--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/github_github_oauthcallback.php
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/client_github_oauthcallback.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-$action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
+$action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha');
$backtourl = GETPOST('backtourl', 'alpha');
@@ -65,21 +65,22 @@
// Setup the credentials for the requests
$credentials = new Credentials(
- $conf->global->OAUTH_GITHUB_ID,
- $conf->global->OAUTH_GITHUB_SECRET,
- $currentUri->getAbsoluteUri()
+ $conf->global->OAUTH_GITHUB_ID,
+ $conf->global->OAUTH_GITHUB_SECRET,
+ $currentUri->getAbsoluteUri()
$requestedpermissionsarray = array();
if (GETPOST('state')) $requestedpermissionsarray = explode(',', GETPOST('state')); // Example: 'user'. 'state' parameter is standard to retrieve some parameters back
if ($action != 'delete' && empty($requestedpermissionsarray))
- print 'Error, parameter state is not defined';
- exit;
+ print 'Error, parameter state is not defined';
+ exit;
// Instantiate the Api service using the credentials, http client and storage mechanism for the token
+/** @var $apiService Service */
$apiService = $serviceFactory->createService('GitHub', $credentials, $storage, $requestedpermissionsarray);
// access type needed to have oauth provider refreshing token
@@ -94,12 +95,12 @@
if ($action == 'delete')
- $storage->clearToken('GitHub');
+ $storage->clearToken('GitHub');
- setEventMessages($langs->trans('TokenDeleted'), null, 'mesgs');
+ setEventMessages($langs->trans('TokenDeleted'), null, 'mesgs');
- header('Location: '.$backtourl);
- exit();
+ header('Location: '.$backtourl);
+ exit();
if (!empty($_GET['code'])) // We are coming from oauth provider page
@@ -108,55 +109,58 @@
//$_GET=array('code' => string 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaa' (length=20), 'state' => string 'user,public_repo' (length=16))
dol_syslog("We are coming from the oauth provider page");
- //llxHeader('',$langs->trans("OAuthSetup"));
+ //llxHeader('',$langs->trans("OAuthSetup"));
- //$linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'';
- //print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
+ //$linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'';
+ //print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
- //print dol_get_fiche_head();
- // retrieve the CSRF state parameter
- $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
- //print '
+ //dol_fiche_head();
+ // retrieve the CSRF state parameter
+ $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
+ //print '';
- // This was a callback request from service, get the token
- try {
- //var_dump($_GET['code']);
- //var_dump($state);
- //var_dump($apiService); // OAuth\OAuth2\Service\GitHub
+ // This was a callback request from service, get the token
+ try {
+ //var_dump($_GET['code']);
+ //var_dump($state);
+ //var_dump($apiService); // OAuth\OAuth2\Service\GitHub
- //$token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code'], $state);
- $token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code']);
- // Github is a service that does not need state to be stored.
- // Into constructor of GitHub, the call
- // parent::__construct($credentials, $httpClient, $storage, $scopes, $baseApiUri)
- // has not the ending parameter to true like the Google class constructor.
+ //$token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code'], $state);
+ $token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code']);
+ // Github is a service that does not need state to be stored.
+ // Into constructor of GitHub, the call
+ // parent::__construct($credentials, $httpClient, $storage, $scopes, $baseApiUri)
+ // has not the ending parameter to true like the Google class constructor.
- setEventMessages($langs->trans('NewTokenStored'), null, 'mesgs'); // Stored into object managed by class DoliStorage so into table oauth_token
+ setEventMessages($langs->trans('NewTokenStored'), null, 'mesgs'); // Stored into object managed by class DoliStorage so into table oauth_token
- $backtourl = $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"];
- unset($_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"]);
+ $backtourl = $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"];
+ unset($_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"]);
- header('Location: '.$backtourl);
- exit();
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- print $e->getMessage();
- }
-} else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
+ header('Location: '.$backtourl);
+ exit();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ print $e->getMessage();
+ }
+else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
- $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
+ $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
- // This may create record into oauth_state before the header redirect.
- // Creation of record with state in this tables depend on the Provider used (see its constructor).
- if (GETPOST('state'))
- {
- $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
- } else {
- $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
- }
+ // This may create record into oauth_state before the header redirect.
+ // Creation of record with state in this tables depend on the Provider used (see its constructor).
+ if (GETPOST('state'))
+ {
+ $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
+ }
- // we go on oauth provider authorization page
- header('Location: '.$url);
- exit();
+ // we go on oauth provider authorization page
+ header('Location: '.$url);
+ exit();
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/github_google_oauthcallback.php
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/client_google_oauthcallback.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-$action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
+$action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha');
$backtourl = GETPOST('backtourl', 'alpha');
@@ -65,23 +65,24 @@
// Setup the credentials for the requests
$credentials = new Credentials(
- $conf->global->OAUTH_GOOGLE_ID,
- $conf->global->OAUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET,
- $currentUri->getAbsoluteUri()
+ $conf->global->OAUTH_GOOGLE_ID,
+ $conf->global->OAUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET,
+ $currentUri->getAbsoluteUri()
$requestedpermissionsarray = array();
if (GETPOST('state')) $requestedpermissionsarray = explode(',', GETPOST('state')); // Example: 'userinfo_email,userinfo_profile,cloud_print'. 'state' parameter is standard to store a hash value and can be used to retrieve some parameters back
if ($action != 'delete' && empty($requestedpermissionsarray))
- print 'Error, parameter state is not defined';
- exit;
+ print 'Error, parameter state is not defined';
+ exit;
// Instantiate the Api service using the credentials, http client and storage mechanism for the token
// $requestedpermissionsarray contains list of scopes.
// Conversion into URL is done by Reflection on constant with name SCOPE_scope_in_uppercase
+/** @var $apiService Service */
$apiService = $serviceFactory->createService('Google', $credentials, $storage, $requestedpermissionsarray);
// access type needed to have oauth provider refreshing token
@@ -100,12 +101,12 @@
if ($action == 'delete')
- $storage->clearToken('Google');
+ $storage->clearToken('Google');
- setEventMessages($langs->trans('TokenDeleted'), null, 'mesgs');
+ setEventMessages($langs->trans('TokenDeleted'), null, 'mesgs');
- header('Location: '.$backtourl);
- exit();
+ header('Location: '.$backtourl);
+ exit();
if (!empty($_GET['code'])) // We are coming from oauth provider page
@@ -113,48 +114,51 @@
dol_syslog("We are coming from the oauth provider page");
- //$linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'';
- //print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
+ //$linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'';
+ //print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
- //print dol_get_fiche_head();
- // retrieve the CSRF state parameter
- $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
- //print '';
+ //dol_fiche_head();
+ // retrieve the CSRF state parameter
+ $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
+ //print '';
- // This was a callback request from service, get the token
- try {
- //var_dump($_GET['code']);
- //var_dump($state);
- //var_dump($apiService); // OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Google
+ // This was a callback request from service, get the token
+ try {
+ //var_dump($_GET['code']);
+ //var_dump($state);
+ //var_dump($apiService); // OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Google
- $token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code'], $state);
+ $token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code'], $state);
- setEventMessages($langs->trans('NewTokenStored'), null, 'mesgs'); // Stored into object managed by class DoliStorage so into table oauth_token
+ setEventMessages($langs->trans('NewTokenStored'), null, 'mesgs'); // Stored into object managed by class DoliStorage so into table oauth_token
- $backtourl = $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"];
- unset($_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"]);
+ $backtourl = $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"];
+ unset($_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"]);
- header('Location: '.$backtourl);
- exit();
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- print $e->getMessage();
- }
-} else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
+ header('Location: '.$backtourl);
+ exit();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ print $e->getMessage();
+ }
+else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
- $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
+ $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
- // This may create record into oauth_state before the header redirect.
- // Creation of record with state in this tables depend on the Provider used (see its constructor).
- if (GETPOST('state'))
- {
- $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
- } else {
- $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
- }
+ // This may create record into oauth_state before the header redirect.
+ // Creation of record with state in this tables depend on the Provider used (see its constructor).
+ if (GETPOST('state'))
+ {
+ $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
+ }
- // we go on oauth provider authorization page
- header('Location: '.$url);
- exit();
+ // we go on oauth provider authorization page
+ header('Location: '.$url);
+ exit();
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/github_stripelive_oauthcallback.php
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/client_stripelive_oauthcallback.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-$action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
+$action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha');
$backtourl = GETPOST('backtourl', 'alpha');
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
// Setup the credentials for the requests
$credentials = new Credentials(
- $conf->global->OAUTH_STRIPE_LIVE_ID,
+ $conf->global->OAUTH_STRIPE_LIVE_ID,
- $currentUri->getAbsoluteUri()
+ $currentUri->getAbsoluteUri()
$requestedpermissionsarray = array();
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
// Instantiate the Api service using the credentials, http client and storage mechanism for the token
+/** @var $apiService Service */
//$apiService = $serviceFactory->createService('StripeTest', $credentials, $storage, $requestedpermissionsarray);
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."oauth_token set service='StripeLive', entity=".$conf->entity;
@@ -98,12 +99,12 @@
if ($action == 'delete')
- $storage->clearToken('StripeLive');
+ $storage->clearToken('StripeLive');
- setEventMessages($langs->trans('TokenDeleted'), null, 'mesgs');
+ setEventMessages($langs->trans('TokenDeleted'), null, 'mesgs');
- header('Location: '.$backtourl);
- exit();
+ header('Location: '.$backtourl);
+ exit();
if (!empty($_GET['code'])) // We are coming from oauth provider page
@@ -112,57 +113,60 @@
//$_GET=array('code' => string 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaa' (length=20), 'state' => string 'user,public_repo' (length=16))
dol_syslog("We are coming from the oauth provider page");
- //llxHeader('',$langs->trans("OAuthSetup"));
+ //llxHeader('',$langs->trans("OAuthSetup"));
- //$linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'';
- //print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
+ //$linkback=''.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'';
+ //print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
- //print dol_get_fiche_head();
- // retrieve the CSRF state parameter
- $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
- //print '';
+ //dol_fiche_head();
+ // retrieve the CSRF state parameter
+ $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
+ //print '';
- // This was a callback request from service, get the token
- try {
- //var_dump($_GET['code']);
- //var_dump($state);
- //var_dump($apiService); // OAuth\OAuth2\Service\GitHub
+ // This was a callback request from service, get the token
+ try {
+ //var_dump($_GET['code']);
+ //var_dump($state);
+ //var_dump($apiService); // OAuth\OAuth2\Service\GitHub
- //$token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code'], $state);
- $token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code']);
- // Github is a service that does not need state to be stored.
- // Into constructor of GitHub, the call
- // parent::__construct($credentials, $httpClient, $storage, $scopes, $baseApiUri)
- // has not the ending parameter to true like the Google class constructor.
+ //$token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code'], $state);
+ $token = $apiService->requestAccessToken($_GET['code']);
+ // Github is a service that does not need state to be stored.
+ // Into constructor of GitHub, the call
+ // parent::__construct($credentials, $httpClient, $storage, $scopes, $baseApiUri)
+ // has not the ending parameter to true like the Google class constructor.
- setEventMessages($langs->trans('NewTokenStored'), null, 'mesgs'); // Stored into object managed by class DoliStorage so into table oauth_token
+ setEventMessages($langs->trans('NewTokenStored'), null, 'mesgs'); // Stored into object managed by class DoliStorage so into table oauth_token
- $backtourl = $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"];
- unset($_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"]);
+ $backtourl = $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"];
+ unset($_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"]);
- header('Location: '.$backtourl);
- exit();
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- print $e->getMessage();
- }
-} else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
+ header('Location: '.$backtourl);
+ exit();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ print $e->getMessage();
+ }
+else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
- $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
+ $_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
- // This may create record into oauth_state before the header redirect.
- // Creation of record with state in this tables depend on the Provider used (see its constructor).
- if (GETPOST('state'))
- {
- $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
- } else {
- //$url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
- //https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ca_AX27ut70tJ1j6eyFCV3ObEXhNOo2jY6V&scope=read_write
- $url = 'https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id='.$conf->global->OAUTH_STRIPE_LIVE_ID.'&scope=read_write';
- }
+ // This may create record into oauth_state before the header redirect.
+ // Creation of record with state in this tables depend on the Provider used (see its constructor).
+ if (GETPOST('state'))
+ {
+ $url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //$url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
+ //https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ca_AX27ut70tJ1j6eyFCV3ObEXhNOo2jY6V&scope=read_write
+ $url = 'https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id='.$conf->global->OAUTH_STRIPE_LIVE_ID.'&scope=read_write';
+ }
- // we go on oauth provider authorization page
- header('Location: '.$url);
- exit();
+ // we go on oauth provider authorization page
+ header('Location: '.$url);
+ exit();
--- /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/github_stripetest_oauthcallback.php
+++ /tmp/dsg/dolibarr/htdocs/core/modules/oauth/client_stripetest_oauthcallback.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-$action = GETPOST('action', 'aZ09');
+$action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha');
$backtourl = GETPOST('backtourl', 'alpha');
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
// Instantiate the Api service using the credentials, http client and storage mechanism for the token
+/** @var $apiService Service */
//$apiService = $serviceFactory->createService('StripeTest', $credentials, $storage, $requestedpermissionsarray);
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."oauth_token set service='StripeTest', entity=".$conf->entity;
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
//print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("OAuthSetup"),$linkback,'title_setup');
- //print dol_get_fiche_head();
+ //dol_fiche_head();
// retrieve the CSRF state parameter
$state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
//print '';
@@ -145,7 +146,8 @@
} catch (Exception $e) {
print $e->getMessage();
-} else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
+else // If entry on page with no parameter, we arrive here
$_SESSION["backtourlsavedbeforeoauthjump"] = $backtourl;
@@ -154,7 +156,9 @@
if (GETPOST('state'))
$url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(array('state'=>GETPOST('state')));
- } else {
+ }
+ else
+ {
//$url = $apiService->getAuthorizationUri(); // Parameter state will be randomly generated
$url = 'https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id='.$conf->global->OAUTH_STRIPE_TEST_ID.'&scope=read_write';