡ
-SitemapGenerated=የጣቢያ ካርታ ፋይል %s ተፈጥሯል
-ErrorFaviconType=ፋቪኮን png መሆን አለበት።
-ErrorFaviconSize=ፋቪኮን መጠን 16x16፣ 32x32 ወይም 64x64 መሆን አለበት።
-FaviconTooltip=ፒንግ (16x16፣ 32x32 ወይም 64x64) መሆን ያለበትን ምስል ይስቀሉ
-NextContainer=ቀጣይ ገጽ/መያዣ
-PreviousContainer=ቀዳሚ ገጽ/መያዣ
-WebsiteMustBeDisabled=ድር ጣቢያው "%s" ሁኔታ ሊኖረው ይገባል.
-WebpageMustBeDisabled=ድረ-ገጹ የ"%s" ሁኔታ ሊኖረው ይገባል።
-SetWebsiteOnlineBefore=ድር ጣቢያው ከመስመር ውጭ ሲሆን ሁሉም ገጾች ከመስመር ውጭ ናቸው። መጀመሪያ የድረ-ገጹን ሁኔታ ይቀይሩ።
-Booking=ቦታ ማስያዝ
-Reservation=ቦታ ማስያዝ
-PagesViewedPreviousMonth=የታዩ ገጾች (ያለፈው ወር)
-PagesViewedTotal=የታዩ ገጾች (ጠቅላላ)
-Everyone=ሁሉም ሰው
-AssignedContacts=የተመደቡ እውቂያዎች
-WebsiteTypeLabel=የድረ-ገጽ አይነት
-WebsiteTypeDolibarrWebsite=Web site (Module WebSites CMS)
-WebsiteTypeDolibarrPortal=Native and ready to use web portal (Module Web Portal)
-WebPortalURL=Web portal URL
-NewWebsiteAccount=New accounts for websites
-ModuleWebPortalName=Web portal
-ModuleWebPortalDesc=A ready to use native web portal for customers, suppliers, partners or members
-WebPortalDescription=Public web portal module for membership and partnership
-WebPortalSetup=WebPortal setup
-WebPortalCSS=Web portal CSS
-WebPortalSetupPage=WebPortal setup page
-WEBPORTAL_TITLE=Brand name on header of public page
-UserAccountForWebPortalAreInThirdPartyTabHelp=Users accounts for WebPortal can be set on each third party card in Website accounts tab
-WEBPORTAL_MEMBER_CARD_ACCESS=Enable access to the membership record
-WebPortalMemberCardAccessHelp=Enable access to the membership record (Hidden / Visible or Editable)
-WEBPORTAL_PARTNERSHIP_CARD_ACCESS=Enable access to the partnership record
-WebPortalPartnerShipCardAccessHelp=Enable access to the partnership record (Hidden / Visible or Editable)
-WEBPORTAL_PROPAL_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the proposals
-WEBPORTAL_ORDER_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the orders
-WEBPORTAL_INVOICE_LIST_ACCESS=Enable access to the invoices
-WEBPORTAL_USER_LOGGED=Select an anonymous user
-WebPortalUserLoggedHelp=This user is used to update cards
-WebPortalHomeDesc=Welcome to the public interface
-WebPortalPropalListTitle=List of proposals
-WebPortalPropalListDesc=List of proposals
-WebPortalPropalListNothing=Proposals not found
-WebPortalOrderListTitle=List of orders
-WebPortalOrderListDesc=List of orders
-WebPortalOrderListNothing=Orders not found
-WebPortalInvoiceListTitle=List of invoices
-WebPortalInvoiceListDesc=List of invoices
-WebPortalInvoiceListNothing=Invoices not found
-WebPortalMemberCardTitle=Member card
-WebPortalMemberCardDesc=Member card
-WebPortalPartnershipCardTitle=Partnership card
-WebPortalPartnershipCardDesc=Partnership card
-loginWebportalUserName=User name / email
-LoginNow=Login now
-RemoveSearchFilters=Remove search filters
-WEBPORTAL_MENU_LOGO_URLTooltip=Leave empty to use login logo
-AriaPrevPage=Previous page
-AriaNextPage=Next page
-AriaPageX=Page %s
-WebPortalError404=Page not found
-WebPortalErrorPageNotExist=Page not exist
-WebPortalErrorFetchThirdPartyAccountFromLogin=Error when loading third-party account (login : %s)
-WebPortalErrorAuthentication=Authentication error
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedThirdPartyAccount=Error when loading third-party account (login : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedUser=Error when loading user (Id : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedThirdParty=Error when loading third-party (Id : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedMember=Error when loading member (Id : %s)
-WebPortalErrorFetchLoggedPartnership=Error when loading partnership (Third-party Id : %s, Member Id : %s)
-ExportIntoGIT=Export into sources
-WebPortalOrder=Sale Order
+WebsiteSetupDesc=Create here the websites you wish to use. Then go into menu Websites to edit them.
+DeleteWebsite=Delete website
+ConfirmDeleteWebsite=Are you sure you want to delete this web site? All its pages and content will also be removed. The files uploaded (like into the medias directory, the ECM module, ...) will remain.
+WEBSITE_TYPE_CONTAINER=Type of page/container
+WEBSITE_PAGE_EXAMPLE=Web page to use as example
+WEBSITE_PAGENAME=Page name/alias
+WEBSITE_ALIASALT=Alternative page names/aliases
+WEBSITE_ALIASALTDesc=Use here list of other name/aliases so the page can also be accessed using this other names/aliases (for example the old name after renaming the alias to keep backlink on old link/name working). Syntax is:
alternativename1, alternativename2, ...
+WEBSITE_CSS_URL=URL of external CSS file
+WEBSITE_CSS_INLINE=CSS file content (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_JS_INLINE=Javascript file content (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_HTML_HEADER=Addition at bottom of HTML Header (common to all pages)
+WEBSITE_ROBOT=Robot file (robots.txt)
+WEBSITE_HTACCESS=Website .htaccess file
+WEBSITE_MANIFEST_JSON=Website manifest.json file
+WEBSITE_KEYWORDSDesc=Use a comma to separate values
+EnterHereLicenseInformation=Enter here meta data or license information to fille a README.md file. if you distribute your website as a template, the file will be included into the temptate package.
+HtmlHeaderPage=HTML header (specific to this page only)
+PageNameAliasHelp=Name or alias of the page.
This alias is also used to forge a SEO URL when website is ran from a Virtual host of a Web server (like Apacke, Nginx, ...). Use the button "%s" to edit this alias.
+EditTheWebSiteForACommonHeader=Note: If you want to define a personalized header for all pages, edit the header on the site level instead of on the page/container.
+MediaFiles=Media library
+EditCss=Edit website properties
+EditMenu=Edit menu
+EditMedias=Edit medias
+EditPageMeta=Edit page/container properties
+EditInLine=Edit inline
+AddWebsite=Add website
+Webpage=Web page/container
+AddPage=Add page/container
+HomePage=Home Page
+PreviewOfSiteNotYetAvailable=Preview of your website %s not yet available. You must first 'Import a full website template' or just 'Add a page/container'.
+RequestedPageHasNoContentYet=Requested page with id %s has no content yet, or cache file .tpl.php was removed. Edit content of the page to solve this.
+SiteDeleted=Web site '%s' deleted
+PageDeleted=Page/Contenair '%s' of website %s deleted
+PageAdded=Page/Contenair '%s' added
+ViewSiteInNewTab=View site in new tab
+ViewPageInNewTab=View page in new tab
+SetAsHomePage=Set as Home page
+RealURL=Real URL
+ViewWebsiteInProduction=View web site using home URLs
+SetHereVirtualHost=Use with Apache/NGinx/...
Create on your web server (Apache, Nginx, ...) a dedicated Virtual Host with PHP enabled and a Root directory on
+ExampleToUseInApacheVirtualHostConfig=Example to use in Apache virtual host setup:
+YouCanAlsoTestWithPHPS=Use with PHP embedded server
On develop environment, you may prefer to test the site with the PHP embedded web server (PHP 5.5 required) by running
php -S -t %s
+YouCanAlsoDeployToAnotherWHP=Run your web site with another Dolibarr Hosting provider
If you don't have a web server like Apache or NGinx available on internet, you can export and import your web site onto another Dolibarr instance provided by another Dolibarr hosting provider that provide full integration with the Website module. You can find a list of some Dolibarr hosting providers on https://saas.dolibarr.org
+CheckVirtualHostPerms=Check also that virtual host has permission %s on files into
+TestDeployOnWeb=Test/deploy on web
+PreviewSiteServedByWebServer=Preview %s in a new tab.
The %s will be served by an external web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS). You must install and setup this server before to point to directory:
URL served by external server:
+PreviewSiteServedByDolibarr=Preview %s in a new tab.
The %s will be served by Dolibarr server so it does not need any extra web server (like Apache, Nginx, IIS) to be installed.
The inconvenient is that URL of pages are not user friendly and start with path of your Dolibarr.
URL served by Dolibarr:
To use your own external web server to serve this web site, create a virtual host on your web server that point on directory
then enter the name of this virtual server and click on the other preview button.
+VirtualHostUrlNotDefined=URL of the virtual host served by external web server not defined
+NoPageYet=No pages yet
+YouCanCreatePageOrImportTemplate=You can create a new page or import a full website template
+SyntaxHelp=Help on specific syntax tips
+YouCanEditHtmlSourceckeditor=You can edit HTML source code using the "Source" button in editor.
You can include PHP code into this source using tags <?php ?>. The following global variables are available: $conf, $db, $mysoc, $user, $website, $websitepage, $weblangs, $pagelangs.
You can also include content of another Page/Container with the following syntax:
<?php includeContainer('alias_of_container_to_include'); ?>
You can make a redirect to another Page/Container with the following syntax (Note: do not output any content before a redirect):
<?php redirectToContainer('alias_of_container_to_redirect_to'); ?>
To add a link to another page, use the syntax:
<a href="alias_of_page_to_link_to.php">mylink<a>
To include a link to download a file stored into the documents directory, use the document.php wrapper:
Example, for a file into documents/ecm (need to be logged), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=ecm&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
For a file shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<a href="/document.php?hashp=publicsharekeyoffile">
To include an image stored into the documents directory, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example, for an image into documents/medias (open directory for public access), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?modulepart=medias&file=[relative_dir/]filename.ext">
To include a image shared publicaly, use the viewimage.php wrapper:
Example with a shared key 123456789, syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
+YouCanEditHtmlSource2=For an image shared with a share link (open access using the sharing hash key of file), syntax is:
<img src="/viewimage.php?hashp=12345679012...">
More examples of HTML or dynamic code available on the wiki documentation
+ClonePage=Clone page/container
+CloneSite=Clone site
+SiteAdded=Website added
+ConfirmClonePage=Please enter code/alias of new page and if it is a translation of the cloned page.
+PageIsANewTranslation=The new page is a translation of the current page ?
+LanguageMustNotBeSameThanClonedPage=You clone a page as a translation. The language of the new page must be different than language of source page.
+ParentPageId=Parent page ID
+WebsiteId=Website ID
+CreateByFetchingExternalPage=Create page/container by fetching page from external URL...
+OrEnterPageInfoManually=Or create page from scratch or from a page template...
+FetchAndCreate=Fetch and Create
+ExportSite=Export website
+ImportSite=Import website template
+IDOfPage=Id of page
+BlogPost=Blog post
+WebsiteAccount=Website account
+WebsiteAccounts=Website accounts
+AddWebsiteAccount=Create web site account
+BackToListForThirdParty=Back to list for the third-party
+DisableSiteFirst=Disable website first
+MyContainerTitle=My web site title
+AnotherContainer=This is how to include content of another page/container (you may have an error here if you enable dynamic code because the embedded subcontainer may not exists)
+SorryWebsiteIsCurrentlyOffLine=Sorry, this website is currently off line. Please comme back later...
+WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTS=Enable the web site account table
+WEBSITE_USE_WEBSITE_ACCOUNTSTooltip=Enable the table to store web site accounts (login/pass) for each website / third party
+YouMustDefineTheHomePage=You must first define the default Home page
+OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContentFuture=Warning: Creating a web page by importing an external web page is reserved for experienced users. Depending on the complexity of source page, the result of importation may differ from the original. Also if the source page uses common CSS styles or conflicting javascript, it may break the look or features of the Website editor when working on this page. This method is a quicker way to create a page but it is recommended to create your new page from scratch or from a suggested page template.
Note also that the inline editor may not works correclty when used on a grabbed external page.
+OnlyEditionOfSourceForGrabbedContent=Only edition of HTML source is possible when content was grabbed from an external site
+GrabImagesInto=Grab also images found into css and page.
+ImagesShouldBeSavedInto=Images should be saved into directory
+WebsiteRootOfImages=Root directory for website images
+SubdirOfPage=Sub-directory dedicated to page
+AliasPageAlreadyExists=Alias page %s already exists
+CorporateHomePage=Corporate Home page
+EmptyPage=Empty page
+ExternalURLMustStartWithHttp=External URL must start with http:// or https://
+ZipOfWebsitePackageToImport=Upload the Zip file of the website template package
+ZipOfWebsitePackageToLoad=or Choose an available embedded website template package
+ShowSubcontainers=Include dynamic content
+InternalURLOfPage=Internal URL of page
+ThisPageIsTranslationOf=This page/container is a translation of
+ThisPageHasTranslationPages=This page/container has translation
+NoWebSiteCreateOneFirst=No website has been created yet. Create one first.
+GoTo=Go to
+DynamicPHPCodeContainsAForbiddenInstruction=You add dynamic PHP code that contains the PHP instruction '%s' that is forbidden by default as dynamic content (see hidden options WEBSITE_PHP_ALLOW_xxx to increase list of allowed commands).
+NotAllowedToAddDynamicContent=You don't have permission to add or edit PHP dynamic content in websites. Ask permission or just keep code into php tags unmodified.
+ReplaceWebsiteContent=Search or Replace website content
+DeleteAlsoJs=Delete also all javascript files specific to this website?
+DeleteAlsoMedias=Delete also all medias files specific to this website?
+MyWebsitePages=My website pages
+SearchReplaceInto=Search | Replace into
+ReplaceString=New string
+CSSContentTooltipHelp=Enter here CSS content. To avoid any conflict with the CSS of the application, be sure to prepend all declaration with the .bodywebsite class. For example:
#mycssselector, input.myclass:hover { ... }
must be
.bodywebsite #mycssselector, .bodywebsite input.myclass:hover { ... }
Note: If you have a large file without this prefix, you can use 'lessc' to convert it to append the .bodywebsite prefix everywhere.
+LinkAndScriptsHereAreNotLoadedInEditor=Warning: This content is output only when site is accessed from a server. It is not used in Edit mode so if you need to load javascript files also in edit mode, just add your tag 'script src=...' into the page.
+Dynamiccontent=Sample of a page with dynamic content
+ImportSite=Import website template
+EditInLineOnOff=Mode 'Edit inline' is %s
+ShowSubContainersOnOff=Mode to execute 'dynamic content' is %s
+GlobalCSSorJS=Global CSS/JS/Header file of web site
+BackToHomePage=Back to home page...
+TranslationLinks=Translation links
+YouTryToAccessToAFileThatIsNotAWebsitePage=You try to access to a page that is not available.
(ref=%s, type=%s, status=%s)
+UseTextBetween5And70Chars=For good SEO practices, use a text between 5 and 70 characters
+MainLanguage=Main language
+OtherLanguages=Other languages
+UseManifest=Provide a manifest.json file
+PublicAuthorAlias=Public author alias
+AvailableLanguagesAreDefinedIntoWebsiteProperties=Available languages are defined into website properties
+ReplacementDoneInXPages=Replacement done in %s pages or containers
+RSSFeed=RSS Feed
+RSSFeedDesc=You can get a RSS feed of latest articles with type 'blogpost' using this URL
+PagesRegenerated=%s page(s)/container(s) regenerated
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_withdrawals.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_withdrawals.lang
@@ -13 +13 @@
-BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer orders
+BankTransferReceipts=Credit transfer order
@@ -18 +17,0 @@
-CreditTransfer=Credit transfer
@@ -46 +44,0 @@
-BankTransferRequestsDone=%s credit transfer requests recorded
@@ -49 +46,0 @@
-WithdrawalCantBeCreditedTwice=This withdrawal receipt is already marked as credited; this can't be done twice, as this would potentially create duplicate payments and bank entries.
@@ -51 +47,0 @@
-ClassDebited=Classify debited
@@ -70 +65,0 @@
@@ -72 +66,0 @@
@@ -85,2 +79,2 @@
-CreateAll=Create direct debit file
-CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create file for credit transfer
+CreateAll=Create direct debit file (all)
+CreateFileForPaymentByBankTransfer=Create credit transfer (all)
@@ -91,2 +85,2 @@
-NotifyTransmision=Record file transmission of order
-NotifyCredit=Record credit of order
+NotifyTransmision=Withdrawal Transmission
+NotifyCredit=Withdrawal Credit
@@ -102,4 +96,3 @@
-DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Payment by direct debit to generate and manage the direct debit order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
-DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Payment by credit transfer to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
-WithdrawalFile=Debit order file
-CreditTransferFile=Credit transfer file
+DoStandingOrdersBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a direct debit payment order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Direct Debit orders to generate and manage the direct debit payment order. When direct debit order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+DoCreditTransferBeforePayments=This tab allows you to request a credit transfer order. Once done, go into menu Bank->Credit transfer orders to generate and manage the credit transfer order. When credit transfer order is closed, payment on invoices will be automatically recorded, and invoices closed if remainder to pay is null.
+WithdrawalFile=Withdrawal file
@@ -120 +113 @@
-SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) %s to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.
+SEPALegalText=By signing this mandate form, you authorize (A) %s to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from %s. As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights regarding the above mandate are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.
@@ -131 +123,0 @@
-CreditTransferOrderCreated=Credit transfer order %s created
@@ -138 +130 @@
-ICS=Creditor Identifier - ICS
+ICS=Creditor Identifier CI
@@ -152,5 +143,0 @@
-ErrorCompanyHasDuplicateDefaultBAN=Company with id %s has more than one default bank account. No way to know wich one to use.
-ErrorICSmissing=Missing ICS in Bank account %s
-TotalAmountOfdirectDebitOrderDiffersFromSumOfLines=Total amount of direct debit order differs from sum of lines
-WarningSomeDirectDebitOrdersAlreadyExists=Warning: There is already some pending Direct Debit orders (%s) requested for an amount of %s
-WarningSomeCreditTransferAlreadyExists=Warning: There is already some pending Credit Transfer (%s) requested for an amount of %s
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_workflow.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_workflow.lang
@@ -16 +15,0 @@
-descWORKFLOW_ORDER_CLASSIFY_SHIPPED_SHIPPING_CLOSED=Classify linked source sales order as shipped when a shipment is closed (and if the quantity shipped by all shipments is the same as in the order to update)
@@ -20,3 +18,0 @@
-descWORKFLOW_BILL_ON_RECEPTION=Classify receptions to "billed" when a linked supplier order is validated
-# Autoclose intervention
-descWORKFLOW_TICKET_CLOSE_INTERVENTION=Close all interventions linked to the ticket when a ticket is closed
@@ -25,2 +20,0 @@
-# Autoclassify shipment
-descWORKFLOW_SHIPPING_CLASSIFY_CLOSED_INVOICE=Classify linked source shipment as closed when customer invoice is validated
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/github_19.0.3_zapier.lang
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/langs/am_ET/client_zapier.lang
@@ -15,0 +16,5 @@
+# Generic
+# Module label 'ModuleZapierForDolibarrName'
@@ -16,0 +22 @@
+# Module description 'ModuleZapierForDolibarrDesc'
@@ -18,4 +24,5 @@
-ZapierForDolibarrSetup=Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr
-ZapierDescription=Interface with Zapier
-ZapierAbout=About the module Zapier
-ZapierSetupPage=There is no need for a setup on Dolibarr side to use Zapier. However, you must generate and publish a package on zapier to be able to use Zapier with Dolibarr. See documentation on this wiki page.
+# Admin page
+ZapierForDolibarrSetup = Setup of Zapier for Dolibarr